FreeFormDesigner.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / WF / Common / AuthoringOM / Design / FreeFormDesigner.cs / 1305376 / FreeFormDesigner.cs

                            namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design 
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
    using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Serialization; 
    #region Interface IConnectableDesigner
    internal interface IConnectableDesigner 
        bool CanConnect(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target);
        void OnConnected(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target);
    #region Enum ZOrder 
    internal enum ZOrder
        Foreground = 1,
        Background = 2

    #region Class FreeformActivityDesigner 


    //By default this designer will use the CompositeActivityDesigner theme
    [DesignerSerializer(typeof(FreeformActivityDesignerLayoutSerializer), typeof(WorkflowMarkupSerializer))] 
    public class FreeformActivityDesigner : CompositeActivityDesigner
        #region Class FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject 

        internal class FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject : CompositeDesignerAccessibleObject 
            public FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject(FreeformActivityDesigner activityDesigner)
                : base(activityDesigner)
            public override AccessibleObject GetChild(int index) 
                FreeformActivityDesigner designer = (FreeformActivityDesigner)this.ActivityDesigner; 
                if (designer.ShowConnectorsInForeground)
                    int connectorsCount = designer.Connectors.Count;
                    if (index < connectorsCount) 
                        return designer.Connectors[index].AccessibilityObject;
                        return designer.ContainedDesigners[index - connectorsCount].AccessibilityObject; 
                    int containedDesignersCount = designer.ContainedDesigners.Count;
                    if (index < containedDesignersCount)
                        return designer.ContainedDesigners[index].AccessibilityObject; 
                        return designer.Connectors[index - containedDesignersCount].AccessibilityObject; 
            public override int GetChildCount()
                FreeformActivityDesigner designer = (FreeformActivityDesigner)this.ActivityDesigner;
                int count = base.GetChildCount() + designer.Connectors.Count; 
                return count;

        #endregion Class FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject 

        #region Members
        internal static Size DefaultAutoSizeMargin = new Size(40, 40);
        private FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject accessibilityObject;
        private bool autoSize = true; 
        private AutoSizeMode autoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly; 
        private Size autoSizeMargin = FreeformActivityDesigner.DefaultAutoSizeMargin;
        private bool enableUserDrawnConnectors = true;
        private List connectors = new List();

        private bool retainContainedDesignerLocations = false; 

        public event ConnectorEventHandler ConnectorAdded; 
        public event ConnectorEventHandler ConnectorChanged; 
        public event ConnectorEventHandler ConnectorRemoved;

        #region Construction / Destruction
        public FreeformActivityDesigner()
        #region Properties
        #region Public Properties

        public override AccessibleObject AccessibilityObject
                if (this.accessibilityObject == null) 
                    this.accessibilityObject = new FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject(this);
                return this.accessibilityObject; 

        /// Gets or Sets value indicating if the designer will be resized automatically based on the child designers
        public bool AutoSize
                return this.autoSize;

                if (this.autoSize == value)

                this.autoSize = value;
        /// Gets or Sets the auto sizing mode
        public AutoSizeMode AutoSizeMode
                return this.autoSizeMode; 

                if (this.autoSizeMode == value)
                this.autoSizeMode = value;
        /// Gets the margins left around the contained designers when autosizing
        public Size AutoSizeMargin 
                Size margin = this.autoSizeMargin;
                if (WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.ShowGrid) 
                    Size gridSize = WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.GridSize;
                    margin.Width += gridSize.Width / 2;
                    margin.Height += gridSize.Height / 2; 
                return margin; 
                if (this.autoSizeMargin == value)

                this.autoSizeMargin = value; 

        /// Allows user to drag and draw connectors on the design surface
        public bool EnableUserDrawnConnectors 
                return (this.enableUserDrawnConnectors && IsEditable);

                this.enableUserDrawnConnectors = value; 
        public override bool CanExpandCollapse
                return false;

        public override object FirstSelectableObject 
                IList childdesigners = ContainedDesigners; 
                return (childdesigners.Count > 0) ? childdesigners[0].Activity : null;

        public override object LastSelectableObject 
                IList childdesigners = ContainedDesigners; 
                return (childdesigners.Count > 0) ? childdesigners[childdesigners.Count - 1].Activity : null;

        public override Size MinimumSize 
                //Now go thru all the activity designers and consider the bottom coordinate + selection size + page separator as the min size 
                Size minimumSize = base.MinimumSize;
                if (Activity != null && ((IComponent)Activity).Site != null && !(ParentDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner)) 
                    minimumSize.Width *= 4; 
                    minimumSize.Height *= 4;

                //If the designer is root designer and not inlined then we should occupy the area of workflow view 
                if (IsRootDesigner && InvokingDesigner == null)
                    WorkflowView workflowView = ParentView; 
                    minimumSize.Width = Math.Max(minimumSize.Width, workflowView.ViewPortSize.Width - 2 * WorkflowRootLayout.Separator.Width);
                    minimumSize.Height = Math.Max(minimumSize.Height, workflowView.ViewPortSize.Height - 2 * WorkflowRootLayout.Separator.Height); 

                if (AutoSize)
                    Rectangle childRectangle = GetEnclosingRectangle();
                    if (!childRectangle.IsEmpty) 
                        minimumSize.Width = Math.Max(minimumSize.Width, childRectangle.Width);
                        minimumSize.Height = Math.Max(minimumSize.Height, childRectangle.Height); 

                return minimumSize; 
        public override Point Location
                return base.Location;

                if (Location == value)

                //Please note that we require this logic to maintain the contained designer location when
                //resizing the designer
                ReadOnlyCollection containedDesigners = ContainedDesigners; 
                List containedDesignerLocations = new List();
                if (this.retainContainedDesignerLocations) 
                    foreach (ActivityDesigner activityDesigner in containedDesigners)
                    Size moveDelta = new Size(value.X - base.Location.X, value.Y - base.Location.Y); 
                    FreeformActivityDesigner freeFormActivityDesigner = this;
                    Collection connectors = new Collection(); 
                    while (freeFormActivityDesigner != null) 
                        foreach (Connector connector in freeFormActivityDesigner.Connectors) 
                            if (connector.RenderingOwner == this)

                        freeFormActivityDesigner = freeFormActivityDesigner.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                    foreach (Connector connector in connectors) 

                base.Location = value;
                if (this.retainContainedDesignerLocations && containedDesigners.Count == containedDesignerLocations.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i < containedDesigners.Count; i++) 
                        containedDesigners[i].Location = containedDesignerLocations[i];


        /// Returns collection of connectors 
        public ReadOnlyCollection Connectors 
                return this.connectors.AsReadOnly(); 

        #region Protected Properties 
        /// Get the value indicating if the connectors are drawn in the forground
        protected virtual bool ShowConnectorsInForeground 
                return false;

        protected internal override bool EnableVisualResizing
                if (AutoSize && AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink) 
                    return false;
                    return true;
        protected internal override ActivityDesignerGlyphCollection Glyphs
                ActivityDesignerGlyphCollection glyphs = new ActivityDesignerGlyphCollection(); 

                //Now go thru all the designers and for the designers which are connectable, return connection glyphs
                //Also return the move glyphs for movable designer 
                ISelectionService selectionService = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
                if (selectionService != null) 
                    foreach (object selectedObject in selectionService.GetSelectedComponents())
                        ConnectorHitTestInfo connectorHitInfo = selectedObject as ConnectorHitTestInfo;
                        if (connectorHitInfo != null && connectorHitInfo.AssociatedDesigner == this)
                            glyphs.Add(new FreeFormConnectorSelectionGlyph(connectorHitInfo.MapToIndex(), (connectorHitInfo == selectionService.PrimarySelection)));
                return glyphs; 

        #region Private Properties
        internal override WorkflowLayout SupportedLayout 
                return new WorkflowRootLayout(Activity.Site);

        #region Properties used during serialization only
        internal List DesignerConnectors 
                List connectors = new List(this.connectors);
                return connectors;

        #region Methods
        #region Public Methods
        /// Adds connector to the designer 
        /// Connector to add 
        public Connector AddConnector(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 

 			if (source.AssociatedDesigner == null) 
				throw new ArgumentException("source", SR.GetString(SR.Error_AssociatedDesignerMissing)); 

            if (target == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

			if (target.AssociatedDesigner == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("target", SR.GetString(SR.Error_AssociatedDesignerMissing)); 

            //This check can be eliminated if it slows down connections, this is just to ensure we are adding connectors 
            //to correct activity designer 
            FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(source.AssociatedDesigner);
            if (this != connectorContainer) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(DR.GetString(DR.Error_AddConnector1));

            if ((Activity != source.AssociatedDesigner.Activity && !Helpers.IsChildActivity(Activity as CompositeActivity, source.AssociatedDesigner.Activity)) ||
                (Activity != target.AssociatedDesigner.Activity && !Helpers.IsChildActivity(Activity as CompositeActivity, target.AssociatedDesigner.Activity))) 
                throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.Error_AddConnector2));
            Connector connector = CreateConnector(source, target); 
            if (connector != null)
                if (this.connectors.Contains(connector))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(DR.GetString(DR.Error_AddConnector3));

