StylusLogic.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Input / Stylus / StylusLogic.cs / 1609963 / StylusLogic.cs

                            using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Interop;
using MS.Win32; // for *NativeMethods 
using Microsoft.Win32; // for RegistryKey class 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security; 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
using MS.Utility;
using System.Windows.Input.StylusPlugIns; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; 
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;                        // SecurityHelper 

namespace System.Windows.Input
    internal class StylusLogic: DispatcherObject 

        ///     Critical: This code accesses critical data InputManager and
        ///              SecurityCritical method  UnsecureCurrent. 
        ///              It also returns StylusLogic which is not safe to return
        static internal StylusLogic CurrentStylusLogic 
                return InputManager.UnsecureCurrent.StylusLogic;
        /// Critical - Calls a critical method - PreProcessInput
        ///          - Accesses critical data _inputManager.Value
        internal StylusLogic(InputManager inputManager) 
            _inputManager = new SecurityCriticalData(inputManager);;
            _inputManager.Value.PreProcessInput   += new PreProcessInputEventHandler(PreProcessInput); 
            _inputManager.Value.PreNotifyInput    += new NotifyInputEventHandler(PreNotifyInput);
            _inputManager.Value.PostProcessInput  += new ProcessInputEventHandler(PostProcessInput);

            _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsEnabledChanged);
            _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsVisibleChanged); 
            _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged); 
            _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateStylusOverAsync);
            _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null; 

            _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged);
            _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged);
            _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged); 
            _reevaluateCaptureDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateCaptureAsync);
            _reevaluateCaptureOperation = null; 

            _shutdownHandler = new EventHandler(this.OnDispatcherShutdown);
            _processDisplayChanged = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ProcessDisplayChanged);
            _processDeferredMouseMove = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ProcessDeferredMouseMove);
            _dlgInputManagerProcessInput = new DispatcherOperationCallback(InputManagerProcessInput); 
        ///     Critical: - Call critical method: TabletDeviceCollection.DisposeTablets().
        ///               - Accesses SecurityCriticalData __penContextsMap and _InputManager.Value.
        void OnDispatcherShutdown(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            if(_shutdownHandler != null)
                _inputManager.Value.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished -= _shutdownHandler; 

            if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null)
                // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy (DisposeTablets has lock). 
                    // Clean up our state when the dispatcher exits.  If a new dispatcher 
                    // happens to be created on this thread again we'll create everything fresh.
                _tabletDeviceCollection = null;
            _currentStylusDevice = null; // no active stylus device any more. 
            // NOTE: __penContextsMap will be cleaned up by HwndSource Dispose() so we don't worry about that.

        /// Grab the defualts from the registry for the tap and mouse fequency/resolution
        /// Critical - Asserts read registry permission... 
        ///           - TreatAsSafe boundry is the constructor
        ///           - called by constructor 
        private void ReadSystemConfig() 
            object obj;
            RegistryKey key = null; // This object has finalizer to close the key.
            // Acquire permissions to read the one key we care about from the registry
            new RegistryPermission(RegistryPermissionAccess.Read, 
                "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Wisp\\Pen\\SysEventParameters").Assert(); // BlessedAssert 
                key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Wisp\\Pen\\SysEventParameters");

                if ( key != null )
                    obj = key.GetValue("DblDist");
                    _doubleTapDelta = (obj == null) ? _doubleTapDelta : (Int32)obj;      // The default double tap distance is 15 pixels (value is given in pixels) 
                    obj = key.GetValue("DblTime");
                    _doubleTapDeltaTime = (obj == null) ? _doubleTapDeltaTime : (Int32)obj;      // The default double tap timeout is 800ms 

                    obj = key.GetValue("Cancel");
                    _cancelDelta = (obj == null) ? _cancelDelta : (Int32)obj;      // The default move delta is 40 (4mm)

            if ( key != null )

        /// Critical - calls security critical code (ProcessInputReport)
        internal void ProcessSystemEvent(PenContext penContext,
                                                  int tabletDeviceId, 
                                                  int stylusDeviceId, 
                                                  int timestamp,
                                                  SystemGesture systemGesture, 
                                                  int gestureX,
                                                  int gestureY,
                                                  int buttonState,
                                                  PresentationSource inputSource) 
            // We only want to process the system events we expose in the public enum 
            // for SystemSystemGesture.  There are a bunch of other system gestures that 
            // can come through.
            if (systemGesture == SystemGesture.Tap || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.RightTap ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.Drag ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.RightDrag ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoldEnter || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoldLeave ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoverEnter || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoverLeave || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick ||
                systemGesture == RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.InternalSystemGestureDoubleTap || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.None)
                Debug.Assert(systemGesture != SystemGesture.None);  // We should ever see this as input.
                RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport inputReport = 
                            new RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport(
                                   gestureX, // location of system gesture in tablet device coordinates 
                                   buttonState); // flicks passes the flickinfo in this param 
                // actions: RawStylusActions.StylusSystemEvent

        // on pen/RTI thread
        /// Critical - calls security critical code (ProcessInputReport)
        internal void ProcessInput(
                            RawStylusActions actions,
                            PenContext penContext, 
                            int tabletDeviceId,
                            int stylusDeviceId, 
                            int[] data, 
                            int timestamp,
                            PresentationSource inputSource) 
            RawStylusInputReport inputReport =
                new RawStylusInputReport(InputMode.Foreground,


        // NOTE: this is invoked on the pen thread, outside of Dispatcher 

        /// Critical - Calls security critical routine (InvokeStylusPluginCollection)
        ///           - Access SecurityCritical data (_queueStylusEvents, RawStylusInputReport.PenContexts).
        ///           - PenThreadWorker.ThreadProc() is TAS boundry 
        void ProcessInputReport(RawStylusInputReport inputReport) 
            // First, assign the StylusDevice (note it may still be null for new StylusDevice) 
            inputReport.StylusDevice = FindStylusDeviceWithLock(inputReport.StylusDeviceId);

            // Only call plugins if we are not in a drag drop operation and the HWND is enabled!
            if (!_inDragDrop || !inputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled) 
                // Handle real time input (call StylusPlugIns) 
            // ETW event indicating that a stylus input report was queued.
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordInput | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Info, EventTrace.Event.StylusEventQueued, inputReport.StylusDeviceId);

            // Queue up new event. 
            // post the args into dispatcher queue
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _dlgInputManagerProcessInput, null);
        // this is invoked from within the Dispatcher the _inputManager is affiliated to 
        /// Critical - uses security critical data (_inputManager) 
        ///               calls security critical code ProcessInput which has a link demand (UIPermissionAttribute)
        ///             TAS boundry at Synchronize and StylusLogic constructor
        internal object InputManagerProcessInput(object oInput)
            RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport = null; 

            // Now grab the queued up Stylus input reports and process them. 
                if (_queueStylusEvents.Count > 0)
                    rawStylusInputReport = _queueStylusEvents.Dequeue();

            if (rawStylusInputReport != null) 
                // Check to see if the Vista wisptis has set the IP_RECT_MAPPING_CHANGED bit in the packet status.
                // If so we need to trigger our mappings to be udpated just in case we processed this before wisptis.
                switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions) 
                    case RawStylusActions.InAirMove: 
                    case RawStylusActions.Down: 
                    //case RawStylusActions.Move: (note this can cause problems with TabletDevice.DoubleTapSize and CancelSize if handled so we don't do work here)
                    case RawStylusActions.Up: 
                        int packetStatusIndex = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext.StylusPointDescription.GetPropertyIndex(StylusPointProperties.PacketStatus.Id);
                        if (packetStatusIndex != -1 && rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice != null)
                            int packetStatus = rawStylusInputReport.Data[packetStatusIndex]; // grab first packet to check. 
                            if ((packetStatus & 0x10) != 0) // Is IP_RECT_MAPPING_CHANGED (0x00000010) set?
                                using(Dispatcher.DisableProcessing()) // make sure lock() doesn't cause re-entrancy. 
                                    // Update display mappings for this TabletDevice. 
                    // we don't need to process any other types of actions. 


                // build InputReportEventArgs
                InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(null, rawStylusInputReport);
                // Set flag to prevent reentrancy due to wisptis mouse event getting triggered
                // while processing this stylus event. 
                _processingQueuedEvent = true; 
                    _processingQueuedEvent = false;

            return null; 

        /// Critical - calls security critical code (ProcessInput)
        ///           - TAS boundry at StylusDevice::ChangeStylusCapture 
        internal void InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs(InputEventArgs input) 

        /// Critical - Accesses security critical data _deferredMouseMove. 
        private bool DeferMouseMove(RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport)
            if (!_triedDeferringMouseMove)
                if (_deferredMouseMove != null)
                    return false; // only allow one at a time. 
                    _deferredMouseMove = mouseInputReport;

                    // Now make the deferred call to the process the mouse move. 
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, _processDeferredMouseMove, null);
                return true; 
            return false; 

        /// Critical - Accesses security critical data _deferredMouseMove. 
        ///          - Calls security critical method SendDeferredMouseEvent. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - Just causes us to resend a mouse move event that we have
        ///                 deferred.  Once sent the mouse event ref is cleared so only single 
        ///                 mouse event can ever be sent.  No data goes in or out.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal object ProcessDeferredMouseMove(object oInput) 
            // Make sure we haven't flushed the deferred event before dispatcher version processes. 
            if (_deferredMouseMove != null) 
                // See if a stylus is now in range.
                if ((CurrentStylusDevice == null || !CurrentStylusDevice.InRange))
                    // We are now inRange so eat this.
                // See if a stylus is now in range and eat messages
                // when a stylus is in range. 
            return null;

        /// Critical - Accesses security critical data _deferredMouseMove and _inputManager.Value.
        ///          - Calls security critical methods InputReportEventArgs
        ///                 constructor, InputManager.ProcessInput. 
        private void SendDeferredMouseEvent(bool sendInput)
            if (sendInput)
                _triedDeferringMouseMove = true;  // Only reset to not try again if we don't find we are in range.
                // Only send if we have valid PresentationSource and CompositionTarget. 
                if (_deferredMouseMove != null && _deferredMouseMove.InputSource != null &&
                    _deferredMouseMove.InputSource.CompositionTarget != null && 
                    // Process mouse move now since nothing else from stylus came through...
                    InputReportEventArgs mouseArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(_inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice, _deferredMouseMove); 
                    mouseArgs.RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent;
                    _deferredMouseMove = null; // Clear this out before sending. 
                    // This will cause _lastMoveFromStylus to be set to false. 

            // We no longer need the ref on the cached input report.
            _deferredMouseMove = null; 
        /// Critical: calls a critical function - UpdateTarget. 
        ///           accesses e.StagingItem.Input and InputReport.InputSource and _inputManager.Value.
        ///            It can also be used for Input spoofing.
        private void PreProcessInput(object sender, PreProcessInputEventArgs e)
            if (_inputEnabled) 
                if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent) 
                    InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;

                    if(input != null && !input.Handled) 
                        // See if we are in a DragDrop operation.  If so set our internal flag 
                        // which stops us from promoting Stylus or Mouse events! 
                        if (_inDragDrop != _inputManager.Value.InDragDrop)
                            _inDragDrop = _inputManager.Value.InDragDrop;

                            // If we are going out of DragDrop then we need to re [....] the mouse state
                            // if we have a stylus device in range (otherwise we [....] on the next 
                            // stylus coming in range).
                            if (!_inDragDrop && _stylusDeviceInRange) 

                        if (input.Report.Type == InputType.Mouse)
                            // If we see a non stylus mouse event (not triggered from stylus event)
                            if ((input.Device as StylusDevice) == null) 
                                // And we only do work if we are enabled for stylus input (ie - have tablet devices)
                                if (TabletDevices.Count != 0) 
                                    RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport) input.Report;
                                    RawMouseActions actions = mouseInputReport.Actions;
                                    int mouseExtraInfo = NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(mouseInputReport.ExtraInformation); 
                                    bool fromWisptis = (mouseExtraInfo & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0xFF515700; // MI_WP_SIGNATURE
                                    // Grab the stylus info if from wisptis 
                                    if (fromWisptis)
                                        _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true;

                                        // Grab the current stylus Id out of the extra info.
                                        _lastStylusDeviceId = (mouseExtraInfo & 0x000000FF); 
                                    // If mouse is getting deactivated and StylusOver is non null then force stylusover to null. 
                                    if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Deactivate) == RawMouseActions.Deactivate)
                                        _seenRealMouseActivate = false;

                                        if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
                                            PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(mouseInputReport.InputSource);
                                            // If we are inRange still then defer the Deactivate call till we are OutOfRange. 
                                            if (_stylusDeviceInRange && !_inDragDrop && (penContexts == null || !penContexts.IsWindowDisabled))
                                                _mouseDeactivateInputReport = mouseInputReport;
                                                input.Handled = true;
                                            else if (CurrentStylusDevice.DirectlyOver != null) 
                                                MouseDevice mouseDevice = _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice;
                                                if (mouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource == mouseInputReport.InputSource)
                                                    // Update over to be null when deactivating.
                                                    lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
                                                        foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap) 
                                                            var currentDevice = pair.Value; 
                                                            if (currentDevice.DirectlyOver != null) 
                                                                // Update over to be null when deactivating. 
                                    // See if we got some mouse input we need to check for consistency (not tagged from wisptis)
                                    else if ((actions & RawMouseActions.CancelCapture) != 0)
                                        // We need to resend this back through as coming from a stylusdevice if in range 
                                        if (CurrentStylusDevice != null && CurrentStylusDevice.InRange)
                                            RawMouseInputReport cancelCaptureInputReport = 
                                                        new RawMouseInputReport(mouseInputReport.Mode,
                                                                                0, // Rest of the parameters are not used...
                                            InputReportEventArgs args = new InputReportEventArgs(CurrentStylusDevice, cancelCaptureInputReport);
                                            args.RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent; 
                                    // Handle the Mouse activation
                                    else if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Activate) != 0) 
                                        // If mouse is getting Activated and we ate a Deactivate then clear the cached Deactivate.
                                        _mouseDeactivateInputReport = null; 

                                        // We process Activate events and make sure to clear any other actions if we are resending
                                        // this from a StylusDevice.  This is so we don't get a move generated before we see the
                                        // StylusDevice InRange event and the following StylusMove which will generate a MouseMove. 
                                        StylusDevice activateStylusDevice = null;
                                        _seenRealMouseActivate = true; 
                                        // See if we need to process this event from us.
                                        if (CurrentStylusDevice != null && CurrentStylusDevice.InRange) 
                                            activateStylusDevice = CurrentStylusDevice;
                                        else if (fromWisptis || ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(mouseInputReport))
                                            activateStylusDevice = FindStylusDevice(_lastStylusDeviceId);
                                        // We need to resend this as coming from a stylusdevice if in range possibly.
                                        if (activateStylusDevice != null) 
                                            // Check to se if we have already Activated the mouse from a stylus event.
                                            // If not then we need to let this one go through marked from us if we are in range! 
                                            if (mouseInputReport.InputSource != _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource)
                                                Point pt;
                                                pt = activateStylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint; // Use last promoted mouse location.
                                                pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(pt, mouseInputReport.InputSource); 
                                                RawMouseInputReport activateInputReport =
                                                            new RawMouseInputReport(mouseInputReport.Mode, 
                                                                                    RawMouseActions.Activate, // Only let activate happen.

                                                InputReportEventArgs args = new InputReportEventArgs(activateStylusDevice, activateInputReport); 
                                                args.RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent;
                                            // If stylus is active then eat this since we'll send the activate.  We just cancel
                                            // to ensure the mouse event from HwndMouseInputProvider returns that it was not handled. 
                                            // The mouse device code will not do anything with the event during PreProcessInput and 
                                            // it will not see a PreNotifyInput event for this.
                                    // Handle moves and button presses that might be from wisptis or in conflict with our current state
                                    else if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove | RawMouseActions.QueryCursor | 
                                                            RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button1Release |
                                                            RawMouseActions.Button2Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Release)) != 0) 
                                        // If we see a mouse left down and stylus is inRange and we haven't sent a mouse down
                                        // then send it through. 
                                        if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Button1Press) != 0 && CurrentStylusDevice != null &&
                                            // We can only Activate the window without flashing the tray icon for it when 
                                            // we are processing an Input message.  So we defer it till we see the mouse down.
                                            HwndSource hwndSource = mouseInputReport.InputSource as HwndSource; 
                                            IntPtr hwnd = hwndSource != null ? hwndSource.CriticalHandle : IntPtr.Zero; 

                                            // If we see a stylusdown and we are not the foreground window 
                                            // and there's no capture then make sure we get activated.
                                            // We only do this for top most windows.
                                            if (hwnd != IntPtr.Zero &&
                                                 _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.Captured != null && 
                                                 UnsafeNativeMethods.GetParent(new HandleRef(this, hwnd)) == IntPtr.Zero &&
                                                 hwnd != UnsafeNativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow()) 
                                                // Check to see if this window has the WS_EX_NOACTIVATE style set, if so don't do the activation work.
                                                int style = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this,hwnd), NativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE); 

                                                if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_EX_NOACTIVATE) == 0)
                                                    UnsafeNativeMethods.SetForegroundWindow(new HandleRef(this,hwndSource.Handle)); 
                                            // There are times we need to make sure we promote the left mouse down before we see a system gesture.
                                            // This is when the press and hold gesture is disabled and thus we can guarentee that sending the 
                                            // left mouse down is the correct thing to do.  This is critical for some controls such as repeat
                                            // buttons since in order get them in the pressed state (and start them repeating) we have to send the
                                            // left mouse down.  Note if you go down with the stylus and don't move it past the drag tolerance no
                                            // system gesture will be generated and the normal code to promote the mouse down will not happen otherwise. 
                                            // This code will kick in on Vista with the new support to disable the press and hold gesture per element 
                                            // (via WM_TABLE_QUERYSYSTEMGESTURESTATUS message) and also on XP and Vista if the press and hold gesture is 
                                            // disabled in the tablet control panel.
                                            if (!CurrentStylusDevice.SentMouseDown && fromWisptis && ShouldPromoteToMouse(CurrentStylusDevice)) 
                                                // left button down...lets replay the down at this time...
                                                // Note: We may wait till later if stylus is not down yet!
                                                // We will do it only when we are not manipulating and we will 
                                                // delay it if we know that manipulations are possible.
                                                StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = CurrentStylusDevice.TouchDevice; 
                                                if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation) 
                                                else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)

                                        // We want to eat mouse messages with the wisptis injected signature except 
                                        // if the MouseDevice is getting activated or deactivated by it (filtered out
                                        // above).  We also want to eat any spurious mouse events recieved between the
                                        // stylus down and the stylus system gesture getting fired.
                                        if (fromWisptis) 
                                            // eat mouse messages generated by stylus; 
                                            // these will be handled off the stylus event stream and promoted to a mouse input event 
                                            bool handled = true;
                                            // If the mouse is captured we need to validate that the mouse location
                                            // is actually inside the client area (we will only see those wisptis
                                            // events and can thus eat this one).
                                            Point ptMouse = new Point(mouseInputReport.X, mouseInputReport.Y); 
                                            bool stylusIsDown = (CurrentStylusDevice != null) ? !CurrentStylusDevice.InAir : false;
                                            if (!stylusIsDown && Mouse.Captured != null && !InWindowClientRect(ptMouse, mouseInputReport.InputSource)) 
                                                handled = false;

                                            // If the input has been marked as Handled, we want it to be cancelled at PreProcess stage.
                                            if (handled)
                                                // We can't mark left and right mouse buttons as handled since it will stop the
                                                // DefWindowProc from being processed but we Cancel it which stops mouse from processing 
                                                // it.  Move's though we need to eat. 
                                                if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Press)) == 0)
                                                    input.Handled = true;
                                                // If the stylus is in the up state when we see a mouse down then just note that we've
                                                // seen the mouse left down and wanted to send it but the stylus down 
                                                // has not been seen yet so we can't.  When we see the stylus down later we'll promote 
                                                // the left mouse down after processing the stylus down.
                                                if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Button1Press) != 0 && CurrentStylusDevice != null && 

                                                // Only try to process stylus events on wisptis generated mouse events and 
                                                // make sure we don't re-enter ourselves. 
                                                if (!_processingQueuedEvent)
                                                    // Make sure we process any pending Stylus Input before this mouse event.
                                            bool cancelMouseEvent = false;
                                            bool markHandled = true; 

                                            // If Stylus is in range then it will be driving the mouse.  Ignore any mouse input.
                                            if (_stylusDeviceInRange)
                                                cancelMouseEvent = true;
                                                // We can't mark left and right mouse buttons as handled since it will stop the 
                                                // DefWindowProc from being processed but we Cancel it which stops mouse from processing
                                                // it.  Move's though we need to eat. 
                                                if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Press)) == 0)
                                                    markHandled = false;
                                            // If we see only a mouse move related action while the stylus is in range then 
                                            // eat it or try to defer it if not currently in range to see if we come into range. 
                                            else if ((actions & ~(RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove | RawMouseActions.QueryCursor)) == 0)
                                                if (DeferMouseMove(mouseInputReport))
                                                    cancelMouseEvent = true;
                                                    // If we now think we're going in range then eat this mouse event 
                                                    if (_lastMouseMoveFromStylus && ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(mouseInputReport))
                                                        SendDeferredMouseEvent(false); // Make sure we clear any deferred mouse events now.
                                                        cancelMouseEvent = true;
                                                    // We're now allowing this mouse event (and deferred one) to be processed... 
                                                        // It's a Synchronize that we are letting through so set stylus was not last move anymore. 
                                                        _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
                                                        // See if we are dealing with a second mouse event,
                                                        // if so force the original one it to be processed first.
                                                        if (!_triedDeferringMouseMove)

                                                        // CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages 
                                                        // that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null 
                                                        if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
                                                            // No current stylus device anymore either.
                                                            SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);
                                            // If we see a down and have a cached move then let them both go through 
                                                // We see a mouse button 1 or 2 down/up.  If we have a cache then dump it and mark that we've
                                                // seen mouse input.
                                                _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;

                                                // CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages 
                                                // that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null 
                                                if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
                                                    // No current stylus device anymore either.
                                                    SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);

                                            // See if we wanted to eat this mouse event... 
                                            if (cancelMouseEvent) 
                                                e.Cancel(); // abort this input 
                                                if (markHandled)
                                                    input.Handled = true; // We also don't want MouseDevice processing this.
                                    // Some other real mouse only generated event came through...
                                        // Make sure it's only the ones we know should come through.
                                        Debug.Assert((actions & ~(RawMouseActions.Button3Press | RawMouseActions.Button3Release |
                                                                   RawMouseActions.Button4Press | RawMouseActions.Button4Release | 
                                                                   RawMouseActions.Button5Press | RawMouseActions.Button5Release |
                                                                   RawMouseActions.VerticalWheelRotate | 
                                                                   RawMouseActions.HorizontalWheelRotate)) == 0); 

                                        // If we are not in range then make sure we update our state. 
                                        // Otherwise we just let this event go through to the MouseDevice.
                                        if (!_stylusDeviceInRange)
                                            // We are letting this move through so set stylus was not last move anymore. 
                                            _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
                                            // Dump cache! 
                                            // CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages
                                            // that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null
                                            if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
                                                // We now don't have a current stylus device.
                                                SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true); 
                                            // Make sure to dump the cached mouse event if we are in
                                            // range to make sure this mouse event is at the right spot!
                                    _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
                                // This event is marked as coming from a StylusDevice so make sure we update flag that we saw mouse event from stylus. 
                                _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true; 

                                RawMouseInputReport rawMouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport) input.Report; 
                                StylusDevice stylusDevice = (StylusDevice)input.Device;
                                if (!stylusDevice.InRange && rawMouseInputReport._isSynchronize)
                                    // eat this one because it is from an activate. 
                                    input.Handled = true; 
                        else if (input.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus)
                            RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport = (RawStylusInputReport) input.Report;
                            StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusInputReport.StylusDevice; // RTI sets this if it finds StylusDevice based on Id. 
                            bool cancelInput = true; // Only process if we see we have valid input data.
                            if (stylusInputReport.InputSource != null && stylusInputReport.PenContext != null) 
                                if (stylusDevice == null) 
                                    // look up stylus device, select it in the Stylus, and claim input for it
                                    stylusDevice = FindStylusDevice(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId);
                                    // Try refreshing tablets if we failed to find this stylus device.
                                    if (stylusDevice == null) 
                                        stylusDevice = TabletDevices.UpdateStylusDevices(

                                    stylusInputReport.StylusDevice = stylusDevice; // update stylusdevice. 
                                _triedDeferringMouseMove = false; // reset anytime we see stylus input. 

