ComNativeDescriptor.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / ComponentModel / COM2Interop / ComNativeDescriptor.cs / 1 / ComNativeDescriptor.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel.Com2Interop { 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 

    ///     Top level mapping layer between COM Object and TypeDescriptor. 
    internal class ComNativeDescriptor : TypeDescriptionProvider { 

        private static ComNativeDescriptor handler = null; 

        private AttributeCollection staticAttrs = new AttributeCollection(new Attribute[]{BrowsableAttribute.Yes, DesignTimeVisibleAttribute.No});

        /// Our collection of Object managers (Com2Properties) for native properties 
        private WeakHashtable  nativeProps = new WeakHashtable();
        /// Our collection of browsing handlers, which are stateless and shared across objects.
        private Hashtable         extendedBrowsingHandlers = new Hashtable();
        /// We increment this every time we look at an Object, at specified 
        /// intervals, we run through the properies list to see if we should
        /// delete any.
        private int               clearCount  = 0; 
        private const  int        CLEAR_INTERVAL = 25;
        internal static ComNativeDescriptor Instance { 
            get {
                if (handler == null) { 
                    handler = new ComNativeDescriptor();
                return handler;
            System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode") 
        // called via reflection for AutomationExtender stuff. Don't delete!
        public static object GetNativePropertyValue(object component, string propertyName, ref bool succeeded) 
            return Instance.GetPropertyValue(component, propertyName, ref succeeded); 

        ///     This method returns a custom type descriptor for the given type / object.
        ///     The objectType parameter is always valid, but the instance parameter may
        ///     be null if no instance was passed to TypeDescriptor.  The method should 
        ///     return a custom type descriptor for the object.  If the method is not
        ///     interested in providing type information for the object it should 
        ///     return null. 
        ///     This method is prototyped as virtual, and by default returns null 
        ///     if no parent provider was passed.  If a parent provider was passed,
        ///     this method will invoke the parent provider's GetTypeDescriptor
        ///     method.
        public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(Type objectType, object instance)
            return new ComTypeDescriptor(this, instance); 
        internal string GetClassName(Object component) {

            string name = null;
            // does IVsPerPropretyBrowsing supply us a name?
            if (component is NativeMethods.IVsPerPropertyBrowsing) { 
               int hr = ((NativeMethods.IVsPerPropertyBrowsing)component).GetClassName(ref name); 
               if (NativeMethods.Succeeded(hr) && name != null) {
                  return name; 
               // otherwise fall through...
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITypeInfo  pTypeInfo = Com2TypeInfoProcessor.FindTypeInfo(component, true);
            if (pTypeInfo == null) { 
                //Debug.Fail("The current component failed to return an ITypeInfo");
                return ""; 

            if (pTypeInfo != null) {
                string desc = null; 
                try {
                    pTypeInfo.GetDocumentation(NativeMethods.MEMBERID_NIL, ref name, ref desc, null, null); 
                    // strip the leading underscores
                    while (name != null && name.Length > 0 && name[0] == '_') { 
                        name = name.Substring(1);
                    return name;
                catch {
            return "";

        internal TypeConverter GetConverter(Object component) {
            return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(IComponent));

        internal Object GetEditor(Object component, Type baseEditorType) { 
            return TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(component.GetType(), baseEditorType); 
        internal string GetName(Object component) {

            if (!(component is UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)) {
                return ""; 
            int dispid = Com2TypeInfoProcessor.GetNameDispId((UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)component); 
            if (dispid != NativeMethods.MEMBERID_NIL) {
                bool success = false; 
                object value = GetPropertyValue(component, dispid, ref success);

                if (success && value != null) {
                    return value.ToString(); 
            return ""; 
        internal Object GetPropertyValue(Object component, string propertyName, ref bool succeeded) {

            if (!(component is UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)) {
                return null; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch iDispatch = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)component; 
            string[] names = new string[]{propertyName};
            int[] dispid = new int[1]; 
            dispid[0] = NativeMethods.DISPID_UNKNOWN;
            Guid g = Guid.Empty;
            try {
               int hr = iDispatch.GetIDsOfNames(ref g, names, 1, SafeNativeMethods.GetThreadLCID(), dispid); 

