ToolStripManager.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / ToolStripManager.cs / 1 / ToolStripManager.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    using System; 
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles;
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;

    public sealed class ToolStripManager { 

        // WARNING: ThreadStatic initialization happens only on the first thread at class CTOR time. 
        // use InitializeThread mechanism to initialize ThreadStatic members 
        private static ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection toolStripWeakArrayList; 
        private static ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection toolStripPanelWeakArrayList;
        private static bool initialized; 

        private static Font defaultFont; 
        // WARNING: When subscribing to static event handlers - make sure you unhook from them
        // otherwise you can leak USER objects on process shutdown. 
        // Consider: use WeakRefCollection
        private static Delegate[] staticEventHandlers;
        private const int staticEventDefaultRendererChanged = 0; 
        private const int staticEventCount = 1;
        private static object internalSyncObject = new object(); 

        private static void InitalizeThread() { 
            if (!initialized) {
                initialized = true;
                currentRendererType = ProfessionalRendererType;
        private ToolStripManager() { 

        static ToolStripManager() { 
            SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanging += new UserPreferenceChangingEventHandler(OnUserPreferenceChanging);

        internal static Font DefaultFont { 
            get {
                Font sysFont = null; 
                Font retFont = defaultFont;  // threadsafe local reference 

                if (retFont == null) { 
                    lock (internalSyncObject) {
                        // double check the defaultFont after the lock.
                        retFont = defaultFont;
                        if (retFont == null) {
                            // default to menu font 
                            sysFont = SystemFonts.MenuFont; 
                            if (sysFont == null) {
                                // ...or to control font if menu font unavailable 
                                sysFont = Control.DefaultFont;
                            if (sysFont != null) {
                                // ensure font is in pixels so it displays properly in the property grid at design time. 
                                if (sysFont.Unit != GraphicsUnit.Point) {
                                    defaultFont = ControlPaint.FontInPoints(sysFont); 
                                    retFont = defaultFont; 
                                else {
                                    defaultFont = sysFont;
                                    retFont = defaultFont;
                            return retFont; 
                return retFont;
        internal static ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection ToolStrips {
            get { 
                if (toolStripWeakArrayList == null) { 
                    toolStripWeakArrayList = new ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection();
                return toolStripWeakArrayList;

        ///Static events only!!! 
        private static void AddEventHandler(int key, Delegate value) { 
            lock (internalSyncObject) {
                if (staticEventHandlers == null) { 
                    staticEventHandlers = new Delegate[staticEventCount];
                staticEventHandlers[key] = Delegate.Combine(staticEventHandlers[key], value);
        /// Find a toolstrip in the weak ref arraylist, return null if nothing was found
        [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
        public static ToolStrip FindToolStrip(string toolStripName) { 
            ToolStrip result = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) { 
                // is this the right string comparaison? 
                if (ToolStrips[i] != null && String.Equals(((ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i]).Name, toolStripName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    result = (ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i]; 
            return result; 
        /// Find a toolstrip in the weak ref arraylist, return null if nothing was found 
        [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
        internal static ToolStrip FindToolStrip(Form owningForm, string toolStripName)
            ToolStrip result = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) 
                // is this the right string comparaison?
                if (ToolStrips[i] != null && String.Equals(((ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i]).Name, toolStripName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                    result = (ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i];
                    if (result.FindForm() == owningForm) {
            return result;

        private static bool CanChangeSelection(ToolStrip start, ToolStrip toolStrip) {
            if (toolStrip == null) { 
                Debug.Fail("passed in bogus toolstrip, why?");
                return false; 
            bool canChange = toolStrip.TabStop == false &&
                                 toolStrip.Enabled && 
                                 toolStrip.Visible &&
                                 !toolStrip.IsDisposed &&
                                 !toolStrip.Disposing &&
                                 !toolStrip.IsDropDown && 
                                 IsOnSameWindow(start, toolStrip);
            if (canChange) {
                foreach (ToolStripItem item in toolStrip.Items) { 
                    if (item.CanSelect) {
                        return true;
            return false; 

        private static bool ChangeSelection(ToolStrip start, ToolStrip toolStrip) { 
            if (toolStrip == null || start == null) {
                Debug.Assert(toolStrip != null, "passed in bogus toolstrip, why?");
                Debug.Assert(start != null, "passed in bogus start, why?");
                return false; 
            if (start == toolStrip) { 
                return false; 
            if (ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode) { 
                if (ModalMenuFilter.GetActiveToolStrip() == start) {
            else { 
            // copy over the hwnd that we want to restore focus to on ESC

            toolStrip.SelectNextToolStripItem(null, toolStrip.RightToLeft != RightToLeft.Yes); 
            return true;
        private static Delegate GetEventHandler(int key) {
            lock (internalSyncObject) { 
                if (staticEventHandlers == null)
                    return null;
                    return (Delegate)staticEventHandlers[key]; 

        private static bool IsOnSameWindow(Control control1, Control control2) { 
            return (WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(control1).Handle == WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(control2).Handle);

        internal static bool IsThreadUsingToolStrips() { 
            return (toolStripWeakArrayList != null && (toolStripWeakArrayList.Count > 0));


        private static void OnUserPreferenceChanging(object sender, UserPreferenceChangingEventArgs e) {
            // using changing here so that the cache will be cleared by the time the ToolStrip
            // hooks onto the changed event. 

            // SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS is put up in WM_SETTINGCHANGE if the Menu font changes. 
            // this corresponds to UserPreferenceCategory.Window. 
            if (e.Category == UserPreferenceCategory.Window) {
                lock (internalSyncObject) { 
                    defaultFont = null;

        internal static void NotifyMenuModeChange(bool invalidateText, bool activationChange) { 
            bool toolStripPruneNeeded = false; 

            // If we've toggled the ShowUnderlines value, we'll need to invalidate 
            for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) {
                ToolStrip toolStrip = ToolStrips[i] as ToolStrip;
                if (toolStrip == null) {
                    toolStripPruneNeeded = true; 
                if (invalidateText) { 
                if (activationChange) {
                    toolStrip.KeyboardActive = false;
            if (toolStripPruneNeeded) {


        ///  removes dead entries from the toolstrip weak reference collection. 
        internal static void PruneToolStripList() {
            if (toolStripWeakArrayList != null) { 
                if (toolStripWeakArrayList.Count > 0) {
                    for (int i = toolStripWeakArrayList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 
                        if (toolStripWeakArrayList[i] == null) { 

        ///  static events only!!! 
        private static void RemoveEventHandler(int key, Delegate value) { 
            lock (internalSyncObject) {
                if (staticEventHandlers != null) { 
                    staticEventHandlers[key] = Delegate.Remove(staticEventHandlers[key], value);

        // this is a special version of SelectNextControl which looks for ToolStrips 
        // that are TabStop = false in TabOrder.  This is used from Control+Tab 
        // handling to swap focus between ToolStrips.
        internal static bool SelectNextToolStrip(ToolStrip start, bool forward) { 

            if (start == null || start.ParentInternal == null) {
                Debug.Assert(start != null, "why is null passed here?");
                return false; 
            ToolStrip wrappedControl = null; 
            ToolStrip nextControl = null;
            int startTabIndex = start.TabIndex;
            int index = ToolStrips.IndexOf(start);
            int totalCount = ToolStrips.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++) { 
                index = (forward) ? (index + 1) % totalCount
                                  : (index + totalCount - 1) % totalCount; 
                ToolStrip toolStrip = ToolStrips[index] as ToolStrip;
                if (toolStrip == null ||
                    toolStrip == start) {

                int nextControlTabIndex = toolStrip.TabIndex; 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "SELECTNEXTTOOLSTRIP: start: " + startTabIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + " " + start.Name); 
                // since CanChangeSelection can iterate through all the items in a toolstrip,
                // defer the checking until we think we've got a viable TabIndex candidate. 
                // this brings it to O(n+m) instead of O(n*m) where n is # toolstrips & m is avg number
                // items/toolstrip
                if (forward) {
                    if (nextControlTabIndex >= startTabIndex && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip)) { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "FORWARD considering selection " + toolStrip.Name + " " + toolStrip.TabIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
                        if (nextControl == null) { 
                            nextControl = toolStrip; 
                        else if (toolStrip.TabIndex < nextControl.TabIndex) { 
                            // we want to pick a larger index, but one that's
                            // closest to the start tab index.
                            nextControl = toolStrip;
                    else if (((wrappedControl == null) || (toolStrip.TabIndex < wrappedControl.TabIndex)) 
                              && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip)) { 
                        // we've found a candidate for wrapping (the one with the smallest tab index in the collection)
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "\tFORWARD new wrap candidate " + toolStrip.Name); 
                        wrappedControl = toolStrip;
                else { 
                    if (nextControlTabIndex <= startTabIndex && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip)) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "\tREVERSE selecting " + toolStrip.Name); 
                        if (nextControl == null) { 
                            nextControl = toolStrip;
                        else if (toolStrip.TabIndex > nextControl.TabIndex) {
                            // we want to pick a smaller index, but one that's
                            // closest to the start tab index.
                            nextControl = toolStrip; 
                    else if (((wrappedControl == null) || (toolStrip.TabIndex > wrappedControl.TabIndex)) 
                               && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip)) {
                        // we've found a candidate for wrapping (the one with the largest tab index in the collection) 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "\tREVERSE new wrap candidate " + toolStrip.Name);

                        wrappedControl = toolStrip;
                    else {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "\tREVERSE skipping wrap candidate " + toolStrip.Name + toolStrip.TabIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); 
                if (nextControl != null
                    && Math.Abs(nextControl.TabIndex - startTabIndex) <= 1) {
                    // if we've found a valid candidate AND it's within 1 
                    // then bail, we've found something close enough.
            if (nextControl != null) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "SELECTING " + nextControl.Name);
                return ChangeSelection(start, nextControl);

            else if (wrappedControl != null) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "WRAPPING " + wrappedControl.Name); 
                return ChangeSelection(start, wrappedControl);
            return false;

        /// ===========================================================================
        ///  BEGIN task specific functions.  Since ToolStripManager is used 
        ///  for Painting, Merging and Rafting, and who knows what else in the future 
        ///  the following properties/methods/events are organized in regions
        ///  alphabetically by task 
        /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        ///  ToolStripManager Default Renderer 
        #region DefaultRenderer 
        /// These are thread static because we want separate instances
        /// for each thread.  We dont want to guarantee thread safety 
        /// and dont want to have to take locks in painting code.
        private static ToolStripRenderer defaultRenderer;
        // types cached for perf.
        internal static Type SystemRendererType = typeof(ToolStripSystemRenderer); 
        internal static Type ProfessionalRendererType = typeof(ToolStripProfessionalRenderer); 
        private static bool visualStylesEnabledIfPossible = true;
        private static Type currentRendererType;

        private static Type CurrentRendererType { 
            get {
                return currentRendererType; 
            set { 
                currentRendererType = value;
        private static Type DefaultRendererType {
            get { 
                return ProfessionalRendererType; 

        ///  the default renderer for the thread.  When ToolStrip.RenderMode is set to manager - this 
        /// is the property used.
        public static ToolStripRenderer Renderer {
            get { 
                if (defaultRenderer == null) {
                    defaultRenderer = CreateRenderer(RenderMode);
                return defaultRenderer; 
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
            set { 
                /// SECREVIEW in InternetZone, use individual ToolStrip.Renderer property rather than global one.
                if (defaultRenderer != value) {
                    CurrentRendererType = (value == null) ? DefaultRendererType : value.GetType();
                    defaultRenderer = value;
                    EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)GetEventHandler(staticEventDefaultRendererChanged);
                    if (handler != null) { 
                        handler(null, EventArgs.Empty);


        // occurs when toolstripmanager.Renderer property has changed 
        // WARNING: When subscribing to static event handlers - make sure you unhook from them 
        // otherwise you can leak USER objects on process shutdown.
        // PM team has reviewed and decided on naming changes already
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")] 
        public static event EventHandler RendererChanged {
            add { 
                AddEventHandler(staticEventDefaultRendererChanged, value); 
            remove { 
                RemoveEventHandler(staticEventDefaultRendererChanged, value);

        ///  returns the default toolstrip RenderMode for the thread 
        public static ToolStripManagerRenderMode RenderMode { 
            get {
                Type currentType = CurrentRendererType;

                if (defaultRenderer != null && !defaultRenderer.IsAutoGenerated) { 
                    return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom;
                // check the type of the currently set renderer. 
                // types are cached as this may be called frequently.
                if (currentType == ProfessionalRendererType) { 
                    return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional;
                if (currentType == SystemRendererType) {
                    return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System; 
                return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom; 
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
            set { 

                /// SECREVIEW in InternetZone, use individual ToolStrip.RenderMode property rather than global one.
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom, (int)ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional)) { 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(ToolStripManagerRenderMode));
                switch (value) {
                    case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System: 
                    case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional:
                        Renderer = CreateRenderer(value);
                    case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom: 
                        throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripRenderModeUseRendererPropertyInstead));
        ///  an additional layering of control.  this lets you pick whether your toolbars
        /// should use visual style information (theming) to render itself.
        /// potentially you could want a themed app but an unthemed toolstrip. (e.g. Whidbey VS). 
        public static bool VisualStylesEnabled { 
            get { 
                return visualStylesEnabledIfPossible && Application.RenderWithVisualStyles;
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
            set {
                bool oldVis = VisualStylesEnabled;
                visualStylesEnabledIfPossible = value; 

                if (oldVis != VisualStylesEnabled) { 
                    EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)GetEventHandler(staticEventDefaultRendererChanged); 

                    if (handler != null) { 
                        handler(null, EventArgs.Empty);
        internal static ToolStripRenderer CreateRenderer(ToolStripManagerRenderMode renderMode) { 
            switch (renderMode) {
                case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System: 
                    return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);
                case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional:
                    return new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);
                case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom: 
                    return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true); 
        internal static ToolStripRenderer CreateRenderer(ToolStripRenderMode renderMode) { 
            switch (renderMode) {
                case ToolStripRenderMode.System:
                    return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);
                case ToolStripRenderMode.Professional: 
                    return new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);
                case ToolStripRenderMode.Custom: 
                    return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);

        #endregion DefaultRenderer
        #region ToolStripPanel
        internal static ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection ToolStripPanels { 
            get {
                if (toolStripPanelWeakArrayList == null) { 
                    toolStripPanelWeakArrayList = new ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection();
                return toolStripPanelWeakArrayList;
        internal static ToolStripPanel ToolStripPanelFromPoint(Control draggedControl, Point screenLocation) {
            if (toolStripPanelWeakArrayList != null) {
                ISupportToolStripPanel draggedItem = draggedControl as ISupportToolStripPanel;
                bool rootWindowCheck = draggedItem.IsCurrentlyDragging;

                for (int i = 0; i < toolStripPanelWeakArrayList.Count; i++) { 
                    ToolStripPanel toolStripPanel = toolStripPanelWeakArrayList[i] as ToolStripPanel;
                    if (toolStripPanel != null && toolStripPanel.IsHandleCreated && toolStripPanel.Visible &&
                        toolStripPanel.DragBounds.Contains(toolStripPanel.PointToClient(screenLocation))) {
                        // VSWhidbey 342496 - ensure that we cant drag off one window to another.
                        if (rootWindowCheck) { 
                            if (IsOnSameWindow(draggedControl, toolStripPanel)) {
                                return toolStripPanel; 
                        else { 
                            return toolStripPanel;
            return null; 