                                // See if this is the special InRange input report that we use to track queued inrange 
                                // events so that we can better filter out bogus mouse input.
                                if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.InRange && stylusInputReport.Data == null)
                                    input.Handled = true; 
                                    _lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount; 

                                // See if this is the special DoubleTap Gesture input report.  We use this
                                // event to know when we won't get the tap or drag gesture while the stylus
                                // is down.  This allows us to detect and generate the Drag gesture on our own. 
                                if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.SystemGesture && stylusDevice != null)
                                    RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport systemGestureReport = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)stylusInputReport; 
                                    if (systemGestureReport.SystemGesture == RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.InternalSystemGestureDoubleTap)
                                        stylusDevice.SeenDoubleTapGesture = true;
                                        input.Handled = true;
                                if (stylusDevice != null && IsValidStylusAction(stylusInputReport))
                                    cancelInput = false; // We can process this event - don't cancel!

                                    // See if a static gesture can be generated
                                    TabletDevice tabletDevice = stylusDevice.TabletDevice; 
                                    if (tabletDevice != null)
                                        SystemGesture? systemGesture = tabletDevice.GenerateStaticGesture(stylusInputReport); 
                                        if (systemGesture != null)
                                            GenerateGesture(stylusInputReport, systemGesture.Value);
                                    // See if we need to generate a tap gesture.
                                    if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.Up) 
                                        if (!stylusDevice.GestureWasFired)
                                            GenerateGesture(stylusInputReport, stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown ? SystemGesture.RightTap : SystemGesture.Tap);

                                        if (!_inDragDrop && !stylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled) 
                                            // We need to process a MouseMove before promoting a MouseUp (in PromoteMainToMouse) 
                                            // since the stylus updates the button states for mouse to up then. 
                                            // Note: The Stylus Up is at the same location as the last stylus move so this is OK to do here.
                                            ProcessMouseMove(stylusDevice, stylusInputReport.Timestamp, false); 

                                    input.Device = stylusDevice; 
                            if (cancelInput)
                                e.Cancel();  // Don't process this bogus event any further.

        /// Critical: Accesses SecurityCriticalData e.StagingItem.Input and _inputManager.Value.
        ///           Calls SecurityCritical methods: StylusDevice.UpdateStateForSystemGesture,
        ///              InputEventArgs.Handled, StylusDevice.UpdateInRange, StylusDevice.UpdateState, 
        ///              RawStylusInputReport.PenContext, SelectStylusDevice, VerifyStylusPlugInCollectionTarget,
        ///              ProcessMouseMove, and CallPlugInsForMouse. 
        ///            It can also be used for Input spoofing. 
        private void PreNotifyInput(object sender, NotifyInputEventArgs e)
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent)
                InputReportEventArgs inputReportEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
                if(!inputReportEventArgs.Handled && inputReportEventArgs.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus) 
                    RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport = (RawStylusInputReport) inputReportEventArgs.Report; 
                    StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice;

                    if (stylusDevice != null)
                        // update stylus device state (unless this is exclusively system gesture or
                        // in-range/out-of-range event - which don't carry much info) 
                        switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions) 
                            case RawStylusActions.SystemGesture: 
                            case RawStylusActions.OutOfRange: 
                                _lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount;
                                stylusDevice.UpdateInRange(false, rawStylusInputReport.PenContext); 
                            case RawStylusActions.InRange: 
                                _lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount;
                                stylusDevice.UpdateInRange(true, rawStylusInputReport.PenContext);
                                _lastRawMouseAction = RawMouseActions.None; // make sure we promote a mouse move on next event.
                            default: // InAirMove, Down, Move, Up go through here. 

                        // Can only update Over state if not in a DragDrop operation!!
                        if (!_inDragDrop && !rawStylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled && !stylusDevice.IgnoreStroke) 
                            Point position = stylusDevice.GetRawPosition(null); 
                            position = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(position); // change back to device coords. 
                            IInputElement target = stylusDevice.FindTarget(stylusDevice.CriticalActiveSource, position);
                            SelectStylusDevice(stylusDevice, target, true); 
                            SelectStylusDevice(stylusDevice, null, false); // don't update over. 
                        // If this is a stylus down and we don't have a valid target then the stylus went down 
                        // on the wrong window (a transparent window handling bug in wisptis).  In this case
                        // we want to ignore all stylus input until after the next stylus up. 
                        if (rawStylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.Down && stylusDevice.Target == null)
                            stylusDevice.IgnoreStroke = true;

                        // Tell the InputManager that the MostRecentDevice is us. 
                        _inputManager.Value.MostRecentInputDevice = stylusDevice; 

                        // Verify that we sent the real time stylus events to the proper plugincollection. 

            // During the PreviewStylusDown event, we update the tap count, if there are 
            // multiple "quick" taps in approximately the "same" location (as defined 
            // by the hosting environment, aka the registry).
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent) 
                StylusEventArgs stylusDownEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as StylusDownEventArgs;

                StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusDownEventArgs.StylusDevice; 

                if (stylusDevice != null) 
                    Point ptClient = stylusDevice.GetRawPosition(null);
                    // determine barrel state...
                    bool bBarrelPressed = false;
                    int barrelPos =
                    if (barrelPos != -1
                        && stylusDevice.StylusButtons[barrelPos].StylusButtonState == StylusButtonState.Down) 
                        bBarrelPressed = true;

                    Point pPixelPoint = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(ptClient);
                    Point pLastPixelPoint = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(stylusDevice.LastTapPoint);
                    // How long since the last click? (deals with tickcount wrapping too)
                    //  Here's some info on how this works... 
                    //      int.MaxValue - int.MinValue = -1 (subtracting any negative # from MaxValue keeps this negative) 
                    //      int.MinValue - int.MaxValue = 1 (subtracting any positive # from MinValue keeps this positive)
                    //  So as the values get farther apart from MaxInt and MinInt the difference grows which is what we want. 
                    //  We use Abs to ensure if we get older time coming through here (not expected) we'll do better
                    //  at filtering it out if delta is greater than the double tap time.  We should always see
                    //  MinInt - MaxInt which will produce a positive number when wrapping happens.
                    int  timeSpan = Math.Abs(unchecked(stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp - stylusDevice.LastTapTime)); 
                    // Is the delta coordinates of this tap close enough to the last tap?
                    Size doubleTapSize = stylusDevice.TabletDevice.DoubleTapSize; 
                    bool isSameSpot = (Math.Abs(pPixelPoint.X - pLastPixelPoint.X) < doubleTapSize.Width) &&
                                        (Math.Abs(pPixelPoint.Y - pLastPixelPoint.Y) < doubleTapSize.Height); 

                    // Now check everything to see if this is a multi-click.
                    if (timeSpan < _doubleTapDeltaTime
                        && isSameSpot 
                        && (bBarrelPressed == stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown) )
                        // Yes, increment the count 
                        // No, not a multi-click, reset everything.
                        stylusDevice.TapCount = 1; 
                        stylusDevice.LastTapPoint  = new Point(ptClient.X, ptClient.Y);
                        stylusDevice.LastTapTime = stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp; 
                        stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown = bBarrelPressed; 
                    // Make sure to update the mouse location on stylus down.
                    ProcessMouseMove(stylusDevice, stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp, false);

        ///     Critical - calls a critical method (PromoteRawToPreview, MouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource,
        ///                 InputReport.InputSource, PromotePreviewToMain, UpdateButtonStates,
        ///                 PromoteMainToMouse and GenerateGesture)
        ///              - accesses e.StagingItem.Input, _inputManager.Value and TabletDevices. 
        ///              It can also be used for Input spoofing.
        [SecurityCritical ] 
        private void PostProcessInput(object sender, ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            //only [....] with mouse capture if we're enabled, or else there are no tablet devices
            //hence no input.  We have to work around this because getting the
            //Tablet.TabletDevices will load Penimc.dll.
            if (_inputEnabled) 
                // Watch the LostMouseCapture and GotMouseCapture events to keep stylus capture in [....]. 
                if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent || 
                    e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent)
                    var mouseStylusDevice = Mouse.PrimaryDevice.StylusDevice;
                    // Make sure mouse and stylus capture is the same.
                    foreach (TabletDevice tabletDevice in TabletDevices) 
                        foreach (StylusDevice stylusDevice in tabletDevice.StylusDevices)
                            if (stylusDevice == mouseStylusDevice)
                                // We use the Mouse device state for each call just in case we
                                // get reentered in the middle of changing so when we continue 
                                // we'll use the current mouse capture state (which should NOP). 
                                stylusDevice.Capture(Mouse.Captured, Mouse.CapturedMode);
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.InputReportEvent && !_inDragDrop)
                InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
                if(!input.Handled && input.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus)
                    RawStylusInputReport report = (RawStylusInputReport) input.Report; 
                    // Only promote if the window is enabled!
                    if (!report.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled) 
                        PromoteRawToPreview(report, e);
                        // Need to reset this flag at the end of StylusUp processing.
                        if (report.Actions == RawStylusActions.Up)
                            report.StylusDevice.IgnoreStroke = false; 
            // If we are processing an OutOfRange event then see if we need to update the over state.
            // We need to update it if mouse is already outside the window (MouseDevice.DirectlyOver
            // is null) since if it has already seen the WM_MOUSELEAVE we'll never update out over
            // state properly.  If the WM_MOUSELEAVE comes in after we see the OutOfRange then the 
            // code at the end of PreProcessInput will deal that case properly.
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent) 
                RawMouseInputReport mouseDeactivateInputReport = _mouseDeactivateInputReport;
                _mouseDeactivateInputReport = null; 
                StylusEventArgs eventArgsOutOfRange = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;

                // If we have deferred mouse moves then make sure we process last one now.
                if (_lastRawMouseAction == RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove && _waitingForDelegate) 
                    ProcessMouseMove(eventArgsOutOfRange.StylusDevice, eventArgsOutOfRange.Timestamp, false); 

                // See if we need to set the Mouse Activate flag. 
                PresentationSource mouseSource = _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource;

                // See if we need to change the stylus over state state and send a mouse deactivate.
                // We send the cached Deactivate through if we saw mouse deactivate before out of range event 
                // *or* for a quick move with the stylus over a window we may not even see any win32 mouse events
                // so in that case we also need to deactivate the mouse since we were the ones that activated it. 
                if (mouseDeactivateInputReport != null || (!_seenRealMouseActivate && mouseSource != null)) 
                    // First update the StylusDevice DirectlyOver to null if the mouse device saw a Deactivate (means 
                    // the mouse left the window) or if it never saw a real activate (stylus mouse promotion
                    // caused it to be active).
                    // Now send the mouse deactivate
                    RawMouseInputReport newMouseInputReport = mouseDeactivateInputReport != null ? 
                                                    new RawMouseInputReport( 
                                                        eventArgsOutOfRange.Timestamp, // updated time 
                                                        mouseDeactivateInputReport.ExtraInformation) : 
                                                    new RawMouseInputReport( 
                                                        eventArgsOutOfRange.Timestamp, // updated time 
                    InputReportEventArgs actionsArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(eventArgsOutOfRange.StylusDevice, newMouseInputReport);
            // Deal with sending mouse events to the plugins.
            // NOTE: We want to do this after the mousedevice has sent it's click through 
            // events (PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementEvent/PreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElementEvent) 
            // and PreviewMouse events so that we can route more accurately to where the Mouse events will
            // actually get routed. 


            // See if we need to generate a drag gesture. 
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent)
                StylusEventArgs stylusMove = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
                if (stylusMove.StylusDevice.SeenDoubleTapGesture && !stylusMove.StylusDevice.GestureWasFired && 
                    GenerateGesture(stylusMove.InputReport, SystemGesture.Drag); 

            // Process the flick scroll up/down system gesture now.
            if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
                StylusSystemGestureEventArgs stylusSystemGesture = (StylusSystemGestureEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
                if (stylusSystemGesture.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick) 
                    HandleFlick(stylusSystemGesture.ButtonState, stylusSystemGesture.StylusDevice.DirectlyOver);


        /// Critical - calls a critical function ( PushInput) 
        ///          - called by PostProcessInput
        [SecurityCritical ]
        void PromoteRawToPreview(RawStylusInputReport report, ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            RoutedEvent routedEvent = GetPreviewEventFromRawStylusActions(report.Actions); 
            if (routedEvent != null && report.StylusDevice != null && !report.StylusDevice.IgnoreStroke)
                StylusEventArgs args; 
                if (routedEvent != Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent)
                    if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent)
                        args = new StylusDownEventArgs(report.StylusDevice, report.Timestamp);
                        args = new StylusEventArgs(report.StylusDevice, report.Timestamp); 
                    RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport reportSg = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)report;
                    args = new StylusSystemGestureEventArgs(report.StylusDevice, 
                args.InputReport = report;
                args.RoutedEvent= routedEvent;
                e.PushInput(args, e.StagingItem); 
        /// Critical - calls a critical method ( pushInput).
        ///           - called by PostProcessInput
        void PromotePreviewToMain(ProcessInputEventArgs e) 
            if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled)
                RoutedEvent eventMain = GetMainEventFromPreviewEvent(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent);
                if (eventMain != null)
                    StylusEventArgs eventArgsPreview = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input; 
                    StylusDevice stylusDevice = eventArgsPreview.InputReport.StylusDevice;
                    StylusEventArgs eventArgsMain; 
                    if (eventMain == Stylus.StylusDownEvent ||
                        eventMain == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent) 
                        StylusDownEventArgs downEventArgsPreview = (StylusDownEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
                        eventArgsMain = new StylusDownEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp);
                    else if (eventMain == Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent ||
                        eventMain == Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent) 
                        StylusButtonEventArgs buttonEventArgsPreview = (StylusButtonEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
                        eventArgsMain = new StylusButtonEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp, buttonEventArgsPreview.StylusButton); 
                    else if (eventMain != Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
                        eventArgsMain = new StylusEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp); 
                        StylusSystemGestureEventArgs previewSystemGesture = (StylusSystemGestureEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
                        eventArgsMain = new StylusSystemGestureEventArgs(stylusDevice, 
                    eventArgsMain.InputReport = eventArgsPreview.InputReport; 
                    eventArgsMain.RoutedEvent = eventMain;
                    e.PushInput(eventArgsMain, e.StagingItem); 
                // A TouchDevice is activated before TouchDown and deactivated after TouchUp
                // But if PreviewStylusUp event is handled by the user, it will 
                // never be promoted to TouchUp event leaving the TouchDevice in inconsistent 
                // active state. Hence deactivating touch device if it is active.
                StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs; 
                if (stylusEventArgs != null &&
                    stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent &&
        ///     Critical: Calls SecurityCritical methods.
        private void PromoteMainToOther(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem = e.StagingItem; 
            StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs = stagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs;
            if (stylusEventArgs == null) 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusEventArgs.StylusDevice; 
            StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
            bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice); 
            if (IsTouchPromotionEvent(stylusEventArgs))
                if (e.StagingItem.Input.Handled)
                    // A TouchDevice is activated before TouchDown and deactivated after TouchUp
                    // But if StylusUp event is handled by the user, it will 
                    // never be promoted to TouchUp event leaving the TouchDevice in inconsistent
                    // active state. Hence deactivating touch device if it is active. 
                    if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent && 
                    // This event is to also route as a Touch event. 
                    // PromoteMainToMouse will eventually see the resulting 
                    // touch event when it finishes and promote to mouse.
                    PromoteMainToTouch(e, stylusEventArgs); 
            else if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
                // Promote stylus system gesture to mouse if needed or
                // store them if it cannot be determined that we are manipulating 
                // at this stage. 
                if (shouldPromoteToMouse)
                    if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation)
                    else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
            else if(shouldPromoteToMouse && touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
                // This is not a touch event, go to mouse 

        ///     Critical: Accesses e.StagingItem.Input.
        private static bool IsTouchPromotionEvent(StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs) 
            if (stylusEventArgs != null) 
                RoutedEvent routedEvent = stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent;
                return (IsTouchStylusDevice(stylusEventArgs.StylusDevice) && 
                        (routedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent ||
                         routedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent ||
                         routedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent));
            return false; 

        private static bool IsTouchStylusDevice(StylusDevice stylusDevice) 
            return (stylusDevice.TabletDevice != null &&
                stylusDevice.TabletDevice.Type == TabletDeviceType.Touch);

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainMoveToTouch, PromoteMainDownToTouch or PromoteMainUpToTouch 
        private void PromoteMainToTouch(ProcessInputEventArgs e, StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs)
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusEventArgs.StylusDevice;

            if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent) 
                PromoteMainMoveToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem);
            else if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent)
                PromoteMainDownToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem);
            else if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent)
                PromoteMainUpToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem); 

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainToMouse
        private void PromoteMainDownToTouch(StylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem) 
            StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
            if (touchDevice.IsActive) 
                // Deactivate and end the previous cycle if already active
            bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice); 
            if (!touchDevice.OnDown() && shouldPromoteToMouse) 
                if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation) 
                else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther) 

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainToMouse
        private void PromoteMainMoveToTouch(StylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem) 
            StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
            bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice); 
            if (touchDevice.IsActive)
                if (!touchDevice.OnMove() && shouldPromoteToMouse)
                    if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation)
                        IList storedStagingItems = touchDevice.StoredStagingAreaItems; 
                        int stagingItemCount = storedStagingItems.Count;
                        if (stagingItemCount > 0 && 
                            storedStagingItems[stagingItemCount - 1].Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent)
                            storedStagingItems[stagingItemCount - 1] = stagingItem;
                    else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
            else if (shouldPromoteToMouse) 

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainToMouse
        private void PromoteMainUpToTouch(StylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem)
            StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
            bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice);
            if (touchDevice.IsActive)
                // Promote Up to Mouse if mouse left/right button is 
                // pressed, even if TouchUp event is handled. This is such
                // that we dont leave mouse in an inconsistent pressed state. 
                if (shouldPromoteToMouse && touchDevice.PromotingToOther &&
                    (_mouseLeftButtonState == MouseButtonState.Pressed ||
                    _mouseRightButtonState == MouseButtonState.Pressed))
                // PromoteMainToMouse is an outbound call that may have pumped messages.
                // Since the world may have changed, verify that the device is still active. 
                if (touchDevice.IsActive)
            else if (shouldPromoteToMouse) 

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainToMouse 
        internal void PromoteStoredItemsToMouse(StylusTouchDevice touchDevice) 
            if (!ShouldPromoteToMouse(touchDevice.StylusDevice)) 
            IList storedItems = touchDevice.StoredStagingAreaItems;
            int count = storedItems.Count; 
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
                // A stored item could be a Stylus input staging item queued to be promoted to mouse 
                // OR a raw mouse input report staging item for Button1Press delayed from
                // StylusLogic.PreProcessInput. If this staging item is of such a raw mouse
                // input report call StylusDevice's PlaybackCachedDownInputReport OR else
                // call PromoteMainToMouse method. 
                StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem = storedItems[i];
                InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = stagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs; 
                if (inputReportArgs != null && 
                    inputReportArgs.Report.Type == InputType.Mouse &&
                    !(inputReportArgs.Device is StylusDevice)) 

        private bool ShouldPromoteToMouse(StylusDevice stylusDevice)
            if (CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice == null ||
                CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice == stylusDevice) 
                return true;
            return false;

        ///     The stylusdevice object which should promote to mouse.
        ///     Should promote to mouse if this is null. 
        ///     This could also a dummy object to avoid promotion at all. 
        internal object CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice 


        ///     Critical: accesses stagingItem.Input
        ///           - called by PostProcessInput
        private void PromoteMainToMouse(StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem)
                StylusEventArgs stylusArgs = stagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs; 
                if (stylusArgs != null)
                    StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusArgs.StylusDevice;
                    // We only want to promote to mouse when we actually have real stylus input.
                    if (stylusDevice != null) 
                        Debug.Assert(ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice) && stylusDevice.TouchDevice.PromotingToOther);
                        if (IgnoreGestureToMousePromotion(stylusArgs as StylusSystemGestureEventArgs, stylusDevice.TouchDevice))

                        RawMouseActions actions = stylusDevice.GetMouseActionsFromStylusEventAndPlaybackCachedDown(stagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent, stylusArgs); 
                        if (actions != RawMouseActions.None)
                            PresentationSource mouseInputSource = stylusDevice.GetMousePresentationSource();

                            if (mouseInputSource != null)
                                Point pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(stylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint, mouseInputSource);
                                // use the dispatcher as a way of coalescing mouse *move* messages
                                // BUT don't flood the dispatcher with delegates if we're already 
                                // waiting for a callback
                                if ((actions & RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove) != 0)
                                    if (actions == _lastRawMouseAction && _waitingForDelegate)
                                        return; // We don't need to process this one. 
                                        //set the waiting bit so we won't enter here again
                                        //until we get the callback
                                        _waitingForDelegate = true; 

                                        (DispatcherOperationCallback)delegate(object unused) 
                                            //reset our flags here in the callback. 
                                            _waitingForDelegate = false;
                                            return null;
                                // See if we need to set the Mouse Activate flag.
                                if (_inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource != mouseInputSource) 
                                    actions |= RawMouseActions.Activate;
                                _lastRawMouseAction = actions;
                                RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = new RawMouseInputReport( 
                                                                            InputMode.Foreground, stylusArgs.Timestamp, mouseInputSource,
                                                                            actions, (int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y, 0, IntPtr.Zero); 

                                InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, mouseInputReport);

        private bool IgnoreGestureToMousePromotion(StylusSystemGestureEventArgs gestureArgs, StylusTouchDevice touchDevice)
            if (gestureArgs != null && touchDevice.DownHandled)
                // If touchDevice's down event is already handled 
                // and if this gesture is a candidate for mouse
                // left button down promotion, then such a 
                // promotion should be ignored.
                SystemGesture gesture = gestureArgs.SystemGesture;
                if (gesture == SystemGesture.Tap ||
                    gesture == SystemGesture.Drag) 
                    return true; 
            return false; 


        ///     Critical: - accesses e.StagingItem.Input and PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual 
        ///           - called by PreProcessInput
        void CallPlugInsForMouse(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled) 
                // if we see a preview mouse event that is not generated by a stylus 
                // then send on to plugin 
                if ((e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent) &&
                    (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent) && 
                    (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent) &&
                    (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != InputManager.InputReportEvent))
                // record the mouse capture for later reference..
                MouseDevice mouseDevice; 
                PresentationSource source; 
                bool leftButtonDown;
                bool rightButtonDown; 
                RawStylusActions stylusActions = RawStylusActions.None;
                int timestamp;

                // See if we need to deal sending a leave due to this PresentationSource being Deactivated 
                // If not then we just return and do nothing.
                if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.InputReportEvent) 
                    if (_activeMousePlugInCollection == null || _activeMousePlugInCollection.Element == null)

                    InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;

                    if (input.Report.Type != InputType.Mouse) 
                    RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport) input.Report; 

                    if ((mouseInputReport.Actions & RawMouseActions.Deactivate) != RawMouseActions.Deactivate) 

                    mouseDevice = _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice;
                    // Mouse set directly over to null when truly deactivating.
                    if (mouseDevice == null || mouseDevice.DirectlyOver != null) 

                    leftButtonDown = mouseDevice.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed; 
                    rightButtonDown = mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
                    timestamp = mouseInputReport.Timestamp;

                    // Get presentationsource from element. 
                    source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(_activeMousePlugInCollection.Element as Visual);
                    MouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as MouseEventArgs; 
                    mouseDevice = mouseEventArgs.MouseDevice;
                    leftButtonDown = mouseDevice.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
                    rightButtonDown = mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
                    // Only look at mouse input reports that truly come from a mouse (and is not an up or deactivate) and it
                    // must be pressed state if a move (we don't fire stylus inair moves currently) 
                    if (mouseEventArgs.StylusDevice != null && 
                        e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent)

                    if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent)
                        if (!leftButtonDown) 
                        stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Move; 
                    if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent)
                        MouseButtonEventArgs mouseButtonEventArgs = mouseEventArgs as MouseButtonEventArgs;
                        if (mouseButtonEventArgs.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left)
                        stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Down; 
                    if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent) 
                        MouseButtonEventArgs mouseButtonEventArgs = mouseEventArgs as MouseButtonEventArgs;
                        if (mouseButtonEventArgs.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left) 
                        stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Up;
                    timestamp = mouseEventArgs.Timestamp; 

                    Visual directlyOverVisual = mouseDevice.DirectlyOver as Visual; 
                    if ( directlyOverVisual == null ) 

                    // NTRAID:WINDOWSOS#1536432-2006/03/15-WAYNEZEN,
                    // Take the presentation source which is associated to the directly over element. 
                    source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(directlyOverVisual);

                PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(source); 

                if ((penContexts != null) &&
                    (source != null) &&
                    (source.CompositionTarget != null) && 
                    IInputElement directlyOver = mouseDevice.DirectlyOver; 
                    int packetStatus = (leftButtonDown ? 1 : 0) | (rightButtonDown ? 9 : 0); // pen tip down == 1, barrel = 8
                    Point ptClient = mouseDevice.GetPosition(source.RootVisual as IInputElement); 
                    ptClient  =  source.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(ptClient);

                    int buttons = (leftButtonDown ? 1 : 0) | (rightButtonDown ? 3 : 0);
                    int [] data = {(int)ptClient.X, (int)ptClient.Y, packetStatus, buttons}; 
                    RawStylusInputReport inputReport = new RawStylusInputReport(

                    // Avoid re-entrancy due to lock() being used. 
                    using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing())
                        // Call plugins (does enter/leave and FireCustomData as well) 
                        _activeMousePlugInCollection = penContexts.InvokeStylusPluginCollectionForMouse(inputReport, directlyOver, _activeMousePlugInCollection);
        internal StylusPointDescription GetMousePointDescription 
                if (_mousePointDescription == null)
                    _mousePointDescription = new StylusPointDescription( 
                                                    new StylusPointPropertyInfo[] {
                                                    -1); // No real pressure in data 
                return _mousePointDescription; 

        internal MouseButtonState GetMouseLeftOrRightButtonState(bool leftButton)
            if (leftButton)
                return _mouseLeftButtonState; 
                return _mouseRightButtonState;

        internal bool UpdateMouseButtonState(RawMouseActions actions) 
            bool updated = false;
            switch (actions)
                case RawMouseActions.Button1Press:
                    if (_mouseLeftButtonState != MouseButtonState.Pressed) 
                        updated = true; 
                        _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Pressed; 

                case RawMouseActions.Button1Release:
                    if (_mouseLeftButtonState != MouseButtonState.Released)
                        updated = true;
                        _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released; 
                case RawMouseActions.Button2Press:
                    if (_mouseRightButtonState != MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                        updated = true; 
                        _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Pressed;

                case RawMouseActions.Button2Release: 
                    if (_mouseRightButtonState != MouseButtonState.Released)
                        updated = true;
                        _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released; 

            return updated; 

        ///      Critical as this calls a critical method MouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem 
        ///             and accesses Critical data _inputManager.Value.
        ///      At the top called from PreProcessInput and PreNotifyInput which is SecurityCritical 
        void UpdateMouseState()
            MouseDevice mouseDevice = _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice;
            _mouseLeftButtonState = mouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem(MouseButton.Left); 
            _mouseRightButtonState = mouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem(MouseButton.Right);

        // We walk the list of stylus devices looking to see if any of them are in range so we 
        // can udpate the flag that tracks whether any stylus devices are currently in range.
        private void UpdateIsStylusInRange(bool forceInRange)
            bool foundInRangeStylusDevice = false; 

            if (forceInRange) 
                foundInRangeStylusDevice = true;
                foreach (TabletDevice tabletDevice in Tablet.TabletDevices)
                    foreach (StylusDevice stylusDevice in tabletDevice.StylusDevices)
                        if (stylusDevice.InRange) 
                            foundInRangeStylusDevice = true; 
                    // Exit if we found a stylusdevice.
                    if (foundInRangeStylusDevice) break; 
            // Update in range flag.
            _stylusDeviceInRange = foundInRangeStylusDevice;

        internal void UpdateStylusCapture(StylusDevice stylusDevice, IInputElement oldStylusDeviceCapture, IInputElement newStylusDeviceCapture, int timestamp) 
            if (newStylusDeviceCapture != _stylusCapture) 
                DependencyObject o = null;
                IInputElement oldCapture = _stylusCapture;
                _stylusCapture = newStylusDeviceCapture; 

                // Adjust the handlers we use to track everything. 
                if (oldCapture != null) 
                    o = oldCapture as DependencyObject; 
                    if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o))
                        ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o)) 
                        ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 

                        // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                if (_stylusCapture != null)
                    o = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject; 
                    if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o))
                        ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o))
                        ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 

                        // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements. 
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 

                // Oddly enough, update the IsStylusCaptureWithin property first.  This is 
                // so any callbacks will see the more-common IsStylusCaptureWithin property
                // set correctly. 
                UIElement.StylusCaptureWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldCapture as DependencyObject, _stylusCapture as DependencyObject, ref _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState); 

                // Invalidate the IsStylusCaptured properties. 
                if (oldCapture != null)
                    o = oldCapture as DependencyObject;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements 
                if (_stylusCapture != null) 
                    o = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements 
        internal void UpdateOverProperty(StylusDevice stylusDevice, IInputElement newOver)
            // Only update the OverProperty for the current stylus device and only if we see a change. 
            if (stylusDevice == _currentStylusDevice && newOver != _stylusOver)
                DependencyObject o = null;
                IInputElement oldOver = _stylusOver;
                _stylusOver = newOver;
                // Adjust the handlers we use to track everything.
                if (oldOver != null) 
                    o = oldOver as DependencyObject;
                    if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o)) 
                        ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                    else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o)) 
                        ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                if (_stylusOver != null) 
                    o = _stylusOver as DependencyObject; 
                    if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o)) 
                        ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o)) 
                        ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;

                // Oddly enough, update the IsStylusOver property first.  This is
                // so any callbacks will see the more-common IsStylusOver property 
                // set correctly.
                UIElement.StylusOverProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldOver as DependencyObject, _stylusOver as DependencyObject, ref _stylusOverTreeState); 
                // Invalidate the IsStylusDirectlyOver property.
                if (oldOver != null) 
                    o = oldOver as DependencyObject;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements
                if (_stylusOver != null)
                    o = _stylusOver as DependencyObject; 
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements

        private void OnOverIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is over just became disabled. 
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who 
            // the stylus is over now.

            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);

        private void OnOverIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            // The element that the stylus is over just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
            // the stylus is over now.

            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true); 
        private void OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            // The element that the stylus is over was affected by a change in hit-test visibility. 
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
            // the stylus is over now.
            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);
        private void OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is captured to just became disabled.
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a disabled element. 

            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true); 

        private void OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            // The element that the stylus is captured to just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since 
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a non-visible element.
            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true); 
        private void OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is captured to was affected by a change in hit-test visibility.
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a non-hittest-visible element. 
            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true);

        ///     Critical: Access the security critical method - StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Just calls security transparent routine ReevaluateStylusOver on StylusLogic.
        ///                  Takes no critical data as input and doesn't return any. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        static internal void CurrentStylusLogicReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.ReevaluateStylusOver(element, oldParent, isCoreParent);
        internal void ReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent) 
        private void ReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            if (element != null) 
                if (isCoreParent)
                    StylusOverTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent);
                    StylusOverTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);

            // It would be best to re-evaluate anything dependent on the hit-test results 
            // immediately after layout & rendering are complete.  Unfortunately this can
            // lead to an infinite loop.  Consider the following scenario:
            // If the stylus is over an element, hide it. 
            // This never resolves to a "correct" state.  When the stylus moves over the 
            // element, the element is hidden, so the stylus is no longer over it, so the 
            // element is shown, but that means the stylus is over it again.  Repeat.
            // We push our re-evaluation to a priority lower than input processing so that
            // the user can change the input device to avoid the infinite loops, or close
            // the app if nothing else works.
            if (_reevaluateStylusOverOperation == null)
                _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate, null); 
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
                foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap)
                    pair.Value.ReevaluateStylusOver(element, oldParent, isCoreParent);

        private object ReevaluateStylusOverAsync(object arg) 
            _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null; 

            // Synchronize causes state issues with the stylus events so we don't do this.
            //if (_currentStylusDevice != null)
            //    _currentStylusDevice.Synchronize();
            // Refresh StylusOverProperty so that ReverseInherited Flags are updated.
            // We only need to do this is there is any information about the old
            // tree state.  This is because it is possible (even likely) that
            // Synchronize() would have already done this if we hit-tested to a
            // different element. 
            if(_stylusOverTreeState != null && !_stylusOverTreeState.IsEmpty)
                UIElement.StylusOverProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_stylusOver as DependencyObject, _stylusOver as DependencyObject, ref _stylusOverTreeState); 
            return null;
        ///     Critical: Access the security critical method StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Just calls security transparent routine ReevaluateCapture on StylusLogic. 
        ///                  Takes no critical data as input and doesn't return any.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        static internal void CurrentStylusLogicReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent) 
            StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.ReevaluateCapture(element, oldParent, isCoreParent); 

        internal void ReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
        private void ReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            if (element != null) 
                if (isCoreParent)
                    StylusCaptureWithinTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent); 
                    StylusCaptureWithinTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);

            // We re-evaluate the captured element to be consistent with how
            // we re-evaluate the element the stylus is over. 
            // See ReevaluateStylusOver for details. 
            if (_reevaluateCaptureOperation == null)
                _reevaluateCaptureOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateCaptureDelegate, null);
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock) 
                foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap) 
                    pair.Value.ReevaluateCapture(element, oldParent, isCoreParent);

        private object ReevaluateCaptureAsync(object arg)
            _reevaluateCaptureOperation = null;
            if (_stylusCapture == null) 
                return null;
            bool killCapture = false;

            DependencyObject dependencyObject = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
            // First, check things like IsEnabled, IsVisible, etc. on a 
            // UIElement vs. ContentElement basis. 
            if (InputElement.IsUIElement(dependencyObject)) 
                killCapture = !ValidateUIElementForCapture((UIElement)_stylusCapture);
            else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(dependencyObject)) 
                killCapture = !ValidateContentElementForCapture((ContentElement)_stylusCapture); 
                killCapture = !ValidateUIElement3DForCapture((UIElement3D)_stylusCapture);

            // Second, if we still haven't thought of a reason to kill capture, validate
            // it on a Visual basis for things like still being in the right tree. 
            if (killCapture == false)
                DependencyObject containingVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(dependencyObject);
                killCapture = !ValidateVisualForCapture(containingVisual);
            // Lastly, if we found any reason above, kill capture. 
            if (killCapture)

            // Refresh StylusCaptureWithinProperty so that ReverseInherited flags are updated. 
            // We only need to do this is there is any information about the old 
            // tree state.  This is because it is possible (even likely) that 
            // we would have already killed capture if the capture criteria was
            // no longer met. 
            if (_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState != null && !_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState.IsEmpty)
                UIElement.StylusCaptureWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_stylusCapture as DependencyObject, _stylusCapture as DependencyObject, ref _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState);

            return null; 

        private bool ValidateUIElementForCapture(UIElement element) 
            if (element.IsEnabled == false)
                return false;
            if (element.IsVisible == false)
                return false; 
            if (element.IsHitTestVisible == false)
                return false; 

            return true;
        private bool ValidateContentElementForCapture(ContentElement element)
            if (element.IsEnabled == false) 
                return false;
            // NOTE: there is no IsVisible property for ContentElements.

            return true;

        private bool ValidateUIElement3DForCapture(UIElement3D element) 
            if (element.IsEnabled == false)
                return false; 

            if (element.IsVisible == false)
                return false;
            if (element.IsHitTestVisible == false)
                return false; 
            return true;

        ///     Critical: This code accesses critical data (PresentationSource)
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Although it accesses critical data it does not modify or expose it, only compares against it. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private bool ValidateVisualForCapture(DependencyObject visual) 
            if (visual == null) 
                return false;

            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual);
            if (presentationSource == null)
                return false; 
            if (CurrentStylusDevice != null &&
                CurrentStylusDevice.CriticalActiveSource != presentationSource &&
                CurrentStylusDevice.Captured == null)
                return false;
            return true;


        // Make sure that the state of the stylus is correct for the the event we are 
        // seeing.  This validation is mainly for V1 and Lonestar wisptis events since 
        // it can send us InAirMove while in the middle of a down state.
        // The other issue this routine handles is overlapping InRange and OutOfRange 
        // notifications we can get when moving between two windows (penContexts).  Wisptis
        // can send these in an overlapped manner which can mess up our InRange state if
        // we don't special case it.
        ///     Critical: - asserts for UIPermission to grab the active source from the stylusdevice
        ///               - accesses SecurityCritical data _inputManager.Value. 
        ///               - calls SecurityCritical methods (GetStylusPenContextForHwnd, StylusDevice.ActiveSource, 
        ///                     HwndSource.CriticalHandle, InputReport.InputSource and InputManager.ProcessInput).
        ///           - called by PreProcessInput 
        ///           - Not TAS since this can inject stylus events.
        bool IsValidStylusAction(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport) 
            bool allowEvent = true; 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice; 

            // See if we have the correct PenContext we are receiving input from.  We can get two 
            // different PenContext objects actually sending us input simultaneously.  We lock onto the
            // the first one we see come in range and keep locked on that till we see it go out of range.
            // If we go out of range and have overlapping inrange from another PenContext we will
            // force that PenContext to be the current one by forcing a InRange stylus event. 

            // Now check for proper state of the device for the given Stylus event. 
            switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions) 
                case RawStylusActions.InRange: 
                    // only process inrange if currently out of range and the inputsource is not disposed.
                    allowEvent = !stylusDevice.InRange && !rawStylusInputReport.InputSource.IsDisposed;
                case RawStylusActions.InAirMove:
                    if (!stylusDevice.InRange && !rawStylusInputReport.InputSource.IsDisposed) 
                        // Force InRange if stylus is out of range.
                        // If InAir and either inputSource matches current devices input source or
                        // the last down input source then it is OK to process and we can allow this. 
                        allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext; 

                case RawStylusActions.Down:
                    if (!stylusDevice.InRange)
                        allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
                case RawStylusActions.Move:
                    allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext; 

                case RawStylusActions.Up: 
                    allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;

                case RawStylusActions.SystemGesture: 
                    allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
                    if (allowEvent) 
                        RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport systemGestureReport = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)rawStylusInputReport; 

                        // If we see a Tap gesture that is sent when we are not in the down state then
                        // ignore this (it's a double tap issue) since we will have generated one when
                        // we see the up. 
                        if (systemGestureReport.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Tap && stylusDevice.InAir)
                            allowEvent = false; 

                case RawStylusActions.OutOfRange:
                    allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext; 
            return allowEvent;

        ///     Critical: - accesses SecurityCritical data (_inputManager.Value, rawStylusInputReport.Data, 
        ///                     InputReport.InputSource, rawStylusInputReport.PenContext).
        ///               - calls SecurityCritical methods (InputManager.ProcessInput). 
        ///           - Not TAS since this can inject stylus events. 
        private void GenerateInRange(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport)
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice;
            RawStylusInputReport inputReport =
                new RawStylusInputReport(rawStylusInputReport.Mode, 

            InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, inputReport); 


        internal static int GetFlickAction(int flickData) 
            return (flickData & 0x001F); 

        private static bool GetIsScrollUp(int flickData) 
            Debug.Assert(GetFlickAction(flickData) == 1); // Make sure scroll action is set in flickdata.
            return (NativeMethods.SignedHIWORD(flickData) == 0);

        // Our handler for the WM_FLICK message. 
        internal bool HandleFlick(int flickData, IInputElement element) 
            bool handled = false; // By default say we didn't handle this flick action. 

            switch (GetFlickAction(flickData))
                case 1: // Scroll 
                    // Process scroll command.
                    RoutedUICommand command = GetIsScrollUp(flickData) ? ComponentCommands.ScrollPageUp : ComponentCommands.ScrollPageDown; 
                    if (element != null) 
                        if (command.CanExecute(null, element)) 
                            command.Execute(null, element);
                        // NTRAID-WINDOWS#1412363-2006/01/10-WAYNEZEN,
                        // We should alway report handled if there is a potential flick element. 
                        // Otherwise, the flick UIHub will send WM_KEYXXX for the PageDown/PageUp to this window. 
                        // So the focused element will react to those messages.
                        handled = true; // Say we handled it. 

                case 0: // Null 
                case 2: // AppCommand
                case 3: // CustomKey 
                case 4: // KeyModifier 
                    // Say we didn't handle it so UIHub will do default processing.

                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown Flick Action encountered");
            return handled; 

        /// This method handles the various windows messages related to the system setting changes.
        ///     Critical - Calls into SecurityCritical code (OnDeviceChange, OnScreenMeasurementsChanged, 
        ///                 ReadSystemConfig, OnTabletAdded and OnTabletRemoved).
        [SecurityCritical, FriendAccessAllowed]
        internal void HandleMessage(WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) 
            switch ( msg ) 
                case WindowMessage.WM_DEVICECHANGE:
                    if ( !_inputEnabled && (uint)NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(wParam) == 0x0007 /* DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED */) 

                case WindowMessage.WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: 
                case WindowMessage.WM_SETTINGCHANGE:
                    ReadSystemConfig(); // Update our registry settings.

                    // Invalidate the values so they get re-built as needed. 
                    if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null)
                        foreach (TabletDevice tablet in _tabletDeviceCollection) 
                            tablet.InvalidateSizeDeltas(); // Will be recalc'd on next stylus down. 
                case WindowMessage.WM_TABLET_ADDED:

                case WindowMessage.WM_TABLET_DELETED: 

        RoutedEvent GetMainEventFromPreviewEvent(RoutedEvent routedEvent)
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusDownEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusUpEvent; 
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusMoveEvent; 
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent) 
                return Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent) 
                return Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent) 
                return Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent) 
                return Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent; 
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent; 
            return null;


        RoutedEvent GetPreviewEventFromRawStylusActions(RawStylusActions actions) 
            if((actions & RawStylusActions.Down) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent; 
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.Up) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent;
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.Move) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent; 
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.InAirMove) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent; 
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.InRange) != 0) 
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent;
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.OutOfRange) != 0) 
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent;
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.SystemGesture) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent;
            return null; 

        /// Critical - Calls into SecurityCritical code.
        ///           - called by SecurityCritical code (Event handlers at top)
        internal void InvokeStylusPluginCollection(RawStylusInputReport inputReport)
            if (inputReport.StylusDevice != null) 

        ///     Critical - Calls in to SecurityCritical code (StylusDevice.UpdateEventStylusPoints)
        ///      At the top called from StylusLogic::PreNotifyInput event which is SecurityCritical. 
        private void VerifyStylusPlugInCollectionTarget(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport) 
            switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions)
                case RawStylusActions.Down: 
                case RawStylusActions.Move:
                case RawStylusActions.Up: 
                    return; // do nothing if not Down, Move or Up. 

            RawStylusInput originalRSI = rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput;
            // See if we have a plugin for the target of this input. 
            StylusPlugInCollection targetPIC = null;
            StylusPlugInCollection targetRtiPIC = (originalRSI != null) ? originalRSI.Target : null; 
            bool updateEventPoints = false; 

            // Make sure we use UIElement for target if non NULL and hit ContentElement. 
            UIElement newTarget = InputElement.GetContainingUIElement(rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.DirectlyOver as DependencyObject) as UIElement;
            if (newTarget != null)
                targetPIC = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.FindPlugInCollection(newTarget); 
            // Make sure any lock() calls do not reenter on us. 
                // See if we hit the wrong PlugInCollection on the pen thread and clean things up if we did.
                if (targetRtiPIC != null && targetRtiPIC != targetPIC && originalRSI != null)
                    // Fire custom data not confirmed events for both pre and post since bad target... 
                    foreach (RawStylusInputCustomData customData in originalRSI.CustomDataList)
                        customData.Owner.FireCustomData(customData.Data, rawStylusInputReport.Actions, false); 
                    updateEventPoints = originalRSI.StylusPointsModified;

                    // Clear RawStylusInput data.
                    rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput = null; 
                // See if we need to build up an RSI to send to the plugincollection (due to a mistarget). 
                bool sendRawStylusInput = false;
                if (targetPIC != null && rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput == null) 
                    // NOTE: PenContext info will not change (it gets rebuilt instead so keeping ref is fine)
                    //    The transformTabletToView matrix and plugincollection rects though can change based
                    //    off of layout events which is why we need to lock this. 
                    GeneralTransformGroup transformTabletToView = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                    transformTabletToView.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(GetTabletToViewTransform(rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.TabletDevice))); // this gives matrix in measured units (not device) 
                    transformTabletToView.Children.Add(targetPIC.ViewToElement); // Make it relative to the element. 
                    transformTabletToView.Freeze();  // Must be frozen for multi-threaded access.
                    RawStylusInput rawStylusInput = new RawStylusInput(rawStylusInputReport, transformTabletToView, targetPIC);
                    rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput = rawStylusInput;
                    sendRawStylusInput = true;

                // Now fire the confirmed enter/leave events as necessary. 
                StylusPlugInCollection currentTarget = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.CurrentVerifiedTarget; 
                if (targetPIC != currentTarget)
                    if (currentTarget != null)
                        // Fire leave event.  If we never had a plugin for this event then create a temp one.
                        if (originalRSI == null) 
                            GeneralTransformGroup transformTabletToView = new GeneralTransformGroup(); 
                            transformTabletToView.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(GetTabletToViewTransform(rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.TabletDevice))); // this gives matrix in measured units (not device) 
                            transformTabletToView.Children.Add(currentTarget.ViewToElement); // Make it relative to the element.
                            transformTabletToView.Freeze();  // Must be frozen for multi-threaded access. 
                            originalRSI = new RawStylusInput(rawStylusInputReport, transformTabletToView, currentTarget);
                        currentTarget.FireEnterLeave(false, originalRSI, true);

                    if (targetPIC != null) 
                        // Fire Enter event
                        targetPIC.FireEnterLeave(true, rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput, true); 

                    // Update the verified target.
                    rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.CurrentVerifiedTarget = targetPIC; 
                // Now fire RawStylusInput if needed to the right plugincollection.
                if (sendRawStylusInput) 
                    // We are on the pen thread, just call directly.
                    updateEventPoints = (updateEventPoints || rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput.StylusPointsModified); 
                // Now fire PrePreviewCustomData events. 
                if (targetPIC != null)
                    // Send custom data pre event
                    foreach (RawStylusInputCustomData customData in rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput.CustomDataList)
                        customData.Owner.FireCustomData(customData.Data, rawStylusInputReport.Actions, true); 
                // VerifyRawTarget might resend to correct plugins or may have hit the wrong plugincollection.  The StylusPackets
                // may be overriden in those plugins so we need to call UpdateEventStylusPoints to update things. 
                if (updateEventPoints)
                    rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.UpdateEventStylusPoints(rawStylusInputReport, true);

        internal int DoubleTapDelta
            get {return _doubleTapDelta;} 
        internal int DoubleTapDeltaTime 
            get {return _doubleTapDeltaTime;} 

        internal int CancelDelta
            get {return _cancelDelta;}
        /// Critical - Calls into security critical code. (InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs) 
        ///           - called by PreProcessInput (which is SecurityCritical)
        private void GenerateGesture(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport, SystemGesture gesture) 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice; 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null); 

            RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport inputReport = new RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport( 
                                                        0, // Gesture X location (only used for flicks)
                                                        0, // Gesture Y location (only used for flicks) 
                                                        0); // ButtonState (only used for flicks)
            inputReport.StylusDevice = stylusDevice;
            InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, inputReport);
            // Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get
            // to the user before the StylusUp and MouseUp event. 
        /// Before we promote a MouseUp, we need to send a MouseMove to move the mouse device
        /// over to the correct location, since MouseUp does not use location information.
        /// Critical - Calls into security critical code. (InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs) 
        ///           - called by PreProcessInput (which is SecurityCritical)
        private void ProcessMouseMove(StylusDevice stylusDevice, int timestamp, bool isSynchronize)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null);

            if (!ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice) || !stylusDevice.TouchDevice.PromotingToOther)
            PresentationSource mouseInputSource = stylusDevice.GetMousePresentationSource();
            if (mouseInputSource != null)
                RawMouseActions actions = RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove;
                // Don't set Activate flag if a synchronize is requested!
                if (!isSynchronize) 
                    if (_inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource != mouseInputSource)
                        actions |= RawMouseActions.Activate;
                Point pt = stylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint; // Use last promoted mouse location.
                pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(pt, mouseInputSource); 
                RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport =
                            new RawMouseInputReport(InputMode.Foreground, 

                if (isSynchronize) 
                    mouseInputReport._isSynchronize = true;
                _lastRawMouseAction = actions;
                InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, mouseInputReport); 
                inputReportArgs.RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent;
                // Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get
                // to the user before the StylusUp and MouseUp event.
        /// Critical: accesses e.StagingItem.Input
        ///             calls into SecurityCritical code (InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs)
        private void UpdateButtonStates(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled) 
                RoutedEvent routedEvent = e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent; 
                if (routedEvent != null && (routedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent
                                     || routedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent
                                     || routedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent
                                     || routedEvent == Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent)) 
                    StylusEventArgs eventArgs = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input; 
                    RawStylusInputReport report = eventArgs.InputReport; 

                    StylusDevice stylusDevice = report.StylusDevice; 
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null);

                    StylusPointCollection stylusPoints = stylusDevice.GetStylusPoints(null);
                    StylusPoint stylusPoint = stylusPoints[stylusPoints.Count - 1]; 

                    foreach (StylusButton button in stylusDevice.StylusButtons) 

                        // ISSUE-2005/2/2-XIAOTU what if more than one button state in a single packet? 
                        // Split the packets or only use the last one as we did below?

