CategoryGridEntry.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / PropertyGridInternal / CategoryGridEntry.cs / 1 / CategoryGridEntry.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGridInternal { 

    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
     using System;
     using System.Collections; 
     using System.Reflection; 

     using System.ComponentModel; 
     using System.ComponentModel.Design;
     using System.Windows.Forms;
     using System.Drawing;
     using Microsoft.Win32; 

     internal class CategoryGridEntry : GridEntry { 
        internal string name;
        private Brush backBrush = null; 
        private static Hashtable categoryStates = null;

            SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")  // GridEntry classes are internal so we have complete 
                                                                                                    // control over who does what in the constructor.
        public CategoryGridEntry(PropertyGrid ownerGrid, GridEntry peParent,string name, GridEntry[] childGridEntries) 
        : base(ownerGrid, peParent) {
   = name; 

            for (int n = 0;n < childGridEntries.Length; n++) {
                Debug.Assert(childGridEntries[n] != null, "Null item in category subproperty list"); 
            if (categoryStates == null) { 
                categoryStates = new Hashtable();

            lock (categoryStates) {
                if (!categoryStates.ContainsKey(name)) {
                    categoryStates.Add(name, true); 
            this.IsExpandable = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < childGridEntries.Length; i++) {
                childGridEntries[i].ParentGridEntry = this;
            this.ChildCollection = new GridEntryCollection(this, childGridEntries);
            lock (categoryStates) { 
                this.InternalExpanded = (bool)categoryStates[name];


        /// Returns true if this GridEntry has a value field in the right hand column.
        internal override bool HasValue {
            get {
               return false;
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { 
            if (disposing) {
                if (backBrush != null) { 
                    backBrush = null;
                if (ChildCollection != null) {
                    ChildCollection = null; 

        public override void DisposeChildren() {
            // categories should never dispose

        // we don't want this guy participating in property depth.
        public override int PropertyDepth {
            get { 
                return base.PropertyDepth - 1;

        protected override Brush GetBackgroundBrush(Graphics g) { 
            return this.GridEntryHost.GetLineBrush(g);

        protected override Color LabelTextColor { 
            get {
                return ownerGrid.CategoryForeColor; 
        public override bool Expandable {
            get {
                return !GetFlagSet(FL_EXPANDABLE_FAILED);
        internal override bool InternalExpanded { 
            set {
                base.InternalExpanded = value; 
                lock (categoryStates) {
                    categoryStates[] = value;
        public override GridItemType GridItemType { 
            get {
                return GridItemType.Category; 
        public override string HelpKeyword {
            get { 
               return null;

        public override string PropertyLabel { 
            get {
                return name;

        internal override int PropertyLabelIndent { 
            get { 
                // we give an extra pixel for breathing room
                // we want to make sure that we return 0 for property depth here instead of 
                PropertyGridView gridHost = this.GridEntryHost;

                // we call base.PropertyDepth here because we don't want the subratction to happen.
                return 1+gridHost.GetOutlineIconSize()+OUTLINE_ICON_PADDING + (base.PropertyDepth * gridHost.GetDefaultOutlineIndent()); 
        public override string GetPropertyTextValue(object o) {
            return ""; 

        public override Type PropertyType {
            get { 
                return typeof(void);

        /// Gets the owner of the current value.  This is usually the value of the
        /// root entry, which is the object being browsed
        public override object GetChildValueOwner(GridEntry childEntry) {
            return ParentGridEntry.GetChildValueOwner(childEntry); 

        protected override bool CreateChildren(bool diffOldChildren) { 
            return true;

        public override string GetTestingInfo() { 
            string str = "object = (";
            str += FullLabel; 
            str += "), Category = (" + this.PropertyLabel + ")"; 
            return str;

        public override void PaintLabel(System.Drawing.Graphics g, Rectangle rect, Rectangle clipRect, bool selected, bool paintFullLabel) {

            base.PaintLabel(g, rect, clipRect, false, true); 

            // now draw the focus rect 
            if (selected && hasFocus) { 
                bool bold = ((this.Flags & GridEntry.FLAG_LABEL_BOLD) != 0);
                Font font = GetFont(bold); 
                int labelWidth = GetLabelTextWidth(this.PropertyLabel, g, font);

                int indent = PropertyLabelIndent-2;
                Rectangle focusRect = new Rectangle(indent, rect.Y, labelWidth+3, rect.Height-1); 
                ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, focusRect);
            // draw the line along the top
            if (parentPE.GetChildIndex(this) > 0) { 
                g.DrawLine(SystemPens.Control, rect.X-1, rect.Y-1, rect.Width+2, rect.Y - 1);
        private const double TRI_HEIGHT_RATIO = 2.5; 
        private static readonly double TRI_WIDTH_RATIO = .8; 
        public override void PaintOutline(System.Drawing.Graphics g, Rectangle r) {

