FrameworkTemplate.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / FrameworkTemplate.cs / 1 / FrameworkTemplate.cs

// File: FrameworkTemplate.cs
// Description: 
//   A generic class that allow instantiation of a tree of Framework[Content]Elements.
// Copyright (C) 2005 by Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

using MS.Internal;                      // Helper
using MS.Utility;                       // ChildValueLookupList
using System.ComponentModel;            // DesignerSerializationVisibility, DefaultValueAttribute 
using System.Collections;               // Hashtable
using System.Collections.Generic;       // List 
using System.Collections.Specialized;   // HybridDictionary 
using System.Diagnostics;               // Debug
using System.Threading;                 // Interlocked 
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;   // Timeline
using System.Windows.Markup;     // XamlTemplateSerializer, ContentPropertyAttribute
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Controls; 
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Threading; // DispatcherObject 

namespace System.Windows 
    ///     A generic class that allow instantiation of a
    ///     tree of Framework[Content]Elements. 
    [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.NeverLocalize)] // All properties on template are not localizable 
    public abstract class FrameworkTemplate : DispatcherObject, INameScope, ISealable, IHaveResources

        protected FrameworkTemplate() 
            #if DEBUG 
            _debugInstanceCounter = ++_globalDebugInstanceCounter; 

        #region PublicMethods


        ///     Subclasses must override this method if they need to 
        ///     impose additional rules for the TemplatedParent
        protected virtual void ValidateTemplatedParent(FrameworkElement templatedParent)
            Debug.Assert(templatedParent != null,
                "Must have a non-null FE TemplatedParent."); 
        #endregion PublicMethods 

        #region PublicProperties 

        ///     Says if this template has been sealed
        public bool IsSealed
                // Verify Context Access 

                return _sealed;
        ///     Root node of the template
        public FrameworkElementFactory VisualTree
                // Verify Context Access
                return _templateRoot;
                // Verify Context Access


                _templateRoot = value; 

                // We have a FEF-based template now, so get rid of any prior
                // Baml-based template content.
                _optimizedTemplateContent = null; 


        /// Indicates if the VisualTree property should be serialized.
        public bool ShouldSerializeVisualTree()
            // Verify Context Access 
            return HasContent || VisualTree != null;


        /// The content of this template.  The alternate form of template content is the VisualTree property.
        /// One of these two properties may be set, but not both.  Note that getting this property can cause 
        /// the content to created, which could be expensive.  So to merely check if Content is set to a non-null
        /// value, use the HasContent property.
        public FrameworkElement Content 
                // Verify Context Access

                if( HasContent ) 
                    return LoadTemplateContent() as FrameworkElement; 
                    return null;

        /// Returns true if the Content property should be serialized
        public bool ShouldSerializeContent()
            // Verify Context Access 
            return HasContent || VisualTree != null; 

        /// Resets the Content property to null;
        public void ResetContent() 
            // Verify Context Access

            _templateRoot = null;
            _optimizedTemplateContent = null;


        ///     The collection of resources that can be
        ///     consumed by the container and its sub-tree.
        public ResourceDictionary Resources 
                // Verify Context Access

                if( _resources == null ) 
                    _resources = new ResourceDictionary(); 
                    // A Template ResourceDictionary can be accessed across threads
                    _resources.CanBeAccessedAcrossThreads = true; 

                if( IsSealed )
                    _resources.IsReadOnly = true;
                return _resources;
                // Verify Context Access

                if( IsSealed ) 
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "Template"));

                _resources = value;

                if (_resources != null) 
                    // A Template ResourceDictionary can be accessed across threads 
                    _resources.CanBeAccessedAcrossThreads = true; 

        ResourceDictionary IHaveResources.Resources
            get { return Resources; }
            set { Resources = value; } 

        ///     Tries to find a Reosurce for the given resourceKey in the current
        ///     template's ResourceDictionary.
        internal object FindResource(object resourceKey, bool allowDeferredResourceReference, bool mustReturnDeferredResourceReference) 
            if ((_resources != null) && _resources.Contains(resourceKey)) 
                bool canCache;
                return _resources.FetchResource(resourceKey, allowDeferredResourceReference, mustReturnDeferredResourceReference, out canCache); 
            return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;