                        StylusButtonState currentButtonState =
                            (StylusButtonState)stylusPoint.GetPropertyValue(new StylusPointProperty(button.Guid, true)); 

                        if (currentButtonState != button.CachedButtonState) 
                           button.CachedButtonState = currentButtonState;
                           // do work to push Button event
                           StylusButtonEventArgs args = new StylusButtonEventArgs(stylusDevice, report.Timestamp, button);
                           args.InputReport = report;
                           if (currentButtonState == StylusButtonState.Down) 

                           // Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get 
                           // to the user before the promoted mouse event.

        ///     Critical:    calls UnsafeNativeMethods.WindowFromPoint 
        private static bool InWindowClientRect(Point ptClient, PresentationSource inputSource) 
            bool inClientRect = false;

            // Note: this only works for HWNDs for now. 
            HwndSource source = inputSource as HwndSource;
            if(source != null && source.CompositionTarget != null && !source.IsHandleNull) 
                Point ptScreen = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(ptClient, source);
                IntPtr hwndHit = IntPtr.Zero ; 
                HwndSource sourceHit = null ;
                Point ptClientHit = new Point(0,0);

                // Hit-test for a window. 
                // See if this is one of our windows.
                hwndHit = UnsafeNativeMethods.WindowFromPoint((int)ptScreen.X, (int)ptScreen.Y); 
                if(hwndHit != IntPtr.Zero)
                    // See if this is one of our windows.
                    sourceHit = HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd(hwndHit);

                    // We need to check if the point is over the client or 
                    // non-client area.  We only care about being over the
                    // client area. 
                    if (sourceHit != null) 
                        ptClientHit = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(ptScreen, sourceHit); 
                        NativeMethods.RECT rcClient = new NativeMethods.RECT();
                        SafeNativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(sourceHit,hwndHit), ref rcClient);

                        // Don't consider we hit anything if we are over the non-client area. 
                        inClientRect = !((int)ptClientHit.X < rcClient.left ||
                                         (int)ptClientHit.X >= rcClient.right || 
                                         (int)ptClientHit.Y < || 
                                         (int)ptClientHit.Y >= rcClient.bottom);
            return inClientRect;

        ///     Critical: calls into SecurityCritical code (TabletDeviceCollection constructor) 
        internal TabletDeviceCollection TabletDevices
                if (_tabletDeviceCollection == null) 
                    // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy. 
                        _tabletDeviceCollection = new TabletDeviceCollection();
                        // We need to know when the dispatcher shuts down in order to clean
                        // up references to PenThreads held in the TabletDeviceCollection. 
                        _inputManager.Value.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished += _shutdownHandler; 
                return _tabletDeviceCollection;
        ///     [TBS] 
        internal StylusDevice CurrentStylusDevice 
                return _currentStylusDevice; 
        internal void RegisterStylusDeviceCore(StylusDevice stylusDevice)
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
                int stylusDeviceId = stylusDevice.Id;
                // The map must contain unique entries for each stylus device. 
                if (__stylusDeviceMap.ContainsKey(stylusDeviceId)) 
                    InvalidOperationException ioe = new InvalidOperationException(); 
                    // We add a tag here so we can check for this specific exception
                    // in TabletCollection when adding new tablet devices.
                    ioe.Data.Add("System.Windows.Input.StylusLogic", "");
                __stylusDeviceMap[stylusDeviceId] = stylusDevice; 

        internal void UnregisterStylusDeviceCore(StylusDevice stylusDevice)
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock)

        internal StylusDevice FindStylusDevice(int stylusDeviceId)
            // If not on stylusLogic thread then you must take __stylusDeviceLock!! 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice; 
            __stylusDeviceMap.TryGetValue(stylusDeviceId, out stylusDevice);
            return stylusDevice;
        internal StylusDevice FindStylusDeviceWithLock(int stylusDeviceId)
            StylusDevice stylusDevice; 
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
                __stylusDeviceMap.TryGetValue(stylusDeviceId, out stylusDevice);
            return stylusDevice;


        // Updates the currently active stylus device and makes sure the StylusOver 
        // property is updated as needed.
        internal void SelectStylusDevice(StylusDevice stylusDevice, IInputElement newOver, bool updateOver)
            bool stylusDeviceChange = (_currentStylusDevice != stylusDevice); 
            StylusDevice oldStylusDevice = _currentStylusDevice;
            // If current StylusDevice is becoming null, make sure we update the over state 
            // before we update _currentStylusDevice or else the over property will not update
            // correctly! 
            if (updateOver && stylusDevice == null && stylusDeviceChange)
            if (updateOver && stylusDevice == null && stylusDeviceChange && newOver == null) 
                // This will cause UpdateOverProperty() to be called. 
                _currentStylusDevice.ChangeStylusOver(newOver); // This should be null.

            _currentStylusDevice = stylusDevice;

            if (updateOver && stylusDevice != null) 
                // This will cause StylusLogic.UpdateStylusOverProperty to unconditionally be called. 

                // If changing the current stylusdevice make sure that the old one's 
                // over state is set to null if it is not InRange anymore.
                // NOTE: We only want to do this if we have multiple stylusdevices InRange!
                if (stylusDeviceChange && oldStylusDevice != null)
                    if (!oldStylusDevice.InRange)

        /// Critical - calls into SecurityCritical code (Enable) 
        internal void EnableCore() 
            lock (__penContextsLock)
                foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values) 
                _inputEnabled = true;

        internal bool Enabled
                return _inputEnabled; 

        ///     Critical: This code accesses critical data (hwnd, InputManager, _penContextsMap, 
        ///                 PenContexts constructor) and passes to PenContexts constructor. 
        ///               It also optionally calls critical method PenContexts.Enable().
        ///                - TreatAsSafe boundry at HwndSource constructor.
        internal void RegisterHwndForInput(InputManager inputManager, PresentationSource inputSource) 
            HwndSource hwndSource = (HwndSource)inputSource; 
            // Query the transform from HwndTarget when the first window is created.
            if (!_transformInitialized) 
                if (hwndSource != null && hwndSource.CompositionTarget != null)
                    _transformToDevice = hwndSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice; 
                    _transformInitialized = true; 
            // Keep track so we don't bother looking for changes if someone happened to query this before
            // an Avalon window was created where we get TabletAdd/Removed notification.
            bool initializedTablets = (_tabletDeviceCollection == null);
            // This causes EnableCore to be called on TabletPC systems which enabled stylus input!
            TabletDeviceCollection tablets = TabletDevices; 
            // Make sure that lock() does not cause reentrancy.
                lock (__penContextsLock)
                    if (__penContextsMap.ContainsKey(inputSource)) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.PenService_WindowAlreadyRegistered)); 

                    PenContexts penContexts = new PenContexts(inputManager.StylusLogic, inputSource); 

                    __penContextsMap[inputSource] = penContexts;

                    // If FIRST one set this as the one to manage TabletAdded/Removed notifications. 
                    if (__penContextsMap.Count == 1)
                        // Make sure our view of TabletDevices is up to date we didn't just cause it 
                        // to be initialized and we had some real tablet devices.
                        if (!initializedTablets && tablets.Count > 0) 

                    // Detect if this window is disabled. If so then let the pencontexts know. 
                    int style = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this,hwndSource.CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.GWL_STYLE); 
                    if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_DISABLED) != 0)
                        penContexts.IsWindowDisabled = true;

                    if ( _inputEnabled ) 

        ///     Critical: - calls into Security Critical code (PenContexts.Disable) 
        ///         and accesses critical member __penContextsMap
        ///                - TreatAsSafe boundry at HwndStylusInputProvider::Dispose 
        internal void UnRegisterHwndForInput(HwndSource hwndSource)
            // Make sure that lock() does not cause reentrancy.
            using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing()) 
                bool shutdownWorkThread = Dispatcher.HasShutdownStarted; 
                lock (__penContextsLock) 
                    PenContexts penContexts; 
                    if (__penContextsMap.TryGetValue(hwndSource, out penContexts))
                        // NTRAID:WINDOWSOS#1877251-2006/10/10-WAYNEZEN,
                        // If the application dispatcher is being shut down, we should destroy our pen thread as well. 

                        // Make sure we remember the last location of this window for mapping stylus input later. 
                        if (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow(new HandleRef(hwndSource, hwndSource.CriticalHandle)))
                            penContexts.DestroyedLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(new Point(0, 0), hwndSource);
                    // If we failed to find penContexts for this window above then throw an error now. 
                    if (penContexts == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.PenService_WindowNotRegistered));
        ///     Critical: - Accesses a critical member variable: __penContextsMap
        internal PenContexts GetPenContextsFromHwnd(PresentationSource presentationSource)
            // Only safe to call from UI thread since only it will change Map. 
            PenContexts penContexts = null;

            if (presentationSource != null)
                __penContextsMap.TryGetValue(presentationSource, out penContexts);
            return penContexts; 

        ///     Critical: - Calls critical methods - InputReport.InputSource,
        ///                   PenContexts.ConsiderInRange and GetPenContextsFromHwnd. 
        internal bool ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport) 
            int timestamp = mouseInputReport.Timestamp; 

            // First check to see if we are close to the last time we've had a Stylus InRange
            // We consider it inrange if _lastInRangeTime+500 >= timestamp (whether we've seen
            // one within last 500ms). 
            //  Here's some info on how this works...
            //      int.MaxValue - int.MinValue = -1 (subtracting any negative # from MaxValue keeps this negative) 
            //      int.MinValue - int.MaxValue = 1 (subtracting any positive # from MinValue keeps this positive) 
            //  So as values close to MaxValue and MinValue get farther apart the result increases from a
            //  of delta 1 and we can thus take the Abs value to use for this check. 
            // Note: we don't really care if times wrap since the worst thing that would happen
            // is we'd let a mouse event slip through as you brought the stylus in range which
            // can happen today anyway.
            if (Math.Abs(unchecked(timestamp - _lastInRangeTime)) <= 500) 
                return true;
            HwndSource hwndSource = mouseInputReport.InputSource as HwndSource; 
            if (hwndSource != null)
                PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(hwndSource);
                if (penContexts != null)
                    return penContexts.ConsiderInRange(timestamp); 
            return false; 


        ///     Critical: - Accesses a critical member variable: __penContextsMap
        ///                 and calls SecurityCritical method 
        ///                 PenContexts.GetTabletDeviceIDPenContext. 
        internal PenContext GetStylusPenContextForHwnd(PresentationSource presentationSource, int tabletDeviceId)
            // Only safe to call from UI thread since only it will change Map.

            if (presentationSource != null) 
                PenContexts penContexts;
                __penContextsMap.TryGetValue(presentationSource, out penContexts); 
                if (penContexts != null)
                    return penContexts.GetTabletDeviceIDPenContext(tabletDeviceId);
            return null; 

        /// A method handles WM_DEVICECHANGE message.
        ///     Critical: The method invoke critical methods - 
        ///                 TabletDeviceCollection.ShouldEnableTablets, TabletDeviceCollection.UpdateTablets and EnableCore.
        ///               TreatAsSafe boundry is SystemResources.SystemThemeFilterMessage in PF.dll 
        private void OnDeviceChange() 
            Debug.Assert(!_inputEnabled, "StylusLogic has been enabled unexpectly.");

            if ( !_inputEnabled && TabletDeviceCollection.ShouldEnableTablets() ) 
                using ( Dispatcher.DisableProcessing() ) 
                    // Create the tablet device collection!

                    // Enable stylus input on all hwnds if we have not yet done so.
        ///     Critical: This code calls SecurityCritical code (TabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletAdded, 
        ///             TabletDeviceCollection.UpdateTablets, PenContexts.Enable, PenContexts.Disable and
        ///             PenContexts.AddContext) and accesses SecurityCritical data __penContextsMap.
        ///             Called by StylusLogic.HandleMessage.
        ///             TreatAsSafe boundry is HwndWrapperHook class (called via HwndSource.InputFilterMessage). 
        private void OnTabletAdded(uint wisptisIndex) 
            // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy. 
                lock ( __penContextsLock )
                    TabletDeviceCollection tabletDeviceCollection = TabletDevices;
                    // When we receive the first WM_TABLET_ADDED message without being enabled, 
                    // we have to update our TabletDevices at once and enable StylusLogic
                    if ( !_inputEnabled ) 
                        tabletDeviceCollection.UpdateTablets(); // Create the tablet device collection!
                        EnableCore(); // Go and enable input now.
                        return; // We are done here.
                    uint tabletIndex = UInt32.MaxValue;
                    // HandleTabletAdded returns true if we need to update contexts due to a change in tablet devices. 
                    if (tabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletAdded(wisptisIndex, ref tabletIndex))
                        if (tabletIndex != UInt32.MaxValue)
                            // Update all contexts with this new tablet device.
                            foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values) 
                            // rebuild all contexts and tablet collection if duplicate found. 
                            foreach ( PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values )
                                contexts.Disable(false /*shutdownWorkerThread*/); 

                            foreach ( PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values )

        ///     Critical: This code calls SecurityCritical code (PenContexts.RemoveContext and
        ///              TabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletRemoved) and accesses SecurityCritical data 
        ///              __penContextsMap. 
        ///             Called by StylusLogic.HandleMessage.
        ///             TreatAsSafe boundry is HwndWrapperHook class (called via HwndSource.InputFilterMessage). 
        private void OnTabletRemoved(uint wisptisIndex)
            // Nothing to do if the Stylus hasn't been enabled yet.
            if ( _inputEnabled ) 
                // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy.
                    lock ( __penContextsLock )
                        if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null) 
                            uint tabletIndex = _tabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletRemoved(wisptisIndex); 
                            if (tabletIndex != UInt32.MaxValue)
                                foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values)


        ///     Critical: This code calls SecurityCritical code (PenContexts.RebuildContexts). 
        ///             Called by HwndStylusInputProvider.FilterMessage.
        ///             TreatAsSafe boundry is HwndWrapperHook class (called via HwndSource.InputFilterMessage). 
        private void OnScreenMeasurementsChanged()
            // We only need to have one of these queued up on our dispatcher.
            if (!_updatingScreenMeasurements) 
                _updatingScreenMeasurements = true;
                // Queue up this code to execute after the WM_DISPLAYCHANGED message
                // has been processed
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, _processDisplayChanged, null);

        /// We get this notification when the WM_ENABLE message is sent to a window.
        /// When we get this we need to disable Stylus Input from being raised similar
        /// to how we deal with OLE DragDrop.  Win32 stops all other input from going to
        /// disabled windows so we need to do the same for stylus. 
        ///     Critical: This code calls SecurityCritical code (GetPenContextsFromHwnd, HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd) 
        ///                 and takes SecurityCritical data as input (hwnd).
        ///             Called by HwndStylusInputProvider.FilterMessage. 
        ///             TreatAsSafe boundry is HwndWrapperHook class (called via HwndSource.InputFilterMessage).
        internal void OnWindowEnableChanged(IntPtr hwnd, bool disabled) 
            // See if this is one of our windows. 
            HwndSource sourceHit = HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd(hwnd); 

            // We need to check if the point is over the client or 
            // non-client area.  We only care about being over the
            // client area.
            if (sourceHit != null)
                // Find the pencontexts for this window and update it's disabled window state
                PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(sourceHit); 
                if (penContexts != null) 
                    penContexts.IsWindowDisabled = disabled; 

            // See if we need to update the mouse state when going enabled. 
            if (!disabled && _currentStylusDevice != null)
                // If we are in air or have not fired down the set mouse in up state. 
                if (_currentStylusDevice.InAir || !_currentStylusDevice.GestureWasFired)
                    _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
                    _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
                    _mouseLeftButtonState = _currentStylusDevice.LeftIsActiveMouseButton ? MouseButtonState.Pressed : MouseButtonState.Released; 
                    _mouseRightButtonState = !_currentStylusDevice.LeftIsActiveMouseButton ? MouseButtonState.Pressed : MouseButtonState.Released; 


        /// Critical - calls security critical code PenContexts.Disable, 
        ///             PenContexts.Enable and TabletDevice.UpdateScreenMeasurements.
        /// TreatAsSafe - Just updates TabletDevice size info use for mapping input data.  No data goes in or out.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal object ProcessDisplayChanged(object oInput) 
            _updatingScreenMeasurements = false; 
            // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy.
                // We don't want to rebuild the contexts and update the tabletdevice
                // measurements if the Stylus hasn't been enabled yet.
                if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null) 
                    // NTRAID#T2-26521-2004/10/27-waynezen, 
                    // Invalidate the screen measurements of the tablet device. 
                    foreach ( TabletDevice tablet in _tabletDeviceCollection )

            return null; 


        internal Matrix GetTabletToViewTransform(TabletDevice tabletDevice)
            // NTRAID#Tablet_PC_Bug 26555-2004/11/3-xiaotu: Inking is offset under 120 DPI 
            // Changet the TabletToViewTransform matrix to take DPI into account. The default
            // value is 96 DPI in Avalon. The device DPI value is cached after the first call 
            // to this function. 

            Matrix matrix = _transformToDevice; 
            return matrix * tabletDevice.TabletToScreen;
        /// Transforms a point in measure units to a point in device coordinates 
        /// The point to transform, in measure units
        /// The point in device coordinates 
        internal Point DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(Point measurePoint)
            Point pt = measurePoint * _transformToDevice;
            pt.X = (int)Math.Round(pt.X); // Make sure we return whole numbers (pixels are whole numbers) 
            pt.Y = (int)Math.Round(pt.Y);
            return pt; 

        /// Transforms a point in measure units to a point in device coordinates
        /// The point to transform, in measure units
        /// The point in device coordinates 
        internal Point MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(Point measurePoint)
            Matrix matrix = _transformToDevice; 
            return measurePoint * matrix; 

        // This is used to determine whether we postpone promoting mouse move events 
        // from stylus events.
        internal void SetLastRawMouseActions(RawMouseActions actions) 
            _lastRawMouseAction = actions;

        private DeferredElementTreeState StylusOverTreeState
                if (_stylusOverTreeState == null) 
                    _stylusOverTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState(); 

                return _stylusOverTreeState;
        private DeferredElementTreeState StylusCaptureWithinTreeState 
                if (_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState == null)
                    _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState(); 
                return _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState; 


        private Matrix _transformToDevice = Matrix.Identity; 
        private bool _transformInitialized; 


        ///     This data is not safe to expose as it holds refrence to PresentationSource
        private SecurityCriticalData _inputManager;
        DispatcherOperationCallback  _dlgInputManagerProcessInput; 

        object _stylusEventQueueLock = new object(); 

        /// Critical - Marked critical to prevent inadvertant code from
        ///             modifying raw stylus input reports. 
        Queue _queueStylusEvents = new Queue(); 

        int             _lastStylusDeviceId; 
        bool            _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true; // Default to true to help first time use issues.

        // Information used to distinguish double-taps (actually, multi taps) from
        // multiple independent taps. 
        private int _doubleTapDeltaTime = 800;  // this is in milli-seconds
        private int _doubleTapDelta = 15;  // The default double tap distance is .1 mm values (default is 1.5mm) 
        private int _cancelDelta = 10;        // The move distance is 1.0mm default (value in .1 mm) 

        private RawMouseActions _lastRawMouseAction = RawMouseActions.None; 
        private bool _waitingForDelegate = false;

        private MouseButtonState _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
        private MouseButtonState _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released; 

        private StylusPlugInCollection _activeMousePlugInCollection; 
        private StylusPointDescription _mousePointDescription; 

        // From old instanced Stylus class 
        private EventHandler    _shutdownHandler;

        TabletDeviceCollection  _tabletDeviceCollection;
        StylusDevice            _currentStylusDevice; 

        int                    _lastInRangeTime; 
        bool                   _triedDeferringMouseMove; 
        /// Critical - Marked critical to prevent inadvertant code from 
        ///             modifying deferred mouse move information.
        RawMouseInputReport              _deferredMouseMove; 

        DispatcherOperationCallback  _processDeferredMouseMove; 
        /// Critical - Marked critical to prevent inadvertant code from 
        ///             modifying this deferred mouse deactivate information.
        RawMouseInputReport              _mouseDeactivateInputReport; 

        bool                             _inputEnabled = false; 
        bool                             _updatingScreenMeasurements = false; 
        DispatcherOperationCallback  _processDisplayChanged;
        object                           __penContextsLock = new object(); 

        /// Critical - Marked critical to prevent inadvertant spread
        ///             to transparent code. 
        Dictionary   __penContextsMap = new Dictionary(2); 

        object                            __stylusDeviceLock = new object(); 
        Dictionary     __stylusDeviceMap = new Dictionary(2);

        bool                              _inDragDrop;
        bool                              _processingQueuedEvent; 

        bool                              _stylusDeviceInRange; 
        bool                     _seenRealMouseActivate;
        IInputElement _stylusCapture;
        IInputElement _stylusOver;
        DeferredElementTreeState _stylusOverTreeState; 
        DeferredElementTreeState _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
        private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate;
        private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateStylusOverOperation;

        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
        private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateCaptureDelegate; 
        private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateCaptureOperation;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Interop;
using MS.Win32; // for *NativeMethods 
using Microsoft.Win32; // for RegistryKey class 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security; 
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Interop;
using MS.Utility;
using System.Windows.Input.StylusPlugIns; 
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using SR=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SR; 
using SRID=MS.Internal.PresentationCore.SRID;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;                        // SecurityHelper 

namespace System.Windows.Input
    internal class StylusLogic: DispatcherObject 

        ///     Critical: This code accesses critical data InputManager and
        ///              SecurityCritical method  UnsecureCurrent. 
        ///              It also returns StylusLogic which is not safe to return
        static internal StylusLogic CurrentStylusLogic 
                return InputManager.UnsecureCurrent.StylusLogic;
        /// Critical - Calls a critical method - PreProcessInput
        ///          - Accesses critical data _inputManager.Value
        internal StylusLogic(InputManager inputManager) 
            _inputManager = new SecurityCriticalData(inputManager);;
            _inputManager.Value.PreProcessInput   += new PreProcessInputEventHandler(PreProcessInput); 
            _inputManager.Value.PreNotifyInput    += new NotifyInputEventHandler(PreNotifyInput);
            _inputManager.Value.PostProcessInput  += new ProcessInputEventHandler(PostProcessInput);

            _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsEnabledChanged);
            _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsVisibleChanged); 
            _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged); 
            _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateStylusOverAsync);
            _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null; 

            _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged);
            _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged);
            _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler = new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged); 
            _reevaluateCaptureDelegate = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ReevaluateCaptureAsync);
            _reevaluateCaptureOperation = null; 

            _shutdownHandler = new EventHandler(this.OnDispatcherShutdown);
            _processDisplayChanged = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ProcessDisplayChanged);
            _processDeferredMouseMove = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ProcessDeferredMouseMove);
            _dlgInputManagerProcessInput = new DispatcherOperationCallback(InputManagerProcessInput); 
        ///     Critical: - Call critical method: TabletDeviceCollection.DisposeTablets().
        ///               - Accesses SecurityCriticalData __penContextsMap and _InputManager.Value.
        void OnDispatcherShutdown(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            if(_shutdownHandler != null)
                _inputManager.Value.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished -= _shutdownHandler; 

            if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null)
                // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy (DisposeTablets has lock). 
                    // Clean up our state when the dispatcher exits.  If a new dispatcher 
                    // happens to be created on this thread again we'll create everything fresh.
                _tabletDeviceCollection = null;
            _currentStylusDevice = null; // no active stylus device any more. 
            // NOTE: __penContextsMap will be cleaned up by HwndSource Dispose() so we don't worry about that.

