/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / Util / ProviderUtil.cs / 1 / ProviderUtil.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Sec * * Copyright (c) 1998-1999, Microsoft Corporation * */ namespace System.Web.Util { using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Web.Mail; using System.Configuration; using System.Globalization; internal static class ProviderUtil { internal const int Infinite = Int32.MaxValue; internal static void GetAndRemoveStringAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val) { val = config.Get(attrib); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetAndRemovePositiveAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { GetPositiveAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetPositiveAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { string s = config.Get(attrib); int t; if (s == null) { return; } try { t = Convert.ToInt32(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e){ if (e is ArgumentException || e is FormatException || e is OverflowException) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } else { throw; } } if (t < 0) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } val = t; } internal static void GetAndRemovePositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { GetPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { string s = config.Get(attrib); int t; if (s == null) { return; } if (s == "Infinite") { t = ProviderUtil.Infinite; } else { try { t = Convert.ToInt32(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e){ if (e is ArgumentException || e is FormatException || e is OverflowException) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } else { throw; } } if (t < 0) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } } val = t; } internal static void GetAndRemoveNonZeroPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { GetNonZeroPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetNonZeroPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { string s = config.Get(attrib); int t; if (s == null) { return; } if (s == "Infinite") { t = ProviderUtil.Infinite; } else { try { t = Convert.ToInt32(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e){ if (e is ArgumentException || e is FormatException || e is OverflowException) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_non_zero_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } else { throw; } } if (t <= 0) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_non_zero_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } } val = t; } internal static void GetAndRemoveBooleanAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref bool val) { GetBooleanAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetBooleanAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref bool val) { string s = config.Get(attrib); if (s == null) { return; } if (s == "true") { val = true; } else if (s == "false") { val = false; } else { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_attribute, attrib, providerName, s)); } } internal static void GetAndRemoveRequiredNonEmptyStringAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val) { GetRequiredNonEmptyStringAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetRequiredNonEmptyStringAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val) { GetNonEmptyStringAttributeInternal(config, attrib, providerName, ref val, true); } #if UNUSED_CODE internal static void GetAndRemoveNonEmptyStringAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val) { GetNonEmptyStringAttributeInternal(config, attrib, providerName, ref val, false); config.Remove(attrib); } #endif private static void GetNonEmptyStringAttributeInternal(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val, bool required) { string s = config.Get(attrib); // If it's (null and required) -OR- (empty string) we throw if ((s == null && required) || (s.Length == 0)) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Provider_missing_attribute, attrib, providerName)); } val = s; } internal static void CheckUnrecognizedAttributes(NameValueCollection config, string providerName) { if (config.Count > 0) { string attribUnrecognized = config.GetKey(0); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attribUnrecognized)) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Unexpected_provider_attribute, attribUnrecognized, providerName)); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Sec * * Copyright (c) 1998-1999, Microsoft Corporation * */ namespace System.Web.Util { using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Web.Mail; using System.Configuration; using System.Globalization; internal static class ProviderUtil { internal const int Infinite = Int32.MaxValue; internal static void GetAndRemoveStringAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val) { val = config.Get(attrib); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetAndRemovePositiveAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { GetPositiveAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetPositiveAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { string s = config.Get(attrib); int t; if (s == null) { return; } try { t = Convert.ToInt32(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e){ if (e is ArgumentException || e is FormatException || e is OverflowException) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } else { throw; } } if (t < 0) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } val = t; } internal static void GetAndRemovePositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { GetPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { string s = config.Get(attrib); int t; if (s == null) { return; } if (s == "Infinite") { t = ProviderUtil.Infinite; } else { try { t = Convert.ToInt32(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e){ if (e is ArgumentException || e is FormatException || e is OverflowException) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } else { throw; } } if (t < 0) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } } val = t; } internal static void GetAndRemoveNonZeroPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { GetNonZeroPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetNonZeroPositiveOrInfiniteAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref int val) { string s = config.Get(attrib); int t; if (s == null) { return; } if (s == "Infinite") { t = ProviderUtil.Infinite; } else { try { t = Convert.ToInt32(s, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e){ if (e is ArgumentException || e is FormatException || e is OverflowException) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_non_zero_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } else { throw; } } if (t <= 0) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_non_zero_positive_attributes, attrib, providerName)); } } val = t; } internal static void GetAndRemoveBooleanAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref bool val) { GetBooleanAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetBooleanAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref bool val) { string s = config.Get(attrib); if (s == null) { return; } if (s == "true") { val = true; } else if (s == "false") { val = false; } else { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_provider_attribute, attrib, providerName, s)); } } internal static void GetAndRemoveRequiredNonEmptyStringAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val) { GetRequiredNonEmptyStringAttribute(config, attrib, providerName, ref val); config.Remove(attrib); } internal static void GetRequiredNonEmptyStringAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val) { GetNonEmptyStringAttributeInternal(config, attrib, providerName, ref val, true); } #if UNUSED_CODE internal static void GetAndRemoveNonEmptyStringAttribute(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val) { GetNonEmptyStringAttributeInternal(config, attrib, providerName, ref val, false); config.Remove(attrib); } #endif private static void GetNonEmptyStringAttributeInternal(NameValueCollection config, string attrib, string providerName, ref string val, bool required) { string s = config.Get(attrib); // If it's (null and required) -OR- (empty string) we throw if ((s == null && required) || (s.Length == 0)) { throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Provider_missing_attribute, attrib, providerName)); } val = s; } internal static void CheckUnrecognizedAttributes(NameValueCollection config, string providerName) { if (config.Count > 0) { string attribUnrecognized = config.GetKey(0); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(attribUnrecognized)) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException( SR.GetString(SR.Unexpected_provider_attribute, attribUnrecognized, providerName)); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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