        #region ToolStripSettings 

        ///     Loads settings for the given Form using the form type's fullname as settings key. 
        public static void LoadSettings(Form targetForm) { 
            if (targetForm == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetForm");
            LoadSettings(targetForm, targetForm.GetType().FullName);
        ///     Loads settings for the given Form with the given settings key. 
        public static void LoadSettings(Form targetForm, string key) {
            if (targetForm == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetForm"); 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");

            ToolStripSettingsManager settingsManager = new ToolStripSettingsManager(targetForm, key);

        ///     Saves settings for the given form using the form type's fullname as settings key.
        public static void SaveSettings(Form sourceForm) {
            if (sourceForm == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceForm");

            SaveSettings(sourceForm, sourceForm.GetType().FullName); 

        ///     Saves settings for the given form with the given settings key.
        public static void SaveSettings(Form sourceForm, string key) {
            if (sourceForm == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceForm");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); 

            ToolStripSettingsManager settingsManager = new ToolStripSettingsManager(sourceForm, key); ;
        ///  ToolStripManager ALT key PreProcessing
        #region MenuKeyAndShortcutProcessing
        /// ModalMenuFilter 
        ///   - this installs a message filter when a dropdown becomes active.
        ///   - the message filter 
        ///        a. eats WM_MOUSEMOVEs so that the window that's underneath
        ///           doesnt get highlight processing/tooltips
        ///        b. detects mouse clicks.  if the click is outside the dropdown, it
        ///           dismisses it. 
        ///        c. detects when the active window has changed.  If the active window
        ///           is unexpected, it dismisses all dropdowns. 
        ///        d. detects keyboard messages, and redirects them to the active dropdown. 
        ///   - There should be 1 Message Filter per thread and it should be uninstalled once 
        ///     the last dropdown has gone away
        /// This is not part of ToolStripManager because it's DropDown specific and
        /// we dont want to publicly expose this message filter.
        internal class ModalMenuFilter : IMessageModifyAndFilter { 
            private HandleRef _activeHwnd = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef; // the window that was active when we showed the dropdown
            private HandleRef _lastActiveWindow = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;         // the window that was last known to be active 
            private List _inputFilterQueue; 
            private bool _inMenuMode = false;
            private bool _caretHidden = false; 
            private bool _showUnderlines = false;
            private bool menuKeyToggle = false;
            private bool _suspendMenuMode = false;
            private HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook messageHook; 
            private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _ensureMessageProcessingTimer = null;
            private const int MESSAGE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL = 500; 
            private ToolStrip _toplevelToolStrip = null;
            bool _justEnteredMenuMode = false;
            private static ModalMenuFilter _instance;
            internal static ModalMenuFilter Instance { 
                get {
                    if (_instance == null) { 
                        _instance = new ModalMenuFilter();
                    return _instance;
            private ModalMenuFilter() { 
            /// this is the HWnd that was active when we popped the first dropdown.
            internal static HandleRef ActiveHwnd {
                get { return Instance.ActiveHwndInternal; }

            // returns whether or not we should show focus cues for mnemonics. 
            public bool ShowUnderlines { 
                get {
                    return _showUnderlines; 
                set {
                    if (_showUnderlines != value) {
                        _showUnderlines = value; 
                        ToolStripManager.NotifyMenuModeChange(/*textStyleChanged*/true, /*activationChanged*/false);
            private HandleRef ActiveHwndInternal {
                get {
                    return _activeHwnd;
                set {
                    if (_activeHwnd.Handle != value.Handle) { 
                        Control control = null; 

                        // unsubscribe from handle recreate. 
                        if (_activeHwnd.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            control = Control.FromHandleInternal(_activeHwnd.Handle);
                            if (control != null) {
                                control.HandleCreated -= new EventHandler(OnActiveHwndHandleCreated); 
                        _activeHwnd = value;
                        // make sure we watch out for handle recreates.
                        control = Control.FromHandleInternal(_activeHwnd.Handle);
                        if (control != null) {
                            control.HandleCreated += new EventHandler(OnActiveHwndHandleCreated); 

            // returns whether or not someone has called EnterMenuMode.
            internal static bool InMenuMode {
                get { return Instance._inMenuMode; } 
            internal static bool MenuKeyToggle {
                get { 
                    return Instance.menuKeyToggle;
                set {
                    if (Instance.menuKeyToggle != value) { 
                        Instance.menuKeyToggle = value;

            /// This is used in scenarios where windows forms
            /// does not own the message pump, but needs access
            /// to the message queue. 
            private HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook MessageHook {
                get { 
                    if (messageHook == null) { 
                        messageHook = new HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook();
                    return messageHook;
            // ToolStrip analog to WM_ENTERMENULOOP
            private void EnterMenuModeCore() { 
                Debug.Assert(!InMenuMode, "How did we get here if we're already in menu mode?"); 

                if (!InMenuMode) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "___________Entering MenuMode....");
                    _justEnteredMenuMode = true;
                    IntPtr hwndActive = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow();
                    if (hwndActive != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        ActiveHwndInternal = new HandleRef(this, hwndActive); 
                    // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.AddMessageFilter as this could
                    // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP.

                    if (!Application.ThreadContext.FromCurrent().GetMessageLoop(true)) { 
                        // message filter isnt going to help as we dont own the message pump 
                        // switch over to a MessageHook
                        MessageHook.HookMessages = true; 
                    _inMenuMode = true;

                    // fire timer messages to force our filter to get evaluated. 

            internal static void ExitMenuMode() {

            // ToolStrip analog to WM_EXITMENULOOP 
            private void ExitMenuModeCore() { 

                // ensure we've cleaned up the timer. 

                if (InMenuMode) {
                    try { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "___________Exiting MenuMode....");
                        if (messageHook != null) { 
                            // message filter isnt going to help as we dont own the message pump
                            // switch over to a MessageHook 
                            messageHook.HookMessages = false;
                        // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.RemoveMessageFilter as this could
                        // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP. 
                        _justEnteredMenuMode = false; 
                        if (ActiveHwnd.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            // unsubscribe from handle creates
                            Control control = Control.FromHandleInternal(ActiveHwnd.Handle); 
                            if (control != null) {
                                control.HandleCreated -= new EventHandler(OnActiveHwndHandleCreated); 
                            ActiveHwndInternal = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;
                        if (_inputFilterQueue != null) {
                        if (_caretHidden) { 
                            _caretHidden = false;

                    finally {
                        _inMenuMode = false;

                        // skip the setter here so we only iterate through the toolstrips once. 
                        bool textStyleChanged = _showUnderlines;
                        _showUnderlines = false; 
                        ToolStripManager.NotifyMenuModeChange(/*textStyleChanged*/textStyleChanged, /*activationChanged*/true); 



            internal static ToolStrip GetActiveToolStrip() { 
                return Instance.GetActiveToolStripInternal();

            internal ToolStrip GetActiveToolStripInternal() {
                if (_inputFilterQueue != null && _inputFilterQueue.Count > 0) { 
                    return _inputFilterQueue[_inputFilterQueue.Count - 1];
                return null; 
            // return the toolstrip that is at the root.
            private ToolStrip GetCurrentToplevelToolStrip() {
                if (_toplevelToolStrip == null) {
                    ToolStrip activeToolStrip = GetActiveToolStripInternal(); 
                    if (activeToolStrip != null) {
                        _toplevelToolStrip = activeToolStrip.GetToplevelOwnerToolStrip(); 
                return _toplevelToolStrip; 

            private void OnActiveHwndHandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                Control topLevel = sender as Control;
                ActiveHwndInternal = new HandleRef(this, topLevel.Handle); 
            internal static void ProcessMenuKeyDown(ref Message m) {
                Keys keyData = (Keys)(int)m.WParam; 

                ToolStrip toolStrip = Control.FromHandleInternal(m.HWnd) as ToolStrip;
                if (toolStrip != null && !toolStrip.IsDropDown) {
                // VSW 423760: handle the case where the ALT key has been pressed down while a dropdown 
                // was open.  We need to clear off the MenuKeyToggle so the next ALT will activate
                // the menu. 

                if (ToolStripManager.IsMenuKey(keyData)) {
                    if (!InMenuMode && MenuKeyToggle) {
                        MenuKeyToggle = false; 
                    else if (!MenuKeyToggle) { 
                        ModalMenuFilter.Instance.ShowUnderlines = true; 


            internal static void CloseActiveDropDown(ToolStripDropDown activeToolStripDropDown, ToolStripDropDownCloseReason reason) { 

                activeToolStripDropDown.Visible = false; 

                // there's no more dropdowns left in the chain 
                if (GetActiveToolStrip() == null) {
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.CloseActiveDropDown] Calling exit because there are no more dropdowns left to activate.");
                    // make sure we roll selection off  the toplevel toolstrip.
                    if (activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerItem != null) { 


            // fire a timer event to ensure we have a message in the queue every 500ms 
            private void ProcessMessages(bool process) {
                if (process) { 
                    if (_ensureMessageProcessingTimer == null) { 
                        _ensureMessageProcessingTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
                    _ensureMessageProcessingTimer.Interval = MESSAGE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL;
                    _ensureMessageProcessingTimer.Enabled = true;
                else if (_ensureMessageProcessingTimer != null) { 
                    _ensureMessageProcessingTimer.Enabled = false;
                    _ensureMessageProcessingTimer = null; 

            private void ProcessMouseButtonPressed(IntPtr hwndMouseMessageIsFrom, int x, int y) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMouseButtonPressed] Found a mouse down."); 

                int countDropDowns = _inputFilterQueue.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < countDropDowns; i++) { 
                    ToolStrip activeToolStrip = GetActiveToolStripInternal();
                    if (activeToolStrip != null) {
                        NativeMethods.POINT pt = new NativeMethods.POINT();
                        pt.x = x;
                        pt.y = y; 
                        UnsafeNativeMethods.MapWindowPoints(new HandleRef(activeToolStrip, hwndMouseMessageIsFrom), new HandleRef(activeToolStrip, activeToolStrip.Handle), pt, 1);
                        if (!activeToolStrip.ClientRectangle.Contains(pt.x, pt.y)) { 
                            ToolStripDropDown activeToolStripDropDown = activeToolStrip as ToolStripDropDown; 
                            if (activeToolStripDropDown != null) {
                                if (!(activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerToolStrip != null
                                    && activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerToolStrip.Handle == hwndMouseMessageIsFrom
                                    && activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerDropDownItem != null
                                     && activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerDropDownItem.DropDownButtonArea.Contains(x, y))) { 
                                    // the owner item should handle closing the dropdown
                                    // this allows code such as if (DropDown.Visible) { Hide, Show } etc. 
                                    CloseActiveDropDown(activeToolStripDropDown, ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.AppClicked); 
                            else {
                                // make sure we clear the selection.
                                // we're a toplevel toolstrip and we've clicked somewhere else. 
                                // Exit menu mode
                                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMouseButtonPressed] Calling exit because we're a toplevel toolstrip and we've clicked somewhere else."); 
                        else {
                            // we've found a dropdown that intersects with the mouse message
                    else { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMouseButtonPressed] active toolstrip is null."); 

            private bool ProcessActivationChange() { 
                int countDropDowns = _inputFilterQueue.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < countDropDowns; i++) { 
                    ToolStripDropDown activeDropDown = this.GetActiveToolStripInternal() as ToolStripDropDown; 
                    if (activeDropDown != null && activeDropDown.AutoClose) {
                        activeDropDown.Visible = false; 
                // if (_inputFilterQueue.Count == 0) {
                return true;
                //return false; 


            internal static void SetActiveToolStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip, bool menuKeyPressed) {
                if (!InMenuMode && menuKeyPressed) {
                    Instance.ShowUnderlines = true; 
            internal static void SetActiveToolStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip) {
            private void SetActiveToolStripCore(ToolStrip toolStrip) {
                if (toolStrip == null) { 
                if (toolStrip.IsDropDown) {
                    // for something that never closes, dont use menu mode.
                    ToolStripDropDown dropDown = toolStrip as ToolStripDropDown;
                    if (dropDown.AutoClose == false) {
                        // store off the current active hwnd 
                        IntPtr hwndActive = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow(); 
                        if (hwndActive != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            ActiveHwndInternal = new HandleRef(this, hwndActive); 
                        // dont actually enter menu mode...
                toolStrip.KeyboardActive = true; 

                if (_inputFilterQueue == null) { 
                    // use list because we want to be able to remove at any point
                    _inputFilterQueue = new List();
                else { 
                    ToolStrip currentActiveToolStrip = GetActiveToolStripInternal();
                    // toolstrip dropdowns push/pull their activation based on visibility. 
                    // we have to account for the toolstrips that arent dropdowns
                    if (currentActiveToolStrip != null) { 
                        if (!currentActiveToolStrip.IsDropDown) {
                        else if ((toolStrip.IsDropDown) 
                                  && (ToolStripDropDown.GetFirstDropDown(toolStrip)
                                  != ToolStripDropDown.GetFirstDropDown(currentActiveToolStrip))) { 
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.SetActiveToolStripCore] Detected a new dropdown not in this chain opened, Dismissing everything in the old chain. ");

                            ToolStripDropDown currentActiveToolStripDropDown = currentActiveToolStrip as ToolStripDropDown;
                // reset the toplevel toolstrip
                _toplevelToolStrip = null; 

                if (!_inputFilterQueue.Contains(toolStrip))
                if (!InMenuMode && _inputFilterQueue.Count > 0) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.SetActiveToolStripCore] Setting " + WindowsFormsUtils.GetControlInformation(toolStrip.Handle) + " active.");
                // hide the caret if we're showing a toolstrip dropdown 
                if (!_caretHidden && toolStrip.IsDropDown && InMenuMode) {
                    _caretHidden = true;

            internal static void SuspendMenuMode() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter] SuspendMenuMode"); 

                Instance._suspendMenuMode = true;
            internal static void ResumeMenuMode() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter] ResumeMenuMode"); 
                Instance._suspendMenuMode = false; 
            internal static void RemoveActiveToolStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip) { 

            private void RemoveActiveToolStripCore(ToolStrip toolStrip) { 
                // precautionary - remove the active toplevel toolstrip.
                _toplevelToolStrip = null; 
                if (_inputFilterQueue != null) {

            private static bool IsChildOrSameWindow(HandleRef hwndParent, HandleRef hwndChild) { 
                if (hwndParent.Handle == hwndChild.Handle) {
                    return true; 
                if (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsChild(hwndParent, hwndChild)) {
                    return true; 
                return false;
            private static bool IsKeyOrMouseMessage(Message m) {
                bool filterMessage = false; 
                if (m.Msg >= NativeMethods.WM_MOUSEFIRST && m.Msg <= NativeMethods.WM_MOUSELAST) {
                    filterMessage = true; 
                else if (m.Msg >= NativeMethods.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN && m.Msg <= NativeMethods.WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK) {
                    filterMessage = true;
                else if (m.Msg >= NativeMethods.WM_KEYFIRST && m.Msg <= NativeMethods.WM_KEYLAST) {
                    filterMessage = true; 
                return filterMessage;

            public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose && _justEnteredMenuMode, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] MenuMode MessageFilter installed and working."); 
                _justEnteredMenuMode = false; 
                if (_suspendMenuMode) {
                    return false;
                ToolStrip activeToolStrip = GetActiveToolStrip(); 
                if (activeToolStrip == null) {
                    return false; 
                if (activeToolStrip.IsDisposed) {
                    return false;
                HandleRef hwndActiveToolStrip = new HandleRef(activeToolStrip, activeToolStrip.Handle);
                HandleRef hwndCurrentActiveWindow = new HandleRef(null, UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow()); 

