XmlAttributeCollection.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / Xml / System / Xml / Dom / XmlAttributeCollection.cs / 1 / XmlAttributeCollection.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
namespace System.Xml {
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Diagnostics;

    // Represents a collection of attributes that can be accessed by name or index. 
    public sealed class XmlAttributeCollection: XmlNamedNodeMap, ICollection {
        internal XmlAttributeCollection( XmlNode parent ): base( parent ) { 

        // Gets the attribute with the specified index. 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName ("ItemOf")]
        public XmlAttribute this[ int i ] {
            get {
                try { 
                    return(XmlAttribute) Nodes[i];
                } catch ( ArgumentOutOfRangeException ) { 
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_IndexOutOfRange)); 

        // Gets the attribute with the specified name.
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName ("ItemOf")] 
        public XmlAttribute this[ string name ]
            get { 
                ArrayList nodes = this.Nodes;
                int hash = XmlName.GetHashCode(name); 

                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
                    XmlAttribute node = (XmlAttribute) nodes[i];
                    if (hash == node.LocalNameHash
                        && name == node.Name ) 
                        return node;

                return null;
        // Gets the attribute with the specified LocalName and NamespaceUri. 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName ("ItemOf")]
        public XmlAttribute this[ string localName, string namespaceURI ] 
            get {
                ArrayList nodes = this.Nodes;
                int hash = XmlName.GetHashCode(localName); 

                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { 
                    XmlAttribute node = (XmlAttribute) nodes[i]; 

                    if (hash == node.LocalNameHash 
                        && localName == node.LocalName
                        && namespaceURI == node.NamespaceURI)
                        return node; 
                return null;

        internal int FindNodeOffset( XmlAttribute node ) {
            ArrayList nodes = this.Nodes; 
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
                XmlAttribute tmp = (XmlAttribute) nodes[i]; 
                if (tmp.LocalNameHash == node.LocalNameHash
                    && tmp.Name == node.Name 
                    && tmp.NamespaceURI == node.NamespaceURI )
                    return i;
            return -1; 

        internal int FindNodeOffsetNS(XmlAttribute node) { 
            ArrayList nodes = Nodes;
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
                XmlAttribute tmp = (XmlAttribute) nodes[i];
                if (tmp.LocalNameHash == node.LocalNameHash 
                    && tmp.LocalName == node.LocalName
                    && tmp.NamespaceURI == node.NamespaceURI) { 
                    return i; 
            return -1;

        // Adds a XmlNode using its Name property 
        public override XmlNode SetNamedItem(XmlNode node) {
            if (node != null && !(node is XmlAttribute)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_AttrCol_Object)); 

            int offset = FindNodeOffset( node.LocalName, node.NamespaceURI ); 
            if (offset == -1) {
                return InternalAppendAttribute( (XmlAttribute) node );
            else { 
                XmlNode oldNode = base.RemoveNodeAt( offset );
                InsertNodeAt( offset, node ); 
                return oldNode; 

        // Inserts the specified node as the first node in the collection.
        public XmlAttribute Prepend( XmlAttribute node ) {
            if (node.OwnerDocument != null && node.OwnerDocument != parent.OwnerDocument) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NamedNode_Context));
            if (node.OwnerElement != null) 
                Detach( node );
            RemoveDuplicateAttribute( node );

            InsertNodeAt( 0, node );
            return node; 
        // Inserts the specified node as the last node in the collection. 
        public XmlAttribute Append(XmlAttribute node) {
            XmlDocument doc = node.OwnerDocument; 
            if (doc == null || doc.IsLoading == false) {
                if (doc != null && doc != parent.OwnerDocument) {
                    throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NamedNode_Context));
                if (node.OwnerElement != null) {
            else {
                base.AddNodeForLoad(node, doc);
            return node;
        // Inserts the specified attribute immediately before the specified reference attribute.
        public XmlAttribute InsertBefore( XmlAttribute newNode, XmlAttribute refNode ) { 
            if ( newNode == refNode )
                return newNode;

            if (refNode == null) 
                return Append(newNode);
            if (refNode.OwnerElement != parent) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_AttrCol_Insert));
            if (newNode.OwnerDocument != null && newNode.OwnerDocument != parent.OwnerDocument)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NamedNode_Context));

            if (newNode.OwnerElement != null) 
                Detach( newNode );
            int offset = FindNodeOffset( refNode.LocalName, refNode.NamespaceURI ); 
            Debug.Assert( offset != -1 ); // the if statement above guarantees that the ref node is in the collection
            int dupoff = RemoveDuplicateAttribute( newNode );
            if ( dupoff >= 0 && dupoff < offset )
            InsertNodeAt( offset, newNode ); 

            return newNode; 

