/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Framework / System / Windows / HierarchicalDataTemplate.cs / 1 / HierarchicalDataTemplate.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // Description: HierarchicalDataTemplate adds hierarchy support to DataTemplate. // // Specs: http://avalon/coreui/Specs%20%20Property%20Engine/Styling%20Revisited.doc // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; namespace System.Windows { ////// HierarchicalDataTemplate adds hierarchy support to DataTemplate. /// public class HierarchicalDataTemplate : DataTemplate { #region Constructors //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// HierarchicalDataTemplate Constructor /// public HierarchicalDataTemplate() { } ////// HierarchicalDataTemplate Constructor /// public HierarchicalDataTemplate(object dataType) : base(dataType) { } #endregion Constructors #region Public Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Properties // //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// ItemsSource binding for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemsSource property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate where to find the collection that represents the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public BindingBase ItemsSource { get { return _itemsSourceBinding; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemsSourceBinding = value; } } ////// ItemTemplate for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemTemplate property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate how to display items from the next level in the /// data hierarchy. /// public DataTemplate ItemTemplate { get { return _itemTemplate; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemTemplate = value; _itemTemplateSet = true; } } ////// ItemTemplateSelector for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemTemplateSelector property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate how to select a template to display items from the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public DataTemplateSelector ItemTemplateSelector { get { return _itemTemplateSelector; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemTemplateSelector = value; _itemTemplateSelectorSet = true; } } ////// ItemContainerStyle for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemContainerStyle property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate a style for the containers it generates. /// public Style ItemContainerStyle { get { return _itemContainerStyle; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemContainerStyle = value; _itemContainerStyleSet = true; } } ////// ItemContainerStyleSelector for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemContainerStyleSelector property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate how to select a style for the containers it generates. /// public StyleSelector ItemContainerStyleSelector { get { return _itemContainerStyleSelector; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemContainerStyleSelector = value; _itemContainerStyleSelectorSet = true; } } ////// ItemStringFormat for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemStringFormat property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate how to format items from the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public string ItemStringFormat { get { return _itemStringFormat; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemStringFormat = value; _itemStringFormatSet = true; } } ////// AlternationCount for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the AlternationCount property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to control the setting of AlternationIndex at the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public int AlternationCount { get { return _alternationCount; } set { CheckSealed(); _alternationCount = value; _alternationCountSet = true; } } ////// ItemBindingGroup for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemBindingGroup property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to define the binding group used at the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public BindingGroup ItemBindingGroup { get { return _itemBindingGroup; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemBindingGroup = value; _itemBindingGroupSet = true; } } #endregion Public Properties #region Internal Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- internal bool IsItemTemplateSet { get { return _itemTemplateSet; } } internal bool IsItemTemplateSelectorSet { get { return _itemTemplateSelectorSet; } } internal bool IsItemContainerStyleSet { get { return _itemContainerStyleSet; } } internal bool IsItemContainerStyleSelectorSet { get { return _itemContainerStyleSelectorSet; } } internal bool IsItemStringFormatSet { get { return _itemStringFormatSet; } } internal bool IsAlternationCountSet { get { return _alternationCountSet; } } internal bool IsItemBindingGroupSet { get { return _itemBindingGroupSet; } } #endregion Internal Properties #region Data private BindingBase _itemsSourceBinding; private DataTemplate _itemTemplate; private DataTemplateSelector _itemTemplateSelector; private Style _itemContainerStyle; private StyleSelector _itemContainerStyleSelector; private string _itemStringFormat; private int _alternationCount; private BindingGroup _itemBindingGroup; private bool _itemTemplateSet; private bool _itemTemplateSelectorSet; private bool _itemContainerStyleSet; private bool _itemContainerStyleSelectorSet; private bool _itemStringFormatSet; private bool _alternationCountSet; private bool _itemBindingGroupSet; #endregion Data } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // Description: HierarchicalDataTemplate adds hierarchy support to DataTemplate. // // Specs: http://avalon/coreui/Specs%20%20Property%20Engine/Styling%20Revisited.doc // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; namespace System.Windows { ////// HierarchicalDataTemplate adds hierarchy support to DataTemplate. /// public class HierarchicalDataTemplate : DataTemplate { #region Constructors //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// HierarchicalDataTemplate Constructor /// public HierarchicalDataTemplate() { } ////// HierarchicalDataTemplate Constructor /// public HierarchicalDataTemplate(object dataType) : base(dataType) { } #endregion Constructors #region Public Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Properties // //------------------------------------------------------------------- ////// ItemsSource binding for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemsSource property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate where to find the collection that represents the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public BindingBase ItemsSource { get { return _itemsSourceBinding; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemsSourceBinding = value; } } ////// ItemTemplate for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemTemplate property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate how to display items from the next level in the /// data hierarchy. /// public DataTemplate ItemTemplate { get { return _itemTemplate; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemTemplate = value; _itemTemplateSet = true; } } ////// ItemTemplateSelector for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemTemplateSelector property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate how to select a template to display items from the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public DataTemplateSelector ItemTemplateSelector { get { return _itemTemplateSelector; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemTemplateSelector = value; _itemTemplateSelectorSet = true; } } ////// ItemContainerStyle for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemContainerStyle property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate a style for the containers it generates. /// public Style ItemContainerStyle { get { return _itemContainerStyle; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemContainerStyle = value; _itemContainerStyleSet = true; } } ////// ItemContainerStyleSelector for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemContainerStyleSelector property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate how to select a style for the containers it generates. /// public StyleSelector ItemContainerStyleSelector { get { return _itemContainerStyleSelector; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemContainerStyleSelector = value; _itemContainerStyleSelectorSet = true; } } ////// ItemStringFormat for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemStringFormat property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to indicate how to format items from the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public string ItemStringFormat { get { return _itemStringFormat; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemStringFormat = value; _itemStringFormatSet = true; } } ////// AlternationCount for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the AlternationCount property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to control the setting of AlternationIndex at the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public int AlternationCount { get { return _alternationCount; } set { CheckSealed(); _alternationCount = value; _alternationCountSet = true; } } ////// ItemBindingGroup for this DataTemplate. This is applied /// to the ItemBindingGroup property on a generated HeaderedItemsControl, /// to define the binding group used at the /// next level in the data hierarchy. /// public BindingGroup ItemBindingGroup { get { return _itemBindingGroup; } set { CheckSealed(); _itemBindingGroup = value; _itemBindingGroupSet = true; } } #endregion Public Properties #region Internal Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------- internal bool IsItemTemplateSet { get { return _itemTemplateSet; } } internal bool IsItemTemplateSelectorSet { get { return _itemTemplateSelectorSet; } } internal bool IsItemContainerStyleSet { get { return _itemContainerStyleSet; } } internal bool IsItemContainerStyleSelectorSet { get { return _itemContainerStyleSelectorSet; } } internal bool IsItemStringFormatSet { get { return _itemStringFormatSet; } } internal bool IsAlternationCountSet { get { return _alternationCountSet; } } internal bool IsItemBindingGroupSet { get { return _itemBindingGroupSet; } } #endregion Internal Properties #region Data private BindingBase _itemsSourceBinding; private DataTemplate _itemTemplate; private DataTemplateSelector _itemTemplateSelector; private Style _itemContainerStyle; private StyleSelector _itemContainerStyleSelector; private string _itemStringFormat; private int _alternationCount; private BindingGroup _itemBindingGroup; private bool _itemTemplateSet; private bool _itemTemplateSelectorSet; private bool _itemContainerStyleSet; private bool _itemContainerStyleSelectorSet; private bool _itemStringFormatSet; private bool _alternationCountSet; private bool _itemBindingGroupSet; #endregion Data } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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