EdmFunctions.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Common / CommandTrees / ExpressionBuilder / EdmFunctions.cs / 1305376 / EdmFunctions.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder.Internal; 
using System.Reflection;
namespace System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.ExpressionBuilder 
    /// Provides an API to construct s that invoke canonical EDM functions, and allows that API to be accessed as extension methods on the expression type itself.
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId = "Edm")]
    static class EdmFunctions 
        #region Private Implementation 

        private static EdmFunction ResolveCanonicalFunction(string functionName, TypeUsage[] argumentTypes)
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(functionName), "Function name must not be null"); 

            List functions = new List( 
                    func => string.Equals(func.Name, functionName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 

            EdmFunction foundFunction = null;
            bool ambiguous = false; 
            if (functions.Count > 0)
                foundFunction = EntitySql.FunctionOverloadResolver.ResolveFunctionOverloads(functions, argumentTypes, false, out ambiguous); 
                if (ambiguous)
                    throw EntityUtil.Argument(Entity.Strings.Cqt_Function_CanonicalFunction_AmbiguousMatch(functionName));
            if (foundFunction == null)
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(Entity.Strings.Cqt_Function_CanonicalFunction_NotFound(functionName)); 
            return foundFunction;

        private static DbFunctionExpression InvokeCanonicalFunction(string functionName, params DbExpression[] arguments) 
            TypeUsage[] argumentTypes = new TypeUsage[arguments.Length]; 
            for (int idx = 0; idx < arguments.Length; idx++) 
                Debug.Assert(arguments[idx] != null, "Ensure arguments are non-null before calling InvokeCanonicalFunction"); 
                argumentTypes[idx] = arguments[idx].ResultType;

            EdmFunction foundFunction = ResolveCanonicalFunction(functionName, argumentTypes); 
            return DbExpressionBuilder.Invoke(foundFunction, arguments);

        #region Aggregate functions - Average, Count, LongCount, Max, Min, Sum, StDev, StDevP, Var, VarP
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Avg' function over the 
        /// specified collection. The result type of the expression is the same as the element type of the collection. 
        /// An expression that specifies the collection from which the average value should be computed 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the average value.
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Avg' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Average(this DbExpression collection) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Avg", collection); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Count' function over the
        /// specified collection. The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the collection over which the count value should be computed.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the count value. 
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Count' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Count(this DbExpression collection) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Count", collection);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'BigCount' function over the 
        /// specified collection. The result type of the expression is Edm.Int64.
        /// An expression that specifies the collection over which the count value should be computed.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the count value.
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'BigCount' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression LongCount(this DbExpression collection)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("BigCount", collection);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Max' function over the
        /// specified collection. The result type of the expression is the same as the element type of the collection. 
        /// An expression that specifies the collection from which the maximum value should be retrieved 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the maximum value. 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Max' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Max(this DbExpression collection)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Max", collection); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Min' function over the
        /// specified collection. The result type of the expression is the same as the element type of the collection. 
        /// An expression that specifies the collection from which the minimum value should be retrieved
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the minimum value.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Min' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Min(this DbExpression collection) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Min", collection); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Sum' function over the 
        /// specified collection. The result type of the expression is the same as the element type of the collection.
        /// An expression that specifies the collection from which the sum should be computed 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the sum.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Sum' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Sum(this DbExpression collection)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Sum", collection);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'StDev' function over the 
        /// non-null members of the specified collection. The result type of the expression is Edm.Double.
        /// An expression that specifies the collection for which the standard deviation should be computed
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the standard deviation value over non-null members of the collection. 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'StDev' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "St")] 
        public static DbFunctionExpression StDev(this DbExpression collection)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("StDev", collection);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'StDevP' function over the 
        /// population of the specified collection. The result type of the expression is Edm.Double. 
        /// An expression that specifies the collection for which the standard deviation should be computed 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the standard deviation value.
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'StDevP' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "St")] 
        public static DbFunctionExpression StDevP(this DbExpression collection)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("StDevP", collection);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Var' function over the
        /// non-null members of the specified collection. The result type of the expression is Edm.Double. 
        /// An expression that specifies the collection for which the statistical variance should be computed 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the statistical variance value for the non-null members of the collection. 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Var' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Var(this DbExpression collection)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Var", collection); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'VarP' function over the
        /// population of the specified collection. The result type of the expression Edm.Double. 
        /// An expression that specifies the collection for which the statistical variance should be computed
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the statistical variance value.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'VarP' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression VarP(this DbExpression collection) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collection, "collection");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("VarP", collection); 

