/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / Navigation / NavigationProgressEventArgs.cs / 1 / NavigationProgressEventArgs.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: NavigationProgressEventArgs.cs // // Copyright (C) 2004 by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Description: // This event is fired when a navigation is in progress. It is fired for // every chunk of 1024 bytes read. // This event is fired on INavigator and refired on the NavigationWindow // and Application. When the event is re-fired on the // NavigationWindow, the bytesRead and maxBytes are the cumulative // totals of all navigations in progress in that window. The uri is the // uri that is contributing to this event, for frame level this is the frame's // uri, for window level it is the INavigator's Uri which received this // notification from the Loader // // History: // 08/10/04: kusumav Moved out of Application.cs to its own separate file. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Navigation { ////// Event args for the NavigationProgress event. /// The NavigationProgressEventArgs tell how many total bytes need to be downloaded and /// how many have been sent at the moment the event is fired. /// public class NavigationProgressEventArgs : EventArgs { // Internal constructor // URI of the markup page to navigate to. // The number of bytes that have already been downloaded. // The maximum number of bytes to be downloaded. // navigator that raised this event internal NavigationProgressEventArgs(Uri uri, long bytesRead, long maxBytes, object Navigator) { _uri = uri; _bytesRead = bytesRead; _maxBytes = maxBytes; _navigator = Navigator; } ////// URI of the markup page to navigate to. /// public Uri Uri { get { return _uri; } } ////// The number of bytes that have already been downloaded. /// public long BytesRead { get { return _bytesRead; } } ////// The maximum number of bytes to be downloaded. /// public long MaxBytes { get { return _maxBytes; } } ////// The navigator that raised this event /// public object Navigator { get { return _navigator; } } Uri _uri; long _bytesRead; long _maxBytes; object _navigator; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: NavigationProgressEventArgs.cs // // Copyright (C) 2004 by Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Description: // This event is fired when a navigation is in progress. It is fired for // every chunk of 1024 bytes read. // This event is fired on INavigator and refired on the NavigationWindow // and Application. When the event is re-fired on the // NavigationWindow, the bytesRead and maxBytes are the cumulative // totals of all navigations in progress in that window. The uri is the // uri that is contributing to this event, for frame level this is the frame's // uri, for window level it is the INavigator's Uri which received this // notification from the Loader // // History: // 08/10/04: kusumav Moved out of Application.cs to its own separate file. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Windows.Navigation { ////// Event args for the NavigationProgress event. /// The NavigationProgressEventArgs tell how many total bytes need to be downloaded and /// how many have been sent at the moment the event is fired. /// public class NavigationProgressEventArgs : EventArgs { // Internal constructor // URI of the markup page to navigate to. // The number of bytes that have already been downloaded. // The maximum number of bytes to be downloaded. // navigator that raised this event internal NavigationProgressEventArgs(Uri uri, long bytesRead, long maxBytes, object Navigator) { _uri = uri; _bytesRead = bytesRead; _maxBytes = maxBytes; _navigator = Navigator; } ////// URI of the markup page to navigate to. /// public Uri Uri { get { return _uri; } } ////// The number of bytes that have already been downloaded. /// public long BytesRead { get { return _bytesRead; } } ////// The maximum number of bytes to be downloaded. /// public long MaxBytes { get { return _maxBytes; } } ////// The navigator that raised this event /// public object Navigator { get { return _navigator; } } Uri _uri; long _bytesRead; long _maxBytes; object _navigator; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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