        /// Grab the defualts from the registry for the tap and mouse fequency/resolution
        /// Critical - Asserts read registry permission... 
        ///           - TreatAsSafe boundry is the constructor
        ///           - called by constructor 
        private void ReadSystemConfig() 
            object obj;
            RegistryKey key = null; // This object has finalizer to close the key.
            // Acquire permissions to read the one key we care about from the registry
            new RegistryPermission(RegistryPermissionAccess.Read, 
                "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Wisp\\Pen\\SysEventParameters").Assert(); // BlessedAssert 
                key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Wisp\\Pen\\SysEventParameters");

                if ( key != null )
                    obj = key.GetValue("DblDist");
                    _doubleTapDelta = (obj == null) ? _doubleTapDelta : (Int32)obj;      // The default double tap distance is 15 pixels (value is given in pixels) 
                    obj = key.GetValue("DblTime");
                    _doubleTapDeltaTime = (obj == null) ? _doubleTapDeltaTime : (Int32)obj;      // The default double tap timeout is 800ms 

                    obj = key.GetValue("Cancel");
                    _cancelDelta = (obj == null) ? _cancelDelta : (Int32)obj;      // The default move delta is 40 (4mm)

            if ( key != null )

        /// Critical - calls security critical code (ProcessInputReport)
        internal void ProcessSystemEvent(PenContext penContext,
                                                  int tabletDeviceId, 
                                                  int stylusDeviceId, 
                                                  int timestamp,
                                                  SystemGesture systemGesture, 
                                                  int gestureX,
                                                  int gestureY,
                                                  int buttonState,
                                                  PresentationSource inputSource) 
            // We only want to process the system events we expose in the public enum 
            // for SystemSystemGesture.  There are a bunch of other system gestures that 
            // can come through.
            if (systemGesture == SystemGesture.Tap || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.RightTap ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.Drag ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.RightDrag ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoldEnter || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoldLeave ||
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoverEnter || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.HoverLeave || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick ||
                systemGesture == RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.InternalSystemGestureDoubleTap || 
                systemGesture == SystemGesture.None)
                Debug.Assert(systemGesture != SystemGesture.None);  // We should ever see this as input.
                RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport inputReport = 
                            new RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport(
                                   gestureX, // location of system gesture in tablet device coordinates 
                                   buttonState); // flicks passes the flickinfo in this param 
                // actions: RawStylusActions.StylusSystemEvent

        // on pen/RTI thread
        /// Critical - calls security critical code (ProcessInputReport)
        internal void ProcessInput(
                            RawStylusActions actions,
                            PenContext penContext, 
                            int tabletDeviceId,
                            int stylusDeviceId, 
                            int[] data, 
                            int timestamp,
                            PresentationSource inputSource) 
            RawStylusInputReport inputReport =
                new RawStylusInputReport(InputMode.Foreground,


        // NOTE: this is invoked on the pen thread, outside of Dispatcher 

        /// Critical - Calls security critical routine (InvokeStylusPluginCollection)
        ///           - Access SecurityCritical data (_queueStylusEvents, RawStylusInputReport.PenContexts).
        ///           - PenThreadWorker.ThreadProc() is TAS boundry 
        void ProcessInputReport(RawStylusInputReport inputReport) 
            // First, assign the StylusDevice (note it may still be null for new StylusDevice) 
            inputReport.StylusDevice = FindStylusDeviceWithLock(inputReport.StylusDeviceId);

            // Only call plugins if we are not in a drag drop operation and the HWND is enabled!
            if (!_inDragDrop || !inputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled) 
                // Handle real time input (call StylusPlugIns) 
            // ETW event indicating that a stylus input report was queued.
            EventTrace.EasyTraceEvent(EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordInput | EventTrace.Keyword.KeywordPerf, EventTrace.Level.Info, EventTrace.Event.StylusEventQueued, inputReport.StylusDeviceId);

            // Queue up new event. 
            // post the args into dispatcher queue
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _dlgInputManagerProcessInput, null);
        // this is invoked from within the Dispatcher the _inputManager is affiliated to 
        /// Critical - uses security critical data (_inputManager) 
        ///               calls security critical code ProcessInput which has a link demand (UIPermissionAttribute)
        ///             TAS boundry at Synchronize and StylusLogic constructor
        internal object InputManagerProcessInput(object oInput)
            RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport = null; 

            // Now grab the queued up Stylus input reports and process them. 
                if (_queueStylusEvents.Count > 0)
                    rawStylusInputReport = _queueStylusEvents.Dequeue();

            if (rawStylusInputReport != null) 
                // Check to see if the Vista wisptis has set the IP_RECT_MAPPING_CHANGED bit in the packet status.
                // If so we need to trigger our mappings to be udpated just in case we processed this before wisptis.
                switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions) 
                    case RawStylusActions.InAirMove: 
                    case RawStylusActions.Down: 
                    //case RawStylusActions.Move: (note this can cause problems with TabletDevice.DoubleTapSize and CancelSize if handled so we don't do work here)
                    case RawStylusActions.Up: 
                        int packetStatusIndex = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext.StylusPointDescription.GetPropertyIndex(StylusPointProperties.PacketStatus.Id);
                        if (packetStatusIndex != -1 && rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice != null)
                            int packetStatus = rawStylusInputReport.Data[packetStatusIndex]; // grab first packet to check. 
                            if ((packetStatus & 0x10) != 0) // Is IP_RECT_MAPPING_CHANGED (0x00000010) set?
                                using(Dispatcher.DisableProcessing()) // make sure lock() doesn't cause re-entrancy. 
                                    // Update display mappings for this TabletDevice. 
                    // we don't need to process any other types of actions. 


                // build InputReportEventArgs
                InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(null, rawStylusInputReport);
                // Set flag to prevent reentrancy due to wisptis mouse event getting triggered
                // while processing this stylus event. 
                _processingQueuedEvent = true; 
                    _processingQueuedEvent = false;

            return null; 

        /// Critical - calls security critical code (ProcessInput)
        ///           - TAS boundry at StylusDevice::ChangeStylusCapture 
        internal void InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs(InputEventArgs input) 

        /// Critical - Accesses security critical data _deferredMouseMove. 
        private bool DeferMouseMove(RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport)
            if (!_triedDeferringMouseMove)
                if (_deferredMouseMove != null)
                    return false; // only allow one at a time. 
                    _deferredMouseMove = mouseInputReport;

                    // Now make the deferred call to the process the mouse move. 
                    Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, _processDeferredMouseMove, null);
                return true; 
            return false; 

        /// Critical - Accesses security critical data _deferredMouseMove. 
        ///          - Calls security critical method SendDeferredMouseEvent. 
        /// TreatAsSafe - Just causes us to resend a mouse move event that we have
        ///                 deferred.  Once sent the mouse event ref is cleared so only single 
        ///                 mouse event can ever be sent.  No data goes in or out.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal object ProcessDeferredMouseMove(object oInput) 
            // Make sure we haven't flushed the deferred event before dispatcher version processes. 
            if (_deferredMouseMove != null) 
                // See if a stylus is now in range.
                if ((CurrentStylusDevice == null || !CurrentStylusDevice.InRange))
                    // We are now inRange so eat this.
                // See if a stylus is now in range and eat messages
                // when a stylus is in range. 
            return null;

        /// Critical - Accesses security critical data _deferredMouseMove and _inputManager.Value.
        ///          - Calls security critical methods InputReportEventArgs
        ///                 constructor, InputManager.ProcessInput. 
        private void SendDeferredMouseEvent(bool sendInput)
            if (sendInput)
                _triedDeferringMouseMove = true;  // Only reset to not try again if we don't find we are in range.
                // Only send if we have valid PresentationSource and CompositionTarget. 
                if (_deferredMouseMove != null && _deferredMouseMove.InputSource != null &&
                    _deferredMouseMove.InputSource.CompositionTarget != null && 
                    // Process mouse move now since nothing else from stylus came through...
                    InputReportEventArgs mouseArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(_inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice, _deferredMouseMove); 
                    mouseArgs.RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent;
                    _deferredMouseMove = null; // Clear this out before sending. 
                    // This will cause _lastMoveFromStylus to be set to false. 

            // We no longer need the ref on the cached input report.
            _deferredMouseMove = null; 
        /// Critical: calls a critical function - UpdateTarget. 
        ///           accesses e.StagingItem.Input and InputReport.InputSource and _inputManager.Value.
        ///            It can also be used for Input spoofing.
        private void PreProcessInput(object sender, PreProcessInputEventArgs e)
            if (_inputEnabled) 
                if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent) 
                    InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;

                    if(input != null && !input.Handled) 
                        // See if we are in a DragDrop operation.  If so set our internal flag 
                        // which stops us from promoting Stylus or Mouse events! 
                        if (_inDragDrop != _inputManager.Value.InDragDrop)
                            _inDragDrop = _inputManager.Value.InDragDrop;

                            // If we are going out of DragDrop then we need to re [....] the mouse state
                            // if we have a stylus device in range (otherwise we [....] on the next 
                            // stylus coming in range).
                            if (!_inDragDrop && _stylusDeviceInRange) 

                        if (input.Report.Type == InputType.Mouse)
                            // If we see a non stylus mouse event (not triggered from stylus event)
                            if ((input.Device as StylusDevice) == null) 
                                // And we only do work if we are enabled for stylus input (ie - have tablet devices)
                                if (TabletDevices.Count != 0) 
                                    RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport) input.Report;
                                    RawMouseActions actions = mouseInputReport.Actions;
                                    int mouseExtraInfo = NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(mouseInputReport.ExtraInformation); 
                                    bool fromWisptis = (mouseExtraInfo & 0xFFFFFF00) == 0xFF515700; // MI_WP_SIGNATURE
                                    // Grab the stylus info if from wisptis 
                                    if (fromWisptis)
                                        _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true;

                                        // Grab the current stylus Id out of the extra info.
                                        _lastStylusDeviceId = (mouseExtraInfo & 0x000000FF); 
                                    // If mouse is getting deactivated and StylusOver is non null then force stylusover to null. 
                                    if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Deactivate) == RawMouseActions.Deactivate)
                                        _seenRealMouseActivate = false;

                                        if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
                                            PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(mouseInputReport.InputSource);
                                            // If we are inRange still then defer the Deactivate call till we are OutOfRange. 
                                            if (_stylusDeviceInRange && !_inDragDrop && (penContexts == null || !penContexts.IsWindowDisabled))
                                                _mouseDeactivateInputReport = mouseInputReport;
                                                input.Handled = true;
                                            else if (CurrentStylusDevice.DirectlyOver != null) 
                                                MouseDevice mouseDevice = _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice;
                                                if (mouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource == mouseInputReport.InputSource)
                                                    // Update over to be null when deactivating.
                                                    lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
                                                        foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap) 
                                                            var currentDevice = pair.Value; 
                                                            if (currentDevice.DirectlyOver != null) 
                                                                // Update over to be null when deactivating. 
                                    // See if we got some mouse input we need to check for consistency (not tagged from wisptis)
                                    else if ((actions & RawMouseActions.CancelCapture) != 0)
                                        // We need to resend this back through as coming from a stylusdevice if in range 
                                        if (CurrentStylusDevice != null && CurrentStylusDevice.InRange)
                                            RawMouseInputReport cancelCaptureInputReport = 
                                                        new RawMouseInputReport(mouseInputReport.Mode,
                                                                                0, // Rest of the parameters are not used...
                                            InputReportEventArgs args = new InputReportEventArgs(CurrentStylusDevice, cancelCaptureInputReport);
                                            args.RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent; 
                                    // Handle the Mouse activation
                                    else if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Activate) != 0) 
                                        // If mouse is getting Activated and we ate a Deactivate then clear the cached Deactivate.
                                        _mouseDeactivateInputReport = null; 

                                        // We process Activate events and make sure to clear any other actions if we are resending
                                        // this from a StylusDevice.  This is so we don't get a move generated before we see the
                                        // StylusDevice InRange event and the following StylusMove which will generate a MouseMove. 
                                        StylusDevice activateStylusDevice = null;
                                        _seenRealMouseActivate = true; 
                                        // See if we need to process this event from us.
                                        if (CurrentStylusDevice != null && CurrentStylusDevice.InRange) 
                                            activateStylusDevice = CurrentStylusDevice;
                                        else if (fromWisptis || ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(mouseInputReport))
                                            activateStylusDevice = FindStylusDevice(_lastStylusDeviceId);
                                        // We need to resend this as coming from a stylusdevice if in range possibly.
                                        if (activateStylusDevice != null) 
                                            // Check to se if we have already Activated the mouse from a stylus event.
                                            // If not then we need to let this one go through marked from us if we are in range! 
                                            if (mouseInputReport.InputSource != _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource)
                                                Point pt;
                                                pt = activateStylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint; // Use last promoted mouse location.
                                                pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(pt, mouseInputReport.InputSource); 
                                                RawMouseInputReport activateInputReport =
                                                            new RawMouseInputReport(mouseInputReport.Mode, 
                                                                                    RawMouseActions.Activate, // Only let activate happen.

                                                InputReportEventArgs args = new InputReportEventArgs(activateStylusDevice, activateInputReport); 
                                                args.RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent;
                                            // If stylus is active then eat this since we'll send the activate.  We just cancel
                                            // to ensure the mouse event from HwndMouseInputProvider returns that it was not handled. 
                                            // The mouse device code will not do anything with the event during PreProcessInput and 
                                            // it will not see a PreNotifyInput event for this.
                                    // Handle moves and button presses that might be from wisptis or in conflict with our current state
                                    else if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove | RawMouseActions.QueryCursor | 
                                                            RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button1Release |
                                                            RawMouseActions.Button2Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Release)) != 0) 
                                        // If we see a mouse left down and stylus is inRange and we haven't sent a mouse down
                                        // then send it through. 
                                        if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Button1Press) != 0 && CurrentStylusDevice != null &&
                                            // We can only Activate the window without flashing the tray icon for it when 
                                            // we are processing an Input message.  So we defer it till we see the mouse down.
                                            HwndSource hwndSource = mouseInputReport.InputSource as HwndSource; 
                                            IntPtr hwnd = hwndSource != null ? hwndSource.CriticalHandle : IntPtr.Zero; 

                                            // If we see a stylusdown and we are not the foreground window 
                                            // and there's no capture then make sure we get activated.
                                            // We only do this for top most windows.
                                            if (hwnd != IntPtr.Zero &&
                                                 _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.Captured != null && 
                                                 UnsafeNativeMethods.GetParent(new HandleRef(this, hwnd)) == IntPtr.Zero &&
                                                 hwnd != UnsafeNativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow()) 
                                                // Check to see if this window has the WS_EX_NOACTIVATE style set, if so don't do the activation work.
                                                int style = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this,hwnd), NativeMethods.GWL_EXSTYLE); 

                                                if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_EX_NOACTIVATE) == 0)
                                                    UnsafeNativeMethods.SetForegroundWindow(new HandleRef(this,hwndSource.Handle)); 
                                            // There are times we need to make sure we promote the left mouse down before we see a system gesture.
                                            // This is when the press and hold gesture is disabled and thus we can guarentee that sending the 
                                            // left mouse down is the correct thing to do.  This is critical for some controls such as repeat
                                            // buttons since in order get them in the pressed state (and start them repeating) we have to send the
                                            // left mouse down.  Note if you go down with the stylus and don't move it past the drag tolerance no
                                            // system gesture will be generated and the normal code to promote the mouse down will not happen otherwise. 
                                            // This code will kick in on Vista with the new support to disable the press and hold gesture per element 
                                            // (via WM_TABLE_QUERYSYSTEMGESTURESTATUS message) and also on XP and Vista if the press and hold gesture is 
                                            // disabled in the tablet control panel.
                                            if (!CurrentStylusDevice.SentMouseDown && fromWisptis && ShouldPromoteToMouse(CurrentStylusDevice)) 
                                                // left button down...lets replay the down at this time...
                                                // Note: We may wait till later if stylus is not down yet!
                                                // We will do it only when we are not manipulating and we will 
                                                // delay it if we know that manipulations are possible.
                                                StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = CurrentStylusDevice.TouchDevice; 
                                                if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation) 
                                                else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)

                                        // We want to eat mouse messages with the wisptis injected signature except 
                                        // if the MouseDevice is getting activated or deactivated by it (filtered out
                                        // above).  We also want to eat any spurious mouse events recieved between the
                                        // stylus down and the stylus system gesture getting fired.
                                        if (fromWisptis) 
                                            // eat mouse messages generated by stylus; 
                                            // these will be handled off the stylus event stream and promoted to a mouse input event 
                                            bool handled = true;
                                            // If the mouse is captured we need to validate that the mouse location
                                            // is actually inside the client area (we will only see those wisptis
                                            // events and can thus eat this one).
                                            Point ptMouse = new Point(mouseInputReport.X, mouseInputReport.Y); 
                                            bool stylusIsDown = (CurrentStylusDevice != null) ? !CurrentStylusDevice.InAir : false;
                                            if (!stylusIsDown && Mouse.Captured != null && !InWindowClientRect(ptMouse, mouseInputReport.InputSource)) 
                                                handled = false;

                                            // If the input has been marked as Handled, we want it to be cancelled at PreProcess stage.
                                            if (handled)
                                                // We can't mark left and right mouse buttons as handled since it will stop the
                                                // DefWindowProc from being processed but we Cancel it which stops mouse from processing 
                                                // it.  Move's though we need to eat. 
                                                if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Press)) == 0)
                                                    input.Handled = true;
                                                // If the stylus is in the up state when we see a mouse down then just note that we've
                                                // seen the mouse left down and wanted to send it but the stylus down 
                                                // has not been seen yet so we can't.  When we see the stylus down later we'll promote 
                                                // the left mouse down after processing the stylus down.
                                                if ((actions & RawMouseActions.Button1Press) != 0 && CurrentStylusDevice != null && 

                                                // Only try to process stylus events on wisptis generated mouse events and 
                                                // make sure we don't re-enter ourselves. 
                                                if (!_processingQueuedEvent)
                                                    // Make sure we process any pending Stylus Input before this mouse event.
                                            bool cancelMouseEvent = false;
                                            bool markHandled = true; 

                                            // If Stylus is in range then it will be driving the mouse.  Ignore any mouse input.
                                            if (_stylusDeviceInRange)
                                                cancelMouseEvent = true;
                                                // We can't mark left and right mouse buttons as handled since it will stop the 
                                                // DefWindowProc from being processed but we Cancel it which stops mouse from processing
                                                // it.  Move's though we need to eat. 
                                                if ((actions & (RawMouseActions.Button1Press | RawMouseActions.Button2Press)) == 0)
                                                    markHandled = false;
                                            // If we see only a mouse move related action while the stylus is in range then 
                                            // eat it or try to defer it if not currently in range to see if we come into range. 
                                            else if ((actions & ~(RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove | RawMouseActions.QueryCursor)) == 0)
                                                if (DeferMouseMove(mouseInputReport))
                                                    cancelMouseEvent = true;
                                                    // If we now think we're going in range then eat this mouse event 
                                                    if (_lastMouseMoveFromStylus && ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(mouseInputReport))
                                                        SendDeferredMouseEvent(false); // Make sure we clear any deferred mouse events now.
                                                        cancelMouseEvent = true;
                                                    // We're now allowing this mouse event (and deferred one) to be processed... 
                                                        // It's a Synchronize that we are letting through so set stylus was not last move anymore. 
                                                        _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
                                                        // See if we are dealing with a second mouse event,
                                                        // if so force the original one it to be processed first.
                                                        if (!_triedDeferringMouseMove)

                                                        // CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages 
                                                        // that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null 
                                                        if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
                                                            // No current stylus device anymore either.
                                                            SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);
                                            // If we see a down and have a cached move then let them both go through 
                                                // We see a mouse button 1 or 2 down/up.  If we have a cache then dump it and mark that we've
                                                // seen mouse input.
                                                _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;

                                                // CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages 
                                                // that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null 
                                                if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
                                                    // No current stylus device anymore either.
                                                    SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true);

                                            // See if we wanted to eat this mouse event... 
                                            if (cancelMouseEvent) 
                                                e.Cancel(); // abort this input 
                                                if (markHandled)
                                                    input.Handled = true; // We also don't want MouseDevice processing this.
                                    // Some other real mouse only generated event came through...
                                        // Make sure it's only the ones we know should come through.
                                        Debug.Assert((actions & ~(RawMouseActions.Button3Press | RawMouseActions.Button3Release |
                                                                   RawMouseActions.Button4Press | RawMouseActions.Button4Release | 
                                                                   RawMouseActions.Button5Press | RawMouseActions.Button5Release |
                                                                   RawMouseActions.VerticalWheelRotate | 
                                                                   RawMouseActions.HorizontalWheelRotate)) == 0); 

                                        // If we are not in range then make sure we update our state. 
                                        // Otherwise we just let this event go through to the MouseDevice.
                                        if (!_stylusDeviceInRange)
                                            // We are letting this move through so set stylus was not last move anymore. 
                                            _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
                                            // Dump cache! 
                                            // CurrentStylusDevice is not in range and we're seeeing mouse messages
                                            // that are not from wisptis, time to set IsStylusOver to null
                                            if (CurrentStylusDevice != null)
                                                // We now don't have a current stylus device.
                                                SelectStylusDevice(null, null, true); 
                                            // Make sure to dump the cached mouse event if we are in
                                            // range to make sure this mouse event is at the right spot!
                                    _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = false;
                                // This event is marked as coming from a StylusDevice so make sure we update flag that we saw mouse event from stylus. 
                                _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true; 

                                RawMouseInputReport rawMouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport) input.Report; 
                                StylusDevice stylusDevice = (StylusDevice)input.Device;
                                if (!stylusDevice.InRange && rawMouseInputReport._isSynchronize)
                                    // eat this one because it is from an activate. 
                                    input.Handled = true; 
                        else if (input.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus)
                            RawStylusInputReport stylusInputReport = (RawStylusInputReport) input.Report;
                            StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusInputReport.StylusDevice; // RTI sets this if it finds StylusDevice based on Id. 
                            bool cancelInput = true; // Only process if we see we have valid input data.
                            if (stylusInputReport.InputSource != null && stylusInputReport.PenContext != null) 
                                if (stylusDevice == null) 
                                    // look up stylus device, select it in the Stylus, and claim input for it
                                    stylusDevice = FindStylusDevice(stylusInputReport.StylusDeviceId);
                                    // Try refreshing tablets if we failed to find this stylus device.
                                    if (stylusDevice == null) 
                                        stylusDevice = TabletDevices.UpdateStylusDevices(

                                    stylusInputReport.StylusDevice = stylusDevice; // update stylusdevice. 
                                _triedDeferringMouseMove = false; // reset anytime we see stylus input. 

                                // See if this is the special InRange input report that we use to track queued inrange 
                                // events so that we can better filter out bogus mouse input.
                                if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.InRange && stylusInputReport.Data == null)
                                    input.Handled = true; 
                                    _lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount; 

                                // See if this is the special DoubleTap Gesture input report.  We use this
                                // event to know when we won't get the tap or drag gesture while the stylus
                                // is down.  This allows us to detect and generate the Drag gesture on our own. 
                                if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.SystemGesture && stylusDevice != null)
                                    RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport systemGestureReport = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)stylusInputReport; 
                                    if (systemGestureReport.SystemGesture == RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport.InternalSystemGestureDoubleTap)
                                        stylusDevice.SeenDoubleTapGesture = true;
                                        input.Handled = true;
                                if (stylusDevice != null && IsValidStylusAction(stylusInputReport))
                                    cancelInput = false; // We can process this event - don't cancel!

                                    // See if a static gesture can be generated
                                    TabletDevice tabletDevice = stylusDevice.TabletDevice; 
                                    if (tabletDevice != null)
                                        SystemGesture? systemGesture = tabletDevice.GenerateStaticGesture(stylusInputReport); 
                                        if (systemGesture != null)
                                            GenerateGesture(stylusInputReport, systemGesture.Value);
                                    // See if we need to generate a tap gesture.
                                    if (stylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.Up) 
                                        if (!stylusDevice.GestureWasFired)
                                            GenerateGesture(stylusInputReport, stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown ? SystemGesture.RightTap : SystemGesture.Tap);

                                        if (!_inDragDrop && !stylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled) 
                                            // We need to process a MouseMove before promoting a MouseUp (in PromoteMainToMouse) 
                                            // since the stylus updates the button states for mouse to up then. 
                                            // Note: The Stylus Up is at the same location as the last stylus move so this is OK to do here.
                                            ProcessMouseMove(stylusDevice, stylusInputReport.Timestamp, false); 

                                    input.Device = stylusDevice; 
                            if (cancelInput)
                                e.Cancel();  // Don't process this bogus event any further.

