XslAst.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / XmlUtils / System / Xml / Xsl / Xslt / XslAst.cs / 1 / XslAst.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Qil;

namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt { 
    using ContextInfo     = XsltInput.ContextInfo;
    using XPathQilFactory = System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathQilFactory; 
    // Set of classes that represent XSLT AST
    // XSLT AST is a tree of nodes that represent content of xsl template.
    // All nodes are subclasses of QilNode. This was done to keep NodeCtor and Text ctors
    // the sames nodes thay will be in resulting QilExpression tree.
    // So we have: ElementCtor, AttributeCtor, QilTextCtor, CommentCtor, PICtor, NamespaceDecl, List. 
    // Plus couple subclasses of XslNode that represent different xslt instructions
    // including artifitial: Sort, ExNamespaceDecl, UseAttributeSets 
    internal enum XslNodeType {
        Unknown = 0, 
    internal class NsDecl { 
        public readonly NsDecl  Prev;
        // Empty string denotes the default namespace, null - extension or excluded namespace 
        public readonly string  Prefix;
        public readonly string  NsUri;

        public NsDecl(NsDecl prev, string prefix, string nsUri) { 
            Debug.Assert(nsUri != null);
            this.Prev   = prev; 
            this.Prefix = prefix; 
            this.NsUri  = nsUri;

    internal class XslNode {
        public readonly XslNodeType NodeType; 
        public ISourceLineInfo      SourceLine;
        public NsDecl               Namespaces; 
        public readonly QilName     Name;   // name or mode 
        public readonly object      Arg;    // select or test or terminate or stylesheet;-)
        public readonly XslVersion  XslVersion; 
        public XslFlags             Flags;
        private List       content;

        public XslNode(XslNodeType nodeType, QilName name, object arg, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            this.NodeType   = nodeType;
            this.Name       = name; 
            this.Arg        = arg; 
            this.XslVersion = xslVer;

        public XslNode(XslNodeType nodeType) {
            this.NodeType   = nodeType;
            this.XslVersion = XslVersion.Current; 
        public string   Select              { get { return (string)Arg; } } 
        public bool     ForwardsCompatible  { get { return XslVersion == XslVersion.ForwardsCompatible; } }
        // -------------------------------- Content Management --------------------------------

        private static readonly IList EmptyList = new List().AsReadOnly();
        public IList Content {
            get { return content ?? EmptyList; } 

        public void SetContent(List content) { 
            this.content = content;

        public void AddContent(XslNode node) { 
            Debug.Assert(node != null);
            if (content == null) { 
                content = new List(); 

        public void InsertContent(IEnumerable collection) {
            if (content == null) { 
                content = new List(collection);
            } else { 
                content.InsertRange(0, collection); 

        internal string TraceName {
            get {
            #if DEBUG 
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                string nodeTypeName; 
                switch (NodeType) { 
                case XslNodeType.AttributeSet : nodeTypeName = "attribute-set"; break;
                case XslNodeType.Template     : nodeTypeName = "template";      break; 
                case XslNodeType.Param        : nodeTypeName = "param";         break;
                case XslNodeType.Variable     : nodeTypeName = "variable";      break;
                case XslNodeType.WithParam    : nodeTypeName = "with-param";    break;
                default                       : nodeTypeName = NodeType.ToString(); break; 
                if (Name != null) { 
                    sb.Append(' ');
                ISourceLineInfo lineInfo = SourceLine;
                if (lineInfo == null && NodeType == XslNodeType.AttributeSet) {
                    lineInfo = Content[0].SourceLine; 
                    Debug.Assert(lineInfo != null);
                if (lineInfo != null) { 
                    string fileName = SourceLineInfo.GetFileName(lineInfo.Uri);
                    int idx = fileName.LastIndexOf(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1; 
                    sb.Append(" (");
                    sb.Append(fileName, idx, fileName.Length - idx);
                return sb.ToString(); 
                return null; 

    internal abstract class ProtoTemplate : XslNode { 
        public QilFunction  Function;                   // Compiled body 

        public ProtoTemplate(XslNodeType nt, QilName name, XslVersion xslVer) : base(nt, name, null, xslVer) {} 
        public abstract string GetDebugName();

