Canonicalizers.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ WCF / WCF / 3.5.30729.1 / untmp / Orcas / SP / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / infocard / Service / managed / Microsoft / InfoCards / Canonicalizers.cs / 1 / Canonicalizers.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace Microsoft.InfoCards
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Text;
    using IDT = Microsoft.InfoCards.Diagnostics.InfoCardTrace;

    // Summary 
    //  Manages the Different canonicalization forms and routines
    //  we require for use during indexing. 
    internal sealed class Canonicalizers
        delegate byte[] CanonicalizeObjectCallback( object dataToHash );

        static ICanonicalizer s_binary; 
        static ICanonicalizer s_caseInsensitiveWithHashing;
        static ICanonicalizer s_caseSensitiveWithHashing; 
        static ICanonicalizer s_binaryWithHashing; 

        private Canonicalizers() 


        // Summary 
        //  Returns the global instance of a CaseSensitive Canonicalizer. This instance
        //  Will hash the value, allowing the entire string value to be matched against.
        // Remarks 
        //  This should be used with string based indexes only.
        public static ICanonicalizer CaseInsensitiveWithHashing 
                if( null == s_caseInsensitiveWithHashing )
                    s_caseInsensitiveWithHashing = new CaseInsensitiveCanonicalizer( true, Encoding.Unicode, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); 
                return s_caseInsensitiveWithHashing; 
        // Summary
        //  Returns the global instance of a CaseSensitive Canonicalizer. This instance
        //  Will hash the value, allowing the entire string value to be matched against. 
        // Remarks 
        //  This should be used with string based indexes only. 
        public static ICanonicalizer CaseSensitiveWithHashing 
                if( null == s_caseSensitiveWithHashing ) 
                    s_caseSensitiveWithHashing = new CaseSensitiveCanonicalizer( true, Encoding.Unicode, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture ); 
                return s_caseSensitiveWithHashing;

        // Summary 
        //  Returns the global instance of a Binary Canonicalizer. This instance will use
        //  the raw binary form of the input.  If the data is larger than the size of the 
        //  index, it will be truncated. 
        // Remarks 
        //  This should be used with string based indexes only.
        //      This Canonicalizer supports the following datatypes:
        //          Int16
        //          UInt16 
        //          Int32
        //          UInt32 
        //          Int64 
        //          UInt64
        //          Byte 
        //          Byte[]
        //          String
        //          Uri
        //          Guid 
        //          GlobalId
        public static ICanonicalizer Binary 
                if( null == s_binary )
                    s_binary = new BinaryCanonicalizer( false ); 
                return s_binary; 

        // Summary
        //  Returns the global instance of a Binary Canonicalizer. This instance will use 
        //  the raw binary form of the input.  The data is hashed before inserted into an index,
        //  so the value can exceed the size of the index. 
        // Remarks
        //  This should be used with string based indexes only. 
        //      This Canonicalizer supports the following datatypes:
        //          Int16
        //          UInt16
        //          Int32 
        //          UInt32
        //          Int64 
        //          UInt64 
        //          Byte
        //          Byte[] 
        //          String
        //          Uri
        //          Guid
        //          GlobalId 
        public static ICanonicalizer BinaryWithHashing 
                if( null == s_binaryWithHashing )
                    s_binaryWithHashing = new BinaryCanonicalizer( true );

                return s_binaryWithHashing; 

        abstract class CanonicalizerBase : ICanonicalizer 
            bool m_hashValue; 
            public CanonicalizerBase( bool hashValue ) 
                m_hashValue = hashValue; 

            public byte[] Canonicalize( object obj ) 
                if( null == obj ) 
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "obj" );

                byte[] raw = GetRawForm( obj );

                if( !m_hashValue ) 
                    return raw; 

                byte[] hashValue = new byte[ HashUtility.HashBufferLength ]; 

                HashUtility.SetHashValue( hashValue, 0, raw );

                return hashValue; 
            public abstract bool CanCanonicalize( object obj ); 
            protected abstract byte[] GetRawForm( object obj );

        class BinaryCanonicalizer  : CanonicalizerBase
            Dictionary m_canonicalizers; 

            public BinaryCanonicalizer( bool hashValue ) 
                : base( hashValue )
                m_canonicalizers = new Dictionary();
            public override bool CanCanonicalize( object obj )
                if( null == obj )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "obj" );

                return m_canonicalizers.ContainsKey( obj.GetType() ); 

            void CreateCanonicalizers() 
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( Int16 ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeInt16 ) );
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( UInt16 ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeUInt16 ) );
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( Int32 ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeInt32 ) ); 
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( UInt32 ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeUInt32 ) );
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( Int64 ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeInt64 ) ); 
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( UInt64 ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeUInt64 ) ); 
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( Byte ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeByte ) );
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( Byte[] ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeByteArray ) ); 
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( String ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeString ) );
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( Guid ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeGuid ) );
                m_canonicalizers.Add( typeof( GlobalId ), new CanonicalizeObjectCallback( CanonicalizeGlobalId ) );

            protected override byte[] GetRawForm( object obj ) 
                return m_canonicalizers[ obj.GetType() ]( obj );
            unsafe byte[] CanonicalizeGlobalId( object data )
                if( null == data )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" );
                Guid value = (Guid)((GlobalId)data);
                return value.ToByteArray(); 
            unsafe byte[] CanonicalizeGuid( object data )
                if( null == data ) 
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" ); 

