ErasingStroke.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / Ink / ErasingStroke.cs / 1305600 / ErasingStroke.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Ink;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace MS.Internal.Ink 
    #region ErasingStroke 
    /// This class represents a contour of an erasing stroke, and provides 
    /// internal API for static and incremental stroke_contour vs stroke_contour
    /// hit-testing.
    internal class ErasingStroke 
        #region Constructors 
        /// Constructor for incremental erasing 
        /// The shape of the eraser's tip
        internal ErasingStroke(StylusShape erasingShape)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(erasingShape != null);
            _nodeIterator = new StrokeNodeIterator(erasingShape); 

        /// Constructor for static (atomic) erasing
        /// The shape of the eraser's tip
        /// the spine of the erasing stroke 
        internal ErasingStroke(StylusShape erasingShape, IEnumerable path)
            : this(erasingShape) 


        #region API 

        /// Generates stroke nodes along a given path. 
        /// Drops any previously genererated nodes.
        internal void MoveTo(IEnumerable path)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((path != null) && (IEnumerablePointHelper.GetCount(path) != 0)); 
            Point[] points = IEnumerablePointHelper.GetPointArray(path);
            if (_erasingStrokeNodes == null) 
                _erasingStrokeNodes = new List(points.Length); 
            _bounds = Rect.Empty;
            _nodeIterator = _nodeIterator.GetIteratorForNextSegment(points.Length > 1 ? FilterPoints(points) : points); 
            for (int i = 0; i < _nodeIterator.Count; i++)
                StrokeNode strokeNode = _nodeIterator[i];
            _totalPointsAdded += path.Length;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Total Points added: {0} screened: {1} collinear screened: {2}", _totalPointsAdded, _totalPointsScreened, _collinearPointsScreened)); 

        /// Returns the bounds of the eraser's last move. 
        internal Rect Bounds { get { return _bounds; } } 

        /// Hit-testing for stroke erase scenario.
        /// the stroke nodes to iterate
        /// true if the strokes intersect, false otherwise 
        internal bool HitTest(StrokeNodeIterator iterator) 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(iterator != null); 

            if ((_erasingStrokeNodes == null) || (_erasingStrokeNodes.Count == 0))
                return false; 
            Rect inkSegmentBounds = Rect.Empty; 
            for (int i = 0; i < iterator.Count; i++)
                StrokeNode inkStrokeNode = iterator[i];
                Rect inkNodeBounds = inkStrokeNode.GetBounds();
                if (inkSegmentBounds.IntersectsWith(_bounds))

                    foreach (StrokeNode erasingStrokeNode in _erasingStrokeNodes) 
                        if (inkSegmentBounds.IntersectsWith(erasingStrokeNode.GetBoundsConnected())
                            && erasingStrokeNode.HitTest(inkStrokeNode))
                            return true;
            return false;

        /// Hit-testing for point erase.
        internal bool EraseTest(StrokeNodeIterator iterator, List intersections)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(iterator != null);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(intersections != null); 
            List eraseAt = new List(); 

            if ((_erasingStrokeNodes == null) || (_erasingStrokeNodes.Count == 0)) 
                return false;
            Rect inkSegmentBounds = Rect.Empty;
            for (int x = 0; x < iterator.Count; x++) 
                StrokeNode inkStrokeNode = iterator[x];
                Rect inkNodeBounds = inkStrokeNode.GetBounds(); 

                if (inkSegmentBounds.IntersectsWith(_bounds))
                    int index = eraseAt.Count; 
                    foreach (StrokeNode erasingStrokeNode in _erasingStrokeNodes)
                        if (false == inkSegmentBounds.IntersectsWith(erasingStrokeNode.GetBoundsConnected()))

                        StrokeFIndices fragment = inkStrokeNode.CutTest(erasingStrokeNode); 
                        if (fragment.IsEmpty) 

