/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / QFE / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / Shaping / arabicshape.cs / 1 / arabicshape.cs
using System; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting; using MS.Internal.FontCache; using MS.Internal.FontFace; using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; using MS.Utility; namespace MS.Internal.Shaping { ////// ArabicCharClass - enumeration of Arabic character classifications /// ////// internal enum ArabicCharClass : byte { SyriacAleph, // syriac alaph rules NonJoiningBase, // character does not join JoiningBase, // character joins on both sides RightJoining, // character joins on right (Arabic like waw and Syriac like taw) RightJoiningRules, // character joins on right with rules (dalath, dotless dalath, rish) Kashida, // The kashida character UnknownChar, LastBaseChar = UnknownChar, ZWJ, ZWNJ, SyriacAbbrevMark,// Syriac Abreviation marker ArabicMark,// Arabic above diacritics - (064B, 064C, 064E, 064F, 0652, 06E1) // and below diacritics ( (064D, 0650) SyriacLowerGreek, Shadda,// Arabic shadda - (0651) KoranicUpperMark,// Arabic Qur'anic mark above (0610, 0611, 0612, 0613, 0614, 06D6, KoranicLowerMark,// Arabic Qur'anic mark below (06E3, 06EA, 06ED) SuperscriptAlef,// Arabic superscript alef (0670) Madda,// Arabic madda (0653) Hamza,// Arabic hamza above/below (0654, 0655) SyriacLowerLineMark,// Syriac line type below SyriacSeyameAbove,// Syriac seyame above SyriacSeyameBelow,// Syriac seyame below SyriacDotAbove,// Syriac dot above SyriacDotBelow,// Syriac dot below SyriacUpperDuot,// Syriac two dots above SyriacLowerDuot,// Syriac two dots below SyriacUpperTriot,// Syriac three dots above SyriacLowerTriot,// Syriac three dots below NumberOfArabicCharClasses, }; ////// ArabicShapeClass - enumeration of Arabic shape classifications /// ////// The ArabicShape._arabicTextFeatures array has one member for each of /// these shape classifications. The order of these enum values reflects /// the fact that two of the shape classes (InitialShape and MedialShape) /// don't have a correlated ShapeStateTable because there's no decision to /// make when these are the current class (all characters produce the same /// state change). These two classes are thus at the end of the list. /// internal enum ArabicShapeClass : byte { SameShape, UninitializedState = SameShape, // used for detecting initialization of state machine NotShaped, IsolatedShape, InvalidBaseShape, FinalShape, Medial2Shape, Final2Shape, Final3Shape, LastShapeWithStateTable = Final3Shape, InitialShape, MedialShape, NumberOfShapesWithFeatureTag }; ////// The ArabicShape, class defines the Arabic Shaping Engine. The IShaper, /// interface implemented provides the shaping methods for Arabic and Syrics Scripts. /// The Shaping engine internally uses the Arabic Shaping Finite State machine to define /// the ordering and generation of glyphs. /// internal class ArabicShape : BaseShape { ////// Composition Decomposition Features /// private static readonly Feature[] _substitutionPass1Features = { new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.LocalizedForms,1), new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.GlyphCompositionDecomposition,1), }; ////// Features for Required Ligatures and Connection Forms /// private static readonly uint[] _substitutionPass3Features = { // these features are optional (can be suppressed by GetGlyphs caller) (uint)FeatureTags.StandardLigatures, (uint)FeatureTags.DiscretionaryLigatures, (uint)FeatureTags.ContextualSwash, (uint)FeatureTags.RequiredLigatures, (uint)FeatureTags.ContextualAlternates, (uint)FeatureTags.MarkPositioningviaSubstitution, }; private static readonly Feature[] _arabicPositioningFeatures = { new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.CursivePositioning,1), new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.MarkPositioning,1), new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.MarktoMarkPositioning,1), new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.Kerning,1), }; static private readonly ScriptTags[] _supportedScripts = new ScriptTags[]{ScriptTags.Arabic, ScriptTags.Syriac}; ////// Constructor for the Arabic Open Type Shaping Engine. /// internal ArabicShape() { _textFlowDirection = TextFlowDirection.RTL; } public override ScriptTags[] SupportedScripts { get { return _supportedScripts; } } ////// ArabicShape.ApplyPositioningFeatures - Arabic implementation