               if (dispid[0] == NativeMethods.DISPID_UNKNOWN || NativeMethods.Failed(hr)) { 
                   return null; 
            catch {
                return null;
            return GetPropertyValue(component, dispid[0], ref succeeded); 
        internal Object GetPropertyValue(Object component, int dispid, ref bool succeeded) { 
            if (!(component is UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)) {
                return null; 
            Object[] pVarResult = new Object[1];
            if (GetPropertyValue(component, dispid, pVarResult) == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
                succeeded = true; 
                return pVarResult[0];
            else { 
                succeeded = false;
                return null; 

        internal int GetPropertyValue(Object component, int dispid, Object[] retval) { 
            if (!(component is UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)) {
                return NativeMethods.E_NOINTERFACE; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch iDispatch = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)component;
            try { 
                Guid g = Guid.Empty;
                NativeMethods.tagEXCEPINFO pExcepInfo = new NativeMethods.tagEXCEPINFO();
                int hr;
                   hr = iDispatch.Invoke(dispid, 
                                             ref g,
                                             new NativeMethods.tagDISPPARAMS(),
                                             pExcepInfo, null); 

                   /*if (hr != NativeMethods.S_OK){ 

                   } */ 
                   if (hr == NativeMethods.DISP_E_EXCEPTION) {
                       hr = pExcepInfo.scode;
                catch (ExternalException ex){ 
                    hr = ex.ErrorCode; 
                return hr; 
            catch {
                //Debug.Fail(e.ToString() + " " + component.GetType().GUID.ToString() + " " + component.ToString());
            return NativeMethods.E_FAIL;
        /// Checks if the given dispid matches the dispid that the Object would like to specify
        /// as its identification proeprty (Name, ID, etc).
        internal bool IsNameDispId(Object obj, int dispid) { 
            if (obj == null || !obj.GetType().IsCOMObject) {
                return false; 
            return dispid == Com2TypeInfoProcessor.GetNameDispId((UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)obj);

        /// Checks all our property manages to see if any have become invalid. 
        private void CheckClear(Object component) { 
            // walk the list every so many calls
            if ((++clearCount % CLEAR_INTERVAL) == 0) { 

               lock(nativeProps) {
                   clearCount = 0;
                   List disposeList = null;
                   // first walk the list looking for items that need to be 
                   // cleaned out.
                   foreach(DictionaryEntry de in nativeProps) {

                        Com2Properties entry = de.Value as Com2Properties;

                        if (entry != null && entry.TooOld) { 
                            if (disposeList == null) {
                                disposeList = new List(); 

                   // now run through the ones that are dead and dispose them.
                   // there's going to be a very small number of these. 
                   if (disposeList != null) { 
                       for (int i = disposeList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 

                          Com2Properties entry = nativeProps[disposeList[i]] as Com2Properties; 

                          if (entry != null) {
                               entry.Disposed -= new EventHandler(OnPropsInfoDisposed);

        /// Gets the properties manager for an Object. 
        private Com2Properties GetPropsInfo(Object component) {
            // check caches if necessary 

            // Get the property info Object 
            Com2Properties propsInfo = (Com2Properties)nativeProps[component]; 
            // if we dont' have one, create one and set it up
            if (propsInfo == null || !propsInfo.CheckValid()) {
                propsInfo = Com2TypeInfoProcessor.GetProperties(component);
                if (propsInfo != null) {
                    propsInfo.Disposed += new EventHandler(OnPropsInfoDisposed); 
                    nativeProps.SetWeak(component, propsInfo);
            return propsInfo; 

        /// Got attributes?
        internal AttributeCollection GetAttributes(Object component) { 

