DbCommandTree.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Common / CommandTrees / DbCommandTree.cs / 1 / DbCommandTree.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 

using System.Data.Common.Utils; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal;

namespace System.Data.Common.CommandTrees 
    /// DbCommandTree is the abstract base type for the Delete, Query, Insert and Update DbCommandTree types. 
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "Db")] 
    public abstract class DbCommandTree
        #region Private Instance Fields
        // Metadata collection 
        private MetadataWorkspace _metadata;
        private DataSpace _dataSpace; 
        // Commonly used types
        private CommandTreeTypeHelper _typeHelp; 

        // CreateParameter Support
        private Dictionary> _paramMappings = new Dictionary>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        // Pre-built Expressions
        DbConstantExpression _trueExpr; 
        DbConstantExpression _falseExpr; 

        // Validation support 
        private int _currentVersion = 1;
        private int _validatedVersion;

        // Referenced Container Tracking 
        private List _containers = new List();
        // Binding alias generation 
        private AliasGenerator _bindingAliases;
        internal AliasGenerator BindingAliases 
                if (null == _bindingAliases) 
                    _bindingAliases = new AliasGenerator(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Var_{0}_", this.ObjectId), 0); 
                return _bindingAliases;

        private static int s_instanceCount; // Bid counter
        internal readonly int ObjectId = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref s_instanceCount); 

        #region Constructors
        /// Initializes a new command tree with a given metadata workspace.
        /// The metadata workspace against which the command tree should operate.
        /// The logical 'space' that metadata in the expressions used in this command tree must belong to. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///  does not represent a valid data space 
        internal DbCommandTree(MetadataWorkspace metadata, DataSpace dataSpace) 
            using (new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId)) 
                if (null == metadata)
                    throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("metadata"); 
                // Ensure that this is a valid value, in addition to non-null
                if (!CommandTreeUtils.IsValidDataSpace(dataSpace))
                    throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_InvalidDataSpace, "dataSpace");

                // Assign the metadata workspace and initalize commonly used types. 
                _metadata = new MetadataWorkspace(); 

                ItemCollection objectItemCollection;
                //While EdmItemCollection and StorageitemCollections are required
                //ObjectItemCollection may or may not be registered on the workspace yet. 
                //So register the ObjectItemCollection if it exists.
                if (metadata.TryGetItemCollection(DataSpace.OSpace, out objectItemCollection)) 
                _dataSpace = dataSpace; 
                _typeHelp = new CommandTreeTypeHelper(this);
        #region Public API

        /// Clones the specified  in the context of this command tree, returning a copy of the expression that is owned by this command tree. If the expression is the root of an expression subtree, the entire subtree is cloned. If the expression is already owned by this command tree the original expression is returned. 
        /// The expression to import 
        /// If the expression is already owned by this command tree, the original expression. Otherwise, a copy of the expression that is owned by this command tree 
        ///  is null
        ///  refers to metadata that is not present in the metadata workspace of this command tree 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbExpression Import(DbExpression source)
            if (null == source)
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("source");
            // #433613: PreSharp warning 56506: Parameter 'source.CommandTree' to this public method must be validated: A null-dereference can occur here.
            if (null == source.CommandTree) 
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_Import_NullCommandTreeInvalid, "source");
            using(new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId))
                EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, source=%d#, %d{cqt.DbExpressionKind}\n", this.ObjectId, DbExpression.GetObjectId(source), DbExpression.GetExpressionKind(source)); 

                if (this == source.CommandTree) 
                    return source;
                // Command Trees should only ever exist in one Data Space, the C-Space.
                //Debug.Assert(source.CommandTree.DataSpace == this.DataSpace, "DbCommandTree DataSpace mismatch"); 
                return ExpressionCopier.Copy(this, source);

        /// Verifies that the command tree is valid, including the validity of variable and parameter references. 
        /// If the command tree is invalid 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ void Validate() 
            using(new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId)) 
                if (!this.ValidationRequired)
                this.Validate(new System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal.Validator()); 


        /// Adds a parameter to the set of parameters that may be referenced within this command tree. If a parameter with the same name but a different type already exists on this command tree then an exception will be thrown.
        /// The name of the new parameter 
        /// A description of the type of the new parameter
        ///  or  is null 
        /// A parameter with the same name but a different type already exists on this command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ void AddParameter(string name, TypeUsage type)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(name, "name"); 

            using(new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId))
                EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, name='%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, name);
                EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, type='%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, TypeHelpers.GetStrongName(type));

                if (!DbCommandTree.IsValidParameterName(name)) 
                    throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_InvalidParameterName(name), "name"); 

                KeyValuePair foundParam; 
                if (_paramMappings.TryGetValue(name, out foundParam))
                    // SQLBUDT#545720: Equivalence is not a sufficient check (consider row types for TVPs) - equality is required.
                    if (!TypeSemantics.IsStructurallyEqualTo(type, foundParam.Value)) 
                        throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_ParameterExists, "type"); 
                    _paramMappings.Add(name, new KeyValuePair(name, type));
        /// Gets the name and corresponding type of each parameter that can be referenced within this command tree.
        public IEnumerable> Parameters
                using(new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId))
                    Dictionary retParams = new Dictionary(); 
                    foreach (KeyValuePair definedParam in _paramMappings.Values)
                        EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, name='%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, definedParam.Key);
                        EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, type='%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, TypeHelpers.GetStrongName(definedParam.Value));

                        retParams.Add(definedParam.Key, definedParam.Value); 
                    return retParams; 

        // VersionNumber need only be public when Command Trees are mutable.
        /// Gets the current version of this DbCommandTree. 
        public int VersionNumber { get { return _currentVersion; } }

        #region Non-DbExpression Factory Methods
        /// Creates a new  that uses the specified variable name to bind the given expression 
        /// The expression to bind 
        /// The variable name that should be used for the binding 
        /// A new expression binding with the specified expression and variable name
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or does not have a collection result type
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbExpressionBinding CreateExpressionBinding(DbExpression input, string varName)
            return new DbExpressionBinding(this, input, varName); 
        /// Creates a new  that uses a generated variable name to bind the given expression
        /// The expression to bind 
        /// A new expression binding with the specified expression and a generated variable name
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or does not have a collection result type 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbExpressionBinding CreateExpressionBinding(DbExpression input)
            return new DbExpressionBinding(this, input, this.BindingAliases.Next());
        /// Creates a new  that uses the specified variable name and group variable names to bind the given expression 
        /// The expression to bind
        /// The variable name that should be used for the binding
        /// The variable name that should be used to refer to the group when the new group expression binding is used in a group-by expression 
        /// A new group expression binding with the specified expression, variable name and group variable name
        /// ,  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or does not have a collection result type 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbGroupExpressionBinding CreateGroupExpressionBinding(DbExpression input, string varName, string groupVarName)
            return new DbGroupExpressionBinding(this, input, varName, groupVarName); 
        /// Creates a new group expression binding that uses generated variable and group variable names to bind the given expression
        /// The expression to bind
        /// A new group expression binding with the specified expression and a generated variable name and group variable name
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or does not have a collection result type 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbGroupExpressionBinding CreateGroupExpressionBinding(DbExpression input)
            string alias = this.BindingAliases.Next();
            return new DbGroupExpressionBinding(this, input, alias, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Group{0}", alias));
        /// Creates a new  
        /// The expression that defines the sort key
        /// Specifies whether the sort order is ascending (true) or descending (false) 
        /// A new sort clause with the given sort key and sort order
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree 
        ///     or does not have an order-comparable result type
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbSortClause CreateSortClause(DbExpression key, bool ascending) 
            return new DbSortClause(key, ascending, String.Empty); 

        /// Creates a new  
        /// The expression that defines the sort key 
        /// Specifies whether the sort order is ascending (true) or descending (false) 
        /// The collation to sort under
        /// A new sort clause with the given sort key, sort order and collation 
        ///  or  is null
        ///  is empty or contains only space characters
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a string result type 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbSortClause CreateSortClause(DbExpression key, bool ascending, string collation) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collation, "collation");
            if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhiteSpace(collation)) 
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Sort_EmptyCollationInvalid, "collation");
            return new DbSortClause(key, ascending, collation);
        /// Creates a new . 
        /// The function that defines the aggregate operation.
        /// The argument over which the aggregate function should be calculated.
        /// A new function aggregate with a reference to the given function and argument. The function aggregate's Distinct property will have the value false 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace 
        ///     or has more than one argument,
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or 
        ///     the result type of  is not equal or promotable to
        ///     the parameter type of 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFunctionAggregate CreateFunctionAggregate(EdmFunction function, DbExpression argument) 
            return new DbFunctionAggregate(this, function, argument, false); 

        /// Creates a new  that is applied in a distinct fashion.
        /// The function that defines the aggregate operation.
        /// The argument over which the aggregate function should be calculated. 
        /// A new function aggregate with a reference to the given function and argument. The function aggregate's Distinct property will have the value true
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace
        ///     or has more than one argument, 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or
        ///     the result type of  is not equal or promotable to
        ///     the parameter type of 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFunctionAggregate CreateDistinctFunctionAggregate(EdmFunction function, DbExpression argument)
            return new DbFunctionAggregate(this, function, argument, true); 
        /// Creates a new  over the specified argument
        /// The argument over which to perform the nest operation
        /// A new nest aggregate with a reference to the given argument. 
        ///  is null 
        ///  is associated with a different command tree
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ NestAggregate CreateNestAggregate(Expression argument) 
            return new NestAggregate(this, argument);

        /// Creates a new  that describes how to satisfy the relationship 
        /// navigation operation from  to , which
        /// must be declared by the same relationship type. 
        /// DbRelatedEntityRefs are used in conjuction with 
        /// to construct Entity instances that are capable of resolving relationship navigation operations based on
        /// the provided DbRelatedEntityRefs without the need for additional navigation operations.
        /// Note also that this factory method is not intended to be part of the public Command Tree API 
        /// since its intent is to support Entity constructors in view definitions that express information about
        /// related Entities using the 'WITH RELATIONSHIPS' clause in eSQL. 
        /// The relationship end from which navigation takes place
        ///The relationship end to which navigation may be satisifed using the target entity ref 
        ///An expression that produces a reference to the target entity (and must therefore have a Ref result type)
        internal DbRelatedEntityRef CreateRelatedEntityRef(RelationshipEndMember sourceEnd, RelationshipEndMember targetEnd, DbExpression targetEntity)
            return new DbRelatedEntityRef(this, sourceEnd, targetEnd, targetEntity); 
        #region DbExpression Factory Methods
        #region Constants
        /// Creates a new  with the given constant value.
        /// The constant value to represent.
        /// A new DbConstantExpression with the given value. 
        ///  is null 
        ///  is not an instance of a valid constant type
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbConstantExpression CreateConstantExpression(object value) 
            return new DbConstantExpression(this, value);
        /// Creates a new  of the specified primitive type with the given constant value. 
        /// The constant value to represent.
        /// The type of the constant value. 
        /// A new DbConstantExpression with the given value and a result type of .
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is not an instance of a valid constant type, 
        ///      does not represent a primitive type, or
        ///      is of a different primitive type than that represented by  
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbConstantExpression CreateConstantExpression(object value, TypeUsage constantType)
            return new DbConstantExpression(this, value, constantType);

        /// Creates a  with the Boolean value false.
        /// A DbConstantExpression with the Boolean value false. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbConstantExpression CreateFalseExpression()
            if (null == _falseExpr)
                _falseExpr = this.CreateConstantExpression(false, this.TypeHelper.CreateBooleanResultType());

            return _falseExpr; 

        /// Creates a new , which represents a typed null value.
        /// The type of the null value.
        /// An instance of DbNullExpression 
        ///  is null
        ///  is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNullExpression CreateNullExpression(TypeUsage type) 
            return new DbNullExpression(this, type); 

        /// Creates a  with the Boolean value true. 
        /// A DbConstantExpression with the Boolean value true. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbConstantExpression CreateTrueExpression() 
            if (null == _trueExpr) 
                _trueExpr = this.CreateConstantExpression(true, this.TypeHelper.CreateBooleanResultType());
            return _trueExpr;

        #region Variables 
        /// Creates a  that references the parameter with the given name.
        /// The parameter must already exist on the command tree.
        /// The name of the parameter to reference.
        /// A new DbParameterReferenceExpression that references the given parameter. 
        ///  is null 
        /// If no parameter with the given name exists on the command tree. Parameters can be added to the command tree using the AddParameter method
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbParameterReferenceExpression CreateParameterReferenceExpression(string name) 
            if (null == name)
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("name"); 
            // Attempt to find a parameter with the specified name in the parameters dictionary.
            // If the name is not valid the dictionary is not consulted since no parameter with 
            // an invalid name should ever be added to the dictionary.
            // Note that when the ParameterRefExpression is created the name that is used is the
            // exact name that the parameter was originally created with (from the dictionary)
            // since this is the name the Validator will use (in an exact match) to determine 
            // whether a given ParameterRefExpression is valid or not.
            KeyValuePair foundParam; 
            if (DbCommandTree.IsValidParameterName(name) &&
                _paramMappings.TryGetValue(name, out foundParam)) 
                return new DbParameterReferenceExpression(this, foundParam.Value, foundParam.Key);
            throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_NoParameterExists, "name");