of the GetGlyphPlacement helper. /// This method goes through a list of glyphs and adds placement information. /// /// the wrapper for glyph advances, offset arrays /// metrics for all the positioning features /// Set of gpos features to be applied to the unicode run. ///result of applying features ////// Critical - calls critical code /// [SecurityCritical] protected override OpenTypeLayoutResult ApplyPositioningFeatures( ref PlacementWorkspace placementInfo, ref LayoutMetrics layoutMetrics, FeatureSet featureSet ) { ShaperFontClient fontClient = placementInfo.FontClient; OpenTypeLayoutResult layoutResult; if(fontClient.ScriptTag == (uint)ScriptTags.Arabic) { layoutResult = fontClient.PositionGlyphs( ref placementInfo, ref layoutMetrics, _arabicPositioningFeatures, // In: List of features to apply _arabicPositioningFeatures.Length ); } else { // syriac used standard positioning features layoutResult = fontClient.PositionGlyphs( ref placementInfo, ref layoutMetrics, _defaultPositioningFeatures, // In: List of features to apply _defaultPositioningFeatures.Length); } return layoutResult; } ////// ArabicShape.ApplySubstitutionFeatures - default implementation of the GetGlyphs() helper function. /// /// shaping currentRun /// Set of gsub features to be applied to the unicode run. ///result of applying features ////// Critical - this method calls unsafe methods. /// [SecurityCritical] protected override OpenTypeLayoutResult ApplySubstitutionFeatures( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, FeatureSet featureSet ) { ShaperFontClient fontClient = currentRun.FontClient; OpenTypeLayoutResult layoutResult; // Pass 1 - Apply the ccmp feature to the Glyphs layoutResult = fontClient.SubstituteGlyphs( ref currentRun, _substitutionPass1Features, _substitutionPass1Features.Length ); if (layoutResult == OpenTypeLayoutResult.Success && ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.FeaturesCount > _substitutionPass3Features.Length) { // Pass 2 - Apply the Arabic Text Features from currentRun layoutResult = fontClient.SubstituteGlyphs( ref currentRun, ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.Features, ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.FeaturesCount ); } if (layoutResult == OpenTypeLayoutResult.Success) { // Pass 3 - Apply the Required Ligatures and Connection Form Features, etc. // the _substitutionPass3Features are all copied to the front of // ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures. So, go through all these, enabling // all that are appropriate. for (ushort featureIx = (ushort)(currentRun.AreLigaturesInhibited ? 3 : 0); featureIx < _substitutionPass3Features.Length; ++featureIx) { ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.Features[featureIx].Parameter = 1; // enable this one } layoutResult = fontClient.SubstituteGlyphs( ref currentRun, ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.Features, _substitutionPass3Features.Length ); // (re)disable all these features (for next GetGlyphs) for (ushort featureIx = (ushort)(currentRun.AreLigaturesInhibited ? 3 : 0); featureIx < _substitutionPass3Features.Length; ++featureIx) { ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.Features[featureIx].Parameter = 0; // disable this one } } return layoutResult; } ////// ArabicShape.GetCharClassifier - Base shape /// ////// This will normally be overridden by derived shapers. It is used in OnLoadFont /// protected override ShaperCharacterClassifier GetCharClassifier(ScriptTags scriptTag, GlyphTypeface fontFace) { return new ArabicCharClassifier (scriptTag, fontFace); } ////// ArabicShape.GetGlyphs - Arabic implementation of the GetGlyphs() helper function. /// /// shaping currentRun /// Text item ///number of glyphs ////// Critical - calls critical code /// [SecurityCritical] protected override int GetGlyphs ( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, Item item ) { uint currentDiacriticsMap = 0; bool isInvalidChar = true; // if first char is a diacritic, we're ready! int startingCharIx = currentRun.CurrentCharIx; int startingGlyphIx = currentRun.NextGlyphIx; int charsCount = 0; bool isSamPending = false; ushort samGlyph = 0; RecordTraceEvent(MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent, "ArabicShape Init Start"); // initialize the features array ShaperBuffers.InitializeFeatureList(0,(ushort)_substitutionPass3Features.Length); if (ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.FeaturesCount == 