                OnConnectorAdded(new ConnectorEventArgs(connector)); 


            return connector;
        /// Removes connector from the designer 
        /// Connector to remove
        public void RemoveConnector(Connector connector) 
            if (connector == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("connector");
            if (this.connectors.Contains(connector))
                OnConnectorRemoved(new ConnectorEventArgs(connector)); 

        /// Sends the contained designer to back of z-order
        /// Designer to send to back 
        public void SendToBack(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner)
            if (containedDesigner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containedDesigner");

            if (!ContainedDesigners.Contains(containedDesigner)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.InvalidDesignerSpecified, "containedDesigner"));
            UpdateZOrder(containedDesigner, ZOrder.Background); 

        /// Brings the contained designer to top of z-order
        /// Designer to bring to front
        public void BringToFront(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner) 
            if (containedDesigner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containedDesigner"); 

            if (!ContainedDesigners.Contains(containedDesigner))
 				throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.InvalidDesignerSpecified, "containedDesigner"));
            UpdateZOrder(containedDesigner, ZOrder.Foreground);
        /// Moves specified contained designer to specified location inside designer 
        /// Designer to move
        /// Location to move to.
        public void MoveContainedDesigner(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner, Point newLocation) 
            if (containedDesigner == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containedDesigner"); 

            if (!ContainedDesigners.Contains(containedDesigner)) 
				throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.InvalidDesignerSpecified, "containedDesigner"));

            FreeformActivityDesigner.SetDesignerBounds(containedDesigner, new Rectangle(newLocation, containedDesigner.Size));

        /// Resizes specified contained designer to specified size
        /// Designer to resize
        /// Size to resize it to 
        public void ResizeContainedDesigner(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner, Size newSize)
            if (containedDesigner == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containedDesigner");
            if (!ContainedDesigners.Contains(containedDesigner))
 				throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.InvalidDesignerSpecified, "containedDesigner"));

            FreeformActivityDesigner.SetDesignerBounds(containedDesigner, new Rectangle(containedDesigner.Location, newSize)); 


        public override HitTestInfo HitTest(Point point) 
            HitTestInfo hitInfo = base.HitTest(point);

            //First check that if the drag drop is in progress and the drop operation has been initiated based on 
            //A child designer then if the queried point is also on the drop initiated designer then we return freeform
            //designer as the designer where hittest occured 
            ReadOnlyCollection containedDesigners = ContainedDesigners; 

            WorkflowView workflowView = ParentView; 
            DragDropManager dragDropManager = GetService(typeof(DragDropManager)) as DragDropManager;
            if (workflowView != null && dragDropManager != null &&
                workflowView.DragDropInProgress && hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner != null &&
                dragDropManager.DraggedActivities.Contains(hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner.Activity) && 
                if (Activity == hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner.Activity) 
                    return HitTestInfo.Nowhere;
                else if (containedDesigners.Contains(hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner)) 
                    return new HitTestInfo(this, HitTestLocations.Designer);

            //Now try going through the connectors 
            if (!(hitInfo is ConnectionPointHitTestInfo) &&
                (hitInfo.HitLocation == HitTestLocations.None || hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner == this || ShowConnectorsInForeground)) 
                //Now go thru all the connectors and try to select them
                for (int i = 0; i < this.connectors.Count; i++) 
                    if (this.connectors[i].HitTest(point))
                        return new ConnectorHitTestInfo(this, HitTestLocations.Designer | HitTestLocations.Connector, i);
            return hitInfo; 
 		//activities being moved within the same container
		private List movedActivities = null;
 		private List MovingActivities
 				if(this.movedActivities == null) 
					this.movedActivities = new List();
 				return this.movedActivities;
 		public override void MoveActivities(HitTestInfo moveLocation, ReadOnlyCollection activitiesToMove)
			if (moveLocation == null) 
				throw new ArgumentNullException("moveLocation");
 			if (activitiesToMove == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("activitiesToMove");

 			FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(this); 
				if (connectorContainer != null && connectorContainer.Connectors.Count > 0)
					foreach (Activity movingActivity in activitiesToMove)
						ActivityDesigner designerToMove = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(movingActivity);
 						FreeformActivityDesigner topMostParentDesigner = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(designerToMove); 
						if (topMostParentDesigner == connectorContainer) 

				base.MoveActivities(moveLocation, activitiesToMove);
        public override object GetNextSelectableObject(object current, DesignerNavigationDirection navigate)
            object nextObject = null;
            ArrayList activityDesigners = new ArrayList(ContainedDesigners);
            ActivityDesigner activityDesigner = (current is Activity) ? ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(current as Activity) : ActivityDesigner.GetParentDesigner(current); 
            int index = (activityDesigner != null) ? activityDesigners.IndexOf(activityDesigner) : -1; 
			if ((navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Left || navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Up) && index >= 0 && index < activityDesigners.Count)
                nextObject = ((ActivityDesigner)activityDesigners[(index > 0) ? index - 1 : activityDesigners.Count - 1]).Activity; 
			else if ((navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Right || navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Down) && index <= activityDesigners.Count - 1)
                nextObject = ((ActivityDesigner)activityDesigners[(index < activityDesigners.Count - 1) ? index + 1 : 0]).Activity;

            return nextObject; 
        #region Protected Methods
        protected override void Initialize(Activity activity) 

            //We only add the designer property extender here, it will be removed when the design surface is 

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) 
            //Dispose the connectors
            for (int i = 0; i < this.connectors.Count; i++)

        protected override void OnContainedActivitiesChanging(ActivityCollectionChangeEventArgs listChangeArgs) 
            if (listChangeArgs.Action == ActivityCollectionChangeAction.Remove)
				FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(this);
                List connectorsToDelete = new List();

 				//check if the removed designer is being moved within the same container 
				//in this case dont remove the connector...
                ActivityDesigner activityDesigner = this; 
                while (activityDesigner != null) 
                    FreeformActivityDesigner freeFormDesigner = activityDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                    if (freeFormDesigner != null && freeFormDesigner.Connectors.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Activity activityToRemove in listChangeArgs.RemovedItems)
                            ActivityDesigner designerToRemove = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activityToRemove);
 							//if the designer is being moved within the same container, ignore it 
 							//otherwise remove all related connectors
							if (!connectorContainer.MovingActivities.Contains(designerToRemove)) 
								foreach (Connector connector in freeFormDesigner.Connectors)
									if (designerToRemove == connector.Source.AssociatedDesigner || designerToRemove == connector.Target.AssociatedDesigner) 

                    activityDesigner = activityDesigner.ParentDesigner;
                foreach (Connector connectorToDelete in connectorsToDelete)

        /// Creates the connector between specified connection points.
        /// Source connection point 
        /// Target connection point
        protected internal virtual Connector CreateConnector(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target)
            return new Connector(source, target);

        /// Called to check if contained designers can be connected 
        /// Source connection point 
        /// Target connection point
        protected internal virtual bool CanConnectContainedDesigners(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target)
            return (((IConnectableDesigner)source.AssociatedDesigner).CanConnect(source, target) &&
                    ((IConnectableDesigner)target.AssociatedDesigner).CanConnect(source, target)); 

        /// Called when the connection between contained designers is established
        /// Source connection point
        /// Target connection point 
        protected internal virtual void OnContainedDesignersConnected(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target)
            ((IConnectableDesigner)source.AssociatedDesigner).OnConnected(source, target); 
            ((IConnectableDesigner)target.AssociatedDesigner).OnConnected(source, target);

        /// Called to find if the contained designer can be visually resized by the user
        /// Designer to visually resize
        /// True if the designer can be visually resize, false otherwise 
        protected internal virtual bool CanResizeContainedDesigner(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner) 
            return (containedDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner); 

        /// Called when a new connector has been added in the freeform designer 
        /// Event args containing connector 
        protected virtual void OnConnectorAdded(ConnectorEventArgs e) 
            if (ConnectorAdded != null) 
                ConnectorAdded(this, e);