        /// Creates a  that references a variable with the given name and type.
        /// The name of the variable to reference.
        /// The type of the variable to reference. 
        /// A new DbVariableReferenceExpression that references the specified variable.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///  is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbVariableReferenceExpression CreateVariableReferenceExpression(string varName, TypeUsage varType)
            return new DbVariableReferenceExpression(this, varType, varName);
        #region Member Access
        /// Creates a new  representing the invocation of the specified method on the given instance with the given arguments. 
        /// The metadata for the method to invoke.
        /// The invocation target.
        /// The arguments to the method. 
        /// A new MethodExpression that represents the method invocation.
        ///      or  is null, 
        ///     or  is null or contains null
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or has a result type that is not equal or promotable to the declaring type of the method, 
        ///     or  contains an incorrect number of expressions,
        ///     an expression with a result type that is not equal or promotable to the type of the corresponding 
        ///     method parameter, or an expression that is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ MethodExpression CreateInstanceMethodExpression(MethodMetadata methodInfo, Expression instance, IList args) 
            if (methodInfo != null && methodInfo.IsStatic)
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_InstanceMethodRequired, "methodInfo"); 
            return new MethodExpression(this, methodInfo, args, instance); 
        /// Creates a new  representing the invocation of the specified method with the given arguments.
        /// The metadata for the method to invoke. 
        /// The arguments to the method.
        /// A new MethodExpression that represents the method invocation. 
        ///  is null, or  is null or contains null 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, 
        ///     or  contains an incorrect number of expressions,
        ///     an expression with a result type that is not equal or promotable to the type of the corresponding
        ///     method parameter, or an expression that is associated with a different command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ MethodExpression CreateStaticMethodExpression(MethodMetadata methodInfo, IList args)
            if (methodInfo != null && !methodInfo.IsStatic) 
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_StaticMethodRequired, "methodInfo"); 

            return new MethodExpression(this, methodInfo, args, null);
        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the instance property with the specified name from the given instance.
        /// The name of the property to retrieve.
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the property.
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression that represents the property retrieval
        ///  is null or  is null and the property is not static. 
        /// No property with the specified name is declared by the type of .
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or  is non-null and the property is static. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(string propertyName, DbExpression instance) 
            return CreatePropertyExpression(propertyName, false, instance);
        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the instance property with the specified name from the given instance. 
        /// The name of the property to retrieve.
        /// If true, a case-insensitive member lookup of  is performed; otherwise a member with a name that is an exact match must be declared by the type of . 
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the property.
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression that represents the property retrieval
        ///  is null or  is null and the property is not static.
        /// No property with the specified name (determined with respect to ) is declared by the type of . 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or  is non-null and the property is static. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(string propertyName, bool ignoreCase, DbExpression instance)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(instance, "instance");

            // EdmProperty, NavigationProperty and RelationshipEndMember are the only valid members for DbPropertyExpression.
            // Since these all derive from EdmMember they are declared by subtypes of StructuralType, 
            // so a non-StructuralType instance is invalid. 
            StructuralType structType; 
            if(TypeHelpers.TryGetEdmType(instance.ResultType, out structType))
                // Does the type declare a member with the given name? 
                EdmMember foundMember; 
                if(structType.Members.TryGetValue(propertyName, ignoreCase, out foundMember)) 
                    // If the member is a RelationshipEndMember, call the corresponding overload.
                    if (Helper.IsRelationshipEndMember(foundMember))
                        return this.CreatePropertyExpression((RelationshipEndMember)foundMember, instance);
                    // Otherwise if the member is an EdmProperty, call that overload instead. 
                    if (Helper.IsEdmProperty(foundMember))
                        return this.CreatePropertyExpression((EdmProperty)foundMember, instance); 
                    // The only remaining valid option is NavigationProperty.
                    if (Helper.IsNavigationProperty(foundMember))
                        return this.CreatePropertyExpression((NavigationProperty)foundMember, instance);
            throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_NoSuchProperty, "propertyName");

        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the specified property.
        /// Metadata for the property to retrieve.
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the property. May be null if the property is static. 
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression representing the property retrieval. 
        ///  is null or  is null and the property is not static.
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree, or  is non-null and the property is static.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(EdmProperty propertyInfo, DbExpression instance) 
            return new DbPropertyExpression(this, propertyInfo, instance); 

        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the specified relationship end member.
        /// Metadata for the relationship end member to retrieve.
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the relationship end member. 
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression representing the relationship end member retrieval.
        ///  is null or  is null and the property is not static. 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(RelationshipEndMember memberInfo, DbExpression instance)
            return new DbPropertyExpression(this, memberInfo, instance); 
        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the specified navigation property.
        /// Metadata for the navigation property to retrieve.
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the navigation property.
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression representing the navigation property retrieval.
        ///  is null or  is null. 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, 
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(NavigationProperty propertyInfo, DbExpression instance) 
            return new DbPropertyExpression(this, propertyInfo, instance);
        /// Creates a new  representing the navigation of a composition or association relationship. 
        /// Metadata for the property that represents the end of the relationship from which navigation should occur
        /// Metadata for the property that represents the end of the relationship to which navigation should occur 
        /// An expression the specifies the instance from which naviagtion should occur
        /// A new DbRelationshipNavigationExpression representing the navigation of the specified from and to relation ends of the specified relation type from the specified navigation source instance
        /// ,  or  is null
        ///      and  are not declared by the same relationship type
        ///     or are not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or  is associated 
        ///     with a different command tree or has a result type that is not compatible with the property type of . 
        ///      requires that navigation always occur from a reference, and so  must always have a reference result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRelationshipNavigationExpression CreateRelationshipNavigationExpression(RelationshipEndMember fromEnd, RelationshipEndMember toEnd, DbExpression from)
            return new DbRelationshipNavigationExpression(this, fromEnd, toEnd, from);
        /// Creates a new  representing the navigation of a composition or association relationship. 
        /// Metadata for the relation type that represents the relationship
        /// The name of the property of the relation type that represents the end of the relationship from which navigation should occur
        /// The name of the property of the relation type that represents the end of the relationship to which navigation should occur 
        /// An expression the specifies the instance from which naviagtion should occur
        /// A new DbRelationshipNavigationExpression representing the navigation of the specified from and to relation ends of the specified relation type from the specified navigation source instance 
        ///     , ,  or  is null.
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  does not declare a relation end property with name  or ,
        ///     or  has a result type that is not compatible with the property type of the relation end property with name . 
        ///      requires that navigation always occur from a reference, and so  must always have a reference result type. 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRelationshipNavigationExpression CreateRelationshipNavigationExpression(RelationshipType type, string fromEndName, string toEndName, DbExpression from)
            return new DbRelationshipNavigationExpression(this, type, fromEndName, toEndName, from);
        #region EdmFunction Invocation (including Lambda) 

        /// Creates a new  representing the invocation of the specified function with the given arguments.
        /// Metadata for the function to invoke.
        /// A list of expressions that provide the arguments to the function. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression representing the function invocation.
        ///      is null, or  is null or contains null. 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     the count of  does not equal the number of parameters declared by ,
        ///     or  contains an expression that is associated with a different command tree or has
        ///     a result type that is not equal or promotable to the corresponding function parameter type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFunctionExpression CreateFunctionExpression(EdmFunction function, IList args) 
            return new DbFunctionExpression(this, function, null, args);

        /// Creates a  that represents the invocation of the inline (Lambda) function described by the given formal parameters and body expression.
        /// The names and types of the formal arguments to the Lambda function
        /// An expression that defines the logic of the Lambda function 
        /// A list of expressions that provides the values on which the function is invoked. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that invokes the specified Lambda function with the given arguments
        ///      is null or contains an element with a null name or type,
        ///      is null, or  is null or contains null.
        ///      contains an element with a type associated with a different metadata workspace, 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or  constains
        ///     an expression that is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFunctionExpression CreateLambdaFunctionExpression(IEnumerable> formals, DbExpression body, IList args)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(formals, "formals");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(body, "body");

            List funcParams = new List(); 

            List> formalArgs = new List>(formals); 
            int idx = 0; 
                delegate(KeyValuePair formal, int index)
                    this.TypeHelper.CheckType(formal.Value, CommandTreeUtils.FormatIndex("formals", idx));
                    funcParams.Add(new FunctionParameter(formal.Key, formal.Value, ParameterMode.In)); 

            FunctionParameter retParam = new FunctionParameter("Return", body.ResultType, ParameterMode.ReturnValue);

            EdmFunction lambdaFunction = 
                new EdmFunction(DbFunctionExpression.LambdaFunctionName,
                    new EdmFunctionPayload
                        ReturnParameter = retParam,
                        Parameters = funcParams.ToArray(),
            return new DbFunctionExpression(this, lambdaFunction, body, args); 

        #region Arithmetic Operators
        /// Creates a new  that divides the left argument by the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the division operation.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateDivideExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Divide, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right)); 

        /// Creates a new  that subtracts the right argument from the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the subtraction operation.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateMinusExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Minus, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right)); 
        /// Creates a new  that computes the remainder of the left argument divided by the right argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the modulo operation. 
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateModuloExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Modulo, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right));
        /// Creates a new  that multiplies the left argument by the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the multiplication operation. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateMultiplyExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Multiply, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right));

        /// Creates a new  that adds the left argument to the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the addition operation.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreatePlusExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Plus, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right));

        /// Creates a new  that negates the value of the argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the argument. 
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the negation operation.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or has a non-numeric result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateUnaryMinusExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.UnaryMinus, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(argument)); 

        #region Comparison Operators
        /// Creates a new  that compares the left and right arguments for equality. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the equality comparison.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common equality-comparable result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Equals, left, right); 
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the left argument is greater than the right argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the greater-than comparison. 
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common order-comparable result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateGreaterThanExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.GreaterThan, left, right);
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the left argument is greater than or equal to the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the greater-than-or-equal-to comparison. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common result type that is both equality- and order-comparable exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateGreaterThanOrEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.GreaterThanOrEquals, left, right);

        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the left argument is less than the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the less-than comparison.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common order-comparable result type exists between them. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateLessThanExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.LessThan, left, right);

        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the left argument is less than or equal to the right argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the less-than-or-equal-to comparison. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common result type that is both equality- and order-comparable exists between them. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateLessThanOrEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.LessThanOrEquals, left, right);

        /// Creates a new  that compares the left and right arguments for inequality.
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the inequality comparison. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common equality-comparable result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateNotEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.NotEquals, left, right); 
        #region Boolean Connectors
        /// Creates an  that performs the logical And of the left and right arguments.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbAndExpression with the specified arguments. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a Boolean result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbAndExpression CreateAndExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbAndExpression(this, left, right); 

        /// Creates an  that performs the logical Or of the left and right arguments.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbOrExpression with the specified arguments.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbOrExpression CreateOrExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbOrExpression(this, left, right); 
        /// Creates a  that performs the logical negation of the given argument.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the argument.
        /// A new DbNotExpression with the specified argument.
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNotExpression CreateNotExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbNotExpression(this, argument);
        #region Relational Operators
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the given predicate holds for any element of the input set. 
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set. 
        /// An expression representing a predicate to evaluate for each member of the input set.
        /// A new DbQuantifierExpression that represents the Any operation.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbQuantifierExpression CreateAnyExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression predicate)
            return new DbQuantifierExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Any, input, predicate);

        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the given predicate holds for all elements of the input set.
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set. 
        /// An expression representing a predicate to evaluate for each member of the input set.
        /// A new DbQuantifierExpression that represents the All operation. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbQuantifierExpression CreateAllExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression predicate) 
            return new DbQuantifierExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.All, input, predicate);

        /// Creates a new  that evaluates the given  expression once for each element of a given input set,
        /// producing a collection of rows with corresponding input and apply columns. Rows for which  evaluates to an empty set are not included. 
        /// An  that specifies the input set. 
        /// An  that specifies logic to evaluate once for each member of the input set. 
        /// An new DbApplyExpression with the specified input and apply bindings and an  of CrossApply.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///  or  is associated with a different command tree
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbApplyExpression CreateCrossApplyExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpressionBinding apply)
            return new DbApplyExpression(this, input, apply, DbExpressionKind.CrossApply); 
        /// Creates a new  that evaluates the given  expression once for each element of a given input set,
        /// producing a collection of rows with corresponding input and apply columns. Rows for which  evaluates to an empty set have an apply column value of null. 
        /// An  that specifies the input set.
        /// An  that specifies logic to evaluate once for each member of the input set.
        /// An new DbApplyExpression with the specified input and apply bindings and an  of OuterApply. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///  or  is associated with a different command tree 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbApplyExpression CreateOuterApplyExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpressionBinding apply) 
            return new DbApplyExpression(this, input, apply, DbExpressionKind.OuterApply); 

        /// Creates a new  that removes duplicates from the given set argument. 
        /// An expression that defines the set over which to perfom the distinct operation. 
        /// A new DbDistinctExpression that represents the distinct operation applied to the specified set argument. 
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a collection result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbDistinctExpression CreateDistinctExpression(DbExpression argument) 
            return new DbDistinctExpression(this, argument); 

        /// Creates a new  that converts a single-member set into a singleton.
        /// An expression that specifies the input set.
        /// A DbElementExpression that represents the conversion of the single-member set argument to a singleton. 
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or does not have a collection result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbElementExpression CreateElementExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbElementExpression(this, argument, false);

        /// Creates a new  that converts a single-member set with a single property 
        /// into a singleton.  The result type of the created  equals the result type
        /// of the single property of the element of the argument. 
        /// This method should only be used when the argument is of a collection type with
        /// element of structured type with only one property.
        /// An expression that specifies the input set.
        /// A DbElementExpression that represents the conversion of the single-member set argument to a singleton. 
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or does not have a collection result type, or its element type is not a structured type
        ///     with only one property
        internal DbElementExpression CreateElementExpressionUnwrapSingleProperty(DbExpression argument) 
            return new DbElementExpression(this, argument, true); 