        /// FindName - Finds the element associated with the id defined under this control template.
        ///          Context of the FrameworkElement where this template is applied will be passed 
        ///          as parameter.
        /// string name
        /// context where this template is applied 
        /// the element associated with the Name
        public Object FindName( string name, FrameworkElement templatedParent) 
            // Verify Context Access

            if (templatedParent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("templatedParent"); 
            if (this != templatedParent.TemplateInternal) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.TemplateFindNameInInvalidElement)); 

            return StyleHelper.FindNameInTemplateContent(templatedParent, name, this);

        #endregion PublicProperties 

        #region INameScope 

        /// Registers the name - Context combination
        /// Name to register
        /// Element where name is defined 
        public void RegisterName(string name, object scopedElement) 
            // Verify Context Access 

            _nameScope.RegisterName(name, scopedElement);

        /// Unregisters the name - element combination 
        /// Name of the element 
        public void UnregisterName(string name)
            // Verify Context Access


        /// Find the element given name
        /// Name of the element
        object INameScope.FindName(string name) 
            // Verify Context Access 

            return _nameScope.FindName(name); 

        private NameScope _nameScope = new NameScope();
        #endregion INameScope

        #region NonPublicMethods

        //  =========================================================================== 
        //  Validation methods
        //  =========================================================================== 
        // Validate against the following rules
        // 1. The VisualTree's root must be a FrameworkElement. 
        private void ValidateVisualTree(FrameworkElementFactory templateRoot)
            // The VisualTree's root must be a FrameworkElement.
            if (templateRoot != null && 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.VisualTreeRootIsFrameworkElement, 
                    typeof(FrameworkElement).Name, templateRoot.Type.Name));

        //  ============================================================================
        //  These methods are invoked when a Template is being sealed 
        //  ===========================================================================
        #region Seal 

        internal virtual void ProcessTemplateBeforeSeal() 


        /// Seal this FrameworkTemplate 
        public void Seal() 
            // Verify Context Access
                ref _sealed, 
                ref ChildRecordFromChildIndex,
                ref TriggerSourceRecordFromChildIndex, 
                ref ContainerDependents,
                ref ResourceDependents, 
                ref EventDependents, 
                ref _triggerActions,
                ref _dataTriggerRecordFromBinding, 
                ref _hasInstanceValues,
                ref _eventHandlersStore);
        // Subclasses need to call this method before any changes to their state.
        internal void CheckSealed() 
            if (_sealed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.CannotChangeAfterSealed, "Template"));
        // compute and cache the flags for ResourceReferences
        internal void SetResourceReferenceState() 
            Debug.Assert(!_sealed, "call this method before template is sealed");
            StyleHelper.SortResourceDependents(ref ResourceDependents);

            for (int i=0;  i < ResourceDependents.Count;  ++i)
                if (ResourceDependents[i].ChildIndex == 0)
                    WriteInternalFlag(InternalFlags.HasContainerResourceReferences, true); 
                    WriteInternalFlag(InternalFlags.HasChildResourceReferences, true);
        #endregion Seal 

        //  ============================================================================ 
        //  These methods are invoked to during a call call to
        //  FE.EnsureVisual or FCE.EnsureLogical
        //  ============================================================================
        #region InstantiateSubTree
        //  This method
        //  Creates the VisualTree 
        //[CodeAnalysis("AptcaMethodsShouldOnlyCallAptcaMethods")] //Tracking Bug: 29647
        internal bool ApplyTemplateContent(
            UncommonField templateDataField, 
            FrameworkElement           container)

            if( TraceDependencyProperty.IsEnabled )
                    this );

            bool visualsCreated = StyleHelper.ApplyTemplateContent(templateDataField, container,
                _templateRoot, _lastChildIndex, 
                _childIndexFromChildName, this); 

            if( TraceDependencyProperty.IsEnabled ) 
                    this ); 

