/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / XPath / Internal / FilterQuery.cs / 1 / FilterQuery.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace MS.Internal.Xml.XPath { using System; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml.Xsl; internal sealed class FilterQuery : BaseAxisQuery { private Query cond; private bool noPosition; public FilterQuery(Query qyParent, Query cond, bool noPosition) : base(qyParent) { this.cond = cond; this.noPosition = noPosition; } private FilterQuery(FilterQuery other) : base(other) { this.cond = Clone(other.cond); this.noPosition = other.noPosition; } public override void Reset() { cond.Reset(); base.Reset(); } public Query Condition { get { return cond; } } public override void SetXsltContext(XsltContext input) { base.SetXsltContext(input); cond.SetXsltContext(input); if (cond.StaticType != XPathResultType.Number && cond.StaticType != XPathResultType.Any && noPosition) { // BugBug: We can do such trick at Evaluate time only. // But to do this FilterQuery should stop inherit from BaseAxisQuery ReversePositionQuery query = qyInput as ReversePositionQuery; if (query != null) { qyInput = query.input; } } } public override XPathNavigator Advance() { while ((currentNode = qyInput.Advance()) != null) { if (EvaluatePredicate()) { position++; return currentNode; } } return null; } internal bool EvaluatePredicate() { object value = cond.Evaluate(qyInput); if (value is XPathNodeIterator) return cond.Advance() != null; if (value is string ) return ((string)value).Length != 0; if (value is double ) return (((double)value) == qyInput.CurrentPosition); if (value is bool ) return (bool)value; Debug.Assert(value is XPathNavigator, "Unknown value type"); return true; } public override XPathNavigator MatchNode(XPathNavigator current) { XPathNavigator context; if (current == null) { return null; } context = qyInput.MatchNode(current); if (context != null) { // In this switch we process some special case in wich we can calculate predicate faster then in generic case switch (cond.StaticType) { case XPathResultType.Number: OperandQuery operand = cond as OperandQuery; if (operand != null) { double val = (double)operand.val; ChildrenQuery childrenQuery = qyInput as ChildrenQuery; if (childrenQuery != null) { // foo[2], but not foo[expr][2] XPathNavigator result = current.Clone(); result.MoveToParent(); int i = 0; result.MoveToFirstChild(); do { if (childrenQuery.matches(result)) { i++; if (current.IsSamePosition(result)) { return val == i ? context : null; } } } while (result.MoveToNext()); return null; } AttributeQuery attributeQuery = qyInput as AttributeQuery; if (attributeQuery != null) {// @foo[3], but not @foo[expr][2] XPathNavigator result = current.Clone(); result.MoveToParent(); int i = 0; result.MoveToFirstAttribute(); do { if (attributeQuery.matches(result)) { i++; if (current.IsSamePosition(result)) { return val == i ? context : null; } } } while (result.MoveToNextAttribute()); return null; } } break; case XPathResultType.NodeSet: cond.Evaluate(new XPathSingletonIterator(current, /*moved:*/true)); return (cond.Advance() != null) ? context : null; case XPathResultType.Boolean: if (noPosition) { return ((bool)cond.Evaluate(new XPathSingletonIterator(current, /*moved:*/true))) ? context : null; } break; case XPathResultType.String: if (noPosition) { return (((string)cond.Evaluate(new XPathSingletonIterator(current, /*moved:*/true))).Length != 0) ? context : null; } break; case XPathResultType_Navigator: return context; default: return null; } /* Generic case */ { Evaluate(new XPathSingletonIterator(context, /*moved:*/true)); XPathNavigator result; while ((result = Advance()) != null) { if (result.IsSamePosition(current)) { return context; } } } } return null; } public override QueryProps Properties { get { return QueryProps.Position | (qyInput.Properties & (QueryProps.Merge | QueryProps.Reverse)); } } public override XPathNodeIterator Clone() { return new FilterQuery(this); } public override void PrintQuery(XmlWriter w) { w.WriteStartElement(this.GetType().Name); if (! noPosition ) { w.WriteAttributeString("position", "yes"); } qyInput.PrintQuery(w); cond.PrintQuery(w); w.WriteEndElement(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace MS.Internal.Xml.XPath { using System; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml.Xsl; internal sealed class FilterQuery : BaseAxisQuery { private Query cond; private bool noPosition; public FilterQuery(Query qyParent, Query cond, bool noPosition) : base(qyParent) { this.cond = cond; this.noPosition = noPosition; } private FilterQuery(FilterQuery other) : base(other) { this.cond = Clone(other.cond); this.noPosition = other.noPosition; } public override void Reset() { cond.Reset(); base.Reset(); } public Query Condition { get { return cond; } } public override void SetXsltContext(XsltContext input) { base.SetXsltContext(input); cond.SetXsltContext(input); if (cond.StaticType != XPathResultType.Number && cond.StaticType != XPathResultType.Any && noPosition) { // BugBug: We can do such trick at Evaluate time only. // But to do this FilterQuery should stop inherit from BaseAxisQuery ReversePositionQuery query = qyInput as ReversePositionQuery; if (query != null) { qyInput = query.input; } } } public override XPathNavigator Advance() { while ((currentNode = qyInput.Advance()) != null) { if (EvaluatePredicate()) { position++; return currentNode; } } return null; } internal bool EvaluatePredicate() { object value = cond.Evaluate(qyInput); if (value is XPathNodeIterator) return cond.Advance() != null; if (value is string ) return ((string)value).Length != 0; if (value is double ) return (((double)value) == qyInput.CurrentPosition); if (value is bool ) return (bool)value; Debug.Assert(value is XPathNavigator, "Unknown value type"); return true; } public override XPathNavigator MatchNode(XPathNavigator current) { XPathNavigator context; if (current == null) { return null; } context = qyInput.MatchNode(current); if (context != null) { // In this switch we process some special case in wich we can calculate predicate faster then in generic case switch (cond.StaticType) { case XPathResultType.Number: OperandQuery operand = cond as OperandQuery; if (operand != null) { double val = (double)operand.val; ChildrenQuery childrenQuery = qyInput as ChildrenQuery; if (childrenQuery != null) { // foo[2], but not foo[expr][2] XPathNavigator result = current.Clone(); result.MoveToParent(); int i = 0; result.MoveToFirstChild(); do { if (childrenQuery.matches(result)) { i++; if (current.IsSamePosition(result)) { return val == i ? context : null; } } } while (result.MoveToNext()); return null; } AttributeQuery attributeQuery = qyInput as AttributeQuery; if (attributeQuery != null) {// @foo[3], but not @foo[expr][2] XPathNavigator result = current.Clone(); result.MoveToParent(); int i = 0; result.MoveToFirstAttribute(); do { if (attributeQuery.matches(result)) { i++; if (current.IsSamePosition(result)) { return val == i ? context : null; } } } while (result.MoveToNextAttribute()); return null; } } break; case XPathResultType.NodeSet: cond.Evaluate(new XPathSingletonIterator(current, /*moved:*/true)); return (cond.Advance() != null) ? context : null; case XPathResultType.Boolean: if (noPosition) { return ((bool)cond.Evaluate(new XPathSingletonIterator(current, /*moved:*/true))) ? context : null; } break; case XPathResultType.String: if (noPosition) { return (((string)cond.Evaluate(new XPathSingletonIterator(current, /*moved:*/true))).Length != 0) ? context : null; } break; case XPathResultType_Navigator: return context; default: return null; } /* Generic case */ { Evaluate(new XPathSingletonIterator(context, /*moved:*/true)); XPathNavigator result; while ((result = Advance()) != null) { if (result.IsSamePosition(current)) { return context; } } } } return null; } public override QueryProps Properties { get { return QueryProps.Position | (qyInput.Properties & (QueryProps.Merge | QueryProps.Reverse)); } } public override XPathNodeIterator Clone() { return new FilterQuery(this); } public override void PrintQuery(XmlWriter w) { w.WriteStartElement(this.GetType().Name); if (! noPosition ) { w.WriteAttributeString("position", "yes"); } qyInput.PrintQuery(w); cond.PrintQuery(w); w.WriteEndElement(); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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