            ArrayList attrs = new ArrayList(); 

            if (component is NativeMethods.IManagedPerPropertyBrowsing) {
                Object[] temp = Com2IManagedPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.GetComponentAttributes((NativeMethods.IManagedPerPropertyBrowsing)component, NativeMethods.MEMBERID_NIL);
                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; ++i) { 

            if (Com2ComponentEditor.NeedsComponentEditor(component)) { 
                EditorAttribute a = new EditorAttribute(typeof(Com2ComponentEditor), typeof(ComponentEditor));
            if (attrs == null || attrs.Count == 0) {
                return staticAttrs; 
            else {
                Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[attrs.Count]; 
                attrs.CopyTo(temp, 0);
                return new AttributeCollection(temp);

        /// Default Property, please
        internal PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty(Object component) {

            Com2Properties propsInfo = GetPropsInfo(component); 
            if (propsInfo != null) {
                return propsInfo.DefaultProperty; 
            return null;

        internal EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(Object component) {
            return new EventDescriptorCollection(null);

        internal EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(Object component, Attribute[] attributes) { 
            return new EventDescriptorCollection(null); 
        internal EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent(Object component) {
            return null;
        /// Props! 
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1801:AvoidUnusedParameters")]
        internal PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Object component, Attribute[] attributes) { 

            Com2Properties propsInfo = GetPropsInfo(component);

            if (propsInfo == null) { 
                return PropertyDescriptorCollection.Empty;
            try {
                propsInfo.AlwaysValid = true; 
                PropertyDescriptor[] props = propsInfo.Properties;

                //Debug.Assert(propDescList.Count > 0, "Didn't add any properties! (propInfos=0)");
                return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(props); 
            finally { 
                propsInfo.AlwaysValid = false; 

        /// Fired when the property info gets disposed.
        private void OnPropsInfoDisposed(object sender, EventArgs e) {

            Com2Properties propsInfo = sender as Com2Properties; 
            if (propsInfo != null) {
                propsInfo.Disposed -= new EventHandler(OnPropsInfoDisposed); 

                lock(nativeProps) {

                    // find the key 
                    object key = propsInfo.TargetObject;
                    if (key == null && nativeProps.ContainsValue(propsInfo)) {
                        // need to find it - the target object has probably been cleaned out
                        // of the Com2Properties object already, so we run through the 
                        // hashtable looking for the value, so we know what key to remove.
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in nativeProps) {

                            if (de.Value == propsInfo) { 
                                key = de.Key;
                        if (key == null)  {
                            Debug.Fail("Failed to find Com2 properties key on dispose.");

        /// Looks at at value's type and creates an editor based on that.  We use this to decide which editor to use
        /// for a generic variant. 
        internal static void ResolveVariantTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(Object propertyValue, ref TypeConverter currentConverter, Type editorType, ref Object currentEditor) {
            Object curValue = propertyValue;
            if (curValue != null && curValue != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(curValue)){
                  Type t = curValue.GetType();
                  TypeConverter subConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(t); 
                  if (subConverter != null && subConverter.GetType() != typeof(TypeConverter)){
                     currentConverter = subConverter; 
                  Object subEditor = TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(t, editorType);
                  if (subEditor != null) { 
                     currentEditor = subEditor;

        ///     This type descriptor sits on top of a ComNativeDescriptor 
        private sealed class ComTypeDescriptor : ICustomTypeDescriptor 
            private ComNativeDescriptor         _handler;
            private object                      _instance;
            ///     Creates a new WalkingTypeDescriptor. 
            internal ComTypeDescriptor(ComNativeDescriptor handler, object instance)
                _handler = handler;
                _instance = instance;
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes()
                return _handler.GetAttributes(_instance);

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() 
                return _handler.GetClassName(_instance); 

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() 
                return _handler.GetName(_instance);

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter()
                return _handler.GetConverter(_instance); 
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            EventDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() 
                return _handler.GetDefaultEvent(_instance); 

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            PropertyDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty()
                return _handler.GetDefaultProperty(_instance);
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
                return _handler.GetEditor(_instance, editorBaseType); 
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents()
                return _handler.GetEvents(_instance);

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes) 
                return _handler.GetEvents(_instance, attributes);
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties()
                return _handler.GetProperties(_instance, null);

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes) 
                return _handler.GetProperties(_instance, attributes); 

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd) 
                return _instance;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel.Com2Interop { 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System;
    using System.Collections; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 