0) { // We include the _substitutionPass3Features in this feature // array (note that they are all set to disabled) for (int i = 0; i < _substitutionPass3Features.Length; ++i) { ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.AddFeature( new Feature( 0, ushort.MaxValue, _substitutionPass3Features[i], 0 )); } } // initialize the cluster cop/state machine ArabicShapeFSM _stateMachine = new ArabicShapeFSM( ref currentRun, ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures ); RecordTraceEvent(MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent, "ArabicShape Init End"); RecordTraceEvent(MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent, "ArabicShape ShapeArabicText Start"); // Shape and initialize the glyph list // process the char stream, creating shape info, applying features // as necessary char currChar; ushort currGlyph; CharShapeInfo currShape; while ( currentRun.GetNextCharProperties (out currChar, out currGlyph, out currShape) ) { ArabicCharClass currClass = (ArabicCharClass)(currShape & CharShapeInfo.ShaperClassMask); _stateMachine.StepToNextState(ref currentRun, currClass); // validate this character if (currClass > ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark) { // This is a diacritic. Check for validity (only one of each // diacritic class per base). if (!isInvalidChar) { uint diacMapEntry = (uint)(1 << (int)currClass); if ((diacMapEntry & currentDiacriticsMap) != 0) { // This is a duplicate mark (not allowed), or // the current state doesn't alloso we will insert a // dotted circle. isInvalidChar = true; _stateMachine.ForceInvalidBaseState(); } else { currentDiacriticsMap |= diacMapEntry; } } if (isInvalidChar) { currShape |= CharShapeInfo.RequiresInsertedBase; } } else { if (currClass == ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark) { if (!isSamPending) { // keep this glyph for use in the future if (samGlyph == 0) { samGlyph = currGlyph; } } else { currentRun.AddGlyphs(1); currentRun.SetGlyphPropertiesUsingGlyph(currShape, samGlyph); if ((currShape & CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster) != 0) { currShape ^= CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster; } } isSamPending = true; } currentDiacriticsMap = 0; isInvalidChar = false; } // If there's a SAM pending, insert a completion // SAM if its appropriate (ie, if the current character // is an illegal diacritic or the current character isn't // legal as an abbreviation) if (isSamPending && (isInvalidChar || !ArabicCharClassifier.IsCharacterValidWithSyriacAbrevMark(currentRun.CurrentChar))) { // handle the abbreviation mark currentRun.AddGlyphs(1); currentRun.SetGlyphPropertiesUsingGlyph(currShape, samGlyph); if ((currShape & CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster) != 0) { currShape ^= CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster; } isSamPending = false; } currentRun.SetGlyphPropertiesUsingGlyph ( currShape, currGlyph ); ++charsCount; } RecordTraceEvent(MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent, "ArabicShape ShapeArabicText End"); return (currentRun.GlyphsCount - startingGlyphIx); // we're done } } ////// ArabicShapeFSM - Arabic shaping state machine /// ////// internal struct ArabicShapeFSM { private ArabicShapeClass _currentShape; private ArabicShapeClass _previousShape; private ushort _currentStateRowIx; private ArabicCharClass _currentCharClass; private bool _isSyriacText; private ShaperFeaturesList _featuresList; ////// ArabicShapeFSM constructor /// public ArabicShapeFSM (ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, ShaperFeaturesList featuresList) { _previousShape = ArabicShapeClass.UninitializedState; _currentShape = ArabicShapeClass.NotShaped; _isSyriacText = (currentRun.FontClient.ScriptTag == (uint)ScriptTags.Syriac); _currentCharClass = (currentRun.CurrentCharIx == 0 && currentRun.HasLeadingJoin) ? ArabicCharClass.ZWJ : ArabicCharClass.ZWNJ; _currentStateRowIx = 0; _featuresList = featuresList; } ////// ArabicShapeFSM.ForceInvalidBaseState - force state machine to state /// ////// This is used to force the state machine to invalid base state /// public void ForceInvalidBaseState ( ) { _previousShape = _currentShape = ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape; // save new shape _currentStateRowIx = (ushort)(_baseTableFirstEntryIx[ (ushort)_currentShape ] + _rowFirstEntryIx[ (ushort)ArabicCharClass.UnknownChar ]); } public bool IsInvalidBaseState { get { return _currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape; } } ////// ArabicShapeFSM.SetStartState - start of new syllable (potentially) /// ////// This routine is used at the start of each cluster. If the base + this /// first non-base char are the valid start of a new cluster, return /// ////// Critical - calls critical code (ForceInvalidBaseState) /// [SecurityCritical] private void SetStartState ( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, ArabicCharClass firstCharClass ) { Debug.Assert (_currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.NotShaped && _currentStateRowIx == 0, "Arabic FSM SetStartState should not be called now."); _previousShape = _currentShape; if (firstCharClass > ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark) { // diacritics may not be first character ForceInvalidBaseState (); } else { if ( firstCharClass <= ArabicCharClass.RightJoiningRules && firstCharClass != ArabicCharClass.NonJoiningBase) { // All joining base chars mean we start in a different state than // NotShaped. _currentShape = (_currentCharClass == ArabicCharClass.ZWJ) ? ArabicShapeClass.FinalShape : ArabicShapeClass.IsolatedShape; _featuresList.AddFeature(currentRun.CurrentCharIx, _arabicTextFeatures[ (int)_currentShape ]); } _currentCharClass = firstCharClass; _currentStateRowIx = (ushort)(_baseTableFirstEntryIx[ (int)_currentShape ] + _rowFirstEntryIx[ (int) _currentCharClass ]); } } ////// ArabicShapeFSM.StepToNextState - process the latest character. /// ////// This routine steps the state machine to its next state /// based on the current state, the last character that caused a /// state change and the next char. It returns the new shape state /// (which includes feature tag information) /// ///shape info for this character ////// Critical - calls critical code, uses unsafe accessors /// [SecurityCritical] public void StepToNextState ( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, ArabicCharClass nextCharClass ) { Debug.Assert ( (byte)nextCharClass < NumberOfCharClasses ); if ( _currentShape != ArabicShapeClass.SameShape ) { if (_previousShape == ArabicShapeClass.UninitializedState) { SetStartState(ref currentRun, nextCharClass); return; } // keep track of where we're coming from. _previousShape = _currentShape; // remember last shape } // get the next shape entry... if (nextCharClass > ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark) { // All diacritics are checked via _diacriticShapeStateTable[] // The current shape will end up either as InvalidBaseShape or SameShape ushort diacTableIx = (ushort)(_rowFirstEntryIx[ (int)_previousShape - 1 ] + (ushort)_currentCharClass); _currentShape = (ArabicShapeClass) _arabicDiacriticShapeStateTable[ diacTableIx ]; // save new shape Debug.Assert(_currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.SameShape || _currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape,"Arabic diacritic table has invalid value"); if (_previousShape == ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape || _currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape) { ForceInvalidBaseState(); } } else { // get the shape state table entry. byte shapeTableEntry = _arabicShapeStateTable[ _currentStateRowIx + (ushort) nextCharClass]; switch (shapeTableEntry) { case NoShapeChange: // this means this latest character doesn't affect the current state AT ALL. _currentShape = ArabicShapeClass.SameShape; break; case InvalidBase: ForceInvalidBaseState(); break; default: // change our state (or shape) _currentShape = (ArabicShapeClass) (shapeTableEntry & 0xf); // save new shape Debug.Assert(_currentShape <= ArabicShapeClass.LastShapeWithStateTable,"invalid entry in Arabic state table"); _currentCharClass = nextCharClass; // keep up-to-date // adjust the state table indices.. // _currentStartStateIx == the first entry in the active state table row. _currentStateRowIx = (ushort)(_baseTableFirstEntryIx[ (ushort) _currentShape ] + _rowFirstEntryIx[ (ushort) nextCharClass ]); Debug.Assert( _currentStateRowIx < _baseTableFirstEntryIx[ (ushort) _currentShape + 1 ],"invalid entry in Arabic state table"); UpdateShapeInfo(ref currentRun, shapeTableEntry); break; } } } ////// ArabicShapeFSM.UpdateShapeInfo - process the latest character. /// ////// This routine returns the new shape state based on the newest /// state info /// ///shape info for this character ////// Critical - calls critical code, uses unsafe accessors /// [SecurityCritical] private