        /// Creates a new  that computes the subtraction of the right set argument from the left set argument.
        /// An expression that defines the left set argument.
        /// An expression that defines the right set argument. 
        /// A new DbExceptExpression that represents the difference of the left argument from the right argument.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common collection result type exists between them. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbExceptExpression CreateExceptExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbExceptExpression(this, left, right); 
        /// Creates a new  that filters the elements in the given input set using the specified predicate.
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set.
        /// An expression representing a predicate to evaluate for each member of the input set.
        /// A new DbFilterExpression that produces the filtered set.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFilterExpression CreateFilterExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression predicate) 
            return new DbFilterExpression(this, input, predicate);
        /// Creates a new  that groups the elements of the input set according to the specified group keys and applies the given aggregates. 
        /// A  that specifies the input set.
        /// A list of string-expression pairs that define the grouping columns. 
        /// A list of expressions that specify aggregates to apply.
        /// A new DbGroupByExpression with the specified input set, grouping keys and aggregates.
        ///     ,  or  is null, 
        ///      contains a null key column name or expression, or
        ///      contains a null aggregate column name or aggregate. 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     both  and  are empty,
        ///      contains an expression that is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  contains an aggregate that is not associated with the command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or an invalid or duplicate column name was specified. 
        ///     DbGroupByExpression allows either the list of keys or the list of aggregates to be empty, but not both. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbGroupByExpression CreateGroupByExpression(DbGroupExpressionBinding input, IList> keys, IList> aggregates) 
            return new DbGroupByExpression(this, input, keys, aggregates);
        /// Creates a new  that computes the intersection of the left and right set arguments. 
        /// An expression that defines the left set argument.
        /// An expression that defines the right set argument. 
        /// A new DbIntersectExpression that represents the intersection of the left and right arguments.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common collection result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIntersectExpression CreateIntersectExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbIntersectExpression(this, left, right); 

        /// Creates a new  that unconditionally joins the sets specified by the list of input expression bindings. 
        /// A list of expression bindings that specifies the input sets. 
        /// A new DbCrossJoinExpression, with an  of CrossJoin, that represents the unconditional join of the input sets. 
        ///  is null or contains null
        ///      contains fewer than 2 expression bindings,
        ///     or contains an expression binding that is associated with a different command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbCrossJoinExpression CreateCrossJoinExpression(IList inputs) 
            return new DbCrossJoinExpression(this, inputs); 

        /// Creates a new  that joins the sets specified by the left and right
        /// expression bindings, on the specified join condition, using InnerJoin as the .
        /// An  that specifies the left set argument. 
        /// An  that specifies the right set argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the condition on which to join. 
        ///     A new DbJoinExpression, with an  of InnerJoin, that represents the inner join operation applied to the left and right
        ///     input sets under the given join condition. 
        ///     ,  or  is null.
        ///     ,  or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbJoinExpression CreateInnerJoinExpression(DbExpressionBinding left, DbExpressionBinding right, DbExpression joinCondition) 
            return new DbJoinExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.InnerJoin, left, right, joinCondition);
        /// Creates a new  that joins the sets specified by the left and right 
        /// expression bindings, on the specified join condition, using LeftOuterJoin as the . 
        /// An  that specifies the left set argument. 
        /// An  that specifies the right set argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the condition on which to join.
        ///     A new DbJoinExpression, with an  of LeftOuterJoin, that represents the left outer join operation applied to the left and right 
        ///     input sets under the given join condition.
        ///     ,  or  is null.
        ///     ,  or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbJoinExpression CreateLeftOuterJoinExpression(DbExpressionBinding left, DbExpressionBinding right, DbExpression joinCondition)
            return new DbJoinExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin, left, right, joinCondition); 
        /// Creates a new  that joins the sets specified by the left and right
        /// expression bindings, on the specified join condition, using FullOuterJoin as the .
        /// An  that specifies the left set argument.
        /// An  that specifies the right set argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the condition on which to join. 
        ///     A new DbJoinExpression, with an  of FullOuterJoin, that represents the full outer join operation applied to the left and right 
        ///     input sets under the given join condition.
        ///     ,  or  is null. 
        ///     ,  or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbJoinExpression CreateFullOuterJoinExpression(DbExpressionBinding left, DbExpressionBinding right, DbExpression joinCondition)
            return new DbJoinExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.FullOuterJoin, left, right, joinCondition);

        /// Creates a new  that projects the specified expression over the given input set. 
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set. 
        /// An expression to project over the set.
        /// A new DbProjectExpression that represents the projection operation.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbProjectExpression CreateProjectExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression projection) 
            return new DbProjectExpression(this, input, projection); 

        /// Creates a new  that sorts the given input set by the given sort specifications before skipping the specified number of elements. 
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set. 
        /// A list of sort specifications that determine how the elements of the input set should be sorted. 
        /// An expression the specifies how many elements of the ordered set to skip.
        /// A new DbSkipExpression that represents the skip operation. 
        ///     ,  or  is null,
        ///     or  contains null.
        ///      or is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///      is empty or contains a  that is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  is not  or  or has a
        ///     result type that is not equal or promotable to a 64-bit integer type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbSkipExpression CreateSkipExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, IList sortOrder, DbExpression count)
            return new DbSkipExpression(this, input, sortOrder, count); 
        /// Creates a new  that sorts the given input set by the specified sort specifications.
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set.
        /// A list of sort specifications that determine how the elements of the input set should be sorted.
        /// A new DbSortExpression that represents the sort operation.
        ///      or  is null,
        ///     or  contains null. 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  is empty or contains a  that is associated with a different command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbSortExpression CreateSortExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, IList sortOrder)
            return new DbSortExpression(this, input, sortOrder);
        /// Creates a new  that computes the union of the left and right set arguments and does not remove duplicates. 
        /// An expression that defines the left set argument.
        /// An expression that defines the right set argument.
        /// A new DbUnionAllExpression that union, including duplicates, of the the left and right arguments. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common collection result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbUnionAllExpression CreateUnionAllExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbUnionAllExpression(this, left, right);
        #region General Operators 
        /// Creates a new . 
        /// A list of expressions that provide the conditional for of each case.
        /// A list of expressions that provide the result of each case.
        /// An expression that defines the result when no case is matched. 
        /// A new DbCaseExpression with the specified cases and default result.
        ///      or  is null or contains null, 
        ///     or  is null.
        ///      or  is empty or contains an expression associated with a different command tree,
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or no common result type exists for all expressions in
        ///      and . 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbCaseExpression CreateCaseExpression(IList whenExpressions, IList thenExpressions, DbExpression elseExpression) 
            return new DbCaseExpression(this, whenExpressions, thenExpressions, elseExpression);

        /// Creates a new  that applies a cast operation to a polymorphic argument.
        /// The argument to which the cast should be applied.
        /// Type metadata that specifies the type to cast to. 
        /// A new DbCastExpression with the specified argument and target type. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or the specified cast is not valid.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbCastExpression CreateCastExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage toType)
            return new DbCastExpression(this, toType, argument); 
        /// Creates a new  that references the specified entity or relationship set.
        /// Metadata for the entity or relationship set to reference. 
        /// A new DbScanExpression based on the specified entity or relationship set.
        ///  is null 
        ///  is not associated with the metadata workspace of this command tree 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbScanExpression CreateScanExpression(EntitySetBase target)
            return new DbScanExpression(this, target);

        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the specified set argument is an empty set.
        /// An expression that specifies the input set 
        /// A new DbIsEmptyExpression with the specified argument.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a collection result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIsEmptyExpression CreateIsEmptyExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbIsEmptyExpression(this, argument); 
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the specified argument is null.
        /// An expression that specifies the argument. 
        /// A new DbIsNullExpression with the specified argument.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or
        ///      has a collection result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIsNullExpression CreateIsNullExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbIsNullExpression(this, argument, false); 
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the specified argument is null.
        /// Used only by span rewriter, when a row could is specified as an argument 
        /// An expression that specifies the argument.
        /// A new DbIsNullExpression with the specified argument.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or 
        ///      has a collection result type. 
        internal DbIsNullExpression CreateIsNullExpressionAllowingRowTypeArgument(DbExpression argument) 
            return new DbIsNullExpression(this, argument, true);
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the given argument is of the specified type or a subtype. 
        /// An expression that specifies the instance.
        /// Type metadata that specifies the type that the instance's result type should be compared to. 
        /// A new DbIsOfExpression with the specified instance and type and DbExpressionKind IsOf.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or
        ///      is not in the same type hierarchy as the result type of . 
        ///     DbIsOfExpression requires that  has a polymorphic result type, 
        ///     and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIsOfExpression CreateIsOfExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage type)
            return new DbIsOfExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.IsOf, type, argument);
        /// Creates a new  expression that determines whether the given argument is of the specified type, and only that type (not a subtype). 
        /// An expression that specifies the instance.
        /// Type metadata that specifies the type that the instance's result type should be compared to.
        /// A new DbIsOfExpression with the specified instance and type and DbExpressionKind IsOfOnly. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or
        ///      is not in the same type hierarchy as the result type of . 
        ///     DbIsOfExpression requires that  has a polymorphic result type,
        ///     and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIsOfExpression CreateIsOfOnlyExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage type) 
            return new DbIsOfExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.IsOfOnly, type, argument);

        /// Creates a new  that compares the specified input string to the given pattern.
        /// An expression that specifies the input string.
        /// An expression that specifies the pattern string. 
        /// A new DbLikeExpression with the specified input, pattern and a null escape. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a string result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbLikeExpression CreateLikeExpression(DbExpression input, DbExpression pattern) 
            return new DbLikeExpression(this, input, pattern, null); 

        /// Creates a new  that compares the specified input string to the given pattern using the optional escape.
        /// An expression that specifies the input string.
        /// An expression that specifies the pattern string. 
        /// An optional expression that specifies the escape string.
        /// A new DbLikeExpression with the specified input, pattern and escape. 
        /// ,  or  is null 
        ///     ,  or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or does not have a string result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbLikeExpression CreateLikeExpression(DbExpression input, DbExpression pattern, DbExpression escape)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(escape, "escape");
            return new DbLikeExpression(this, input, pattern, escape); 

        /// Creates a new  that restricts the number of elements in the Argument collection to the specified Limit value.
        /// Tied results are not included in the output.
        /// An expression that specifies the input collection. 
        /// An expression that specifies the limit value.
        /// A new DbLimitExpression with the specified argument and limit values that does not include tied results. 
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a collection result type, 
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree or does not have a result type that is equal or promotable to a 64-bit integer type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbLimitExpression CreateLimitExpression(DbExpression argument, DbExpression limit)
            return new DbLimitExpression(this, argument, limit, false);
        /// Creates a new  that restricts the number of elements in the Argument collection to the specified Limit value, 
        /// including tied results in the output.
        /// An expression that specifies the input collection.
        /// An expression that specifies the limit value. 
        /// A new DbLimitExpression with the specified argument and limit values that includes tied results.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a collection result type,
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree or does not have a result type that is equal or promotable to a 64-bit integer type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbLimitExpression CreateLimitWithTiesExpression(DbExpression argument, DbExpression limit)
            return new DbLimitExpression(this, argument, limit, true); 
        /// Creates a new . If the type argument is a collection type, the arguments specify the elements of the collection. Otherwise the arguments are used as property or column values in the new instance.
        /// The type of the new instance.
        /// Expressions that specify values of the new instances, interpreted according to the instance's type.
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression with the specified type and arguments.
        ///  or  is null, or  contains null 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, 
        ///      is empty or contains an expression associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or the result types of the contained expressions do not match the requirements of  (as explained in the remarks section).
        ///     if  is a a collection type then every expression in  must have a result type that is promotable to the element type of the .
        ///     if  is a row type,  must contain as many expressions as there are columns in the record 
        ///     type, and the result type of each expression must be equal or promotable to the type of the corresponding column. A row type that does not declare any columns is invalid. 
        ///     if  is an entity type,  must contain as many expressions as there are properties defined by the type,
        ///     and the result type of each expression must be equal or promotable to the type of the corresponding property.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewInstanceExpression(TypeUsage type, IList args)
            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, type, args); 
        /// Creates a new  that produces a row with the specified named columns and the given values, specified as expressions.
        /// A list of string-DbExpression key-value pairs that defines the structure and values of the row. 
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression that represents the construction of the row.
        ///  is null or contains an element with a null column name or expression 
        ///      is empty, contains a duplicate or invalid column name,
        ///     or contains an expression that is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewRowExpression(IList> recordColumns)
            List args = new List(); 
            List> colTypes = new List>();
                false, // Don't allow empty list
                delegate(KeyValuePair exprInfo, int index)
                    // Use ExpressionLink for standard expression argument validation 
                    ExpressionLink testLink = new ExpressionLink(CommandTreeUtils.FormatIndex("recordColumns", index), this, exprInfo.Value);
                    colTypes.Add(new KeyValuePair(exprInfo.Key, exprInfo.Value.ResultType));

            TypeUsage resultType = CommandTreeTypeHelper.CreateResultType(TypeHelpers.CreateRowType(colTypes));
            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, resultType, args); 
        /// Creates a new  that constructs a collection containing the specified elements. The type of the collection is based on the common type of the elements. If no common element type exists an exception is thrown.
        /// A list of expressions that provide the elements of the collection
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression with the specified collection type and arguments.
        ///  is null, or contains null
        ///      is empty, contains an expression that is not associated with this command tree,
        ///     or contains expressions for which no common result type exists. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewCollectionExpression(IList collectionElements)
            if (null == collectionElements)
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("collectionElements");

            if (collectionElements.Count < 1) 
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_NewCollectionElementsRequired, "collectionElements");

