/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / xsp / System / Web / UI / PageParserFilter.cs / 2 / PageParserFilter.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Abstract class implemented by objects that need to control the parsing of pages. * * Copyright (c) 2004 Microsoft Corporation */ namespace System.Web.UI { using System.Globalization; using System.Collections; using System.Web.Configuration; using System.Web.Compilation; using System.Web.Util; using System.Security.Permissions; [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Medium)] [AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Medium)] public abstract class PageParserFilter { private VirtualPath _virtualPath; protected string VirtualPath { get { return _virtualPath.VirtualPathString; } } // The current line number being parsed private TemplateParser _parser; protected int Line { get { return _parser._lineNumber; } } private int _numberOfControlsAllowed; private int _currentControlCount; private int _dependenciesAllowed; private int _currentDependenciesCount; private int _directDependenciesAllowed; private int _currentDirectDependenciesCount; // Create a PageParserFilter and initialize it internal static PageParserFilter Create(PagesSection pagesConfig, VirtualPath virtualPath, TemplateParser parser) { PageParserFilter pageParserFilter = pagesConfig.CreateControlTypeFilter(); if (pageParserFilter != null) pageParserFilter.InitializeInternal(virtualPath, parser); return pageParserFilter; } internal void InitializeInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, TemplateParser parser) { _parser = parser; Debug.Assert(_virtualPath == null); _virtualPath = virtualPath; Initialize(); // Get the various limits we need to enforce _numberOfControlsAllowed = NumberOfControlsAllowed; // Add 1 to these two, because internally we count the file itself as a // dependency, but we don't want this to be reflected to the PageParserFilter // implementor (VSWhidbey 341708) _dependenciesAllowed = TotalNumberOfDependenciesAllowed+1; _directDependenciesAllowed = NumberOfDirectDependenciesAllowed+1; } // initialize the filter to be used for a specific page protected virtual void Initialize() { } // Informs the filter that the parsing of the page is complete public virtual void ParseComplete(ControlBuilder rootBuilder) { Debug.Assert(_virtualPath != null); } // Allows the filter to return the compilation mode for the page. // If it doesn't want to modify it, it can just return current. public virtual CompilationMode GetCompilationMode(CompilationMode current) { return current; } // Indicates whether code is allowed on the page. This method allows // forbidding code even on pages that will be compiled (for perf) public virtual bool AllowCode { get { return false; } } // Is the control Type allowed for this page internal bool AllowControlInternal(Type controlType, ControlBuilder builder) { OnControlAdded(); return AllowControl(controlType, builder); } // Is the control Type allowed for this page public virtual bool AllowControl(Type controlType, ControlBuilder builder) { return false; } // Is this base type allowed for this page public virtual bool AllowBaseType(Type baseType) { return false; } internal bool AllowVirtualReference(CompilationSection compConfig, VirtualPath referenceVirtualPath) { // Get the extension, and from it the type of the BuildProvider string extension = referenceVirtualPath.Extension; Type buildProviderType = CompilationUtil.GetBuildProviderTypeFromExtension( compConfig, extension, BuildProviderAppliesTo.Web, false /*failIfUnknown*/); // If it's an unknown type, block it if (buildProviderType == null) return false; // Figure out the VirtualReferenceType based on the BuildProvider type VirtualReferenceType referenceType; if (buildProviderType == typeof(PageBuildProvider)) referenceType = VirtualReferenceType.Page; else if (buildProviderType == typeof(UserControlBuildProvider)) referenceType = VirtualReferenceType.UserControl; else if (buildProviderType == typeof(MasterPageBuildProvider)) referenceType = VirtualReferenceType.Master; else if (buildProviderType == typeof(SourceFileBuildProvider)) referenceType = VirtualReferenceType.SourceFile; else referenceType = VirtualReferenceType.Other; return AllowVirtualReference(referenceVirtualPath.VirtualPathString, referenceType); } // Is the virtual path reference allowed in this page. The referenceType // indicates the type of references involved. public virtual bool AllowVirtualReference(string referenceVirtualPath, VirtualReferenceType referenceType) { return false; } // Is the passed in server include () allowed public virtual bool AllowServerSideInclude(string includeVirtualPath) { return false; } public virtual void PreprocessDirective(string directiveName, IDictionary attributes) { } public virtual int NumberOfControlsAllowed { get { // By default, don't allow any return 0; } } public virtual int TotalNumberOfDependenciesAllowed { get { // By default, don't allow any return 0; } } public virtual int NumberOfDirectDependenciesAllowed { get { // By default, don't allow any return 0; } } private void OnControlAdded() { // If it's negative, there is no limit if (_numberOfControlsAllowed < 0) return; // Increase the control count _currentControlCount++; // Fail if the limit has been reached if (_currentControlCount > _numberOfControlsAllowed) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString( SR.Too_many_controls, _numberOfControlsAllowed.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); } } // Called by the parser when a file dependency (direct or indirect) is added internal void OnDependencyAdded() { // If it's negative, there is no limit if (_dependenciesAllowed <= 0) return; // Increase the dependency count _currentDependenciesCount++; // Fail if the limit has been reached if (_currentDependenciesCount > _dependenciesAllowed) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString( SR.Too_many_dependencies, VirtualPath, _dependenciesAllowed.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); } } // Called by the parser when a direct file dependency is added internal void OnDirectDependencyAdded() { // If it's negative, there is no limit if (_directDependenciesAllowed <= 0) return; // Increase the direct dependency count _currentDirectDependenciesCount++; // Fail if the limit has been reached if (_currentDirectDependenciesCount > _directDependenciesAllowed) { throw new HttpException(SR.GetString( SR.Too_many_direct_dependencies, VirtualPath, _directDependenciesAllowed.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); } } // Give the filter a chance to process a code block. If it returns true, the // code block is not processed further by the parser public virtual bool ProcessCodeConstruct(CodeConstructType codeType, string code) { return false; } // Give the filter a chance to process a databinding attribute (e.g. Text=<%# expr %>) // If it returns true, the databinding attribute is not processed further by the parser public virtual bool ProcessDataBindingAttribute(string controlId, string name, string value) { return false; } // Give the filter a chance to process an event hookup (e.g. onclick="ClickHandler") // If it returns true, the event hookup is not processed further by the parser public virtual bool ProcessEventHookup(string controlId, string eventName, string handlerName) { return false; } // Return the Type that should be used for NoCompile user controls public virtual Type GetNoCompileUserControlType() { return null; } // Add a ControlBuilder in the tree at the current parser position protected void AddControl(Type type, IDictionary attributes) { _parser.AddControl(type, attributes); } // Set a property on the TemplateControl (Page/UserControl/Master) protected void SetPageProperty(string filter, string name, string value) { if (filter == null) filter = String.Empty; _parser.RootBuilder.PreprocessAttribute(filter, name, value, true /*mainDirectiveMode*/); } } // The type of reference passed to PageParserFilter.AllowVirtualReference public enum VirtualReferenceType { Page, UserControl, Master, SourceFile, Other } // Used as parameter to the PageParserFilter.ProcessCodeConstruct API public enum CodeConstructType { CodeSnippet, // <% ... %> ExpressionSnippet, // <%= ... %> DataBindingSnippet, // <%# ... %> ScriptTag // } }
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