ToolStripDesigner.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WinForms / System / WinForms / Design / ToolStripDesigner.cs / 5 / ToolStripDesigner.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

[assembly: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode", Scope = "member", Target = "System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolStripDesigner..ctor()")]
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design 
    using System.Design;
    using Accessibility;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; 
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Design; 
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Globalization; 

    /// Designer for the ToolStrip class. 
    internal class ToolStripDesigner : ControlDesigner 
        private const int GLYPHBORDER=2;

        internal static Point LastCursorPosition = Point.Empty; //remembers last cursorPosition; 
        internal static bool _autoAddNewItems = true; // true to force newly created items to be added to the currently selected strip.
        internal static ToolStripItem dragItem = null; // this is used in overflow to know current item selected while drag, so that we can get the drop-index. 
        internal static bool shiftState = false; // maintains the shift state used of invalidation. 
        internal static bool editTemplateNode = false; // this is used in selection changed so that unnecessary redraw is not required.
        private DesignerToolStripControlHost editorNode = null; //new editorNode
        private ToolStripEditorManager editManager = null; // newly added editor manager ...
        private ToolStrip _miniToolStrip = null;// the toolStrip that hosts the "New Template Node" button
        private DesignerTransaction _insertMenuItemTransaction = null; //There Should be one and only one Pending insertTransaction. 
        private Rectangle dragBoxFromMouseDown = Rectangle.Empty; //Needed to Store the DRAGDROP Rect from the WinbarItemBehavior.
        private int indexOfItemUnderMouseToDrag = -1; //defaulted to invalid index andwill be set by the behaviour. 
        private ToolStripTemplateNode tn = null; //templateNode 
        private ISelectionService _selectionSvc = null; // cached selection service.
        private uint _editingCollection = 0; // non-zero if the collection editor is up for this winbar or a child of it. 
        private DesignerTransaction _pendingTransaction = null; // our transaction for adding/removing items.
        private bool _addingItem = false; // true if we are expecting to be notified of adding a WinbarItem to the designer.
        private Rectangle boundsToInvalidate = Rectangle.Empty; //Bounds to Invalidate if a DropDownItem is Deleted
        private bool currentVisible = true; // Change Visibility 
        private ToolStripActionList _actionLists; // Action List on Chrome...
        //private DesignerToolStripControlHost dummyMenu = null; 
        private ToolStripAdornerWindowService toolStripAdornerWindowService = null;//Add the Adorner Service for OverFlow DropDown... 
        private IDesignerHost host = null;//get private copy of the DesignerHost
        private IComponentChangeService componentChangeSvc; 
        private UndoEngine undoEngine = null;
        private bool undoingCalled = false;
        private IToolboxService toolboxService;
        private ContextMenuStrip toolStripContextMenu; 
        private bool toolStripSelected = false;
        private bool cacheItems = false; //ToolStripDesigner would cache items for the MenuItem when dropdown is changed. 
        private ArrayList items; //cached Items. 
        private bool disposed = false;
        private DesignerTransaction newItemTransaction; 
        private bool fireSyncSelection = false; //fires SyncSelection when we toggle the items visibility to add the glyphs after the item gets visible.
        private ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService keyboardHandlingService = null;
        private bool parentNotVisible = false; //sync the parent visibility (used for ToolStripPanels)
        private bool dontCloseOverflow = false; //When an item is added to the ToolStrip through the templateNode which is on the Overflow; we should not close the overflow (to avoid flicker) 
        private bool addingDummyItem = false; //When the dummyItem is added the toolStrip might resize (as in the Vertival Layouts). In this case
                                           // we dont want the Resize to cause SyncSelection and Layouts. 
        // Properties
        /// Adds designer actions to the ActionLists collection.
        public override DesignerActionListCollection ActionLists
                DesignerActionListCollection actionLists = new DesignerActionListCollection();

                if (_actionLists == null) 
                    _actionLists = new ToolStripActionList(this); 
                // First add the verbs for this component there...
                DesignerVerbCollection verbs = this.Verbs;
                if (verbs != null && verbs.Count != 0)
                    DesignerVerb[] verbsArray = new DesignerVerb[verbs.Count];
                    verbs.CopyTo(verbsArray, 0); 
                    actionLists.Add(new DesignerActionVerbList(verbsArray)); 
                return actionLists;
        ///  Compute the rect for the "Add New Item" button. 
        private Rectangle AddItemRect
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
                if (_miniToolStrip == null)
                    return rect; 
                rect = _miniToolStrip.Bounds; 
                return rect;
        ///  Accessor for Shadow Property for AllowDrop. 
        private bool AllowDrop
                return (bool)ShadowProperties["AllowDrop"];
                if (value && AllowItemReorder) 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripAllowItemReorderAndAllowDropCannotBeSetToTrue)); 
                ShadowProperties["AllowDrop"] = value;

        ///  Accessor for Shadow Property for AllowItemReorder. 
        private bool AllowItemReorder 
                return (bool)ShadowProperties["AllowItemReorder"]; 
                if (value && AllowDrop)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripAllowItemReorderAndAllowDropCannotBeSetToTrue));
                ShadowProperties["AllowItemReorder"] = value;
        ///  The ToolStripItems are the associated components.
        ///  We want those to come with in any cut, copy opreations. 
        public override System.Collections.ICollection AssociatedComponents
                ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); 
                foreach (ToolStripItem item in ToolStrip.Items) 
                    DesignerToolStripControlHost addNewItem = item as DesignerToolStripControlHost; 
                    if (addNewItem == null)
                return (ICollection)items; 
        ///  CacheItems is set to TRUE by the ToolStripMenuItemDesigner, when the Transaction of setting the DropDown property is undone.
        ///  In this case the Undo adds the original items to the Main MenustripDesigners Items collection and later are moved to
        ///  to the appropriate ToolStripMenuItem 
        public bool CacheItems 
                return cacheItems;
                cacheItems = value;

        ///  False if were inherited and can't be modified.
        private bool CanAddItems
                // Make sure the component is not being inherited -- we can't delete these! 
                InheritanceAttribute ia = (InheritanceAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(ToolStrip)[typeof(InheritanceAttribute)]; 
                if (ia == null || ia.InheritanceLevel == InheritanceLevel.NotInherited)
                    return true;
                return false;

        // This boolean indicates whether the Control will allow SnapLines to be shown when any other targetControl is dragged on the design surface.
        // This is true by default.
        internal override bool ControlSupportsSnaplines 
                if (!(ToolStrip.Parent is ToolStripPanel))
                    return true;
                return false;
        ///     DesignerContextMenu that is shown on the ToolStrip/MenuStrip/StatusStrip.
        private ContextMenuStrip DesignerContextMenu
                if (toolStripContextMenu == null)
                    toolStripContextMenu = new BaseContextMenuStrip(ToolStrip.Site, ToolStrip); 
                    toolStripContextMenu.Text = "CustomContextMenu";
                return toolStripContextMenu;
        ///     Used by ToolStripTemplateNode. When the ToolStrip gains selection the Overflow is closed. 
        ///     But when an item is added through the TemplateNode which itself is on the Overflow, we should not close the Overflow 
        ///     as this caused weird artifacts and flicker. Hence this boolean property.
        public bool DontCloseOverflow

                return dontCloseOverflow; 
                dontCloseOverflow = value;
        ///     Since the Itemglyphs are recreated on the SelectionChanged, we need to cache in the "MouseDown" while the item Drag-Drop operation. 
        public Rectangle DragBoxFromMouseDown
                return dragBoxFromMouseDown;
                dragBoxFromMouseDown = value; 

        ///  Set by the ToolStripItemCollectionEditor when it's launched for this winbar so we won't
        ///  pick up it's items when added.  We count this so that we can deal with nestings. 
        internal bool EditingCollection 
                return _editingCollection != 0;
                if (value)
        ///     EditManager for the ToolStrip Designer. This EditorManager controls the Insitu Editing. 
        public ToolStripEditorManager EditManager
                return editManager; 
        ///     The TemplateNode. This is the object that actually creates miniToolStrip and manages InSitu editing.
        internal ToolStripTemplateNode Editor 
                return tn;

        ///     This is the ToolStripControlHost that hosts the ToolStripTemplateNode's miniToolStrip. 
        public DesignerToolStripControlHost EditorNode 
                return editorNode;
        ///     This is the ToolStripTemplateNode's miniToolStrip. 
        internal ToolStrip EditorToolStrip
                return _miniToolStrip;
                _miniToolStrip = value; 
                _miniToolStrip.Parent = ToolStrip;

        ///     This will be set through ToolStripItemDesigner.SetItemVisible( ) if we find there is atleast one time that toggled from Visible==false to Visible==true
        ///     In such a case we need to call BehaviorService.SyncSelection( ) toupdate the glyphs. 
        public bool FireSyncSelection
                return fireSyncSelection;
                fireSyncSelection = value; 

