ValueHandle.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / WCF / Serialization / System / Xml / ValueHandle.cs / 1305376 / ValueHandle.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Xml 
    using System.Runtime; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
    using System.Text;
    enum ValueHandleConstStringType
        String  = 0,
        Number  = 1, 
        Array   = 2,
        Object  = 3, 
        Boolean = 4, 
        Null    = 5,

    static class ValueHandleLength
        public const int Int8 = 1; 
        public const int Int16 = 2;
        public const int Int32 = 4; 
        public const int Int64 = 8; 
        public const int UInt64 = 8;
        public const int Single = 4; 
        public const int Double = 8;
        public const int Decimal = 16;
        public const int DateTime = 8;
        public const int TimeSpan = 8; 
        public const int Guid = 16;
        public const int UniqueId = 16; 

    enum ValueHandleType 

    class ValueHandle
        XmlBufferReader bufferReader;
        ValueHandleType type; 
        int offset; 
        int length;
        static Base64Encoding base64Encoding; 

        static string[] constStrings = {

        public ValueHandle(XmlBufferReader bufferReader)
            this.bufferReader = bufferReader;
            this.type = ValueHandleType.Empty; 

        static Base64Encoding Base64Encoding 
                if (base64Encoding == null) 
                    base64Encoding = new Base64Encoding();
                return base64Encoding; 
        public void SetConstantValue(ValueHandleConstStringType constStringType)
            type = ValueHandleType.ConstString;
            offset = (int) constStringType; 
        public void SetValue(ValueHandleType type) 
            this.type = type; 

        public void SetDictionaryValue(int key)
            SetValue(ValueHandleType.Dictionary, key, 0);
        public void SetCharValue(int ch)
            SetValue(ValueHandleType.Char, ch, 0);

        public void SetQNameValue(int prefix, int key) 
            SetValue(ValueHandleType.QName, key, prefix); 

        public void SetValue(ValueHandleType type, int offset, int length) 
            this.type = type;
            this.offset = offset;
            this.length = length; 
        public bool IsWhitespace() 
            switch (this.type) 
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8:
                    return bufferReader.IsWhitespaceUTF8(this.offset, this.length);
                case ValueHandleType.Dictionary:
                    return bufferReader.IsWhitespaceKey(this.offset); 
                case ValueHandleType.Char:
                    int ch = GetChar(); 
                    if (ch > char.MaxValue)
                        return false;
                    return XmlConverter.IsWhitespace((char) ch);
                case ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8:
                    return bufferReader.IsWhitespaceUTF8(this.offset, this.length); 
                case ValueHandleType.Unicode:
                    return bufferReader.IsWhitespaceUnicode(this.offset, this.length); 

                case ValueHandleType.True:
                case ValueHandleType.False:
                case ValueHandleType.Zero: 
                case ValueHandleType.One:
                    return false; 
                case ValueHandleType.ConstString:
                    return constStrings[offset].Length == 0; 

                    return this.length == 0;
        public Type ToType() 
            switch (type) 
                case ValueHandleType.False:
                case ValueHandleType.True:
                    return typeof(bool); 
                case ValueHandleType.Zero:
                case ValueHandleType.One: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int8: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int16:
                case ValueHandleType.Int32: 
                    return typeof(int);
                case ValueHandleType.Int64:
                    return typeof(long);
                case ValueHandleType.UInt64: 
                    return typeof(ulong);
                case ValueHandleType.Single: 
                    return typeof(float); 
                case ValueHandleType.Double:
                    return typeof(double); 
                case ValueHandleType.Decimal:
                    return typeof(decimal);
                case ValueHandleType.DateTime:
                    return typeof(DateTime); 
                case ValueHandleType.Empty:
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8: 
                case ValueHandleType.Unicode: 
                case ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8:
                case ValueHandleType.Dictionary: 
                case ValueHandleType.Char:
                case ValueHandleType.QName:
                case ValueHandleType.ConstString:
                    return typeof(string); 
                case ValueHandleType.Base64:
                    return typeof(byte[]); 
                case ValueHandleType.List: 
                    return typeof(object[]);
                case ValueHandleType.UniqueId: 
                    return typeof(UniqueId);
                case ValueHandleType.Guid:
                    return typeof(Guid);
                case ValueHandleType.TimeSpan: 
                    return typeof(TimeSpan);
                    throw System.Runtime.Serialization.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException()); 

        public Boolean ToBoolean()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.False)
                return false; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.True) 
                return true;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToBoolean(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8)
                int value = GetInt8(); 
                if (value == 0)
                    return false; 
                if (value == 1) 
                    return true;
            return XmlConverter.ToBoolean(GetString());