    internal enum CycleCheck { 
        NotStarted  = 0,
        Processing  = 1, 
        Completed   = 2, 
    internal class AttributeSet : ProtoTemplate {
        public readonly List   UsedAttributeSets = new List();
        public CycleCheck               CycleCheck;     // Used to detect circular references
        public AttributeSet(QilName name, XslVersion xslVer) : base(XslNodeType.AttributeSet, name, xslVer) {
            Debug.Assert(name != null); 

        public override string GetDebugName() { 
            BufferBuilder dbgName = new BufferBuilder();
            return dbgName.ToString();
        public new void AddContent(XslNode node) {
            Debug.Assert(node != null && node.NodeType == XslNodeType.List); 

        public void MergeContent(AttributeSet other) { 
            UsedAttributeSets.InsertRange(0, other.UsedAttributeSets);
    internal class Template : ProtoTemplate {
        public readonly string  Match;
        public readonly QilName Mode;
        public readonly double  Priority; 
        public int              ImportPrecedence;
        public int              OrderNumber; 
        public Template(QilName name, string match, QilName mode, double priority, XslVersion xslVer)
            : base(XslNodeType.Template, name, xslVer) 
            this.Match      = match;
            this.Mode       = mode;
            this.Priority   = priority; 
        public override string GetDebugName() { 
            BufferBuilder dbgName = new BufferBuilder();
            return dbgName.ToString(); 
    internal class VarPar : XslNode {
        public XslFlags DefValueFlags; 
        public QilNode  Value;          // Contains value for WithParams and global VarPars

        public VarPar(XslNodeType nt, QilName name, string select, XslVersion xslVer) : base(nt, name, select, xslVer) {}

    internal class Sort : XslNode { 
        public readonly string  Lang; 
        public readonly string  DataType;
        public readonly string  Order; 
        public readonly string  CaseOrder;

        public Sort(string select, string lang, string dataType, string order, string caseOrder, XslVersion xslVer)
            : base(XslNodeType.Sort, null, select, xslVer) 
            this.Lang       = lang; 
            this.DataType   = dataType; 
            this.Order      = order;
            this.CaseOrder  = caseOrder; 

    internal class Keys : KeyedCollection> { 
        protected override QilName GetKeyForItem(List list) {
            Debug.Assert(list != null && list.Count > 0); 
            return list[0].Name; 

    internal class Key : XslNode {
        public readonly string  Match;
        public readonly string  Use; 
        public QilFunction      Function;
        public Key(QilName name, string match, string use, XslVersion xslVer) 
            : base(XslNodeType.Key, name, null, xslVer)
            // match and use can be null in case of incorrect stylesheet
            Debug.Assert(name != null);
            this.Match  = match;
            this.Use    = use; 
        public string GetDebugName() { 
            BufferBuilder dbgName = new BufferBuilder();
            return dbgName.ToString(); 
    internal enum NumberLevel {
    internal class Number : XslNode { 
        public readonly NumberLevel Level;
        public readonly string      Count; 
        public readonly string      From;
        public readonly string      Value;
        public readonly string      Format;
        public readonly string      Lang; 
        public readonly string      LetterValue;
        public readonly string      GroupingSeparator; 
        public readonly string      GroupingSize; 

        public Number(NumberLevel level, string count, string from, string value, 
            string format, string lang, string letterValue, string groupingSeparator, string groupingSize,
            XslVersion xslVer) : base(XslNodeType.Number, null, null, xslVer)
            this.Level  = level; 
            this.Count  = count;
            this.From   = from; 
            this.Value  = value; 
            this.Format = format;
            this.Lang   = lang; 
            this.LetterValue       = letterValue;
            this.GroupingSeparator = groupingSeparator;
            this.GroupingSize      = groupingSize;
    internal class NodeCtor : XslNode { 
        public readonly string  NameAvt;
        public readonly string  NsAvt; 

        public NodeCtor(XslNodeType nt, string nameAvt, string nsAvt, XslVersion xslVer)
            : base(nt, null, null, xslVer)
            this.NameAvt = nameAvt;
            this.NsAvt   = nsAvt; 
    internal class Text : XslNode {
        public readonly SerializationHints  Hints;

        public Text(string data, SerializationHints hints, XslVersion xslVer) 
            : base(XslNodeType.Text, null, data, xslVer)
            this.Hints = hints; 

    internal class XslNodeEx : XslNode {
        public readonly ISourceLineInfo ElemNameLi;
        public readonly ISourceLineInfo EndTagLi; 