        ///     Since the Itemglyphs are recreated on the SelectionChanged, we need to cache in the "index" of last MouseDown while the item Drag-Drop operation.
        public int IndexOfItemUnderMouseToDrag
                return indexOfItemUnderMouseToDrag; 
                indexOfItemUnderMouseToDrag = value; 
        ///     ToolStrips if inherited act as ReadOnly. 
        protected override InheritanceAttribute InheritanceAttribute
                if ((base.InheritanceAttribute == InheritanceAttribute.Inherited)) 
                    return InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly;
                return base.InheritanceAttribute;
        ///     This is the insert Transaction. Now insert can happen at Main Menu level or the DropDown Level. 
        ///     This transaction is used to keep both in sync. 
        public DesignerTransaction InsertTansaction 
                return _insertMenuItemTransaction; 
                _insertMenuItemTransaction = value;

        ///  Checks if there is a seleciton of the ToolStrip or one of it's items. 
        private bool IsToolStripOrItemSelected 
                return toolStripSelected;


        ///  CacheItems is set to TRUE by the ToolStripMenuItemDesigner, when the Transaction of setting the DropDown property is undone. 
        ///  In this case the Undo adds the original items to the Main MenustripDesigners Items collection and later are moved to
        ///  to the appropriate ToolStripMenuItem. This is the Items Collection. 
        public ArrayList Items
                if (items == null) 
                    items = new ArrayList();
                return items;
        ///     This is the new item Transaction. This is used when the Insitu editor adds new Item. 
        public DesignerTransaction NewItemTransaction
                return newItemTransaction;
                newItemTransaction = value; 

        ///  Compute the rect for the "OverFlow" button.
        private Rectangle OverFlowButtonRect
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); 

                if (ToolStrip.OverflowButton.Visible)
                    return ToolStrip.OverflowButton.Bounds; 
                    return rect;

        ///  Get and cache the selection service 
        internal ISelectionService SelectionService
                if (_selectionSvc == null)
                    _selectionSvc = (ISelectionService)GetService(typeof(ISelectionService));
                    Debug.Assert(_selectionSvc != null, "Failed to get Selection Service!"); 
                return _selectionSvc;

        public bool SupportEditing
                WindowsFormsDesignerOptionService dos = GetService(typeof(DesignerOptionService)) as WindowsFormsDesignerOptionService; 
                if (dos != null)
                    return dos.CompatibilityOptions.EnableInSituEditing;
                return true;
        ///  Handy way of gettting our ToolStrip
        protected ToolStrip ToolStrip
                return (ToolStrip)Component;

        ///  Get and cache the toolStripKeyBoard service
        private ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService KeyboardHandlingService
                if (keyboardHandlingService == null) 
                    //Add the EditService so that the ToolStrip can do its own Tab and Keyboard Handling 
                    keyboardHandlingService = (ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService)GetService(typeof(ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService));
                    if (keyboardHandlingService == null)
                        keyboardHandlingService = new ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService(Component.Site); 
                return keyboardHandlingService; 

        ///     Refer VsWhidbey : 487804. There are certain containers (like ToolStrip) that require PerformLayout to be serialized in the code gen.
        internal override bool SerializePerformLayout {
            get { 
                return true; 

        ///      Un - ShadowProperty.
        internal bool Visible
                return currentVisible; 
                currentVisible = value; 
                // If the user has set the Visible to false, sync the controls visible property.
                if (ToolStrip.Visible != value && !SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(ToolStrip)) 
                    Control.Visible = value;

        // end properties 

        // start methods. 
        ///  This will add BodyGlyphs for the Items on the OverFlow. Since ToolStripItems are component we have to manage Adding and Deleting the glyphs ourSelves. 
        private void AddBodyGlyphsForOverflow()
            // now walk the winbar and add glyphs for each of it's children 
            foreach (ToolStripItem item in ToolStrip.Items) 
                if (item is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                // make sure it's on the Overflow...
                if (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)

        ///  This will add BodyGlyphs for the Items on the OverFlow. Since ToolStripItems are component we have to manage Adding and Deleting the glyphs ourSelves.
        ///  Called by AddBodyGlyphsForOverflow() 
        private void AddItemBodyGlyph(ToolStripItem item)
            if (item != null)
                ToolStripItemDesigner dropDownItemDesigner = (ToolStripItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(item);
                if (dropDownItemDesigner != null) 
                    Rectangle bounds = dropDownItemDesigner.GetGlyphBounds(); 
                    System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.Behavior toolStripBehavior = new ToolStripItemBehavior(); 

                    // Initialize Glyph 
                    ToolStripItemGlyph bodyGlyphForddItem = new ToolStripItemGlyph(item, dropDownItemDesigner, bounds, toolStripBehavior);

                    //Set the glyph for the item .. so that we can remove it later....
                    dropDownItemDesigner.bodyGlyph = bodyGlyphForddItem; 

                    //Add ItemGlyph to the Collection 
                    if (toolStripAdornerWindowService != null) 

        ///  Fired when a new item is chosen from the AddItems menu from the Template Node. 
        private ToolStripItem AddNewItem(Type t)
            Debug.Assert(host != null, "Why didn't we get a designer host?"); 
            NewItemTransaction = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripCreatingNewItemTransaction));
            IComponent component = null; 

                _addingItem = true;
                // Suspend the Layout as we are about to add Item to the ToolStrip

                ToolStripItemDesigner designer = null; 
                    // The code in ComponentAdded will actually get the add done. 
                    // This should be inside the try finally because it could throw an exception
                    // and keep the toolstrip in SuspendLayout mode
                    component = host.CreateComponent(t);
                    designer = host.GetDesigner(component) as ToolStripItemDesigner;
                    designer.InternalCreate = true; 
                    if (designer is ComponentDesigner)
                    if (designer != null) 
                        designer.InternalCreate = false;
                    // Resume the Layout as we are about to add Item to the ToolStrip
            catch (Exception e) {
                 if (NewItemTransaction != null) { 
                    NewItemTransaction = null;

                 // Throw the exception unless it's a canceled checkout
                 CheckoutException checkoutException = e as CheckoutException;
                 if ((checkoutException == null) || (!checkoutException.Equals(CheckoutException.Canceled))) { 
                _addingItem = false;

            return component as ToolStripItem; 
        // Standard 'catch all - rethrow critical' exception pattern 
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2102:CatchNonClsCompliantExceptionsInGeneralHandlers")] 
        internal ToolStripItem AddNewItem(Type t, string text, bool enterKeyPressed, bool tabKeyPressed)

            Debug.Assert(host != null, "Why didn't we get a designer host?"); 

            Debug.Assert(_pendingTransaction == null, "Adding item with pending transaction?"); 
            DesignerTransaction outerTransaction = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripAddingItem, t.Name)); 
            ToolStripItem item = null;
                _addingItem = true;
                // Suspend the Layout as we are about to add Item to the ToolStrip
                // The code in ComponentAdded will actually get the add done.
                IComponent component = host.CreateComponent(t, NameFromText(text, t, Component.Site)); 
                ToolStripItemDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(component) as ToolStripItemDesigner;

                    // ToolStripItem designer tries to set the TEXT for the item in the InitializeNewComponent()
                    // But since we are create item thru InSitu .. we shouldnt do this. 
                    // Also we shouldn't set the TEXT if we are creating a dummyItem. 
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        designer.InternalCreate = true;
                    if (designer is ComponentDesigner)
                    designer.InternalCreate = false;

                //Set the Text and Image.. 
                item = component as ToolStripItem;
                if (item != null) 
                    PropertyDescriptor textProperty = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(item)["Text"];
                    Debug.Assert(textProperty != null, "Could not find 'Text' property in ToolStripItem."); 
                    if (textProperty != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        textProperty.SetValue(item, text);

                    //Set the Image property and DisplayStyle... 
                    if (item is ToolStripButton || item is ToolStripSplitButton || item is ToolStripDropDownButton) 
                        Image image = null; 
                            image = new Bitmap(typeof(ToolStripButton), "blank.bmp");
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (ClientUtils.IsCriticalException(e)) 

                        PropertyDescriptor imageProperty = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(item)["Image"]; 
                        Debug.Assert(imageProperty != null, "Could not find 'Image' property in ToolStripItem.");
                        if (imageProperty != null && image != null) 
                            imageProperty.SetValue(item, image);

                        PropertyDescriptor dispProperty = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(item)["DisplayStyle"];
                        Debug.Assert(dispProperty != null, "Could not find 'DisplayStyle' property in ToolStripItem.");
                        if (dispProperty != null) 
                            dispProperty.SetValue(item, ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image); 