        public int ToInt() 
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero) 
                return 0;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One) 
                return 1;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8)
                return GetInt8();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int16) 
                return GetInt16();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int32) 
                return GetInt32(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int64)
                long value = GetInt64();
                if (value >= int.MinValue && value <= int.MaxValue)
                    return (int)value; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UInt64) 
                ulong value = GetUInt64(); 
                if (value <= int.MaxValue)
                    return (int)value;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToInt32(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToInt32(GetString());

        public long ToLong()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero)
                return 0; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One) 
                return 1;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8) 
                return GetInt8();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int16)
                return GetInt16();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int32) 
                return GetInt32();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int64) 
                return GetInt64(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UInt64)
                ulong value = GetUInt64();
                if (value <= long.MaxValue)
                    return (long)value; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToInt64(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToInt64(GetString());
        public ulong ToULong()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero)
                return 0; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One)
                return 1;
            if (type >= ValueHandleType.Int8 && type <= ValueHandleType.Int64)
                long value = ToLong();
                if (value >= 0) 
                    return (ulong)value; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UInt64) 
                return GetUInt64();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToUInt64(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            return XmlConverter.ToUInt64(GetString()); 
        public Single ToSingle() 
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Single)
                return GetSingle();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Double)
                double value = GetDouble();
                if ((value >= Single.MinValue && value <= Single.MaxValue) || double.IsInfinity(value) || double.IsNaN(value)) 
                    return (Single)value; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero) 
                return 0;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One)
                return 1;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8) 
                return GetInt8();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int16) 
                return GetInt16(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToSingle(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToSingle(GetString());

        public Double ToDouble() 
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Double) 
                return GetDouble();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Single) 
                return GetSingle();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero)
                return 0;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One) 
                return 1;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8) 
                return GetInt8(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int16)
                return GetInt16(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int32)
                return GetInt32();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToDouble(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToDouble(GetString());
        public Decimal ToDecimal()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Decimal)
                return GetDecimal();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero) 
                return 0;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One) 
                return 1; 
            if (type >= ValueHandleType.Int8 && type <= ValueHandleType.Int64)
                return ToLong(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UInt64)
                return GetUInt64();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToDecimal(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToDecimal(GetString());
        public DateTime ToDateTime()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.DateTime)
                return XmlConverter.ToDateTime(GetInt64());
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToDateTime(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToDateTime(GetString()); 

        public UniqueId ToUniqueId()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UniqueId)
                return GetUniqueId(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToUniqueId(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            return XmlConverter.ToUniqueId(GetString()); 

        public TimeSpan ToTimeSpan()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.TimeSpan)
                return new TimeSpan(GetInt64()); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToTimeSpan(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            return XmlConverter.ToTimeSpan(GetString()); 

        public Guid ToGuid()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Guid)
                return GetGuid(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToGuid(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            return XmlConverter.ToGuid(GetString()); 

        public override string ToString()
            return GetString();
        public byte[] ToByteArray()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Base64)
                byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
                GetBase64(buffer, 0, length); 
                return buffer;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8 && (length % 4) == 0) 
                    int expectedLength = length / 4 * 3;
                    if (length > 0)
                        if (bufferReader.Buffer[offset + length - 1] == '=')
                            if (bufferReader.Buffer[offset + length - 2] == '=')
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[expectedLength];
                    int actualLength = Base64Encoding.GetBytes(bufferReader.Buffer, this.offset, this.length, buffer, 0); 
                    if (actualLength != buffer.Length)
                        byte[] newBuffer = new byte[actualLength]; 
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, actualLength);
                        buffer = newBuffer; 
                    return buffer;
                catch (FormatException) 
                    // Something unhappy with the characters, fall back to the hard way 
                return Base64Encoding.GetBytes(XmlConverter.StripWhitespace(GetString()));
            catch (FormatException exception) 
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new XmlException(exception.Message, exception.InnerException)); 
        public string GetString()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return GetCharsText();
            switch (type) 
                case ValueHandleType.False: 
                    return "false";
                case ValueHandleType.True:
                    return "true";
                case ValueHandleType.Zero: 
                    return "0";
                case ValueHandleType.One: 
                    return "1"; 
                case ValueHandleType.Int8:
                case ValueHandleType.Int16: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int32:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToInt());
                case ValueHandleType.Int64:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetInt64()); 
                case ValueHandleType.UInt64:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetUInt64()); 
                case ValueHandleType.Single: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetSingle());
                case ValueHandleType.Double: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetDouble());
                case ValueHandleType.Decimal:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetDecimal());
                case ValueHandleType.DateTime: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToDateTime());
                case ValueHandleType.Empty: 
                    return string.Empty; 
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8:
                    return GetCharsText(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Unicode:
                    return GetUnicodeCharsText();
                case ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8:
                    return GetEscapedCharsText(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Char:
                    return GetCharText(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Dictionary: 
                    return GetDictionaryString().Value;
                case ValueHandleType.Base64: 
                    return Base64Encoding.GetString(ToByteArray());
                case ValueHandleType.List:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToList());
                case ValueHandleType.UniqueId: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToUniqueId());
                case ValueHandleType.Guid: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToGuid()); 
                case ValueHandleType.TimeSpan:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToTimeSpan()); 
                case ValueHandleType.QName:
                    return GetQNameDictionaryText();
                case ValueHandleType.ConstString:
                    return constStrings[offset]; 
                    throw System.Runtime.Serialization.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException()); 
        // ASSUMPTION ([....]): all chars in str will be ASCII
        public bool Equals2(string str, bool checkLower)
            if (this.type != ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return GetString() == str;
            if (this.length != str.Length) 
                return false;
            byte[] buffer = bufferReader.Buffer;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.length; ++i)
                Fx.Assert(str[i] < 128, ""); 
                byte ch = buffer[i+this.offset];
                if (ch == str[i]) 

