RealProxy.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FXUpdate3074 / FXUpdate3074 / 1.1 / untmp / whidbey / QFE / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Runtime / Remoting / RealProxy.cs / 2 / RealProxy.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** File:    RealProxy.cs 
** Purpose: Defines the base class from which proxy should
**          derive
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies { 
    using System; 
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata; 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation; 
    using System.Runtime.Remoting.Services; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; 
    using System.Globalization;

    internal enum CallType
        InvalidCall     = 0x0, 
        MethodCall      = 0x1,
        ConstructorCall = 0x2 

    internal enum RealProxyFlags
        None                = 0x0,
        RemotingProxy       = 0x1, 
        Initialized         = 0x2
    internal struct MessageData
        internal IntPtr      pFrame;
        internal IntPtr      pMethodDesc; 
        internal IntPtr      pDelegateMD;
        internal IntPtr      pSig; 
        internal IntPtr      thGoverningType; 
        internal int         iFlags;

    [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)] 
    [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.Infrastructure)]
    abstract public class RealProxy 
        // ************* 

        // Private members
        private Object _tp; 
        private Object _identity;
        private MarshalByRefObject _serverObject;

        private RealProxyFlags _flags;
        internal GCHandle   _srvIdentity;
        internal int        _optFlags; 

        internal int        _domainID; 

        // Static members
        private static IntPtr _defaultStub      = GetDefaultStub();
        private static IntPtr _defaultStubValue    = new IntPtr(-1);
        private static Object _defaultStubData  = _defaultStubValue; 

        // Constructor
        protected RealProxy(Type classToProxy) : this(classToProxy, (IntPtr)0, null)

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        protected RealProxy(Type classToProxy, IntPtr stub, Object stubData) 
            if(!classToProxy.IsMarshalByRef && !classToProxy.IsInterface) 
                throw new ArgumentException(

            if((IntPtr)0 == stub) 
                BCLDebug.Assert((IntPtr)0 != _defaultStub, "Default stub not set up");
                // The default stub checks for match of contexts defined by us
                stub = _defaultStub;
                // Start with a value of -1 because 0 is reserved for the default context
                stubData = _defaultStubData; 
            _tp = null; 
            if (stubData == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("stubdata");
            _tp = RemotingServices.CreateTransparentProxy(this, classToProxy, stub, stubData);
            RemotingProxy rp = this as RemotingProxy; 
            if (rp != null)
                _flags |= RealProxyFlags.RemotingProxy; 

        // This is used (along the frequent path) of Invoke to avoid
        // casting to RemotingProxy
        internal bool IsRemotingProxy() 
            return (_flags & RealProxyFlags.RemotingProxy) == RealProxyFlags.RemotingProxy; 

        // This is mainly used for RemotingProxy case. It may be worthwhile 
        // to make this virtual so extensible proxies can make use of this
        // (and other flags) as well.
        internal bool Initialized

            get { return (_flags & RealProxyFlags.Initialized) == RealProxyFlags.Initialized; } 
                if (value) 
                    _flags |= RealProxyFlags.Initialized;
                    _flags &= ~RealProxyFlags.Initialized; 

        // Method to initialize the server object for x-context scenarios
        // in an extensible way
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        public IConstructionReturnMessage InitializeServerObject(IConstructionCallMessage ctorMsg) 
            IConstructionReturnMessage retMsg = null;
            if (_serverObject == null)
                Type svrType = GetProxiedType();
                if((ctorMsg != null) && (ctorMsg.ActivationType != svrType)) 
                    throw new RemotingException( 
                            CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Environment.GetResourceString("Remoting_Proxy_BadTypeForActivation"),

                // Create a blank object 
                _serverObject = RemotingServices.AllocateUninitializedObject(svrType);
                // If the stub is the default stub, then set the server context 
                // to be the current context.