        #region String functions - Concat, Contains, EndsWith, IndexOf, Left, Length, LTrim, Replace, Reverse, Right, RTrim, StartsWith, Substring, ToUpper, ToLower, Trim
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Concat' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a string result type. The result type of the expression is 
        /// string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string that should appear first in the concatenated result string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string that should appear second in the concatenated result string. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the concatenated string.
        ///  or is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Concat' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Concat(this DbExpression string1, DbExpression string2)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(string1, "string1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(string2, "string2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Concat", string1, string2);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Contains' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a string result type. The result type of the expression is
        /// Boolean.
        /// An expression that specifies the string to search for any occurence of . 
        /// An expression that specifies the string to search for in .
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not  occurs within . 
        ///  or is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Contains' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbExpression Contains(this DbExpression searchedString, DbExpression searchedForString) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(searchedString, "searchedString");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(searchedForString, "searchedForString");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Contains", searchedString, searchedForString); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'EndsWith' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a string result type. The result type of the expression is 
        /// Boolean.
        /// An expression that specifies the string to check for the specified .
        /// An expression that specifies the suffix for which  should be checked. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that indicates whether  ends with .
        ///  or is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'EndsWith' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression EndsWith(this DbExpression stringArgument, DbExpression suffix)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(suffix, "suffix");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("EndsWith", stringArgument, suffix);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'IndexOf' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a string result type. The result type of the expression is
        /// Edm.Int32. 
        /// The index returned by IndexOf is 1-based.
        /// An expression that specifies the string to search for .
        /// An expression that specifies the string to locate within  should be checked. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the first index of  in .
        ///  or is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'IndexOf' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression IndexOf(this DbExpression searchString, DbExpression stringToFind)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(searchString, "searchString");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringToFind, "stringToFind");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("IndexOf", stringToFind, searchString);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Left' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must have a string and integer numeric result type. The result type of the expression is
        /// string. 
        /// An expression that specifies the string from which to extract the leftmost substring.
        /// An expression that specifies the length of the leftmost substring to extract from .
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the the leftmost substring of length  from . 
        ///  or is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Left' function accepts arguments with the result types of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Left(this DbExpression stringArgument, DbExpression length) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(length, "length");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Left", stringArgument, length);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Length' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a string result type. The result type of the expression is 
        /// also string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string for which the length should be computed.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the the length of .
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Length' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Length(this DbExpression stringArgument)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Length", stringArgument);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Replace' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a string result type. The result type of the expression is 
        /// also string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string in which to perform the replacement operation 
        /// An expression that specifies the string to replace
        /// An expression that specifies the replacement string 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression than returns a new string based on  where every occurence of  is replaced by .
        /// ,  or  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Length' function accepts arguments with the result types of ,  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Replace(this DbExpression stringArgument, DbExpression toReplace, DbExpression replacement) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(toReplace, "toReplace"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(replacement, "replacement");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Replace", stringArgument, toReplace, replacement); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Reverse' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a string result type. The result type of the expression is
        /// also string. 
        /// An expression that specifies the string to reverse.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that produces the reversed value of . 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Reverse' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Reverse(this DbExpression stringArgument)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Reverse", stringArgument); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Right' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have a string and integer numeric result type. The result type of the expression is
        /// string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string from which to extract the rightmost substring.
        /// An expression that specifies the length of the rightmost substring to extract from . 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the the rightmost substring of length  from . 
        ///  or is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Right' function accepts arguments with the result types of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Right(this DbExpression stringArgument, DbExpression length)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(length, "length"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Right", stringArgument, length);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'StartsWith' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a string result type. The result type of the expression is
        /// Boolean.
        /// An expression that specifies the string to check for the specified . 
        /// An expression that specifies the prefix for which  should be checked.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that indicates whether  starts with . 
        ///  or is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'StartsWith' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression StartsWith(this DbExpression stringArgument, DbExpression prefix) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(prefix, "prefix");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("StartsWith", stringArgument, prefix); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Substring' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have a string and integer numeric result types. The result type of the
        /// expression is string.
        /// Substring requires that the index specified by  be 1-based.
        /// An expression that specifies the string from which to extract the substring. 
        /// An expression that specifies the starting index from which the substring should be taken. 
        /// An expression that specifies the length of the substring.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the substring of length  from  starting at . 
        /// ,  or is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Substring' function accepts arguments with the result types of ,  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Substring(this DbExpression stringArgument, DbExpression start, DbExpression length)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(start, "start"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(length, "length"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Substring", stringArgument, start, length);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'ToLower' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must have a string result type. The result type of the expression is 
        /// also string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string that should be converted to lower case. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns value of  converted to lower case.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'ToLower' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression ToLower(this DbExpression stringArgument)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("ToLower", stringArgument);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'ToUpper' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a string result type. The result type of the expression is
        /// also string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string that should be converted to upper case. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns value of  converted to upper case.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'ToUpper' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression ToUpper(this DbExpression stringArgument)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("ToUpper", stringArgument);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Trim' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a string result type. The result type of the expression is 
        /// also string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string from which leading and trailing space should be removed.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns value of  with leading and trailing space removed.
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Trim' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Trim(this DbExpression stringArgument)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Trim", stringArgument);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'RTrim' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must have a string result type. The result type of the expression is 
        /// also string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string from which trailing space should be removed. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns value of  with trailing space removed.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'RTrim' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression TrimEnd(this DbExpression stringArgument)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("RTrim", stringArgument);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'LTrim' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a string result type. The result type of the expression is
        /// also string.
        /// An expression that specifies the string from which leading space should be removed. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns value of  with leading space removed.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'LTrim' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression TrimStart(this DbExpression stringArgument)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(stringArgument, "stringArgument");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("LTrim", stringArgument);
        #region Date/Time member access methods - Year, Month, Day, DayOfYear, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond, GetTotalOffsetMinutes 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Year' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime or DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of
        /// the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the value from which the year should be retrieved.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the integer year value from . 
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Year' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Year(this DbExpression dateValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue, "dateValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Year", dateValue);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Month' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime or DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of
        /// the expression is Edm.Int32. 
        /// An expression that specifies the value from which the month should be retrieved.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the integer month value from .
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Month' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Month(this DbExpression dateValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue, "dateValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Month", dateValue); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Day' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime or DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of
        /// the expression is Edm.Int32. 
        /// An expression that specifies the value from which the day should be retrieved.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the integer day value from . 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Day' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Day(this DbExpression dateValue)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue, "dateValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Day", dateValue); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DayOfYear' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime or DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of
        /// the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the value from which the day within the year should be retrieved.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the integer day of year value from . 
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DayOfYear' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DayOfYear(this DbExpression dateValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue, "dateValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DayOfYear", dateValue);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Hour' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of
        /// the expression is Edm.Int32. 
        /// An expression that specifies the value from which the hour should be retrieved.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the integer hour value from .
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Hour' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Hour(this DbExpression timeValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Hour", timeValue); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Minute' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of
        /// the expression is Edm.Int32. 
        /// An expression that specifies the value from which the minute should be retrieved.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the integer minute value from . 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Minute' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Minute(this DbExpression timeValue)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Minute", timeValue); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Second' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of
        /// the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the value from which the second should be retrieved.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the integer second value from . 
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Second' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Second(this DbExpression timeValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Second", timeValue);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Millisecond' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of
        /// the expression is Edm.Int32. 
        /// An expression that specifies the value from which the millisecond should be retrieved.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the integer millisecond value from .
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Millisecond' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Millisecond(this DbExpression timeValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Millisecond", timeValue); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'GetTotalOffsetMinutes' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTimeOffset value from which the minute offset from GMT should be retrieved. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the number of minutes  is offset from GMT.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'GetTotalOffsetMinutes' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression GetTotalOffsetMinutes(this DbExpression dateTimeOffsetArgument)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateTimeOffsetArgument, "dateTimeOffsetArgument"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("GetTotalOffsetMinutes", dateTimeOffsetArgument);
        #region Date/Time creation methods - CurrentDateTime, CurrentDateTimeOffset, CurrentUtcDateTime, CreateDateTime, CreateDateTimeOffset, CreateTime, TruncateTime

