TextFragmentEngine.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / Synthesis / TextFragmentEngine.cs / 1 / TextFragmentEngine.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
// History: 
//		3/15/2005	jeanfp		Created 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO; 
using System.Speech.Synthesis;
using System.Speech.Synthesis.TtsEngine; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Xml;
namespace System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis
    internal class TextFragmentEngine : ISsmlParser
        // Constructors 

        #region Constructors

        internal TextFragmentEngine (SpeakInfo speakInfo, string ssmlText, bool pexml, ResourceLoader resourceLoader, List lexicons) 
            _lexicons = lexicons; 
            _ssmlText = ssmlText; 
            _speakInfo = speakInfo;
            _resourceLoader = resourceLoader; 
            _pexml = pexml;

        // Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        public object ProcessSpeak (string sVersion, string sBaseUri, CultureInfo culture, List extraNamespace) 
            _speakInfo.SetVoice (null, culture, VoiceGender.NotSet, VoiceAge.NotSet, 1); 
            return _speakInfo.Voice;

        public void ProcessText (string text, object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, int position, bool fIgnore) 
            if (!fIgnore) 
                TtsEngineAction action = fragmentState.Action;
                if (_paragraphStarted) 
                    fragmentState.Action = TtsEngineAction.StartParagraph;
                    _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState));
                    _paragraphStarted = false; 

                    // Always add the start sentence. 
                    _sentenceStarted = true; 
                if (_sentenceStarted) 
                    fragmentState.Action = TtsEngineAction.StartSentence;
                    _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState));
                    _sentenceStarted = false; 
                fragmentState.Action = ActionTextFragment (action); 
                _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState, text, _ssmlText, position, text.Length)); 
                fragmentState.Action = action;

        public void ProcessAudio (object voice, string sUri, string baseUri, bool fIgnore)
            if (!fIgnore)
                // Prepend the base Uri if necessary 
                Uri uri = new Uri (sUri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
                if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (baseUri)) 
                    if (baseUri [baseUri.Length - 1] != '/' && baseUri [baseUri.Length - 1] != '\\')
                        int posSlash = baseUri.LastIndexOf ('/'); 
                        if (posSlash < 0)
                            posSlash = baseUri.LastIndexOf ('\\'); 
                        if (posSlash >= 0) 
                            baseUri = baseUri.Substring (0, posSlash);
                        baseUri += '/'; 
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (baseUri); 
                    sb.Append (sUri); 
                    uri = new Uri (sb.ToString (), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                // This checks if we can read the file
                if (_cPromptOutput > 0) 
                    using (AudioData audioData = new AudioData (uri, _resourceLoader)) 
                        ProcessPromptEngineAudio (voice, uri);
                    _speakInfo.AddAudio (new AudioData (uri, _resourceLoader));
        public void ProcessBreak (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, EmphasisBreak eBreak, int time, bool fIgnore)
            if (!fIgnore)
                TtsEngineAction action = fragmentState.Action;
                fragmentState.Action = ActionTextFragment (fragmentState.Action); 
                _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState)); 
                fragmentState.Action = action;

        public void ProcessDesc (CultureInfo culture)
        public void ProcessEmphasis (bool noLevel, EmphasisWord word) 

        public void ProcessMark (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, string name, bool fIgnore)
            if (!fIgnore) 
                TtsEngineAction action = fragmentState.Action; 
                fragmentState.Action = ActionTextFragment (fragmentState.Action); 
                _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState, name));
                fragmentState.Action = action; 

        public object ProcessTextBlock (bool isParagraph, object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, CultureInfo culture, bool newCulture, VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age) 
            if (culture != null && newCulture) 
                _speakInfo.SetVoice (null, culture, gender, age, 1);
            if (isParagraph)
                _paragraphStarted = true;
                _sentenceStarted = true; 
            return _speakInfo.Voice; 

        public void EndProcessTextBlock (bool isParagraph)
            if (isParagraph)
                _paragraphStarted = true; 
                _sentenceStarted = true;

        public void ProcessPhoneme (ref FragmentState fragmentState, AlphabetType alphabet, string ph, char [] phoneIds) 
            fragmentState.Action = TtsEngineAction.Pronounce;
            fragmentState.Phoneme = _speakInfo.Voice.TtsEngine.ConvertPhonemes (phoneIds, alphabet); 

        public void ProcessProsody (string pitch, string range, string rate, string volume, string duration, string points)
        public void ProcessSayAs (string interpretAs, string format, string detail) 

        public void ProcessSub (string alias, object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, int position, bool fIgnore)
            ProcessText (alias, voice, ref fragmentState, position, fIgnore); 
        public object ProcessVoice (string name, CultureInfo culture, VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age, int variant, bool fNewCulture, List extraNamespace) 
            _speakInfo.SetVoice (name, culture, gender, age, variant); 
            return _speakInfo.Voice;