                if (checkLower && char.ToLowerInvariant((char)ch) == str[i]) 

                return false;

            return true; 

        public void Sign(XmlSigningNodeWriter writer) 
            switch (type)
                case ValueHandleType.Int8: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int16:
                case ValueHandleType.Int32: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int64: 
                case ValueHandleType.UInt64:
                case ValueHandleType.Single: 
                case ValueHandleType.Double: 
                case ValueHandleType.Decimal:
                case ValueHandleType.DateTime: 
                case ValueHandleType.Empty: 
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8:
                    writer.WriteEscapedText(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
                case ValueHandleType.Base64:
                    writer.WriteBase64Text(bufferReader.Buffer, 0, bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
                case ValueHandleType.UniqueId:
                case ValueHandleType.Guid:
                case ValueHandleType.TimeSpan:
        public object[] ToList()
            return bufferReader.GetList(offset, length); 
        public object ToObject()
            switch (type)
                case ValueHandleType.False:
                case ValueHandleType.True: 
                    return ToBoolean(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Zero:
                case ValueHandleType.One: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int8:
                case ValueHandleType.Int16:
                case ValueHandleType.Int32:
                    return ToInt(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Int64:
                    return ToLong(); 
                case ValueHandleType.UInt64: 
                    return GetUInt64();
                case ValueHandleType.Single: 
                    return ToSingle();
                case ValueHandleType.Double:
                    return ToDouble();
                case ValueHandleType.Decimal: 
                    return ToDecimal();
                case ValueHandleType.DateTime: 
                    return ToDateTime(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Empty:
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8: 
                case ValueHandleType.Unicode:
                case ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8:
                case ValueHandleType.Dictionary:
                case ValueHandleType.Char: 
                case ValueHandleType.ConstString:
                    return ToString(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Base64: 
                    return ToByteArray();
                case ValueHandleType.List: 
                    return ToList();
                case ValueHandleType.UniqueId:
                    return ToUniqueId();
                case ValueHandleType.Guid: 
                    return ToGuid();
                case ValueHandleType.TimeSpan: 
                    return ToTimeSpan(); 
                    throw System.Runtime.Serialization.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException()); 

        public bool TryReadBase64(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, out int actual) 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Base64) 
                actual = Math.Min(this.length, count);
                GetBase64(buffer, offset, actual); 
                this.offset += actual;
                this.length -= actual;
                return true;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8 && count >= 3 && (this.length % 4) == 0)
                    int charCount = Math.Min(count / 3 * 4, this.length); 
                    actual = Base64Encoding.GetBytes(bufferReader.Buffer, this.offset, charCount, buffer, offset);
                    this.offset += charCount;
                    this.length -= charCount;
                    return true; 
                catch (FormatException) 
                    // Something unhappy with the characters, fall back to the hard way
            actual = 0;
            return false;

        public bool TryReadChars(char[] chars, int offset, int count, out int actual) 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Unicode)
                return TryReadUnicodeChars(chars, offset, count, out actual); 

            if (type != ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                actual = 0; 
                return false;
            int charOffset = offset;
            int charCount = count; 
            byte[] bytes = bufferReader.Buffer;
            int byteOffset = this.offset;
            int byteCount = this.length;
            while (true)
                while (charCount > 0 && byteCount > 0) 
                    byte b = bytes[byteOffset]; 
                    if (b >= 0x80)
                    chars[charOffset] = (char)b;
                if (charCount == 0 || byteCount == 0)

                int actualByteCount; 
                int actualCharCount;
                UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true); 
                    // If we're asking for more than are possibly available, or more than are truly available then we can return the entire thing
                    if (charCount >= encoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) || charCount >= encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount))
                        actualCharCount = encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount, chars, charOffset); 
                        actualByteCount = byteCount;
                        Decoder decoder = encoding.GetDecoder(); 