void UpdateShapeInfo ( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, byte shapeTableEntry ) { // Now that the state machine's previous/current state has been resolved we need to // update the previous shape information. Check if the upper nibble of shapeTableEntry // holds information for updating the previous shape; if not, then we only will be // setting this char's shape. if ((shapeTableEntry >> 4) != NoShapeChange) { ArabicShapeClass previousShape = _previousShape; _previousShape = (ArabicShapeClass) (shapeTableEntry >> 4); if (_isSyriacText && previousShape == ArabicShapeClass.IsolatedShape) { // for Syriac text, the previous isolated shape did not cause // a feature to be added (we treated it as a "Not Shaped") so // we want to add a feature, not update one _featuresList.AddFeature( currentRun.PreviousCharIx, _arabicTextFeatures[(int)_previousShape] ); } else { // update the previous shape's feature tag. If this updated feature tag matches // the latestCountedFeature, then its not a new feature and we don't want to set // the "start of feature" flag. For example, in the following sequence... // // Event Feature Tags: // 1st char processed, set to Isolated form Iso N.A N.A. N.A. // 2nd char, changes 1st form, sets own form Ini Final N.A. N.A. // 3rd char, changes 2nd form, set own Ini Mid Final N.A. // 4th char, changes 3rd form, sets own Ini Mid Mid Final // // ... we expect the "start of feature" flag to be set on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th // shapes (once we've processed all four chars) _featuresList.UpdatePreviousShapedChar(_arabicTextFeatures[(int)_previousShape]); } } // now set up the current shape... // (for syriac "isolated shape", treat as "not shaped") if ( !( _isSyriacText && _currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.IsolatedShape) ) { _featuresList.AddFeature( currentRun.CurrentCharIx, _arabicTextFeatures[(int)_currentShape] ); } } // these const's are for making the _baseCharInputShapeStateTable more // readable. private const byte NoShapeChange = (byte)ArabicShapeClass.SameShape; private const byte ToNotShaped = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.NotShaped; private const byte ToIsolated = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.IsolatedShape; private const byte ToFinal = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.FinalShape; private const byte ToFinal2 = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.Final2Shape; private const byte ToFinal3 = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.Final3Shape; private const byte FromIsolatedShape = ToIsolated << 4; private const byte IsolatedToNotShaped = FromIsolatedShape | ToNotShaped; private const byte IsolatedToIsolated = FromIsolatedShape | ToIsolated; private const byte IsolatedToFinal2 = FromIsolatedShape | ToFinal2; private const byte FromInitialShape = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.InitialShape << 4; private const byte InitialToNotShaped = FromInitialShape | ToNotShaped; private const byte InitialToFinal = FromInitialShape | ToFinal; private const byte FromMedialShape = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.MedialShape << 4; private const byte MedialToNotShaped = FromMedialShape | ToNotShaped; private const byte MedialToFinal = FromMedialShape | ToFinal; private const byte FromMedial2Shape = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.Medial2Shape << 4; private const byte Medial2ToNotShaped = FromMedial2Shape | ToNotShaped; private const byte Medial2ToIsolated = FromMedial2Shape | ToIsolated; private const byte Medial2ToFinal2 = FromMedial2Shape | ToFinal2; private const byte FromFinalShape = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.FinalShape << 4; private const byte FinalToNotShaped = FromFinalShape | ToNotShaped; private const byte InvalidBase = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape; private const byte NumberOfCharClasses = (byte) ArabicCharClass.NumberOfArabicCharClasses; // This array (_arabicShapeStateTable) is a compressed version of the effective array, // shapeState[][ ][ ]. // The current base shape is determined by the latest base character seen. A given base shape // can be selected by one or more base char class. Each base char shape + class duple is a // row in this array; each row has an entry (next shape state) for every char class that affects // the shape state (there're 10 such char classes - the first 10 class defs in ArabicCharClass). // // So, use this array to find the next shape state, effectively... // next shape = _arabicShapeStateTable [ +