        public void ProcessLexicon (Uri uri, string type) 
            _lexicons.Add (new LexiconEntry (uri, type)); 

        public void ProcessUnknownElement (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, XmlReader reader) 
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter (sw);
            writer.WriteNode (reader, false); 
            writer.Close ();
            string text = sw.ToString (); 
            AddParseUnknownFragment (voice, ref fragmentState, text);

        public void StartProcessUnknownAttributes (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, string element, List extraAttributes)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 
            sb.AppendFormat (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<{0}", element);
            foreach (SsmlXmlAttribute attribute in extraAttributes) 
                sb.AppendFormat (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " {0}:{1}=\"{2}\" xmlns:{3}=\"{4}\"", attribute._prefix, attribute._name, attribute._value, attribute._prefix, attribute._ns);
            sb.Append (">");

            AddParseUnknownFragment (voice, ref fragmentState, sb.ToString ());

        public void EndProcessUnknownAttributes (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, string element, List extraAttributes) 
            AddParseUnknownFragment (voice, ref fragmentState, string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "", element));

        #region Prompt Engine

        public void ContainsPexml (string pexmlPrefix) 
        public bool BeginPromptEngineOutput (object voice)
            return AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.BeginPromptEngineOutput, string.Empty); 
        public void EndPromptEngineOutput (object voice) 
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.EndPromptEngineOutput, string.Empty);

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineDatabase (object voice, string fname, string delta, string idset) 
            string name = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "fname= \"{0}\"", !string.IsNullOrEmpty (fname) ? fname : string.Empty); 
            string param1 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (delta) ? string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} delta= \"{1}\"", name, delta) : name; 
            string param2 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (idset) ? string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} idset= \"{1}\"", param1, idset) : param1;
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.PromptEngineDatabase, param2); 
            return true;

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineAudio (object voice, Uri uri) 
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.PromptEngineAudio, uri.ToString ()); 
            return true; 
        public bool ProcessPromptEngineDiv (object voice)
            return true;

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineId (object voice, string id) 
            return AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.PromptEngineId, id);

        public bool BeginPromptEngineTts (object voice)
            return true;
        public void EndPromptEngineTts (object voice)

        public bool BeginPromptEngineWithTag (object voice, string tag) 
            return AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.BeginPromptEngineWithTag, tag); 

        public void EndPromptEngineWithTag (object voice, string tag) 
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.EndPromptEngineWithTag, tag);
        public bool BeginPromptEngineRule (object voice, string name)
            return AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.BeginPromptEngineRule, name); 
        public void EndPromptEngineRule (object voice, string name)
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.EndPromptEngineRule, name);

        public bool BeginPromptEngineOutput (object voice)
            return false;

        public void EndPromptEngineOutput (object voice) 
        public bool ProcessPromptEngineDatabase (object voice, string fname, string delta, string idset)
            return false;

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineDiv (object voice) 
            return false; 

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineId (object voice, string id) 
            return false;
        public bool BeginPromptEngineTts (object voice)
            return false; 
        public void EndPromptEngineTts (object voice)
        public bool BeginPromptEngineWithTag (object voice, string tag)
            return false; 
        public void EndPromptEngineWithTag (object voice, string tag)
        public bool BeginPromptEngineRule (object voice, string name)
            return false; 
        public void EndPromptEngineRule (object voice, string name)
        public void EndElement () 

        public void EndSpeakElement ()

        // Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        public string Ssml 
                return _ssmlText;

        // Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        private TtsEngineAction ActionTextFragment (TtsEngineAction action)
            if (_cTts == 0 && _cPromptOutput > 0 && action == TtsEngineAction.Speak) 
                action = TtsEngineAction.PromptEngineSpeak; 
            return action; 

        private void AddParseUnknownFragment (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, string text)
            TtsEngineAction action = fragmentState.Action;
            fragmentState.Action = TtsEngineAction.ParseUnknownTag; 
            _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState, text)); 
            fragmentState.Action = action;


        bool AddPromptEngineState (object voice, TtsEngineAction action, string s) 
            FragmentState state = new FragmentState (); 
            state.Action = action; 
            state.Prosody = new Prosody ();
            int textLen = string.IsNullOrEmpty (s) ? 0 : s.Length; 
            _speakInfo.AddPexml ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (state, s));
            return _pexml;

        // Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 
        List _lexicons;
        SpeakInfo _speakInfo; 
        string _ssmlText;
        bool _paragraphStarted = true;
        bool _sentenceStarted = true;
        ResourceLoader _resourceLoader; 

        bool _pexml;
        int _cTts; 
        int _cPromptOutput;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
// History: 
//		3/15/2005	jeanfp		Created 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO; 
using System.Speech.Synthesis;
using System.Speech.Synthesis.TtsEngine; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Xml;
namespace System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis
    internal class TextFragmentEngine : ISsmlParser
        // Constructors 