                        // Since x bytes can never generate more than x characters this is a safe estimate as to what will fit
                        actualByteCount = Math.Min(charCount, byteCount);
                        // We use a decoder so we don't error if we fall across a character boundary
                        actualCharCount = decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset, actualByteCount, chars, charOffset); 
                        // We might've gotten zero characters though if < 3 chars were requested
                        // (e.g. 1 char requested, 1 char in the buffer represented in 3 bytes) 
                        while (actualCharCount == 0)
                            // Request a few more bytes to get at least one character
                            actualCharCount = decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset + actualByteCount, 1, chars, charOffset); 
                        // Now that we actually retrieved some characters, figure out how many bytes it actually was
                        actualByteCount = encoding.GetByteCount(chars, charOffset, actualCharCount); 
                catch (FormatException exception)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(XmlExceptionHelper.CreateEncodingException(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount, exception));
                // Advance
                byteOffset += actualByteCount; 
                byteCount -= actualByteCount;

                charOffset += actualCharCount;
                charCount -= actualCharCount; 
            this.offset = byteOffset; 
            this.length = byteCount;
            actual = (count - charCount);
            return true;
        bool TryReadUnicodeChars(char[] chars, int offset, int count, out int actual)
            int charCount = Math.Min(count, this.length / sizeof(char)); 
            for (int i = 0; i < charCount; i++)
                chars[offset + i] = (char)bufferReader.GetInt16(this.offset + i * sizeof(char));
            this.offset += charCount * sizeof(char);
            this.length -= charCount * sizeof(char); 
            actual = charCount;
            return true; 

        public bool TryGetDictionaryString(out XmlDictionaryString value) 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Dictionary)
                value = GetDictionaryString(); 
                return true;
                value = null; 
                return false;
        public bool TryGetByteArrayLength(out int length)
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Base64) 
                length = this.length; 
                return true;
            length = 0;
            return false; 
        string GetCharsText() 
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.UTF8, ""); 
            if (length == 1 && bufferReader.GetByte(offset) == '1')
                return "1";
            return bufferReader.GetString(offset, length);

        string GetUnicodeCharsText() 
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Unicode, "");
            return bufferReader.GetUnicodeString(offset, length); 

        string GetEscapedCharsText()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8, "");
            return bufferReader.GetEscapedString(offset, length); 

        string GetCharText() 
            int ch = GetChar();
            if (ch > char.MaxValue)
                SurrogateChar surrogate = new SurrogateChar(ch);
                char[] chars = new char[2]; 
                chars[0] = surrogate.HighChar; 
                chars[1] = surrogate.LowChar;
                return new string(chars, 0, 2); 
        int GetChar()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Char, "");
            return offset;
        int GetInt8()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Int8, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetInt8(offset);

        int GetInt16()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Int16, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetInt16(offset);
        int GetInt32()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Int32, "");
            return bufferReader.GetInt32(offset);
        long GetInt64()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Int64 || type == ValueHandleType.TimeSpan || type == ValueHandleType.DateTime, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetInt64(offset);

        ulong GetUInt64()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.UInt64, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetUInt64(offset);
        float GetSingle()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Single, "");
            return bufferReader.GetSingle(offset);
        double GetDouble()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Double, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetDouble(offset);

        decimal GetDecimal()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Decimal, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetDecimal(offset);
        UniqueId GetUniqueId()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.UniqueId, "");
            return bufferReader.GetUniqueId(offset);
        Guid GetGuid()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Guid, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetGuid(offset);

        void GetBase64(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Base64, ""); 
            bufferReader.GetBase64(this.offset, buffer, offset, count);
        XmlDictionaryString GetDictionaryString()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Dictionary, "");
            return bufferReader.GetDictionaryString(offset);
        string GetQNameDictionaryText()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.QName, ""); 
            return string.Concat(PrefixHandle.GetString(PrefixHandle.GetAlphaPrefix(length)), ":", bufferReader.GetDictionaryString(offset));