        /// Critical: Accesses SecurityCriticalData e.StagingItem.Input and _inputManager.Value.
        ///           Calls SecurityCritical methods: StylusDevice.UpdateStateForSystemGesture,
        ///              InputEventArgs.Handled, StylusDevice.UpdateInRange, StylusDevice.UpdateState, 
        ///              RawStylusInputReport.PenContext, SelectStylusDevice, VerifyStylusPlugInCollectionTarget,
        ///              ProcessMouseMove, and CallPlugInsForMouse. 
        ///            It can also be used for Input spoofing. 
        private void PreNotifyInput(object sender, NotifyInputEventArgs e)
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent)
                InputReportEventArgs inputReportEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
                if(!inputReportEventArgs.Handled && inputReportEventArgs.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus) 
                    RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport = (RawStylusInputReport) inputReportEventArgs.Report; 
                    StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice;

                    if (stylusDevice != null)
                        // update stylus device state (unless this is exclusively system gesture or
                        // in-range/out-of-range event - which don't carry much info) 
                        switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions) 
                            case RawStylusActions.SystemGesture: 
                            case RawStylusActions.OutOfRange: 
                                _lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount;
                                stylusDevice.UpdateInRange(false, rawStylusInputReport.PenContext); 
                            case RawStylusActions.InRange: 
                                _lastInRangeTime = Environment.TickCount;
                                stylusDevice.UpdateInRange(true, rawStylusInputReport.PenContext);
                                _lastRawMouseAction = RawMouseActions.None; // make sure we promote a mouse move on next event.
                            default: // InAirMove, Down, Move, Up go through here. 

                        // Can only update Over state if not in a DragDrop operation!!
                        if (!_inDragDrop && !rawStylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled && !stylusDevice.IgnoreStroke) 
                            Point position = stylusDevice.GetRawPosition(null); 
                            position = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(position); // change back to device coords. 
                            IInputElement target = stylusDevice.FindTarget(stylusDevice.CriticalActiveSource, position);
                            SelectStylusDevice(stylusDevice, target, true); 
                            SelectStylusDevice(stylusDevice, null, false); // don't update over. 
                        // If this is a stylus down and we don't have a valid target then the stylus went down 
                        // on the wrong window (a transparent window handling bug in wisptis).  In this case
                        // we want to ignore all stylus input until after the next stylus up. 
                        if (rawStylusInputReport.Actions == RawStylusActions.Down && stylusDevice.Target == null)
                            stylusDevice.IgnoreStroke = true;

                        // Tell the InputManager that the MostRecentDevice is us. 
                        _inputManager.Value.MostRecentInputDevice = stylusDevice; 

                        // Verify that we sent the real time stylus events to the proper plugincollection. 

            // During the PreviewStylusDown event, we update the tap count, if there are 
            // multiple "quick" taps in approximately the "same" location (as defined 
            // by the hosting environment, aka the registry).
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent) 
                StylusEventArgs stylusDownEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as StylusDownEventArgs;

                StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusDownEventArgs.StylusDevice; 

                if (stylusDevice != null) 
                    Point ptClient = stylusDevice.GetRawPosition(null);
                    // determine barrel state...
                    bool bBarrelPressed = false;
                    int barrelPos =
                    if (barrelPos != -1
                        && stylusDevice.StylusButtons[barrelPos].StylusButtonState == StylusButtonState.Down) 
                        bBarrelPressed = true;

                    Point pPixelPoint = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(ptClient);
                    Point pLastPixelPoint = DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(stylusDevice.LastTapPoint);
                    // How long since the last click? (deals with tickcount wrapping too)
                    //  Here's some info on how this works... 
                    //      int.MaxValue - int.MinValue = -1 (subtracting any negative # from MaxValue keeps this negative) 
                    //      int.MinValue - int.MaxValue = 1 (subtracting any positive # from MinValue keeps this positive)
                    //  So as the values get farther apart from MaxInt and MinInt the difference grows which is what we want. 
                    //  We use Abs to ensure if we get older time coming through here (not expected) we'll do better
                    //  at filtering it out if delta is greater than the double tap time.  We should always see
                    //  MinInt - MaxInt which will produce a positive number when wrapping happens.
                    int  timeSpan = Math.Abs(unchecked(stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp - stylusDevice.LastTapTime)); 
                    // Is the delta coordinates of this tap close enough to the last tap?
                    Size doubleTapSize = stylusDevice.TabletDevice.DoubleTapSize; 
                    bool isSameSpot = (Math.Abs(pPixelPoint.X - pLastPixelPoint.X) < doubleTapSize.Width) &&
                                        (Math.Abs(pPixelPoint.Y - pLastPixelPoint.Y) < doubleTapSize.Height); 

                    // Now check everything to see if this is a multi-click.
                    if (timeSpan < _doubleTapDeltaTime
                        && isSameSpot 
                        && (bBarrelPressed == stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown) )
                        // Yes, increment the count 
                        // No, not a multi-click, reset everything.
                        stylusDevice.TapCount = 1; 
                        stylusDevice.LastTapPoint  = new Point(ptClient.X, ptClient.Y);
                        stylusDevice.LastTapTime = stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp; 
                        stylusDevice.LastTapBarrelDown = bBarrelPressed; 
                    // Make sure to update the mouse location on stylus down.
                    ProcessMouseMove(stylusDevice, stylusDownEventArgs.Timestamp, false);

        ///     Critical - calls a critical method (PromoteRawToPreview, MouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource,
        ///                 InputReport.InputSource, PromotePreviewToMain, UpdateButtonStates,
        ///                 PromoteMainToMouse and GenerateGesture)
        ///              - accesses e.StagingItem.Input, _inputManager.Value and TabletDevices. 
        ///              It can also be used for Input spoofing.
        [SecurityCritical ] 
        private void PostProcessInput(object sender, ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            //only [....] with mouse capture if we're enabled, or else there are no tablet devices
            //hence no input.  We have to work around this because getting the
            //Tablet.TabletDevices will load Penimc.dll.
            if (_inputEnabled) 
                // Watch the LostMouseCapture and GotMouseCapture events to keep stylus capture in [....]. 
                if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.LostMouseCaptureEvent || 
                    e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.GotMouseCaptureEvent)
                    var mouseStylusDevice = Mouse.PrimaryDevice.StylusDevice;
                    // Make sure mouse and stylus capture is the same.
                    foreach (TabletDevice tabletDevice in TabletDevices) 
                        foreach (StylusDevice stylusDevice in tabletDevice.StylusDevices)
                            if (stylusDevice == mouseStylusDevice)
                                // We use the Mouse device state for each call just in case we
                                // get reentered in the middle of changing so when we continue 
                                // we'll use the current mouse capture state (which should NOP). 
                                stylusDevice.Capture(Mouse.Captured, Mouse.CapturedMode);
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.InputReportEvent && !_inDragDrop)
                InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;
                if(!input.Handled && input.Report.Type == InputType.Stylus)
                    RawStylusInputReport report = (RawStylusInputReport) input.Report; 
                    // Only promote if the window is enabled!
                    if (!report.PenContext.Contexts.IsWindowDisabled) 
                        PromoteRawToPreview(report, e);
                        // Need to reset this flag at the end of StylusUp processing.
                        if (report.Actions == RawStylusActions.Up)
                            report.StylusDevice.IgnoreStroke = false; 
            // If we are processing an OutOfRange event then see if we need to update the over state.
            // We need to update it if mouse is already outside the window (MouseDevice.DirectlyOver
            // is null) since if it has already seen the WM_MOUSELEAVE we'll never update out over
            // state properly.  If the WM_MOUSELEAVE comes in after we see the OutOfRange then the 
            // code at the end of PreProcessInput will deal that case properly.
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent) 
                RawMouseInputReport mouseDeactivateInputReport = _mouseDeactivateInputReport;
                _mouseDeactivateInputReport = null; 
                StylusEventArgs eventArgsOutOfRange = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;

                // If we have deferred mouse moves then make sure we process last one now.
                if (_lastRawMouseAction == RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove && _waitingForDelegate) 
                    ProcessMouseMove(eventArgsOutOfRange.StylusDevice, eventArgsOutOfRange.Timestamp, false); 

                // See if we need to set the Mouse Activate flag. 
                PresentationSource mouseSource = _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource;

                // See if we need to change the stylus over state state and send a mouse deactivate.
                // We send the cached Deactivate through if we saw mouse deactivate before out of range event 
                // *or* for a quick move with the stylus over a window we may not even see any win32 mouse events
                // so in that case we also need to deactivate the mouse since we were the ones that activated it. 
                if (mouseDeactivateInputReport != null || (!_seenRealMouseActivate && mouseSource != null)) 
                    // First update the StylusDevice DirectlyOver to null if the mouse device saw a Deactivate (means 
                    // the mouse left the window) or if it never saw a real activate (stylus mouse promotion
                    // caused it to be active).
                    // Now send the mouse deactivate
                    RawMouseInputReport newMouseInputReport = mouseDeactivateInputReport != null ? 
                                                    new RawMouseInputReport( 
                                                        eventArgsOutOfRange.Timestamp, // updated time 
                                                        mouseDeactivateInputReport.ExtraInformation) : 
                                                    new RawMouseInputReport( 
                                                        eventArgsOutOfRange.Timestamp, // updated time 
                    InputReportEventArgs actionsArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(eventArgsOutOfRange.StylusDevice, newMouseInputReport);
            // Deal with sending mouse events to the plugins.
            // NOTE: We want to do this after the mousedevice has sent it's click through 
            // events (PreviewMouseDownOutsideCapturedElementEvent/PreviewMouseUpOutsideCapturedElementEvent) 
            // and PreviewMouse events so that we can route more accurately to where the Mouse events will
            // actually get routed. 


            // See if we need to generate a drag gesture. 
            if(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent)
                StylusEventArgs stylusMove = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
                if (stylusMove.StylusDevice.SeenDoubleTapGesture && !stylusMove.StylusDevice.GestureWasFired && 
                    GenerateGesture(stylusMove.InputReport, SystemGesture.Drag); 

            // Process the flick scroll up/down system gesture now.
            if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
                StylusSystemGestureEventArgs stylusSystemGesture = (StylusSystemGestureEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
                if (stylusSystemGesture.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Flick) 
                    HandleFlick(stylusSystemGesture.ButtonState, stylusSystemGesture.StylusDevice.DirectlyOver);


        /// Critical - calls a critical function ( PushInput) 
        ///          - called by PostProcessInput
        [SecurityCritical ]
        void PromoteRawToPreview(RawStylusInputReport report, ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            RoutedEvent routedEvent = GetPreviewEventFromRawStylusActions(report.Actions); 
            if (routedEvent != null && report.StylusDevice != null && !report.StylusDevice.IgnoreStroke)
                StylusEventArgs args; 
                if (routedEvent != Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent)
                    if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent)
                        args = new StylusDownEventArgs(report.StylusDevice, report.Timestamp);
                        args = new StylusEventArgs(report.StylusDevice, report.Timestamp); 
                    RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport reportSg = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)report;
                    args = new StylusSystemGestureEventArgs(report.StylusDevice, 
                args.InputReport = report;
                args.RoutedEvent= routedEvent;
                e.PushInput(args, e.StagingItem); 
        /// Critical - calls a critical method ( pushInput).
        ///           - called by PostProcessInput
        void PromotePreviewToMain(ProcessInputEventArgs e) 
            if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled)
                RoutedEvent eventMain = GetMainEventFromPreviewEvent(e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent);
                if (eventMain != null)
                    StylusEventArgs eventArgsPreview = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input; 
                    StylusDevice stylusDevice = eventArgsPreview.InputReport.StylusDevice;
                    StylusEventArgs eventArgsMain; 
                    if (eventMain == Stylus.StylusDownEvent ||
                        eventMain == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent) 
                        StylusDownEventArgs downEventArgsPreview = (StylusDownEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
                        eventArgsMain = new StylusDownEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp);
                    else if (eventMain == Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent ||
                        eventMain == Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent) 
                        StylusButtonEventArgs buttonEventArgsPreview = (StylusButtonEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
                        eventArgsMain = new StylusButtonEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp, buttonEventArgsPreview.StylusButton); 
                    else if (eventMain != Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
                        eventArgsMain = new StylusEventArgs(stylusDevice, eventArgsPreview.Timestamp); 
                        StylusSystemGestureEventArgs previewSystemGesture = (StylusSystemGestureEventArgs)eventArgsPreview;
                        eventArgsMain = new StylusSystemGestureEventArgs(stylusDevice, 
                    eventArgsMain.InputReport = eventArgsPreview.InputReport; 
                    eventArgsMain.RoutedEvent = eventMain;
                    e.PushInput(eventArgsMain, e.StagingItem); 
                // A TouchDevice is activated before TouchDown and deactivated after TouchUp
                // But if PreviewStylusUp event is handled by the user, it will 
                // never be promoted to TouchUp event leaving the TouchDevice in inconsistent 
                // active state. Hence deactivating touch device if it is active.
                StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs; 
                if (stylusEventArgs != null &&
                    stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent &&
        ///     Critical: Calls SecurityCritical methods.
        private void PromoteMainToOther(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem = e.StagingItem; 
            StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs = stagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs;
            if (stylusEventArgs == null) 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusEventArgs.StylusDevice; 
            StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
            bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice); 
            if (IsTouchPromotionEvent(stylusEventArgs))
                if (e.StagingItem.Input.Handled)
                    // A TouchDevice is activated before TouchDown and deactivated after TouchUp
                    // But if StylusUp event is handled by the user, it will 
                    // never be promoted to TouchUp event leaving the TouchDevice in inconsistent
                    // active state. Hence deactivating touch device if it is active. 
                    if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent && 
                    // This event is to also route as a Touch event. 
                    // PromoteMainToMouse will eventually see the resulting 
                    // touch event when it finishes and promote to mouse.
                    PromoteMainToTouch(e, stylusEventArgs); 
            else if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent)
                // Promote stylus system gesture to mouse if needed or
                // store them if it cannot be determined that we are manipulating 
                // at this stage. 
                if (shouldPromoteToMouse)
                    if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation)
                    else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
            else if(shouldPromoteToMouse && touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
                // This is not a touch event, go to mouse 

        ///     Critical: Accesses e.StagingItem.Input.
        private static bool IsTouchPromotionEvent(StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs) 
            if (stylusEventArgs != null) 
                RoutedEvent routedEvent = stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent;
                return (IsTouchStylusDevice(stylusEventArgs.StylusDevice) && 
                        (routedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent ||
                         routedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent ||
                         routedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent));
            return false; 

        private static bool IsTouchStylusDevice(StylusDevice stylusDevice) 
            return (stylusDevice.TabletDevice != null &&
                stylusDevice.TabletDevice.Type == TabletDeviceType.Touch);

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainMoveToTouch, PromoteMainDownToTouch or PromoteMainUpToTouch 
        private void PromoteMainToTouch(ProcessInputEventArgs e, StylusEventArgs stylusEventArgs)
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusEventArgs.StylusDevice;

            if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent) 
                PromoteMainMoveToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem);
            else if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent)
                PromoteMainDownToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem);
            else if (stylusEventArgs.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent)
                PromoteMainUpToTouch(stylusDevice, e.StagingItem); 

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainToMouse
        private void PromoteMainDownToTouch(StylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem) 
            StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
            if (touchDevice.IsActive) 
                // Deactivate and end the previous cycle if already active
            bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice); 
            if (!touchDevice.OnDown() && shouldPromoteToMouse) 
                if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation) 
                else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther) 

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainToMouse
        private void PromoteMainMoveToTouch(StylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem) 
            StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
            bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice); 
            if (touchDevice.IsActive)
                if (!touchDevice.OnMove() && shouldPromoteToMouse)
                    if (touchDevice.PromotingToManipulation)
                        IList storedStagingItems = touchDevice.StoredStagingAreaItems; 
                        int stagingItemCount = storedStagingItems.Count;
                        if (stagingItemCount > 0 && 
                            storedStagingItems[stagingItemCount - 1].Input.RoutedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent)
                            storedStagingItems[stagingItemCount - 1] = stagingItem;
                    else if (touchDevice.PromotingToOther)
            else if (shouldPromoteToMouse) 

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainToMouse
        private void PromoteMainUpToTouch(StylusDevice stylusDevice, StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem)
            StylusTouchDevice touchDevice = stylusDevice.TouchDevice;
            bool shouldPromoteToMouse = ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice);
            if (touchDevice.IsActive)
                // Promote Up to Mouse if mouse left/right button is 
                // pressed, even if TouchUp event is handled. This is such
                // that we dont leave mouse in an inconsistent pressed state. 
                if (shouldPromoteToMouse && touchDevice.PromotingToOther &&
                    (_mouseLeftButtonState == MouseButtonState.Pressed ||
                    _mouseRightButtonState == MouseButtonState.Pressed))
                // PromoteMainToMouse is an outbound call that may have pumped messages.
                // Since the world may have changed, verify that the device is still active. 
                if (touchDevice.IsActive)
            else if (shouldPromoteToMouse) 

        ///     Critical: Calls PromoteMainToMouse 
        internal void PromoteStoredItemsToMouse(StylusTouchDevice touchDevice) 
            if (!ShouldPromoteToMouse(touchDevice.StylusDevice)) 
            IList storedItems = touchDevice.StoredStagingAreaItems;
            int count = storedItems.Count; 
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
                // A stored item could be a Stylus input staging item queued to be promoted to mouse 
                // OR a raw mouse input report staging item for Button1Press delayed from
                // StylusLogic.PreProcessInput. If this staging item is of such a raw mouse
                // input report call StylusDevice's PlaybackCachedDownInputReport OR else
                // call PromoteMainToMouse method. 
                StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem = storedItems[i];
                InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = stagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs; 
                if (inputReportArgs != null && 
                    inputReportArgs.Report.Type == InputType.Mouse &&
                    !(inputReportArgs.Device is StylusDevice)) 

        private bool ShouldPromoteToMouse(StylusDevice stylusDevice)
            if (CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice == null ||
                CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice == stylusDevice) 
                return true;
            return false;

        ///     The stylusdevice object which should promote to mouse.
        ///     Should promote to mouse if this is null. 
        ///     This could also a dummy object to avoid promotion at all. 
        internal object CurrentMousePromotionStylusDevice 


        ///     Critical: accesses stagingItem.Input
        ///           - called by PostProcessInput
        private void PromoteMainToMouse(StagingAreaInputItem stagingItem)
                StylusEventArgs stylusArgs = stagingItem.Input as StylusEventArgs; 
                if (stylusArgs != null)
                    StylusDevice stylusDevice = stylusArgs.StylusDevice;
                    // We only want to promote to mouse when we actually have real stylus input.
                    if (stylusDevice != null) 
                        Debug.Assert(ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice) && stylusDevice.TouchDevice.PromotingToOther);
                        if (IgnoreGestureToMousePromotion(stylusArgs as StylusSystemGestureEventArgs, stylusDevice.TouchDevice))

                        RawMouseActions actions = stylusDevice.GetMouseActionsFromStylusEventAndPlaybackCachedDown(stagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent, stylusArgs); 
                        if (actions != RawMouseActions.None)
                            PresentationSource mouseInputSource = stylusDevice.GetMousePresentationSource();

                            if (mouseInputSource != null)
                                Point pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(stylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint, mouseInputSource);
                                // use the dispatcher as a way of coalescing mouse *move* messages
                                // BUT don't flood the dispatcher with delegates if we're already 
                                // waiting for a callback
                                if ((actions & RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove) != 0)
                                    if (actions == _lastRawMouseAction && _waitingForDelegate)
                                        return; // We don't need to process this one. 
                                        //set the waiting bit so we won't enter here again
                                        //until we get the callback
                                        _waitingForDelegate = true; 

                                        (DispatcherOperationCallback)delegate(object unused) 
                                            //reset our flags here in the callback. 
                                            _waitingForDelegate = false;
                                            return null;
                                // See if we need to set the Mouse Activate flag.
                                if (_inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource != mouseInputSource) 
                                    actions |= RawMouseActions.Activate;
                                _lastRawMouseAction = actions;
                                RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = new RawMouseInputReport( 
                                                                            InputMode.Foreground, stylusArgs.Timestamp, mouseInputSource,
                                                                            actions, (int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y, 0, IntPtr.Zero); 

                                InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, mouseInputReport);

        private bool IgnoreGestureToMousePromotion(StylusSystemGestureEventArgs gestureArgs, StylusTouchDevice touchDevice)
            if (gestureArgs != null && touchDevice.DownHandled)
                // If touchDevice's down event is already handled 
                // and if this gesture is a candidate for mouse
                // left button down promotion, then such a 
                // promotion should be ignored.
                SystemGesture gesture = gestureArgs.SystemGesture;
                if (gesture == SystemGesture.Tap ||
                    gesture == SystemGesture.Drag) 
                    return true; 
            return false; 


        ///     Critical: - accesses e.StagingItem.Input and PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual 
        ///           - called by PreProcessInput
        void CallPlugInsForMouse(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled) 
                // if we see a preview mouse event that is not generated by a stylus 
                // then send on to plugin 
                if ((e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent) &&
                    (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent) && 
                    (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent) &&
                    (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != InputManager.InputReportEvent))
                // record the mouse capture for later reference..
                MouseDevice mouseDevice; 
                PresentationSource source; 
                bool leftButtonDown;
                bool rightButtonDown; 
                RawStylusActions stylusActions = RawStylusActions.None;
                int timestamp;

                // See if we need to deal sending a leave due to this PresentationSource being Deactivated 
                // If not then we just return and do nothing.
                if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == InputManager.InputReportEvent) 
                    if (_activeMousePlugInCollection == null || _activeMousePlugInCollection.Element == null)

                    InputReportEventArgs input = e.StagingItem.Input as InputReportEventArgs;

                    if (input.Report.Type != InputType.Mouse) 
                    RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport = (RawMouseInputReport) input.Report; 

                    if ((mouseInputReport.Actions & RawMouseActions.Deactivate) != RawMouseActions.Deactivate) 

                    mouseDevice = _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice;
                    // Mouse set directly over to null when truly deactivating.
                    if (mouseDevice == null || mouseDevice.DirectlyOver != null) 

                    leftButtonDown = mouseDevice.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed; 
                    rightButtonDown = mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
                    timestamp = mouseInputReport.Timestamp;

                    // Get presentationsource from element. 
                    source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(_activeMousePlugInCollection.Element as Visual);
                    MouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs = e.StagingItem.Input as MouseEventArgs; 
                    mouseDevice = mouseEventArgs.MouseDevice;
                    leftButtonDown = mouseDevice.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
                    rightButtonDown = mouseDevice.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed;
                    // Only look at mouse input reports that truly come from a mouse (and is not an up or deactivate) and it
                    // must be pressed state if a move (we don't fire stylus inair moves currently) 
                    if (mouseEventArgs.StylusDevice != null && 
                        e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent != Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent)

                    if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseMoveEvent)
                        if (!leftButtonDown) 
                        stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Move; 
                    if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseDownEvent)
                        MouseButtonEventArgs mouseButtonEventArgs = mouseEventArgs as MouseButtonEventArgs;
                        if (mouseButtonEventArgs.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left)
                        stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Down; 
                    if (e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent == Mouse.PreviewMouseUpEvent) 
                        MouseButtonEventArgs mouseButtonEventArgs = mouseEventArgs as MouseButtonEventArgs;
                        if (mouseButtonEventArgs.ChangedButton != MouseButton.Left) 
                        stylusActions = RawStylusActions.Up;
                    timestamp = mouseEventArgs.Timestamp; 

                    Visual directlyOverVisual = mouseDevice.DirectlyOver as Visual; 
                    if ( directlyOverVisual == null ) 

                    // NTRAID:WINDOWSOS#1536432-2006/03/15-WAYNEZEN,
                    // Take the presentation source which is associated to the directly over element. 
                    source = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(directlyOverVisual);

                PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(source); 

                if ((penContexts != null) &&
                    (source != null) &&
                    (source.CompositionTarget != null) && 
                    IInputElement directlyOver = mouseDevice.DirectlyOver; 
                    int packetStatus = (leftButtonDown ? 1 : 0) | (rightButtonDown ? 9 : 0); // pen tip down == 1, barrel = 8
                    Point ptClient = mouseDevice.GetPosition(source.RootVisual as IInputElement); 
                    ptClient  =  source.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice.Transform(ptClient);

                    int buttons = (leftButtonDown ? 1 : 0) | (rightButtonDown ? 3 : 0);
                    int [] data = {(int)ptClient.X, (int)ptClient.Y, packetStatus, buttons}; 
                    RawStylusInputReport inputReport = new RawStylusInputReport(