        /// Called when the user changed the end points of the connector
        protected internal virtual void OnConnectorChanged(ConnectorEventArgs e)
            if (ConnectorChanged != null)
                ConnectorChanged(this, e);
        protected virtual void OnConnectorRemoved(ConnectorEventArgs e)
            if (ConnectorRemoved != null) 
                ConnectorRemoved(this, e);

        protected override void OnLayoutPosition(ActivityDesignerLayoutEventArgs e)

            if (AutoSize) 
                Point newLocation = Location;
                Rectangle childRectangle = GetEnclosingRectangle();
                if (!childRectangle.IsEmpty)
                    if (AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly) 
                        newLocation.X = Math.Min(newLocation.X, childRectangle.Left); 
                        newLocation.Y = Math.Min(newLocation.Y, childRectangle.Top); 
                        newLocation = childRectangle.Location;

                this.retainContainedDesignerLocations = true; 
                Location = newLocation; 
                this.retainContainedDesignerLocations = false;

            foreach (Connector connector in this.connectors)

        protected override Size OnLayoutSize(ActivityDesignerLayoutEventArgs e) 
            Rectangle bounds = Bounds;
            Size size = bounds.Size; 


            if (AutoSize) 
                if (AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly) 
                    Rectangle childRectangle = GetEnclosingRectangle();
                    if (!childRectangle.IsEmpty) 
                        size.Width += Math.Max(bounds.Left - childRectangle.Left, 0);
                        size.Width += Math.Max(childRectangle.Right - bounds.Right, 0);
                        size.Height += Math.Max(bounds.Top - childRectangle.Top, 0); 
                        size.Height += Math.Max(childRectangle.Bottom - bounds.Bottom, 0);
                    size = MinimumSize;
            return size;
        protected override void OnThemeChange(ActivityDesignerTheme newTheme)

            if (WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.ShowGrid)
                foreach (ActivityDesigner containedDesigner in ContainedDesigners)
                    containedDesigner.Location = DesignerHelpers.SnapToGrid(containedDesigner.Location); 

        protected override void OnDragOver(ActivityDragEventArgs e)
            bool ctrlKeyPressed = ((e.KeyState & 8) == 8); 
            if (ctrlKeyPressed && (e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Copy) == DragDropEffects.Copy)
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; 
            else if ((e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Move) == DragDropEffects.Move) 
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;

        protected override void OnDragDrop(ActivityDragEventArgs e)
            //Set the correct drag drop effect 
            bool ctrlKeyPressed = ((e.KeyState & 8) == 8);
            if (ctrlKeyPressed && (e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Copy) == DragDropEffects.Copy) 
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; 
            else if ((e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Move) == DragDropEffects.Move)
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; 

            //Now there can be set of activities which are inserted and set of activities which are moved
            //So first lets get the list of activities which need to be inserted
            List activitiesToInsert = new List(); 
            List newActivities = new List();
            foreach (Activity activity in e.Activities) 
                if (activity.Site == null || activity.Parent != Activity)

                if (activity.Site == null)

            //If the component are sited then that means that we are inserting it 
 			if (activitiesToInsert.Count > 0) 
				CompositeActivityDesigner.InsertActivities(this, new ConnectorHitTestInfo(this, HitTestLocations.Designer, ((CompositeActivity)Activity).Activities.Count), activitiesToInsert.AsReadOnly(), SR.GetString(SR.DragDropActivities));
            Point dropPoint = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
            Point[] movedLocations = FreeFormDragDropManager.GetDesignerLocations(e.DragInitiationPoint, dropPoint, e.Activities);
            if (movedLocations.Length == e.Activities.Count)
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Activities.Count; i++)
                    ActivityDesigner designerToMove = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(e.Activities[i]); 
                    if (designerToMove != null)
                        Point location = (newActivities.Contains(designerToMove.Activity)) ? dropPoint : movedLocations[i];
                        MoveContainedDesigner(designerToMove, location);

        public override void InsertActivities(HitTestInfo insertLocation, ReadOnlyCollection activitiesToInsert)
            base.InsertActivities(insertLocation, activitiesToInsert);
            //Now go through all the designers for activities and make sure that if their locations are 0,0 then we set the 
            //locations at Location.X + AutoSizeMargin
            if (AutoSize) 
                Size autoSizeMargin = AutoSizeMargin;
                Point location = Location;
                foreach (Activity activity in activitiesToInsert) 
                    ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); 
                    if (designer.Location.IsEmpty) 
                        designer.Location = new Point(location.X + autoSizeMargin.Width, location.Y + autoSizeMargin.Height);

        protected override void OnResizing(ActivityDesignerResizeEventArgs e) 
            //If we are in AutoSize mode with grow and shrink option then dont allow resizing 
            if (AutoSize) 
                if (AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly) 
                    Rectangle minRectangle = GetEnclosingRectangle();
                    if (!minRectangle.IsEmpty)
                        Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                        bounds.X = Math.Min(minRectangle.Left, e.Bounds.Left); 
                        bounds.Y = Math.Min(minRectangle.Top, e.Bounds.Top); 
                        bounds.Width = Math.Max(minRectangle.Right - bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Right - bounds.Left);
                        bounds.Height = Math.Max(minRectangle.Bottom - bounds.Top, e.Bounds.Bottom - bounds.Top); 

                        if (bounds != e.Bounds)
                            e = new ActivityDesignerResizeEventArgs(e.SizingEdge, bounds);

            this.retainContainedDesignerLocations = true;
            this.retainContainedDesignerLocations = false;
 		protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
			if (e == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("e");

 			ISelectionService selectionService = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService; 
			object selectedObject = (selectionService != null) ? selectionService.PrimarySelection : null;
 			if (selectedObject == null) 

			List topLevelActivities = new List(Helpers.GetTopLevelActivities(selectionService.GetSelectedComponents())); 

 			if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left || e.KeyCode == Keys.Right || e.KeyCode == Keys.Up || e.KeyCode == Keys.Down)
				Size direction = Size.Empty; 
				const int step = 5;
 				if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) 
					direction = new Size(-step, 0);
 				else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) 
 					direction = new Size(step, 0);
				else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up)
 					direction = new Size(0, -step);
				else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down) 
					direction = new Size(0, step);
				foreach (Activity selectedActivity in topLevelActivities) 
					//move designer by 'direction' 
 					ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(selectedActivity);
 					if (designer != null)
 						//refresh designer area both before and after move 
						ParentView.InvalidateClientRectangle(new Rectangle(designer.Location, designer.Size));
						designer.Location += direction; 
						ParentView.InvalidateClientRectangle(new Rectangle(designer.Location, designer.Size)); 
 				//update layout to grow the parent if needed after all designers have been moved
				e.Handled = true;
            else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete) 
                //if there is a connector selected, delete it 
                ICollection components = selectionService.GetSelectedComponents();
                foreach (object component in components)
                    ConnectorHitTestInfo connector = component as ConnectorHitTestInfo; 
                    if (connector != null)
                        FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = connector.AssociatedDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                        if (freeformDesigner != null)
                            ReadOnlyCollection connectors = freeformDesigner.Connectors;
                            int connectorIndex = connector.MapToIndex();
                            if (connectorIndex < connectors.Count)
                                selectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { connector }, SelectionTypes.Remove);
                                object nextSelectableObject = freeformDesigner;
                                if (connectors.Count > 0) 
                                    nextSelectableObject = new ConnectorHitTestInfo(freeformDesigner, HitTestLocations.Connector | HitTestLocations.Designer, (connectorIndex > 0) ? connectorIndex - 1 : connectorIndex);

                                selectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { nextSelectableObject }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                e.Handled = true;
 				//let the base handle all other keys including tabs 
        #region Private Methods
        internal static void SetDesignerBounds(ActivityDesigner designer, Rectangle bounds)
            if (designer == null || designer.Activity == null || designer.Activity.Site == null) 
            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(designer); 

            PropertyDescriptor sizeProperty = (properties != null) ? properties["Size"] : null; 
            if (sizeProperty != null)
                sizeProperty.SetValue(designer.Activity, bounds.Size);
                designer.Size = bounds.Size; 

            PropertyDescriptor locationProperty = (properties != null) ? properties["Location"] : null; 
            if (locationProperty != null) 
                locationProperty.SetValue(designer.Activity, bounds.Location);
                designer.Location = bounds.Location;

            WorkflowView workflowView = designer.Activity.Site.GetService(typeof(WorkflowView)) as WorkflowView;
            if (workflowView != null) 
                if (designer.ParentDesigner != null) 

        internal override void OnPaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) 
            if (ShowConnectorsInForeground) 

            FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(this); 
            if (connectorContainer != null && Activity != null && Activity.Site != null)
                Region clipRegion = null;
                Region oldClipRegion = e.Graphics.Clip; 

                    if (oldClipRegion != null)
                        clipRegion = new Region(connectorContainer.Bounds);
                        e.Graphics.Clip = clipRegion;

                    //Lets draw all the connectors before the designers so that designers always overlap connectors 
                    foreach (Connector connector in connectorContainer.Connectors) 
                        if (this == connector.RenderingOwner) 
                    if (oldClipRegion != null) 
                        e.Graphics.Clip = oldClipRegion;
            if (!ShowConnectorsInForeground)

        private Rectangle GetEnclosingRectangle() 
            Point leftTop = new Point(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue), rightBottom = new Point(int.MinValue, int.MinValue);
            foreach (ActivityDesigner activityDesigner in ContainedDesigners)
                if (activityDesigner.IsVisible)
                    leftTop.X = (activityDesigner.Bounds.Left < leftTop.X) ? activityDesigner.Bounds.Left : leftTop.X; 
                    leftTop.Y = (activityDesigner.Bounds.Top < leftTop.Y) ? activityDesigner.Bounds.Top : leftTop.Y;
                    rightBottom.X = (rightBottom.X < activityDesigner.Bounds.Right) ? activityDesigner.Bounds.Right : rightBottom.X; 
                    rightBottom.Y = (rightBottom.Y < activityDesigner.Bounds.Bottom) ? activityDesigner.Bounds.Bottom : rightBottom.Y;
			//for the invoked workflow dont take connectors into account
			//this causes un-necessary growth of the workflow... 
			if (this.InvokingDesigner == null) 
				foreach (Connector connector in Connectors) 
 					leftTop.X = (connector.Bounds.Left < leftTop.X) ? connector.Bounds.Left : leftTop.X;
					leftTop.Y = (connector.Bounds.Top < leftTop.Y) ? connector.Bounds.Top : leftTop.Y;
 					rightBottom.X = (rightBottom.X < connector.Bounds.Right) ? connector.Bounds.Right : rightBottom.X; 
					rightBottom.Y = (rightBottom.Y < connector.Bounds.Bottom) ? connector.Bounds.Bottom : rightBottom.Y;