            if (visualsCreated)
                string label = container.ID;
                if (label == null || label.Length == 0) 
                    label = container.GetHashCode().ToString(); 
                Console.WriteLine("  Style.VT created for {0} {1} in {2:f2} msec",
                    container.GetType().Name, label, _timer.TimeOfLastPeriod); 

            return visualsCreated; 
        #endregion InstantiateSubTree 


        //  LoadContent
        //  Load the content of a template, returning the root element of the content.  The second version 
        //  loads the template content for use on an FE (i.e. under FrameworkElement.ApplyTemplate).  The
        //  first version is used by the Content property for serialization, no optimization is 
        //  performed, and TemplateBinding's show up as TemplateBindingExpression's.  So it's just a normal
        //  tree.

        /// Load the content of a template as an instance of an object.  Calling this multiple times 
        /// will return separate instances.
        public DependencyObject LoadContent()
            // Verify Context Access

            if( VisualTree != null ) 
                FrameworkObject frameworkObject = VisualTree.InstantiateUnoptimizedTree();
                return frameworkObject.DO; 
                return LoadContent( null, null, null ); 

        internal DependencyObject LoadContent( 
                                                        DependencyObject container,
                                                        List affectedChildren,
                                                        UncommonField templatedNonFeChildrenField )
            DependencyObject toReturn;
            if( !HasContent ) 
                return null; 

            // The following call is going to modify the _parserContext,
            // so we can't let multiple threads in simultaneously. Also 
            // notice that we are acquiring the ThemeDictionaryLock. This
            // is because the _parserContext used for template expansion 
            // shares data-structures such as the BamlMapTable and 
            // XamlTypeMapper with the parent ParserContext that was used
            // to build the template in the first place. So if this template 
            // is from the theme then the ParserContext that is used for
            // loading deferred content in the theme dictionary and the
            // _parserContext used to load template content share the same
            // instances of BamlMapTable and XamlTypeMapper. Hence we acquire 
            // the ThemeDictionaryLock in order to protect these data-structures
            // from improper multi-threaded access. 
            lock (SystemResources.ThemeDictionaryLock)

                    toReturn = StyleHelper.LoadOptimizedTemplateContent(
                                    templatedNonFeChildrenField ); 

            return toReturn;

        /// Indicate if this template has optimized content. 
        public bool HasContent
                // Verify Context Access 

                return _optimizedTemplateContent != null && !_optimizedTemplateContent.IsEmpty; 


        //  =========================================================================== 
        //  These methods are invoked when the template has an alternate
        //  mechanism of generating a visual tree. 
        //  ===========================================================================

        #region BuildVisualTree
        //  This method 
        //  1. Is an alternative approach to building a visual tree from a FEF 
        //  2. Is used by ContentPresenter and Hyperlink to host their content
        //CASRemoval:[StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, PublicKey=Microsoft.Internal.BuildInfo.WCP_PUBLIC_KEY_STRING)]
        internal virtual bool BuildVisualTree(FrameworkElement container)
            return false; 
        //  This property
        //  1. Says if this Template is meant to use BuildVisualTree mechanism 
        //     to generate a visual tree.
        //  2. Is used in the following scenario.
        //     We need to preserve the treeState cache on a container node
        //     even after all its logical children have been added. This is so that 
        //     construction of the style visual tree nodes can consume the cache.
        //     This method helps us know whether we should retain the cache for 
        //     special scenarios when the visual tree is being built via BuildVisualTree 
        internal  bool CanBuildVisualTree 
            get { return ReadInternalFlag(InternalFlags.CanBuildVisualTree); }
            set { WriteInternalFlag(InternalFlags.CanBuildVisualTree, value); }

        #endregion BuildVisualTree 

        /// This method is used by TypeDescriptor to determine if this property should
        /// be serialized.
        public bool ShouldSerializeResources(XamlDesignerSerializationManager manager) 
            // Verify Context Access

            bool shouldSerialize = true;

            if(manager != null) 
                shouldSerialize = (manager.XmlWriter == null); 

            return shouldSerialize; 

