/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WinForms / System / WinForms / Design / Behavior / NoResizeSelectionBorderGlyph.cs / 1 / NoResizeSelectionBorderGlyph.cs
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior { using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Design; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms.Design; ////// /// The NoResizeSelectionBorderGlyph draws one side (depending on type) of a SelectionBorder. /// internal class NoResizeSelectionBorderGlyph : SelectionGlyphBase { ////// /// This constructor extends from the standard SelectionGlyphBase constructor. /// internal NoResizeSelectionBorderGlyph(Rectangle controlBounds, SelectionRules rules, SelectionBorderGlyphType type, Behavior behavior) : base(behavior) { InitializeGlyph(controlBounds, rules, type); } ////// Helper function that initializes the Glyph based on bounds, type, and bordersize. /// private void InitializeGlyph(Rectangle controlBounds, SelectionRules selRules, SelectionBorderGlyphType type) { rules = SelectionRules.None; hitTestCursor = Cursors.Default; if ((selRules & SelectionRules.Moveable) != 0) { rules = SelectionRules.Moveable; hitTestCursor = Cursors.SizeAll; } //this will return the rect representing the bounds of the glyph bounds = DesignerUtils.GetBoundsForNoResizeSelectionType(controlBounds, type); hitBounds = bounds; // The hitbounds for the border is actually a bit bigger than the glyph bounds switch (type) { case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Top: goto case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Bottom; case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Bottom: // We want to apply the SELECTIONBORDERHITAREA to the top and the bottom of the selection border glyph hitBounds.Y -= (DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERHITAREA - DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERSIZE) / 2; hitBounds.Height += DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERHITAREA - DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERSIZE; break; case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Left: goto case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Right; case SelectionBorderGlyphType.Right: // We want to apply the SELECTIONBORDERHITAREA to the left and the right of the selection border glyph hitBounds.X -= (DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERHITAREA - DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERSIZE) / 2; hitBounds.Width += DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERHITAREA - DesignerUtils.SELECTIONBORDERSIZE; break; } } ////// /// Simple painting logic for selection Glyphs. /// public override void Paint(PaintEventArgs pe) { DesignerUtils.DrawSelectionBorder(pe.Graphics, bounds); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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