                        PropertyDescriptor imageTransProperty = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(item)["ImageTransparentColor"]; 
                        Debug.Assert(imageTransProperty != null, "Could not find 'DisplayStyle' property in ToolStripItem.");
                        if (imageTransProperty != null)
                            imageTransProperty.SetValue(item, Color.Magenta); 


                // ResumeLayout on ToolStrip.
                if (!tabKeyPressed)
                    if (enterKeyPressed) 
                        if (!designer.SetSelection(enterKeyPressed)) 
                            if (KeyboardHandlingService != null)
                                KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl = editorNode; 
                                SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                        // put the templateNode into nonselection mode && select the existing Item
                        KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl = null;
                        SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new IComponent[] { item }, SelectionTypes.Replace); 
                    if (keyboardHandlingService != null)
                        KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl = editorNode;
                        SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace); 
                if (designer != null && item.Placement != ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)
                    Rectangle bounds = designer.GetGlyphBounds();
                    SelectionManager selMgr = (SelectionManager)GetService(typeof(SelectionManager));
                    System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.Behavior toolStripBehavior = new ToolStripItemBehavior();
                    ToolStripItemGlyph bodyGlyphForItem = new ToolStripItemGlyph(item, designer, bounds, toolStripBehavior); 
                    //Add ItemGlyph to the Collection
                    selMgr.BodyGlyphAdorner.Glyphs.Insert(0, bodyGlyphForItem); 
                else if (designer != null && item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)
                    // Add Glyphs for overflow...

            catch (Exception exception)
                // ResumeLayout on ToolStrip.

                if (_pendingTransaction != null) 
                    _pendingTransaction = null; 
                if (outerTransaction != null) 
                    outerTransaction = null;

                CheckoutException checkoutEx = exception as CheckoutException; 
                if (checkoutEx != null && checkoutEx != CheckoutException.Canceled) 
                if (_pendingTransaction != null)
                    _pendingTransaction = null;
                    if (outerTransaction != null)
                else if (outerTransaction != null) 
                    outerTransaction = null; 
                _addingItem = false;
            return item; 
        //  Adds the new TemplateNode to the ToolStrip or MenuStrip. 
        internal void AddNewTemplateNode(ToolStrip wb)
            // setup the MINIToolStrip host... 
            tn = new ToolStripTemplateNode(Component, SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripDesignerTemplateNodeEnterText), null);
            _miniToolStrip = tn.EditorToolStrip; 
            //_miniToolStrip.Parent = wb;

            int width = tn.EditorToolStrip.Width;
            editorNode = new DesignerToolStripControlHost(tn.EditorToolStrip); 
            tn.ControlHost = editorNode;
            editorNode.Width = width; 
            editorNode.Visible = false;

        internal void CancelPendingMenuItemTransaction()
            if (_insertMenuItemTransaction != null)

        //  Check if the ToolStripItems are selected. 
        private bool CheckIfItemSelected() 
            bool showToolStrip = false;
            object comp = SelectionService.PrimarySelection; 

            if (comp == null)
                comp = (IComponent)KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl; 
            ToolStripItem item = comp as ToolStripItem; 
            if (item != null)
                if (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow && item.Owner == ToolStrip)
                    if (ToolStrip.CanOverflow && !ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Visible)
                    showToolStrip = true; 

                    if (!ItemParentIsOverflow(item))
                        if (ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Visible)
                    if (item.Owner == ToolStrip)
                        showToolStrip = true;
                    else if (item is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                        if (item.IsOnDropDown && item.Placement != ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) 
                            ToolStripDropDown dropDown = (ToolStripDropDown)((DesignerToolStripControlHost)comp).GetCurrentParent(); 
                            if (dropDown != null)
                                ToolStripItem ownerItem = dropDown.OwnerItem;
                                ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner = (ToolStripMenuItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(ownerItem);
                                ToolStripDropDown topmost = itemDesigner.GetFirstDropDown((ToolStripDropDownItem)(ownerItem)); 
                                ToolStripItem topMostItem = (topmost == null) ? ownerItem : topmost.OwnerItem; 

                                if (topMostItem != null && topMostItem.Owner == ToolStrip) 
                                    showToolStrip = true;
                    else if (item.IsOnDropDown && item.Placement != ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) 
                        ToolStripItem parentItem = ((ToolStripDropDown)(item.Owner)).OwnerItem; 
                        if (parentItem != null)

                            ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner = (ToolStripMenuItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(parentItem); 
                            ToolStripDropDown topmost = (itemDesigner == null) ? null : itemDesigner.GetFirstDropDown((ToolStripDropDownItem)parentItem);
                            ToolStripItem topMostItem = (topmost == null) ? parentItem : topmost.OwnerItem; 
                            if (topMostItem != null && topMostItem.Owner == ToolStrip) 
                                showToolStrip = true; 
            return showToolStrip; 

        // This is called ToolStripItemGlyph to commit
        // the TemplateNode Edition on the Parent ToolStrip.
        internal bool Commit()
            if (tn != null && tn.Active) 
                tn.Commit(false, false); 
                editorNode.Width = tn.EditorToolStrip.Width;
                ToolStripDropDownItem selectedItem = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                if (selectedItem != null) 
                    ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(selectedItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner;
                    if (itemDesigner != null && itemDesigner.IsEditorActive) 
                        return true;
                    if (KeyboardHandlingService != null)
                        ToolStripItem designerItem = KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
                        if (designerItem != null && designerItem.IsOnDropDown)
                            ToolStripDropDown parent = designerItem.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown; 
                            if (parent != null)
                                ToolStripDropDownItem ownerItem = parent.OwnerItem as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
                                if (ownerItem != null)
                                    ToolStripMenuItemDesigner itemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(ownerItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner;
                                    if (itemDesigner != null && itemDesigner.IsEditorActive)
                                        return true;
                        { //check for normal ToolStripItem selection ....
                            ToolStripItem toolItem = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem; 
                            if (toolItem != null)
                                ToolStripItemDesigner itemDesigner = (ToolStripItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(toolItem); 
                                if (itemDesigner != null && itemDesigner.IsEditorActive)
                                    itemDesigner.Editor.Commit(false, false);
                                    return true;

            return false;

        ///  Make sure the AddNewItem button is setup properly. 
        private void Control_HandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Control.HandleCreated -= new EventHandler(Control_HandleCreated);

            // we should HOOK this event here since getting the OverFlowButton property causes 
            // handle creation which we need to avoid
            // hook the designer for the OverFlow Item events.. 
            ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Closing += new ToolStripDropDownClosingEventHandler(OnOverflowDropDownClosing); 
            ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDownOpening += new EventHandler(OnOverFlowDropDownOpening);
            ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDownOpened += new EventHandler(OnOverFlowDropDownOpened); 
            ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDownClosed += new EventHandler(OnOverFlowDropDownClosed);
            ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Resize += new System.EventHandler(this.OnOverflowDropDownResize);
            ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Paint += new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(OnOverFlowDropDownPaint);
            ToolStrip.Move += new System.EventHandler(this.OnToolStripMove);
            ToolStrip.VisibleChanged += new System.EventHandler(OnToolStripVisibleChanged); 
            ToolStrip.ItemAdded += new ToolStripItemEventHandler(OnItemAdded); 

        ///  Fired after a component has been added.  Here, we add it to the winbar and select it.
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        private void ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentAdded(object sender, ComponentEventArgs e) 
            // If another ToolStrip is getting added and we are currently selected then unselect us ..
            // the newly added toolStrip should get selected. 
            if (toolStripSelected && e.Component is ToolStrip)
                toolStripSelected = false;

            ToolStripItem newItem = e.Component as ToolStripItem; 
                // make sure it's one of ours and not on DropDown. 
                if (newItem != null && _addingItem && !newItem.IsOnDropDown)
                    _addingItem = false; 

                    if (CacheItems) 
                        // Get the current count of ToolStripItems.
                        int count = ToolStrip.Items.Count; 
                        // notify the designer what's changed.
                            ToolStripItem selectedItem = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                            if (selectedItem != null)
                                //ADD at the current Selection ... 
                                if (selectedItem.Owner == ToolStrip)
                                    int indexToInsert = ToolStrip.Items.IndexOf(selectedItem); 
                                    ToolStrip.Items.Insert(indexToInsert, newItem);

                            else if (count > 0)
                                // ADD at Last but one, the last one being the TemplateNode always...
                                ToolStrip.Items.Insert(count - 1, newItem); 
                            base.RaiseComponentChanged(TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["Items"], null, null); 
                if (_pendingTransaction != null) 
                    _pendingTransaction = null; 
                    _insertMenuItemTransaction = null;
                if (_pendingTransaction != null) 
                    _pendingTransaction = null; 
                    _insertMenuItemTransaction = null;

        ///  Checks if the component being added is a child ToolStripItem. 
        private void ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentAdding(object sender, ComponentEventArgs e)
            if (KeyboardHandlingService != null && KeyboardHandlingService.CopyInProgress)