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'CurrentDateTime' function. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the current date and time as an Edm.DateTime instance. 
        public static DbFunctionExpression CurrentDateTime() 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("CurrentDateTime"); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'CurrentDateTimeOffset' function. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the current date and time as an Edm.DateTimeOffset instance. 
        public static DbFunctionExpression CurrentDateTimeOffset() 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("CurrentDateTimeOffset"); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'CurrentUtcDateTime' function. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the current UTC date and time as an Edm.DateTime instance. 
        public static DbFunctionExpression CurrentUtcDateTime() 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("CurrentUtcDateTime"); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'TruncateTime' function with the 
        /// specified argument, which must have a DateTime or DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of the
        /// expression is the same as the result type of . 
        /// An expression that specifies the value for which the time component should be truncated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the value of  with time set to zero. 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'TruncateTime' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression TruncateTime(this DbExpression dateValue)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue, "dateValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("TruncateTime", dateValue); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'CreateDateTime' function with the
        /// specified arguments.  must have a result type of Edm.Double, while all other arguments
        /// must have a result type of Edm.Int32. The result type of the expression is Edm.DateTime.
        /// An expression that provides the year component value for the new DateTime instance.
        /// An expression that provides the month component value for the new DateTime instance. 
        /// An expression that provides the day component value for the new DateTime instance. 
        /// An expression that provides the hour component value for the new DateTime instance.
        /// An expression that provides the minute component value for the new DateTime instance. 
        /// An expression that provides the second component value for the new DateTime instance.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns a new DateTime based on the specified component values.
        /// , , , , , or  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'CreateDateTime' function accepts arguments with the result types of , , , , , and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression CreateDateTime(DbExpression year, DbExpression month, DbExpression day, DbExpression hour, DbExpression minute, DbExpression second)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(year, "year"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(month, "month");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(day, "day"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(hour, "hour");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(minute, "minute");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(second, "second");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("CreateDateTime", year, month, day, hour, minute, second); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'CreateDateTimeOffset' function with the
        /// specified arguments.  must have a result type of Edm.Double, while all other arguments 
        /// must have a result type of Edm.Int32. The result type of the expression is Edm.DateTimeOffset.
        /// An expression that provides the year component value for the new DateTimeOffset instance.
        /// An expression that provides the month component value for the new DateTimeOffset instance. 
        /// An expression that provides the day component value for the new DateTimeOffset instance.
        /// An expression that provides the hour component value for the new DateTimeOffset instance. 
        /// An expression that provides the minute component value for the new DateTimeOffset instance. 
        /// An expression that provides the second component value for the new DateTimeOffset instance.
        /// An expression that provides the number of minutes in the time zone offset component value for the new DateTimeOffset instance. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns a new DateTimeOffset based on the specified component values.
        /// , , , , ,  or  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'CreateDateTimeOffset' function accepts arguments with the result types of , , , , ,  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression CreateDateTimeOffset(DbExpression year, DbExpression month, DbExpression day, DbExpression hour, DbExpression minute, DbExpression second, DbExpression timeZoneOffset) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(year, "year"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(month, "month"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(day, "day");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(hour, "hour"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(minute, "minute");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(second, "second");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeZoneOffset, "timeZoneOffset");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("CreateDateTimeOffset", year, month, day, hour, minute, second, timeZoneOffset); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'CreateTime' function with the
        /// specified arguments.  must have a result type of Edm.Double, while all other arguments 
        /// must have a result type of Edm.Int32. The result type of the expression is Edm.Time.
        /// An expression that provides the hour component value for the new DateTime instance.
        /// An expression that provides the minute component value for the new DateTime instance. 
        /// An expression that provides the second component value for the new DateTime instance.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns a new Time based on the specified component values. 
        /// , , or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'CreateTime' function accepts arguments with the result types of , , and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression CreateTime(DbExpression hour, DbExpression minute, DbExpression second) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(hour, "hour");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(minute, "minute");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(second, "second"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("CreateTime", hour, minute, second);
        #region Date/Time addition - AddYears, AddMonths, AddDays, AddHours, AddMinutes, AddSeconds, AddMilliseconds, AddMicroseconds, AddNanoseconds

