SapiRecognizer.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SapiInterop / SapiRecognizer.cs / 1 / SapiRecognizer.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
//  All the calls to SAPI interfaces are wrapped into the class 'SapiRecognizer',
// 'SapiContext' and 'SapiGrammar'. 
// The SAPI call are executed in the context of a proxy that is either a
// pass-through or forward the request to an MTA thread for SAPI 5.1 
// History:
//		4/1/2006	[....]		

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Speech.Recognition;
using System.Speech.Internal.ObjectTokens; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;

namespace System.Speech.Internal.SapiInterop 
    internal class SapiRecognizer : IDisposable 
        // Constructors
        #region Constructors
        internal SapiRecognizer (RecognizerType type) 
            ISpRecognizer recognizer; 
                if (type == RecognizerType.InProc)
                    recognizer = (ISpRecognizer) new SpInprocRecognizer ();
                    recognizer = (ISpRecognizer) new SpSharedRecognizer ();
                throw new NotImplementedException ();
                _isSap53 = recognizer is ISpRecognizer2; 
            catch (COMException e)
                throw RecognizerBase.ExceptionFromSapiCreateRecognizerError (e);


            // Back out if the recognizer we have SAPI 5.1 
            if (!IsSapi53 && System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState () == System.Threading.ApartmentState.STA) 
                // must be recreated on a different thread 
                Marshal.ReleaseComObject (recognizer);
                _proxy = new SapiProxy.MTAThread (type);
                _proxy = new SapiProxy.PassThrough (recognizer); 

        public void Dispose ()
            if (!_disposed) 
                _proxy.Dispose (); 
                _disposed = true; 
            GC.SuppressFinalize (this); 

        // Internal Methods 

        #region Internal Methods

        // ISpProperties Methods 
        internal void SetPropertyNum (string name, Int32 value)
            _proxy.Invoke2 (delegate { SetProperty (_proxy.Recognizer, name, value); }); 
        internal Int32 GetPropertyNum (string name)
            return (Int32) _proxy.Invoke (delegate { return GetProperty (_proxy.Recognizer, name, true); });
        internal void SetPropertyString (string name, string value)
            _proxy.Invoke2 (delegate { SetProperty (_proxy.Recognizer, name, value); }); 
        internal string GetPropertyString (string name)
            return (string) _proxy.Invoke (delegate { return GetProperty (_proxy.Recognizer, name, false); });

        // ISpRecognizer Methods 
        internal void SetRecognizer (ISpObjectToken recognizer) 
                _proxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _proxy.Recognizer.SetRecognizer (recognizer); });
            catch (InvalidCastException) 
                // The Interop layer maps the SAPI error that an interface cannot by QI to an Invalid cast exception 
                // Map the InvalidCastException 
                throw new PlatformNotSupportedException (SR.Get (SRID.NotSupportedWithThisVersionOfSAPI));

        internal RecognizerInfo GetRecognizerInfo ()
            ISpObjectToken sapiObjectToken;
            return (RecognizerInfo) _proxy.Invoke (delegate 
                RecognizerInfo recognizerInfo;
                _proxy.Recognizer.GetRecognizer (out sapiObjectToken); 

                IntPtr sapiTokenId;
                    sapiObjectToken.GetId (out sapiTokenId);
                    string tokenId = Marshal.PtrToStringUni (sapiTokenId); 
                    recognizerInfo = RecognizerInfo.Create (ObjectToken.Create (null, tokenId, false)); 
                    if (recognizerInfo == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.RecognizerNotFound));
                    Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem (sapiTokenId);
                    Marshal.ReleaseComObject (sapiObjectToken); 
                return recognizerInfo;
        internal void SetInput (object input, bool allowFormatChanges)
            _proxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _proxy.Recognizer.SetInput (input, allowFormatChanges); }); 
        internal SapiRecoContext CreateRecoContext ()
            ISpRecoContext context;
            return (SapiRecoContext) _proxy.Invoke (delegate { _proxy.Recognizer.CreateRecoContext (out context); return new SapiRecoContext (context, _proxy); }); 
        internal SPRECOSTATE GetRecoState () 
            SPRECOSTATE state; 
            return (SPRECOSTATE) _proxy.Invoke (delegate { _proxy.Recognizer.GetRecoState (out state); return state; });

        internal void SetRecoState (SPRECOSTATE state) 
            _proxy.Invoke2 (delegate { _proxy.Recognizer.SetRecoState (state); }); 

        internal SPRECOGNIZERSTATUS GetStatus () 
            SPRECOGNIZERSTATUS status;
            return (SPRECOGNIZERSTATUS) _proxy.Invoke (delegate { _proxy.Recognizer.GetStatus (out status); return status; });

        internal IntPtr GetFormat (SPSTREAMFORMATTYPE WaveFormatType) 
            return (IntPtr) _proxy.Invoke (delegate
                Guid formatId;
                IntPtr ppCoMemWFEX;
                _proxy.Recognizer.GetFormat (WaveFormatType, out formatId, out ppCoMemWFEX); return ppCoMemWFEX;
        internal SAPIErrorCodes EmulateRecognition (string phrase) 
            object displayAttributes = " "; // Passing a null object here doesn't work because EmulateRecognition doesn't handle VT_EMPTY 
            return (SAPIErrorCodes) _proxy.Invoke (delegate { return _proxy.SapiSpeechRecognizer.EmulateRecognition (phrase, ref displayAttributes, 0); });

        internal SAPIErrorCodes EmulateRecognition (ISpPhrase iSpPhrase, UInt32 dwCompareFlags) 
            return (SAPIErrorCodes) _proxy.Invoke (delegate { return _proxy.Recognizer2.EmulateRecognitionEx (iSpPhrase, dwCompareFlags); }); 


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        internal bool IsSapi53
                return _isSap53;


        // Internal Types 
        #region Internal Types
        internal enum RecognizerType

        // Private Methods

        #region Private Methods 
        private static void SetProperty (ISpRecognizer sapiRecognizer, string name, object value)
            SAPIErrorCodes errorCode;

            if (value is Int32)
                errorCode = (SAPIErrorCodes) sapiRecognizer.SetPropertyNum (name, (Int32) value);
                errorCode = (SAPIErrorCodes) sapiRecognizer.SetPropertyString (name, (string) value); 

            if (errorCode == SAPIErrorCodes.S_FALSE)
                throw new KeyNotFoundException (SR.Get (SRID.RecognizerSettingNotSupported));
            else if (errorCode < SAPIErrorCodes.S_OK) 
                throw RecognizerBase.ExceptionFromSapiCreateRecognizerError (new COMException (SR.Get (SRID.RecognizerSettingUpdateError), (int) errorCode)); 

        private static object GetProperty (ISpRecognizer sapiRecognizer, string name, bool integer) 
            SAPIErrorCodes errorCode; 
            object result = null; 

            if (integer) 
                int value;
                errorCode = (SAPIErrorCodes) sapiRecognizer.GetPropertyNum (name, out value);
                result = value; 
                string value;
                errorCode = (SAPIErrorCodes) sapiRecognizer.GetPropertyString (name, out  value); 
                result = value;

            if (errorCode == SAPIErrorCodes.S_FALSE) 
                throw new KeyNotFoundException (SR.Get (SRID.RecognizerSettingNotSupported)); 
            else if (errorCode < SAPIErrorCodes.S_OK)
                throw RecognizerBase.ExceptionFromSapiCreateRecognizerError (new COMException (SR.Get (SRID.RecognizerSettingUpdateError), (int) errorCode));
            return result;

        // Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        private SapiProxy _proxy; 
        private bool _disposed;
        private bool _isSap53; 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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