        #region Constructors

        internal TextFragmentEngine (SpeakInfo speakInfo, string ssmlText, bool pexml, ResourceLoader resourceLoader, List lexicons) 
            _lexicons = lexicons; 
            _ssmlText = ssmlText; 
            _speakInfo = speakInfo;
            _resourceLoader = resourceLoader; 
            _pexml = pexml;

        // Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        public object ProcessSpeak (string sVersion, string sBaseUri, CultureInfo culture, List extraNamespace) 
            _speakInfo.SetVoice (null, culture, VoiceGender.NotSet, VoiceAge.NotSet, 1); 
            return _speakInfo.Voice;

        public void ProcessText (string text, object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, int position, bool fIgnore) 
            if (!fIgnore) 
                TtsEngineAction action = fragmentState.Action;
                if (_paragraphStarted) 
                    fragmentState.Action = TtsEngineAction.StartParagraph;
                    _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState));
                    _paragraphStarted = false; 

                    // Always add the start sentence. 
                    _sentenceStarted = true; 
                if (_sentenceStarted) 
                    fragmentState.Action = TtsEngineAction.StartSentence;
                    _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState));
                    _sentenceStarted = false; 
                fragmentState.Action = ActionTextFragment (action); 
                _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState, text, _ssmlText, position, text.Length)); 
                fragmentState.Action = action;

        public void ProcessAudio (object voice, string sUri, string baseUri, bool fIgnore)
            if (!fIgnore)
                // Prepend the base Uri if necessary 
                Uri uri = new Uri (sUri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
                if (!uri.IsAbsoluteUri && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (baseUri)) 
                    if (baseUri [baseUri.Length - 1] != '/' && baseUri [baseUri.Length - 1] != '\\')
                        int posSlash = baseUri.LastIndexOf ('/'); 
                        if (posSlash < 0)
                            posSlash = baseUri.LastIndexOf ('\\'); 
                        if (posSlash >= 0) 
                            baseUri = baseUri.Substring (0, posSlash);
                        baseUri += '/'; 
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (baseUri); 
                    sb.Append (sUri); 
                    uri = new Uri (sb.ToString (), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

                // This checks if we can read the file
                if (_cPromptOutput > 0) 
                    using (AudioData audioData = new AudioData (uri, _resourceLoader)) 
                        ProcessPromptEngineAudio (voice, uri);
                    _speakInfo.AddAudio (new AudioData (uri, _resourceLoader));
        public void ProcessBreak (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, EmphasisBreak eBreak, int time, bool fIgnore)
            if (!fIgnore)
                TtsEngineAction action = fragmentState.Action;
                fragmentState.Action = ActionTextFragment (fragmentState.Action); 
                _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState)); 
                fragmentState.Action = action;

        public void ProcessDesc (CultureInfo culture)
        public void ProcessEmphasis (bool noLevel, EmphasisWord word) 

        public void ProcessMark (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, string name, bool fIgnore)
            if (!fIgnore) 
                TtsEngineAction action = fragmentState.Action; 
                fragmentState.Action = ActionTextFragment (fragmentState.Action); 
                _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState, name));
                fragmentState.Action = action; 

        public object ProcessTextBlock (bool isParagraph, object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, CultureInfo culture, bool newCulture, VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age) 
            if (culture != null && newCulture) 
                _speakInfo.SetVoice (null, culture, gender, age, 1);
            if (isParagraph)
                _paragraphStarted = true;
                _sentenceStarted = true; 
            return _speakInfo.Voice; 

        public void EndProcessTextBlock (bool isParagraph)
            if (isParagraph)
                _paragraphStarted = true; 
                _sentenceStarted = true;

        public void ProcessPhoneme (ref FragmentState fragmentState, AlphabetType alphabet, string ph, char [] phoneIds) 
            fragmentState.Action = TtsEngineAction.Pronounce;
            fragmentState.Phoneme = _speakInfo.Voice.TtsEngine.ConvertPhonemes (phoneIds, alphabet); 

        public void ProcessProsody (string pitch, string range, string rate, string volume, string duration, string points)
        public void ProcessSayAs (string interpretAs, string format, string detail) 

        public void ProcessSub (string alias, object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, int position, bool fIgnore)
            ProcessText (alias, voice, ref fragmentState, position, fIgnore); 
        public object ProcessVoice (string name, CultureInfo culture, VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age, int variant, bool fNewCulture, List extraNamespace) 
            _speakInfo.SetVoice (name, culture, gender, age, variant); 
            return _speakInfo.Voice;

        public void ProcessLexicon (Uri uri, string type) 
            _lexicons.Add (new LexiconEntry (uri, type)); 