    ///     Top level mapping layer between COM Object and TypeDescriptor. 
    internal class ComNativeDescriptor : TypeDescriptionProvider { 

        private static ComNativeDescriptor handler = null; 

        private AttributeCollection staticAttrs = new AttributeCollection(new Attribute[]{BrowsableAttribute.Yes, DesignTimeVisibleAttribute.No});

        /// Our collection of Object managers (Com2Properties) for native properties 
        private WeakHashtable  nativeProps = new WeakHashtable();
        /// Our collection of browsing handlers, which are stateless and shared across objects.
        private Hashtable         extendedBrowsingHandlers = new Hashtable();
        /// We increment this every time we look at an Object, at specified 
        /// intervals, we run through the properies list to see if we should
        /// delete any.
        private int               clearCount  = 0; 
        private const  int        CLEAR_INTERVAL = 25;
        internal static ComNativeDescriptor Instance { 
            get {
                if (handler == null) { 
                    handler = new ComNativeDescriptor();
                return handler;
            System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode") 
        // called via reflection for AutomationExtender stuff. Don't delete!
        public static object GetNativePropertyValue(object component, string propertyName, ref bool succeeded) 
            return Instance.GetPropertyValue(component, propertyName, ref succeeded); 

        ///     This method returns a custom type descriptor for the given type / object.
        ///     The objectType parameter is always valid, but the instance parameter may
        ///     be null if no instance was passed to TypeDescriptor.  The method should 
        ///     return a custom type descriptor for the object.  If the method is not
        ///     interested in providing type information for the object it should 
        ///     return null. 
        ///     This method is prototyped as virtual, and by default returns null 
        ///     if no parent provider was passed.  If a parent provider was passed,
        ///     this method will invoke the parent provider's GetTypeDescriptor
        ///     method.
        public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(Type objectType, object instance)
            return new ComTypeDescriptor(this, instance); 
        internal string GetClassName(Object component) {

            string name = null;
            // does IVsPerPropretyBrowsing supply us a name?
            if (component is NativeMethods.IVsPerPropertyBrowsing) { 
               int hr = ((NativeMethods.IVsPerPropertyBrowsing)component).GetClassName(ref name); 
               if (NativeMethods.Succeeded(hr) && name != null) {
                  return name; 
               // otherwise fall through...
            UnsafeNativeMethods.ITypeInfo  pTypeInfo = Com2TypeInfoProcessor.FindTypeInfo(component, true);
            if (pTypeInfo == null) { 
                //Debug.Fail("The current component failed to return an ITypeInfo");
                return ""; 

            if (pTypeInfo != null) {
                string desc = null; 
                try {
                    pTypeInfo.GetDocumentation(NativeMethods.MEMBERID_NIL, ref name, ref desc, null, null); 
                    // strip the leading underscores
                    while (name != null && name.Length > 0 && name[0] == '_') { 
                        name = name.Substring(1);
                    return name;
                catch {
            return "";

        internal TypeConverter GetConverter(Object component) {
            return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(IComponent));

        internal Object GetEditor(Object component, Type baseEditorType) { 
            return TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(component.GetType(), baseEditorType); 
        internal string GetName(Object component) {

            if (!(component is UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)) {
                return ""; 
            int dispid = Com2TypeInfoProcessor.GetNameDispId((UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)component); 
            if (dispid != NativeMethods.MEMBERID_NIL) {
                bool success = false; 
                object value = GetPropertyValue(component, dispid, ref success);

                if (success && value != null) {
                    return value.ToString(); 
            return ""; 
        internal Object GetPropertyValue(Object component, string propertyName, ref bool succeeded) {

            if (!(component is UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)) {
                return null; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch iDispatch = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)component; 
            string[] names = new string[]{propertyName};
            int[] dispid = new int[1]; 
            dispid[0] = NativeMethods.DISPID_UNKNOWN;
            Guid g = Guid.Empty;
            try {
               int hr = iDispatch.GetIDsOfNames(ref g, names, 1, SafeNativeMethods.GetThreadLCID(), dispid); 