                Guid value = (Guid)data; 
                return value.ToByteArray();
            unsafe byte[] CanonicalizeInt16( object data )
                if( null == data )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" ); 
                Int16 value = (Int16)data;

                byte[] buffer = new byte[ sizeof( Int16 ) ];
                fixed( byte* pBuffer = &buffer[ 0 ] ) 
                    *( (Int16*)pBuffer ) = value; 
                return buffer;
            unsafe byte[] CanonicalizeUInt16( object data )
                if( null == data )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" );
                UInt16 value = (UInt16)data;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[ sizeof( UInt16 ) ];
                fixed( byte* pBuffer = &buffer[ 0 ] )
                    *( (UInt16*)pBuffer ) = value; 
                return buffer; 
            unsafe byte[] CanonicalizeInt32( object data )
                if( null == data )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" );

                Int32 value = (Int32)data; 
                byte[] buffer = new byte[ sizeof( Int32 ) ];
                fixed( byte* pBuffer = &buffer[ 0 ] ) 
                    *( (Int32*)pBuffer ) = value;
                return buffer; 
            unsafe byte[] CanonicalizeUInt32( object data ) 
                if( null == data )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" );

                UInt32 value = (UInt32)data; 

                byte[] buffer = new byte[ sizeof( UInt32 ) ]; 
                fixed( byte* pBuffer = &buffer[ 0 ] ) 
                    *( (UInt32*)pBuffer ) = value; 
                return buffer;
            unsafe byte[] CanonicalizeInt64( object data ) 
                if( null == data ) 
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" );

                Int64 value = (Int64)data;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[ sizeof( Int64 ) ];
                fixed( byte* pBuffer = &buffer[ 0 ] ) 
                    *( (Int64*)pBuffer ) = value; 
                return buffer;

            unsafe byte[] CanonicalizeUInt64( object data )
                if( null == data ) 
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" ); 
                UInt64 value = (UInt64)data;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[ sizeof( UInt64 ) ]; 
                fixed( byte* pBuffer = &buffer[ 0 ] )
                    *( (UInt64*)pBuffer ) = value;
                return buffer;
            byte[] CanonicalizeString( object data )
                if( null == data )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" );
                string value = (string)data;
                if( String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ) 
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" ); 

                return Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes( value );
            byte[] CanonicalizeByte( object data )
                if( null == data ) 
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" ); 

                byte value = (byte)data;
                return new byte[]{value}; 
            byte[] CanonicalizeByteArray( object data ) 
                if( null == data )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "data" );
                byte[] value = (byte[])data;
                return value; 
        // Base class for String canononicalization. 
        abstract class StringCanonicalizerBase : CanonicalizerBase
            static readonly Type[] s_validTypes = 
                typeof( string ), 
                typeof( Uri ) 

            Encoding m_encoding;
            CultureInfo m_culture;
            protected StringCanonicalizerBase(
                            bool hashValue, 
                            Encoding encoding, 
                            CultureInfo culture )
                            : base( hashValue ) 
                if( null == encoding )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "encoding" ); 
                if( null == culture ) 
                    m_culture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; 
                    m_culture = culture; 
                m_encoding = encoding; 
            protected virtual Type[] SupportedTypes
                    return s_validTypes;

            public CultureInfo Culture 
                get{ return m_culture; }
            public Encoding Encoding 
                get{ return m_encoding; } 

            public override bool CanCanonicalize( object obj ) 
                if( null == obj )
                    throw IDT.ThrowHelperArgumentNull( "obj" ); 
                if( null == SupportedTypes ) 
                    return false; 

                return -1 != Array.IndexOf( SupportedTypes, obj.GetType() ); 

            protected override byte[] GetRawForm( object obj )
                string data = obj.ToString();
                return GetBytesFromString( data ); 

            protected abstract byte[] GetBytesFromString( string data ); 

        // Default String Canonicalizer. 
        class CaseSensitiveCanonicalizer : StringCanonicalizerBase 
            public CaseSensitiveCanonicalizer( bool hashValue, Encoding encoding,CultureInfo culture )
                : base( hashValue, encoding,culture ) 
            protected override byte[] GetBytesFromString( string data )
                return Encoding.GetBytes( data );

        // Culture Sensitive/Case Sensitive string canonicalizer.
        class CaseInsensitiveCanonicalizer : StringCanonicalizerBase

            public CaseInsensitiveCanonicalizer( bool hashValue, Encoding encoding,CultureInfo culture  ) 
                : base( hashValue, encoding, culture ) 

            protected override byte[] GetBytesFromString( string obj )
                return Encoding.GetBytes(
                            Culture.TextInfo.ToUpper( obj ) ); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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