        public XslNodeEx(XslNodeType t, QilName name, object arg, ContextInfo ctxInfo, XslVersion xslVer) 
            : base(t, name, arg, xslVer) 
            ElemNameLi = ctxInfo.elemNameLi; 
            EndTagLi = ctxInfo.endTagLi;
            Debug.Assert(ElemNameLi != null && EndTagLi != null);
        public XslNodeEx(XslNodeType t, QilName name, object arg, XslVersion xslVer) : base(t, name, arg, xslVer) {

    internal static class AstFactory { 
        public static XslNode XslNode(XslNodeType nodeType, QilName name, string arg, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new XslNode(nodeType, name, arg, xslVer);
        public static XslNode ApplyImports(QilName mode, Stylesheet sheet, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.ApplyImports, mode, sheet, xslVer); 

        public static XslNodeEx ApplyTemplates(QilName mode, string select, ContextInfo ctxInfo, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNodeEx(XslNodeType.ApplyTemplates, mode, select, ctxInfo, xslVer);

        // Special node for start apply-templates 
        public static XslNodeEx ApplyTemplates(QilName mode) {
            return new XslNodeEx(XslNodeType.ApplyTemplates, mode, /*select:*/null, XslVersion.Current); 

        public static NodeCtor Attribute(string nameAvt, string nsAvt, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new NodeCtor(XslNodeType.Attribute, nameAvt, nsAvt, xslVer);

        public static AttributeSet AttributeSet(QilName name) { 
            return new AttributeSet(name, XslVersion.Current);
        public static XslNodeEx CallTemplate(QilName name, ContextInfo ctxInfo) {
            return new XslNodeEx(XslNodeType.CallTemplate, name, null, ctxInfo, XslVersion.Current); 

        public static XslNode Choose() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Choose); 
        public static XslNode Comment() { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Comment);

        public static XslNode Copy() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Copy);

        public static XslNode CopyOf(string select, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.CopyOf, null, select, xslVer); 
        public static NodeCtor Element(string nameAvt, string nsAvt, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new NodeCtor(XslNodeType.Element, nameAvt, nsAvt, xslVer);
        public static XslNode Error(string message) {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Error, null, message, XslVersion.Current); 

        public static XslNodeEx ForEach(string select, ContextInfo ctxInfo, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNodeEx(XslNodeType.ForEach, null, select, ctxInfo, xslVer);

        public static XslNode If(string test, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.If, null, test, xslVer);
        public static Key Key(QilName name, string match, string use, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new Key(name, match, use, xslVer); 

        public static XslNode List() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.List); 
        public static XslNode LiteralAttribute(QilName name, string value, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.LiteralAttribute, name, value, xslVer);

        public static XslNode LiteralElement(QilName name) {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.LiteralElement, name, null, XslVersion.Current);

        public static XslNode Message(bool term) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Message, null, term, XslVersion.Current); 
        public static XslNode Nop() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Nop);
        public static Number Number(NumberLevel level, string count, string from, string value,
            string format, string lang, string letterValue, string groupingSeparator, string groupingSize, 
            XslVersion xslVer) 
            return new Number(level, count, from, value, format, lang, letterValue, groupingSeparator, groupingSize, xslVer); 

        public static XslNode Otherwise() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Otherwise); 
        public static XslNode PI(string name, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.PI, null, name, xslVer);

        public static Sort Sort(string select, string lang, string dataType, string order, string caseOrder, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new Sort(select, lang, dataType, order, caseOrder, xslVer);

        public static Template Template(QilName name, string match, QilName mode, double priority, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new Template(name, match, mode, priority, xslVer); 
        public static XslNode Text(string data) {
            return new Text(data, SerializationHints.None, XslVersion.Current);
        public static XslNode Text(string data, SerializationHints hints) {
            return new Text(data, hints, XslVersion.Current); 

        public static XslNode UseAttributeSet(QilName name) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.UseAttributeSet, name, null, XslVersion.Current);

        public static VarPar VarPar(XslNodeType nt, QilName name, string select, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new VarPar(nt, name, select, xslVer);
        public static VarPar WithParam(QilName name) {
            return VarPar(XslNodeType.WithParam, name, /*select*/null, XslVersion.Current); 

        private static QilFactory f = new QilFactory();
        public static QilName QName(string local, string uri, string prefix) {
            return f.LiteralQName(local, uri, prefix); 

        public static QilName QName(string local) { 
            return f.LiteralQName(local);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Globalization;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Qil;

namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt { 
    using ContextInfo     = XsltInput.ContextInfo;
    using XPathQilFactory = System.Xml.Xsl.XPath.XPathQilFactory; 
    // Set of classes that represent XSLT AST
    // XSLT AST is a tree of nodes that represent content of xsl template.
    // All nodes are subclasses of QilNode. This was done to keep NodeCtor and Text ctors
    // the sames nodes thay will be in resulting QilExpression tree.
    // So we have: ElementCtor, AttributeCtor, QilTextCtor, CommentCtor, PICtor, NamespaceDecl, List. 
    // Plus couple subclasses of XslNode that represent different xslt instructions
    // including artifitial: Sort, ExNamespaceDecl, UseAttributeSets 
    internal enum XslNodeType {
        Unknown = 0, 
    internal class NsDecl { 
        public readonly NsDecl  Prev;
        // Empty string denotes the default namespace, null - extension or excluded namespace 
        public readonly string  Prefix;
        public readonly string  NsUri;

        public NsDecl(NsDecl prev, string prefix, string nsUri) { 
            Debug.Assert(nsUri != null);
            this.Prev   = prev; 
            this.Prefix = prefix; 
            this.NsUri  = nsUri;

    internal class XslNode {
        public readonly XslNodeType NodeType; 
        public ISourceLineInfo      SourceLine;
        public NsDecl               Namespaces; 
        public readonly QilName     Name;   // name or mode 
        public readonly object      Arg;    // select or test or terminate or stylesheet;-)
        public readonly XslVersion  XslVersion; 
        public XslFlags             Flags;
        private List       content;

        public XslNode(XslNodeType nodeType, QilName name, object arg, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            this.NodeType   = nodeType;
            this.Name       = name; 
            this.Arg        = arg; 
            this.XslVersion = xslVer;

        public XslNode(XslNodeType nodeType) {
            this.NodeType   = nodeType;
            this.XslVersion = XslVersion.Current; 
        public string   Select              { get { return (string)Arg; } } 
        public bool     ForwardsCompatible  { get { return XslVersion == XslVersion.ForwardsCompatible; } }
        // -------------------------------- Content Management --------------------------------

        private static readonly IList EmptyList = new List().AsReadOnly();
        public IList Content {
            get { return content ?? EmptyList; } 

        public void SetContent(List content) { 
            this.content = content;

        public void AddContent(XslNode node) { 
            Debug.Assert(node != null);
            if (content == null) { 
                content = new List(); 

        public void InsertContent(IEnumerable collection) {
            if (content == null) { 
                content = new List(collection);
            } else { 
                content.InsertRange(0, collection); 

        internal string TraceName {
            get {
            #if DEBUG 
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                string nodeTypeName; 
                switch (NodeType) { 
                case XslNodeType.AttributeSet : nodeTypeName = "attribute-set"; break;
                case XslNodeType.Template     : nodeTypeName = "template";      break; 
                case XslNodeType.Param        : nodeTypeName = "param";         break;
                case XslNodeType.Variable     : nodeTypeName = "variable";      break;
                case XslNodeType.WithParam    : nodeTypeName = "with-param";    break;
                default                       : nodeTypeName = NodeType.ToString(); break; 
                if (Name != null) { 
                    sb.Append(' ');
                ISourceLineInfo lineInfo = SourceLine;
                if (lineInfo == null && NodeType == XslNodeType.AttributeSet) {
                    lineInfo = Content[0].SourceLine; 
                    Debug.Assert(lineInfo != null);
                if (lineInfo != null) { 
                    string fileName = SourceLineInfo.GetFileName(lineInfo.Uri);
                    int idx = fileName.LastIndexOf(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) + 1; 
                    sb.Append(" (");
                    sb.Append(fileName, idx, fileName.Length - idx);
                return sb.ToString(); 
                return null; 

    internal abstract class ProtoTemplate : XslNode { 
        public QilFunction  Function;                   // Compiled body 

        public ProtoTemplate(XslNodeType nt, QilName name, XslVersion xslVer) : base(nt, name, null, xslVer) {} 
        public abstract string GetDebugName();

    internal enum CycleCheck { 
        NotStarted  = 0,
        Processing  = 1, 
        Completed   = 2, 
    internal class AttributeSet : ProtoTemplate {
        public readonly List   UsedAttributeSets = new List();
        public CycleCheck               CycleCheck;     // Used to detect circular references
        public AttributeSet(QilName name, XslVersion xslVer) : base(XslNodeType.AttributeSet, name, xslVer) {
            Debug.Assert(name != null); 