                // if the active window has changed... 
                if (hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle != _lastActiveWindow.Handle) { 
                    // if another window has gotten activation - we should dismiss.
                    if (hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        // we dont know what it was cause it's on another thread or doesnt exist
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] Dismissing because: " + WindowsFormsUtils.GetControlInformation(hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle) + " has gotten activation. ");
                    else if (!(Control.FromChildHandleInternal(hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle) is ToolStripDropDown)   // its NOT a dropdown
                        && !IsChildOrSameWindow(hwndCurrentActiveWindow, hwndActiveToolStrip)    // and NOT a child of the active toolstrip 
                        && !IsChildOrSameWindow(hwndCurrentActiveWindow, ActiveHwnd)) {          // and NOT a child of the active hwnd 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] Calling ProcessActivationChange because: " + WindowsFormsUtils.GetControlInformation(hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle) + " has gotten activation. ");

                // store this off so we dont have to do activation processing next time 
                _lastActiveWindow = hwndCurrentActiveWindow;
                // PERF: skip over things like PAINT... 
                if (!IsKeyOrMouseMessage(m)) {
                    return false; 

                switch (m.Msg) {
                    case NativeMethods.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: 
                        // Mouse move messages should be eaten if they arent for a dropdown. 
                        // this prevents things like ToolTips and mouse over highlights from
                        // being processed. 
                        Control control = Control.FromChildHandleInternal(m.HWnd);
                        if (control == null || !(control.TopLevelControlInternal is ToolStripDropDown)) {
                            // double check it's not a child control of the active toolstrip.
                            if (!IsChildOrSameWindow(hwndActiveToolStrip, new HandleRef(null, m.HWnd))) { 

                                // it is NOT a child of the current active toolstrip. 
                                ToolStrip toplevelToolStrip = GetCurrentToplevelToolStrip();
                                if (toplevelToolStrip != null 
                                    && (IsChildOrSameWindow(new HandleRef(toplevelToolStrip, toplevelToolStrip.Handle),
                                                           new HandleRef(null, m.HWnd)))) {
                                    // DONT EAT mouse message.
                                    // The mouse message is from an HWND that is part of the toplevel toolstrip - let the mosue move through so 
                                    // when you have something like the file menu open and mouse over the edit menu
                                    // the file menu will dismiss. 
                                    return false;
                                else if (!IsChildOrSameWindow(ActiveHwnd, new HandleRef(null, m.HWnd))) {
                                    // DONT EAT mouse message.
                                    // the mouse message is from another toplevel HWND.
                                    return false; 
                                // EAT mouse message 
                                // the HWND is 
                                //      not part of the active toolstrip
                                //      not the toplevel toolstrip (e.g. MenuStrip). 
                                //      not parented to the toplevel toolstrip (e.g a combo box on a menu strip).
                                return true;
                    case NativeMethods.WM_LBUTTONDOWN: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_RBUTTONDOWN: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
                        // When a mouse button is pressed, we should determine if it is within the client coordinates
                        // of the active dropdown.  If not, we should dismiss it.
                    case NativeMethods.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN:
                        // When a mouse button is pressed, we should determine if it is within the client coordinates 
                        // of the active dropdown.  If not, we should dismiss it.
                        ProcessMouseButtonPressed(/*nc messages are in screen coords*/IntPtr.Zero, 

                    case NativeMethods.WM_KEYDOWN:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_KEYUP: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_CHAR:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_DEADCHAR: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_SYSKEYDOWN: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_SYSKEYUP:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_SYSCHAR: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_SYSDEADCHAR:

                        if (!activeToolStrip.ContainsFocus) {
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] MODIFYING Keyboard message " + m.ToString()); 

                            // route all keyboard messages to the active dropdown. 
                            m.HWnd = activeToolStrip.Handle; 
                        else { 
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] got Keyboard message " + m.ToString());
                return false; 
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1049:TypesThatOwnNativeResourcesShouldBeDisposable")]  // since this has the lifetime of the thread, theres no great way to dispose.
            private class HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook {
                [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2006:UseSafeHandleToEncapsulateNativeResources")]
                private IntPtr messageHookHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 
                private bool isHooked = false; //VSWHIDBEY # 474112
                private NativeMethods.HookProc hookProc; 
                public HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook() {
                       try {
                           callingStack = Environment.StackTrace;
                       catch (SecurityException) {
                    string callingStack;
                    ~HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook() {
                        Debug.Assert(messageHookHandle == IntPtr.Zero, "Finalizing an active mouse hook.  This will crash the process.  Calling stack: " + callingStack); 
                public bool HookMessages {
                    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] 
                    get {
                        return messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero;
                    set { 
                        if (value) {
                        else {
                private void InstallMessageHook() {
                    lock (this) { 
                        if (messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { 

                        hookProc = new NativeMethods.HookProc(this.MessageHookProc);

                        messageHookHandle = UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(NativeMethods.WH_GETMESSAGE, 
                                                                   new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero), 

                        if (messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                            isHooked = true;
                        Debug.Assert(messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero, "Failed to install mouse hook");
                private unsafe IntPtr MessageHookProc(int nCode, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) { 
                    if (nCode == NativeMethods.HC_ACTION)  {
                        if (isHooked && (int)wparam == NativeMethods.PM_REMOVE /*only process GetMessage, not PeekMessage*/) { 
                            // only process messages we've pulled off the queue
                            NativeMethods.MSG* msg = (NativeMethods.MSG*)lparam;
                            if (msg != null) {
                                //Debug.WriteLine("Got " + Message.Create(msg->hwnd, msg->message, wparam, lparam).ToString()); 
                                // call pretranslate on the message - this should execute
                                // the message filters and preprocess message. 
                                if (Application.ThreadContext.FromCurrent().PreTranslateMessage(ref *msg)) { 
                                    msg->message = NativeMethods.WM_NULL;
                    return UnsafeNativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(new HandleRef(this, messageHookHandle), nCode, wparam, lparam);
                private void UninstallMessageHook() {
                    lock (this) { 
                        if (messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            UnsafeNativeMethods.UnhookWindowsHookEx(new HandleRef(this, messageHookHandle));
                            hookProc = null;
                            messageHookHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 
                            isHooked = false;



        internal static bool ShowMenuFocusCues { 
            get {
                if (!DisplayInformation.MenuAccessKeysUnderlined) {
                    return ModalMenuFilter.Instance.ShowUnderlines;
                return true;

        ///  determines if the key combination is valid for a shortcut.
        ///          must have a modifier key + a regular key.
        public static bool IsValidShortcut(Keys shortcut) { 
            // should have a key and one or more modifiers.
            Keys keyCode = (Keys)(shortcut & Keys.KeyCode); 
            Keys modifiers = (Keys)(shortcut & Keys.Modifiers);
            if (shortcut == Keys.None) {
                return false;
            else if ((keyCode == Keys.Delete) || (keyCode == Keys.Insert)) { 
                return true;
            else if (((int)keyCode >= (int)Keys.F1) && ((int)keyCode <= (int)Keys.F24)) { 
                // function keys by themselves are valid
                return true; 
            else if ((keyCode != Keys.None) && (modifiers != Keys.None)) {
                switch (keyCode) {
                    case Keys.Menu: 
                    case Keys.ControlKey:
                    case Keys.ShiftKey: 
                        // shift, control and alt arent valid on their own. 
                        return false;
                        if (modifiers == Keys.Shift) {
                            // shift + somekey isnt a valid modifier either
                            return false;
                        return true;
            // has to have a valid keycode and valid modifier.
            return false; 

        internal static bool IsMenuKey(Keys keyData) {
            Keys keyCode = keyData & Keys.KeyCode; 
            return (Keys.Menu == keyCode || Keys.F10 == keyCode);
        public static bool IsShortcutDefined(Keys shortcut) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) { 
                ToolStrip t = ToolStrips[i] as ToolStrip;
                if ((t != null) && t.Shortcuts.Contains(shortcut)) {
                    return true;
            return false; 

        ///  this function is called for toplevel controls to process shortcuts.
        ///          this function should be called from the topmost container control only.
        internal static bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message m, Keys keyData) { 

            Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessCmdKey - processing: [" + keyData.ToString() + "]"); 
            if (ToolStripManager.IsValidShortcut(keyData)) { 
                // if we're at the toplevel, check the toolstrips for matching shortcuts.
                // Win32 menus are handled in Form.ProcessCmdKey, but we cant guarantee that 
                // toolstrips will be hosted in a form.  ToolStrips have a hash of shortcuts
                // per container, so this should hopefully be a quick search.
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessCmdKey - IsValidShortcut: [" + keyData.ToString() + "]");
                return ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut(ref m, keyData);
            if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessCmdKey - Checking if it's a menu key: [" + keyData.ToString() + "]");
                ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMenuKeyDown(ref m); 

            return false;

        ///  we're halfway to an accellerator table system here. 
        ///          each toolstrip maintains a hash of the current shortcuts its using.
        ///          this way the search only takes O(number of toolstrips in the thread) 
        ///          ToolStripMenuItem pushes itself into this table as the owner is set or the shortcut changes.
        internal static bool ProcessShortcut(ref Message m, Keys shortcut) {
            if (!IsThreadUsingToolStrips()) { 
                return false;
            Control activeControl = Control.FromChildHandleInternal(m.HWnd); 
            Control activeControlInChain = activeControl;
            if (activeControlInChain != null && IsValidShortcut(shortcut)) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut - processing: [" + shortcut.ToString() + "]");

                // start from the focused control and work your way up the parent chain 
                do {
                    //  check the context menu strip first. 
                    if (activeControlInChain.ContextMenuStrip != null) { 
                        if (activeControlInChain.ContextMenuStrip.Shortcuts.ContainsKey(shortcut)) {
                            ToolStripMenuItem item = activeControlInChain.ContextMenuStrip.Shortcuts[shortcut] as ToolStripMenuItem; 
                            if (item.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, shortcut)) {
                                Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut - found item on context menu: [" + item.ToString() + "]");
                                return true;
                    activeControlInChain = activeControlInChain.ParentInternal; 
                } while (activeControlInChain != null);
                if (activeControlInChain != null) {
                    // the keystroke may applies to one of our parents...
                    // a WM_CONTEXTMENU message bubbles up to the parent control
                    activeControl = activeControlInChain; 
                bool retVal = false; 
                bool needsPrune = false;
                // now search the toolstrips
                for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) {
                    ToolStrip toolStrip = ToolStrips[i] as ToolStrip;
                    bool isAssociatedContextMenu = false; 
                    bool isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip = false;
                    if (toolStrip == null) {
                        // consider prune tree... 
                        needsPrune = true;
                    else if (activeControl != null && toolStrip == activeControl.ContextMenuStrip) { 
                    else if (toolStrip.Shortcuts.ContainsKey(shortcut)) { 

                        if (toolStrip.IsDropDown) {
                            // we dont want to process someone else's context menu (e.g. button1 and button2 have context menus)
                            // button2's context menu should not be processed if button1 is the one we're processing.
                            ToolStripDropDown dropDown = toolStrip as ToolStripDropDown;
                            ContextMenuStrip toplevelContextMenu = dropDown.GetFirstDropDown() as ContextMenuStrip; 
                            // VSWhidbey 433886: if a context menu is re-used between the main menu and the
                            // and some other control's context menu, we should go ahead and evaluate it. 

                            if (toplevelContextMenu != null) {
                                isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip = toplevelContextMenu.IsAssignedToDropDownItem;
                                if (!isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip) { 
                                    if (toplevelContextMenu != activeControl.ContextMenuStrip) {
                                        // the toplevel context menu is NOT the same as the active control's context menu. 
                                    else { 
                                        isAssociatedContextMenu = true;
                            // else it's not a child of a context menu

                        bool rootWindowsMatch = false; 

                        if (!isAssociatedContextMenu) {
                            // make sure that were processing shortcuts for the correct window.
                            // since the shortcut lookup is faster than this check we've postponed this to the last 
                            // possible moment.
                            ToolStrip topMostToolStrip = toolStrip.GetToplevelOwnerToolStrip(); 
                            if (topMostToolStrip != null && activeControl != null) { 
                                HandleRef rootWindowOfToolStrip = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(topMostToolStrip);
                                HandleRef rootWindowOfControl = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(activeControl); 
                                rootWindowsMatch = (rootWindowOfToolStrip.Handle == rootWindowOfControl.Handle);

                                if (rootWindowsMatch) {
                                    // Double check this is not an MDIContainer type situation... 
                                    Form mainForm = Control.FromHandleInternal(rootWindowOfControl.Handle) as Form;
                                    if (mainForm != null && mainForm.IsMdiContainer) { 
                                        Form toolStripForm = topMostToolStrip.FindFormInternal(); 
                                        if (toolStripForm != mainForm && toolStripForm != null) {
                                           // VSWhidbey 530569 
                                           // we should only process shortcuts of the ActiveMDIChild or the Main Form.
                                           rootWindowsMatch = (toolStripForm == mainForm.ActiveMdiChildInternal);

                        if (isAssociatedContextMenu || rootWindowsMatch || isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip) { 
                            ToolStripMenuItem item = toolStrip.Shortcuts[shortcut] as ToolStripMenuItem;
                            if (item != null) {
                                if (item.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, shortcut)) {
                                    Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut - found item on toolstrip: [" + item.ToString() + "]"); 
                                    retVal = true;
                if (needsPrune) {
                return retVal; 
            return false; 


        ///  this function handles when Alt is pressed.
        ///          if it finds a menustrip to select, it returns true, 
        ///          if it doesnt it returns false. 
        ///          if it finds a win32 menu is already associated with the control it bails, returning false.
        internal static bool ProcessMenuKey(ref Message m) {

            Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessMenuKey: [" + m.ToString() + "]");
            if (!IsThreadUsingToolStrips()) { 
                return false;
            // recievedMenuKeyUp = true; 

            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] Determining whether we should send focus to MenuStrip"); 

            Keys keyData = (Keys)(int)m.LParam;

            // search for our menu to work with 
            Control intendedControl = Control.FromHandleInternal(m.HWnd);
            Control toplevelControl = null; 
            MenuStrip menuStripToActivate = null;
            if (intendedControl != null) { 
                // search for a menustrip to select.
                toplevelControl = intendedControl.TopLevelControlInternal;
                if (toplevelControl != null) {
                    IntPtr hMenu = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenu(new HandleRef(toplevelControl, toplevelControl.Handle)); 
                    if (hMenu == IntPtr.Zero) {
                        // only activate the menu if there's no win32 menu.  Win32 menus trump menustrips. 
                        menuStripToActivate = GetMainMenuStrip(toplevelControl); 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "[ProcessMenuKey] MenuStripToActivate is: {0}", menuStripToActivate)); 

            // the data that comes into the LParam is the ASCII code, not the VK_* code. 
            // we need to compare against char instead.
            if ((char)keyData == ' ') { // dont process system menu 
                ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false; 
            else if ((char)keyData == '-') { 
                // deal with MDI system menu
                Form mdiChild = toplevelControl as Form;
                if (mdiChild != null && mdiChild.IsMdiChild) {
                    if (mdiChild.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) { 
                        ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false;
            else { 
                // this is the same as Control.ModifierKeys - but we save two p/invokes.
                if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetKeyState((int)Keys.ShiftKey) < 0 && (keyData == Keys.None)) {
                    // VSWhidbey 381933 if it's Shift+F10 and we're already InMenuMode, then we
                    // need to cancel this message, otherwise we'll enter the native modal menu loop. 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] DETECTED SHIFT+F10" + keyData.ToString());
                    return ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode; 
                else {
                    if (menuStripToActivate != null && !ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle) { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] attempting to set focus to menustrip");