            // Return if we are not the owner !! 
            object selectedItem = SelectionService.PrimarySelection; 
            if (selectedItem == null)
                if (keyboardHandlingService != null)
                    selectedItem = KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl;
            ToolStripItem currentSel = selectedItem as ToolStripItem; 
            if (currentSel != null && currentSel.Owner != ToolStrip)

            // we'll be adding a child item if the component is a winbar item and we've currently got this winbar or one of it's items selected.
            // we do this so things like paste and undo automagically work. 
            ToolStripItem addingItem = e.Component as ToolStripItem;
            if (addingItem != null && addingItem.Owner != null) 
                if (addingItem.Owner.Site == null)
                    //we are DummyItem to the ToolStrip... 
            if (_insertMenuItemTransaction == null && _autoAddNewItems && addingItem != null && !_addingItem && this.IsToolStripOrItemSelected && !EditingCollection)
                _addingItem = true;

                if (_pendingTransaction == null)
                    Debug.Assert(host != null, "Why didn't we get a designer host?");
                    _insertMenuItemTransaction = _pendingTransaction = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripDesignerTransactionAddingItem)); 

        ///  Required to check if we need to show the Overflow, if any change has caused the item to go into the overflow.
        private void ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentChanged(object sender, ComponentChangedEventArgs e)
            ToolStripItem changingItem = e.Component as ToolStripItem; 
            if (changingItem != null)
                ToolStrip parent = changingItem.Owner;
                if (parent == ToolStrip && e.Member != null && e.Member.Name == "Overflow")
                    ToolStripItemOverflow oldValue = (ToolStripItemOverflow)e.OldValue; 
                    ToolStripItemOverflow newValue = (ToolStripItemOverflow)e.NewValue;
                    if (oldValue != ToolStripItemOverflow.Always && newValue == ToolStripItemOverflow.Always) 
                        // If now the Item falls in the Overflow .. Open the Overflow.. 
                        if (ToolStrip.CanOverflow && !ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Visible)
        ///  After a ToolStripItem is removed, remove it from the ToolStrip and select the next item.
        private void ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentRemoved(object sender, ComponentEventArgs e) 
            if (e.Component is ToolStripItem && ((ToolStripItem)e.Component).Owner == Component) 
                ToolStripItem item = (ToolStripItem)e.Component;
                int itemIndex = ToolStrip.Items.IndexOf(item); 

                // send notifications.
                    if (itemIndex != -1) 
                        base.RaiseComponentChanged(TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["Items"], null, null); 

                    if (_pendingTransaction != null) 
                        _pendingTransaction = null;
                // select the next item or the ToolStrip itself.
                if (ToolStrip.Items.Count > 1) 
                    itemIndex = Math.Min(ToolStrip.Items.Count - 1, itemIndex); 
                    itemIndex = Math.Max(0, itemIndex);
                    itemIndex = -1;

                //Reset the Glyphs if the item removed is on the OVERFLOW, 
                if (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow)
                    // Add Glyphs for overflow...
                if (toolStripAdornerWindowService != null && boundsToInvalidate != Rectangle.Empty)
                if (KeyboardHandlingService.CutOrDeleteInProgress)
                    IComponent targetSelection = (itemIndex == -1) ? (IComponent)ToolStrip : (IComponent)ToolStrip.Items[itemIndex]; 
                    // if the TemplateNode becomes the targetSelection, then set the targetSelection to null.
                    if (targetSelection != null) 
                        if (targetSelection is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                            if (KeyboardHandlingService != null) 
                                KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl = targetSelection; 
                            SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(null, SelectionTypes.Replace);
                            SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new IComponent[] { targetSelection }, SelectionTypes.Replace); 

        ///  Before a ToolStripItem is removed, open a transaction to batch the operation.
        private void ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentRemoving(object sender, ComponentEventArgs e)
            if (e.Component is ToolStripItem && ((ToolStripItem)e.Component).Owner == Component) 
                Debug.Assert(host != null, "Why didn't we get a designer host?"); 
                Debug.Assert(_pendingTransaction == null, "Removing item with pending transaction?");

                    _pendingTransaction = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripDesignerTransactionRemovingItem));
                    ToolStripDropDownItem dropDownItem = e.Component as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
                    if (dropDownItem != null)
                        boundsToInvalidate = dropDownItem.DropDown.Bounds;
                    if (_pendingTransaction != null) 
                        _pendingTransaction = null;
        ///  Clean up the mess we've made! 
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing) 
                disposed = true; 
                if (items != null)
                    items = null;

                if (undoEngine != null) 
                    undoEngine.Undoing -= new EventHandler(this.OnUndoing); 
                    undoEngine.Undone -= new EventHandler(this.OnUndone); 
                // unhook notifications. 
                if (componentChangeSvc != null)
                    componentChangeSvc.ComponentRemoved -= new ComponentEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentRemoved); 
                    componentChangeSvc.ComponentRemoving -= new ComponentEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentRemoving);
                    componentChangeSvc.ComponentAdded -= new ComponentEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentAdded); 
                    componentChangeSvc.ComponentAdding -= new ComponentEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentAdding); 

                    componentChangeSvc.ComponentChanged -= new ComponentChangedEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentChanged); 

                if (_selectionSvc != null)
                    _selectionSvc.SelectionChanged -= new EventHandler(selSvc_SelectionChanged);
                    _selectionSvc.SelectionChanging -= new EventHandler(selSvc_SelectionChanging); 
                    _selectionSvc = null; 

                //Dispose of the EitManager
                if (editManager != null) 
                    editManager = null; 
                //tear down the TemplateNode
                if (tn != null)
                    tn = null; 

                // teardown the add item button. 
                if (this._miniToolStrip != null)
                    this._miniToolStrip = null;
                //tearDown the EditorNode..
                if (editorNode != null) 
                    editorNode = null;

                if (ToolStrip != null) 
                    ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Closing -= new ToolStripDropDownClosingEventHandler(OnOverflowDropDownClosing);
                    ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDownOpening -= new EventHandler(OnOverFlowDropDownOpening); 
                    ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDownOpened -= new EventHandler(OnOverFlowDropDownOpened);
                    ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDownClosed -= new EventHandler(OnOverFlowDropDownClosed);
                    ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Resize -= new System.EventHandler(this.OnOverflowDropDownResize);
                    ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Paint -= new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(OnOverFlowDropDownPaint); 

                    ToolStrip.Move -= new System.EventHandler(this.OnToolStripMove); 
                    ToolStrip.VisibleChanged -= new System.EventHandler(OnToolStripVisibleChanged); 

                    ToolStrip.ItemAdded -= new ToolStripItemEventHandler(OnItemAdded); 

                    ToolStrip.Resize -= new EventHandler(ToolStrip_Resize);
                    ToolStrip.DockChanged -= new EventHandler(ToolStrip_Resize);
                    ToolStrip.LayoutCompleted -= new EventHandler(this.ToolStrip_LayoutCompleted); 
                // tear off the ContextMenu.. 
                if (toolStripContextMenu != null) 
                    toolStripContextMenu = null;
                //Always Remove all the glyphs we added
                //tear off the OverFlow if its being shown
                if (ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Visible) 

                if (toolStripAdornerWindowService != null)
                    toolStripAdornerWindowService = null; 
        ///    Creates a method signature in the source code file for the default event on the component and navigates
        ///       the user's cursor to that location in preparation to assign 
        ///       the default action.
        public override void DoDefaultAction() 
            //Dont Fire the Events if the Component is Inherited. 
            if (InheritanceAttribute != InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly)
                IComponent selectedItem = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as IComponent;
                if (selectedItem == null)
                    if (KeyboardHandlingService != null) 
                        selectedItem = (IComponent)KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl; 

                // if one of the sub-items is selected, delegate to it. 
                if (selectedItem is ToolStripItem) 
                    if (host != null)
                        IDesigner itemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(selectedItem);
                        if (itemDesigner != null)

        ///    We add our BodyGlyphs as well as bodyGlyphs for the ToolStripItems here. 
        protected override ControlBodyGlyph GetControlGlyph(GlyphSelectionType selectionType)
            // Get the glyphs iff Handle is created for the toolStrip.
            if (!ToolStrip.IsHandleCreated)
                return null; 
            SelectionManager selMgr = (SelectionManager)GetService(typeof(SelectionManager)); 
            if (selMgr != null && ToolStrip != null && CanAddItems && ToolStrip.Visible) 
                Point loc = BehaviorService.ControlToAdornerWindow(ToolStrip); 
                object primarySelection = SelectionService.PrimarySelection;
                System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior.Behavior toolStripBehavior = new ToolStripItemBehavior();