                // OK... we are all set to run the constructor call on the uninitialized object
                MarshalByRefObject proxy = (MarshalByRefObject)GetTransparentProxy();
                IMethodReturnMessage  msg = null; 
                Exception e = null;
                if(null != ctorMsg) 
                    msg = RemotingServices.ExecuteMessage(proxy, ctorMsg);
                    e = msg.Exception; 
                    catch(Exception excep)
                        e = excep;
                // Construct a return message
                if(null == e) 
                    Object[] outArgs = (msg == null ? null : msg.OutArgs);
                    int outLength = (null == outArgs ? 0 : outArgs.Length); 
                    LogicalCallContext callCtx = (msg == null ? null : msg.LogicalCallContext);
                    retMsg = new ConstructorReturnMessage(proxy,
                                                          outArgs, outLength,
                                                          callCtx, ctorMsg); 

                    // setup identity 
                    if (IsRemotingProxy())
                        ((RemotingProxy) this).Initialized = true;
                    // Exception occurred 
                    retMsg = new ConstructorReturnMessage(e, ctorMsg); 

            return retMsg;

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        protected MarshalByRefObject GetUnwrappedServer() 
            return UnwrappedServerObject; 

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected MarshalByRefObject DetachServer() 
            Object tp = GetTransparentProxy(); 
            if (tp != null) 
            MarshalByRefObject server = _serverObject; 
            _serverObject = null;
            return server;

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        protected void AttachServer(MarshalByRefObject s) 
            Object tp = GetTransparentProxy(); 
            if (tp != null)

        private void SetupIdentity() 
            if (_identity == null)
                _identity = IdentityHolder.FindOrCreateServerIdentity(
                // Set the reference to the proxy in the identity object
        private void SetContextForDefaultStub()
            // Check whether the stub is ours or not...
            if(GetStub() == _defaultStub) 
                // Yes.. setup the context in the TP so that 
                // contexts can be matched correctly... 
                Object oVal = GetStubData(this);
                if(oVal is IntPtr) 
                    IntPtr iVal = (IntPtr)oVal;

                    // Set the stub data only if it has been set to our default value, 
                    // otherwise, the user has already indicated a preference for the
                    // stub data. 
                        SetStubData(this, Thread.CurrentContext.InternalContextID); 

        // Check whether the current context is the same as the 
        // server context
        internal bool DoContextsMatch() 
            bool fMatch = false;

            // Check whether the stub is ours or not... 
            if(GetStub() == _defaultStub)
                // Yes.. setup the context in the TP so that 
                // contexts can be matched correctly...
                Object oVal = GetStubData(this); 
                if(oVal is IntPtr)
                    IntPtr iVal = (IntPtr)oVal;
                    // Match the internal context ids... 
                        fMatch = true; 

            return fMatch;

        // This is directly called by RemotingServices::Wrap() when it needs 
        // to bind a proxy with an uninitialized contextBound server object 
        internal void AttachServerHelper(MarshalByRefObject s)
            if (s == null || _serverObject != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentNull_Generic"), "s");
            _serverObject = s;
            // setup identity 
        // Gets the stub pointer stashed away in the transparent proxy.
        private extern IntPtr GetStub();
        // Sets the stub data
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] 
        public static extern void SetStubData(RealProxy rp, Object stubData);
        internal void SetSrvInfo(GCHandle srvIdentity, int domainID)
            _srvIdentity = srvIdentity;
            _domainID = domainID; 
        // Gets the stub data 
        public static extern Object GetStubData(RealProxy rp); 

        // Gets the default stub implemented by us
        private static extern IntPtr GetDefaultStub(); 

        // Accessor to obtain the type being proxied 
        public extern Type GetProxiedType(); 

        // Method to which transparent proxy delegates when
        // it gets called
        public abstract IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg); 

        public virtual ObjRef CreateObjRef(Type requestedType) 
            if(_identity == null)
                throw new RemotingException(Environment.GetResourceString(
            return new ObjRef((MarshalByRefObject)GetTransparentProxy(), requestedType);
        public virtual void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            Object obj = GetTransparentProxy();
            RemotingServices.GetObjectData(obj, info, context);
        private static void HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
            IMethodReturnMessage mrm = retMsg as IMethodReturnMessage; 
            if (retMsg==null || (mrm == null))
                throw new RemotingException(Environment.GetResourceString(
            Exception e = mrm.Exception;
            if (e != null) 
                throw e.PrepForRemoting(); 
                if (!(retMsg is StackBasedReturnMessage)) 
                    if (reqMsg is Message) 
                        PropagateOutParameters(reqMsg, mrm.Args, mrm.ReturnValue);
                    else if (reqMsg is ConstructorCallMessage)