            // Use an ExpressionList to determine the common element type of the collection
            // (Note that this ExpressionList is not used by the DbNewInstanceExpression itself) 
            ExpressionList elements = new ExpressionList("collectionElements", this, collectionElements.Count); 
            TypeUsage commonElementType = elements.GetCommonElementType();
            if (TypeSemantics.IsNullOrNullType(commonElementType)) 
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_NewCollectionInvalidCommonType, "collectionElements");
            TypeUsage resultType = CommandTreeTypeHelper.CreateCollectionResultType(commonElementType);
            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, resultType, elements); 

        /// Creates a new  that constructs an empty collection of the specified collection type.
        /// The type metadata for the collection to create
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression with the specified collection type and an empty Arguments list. 
        ///  is null
        ///  is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewEmptyCollectionExpression(TypeUsage collectionType) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collectionType, "collectionType"); 
            if (!TypeSemantics.IsCollectionType(collectionType))
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_NewInstance_CollectionTypeRequired, "collectionType");

            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, collectionType, null); 

        /// Creates a new  that constructs an instance of an Entity type
        /// together with the specified information about Entities related to the newly constructed Entity by'
        /// relationship navigations where the target end has multiplicity of at most one.
        /// Note that this factory method is not intended to be part of the public Command Tree API since it 
        /// its intent is to support Entity constructors in view definitions that express information about
        /// related Entities using the 'WITH RELATIONSHIPS' clause in eSQL. 
        /// The type of the Entity instance that is being constructed
        /// Values for each (non-relationship) property of the Entity 
        /// A (possibly empty) list of s that describe Entities that are related to the constructed Entity by various relationship types.
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression that represents the construction of the Entity, and includes the specified related Entity information in the see  collection.
        internal DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewEntityWithRelationshipsExpression(EntityType instanceType, IList attributeValues, IList relationships)
            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, instanceType, attributeValues, relationships);
        /// Creates a new  that produces a set consisting of the elements of the given input set that are of the specified type. 
        /// An  that specifies the input set.
        /// Type metadata for the type that elements of the input set must have to be included in the resulting set.
        /// A new DbOfTypeExpression with the specified set argument and type, and an ExpressionKind of . 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a collection result type, 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or
        ///      is not a type in the same type hierarchy as the element type of the 
        ///     collection result type of .
        ///     DbOfTypeExpression requires that  has a collection result type with 
        ///     a polymorphic element type, and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that element type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbOfTypeExpression CreateOfTypeExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage ofType) 
            return new DbOfTypeExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.OfType, ofType, argument); 

        /// Creates a new  that produces a set consisting of the elements of the given input set that are of exactly the specified type. 
        /// An  that specifies the input set. 
        /// Type metadata for the type that elements of the input set must match exactly to be included in the resulting set. 
        /// A new DbOfTypeExpression with the specified set argument and type, and an ExpressionKind of .
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a collection result type,
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or
        ///      is not a type in the same type hierarchy as the element type of the 
        ///     collection result type of .
        ///     DbOfTypeExpression requires that  has a collection result type with
        ///     a polymorphic element type, and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that element type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbOfTypeExpression CreateOfTypeOnlyExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage ofType)
            return new DbOfTypeExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.OfTypeOnly, ofType, argument); 
        /// Creates a new  that encodes a reference to a specific Entity based on key values.
        /// The Entity set in which the referenced element resides.
        /// An  that constructs a record type with columns that match (in number and type) the Key properties of the referenced Entity type.
        /// A new DbRefExpression that references the element with the specified key values in the given Entity set.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, 
        ///     or is associated with a different command tree or does not have a 
        ///     record result type that matches the key properties of the referenced entity set's entity type.
        ///      should be an expression that specifies the key values that identify the referenced entity within the given entity set.
        ///     The result type of  should contain a corresponding column for each key property defined by 's entity type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRefExpression CreateRefExpression(EntitySet entitySet, DbExpression refKeys)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entitySet, "entitySet"); 
            return new DbRefExpression(this, entitySet, refKeys, entitySet.ElementType);

        /// Creates a new  that encodes a reference to a specific Entity based on key values.
        /// The Entity set in which the referenced element resides.
        /// An  that constructs a record type with columns that match (in number and type) the Key properties of the referenced Entity type. 
        /// The type of the Entity that the reference should refer to. 
        /// A new DbRefExpression that references the element with the specified key values in the given Entity set.
        /// ,  or  is null 
        ///      or is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or is associated with a different command tree;
        ///      is not in the same type hierarchy as the entity set's entity type, or  does not have a 
        ///     record result type that matches the key properties of the referenced entity set's entity type.
        ///      should be an expression that specifies the key values that identify the referenced entity within the given entity set.
        ///     The result type of  should contain a corresponding column for each key property defined by 's entity type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRefExpression CreateRefExpression(EntitySet entitySet, DbExpression refKeys, EntityType entityType)
            return new DbRefExpression(this, entitySet, refKeys, entityType); 
        /// Creates a new  that retrieves a specific Entity given a reference expression
        /// An  that provides the reference. This expression must have a reference Type
        /// A new DbDerefExpression that retrieves the specified Entity
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a reference result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbDerefExpression CreateDerefExpression(DbExpression reference)
            return new DbDerefExpression(this, reference);

        /// Creates a new  that retrieves the key values of the specifed reference in structural form.
        /// The expression that provides the reference. This expression must have a reference Type with an Entity element type. 
        /// A new DbRefKeyExpression that retrieves the key values of the specified reference.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a reference result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRefKeyExpression CreateRefKeyExpression(DbExpression reference)
            return new DbRefKeyExpression(this, reference); 
        /// Creates a new  that retrieves the ref of the specifed entity in structural form.
        /// The expression that provides the entity. This expression must have an entity result type. 
        /// A new DbEntityRefExpression that retrieves a reference to the specified entity.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have an entity result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbEntityRefExpression CreateEntityRefExpression(DbExpression entity)
            return new DbEntityRefExpression(this, entity); 
        /// Creates a new .
        /// An expression that specifies the instance.
        /// Type metadata for the treat-as type.
        /// A new DbTreatExpression with the specified argument and type.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or 
        ///      is not in the same type hierarchy as the result type of .
        ///     DbTreatExpression requires that  has a polymorphic result type,
        ///     and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbTreatExpression CreateTreatExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage treatType)
            return new DbTreatExpression(this, treatType, argument); 

        // Additional expression builders
        // ... 

        #region Internal Implementation
        /// Gets the kind of this command tree.
        internal abstract DbCommandTreeKind CommandTreeKind { get; }
        /// Gets the metadata workspace used by this command tree.
        internal MetadataWorkspace MetadataWorkspace { get { return _metadata; } }

        /// Gets the data space in which metadata used by this command tree must reside. 
        internal DataSpace DataSpace { get { return _dataSpace; } } 
        internal CommandTreeTypeHelper TypeHelper { get { return _typeHelp; } }
        internal virtual void Validate(System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal.Validator v) { }

        internal bool ValidationRequired
                bool valReq = _validatedVersion < _currentVersion; 
                EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, %d{bool}\n", this.ObjectId, valReq);
                return valReq; 

        internal void SetValid() 
            EntityBid.Trace(" %d#\n", this.ObjectId); 
            _validatedVersion = _currentVersion; 
        internal void SetModified()
            int prev = _currentVersion;
            if (int.MaxValue == _currentVersion) 
                _currentVersion = 1; 
                _validatedVersion = 0; 
            EntityBid.Trace(" %d# previous version=%d, new version=%d\n", this.ObjectId, prev, _currentVersion); 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] // we intend for this to be public someday; called from test code for now. 
        internal void ClearParameters()
            EntityBid.Trace(" %d#\n", this.ObjectId);
        internal void CopyParametersTo(DbCommandTree tree)
            foreach (KeyValuePair paramInfo in _paramMappings.Values) 
                tree.AddParameter(paramInfo.Key, paramInfo.Value); 

        internal bool HasParameter(string parameterName, TypeUsage parameterType) 
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterName), "Parameter name should not be null or empty"); 
            Debug.Assert(parameterType != null, "Parameter type should not be null"); 

            KeyValuePair foundParam; 
            if(this._paramMappings.TryGetValue(parameterName, out foundParam))
                return (foundParam.Key.Equals(parameterName, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                        // SQLBUDT#545720: Equivalence is not a sufficient check (consider row types for TVPs) - equality is required. 
                        TypeSemantics.IsStructurallyEqualTo(foundParam.Value, parameterType));
            return false;

        #region Dump/Print Support

        internal void Dump(ExpressionDumper dumper) 
            // Dump information about this command tree to the specified ExpressionDumper 
            // First dump standard information - the DataSpace of the command tree and its parameters 
            Dictionary attrs = new Dictionary();
            attrs.Add("DataSpace", this.DataSpace);
            dumper.Begin(this.GetType().Name, attrs); 

            // The name and type of each Parameter in turn is added to the output 
            dumper.Begin("Parameters", null); 
            foreach (KeyValuePair param in this.Parameters)
                Dictionary paramAttrs = new Dictionary();
                paramAttrs.Add("Name", param.Key); 
                dumper.Begin("Parameter", paramAttrs);
                dumper.Dump(param.Value, "ParameterType"); 

            // Delegate to the derived type's implementation that dumps the structure of the command tree
            // Matching call to End to correspond with the call to Begin above

        internal abstract void DumpStructure(ExpressionDumper dumper); 

        internal string DumpXml() 
            // This is a convenience method that dumps the command tree in an XML format. 
            // This is intended primarily as a debugging aid to allow inspection of the tree structure.
            // Create a new MemoryStream that the XML dumper should write to.
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            // Create the dumper
            XmlExpressionDumper dumper = new XmlExpressionDumper(stream);

            // Dump this tree and then close the XML dumper so that the end document tag is written 
            // and the output is flushed to the stream.
            // Construct a string from the resulting memory stream and return it to the caller
            return XmlExpressionDumper.DefaultEncoding.GetString(stream.ToArray()); 
        internal string Print() 
            return this.PrintTree(new ExpressionPrinter()); 

        internal abstract string PrintTree(ExpressionPrinter printer);
        #region DbExpression Replacement 

        internal void Replace(ReplacerCallback callback) 
            using (new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId))
                ExpressionReplacer replacer = new ExpressionReplacer(callback); 

        internal abstract void Replace(ExpressionReplacer replacer); 


        #region Tracing 
        internal void Trace()
            if (EntityBid.AdvancedOn) 
            else if (EntityBid.TraceOn)

        #region Container Tracking
        internal void TrackContainer(EntityContainer container) 
            using (new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId)) 
                if (!_containers.Contains(container))
                    EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, Adding container to tracked containers list: '%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, container.Name);

        #region Internal Helper API 
        internal DbApplyExpression CreateApplyExpressionByKind(DbExpressionKind applyKind, DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpressionBinding apply)
            Debug.Assert(DbExpressionKind.CrossApply == applyKind || DbExpressionKind.OuterApply == applyKind, "Invalid ApplyType");
                case DbExpressionKind.CrossApply: 
                    return this.CreateCrossApplyExpression(input, apply);
                case DbExpressionKind.OuterApply:
                    return this.CreateOuterApplyExpression(input, apply);

                    throw EntityUtil.InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(DbExpressionKind), (int)applyKind);

        internal DbExpression CreateJoinExpressionByKind(DbExpressionKind joinKind, DbExpression joinCondition, DbExpressionBinding input1, DbExpressionBinding input2) 
            Debug.Assert(DbExpressionKind.CrossJoin == joinKind ||
                         DbExpressionKind.FullOuterJoin == joinKind ||
                         DbExpressionKind.InnerJoin == joinKind || 
                         DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin == joinKind,
                         "Invalid DbExpressionKind for CreateJoinExpressionByKind"); 
            if (DbExpressionKind.CrossJoin == joinKind)
                Debug.Assert(null == joinCondition, "Condition should not be specified for CrossJoin");
                return this.CreateCrossJoinExpression(new DbExpressionBinding[2] { input1, input2 });
                Debug.Assert(joinCondition != null, "Condition must be specified for non-CrossJoin"); 
                switch (joinKind)
                    case DbExpressionKind.InnerJoin:
                        return this.CreateInnerJoinExpression(input1, input2, joinCondition);

                    case DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin: 
                        return this.CreateLeftOuterJoinExpression(input1, input2, joinCondition);
                    case DbExpressionKind.FullOuterJoin: 
                        return this.CreateFullOuterJoinExpression(input1, input2, joinCondition);
                        throw EntityUtil.InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(DbExpressionKind), (int)joinKind);
        internal static bool IsValidParameterName(string name) 
            return (!StringUtil.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhiteSpace(name) && 
        private static readonly Regex _paramNameRegex = new Regex("^([A-Za-z])([A-Za-z0-9_])*$");
    /// Describes the different "kinds" (classes) of command trees.
    internal enum DbCommandTreeKind 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner  [....], [....]
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text; 
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 

using System.Data.Common.Utils; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal;

namespace System.Data.Common.CommandTrees 
    /// DbCommandTree is the abstract base type for the Delete, Query, Insert and Update DbCommandTree types. 
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly", MessageId = "Db")] 
    public abstract class DbCommandTree
        #region Private Instance Fields
        // Metadata collection 
        private MetadataWorkspace _metadata;
        private DataSpace _dataSpace; 
        // Commonly used types
        private CommandTreeTypeHelper _typeHelp; 

        // CreateParameter Support
        private Dictionary> _paramMappings = new Dictionary>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        // Pre-built Expressions
        DbConstantExpression _trueExpr; 
        DbConstantExpression _falseExpr; 

        // Validation support 
        private int _currentVersion = 1;
        private int _validatedVersion;