            Rectangle enclosingRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; 
            if (leftTop.X != int.MaxValue && rightBottom.X != int.MinValue)
                enclosingRectangle.X = leftTop.X;
                enclosingRectangle.Width = rightBottom.X - leftTop.X; 
            if (leftTop.Y != int.MaxValue && rightBottom.Y != int.MinValue) 
                enclosingRectangle.Y = leftTop.Y;
                enclosingRectangle.Height = rightBottom.Y - leftTop.Y; 

            if (!enclosingRectangle.IsEmpty)

            return enclosingRectangle; 

        internal bool CanUpdateZOrder(ActivityDesigner activityDesigner, ZOrder zorder) 
            bool canUpdateZOrder = false;
            CompositeActivityDesigner parentDesigner = this;
            ActivityDesigner childDesigner = activityDesigner; 
            while (parentDesigner != null && childDesigner != null)
                if (parentDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner) 
                    ReadOnlyCollection containedDesigners = parentDesigner.ContainedDesigners; 
                    if (containedDesigners.Count > 1 && containedDesigners[(zorder == ZOrder.Background) ? 0 : containedDesigners.Count - 1] != childDesigner)
                        canUpdateZOrder = true;
                childDesigner = parentDesigner;
                parentDesigner = parentDesigner.ParentDesigner; 

            return canUpdateZOrder;

        private void UpdateZOrder(ActivityDesigner activityDesigner, ZOrder zorder) 
            IDesignerHost designerHost = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
            DesignerTransaction transaction = null; 
            if (designerHost != null)
                transaction = designerHost.CreateTransaction(DR.GetString(DR.ZOrderUndoDescription, activityDesigner.Text));

                bool zOrderChanged = false; 
                CompositeActivityDesigner parentDesigner = this; 
                ActivityDesigner childDesigner = activityDesigner;
                while (parentDesigner != null && childDesigner != null) 
                    if (parentDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner)
                        ReadOnlyCollection containedDesigners = parentDesigner.ContainedDesigners; 
                        if (containedDesigners.Count > 1 && containedDesigners[(zorder == ZOrder.Background) ? 0 : containedDesigners.Count - 1] != childDesigner)
                            int moveIndex = (zorder == ZOrder.Background) ? 0 : containedDesigners.Count; 
                            parentDesigner.MoveActivities(new ConnectorHitTestInfo(this, HitTestLocations.Designer, moveIndex), new List(new Activity[] { childDesigner.Activity }).AsReadOnly());
                            zOrderChanged = true; 

                    childDesigner = parentDesigner; 
                    parentDesigner = parentDesigner.ParentDesigner;
                if (zOrderChanged)

                if (transaction != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (transaction != null) 
                throw e;
        private void EnsureDesignerExtender()
            bool addExtender = true; 
            IExtenderListService extenderListService = GetService(typeof(IExtenderListService)) as IExtenderListService;
            if (extenderListService != null) 
                foreach (IExtenderProvider extenderProvider in extenderListService.GetExtenderProviders())
                    if (extenderProvider.GetType() == typeof(FreeFormDesignerPropertyExtender)) 
                        addExtender = false; 

            if (addExtender)
                IExtenderProviderService extenderProviderService = GetService(typeof(IExtenderProviderService)) as IExtenderProviderService;
                if (extenderProviderService != null) 
                    extenderProviderService.AddExtenderProvider(new FreeFormDesignerPropertyExtender());

        #region Private Classes
        #region Class FreeFormConnectorSelectionGlyph
        private sealed class FreeFormConnectorSelectionGlyph : ConnectorSelectionGlyph
            internal FreeFormConnectorSelectionGlyph(int connectorIndex, bool isPrimarySelectionGlyph)
                : base(connectorIndex, isPrimarySelectionGlyph) 
            public override Rectangle GetBounds(ActivityDesigner designer, bool activated)
                //FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = designer as FreeformActivityDesigner;
                //return (connectorContainer != null) ? DesignerGeometryHelper.RectangleFromLineSegments(connectorContainer.Connectors[this.connectorIndex].ConnectorSegments) : Rectangle.Empty; 
                return Rectangle.Empty;
            protected override void OnPaint(Graphics graphics, bool activated, AmbientTheme ambientTheme, ActivityDesigner designer)
                /*IConnectorContainer connectorContainer = designer as IConnectorContainer;
                if (connectorContainer == null)
                Connector connector = connectorContainer[this.connectorIndex];
                Rectangle[] grabHandles = new Rectangle[connector.Segments.Length]; 
                for (int i = 0; i < connector.Segments.Length; i++) 
                    grabHandles[i].X = connector.Segments[i].X - ambientTheme.SelectionSize.Width / 2; 
                    grabHandles[i].Y = connector.Segments[i].Y - ambientTheme.SelectionSize.Height / 2;
                    grabHandles[i].Size = ambientTheme.SelectionSize;
                ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawGrabHandles(graphics, grabHandles, this.isPrimarySelectionGlyph);*/
            public override bool IsPrimarySelection
                    return this.isPrimarySelectionGlyph;

        #region Class FreeFormDesignerPropertyExtender 
        [ProvideProperty("Location", typeof(Activity))]
        [ProvideProperty("Size", typeof(Activity))]
        private sealed class FreeFormDesignerPropertyExtender : IExtenderProvider
            #region Properties
            public Point GetLocation(Activity activity)
                Point location = Point.Empty;
                ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); 
                if (designer != null)
                    location = designer.Location; 
                return location; 
            public void SetLocation(Activity activity, Point location)
                ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity);
                if (designer != null) 
                    FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = (designer.ParentDesigner != null) ? designer.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner : designer as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                    if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                        designer.Location = location; 

                        if (freeformDesigner.AutoSize)
            public Size GetSize(Activity activity)
                Size size = Size.Empty;
                ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); 
                if (designer != null) 
                    size = designer.Size;
                return size; 

            public void SetSize(Activity activity, Size size)
                ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity);
                if (designer != null) 
                    FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = (designer.ParentDesigner != null) ? designer.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner : designer as FreeformActivityDesigner;
                    if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                        designer.Size = size;

                        if (freeformDesigner.AutoSize) 
            bool IExtenderProvider.CanExtend(object extendee)
                bool canExtend = false; 

                Activity activity = extendee as Activity; 
                if (activity != null) 
                    ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); 
                    if (designer != null)
                        FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = (designer.ParentDesigner != null) ? designer.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner : designer as FreeformActivityDesigner;
                        if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                            canExtend = true;

                return canExtend; 

    #region Class FreeFormDesignerVerbProvider 
    internal sealed class FreeFormDesignerVerbProvider : IDesignerVerbProvider
        #region IDesignerVerbProvider Members
        ActivityDesignerVerbCollection IDesignerVerbProvider.GetVerbs(ActivityDesigner activityDesigner) 
            ActivityDesignerVerbCollection verbs = new ActivityDesignerVerbCollection(); 
            if (activityDesigner.ParentDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner) 
                ActivityDesignerVerb verb = new ActivityDesignerVerb(activityDesigner, DesignerVerbGroup.Actions, DR.GetString(DR.BringToFront), new EventHandler(OnZOrderChanged), new EventHandler(OnZOrderStatusUpdate)); 
                verb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey] = ZOrder.Foreground;
                verb = new ActivityDesignerVerb(activityDesigner, DesignerVerbGroup.Actions, DR.GetString(DR.SendToBack), new EventHandler(OnZOrderChanged), new EventHandler(OnZOrderStatusUpdate));
                verb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey] = ZOrder.Background; 
            return verbs; 

        #region Helpers
        private void OnZOrderChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityDesignerVerb designerVerb = sender as ActivityDesignerVerb;
            if (designerVerb != null && designerVerb.Properties.Contains(DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey)) 
                FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = designerVerb.ActivityDesigner.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner;
                if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                    if ((ZOrder)designerVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey] == ZOrder.Foreground)
                    else if ((ZOrder)designerVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey] == ZOrder.Background) 
        private void OnZOrderStatusUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityDesignerVerb designerVerb = sender as ActivityDesignerVerb;
            if (designerVerb != null && designerVerb.Properties.Contains(DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey)) 
                FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = designerVerb.ActivityDesigner.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                    designerVerb.Enabled = freeformDesigner.CanUpdateZOrder(designerVerb.ActivityDesigner, (ZOrder)designerVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey]);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
namespace System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design 
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; 
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
    using System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Serialization; 
    #region Interface IConnectableDesigner
    internal interface IConnectableDesigner 
        bool CanConnect(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target);
        void OnConnected(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target);
    #region Enum ZOrder 
    internal enum ZOrder
        Foreground = 1,
        Background = 2