                //sometimes the Collection changes when the ToolStrip gets the Selection and we are in Dummy Insitu edit... 
                // so remove that before you access the collection..
                if (ToolStrip.Items.Count > 0) 
                    ToolStripItem[] items = new ToolStripItem[ToolStrip.Items.Count];
                    ToolStrip.Items.CopyTo(items, 0); 
                    foreach (ToolStripItem toolItem in items)
                        if (toolItem != null)
                            ToolStripItemDesigner itemDesigner = (ToolStripItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(toolItem);
                            bool isPrimary = (toolItem == primarySelection); 
                            if (!isPrimary && 
                                itemDesigner != null &&

                                itemDesigner.Editor.Commit(false, false);

                // Check if menuEditor is present and active... 
                IMenuEditorService menuEditorService = (IMenuEditorService)GetService(typeof(IMenuEditorService));
                if (menuEditorService == null || (menuEditorService != null && !menuEditorService.IsActive()))
                    // now walk the winbar and add glyphs for each of it's children
                    foreach (ToolStripItem item in ToolStrip.Items) 
                        if (item is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                        // make sure it's on the winbar...
                        if (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Main) 
                            ToolStripItemDesigner itemDesigner = (ToolStripItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(item);

                            if (itemDesigner != null)
                                bool isPrimary = (item == primarySelection);
                                if (isPrimary) 
                                    ((ToolStripItemBehavior)toolStripBehavior).dragBoxFromMouseDown = dragBoxFromMouseDown; 


                                // Get Back the Current Bounds if current selection is not 
                                // a primary selection
                                if (!isPrimary) 
                                    item.AutoSize = (itemDesigner != null) ? itemDesigner.AutoSize : true;

                                Rectangle itemBounds = itemDesigner.GetGlyphBounds();

                                Control parent = ToolStrip.Parent; 
                                Rectangle parentBounds = BehaviorService.ControlRectInAdornerWindow(parent);
                                if (IsGlyphTotallyVisible(itemBounds, parentBounds) && item.Visible) 
                                    // Add Glyph ONLY AFTER item width is changed... 
                                    ToolStripItemGlyph bodyGlyphForItem = new ToolStripItemGlyph(item, itemDesigner, itemBounds, toolStripBehavior);
                                    itemDesigner.bodyGlyph = bodyGlyphForItem;
                                    //Add ItemGlyph to the Collection
            return (base.GetControlGlyph(selectionType));
        ///    We add our SelectionGlyphs here. Since ToolStripItems are components we add the SelectionGlyphs for those in this call as well. 
        public override GlyphCollection GetGlyphs(GlyphSelectionType selType)
            // get the default glyphs for this component.
            GlyphCollection glyphs = new GlyphCollection();
            ICollection selComponents = SelectionService.GetSelectedComponents(); 
            foreach (object comp in selComponents)
                if (comp is ToolStrip) 
                    GlyphCollection toolStripGlyphs = base.GetGlyphs(selType); 
                    ToolStripItem item = comp as ToolStripItem;
                    if (item != null && item.Visible) 
                        ToolStripItemDesigner itemDesigner = (ToolStripItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(item);
                        if (itemDesigner != null) 
                            itemDesigner.GetGlyphs(ref glyphs, StandardBehavior);
            if ((SelectionRules & SelectionRules.Moveable) != 0 &&
              InheritanceAttribute != InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly && 
              (selType != GlyphSelectionType.NotSelected))

                //get the adornerwindow-relative coords for the container control 
                Point loc = BehaviorService.ControlToAdornerWindow((Control)Component);
                Rectangle translatedBounds = new Rectangle(loc, ((Control)Component).Size); 
                int glyphOffset = (int)(DesignerUtils.CONTAINERGRABHANDLESIZE * .5);
                //if the control is too small for our ideal position...
                if (translatedBounds.Width < 2 * DesignerUtils.CONTAINERGRABHANDLESIZE)
                    glyphOffset = -1 * glyphOffset; 
                ContainerSelectorBehavior behavior = new ContainerSelectorBehavior(ToolStrip, Component.Site, true); 
                ContainerSelectorGlyph containerSelectorGlyph = new ContainerSelectorGlyph(translatedBounds, DesignerUtils.CONTAINERGRABHANDLESIZE, glyphOffset, behavior);
                glyphs.Insert(0, containerSelectorGlyph);
            return glyphs;

        ///  Allow hit testing over the AddNewItem button only. 
        protected override bool GetHitTest(Point point) 
            // convert to client coords.
            point = Control.PointToClient(point); 

            if (_miniToolStrip != null && _miniToolStrip.Visible && AddItemRect.Contains(point)) 
                return true;
            if (OverFlowButtonRect.Contains(point))
                return true;
            return base.GetHitTest(point);

        ///  Get the designer set up to run.
        // EditorServiceContext is newed up to add Edit Items verb.
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults")] 
        public override void Initialize(IComponent component)
            AutoResizeHandles = true;
            host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
            if (host != null)
                componentChangeSvc = (IComponentChangeService)host.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); 
            if (undoEngine == null) 
                undoEngine = GetService(typeof(UndoEngine)) as UndoEngine; 
                if (undoEngine != null)
                    undoEngine.Undoing += new EventHandler(this.OnUndoing);
                    undoEngine.Undone += new EventHandler(this.OnUndone); 

            // initialize new Manager For Editing winbars 
            editManager = new ToolStripEditorManager(component);

            // setup the dropdown if our handle has been created.
            if (Control.IsHandleCreated)
                Control.HandleCreated += new EventHandler(Control_HandleCreated);
            // attach notifcations. 
            if (componentChangeSvc != null) 
                componentChangeSvc.ComponentRemoved += new ComponentEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentRemoved);
                componentChangeSvc.ComponentRemoving += new ComponentEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentRemoving); 
                componentChangeSvc.ComponentAdded += new ComponentEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentAdded);
                componentChangeSvc.ComponentAdding += new ComponentEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentAdding);

                componentChangeSvc.ComponentChanged += new ComponentChangedEventHandler(ComponentChangeSvc_ComponentChanged); 
            //hookup to the AdornerService..for the overflow dropdown to be parent properly. 
            toolStripAdornerWindowService = (ToolStripAdornerWindowService)GetService(typeof(ToolStripAdornerWindowService));
            SelectionService.SelectionChanging += new EventHandler(selSvc_SelectionChanging);
            SelectionService.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(selSvc_SelectionChanged);

            // sink size changes. 
            ToolStrip.Resize += new EventHandler(ToolStrip_Resize); 
            ToolStrip.DockChanged += new EventHandler(ToolStrip_Resize); 
            ToolStrip.LayoutCompleted += new EventHandler(this.ToolStrip_LayoutCompleted);
            // Make sure the overflow is not toplevel
            ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.TopLevel = false;

            // init the verb. 
            if (CanAddItems) 
                new EditorServiceContext(this, TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["Items"], SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripItemCollectionEditorVerb));
                //Add the EditService so that the ToolStrip can do its own Tab and Keyboard Handling 
                keyboardHandlingService = (ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService)GetService(typeof(ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService));
                if (keyboardHandlingService == null)
                    keyboardHandlingService = new ToolStripKeyboardHandlingService(Component.Site); 
                //Add the InsituEditService so that the ToolStrip can do its own Tab and Keyboard Handling 
                ISupportInSituService inSituService = (ISupportInSituService)GetService(typeof(ISupportInSituService));
                if (inSituService == null) 
                    inSituService = new ToolStripInSituService(Component.Site);

            // ToolStrip is selected... 
            toolStripSelected = true; 
            // Reset the TemplateNode Selection if any...
            if (keyboardHandlingService != null) 
                KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl = null;

        ///   ControlDesigner overrides this method.  It will look at the default property for the control and,
        ///   if it is of type string, it will set this property's value to the name of the component.  It only 
        ///   does this if the designer has been configured with this option in the options service.  This method
        ///   also connects the control to its parent and positions it.  If you override this method, you should
        ///   always call base.
        public override void InitializeNewComponent(IDictionary defaultValues)
            Control parent = defaultValues["Parent"] as Control;
            Form parentForm = host.RootComponent as Form; 
            MainMenu parentMenu = null;
            FormDocumentDesigner parentFormDesigner = null;

            if (parentForm != null) 
                parentFormDesigner = host.GetDesigner(parentForm) as FormDocumentDesigner; 
                if (parentFormDesigner != null && parentFormDesigner.Menu != null) 
                    // stash off the main menu while we initialize 
                    parentMenu = parentFormDesigner.Menu;
                    parentFormDesigner.Menu = null;

            ToolStripPanel parentPanel = parent as ToolStripPanel; 

            // smoke the Dock Property if the toolStrip is getting parented to the ContentPanel. 
            if (parentPanel == null && parent is ToolStripContentPanel)
                // smoke the dock property whenever we add a toolstrip to a toolstrip panel.
                PropertyDescriptor dockProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(ToolStrip)["Dock"]; 
                if (dockProp != null)
                    dockProp.SetValue(ToolStrip, DockStyle.None); 