                        PropagateOutParameters(reqMsg, mrm.Args, null); 

        // Propagate the out parameters to the stack. This should be called once
        // the call has finished. The input message parameter should be the same 
        // as the one which was passed to the first sink to start the call.
        internal static void PropagateOutParameters(IMessage msg, 
                                                    Object[] outArgs, 
                                                    Object returnValue)
            // Check for method call
            Message m = msg as Message;

            // Check for constructor call 
            if(null == m)
                ConstructorCallMessage ccm = msg as ConstructorCallMessage; 
                if(null != ccm)
                    m = ccm.GetMessage();
            if(null == m)
                throw new ArgumentException( 

            MethodBase mb = m.GetMethodBase();
            RemotingMethodCachedData cache =
            if (outArgs != null && outArgs.Length > 0)
                Object[] args = m.Args; // original arguments 

                // If a byref parameter is marked only with [In], we need to copy the 
                //   original value from the request message into outargs, so that the
                //   value won't be bashed by CMessage::PropagateOutParameters below.
                ParameterInfo[] parameters = cache.Parameters;
                foreach (int index in cache.MarshalRequestArgMap) 
                    ParameterInfo param = parameters[index]; 
                    if (param.IsIn && param.ParameterType.IsByRef) 
                        if (!param.IsOut) 
                            outArgs[index] = args[index];
                // copy non-byref arrays back into the same instance
                if (cache.NonRefOutArgMap.Length > 0) 
                    foreach (int index in cache.NonRefOutArgMap)
                        Array arg = args[index] as Array;
                        if (arg != null)
                            Array.Copy((Array)outArgs[index], arg, arg.Length); 

                // validate by-ref args (This must be done last) 
                int[] outRefArgMap = cache.OutRefArgMap;
                if (outRefArgMap.Length > 0)
                    foreach (int index in outRefArgMap) 
                        ValidateReturnArg(outArgs[index], parameters[index].ParameterType); 

            // validate return value
            //   (We don't validate Message.BeginAsync because the return value
            //    is always an IAsyncResult and the method base is the one that 
            //    represents the underlying synchronous method).
            int callType = m.GetCallType(); 
            if ((callType & Message.CallMask ) != Message.BeginAsync) 
                Type returnType = cache.ReturnType; 
                if (returnType != null)
                    ValidateReturnArg(returnValue, returnType);
            m.PropagateOutParameters(outArgs, returnValue); 
        } // PropagateOutParameters
        private static void ValidateReturnArg(Object arg, Type paramType)
            if (paramType.IsByRef)
                paramType = paramType.GetElementType(); 

            if (paramType.IsValueType) 
                if (arg == null)
                    if (!(paramType.IsGenericType && paramType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))
                        throw new RemotingException(
                else if (!paramType.IsInstanceOfType(arg))
                    throw new InvalidCastException( 
                if (arg != null) 
                    if (!paramType.IsInstanceOfType(arg)) 
                        throw new InvalidCastException(
        } // ValidateReturnArg 

        // This is shared code path that executes when an EndInvoke is called 
        // either on a delegate on a proxy 
        // OR a regular delegate (called asynchronously).
        internal static IMessage EndInvokeHelper(Message reqMsg, bool bProxyCase) 
            AsyncResult ar = reqMsg.GetAsyncResult() as AsyncResult;
            IMessage retMsg = null; // used for proxy case only!
            if (ar == null) 
                throw new RemotingException( 
            if (ar.AsyncDelegate != reqMsg.GetThisPtr())
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString(
            if (!ar.IsCompleted) 
                // Note: using ThreadPoolAware to detect if this is a
                // ThreadAffinity or Synchronization context. 

            lock (ar) 
                if (ar.EndInvokeCalled)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException( 

                ar.EndInvokeCalled = true; 