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddYears' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime or DateTimeOffset and integer result types. The result
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of . 
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added.
        /// An expression that specifies the number of years to add to . 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of years specified by  to the value specified by .
        ///  or  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddYears' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddYears(this DbExpression dateValue, DbExpression addValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue, "dateValue"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddYears", dateValue, addValue);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddMonths' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime or DateTimeOffset and integer result types. The result 
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added. 
        /// An expression that specifies the number of months to add to .
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of months specified by  to the value specified by . 
        ///  or  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddMonths' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddMonths(this DbExpression dateValue, DbExpression addValue)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue, "dateValue");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddMonths", dateValue, addValue); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddDays' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime or DateTimeOffset and integer result types. The result
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of . 
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added. 
        /// An expression that specifies the number of days to add to . 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of days specified by  to the value specified by .
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddDays' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddDays(this DbExpression dateValue, DbExpression addValue)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue, "dateValue"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddDays", dateValue, addValue); 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddHours' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time, and integer result types. The result
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added.
        /// An expression that specifies the number of hours to add to . 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of hours specified by  to the value specified by . 
        ///  or  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddHours' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddHours(this DbExpression timeValue, DbExpression addValue)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddHours", timeValue, addValue);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddMinutes' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time, and integer result types. The result
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added. 
        /// An expression that specifies the number of minutes to add to .
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of minutes specified by  to the value specified by . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddMinutes' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddMinutes(this DbExpression timeValue, DbExpression addValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddMinutes", timeValue, addValue); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddSeconds' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time, and integer result types. The result 
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added.
        /// An expression that specifies the number of seconds to add to . 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of seconds specified by  to the value specified by .
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddSeconds' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddSeconds(this DbExpression timeValue, DbExpression addValue)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddSeconds", timeValue, addValue);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddMilliseconds' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time, and integer result types. The result
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of . 
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added.
        /// An expression that specifies the number of milliseconds to add to .
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of milliseconds specified by  to the value specified by . 
        ///  or  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddMilliseconds' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddMilliseconds(this DbExpression timeValue, DbExpression addValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddMilliseconds", timeValue, addValue);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddMicroseconds' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time, and integer result types. The result 
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added.
        /// An expression that specifies the number of microseconds to add to .
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of microseconds specified by  to the value specified by .
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddMicroseconds' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddMicroseconds(this DbExpression timeValue, DbExpression addValue) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddMicroseconds", timeValue, addValue);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'AddNanoseconds' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time, and integer result types. The result 
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of . 
        /// An expression that specifies the value to which should be added. 
        /// An expression that specifies the number of nanoseconds to add to .
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that adds the number of nanoseconds specified by  to the value specified by .
        ///  or  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'AddNanoseconds' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression AddNanoseconds(this DbExpression timeValue, DbExpression addValue)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue, "timeValue"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(addValue, "addValue");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("AddNanoseconds", timeValue, addValue); 