    #region Class FreeformActivityDesigner 


    //By default this designer will use the CompositeActivityDesigner theme
    [DesignerSerializer(typeof(FreeformActivityDesignerLayoutSerializer), typeof(WorkflowMarkupSerializer))] 
    public class FreeformActivityDesigner : CompositeActivityDesigner
        #region Class FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject 

        internal class FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject : CompositeDesignerAccessibleObject 
            public FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject(FreeformActivityDesigner activityDesigner)
                : base(activityDesigner)
            public override AccessibleObject GetChild(int index) 
                FreeformActivityDesigner designer = (FreeformActivityDesigner)this.ActivityDesigner; 
                if (designer.ShowConnectorsInForeground)
                    int connectorsCount = designer.Connectors.Count;
                    if (index < connectorsCount) 
                        return designer.Connectors[index].AccessibilityObject;
                        return designer.ContainedDesigners[index - connectorsCount].AccessibilityObject; 
                    int containedDesignersCount = designer.ContainedDesigners.Count;
                    if (index < containedDesignersCount)
                        return designer.ContainedDesigners[index].AccessibilityObject; 
                        return designer.Connectors[index - containedDesignersCount].AccessibilityObject; 
            public override int GetChildCount()
                FreeformActivityDesigner designer = (FreeformActivityDesigner)this.ActivityDesigner;
                int count = base.GetChildCount() + designer.Connectors.Count; 
                return count;

        #endregion Class FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject 

        #region Members
        internal static Size DefaultAutoSizeMargin = new Size(40, 40);
        private FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject accessibilityObject;
        private bool autoSize = true; 
        private AutoSizeMode autoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly; 
        private Size autoSizeMargin = FreeformActivityDesigner.DefaultAutoSizeMargin;
        private bool enableUserDrawnConnectors = true;
        private List connectors = new List();

        private bool retainContainedDesignerLocations = false; 

        public event ConnectorEventHandler ConnectorAdded; 
        public event ConnectorEventHandler ConnectorChanged; 
        public event ConnectorEventHandler ConnectorRemoved;

        #region Construction / Destruction
        public FreeformActivityDesigner()
        #region Properties
        #region Public Properties

        public override AccessibleObject AccessibilityObject
                if (this.accessibilityObject == null) 
                    this.accessibilityObject = new FreeformDesignerAccessibleObject(this);
                return this.accessibilityObject; 

        /// Gets or Sets value indicating if the designer will be resized automatically based on the child designers
        public bool AutoSize
                return this.autoSize;

                if (this.autoSize == value)

                this.autoSize = value;
        /// Gets or Sets the auto sizing mode
        public AutoSizeMode AutoSizeMode
                return this.autoSizeMode; 

                if (this.autoSizeMode == value)
                this.autoSizeMode = value;
        /// Gets the margins left around the contained designers when autosizing
        public Size AutoSizeMargin 
                Size margin = this.autoSizeMargin;
                if (WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.ShowGrid) 
                    Size gridSize = WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.GridSize;
                    margin.Width += gridSize.Width / 2;
                    margin.Height += gridSize.Height / 2; 
                return margin; 
                if (this.autoSizeMargin == value)

                this.autoSizeMargin = value; 

        /// Allows user to drag and draw connectors on the design surface
        public bool EnableUserDrawnConnectors 
                return (this.enableUserDrawnConnectors && IsEditable);

                this.enableUserDrawnConnectors = value; 
        public override bool CanExpandCollapse
                return false;

        public override object FirstSelectableObject 
                IList childdesigners = ContainedDesigners; 
                return (childdesigners.Count > 0) ? childdesigners[0].Activity : null;

        public override object LastSelectableObject 
                IList childdesigners = ContainedDesigners; 
                return (childdesigners.Count > 0) ? childdesigners[childdesigners.Count - 1].Activity : null;

        public override Size MinimumSize 
                //Now go thru all the activity designers and consider the bottom coordinate + selection size + page separator as the min size 
                Size minimumSize = base.MinimumSize;
                if (Activity != null && ((IComponent)Activity).Site != null && !(ParentDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner)) 
                    minimumSize.Width *= 4; 
                    minimumSize.Height *= 4;

                //If the designer is root designer and not inlined then we should occupy the area of workflow view 
                if (IsRootDesigner && InvokingDesigner == null)
                    WorkflowView workflowView = ParentView; 
                    minimumSize.Width = Math.Max(minimumSize.Width, workflowView.ViewPortSize.Width - 2 * WorkflowRootLayout.Separator.Width);
                    minimumSize.Height = Math.Max(minimumSize.Height, workflowView.ViewPortSize.Height - 2 * WorkflowRootLayout.Separator.Height); 

                if (AutoSize)
                    Rectangle childRectangle = GetEnclosingRectangle();
                    if (!childRectangle.IsEmpty) 
                        minimumSize.Width = Math.Max(minimumSize.Width, childRectangle.Width);
                        minimumSize.Height = Math.Max(minimumSize.Height, childRectangle.Height); 

                return minimumSize; 
        public override Point Location
                return base.Location;

                if (Location == value)

                //Please note that we require this logic to maintain the contained designer location when
                //resizing the designer
                ReadOnlyCollection containedDesigners = ContainedDesigners; 
                List containedDesignerLocations = new List();
                if (this.retainContainedDesignerLocations) 
                    foreach (ActivityDesigner activityDesigner in containedDesigners)
                    Size moveDelta = new Size(value.X - base.Location.X, value.Y - base.Location.Y); 
                    FreeformActivityDesigner freeFormActivityDesigner = this;
                    Collection connectors = new Collection(); 
                    while (freeFormActivityDesigner != null) 
                        foreach (Connector connector in freeFormActivityDesigner.Connectors) 
                            if (connector.RenderingOwner == this)

                        freeFormActivityDesigner = freeFormActivityDesigner.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                    foreach (Connector connector in connectors) 

                base.Location = value;
                if (this.retainContainedDesignerLocations && containedDesigners.Count == containedDesignerLocations.Count)
                    for (int i = 0; i < containedDesigners.Count; i++) 
                        containedDesigners[i].Location = containedDesignerLocations[i];


        /// Returns collection of connectors 
        public ReadOnlyCollection Connectors 
                return this.connectors.AsReadOnly(); 

        #region Protected Properties 
        /// Get the value indicating if the connectors are drawn in the forground
        protected virtual bool ShowConnectorsInForeground 
                return false;

        protected internal override bool EnableVisualResizing
                if (AutoSize && AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink) 
                    return false;
                    return true;
        protected internal override ActivityDesignerGlyphCollection Glyphs
                ActivityDesignerGlyphCollection glyphs = new ActivityDesignerGlyphCollection(); 

                //Now go thru all the designers and for the designers which are connectable, return connection glyphs
                //Also return the move glyphs for movable designer 
                ISelectionService selectionService = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
                if (selectionService != null) 
                    foreach (object selectedObject in selectionService.GetSelectedComponents())
                        ConnectorHitTestInfo connectorHitInfo = selectedObject as ConnectorHitTestInfo;
                        if (connectorHitInfo != null && connectorHitInfo.AssociatedDesigner == this)
                            glyphs.Add(new FreeFormConnectorSelectionGlyph(connectorHitInfo.MapToIndex(), (connectorHitInfo == selectionService.PrimarySelection)));
                return glyphs; 

        #region Private Properties
        internal override WorkflowLayout SupportedLayout 
                return new WorkflowRootLayout(Activity.Site);

        #region Properties used during serialization only
        internal List DesignerConnectors 
                List connectors = new List(this.connectors);
                return connectors;

        #region Methods
        #region Public Methods
        /// Adds connector to the designer 
        /// Connector to add 
        public Connector AddConnector(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target)
            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("source"); 

 			if (source.AssociatedDesigner == null) 
				throw new ArgumentException("source", SR.GetString(SR.Error_AssociatedDesignerMissing)); 

            if (target == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

			if (target.AssociatedDesigner == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("target", SR.GetString(SR.Error_AssociatedDesignerMissing)); 

            //This check can be eliminated if it slows down connections, this is just to ensure we are adding connectors 
            //to correct activity designer 
            FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(source.AssociatedDesigner);
            if (this != connectorContainer) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(DR.GetString(DR.Error_AddConnector1));

            if ((Activity != source.AssociatedDesigner.Activity && !Helpers.IsChildActivity(Activity as CompositeActivity, source.AssociatedDesigner.Activity)) ||
                (Activity != target.AssociatedDesigner.Activity && !Helpers.IsChildActivity(Activity as CompositeActivity, target.AssociatedDesigner.Activity))) 
                throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.Error_AddConnector2));
            Connector connector = CreateConnector(source, target); 
            if (connector != null)
                if (this.connectors.Contains(connector))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(DR.GetString(DR.Error_AddConnector3));

                OnConnectorAdded(new ConnectorEventArgs(connector)); 


            return connector;
        /// Removes connector from the designer 
        /// Connector to remove
        public void RemoveConnector(Connector connector) 
            if (connector == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("connector");
            if (this.connectors.Contains(connector))
                OnConnectorRemoved(new ConnectorEventArgs(connector)); 