                        // if we've alt-tabbed away dont snap/restore focus.
                        HandleRef topmostParentOfMenu = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(menuStripToActivate); 
                        IntPtr foregroundWindow = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow();
                        if (topmostParentOfMenu.Handle == foregroundWindow) { 
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] ToolStripManager call MenuStrip.OnMenuKey");
                            return menuStripToActivate.OnMenuKey(); 
                    else if (menuStripToActivate != null) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] Resetting MenuKeyToggle"); 
                        ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false;
                        return true; 
            return false;
        internal static MenuStrip GetMainMenuStrip(Control control) {
            if (control == null) { 
                Debug.Fail("why are we passing null to GetMainMenuStrip?"); 
                return null;

            // look for a particular main menu strip to be set.
            Form mainForm = control.FindFormInternal();
            if (mainForm != null && mainForm.MainMenuStrip != null) { 
                return mainForm.MainMenuStrip;
            // if not found go through the entire collection.
            return GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(control.Controls); 

        private static MenuStrip GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(Control.ControlCollection controlsToLookIn) {
            try { 
                // Perform breadth first search - as it's likely people will want controls belonging
                // to the same parent close to each other. 
                for (int i = 0; i < controlsToLookIn.Count; i++) {
                    if (controlsToLookIn[i] == null) { 
                    if (controlsToLookIn[i] is MenuStrip) {
                        return controlsToLookIn[i] as MenuStrip; 
                // Recursive search for controls in child collections.
                for (int i = 0; i < controlsToLookIn.Count; i++) {
                    if (controlsToLookIn[i] == null) {

                    if ((controlsToLookIn[i].Controls != null) && controlsToLookIn[i].Controls.Count > 0) { 
                        // if it has a valid child collecion, append those results to our collection 
                        MenuStrip menuStrip = GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(controlsToLookIn[i].Controls);
                        if (menuStrip != null) { 
                            return menuStrip;
            catch (Exception e) { 
                // VSWHIDBEY 80122 make sure we deal with non-critical failures gracefully. 
                if (ClientUtils.IsCriticalException(e)) {
            return null;

        #endregion MenuKeyAndShortcutProcessing 

        /// ToolStripManager MenuMerging functions

        #region MenuMerging 

        private static ToolStripItem FindMatch(ToolStripItem source, ToolStripItemCollection destinationItems) { 
            // based on MergeAction: 
            // Append, return the last sibling
            ToolStripItem result = null; 
            if (source != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < destinationItems.Count; i++) {
                    ToolStripItem candidateItem = destinationItems[i];
                    // using SafeCompareKeys so we use the same heuristics as keyed collections. 
                    if (WindowsFormsUtils.SafeCompareStrings(source.Text, candidateItem.Text, true)) {
                        result = candidateItem; 
                        break; // we found it 

                if (result == null && source.MergeIndex > -1 && source.MergeIndex < destinationItems.Count) {
                    result = destinationItems[source.MergeIndex];
            return result; 

        internal static ArrayList FindMergeableToolStrips(ContainerControl container) {
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
            if (container != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) {
                    ToolStrip candidateTS = (ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i]; 
                    //if(candidateTS != null) { 
                    //    Debug.WriteLine("candidate TS: " + candidateTS.Name + " | " + candidateTS.AllowMerge + " | " + (candidateTS.Parent == null ?  "null" : candidateTS.Parent.Name) +" | " + container.Name);
                    //Debug.WriteLine(candidateTS == null ? "null" : "not null");
                    if (candidateTS != null && candidateTS.AllowMerge && container == candidateTS.FindFormInternal()) {
            result.Sort(new ToolStripCustomIComparer()); //we sort them from more specific to less specific
            return result; 

        private static bool IsSpecialMDIStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip) {
            return (toolStrip is MdiControlStrip || toolStrip is MdiWindowListStrip); 
        /// merge two toolstrips 
        public static bool Merge(ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, ToolStrip targetToolStrip) {
            // check arguments
            if (sourceToolStrip == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceToolStrip");
            if (targetToolStrip == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetToolStrip");
            if (targetToolStrip == sourceToolStrip) {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripMergeImpossibleIdentical));
            // we only do this if the source and target toolstrips are the same
            bool canMerge = IsSpecialMDIStrip(sourceToolStrip); 
            canMerge = (canMerge || (sourceToolStrip.AllowMerge && 
                                      targetToolStrip.AllowMerge &&
                                      (sourceToolStrip.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(targetToolStrip.GetType()) || targetToolStrip.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(sourceToolStrip.GetType())) 
            MergeHistory mergeHistory = null;
            if (canMerge) { 
                //Debug.WriteLine("Begin merge between src: " + sourceToolStrip.Name + " and target: " + targetToolStrip.Name);
                mergeHistory = new MergeHistory(sourceToolStrip); 

                int originalCount = sourceToolStrip.Items.Count;

                if (originalCount > 0) {
                    try { 
                        int lastCount = originalCount; 

                        // 2. do the actual merging logic 
                        for (int i = 0, itemToLookAt = 0; i < originalCount; i++) {
                            ToolStripItem item = sourceToolStrip.Items[itemToLookAt];
                            //Debug.WriteLine("doing the recursive merge for item " + item.Text);
                            MergeRecursive(item, targetToolStrip.Items, mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack); 

                            int numberOfItemsMerged = lastCount - sourceToolStrip.Items.Count; 
                            itemToLookAt = (numberOfItemsMerged > 0) ? itemToLookAt : itemToLookAt + 1; 
                            lastCount = sourceToolStrip.Items.Count;
                    finally {
                    //Debug.WriteLine("pusing mergehistory for toolstrip " + sourceToolStrip.Name + " in target toolstrip MergeHistoryStack property"); 
                    if (mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0) {
                        // only push this on the stack if we actually did something 
            bool result = false;
            if (mergeHistory != null && mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0) { 
                result = true; // we did merge something 
            return result; 

        private static void MergeRecursive(ToolStripItem source, ToolStripItemCollection destinationItems, Stack history) {
            MergeHistoryItem maction; 
            switch (source.MergeAction) {
                case MergeAction.MatchOnly: 
                case MergeAction.Replace:
                case MergeAction.Remove:
                    ToolStripItem item = FindMatch(source, destinationItems);
                    if (item != null) { 
                        switch (source.MergeAction) {
                            case MergeAction.MatchOnly: 
                                ToolStripDropDownItem tsddownDest = item as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                                ToolStripDropDownItem tsddownSrc = source as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
                                if (tsddownDest != null && tsddownSrc != null && tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count != 0) {

                                    int originalCount = tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count;
                                    if (originalCount > 0) {
                                        int lastCount = originalCount; 

                                        try { 
                                            // the act of walking through this collection removes items from
                                            // the dropdown.
                                            for (int i = 0, itemToLookAt = 0; i < originalCount; i++) {
                                                MergeRecursive(tsddownSrc.DropDownItems[itemToLookAt], tsddownDest.DropDownItems, history);
                                                int numberOfItemsMerged = lastCount - tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count; 
                                                itemToLookAt = (numberOfItemsMerged > 0) ? itemToLookAt : itemToLookAt + 1;
                                                lastCount = tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count; 
                                        finally {
                            case MergeAction.Replace: 
                            case MergeAction.Remove:
                                maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Insert);
                                maction.TargetItem = item; 
                                int indexOfDestinationItem = destinationItems.IndexOf(item);
                                maction.Index = indexOfDestinationItem; 
                                maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
                                maction.TargetItem = item; 
                                if (source.MergeAction == MergeAction.Replace) {
                                    //ToolStripItem clonedItem = source.Clone();
                                    maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove); 
                                    maction.PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner.Items; 
                                    maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source);
                                    maction.TargetItem = source; 
                                    destinationItems.Insert(indexOfDestinationItem, source);
                                    maction.Index = indexOfDestinationItem;
                                    maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
                case MergeAction.Insert:
                    if (source.MergeIndex > -1) {
                        maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove); 
                        maction.PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner.Items;
                        maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source); 
                        maction.TargetItem = source; 
                        int insertIndex = Math.Min(destinationItems.Count, source.MergeIndex);
                        destinationItems.Insert(insertIndex, source); 
                        maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
                        maction.Index = insertIndex;
                case MergeAction.Append: 
                    maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove);
                    maction.PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner.Items; 
                    maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source);
                    maction.TargetItem = source;
                    int index = destinationItems.Add(source);
                    maction.Index = index; 
                    maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;

        /// merge two toolstrips 
        public static bool Merge(ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, string targetName) {
            if (sourceToolStrip == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceToolStrip");
            if (targetName == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetName"); 
            ToolStrip target = FindToolStrip(targetName); 
            if (target == null) {
                return false; 
            else {
                return Merge(sourceToolStrip, target);
        /// doesn't do a null check on source... if it's null we unmerge everything
        internal static bool RevertMergeInternal(ToolStrip targetToolStrip, ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, bool revertMDIControls) {
            bool result = false;
            if (targetToolStrip == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetToolStrip"); 
            if (targetToolStrip == sourceToolStrip) { 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripMergeImpossibleIdentical)); 
            bool foundToolStrip = false; 

            if (sourceToolStrip != null) {
                // we have a specific toolstrip to pull out.

                // make sure the sourceToolStrip is even merged into the targetToolStrip 
                foreach (MergeHistory history in targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack) { 
                    foundToolStrip = (history.MergedToolStrip == sourceToolStrip);
                    if (foundToolStrip) { 
                // PERF: if we dont have the toolstrip in our merge history, bail.
                if (!foundToolStrip) { 
                    //Debug.WriteLine("source toolstrip not contained within target " + history.MergedToolStrip.Name); 
                    return false;

            if( sourceToolStrip != null ) {
            try {
                //Debug.WriteLine("Reverting merge, playing back history for all merged toolstrip "); 
                Stack reApply = new Stack();
                foundToolStrip = false;
                while (targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack.Count > 0 && !foundToolStrip) {
                    result = true; // we unmerge something... 
                    MergeHistory history = targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack.Pop();
                    if (history.MergedToolStrip == sourceToolStrip) { 
                        foundToolStrip = true; 
                    else if (!revertMDIControls && sourceToolStrip == null) { 
                        // VSWhidbey 352431: Calling ToolStripManager.RevertMerge should not pull out MDIControlStrip && MDIWindowListStrip.
                        if (IsSpecialMDIStrip(history.MergedToolStrip)) {
                    else { 
                    //Debug.WriteLine("unmerging " + history.MergedToolStrip.Name); 
                    while (history.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0) {
                        MergeHistoryItem historyItem = history.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Pop();
                        switch (historyItem.MergeAction) { 
                            case MergeAction.Remove:
                                // put it back 
                                historyItem.PreviousIndexCollection.Insert(Math.Min(historyItem.PreviousIndex, historyItem.PreviousIndexCollection.Count), historyItem.TargetItem);
                            case MergeAction.Insert:
                                historyItem.IndexCollection.Insert(Math.Min(historyItem.Index, historyItem.IndexCollection.Count), historyItem.TargetItem);
                                // no need to put it back, inserting it in a new collection, moved it at the correct location
                // re-apply the merges of the toolstrips we had to unmerge first.
                while (reApply.Count > 0) {
                    ToolStrip mergeAgain = reApply.Pop();
                    Merge(mergeAgain, targetToolStrip); 
            finally { 
                if( sourceToolStrip != null ) {
            return result;
            //ToolStripMergeNode.SynchronizeFromToolStripMergeNode(targetToolStrip.Items, targetToolStrip.MergeItems); 

        /// unmerge two toolstrips
        public static bool RevertMerge(ToolStrip targetToolStrip) { 
            return RevertMergeInternal(targetToolStrip, null, /*revertMDIControls*/false);
        /// unmerge two toolstrips
        public static bool RevertMerge(ToolStrip targetToolStrip, ToolStrip sourceToolStrip) {
            if (sourceToolStrip == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceToolStrip");
            return RevertMergeInternal(targetToolStrip, sourceToolStrip, /*revertMDIControls*/false); 
        /// unmerge two toolstrips
        public static bool RevertMerge(string targetName) {
            ToolStrip target = FindToolStrip(targetName); 
            if (target == null) { 
                return false;
            else {
                return RevertMerge(target);

        #endregion MenuMerging 
    internal class ToolStripCustomIComparer : IComparer {
        int IComparer.Compare(object x, object y) {
            if (x.GetType() == y.GetType()) {
                return 0; // same type 
            if (x.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(y.GetType())) { 
                return 1; 
            if (y.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(x.GetType())) { 
                return -1;
            return 0; // not the same type, not in each other inheritance chain
    internal class MergeHistory { 
        private Stack mergeHistoryItemsStack;
        private ToolStrip mergedToolStrip; 

        public MergeHistory(ToolStrip mergedToolStrip) {
            this.mergedToolStrip = mergedToolStrip;
        public Stack MergeHistoryItemsStack {
            get { 
                if (mergeHistoryItemsStack == null) { 
                    mergeHistoryItemsStack = new Stack();
                return mergeHistoryItemsStack;
        public ToolStrip MergedToolStrip { 
            get {
                return mergedToolStrip; 

    internal class MergeHistoryItem {
        private MergeAction mergeAction;
        private ToolStripItem targetItem; 
        private int index = -1;
        private int previousIndex = -1; 
        private ToolStripItemCollection previousIndexCollection; 
        private ToolStripItemCollection indexCollection;
        public MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction mergeAction) {
            this.mergeAction = mergeAction;
        public MergeAction MergeAction { 
            get {
                return mergeAction; 
        public ToolStripItem TargetItem { 
            get {
                return targetItem;
            set { 
                targetItem = value;
        public int Index {
            get { 
                return index;
            set {
                index = value; 
        public int PreviousIndex { 
            get {
                return previousIndex; 
            set {
                previousIndex = value;
        public ToolStripItemCollection PreviousIndexCollection { 
            get { 
                return previousIndexCollection;
            set {
                previousIndexCollection = value;
        public ToolStripItemCollection IndexCollection {
            get { 
                return indexCollection; 
            set { 
                indexCollection = value;
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
        public override string ToString() { 
            return "MergeAction: " + mergeAction.ToString() + " | TargetItem: " + (TargetItem == null ? "null" : TargetItem.Text) + " Index: " + index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.Windows.Forms {
    using System; 
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles;
    using System.ComponentModel; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using Microsoft.Win32; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;

    public sealed class ToolStripManager { 

        // WARNING: ThreadStatic initialization happens only on the first thread at class CTOR time. 
        // use InitializeThread mechanism to initialize ThreadStatic members 
        private static ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection toolStripWeakArrayList; 
        private static ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection toolStripPanelWeakArrayList;
        private static bool initialized; 

        private static Font defaultFont; 
        // WARNING: When subscribing to static event handlers - make sure you unhook from them
        // otherwise you can leak USER objects on process shutdown. 
        // Consider: use WeakRefCollection
        private static Delegate[] staticEventHandlers;
        private const int staticEventDefaultRendererChanged = 0; 
        private const int staticEventCount = 1;
        private static object internalSyncObject = new object(); 

        private static void InitalizeThread() { 
            if (!initialized) {
                initialized = true;
                currentRendererType = ProfessionalRendererType;
        private ToolStripManager() { 

        static ToolStripManager() { 
            SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanging += new UserPreferenceChangingEventHandler(OnUserPreferenceChanging);

        internal static Font DefaultFont { 
            get {
                Font sysFont = null; 
                Font retFont = defaultFont;  // threadsafe local reference 

                if (retFont == null) { 
                    lock (internalSyncObject) {
                        // double check the defaultFont after the lock.
                        retFont = defaultFont;
                        if (retFont == null) {
                            // default to menu font 
                            sysFont = SystemFonts.MenuFont; 
                            if (sysFont == null) {
                                // ...or to control font if menu font unavailable 
                                sysFont = Control.DefaultFont;
                            if (sysFont != null) {
                                // ensure font is in pixels so it displays properly in the property grid at design time. 
                                if (sysFont.Unit != GraphicsUnit.Point) {
                                    defaultFont = ControlPaint.FontInPoints(sysFont); 
                                    retFont = defaultFont; 
                                else {
                                    defaultFont = sysFont;
                                    retFont = defaultFont;
                            return retFont; 
                return retFont;
        internal static ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection ToolStrips {
            get { 
                if (toolStripWeakArrayList == null) { 
                    toolStripWeakArrayList = new ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection();
                return toolStripWeakArrayList;