                    // Avoid re-entrancy due to lock() being used. 
                    using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing())
                        // Call plugins (does enter/leave and FireCustomData as well) 
                        _activeMousePlugInCollection = penContexts.InvokeStylusPluginCollectionForMouse(inputReport, directlyOver, _activeMousePlugInCollection);
        internal StylusPointDescription GetMousePointDescription 
                if (_mousePointDescription == null)
                    _mousePointDescription = new StylusPointDescription( 
                                                    new StylusPointPropertyInfo[] {
                                                    -1); // No real pressure in data 
                return _mousePointDescription; 

        internal MouseButtonState GetMouseLeftOrRightButtonState(bool leftButton)
            if (leftButton)
                return _mouseLeftButtonState; 
                return _mouseRightButtonState;

        internal bool UpdateMouseButtonState(RawMouseActions actions) 
            bool updated = false;
            switch (actions)
                case RawMouseActions.Button1Press:
                    if (_mouseLeftButtonState != MouseButtonState.Pressed) 
                        updated = true; 
                        _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Pressed; 

                case RawMouseActions.Button1Release:
                    if (_mouseLeftButtonState != MouseButtonState.Released)
                        updated = true;
                        _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released; 
                case RawMouseActions.Button2Press:
                    if (_mouseRightButtonState != MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                        updated = true; 
                        _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Pressed;

                case RawMouseActions.Button2Release: 
                    if (_mouseRightButtonState != MouseButtonState.Released)
                        updated = true;
                        _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released; 

            return updated; 

        ///      Critical as this calls a critical method MouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem 
        ///             and accesses Critical data _inputManager.Value.
        ///      At the top called from PreProcessInput and PreNotifyInput which is SecurityCritical 
        void UpdateMouseState()
            MouseDevice mouseDevice = _inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice;
            _mouseLeftButtonState = mouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem(MouseButton.Left); 
            _mouseRightButtonState = mouseDevice.GetButtonStateFromSystem(MouseButton.Right);

        // We walk the list of stylus devices looking to see if any of them are in range so we 
        // can udpate the flag that tracks whether any stylus devices are currently in range.
        private void UpdateIsStylusInRange(bool forceInRange)
            bool foundInRangeStylusDevice = false; 

            if (forceInRange) 
                foundInRangeStylusDevice = true;
                foreach (TabletDevice tabletDevice in Tablet.TabletDevices)
                    foreach (StylusDevice stylusDevice in tabletDevice.StylusDevices)
                        if (stylusDevice.InRange) 
                            foundInRangeStylusDevice = true; 
                    // Exit if we found a stylusdevice.
                    if (foundInRangeStylusDevice) break; 
            // Update in range flag.
            _stylusDeviceInRange = foundInRangeStylusDevice;

        internal void UpdateStylusCapture(StylusDevice stylusDevice, IInputElement oldStylusDeviceCapture, IInputElement newStylusDeviceCapture, int timestamp) 
            if (newStylusDeviceCapture != _stylusCapture) 
                DependencyObject o = null;
                IInputElement oldCapture = _stylusCapture;
                _stylusCapture = newStylusDeviceCapture; 

                // Adjust the handlers we use to track everything. 
                if (oldCapture != null) 
                    o = oldCapture as DependencyObject; 
                    if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o))
                        ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o)) 
                        ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 

                        // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                if (_stylusCapture != null)
                    o = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject; 
                    if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o))
                        ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o))
                        ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 

                        // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements. 
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged += _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged += _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 

                // Oddly enough, update the IsStylusCaptureWithin property first.  This is 
                // so any callbacks will see the more-common IsStylusCaptureWithin property
                // set correctly. 
                UIElement.StylusCaptureWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldCapture as DependencyObject, _stylusCapture as DependencyObject, ref _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState); 

                // Invalidate the IsStylusCaptured properties. 
                if (oldCapture != null)
                    o = oldCapture as DependencyObject;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements 
                if (_stylusCapture != null) 
                    o = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusCapturedPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements 
        internal void UpdateOverProperty(StylusDevice stylusDevice, IInputElement newOver)
            // Only update the OverProperty for the current stylus device and only if we see a change. 
            if (stylusDevice == _currentStylusDevice && newOver != _stylusOver)
                DependencyObject o = null;
                IInputElement oldOver = _stylusOver;
                _stylusOver = newOver;
                // Adjust the handlers we use to track everything.
                if (oldOver != null) 
                    o = oldOver as DependencyObject;
                    if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o)) 
                        ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                    else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o)) 
                        ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged -= _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged -= _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged -= _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                if (_stylusOver != null) 
                    o = _stylusOver as DependencyObject; 
                    if (InputElement.IsUIElement(o)) 
                        ((UIElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                    else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(o)) 
                        ((ContentElement)o).IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        // NOTE: there are no IsVisible or IsHitTestVisible properties for ContentElements.
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        // ((ContentElement)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsEnabledChanged += _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsVisibleChanged += _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
                        ((UIElement3D)o).IsHitTestVisibleChanged += _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler;

                // Oddly enough, update the IsStylusOver property first.  This is
                // so any callbacks will see the more-common IsStylusOver property 
                // set correctly.
                UIElement.StylusOverProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(oldOver as DependencyObject, _stylusOver as DependencyObject, ref _stylusOverTreeState); 
                // Invalidate the IsStylusDirectlyOver property.
                if (oldOver != null) 
                    o = oldOver as DependencyObject;
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey, false); // Same property for ContentElements
                if (_stylusOver != null)
                    o = _stylusOver as DependencyObject; 
                    o.SetValue(UIElement.IsStylusDirectlyOverPropertyKey, true); // Same property for ContentElements

        private void OnOverIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is over just became disabled. 
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who 
            // the stylus is over now.

            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);

        private void OnOverIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            // The element that the stylus is over just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
            // the stylus is over now.

            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true); 
        private void OnOverIsHitTestVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            // The element that the stylus is over was affected by a change in hit-test visibility. 
            // We need to resynchronize the stylus so that we can figure out who
            // the stylus is over now.
            ReevaluateStylusOver(null, null, true);
        private void OnCaptureIsEnabledChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is captured to just became disabled.
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a disabled element. 

            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true); 

        private void OnCaptureIsVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) 
            // The element that the stylus is captured to just became non-visible (collapsed or hidden).
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since 
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a non-visible element.
            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true); 
        private void OnCaptureIsHitTestVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // The element that the stylus is captured to was affected by a change in hit-test visibility.
            // We need to re-evaluate the element that has stylus capture since
            // we can't allow the stylus to remain captured by a non-hittest-visible element. 
            ReevaluateCapture(null, null, true);

        ///     Critical: Access the security critical method - StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic. 
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Just calls security transparent routine ReevaluateStylusOver on StylusLogic.
        ///                  Takes no critical data as input and doesn't return any. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        static internal void CurrentStylusLogicReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.ReevaluateStylusOver(element, oldParent, isCoreParent);
        internal void ReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent) 
        private void ReevaluateStylusOver(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            if (element != null) 
                if (isCoreParent)
                    StylusOverTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent);
                    StylusOverTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);

            // It would be best to re-evaluate anything dependent on the hit-test results 
            // immediately after layout & rendering are complete.  Unfortunately this can
            // lead to an infinite loop.  Consider the following scenario:
            // If the stylus is over an element, hide it. 
            // This never resolves to a "correct" state.  When the stylus moves over the 
            // element, the element is hidden, so the stylus is no longer over it, so the 
            // element is shown, but that means the stylus is over it again.  Repeat.
            // We push our re-evaluation to a priority lower than input processing so that
            // the user can change the input device to avoid the infinite loops, or close
            // the app if nothing else works.
            if (_reevaluateStylusOverOperation == null)
                _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate, null); 
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
                foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap)
                    pair.Value.ReevaluateStylusOver(element, oldParent, isCoreParent);

        private object ReevaluateStylusOverAsync(object arg) 
            _reevaluateStylusOverOperation = null; 

            // Synchronize causes state issues with the stylus events so we don't do this.
            //if (_currentStylusDevice != null)
            //    _currentStylusDevice.Synchronize();
            // Refresh StylusOverProperty so that ReverseInherited Flags are updated.
            // We only need to do this is there is any information about the old
            // tree state.  This is because it is possible (even likely) that
            // Synchronize() would have already done this if we hit-tested to a
            // different element. 
            if(_stylusOverTreeState != null && !_stylusOverTreeState.IsEmpty)
                UIElement.StylusOverProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_stylusOver as DependencyObject, _stylusOver as DependencyObject, ref _stylusOverTreeState); 
            return null;
        ///     Critical: Access the security critical method StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Just calls security transparent routine ReevaluateCapture on StylusLogic. 
        ///                  Takes no critical data as input and doesn't return any.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        static internal void CurrentStylusLogicReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent) 
            StylusLogic.CurrentStylusLogic.ReevaluateCapture(element, oldParent, isCoreParent); 

        internal void ReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
        private void ReevaluateCapture(DependencyObject element, DependencyObject oldParent, bool isCoreParent)
            if (element != null) 
                if (isCoreParent)
                    StylusCaptureWithinTreeState.SetCoreParent(element, oldParent); 
                    StylusCaptureWithinTreeState.SetLogicalParent(element, oldParent);

            // We re-evaluate the captured element to be consistent with how
            // we re-evaluate the element the stylus is over. 
            // See ReevaluateStylusOver for details. 
            if (_reevaluateCaptureOperation == null)
                _reevaluateCaptureOperation = Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Input, _reevaluateCaptureDelegate, null);
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock) 
                foreach (var pair in __stylusDeviceMap) 
                    pair.Value.ReevaluateCapture(element, oldParent, isCoreParent);

        private object ReevaluateCaptureAsync(object arg)
            _reevaluateCaptureOperation = null;
            if (_stylusCapture == null) 
                return null;
            bool killCapture = false;

            DependencyObject dependencyObject = _stylusCapture as DependencyObject;
            // First, check things like IsEnabled, IsVisible, etc. on a 
            // UIElement vs. ContentElement basis. 
            if (InputElement.IsUIElement(dependencyObject)) 
                killCapture = !ValidateUIElementForCapture((UIElement)_stylusCapture);
            else if (InputElement.IsContentElement(dependencyObject)) 
                killCapture = !ValidateContentElementForCapture((ContentElement)_stylusCapture); 
                killCapture = !ValidateUIElement3DForCapture((UIElement3D)_stylusCapture);

            // Second, if we still haven't thought of a reason to kill capture, validate
            // it on a Visual basis for things like still being in the right tree. 
            if (killCapture == false)
                DependencyObject containingVisual = InputElement.GetContainingVisual(dependencyObject);
                killCapture = !ValidateVisualForCapture(containingVisual);
            // Lastly, if we found any reason above, kill capture. 
            if (killCapture)

            // Refresh StylusCaptureWithinProperty so that ReverseInherited flags are updated. 
            // We only need to do this is there is any information about the old 
            // tree state.  This is because it is possible (even likely) that 
            // we would have already killed capture if the capture criteria was
            // no longer met. 
            if (_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState != null && !_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState.IsEmpty)
                UIElement.StylusCaptureWithinProperty.OnOriginValueChanged(_stylusCapture as DependencyObject, _stylusCapture as DependencyObject, ref _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState);

            return null; 

        private bool ValidateUIElementForCapture(UIElement element) 
            if (element.IsEnabled == false)
                return false;
            if (element.IsVisible == false)
                return false; 
            if (element.IsHitTestVisible == false)
                return false; 

            return true;
        private bool ValidateContentElementForCapture(ContentElement element)
            if (element.IsEnabled == false) 
                return false;
            // NOTE: there is no IsVisible property for ContentElements.

            return true;

        private bool ValidateUIElement3DForCapture(UIElement3D element) 
            if (element.IsEnabled == false)
                return false; 

            if (element.IsVisible == false)
                return false;
            if (element.IsHitTestVisible == false)
                return false; 
            return true;

        ///     Critical: This code accesses critical data (PresentationSource)
        ///     TreatAsSafe: Although it accesses critical data it does not modify or expose it, only compares against it. 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private bool ValidateVisualForCapture(DependencyObject visual) 
            if (visual == null) 
                return false;

            PresentationSource presentationSource = PresentationSource.CriticalFromVisual(visual);
            if (presentationSource == null)
                return false; 
            if (CurrentStylusDevice != null &&
                CurrentStylusDevice.CriticalActiveSource != presentationSource &&
                CurrentStylusDevice.Captured == null)
                return false;
            return true;


        // Make sure that the state of the stylus is correct for the the event we are 
        // seeing.  This validation is mainly for V1 and Lonestar wisptis events since 
        // it can send us InAirMove while in the middle of a down state.
        // The other issue this routine handles is overlapping InRange and OutOfRange 
        // notifications we can get when moving between two windows (penContexts).  Wisptis
        // can send these in an overlapped manner which can mess up our InRange state if
        // we don't special case it.
        ///     Critical: - asserts for UIPermission to grab the active source from the stylusdevice
        ///               - accesses SecurityCritical data _inputManager.Value. 
        ///               - calls SecurityCritical methods (GetStylusPenContextForHwnd, StylusDevice.ActiveSource, 
        ///                     HwndSource.CriticalHandle, InputReport.InputSource and InputManager.ProcessInput).
        ///           - called by PreProcessInput 
        ///           - Not TAS since this can inject stylus events.
        bool IsValidStylusAction(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport) 
            bool allowEvent = true; 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice; 

            // See if we have the correct PenContext we are receiving input from.  We can get two 
            // different PenContext objects actually sending us input simultaneously.  We lock onto the
            // the first one we see come in range and keep locked on that till we see it go out of range.
            // If we go out of range and have overlapping inrange from another PenContext we will
            // force that PenContext to be the current one by forcing a InRange stylus event. 

            // Now check for proper state of the device for the given Stylus event. 
            switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions) 
                case RawStylusActions.InRange: 
                    // only process inrange if currently out of range and the inputsource is not disposed.
                    allowEvent = !stylusDevice.InRange && !rawStylusInputReport.InputSource.IsDisposed;
                case RawStylusActions.InAirMove:
                    if (!stylusDevice.InRange && !rawStylusInputReport.InputSource.IsDisposed) 
                        // Force InRange if stylus is out of range.
                        // If InAir and either inputSource matches current devices input source or
                        // the last down input source then it is OK to process and we can allow this. 
                        allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext; 

                case RawStylusActions.Down:
                    if (!stylusDevice.InRange)
                        allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
                case RawStylusActions.Move:
                    allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext; 

                case RawStylusActions.Up: 
                    allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;

                case RawStylusActions.SystemGesture: 
                    allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext;
                    if (allowEvent) 
                        RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport systemGestureReport = (RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport)rawStylusInputReport; 

                        // If we see a Tap gesture that is sent when we are not in the down state then
                        // ignore this (it's a double tap issue) since we will have generated one when
                        // we see the up. 
                        if (systemGestureReport.SystemGesture == SystemGesture.Tap && stylusDevice.InAir)
                            allowEvent = false; 

                case RawStylusActions.OutOfRange:
                    allowEvent = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext == stylusDevice.ActivePenContext; 
            return allowEvent;

        ///     Critical: - accesses SecurityCritical data (_inputManager.Value, rawStylusInputReport.Data, 
        ///                     InputReport.InputSource, rawStylusInputReport.PenContext).
        ///               - calls SecurityCritical methods (InputManager.ProcessInput). 
        ///           - Not TAS since this can inject stylus events. 
        private void GenerateInRange(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport)
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice;
            RawStylusInputReport inputReport =
                new RawStylusInputReport(rawStylusInputReport.Mode, 

            InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, inputReport); 


        internal static int GetFlickAction(int flickData) 
            return (flickData & 0x001F); 

        private static bool GetIsScrollUp(int flickData) 
            Debug.Assert(GetFlickAction(flickData) == 1); // Make sure scroll action is set in flickdata.
            return (NativeMethods.SignedHIWORD(flickData) == 0);

        // Our handler for the WM_FLICK message. 
        internal bool HandleFlick(int flickData, IInputElement element) 
            bool handled = false; // By default say we didn't handle this flick action. 

            switch (GetFlickAction(flickData))
                case 1: // Scroll 
                    // Process scroll command.
                    RoutedUICommand command = GetIsScrollUp(flickData) ? ComponentCommands.ScrollPageUp : ComponentCommands.ScrollPageDown; 
                    if (element != null) 
                        if (command.CanExecute(null, element)) 
                            command.Execute(null, element);
                        // NTRAID-WINDOWS#1412363-2006/01/10-WAYNEZEN,
                        // We should alway report handled if there is a potential flick element. 
                        // Otherwise, the flick UIHub will send WM_KEYXXX for the PageDown/PageUp to this window. 
                        // So the focused element will react to those messages.
                        handled = true; // Say we handled it. 

                case 0: // Null 
                case 2: // AppCommand
                case 3: // CustomKey 
                case 4: // KeyModifier 
                    // Say we didn't handle it so UIHub will do default processing.

                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unknown Flick Action encountered");
            return handled; 

        /// This method handles the various windows messages related to the system setting changes.
        ///     Critical - Calls into SecurityCritical code (OnDeviceChange, OnScreenMeasurementsChanged, 
        ///                 ReadSystemConfig, OnTabletAdded and OnTabletRemoved).
        [SecurityCritical, FriendAccessAllowed]
        internal void HandleMessage(WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) 
            switch ( msg ) 
                case WindowMessage.WM_DEVICECHANGE:
                    if ( !_inputEnabled && (uint)NativeMethods.IntPtrToInt32(wParam) == 0x0007 /* DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED */) 

                case WindowMessage.WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: 
                case WindowMessage.WM_SETTINGCHANGE:
                    ReadSystemConfig(); // Update our registry settings.

                    // Invalidate the values so they get re-built as needed. 
                    if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null)
                        foreach (TabletDevice tablet in _tabletDeviceCollection) 
                            tablet.InvalidateSizeDeltas(); // Will be recalc'd on next stylus down. 
                case WindowMessage.WM_TABLET_ADDED:

                case WindowMessage.WM_TABLET_DELETED: 

        RoutedEvent GetMainEventFromPreviewEvent(RoutedEvent routedEvent)
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusDownEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusUpEvent; 
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusMoveEvent; 
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent) 
                return Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent) 
                return Stylus.StylusInRangeEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusOutOfRangeEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent) 
                return Stylus.StylusSystemGestureEvent;
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonDownEvent) 
                return Stylus.StylusButtonDownEvent; 
            if (routedEvent == Stylus.PreviewStylusButtonUpEvent)
                return Stylus.StylusButtonUpEvent; 
            return null;


        RoutedEvent GetPreviewEventFromRawStylusActions(RawStylusActions actions) 
            if((actions & RawStylusActions.Down) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusDownEvent; 
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.Up) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusUpEvent;
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.Move) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusMoveEvent; 
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.InAirMove) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusInAirMoveEvent; 
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.InRange) != 0) 
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusInRangeEvent;
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.OutOfRange) != 0) 
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusOutOfRangeEvent;
            if ((actions & RawStylusActions.SystemGesture) != 0)
                return Stylus.PreviewStylusSystemGestureEvent;
            return null; 

        /// Critical - Calls into SecurityCritical code.
        ///           - called by SecurityCritical code (Event handlers at top)
        internal void InvokeStylusPluginCollection(RawStylusInputReport inputReport)
            if (inputReport.StylusDevice != null) 

        ///     Critical - Calls in to SecurityCritical code (StylusDevice.UpdateEventStylusPoints)
        ///      At the top called from StylusLogic::PreNotifyInput event which is SecurityCritical. 
        private void VerifyStylusPlugInCollectionTarget(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport) 
            switch (rawStylusInputReport.Actions)
                case RawStylusActions.Down: 
                case RawStylusActions.Move:
                case RawStylusActions.Up: 
                    return; // do nothing if not Down, Move or Up. 

            RawStylusInput originalRSI = rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput;
            // See if we have a plugin for the target of this input. 
            StylusPlugInCollection targetPIC = null;
            StylusPlugInCollection targetRtiPIC = (originalRSI != null) ? originalRSI.Target : null; 
            bool updateEventPoints = false; 

            // Make sure we use UIElement for target if non NULL and hit ContentElement. 
            UIElement newTarget = InputElement.GetContainingUIElement(rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.DirectlyOver as DependencyObject) as UIElement;
            if (newTarget != null)
                targetPIC = rawStylusInputReport.PenContext.Contexts.FindPlugInCollection(newTarget); 
            // Make sure any lock() calls do not reenter on us. 
                // See if we hit the wrong PlugInCollection on the pen thread and clean things up if we did.
                if (targetRtiPIC != null && targetRtiPIC != targetPIC && originalRSI != null)
                    // Fire custom data not confirmed events for both pre and post since bad target... 
                    foreach (RawStylusInputCustomData customData in originalRSI.CustomDataList)
                        customData.Owner.FireCustomData(customData.Data, rawStylusInputReport.Actions, false); 
                    updateEventPoints = originalRSI.StylusPointsModified;

                    // Clear RawStylusInput data.
                    rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput = null; 
                // See if we need to build up an RSI to send to the plugincollection (due to a mistarget). 
                bool sendRawStylusInput = false;
                if (targetPIC != null && rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput == null) 
                    // NOTE: PenContext info will not change (it gets rebuilt instead so keeping ref is fine)
                    //    The transformTabletToView matrix and plugincollection rects though can change based
                    //    off of layout events which is why we need to lock this. 
                    GeneralTransformGroup transformTabletToView = new GeneralTransformGroup();
                    transformTabletToView.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(GetTabletToViewTransform(rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.TabletDevice))); // this gives matrix in measured units (not device) 
                    transformTabletToView.Children.Add(targetPIC.ViewToElement); // Make it relative to the element. 
                    transformTabletToView.Freeze();  // Must be frozen for multi-threaded access.
                    RawStylusInput rawStylusInput = new RawStylusInput(rawStylusInputReport, transformTabletToView, targetPIC);
                    rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput = rawStylusInput;
                    sendRawStylusInput = true;

                // Now fire the confirmed enter/leave events as necessary. 
                StylusPlugInCollection currentTarget = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.CurrentVerifiedTarget; 
                if (targetPIC != currentTarget)
                    if (currentTarget != null)
                        // Fire leave event.  If we never had a plugin for this event then create a temp one.
                        if (originalRSI == null) 
                            GeneralTransformGroup transformTabletToView = new GeneralTransformGroup(); 
                            transformTabletToView.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(GetTabletToViewTransform(rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.TabletDevice))); // this gives matrix in measured units (not device) 
                            transformTabletToView.Children.Add(currentTarget.ViewToElement); // Make it relative to the element.
                            transformTabletToView.Freeze();  // Must be frozen for multi-threaded access. 
                            originalRSI = new RawStylusInput(rawStylusInputReport, transformTabletToView, currentTarget);
                        currentTarget.FireEnterLeave(false, originalRSI, true);

                    if (targetPIC != null) 
                        // Fire Enter event
                        targetPIC.FireEnterLeave(true, rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput, true); 

                    // Update the verified target.
                    rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.CurrentVerifiedTarget = targetPIC; 
                // Now fire RawStylusInput if needed to the right plugincollection.
                if (sendRawStylusInput) 
                    // We are on the pen thread, just call directly.
                    updateEventPoints = (updateEventPoints || rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput.StylusPointsModified); 
                // Now fire PrePreviewCustomData events. 
                if (targetPIC != null)
                    // Send custom data pre event
                    foreach (RawStylusInputCustomData customData in rawStylusInputReport.RawStylusInput.CustomDataList)
                        customData.Owner.FireCustomData(customData.Data, rawStylusInputReport.Actions, true); 
                // VerifyRawTarget might resend to correct plugins or may have hit the wrong plugincollection.  The StylusPackets
                // may be overriden in those plugins so we need to call UpdateEventStylusPoints to update things. 
                if (updateEventPoints)
                    rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice.UpdateEventStylusPoints(rawStylusInputReport, true);

        internal int DoubleTapDelta
            get {return _doubleTapDelta;} 
        internal int DoubleTapDeltaTime 
            get {return _doubleTapDeltaTime;} 

        internal int CancelDelta
            get {return _cancelDelta;}
        /// Critical - Calls into security critical code. (InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs) 
        ///           - called by PreProcessInput (which is SecurityCritical)
        private void GenerateGesture(RawStylusInputReport rawStylusInputReport, SystemGesture gesture) 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice = rawStylusInputReport.StylusDevice; 
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null); 

            RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport inputReport = new RawStylusSystemGestureInputReport( 
                                                        0, // Gesture X location (only used for flicks)
                                                        0, // Gesture Y location (only used for flicks) 
                                                        0); // ButtonState (only used for flicks)
            inputReport.StylusDevice = stylusDevice;
            InputReportEventArgs input = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, inputReport);
            // Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get
            // to the user before the StylusUp and MouseUp event. 
        /// Before we promote a MouseUp, we need to send a MouseMove to move the mouse device
        /// over to the correct location, since MouseUp does not use location information.
        /// Critical - Calls into security critical code. (InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs) 
        ///           - called by PreProcessInput (which is SecurityCritical)
        private void ProcessMouseMove(StylusDevice stylusDevice, int timestamp, bool isSynchronize)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null);

            if (!ShouldPromoteToMouse(stylusDevice) || !stylusDevice.TouchDevice.PromotingToOther)
            PresentationSource mouseInputSource = stylusDevice.GetMousePresentationSource();
            if (mouseInputSource != null)
                RawMouseActions actions = RawMouseActions.AbsoluteMove;
                // Don't set Activate flag if a synchronize is requested!
                if (!isSynchronize) 
                    if (_inputManager.Value.PrimaryMouseDevice.CriticalActiveSource != mouseInputSource)
                        actions |= RawMouseActions.Activate;
                Point pt = stylusDevice.LastMouseScreenPoint; // Use last promoted mouse location.
                pt = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(pt, mouseInputSource); 
                RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport =
                            new RawMouseInputReport(InputMode.Foreground, 

                if (isSynchronize) 
                    mouseInputReport._isSynchronize = true;
                _lastRawMouseAction = actions;
                InputReportEventArgs inputReportArgs = new InputReportEventArgs(stylusDevice, mouseInputReport); 
                inputReportArgs.RoutedEvent = InputManager.PreviewInputReportEvent;
                // Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get
                // to the user before the StylusUp and MouseUp event.
        /// Critical: accesses e.StagingItem.Input
        ///             calls into SecurityCritical code (InputManagerProcessInputEventArgs)
        private void UpdateButtonStates(ProcessInputEventArgs e)
            if (!e.StagingItem.Input.Handled) 
                RoutedEvent routedEvent = e.StagingItem.Input.RoutedEvent; 
                if (routedEvent != null && (routedEvent == Stylus.StylusDownEvent
                                     || routedEvent == Stylus.StylusUpEvent
                                     || routedEvent == Stylus.StylusMoveEvent
                                     || routedEvent == Stylus.StylusInAirMoveEvent)) 
                    StylusEventArgs eventArgs = (StylusEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input; 
                    RawStylusInputReport report = eventArgs.InputReport; 

                    StylusDevice stylusDevice = report.StylusDevice; 
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stylusDevice != null);

                    StylusPointCollection stylusPoints = stylusDevice.GetStylusPoints(null);
                    StylusPoint stylusPoint = stylusPoints[stylusPoints.Count - 1]; 

                    foreach (StylusButton button in stylusDevice.StylusButtons) 

                        // ISSUE-2005/2/2-XIAOTU what if more than one button state in a single packet? 
                        // Split the packets or only use the last one as we did below?