        /// Sends the contained designer to back of z-order
        /// Designer to send to back 
        public void SendToBack(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner)
            if (containedDesigner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containedDesigner");

            if (!ContainedDesigners.Contains(containedDesigner)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.InvalidDesignerSpecified, "containedDesigner"));
            UpdateZOrder(containedDesigner, ZOrder.Background); 

        /// Brings the contained designer to top of z-order
        /// Designer to bring to front
        public void BringToFront(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner) 
            if (containedDesigner == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containedDesigner"); 

            if (!ContainedDesigners.Contains(containedDesigner))
 				throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.InvalidDesignerSpecified, "containedDesigner"));
            UpdateZOrder(containedDesigner, ZOrder.Foreground);
        /// Moves specified contained designer to specified location inside designer 
        /// Designer to move
        /// Location to move to.
        public void MoveContainedDesigner(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner, Point newLocation) 
            if (containedDesigner == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containedDesigner"); 

            if (!ContainedDesigners.Contains(containedDesigner)) 
				throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.InvalidDesignerSpecified, "containedDesigner"));

            FreeformActivityDesigner.SetDesignerBounds(containedDesigner, new Rectangle(newLocation, containedDesigner.Size));

        /// Resizes specified contained designer to specified size
        /// Designer to resize
        /// Size to resize it to 
        public void ResizeContainedDesigner(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner, Size newSize)
            if (containedDesigner == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("containedDesigner");
            if (!ContainedDesigners.Contains(containedDesigner))
 				throw new ArgumentException(DR.GetString(DR.InvalidDesignerSpecified, "containedDesigner"));

            FreeformActivityDesigner.SetDesignerBounds(containedDesigner, new Rectangle(containedDesigner.Location, newSize)); 


        public override HitTestInfo HitTest(Point point) 
            HitTestInfo hitInfo = base.HitTest(point);

            //First check that if the drag drop is in progress and the drop operation has been initiated based on 
            //A child designer then if the queried point is also on the drop initiated designer then we return freeform
            //designer as the designer where hittest occured 
            ReadOnlyCollection containedDesigners = ContainedDesigners; 

            WorkflowView workflowView = ParentView; 
            DragDropManager dragDropManager = GetService(typeof(DragDropManager)) as DragDropManager;
            if (workflowView != null && dragDropManager != null &&
                workflowView.DragDropInProgress && hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner != null &&
                dragDropManager.DraggedActivities.Contains(hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner.Activity) && 
                if (Activity == hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner.Activity) 
                    return HitTestInfo.Nowhere;
                else if (containedDesigners.Contains(hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner)) 
                    return new HitTestInfo(this, HitTestLocations.Designer);

            //Now try going through the connectors 
            if (!(hitInfo is ConnectionPointHitTestInfo) &&
                (hitInfo.HitLocation == HitTestLocations.None || hitInfo.AssociatedDesigner == this || ShowConnectorsInForeground)) 
                //Now go thru all the connectors and try to select them
                for (int i = 0; i < this.connectors.Count; i++) 
                    if (this.connectors[i].HitTest(point))
                        return new ConnectorHitTestInfo(this, HitTestLocations.Designer | HitTestLocations.Connector, i);
            return hitInfo; 
 		//activities being moved within the same container
		private List movedActivities = null;
 		private List MovingActivities
 				if(this.movedActivities == null) 
					this.movedActivities = new List();
 				return this.movedActivities;
 		public override void MoveActivities(HitTestInfo moveLocation, ReadOnlyCollection activitiesToMove)
			if (moveLocation == null) 
				throw new ArgumentNullException("moveLocation");
 			if (activitiesToMove == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("activitiesToMove");

 			FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(this); 
				if (connectorContainer != null && connectorContainer.Connectors.Count > 0)
					foreach (Activity movingActivity in activitiesToMove)
						ActivityDesigner designerToMove = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(movingActivity);
 						FreeformActivityDesigner topMostParentDesigner = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(designerToMove); 
						if (topMostParentDesigner == connectorContainer) 

				base.MoveActivities(moveLocation, activitiesToMove);
        public override object GetNextSelectableObject(object current, DesignerNavigationDirection navigate)
            object nextObject = null;
            ArrayList activityDesigners = new ArrayList(ContainedDesigners);
            ActivityDesigner activityDesigner = (current is Activity) ? ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(current as Activity) : ActivityDesigner.GetParentDesigner(current); 
            int index = (activityDesigner != null) ? activityDesigners.IndexOf(activityDesigner) : -1; 
			if ((navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Left || navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Up) && index >= 0 && index < activityDesigners.Count)
                nextObject = ((ActivityDesigner)activityDesigners[(index > 0) ? index - 1 : activityDesigners.Count - 1]).Activity; 
			else if ((navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Right || navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Down) && index <= activityDesigners.Count - 1)
                nextObject = ((ActivityDesigner)activityDesigners[(index < activityDesigners.Count - 1) ? index + 1 : 0]).Activity;

            return nextObject; 
        #region Protected Methods
        protected override void Initialize(Activity activity) 

            //We only add the designer property extender here, it will be removed when the design surface is 

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) 
            //Dispose the connectors
            for (int i = 0; i < this.connectors.Count; i++)

        protected override void OnContainedActivitiesChanging(ActivityCollectionChangeEventArgs listChangeArgs) 
            if (listChangeArgs.Action == ActivityCollectionChangeAction.Remove)
				FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(this);
                List connectorsToDelete = new List();

 				//check if the removed designer is being moved within the same container 
				//in this case dont remove the connector...
                ActivityDesigner activityDesigner = this; 
                while (activityDesigner != null) 
                    FreeformActivityDesigner freeFormDesigner = activityDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                    if (freeFormDesigner != null && freeFormDesigner.Connectors.Count > 0)
                        foreach (Activity activityToRemove in listChangeArgs.RemovedItems)
                            ActivityDesigner designerToRemove = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activityToRemove);
 							//if the designer is being moved within the same container, ignore it 
 							//otherwise remove all related connectors
							if (!connectorContainer.MovingActivities.Contains(designerToRemove)) 
								foreach (Connector connector in freeFormDesigner.Connectors)
									if (designerToRemove == connector.Source.AssociatedDesigner || designerToRemove == connector.Target.AssociatedDesigner) 

                    activityDesigner = activityDesigner.ParentDesigner;
                foreach (Connector connectorToDelete in connectorsToDelete)

        /// Creates the connector between specified connection points.
        /// Source connection point 
        /// Target connection point
        protected internal virtual Connector CreateConnector(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target)
            return new Connector(source, target);

        /// Called to check if contained designers can be connected 
        /// Source connection point 
        /// Target connection point
        protected internal virtual bool CanConnectContainedDesigners(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target)
            return (((IConnectableDesigner)source.AssociatedDesigner).CanConnect(source, target) &&
                    ((IConnectableDesigner)target.AssociatedDesigner).CanConnect(source, target)); 

        /// Called when the connection between contained designers is established
        /// Source connection point
        /// Target connection point 
        protected internal virtual void OnContainedDesignersConnected(ConnectionPoint source, ConnectionPoint target)
            ((IConnectableDesigner)source.AssociatedDesigner).OnConnected(source, target); 
            ((IConnectableDesigner)target.AssociatedDesigner).OnConnected(source, target);

        /// Called to find if the contained designer can be visually resized by the user
        /// Designer to visually resize
        /// True if the designer can be visually resize, false otherwise 
        protected internal virtual bool CanResizeContainedDesigner(ActivityDesigner containedDesigner) 
            return (containedDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner); 

        /// Called when a new connector has been added in the freeform designer 
        /// Event args containing connector 
        protected virtual void OnConnectorAdded(ConnectorEventArgs e) 
            if (ConnectorAdded != null) 
                ConnectorAdded(this, e);

        /// Called when the user changed the end points of the connector
        protected internal virtual void OnConnectorChanged(ConnectorEventArgs e)
            if (ConnectorChanged != null)
                ConnectorChanged(this, e);
        protected virtual void OnConnectorRemoved(ConnectorEventArgs e)
            if (ConnectorRemoved != null) 
                ConnectorRemoved(this, e);

        protected override void OnLayoutPosition(ActivityDesignerLayoutEventArgs e)

            if (AutoSize) 
                Point newLocation = Location;
                Rectangle childRectangle = GetEnclosingRectangle();
                if (!childRectangle.IsEmpty)
                    if (AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly) 
                        newLocation.X = Math.Min(newLocation.X, childRectangle.Left); 
                        newLocation.Y = Math.Min(newLocation.Y, childRectangle.Top); 
                        newLocation = childRectangle.Location;

                this.retainContainedDesignerLocations = true; 
                Location = newLocation; 
                this.retainContainedDesignerLocations = false;

            foreach (Connector connector in this.connectors)

        protected override Size OnLayoutSize(ActivityDesignerLayoutEventArgs e) 
            Rectangle bounds = Bounds;
            Size size = bounds.Size; 


            if (AutoSize) 
                if (AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly) 
                    Rectangle childRectangle = GetEnclosingRectangle();
                    if (!childRectangle.IsEmpty) 
                        size.Width += Math.Max(bounds.Left - childRectangle.Left, 0);
                        size.Width += Math.Max(childRectangle.Right - bounds.Right, 0);
                        size.Height += Math.Max(bounds.Top - childRectangle.Top, 0); 
                        size.Height += Math.Max(childRectangle.Bottom - bounds.Bottom, 0);
                    size = MinimumSize;
            return size;
        protected override void OnThemeChange(ActivityDesignerTheme newTheme)

            if (WorkflowTheme.CurrentTheme.AmbientTheme.ShowGrid)
                foreach (ActivityDesigner containedDesigner in ContainedDesigners)
                    containedDesigner.Location = DesignerHelpers.SnapToGrid(containedDesigner.Location); 

        protected override void OnDragOver(ActivityDragEventArgs e)
            bool ctrlKeyPressed = ((e.KeyState & 8) == 8); 
            if (ctrlKeyPressed && (e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Copy) == DragDropEffects.Copy)
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; 
            else if ((e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Move) == DragDropEffects.Move) 
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;

        protected override void OnDragDrop(ActivityDragEventArgs e)
            //Set the correct drag drop effect 
            bool ctrlKeyPressed = ((e.KeyState & 8) == 8);
            if (ctrlKeyPressed && (e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Copy) == DragDropEffects.Copy) 
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; 
            else if ((e.AllowedEffect & DragDropEffects.Move) == DragDropEffects.Move)
                e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; 