        // Referenced Container Tracking 
        private List _containers = new List();
        // Binding alias generation 
        private AliasGenerator _bindingAliases;
        internal AliasGenerator BindingAliases 
                if (null == _bindingAliases) 
                    _bindingAliases = new AliasGenerator(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Var_{0}_", this.ObjectId), 0); 
                return _bindingAliases;

        private static int s_instanceCount; // Bid counter
        internal readonly int ObjectId = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref s_instanceCount); 

        #region Constructors
        /// Initializes a new command tree with a given metadata workspace.
        /// The metadata workspace against which the command tree should operate.
        /// The logical 'space' that metadata in the expressions used in this command tree must belong to. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///  does not represent a valid data space 
        internal DbCommandTree(MetadataWorkspace metadata, DataSpace dataSpace) 
            using (new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId)) 
                if (null == metadata)
                    throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("metadata"); 
                // Ensure that this is a valid value, in addition to non-null
                if (!CommandTreeUtils.IsValidDataSpace(dataSpace))
                    throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_InvalidDataSpace, "dataSpace");

                // Assign the metadata workspace and initalize commonly used types. 
                _metadata = new MetadataWorkspace(); 

                ItemCollection objectItemCollection;
                //While EdmItemCollection and StorageitemCollections are required
                //ObjectItemCollection may or may not be registered on the workspace yet. 
                //So register the ObjectItemCollection if it exists.
                if (metadata.TryGetItemCollection(DataSpace.OSpace, out objectItemCollection)) 
                _dataSpace = dataSpace; 
                _typeHelp = new CommandTreeTypeHelper(this);
        #region Public API

        /// Clones the specified  in the context of this command tree, returning a copy of the expression that is owned by this command tree. If the expression is the root of an expression subtree, the entire subtree is cloned. If the expression is already owned by this command tree the original expression is returned. 
        /// The expression to import 
        /// If the expression is already owned by this command tree, the original expression. Otherwise, a copy of the expression that is owned by this command tree 
        ///  is null
        ///  refers to metadata that is not present in the metadata workspace of this command tree 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbExpression Import(DbExpression source)
            if (null == source)
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("source");
            // #433613: PreSharp warning 56506: Parameter 'source.CommandTree' to this public method must be validated: A null-dereference can occur here.
            if (null == source.CommandTree) 
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_Import_NullCommandTreeInvalid, "source");
            using(new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId))
                EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, source=%d#, %d{cqt.DbExpressionKind}\n", this.ObjectId, DbExpression.GetObjectId(source), DbExpression.GetExpressionKind(source)); 

                if (this == source.CommandTree) 
                    return source;
                // Command Trees should only ever exist in one Data Space, the C-Space.
                //Debug.Assert(source.CommandTree.DataSpace == this.DataSpace, "DbCommandTree DataSpace mismatch"); 
                return ExpressionCopier.Copy(this, source);

        /// Verifies that the command tree is valid, including the validity of variable and parameter references. 
        /// If the command tree is invalid 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ void Validate() 
            using(new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId)) 
                if (!this.ValidationRequired)
                this.Validate(new System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal.Validator()); 


        /// Adds a parameter to the set of parameters that may be referenced within this command tree. If a parameter with the same name but a different type already exists on this command tree then an exception will be thrown.
        /// The name of the new parameter 
        /// A description of the type of the new parameter
        ///  or  is null 
        /// A parameter with the same name but a different type already exists on this command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ void AddParameter(string name, TypeUsage type)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(name, "name"); 

            using(new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId))
                EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, name='%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, name);
                EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, type='%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, TypeHelpers.GetStrongName(type));

                if (!DbCommandTree.IsValidParameterName(name)) 
                    throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_InvalidParameterName(name), "name"); 

                KeyValuePair foundParam; 
                if (_paramMappings.TryGetValue(name, out foundParam))
                    // SQLBUDT#545720: Equivalence is not a sufficient check (consider row types for TVPs) - equality is required.
                    if (!TypeSemantics.IsStructurallyEqualTo(type, foundParam.Value)) 
                        throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_ParameterExists, "type"); 
                    _paramMappings.Add(name, new KeyValuePair(name, type));
        /// Gets the name and corresponding type of each parameter that can be referenced within this command tree.
        public IEnumerable> Parameters
                using(new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId))
                    Dictionary retParams = new Dictionary(); 
                    foreach (KeyValuePair definedParam in _paramMappings.Values)
                        EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, name='%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, definedParam.Key);
                        EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, type='%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, TypeHelpers.GetStrongName(definedParam.Value));

                        retParams.Add(definedParam.Key, definedParam.Value); 
                    return retParams; 

        // VersionNumber need only be public when Command Trees are mutable.
        /// Gets the current version of this DbCommandTree. 
        public int VersionNumber { get { return _currentVersion; } }

        #region Non-DbExpression Factory Methods
        /// Creates a new  that uses the specified variable name to bind the given expression 
        /// The expression to bind 
        /// The variable name that should be used for the binding 
        /// A new expression binding with the specified expression and variable name
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or does not have a collection result type
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbExpressionBinding CreateExpressionBinding(DbExpression input, string varName)
            return new DbExpressionBinding(this, input, varName); 
        /// Creates a new  that uses a generated variable name to bind the given expression
        /// The expression to bind 
        /// A new expression binding with the specified expression and a generated variable name
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or does not have a collection result type 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbExpressionBinding CreateExpressionBinding(DbExpression input)
            return new DbExpressionBinding(this, input, this.BindingAliases.Next());
        /// Creates a new  that uses the specified variable name and group variable names to bind the given expression 
        /// The expression to bind
        /// The variable name that should be used for the binding
        /// The variable name that should be used to refer to the group when the new group expression binding is used in a group-by expression 
        /// A new group expression binding with the specified expression, variable name and group variable name
        /// ,  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or does not have a collection result type 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbGroupExpressionBinding CreateGroupExpressionBinding(DbExpression input, string varName, string groupVarName)
            return new DbGroupExpressionBinding(this, input, varName, groupVarName); 
        /// Creates a new group expression binding that uses generated variable and group variable names to bind the given expression
        /// The expression to bind
        /// A new group expression binding with the specified expression and a generated variable name and group variable name
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or does not have a collection result type 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbGroupExpressionBinding CreateGroupExpressionBinding(DbExpression input)
            string alias = this.BindingAliases.Next();
            return new DbGroupExpressionBinding(this, input, alias, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Group{0}", alias));
        /// Creates a new  
        /// The expression that defines the sort key
        /// Specifies whether the sort order is ascending (true) or descending (false) 
        /// A new sort clause with the given sort key and sort order
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree 
        ///     or does not have an order-comparable result type
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbSortClause CreateSortClause(DbExpression key, bool ascending) 
            return new DbSortClause(key, ascending, String.Empty); 

        /// Creates a new  
        /// The expression that defines the sort key 
        /// Specifies whether the sort order is ascending (true) or descending (false) 
        /// The collation to sort under
        /// A new sort clause with the given sort key, sort order and collation 
        ///  or  is null
        ///  is empty or contains only space characters
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a string result type 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbSortClause CreateSortClause(DbExpression key, bool ascending, string collation) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collation, "collation");
            if (StringUtil.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhiteSpace(collation)) 
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Sort_EmptyCollationInvalid, "collation");
            return new DbSortClause(key, ascending, collation);
        /// Creates a new . 
        /// The function that defines the aggregate operation.
        /// The argument over which the aggregate function should be calculated.
        /// A new function aggregate with a reference to the given function and argument. The function aggregate's Distinct property will have the value false 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace 
        ///     or has more than one argument,
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or 
        ///     the result type of  is not equal or promotable to
        ///     the parameter type of 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFunctionAggregate CreateFunctionAggregate(EdmFunction function, DbExpression argument) 
            return new DbFunctionAggregate(this, function, argument, false); 

        /// Creates a new  that is applied in a distinct fashion.
        /// The function that defines the aggregate operation.
        /// The argument over which the aggregate function should be calculated. 
        /// A new function aggregate with a reference to the given function and argument. The function aggregate's Distinct property will have the value true
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace
        ///     or has more than one argument, 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or
        ///     the result type of  is not equal or promotable to
        ///     the parameter type of 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFunctionAggregate CreateDistinctFunctionAggregate(EdmFunction function, DbExpression argument)
            return new DbFunctionAggregate(this, function, argument, true); 
        /// Creates a new  over the specified argument
        /// The argument over which to perform the nest operation
        /// A new nest aggregate with a reference to the given argument. 
        ///  is null 
        ///  is associated with a different command tree
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ NestAggregate CreateNestAggregate(Expression argument) 
            return new NestAggregate(this, argument);

        /// Creates a new  that describes how to satisfy the relationship 
        /// navigation operation from  to , which
        /// must be declared by the same relationship type. 
        /// DbRelatedEntityRefs are used in conjuction with 
        /// to construct Entity instances that are capable of resolving relationship navigation operations based on
        /// the provided DbRelatedEntityRefs without the need for additional navigation operations.
        /// Note also that this factory method is not intended to be part of the public Command Tree API 
        /// since its intent is to support Entity constructors in view definitions that express information about
        /// related Entities using the 'WITH RELATIONSHIPS' clause in eSQL. 
        /// The relationship end from which navigation takes place
        ///The relationship end to which navigation may be satisifed using the target entity ref 
        ///An expression that produces a reference to the target entity (and must therefore have a Ref result type)
        internal DbRelatedEntityRef CreateRelatedEntityRef(RelationshipEndMember sourceEnd, RelationshipEndMember targetEnd, DbExpression targetEntity)
            return new DbRelatedEntityRef(this, sourceEnd, targetEnd, targetEntity); 
        #region DbExpression Factory Methods
        #region Constants
        /// Creates a new  with the given constant value.
        /// The constant value to represent.
        /// A new DbConstantExpression with the given value. 
        ///  is null 
        ///  is not an instance of a valid constant type
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbConstantExpression CreateConstantExpression(object value) 
            return new DbConstantExpression(this, value);
        /// Creates a new  of the specified primitive type with the given constant value. 
        /// The constant value to represent.
        /// The type of the constant value. 
        /// A new DbConstantExpression with the given value and a result type of .
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is not an instance of a valid constant type, 
        ///      does not represent a primitive type, or
        ///      is of a different primitive type than that represented by  
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbConstantExpression CreateConstantExpression(object value, TypeUsage constantType)
            return new DbConstantExpression(this, value, constantType);

        /// Creates a  with the Boolean value false.
        /// A DbConstantExpression with the Boolean value false. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbConstantExpression CreateFalseExpression()
            if (null == _falseExpr)
                _falseExpr = this.CreateConstantExpression(false, this.TypeHelper.CreateBooleanResultType());

            return _falseExpr; 

        /// Creates a new , which represents a typed null value.
        /// The type of the null value.
        /// An instance of DbNullExpression 
        ///  is null
        ///  is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNullExpression CreateNullExpression(TypeUsage type) 
            return new DbNullExpression(this, type); 

        /// Creates a  with the Boolean value true. 
        /// A DbConstantExpression with the Boolean value true. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbConstantExpression CreateTrueExpression() 
            if (null == _trueExpr) 
                _trueExpr = this.CreateConstantExpression(true, this.TypeHelper.CreateBooleanResultType());
            return _trueExpr;

        #region Variables 
        /// Creates a  that references the parameter with the given name.
        /// The parameter must already exist on the command tree.
        /// The name of the parameter to reference.
        /// A new DbParameterReferenceExpression that references the given parameter. 
        ///  is null 
        /// If no parameter with the given name exists on the command tree. Parameters can be added to the command tree using the AddParameter method
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbParameterReferenceExpression CreateParameterReferenceExpression(string name) 
            if (null == name)
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("name"); 
            // Attempt to find a parameter with the specified name in the parameters dictionary.
            // If the name is not valid the dictionary is not consulted since no parameter with 
            // an invalid name should ever be added to the dictionary.
            // Note that when the ParameterRefExpression is created the name that is used is the
            // exact name that the parameter was originally created with (from the dictionary)
            // since this is the name the Validator will use (in an exact match) to determine 
            // whether a given ParameterRefExpression is valid or not.
            KeyValuePair foundParam; 
            if (DbCommandTree.IsValidParameterName(name) &&
                _paramMappings.TryGetValue(name, out foundParam)) 
                return new DbParameterReferenceExpression(this, foundParam.Value, foundParam.Key);
            throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_CommandTree_NoParameterExists, "name");