        public override string GetDebugName() { 
            BufferBuilder dbgName = new BufferBuilder();
            return dbgName.ToString();
        public new void AddContent(XslNode node) {
            Debug.Assert(node != null && node.NodeType == XslNodeType.List); 

        public void MergeContent(AttributeSet other) { 
            UsedAttributeSets.InsertRange(0, other.UsedAttributeSets);
    internal class Template : ProtoTemplate {
        public readonly string  Match;
        public readonly QilName Mode;
        public readonly double  Priority; 
        public int              ImportPrecedence;
        public int              OrderNumber; 
        public Template(QilName name, string match, QilName mode, double priority, XslVersion xslVer)
            : base(XslNodeType.Template, name, xslVer) 
            this.Match      = match;
            this.Mode       = mode;
            this.Priority   = priority; 
        public override string GetDebugName() { 
            BufferBuilder dbgName = new BufferBuilder();
            return dbgName.ToString(); 
    internal class VarPar : XslNode {
        public XslFlags DefValueFlags; 
        public QilNode  Value;          // Contains value for WithParams and global VarPars

        public VarPar(XslNodeType nt, QilName name, string select, XslVersion xslVer) : base(nt, name, select, xslVer) {}

    internal class Sort : XslNode { 
        public readonly string  Lang; 
        public readonly string  DataType;
        public readonly string  Order; 
        public readonly string  CaseOrder;

        public Sort(string select, string lang, string dataType, string order, string caseOrder, XslVersion xslVer)
            : base(XslNodeType.Sort, null, select, xslVer) 
            this.Lang       = lang; 
            this.DataType   = dataType; 
            this.Order      = order;
            this.CaseOrder  = caseOrder; 

    internal class Keys : KeyedCollection> { 
        protected override QilName GetKeyForItem(List list) {
            Debug.Assert(list != null && list.Count > 0); 
            return list[0].Name; 

    internal class Key : XslNode {
        public readonly string  Match;
        public readonly string  Use; 
        public QilFunction      Function;
        public Key(QilName name, string match, string use, XslVersion xslVer) 
            : base(XslNodeType.Key, name, null, xslVer)
            // match and use can be null in case of incorrect stylesheet
            Debug.Assert(name != null);
            this.Match  = match;
            this.Use    = use; 
        public string GetDebugName() { 
            BufferBuilder dbgName = new BufferBuilder();
            return dbgName.ToString(); 
    internal enum NumberLevel {
    internal class Number : XslNode { 
        public readonly NumberLevel Level;
        public readonly string      Count; 
        public readonly string      From;
        public readonly string      Value;
        public readonly string      Format;
        public readonly string      Lang; 
        public readonly string      LetterValue;
        public readonly string      GroupingSeparator; 
        public readonly string      GroupingSize; 

        public Number(NumberLevel level, string count, string from, string value, 
            string format, string lang, string letterValue, string groupingSeparator, string groupingSize,
            XslVersion xslVer) : base(XslNodeType.Number, null, null, xslVer)
            this.Level  = level; 
            this.Count  = count;
            this.From   = from; 
            this.Value  = value; 
            this.Format = format;
            this.Lang   = lang; 
            this.LetterValue       = letterValue;
            this.GroupingSeparator = groupingSeparator;
            this.GroupingSize      = groupingSize;
    internal class NodeCtor : XslNode { 
        public readonly string  NameAvt;
        public readonly string  NsAvt; 

        public NodeCtor(XslNodeType nt, string nameAvt, string nsAvt, XslVersion xslVer)
            : base(nt, null, null, xslVer)
            this.NameAvt = nameAvt;
            this.NsAvt   = nsAvt; 
    internal class Text : XslNode {
        public readonly SerializationHints  Hints;

        public Text(string data, SerializationHints hints, XslVersion xslVer) 
            : base(XslNodeType.Text, null, data, xslVer)
            this.Hints = hints; 

    internal class XslNodeEx : XslNode {
        public readonly ISourceLineInfo ElemNameLi;
        public readonly ISourceLineInfo EndTagLi; 