            /// set up parenting and all the base stuff...
            if (parentPanel == null || ToolStrip is MenuStrip)
            if (parentFormDesigner != null)
                //Add MenuBack
                if (parentMenu != null)
                    parentFormDesigner.Menu = parentMenu; 
                //Set MainMenuStrip property 
                if (ToolStrip is MenuStrip) 
                    PropertyDescriptor mainMenuStripProperty = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(parentForm)["MainMenuStrip"]; 
                    if (mainMenuStripProperty != null && mainMenuStripProperty.GetValue(parentForm) == null)
                        mainMenuStripProperty.SetValue(parentForm, ToolStrip as MenuStrip);

            if (parentPanel != null) 
                if (!(ToolStrip is MenuStrip))
                    PropertyDescriptor controlsProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(parentPanel)["Controls"]; 

                    if (componentChangeSvc != null) { 
                        componentChangeSvc.OnComponentChanging(parentPanel, controlsProp); 
                    parentPanel.Join(ToolStrip, parentPanel.Rows.Length);

                    if (componentChangeSvc != null) {
                        componentChangeSvc.OnComponentChanged(parentPanel, controlsProp, parentPanel.Controls, parentPanel.Controls); 
                    //Try to fire ComponentChange on the Location Property for ToolStrip. 
                    PropertyDescriptor locationProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(ToolStrip)["Location"];
                    if (componentChangeSvc != null) { 
                        componentChangeSvc.OnComponentChanging(ToolStrip, locationProp);
                        componentChangeSvc.OnComponentChanged(ToolStrip, locationProp, null, null);
            // If we are added to any container other than ToolStripPanel. 
            else if (parent != null) 
                // If we are adding the MenuStrip ... put it at the Last in the Controls Collection so it gets laid out first. 
                if (ToolStrip is MenuStrip)
                    int index = -1;
                    foreach (Control c in parent.Controls) 
                        if (c is ToolStrip && (c != ToolStrip)) 
                            index = parent.Controls.IndexOf(c);
                    if (index == -1)
                        // always place the toolStrip first. 
                        index = parent.Controls.Count - 1;
                    parent.Controls.SetChildIndex(ToolStrip, index); 
                // If we are not a MenuStrip then we still need to be first to be laid out "after the menuStrip" 
                    int index = -1;
                    foreach (Control c in parent.Controls) 
                        // If we found an existing toolstrip (and not a menuStrip) 
                        // then we can just return .. 
                        // the base would have done correct parenting for us
                        MenuStrip menu = c as MenuStrip; 
                        if (c is ToolStrip && menu == null)
                        if (menu != null)
                            index = parent.Controls.IndexOf(c); 
                    if (index == -1)
                        // always place the toolStrip first. 
                        index = parent.Controls.Count;
                    parent.Controls.SetChildIndex(ToolStrip, index - 1); 

        ///  Setup the "AddNewItem" button
        private void InitializeNewItemDropDown() 
            if (!CanAddItems || !SupportEditing) 
            ToolStrip toolStrip = (ToolStrip)Component;
            // set up the right visibility state for the winbar. 
            this.selSvc_SelectionChanged(null, EventArgs.Empty); 

        ///    This is called to ascertain if the Glyph is totally visible. This is called from ToolStripMenuItemDesigner too.
        internal static bool IsGlyphTotallyVisible(Rectangle itemBounds, Rectangle parentBounds) 
            return parentBounds.Contains(itemBounds); 

        ///    Returns true if the item is on the overflow. 
        private bool ItemParentIsOverflow(ToolStripItem item) 
            ToolStripDropDown topmost = item.Owner as ToolStripDropDown;
            if (topmost != null)
                // walk back up the chain of windows to get the topmost
                while (topmost != null && !(topmost is ToolStripOverflow)) 
                    if (topmost.OwnerItem != null) 
                        topmost = topmost.OwnerItem.GetCurrentParent() as ToolStripDropDown;
                        topmost = null;
            return (topmost is ToolStripOverflow);

        ///  Sets up the add new button, and invalidates the behavior glyphs if needed so they
        ///  always stay in sync. 
        private void LayoutToolStrip() 
            if (!disposed)
        internal static string NameFromText(string text, Type componentType, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, bool adjustCapitalization)
            string name = NameFromText(text, componentType, serviceProvider); 
            if (adjustCapitalization)
                string nameOfRandomItem = NameFromText(null, typeof(ToolStripMenuItem),
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameOfRandomItem) && char.IsUpper(nameOfRandomItem[0]))
                    name = char.ToUpper(name[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + name.Substring(1);
            return name;

        ///     Computes a name from a text label by removing all spaces and non-alphanumeric characters.
        internal static string NameFromText(string text, Type componentType, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            if (serviceProvider == null)
                return null;

            string defaultName = null; 

            INameCreationService nameCreate = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(INameCreationService)) as INameCreationService; 
            IContainer container = (IContainer)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IContainer)); 

            if (nameCreate != null && container != null) 
                defaultName = nameCreate.CreateName(container, componentType);
                return null; 

            Debug.Assert(defaultName != null && defaultName.Length > 0, "Couldn't create default name for item"); 

            if (text == null || text.Length == 0 || text == "-")
                return defaultName; 
            string nameSuffix = componentType.Name; 

            // remove all the non letter and number characters.   Append length of the item name... 
            System.Text.StringBuilder name = new System.Text.StringBuilder(text.Length + nameSuffix.Length);
            bool nextCharToUpper = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) 
                char c = text[i]; 

                if (nextCharToUpper) 
                    if (Char.IsLower(c))
                        c = Char.ToUpper(c, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); 
                    nextCharToUpper = false; 

                if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)) 
                    if (name.Length == 0)
                        if (Char.IsDigit(c)) 
                            // most languages don't allow a digit 
                            // as the first char in an identifier. 

                        if (Char.IsLower(c) != Char.IsLower(defaultName[0]))
                            // match up the first char of the generated identifier
                            // with the case of the default. 
                            if (Char.IsLower(c))
                                c = Char.ToUpper(c, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                                c = Char.ToLower(c, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                    if (Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)) 
                        nextCharToUpper = true; 

            if (name.Length == 0)
                return defaultName; 
            string baseName = name.ToString();
            // verify we have a valid name.  If not, start appending numbers if it matches one in the container.
            // see if this name matches another one in the container..
            object existingComponent = container.Components[baseName]; 

            if (existingComponent == null) 

                if (!nameCreate.IsValidName(baseName))
                    // we don't have a name collision but this still isn't a valid name...something is wrong and we
                    // can't make a valid identifier out of this so bail. 
                    return defaultName;
                    return baseName;
                // start appending numbers.
                string newName = baseName;
                for (int indexer = 1; !nameCreate.IsValidName(newName) || container.Components[newName] != null; indexer++)
                    newName = baseName + indexer.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 
                return newName; 
        ///    DesignerContextMenu should be shown when the ToolStripDesigner.
        protected override void OnContextMenu(int x, int y) 
            Component selComp = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as Component; 
            if (selComp is ToolStrip) 
                DesignerContextMenu.Show(x, y); 


        protected override void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs de) 

        protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs de)

        ///    Add item on Drop and it its a MenuItem, open its dropDown.
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        protected override void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs de) 
            // There is a "drop region" before firstItem which is not included in the "ToolStrip Item glyhs"
            // so if the drop point falls in this drop region we should insert the items at the head instead of the tail of the toolStrip. 
            bool dropAtHead = false;

            ToolStrip parentToolStrip = ToolStrip;
            NativeMethods.POINT offset = new NativeMethods.POINT(de.X, de.Y); 
            NativeMethods.MapWindowPoints(IntPtr.Zero, parentToolStrip.Handle, offset, 1);
            Point dropPoint = new Point(offset.x, offset.y); 
            if (ToolStrip.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                if (ToolStrip.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                    if (dropPoint.X >= parentToolStrip.Items[0].Bounds.X)
                        dropAtHead = true;
                else if (dropPoint.X <= parentToolStrip.Items[0].Bounds.X)
                    dropAtHead = true;
                if (dropPoint.Y <= parentToolStrip.Items[0].Bounds.Y) 
                    dropAtHead = true;

            ToolStripItemDataObject data = de.Data as ToolStripItemDataObject;
            if (data != null)
                if (data.Owner == parentToolStrip)
                    string transDesc;
                    ArrayList components = data.DragComponents;
                    ToolStripItem primaryItem = data.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem;
                    int primaryIndex = -1; 
                    bool copy = (de.Effect == DragDropEffects.Copy);
                    if (components.Count == 1) 
                        string name = TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName(components[0]); 
                        if (name == null || name.Length == 0)
                            name = components[0].GetType().Name;
                        transDesc = SR.GetString(copy ? SR.BehaviorServiceCopyControl : SR.BehaviorServiceMoveControl, name);
                        transDesc = SR.GetString(copy ? SR.BehaviorServiceCopyControls : SR.BehaviorServiceMoveControls, components.Count); 