        // Inserts the specified attribute immediately after the specified reference attribute. 
        public XmlAttribute InsertAfter( XmlAttribute newNode, XmlAttribute refNode ) {
            if ( newNode == refNode )
                return newNode;
            if (refNode == null)
                return Prepend(newNode); 
            if (refNode.OwnerElement != parent)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_AttrCol_Insert)); 

            if (newNode.OwnerDocument != null && newNode.OwnerDocument != parent.OwnerDocument)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NamedNode_Context));
            if (newNode.OwnerElement != null)
                Detach( newNode ); 
            int offset = FindNodeOffset( refNode.LocalName, refNode.NamespaceURI );
            Debug.Assert( offset != -1 ); // the if statement above guarantees that the ref node is in the collection 

            int dupoff = RemoveDuplicateAttribute( newNode );
            if ( dupoff >= 0 && dupoff < offset )
            InsertNodeAt( offset+1, newNode );
            return newNode; 
        // Removes the specified attribute node from the map.
        public XmlAttribute Remove( XmlAttribute node ) {
            if (nodes != null) {
                int cNodes = nodes.Count; 
                for (int offset = 0; offset < cNodes; offset++) {
                    if (nodes[offset] == node) { 
                        RemoveNodeAt( offset ); 
                        return node;
            return null;

        // Removes the attribute node with the specified index from the map. 
        public XmlAttribute RemoveAt( int i ) { 
            if (i < 0 || i >= Count || nodes == null)
                return null; 

            return(XmlAttribute) RemoveNodeAt( i );
        // Removes all attributes from the map.
        public void RemoveAll() { 
            int n = Count; 
            while (n > 0) {
                RemoveAt( n );
        void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index) {
            for (int i=0, max=Nodes.Count; i
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
namespace System.Xml {
    using System; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Diagnostics;

    // Represents a collection of attributes that can be accessed by name or index. 
    public sealed class XmlAttributeCollection: XmlNamedNodeMap, ICollection {
        internal XmlAttributeCollection( XmlNode parent ): base( parent ) { 

        // Gets the attribute with the specified index. 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName ("ItemOf")]
        public XmlAttribute this[ int i ] {
            get {
                try { 
                    return(XmlAttribute) Nodes[i];
                } catch ( ArgumentOutOfRangeException ) { 
                    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_IndexOutOfRange)); 

        // Gets the attribute with the specified name.
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName ("ItemOf")] 
        public XmlAttribute this[ string name ]
            get { 
                ArrayList nodes = this.Nodes;
                int hash = XmlName.GetHashCode(name); 

                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
                    XmlAttribute node = (XmlAttribute) nodes[i];
                    if (hash == node.LocalNameHash
                        && name == node.Name ) 
                        return node;

                return null;
        // Gets the attribute with the specified LocalName and NamespaceUri. 
        [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName ("ItemOf")]
        public XmlAttribute this[ string localName, string namespaceURI ] 
            get {
                ArrayList nodes = this.Nodes;
                int hash = XmlName.GetHashCode(localName); 

                for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { 
                    XmlAttribute node = (XmlAttribute) nodes[i]; 

                    if (hash == node.LocalNameHash 
                        && localName == node.LocalName
                        && namespaceURI == node.NamespaceURI)
                        return node; 
                return null;

        internal int FindNodeOffset( XmlAttribute node ) {
            ArrayList nodes = this.Nodes; 
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
                XmlAttribute tmp = (XmlAttribute) nodes[i]; 
                if (tmp.LocalNameHash == node.LocalNameHash
                    && tmp.Name == node.Name 
                    && tmp.NamespaceURI == node.NamespaceURI )
                    return i;
            return -1; 

        internal int FindNodeOffsetNS(XmlAttribute node) { 
            ArrayList nodes = Nodes;
            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) {
                XmlAttribute tmp = (XmlAttribute) nodes[i];
                if (tmp.LocalNameHash == node.LocalNameHash 
                    && tmp.LocalName == node.LocalName
                    && tmp.NamespaceURI == node.NamespaceURI) { 
                    return i; 
            return -1;