                        // Merge it with the other results for this ink segment
                        bool inserted = false; 
                        for (int i = index; i < eraseAt.Count; i++)
                            StrokeFIndices lastFragment = eraseAt[i]; 
                            if (fragment.BeginFIndex < lastFragment.EndFIndex)
                                // If the fragments overlap, merge them
                                if (fragment.EndFIndex > lastFragment.BeginFIndex)
                                    fragment = new StrokeFIndices( 
                                        Math.Min(lastFragment.BeginFIndex, fragment.BeginFIndex),
                                        Math.Max(lastFragment.EndFIndex, fragment.EndFIndex)); 
                                    // If the fragment doesn't go beyond lastFragment, break
                                    if ((fragment.EndFIndex <= lastFragment.EndFIndex) || ((i + 1) == eraseAt.Count)) 
                                        inserted = true;
                                        eraseAt[i] = fragment;
                                // insert otherwise
                                    eraseAt.Insert(i, fragment); 
                                    inserted = true; 

                        // If not merged nor inserted, add it to the end of the list 
                        if (false == inserted)
                        // Break out if the entire ink segment is hit - {BeforeFirst, AfterLast} 
                        if (eraseAt[eraseAt.Count - 1].IsFull)
                    // Merge inter-segment overlapping fragments 
                    if ((index > 0) && (index < eraseAt.Count)) 
                        StrokeFIndices lastFragment = eraseAt[index - 1]; 
                        if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(lastFragment.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast) )
                            if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(eraseAt[index].BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))
                                lastFragment.EndFIndex = eraseAt[index].EndFIndex;
                                eraseAt[index - 1] = lastFragment; 
                                lastFragment.EndFIndex = inkStrokeNode.Index;
                                eraseAt[index - 1] = lastFragment;
                // Start next ink segment
                inkSegmentBounds = inkNodeBounds; 
            if (eraseAt.Count != 0)
                foreach (StrokeFIndices segment in eraseAt) 
                    intersections.Add(new StrokeIntersection(segment.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast, 
                                            StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst, segment.EndFIndex)); 
            return (eraseAt.Count != 0);


        #region private API 
        private Point[] FilterPoints(Point[] path) 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(path.Length > 1); 
            Point back2, back1;
            int i;
            List newPath = new List();
            if (_nodeIterator.Count == 0) 
                back2 = path[0];
                back1 = path[1]; 
                i = 2;
                back2 = _nodeIterator[_nodeIterator.Count - 1].Position; 
                back1 = path[0]; 
                i = 1;

            while (i < path.Length)
                if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(back1, path[i])) 
                    // Filter out duplicate points 

                Vector begin = back2 - back1;
                Vector end = path[i] - back1;
                //On a line defined by begin & end,  finds the findex of the point nearest to the origin (0,0). 
                double findex = StrokeNodeOperations.GetProjectionFIndex(begin, end);
                if (DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(findex)) 
                    Vector v = (begin + (end - begin) * findex); 
                    if (v.LengthSquared < CollinearTolerance)
                        // The point back1 can be considered as on the line from back2 to the toTest StrokeNode.
                        // Modify the previous point. 
                        newPath[newPath.Count - 1] = path[i];
                        back1 = path[i]; 
                        _collinearPointsScreened ++; 

                // Add the surviving point into the list. 
                back2 = back1;
                back1 = path[i]; 
            _totalPointsScreened += path.Length - newPath.Count; 
            return newPath.ToArray(); 


        #region Fields

        private StrokeNodeIterator      _nodeIterator; 
        private List        _erasingStrokeNodes = null;
        private Rect                    _bounds = Rect.Empty; 
        private int                     _totalPointsAdded = 0; 
        private int                     _totalPointsScreened = 0;
        private int                     _collinearPointsScreened = 0;
        // The collinear tolerance used in points filtering algorithm. The valie
        // should be further tuned considering trade-off of performance and accuracy. 
        // In general, the larger the value, more points are filtered but less accurate. 
        // For a value of 0.5, typically 70% - 80% percent of the points are filtered out.
        private static readonly double CollinearTolerance = 0.1f; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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