                IMethodReturnMessage mrm = 
                    (IMethodReturnMessage) ar.GetReplyMessage();
                    mrm != null,
                    "Reply sink should ensure we have a reply message before signalling");
                // For the proxy case this is handled by RealProxy
                if (!bProxyCase) 
                    Exception e = mrm.Exception;
                    if (e != null)
                        // throw e;
                        throw e.PrepForRemoting(); 
                    retMsg = mrm; 
                // Merge the call context back into the thread that
                // called EndInvoke 
            // Will be non-null only for proxy case! 
            return retMsg;
        } // EndInvokeHelper 
        // itnerop methods 
        public virtual IntPtr GetCOMIUnknown(bool fIsMarshalled)
            // sub -class should override
            return MarshalByRefObject.GetComIUnknown((MarshalByRefObject)GetTransparentProxy()); 
        public virtual void SetCOMIUnknown(IntPtr i) 
            // don't care 

        public virtual IntPtr SupportsInterface(ref Guid iid)
            return IntPtr.Zero;

        // Method used for traversing back to the TP 
        public virtual Object GetTransparentProxy()
            return _tp;

        internal MarshalByRefObject UnwrappedServerObject 
            get { return (MarshalByRefObject) _serverObject; }

        internal virtual Identity IdentityObject
            [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)] 
                return (Identity) _identity; 
                _identity = value;
        // Private method invoked by the transparent proxy 
        private void PrivateInvoke(ref MessageData msgData, int type)
            IMessage reqMsg = null;
            CallType callType = (CallType)type;
            IMessage retMsg = null;
            int msgFlags = -1; 

            // Used only for Construction case 
            RemotingProxy rp = null; 

            // Create a message object based on the type of call 
            if(CallType.MethodCall == callType)
                Message msg = new Message();
                reqMsg = msg;
                msgFlags = msg.GetCallType(); 
            else if (CallType.ConstructorCall == (CallType)callType)
                // We use msgFlags to handle CallContext around
                // the virtual call to Invoke()
                msgFlags = Message.Sync;
                rp = this as RemotingProxy;
                ConstructorCallMessage ctorMsg = null; 
                bool bIsWellKnown = false; 
                    // Create a new constructor call message
                    // <

                    ctorMsg = new ConstructorCallMessage(null, null, null, GetProxiedType()); 
                    // Extract the constructor message set in the first step of activation.
                    ctorMsg = rp.ConstructorMessage; 
                    // If the proxy is a wellknown client proxy, we don't
                    // need to run the c'tor.
                    Identity id = rp.IdentityObject;
                    if (id != null) 
                        bIsWellKnown = id.IsWellKnown();
                if ((null == ctorMsg) || bIsWellKnown)
                    // This is also used to short-circuit the activation path
                    // when we have a well known proxy that has already been
                    // initialized (there's a race condition if we don't do this).

                    // This is a special case, where we have a remoting proxy 
                    // but the constructormessage hasn't been setup. 
                    // so let us just bail out..
                    // this is currently used by ServicedComponent's for cross appdomain 
                    // pooling: [....]
                    ctorMsg = new ConstructorCallMessage(null, null, null, GetProxiedType());
                    // Set the constructor frame info in the CCM 
                    reqMsg = ctorMsg; 
                    // If this was the default ctor,
                    if (bIsWellKnown) 
                        BCLDebug.Assert(rp!=null, "RemotingProxy expected here!");
                        // Clear any cached ctorMsg on the RemotingProxy
                        rp.ConstructorMessage = null; 

                        // We did execute a Connect. Throw if the client 
                        // code is also trying to use a non-default constructor at 
                        // the same time.
                        if (ctorMsg.ArgCount != 0) 
                            throw new RemotingException(
                    // Create a constructor return message
                    retMsg = 
                        new ConstructorReturnMessage((MarshalByRefObject)GetTransparentProxy(),
                    // Set the constructor frame info in the CCM 
                    reqMsg = ctorMsg;
                BCLDebug.Assert(false, "Unknown call type"); 
            // Make sure that outgoing remote calls are counted.