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Xml 
    using System.Runtime; 
    using System.Runtime.Serialization; 
    using System.Text;
    enum ValueHandleConstStringType
        String  = 0,
        Number  = 1, 
        Array   = 2,
        Object  = 3, 
        Boolean = 4, 
        Null    = 5,

    static class ValueHandleLength
        public const int Int8 = 1; 
        public const int Int16 = 2;
        public const int Int32 = 4; 
        public const int Int64 = 8; 
        public const int UInt64 = 8;
        public const int Single = 4; 
        public const int Double = 8;
        public const int Decimal = 16;
        public const int DateTime = 8;
        public const int TimeSpan = 8; 
        public const int Guid = 16;
        public const int UniqueId = 16; 

    enum ValueHandleType 

    class ValueHandle
        XmlBufferReader bufferReader;
        ValueHandleType type; 
        int offset; 
        int length;
        static Base64Encoding base64Encoding; 

        static string[] constStrings = {

        public ValueHandle(XmlBufferReader bufferReader)
            this.bufferReader = bufferReader;
            this.type = ValueHandleType.Empty; 

        static Base64Encoding Base64Encoding 
                if (base64Encoding == null) 
                    base64Encoding = new Base64Encoding();
                return base64Encoding; 
        public void SetConstantValue(ValueHandleConstStringType constStringType)
            type = ValueHandleType.ConstString;
            offset = (int) constStringType; 
        public void SetValue(ValueHandleType type) 
            this.type = type; 

        public void SetDictionaryValue(int key)
            SetValue(ValueHandleType.Dictionary, key, 0);
        public void SetCharValue(int ch)
            SetValue(ValueHandleType.Char, ch, 0);

        public void SetQNameValue(int prefix, int key) 
            SetValue(ValueHandleType.QName, key, prefix); 

        public void SetValue(ValueHandleType type, int offset, int length) 
            this.type = type;
            this.offset = offset;
            this.length = length; 
        public bool IsWhitespace() 
            switch (this.type) 
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8:
                    return bufferReader.IsWhitespaceUTF8(this.offset, this.length);
                case ValueHandleType.Dictionary:
                    return bufferReader.IsWhitespaceKey(this.offset); 
                case ValueHandleType.Char:
                    int ch = GetChar(); 
                    if (ch > char.MaxValue)
                        return false;
                    return XmlConverter.IsWhitespace((char) ch);
                case ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8:
                    return bufferReader.IsWhitespaceUTF8(this.offset, this.length); 
                case ValueHandleType.Unicode:
                    return bufferReader.IsWhitespaceUnicode(this.offset, this.length); 

                case ValueHandleType.True:
                case ValueHandleType.False:
                case ValueHandleType.Zero: 
                case ValueHandleType.One:
                    return false; 
                case ValueHandleType.ConstString:
                    return constStrings[offset].Length == 0; 

                    return this.length == 0;
        public Type ToType() 
            switch (type) 
                case ValueHandleType.False:
                case ValueHandleType.True:
                    return typeof(bool); 
                case ValueHandleType.Zero:
                case ValueHandleType.One: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int8: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int16:
                case ValueHandleType.Int32: 
                    return typeof(int);
                case ValueHandleType.Int64:
                    return typeof(long);
                case ValueHandleType.UInt64: 
                    return typeof(ulong);
                case ValueHandleType.Single: 
                    return typeof(float); 
                case ValueHandleType.Double:
                    return typeof(double); 
                case ValueHandleType.Decimal:
                    return typeof(decimal);
                case ValueHandleType.DateTime:
                    return typeof(DateTime); 
                case ValueHandleType.Empty:
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8: 
                case ValueHandleType.Unicode: 
                case ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8:
                case ValueHandleType.Dictionary: 
                case ValueHandleType.Char:
                case ValueHandleType.QName:
                case ValueHandleType.ConstString:
                    return typeof(string); 
                case ValueHandleType.Base64:
                    return typeof(byte[]); 
                case ValueHandleType.List: 
                    return typeof(object[]);
                case ValueHandleType.UniqueId: 
                    return typeof(UniqueId);
                case ValueHandleType.Guid:
                    return typeof(Guid);
                case ValueHandleType.TimeSpan: 
                    return typeof(TimeSpan);
                    throw System.Runtime.Serialization.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException()); 

        public Boolean ToBoolean()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.False)
                return false; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.True) 
                return true;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToBoolean(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8)
                int value = GetInt8(); 
                if (value == 0)
                    return false; 
                if (value == 1) 
                    return true;
            return XmlConverter.ToBoolean(GetString());

        public int ToInt() 
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero) 
                return 0;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One) 
                return 1;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8)
                return GetInt8();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int16) 
                return GetInt16();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int32) 
                return GetInt32(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int64)
                long value = GetInt64();
                if (value >= int.MinValue && value <= int.MaxValue)
                    return (int)value; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UInt64) 
                ulong value = GetUInt64(); 
                if (value <= int.MaxValue)
                    return (int)value;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToInt32(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToInt32(GetString());