        public void ProcessUnknownElement (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, XmlReader reader) 
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter (sw);
            writer.WriteNode (reader, false); 
            writer.Close ();
            string text = sw.ToString (); 
            AddParseUnknownFragment (voice, ref fragmentState, text);

        public void StartProcessUnknownAttributes (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, string element, List extraAttributes)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); 
            sb.AppendFormat (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<{0}", element);
            foreach (SsmlXmlAttribute attribute in extraAttributes) 
                sb.AppendFormat (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " {0}:{1}=\"{2}\" xmlns:{3}=\"{4}\"", attribute._prefix, attribute._name, attribute._value, attribute._prefix, attribute._ns);
            sb.Append (">");

            AddParseUnknownFragment (voice, ref fragmentState, sb.ToString ());

        public void EndProcessUnknownAttributes (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, string element, List extraAttributes) 
            AddParseUnknownFragment (voice, ref fragmentState, string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "", element));

        #region Prompt Engine

        public void ContainsPexml (string pexmlPrefix) 
        public bool BeginPromptEngineOutput (object voice)
            return AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.BeginPromptEngineOutput, string.Empty); 
        public void EndPromptEngineOutput (object voice) 
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.EndPromptEngineOutput, string.Empty);

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineDatabase (object voice, string fname, string delta, string idset) 
            string name = string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "fname= \"{0}\"", !string.IsNullOrEmpty (fname) ? fname : string.Empty); 
            string param1 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (delta) ? string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} delta= \"{1}\"", name, delta) : name; 
            string param2 = !string.IsNullOrEmpty (idset) ? string.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} idset= \"{1}\"", param1, idset) : param1;
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.PromptEngineDatabase, param2); 
            return true;

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineAudio (object voice, Uri uri) 
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.PromptEngineAudio, uri.ToString ()); 
            return true; 
        public bool ProcessPromptEngineDiv (object voice)
            return true;

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineId (object voice, string id) 
            return AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.PromptEngineId, id);

        public bool BeginPromptEngineTts (object voice)
            return true;
        public void EndPromptEngineTts (object voice)

        public bool BeginPromptEngineWithTag (object voice, string tag) 
            return AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.BeginPromptEngineWithTag, tag); 

        public void EndPromptEngineWithTag (object voice, string tag) 
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.EndPromptEngineWithTag, tag);
        public bool BeginPromptEngineRule (object voice, string name)
            return AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.BeginPromptEngineRule, name); 
        public void EndPromptEngineRule (object voice, string name)
            AddPromptEngineState (voice, TtsEngineAction.EndPromptEngineRule, name);

        public bool BeginPromptEngineOutput (object voice)
            return false;

        public void EndPromptEngineOutput (object voice) 
        public bool ProcessPromptEngineDatabase (object voice, string fname, string delta, string idset)
            return false;

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineDiv (object voice) 
            return false; 

        public bool ProcessPromptEngineId (object voice, string id) 
            return false;
        public bool BeginPromptEngineTts (object voice)
            return false; 
        public void EndPromptEngineTts (object voice)
        public bool BeginPromptEngineWithTag (object voice, string tag)
            return false; 
        public void EndPromptEngineWithTag (object voice, string tag)
        public bool BeginPromptEngineRule (object voice, string name)
            return false; 
        public void EndPromptEngineRule (object voice, string name)
        public void EndElement () 

        public void EndSpeakElement ()

        // Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        public string Ssml 
                return _ssmlText;

        // Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        private TtsEngineAction ActionTextFragment (TtsEngineAction action)
            if (_cTts == 0 && _cPromptOutput > 0 && action == TtsEngineAction.Speak) 
                action = TtsEngineAction.PromptEngineSpeak; 
            return action; 

        private void AddParseUnknownFragment (object voice, ref FragmentState fragmentState, string text)
            TtsEngineAction action = fragmentState.Action;
            fragmentState.Action = TtsEngineAction.ParseUnknownTag; 
            _speakInfo.AddText ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (fragmentState, text)); 
            fragmentState.Action = action;


        bool AddPromptEngineState (object voice, TtsEngineAction action, string s) 
            FragmentState state = new FragmentState (); 
            state.Action = action; 
            state.Prosody = new Prosody ();
            int textLen = string.IsNullOrEmpty (s) ? 0 : s.Length; 
            _speakInfo.AddPexml ((TTSVoice) voice, new TextFragment (state, s));
            return _pexml;

        // Private Fields

        #region Private Fields 
        List _lexicons;
        SpeakInfo _speakInfo; 
        string _ssmlText;
        bool _paragraphStarted = true;
        bool _sentenceStarted = true;
        ResourceLoader _resourceLoader; 

        bool _pexml;
        int _cTts; 
        int _cPromptOutput;


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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