            // draw outline pointer triangle.
            if (Expandable) { 
                bool fExpanded = Expanded; 
                Rectangle outline = OutlineRect;
                // make sure we're in our bounds
                outline = Rectangle.Intersect(r, outline);

                if (outline.IsEmpty) { 
                // bump it over a pixel
                //outline.Offset(1, 0);
                // build the triangle, an equalaterial centered around the midpoint of the rect.
                Point[] points = new Point[3]; 
                int borderWidth = 2;
                // width is always the length of the sides of the triangle.
                // Height = (width /2 * (Cos60)) ; Cos60 ~ .86
                int triWidth, triHeight;
                int xOffset, yOffset; 

                if (!fExpanded) { 
                    // draw arrow pointing right, remember height is pointing right 
                    //      0
                    //      |\ 
                    //      | \2
                    //      | /
                    //      |/
                    //      1 

                    triWidth = (int)((outline.Height * TRI_WIDTH_RATIO) - (2*borderWidth)); 
                    // make sure it's an odd width so our lines will match up 
                    if (!(triWidth % 2 == 0)) {

                    triHeight = (int)Math.Ceil((triWidth/2) * TRI_HEIGHT_RATIO);
                    yOffset = outline.Y + (outline.Height-triWidth)/2;
                    xOffset = outline.X + (outline.Width-triHeight)/2; 
                    points[0] = new Point(xOffset, yOffset);
                    points[1] = new Point(xOffset, yOffset + triWidth); 
                    points[2] = new Point(xOffset+triHeight, yOffset + (triWidth / 2));

                else { 
                    // draw arrow pointing down
                    //  0 -------- 1 
                    //    \      /
                    //     \    / 
                    //      \  /
                    //       \/
                    //       2
                    triWidth = (int)((outline.Width * TRI_WIDTH_RATIO) - (2*borderWidth));
                    // make sure it's an odd width so our lines will match up 
                    if (!(triWidth % 2 == 0)) { 

                    triHeight = (int)Math.Ceil((triWidth/2) * TRI_HEIGHT_RATIO);

                    xOffset = outline.X + (outline.Width-triWidth)/2; 
                    yOffset = outline.Y + (outline.Height-triHeight)/2;
                    points[0] = new Point(xOffset, yOffset); 
                    points[1] = new Point(xOffset + triWidth, yOffset);
                    points[2] = new Point(xOffset + (triWidth/ 2),yOffset + triHeight); 

                g.FillPolygon(SystemPens.WindowText, points);

                // draw border area box 
                Brush b;
                Pen p; 
                bool disposeBrush = false;
                bool disposePen = false;

                Color color = GridEntryHost.GetLineColor(); 
                b = new SolidBrush(g.GetNearestColor(color));
                disposeBrush = true; 
                color = GridEntryHost.GetTextColor();
                p = new Pen(g.GetNearestColor(color));
                disposePen = true;

                g.FillRectangle(b, outline); 
                g.DrawRectangle(p, outline.X, outline.Y, outline.Width - 1, outline.Height - 1);
                // draw horizontal line for +/- 
                int indent = 2;
                g.DrawLine(SystemPens.WindowText, outline.X + indent,outline.Y + outline.Height / 2, 
                           outline.X + outline.Width - indent - 1,outline.Y + outline.Height/2);

                // draw vertical line to make a +
                if (!fExpanded) 
                    g.DrawLine(SystemPens.WindowText, outline.X + outline.Width/2, outline.Y + indent,
                               outline.X + outline.Width/2, outline.Y + outline.Height - indent - 1); 
                if (disposePen) p.Dispose();
                if (disposeBrush) b.Dispose(); 


        public override void PaintValue(object val, System.Drawing.Graphics g, Rectangle rect, Rectangle clipRect, PaintValueFlags paintFlags) {
            base.PaintValue(val, g, rect, clipRect, paintFlags & ~PaintValueFlags.DrawSelected); 

            // draw the line along the top
            if (parentPE.GetChildIndex(this) > 0) {
                g.DrawLine(SystemPens.Control, rect.X-2, rect.Y-1,rect.Width+1, rect.Y-1); 
        internal override bool NotifyChildValue(GridEntry pe, int type) {
            return parentPE.NotifyChildValue(pe, type); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGridInternal { 

