/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFxQFE / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / Common / dbdatarecord.cs / 1 / dbdatarecord.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Common { using System.ComponentModel; #if WINFSInternalOnly internal #else public #endif abstract class DbDataRecord : ICustomTypeDescriptor, IDataRecord { protected DbDataRecord() : base() { } public abstract int FieldCount { get; } public abstract object this[int i] { get; } public abstract object this[string name] { get; } public abstract bool GetBoolean(int i); public abstract byte GetByte(int i); public abstract long GetBytes(int i, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length); public abstract char GetChar(int i); public abstract long GetChars(int i, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length); public IDataReader GetData(int i) { return GetDbDataReader(i); } virtual protected DbDataReader GetDbDataReader(int i) { // NOTE: This method is virtual because we're required to implement // it however most providers won't support it. Only the OLE DB // provider supports it right now, and they can override it. throw ADP.NotSupported(); } public abstract string GetDataTypeName(int i); public abstract DateTime GetDateTime(int i); public abstract Decimal GetDecimal(int i); public abstract double GetDouble(int i); public abstract Type GetFieldType(int i); public abstract float GetFloat(int i); public abstract Guid GetGuid(int i); public abstract Int16 GetInt16(int i); public abstract Int32 GetInt32(int i); public abstract Int64 GetInt64(int i); public abstract string GetName(int i); public abstract int GetOrdinal(string name); public abstract string GetString(int i); public abstract object GetValue(int i); public abstract int GetValues(object[] values); public abstract bool IsDBNull(int i); // // ICustomTypeDescriptor // AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() { return new AttributeCollection((Attribute[])null); } string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() { return null; } string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() { return null; } TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() { return null; } EventDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() { return null; } PropertyDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() { return null; } object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType) { return null; } EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents() { return new EventDescriptorCollection(null); } EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes) { return new EventDescriptorCollection(null); } PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties() { return((ICustomTypeDescriptor)this).GetProperties(null); } PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes) { return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null); } object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd) { return this; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.Data.Common { using System.ComponentModel; #if WINFSInternalOnly internal #else public #endif abstract class DbDataRecord : ICustomTypeDescriptor, IDataRecord { protected DbDataRecord() : base() { } public abstract int FieldCount { get; } public abstract object this[int i] { get; } public abstract object this[string name] { get; } public abstract bool GetBoolean(int i); public abstract byte GetByte(int i); public abstract long GetBytes(int i, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length); public abstract char GetChar(int i); public abstract long GetChars(int i, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length); public IDataReader GetData(int i) { return GetDbDataReader(i); } virtual protected DbDataReader GetDbDataReader(int i) { // NOTE: This method is virtual because we're required to implement // it however most providers won't support it. Only the OLE DB // provider supports it right now, and they can override it. throw ADP.NotSupported(); } public abstract string GetDataTypeName(int i); public abstract DateTime GetDateTime(int i); public abstract Decimal GetDecimal(int i); public abstract double GetDouble(int i); public abstract Type GetFieldType(int i); public abstract float GetFloat(int i); public abstract Guid GetGuid(int i); public abstract Int16 GetInt16(int i); public abstract Int32 GetInt32(int i); public abstract Int64 GetInt64(int i); public abstract string GetName(int i); public abstract int GetOrdinal(string name); public abstract string GetString(int i); public abstract object GetValue(int i); public abstract int GetValues(object[] values); public abstract bool IsDBNull(int i); // // ICustomTypeDescriptor // AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() { return new AttributeCollection((Attribute[])null); } string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() { return null; } string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() { return null; } TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() { return null; } EventDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() { return null; } PropertyDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() { return null; } object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType) { return null; } EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents() { return new EventDescriptorCollection(null); } EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes) { return new EventDescriptorCollection(null); } PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties() { return((ICustomTypeDescriptor)this).GetProperties(null); } PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes) { return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null); } object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd) { return this; } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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