            // For non-remoting proxies, EndAsync should not call Invoke() 
            // because the proxy cannot support Async and the call has already
            // finished executing in BeginAsync 
            if (!IsRemotingProxy() 
                && ((msgFlags&Message.EndAsync)==Message.EndAsync))

                Message msg = reqMsg as Message;
                retMsg = EndInvokeHelper(msg, true);
                BCLDebug.Assert(null != retMsg, "null != retMsg"); 
            // Invoke 
            BCLDebug.Assert(null != reqMsg, "null != reqMsg");
            if (null == retMsg) 


                LogicalCallContext cctx = null; 
                Thread currentThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
                // Pick up or clone the call context from the thread 
                // and install it in the reqMsg as appropriate
                cctx = currentThread.GetLogicalCallContext();
                SetCallContextInMessage(reqMsg, msgFlags, cctx);
                // Add the outgoing "Header"'s to the message.
                retMsg = Invoke(reqMsg); 

                // Get the call context returned and set it on the thread 
                ReturnCallContextToThread(currentThread, retMsg, msgFlags, cctx);

                // Pull response "Header"'s out of the message
            if (!IsRemotingProxy() 
                && ((msgFlags&Message.BeginAsync) == Message.BeginAsync))

                // This was a begin-async on a non-Remoting Proxy. For V-1 they
                // cannot support Async and end up doing a Sync call. We need
                // to fill up here to make the call look like async to 
                // the caller.
                // Create the async result to return 
                Message msg = reqMsg as Message; 
                AsyncResult ar = new AsyncResult(msg);
                // Tell the async result that the call has actually completed 
                // so it can hold on to the return message.
                // create a returnMessage to propagate just the asyncResult back
                // to the caller's stack. 
                retMsg = new ReturnMessage(ar, null, 0, null/*cctx*/, msg);
            // Propagate out parameters
            HandleReturnMessage(reqMsg, retMsg); 

            // For constructor calls do some extra bookkeeping
            if(CallType.ConstructorCall == callType)
                // Everything went well, we are ready to return
                // a proxy to the caller 
                // Extract the return value
                MarshalByRefObject retObj = null;
                IConstructionReturnMessage ctorRetMsg = retMsg as IConstructionReturnMessage;
                if(null == ctorRetMsg) 
                    throw new RemotingException( 
                ConstructorReturnMessage crm = ctorRetMsg as ConstructorReturnMessage;
                if (null != crm)
                    // If return message is of type ConstructorReturnMessage 
                    // this is an in-appDomain activation. So no unmarshaling
                    // needed. 
                    retObj = (MarshalByRefObject)crm.GetObject();
                    if (retObj == null) 
                        throw new RemotingException(
                    // Fetch the objRef out of the returned message and unmarshal it
                    retObj = (MarshalByRefObject)RemotingServices.InternalUnmarshal( 
                                true /*fRefine*/);
                    if (retObj == null)
                        throw new RemotingException( 

                if (retObj != (MarshalByRefObject)GetTransparentProxy())
                    throw new RemotingException(
                if (IsRemotingProxy())
                    // Clear any cached ctorMsg on the RemotingProxy
                    rp.ConstructorMessage = null; 

        void SetCallContextInMessage( 
            IMessage reqMsg, int msgFlags, LogicalCallContext cctx)
            BCLDebug.Assert(msgFlags != -1, "Unexpected msgFlags?");
            Message msg = reqMsg as Message; 

            switch (msgFlags) 
            case Message.Sync:
                if (msg != null) 

        void ReturnCallContextToThread(Thread currentThread, IMessage retMsg, int msgFlags, LogicalCallContext currCtx)
            if (msgFlags == Message.Sync)
                if (retMsg == null) 
                IMethodReturnMessage mrm = retMsg as IMethodReturnMessage;
                if (mrm == null)
                LogicalCallContext retCtx = mrm.LogicalCallContext;
                if (retCtx == null) { 

                if (!(mrm is StackBasedReturnMessage))
                    LogicalCallContext oldCtx = currentThread.SetLogicalCallContext(retCtx); 
                    if ((Object)oldCtx != (Object)retCtx)
                        // If the new call context does not match the old call context, 
                        //   we must have gone remote. We need to keep the preserve
                        //   the principal from the original call context. 
                        IPrincipal principal = oldCtx.Principal;
                        if (principal != null)
                            retCtx.Principal = principal;
                //for other types (async/one-way etc) there is nothing to be 
                //done as we have just finished processing BeginInvoke or EndInvoke 

        internal virtual void Wrap()
            // < 

            ServerIdentity serverID = _identity as ServerIdentity;
            if((null != serverID) && (this is RemotingProxy)) 
                BCLDebug.Assert(null != serverID.ServerContext, "null != serverID.ServerContext");
                SetStubData(this, serverID.ServerContext.InternalContextID);
        protected RealProxy() 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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