        public XslNodeEx(XslNodeType t, QilName name, object arg, ContextInfo ctxInfo, XslVersion xslVer) 
            : base(t, name, arg, xslVer) 
            ElemNameLi = ctxInfo.elemNameLi; 
            EndTagLi = ctxInfo.endTagLi;
            Debug.Assert(ElemNameLi != null && EndTagLi != null);
        public XslNodeEx(XslNodeType t, QilName name, object arg, XslVersion xslVer) : base(t, name, arg, xslVer) {

    internal static class AstFactory { 
        public static XslNode XslNode(XslNodeType nodeType, QilName name, string arg, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new XslNode(nodeType, name, arg, xslVer);
        public static XslNode ApplyImports(QilName mode, Stylesheet sheet, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.ApplyImports, mode, sheet, xslVer); 

        public static XslNodeEx ApplyTemplates(QilName mode, string select, ContextInfo ctxInfo, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNodeEx(XslNodeType.ApplyTemplates, mode, select, ctxInfo, xslVer);

        // Special node for start apply-templates 
        public static XslNodeEx ApplyTemplates(QilName mode) {
            return new XslNodeEx(XslNodeType.ApplyTemplates, mode, /*select:*/null, XslVersion.Current); 

        public static NodeCtor Attribute(string nameAvt, string nsAvt, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new NodeCtor(XslNodeType.Attribute, nameAvt, nsAvt, xslVer);

        public static AttributeSet AttributeSet(QilName name) { 
            return new AttributeSet(name, XslVersion.Current);
        public static XslNodeEx CallTemplate(QilName name, ContextInfo ctxInfo) {
            return new XslNodeEx(XslNodeType.CallTemplate, name, null, ctxInfo, XslVersion.Current); 

        public static XslNode Choose() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Choose); 
        public static XslNode Comment() { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Comment);

        public static XslNode Copy() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Copy);

        public static XslNode CopyOf(string select, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.CopyOf, null, select, xslVer); 
        public static NodeCtor Element(string nameAvt, string nsAvt, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new NodeCtor(XslNodeType.Element, nameAvt, nsAvt, xslVer);
        public static XslNode Error(string message) {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Error, null, message, XslVersion.Current); 

        public static XslNodeEx ForEach(string select, ContextInfo ctxInfo, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNodeEx(XslNodeType.ForEach, null, select, ctxInfo, xslVer);

        public static XslNode If(string test, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.If, null, test, xslVer);
        public static Key Key(QilName name, string match, string use, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new Key(name, match, use, xslVer); 

        public static XslNode List() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.List); 
        public static XslNode LiteralAttribute(QilName name, string value, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.LiteralAttribute, name, value, xslVer);

        public static XslNode LiteralElement(QilName name) {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.LiteralElement, name, null, XslVersion.Current);

        public static XslNode Message(bool term) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Message, null, term, XslVersion.Current); 
        public static XslNode Nop() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Nop);
        public static Number Number(NumberLevel level, string count, string from, string value,
            string format, string lang, string letterValue, string groupingSeparator, string groupingSize, 
            XslVersion xslVer) 
            return new Number(level, count, from, value, format, lang, letterValue, groupingSeparator, groupingSize, xslVer); 

        public static XslNode Otherwise() {
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.Otherwise); 
        public static XslNode PI(string name, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.PI, null, name, xslVer);

        public static Sort Sort(string select, string lang, string dataType, string order, string caseOrder, XslVersion xslVer) {
            return new Sort(select, lang, dataType, order, caseOrder, xslVer);

        public static Template Template(QilName name, string match, QilName mode, double priority, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new Template(name, match, mode, priority, xslVer); 
        public static XslNode Text(string data) {
            return new Text(data, SerializationHints.None, XslVersion.Current);
        public static XslNode Text(string data, SerializationHints hints) {
            return new Text(data, hints, XslVersion.Current); 

        public static XslNode UseAttributeSet(QilName name) { 
            return new XslNode(XslNodeType.UseAttributeSet, name, null, XslVersion.Current);

        public static VarPar VarPar(XslNodeType nt, QilName name, string select, XslVersion xslVer) { 
            return new VarPar(nt, name, select, xslVer);
        public static VarPar WithParam(QilName name) {
            return VarPar(XslNodeType.WithParam, name, /*select*/null, XslVersion.Current); 

        private static QilFactory f = new QilFactory();
        public static QilName QName(string local, string uri, string prefix) {
            return f.LiteralQName(local, uri, prefix); 

        public static QilName QName(string local) { 
            return f.LiteralQName(local);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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