        ///Static events only!!! 
        private static void AddEventHandler(int key, Delegate value) { 
            lock (internalSyncObject) {
                if (staticEventHandlers == null) { 
                    staticEventHandlers = new Delegate[staticEventCount];
                staticEventHandlers[key] = Delegate.Combine(staticEventHandlers[key], value);
        /// Find a toolstrip in the weak ref arraylist, return null if nothing was found
        [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
        public static ToolStrip FindToolStrip(string toolStripName) { 
            ToolStrip result = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) { 
                // is this the right string comparaison? 
                if (ToolStrips[i] != null && String.Equals(((ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i]).Name, toolStripName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                    result = (ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i]; 
            return result; 
        /// Find a toolstrip in the weak ref arraylist, return null if nothing was found 
        [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
        internal static ToolStrip FindToolStrip(Form owningForm, string toolStripName)
            ToolStrip result = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) 
                // is this the right string comparaison?
                if (ToolStrips[i] != null && String.Equals(((ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i]).Name, toolStripName, StringComparison.Ordinal)) 
                    result = (ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i];
                    if (result.FindForm() == owningForm) {
            return result;

        private static bool CanChangeSelection(ToolStrip start, ToolStrip toolStrip) {
            if (toolStrip == null) { 
                Debug.Fail("passed in bogus toolstrip, why?");
                return false; 
            bool canChange = toolStrip.TabStop == false &&
                                 toolStrip.Enabled && 
                                 toolStrip.Visible &&
                                 !toolStrip.IsDisposed &&
                                 !toolStrip.Disposing &&
                                 !toolStrip.IsDropDown && 
                                 IsOnSameWindow(start, toolStrip);
            if (canChange) {
                foreach (ToolStripItem item in toolStrip.Items) { 
                    if (item.CanSelect) {
                        return true;
            return false; 

        private static bool ChangeSelection(ToolStrip start, ToolStrip toolStrip) { 
            if (toolStrip == null || start == null) {
                Debug.Assert(toolStrip != null, "passed in bogus toolstrip, why?");
                Debug.Assert(start != null, "passed in bogus start, why?");
                return false; 
            if (start == toolStrip) { 
                return false; 
            if (ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode) { 
                if (ModalMenuFilter.GetActiveToolStrip() == start) {
            else { 
            // copy over the hwnd that we want to restore focus to on ESC

            toolStrip.SelectNextToolStripItem(null, toolStrip.RightToLeft != RightToLeft.Yes); 
            return true;
        private static Delegate GetEventHandler(int key) {
            lock (internalSyncObject) { 
                if (staticEventHandlers == null)
                    return null;
                    return (Delegate)staticEventHandlers[key]; 

        private static bool IsOnSameWindow(Control control1, Control control2) { 
            return (WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(control1).Handle == WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(control2).Handle);

        internal static bool IsThreadUsingToolStrips() { 
            return (toolStripWeakArrayList != null && (toolStripWeakArrayList.Count > 0));


        private static void OnUserPreferenceChanging(object sender, UserPreferenceChangingEventArgs e) {
            // using changing here so that the cache will be cleared by the time the ToolStrip
            // hooks onto the changed event. 

            // SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS is put up in WM_SETTINGCHANGE if the Menu font changes. 
            // this corresponds to UserPreferenceCategory.Window. 
            if (e.Category == UserPreferenceCategory.Window) {
                lock (internalSyncObject) { 
                    defaultFont = null;

        internal static void NotifyMenuModeChange(bool invalidateText, bool activationChange) { 
            bool toolStripPruneNeeded = false; 

            // If we've toggled the ShowUnderlines value, we'll need to invalidate 
            for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) {
                ToolStrip toolStrip = ToolStrips[i] as ToolStrip;
                if (toolStrip == null) {
                    toolStripPruneNeeded = true; 
                if (invalidateText) { 
                if (activationChange) {
                    toolStrip.KeyboardActive = false;
            if (toolStripPruneNeeded) {


        ///  removes dead entries from the toolstrip weak reference collection. 
        internal static void PruneToolStripList() {
            if (toolStripWeakArrayList != null) { 
                if (toolStripWeakArrayList.Count > 0) {
                    for (int i = toolStripWeakArrayList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 
                        if (toolStripWeakArrayList[i] == null) { 

        ///  static events only!!! 
        private static void RemoveEventHandler(int key, Delegate value) { 
            lock (internalSyncObject) {
                if (staticEventHandlers != null) { 
                    staticEventHandlers[key] = Delegate.Remove(staticEventHandlers[key], value);

        // this is a special version of SelectNextControl which looks for ToolStrips 
        // that are TabStop = false in TabOrder.  This is used from Control+Tab 
        // handling to swap focus between ToolStrips.
        internal static bool SelectNextToolStrip(ToolStrip start, bool forward) { 

            if (start == null || start.ParentInternal == null) {
                Debug.Assert(start != null, "why is null passed here?");
                return false; 
            ToolStrip wrappedControl = null; 
            ToolStrip nextControl = null;
            int startTabIndex = start.TabIndex;
            int index = ToolStrips.IndexOf(start);
            int totalCount = ToolStrips.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++) { 
                index = (forward) ? (index + 1) % totalCount
                                  : (index + totalCount - 1) % totalCount; 
                ToolStrip toolStrip = ToolStrips[index] as ToolStrip;
                if (toolStrip == null ||
                    toolStrip == start) {

                int nextControlTabIndex = toolStrip.TabIndex; 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "SELECTNEXTTOOLSTRIP: start: " + startTabIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + " " + start.Name); 
                // since CanChangeSelection can iterate through all the items in a toolstrip,
                // defer the checking until we think we've got a viable TabIndex candidate. 
                // this brings it to O(n+m) instead of O(n*m) where n is # toolstrips & m is avg number
                // items/toolstrip
                if (forward) {
                    if (nextControlTabIndex >= startTabIndex && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip)) { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "FORWARD considering selection " + toolStrip.Name + " " + toolStrip.TabIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
                        if (nextControl == null) { 
                            nextControl = toolStrip; 
                        else if (toolStrip.TabIndex < nextControl.TabIndex) { 
                            // we want to pick a larger index, but one that's
                            // closest to the start tab index.
                            nextControl = toolStrip;
                    else if (((wrappedControl == null) || (toolStrip.TabIndex < wrappedControl.TabIndex)) 
                              && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip)) { 
                        // we've found a candidate for wrapping (the one with the smallest tab index in the collection)
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "\tFORWARD new wrap candidate " + toolStrip.Name); 
                        wrappedControl = toolStrip;
                else { 
                    if (nextControlTabIndex <= startTabIndex && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip)) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "\tREVERSE selecting " + toolStrip.Name); 
                        if (nextControl == null) { 
                            nextControl = toolStrip;
                        else if (toolStrip.TabIndex > nextControl.TabIndex) {
                            // we want to pick a smaller index, but one that's
                            // closest to the start tab index.
                            nextControl = toolStrip; 
                    else if (((wrappedControl == null) || (toolStrip.TabIndex > wrappedControl.TabIndex)) 
                               && CanChangeSelection(start, toolStrip)) {
                        // we've found a candidate for wrapping (the one with the largest tab index in the collection) 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "\tREVERSE new wrap candidate " + toolStrip.Name);

                        wrappedControl = toolStrip;
                    else {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "\tREVERSE skipping wrap candidate " + toolStrip.Name + toolStrip.TabIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); 
                if (nextControl != null
                    && Math.Abs(nextControl.TabIndex - startTabIndex) <= 1) {
                    // if we've found a valid candidate AND it's within 1 
                    // then bail, we've found something close enough.
            if (nextControl != null) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "SELECTING " + nextControl.Name);
                return ChangeSelection(start, nextControl);

            else if (wrappedControl != null) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ControlTabDebug.TraceVerbose, "WRAPPING " + wrappedControl.Name); 
                return ChangeSelection(start, wrappedControl);
            return false;

        /// ===========================================================================
        ///  BEGIN task specific functions.  Since ToolStripManager is used 
        ///  for Painting, Merging and Rafting, and who knows what else in the future 
        ///  the following properties/methods/events are organized in regions
        ///  alphabetically by task 
        /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        ///  ToolStripManager Default Renderer 
        #region DefaultRenderer 
        /// These are thread static because we want separate instances
        /// for each thread.  We dont want to guarantee thread safety 
        /// and dont want to have to take locks in painting code.
        private static ToolStripRenderer defaultRenderer;
        // types cached for perf.
        internal static Type SystemRendererType = typeof(ToolStripSystemRenderer); 
        internal static Type ProfessionalRendererType = typeof(ToolStripProfessionalRenderer); 
        private static bool visualStylesEnabledIfPossible = true;
        private static Type currentRendererType;

        private static Type CurrentRendererType { 
            get {
                return currentRendererType; 
            set { 
                currentRendererType = value;
        private static Type DefaultRendererType {
            get { 
                return ProfessionalRendererType; 

        ///  the default renderer for the thread.  When ToolStrip.RenderMode is set to manager - this 
        /// is the property used.
        public static ToolStripRenderer Renderer {
            get { 
                if (defaultRenderer == null) {
                    defaultRenderer = CreateRenderer(RenderMode);
                return defaultRenderer; 
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
            set { 
                /// SECREVIEW in InternetZone, use individual ToolStrip.Renderer property rather than global one.
                if (defaultRenderer != value) {
                    CurrentRendererType = (value == null) ? DefaultRendererType : value.GetType();
                    defaultRenderer = value;
                    EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)GetEventHandler(staticEventDefaultRendererChanged);
                    if (handler != null) { 
                        handler(null, EventArgs.Empty);


        // occurs when toolstripmanager.Renderer property has changed 
        // WARNING: When subscribing to static event handlers - make sure you unhook from them 
        // otherwise you can leak USER objects on process shutdown.
        // PM team has reviewed and decided on naming changes already
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")] 
        public static event EventHandler RendererChanged {
            add { 
                AddEventHandler(staticEventDefaultRendererChanged, value); 
            remove { 
                RemoveEventHandler(staticEventDefaultRendererChanged, value);

        ///  returns the default toolstrip RenderMode for the thread 
        public static ToolStripManagerRenderMode RenderMode { 
            get {
                Type currentType = CurrentRendererType;

                if (defaultRenderer != null && !defaultRenderer.IsAutoGenerated) { 
                    return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom;
                // check the type of the currently set renderer. 
                // types are cached as this may be called frequently.
                if (currentType == ProfessionalRendererType) { 
                    return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional;
                if (currentType == SystemRendererType) {
                    return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System; 
                return ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom; 
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
            set { 

                /// SECREVIEW in InternetZone, use individual ToolStrip.RenderMode property rather than global one.
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x2
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom, (int)ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional)) { 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(ToolStripManagerRenderMode));
                switch (value) {
                    case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System: 
                    case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional:
                        Renderer = CreateRenderer(value);
                    case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom: 
                        throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripRenderModeUseRendererPropertyInstead));
        ///  an additional layering of control.  this lets you pick whether your toolbars
        /// should use visual style information (theming) to render itself.
        /// potentially you could want a themed app but an unthemed toolstrip. (e.g. Whidbey VS). 
        public static bool VisualStylesEnabled { 
            get { 
                return visualStylesEnabledIfPossible && Application.RenderWithVisualStyles;
            [UIPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Window = UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
            set {
                bool oldVis = VisualStylesEnabled;
                visualStylesEnabledIfPossible = value; 

                if (oldVis != VisualStylesEnabled) { 
                    EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)GetEventHandler(staticEventDefaultRendererChanged); 

                    if (handler != null) { 
                        handler(null, EventArgs.Empty);
        internal static ToolStripRenderer CreateRenderer(ToolStripManagerRenderMode renderMode) { 
            switch (renderMode) {
                case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.System: 
                    return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);
                case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Professional:
                    return new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);
                case ToolStripManagerRenderMode.Custom: 
                    return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true); 
        internal static ToolStripRenderer CreateRenderer(ToolStripRenderMode renderMode) { 
            switch (renderMode) {
                case ToolStripRenderMode.System:
                    return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);
                case ToolStripRenderMode.Professional: 
                    return new ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);
                case ToolStripRenderMode.Custom: 
                    return new ToolStripSystemRenderer(/*isAutoGenerated=*/true);

        #endregion DefaultRenderer
        #region ToolStripPanel
        internal static ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection ToolStripPanels { 
            get {
                if (toolStripPanelWeakArrayList == null) { 
                    toolStripPanelWeakArrayList = new ClientUtils.WeakRefCollection();
                return toolStripPanelWeakArrayList;
        internal static ToolStripPanel ToolStripPanelFromPoint(Control draggedControl, Point screenLocation) {
            if (toolStripPanelWeakArrayList != null) {
                ISupportToolStripPanel draggedItem = draggedControl as ISupportToolStripPanel;
                bool rootWindowCheck = draggedItem.IsCurrentlyDragging;

                for (int i = 0; i < toolStripPanelWeakArrayList.Count; i++) { 
                    ToolStripPanel toolStripPanel = toolStripPanelWeakArrayList[i] as ToolStripPanel;
                    if (toolStripPanel != null && toolStripPanel.IsHandleCreated && toolStripPanel.Visible &&
                        toolStripPanel.DragBounds.Contains(toolStripPanel.PointToClient(screenLocation))) {
                        // VSWhidbey 342496 - ensure that we cant drag off one window to another.
                        if (rootWindowCheck) { 
                            if (IsOnSameWindow(draggedControl, toolStripPanel)) {
                                return toolStripPanel; 
                        else { 
                            return toolStripPanel;
            return null; 



        #region ToolStripSettings 

        ///     Loads settings for the given Form using the form type's fullname as settings key. 
        public static void LoadSettings(Form targetForm) { 
            if (targetForm == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetForm");
            LoadSettings(targetForm, targetForm.GetType().FullName);
        ///     Loads settings for the given Form with the given settings key. 
        public static void LoadSettings(Form targetForm, string key) {
            if (targetForm == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetForm"); 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");

            ToolStripSettingsManager settingsManager = new ToolStripSettingsManager(targetForm, key);

