/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / NetworkInformation / SystemIPInterfaceStatistics.cs / 1 / SystemIPInterfaceStatistics.cs
////// namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation { using System.Net.Sockets; using System; using System.ComponentModel; /// /// Provides support for ip configuation information and statistics. /// IP statistics internal class SystemIPv4InterfaceStatistics:IPv4InterfaceStatistics { MibIfRow ifRow = new MibIfRow(); private SystemIPv4InterfaceStatistics(){ } internal SystemIPv4InterfaceStatistics(long index){ GetIfEntry(index); } public override long OutputQueueLength{get {return ifRow.dwOutQLen;}} public override long BytesSent{get {return ifRow.dwOutOctets;}} public override long BytesReceived{get {return ifRow.dwInOctets;}} public override long UnicastPacketsSent{get {return ifRow.dwOutUcastPkts;}} public override long UnicastPacketsReceived{get { return ifRow.dwInUcastPkts;}} public override long NonUnicastPacketsSent{get { return ifRow.dwOutNUcastPkts;}} public override long NonUnicastPacketsReceived{get { return ifRow.dwInNUcastPkts;}} public override long IncomingPacketsDiscarded{get { return ifRow.dwInDiscards;}} public override long OutgoingPacketsDiscarded{get { return ifRow.dwOutDiscards;}} public override long IncomingPacketsWithErrors{get { return ifRow.dwInErrors;}} public override long OutgoingPacketsWithErrors{get { return ifRow.dwOutErrors;}} public override long IncomingUnknownProtocolPackets{get { return ifRow.dwInUnknownProtos;}} internal long Mtu{get { return ifRow.dwMtu;}} internal OperationalStatus OperationalStatus{ get{ switch (ifRow.operStatus) { case OldOperationalStatus.NonOperational: return OperationalStatus.Down; case OldOperationalStatus.Unreachable: return OperationalStatus.Down; case OldOperationalStatus.Disconnected: return OperationalStatus.Dormant; case OldOperationalStatus.Connecting: return OperationalStatus.Dormant; case OldOperationalStatus.Connected: return OperationalStatus.Up; case OldOperationalStatus.Operational: return OperationalStatus.Up; } //state unknow return OperationalStatus.Unknown; } } internal long Speed{get { return ifRow.dwSpeed;}} //This method is used to get information for ipv4 specific interfaces //we should only call this the first time one of the properties //are accessed. void GetIfEntry(long index) { if (index == 0 ) return; ifRow.dwIndex = (uint)index; uint result = UnsafeNetInfoNativeMethods.GetIfEntry(ref ifRow); if (result != IpHelperErrors.Success) { throw new NetworkInformationException((int)result); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ////// namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation { using System.Net.Sockets; using System; using System.ComponentModel; /// /// Provides support for ip configuation information and statistics. /// IP statistics internal class SystemIPv4InterfaceStatistics:IPv4InterfaceStatistics { MibIfRow ifRow = new MibIfRow(); private SystemIPv4InterfaceStatistics(){ } internal SystemIPv4InterfaceStatistics(long index){ GetIfEntry(index); } public override long OutputQueueLength{get {return ifRow.dwOutQLen;}} public override long BytesSent{get {return ifRow.dwOutOctets;}} public override long BytesReceived{get {return ifRow.dwInOctets;}} public override long UnicastPacketsSent{get {return ifRow.dwOutUcastPkts;}} public override long UnicastPacketsReceived{get { return ifRow.dwInUcastPkts;}} public override long NonUnicastPacketsSent{get { return ifRow.dwOutNUcastPkts;}} public override long NonUnicastPacketsReceived{get { return ifRow.dwInNUcastPkts;}} public override long IncomingPacketsDiscarded{get { return ifRow.dwInDiscards;}} public override long OutgoingPacketsDiscarded{get { return ifRow.dwOutDiscards;}} public override long IncomingPacketsWithErrors{get { return ifRow.dwInErrors;}} public override long OutgoingPacketsWithErrors{get { return ifRow.dwOutErrors;}} public override long IncomingUnknownProtocolPackets{get { return ifRow.dwInUnknownProtos;}} internal long Mtu{get { return ifRow.dwMtu;}} internal OperationalStatus OperationalStatus{ get{ switch (ifRow.operStatus) { case OldOperationalStatus.NonOperational: return OperationalStatus.Down; case OldOperationalStatus.Unreachable: return OperationalStatus.Down; case OldOperationalStatus.Disconnected: return OperationalStatus.Dormant; case OldOperationalStatus.Connecting: return OperationalStatus.Dormant; case OldOperationalStatus.Connected: return OperationalStatus.Up; case OldOperationalStatus.Operational: return OperationalStatus.Up; } //state unknow return OperationalStatus.Unknown; } } internal long Speed{get { return ifRow.dwSpeed;}} //This method is used to get information for ipv4 specific interfaces //we should only call this the first time one of the properties //are accessed. void GetIfEntry(long index) { if (index == 0 ) return; ifRow.dwIndex = (uint)index; uint result = UnsafeNetInfoNativeMethods.GetIfEntry(ref ifRow); if (result != IpHelperErrors.Success) { throw new NetworkInformationException((int)result); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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