               if (dispid[0] == NativeMethods.DISPID_UNKNOWN || NativeMethods.Failed(hr)) { 
                   return null; 
            catch {
                return null;
            return GetPropertyValue(component, dispid[0], ref succeeded); 
        internal Object GetPropertyValue(Object component, int dispid, ref bool succeeded) { 
            if (!(component is UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)) {
                return null; 
            Object[] pVarResult = new Object[1];
            if (GetPropertyValue(component, dispid, pVarResult) == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
                succeeded = true; 
                return pVarResult[0];
            else { 
                succeeded = false;
                return null; 

        internal int GetPropertyValue(Object component, int dispid, Object[] retval) { 
            if (!(component is UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)) {
                return NativeMethods.E_NOINTERFACE; 
            UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch iDispatch = (UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)component;
            try { 
                Guid g = Guid.Empty;
                NativeMethods.tagEXCEPINFO pExcepInfo = new NativeMethods.tagEXCEPINFO();
                int hr;
                   hr = iDispatch.Invoke(dispid, 
                                             ref g,
                                             new NativeMethods.tagDISPPARAMS(),
                                             pExcepInfo, null); 

                   /*if (hr != NativeMethods.S_OK){ 

                   } */ 
                   if (hr == NativeMethods.DISP_E_EXCEPTION) {
                       hr = pExcepInfo.scode;
                catch (ExternalException ex){ 
                    hr = ex.ErrorCode; 
                return hr; 
            catch {
                //Debug.Fail(e.ToString() + " " + component.GetType().GUID.ToString() + " " + component.ToString());
            return NativeMethods.E_FAIL;
        /// Checks if the given dispid matches the dispid that the Object would like to specify
        /// as its identification proeprty (Name, ID, etc).
        internal bool IsNameDispId(Object obj, int dispid) { 
            if (obj == null || !obj.GetType().IsCOMObject) {
                return false; 
            return dispid == Com2TypeInfoProcessor.GetNameDispId((UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch)obj);

        /// Checks all our property manages to see if any have become invalid. 
        private void CheckClear(Object component) { 
            // walk the list every so many calls
            if ((++clearCount % CLEAR_INTERVAL) == 0) { 

               lock(nativeProps) {
                   clearCount = 0;
                   List disposeList = null;
                   // first walk the list looking for items that need to be 
                   // cleaned out.
                   foreach(DictionaryEntry de in nativeProps) {

                        Com2Properties entry = de.Value as Com2Properties;

                        if (entry != null && entry.TooOld) { 
                            if (disposeList == null) {
                                disposeList = new List(); 

                   // now run through the ones that are dead and dispose them.
                   // there's going to be a very small number of these. 
                   if (disposeList != null) { 
                       for (int i = disposeList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 

                          Com2Properties entry = nativeProps[disposeList[i]] as Com2Properties; 

                          if (entry != null) {
                               entry.Disposed -= new EventHandler(OnPropsInfoDisposed);

        /// Gets the properties manager for an Object. 
        private Com2Properties GetPropsInfo(Object component) {
            // check caches if necessary 

            // Get the property info Object 
            Com2Properties propsInfo = (Com2Properties)nativeProps[component]; 
            // if we dont' have one, create one and set it up
            if (propsInfo == null || !propsInfo.CheckValid()) {
                propsInfo = Com2TypeInfoProcessor.GetProperties(component);
                if (propsInfo != null) {
                    propsInfo.Disposed += new EventHandler(OnPropsInfoDisposed); 
                    nativeProps.SetWeak(component, propsInfo);
            return propsInfo; 

        /// Got attributes?
        internal AttributeCollection GetAttributes(Object component) { 

            ArrayList attrs = new ArrayList(); 

            if (component is NativeMethods.IManagedPerPropertyBrowsing) {
                Object[] temp = Com2IManagedPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.GetComponentAttributes((NativeMethods.IManagedPerPropertyBrowsing)component, NativeMethods.MEMBERID_NIL);
                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length; ++i) { 

            if (Com2ComponentEditor.NeedsComponentEditor(component)) { 
                EditorAttribute a = new EditorAttribute(typeof(Com2ComponentEditor), typeof(ComponentEditor));
            if (attrs == null || attrs.Count == 0) {
                return staticAttrs; 
            else {
                Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[attrs.Count]; 
                attrs.CopyTo(temp, 0);
                return new AttributeCollection(temp);