        ///     Saves settings for the given form using the form type's fullname as settings key.
        public static void SaveSettings(Form sourceForm) {
            if (sourceForm == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceForm");

            SaveSettings(sourceForm, sourceForm.GetType().FullName); 

        ///     Saves settings for the given form with the given settings key.
        public static void SaveSettings(Form sourceForm, string key) {
            if (sourceForm == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceForm");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(key)) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); 

            ToolStripSettingsManager settingsManager = new ToolStripSettingsManager(sourceForm, key); ;
        ///  ToolStripManager ALT key PreProcessing
        #region MenuKeyAndShortcutProcessing
        /// ModalMenuFilter 
        ///   - this installs a message filter when a dropdown becomes active.
        ///   - the message filter 
        ///        a. eats WM_MOUSEMOVEs so that the window that's underneath
        ///           doesnt get highlight processing/tooltips
        ///        b. detects mouse clicks.  if the click is outside the dropdown, it
        ///           dismisses it. 
        ///        c. detects when the active window has changed.  If the active window
        ///           is unexpected, it dismisses all dropdowns. 
        ///        d. detects keyboard messages, and redirects them to the active dropdown. 
        ///   - There should be 1 Message Filter per thread and it should be uninstalled once 
        ///     the last dropdown has gone away
        /// This is not part of ToolStripManager because it's DropDown specific and
        /// we dont want to publicly expose this message filter.
        internal class ModalMenuFilter : IMessageModifyAndFilter { 
            private HandleRef _activeHwnd = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef; // the window that was active when we showed the dropdown
            private HandleRef _lastActiveWindow = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;         // the window that was last known to be active 
            private List _inputFilterQueue; 
            private bool _inMenuMode = false;
            private bool _caretHidden = false; 
            private bool _showUnderlines = false;
            private bool menuKeyToggle = false;
            private bool _suspendMenuMode = false;
            private HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook messageHook; 
            private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _ensureMessageProcessingTimer = null;
            private const int MESSAGE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL = 500; 
            private ToolStrip _toplevelToolStrip = null;
            bool _justEnteredMenuMode = false;
            private static ModalMenuFilter _instance;
            internal static ModalMenuFilter Instance { 
                get {
                    if (_instance == null) { 
                        _instance = new ModalMenuFilter();
                    return _instance;
            private ModalMenuFilter() { 
            /// this is the HWnd that was active when we popped the first dropdown.
            internal static HandleRef ActiveHwnd {
                get { return Instance.ActiveHwndInternal; }

            // returns whether or not we should show focus cues for mnemonics. 
            public bool ShowUnderlines { 
                get {
                    return _showUnderlines; 
                set {
                    if (_showUnderlines != value) {
                        _showUnderlines = value; 
                        ToolStripManager.NotifyMenuModeChange(/*textStyleChanged*/true, /*activationChanged*/false);
            private HandleRef ActiveHwndInternal {
                get {
                    return _activeHwnd;
                set {
                    if (_activeHwnd.Handle != value.Handle) { 
                        Control control = null; 

                        // unsubscribe from handle recreate. 
                        if (_activeHwnd.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            control = Control.FromHandleInternal(_activeHwnd.Handle);
                            if (control != null) {
                                control.HandleCreated -= new EventHandler(OnActiveHwndHandleCreated); 
                        _activeHwnd = value;
                        // make sure we watch out for handle recreates.
                        control = Control.FromHandleInternal(_activeHwnd.Handle);
                        if (control != null) {
                            control.HandleCreated += new EventHandler(OnActiveHwndHandleCreated); 

            // returns whether or not someone has called EnterMenuMode.
            internal static bool InMenuMode {
                get { return Instance._inMenuMode; } 
            internal static bool MenuKeyToggle {
                get { 
                    return Instance.menuKeyToggle;
                set {
                    if (Instance.menuKeyToggle != value) { 
                        Instance.menuKeyToggle = value;

            /// This is used in scenarios where windows forms
            /// does not own the message pump, but needs access
            /// to the message queue. 
            private HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook MessageHook {
                get { 
                    if (messageHook == null) { 
                        messageHook = new HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook();
                    return messageHook;
            // ToolStrip analog to WM_ENTERMENULOOP
            private void EnterMenuModeCore() { 
                Debug.Assert(!InMenuMode, "How did we get here if we're already in menu mode?"); 

                if (!InMenuMode) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "___________Entering MenuMode....");
                    _justEnteredMenuMode = true;
                    IntPtr hwndActive = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow();
                    if (hwndActive != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        ActiveHwndInternal = new HandleRef(this, hwndActive); 
                    // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.AddMessageFilter as this could
                    // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP.

                    if (!Application.ThreadContext.FromCurrent().GetMessageLoop(true)) { 
                        // message filter isnt going to help as we dont own the message pump 
                        // switch over to a MessageHook
                        MessageHook.HookMessages = true; 
                    _inMenuMode = true;

                    // fire timer messages to force our filter to get evaluated. 

            internal static void ExitMenuMode() {

            // ToolStrip analog to WM_EXITMENULOOP 
            private void ExitMenuModeCore() { 

                // ensure we've cleaned up the timer. 

                if (InMenuMode) {
                    try { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "___________Exiting MenuMode....");
                        if (messageHook != null) { 
                            // message filter isnt going to help as we dont own the message pump
                            // switch over to a MessageHook 
                            messageHook.HookMessages = false;
                        // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.RemoveMessageFilter as this could
                        // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP. 
                        _justEnteredMenuMode = false; 
                        if (ActiveHwnd.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            // unsubscribe from handle creates
                            Control control = Control.FromHandleInternal(ActiveHwnd.Handle); 
                            if (control != null) {
                                control.HandleCreated -= new EventHandler(OnActiveHwndHandleCreated); 
                            ActiveHwndInternal = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;
                        if (_inputFilterQueue != null) {
                        if (_caretHidden) { 
                            _caretHidden = false;

                    finally {
                        _inMenuMode = false;

                        // skip the setter here so we only iterate through the toolstrips once. 
                        bool textStyleChanged = _showUnderlines;
                        _showUnderlines = false; 
                        ToolStripManager.NotifyMenuModeChange(/*textStyleChanged*/textStyleChanged, /*activationChanged*/true); 



            internal static ToolStrip GetActiveToolStrip() { 
                return Instance.GetActiveToolStripInternal();

            internal ToolStrip GetActiveToolStripInternal() {
                if (_inputFilterQueue != null && _inputFilterQueue.Count > 0) { 
                    return _inputFilterQueue[_inputFilterQueue.Count - 1];
                return null; 
            // return the toolstrip that is at the root.
            private ToolStrip GetCurrentToplevelToolStrip() {
                if (_toplevelToolStrip == null) {
                    ToolStrip activeToolStrip = GetActiveToolStripInternal(); 
                    if (activeToolStrip != null) {
                        _toplevelToolStrip = activeToolStrip.GetToplevelOwnerToolStrip(); 
                return _toplevelToolStrip; 

            private void OnActiveHwndHandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
                Control topLevel = sender as Control;
                ActiveHwndInternal = new HandleRef(this, topLevel.Handle); 
            internal static void ProcessMenuKeyDown(ref Message m) {
                Keys keyData = (Keys)(int)m.WParam; 

                ToolStrip toolStrip = Control.FromHandleInternal(m.HWnd) as ToolStrip;
                if (toolStrip != null && !toolStrip.IsDropDown) {
                // VSW 423760: handle the case where the ALT key has been pressed down while a dropdown 
                // was open.  We need to clear off the MenuKeyToggle so the next ALT will activate
                // the menu. 

                if (ToolStripManager.IsMenuKey(keyData)) {
                    if (!InMenuMode && MenuKeyToggle) {
                        MenuKeyToggle = false; 
                    else if (!MenuKeyToggle) { 
                        ModalMenuFilter.Instance.ShowUnderlines = true; 


            internal static void CloseActiveDropDown(ToolStripDropDown activeToolStripDropDown, ToolStripDropDownCloseReason reason) { 

                activeToolStripDropDown.Visible = false; 

                // there's no more dropdowns left in the chain 
                if (GetActiveToolStrip() == null) {
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.CloseActiveDropDown] Calling exit because there are no more dropdowns left to activate.");
                    // make sure we roll selection off  the toplevel toolstrip.
                    if (activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerItem != null) { 


            // fire a timer event to ensure we have a message in the queue every 500ms 
            private void ProcessMessages(bool process) {
                if (process) { 
                    if (_ensureMessageProcessingTimer == null) { 
                        _ensureMessageProcessingTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
                    _ensureMessageProcessingTimer.Interval = MESSAGE_PROCESSING_INTERVAL;
                    _ensureMessageProcessingTimer.Enabled = true;
                else if (_ensureMessageProcessingTimer != null) { 
                    _ensureMessageProcessingTimer.Enabled = false;
                    _ensureMessageProcessingTimer = null; 

            private void ProcessMouseButtonPressed(IntPtr hwndMouseMessageIsFrom, int x, int y) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMouseButtonPressed] Found a mouse down."); 

                int countDropDowns = _inputFilterQueue.Count; 
                for (int i = 0; i < countDropDowns; i++) { 
                    ToolStrip activeToolStrip = GetActiveToolStripInternal();
                    if (activeToolStrip != null) {
                        NativeMethods.POINT pt = new NativeMethods.POINT();
                        pt.x = x;
                        pt.y = y; 
                        UnsafeNativeMethods.MapWindowPoints(new HandleRef(activeToolStrip, hwndMouseMessageIsFrom), new HandleRef(activeToolStrip, activeToolStrip.Handle), pt, 1);
                        if (!activeToolStrip.ClientRectangle.Contains(pt.x, pt.y)) { 
                            ToolStripDropDown activeToolStripDropDown = activeToolStrip as ToolStripDropDown; 
                            if (activeToolStripDropDown != null) {
                                if (!(activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerToolStrip != null
                                    && activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerToolStrip.Handle == hwndMouseMessageIsFrom
                                    && activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerDropDownItem != null
                                     && activeToolStripDropDown.OwnerDropDownItem.DropDownButtonArea.Contains(x, y))) { 
                                    // the owner item should handle closing the dropdown
                                    // this allows code such as if (DropDown.Visible) { Hide, Show } etc. 
                                    CloseActiveDropDown(activeToolStripDropDown, ToolStripDropDownCloseReason.AppClicked); 
                            else {
                                // make sure we clear the selection.
                                // we're a toplevel toolstrip and we've clicked somewhere else. 
                                // Exit menu mode
                                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMouseButtonPressed] Calling exit because we're a toplevel toolstrip and we've clicked somewhere else."); 
                        else {
                            // we've found a dropdown that intersects with the mouse message
                    else { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMouseButtonPressed] active toolstrip is null."); 

            private bool ProcessActivationChange() { 
                int countDropDowns = _inputFilterQueue.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < countDropDowns; i++) { 
                    ToolStripDropDown activeDropDown = this.GetActiveToolStripInternal() as ToolStripDropDown; 
                    if (activeDropDown != null && activeDropDown.AutoClose) {
                        activeDropDown.Visible = false; 
                // if (_inputFilterQueue.Count == 0) {
                return true;
                //return false; 


            internal static void SetActiveToolStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip, bool menuKeyPressed) {
                if (!InMenuMode && menuKeyPressed) {
                    Instance.ShowUnderlines = true; 
            internal static void SetActiveToolStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip) {
            private void SetActiveToolStripCore(ToolStrip toolStrip) {
                if (toolStrip == null) { 
                if (toolStrip.IsDropDown) {
                    // for something that never closes, dont use menu mode.
                    ToolStripDropDown dropDown = toolStrip as ToolStripDropDown;
                    if (dropDown.AutoClose == false) {
                        // store off the current active hwnd 
                        IntPtr hwndActive = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow(); 
                        if (hwndActive != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            ActiveHwndInternal = new HandleRef(this, hwndActive); 
                        // dont actually enter menu mode...
                toolStrip.KeyboardActive = true; 

                if (_inputFilterQueue == null) { 
                    // use list because we want to be able to remove at any point
                    _inputFilterQueue = new List();
                else { 
                    ToolStrip currentActiveToolStrip = GetActiveToolStripInternal();
                    // toolstrip dropdowns push/pull their activation based on visibility. 
                    // we have to account for the toolstrips that arent dropdowns
                    if (currentActiveToolStrip != null) { 
                        if (!currentActiveToolStrip.IsDropDown) {
                        else if ((toolStrip.IsDropDown) 
                                  && (ToolStripDropDown.GetFirstDropDown(toolStrip)
                                  != ToolStripDropDown.GetFirstDropDown(currentActiveToolStrip))) { 
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.SetActiveToolStripCore] Detected a new dropdown not in this chain opened, Dismissing everything in the old chain. ");

                            ToolStripDropDown currentActiveToolStripDropDown = currentActiveToolStrip as ToolStripDropDown;
                // reset the toplevel toolstrip
                _toplevelToolStrip = null; 

                if (!_inputFilterQueue.Contains(toolStrip))
                if (!InMenuMode && _inputFilterQueue.Count > 0) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.SetActiveToolStripCore] Setting " + WindowsFormsUtils.GetControlInformation(toolStrip.Handle) + " active.");
                // hide the caret if we're showing a toolstrip dropdown 
                if (!_caretHidden && toolStrip.IsDropDown && InMenuMode) {
                    _caretHidden = true;

            internal static void SuspendMenuMode() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter] SuspendMenuMode"); 

                Instance._suspendMenuMode = true;
            internal static void ResumeMenuMode() {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter] ResumeMenuMode"); 
                Instance._suspendMenuMode = false; 
            internal static void RemoveActiveToolStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip) { 

            private void RemoveActiveToolStripCore(ToolStrip toolStrip) { 
                // precautionary - remove the active toplevel toolstrip.
                _toplevelToolStrip = null; 
                if (_inputFilterQueue != null) {

            private static bool IsChildOrSameWindow(HandleRef hwndParent, HandleRef hwndChild) { 
                if (hwndParent.Handle == hwndChild.Handle) {
                    return true; 
                if (UnsafeNativeMethods.IsChild(hwndParent, hwndChild)) {
                    return true; 
                return false;
            private static bool IsKeyOrMouseMessage(Message m) {
                bool filterMessage = false; 
                if (m.Msg >= NativeMethods.WM_MOUSEFIRST && m.Msg <= NativeMethods.WM_MOUSELAST) {
                    filterMessage = true; 
                else if (m.Msg >= NativeMethods.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN && m.Msg <= NativeMethods.WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK) {
                    filterMessage = true;
                else if (m.Msg >= NativeMethods.WM_KEYFIRST && m.Msg <= NativeMethods.WM_KEYLAST) {
                    filterMessage = true; 
                return filterMessage;

            public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose && _justEnteredMenuMode, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] MenuMode MessageFilter installed and working."); 
                _justEnteredMenuMode = false; 
                if (_suspendMenuMode) {
                    return false;
                ToolStrip activeToolStrip = GetActiveToolStrip(); 
                if (activeToolStrip == null) {
                    return false; 
                if (activeToolStrip.IsDisposed) {
                    return false;
                HandleRef hwndActiveToolStrip = new HandleRef(activeToolStrip, activeToolStrip.Handle);
                HandleRef hwndCurrentActiveWindow = new HandleRef(null, UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow()); 