    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
     using System;
     using System.Collections; 
     using System.Reflection; 

     using System.ComponentModel; 
     using System.ComponentModel.Design;
     using System.Windows.Forms;
     using System.Drawing;
     using Microsoft.Win32; 

     internal class CategoryGridEntry : GridEntry { 
        internal string name;
        private Brush backBrush = null; 
        private static Hashtable categoryStates = null;

            SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2214:DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructors")  // GridEntry classes are internal so we have complete 
                                                                                                    // control over who does what in the constructor.
        public CategoryGridEntry(PropertyGrid ownerGrid, GridEntry peParent,string name, GridEntry[] childGridEntries) 
        : base(ownerGrid, peParent) {
   = name; 

            for (int n = 0;n < childGridEntries.Length; n++) {
                Debug.Assert(childGridEntries[n] != null, "Null item in category subproperty list"); 
            if (categoryStates == null) { 
                categoryStates = new Hashtable();

            lock (categoryStates) {
                if (!categoryStates.ContainsKey(name)) {
                    categoryStates.Add(name, true); 
            this.IsExpandable = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < childGridEntries.Length; i++) {
                childGridEntries[i].ParentGridEntry = this;
            this.ChildCollection = new GridEntryCollection(this, childGridEntries);
            lock (categoryStates) { 
                this.InternalExpanded = (bool)categoryStates[name];


        /// Returns true if this GridEntry has a value field in the right hand column.
        internal override bool HasValue {
            get {
               return false;
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { 
            if (disposing) {
                if (backBrush != null) { 
                    backBrush = null;
                if (ChildCollection != null) {
                    ChildCollection = null; 

        public override void DisposeChildren() {
            // categories should never dispose

        // we don't want this guy participating in property depth.
        public override int PropertyDepth {
            get { 
                return base.PropertyDepth - 1;

        protected override Brush GetBackgroundBrush(Graphics g) { 
            return this.GridEntryHost.GetLineBrush(g);

        protected override Color LabelTextColor { 
            get {
                return ownerGrid.CategoryForeColor; 
        public override bool Expandable {
            get {
                return !GetFlagSet(FL_EXPANDABLE_FAILED);
        internal override bool InternalExpanded { 
            set {
                base.InternalExpanded = value; 
                lock (categoryStates) {
                    categoryStates[] = value;
        public override GridItemType GridItemType { 
            get {
                return GridItemType.Category; 
        public override string HelpKeyword {
            get { 
               return null;

        public override string PropertyLabel { 
            get {
                return name;

        internal override int PropertyLabelIndent { 
            get { 
                // we give an extra pixel for breathing room
                // we want to make sure that we return 0 for property depth here instead of 
                PropertyGridView gridHost = this.GridEntryHost;

                // we call base.PropertyDepth here because we don't want the subratction to happen.
                return 1+gridHost.GetOutlineIconSize()+OUTLINE_ICON_PADDING + (base.PropertyDepth * gridHost.GetDefaultOutlineIndent()); 
        public override string GetPropertyTextValue(object o) {
            return ""; 

        public override Type PropertyType {
            get { 
                return typeof(void);

        /// Gets the owner of the current value.  This is usually the value of the
        /// root entry, which is the object being browsed
        public override object GetChildValueOwner(GridEntry childEntry) {
            return ParentGridEntry.GetChildValueOwner(childEntry); 

        protected override bool CreateChildren(bool diffOldChildren) { 
            return true;

        public override string GetTestingInfo() { 
            string str = "object = (";
            str += FullLabel; 
            str += "), Category = (" + this.PropertyLabel + ")"; 
            return str;

        public override void PaintLabel(System.Drawing.Graphics g, Rectangle rect, Rectangle clipRect, bool selected, bool paintFullLabel) {

            base.PaintLabel(g, rect, clipRect, false, true); 

            // now draw the focus rect 
            if (selected && hasFocus) { 
                bool bold = ((this.Flags & GridEntry.FLAG_LABEL_BOLD) != 0);
                Font font = GetFont(bold); 
                int labelWidth = GetLabelTextWidth(this.PropertyLabel, g, font);

                int indent = PropertyLabelIndent-2;
                Rectangle focusRect = new Rectangle(indent, rect.Y, labelWidth+3, rect.Height-1); 
                ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(g, focusRect);
            // draw the line along the top
            if (parentPE.GetChildIndex(this) > 0) { 
                g.DrawLine(SystemPens.Control, rect.X-1, rect.Y-1, rect.Width+2, rect.Y - 1);
        private const double TRI_HEIGHT_RATIO = 2.5; 
        private static readonly double TRI_WIDTH_RATIO = .8; 
        public override void PaintOutline(System.Drawing.Graphics g, Rectangle r) {