        // Extracts the required flag and returns
        // bool to indicate if it is set or unset 
        private bool ReadInternalFlag(InternalFlags reqFlag)
            return (_flags & reqFlag) != 0; 
        // Sets or Unsets the required flag based on
        // the bool argument
        private void WriteInternalFlag(InternalFlags reqFlag, bool set)
            if (set)
                _flags |= reqFlag; 
                _flags &= (~reqFlag);

        #endregion NonPublicMethods 
        #region NonPublicProperties

        //  SetTemplateParentValues 
        //  This method takes the "template parent values" (those that look like local values in the template), which 
        //  are ordinarily shared, and sets them as local values on the FE/FCE that was just created.  This is used 
        //  during serialization.

        internal static void SetTemplateParentValues(
                                                          string name, 
                                                          object element,
                                                          FrameworkTemplate frameworkTemplate, 
                                                          ref ProvideValueServiceProvider provideValueServiceProvider ) 
            int childIndex; 

            // Loop through the shared values, and set them onto the element.

            FrugalStructList childRecordFromChildIndex; 
            HybridDictionary childIndexFromChildName;
            // Seal the template, and get the name->index and index->ChildRecord mappings 

            if (!frameworkTemplate.IsSealed) 
            childIndexFromChildName = frameworkTemplate._childIndexFromChildName;
            childRecordFromChildIndex = frameworkTemplate.ChildRecordFromChildIndex; 

            // Calculate the child index 

            childIndex = StyleHelper.QueryChildIndexFromChildName(name, childIndexFromChildName);

            // Do we have a ChildRecord for this index (i.e., there's some property set on it)? 

            if (childIndex < childRecordFromChildIndex.Count) 
                // Yes, get the record.
                ChildRecord child = (ChildRecord)childRecordFromChildIndex[childIndex];

                // Loop through the properties which are in some way set on this child
                for (int i = 0; i < child.ValueLookupListFromProperty.Count; i++)
                    // And for each of those properties, loop through the potential values specified in the template 
                    // for that property on that child.
                    for (int j = 0; j < child.ValueLookupListFromProperty.Entries[i].Value.Count; j++)
                        // Get this value (in valueLookup)
                        ChildValueLookup valueLookup;
                        valueLookup = (ChildValueLookup)child.ValueLookupListFromProperty.Entries[i].Value.List[j]; 
                        // See if this value is one that is considered to be locally set on the child element
                        if (valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.Simple
                            valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.Resource
                            valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.TemplateBinding)
                            // This shared value is for this element, so we'll set it.
                            object value = valueLookup.Value;

                            // If this is a TemplateBinding, put on an expression for it, so that it can
                            // be represented correctly (e.g. for serialization).  Otherwise, keep it as an ME. 

                            if (valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.TemplateBinding) 
                                value = new TemplateBindingExpression( value as TemplateBindingExtension );

                            // Dynamic resources need to be converted to an expression also.
                            else if (valueLookup.LookupType == ValueLookupType.Resource)
                                value = new ResourceReferenceExpression(value); 
                            // Bindings are handled as just an ME

                            // Set the value directly onto the element.
                            MarkupExtension me = value as MarkupExtension;
                            if (me != null) 
                                // This is provided for completeness, but really there's only a few 
                                // MEs that survive TemplateBamlRecordReader.  E.g. NullExtension would
                                // have been converted to a null by now.  There's only a few MEs that
                                // are preserved, e.g. Binding and DynamicResource.  Other MEs, such as
                                // StaticResource, wouldn't be able to ProvideValue here, because we don't 
                                // have a ParserContext.
                                if (provideValueServiceProvider == null) 
                                    provideValueServiceProvider = new ProvideValueServiceProvider(); 

                                provideValueServiceProvider.SetData(element, valueLookup.Property);
                                value = me.ProvideValue(provideValueServiceProvider); 
                            (element as DependencyObject).SetValue(valueLookup.Property, value); //sharedDp.Dp, value );


        //  TargetType for ControlTemplate 
        internal virtual Type TargetTypeInternal 
            get {  return null; }

        // Subclasses must provide a way for the parser to directly set the
        // target type.
        internal abstract void SetTargetTypeInternal(Type targetType); 