                // if the active window has changed... 
                if (hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle != _lastActiveWindow.Handle) { 
                    // if another window has gotten activation - we should dismiss.
                    if (hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        // we dont know what it was cause it's on another thread or doesnt exist
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] Dismissing because: " + WindowsFormsUtils.GetControlInformation(hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle) + " has gotten activation. ");
                    else if (!(Control.FromChildHandleInternal(hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle) is ToolStripDropDown)   // its NOT a dropdown
                        && !IsChildOrSameWindow(hwndCurrentActiveWindow, hwndActiveToolStrip)    // and NOT a child of the active toolstrip 
                        && !IsChildOrSameWindow(hwndCurrentActiveWindow, ActiveHwnd)) {          // and NOT a child of the active hwnd 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] Calling ProcessActivationChange because: " + WindowsFormsUtils.GetControlInformation(hwndCurrentActiveWindow.Handle) + " has gotten activation. ");

                // store this off so we dont have to do activation processing next time 
                _lastActiveWindow = hwndCurrentActiveWindow;
                // PERF: skip over things like PAINT... 
                if (!IsKeyOrMouseMessage(m)) {
                    return false; 

                switch (m.Msg) {
                    case NativeMethods.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_NCMOUSEMOVE: 
                        // Mouse move messages should be eaten if they arent for a dropdown. 
                        // this prevents things like ToolTips and mouse over highlights from
                        // being processed. 
                        Control control = Control.FromChildHandleInternal(m.HWnd);
                        if (control == null || !(control.TopLevelControlInternal is ToolStripDropDown)) {
                            // double check it's not a child control of the active toolstrip.
                            if (!IsChildOrSameWindow(hwndActiveToolStrip, new HandleRef(null, m.HWnd))) { 

                                // it is NOT a child of the current active toolstrip. 
                                ToolStrip toplevelToolStrip = GetCurrentToplevelToolStrip();
                                if (toplevelToolStrip != null 
                                    && (IsChildOrSameWindow(new HandleRef(toplevelToolStrip, toplevelToolStrip.Handle),
                                                           new HandleRef(null, m.HWnd)))) {
                                    // DONT EAT mouse message.
                                    // The mouse message is from an HWND that is part of the toplevel toolstrip - let the mosue move through so 
                                    // when you have something like the file menu open and mouse over the edit menu
                                    // the file menu will dismiss. 
                                    return false;
                                else if (!IsChildOrSameWindow(ActiveHwnd, new HandleRef(null, m.HWnd))) {
                                    // DONT EAT mouse message.
                                    // the mouse message is from another toplevel HWND.
                                    return false; 
                                // EAT mouse message 
                                // the HWND is 
                                //      not part of the active toolstrip
                                //      not the toplevel toolstrip (e.g. MenuStrip). 
                                //      not parented to the toplevel toolstrip (e.g a combo box on a menu strip).
                                return true;
                    case NativeMethods.WM_LBUTTONDOWN: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_RBUTTONDOWN: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_MBUTTONDOWN:
                        // When a mouse button is pressed, we should determine if it is within the client coordinates
                        // of the active dropdown.  If not, we should dismiss it.
                    case NativeMethods.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN:
                        // When a mouse button is pressed, we should determine if it is within the client coordinates 
                        // of the active dropdown.  If not, we should dismiss it.
                        ProcessMouseButtonPressed(/*nc messages are in screen coords*/IntPtr.Zero, 

                    case NativeMethods.WM_KEYDOWN:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_KEYUP: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_CHAR:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_DEADCHAR: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_SYSKEYDOWN: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_SYSKEYUP:
                    case NativeMethods.WM_SYSCHAR: 
                    case NativeMethods.WM_SYSDEADCHAR:

                        if (!activeToolStrip.ContainsFocus) {
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] MODIFYING Keyboard message " + m.ToString()); 

                            // route all keyboard messages to the active dropdown. 
                            m.HWnd = activeToolStrip.Handle; 
                        else { 
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ModalMenuFilter.PreFilterMessage] got Keyboard message " + m.ToString());
                return false; 
            [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1049:TypesThatOwnNativeResourcesShouldBeDisposable")]  // since this has the lifetime of the thread, theres no great way to dispose.
            private class HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook {
                [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2006:UseSafeHandleToEncapsulateNativeResources")]
                private IntPtr messageHookHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 
                private bool isHooked = false; //VSWHIDBEY # 474112
                private NativeMethods.HookProc hookProc; 
                public HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook() {
                       try {
                           callingStack = Environment.StackTrace;
                       catch (SecurityException) {
                    string callingStack;
                    ~HostedWindowsFormsMessageHook() {
                        Debug.Assert(messageHookHandle == IntPtr.Zero, "Finalizing an active mouse hook.  This will crash the process.  Calling stack: " + callingStack); 
                public bool HookMessages {
                    [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] 
                    get {
                        return messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero;
                    set { 
                        if (value) {
                        else {
                private void InstallMessageHook() {
                    lock (this) { 
                        if (messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { 

                        hookProc = new NativeMethods.HookProc(this.MessageHookProc);

                        messageHookHandle = UnsafeNativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(NativeMethods.WH_GETMESSAGE, 
                                                                   new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero), 

                        if (messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { 
                            isHooked = true;
                        Debug.Assert(messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero, "Failed to install mouse hook");
                private unsafe IntPtr MessageHookProc(int nCode, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) { 
                    if (nCode == NativeMethods.HC_ACTION)  {
                        if (isHooked && (int)wparam == NativeMethods.PM_REMOVE /*only process GetMessage, not PeekMessage*/) { 
                            // only process messages we've pulled off the queue
                            NativeMethods.MSG* msg = (NativeMethods.MSG*)lparam;
                            if (msg != null) {
                                //Debug.WriteLine("Got " + Message.Create(msg->hwnd, msg->message, wparam, lparam).ToString()); 
                                // call pretranslate on the message - this should execute
                                // the message filters and preprocess message. 
                                if (Application.ThreadContext.FromCurrent().PreTranslateMessage(ref *msg)) { 
                                    msg->message = NativeMethods.WM_NULL;
                    return UnsafeNativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(new HandleRef(this, messageHookHandle), nCode, wparam, lparam);
                private void UninstallMessageHook() {
                    lock (this) { 
                        if (messageHookHandle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                            UnsafeNativeMethods.UnhookWindowsHookEx(new HandleRef(this, messageHookHandle));
                            hookProc = null;
                            messageHookHandle = IntPtr.Zero; 
                            isHooked = false;



        internal static bool ShowMenuFocusCues { 
            get {
                if (!DisplayInformation.MenuAccessKeysUnderlined) {
                    return ModalMenuFilter.Instance.ShowUnderlines;
                return true;

        ///  determines if the key combination is valid for a shortcut.
        ///          must have a modifier key + a regular key.
        public static bool IsValidShortcut(Keys shortcut) { 
            // should have a key and one or more modifiers.
            Keys keyCode = (Keys)(shortcut & Keys.KeyCode); 
            Keys modifiers = (Keys)(shortcut & Keys.Modifiers);
            if (shortcut == Keys.None) {
                return false;
            else if ((keyCode == Keys.Delete) || (keyCode == Keys.Insert)) { 
                return true;
            else if (((int)keyCode >= (int)Keys.F1) && ((int)keyCode <= (int)Keys.F24)) { 
                // function keys by themselves are valid
                return true; 
            else if ((keyCode != Keys.None) && (modifiers != Keys.None)) {
                switch (keyCode) {
                    case Keys.Menu: 
                    case Keys.ControlKey:
                    case Keys.ShiftKey: 
                        // shift, control and alt arent valid on their own. 
                        return false;
                        if (modifiers == Keys.Shift) {
                            // shift + somekey isnt a valid modifier either
                            return false;
                        return true;
            // has to have a valid keycode and valid modifier.
            return false; 

        internal static bool IsMenuKey(Keys keyData) {
            Keys keyCode = keyData & Keys.KeyCode; 
            return (Keys.Menu == keyCode || Keys.F10 == keyCode);
        public static bool IsShortcutDefined(Keys shortcut) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) { 
                ToolStrip t = ToolStrips[i] as ToolStrip;
                if ((t != null) && t.Shortcuts.Contains(shortcut)) {
                    return true;
            return false; 

        ///  this function is called for toplevel controls to process shortcuts.
        ///          this function should be called from the topmost container control only.
        internal static bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message m, Keys keyData) { 

            Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessCmdKey - processing: [" + keyData.ToString() + "]"); 
            if (ToolStripManager.IsValidShortcut(keyData)) { 
                // if we're at the toplevel, check the toolstrips for matching shortcuts.
                // Win32 menus are handled in Form.ProcessCmdKey, but we cant guarantee that 
                // toolstrips will be hosted in a form.  ToolStrips have a hash of shortcuts
                // per container, so this should hopefully be a quick search.
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessCmdKey - IsValidShortcut: [" + keyData.ToString() + "]");
                return ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut(ref m, keyData);
            if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessCmdKey - Checking if it's a menu key: [" + keyData.ToString() + "]");
                ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.ProcessMenuKeyDown(ref m); 

            return false;

        ///  we're halfway to an accellerator table system here. 
        ///          each toolstrip maintains a hash of the current shortcuts its using.
        ///          this way the search only takes O(number of toolstrips in the thread) 
        ///          ToolStripMenuItem pushes itself into this table as the owner is set or the shortcut changes.
        internal static bool ProcessShortcut(ref Message m, Keys shortcut) {
            if (!IsThreadUsingToolStrips()) { 
                return false;
            Control activeControl = Control.FromChildHandleInternal(m.HWnd); 
            Control activeControlInChain = activeControl;
            if (activeControlInChain != null && IsValidShortcut(shortcut)) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut - processing: [" + shortcut.ToString() + "]");

                // start from the focused control and work your way up the parent chain 
                do {
                    //  check the context menu strip first. 
                    if (activeControlInChain.ContextMenuStrip != null) { 
                        if (activeControlInChain.ContextMenuStrip.Shortcuts.ContainsKey(shortcut)) {
                            ToolStripMenuItem item = activeControlInChain.ContextMenuStrip.Shortcuts[shortcut] as ToolStripMenuItem; 
                            if (item.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, shortcut)) {
                                Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut - found item on context menu: [" + item.ToString() + "]");
                                return true;
                    activeControlInChain = activeControlInChain.ParentInternal; 
                } while (activeControlInChain != null);
                if (activeControlInChain != null) {
                    // the keystroke may applies to one of our parents...
                    // a WM_CONTEXTMENU message bubbles up to the parent control
                    activeControl = activeControlInChain; 
                bool retVal = false; 
                bool needsPrune = false;
                // now search the toolstrips
                for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) {
                    ToolStrip toolStrip = ToolStrips[i] as ToolStrip;
                    bool isAssociatedContextMenu = false; 
                    bool isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip = false;
                    if (toolStrip == null) {
                        // consider prune tree... 
                        needsPrune = true;
                    else if (activeControl != null && toolStrip == activeControl.ContextMenuStrip) { 
                    else if (toolStrip.Shortcuts.ContainsKey(shortcut)) { 

                        if (toolStrip.IsDropDown) {
                            // we dont want to process someone else's context menu (e.g. button1 and button2 have context menus)
                            // button2's context menu should not be processed if button1 is the one we're processing.
                            ToolStripDropDown dropDown = toolStrip as ToolStripDropDown;
                            ContextMenuStrip toplevelContextMenu = dropDown.GetFirstDropDown() as ContextMenuStrip; 
                            // VSWhidbey 433886: if a context menu is re-used between the main menu and the
                            // and some other control's context menu, we should go ahead and evaluate it. 

                            if (toplevelContextMenu != null) {
                                isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip = toplevelContextMenu.IsAssignedToDropDownItem;
                                if (!isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip) { 
                                    if (toplevelContextMenu != activeControl.ContextMenuStrip) {
                                        // the toplevel context menu is NOT the same as the active control's context menu. 
                                    else { 
                                        isAssociatedContextMenu = true;
                            // else it's not a child of a context menu

                        bool rootWindowsMatch = false; 

                        if (!isAssociatedContextMenu) {
                            // make sure that were processing shortcuts for the correct window.
                            // since the shortcut lookup is faster than this check we've postponed this to the last 
                            // possible moment.
                            ToolStrip topMostToolStrip = toolStrip.GetToplevelOwnerToolStrip(); 
                            if (topMostToolStrip != null && activeControl != null) { 
                                HandleRef rootWindowOfToolStrip = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(topMostToolStrip);
                                HandleRef rootWindowOfControl = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(activeControl); 
                                rootWindowsMatch = (rootWindowOfToolStrip.Handle == rootWindowOfControl.Handle);

                                if (rootWindowsMatch) {
                                    // Double check this is not an MDIContainer type situation... 
                                    Form mainForm = Control.FromHandleInternal(rootWindowOfControl.Handle) as Form;
                                    if (mainForm != null && mainForm.IsMdiContainer) { 
                                        Form toolStripForm = topMostToolStrip.FindFormInternal(); 
                                        if (toolStripForm != mainForm && toolStripForm != null) {
                                           // VSWhidbey 530569 
                                           // we should only process shortcuts of the ActiveMDIChild or the Main Form.
                                           rootWindowsMatch = (toolStripForm == mainForm.ActiveMdiChildInternal);

                        if (isAssociatedContextMenu || rootWindowsMatch || isDoublyAssignedContextMenuStrip) { 
                            ToolStripMenuItem item = toolStrip.Shortcuts[shortcut] as ToolStripMenuItem;
                            if (item != null) {
                                if (item.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, shortcut)) {
                                    Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessShortcut - found item on toolstrip: [" + item.ToString() + "]"); 
                                    retVal = true;
                if (needsPrune) {
                return retVal; 
            return false; 


        ///  this function handles when Alt is pressed.
        ///          if it finds a menustrip to select, it returns true, 
        ///          if it doesnt it returns false. 
        ///          if it finds a win32 menu is already associated with the control it bails, returning false.
        internal static bool ProcessMenuKey(ref Message m) {

            Debug.WriteLineIf(Control.ControlKeyboardRouting.TraceVerbose, "ToolStripManager.ProcessMenuKey: [" + m.ToString() + "]");
            if (!IsThreadUsingToolStrips()) { 
                return false;
            // recievedMenuKeyUp = true; 

            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] Determining whether we should send focus to MenuStrip"); 

            Keys keyData = (Keys)(int)m.LParam;

            // search for our menu to work with 
            Control intendedControl = Control.FromHandleInternal(m.HWnd);
            Control toplevelControl = null; 
            MenuStrip menuStripToActivate = null;
            if (intendedControl != null) { 
                // search for a menustrip to select.
                toplevelControl = intendedControl.TopLevelControlInternal;
                if (toplevelControl != null) {
                    IntPtr hMenu = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetMenu(new HandleRef(toplevelControl, toplevelControl.Handle)); 
                    if (hMenu == IntPtr.Zero) {
                        // only activate the menu if there's no win32 menu.  Win32 menus trump menustrips. 
                        menuStripToActivate = GetMainMenuStrip(toplevelControl); 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "[ProcessMenuKey] MenuStripToActivate is: {0}", menuStripToActivate)); 