            //Now there can be set of activities which are inserted and set of activities which are moved
            //So first lets get the list of activities which need to be inserted
            List activitiesToInsert = new List(); 
            List newActivities = new List();
            foreach (Activity activity in e.Activities) 
                if (activity.Site == null || activity.Parent != Activity)

                if (activity.Site == null)

            //If the component are sited then that means that we are inserting it 
 			if (activitiesToInsert.Count > 0) 
				CompositeActivityDesigner.InsertActivities(this, new ConnectorHitTestInfo(this, HitTestLocations.Designer, ((CompositeActivity)Activity).Activities.Count), activitiesToInsert.AsReadOnly(), SR.GetString(SR.DragDropActivities));
            Point dropPoint = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
            Point[] movedLocations = FreeFormDragDropManager.GetDesignerLocations(e.DragInitiationPoint, dropPoint, e.Activities);
            if (movedLocations.Length == e.Activities.Count)
                for (int i = 0; i < e.Activities.Count; i++)
                    ActivityDesigner designerToMove = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(e.Activities[i]); 
                    if (designerToMove != null)
                        Point location = (newActivities.Contains(designerToMove.Activity)) ? dropPoint : movedLocations[i];
                        MoveContainedDesigner(designerToMove, location);

        public override void InsertActivities(HitTestInfo insertLocation, ReadOnlyCollection activitiesToInsert)
            base.InsertActivities(insertLocation, activitiesToInsert);
            //Now go through all the designers for activities and make sure that if their locations are 0,0 then we set the 
            //locations at Location.X + AutoSizeMargin
            if (AutoSize) 
                Size autoSizeMargin = AutoSizeMargin;
                Point location = Location;
                foreach (Activity activity in activitiesToInsert) 
                    ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); 
                    if (designer.Location.IsEmpty) 
                        designer.Location = new Point(location.X + autoSizeMargin.Width, location.Y + autoSizeMargin.Height);

        protected override void OnResizing(ActivityDesignerResizeEventArgs e) 
            //If we are in AutoSize mode with grow and shrink option then dont allow resizing 
            if (AutoSize) 
                if (AutoSizeMode == AutoSizeMode.GrowOnly) 
                    Rectangle minRectangle = GetEnclosingRectangle();
                    if (!minRectangle.IsEmpty)
                        Rectangle bounds = Rectangle.Empty;
                        bounds.X = Math.Min(minRectangle.Left, e.Bounds.Left); 
                        bounds.Y = Math.Min(minRectangle.Top, e.Bounds.Top); 
                        bounds.Width = Math.Max(minRectangle.Right - bounds.Left, e.Bounds.Right - bounds.Left);
                        bounds.Height = Math.Max(minRectangle.Bottom - bounds.Top, e.Bounds.Bottom - bounds.Top); 

                        if (bounds != e.Bounds)
                            e = new ActivityDesignerResizeEventArgs(e.SizingEdge, bounds);

            this.retainContainedDesignerLocations = true;
            this.retainContainedDesignerLocations = false;
 		protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
			if (e == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("e");

 			ISelectionService selectionService = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService; 
			object selectedObject = (selectionService != null) ? selectionService.PrimarySelection : null;
 			if (selectedObject == null) 

			List topLevelActivities = new List(Helpers.GetTopLevelActivities(selectionService.GetSelectedComponents())); 

 			if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left || e.KeyCode == Keys.Right || e.KeyCode == Keys.Up || e.KeyCode == Keys.Down)
				Size direction = Size.Empty; 
				const int step = 5;
 				if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left) 
					direction = new Size(-step, 0);
 				else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Right) 
 					direction = new Size(step, 0);
				else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Up)
 					direction = new Size(0, -step);
				else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Down) 
					direction = new Size(0, step);
				foreach (Activity selectedActivity in topLevelActivities) 
					//move designer by 'direction' 
 					ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(selectedActivity);
 					if (designer != null)
 						//refresh designer area both before and after move 
						ParentView.InvalidateClientRectangle(new Rectangle(designer.Location, designer.Size));
						designer.Location += direction; 
						ParentView.InvalidateClientRectangle(new Rectangle(designer.Location, designer.Size)); 
 				//update layout to grow the parent if needed after all designers have been moved
				e.Handled = true;
            else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete) 
                //if there is a connector selected, delete it 
                ICollection components = selectionService.GetSelectedComponents();
                foreach (object component in components)
                    ConnectorHitTestInfo connector = component as ConnectorHitTestInfo; 
                    if (connector != null)
                        FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = connector.AssociatedDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                        if (freeformDesigner != null)
                            ReadOnlyCollection connectors = freeformDesigner.Connectors;
                            int connectorIndex = connector.MapToIndex();
                            if (connectorIndex < connectors.Count)
                                selectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { connector }, SelectionTypes.Remove);
                                object nextSelectableObject = freeformDesigner;
                                if (connectors.Count > 0) 
                                    nextSelectableObject = new ConnectorHitTestInfo(freeformDesigner, HitTestLocations.Connector | HitTestLocations.Designer, (connectorIndex > 0) ? connectorIndex - 1 : connectorIndex);

                                selectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] { nextSelectableObject }, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                e.Handled = true;
 				//let the base handle all other keys including tabs 
        #region Private Methods
        internal static void SetDesignerBounds(ActivityDesigner designer, Rectangle bounds)
            if (designer == null || designer.Activity == null || designer.Activity.Site == null) 
            PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(designer); 

            PropertyDescriptor sizeProperty = (properties != null) ? properties["Size"] : null; 
            if (sizeProperty != null)
                sizeProperty.SetValue(designer.Activity, bounds.Size);
                designer.Size = bounds.Size; 

            PropertyDescriptor locationProperty = (properties != null) ? properties["Location"] : null; 
            if (locationProperty != null) 
                locationProperty.SetValue(designer.Activity, bounds.Location);
                designer.Location = bounds.Location;

            WorkflowView workflowView = designer.Activity.Site.GetService(typeof(WorkflowView)) as WorkflowView;
            if (workflowView != null) 
                if (designer.ParentDesigner != null) 

        internal override void OnPaintContainedDesigners(ActivityDesignerPaintEventArgs e) 
            if (ShowConnectorsInForeground) 

            FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = ConnectionManager.GetConnectorContainer(this); 
            if (connectorContainer != null && Activity != null && Activity.Site != null)
                Region clipRegion = null;
                Region oldClipRegion = e.Graphics.Clip; 

                    if (oldClipRegion != null)
                        clipRegion = new Region(connectorContainer.Bounds);
                        e.Graphics.Clip = clipRegion;

                    //Lets draw all the connectors before the designers so that designers always overlap connectors 
                    foreach (Connector connector in connectorContainer.Connectors) 
                        if (this == connector.RenderingOwner) 
                    if (oldClipRegion != null) 
                        e.Graphics.Clip = oldClipRegion;
            if (!ShowConnectorsInForeground)

        private Rectangle GetEnclosingRectangle() 
            Point leftTop = new Point(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue), rightBottom = new Point(int.MinValue, int.MinValue);
            foreach (ActivityDesigner activityDesigner in ContainedDesigners)
                if (activityDesigner.IsVisible)
                    leftTop.X = (activityDesigner.Bounds.Left < leftTop.X) ? activityDesigner.Bounds.Left : leftTop.X; 
                    leftTop.Y = (activityDesigner.Bounds.Top < leftTop.Y) ? activityDesigner.Bounds.Top : leftTop.Y;
                    rightBottom.X = (rightBottom.X < activityDesigner.Bounds.Right) ? activityDesigner.Bounds.Right : rightBottom.X; 
                    rightBottom.Y = (rightBottom.Y < activityDesigner.Bounds.Bottom) ? activityDesigner.Bounds.Bottom : rightBottom.Y;
			//for the invoked workflow dont take connectors into account
			//this causes un-necessary growth of the workflow... 
			if (this.InvokingDesigner == null) 
				foreach (Connector connector in Connectors) 
 					leftTop.X = (connector.Bounds.Left < leftTop.X) ? connector.Bounds.Left : leftTop.X;
					leftTop.Y = (connector.Bounds.Top < leftTop.Y) ? connector.Bounds.Top : leftTop.Y;
 					rightBottom.X = (rightBottom.X < connector.Bounds.Right) ? connector.Bounds.Right : rightBottom.X; 
					rightBottom.Y = (rightBottom.Y < connector.Bounds.Bottom) ? connector.Bounds.Bottom : rightBottom.Y;