        public long ToLong()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero)
                return 0; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One) 
                return 1;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8) 
                return GetInt8();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int16)
                return GetInt16();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int32) 
                return GetInt32();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int64) 
                return GetInt64(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UInt64)
                ulong value = GetUInt64();
                if (value <= long.MaxValue)
                    return (long)value; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToInt64(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToInt64(GetString());
        public ulong ToULong()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero)
                return 0; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One)
                return 1;
            if (type >= ValueHandleType.Int8 && type <= ValueHandleType.Int64)
                long value = ToLong();
                if (value >= 0) 
                    return (ulong)value; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UInt64) 
                return GetUInt64();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToUInt64(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            return XmlConverter.ToUInt64(GetString()); 
        public Single ToSingle() 
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Single)
                return GetSingle();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Double)
                double value = GetDouble();
                if ((value >= Single.MinValue && value <= Single.MaxValue) || double.IsInfinity(value) || double.IsNaN(value)) 
                    return (Single)value; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero) 
                return 0;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One)
                return 1;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8) 
                return GetInt8();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int16) 
                return GetInt16(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToSingle(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToSingle(GetString());

        public Double ToDouble() 
            ValueHandleType type = this.type; 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Double) 
                return GetDouble();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Single) 
                return GetSingle();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero)
                return 0;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One) 
                return 1;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int8) 
                return GetInt8(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int16)
                return GetInt16(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Int32)
                return GetInt32();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToDouble(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToDouble(GetString());
        public Decimal ToDecimal()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Decimal)
                return GetDecimal();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Zero) 
                return 0;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.One) 
                return 1; 
            if (type >= ValueHandleType.Int8 && type <= ValueHandleType.Int64)
                return ToLong(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UInt64)
                return GetUInt64();
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToDecimal(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToDecimal(GetString());
        public DateTime ToDateTime()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.DateTime)
                return XmlConverter.ToDateTime(GetInt64());
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                return XmlConverter.ToDateTime(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
            return XmlConverter.ToDateTime(GetString()); 

        public UniqueId ToUniqueId()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UniqueId)
                return GetUniqueId(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToUniqueId(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            return XmlConverter.ToUniqueId(GetString()); 

        public TimeSpan ToTimeSpan()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.TimeSpan)
                return new TimeSpan(GetInt64()); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToTimeSpan(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            return XmlConverter.ToTimeSpan(GetString()); 

        public Guid ToGuid()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Guid)
                return GetGuid(); 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return XmlConverter.ToGuid(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
            return XmlConverter.ToGuid(GetString()); 

        public override string ToString()
            return GetString();
        public byte[] ToByteArray()
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Base64)
                byte[] buffer = new byte[length];
                GetBase64(buffer, 0, length); 
                return buffer;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8 && (length % 4) == 0) 
                    int expectedLength = length / 4 * 3;
                    if (length > 0)
                        if (bufferReader.Buffer[offset + length - 1] == '=')
                            if (bufferReader.Buffer[offset + length - 2] == '=')
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[expectedLength];
                    int actualLength = Base64Encoding.GetBytes(bufferReader.Buffer, this.offset, this.length, buffer, 0); 
                    if (actualLength != buffer.Length)
                        byte[] newBuffer = new byte[actualLength]; 
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, actualLength);
                        buffer = newBuffer; 
                    return buffer;
                catch (FormatException) 
                    // Something unhappy with the characters, fall back to the hard way 
                return Base64Encoding.GetBytes(XmlConverter.StripWhitespace(GetString()));
            catch (FormatException exception) 
                throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new XmlException(exception.Message, exception.InnerException)); 
        public string GetString()
            ValueHandleType type = this.type;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return GetCharsText();
            switch (type) 
                case ValueHandleType.False: 
                    return "false";
                case ValueHandleType.True:
                    return "true";
                case ValueHandleType.Zero: 
                    return "0";
                case ValueHandleType.One: 
                    return "1"; 
                case ValueHandleType.Int8:
                case ValueHandleType.Int16: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int32:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToInt());
                case ValueHandleType.Int64:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetInt64()); 
                case ValueHandleType.UInt64:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetUInt64()); 
                case ValueHandleType.Single: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetSingle());
                case ValueHandleType.Double: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetDouble());
                case ValueHandleType.Decimal:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(GetDecimal());
                case ValueHandleType.DateTime: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToDateTime());
                case ValueHandleType.Empty: 
                    return string.Empty; 
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8:
                    return GetCharsText(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Unicode:
                    return GetUnicodeCharsText();
                case ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8:
                    return GetEscapedCharsText(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Char:
                    return GetCharText(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Dictionary: 
                    return GetDictionaryString().Value;
                case ValueHandleType.Base64: 
                    return Base64Encoding.GetString(ToByteArray());
                case ValueHandleType.List:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToList());
                case ValueHandleType.UniqueId: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToUniqueId());
                case ValueHandleType.Guid: 
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToGuid()); 
                case ValueHandleType.TimeSpan:
                    return XmlConverter.ToString(ToTimeSpan()); 
                case ValueHandleType.QName:
                    return GetQNameDictionaryText();
                case ValueHandleType.ConstString:
                    return constStrings[offset]; 
                    throw System.Runtime.Serialization.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException()); 
        // ASSUMPTION ([....]): all chars in str will be ASCII
        public bool Equals2(string str, bool checkLower)
            if (this.type != ValueHandleType.UTF8) 
                return GetString() == str;
            if (this.length != str.Length) 
                return false;
            byte[] buffer = bufferReader.Buffer;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.length; ++i)
                Fx.Assert(str[i] < 128, ""); 
                byte ch = buffer[i+this.offset];
                if (ch == str[i]) 