                        StylusButtonState currentButtonState =
                            (StylusButtonState)stylusPoint.GetPropertyValue(new StylusPointProperty(button.Guid, true)); 

                        if (currentButtonState != button.CachedButtonState) 
                           button.CachedButtonState = currentButtonState;
                           // do work to push Button event
                           StylusButtonEventArgs args = new StylusButtonEventArgs(stylusDevice, report.Timestamp, button);
                           args.InputReport = report;
                           if (currentButtonState == StylusButtonState.Down) 

                           // Process this directly instead of doing a push. We want this event to get 
                           // to the user before the promoted mouse event.

        ///     Critical:    calls UnsafeNativeMethods.WindowFromPoint 
        private static bool InWindowClientRect(Point ptClient, PresentationSource inputSource) 
            bool inClientRect = false;

            // Note: this only works for HWNDs for now. 
            HwndSource source = inputSource as HwndSource;
            if(source != null && source.CompositionTarget != null && !source.IsHandleNull) 
                Point ptScreen = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(ptClient, source);
                IntPtr hwndHit = IntPtr.Zero ; 
                HwndSource sourceHit = null ;
                Point ptClientHit = new Point(0,0);

                // Hit-test for a window. 
                // See if this is one of our windows.
                hwndHit = UnsafeNativeMethods.WindowFromPoint((int)ptScreen.X, (int)ptScreen.Y); 
                if(hwndHit != IntPtr.Zero)
                    // See if this is one of our windows.
                    sourceHit = HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd(hwndHit);

                    // We need to check if the point is over the client or 
                    // non-client area.  We only care about being over the
                    // client area. 
                    if (sourceHit != null) 
                        ptClientHit = PointUtil.ScreenToClient(ptScreen, sourceHit); 
                        NativeMethods.RECT rcClient = new NativeMethods.RECT();
                        SafeNativeMethods.GetClientRect(new HandleRef(sourceHit,hwndHit), ref rcClient);

                        // Don't consider we hit anything if we are over the non-client area. 
                        inClientRect = !((int)ptClientHit.X < rcClient.left ||
                                         (int)ptClientHit.X >= rcClient.right || 
                                         (int)ptClientHit.Y < || 
                                         (int)ptClientHit.Y >= rcClient.bottom);
            return inClientRect;

        ///     Critical: calls into SecurityCritical code (TabletDeviceCollection constructor) 
        internal TabletDeviceCollection TabletDevices
                if (_tabletDeviceCollection == null) 
                    // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy. 
                        _tabletDeviceCollection = new TabletDeviceCollection();
                        // We need to know when the dispatcher shuts down in order to clean
                        // up references to PenThreads held in the TabletDeviceCollection. 
                        _inputManager.Value.Dispatcher.ShutdownFinished += _shutdownHandler; 
                return _tabletDeviceCollection;
        ///     [TBS] 
        internal StylusDevice CurrentStylusDevice 
                return _currentStylusDevice; 
        internal void RegisterStylusDeviceCore(StylusDevice stylusDevice)
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
                int stylusDeviceId = stylusDevice.Id;
                // The map must contain unique entries for each stylus device. 
                if (__stylusDeviceMap.ContainsKey(stylusDeviceId)) 
                    InvalidOperationException ioe = new InvalidOperationException(); 
                    // We add a tag here so we can check for this specific exception
                    // in TabletCollection when adding new tablet devices.
                    ioe.Data.Add("System.Windows.Input.StylusLogic", "");
                __stylusDeviceMap[stylusDeviceId] = stylusDevice; 

        internal void UnregisterStylusDeviceCore(StylusDevice stylusDevice)
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock)

        internal StylusDevice FindStylusDevice(int stylusDeviceId)
            // If not on stylusLogic thread then you must take __stylusDeviceLock!! 
            StylusDevice stylusDevice; 
            __stylusDeviceMap.TryGetValue(stylusDeviceId, out stylusDevice);
            return stylusDevice;
        internal StylusDevice FindStylusDeviceWithLock(int stylusDeviceId)
            StylusDevice stylusDevice; 
            lock (__stylusDeviceLock)
                __stylusDeviceMap.TryGetValue(stylusDeviceId, out stylusDevice);
            return stylusDevice;


        // Updates the currently active stylus device and makes sure the StylusOver 
        // property is updated as needed.
        internal void SelectStylusDevice(StylusDevice stylusDevice, IInputElement newOver, bool updateOver)
            bool stylusDeviceChange = (_currentStylusDevice != stylusDevice); 
            StylusDevice oldStylusDevice = _currentStylusDevice;
            // If current StylusDevice is becoming null, make sure we update the over state 
            // before we update _currentStylusDevice or else the over property will not update
            // correctly! 
            if (updateOver && stylusDevice == null && stylusDeviceChange)
            if (updateOver && stylusDevice == null && stylusDeviceChange && newOver == null) 
                // This will cause UpdateOverProperty() to be called. 
                _currentStylusDevice.ChangeStylusOver(newOver); // This should be null.

            _currentStylusDevice = stylusDevice;

            if (updateOver && stylusDevice != null) 
                // This will cause StylusLogic.UpdateStylusOverProperty to unconditionally be called. 

                // If changing the current stylusdevice make sure that the old one's 
                // over state is set to null if it is not InRange anymore.
                // NOTE: We only want to do this if we have multiple stylusdevices InRange!
                if (stylusDeviceChange && oldStylusDevice != null)
                    if (!oldStylusDevice.InRange)

        /// Critical - calls into SecurityCritical code (Enable) 
        internal void EnableCore() 
            lock (__penContextsLock)
                foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values) 
                _inputEnabled = true;

        internal bool Enabled
                return _inputEnabled; 

        ///     Critical: This code accesses critical data (hwnd, InputManager, _penContextsMap, 
        ///                 PenContexts constructor) and passes to PenContexts constructor. 
        ///               It also optionally calls critical method PenContexts.Enable().
        ///                - TreatAsSafe boundry at HwndSource constructor.
        internal void RegisterHwndForInput(InputManager inputManager, PresentationSource inputSource) 
            HwndSource hwndSource = (HwndSource)inputSource; 
            // Query the transform from HwndTarget when the first window is created.
            if (!_transformInitialized) 
                if (hwndSource != null && hwndSource.CompositionTarget != null)
                    _transformToDevice = hwndSource.CompositionTarget.TransformToDevice; 
                    _transformInitialized = true; 
            // Keep track so we don't bother looking for changes if someone happened to query this before
            // an Avalon window was created where we get TabletAdd/Removed notification.
            bool initializedTablets = (_tabletDeviceCollection == null);
            // This causes EnableCore to be called on TabletPC systems which enabled stylus input!
            TabletDeviceCollection tablets = TabletDevices; 
            // Make sure that lock() does not cause reentrancy.
                lock (__penContextsLock)
                    if (__penContextsMap.ContainsKey(inputSource)) 
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.PenService_WindowAlreadyRegistered)); 

                    PenContexts penContexts = new PenContexts(inputManager.StylusLogic, inputSource); 

                    __penContextsMap[inputSource] = penContexts;

                    // If FIRST one set this as the one to manage TabletAdded/Removed notifications. 
                    if (__penContextsMap.Count == 1)
                        // Make sure our view of TabletDevices is up to date we didn't just cause it 
                        // to be initialized and we had some real tablet devices.
                        if (!initializedTablets && tablets.Count > 0) 

                    // Detect if this window is disabled. If so then let the pencontexts know. 
                    int style = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetWindowLong(new HandleRef(this,hwndSource.CriticalHandle), NativeMethods.GWL_STYLE); 
                    if ((style & NativeMethods.WS_DISABLED) != 0)
                        penContexts.IsWindowDisabled = true;

                    if ( _inputEnabled ) 

        ///     Critical: - calls into Security Critical code (PenContexts.Disable) 
        ///         and accesses critical member __penContextsMap
        ///                - TreatAsSafe boundry at HwndStylusInputProvider::Dispose 
        internal void UnRegisterHwndForInput(HwndSource hwndSource)
            // Make sure that lock() does not cause reentrancy.
            using (Dispatcher.DisableProcessing()) 
                bool shutdownWorkThread = Dispatcher.HasShutdownStarted; 
                lock (__penContextsLock) 
                    PenContexts penContexts; 
                    if (__penContextsMap.TryGetValue(hwndSource, out penContexts))
                        // NTRAID:WINDOWSOS#1877251-2006/10/10-WAYNEZEN,
                        // If the application dispatcher is being shut down, we should destroy our pen thread as well. 

                        // Make sure we remember the last location of this window for mapping stylus input later. 
                        if (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsWindow(new HandleRef(hwndSource, hwndSource.CriticalHandle)))
                            penContexts.DestroyedLocation = PointUtil.ClientToScreen(new Point(0, 0), hwndSource);
                    // If we failed to find penContexts for this window above then throw an error now. 
                    if (penContexts == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.PenService_WindowNotRegistered));
        ///     Critical: - Accesses a critical member variable: __penContextsMap
        internal PenContexts GetPenContextsFromHwnd(PresentationSource presentationSource)
            // Only safe to call from UI thread since only it will change Map. 
            PenContexts penContexts = null;

            if (presentationSource != null)
                __penContextsMap.TryGetValue(presentationSource, out penContexts);
            return penContexts; 

        ///     Critical: - Calls critical methods - InputReport.InputSource,
        ///                   PenContexts.ConsiderInRange and GetPenContextsFromHwnd. 
        internal bool ShouldConsiderStylusInRange(RawMouseInputReport mouseInputReport) 
            int timestamp = mouseInputReport.Timestamp; 

            // First check to see if we are close to the last time we've had a Stylus InRange
            // We consider it inrange if _lastInRangeTime+500 >= timestamp (whether we've seen
            // one within last 500ms). 
            //  Here's some info on how this works...
            //      int.MaxValue - int.MinValue = -1 (subtracting any negative # from MaxValue keeps this negative) 
            //      int.MinValue - int.MaxValue = 1 (subtracting any positive # from MinValue keeps this positive) 
            //  So as values close to MaxValue and MinValue get farther apart the result increases from a
            //  of delta 1 and we can thus take the Abs value to use for this check. 
            // Note: we don't really care if times wrap since the worst thing that would happen
            // is we'd let a mouse event slip through as you brought the stylus in range which
            // can happen today anyway.
            if (Math.Abs(unchecked(timestamp - _lastInRangeTime)) <= 500) 
                return true;
            HwndSource hwndSource = mouseInputReport.InputSource as HwndSource; 
            if (hwndSource != null)
                PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(hwndSource);
                if (penContexts != null)
                    return penContexts.ConsiderInRange(timestamp); 
            return false; 


        ///     Critical: - Accesses a critical member variable: __penContextsMap
        ///                 and calls SecurityCritical method 
        ///                 PenContexts.GetTabletDeviceIDPenContext. 
        internal PenContext GetStylusPenContextForHwnd(PresentationSource presentationSource, int tabletDeviceId)
            // Only safe to call from UI thread since only it will change Map.

            if (presentationSource != null) 
                PenContexts penContexts;
                __penContextsMap.TryGetValue(presentationSource, out penContexts); 
                if (penContexts != null)
                    return penContexts.GetTabletDeviceIDPenContext(tabletDeviceId);
            return null; 

        /// A method handles WM_DEVICECHANGE message.
        ///     Critical: The method invoke critical methods - 
        ///                 TabletDeviceCollection.ShouldEnableTablets, TabletDeviceCollection.UpdateTablets and EnableCore.
        ///               TreatAsSafe boundry is SystemResources.SystemThemeFilterMessage in PF.dll 
        private void OnDeviceChange() 
            Debug.Assert(!_inputEnabled, "StylusLogic has been enabled unexpectly.");

            if ( !_inputEnabled && TabletDeviceCollection.ShouldEnableTablets() ) 
                using ( Dispatcher.DisableProcessing() ) 
                    // Create the tablet device collection!

                    // Enable stylus input on all hwnds if we have not yet done so.
        ///     Critical: This code calls SecurityCritical code (TabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletAdded, 
        ///             TabletDeviceCollection.UpdateTablets, PenContexts.Enable, PenContexts.Disable and
        ///             PenContexts.AddContext) and accesses SecurityCritical data __penContextsMap.
        ///             Called by StylusLogic.HandleMessage.
        ///             TreatAsSafe boundry is HwndWrapperHook class (called via HwndSource.InputFilterMessage). 
        private void OnTabletAdded(uint wisptisIndex) 
            // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy. 
                lock ( __penContextsLock )
                    TabletDeviceCollection tabletDeviceCollection = TabletDevices;
                    // When we receive the first WM_TABLET_ADDED message without being enabled, 
                    // we have to update our TabletDevices at once and enable StylusLogic
                    if ( !_inputEnabled ) 
                        tabletDeviceCollection.UpdateTablets(); // Create the tablet device collection!
                        EnableCore(); // Go and enable input now.
                        return; // We are done here.
                    uint tabletIndex = UInt32.MaxValue;
                    // HandleTabletAdded returns true if we need to update contexts due to a change in tablet devices. 
                    if (tabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletAdded(wisptisIndex, ref tabletIndex))
                        if (tabletIndex != UInt32.MaxValue)
                            // Update all contexts with this new tablet device.
                            foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values) 
                            // rebuild all contexts and tablet collection if duplicate found. 
                            foreach ( PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values )
                                contexts.Disable(false /*shutdownWorkerThread*/); 

                            foreach ( PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values )

        ///     Critical: This code calls SecurityCritical code (PenContexts.RemoveContext and
        ///              TabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletRemoved) and accesses SecurityCritical data 
        ///              __penContextsMap. 
        ///             Called by StylusLogic.HandleMessage.
        ///             TreatAsSafe boundry is HwndWrapperHook class (called via HwndSource.InputFilterMessage). 
        private void OnTabletRemoved(uint wisptisIndex)
            // Nothing to do if the Stylus hasn't been enabled yet.
            if ( _inputEnabled ) 
                // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy.
                    lock ( __penContextsLock )
                        if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null) 
                            uint tabletIndex = _tabletDeviceCollection.HandleTabletRemoved(wisptisIndex); 
                            if (tabletIndex != UInt32.MaxValue)
                                foreach (PenContexts contexts in __penContextsMap.Values)


        ///     Critical: This code calls SecurityCritical code (PenContexts.RebuildContexts). 
        ///             Called by HwndStylusInputProvider.FilterMessage.
        ///             TreatAsSafe boundry is HwndWrapperHook class (called via HwndSource.InputFilterMessage). 
        private void OnScreenMeasurementsChanged()
            // We only need to have one of these queued up on our dispatcher.
            if (!_updatingScreenMeasurements) 
                _updatingScreenMeasurements = true;
                // Queue up this code to execute after the WM_DISPLAYCHANGED message
                // has been processed
                Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, _processDisplayChanged, null);

        /// We get this notification when the WM_ENABLE message is sent to a window.
        /// When we get this we need to disable Stylus Input from being raised similar
        /// to how we deal with OLE DragDrop.  Win32 stops all other input from going to
        /// disabled windows so we need to do the same for stylus. 
        ///     Critical: This code calls SecurityCritical code (GetPenContextsFromHwnd, HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd) 
        ///                 and takes SecurityCritical data as input (hwnd).
        ///             Called by HwndStylusInputProvider.FilterMessage. 
        ///             TreatAsSafe boundry is HwndWrapperHook class (called via HwndSource.InputFilterMessage).
        internal void OnWindowEnableChanged(IntPtr hwnd, bool disabled) 
            // See if this is one of our windows. 
            HwndSource sourceHit = HwndSource.CriticalFromHwnd(hwnd); 

            // We need to check if the point is over the client or 
            // non-client area.  We only care about being over the
            // client area.
            if (sourceHit != null)
                // Find the pencontexts for this window and update it's disabled window state
                PenContexts penContexts = GetPenContextsFromHwnd(sourceHit); 
                if (penContexts != null) 
                    penContexts.IsWindowDisabled = disabled; 

            // See if we need to update the mouse state when going enabled. 
            if (!disabled && _currentStylusDevice != null)
                // If we are in air or have not fired down the set mouse in up state. 
                if (_currentStylusDevice.InAir || !_currentStylusDevice.GestureWasFired)
                    _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
                    _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
                    _mouseLeftButtonState = _currentStylusDevice.LeftIsActiveMouseButton ? MouseButtonState.Pressed : MouseButtonState.Released; 
                    _mouseRightButtonState = !_currentStylusDevice.LeftIsActiveMouseButton ? MouseButtonState.Pressed : MouseButtonState.Released; 


        /// Critical - calls security critical code PenContexts.Disable, 
        ///             PenContexts.Enable and TabletDevice.UpdateScreenMeasurements.
        /// TreatAsSafe - Just updates TabletDevice size info use for mapping input data.  No data goes in or out.
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        internal object ProcessDisplayChanged(object oInput) 
            _updatingScreenMeasurements = false; 
            // Make sure lock() doesn't cause reentrancy.
                // We don't want to rebuild the contexts and update the tabletdevice
                // measurements if the Stylus hasn't been enabled yet.
                if (_tabletDeviceCollection != null) 
                    // NTRAID#T2-26521-2004/10/27-waynezen, 
                    // Invalidate the screen measurements of the tablet device. 
                    foreach ( TabletDevice tablet in _tabletDeviceCollection )

            return null; 


        internal Matrix GetTabletToViewTransform(TabletDevice tabletDevice)
            // NTRAID#Tablet_PC_Bug 26555-2004/11/3-xiaotu: Inking is offset under 120 DPI 
            // Changet the TabletToViewTransform matrix to take DPI into account. The default
            // value is 96 DPI in Avalon. The device DPI value is cached after the first call 
            // to this function. 

            Matrix matrix = _transformToDevice; 
            return matrix * tabletDevice.TabletToScreen;
        /// Transforms a point in measure units to a point in device coordinates 
        /// The point to transform, in measure units
        /// The point in device coordinates 
        internal Point DeviceUnitsFromMeasureUnits(Point measurePoint)
            Point pt = measurePoint * _transformToDevice;
            pt.X = (int)Math.Round(pt.X); // Make sure we return whole numbers (pixels are whole numbers) 
            pt.Y = (int)Math.Round(pt.Y);
            return pt; 

        /// Transforms a point in measure units to a point in device coordinates
        /// The point to transform, in measure units
        /// The point in device coordinates 
        internal Point MeasureUnitsFromDeviceUnits(Point measurePoint)
            Matrix matrix = _transformToDevice; 
            return measurePoint * matrix; 

        // This is used to determine whether we postpone promoting mouse move events 
        // from stylus events.
        internal void SetLastRawMouseActions(RawMouseActions actions) 
            _lastRawMouseAction = actions;

        private DeferredElementTreeState StylusOverTreeState
                if (_stylusOverTreeState == null) 
                    _stylusOverTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState(); 

                return _stylusOverTreeState;
        private DeferredElementTreeState StylusCaptureWithinTreeState 
                if (_stylusCaptureWithinTreeState == null)
                    _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState = new DeferredElementTreeState(); 
                return _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState; 


        private Matrix _transformToDevice = Matrix.Identity; 
        private bool _transformInitialized; 


        ///     This data is not safe to expose as it holds refrence to PresentationSource
        private SecurityCriticalData _inputManager;
        DispatcherOperationCallback  _dlgInputManagerProcessInput; 

        object _stylusEventQueueLock = new object(); 

        /// Critical - Marked critical to prevent inadvertant code from
        ///             modifying raw stylus input reports. 
        Queue _queueStylusEvents = new Queue(); 

        int             _lastStylusDeviceId; 
        bool            _lastMouseMoveFromStylus = true; // Default to true to help first time use issues.

        // Information used to distinguish double-taps (actually, multi taps) from
        // multiple independent taps. 
        private int _doubleTapDeltaTime = 800;  // this is in milli-seconds
        private int _doubleTapDelta = 15;  // The default double tap distance is .1 mm values (default is 1.5mm) 
        private int _cancelDelta = 10;        // The move distance is 1.0mm default (value in .1 mm) 

        private RawMouseActions _lastRawMouseAction = RawMouseActions.None; 
        private bool _waitingForDelegate = false;

        private MouseButtonState _mouseLeftButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released;
        private MouseButtonState _mouseRightButtonState = MouseButtonState.Released; 

        private StylusPlugInCollection _activeMousePlugInCollection; 
        private StylusPointDescription _mousePointDescription; 

        // From old instanced Stylus class 
        private EventHandler    _shutdownHandler;

        TabletDeviceCollection  _tabletDeviceCollection;
        StylusDevice            _currentStylusDevice; 

        int                    _lastInRangeTime; 
        bool                   _triedDeferringMouseMove; 
        /// Critical - Marked critical to prevent inadvertant code from 
        ///             modifying deferred mouse move information.
        RawMouseInputReport              _deferredMouseMove; 

        DispatcherOperationCallback  _processDeferredMouseMove; 
        /// Critical - Marked critical to prevent inadvertant code from 
        ///             modifying this deferred mouse deactivate information.
        RawMouseInputReport              _mouseDeactivateInputReport; 

        bool                             _inputEnabled = false; 
        bool                             _updatingScreenMeasurements = false; 
        DispatcherOperationCallback  _processDisplayChanged;
        object                           __penContextsLock = new object(); 

        /// Critical - Marked critical to prevent inadvertant spread
        ///             to transparent code. 
        Dictionary   __penContextsMap = new Dictionary(2); 

        object                            __stylusDeviceLock = new object(); 
        Dictionary     __stylusDeviceMap = new Dictionary(2);

        bool                              _inDragDrop;
        bool                              _processingQueuedEvent; 

        bool                              _stylusDeviceInRange; 
        bool                     _seenRealMouseActivate;
        IInputElement _stylusCapture;
        IInputElement _stylusOver;
        DeferredElementTreeState _stylusOverTreeState; 
        DeferredElementTreeState _stylusCaptureWithinTreeState;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _overIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
        private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateStylusOverDelegate;
        private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateStylusOverOperation;

        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsEnabledChangedEventHandler; 
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsVisibleChangedEventHandler;
        private DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler _captureIsHitTestVisibleChangedEventHandler; 
        private DispatcherOperationCallback _reevaluateCaptureDelegate; 
        private DispatcherOperation _reevaluateCaptureOperation;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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