        // Adds a XmlNode using its Name property 
        public override XmlNode SetNamedItem(XmlNode node) {
            if (node != null && !(node is XmlAttribute)) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_AttrCol_Object)); 

            int offset = FindNodeOffset( node.LocalName, node.NamespaceURI ); 
            if (offset == -1) {
                return InternalAppendAttribute( (XmlAttribute) node );
            else { 
                XmlNode oldNode = base.RemoveNodeAt( offset );
                InsertNodeAt( offset, node ); 
                return oldNode; 

        // Inserts the specified node as the first node in the collection.
        public XmlAttribute Prepend( XmlAttribute node ) {
            if (node.OwnerDocument != null && node.OwnerDocument != parent.OwnerDocument) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NamedNode_Context));
            if (node.OwnerElement != null) 
                Detach( node );
            RemoveDuplicateAttribute( node );

            InsertNodeAt( 0, node );
            return node; 
        // Inserts the specified node as the last node in the collection. 
        public XmlAttribute Append(XmlAttribute node) {
            XmlDocument doc = node.OwnerDocument; 
            if (doc == null || doc.IsLoading == false) {
                if (doc != null && doc != parent.OwnerDocument) {
                    throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NamedNode_Context));
                if (node.OwnerElement != null) {
            else {
                base.AddNodeForLoad(node, doc);
            return node;
        // Inserts the specified attribute immediately before the specified reference attribute.
        public XmlAttribute InsertBefore( XmlAttribute newNode, XmlAttribute refNode ) { 
            if ( newNode == refNode )
                return newNode;

            if (refNode == null) 
                return Append(newNode);
            if (refNode.OwnerElement != parent) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_AttrCol_Insert));
            if (newNode.OwnerDocument != null && newNode.OwnerDocument != parent.OwnerDocument)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NamedNode_Context));

            if (newNode.OwnerElement != null) 
                Detach( newNode );
            int offset = FindNodeOffset( refNode.LocalName, refNode.NamespaceURI ); 
            Debug.Assert( offset != -1 ); // the if statement above guarantees that the ref node is in the collection
            int dupoff = RemoveDuplicateAttribute( newNode );
            if ( dupoff >= 0 && dupoff < offset )
            InsertNodeAt( offset, newNode ); 

            return newNode; 

        // Inserts the specified attribute immediately after the specified reference attribute. 
        public XmlAttribute InsertAfter( XmlAttribute newNode, XmlAttribute refNode ) {
            if ( newNode == refNode )
                return newNode;
            if (refNode == null)
                return Prepend(newNode); 
            if (refNode.OwnerElement != parent)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_AttrCol_Insert)); 

            if (newNode.OwnerDocument != null && newNode.OwnerDocument != parent.OwnerDocument)
                throw new ArgumentException(Res.GetString(Res.Xdom_NamedNode_Context));
            if (newNode.OwnerElement != null)
                Detach( newNode ); 
            int offset = FindNodeOffset( refNode.LocalName, refNode.NamespaceURI );
            Debug.Assert( offset != -1 ); // the if statement above guarantees that the ref node is in the collection 

            int dupoff = RemoveDuplicateAttribute( newNode );
            if ( dupoff >= 0 && dupoff < offset )
            InsertNodeAt( offset+1, newNode );
            return newNode; 
        // Removes the specified attribute node from the map.
        public XmlAttribute Remove( XmlAttribute node ) {
            if (nodes != null) {
                int cNodes = nodes.Count; 
                for (int offset = 0; offset < cNodes; offset++) {
                    if (nodes[offset] == node) { 
                        RemoveNodeAt( offset ); 
                        return node;
            return null;

        // Removes the attribute node with the specified index from the map. 
        public XmlAttribute RemoveAt( int i ) { 
            if (i < 0 || i >= Count || nodes == null)
                return null; 

            return(XmlAttribute) RemoveNodeAt( i );
        // Removes all attributes from the map.
        public void RemoveAll() { 
            int n = Count; 
            while (n > 0) {
                RemoveAt( n );
        void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index) {
            for (int i=0, max=Nodes.Count; i


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