sitestring.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / Util / sitestring.cs / 1 / sitestring.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
// SiteString
namespace System.Security.Util {
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Globalization;

    internal class SiteString
        protected String m_site; 
        protected ArrayList m_separatedSite;
        protected static char[] m_separators = { '.' };

        protected internal SiteString()
            // Only call this in derived classes when you know what you're doing.
        public SiteString( String site )
            m_separatedSite = CreateSeparatedSite( site );
            m_site = site;
        private SiteString( String site, ArrayList separatedSite )
            m_separatedSite = separatedSite; 
            m_site = site;

        private static ArrayList CreateSeparatedSite( String site )
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); 

            if (site == null || site.Length == 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" ));

            int braIndex = -1;
            int ketIndex = -1;
            braIndex = site.IndexOf('['); 
            if (braIndex == 0)
                ketIndex = site.IndexOf(']', braIndex+1); 
            if (ketIndex != -1)
                // Found an IPv6 address. Special case that
                String ipv6Addr = site.Substring(braIndex+1, ketIndex-braIndex-1);
                return list; 
            // Regular hostnames or IPv4 addresses 
            // We dont need to do this for IPv4 addresses, but it's easier to do it anyway
            String[] separatedArray = site.Split( m_separators ); 

            for (int index = separatedArray.Length-1; index > -1; --index)
                if (separatedArray[index] == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" )); 
                else if (separatedArray[index].Equals( "" ))
                    if (index != separatedArray.Length-1)
                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" ));
                else if (separatedArray[index].Equals( "*" )) 
                    if (index != 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" ));
                    list.Add( separatedArray[index] );
                else if (!AllLegalCharacters( separatedArray[index] ))
                    throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" )); 
                    list.Add( separatedArray[index] );

            return list; 

        // KB# Q188997 -;EN-US;Q188997& gives the list of allowed characters in 
        // a NETBIOS name. DNS names are a subset of that (alphanumeric or '-').
        private static bool AllLegalCharacters( String str )
            for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i) 
                char c = str[i]; 
                if (IsLegalDNSChar(c) ||
                    return false; 
            return true;

        private static bool IsLegalDNSChar(char c) 
            if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || 
                (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || 
                (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
                (c == '-')) 
                return true;
                return false;
        private static bool IsNetbiosSplChar(char c)
            //  ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ ' { } . ~ are OK 
            switch (c) {
                case '-': 
                case '_':
                case '@':
                case '!':
                case '#': 
                case '$':
                case '%': 
                case '^': 
                case '&':
                case '(': 
                case ')':
                case '\'':
                case '{':
                case '}': 
                case '.':
                case '~': 
                    return true; 
                    return false; 

        public override String ToString() 
            return m_site; 

        public override bool Equals(Object o) 
            if (o == null || !(o is SiteString))
                return false;
                return this.Equals( (SiteString)o, true );
        public override int GetHashCode()
            TextInfo info = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo;

            return info.GetCaseInsensitiveHashCode( this.m_site );

        internal bool Equals( SiteString ss, bool ignoreCase ) 
            if (this.m_site == null)
                return ss.m_site == null; 
            if (ss.m_site == null)
                return false;
            return this.IsSubsetOf(ss, ignoreCase) && ss.IsSubsetOf(this, ignoreCase);

        public virtual SiteString Copy() 
            return new SiteString( m_site, m_separatedSite ); 

        public virtual bool IsSubsetOf( SiteString operand )
            return this.IsSubsetOf( operand, true );
        public virtual bool IsSubsetOf( SiteString operand, bool ignoreCase )
            StringComparison strComp = (ignoreCase? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (operand == null)
                return false; 
            else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count == operand.m_separatedSite.Count && 
                     this.m_separatedSite.Count == 0) 
                return true; 
            else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count < operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1)
                return false; 
            else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count > operand.m_separatedSite.Count && 
                     operand.m_separatedSite.Count > 0 && 
                     !operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count-1].Equals( "*" ))
                return false;
            else if (String.Compare( this.m_site, operand.m_site, strComp) == 0)
                return true;
            for (int index = 0; index < operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1; ++index)
                if (String.Compare( (String)this.m_separatedSite[index], (String)operand.m_separatedSite[index], strComp) != 0 )
                    return false;
            if (this.m_separatedSite.Count < operand.m_separatedSite.Count) 
                return operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count-1].Equals( "*" ); 
            else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count == operand.m_separatedSite.Count)
                // last item must be the same or operand must have a * in its last item 
                return (String.Compare( (String)this.m_separatedSite[this.m_separatedSite.Count-1],
                                                    strComp ) == 0 || 
                           operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count-1].Equals( "*" ));
                return true;

        public virtual SiteString Intersect( SiteString operand )
            if (operand == null)
                return null;
            else if (this.IsSubsetOf( operand ))
                return this.Copy(); 
            else if (operand.IsSubsetOf( this )) 
                return operand.Copy();
                return null; 
        public virtual SiteString Union( SiteString operand )
            if (operand == null)
                return this;
            else if (this.IsSubsetOf( operand )) 
                return operand.Copy(); 
            else if (operand.IsSubsetOf( this ))
                return this.Copy(); 
                return null;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
// SiteString
namespace System.Security.Util {
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Globalization;