        /// Creates a  that references a variable with the given name and type.
        /// The name of the variable to reference.
        /// The type of the variable to reference. 
        /// A new DbVariableReferenceExpression that references the specified variable.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///  is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbVariableReferenceExpression CreateVariableReferenceExpression(string varName, TypeUsage varType)
            return new DbVariableReferenceExpression(this, varType, varName);
        #region Member Access
        /// Creates a new  representing the invocation of the specified method on the given instance with the given arguments. 
        /// The metadata for the method to invoke.
        /// The invocation target.
        /// The arguments to the method. 
        /// A new MethodExpression that represents the method invocation.
        ///      or  is null, 
        ///     or  is null or contains null
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///      is associated with a different command tree
        ///     or has a result type that is not equal or promotable to the declaring type of the method, 
        ///     or  contains an incorrect number of expressions,
        ///     an expression with a result type that is not equal or promotable to the type of the corresponding 
        ///     method parameter, or an expression that is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ MethodExpression CreateInstanceMethodExpression(MethodMetadata methodInfo, Expression instance, IList args) 
            if (methodInfo != null && methodInfo.IsStatic)
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_InstanceMethodRequired, "methodInfo"); 
            return new MethodExpression(this, methodInfo, args, instance); 
        /// Creates a new  representing the invocation of the specified method with the given arguments.
        /// The metadata for the method to invoke. 
        /// The arguments to the method.
        /// A new MethodExpression that represents the method invocation. 
        ///  is null, or  is null or contains null 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, 
        ///     or  contains an incorrect number of expressions,
        ///     an expression with a result type that is not equal or promotable to the type of the corresponding
        ///     method parameter, or an expression that is associated with a different command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ MethodExpression CreateStaticMethodExpression(MethodMetadata methodInfo, IList args)
            if (methodInfo != null && !methodInfo.IsStatic) 
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_StaticMethodRequired, "methodInfo"); 

            return new MethodExpression(this, methodInfo, args, null);
        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the instance property with the specified name from the given instance.
        /// The name of the property to retrieve.
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the property.
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression that represents the property retrieval
        ///  is null or  is null and the property is not static. 
        /// No property with the specified name is declared by the type of .
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or  is non-null and the property is static. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(string propertyName, DbExpression instance) 
            return CreatePropertyExpression(propertyName, false, instance);
        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the instance property with the specified name from the given instance. 
        /// The name of the property to retrieve.
        /// If true, a case-insensitive member lookup of  is performed; otherwise a member with a name that is an exact match must be declared by the type of . 
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the property.
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression that represents the property retrieval
        ///  is null or  is null and the property is not static.
        /// No property with the specified name (determined with respect to ) is declared by the type of . 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or  is non-null and the property is static. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(string propertyName, bool ignoreCase, DbExpression instance)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(propertyName, "propertyName");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(instance, "instance");

            // EdmProperty, NavigationProperty and RelationshipEndMember are the only valid members for DbPropertyExpression.
            // Since these all derive from EdmMember they are declared by subtypes of StructuralType, 
            // so a non-StructuralType instance is invalid. 
            StructuralType structType; 
            if(TypeHelpers.TryGetEdmType(instance.ResultType, out structType))
                // Does the type declare a member with the given name? 
                EdmMember foundMember; 
                if(structType.Members.TryGetValue(propertyName, ignoreCase, out foundMember)) 
                    // If the member is a RelationshipEndMember, call the corresponding overload.
                    if (Helper.IsRelationshipEndMember(foundMember))
                        return this.CreatePropertyExpression((RelationshipEndMember)foundMember, instance);
                    // Otherwise if the member is an EdmProperty, call that overload instead. 
                    if (Helper.IsEdmProperty(foundMember))
                        return this.CreatePropertyExpression((EdmProperty)foundMember, instance); 
                    // The only remaining valid option is NavigationProperty.
                    if (Helper.IsNavigationProperty(foundMember))
                        return this.CreatePropertyExpression((NavigationProperty)foundMember, instance);
            throw EntityUtil.ArgumentOutOfRange(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_NoSuchProperty, "propertyName");

        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the specified property.
        /// Metadata for the property to retrieve.
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the property. May be null if the property is static. 
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression representing the property retrieval. 
        ///  is null or  is null and the property is not static.
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree, or  is non-null and the property is static.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(EdmProperty propertyInfo, DbExpression instance) 
            return new DbPropertyExpression(this, propertyInfo, instance); 

        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the specified relationship end member.
        /// Metadata for the relationship end member to retrieve.
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the relationship end member. 
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression representing the relationship end member retrieval.
        ///  is null or  is null and the property is not static. 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(RelationshipEndMember memberInfo, DbExpression instance)
            return new DbPropertyExpression(this, memberInfo, instance); 
        /// Creates a new  representing the retrival of the specified navigation property.
        /// Metadata for the navigation property to retrieve.
        /// The instance from which to retrieve the navigation property.
        /// A new DbPropertyExpression representing the navigation property retrieval.
        ///  is null or  is null. 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, 
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbPropertyExpression CreatePropertyExpression(NavigationProperty propertyInfo, DbExpression instance) 
            return new DbPropertyExpression(this, propertyInfo, instance);
        /// Creates a new  representing the navigation of a composition or association relationship. 
        /// Metadata for the property that represents the end of the relationship from which navigation should occur
        /// Metadata for the property that represents the end of the relationship to which navigation should occur 
        /// An expression the specifies the instance from which naviagtion should occur
        /// A new DbRelationshipNavigationExpression representing the navigation of the specified from and to relation ends of the specified relation type from the specified navigation source instance
        /// ,  or  is null
        ///      and  are not declared by the same relationship type
        ///     or are not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or  is associated 
        ///     with a different command tree or has a result type that is not compatible with the property type of . 
        ///      requires that navigation always occur from a reference, and so  must always have a reference result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRelationshipNavigationExpression CreateRelationshipNavigationExpression(RelationshipEndMember fromEnd, RelationshipEndMember toEnd, DbExpression from)
            return new DbRelationshipNavigationExpression(this, fromEnd, toEnd, from);
        /// Creates a new  representing the navigation of a composition or association relationship. 
        /// Metadata for the relation type that represents the relationship
        /// The name of the property of the relation type that represents the end of the relationship from which navigation should occur
        /// The name of the property of the relation type that represents the end of the relationship to which navigation should occur 
        /// An expression the specifies the instance from which naviagtion should occur
        /// A new DbRelationshipNavigationExpression representing the navigation of the specified from and to relation ends of the specified relation type from the specified navigation source instance 
        ///     , ,  or  is null.
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  does not declare a relation end property with name  or ,
        ///     or  has a result type that is not compatible with the property type of the relation end property with name . 
        ///      requires that navigation always occur from a reference, and so  must always have a reference result type. 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRelationshipNavigationExpression CreateRelationshipNavigationExpression(RelationshipType type, string fromEndName, string toEndName, DbExpression from)
            return new DbRelationshipNavigationExpression(this, type, fromEndName, toEndName, from);
        #region EdmFunction Invocation (including Lambda) 

        /// Creates a new  representing the invocation of the specified function with the given arguments.
        /// Metadata for the function to invoke.
        /// A list of expressions that provide the arguments to the function. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression representing the function invocation.
        ///      is null, or  is null or contains null. 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     the count of  does not equal the number of parameters declared by ,
        ///     or  contains an expression that is associated with a different command tree or has
        ///     a result type that is not equal or promotable to the corresponding function parameter type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFunctionExpression CreateFunctionExpression(EdmFunction function, IList args) 
            return new DbFunctionExpression(this, function, null, args);

        /// Creates a  that represents the invocation of the inline (Lambda) function described by the given formal parameters and body expression.
        /// The names and types of the formal arguments to the Lambda function
        /// An expression that defines the logic of the Lambda function 
        /// A list of expressions that provides the values on which the function is invoked. 
        /// A new DbFunctionExpression that invokes the specified Lambda function with the given arguments
        ///      is null or contains an element with a null name or type,
        ///      is null, or  is null or contains null.
        ///      contains an element with a type associated with a different metadata workspace, 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or  constains
        ///     an expression that is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFunctionExpression CreateLambdaFunctionExpression(IEnumerable> formals, DbExpression body, IList args)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(formals, "formals");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(body, "body");

            List funcParams = new List(); 

            List> formalArgs = new List>(formals); 
            int idx = 0; 
                delegate(KeyValuePair formal, int index)
                    this.TypeHelper.CheckType(formal.Value, CommandTreeUtils.FormatIndex("formals", idx));
                    funcParams.Add(new FunctionParameter(formal.Key, formal.Value, ParameterMode.In)); 

            FunctionParameter retParam = new FunctionParameter("Return", body.ResultType, ParameterMode.ReturnValue);

            EdmFunction lambdaFunction = 
                new EdmFunction(DbFunctionExpression.LambdaFunctionName,
                    new EdmFunctionPayload
                        ReturnParameter = retParam,
                        Parameters = funcParams.ToArray(),
            return new DbFunctionExpression(this, lambdaFunction, body, args); 

        #region Arithmetic Operators
        /// Creates a new  that divides the left argument by the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the division operation.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateDivideExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Divide, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right)); 

        /// Creates a new  that subtracts the right argument from the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the subtraction operation.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateMinusExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Minus, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right)); 
        /// Creates a new  that computes the remainder of the left argument divided by the right argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the modulo operation. 
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateModuloExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Modulo, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right));
        /// Creates a new  that multiplies the left argument by the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the multiplication operation. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateMultiplyExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Multiply, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right));

        /// Creates a new  that adds the left argument to the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the addition operation.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common numeric result type exists between them. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreatePlusExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Plus, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(left, right));

        /// Creates a new  that negates the value of the argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the argument. 
        /// A new DbArithmeticExpression representing the negation operation.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or has a non-numeric result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbArithmeticExpression CreateUnaryMinusExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbArithmeticExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.UnaryMinus, CommandTreeUtils.CreateList(argument)); 

        #region Comparison Operators
        /// Creates a new  that compares the left and right arguments for equality. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the equality comparison.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common equality-comparable result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Equals, left, right); 
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the left argument is greater than the right argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the greater-than comparison. 
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common order-comparable result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateGreaterThanExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.GreaterThan, left, right);
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the left argument is greater than or equal to the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the greater-than-or-equal-to comparison. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common result type that is both equality- and order-comparable exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateGreaterThanOrEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.GreaterThanOrEquals, left, right);

        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the left argument is less than the right argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the less-than comparison.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common order-comparable result type exists between them. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateLessThanExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.LessThan, left, right);

        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the left argument is less than or equal to the right argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument.
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the less-than-or-equal-to comparison. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common result type that is both equality- and order-comparable exists between them. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateLessThanOrEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.LessThanOrEquals, left, right);

        /// Creates a new  that compares the left and right arguments for inequality.
        /// An expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbComparisonExpression representing the inequality comparison. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common equality-comparable result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbComparisonExpression CreateNotEqualsExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbComparisonExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.NotEquals, left, right); 
        #region Boolean Connectors
        /// Creates an  that performs the logical And of the left and right arguments.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbAndExpression with the specified arguments. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a Boolean result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbAndExpression CreateAndExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbAndExpression(this, left, right); 

        /// Creates an  that performs the logical Or of the left and right arguments.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the left argument.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the right argument. 
        /// A new DbOrExpression with the specified arguments.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbOrExpression CreateOrExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbOrExpression(this, left, right); 
        /// Creates a  that performs the logical negation of the given argument.
        /// A Boolean expression that specifies the argument.
        /// A new DbNotExpression with the specified argument.
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNotExpression CreateNotExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbNotExpression(this, argument);
        #region Relational Operators
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the given predicate holds for any element of the input set. 
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set. 
        /// An expression representing a predicate to evaluate for each member of the input set.
        /// A new DbQuantifierExpression that represents the Any operation.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbQuantifierExpression CreateAnyExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression predicate)
            return new DbQuantifierExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.Any, input, predicate);

        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the given predicate holds for all elements of the input set.
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set. 
        /// An expression representing a predicate to evaluate for each member of the input set.
        /// A new DbQuantifierExpression that represents the All operation. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbQuantifierExpression CreateAllExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression predicate) 
            return new DbQuantifierExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.All, input, predicate);

        /// Creates a new  that evaluates the given  expression once for each element of a given input set,
        /// producing a collection of rows with corresponding input and apply columns. Rows for which  evaluates to an empty set are not included. 
        /// An  that specifies the input set. 
        /// An  that specifies logic to evaluate once for each member of the input set. 
        /// An new DbApplyExpression with the specified input and apply bindings and an  of CrossApply.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///  or  is associated with a different command tree
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbApplyExpression CreateCrossApplyExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpressionBinding apply)
            return new DbApplyExpression(this, input, apply, DbExpressionKind.CrossApply); 
        /// Creates a new  that evaluates the given  expression once for each element of a given input set,
        /// producing a collection of rows with corresponding input and apply columns. Rows for which  evaluates to an empty set have an apply column value of null. 
        /// An  that specifies the input set.
        /// An  that specifies logic to evaluate once for each member of the input set.
        /// An new DbApplyExpression with the specified input and apply bindings and an  of OuterApply. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///  or  is associated with a different command tree 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbApplyExpression CreateOuterApplyExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpressionBinding apply) 
            return new DbApplyExpression(this, input, apply, DbExpressionKind.OuterApply); 

        /// Creates a new  that removes duplicates from the given set argument. 
        /// An expression that defines the set over which to perfom the distinct operation. 
        /// A new DbDistinctExpression that represents the distinct operation applied to the specified set argument. 
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a collection result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbDistinctExpression CreateDistinctExpression(DbExpression argument) 
            return new DbDistinctExpression(this, argument); 

        /// Creates a new  that converts a single-member set into a singleton.
        /// An expression that specifies the input set.
        /// A DbElementExpression that represents the conversion of the single-member set argument to a singleton. 
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or does not have a collection result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbElementExpression CreateElementExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbElementExpression(this, argument, false);

        /// Creates a new  that converts a single-member set with a single property 
        /// into a singleton.  The result type of the created  equals the result type
        /// of the single property of the element of the argument. 
        /// This method should only be used when the argument is of a collection type with
        /// element of structured type with only one property.
        /// An expression that specifies the input set.
        /// A DbElementExpression that represents the conversion of the single-member set argument to a singleton. 
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or does not have a collection result type, or its element type is not a structured type
        ///     with only one property
        internal DbElementExpression CreateElementExpressionUnwrapSingleProperty(DbExpression argument) 
            return new DbElementExpression(this, argument, true); 