                if (checkLower && char.ToLowerInvariant((char)ch) == str[i]) 

                return false;

            return true; 

        public void Sign(XmlSigningNodeWriter writer) 
            switch (type)
                case ValueHandleType.Int8: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int16:
                case ValueHandleType.Int32: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int64: 
                case ValueHandleType.UInt64:
                case ValueHandleType.Single: 
                case ValueHandleType.Double: 
                case ValueHandleType.Decimal:
                case ValueHandleType.DateTime: 
                case ValueHandleType.Empty: 
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8:
                    writer.WriteEscapedText(bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length);
                case ValueHandleType.Base64:
                    writer.WriteBase64Text(bufferReader.Buffer, 0, bufferReader.Buffer, offset, length); 
                case ValueHandleType.UniqueId:
                case ValueHandleType.Guid:
                case ValueHandleType.TimeSpan:
        public object[] ToList()
            return bufferReader.GetList(offset, length); 
        public object ToObject()
            switch (type)
                case ValueHandleType.False:
                case ValueHandleType.True: 
                    return ToBoolean(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Zero:
                case ValueHandleType.One: 
                case ValueHandleType.Int8:
                case ValueHandleType.Int16:
                case ValueHandleType.Int32:
                    return ToInt(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Int64:
                    return ToLong(); 
                case ValueHandleType.UInt64: 
                    return GetUInt64();
                case ValueHandleType.Single: 
                    return ToSingle();
                case ValueHandleType.Double:
                    return ToDouble();
                case ValueHandleType.Decimal: 
                    return ToDecimal();
                case ValueHandleType.DateTime: 
                    return ToDateTime(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Empty:
                case ValueHandleType.UTF8: 
                case ValueHandleType.Unicode:
                case ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8:
                case ValueHandleType.Dictionary:
                case ValueHandleType.Char: 
                case ValueHandleType.ConstString:
                    return ToString(); 
                case ValueHandleType.Base64: 
                    return ToByteArray();
                case ValueHandleType.List: 
                    return ToList();
                case ValueHandleType.UniqueId:
                    return ToUniqueId();
                case ValueHandleType.Guid: 
                    return ToGuid();
                case ValueHandleType.TimeSpan: 
                    return ToTimeSpan(); 
                    throw System.Runtime.Serialization.DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(new InvalidOperationException()); 

        public bool TryReadBase64(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, out int actual) 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Base64) 
                actual = Math.Min(this.length, count);
                GetBase64(buffer, offset, actual); 
                this.offset += actual;
                this.length -= actual;
                return true;
            if (type == ValueHandleType.UTF8 && count >= 3 && (this.length % 4) == 0)
                    int charCount = Math.Min(count / 3 * 4, this.length); 
                    actual = Base64Encoding.GetBytes(bufferReader.Buffer, this.offset, charCount, buffer, offset);
                    this.offset += charCount;
                    this.length -= charCount;
                    return true; 
                catch (FormatException) 
                    // Something unhappy with the characters, fall back to the hard way
            actual = 0;
            return false;

        public bool TryReadChars(char[] chars, int offset, int count, out int actual) 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Unicode)
                return TryReadUnicodeChars(chars, offset, count, out actual); 

            if (type != ValueHandleType.UTF8)
                actual = 0; 
                return false;
            int charOffset = offset;
            int charCount = count; 
            byte[] bytes = bufferReader.Buffer;
            int byteOffset = this.offset;
            int byteCount = this.length;
            while (true)
                while (charCount > 0 && byteCount > 0) 
                    byte b = bytes[byteOffset]; 
                    if (b >= 0x80)
                    chars[charOffset] = (char)b;
                if (charCount == 0 || byteCount == 0)

                int actualByteCount; 
                int actualCharCount;
                UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true); 
                    // If we're asking for more than are possibly available, or more than are truly available then we can return the entire thing
                    if (charCount >= encoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) || charCount >= encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount))
                        actualCharCount = encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount, chars, charOffset); 
                        actualByteCount = byteCount;
                        Decoder decoder = encoding.GetDecoder(); 