            // the data that comes into the LParam is the ASCII code, not the VK_* code. 
            // we need to compare against char instead.
            if ((char)keyData == ' ') { // dont process system menu 
                ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false; 
            else if ((char)keyData == '-') { 
                // deal with MDI system menu
                Form mdiChild = toplevelControl as Form;
                if (mdiChild != null && mdiChild.IsMdiChild) {
                    if (mdiChild.WindowState == FormWindowState.Maximized) { 
                        ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false;
            else { 
                // this is the same as Control.ModifierKeys - but we save two p/invokes.
                if (UnsafeNativeMethods.GetKeyState((int)Keys.ShiftKey) < 0 && (keyData == Keys.None)) {
                    // VSWhidbey 381933 if it's Shift+F10 and we're already InMenuMode, then we
                    // need to cancel this message, otherwise we'll enter the native modal menu loop. 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] DETECTED SHIFT+F10" + keyData.ToString());
                    return ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode; 
                else {
                    if (menuStripToActivate != null && !ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle) { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] attempting to set focus to menustrip");

                        // if we've alt-tabbed away dont snap/restore focus.
                        HandleRef topmostParentOfMenu = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(menuStripToActivate); 
                        IntPtr foregroundWindow = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow();
                        if (topmostParentOfMenu.Handle == foregroundWindow) { 
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] ToolStripManager call MenuStrip.OnMenuKey");
                            return menuStripToActivate.OnMenuKey(); 
                    else if (menuStripToActivate != null) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ProcessMenuKey] Resetting MenuKeyToggle"); 
                        ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false;
                        return true; 
            return false;
        internal static MenuStrip GetMainMenuStrip(Control control) {
            if (control == null) { 
                Debug.Fail("why are we passing null to GetMainMenuStrip?"); 
                return null;

            // look for a particular main menu strip to be set.
            Form mainForm = control.FindFormInternal();
            if (mainForm != null && mainForm.MainMenuStrip != null) { 
                return mainForm.MainMenuStrip;
            // if not found go through the entire collection.
            return GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(control.Controls); 

        private static MenuStrip GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(Control.ControlCollection controlsToLookIn) {
            try { 
                // Perform breadth first search - as it's likely people will want controls belonging
                // to the same parent close to each other. 
                for (int i = 0; i < controlsToLookIn.Count; i++) {
                    if (controlsToLookIn[i] == null) { 
                    if (controlsToLookIn[i] is MenuStrip) {
                        return controlsToLookIn[i] as MenuStrip; 
                // Recursive search for controls in child collections.
                for (int i = 0; i < controlsToLookIn.Count; i++) {
                    if (controlsToLookIn[i] == null) {

                    if ((controlsToLookIn[i].Controls != null) && controlsToLookIn[i].Controls.Count > 0) { 
                        // if it has a valid child collecion, append those results to our collection 
                        MenuStrip menuStrip = GetFirstMenuStripRecursive(controlsToLookIn[i].Controls);
                        if (menuStrip != null) { 
                            return menuStrip;
            catch (Exception e) { 
                // VSWHIDBEY 80122 make sure we deal with non-critical failures gracefully. 
                if (ClientUtils.IsCriticalException(e)) {
            return null;

        #endregion MenuKeyAndShortcutProcessing 

        /// ToolStripManager MenuMerging functions

        #region MenuMerging 

        private static ToolStripItem FindMatch(ToolStripItem source, ToolStripItemCollection destinationItems) { 
            // based on MergeAction: 
            // Append, return the last sibling
            ToolStripItem result = null; 
            if (source != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < destinationItems.Count; i++) {
                    ToolStripItem candidateItem = destinationItems[i];
                    // using SafeCompareKeys so we use the same heuristics as keyed collections. 
                    if (WindowsFormsUtils.SafeCompareStrings(source.Text, candidateItem.Text, true)) {
                        result = candidateItem; 
                        break; // we found it 

                if (result == null && source.MergeIndex > -1 && source.MergeIndex < destinationItems.Count) {
                    result = destinationItems[source.MergeIndex];
            return result; 

        internal static ArrayList FindMergeableToolStrips(ContainerControl container) {
            ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
            if (container != null) { 
                for (int i = 0; i < ToolStrips.Count; i++) {
                    ToolStrip candidateTS = (ToolStrip)ToolStrips[i]; 
                    //if(candidateTS != null) { 
                    //    Debug.WriteLine("candidate TS: " + candidateTS.Name + " | " + candidateTS.AllowMerge + " | " + (candidateTS.Parent == null ?  "null" : candidateTS.Parent.Name) +" | " + container.Name);
                    //Debug.WriteLine(candidateTS == null ? "null" : "not null");
                    if (candidateTS != null && candidateTS.AllowMerge && container == candidateTS.FindFormInternal()) {
            result.Sort(new ToolStripCustomIComparer()); //we sort them from more specific to less specific
            return result; 

        private static bool IsSpecialMDIStrip(ToolStrip toolStrip) {
            return (toolStrip is MdiControlStrip || toolStrip is MdiWindowListStrip); 
        /// merge two toolstrips 
        public static bool Merge(ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, ToolStrip targetToolStrip) {
            // check arguments
            if (sourceToolStrip == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceToolStrip");
            if (targetToolStrip == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetToolStrip");
            if (targetToolStrip == sourceToolStrip) {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripMergeImpossibleIdentical));
            // we only do this if the source and target toolstrips are the same
            bool canMerge = IsSpecialMDIStrip(sourceToolStrip); 
            canMerge = (canMerge || (sourceToolStrip.AllowMerge && 
                                      targetToolStrip.AllowMerge &&
                                      (sourceToolStrip.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(targetToolStrip.GetType()) || targetToolStrip.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(sourceToolStrip.GetType())) 
            MergeHistory mergeHistory = null;
            if (canMerge) { 
                //Debug.WriteLine("Begin merge between src: " + sourceToolStrip.Name + " and target: " + targetToolStrip.Name);
                mergeHistory = new MergeHistory(sourceToolStrip); 

                int originalCount = sourceToolStrip.Items.Count;

                if (originalCount > 0) {
                    try { 
                        int lastCount = originalCount; 

                        // 2. do the actual merging logic 
                        for (int i = 0, itemToLookAt = 0; i < originalCount; i++) {
                            ToolStripItem item = sourceToolStrip.Items[itemToLookAt];
                            //Debug.WriteLine("doing the recursive merge for item " + item.Text);
                            MergeRecursive(item, targetToolStrip.Items, mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack); 

                            int numberOfItemsMerged = lastCount - sourceToolStrip.Items.Count; 
                            itemToLookAt = (numberOfItemsMerged > 0) ? itemToLookAt : itemToLookAt + 1; 
                            lastCount = sourceToolStrip.Items.Count;
                    finally {
                    //Debug.WriteLine("pusing mergehistory for toolstrip " + sourceToolStrip.Name + " in target toolstrip MergeHistoryStack property"); 
                    if (mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0) {
                        // only push this on the stack if we actually did something 
            bool result = false;
            if (mergeHistory != null && mergeHistory.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0) { 
                result = true; // we did merge something 
            return result; 

        private static void MergeRecursive(ToolStripItem source, ToolStripItemCollection destinationItems, Stack history) {
            MergeHistoryItem maction; 
            switch (source.MergeAction) {
                case MergeAction.MatchOnly: 
                case MergeAction.Replace:
                case MergeAction.Remove:
                    ToolStripItem item = FindMatch(source, destinationItems);
                    if (item != null) { 
                        switch (source.MergeAction) {
                            case MergeAction.MatchOnly: 
                                ToolStripDropDownItem tsddownDest = item as ToolStripDropDownItem;
                                ToolStripDropDownItem tsddownSrc = source as ToolStripDropDownItem; 
                                if (tsddownDest != null && tsddownSrc != null && tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count != 0) {

                                    int originalCount = tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count;
                                    if (originalCount > 0) {
                                        int lastCount = originalCount; 

                                        try { 
                                            // the act of walking through this collection removes items from
                                            // the dropdown.
                                            for (int i = 0, itemToLookAt = 0; i < originalCount; i++) {
                                                MergeRecursive(tsddownSrc.DropDownItems[itemToLookAt], tsddownDest.DropDownItems, history);
                                                int numberOfItemsMerged = lastCount - tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count; 
                                                itemToLookAt = (numberOfItemsMerged > 0) ? itemToLookAt : itemToLookAt + 1;
                                                lastCount = tsddownSrc.DropDownItems.Count; 
                                        finally {
                            case MergeAction.Replace: 
                            case MergeAction.Remove:
                                maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Insert);
                                maction.TargetItem = item; 
                                int indexOfDestinationItem = destinationItems.IndexOf(item);
                                maction.Index = indexOfDestinationItem; 
                                maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
                                maction.TargetItem = item; 
                                if (source.MergeAction == MergeAction.Replace) {
                                    //ToolStripItem clonedItem = source.Clone();
                                    maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove); 
                                    maction.PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner.Items; 
                                    maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source);
                                    maction.TargetItem = source; 
                                    destinationItems.Insert(indexOfDestinationItem, source);
                                    maction.Index = indexOfDestinationItem;
                                    maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
                case MergeAction.Insert:
                    if (source.MergeIndex > -1) {
                        maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove); 
                        maction.PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner.Items;
                        maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source); 
                        maction.TargetItem = source; 
                        int insertIndex = Math.Min(destinationItems.Count, source.MergeIndex);
                        destinationItems.Insert(insertIndex, source); 
                        maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;
                        maction.Index = insertIndex;
                case MergeAction.Append: 
                    maction = new MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction.Remove);
                    maction.PreviousIndexCollection = source.Owner.Items; 
                    maction.PreviousIndex = maction.PreviousIndexCollection.IndexOf(source);
                    maction.TargetItem = source;
                    int index = destinationItems.Add(source);
                    maction.Index = index; 
                    maction.IndexCollection = destinationItems;

        /// merge two toolstrips 
        public static bool Merge(ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, string targetName) {
            if (sourceToolStrip == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceToolStrip");
            if (targetName == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetName"); 
            ToolStrip target = FindToolStrip(targetName); 
            if (target == null) {
                return false; 
            else {
                return Merge(sourceToolStrip, target);
        /// doesn't do a null check on source... if it's null we unmerge everything
        internal static bool RevertMergeInternal(ToolStrip targetToolStrip, ToolStrip sourceToolStrip, bool revertMDIControls) {
            bool result = false;
            if (targetToolStrip == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetToolStrip"); 
            if (targetToolStrip == sourceToolStrip) { 
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripMergeImpossibleIdentical)); 
            bool foundToolStrip = false; 

            if (sourceToolStrip != null) {
                // we have a specific toolstrip to pull out.

                // make sure the sourceToolStrip is even merged into the targetToolStrip 
                foreach (MergeHistory history in targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack) { 
                    foundToolStrip = (history.MergedToolStrip == sourceToolStrip);
                    if (foundToolStrip) { 
                // PERF: if we dont have the toolstrip in our merge history, bail.
                if (!foundToolStrip) { 
                    //Debug.WriteLine("source toolstrip not contained within target " + history.MergedToolStrip.Name); 
                    return false;

            if( sourceToolStrip != null ) {
            try {
                //Debug.WriteLine("Reverting merge, playing back history for all merged toolstrip "); 
                Stack reApply = new Stack();
                foundToolStrip = false;
                while (targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack.Count > 0 && !foundToolStrip) {
                    result = true; // we unmerge something... 
                    MergeHistory history = targetToolStrip.MergeHistoryStack.Pop();
                    if (history.MergedToolStrip == sourceToolStrip) { 
                        foundToolStrip = true; 
                    else if (!revertMDIControls && sourceToolStrip == null) { 
                        // VSWhidbey 352431: Calling ToolStripManager.RevertMerge should not pull out MDIControlStrip && MDIWindowListStrip.
                        if (IsSpecialMDIStrip(history.MergedToolStrip)) {
                    else { 
                    //Debug.WriteLine("unmerging " + history.MergedToolStrip.Name); 
                    while (history.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Count > 0) {
                        MergeHistoryItem historyItem = history.MergeHistoryItemsStack.Pop();
                        switch (historyItem.MergeAction) { 
                            case MergeAction.Remove:
                                // put it back 
                                historyItem.PreviousIndexCollection.Insert(Math.Min(historyItem.PreviousIndex, historyItem.PreviousIndexCollection.Count), historyItem.TargetItem);
                            case MergeAction.Insert:
                                historyItem.IndexCollection.Insert(Math.Min(historyItem.Index, historyItem.IndexCollection.Count), historyItem.TargetItem);
                                // no need to put it back, inserting it in a new collection, moved it at the correct location
                // re-apply the merges of the toolstrips we had to unmerge first.
                while (reApply.Count > 0) {
                    ToolStrip mergeAgain = reApply.Pop();
                    Merge(mergeAgain, targetToolStrip); 
            finally { 
                if( sourceToolStrip != null ) {
            return result;
            //ToolStripMergeNode.SynchronizeFromToolStripMergeNode(targetToolStrip.Items, targetToolStrip.MergeItems); 

        /// unmerge two toolstrips
        public static bool RevertMerge(ToolStrip targetToolStrip) { 
            return RevertMergeInternal(targetToolStrip, null, /*revertMDIControls*/false);
        /// unmerge two toolstrips
        public static bool RevertMerge(ToolStrip targetToolStrip, ToolStrip sourceToolStrip) {
            if (sourceToolStrip == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceToolStrip");
            return RevertMergeInternal(targetToolStrip, sourceToolStrip, /*revertMDIControls*/false); 
        /// unmerge two toolstrips
        public static bool RevertMerge(string targetName) {
            ToolStrip target = FindToolStrip(targetName); 
            if (target == null) { 
                return false;
            else {
                return RevertMerge(target);

        #endregion MenuMerging 
    internal class ToolStripCustomIComparer : IComparer {
        int IComparer.Compare(object x, object y) {
            if (x.GetType() == y.GetType()) {
                return 0; // same type 
            if (x.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(y.GetType())) { 
                return 1; 
            if (y.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(x.GetType())) { 
                return -1;
            return 0; // not the same type, not in each other inheritance chain
    internal class MergeHistory { 
        private Stack mergeHistoryItemsStack;
        private ToolStrip mergedToolStrip; 

        public MergeHistory(ToolStrip mergedToolStrip) {
            this.mergedToolStrip = mergedToolStrip;
        public Stack MergeHistoryItemsStack {
            get { 
                if (mergeHistoryItemsStack == null) { 
                    mergeHistoryItemsStack = new Stack();
                return mergeHistoryItemsStack;
        public ToolStrip MergedToolStrip { 
            get {
                return mergedToolStrip; 

    internal class MergeHistoryItem {
        private MergeAction mergeAction;
        private ToolStripItem targetItem; 
        private int index = -1;
        private int previousIndex = -1; 
        private ToolStripItemCollection previousIndexCollection; 
        private ToolStripItemCollection indexCollection;
        public MergeHistoryItem(MergeAction mergeAction) {
            this.mergeAction = mergeAction;
        public MergeAction MergeAction { 
            get {
                return mergeAction; 
        public ToolStripItem TargetItem { 
            get {
                return targetItem;
            set { 
                targetItem = value;
        public int Index {
            get { 
                return index;
            set {
                index = value; 
        public int PreviousIndex { 
            get {
                return previousIndex; 
            set {
                previousIndex = value;
        public ToolStripItemCollection PreviousIndexCollection { 
            get { 
                return previousIndexCollection;
            set {
                previousIndexCollection = value;
        public ToolStripItemCollection IndexCollection {
            get { 
                return indexCollection; 
            set { 
                indexCollection = value;
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
        public override string ToString() { 
            return "MergeAction: " + mergeAction.ToString() + " | TargetItem: " + (TargetItem == null ? "null" : TargetItem.Text) + " Index: " + index.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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