        /// Creates a new  that computes the subtraction of the right set argument from the left set argument.
        /// An expression that defines the left set argument.
        /// An expression that defines the right set argument. 
        /// A new DbExceptExpression that represents the difference of the left argument from the right argument.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or no common collection result type exists between them. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbExceptExpression CreateExceptExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbExceptExpression(this, left, right); 
        /// Creates a new  that filters the elements in the given input set using the specified predicate.
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set.
        /// An expression representing a predicate to evaluate for each member of the input set.
        /// A new DbFilterExpression that produces the filtered set.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbFilterExpression CreateFilterExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression predicate) 
            return new DbFilterExpression(this, input, predicate);
        /// Creates a new  that groups the elements of the input set according to the specified group keys and applies the given aggregates. 
        /// A  that specifies the input set.
        /// A list of string-expression pairs that define the grouping columns. 
        /// A list of expressions that specify aggregates to apply.
        /// A new DbGroupByExpression with the specified input set, grouping keys and aggregates.
        ///     ,  or  is null, 
        ///      contains a null key column name or expression, or
        ///      contains a null aggregate column name or aggregate. 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     both  and  are empty,
        ///      contains an expression that is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  contains an aggregate that is not associated with the command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or an invalid or duplicate column name was specified. 
        ///     DbGroupByExpression allows either the list of keys or the list of aggregates to be empty, but not both. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbGroupByExpression CreateGroupByExpression(DbGroupExpressionBinding input, IList> keys, IList> aggregates) 
            return new DbGroupByExpression(this, input, keys, aggregates);
        /// Creates a new  that computes the intersection of the left and right set arguments. 
        /// An expression that defines the left set argument.
        /// An expression that defines the right set argument. 
        /// A new DbIntersectExpression that represents the intersection of the left and right arguments.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common collection result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIntersectExpression CreateIntersectExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right) 
            return new DbIntersectExpression(this, left, right); 

        /// Creates a new  that unconditionally joins the sets specified by the list of input expression bindings. 
        /// A list of expression bindings that specifies the input sets. 
        /// A new DbCrossJoinExpression, with an  of CrossJoin, that represents the unconditional join of the input sets. 
        ///  is null or contains null
        ///      contains fewer than 2 expression bindings,
        ///     or contains an expression binding that is associated with a different command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbCrossJoinExpression CreateCrossJoinExpression(IList inputs) 
            return new DbCrossJoinExpression(this, inputs); 

        /// Creates a new  that joins the sets specified by the left and right
        /// expression bindings, on the specified join condition, using InnerJoin as the .
        /// An  that specifies the left set argument. 
        /// An  that specifies the right set argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the condition on which to join. 
        ///     A new DbJoinExpression, with an  of InnerJoin, that represents the inner join operation applied to the left and right
        ///     input sets under the given join condition. 
        ///     ,  or  is null.
        ///     ,  or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbJoinExpression CreateInnerJoinExpression(DbExpressionBinding left, DbExpressionBinding right, DbExpression joinCondition) 
            return new DbJoinExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.InnerJoin, left, right, joinCondition);
        /// Creates a new  that joins the sets specified by the left and right 
        /// expression bindings, on the specified join condition, using LeftOuterJoin as the . 
        /// An  that specifies the left set argument. 
        /// An  that specifies the right set argument.
        /// An expression that specifies the condition on which to join.
        ///     A new DbJoinExpression, with an  of LeftOuterJoin, that represents the left outer join operation applied to the left and right 
        ///     input sets under the given join condition.
        ///     ,  or  is null.
        ///     ,  or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbJoinExpression CreateLeftOuterJoinExpression(DbExpressionBinding left, DbExpressionBinding right, DbExpression joinCondition)
            return new DbJoinExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin, left, right, joinCondition); 
        /// Creates a new  that joins the sets specified by the left and right
        /// expression bindings, on the specified join condition, using FullOuterJoin as the .
        /// An  that specifies the left set argument.
        /// An  that specifies the right set argument. 
        /// An expression that specifies the condition on which to join. 
        ///     A new DbJoinExpression, with an  of FullOuterJoin, that represents the full outer join operation applied to the left and right 
        ///     input sets under the given join condition.
        ///     ,  or  is null. 
        ///     ,  or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  does not have a Boolean result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbJoinExpression CreateFullOuterJoinExpression(DbExpressionBinding left, DbExpressionBinding right, DbExpression joinCondition)
            return new DbJoinExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.FullOuterJoin, left, right, joinCondition);

        /// Creates a new  that projects the specified expression over the given input set. 
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set. 
        /// An expression to project over the set.
        /// A new DbProjectExpression that represents the projection operation.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbProjectExpression CreateProjectExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpression projection) 
            return new DbProjectExpression(this, input, projection); 

        /// Creates a new  that sorts the given input set by the given sort specifications before skipping the specified number of elements. 
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set. 
        /// A list of sort specifications that determine how the elements of the input set should be sorted. 
        /// An expression the specifies how many elements of the ordered set to skip.
        /// A new DbSkipExpression that represents the skip operation. 
        ///     ,  or  is null,
        ///     or  contains null.
        ///      or is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///      is empty or contains a  that is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  is not  or  or has a
        ///     result type that is not equal or promotable to a 64-bit integer type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbSkipExpression CreateSkipExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, IList sortOrder, DbExpression count)
            return new DbSkipExpression(this, input, sortOrder, count); 
        /// Creates a new  that sorts the given input set by the specified sort specifications.
        /// An expression binding that specifies the input set.
        /// A list of sort specifications that determine how the elements of the input set should be sorted.
        /// A new DbSortExpression that represents the sort operation.
        ///      or  is null,
        ///     or  contains null. 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or  is empty or contains a  that is associated with a different command tree.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbSortExpression CreateSortExpression(DbExpressionBinding input, IList sortOrder)
            return new DbSortExpression(this, input, sortOrder);
        /// Creates a new  that computes the union of the left and right set arguments and does not remove duplicates. 
        /// An expression that defines the left set argument.
        /// An expression that defines the right set argument.
        /// A new DbUnionAllExpression that union, including duplicates, of the the left and right arguments. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or no common collection result type exists between them.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbUnionAllExpression CreateUnionAllExpression(DbExpression left, DbExpression right)
            return new DbUnionAllExpression(this, left, right);
        #region General Operators 
        /// Creates a new . 
        /// A list of expressions that provide the conditional for of each case.
        /// A list of expressions that provide the result of each case.
        /// An expression that defines the result when no case is matched. 
        /// A new DbCaseExpression with the specified cases and default result.
        ///      or  is null or contains null, 
        ///     or  is null.
        ///      or  is empty or contains an expression associated with a different command tree,
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or no common result type exists for all expressions in
        ///      and . 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbCaseExpression CreateCaseExpression(IList whenExpressions, IList thenExpressions, DbExpression elseExpression) 
            return new DbCaseExpression(this, whenExpressions, thenExpressions, elseExpression);

        /// Creates a new  that applies a cast operation to a polymorphic argument.
        /// The argument to which the cast should be applied.
        /// Type metadata that specifies the type to cast to. 
        /// A new DbCastExpression with the specified argument and target type. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or the specified cast is not valid.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbCastExpression CreateCastExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage toType)
            return new DbCastExpression(this, toType, argument); 
        /// Creates a new  that references the specified entity or relationship set.
        /// Metadata for the entity or relationship set to reference. 
        /// A new DbScanExpression based on the specified entity or relationship set.
        ///  is null 
        ///  is not associated with the metadata workspace of this command tree 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbScanExpression CreateScanExpression(EntitySetBase target)
            return new DbScanExpression(this, target);

        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the specified set argument is an empty set.
        /// An expression that specifies the input set 
        /// A new DbIsEmptyExpression with the specified argument.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a collection result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIsEmptyExpression CreateIsEmptyExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbIsEmptyExpression(this, argument); 
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the specified argument is null.
        /// An expression that specifies the argument. 
        /// A new DbIsNullExpression with the specified argument.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or
        ///      has a collection result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIsNullExpression CreateIsNullExpression(DbExpression argument)
            return new DbIsNullExpression(this, argument, false); 
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the specified argument is null.
        /// Used only by span rewriter, when a row could is specified as an argument 
        /// An expression that specifies the argument.
        /// A new DbIsNullExpression with the specified argument.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, or 
        ///      has a collection result type. 
        internal DbIsNullExpression CreateIsNullExpressionAllowingRowTypeArgument(DbExpression argument) 
            return new DbIsNullExpression(this, argument, true);
        /// Creates a new  that determines whether the given argument is of the specified type or a subtype. 
        /// An expression that specifies the instance.
        /// Type metadata that specifies the type that the instance's result type should be compared to. 
        /// A new DbIsOfExpression with the specified instance and type and DbExpressionKind IsOf.
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or
        ///      is not in the same type hierarchy as the result type of . 
        ///     DbIsOfExpression requires that  has a polymorphic result type, 
        ///     and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIsOfExpression CreateIsOfExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage type)
            return new DbIsOfExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.IsOf, type, argument);
        /// Creates a new  expression that determines whether the given argument is of the specified type, and only that type (not a subtype). 
        /// An expression that specifies the instance.
        /// Type metadata that specifies the type that the instance's result type should be compared to.
        /// A new DbIsOfExpression with the specified instance and type and DbExpressionKind IsOfOnly. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or
        ///      is not in the same type hierarchy as the result type of . 
        ///     DbIsOfExpression requires that  has a polymorphic result type,
        ///     and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbIsOfExpression CreateIsOfOnlyExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage type) 
            return new DbIsOfExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.IsOfOnly, type, argument);

        /// Creates a new  that compares the specified input string to the given pattern.
        /// An expression that specifies the input string.
        /// An expression that specifies the pattern string. 
        /// A new DbLikeExpression with the specified input, pattern and a null escape. 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      or  is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a string result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbLikeExpression CreateLikeExpression(DbExpression input, DbExpression pattern) 
            return new DbLikeExpression(this, input, pattern, null); 

        /// Creates a new  that compares the specified input string to the given pattern using the optional escape.
        /// An expression that specifies the input string.
        /// An expression that specifies the pattern string. 
        /// An optional expression that specifies the escape string.
        /// A new DbLikeExpression with the specified input, pattern and escape. 
        /// ,  or  is null 
        ///     ,  or  is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or does not have a string result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbLikeExpression CreateLikeExpression(DbExpression input, DbExpression pattern, DbExpression escape)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(escape, "escape");
            return new DbLikeExpression(this, input, pattern, escape); 

        /// Creates a new  that restricts the number of elements in the Argument collection to the specified Limit value.
        /// Tied results are not included in the output.
        /// An expression that specifies the input collection. 
        /// An expression that specifies the limit value.
        /// A new DbLimitExpression with the specified argument and limit values that does not include tied results. 
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a collection result type, 
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree or does not have a result type that is equal or promotable to a 64-bit integer type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbLimitExpression CreateLimitExpression(DbExpression argument, DbExpression limit)
            return new DbLimitExpression(this, argument, limit, false);
        /// Creates a new  that restricts the number of elements in the Argument collection to the specified Limit value, 
        /// including tied results in the output.
        /// An expression that specifies the input collection.
        /// An expression that specifies the limit value. 
        /// A new DbLimitExpression with the specified argument and limit values that includes tied results.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a collection result type,
        ///     or  is associated with a different command tree or does not have a result type that is equal or promotable to a 64-bit integer type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbLimitExpression CreateLimitWithTiesExpression(DbExpression argument, DbExpression limit)
            return new DbLimitExpression(this, argument, limit, true); 
        /// Creates a new . If the type argument is a collection type, the arguments specify the elements of the collection. Otherwise the arguments are used as property or column values in the new instance.
        /// The type of the new instance.
        /// Expressions that specify values of the new instances, interpreted according to the instance's type.
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression with the specified type and arguments.
        ///  or  is null, or  contains null 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, 
        ///      is empty or contains an expression associated with a different command tree, 
        ///     or the result types of the contained expressions do not match the requirements of  (as explained in the remarks section).
        ///     if  is a a collection type then every expression in  must have a result type that is promotable to the element type of the .
        ///     if  is a row type,  must contain as many expressions as there are columns in the record 
        ///     type, and the result type of each expression must be equal or promotable to the type of the corresponding column. A row type that does not declare any columns is invalid. 
        ///     if  is an entity type,  must contain as many expressions as there are properties defined by the type,
        ///     and the result type of each expression must be equal or promotable to the type of the corresponding property.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewInstanceExpression(TypeUsage type, IList args)
            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, type, args); 
        /// Creates a new  that produces a row with the specified named columns and the given values, specified as expressions.
        /// A list of string-DbExpression key-value pairs that defines the structure and values of the row. 
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression that represents the construction of the row.
        ///  is null or contains an element with a null column name or expression 
        ///      is empty, contains a duplicate or invalid column name,
        ///     or contains an expression that is associated with a different command tree. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewRowExpression(IList> recordColumns)
            List args = new List(); 
            List> colTypes = new List>();
                false, // Don't allow empty list
                delegate(KeyValuePair exprInfo, int index)
                    // Use ExpressionLink for standard expression argument validation 
                    ExpressionLink testLink = new ExpressionLink(CommandTreeUtils.FormatIndex("recordColumns", index), this, exprInfo.Value);
                    colTypes.Add(new KeyValuePair(exprInfo.Key, exprInfo.Value.ResultType));

            TypeUsage resultType = CommandTreeTypeHelper.CreateResultType(TypeHelpers.CreateRowType(colTypes));
            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, resultType, args); 
        /// Creates a new  that constructs a collection containing the specified elements. The type of the collection is based on the common type of the elements. If no common element type exists an exception is thrown.
        /// A list of expressions that provide the elements of the collection
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression with the specified collection type and arguments.
        ///  is null, or contains null
        ///      is empty, contains an expression that is not associated with this command tree,
        ///     or contains expressions for which no common result type exists. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewCollectionExpression(IList collectionElements)
            if (null == collectionElements)
                throw EntityUtil.ArgumentNull("collectionElements");

            if (collectionElements.Count < 1) 
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_NewCollectionElementsRequired, "collectionElements");