        //  DataType for DataTemplate 
        internal virtual object DataTypeInternal 
            get {  return null; }
        #region ISealable
        /// Can this template be sealed
        bool ISealable.CanSeal
            get { return true; }

        /// Is this template sealed 
        bool ISealable.IsSealed 
            get { return IsSealed; }
        /// Seal this template 
        void ISealable.Seal()

        #endregion ISealable 

        //  Collection of Triggers for a ControlTemplate 
        internal virtual TriggerCollection TriggersInternal 
            get { return null; }
        //  Says if this template contains any resource references 
        internal bool HasResourceReferences
            get { return ResourceDependents.Count > 0; }

        //  Says if this template contains any resource references for properties on the container
        internal bool HasContainerResourceReferences 
            get { return ReadInternalFlag(InternalFlags.HasContainerResourceReferences); } 

        //  Says if this template contains any resource references for properties on children 
        internal bool HasChildResourceReferences 
            get { return ReadInternalFlag(InternalFlags.HasChildResourceReferences); }

        //  Says if this template contains any event handlers
        internal bool HasEventDependents
            get { return (EventDependents.Count > 0); } 
        //  Says if this template contains any per-instance values
        internal bool HasInstanceValues 
            get { return _hasInstanceValues; } 

        // Says if we have anything listening for the Loaded or Unloaded
        // event (used for an optimization in FrameworkElement).
        internal bool HasLoadedChangeHandler 
            get { return ReadInternalFlag(InternalFlags.HasLoadedChangeHandler); } 
            set { WriteInternalFlag(InternalFlags.HasLoadedChangeHandler, value); } 

        // OptimizedTemplateContent holds the content of a template, in optimized form
        // (optimized such that shareable property values are shared across all
        // instances of the template).  This only exists if the template is defined 
        // in Baml.  If it is defined with FEFs (the less common case), this will
        // be null, and the VisualTree property will hold the FEF tree. 
        internal OptimizedTemplateContent OptimizedTemplateContent
                if( _optimizedTemplateContent == null )
                    _optimizedTemplateContent = new OptimizedTemplateContent(this);
                return _optimizedTemplateContent;

        // Give the template its own copy of the parser context.  It needs a copy, because it's 
        // going to use it later on every application.
        internal void CopyParserContext( ParserContext parserContext ) 
            _parserContext = parserContext.ScopedCopy( false /*copyNameScopeStack*/ ); 

            // We need to clear the Journal bit, because we know we won't be able to honor it correctly.
            // Journaling journals the properties in the logical tree, so doesn't journal properties in the
            // Template/Resources.  This shouldn't be hard-coded here, but is an internal solution for V1. 
            _parserContext.SkipJournaledProperties = false;
        // ParserContext cached with this template. 
        internal ParserContext ParserContext
            get { return _parserContext; } 
        //  Store all the event handlers for this Style TargetType 
        internal EventHandlersStore EventHandlersStore
            get { return _eventHandlersStore; } 
        // Style and component connectors used during template
        // application. 
        internal IStyleConnector StyleConnector
            get { return _styleConnector; } 
            set { _styleConnector = value; }
        internal IComponentConnector ComponentConnector 
            get { return _componentConnector; } 
            set { _componentConnector = value; }

        // Prefetched values for static resources 
        internal object[] StaticResourceValues
            get { return _staticResourceValues; }
            set { _staticResourceValues = value; }
        #endregion NonPublicProperties
        #region Data 

        private InternalFlags           _flags; 
        private bool                    _sealed;    // passed by ref, so cannot use flags
        private bool                    _hasInstanceValues; // passed by ref, so cannot use flags

        private ParserContext           _parserContext; 
        private IStyleConnector         _styleConnector;
        private IComponentConnector     _componentConnector; 
        // If we're a FEF-based template, we'll have a _templateRoot.  Otherwise
        // we're a baml-based template, and we'll have an _optimizedTemplateContent. 

        private FrameworkElementFactory _templateRoot;
        internal OptimizedTemplateContent  _optimizedTemplateContent;
        //  Used to generate childIndex for each TemplateNode 
        internal HybridDictionary _childIndexFromChildName = new HybridDictionary();
        internal int              _lastChildIndex = 1; // 0 means "self" (container), no instance ever has index 0 