            Rectangle enclosingRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; 
            if (leftTop.X != int.MaxValue && rightBottom.X != int.MinValue)
                enclosingRectangle.X = leftTop.X;
                enclosingRectangle.Width = rightBottom.X - leftTop.X; 
            if (leftTop.Y != int.MaxValue && rightBottom.Y != int.MinValue) 
                enclosingRectangle.Y = leftTop.Y;
                enclosingRectangle.Height = rightBottom.Y - leftTop.Y; 

            if (!enclosingRectangle.IsEmpty)

            return enclosingRectangle; 

        internal bool CanUpdateZOrder(ActivityDesigner activityDesigner, ZOrder zorder) 
            bool canUpdateZOrder = false;
            CompositeActivityDesigner parentDesigner = this;
            ActivityDesigner childDesigner = activityDesigner; 
            while (parentDesigner != null && childDesigner != null)
                if (parentDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner) 
                    ReadOnlyCollection containedDesigners = parentDesigner.ContainedDesigners; 
                    if (containedDesigners.Count > 1 && containedDesigners[(zorder == ZOrder.Background) ? 0 : containedDesigners.Count - 1] != childDesigner)
                        canUpdateZOrder = true;
                childDesigner = parentDesigner;
                parentDesigner = parentDesigner.ParentDesigner; 

            return canUpdateZOrder;

        private void UpdateZOrder(ActivityDesigner activityDesigner, ZOrder zorder) 
            IDesignerHost designerHost = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
            DesignerTransaction transaction = null; 
            if (designerHost != null)
                transaction = designerHost.CreateTransaction(DR.GetString(DR.ZOrderUndoDescription, activityDesigner.Text));

                bool zOrderChanged = false; 
                CompositeActivityDesigner parentDesigner = this; 
                ActivityDesigner childDesigner = activityDesigner;
                while (parentDesigner != null && childDesigner != null) 
                    if (parentDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner)
                        ReadOnlyCollection containedDesigners = parentDesigner.ContainedDesigners; 
                        if (containedDesigners.Count > 1 && containedDesigners[(zorder == ZOrder.Background) ? 0 : containedDesigners.Count - 1] != childDesigner)
                            int moveIndex = (zorder == ZOrder.Background) ? 0 : containedDesigners.Count; 
                            parentDesigner.MoveActivities(new ConnectorHitTestInfo(this, HitTestLocations.Designer, moveIndex), new List(new Activity[] { childDesigner.Activity }).AsReadOnly());
                            zOrderChanged = true; 

                    childDesigner = parentDesigner; 
                    parentDesigner = parentDesigner.ParentDesigner;
                if (zOrderChanged)

                if (transaction != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                if (transaction != null) 
                throw e;
        private void EnsureDesignerExtender()
            bool addExtender = true; 
            IExtenderListService extenderListService = GetService(typeof(IExtenderListService)) as IExtenderListService;
            if (extenderListService != null) 
                foreach (IExtenderProvider extenderProvider in extenderListService.GetExtenderProviders())
                    if (extenderProvider.GetType() == typeof(FreeFormDesignerPropertyExtender)) 
                        addExtender = false; 

            if (addExtender)
                IExtenderProviderService extenderProviderService = GetService(typeof(IExtenderProviderService)) as IExtenderProviderService;
                if (extenderProviderService != null) 
                    extenderProviderService.AddExtenderProvider(new FreeFormDesignerPropertyExtender());

        #region Private Classes
        #region Class FreeFormConnectorSelectionGlyph
        private sealed class FreeFormConnectorSelectionGlyph : ConnectorSelectionGlyph
            internal FreeFormConnectorSelectionGlyph(int connectorIndex, bool isPrimarySelectionGlyph)
                : base(connectorIndex, isPrimarySelectionGlyph) 
            public override Rectangle GetBounds(ActivityDesigner designer, bool activated)
                //FreeformActivityDesigner connectorContainer = designer as FreeformActivityDesigner;
                //return (connectorContainer != null) ? DesignerGeometryHelper.RectangleFromLineSegments(connectorContainer.Connectors[this.connectorIndex].ConnectorSegments) : Rectangle.Empty; 
                return Rectangle.Empty;
            protected override void OnPaint(Graphics graphics, bool activated, AmbientTheme ambientTheme, ActivityDesigner designer)
                /*IConnectorContainer connectorContainer = designer as IConnectorContainer;
                if (connectorContainer == null)
                Connector connector = connectorContainer[this.connectorIndex];
                Rectangle[] grabHandles = new Rectangle[connector.Segments.Length]; 
                for (int i = 0; i < connector.Segments.Length; i++) 
                    grabHandles[i].X = connector.Segments[i].X - ambientTheme.SelectionSize.Width / 2; 
                    grabHandles[i].Y = connector.Segments[i].Y - ambientTheme.SelectionSize.Height / 2;
                    grabHandles[i].Size = ambientTheme.SelectionSize;
                ActivityDesignerPaint.DrawGrabHandles(graphics, grabHandles, this.isPrimarySelectionGlyph);*/
            public override bool IsPrimarySelection
                    return this.isPrimarySelectionGlyph;

        #region Class FreeFormDesignerPropertyExtender 
        [ProvideProperty("Location", typeof(Activity))]
        [ProvideProperty("Size", typeof(Activity))]
        private sealed class FreeFormDesignerPropertyExtender : IExtenderProvider
            #region Properties
            public Point GetLocation(Activity activity)
                Point location = Point.Empty;
                ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); 
                if (designer != null)
                    location = designer.Location; 
                return location; 
            public void SetLocation(Activity activity, Point location)
                ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity);
                if (designer != null) 
                    FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = (designer.ParentDesigner != null) ? designer.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner : designer as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                    if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                        designer.Location = location; 

                        if (freeformDesigner.AutoSize)
            public Size GetSize(Activity activity)
                Size size = Size.Empty;
                ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); 
                if (designer != null) 
                    size = designer.Size;
                return size; 

            public void SetSize(Activity activity, Size size)
                ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity);
                if (designer != null) 
                    FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = (designer.ParentDesigner != null) ? designer.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner : designer as FreeformActivityDesigner;
                    if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                        designer.Size = size;

                        if (freeformDesigner.AutoSize) 
            bool IExtenderProvider.CanExtend(object extendee)
                bool canExtend = false; 

                Activity activity = extendee as Activity; 
                if (activity != null) 
                    ActivityDesigner designer = ActivityDesigner.GetDesigner(activity); 
                    if (designer != null)
                        FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = (designer.ParentDesigner != null) ? designer.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner : designer as FreeformActivityDesigner;
                        if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                            canExtend = true;

                return canExtend; 

    #region Class FreeFormDesignerVerbProvider 
    internal sealed class FreeFormDesignerVerbProvider : IDesignerVerbProvider
        #region IDesignerVerbProvider Members
        ActivityDesignerVerbCollection IDesignerVerbProvider.GetVerbs(ActivityDesigner activityDesigner) 
            ActivityDesignerVerbCollection verbs = new ActivityDesignerVerbCollection(); 
            if (activityDesigner.ParentDesigner is FreeformActivityDesigner) 
                ActivityDesignerVerb verb = new ActivityDesignerVerb(activityDesigner, DesignerVerbGroup.Actions, DR.GetString(DR.BringToFront), new EventHandler(OnZOrderChanged), new EventHandler(OnZOrderStatusUpdate)); 
                verb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey] = ZOrder.Foreground;
                verb = new ActivityDesignerVerb(activityDesigner, DesignerVerbGroup.Actions, DR.GetString(DR.SendToBack), new EventHandler(OnZOrderChanged), new EventHandler(OnZOrderStatusUpdate));
                verb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey] = ZOrder.Background; 
            return verbs; 

        #region Helpers
        private void OnZOrderChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityDesignerVerb designerVerb = sender as ActivityDesignerVerb;
            if (designerVerb != null && designerVerb.Properties.Contains(DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey)) 
                FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = designerVerb.ActivityDesigner.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner;
                if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                    if ((ZOrder)designerVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey] == ZOrder.Foreground)
                    else if ((ZOrder)designerVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey] == ZOrder.Background) 
        private void OnZOrderStatusUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ActivityDesignerVerb designerVerb = sender as ActivityDesignerVerb;
            if (designerVerb != null && designerVerb.Properties.Contains(DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey)) 
                FreeformActivityDesigner freeformDesigner = designerVerb.ActivityDesigner.ParentDesigner as FreeformActivityDesigner; 
                if (freeformDesigner != null) 
                    designerVerb.Enabled = freeformDesigner.CanUpdateZOrder(designerVerb.ActivityDesigner, (ZOrder)designerVerb.Properties[DesignerUserDataKeys.ZOrderKey]);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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