            // Use an ExpressionList to determine the common element type of the collection
            // (Note that this ExpressionList is not used by the DbNewInstanceExpression itself) 
            ExpressionList elements = new ExpressionList("collectionElements", this, collectionElements.Count); 
            TypeUsage commonElementType = elements.GetCommonElementType();
            if (TypeSemantics.IsNullOrNullType(commonElementType)) 
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_Factory_NewCollectionInvalidCommonType, "collectionElements");
            TypeUsage resultType = CommandTreeTypeHelper.CreateCollectionResultType(commonElementType);
            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, resultType, elements); 

        /// Creates a new  that constructs an empty collection of the specified collection type.
        /// The type metadata for the collection to create
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression with the specified collection type and an empty Arguments list. 
        ///  is null
        ///  is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewEmptyCollectionExpression(TypeUsage collectionType) 
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(collectionType, "collectionType"); 
            if (!TypeSemantics.IsCollectionType(collectionType))
                throw EntityUtil.Argument(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Cqt_NewInstance_CollectionTypeRequired, "collectionType");

            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, collectionType, null); 

        /// Creates a new  that constructs an instance of an Entity type
        /// together with the specified information about Entities related to the newly constructed Entity by'
        /// relationship navigations where the target end has multiplicity of at most one.
        /// Note that this factory method is not intended to be part of the public Command Tree API since it 
        /// its intent is to support Entity constructors in view definitions that express information about
        /// related Entities using the 'WITH RELATIONSHIPS' clause in eSQL. 
        /// The type of the Entity instance that is being constructed
        /// Values for each (non-relationship) property of the Entity 
        /// A (possibly empty) list of s that describe Entities that are related to the constructed Entity by various relationship types.
        /// A new DbNewInstanceExpression that represents the construction of the Entity, and includes the specified related Entity information in the see  collection.
        internal DbNewInstanceExpression CreateNewEntityWithRelationshipsExpression(EntityType instanceType, IList attributeValues, IList relationships)
            return new DbNewInstanceExpression(this, instanceType, attributeValues, relationships);
        /// Creates a new  that produces a set consisting of the elements of the given input set that are of the specified type. 
        /// An  that specifies the input set.
        /// Type metadata for the type that elements of the input set must have to be included in the resulting set.
        /// A new DbOfTypeExpression with the specified set argument and type, and an ExpressionKind of . 
        ///  or  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a collection result type, 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or
        ///      is not a type in the same type hierarchy as the element type of the 
        ///     collection result type of .
        ///     DbOfTypeExpression requires that  has a collection result type with 
        ///     a polymorphic element type, and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that element type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbOfTypeExpression CreateOfTypeExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage ofType) 
            return new DbOfTypeExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.OfType, ofType, argument); 

        /// Creates a new  that produces a set consisting of the elements of the given input set that are of exactly the specified type. 
        /// An  that specifies the input set. 
        /// Type metadata for the type that elements of the input set must match exactly to be included in the resulting set. 
        /// A new DbOfTypeExpression with the specified set argument and type, and an ExpressionKind of .
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree or does not have a collection result type,
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or
        ///      is not a type in the same type hierarchy as the element type of the 
        ///     collection result type of .
        ///     DbOfTypeExpression requires that  has a collection result type with
        ///     a polymorphic element type, and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that element type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbOfTypeExpression CreateOfTypeOnlyExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage ofType)
            return new DbOfTypeExpression(this, DbExpressionKind.OfTypeOnly, ofType, argument); 
        /// Creates a new  that encodes a reference to a specific Entity based on key values.
        /// The Entity set in which the referenced element resides.
        /// An  that constructs a record type with columns that match (in number and type) the Key properties of the referenced Entity type.
        /// A new DbRefExpression that references the element with the specified key values in the given Entity set.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, 
        ///     or is associated with a different command tree or does not have a 
        ///     record result type that matches the key properties of the referenced entity set's entity type.
        ///      should be an expression that specifies the key values that identify the referenced entity within the given entity set.
        ///     The result type of  should contain a corresponding column for each key property defined by 's entity type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRefExpression CreateRefExpression(EntitySet entitySet, DbExpression refKeys)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entitySet, "entitySet"); 
            return new DbRefExpression(this, entitySet, refKeys, entitySet.ElementType);

        /// Creates a new  that encodes a reference to a specific Entity based on key values.
        /// The Entity set in which the referenced element resides.
        /// An  that constructs a record type with columns that match (in number and type) the Key properties of the referenced Entity type. 
        /// The type of the Entity that the reference should refer to. 
        /// A new DbRefExpression that references the element with the specified key values in the given Entity set.
        /// ,  or  is null 
        ///      or is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace,
        ///     or is associated with a different command tree;
        ///      is not in the same type hierarchy as the entity set's entity type, or  does not have a 
        ///     record result type that matches the key properties of the referenced entity set's entity type.
        ///      should be an expression that specifies the key values that identify the referenced entity within the given entity set.
        ///     The result type of  should contain a corresponding column for each key property defined by 's entity type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRefExpression CreateRefExpression(EntitySet entitySet, DbExpression refKeys, EntityType entityType)
            return new DbRefExpression(this, entitySet, refKeys, entityType); 
        /// Creates a new  that retrieves a specific Entity given a reference expression
        /// An  that provides the reference. This expression must have a reference Type
        /// A new DbDerefExpression that retrieves the specified Entity
        ///  is null
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a reference result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbDerefExpression CreateDerefExpression(DbExpression reference)
            return new DbDerefExpression(this, reference);

        /// Creates a new  that retrieves the key values of the specifed reference in structural form.
        /// The expression that provides the reference. This expression must have a reference Type with an Entity element type. 
        /// A new DbRefKeyExpression that retrieves the key values of the specified reference.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have a reference result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbRefKeyExpression CreateRefKeyExpression(DbExpression reference)
            return new DbRefKeyExpression(this, reference); 
        /// Creates a new  that retrieves the ref of the specifed entity in structural form.
        /// The expression that provides the entity. This expression must have an entity result type. 
        /// A new DbEntityRefExpression that retrieves a reference to the specified entity.
        ///  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree,
        ///     or does not have an entity result type. 
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbEntityRefExpression CreateEntityRefExpression(DbExpression entity)
            return new DbEntityRefExpression(this, entity); 
        /// Creates a new .
        /// An expression that specifies the instance.
        /// Type metadata for the treat-as type.
        /// A new DbTreatExpression with the specified argument and type.
        ///  or  is null 
        ///      is associated with a different command tree, 
        ///      is not associated with this command tree's metadata workspace, or 
        ///      is not in the same type hierarchy as the result type of .
        ///     DbTreatExpression requires that  has a polymorphic result type,
        ///     and that  is a type from the same type hierarchy as that result type.
        /*CQT_PUBLIC_API(*/internal/*)*/ DbTreatExpression CreateTreatExpression(DbExpression argument, TypeUsage treatType)
            return new DbTreatExpression(this, treatType, argument); 

        // Additional expression builders
        // ... 

        #region Internal Implementation
        /// Gets the kind of this command tree.
        internal abstract DbCommandTreeKind CommandTreeKind { get; }
        /// Gets the metadata workspace used by this command tree.
        internal MetadataWorkspace MetadataWorkspace { get { return _metadata; } }

        /// Gets the data space in which metadata used by this command tree must reside. 
        internal DataSpace DataSpace { get { return _dataSpace; } } 
        internal CommandTreeTypeHelper TypeHelper { get { return _typeHelp; } }
        internal virtual void Validate(System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Internal.Validator v) { }

        internal bool ValidationRequired
                bool valReq = _validatedVersion < _currentVersion; 
                EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, %d{bool}\n", this.ObjectId, valReq);
                return valReq; 

        internal void SetValid() 
            EntityBid.Trace(" %d#\n", this.ObjectId); 
            _validatedVersion = _currentVersion; 
        internal void SetModified()
            int prev = _currentVersion;
            if (int.MaxValue == _currentVersion) 
                _currentVersion = 1; 
                _validatedVersion = 0; 
            EntityBid.Trace(" %d# previous version=%d, new version=%d\n", this.ObjectId, prev, _currentVersion); 
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] // we intend for this to be public someday; called from test code for now. 
        internal void ClearParameters()
            EntityBid.Trace(" %d#\n", this.ObjectId);
        internal void CopyParametersTo(DbCommandTree tree)
            foreach (KeyValuePair paramInfo in _paramMappings.Values) 
                tree.AddParameter(paramInfo.Key, paramInfo.Value); 

        internal bool HasParameter(string parameterName, TypeUsage parameterType) 
            Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameterName), "Parameter name should not be null or empty"); 
            Debug.Assert(parameterType != null, "Parameter type should not be null"); 

            KeyValuePair foundParam; 
            if(this._paramMappings.TryGetValue(parameterName, out foundParam))
                return (foundParam.Key.Equals(parameterName, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                        // SQLBUDT#545720: Equivalence is not a sufficient check (consider row types for TVPs) - equality is required. 
                        TypeSemantics.IsStructurallyEqualTo(foundParam.Value, parameterType));
            return false;

        #region Dump/Print Support

        internal void Dump(ExpressionDumper dumper) 
            // Dump information about this command tree to the specified ExpressionDumper 
            // First dump standard information - the DataSpace of the command tree and its parameters 
            Dictionary attrs = new Dictionary();
            attrs.Add("DataSpace", this.DataSpace);
            dumper.Begin(this.GetType().Name, attrs); 

            // The name and type of each Parameter in turn is added to the output 
            dumper.Begin("Parameters", null); 
            foreach (KeyValuePair param in this.Parameters)
                Dictionary paramAttrs = new Dictionary();
                paramAttrs.Add("Name", param.Key); 
                dumper.Begin("Parameter", paramAttrs);
                dumper.Dump(param.Value, "ParameterType"); 

            // Delegate to the derived type's implementation that dumps the structure of the command tree
            // Matching call to End to correspond with the call to Begin above

        internal abstract void DumpStructure(ExpressionDumper dumper); 

        internal string DumpXml() 
            // This is a convenience method that dumps the command tree in an XML format. 
            // This is intended primarily as a debugging aid to allow inspection of the tree structure.
            // Create a new MemoryStream that the XML dumper should write to.
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            // Create the dumper
            XmlExpressionDumper dumper = new XmlExpressionDumper(stream);

            // Dump this tree and then close the XML dumper so that the end document tag is written 
            // and the output is flushed to the stream.
            // Construct a string from the resulting memory stream and return it to the caller
            return XmlExpressionDumper.DefaultEncoding.GetString(stream.ToArray()); 
        internal string Print() 
            return this.PrintTree(new ExpressionPrinter()); 

        internal abstract string PrintTree(ExpressionPrinter printer);
        #region DbExpression Replacement 

        internal void Replace(ReplacerCallback callback) 
            using (new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId))
                ExpressionReplacer replacer = new ExpressionReplacer(callback); 

        internal abstract void Replace(ExpressionReplacer replacer); 


        #region Tracing 
        internal void Trace()
            if (EntityBid.AdvancedOn) 
            else if (EntityBid.TraceOn)

        #region Container Tracking
        internal void TrackContainer(EntityContainer container) 
            using (new EntityBid.ScopeAuto(" %d#", this.ObjectId)) 
                if (!_containers.Contains(container))
                    EntityBid.Trace(" %d#, Adding container to tracked containers list: '%ls'\n", this.ObjectId, container.Name);

        #region Internal Helper API 
        internal DbApplyExpression CreateApplyExpressionByKind(DbExpressionKind applyKind, DbExpressionBinding input, DbExpressionBinding apply)
            Debug.Assert(DbExpressionKind.CrossApply == applyKind || DbExpressionKind.OuterApply == applyKind, "Invalid ApplyType");
                case DbExpressionKind.CrossApply: 
                    return this.CreateCrossApplyExpression(input, apply);
                case DbExpressionKind.OuterApply:
                    return this.CreateOuterApplyExpression(input, apply);

                    throw EntityUtil.InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(DbExpressionKind), (int)applyKind);

        internal DbExpression CreateJoinExpressionByKind(DbExpressionKind joinKind, DbExpression joinCondition, DbExpressionBinding input1, DbExpressionBinding input2) 
            Debug.Assert(DbExpressionKind.CrossJoin == joinKind ||
                         DbExpressionKind.FullOuterJoin == joinKind ||
                         DbExpressionKind.InnerJoin == joinKind || 
                         DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin == joinKind,
                         "Invalid DbExpressionKind for CreateJoinExpressionByKind"); 
            if (DbExpressionKind.CrossJoin == joinKind)
                Debug.Assert(null == joinCondition, "Condition should not be specified for CrossJoin");
                return this.CreateCrossJoinExpression(new DbExpressionBinding[2] { input1, input2 });
                Debug.Assert(joinCondition != null, "Condition must be specified for non-CrossJoin"); 
                switch (joinKind)
                    case DbExpressionKind.InnerJoin:
                        return this.CreateInnerJoinExpression(input1, input2, joinCondition);

                    case DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin: 
                        return this.CreateLeftOuterJoinExpression(input1, input2, joinCondition);
                    case DbExpressionKind.FullOuterJoin: 
                        return this.CreateFullOuterJoinExpression(input1, input2, joinCondition);
                        throw EntityUtil.InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(DbExpressionKind), (int)joinKind);
        internal static bool IsValidParameterName(string name) 
            return (!StringUtil.IsNullOrEmptyOrWhiteSpace(name) && 
        private static readonly Regex _paramNameRegex = new Regex("^([A-Za-z])([A-Za-z0-9_])*$");
    /// Describes the different "kinds" (classes) of command trees.
    internal enum DbCommandTreeKind 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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