                    // create a transaction so this happens as an atomic unit.
                    DesignerTransaction changeParent = host.CreateTransaction(transDesc); 
                        IComponentChangeService changeSvc = (IComponentChangeService)GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)); 
                        if (changeSvc != null)
                            changeSvc.OnComponentChanging(parentToolStrip, TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(parentToolStrip)["Items"]);

                        // If we are copying, then we want to make a copy of the components we are dragging 
                        if (copy)
                            // Remember the primary selection if we had one
                            if (primaryItem != null) 
                                primaryIndex = components.IndexOf(primaryItem);
                            if (KeyboardHandlingService != null) 
                                KeyboardHandlingService.CopyInProgress = true; 
                            components = DesignerUtils.CopyDragObjects(components, Component.Site) as ArrayList;
                            if (KeyboardHandlingService != null) 
                                KeyboardHandlingService.CopyInProgress = false;
                            if (primaryIndex != -1) 
                                primaryItem = components[primaryIndex] as ToolStripItem; 
                        if (de.Effect == DragDropEffects.Move || copy)
                            // Add the item.
                            for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++) 
                                if (dropAtHead) 
                                    parentToolStrip.Items.Insert(0, components[i] as ToolStripItem);
                                    parentToolStrip.Items.Add(components[i] as ToolStripItem);
                            // show the dropDown for the primarySelection before the Drag-Drop operation started. 
                            ToolStripDropDownItem primaryDropDownItem = primaryItem as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                            if (primaryDropDownItem != null) 
                                ToolStripMenuItemDesigner dropDownItemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(primaryDropDownItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner;
                                if (dropDownItemDesigner != null)

                            //Set the Selection .. 
                            SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new IComponent[] { primaryItem }, SelectionTypes.Primary | SelectionTypes.Replace);

                        if (changeSvc != null)
                            changeSvc.OnComponentChanged(parentToolStrip, TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(parentToolStrip)["Items"], null, null); 
                        //fire extra changing/changed events so that the order is "restored" after undo/redo
                        if (copy)
                            if (changeSvc != null) 
                                changeSvc.OnComponentChanging(parentToolStrip, TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(parentToolStrip)["Items"]); 
                                changeSvc.OnComponentChanged(parentToolStrip, TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(parentToolStrip)["Items"], null, null); 

                        // Refresh Glyphs...

                        if (changeParent != null)
                            changeParent = null;
                        if (changeParent != null)
                            changeParent = null;


        ///    Everytime we add Item .. the TemplateNode needs to go at the end if its not there.
        private void OnItemAdded(object sender, ToolStripItemEventArgs e)
            if (editorNode != null && (e.Item != editorNode)) 
                int currentIndexOfEditor = ToolStrip.Items.IndexOf(editorNode); 
                if (currentIndexOfEditor == -1 || currentIndexOfEditor != ToolStrip.Items.Count - 1)
                    // if the editor is not there or not at the end, add it to the end.
                    ToolStrip.ItemAdded -= new ToolStripItemEventHandler(OnItemAdded); 
                    ToolStrip.ItemAdded += new ToolStripItemEventHandler(OnItemAdded);
        ///     Overriden so that the ToolStrip honors dragging only through container selector glyph. 
        protected override void OnMouseDragMove(int x, int y) {
            if (!SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(ToolStrip)) 
                base.OnMouseDragMove(x, y);
        ///     Controls the dismissal of the drop down, here - we just cancel it
        private void OnOverflowDropDownClosing(object sender, ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs e)
            //always dismiss this so we don't collapse the dropdown when the user clicks @ design time 
            e.Cancel = (e.CloseReason == ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.ItemClicked);

        ///     Remove the Glyphs for Items on the overflow when the Overflow closes.
        private void OnOverFlowDropDownClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ToolStripDropDownItem ddi = sender as ToolStripDropDownItem;
            if (toolStripAdornerWindowService != null && ddi != null) 

            //select the last item on the parent toolStrip if the current selection is on the DropDown.
            ToolStripItem curSel = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem; 
            if (curSel != null && curSel.IsOnOverflow)
                ToolStripItem nextItem = ToolStrip.GetNextItem(ToolStrip.OverflowButton, ArrowDirection.Left); 
                if (nextItem != null)
                    SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new IComponent[] { nextItem }, SelectionTypes.Replace);

        ///     Add Glyphs when the OverFlow opens .... 
        private void OnOverFlowDropDownOpened(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            //Show the TemplateNode
            if (editorNode != null)
                editorNode.Control.Visible = true;
                editorNode.Visible = true; 

            ToolStripDropDownItem ddi = sender as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
            if (ddi != null)
            //select the last item on the parent toolStrip if the current selection is on the DropDown. 
            ToolStripItem curSel = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem; 
            if (curSel == null || (curSel != null && !curSel.IsOnOverflow))
                ToolStripItem nextItem = ddi.DropDown.GetNextItem(null, ArrowDirection.Down);
                if (nextItem != null)
                    SelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(new IComponent[] { nextItem }, SelectionTypes.Replace); 
        ///     In Order to Draw the Selection Glyphs we need to reforce painting on the
        ///     the AdonerWindow.This method forces the repaint
        private void OnOverFlowDropDownPaint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
            foreach (ToolStripItem item in ToolStrip.Items)
                if (item.Visible && item.IsOnOverflow && SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(item))
                    ToolStripItemDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner(item) as ToolStripItemDesigner;
                    if (designer != null) 
                        Rectangle r = designer.GetGlyphBounds(); 
                        ToolStripDesignerUtils.GetAdjustedBounds(item, ref r); 
                        r.Inflate(GLYPHBORDER, GLYPHBORDER);
                        //this will allow any Glyphs to re-paint 
                        //after this control and its designer has painted
                        BehaviorService b = (BehaviorService)GetService(typeof(BehaviorService));
                        if (b != null)

        ///     Change the parent of the overFlow so that it is parented to the ToolStripAdornerWindow 
        private void OnOverFlowDropDownOpening(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            ToolStripDropDownItem ddi = sender as ToolStripDropDownItem;
            if (ddi.DropDown.TopLevel) 
                ddi.DropDown.TopLevel = false;
            if (toolStripAdornerWindowService != null)
                ddi.DropDown.Parent = toolStripAdornerWindowService.ToolStripAdornerWindowControl;


        ///     When Items change the size, Recalculate the glyph sizes. 
        private void OnOverflowDropDownResize(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            ToolStripDropDown dropDown = sender as ToolStripDropDown;

            if (dropDown.Visible) 
                // Re-Add the Glyphs to refresh the bounds... 
                // and Add new ones if new items get pushed into the OverFlow. 

            if (toolStripAdornerWindowService != null && dropDown != null) 
        ///     Set proper cursor
        protected override void OnSetCursor() 
            if (toolboxService == null) 
                toolboxService = (IToolboxService)GetService(typeof(IToolboxService));

            if (toolboxService == null || !toolboxService.SetCursor() || InheritanceAttribute.Equals(InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly))
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; 
        ///     ResumeLayout after Undone. 
        private void OnUndone(object source, EventArgs e)
            /// IMPORTANT : The Undo Unit .. Clears of the ITems.... 
            if (editorNode != null && (ToolStrip.Items.IndexOf(editorNode) == -1))
            if (undoingCalled) 
                // StatusStrip required a ResumeLayout and then a performLayout...
                // So that the Layout is proper after any user-transaction
                // ReInitialize the Glyphs after Layout is resumed !! 
                ToolStripDropDownItem selectedItem = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
                if (selectedItem != null)

                    ToolStripMenuItemDesigner selectedItemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(selectedItem) as ToolStripMenuItemDesigner;
                    if (selectedItemDesigner != null)
                        selectedItemDesigner.InitializeBodyGlyphsForItems(false, selectedItem);
                        selectedItemDesigner.InitializeBodyGlyphsForItems(true, selectedItem); 

                undoingCalled = false;

        ///     SuspendLayout before unDoing.
        private void OnUndoing(object source, EventArgs e)
            if (CheckIfItemSelected() || SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(ToolStrip))
                undoingCalled = true;
        ///     SyncSelection on ToolStrip move.
        private void OnToolStripMove(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
            if (SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(ToolStrip)) 

        ///     Remove all the glyphs we were are not visible.. 
        private void OnToolStripVisibleChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
            ToolStrip tool = sender as ToolStrip;
            if (tool != null && !tool.Visible) 
                SelectionManager selMgr = (SelectionManager)GetService(typeof(SelectionManager));
                Glyph[] currentBodyGlyphs = new Glyph[selMgr.BodyGlyphAdorner.Glyphs.Count];
                selMgr.BodyGlyphAdorner.Glyphs.CopyTo(currentBodyGlyphs, 0); 