        /// Default Property, please
        internal PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty(Object component) {

            Com2Properties propsInfo = GetPropsInfo(component); 
            if (propsInfo != null) {
                return propsInfo.DefaultProperty; 
            return null;

        internal EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(Object component) {
            return new EventDescriptorCollection(null);

        internal EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(Object component, Attribute[] attributes) { 
            return new EventDescriptorCollection(null); 
        internal EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent(Object component) {
            return null;
        /// Props! 
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1801:AvoidUnusedParameters")]
        internal PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Object component, Attribute[] attributes) { 

            Com2Properties propsInfo = GetPropsInfo(component);

            if (propsInfo == null) { 
                return PropertyDescriptorCollection.Empty;
            try {
                propsInfo.AlwaysValid = true; 
                PropertyDescriptor[] props = propsInfo.Properties;

                //Debug.Assert(propDescList.Count > 0, "Didn't add any properties! (propInfos=0)");
                return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(props); 
            finally { 
                propsInfo.AlwaysValid = false; 

        /// Fired when the property info gets disposed.
        private void OnPropsInfoDisposed(object sender, EventArgs e) {

            Com2Properties propsInfo = sender as Com2Properties; 
            if (propsInfo != null) {
                propsInfo.Disposed -= new EventHandler(OnPropsInfoDisposed); 

                lock(nativeProps) {

                    // find the key 
                    object key = propsInfo.TargetObject;
                    if (key == null && nativeProps.ContainsValue(propsInfo)) {
                        // need to find it - the target object has probably been cleaned out
                        // of the Com2Properties object already, so we run through the 
                        // hashtable looking for the value, so we know what key to remove.
                        foreach (DictionaryEntry de in nativeProps) {

                            if (de.Value == propsInfo) { 
                                key = de.Key;
                        if (key == null)  {
                            Debug.Fail("Failed to find Com2 properties key on dispose.");

        /// Looks at at value's type and creates an editor based on that.  We use this to decide which editor to use
        /// for a generic variant. 
        internal static void ResolveVariantTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(Object propertyValue, ref TypeConverter currentConverter, Type editorType, ref Object currentEditor) {
            Object curValue = propertyValue;
            if (curValue != null && curValue != null && !Convert.IsDBNull(curValue)){
                  Type t = curValue.GetType();
                  TypeConverter subConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(t); 
                  if (subConverter != null && subConverter.GetType() != typeof(TypeConverter)){
                     currentConverter = subConverter; 
                  Object subEditor = TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(t, editorType);
                  if (subEditor != null) { 
                     currentEditor = subEditor;

        ///     This type descriptor sits on top of a ComNativeDescriptor 
        private sealed class ComTypeDescriptor : ICustomTypeDescriptor 
            private ComNativeDescriptor         _handler;
            private object                      _instance;
            ///     Creates a new WalkingTypeDescriptor. 
            internal ComTypeDescriptor(ComNativeDescriptor handler, object instance)
                _handler = handler;
                _instance = instance;
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes()
                return _handler.GetAttributes(_instance);

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() 
                return _handler.GetClassName(_instance); 

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() 
                return _handler.GetName(_instance);

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter()
                return _handler.GetConverter(_instance); 
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            EventDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() 
                return _handler.GetDefaultEvent(_instance); 

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            PropertyDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty()
                return _handler.GetDefaultProperty(_instance);
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
                return _handler.GetEditor(_instance, editorBaseType); 
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents()
                return _handler.GetEvents(_instance);

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes) 
                return _handler.GetEvents(_instance, attributes);
            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties()
                return _handler.GetProperties(_instance, null);

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation.
            PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes) 
                return _handler.GetProperties(_instance, attributes); 

            ///     ICustomTypeDescriptor implementation. 
            object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd) 
                return _instance;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.



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