        #region Date/Time difference - DiffYears, DiffMonths, DiffDays, DiffHours, DiffMinutes, DiffSeconds, DiffMilliseconds, DiffMicroseconds, DiffNanoseconds
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffYears' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime or DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime or DateTimeOffset value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime or DateTimeOffset for which the year difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the year difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffYears' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffYears(this DbExpression dateValue1, DbExpression dateValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue1, "dateValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue2, "dateValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffYears", dateValue1, dateValue2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffMonths' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime or DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime or DateTimeOffset value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime or DateTimeOffset for which the month difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the month difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffMonths' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffMonths(this DbExpression dateValue1, DbExpression dateValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue1, "dateValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue2, "dateValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffMonths", dateValue1, dateValue2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffDays' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime or DateTimeOffset result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime or DateTimeOffset value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime or DateTimeOffset for which the day difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the day difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffDays' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffDays(this DbExpression dateValue1, DbExpression dateValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue1, "dateValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(dateValue2, "dateValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffDays", dateValue1, dateValue2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffHours' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time for which the hour difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the hour difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffHours' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffHours(this DbExpression timeValue1, DbExpression timeValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue1, "timeValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue2, "timeValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffHours", timeValue1, timeValue2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffMinutes' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time for which the minute difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the minute difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffMinutes' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffMinutes(this DbExpression timeValue1, DbExpression timeValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue1, "timeValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue2, "timeValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffMinutes", timeValue1, timeValue2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffSeconds' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time for which the second difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the second difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffSeconds' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffSeconds(this DbExpression timeValue1, DbExpression timeValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue1, "timeValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue2, "timeValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffSeconds", timeValue1, timeValue2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffMilliseconds' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time for which the millisecond difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the millisecond difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffMilliseconds' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffMilliseconds(this DbExpression timeValue1, DbExpression timeValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue1, "timeValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue2, "timeValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffMilliseconds", timeValue1, timeValue2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffMicroseconds' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time for which the microsecond difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the microsecond difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffMicroseconds' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffMicroseconds(this DbExpression timeValue1, DbExpression timeValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue1, "timeValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue2, "timeValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffMicroseconds", timeValue1, timeValue2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'DiffNanoseconds' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must each have a DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time result type. The result type of 
        ///  must match the result type of .
        /// The result type of the expression is Edm.Int32.
        /// An expression that specifies the first DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time value. 
        /// An expression that specifies the DateTime, DateTimeOffset or Time for which the nanosecond difference from  should be calculated.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the nanosecond difference between  and . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'DiffNanoseconds' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression DiffNanoseconds(this DbExpression timeValue1, DbExpression timeValue2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue1, "timeValue1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(timeValue2, "timeValue2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("DiffNanoseconds", timeValue1, timeValue2); 