        // Resource dictionary associated with this template.
        internal ResourceDictionary _resources = null;
        //  Used by EventTrigger: Maps a RoutedEventID to a set of TriggerAction objects
        //  to be performed. 
        internal HybridDictionary _triggerActions = null;

        // Shared tables used during GetValue
        internal FrugalStructList ChildRecordFromChildIndex = new FrugalStructList(); // Indexed by Child.ChildIndex 

        // Shared tables used during OnTriggerSourcePropertyInvalidated
        internal FrugalStructList> TriggerSourceRecordFromChildIndex = new FrugalStructList>();
        // Dictionary of property triggers that have TriggerActions, keyed via DP.GlobalIndex affecting those triggers.
        //  Each trigger can be listed multiple times, if they are dependent on multiple properties. 
        internal FrugalMap PropertyTriggersWithActions; 

        // Shared tables used during OnStyleInvalidated/OnTemplateInvalidated/InvalidateTree

        // Properties driven on the container (by the Style) that should be 
        // invalidated when the style gets applied/unapplied. These properties
        // could have been set via Style.SetValue or VisualTrigger.SetValue 
        internal FrugalStructList ContainerDependents = new FrugalStructList(); 

        // Properties driven by a resource that should be invalidated 
        // when a resource dictionary changes or when the tree changes
        // or when a Style is Invalidated
        internal FrugalStructList ResourceDependents = new FrugalStructList();
        // Data trigger information.  An entry for each Binding that appears in a
        // condition of a data trigger. 
        // Synchronized: Covered by Style instance 
        internal HybridDictionary _dataTriggerRecordFromBinding;
        // An entry for each Binding that appears in a DataTrigger with EnterAction or ExitAction
        //  This overlaps but should not be the same as _dataTriggerRecordFromBinding above:
        //   A DataTrigger can have Setters but no EnterAction/ExitAction.  (The reverse can also be true.)
        internal HybridDictionary DataTriggersWithActions = null; 

        // It is possible for trigger events to occur before template expansion has 
        //  taken place.  In these cases, we cannot resolve the appropriate target name 
        //  at that time.  We defer invoking these actions until template expansion
        //  is complete. 
        // The key to the dictionary are the individual object instances that this
        //  template applies to.  (We might be holding deferred actions for multiple
        //  objects.)
        // The value of the dictionary is the trigger object and one of its action 
        //  lists stored in the struct DeferredAction.
        internal HybridDictionary DeferredActions = null; 

        // Keep track of the template children elements for which the template has a Loaded 
        // or Unloaded listener.

        internal class TemplateChildLoadedFlags
            public bool HasLoadedChangedHandler;
            public bool HasUnloadedChangedHandler; 

        internal HybridDictionary _TemplateChildLoadedDictionary = new HybridDictionary(); 

        // Shared tables used during Event Routing 
        // Events driven by a this style. An entry for every childIndex that has associated events. 
        // childIndex '0' is used to represent events set ont he style's TargetType. This data-structure
        // will be frequently looked up during event routing. 
        internal ItemStructList EventDependents = new ItemStructList(1);

        // Used to store a private delegate that called back during event
        // routing so we can process EventTriggers 
        private EventHandlersStore _eventHandlersStore = null;
        // Prefetched values for StaticResources 
        private object[] _staticResourceValues = null;
        // Time that is used only when style tracing is enabled
        private MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer _timer = new MS.Internal.Utility.HFTimer();

        #if DEBUG 
        // Debug counter for intelligent breakpoints. 
        static private int _globalDebugInstanceCounter = 0;
        private int        _debugInstanceCounter; 

        private enum InternalFlags : uint 
            //Sealed                          = 0x00000001, 
            //HasInstanceValues               = 0x00000002, 
            CanBuildVisualTree              = 0x00000004,
            HasLoadedChangeHandler          = 0x00000008, 
            HasContainerResourceReferences  = 0x00000010,
            HasChildResourceReferences      = 0x00000020,
        #endregion Data



// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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