    internal class SiteString
        protected String m_site; 
        protected ArrayList m_separatedSite;
        protected static char[] m_separators = { '.' };

        protected internal SiteString()
            // Only call this in derived classes when you know what you're doing.
        public SiteString( String site )
            m_separatedSite = CreateSeparatedSite( site );
            m_site = site;
        private SiteString( String site, ArrayList separatedSite )
            m_separatedSite = separatedSite; 
            m_site = site;

        private static ArrayList CreateSeparatedSite( String site )
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); 

            if (site == null || site.Length == 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" ));

            int braIndex = -1;
            int ketIndex = -1;
            braIndex = site.IndexOf('['); 
            if (braIndex == 0)
                ketIndex = site.IndexOf(']', braIndex+1); 
            if (ketIndex != -1)
                // Found an IPv6 address. Special case that
                String ipv6Addr = site.Substring(braIndex+1, ketIndex-braIndex-1);
                return list; 
            // Regular hostnames or IPv4 addresses 
            // We dont need to do this for IPv4 addresses, but it's easier to do it anyway
            String[] separatedArray = site.Split( m_separators ); 

            for (int index = separatedArray.Length-1; index > -1; --index)
                if (separatedArray[index] == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" )); 
                else if (separatedArray[index].Equals( "" ))
                    if (index != separatedArray.Length-1)
                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" ));
                else if (separatedArray[index].Equals( "*" )) 
                    if (index != 0)
                        throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" ));
                    list.Add( separatedArray[index] );
                else if (!AllLegalCharacters( separatedArray[index] ))
                    throw new ArgumentException( Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidSite" )); 
                    list.Add( separatedArray[index] );

            return list; 

        // KB# Q188997 -;EN-US;Q188997& gives the list of allowed characters in 
        // a NETBIOS name. DNS names are a subset of that (alphanumeric or '-').
        private static bool AllLegalCharacters( String str )
            for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; ++i) 
                char c = str[i]; 
                if (IsLegalDNSChar(c) ||
                    return false; 
            return true;

        private static bool IsLegalDNSChar(char c) 
            if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || 
                (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || 
                (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
                (c == '-')) 
                return true;
                return false;
        private static bool IsNetbiosSplChar(char c)
            //  ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) - _ ' { } . ~ are OK 
            switch (c) {
                case '-': 
                case '_':
                case '@':
                case '!':
                case '#': 
                case '$':
                case '%': 
                case '^': 
                case '&':
                case '(': 
                case ')':
                case '\'':
                case '{':
                case '}': 
                case '.':
                case '~': 
                    return true; 
                    return false; 

        public override String ToString() 
            return m_site; 

        public override bool Equals(Object o) 
            if (o == null || !(o is SiteString))
                return false;
                return this.Equals( (SiteString)o, true );
        public override int GetHashCode()
            TextInfo info = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.TextInfo;

            return info.GetCaseInsensitiveHashCode( this.m_site );

        internal bool Equals( SiteString ss, bool ignoreCase ) 
            if (this.m_site == null)
                return ss.m_site == null; 
            if (ss.m_site == null)
                return false;
            return this.IsSubsetOf(ss, ignoreCase) && ss.IsSubsetOf(this, ignoreCase);

        public virtual SiteString Copy() 
            return new SiteString( m_site, m_separatedSite ); 

        public virtual bool IsSubsetOf( SiteString operand )
            return this.IsSubsetOf( operand, true );
        public virtual bool IsSubsetOf( SiteString operand, bool ignoreCase )
            StringComparison strComp = (ignoreCase? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (operand == null)
                return false; 
            else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count == operand.m_separatedSite.Count && 
                     this.m_separatedSite.Count == 0) 
                return true; 
            else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count < operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1)
                return false; 
            else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count > operand.m_separatedSite.Count && 
                     operand.m_separatedSite.Count > 0 && 
                     !operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count-1].Equals( "*" ))
                return false;
            else if (String.Compare( this.m_site, operand.m_site, strComp) == 0)
                return true;
            for (int index = 0; index < operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1; ++index)
                if (String.Compare( (String)this.m_separatedSite[index], (String)operand.m_separatedSite[index], strComp) != 0 )
                    return false;
            if (this.m_separatedSite.Count < operand.m_separatedSite.Count) 
                return operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count-1].Equals( "*" ); 
            else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count == operand.m_separatedSite.Count)
                // last item must be the same or operand must have a * in its last item 
                return (String.Compare( (String)this.m_separatedSite[this.m_separatedSite.Count-1],
                                                    strComp ) == 0 || 
                           operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count-1].Equals( "*" ));
                return true;

        public virtual SiteString Intersect( SiteString operand )
            if (operand == null)
                return null;
            else if (this.IsSubsetOf( operand ))
                return this.Copy(); 
            else if (operand.IsSubsetOf( this )) 
                return operand.Copy();
                return null; 
        public virtual SiteString Union( SiteString operand )
            if (operand == null)
                return this;
            else if (this.IsSubsetOf( operand )) 
                return operand.Copy(); 
            else if (operand.IsSubsetOf( this ))
                return this.Copy(); 
                return null;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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