                //Remove the ToolStripItemGlyphs. 
                foreach (Glyph g in currentBodyGlyphs) 
                    if (g is ToolStripItemGlyph) 

        ///      Allows a designer to filter the set of properties
        ///      the component it is designing will expose through the
        ///      TypeDescriptor object.  This method is called 
        ///      immediately before its corresponding "Post" method.
        ///      If you are overriding this method you should call 
        ///      the base implementation before you perform your own 
        ///      filtering.
        protected override void PreFilterProperties(IDictionary properties)
            PropertyDescriptor prop;
            string[] shadowProps = new string[] { 

            Attribute[] empty = new Attribute[0]; 

            for (int i = 0; i < shadowProps.Length; i++) 
                prop = (PropertyDescriptor)properties[shadowProps[i]];
                if (prop != null) 
                    properties[shadowProps[i]] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(typeof(ToolStripDesigner), prop, empty);
        ///     Remove the glyphs for individual items on the DropDown. 
        private void RemoveBodyGlyphsForOverflow()
            // now walk the winbar and add glyphs for each of it's children 
            foreach (ToolStripItem item in ToolStrip.Items) 

                if (item is DesignerToolStripControlHost) 
                // make sure it's on the Overflow... 
                if (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) 
                    ToolStripItemDesigner dropDownItemDesigner = (ToolStripItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(item);
                    if (dropDownItemDesigner != null) 
                        ControlBodyGlyph glyph = dropDownItemDesigner.bodyGlyph;
                        if (glyph != null && toolStripAdornerWindowService != null && toolStripAdornerWindowService.DropDownAdorner.Glyphs.Contains(glyph))


        // IMPORTANT FUNCTION: THIS IS CALLED FROM THE ToolStripItemGlyph to rollback
        // the TemplateNode Edition on the Parent ToolStrip. 
        internal void RollBack()
            if (tn != null)
                editorNode.Width = tn.EditorToolStrip.Width; 
        //  Resets the ToolStrip Visible to be the default value 
        private void ResetVisible()
            Visible = true; 
        ///    When the Drag Data does not contain ToolStripItem; change the dragEffect to None;
        ///    This will result current cursor to change into NO-SMOKING cursor 
        private void SetDragDropEffects(DragEventArgs de)
            ToolStripItemDataObject data = de.Data as ToolStripItemDataObject; 
            if (data != null)
                if (data.Owner != ToolStrip) 
                    de.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; 
                    de.Effect = (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control) ? DragDropEffects.Copy : DragDropEffects.Move; 

        ///  When selection changes to the winbar, show the "AddItemsButton", when it leaves, hide it.
        private void selSvc_SelectionChanging(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            if (toolStripSelected) 
                // first commit the node
                if (tn != null && tn.Active) 
                    tn.Commit(false, false);

            bool showToolStrip = CheckIfItemSelected(); 
            //Check All the SelectedComponents to find is toolstrips are selected 
            if (!showToolStrip && !SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(ToolStrip))
                ToolStrip.Visible = currentVisible;
                if (!currentVisible && parentNotVisible)
                    ToolStrip.Parent.Visible = currentVisible; 
                    parentNotVisible = false;
                if (ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Visible) 
                //Always Hide the EditorNode if the ToolStrip Is Not Selected...
                if (editorNode != null)
                    editorNode.Visible = false;
                // Show Hide Items... 
                toolStripSelected = false; 

        ///  When selection changes to the winbar, show the "AddItemsButton", when it leaves, hide it.
        private void selSvc_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            if (_miniToolStrip != null && host != null) 
                bool showToolStrip = false;
                bool itemSelected = CheckIfItemSelected();
                showToolStrip = itemSelected || SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(ToolStrip); 
                //Check All the SelectedComponents to find is toolstrips are selected
                if (showToolStrip) 
                    // If now the ToolStrip is selected,, Hide its Overflow
                    if (SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(ToolStrip))
                        if (!DontCloseOverflow && ToolStrip.OverflowButton.DropDown.Visible)

                    // Show Hide Items... 

                    // Select and make the control visible
                    // Cache in old value... 
                    currentVisible = Control.Visible && currentVisible;
                    if (!currentVisible) 
                        // Since the control wasn't visible make it visible 
                        Control.Visible = true;
                        // make the current parent visible too.
                        if (ToolStrip.Parent is ToolStripPanel && !ToolStrip.Parent.Visible)
                            parentNotVisible = true;
                            ToolStrip.Parent.Visible = true; 
                        // Since the GetBodyGlyphs is called before we come here
                        // In this case where the ToolStrip is going from visible==false to visible==true 
                        // we need to re-add the glyphs for the items.

                    //Always Show the EditorNode if the ToolStripIsSelected and is PrimarySelection or one of item is selected. 
                    if (editorNode != null && (SelectionService.PrimarySelection == ToolStrip || itemSelected)) 
                        bool originalSyncSelection = FireSyncSelection; 
                        ToolStripPanel parent = ToolStrip.Parent as ToolStripPanel;
                            if (parent != null)
                                parent.LocationChanged += new System.EventHandler(OnToolStripMove); 
                            FireSyncSelection = true; 
                            editorNode.Visible = true;
                            FireSyncSelection = originalSyncSelection;
                            if (parent != null) 
                                parent.LocationChanged -= new System.EventHandler(OnToolStripMove);

                    ToolStripItem selectedItem = SelectionService.PrimarySelection as ToolStripItem; 
                    if (selectedItem == null)
                        if (KeyboardHandlingService != null)
                            selectedItem = KeyboardHandlingService.SelectedDesignerControl as ToolStripItem;
                    toolStripSelected = true; 

        //  Determines when should the Visible property be serialized.
        private bool ShouldSerializeVisible()
            return !Visible; 
        //  Determines when should the AllowDrop property be serialized.
        private bool ShouldSerializeAllowDrop() 
            return (bool)ShadowProperties["AllowDrop"]; 

        //  Determines when should the AllowItemReorder property be serialized.
        private bool ShouldSerializeAllowItemReorder()
            return (bool)ShadowProperties["AllowItemReorder"];
        //  This is the method that gets called when the Designer has to show thwe InSitu Edit Node, 
        internal void ShowEditNode(bool clicked)
            ToolStripItem newItem = null; 
            if (ToolStrip is MenuStrip)
                // The TemplateNode should no longer be selected.
                if (KeyboardHandlingService != null)
                try { 
                    newItem = AddNewItem(typeof(ToolStripMenuItem));
                    if (newItem != null)
                        ToolStripItemDesigner newItemDesigner = host.GetDesigner(newItem) as ToolStripItemDesigner;
                        if (newItemDesigner != null) 
                            newItemDesigner.dummyItemAdded = true; 
                                addingDummyItem = true;
                                addingDummyItem = false; 
                catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) {
                    Debug.Assert(NewItemTransaction == null, "NewItemTransaction should have been nulled out and cancelled by now.");
                    IUIService uiService = (IUIService) GetService(typeof(IUIService)); 
                    if (KeyboardHandlingService != null) { 
        //Helper function to toggle the Item Visibility
        private void ShowHideToolStripItems(bool toolStripSelected) 
            //If we arent Selected then turn the TOPLEVEL ITEMS visibility WYSIWYG
            foreach (ToolStripItem item in ToolStrip.Items) 
                if (item is DesignerToolStripControlHost)
                // Get the itemDesigner... 
                ToolStripItemDesigner itemDesigner = (ToolStripItemDesigner)host.GetDesigner(item); 
                if (itemDesigner != null)
                    itemDesigner.SetItemVisible(toolStripSelected, this);
            if (FireSyncSelection) 
                FireSyncSelection = false; 

        // this is required when addition of TemplateNode causes the toolStrip to Layout ..
        // E.g : Spring ToolStripStatusLabel.
        private void ToolStrip_LayoutCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            if (FireSyncSelection) 

        ///  Make sure the AddItem button stays in the right spot. 
        private void ToolStrip_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            if (!addingDummyItem && !disposed && (CheckIfItemSelected() || SelectionService.GetComponentSelected(ToolStrip)))
                if (this._miniToolStrip != null && _miniToolStrip.Visible)


        ///  Handle lower level mouse input.
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
            switch (m.Msg) 
                case NativeMethods.WM_CONTEXTMENU: 
                    int x = NativeMethods.Util.SignedLOWORD(m.LParam);
                    int y = NativeMethods.Util.SignedHIWORD(m.LParam);
                    bool inBounds = GetHitTest(new Point(x, y));
                    if (inBounds) 
                    base.WndProc(ref m);
                case NativeMethods.WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
                case NativeMethods.WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
                    // commit any insitu if any...
                    base.WndProc(ref m);
                    base.WndProc(ref m);


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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