        #region Math functions - Floor, Ceiling, Round, Truncate, Abs, Power 

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Round' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must each have a single, double or decimal result type. The result 
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the numeric value to round. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that rounds the specified argument to the nearest integer value.
        ///  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Round' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Round(this DbExpression value)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Round", value);
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Round' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must have a single, double or decimal, and integer result types. The result
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the numeric value to round. 
        /// An expression that specifies the number of digits of precision to use when rounding.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that rounds the specified argument to the nearest integer value, with precision as specified by . 
        ///  or  is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Round' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Round(this DbExpression value, DbExpression digits) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(digits, "digits");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Round", value, digits); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Floor' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must each have a single, double or decimal result type. The result 
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the numeric value.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the largest integer value not greater than . 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Floor' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Floor(this DbExpression value) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Floor", value);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Ceiling' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must each have a single, double or decimal result type. The result 
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of . 
        /// An expression that specifies the numeric value. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the smallest integer value not less than than .
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Ceiling' function accepts an argument with the result type of .
        public static DbFunctionExpression Ceiling(this DbExpression value) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Ceiling", value); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Abs' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must each have a numeric result type. The result
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of . 
        /// An expression that specifies the numeric value. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the absolute value of . 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Abs' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Abs(this DbExpression value)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Abs", value); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Truncate' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have a single, double or decimal, and integer result types. The result 
        /// type of the expression is the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the numeric value to truncate.
        /// An expression that specifies the number of digits of precision to use when truncating. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that truncates the specified argument to the nearest integer value, with precision as specified by .
        ///   is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Truncate' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Truncate(this DbExpression value, DbExpression digits)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(digits, "digits");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Truncate", value, digits);


        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'Power' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have numeric result types. The result type of the expression is
        /// the same as the result type of .
        /// An expression that specifies the numeric value to raise to the given power.
        /// An expression that specifies the power to which  should be raised. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the value of  raised to the power specified by . 
        ///   is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'Power' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression Power(this DbExpression baseArgument, DbExpression exponent)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(baseArgument, "baseArgument");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(exponent, "exponent"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("Power", baseArgument, exponent);
        #region Bitwise functions - And, Or, Not, Xor

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'BitwiseAnd' function with the 
        /// specified arguments, which must have the same integer numeric result type. The result type of the
        /// expression is this same type. 
        /// An expression that specifies the first operand.
        /// An expression that specifies the second operand. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the value produced by performing the bitwise AND of  and .
        ///   is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'BitwiseAnd' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression BitwiseAnd(this DbExpression value1, DbExpression value2) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value1, "value1"); 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value2, "value2"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("BitwiseAnd", value1, value2);

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'BitwiseOr' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have the same integer numeric result type. The result type of the 
        /// expression is this same type.
        /// An expression that specifies the first operand. 
        /// An expression that specifies the second operand.
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the value produced by performing the bitwise OR of  and . 
        ///   is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'BitwiseOr' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and .
        public static DbFunctionExpression BitwiseOr(this DbExpression value1, DbExpression value2)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value1, "value1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value2, "value2"); 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("BitwiseOr", value1, value2); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'BitwiseNot' function with the
        /// specified argument, which must have an integer numeric result type. The result type of the expression
        /// is this same type. 
        /// An expression that specifies the first operand. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the value produced by performing the bitwise NOT of . 
        ///  is null.
        /// No overload of the canonical 'BitwiseNot' function accepts an argument with the result type of . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression BitwiseNot(this DbExpression value)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value, "value");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("BitwiseNot", value); 
        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'BitwiseXor' function with the
        /// specified arguments, which must have the same integer numeric result type. The result type of the 
        /// expression is this same type.
        /// An expression that specifies the first operand.
        /// An expression that specifies the second operand. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns the value produced by performing the bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of  and .
        ///   is null. 
        /// No overload of the canonical 'BitwiseXor' function accepts arguments with the result types of  and . 
        public static DbFunctionExpression BitwiseXor(this DbExpression value1, DbExpression value2)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value1, "value1");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(value2, "value2");
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("BitwiseXor", value1, value2);

        #region GUID Generation - NewGuid

        /// Creates a  that invokes the canonical 'NewGuid' function. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that returns a new GUID value. 
        public static DbFunctionExpression NewGuid() 
            return InvokeCanonicalFunction("NewGuid"); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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