                        // Since x bytes can never generate more than x characters this is a safe estimate as to what will fit
                        actualByteCount = Math.Min(charCount, byteCount);
                        // We use a decoder so we don't error if we fall across a character boundary
                        actualCharCount = decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset, actualByteCount, chars, charOffset); 
                        // We might've gotten zero characters though if < 3 chars were requested
                        // (e.g. 1 char requested, 1 char in the buffer represented in 3 bytes) 
                        while (actualCharCount == 0)
                            // Request a few more bytes to get at least one character
                            actualCharCount = decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteOffset + actualByteCount, 1, chars, charOffset); 
                        // Now that we actually retrieved some characters, figure out how many bytes it actually was
                        actualByteCount = encoding.GetByteCount(chars, charOffset, actualCharCount); 
                catch (FormatException exception)
                    throw DiagnosticUtility.ExceptionUtility.ThrowHelperError(XmlExceptionHelper.CreateEncodingException(bytes, byteOffset, byteCount, exception));
                // Advance
                byteOffset += actualByteCount; 
                byteCount -= actualByteCount;

                charOffset += actualCharCount;
                charCount -= actualCharCount; 
            this.offset = byteOffset; 
            this.length = byteCount;
            actual = (count - charCount);
            return true;
        bool TryReadUnicodeChars(char[] chars, int offset, int count, out int actual)
            int charCount = Math.Min(count, this.length / sizeof(char)); 
            for (int i = 0; i < charCount; i++)
                chars[offset + i] = (char)bufferReader.GetInt16(this.offset + i * sizeof(char));
            this.offset += charCount * sizeof(char);
            this.length -= charCount * sizeof(char); 
            actual = charCount;
            return true; 

        public bool TryGetDictionaryString(out XmlDictionaryString value) 
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Dictionary)
                value = GetDictionaryString(); 
                return true;
                value = null; 
                return false;
        public bool TryGetByteArrayLength(out int length)
            if (type == ValueHandleType.Base64) 
                length = this.length; 
                return true;
            length = 0;
            return false; 
        string GetCharsText() 
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.UTF8, ""); 
            if (length == 1 && bufferReader.GetByte(offset) == '1')
                return "1";
            return bufferReader.GetString(offset, length);

        string GetUnicodeCharsText() 
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Unicode, "");
            return bufferReader.GetUnicodeString(offset, length); 

        string GetEscapedCharsText()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.EscapedUTF8, "");
            return bufferReader.GetEscapedString(offset, length); 

        string GetCharText() 
            int ch = GetChar();
            if (ch > char.MaxValue)
                SurrogateChar surrogate = new SurrogateChar(ch);
                char[] chars = new char[2]; 
                chars[0] = surrogate.HighChar; 
                chars[1] = surrogate.LowChar;
                return new string(chars, 0, 2); 
        int GetChar()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Char, "");
            return offset;
        int GetInt8()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Int8, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetInt8(offset);

        int GetInt16()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Int16, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetInt16(offset);
        int GetInt32()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Int32, "");
            return bufferReader.GetInt32(offset);
        long GetInt64()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Int64 || type == ValueHandleType.TimeSpan || type == ValueHandleType.DateTime, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetInt64(offset);

        ulong GetUInt64()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.UInt64, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetUInt64(offset);
        float GetSingle()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Single, "");
            return bufferReader.GetSingle(offset);
        double GetDouble()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Double, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetDouble(offset);

        decimal GetDecimal()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Decimal, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetDecimal(offset);
        UniqueId GetUniqueId()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.UniqueId, "");
            return bufferReader.GetUniqueId(offset);
        Guid GetGuid()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Guid, ""); 
            return bufferReader.GetGuid(offset);

        void GetBase64(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Base64, ""); 
            bufferReader.GetBase64(this.offset, buffer, offset, count);
        XmlDictionaryString GetDictionaryString()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.Dictionary, "");
            return bufferReader.GetDictionaryString(offset);
        string GetQNameDictionaryText()
            Fx.Assert(type == ValueHandleType.QName, ""); 
            return string.Concat(PrefixHandle.GetString(PrefixHandle.GetAlphaPrefix(length)), ":", bufferReader.GetDictionaryString(offset));

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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