            // draw outline pointer triangle.
            if (Expandable) { 
                bool fExpanded = Expanded; 
                Rectangle outline = OutlineRect;
                // make sure we're in our bounds
                outline = Rectangle.Intersect(r, outline);

                if (outline.IsEmpty) { 
                // bump it over a pixel
                //outline.Offset(1, 0);
                // build the triangle, an equalaterial centered around the midpoint of the rect.
                Point[] points = new Point[3]; 
                int borderWidth = 2;
                // width is always the length of the sides of the triangle.
                // Height = (width /2 * (Cos60)) ; Cos60 ~ .86
                int triWidth, triHeight;
                int xOffset, yOffset; 

                if (!fExpanded) { 
                    // draw arrow pointing right, remember height is pointing right 
                    //      0
                    //      |\ 
                    //      | \2
                    //      | /
                    //      |/
                    //      1 

                    triWidth = (int)((outline.Height * TRI_WIDTH_RATIO) - (2*borderWidth)); 
                    // make sure it's an odd width so our lines will match up 
                    if (!(triWidth % 2 == 0)) {

                    triHeight = (int)Math.Ceil((triWidth/2) * TRI_HEIGHT_RATIO);
                    yOffset = outline.Y + (outline.Height-triWidth)/2;
                    xOffset = outline.X + (outline.Width-triHeight)/2; 
                    points[0] = new Point(xOffset, yOffset);
                    points[1] = new Point(xOffset, yOffset + triWidth); 
                    points[2] = new Point(xOffset+triHeight, yOffset + (triWidth / 2));

                else { 
                    // draw arrow pointing down
                    //  0 -------- 1 
                    //    \      /
                    //     \    / 
                    //      \  /
                    //       \/
                    //       2
                    triWidth = (int)((outline.Width * TRI_WIDTH_RATIO) - (2*borderWidth));
                    // make sure it's an odd width so our lines will match up 
                    if (!(triWidth % 2 == 0)) { 

                    triHeight = (int)Math.Ceil((triWidth/2) * TRI_HEIGHT_RATIO);

                    xOffset = outline.X + (outline.Width-triWidth)/2; 
                    yOffset = outline.Y + (outline.Height-triHeight)/2;
                    points[0] = new Point(xOffset, yOffset); 
                    points[1] = new Point(xOffset + triWidth, yOffset);
                    points[2] = new Point(xOffset + (triWidth/ 2),yOffset + triHeight); 

                g.FillPolygon(SystemPens.WindowText, points);

                // draw border area box 
                Brush b;
                Pen p; 
                bool disposeBrush = false;
                bool disposePen = false;

                Color color = GridEntryHost.GetLineColor(); 
                b = new SolidBrush(g.GetNearestColor(color));
                disposeBrush = true; 
                color = GridEntryHost.GetTextColor();
                p = new Pen(g.GetNearestColor(color));
                disposePen = true;

                g.FillRectangle(b, outline); 
                g.DrawRectangle(p, outline.X, outline.Y, outline.Width - 1, outline.Height - 1);
                // draw horizontal line for +/- 
                int indent = 2;
                g.DrawLine(SystemPens.WindowText, outline.X + indent,outline.Y + outline.Height / 2, 
                           outline.X + outline.Width - indent - 1,outline.Y + outline.Height/2);

                // draw vertical line to make a +
                if (!fExpanded) 
                    g.DrawLine(SystemPens.WindowText, outline.X + outline.Width/2, outline.Y + indent,
                               outline.X + outline.Width/2, outline.Y + outline.Height - indent - 1); 
                if (disposePen) p.Dispose();
                if (disposeBrush) b.Dispose(); 


        public override void PaintValue(object val, System.Drawing.Graphics g, Rectangle rect, Rectangle clipRect, PaintValueFlags paintFlags) {
            base.PaintValue(val, g, rect, clipRect, paintFlags & ~PaintValueFlags.DrawSelected); 

            // draw the line along the top
            if (parentPE.GetChildIndex(this) > 0) {
                g.DrawLine(SystemPens.Control, rect.X-2, rect.Y-1,rect.Width+1, rect.Y-1); 
        internal override bool NotifyChildValue(GridEntry pe, int type) {
            return parentPE.NotifyChildValue(pe, type); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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