] // private static readonly byte[] _arabicShapeStateTable = { // // Current state is NotShaped... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 0-SyriacAleph, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 1-NonJoiningBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 2-JoiningBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 3-RightJoining, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 4-RightJoiningRules, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 5-Kashida, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 6-UnknownChar, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 7-ZWJ, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 8-ZWNJ, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 9-SyriacAbbrevMark, // // Current state is Isolated Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 0-SyriacAleph, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // 1-NonJoiningBase, InitialToFinal,ToNotShaped, InitialToFinal,InitialToFinal,InitialToFinal,InitialToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, InitialToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 2-JoiningBase, ToFinal2, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 3-RightJoining, ToFinal3, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 4-RightJoiningRules, // Current state is Invalid Base Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 0-SyriacAleph, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 1-NonJoiningBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 2-JoiningBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 3-RightJoining, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 4-RightJoiningRules, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 5-Kashida, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 6-UnknownChar, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 7-ZWJ, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 8-ZWNJ, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,// 9-SyriacAbbrevMark, // // Current state is Final Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current Medial2ToFinal2,ToNotShaped,Medial2ToIsolated,Medial2ToIsolated,Medial2ToIsolated,Medial2ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, Medial2ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 0-SyriacAleph, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // 1-NonJoiningBase, MedialToFinal,ToNotShaped, MedialToFinal,MedialToFinal,MedialToFinal,MedialToNotShaped,ToNotShaped, MedialToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 2-JoiningBase, ToFinal2, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 3-RightJoining, ToFinal3, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 4-RightJoiningRules, // // Current state is Medial2 Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current ToFinal2, FinalToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToFinal2, ToNotShaped, ToFinal2, FinalToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 0-SyriacAleph, // // Current state is Final2 Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current IsolatedToFinal2, ToNotShaped, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 0-SyriacAleph, // // Current state is Final3 Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current IsolatedToFinal2, ToNotShaped, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 0-SyriacAleph, }; // This table is used differently than the _arabicShapeStateTable[]. This table is used // when the latest char is a diacritic class. The index is dependent on the current base // shape and class. For all the diacritics, there are actions possible; either the diacritic // causes no state change or it causes the state to change to InvalidBase. private static readonly byte[] _arabicDiacriticShapeStateTable = { // // Current char is diacritic ... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, // NotShaped, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // IsolatedShape, InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange, // InvalidBaseShape, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // FinalShape, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // Medial2Shape, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // Final2Shape, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // Final3Shape, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // InitialShape, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // MedialShape, }; // this array has the starting offset for the current shape state. This // offset is relative to the first entry in _baseCharShapeStateTable[]. The // numbers are 'tally of all previous shape rows X 10 entries per row'. private static readonly ushort[] _baseTableFirstEntryIx = { 0, // SameShape 0, // NotShaped 10 * 10, // IsolatedShape 15 * 10, // InvalidBaseShape 25 * 10, // FinalShape 30 * 10, // Medial2Shape 31 * 10, // Final2Shape 32 * 10, // Final3Shape 33 * 10, // Initial (Invalid) 33 * 10, // Medial (Invalid) }; // This array has the starting offset for the 'current char class'. This // offset is relative to the first entry in the current shape state in whatever // state lookup table is active. This table is used instead of multiplying the current // row value by 10 every time we access the shape state table. This is // used for both the _baseCharShapeStateTable[] and the _diacriticShapeStateTable[] // lookups. The rows of the two arrays are based on different variables; each // row in _baseCharShapeStateTable is selected based on the next char class // while the row for _diacriticShapeStateTable is selected based on the next // character's shape. private static readonly ushort[] _rowFirstEntryIx = { // row entry ix _baseCharShapeStateTable _diacriticShapeStateTable 0, // SyriacAleph NotShaped 10, // NonJoiningBase IsolatedShape 20, // JoiningBase InvalidBaseShape 30, // RightJoining FinalShape 40, // RightJoiningRules Medial2Shape 50, // Kashida Final2Shape 60, // UnknownChar Final3Shape 70, // ZWNJ InitialShape 80, // ZWJ MedialShape 90, // SyriacAbbrevMark }; private static readonly uint[] _arabicTextFeatures = { 0, // Same (this is required by ShaperFeaturesList) 1, // NotShaped (this is required by ShaperFeaturesList) (uint)FeatureTags.IsolatedForms, // IsolatedShape 1, // InvalidBaseShape (uint)FeatureTags.TerminalForms, // FinalShape (uint)FeatureTags.MedialForms2, // Medial2Shape (uint)FeatureTags.TerminalForms2, // Final2Shape (uint)FeatureTags.TerminalForms3, // Final3Shape (uint)FeatureTags.InitialForms, // InitialShape (uint)FeatureTags.MedialForms, // MedialShape }; } /// /// ArabicCharClassifier - /// internal class ArabicCharClassifier : ShaperCharacterClassifier { public ArabicCharClassifier(ScriptTags scriptTag, GlyphTypeface fontFace) : base(scriptTag, fontFace) { _unknownClass = NonJoiningBase; _spaceClass = NonJoiningBase; _zwControlClass = NonJoiningBase; _zwjClass = JoiningBase; _zwnjClass = NonJoiningBase; _shyClass = (byte)ArabicCharClass.UnknownChar; _firstChar = '\u0600'; // this is the first Arabic Unicode char _lastChar = '\u077F'; // this is the last Syriac Unicode char _xorMask = 0x600; _xorRange = 0x180; _charClassTable = _arabicSyriacCharClasses; } const char SyriacExtraDiacriticsUnicodeRangeStart = '\u0300'; // const ushort SyriacExtraDiacriticsUnicodeRangeEnd = '\u033F'; const char SyriacExtraUnicodeXorMask = '\u03c0'; const char SyriacExtraUnicodeXorRange = '\u0040'; ////// ArabicCharClassifier.ToShapeInfo - returns CharShapeInfo for the Unicode character /// public override CharShapeInfo ToShapeInfo (char unicodeChar ) { CharShapeInfo charShape = base.ToShapeInfo(unicodeChar); ArabicCharClass charClass = (ArabicCharClass)(charShape & CharShapeInfo.ShaperClassMask); if (charClass <= ArabicCharClass.LastBaseChar) { if (charClass == ArabicCharClass.UnknownChar && (unicodeChar ^ SyriacExtraUnicodeXorMask) < SyriacExtraUnicodeXorRange) { charShape = (CharShapeInfo)(_syriacExtraClasses[unicodeChar - SyriacExtraDiacriticsUnicodeRangeStart]); charClass = (ArabicCharClass)(charShape & CharShapeInfo.ShaperClassMask); } } return charShape; } ////// Check if the character in context has a Syriac Abbreviation character. /// ///public static bool IsCharacterValidWithSyriacAbrevMark(char currChar ) { return ( (currChar >= '\u070f' && currChar <= '\u074F') || ( (currChar ^ SyriacExtraUnicodeXorMask) < SyriacExtraUnicodeXorRange && _syriacExtraClasses[currChar - SyriacExtraDiacriticsUnicodeRangeStart] != NonJoiningBase)); } #region Classification Tables // these consts are so the tables below will be more readable private const ArabicCharClass StartOfCluster = (ArabicCharClass)CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster; private const byte NonJoiningBase = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.NonJoiningBase | StartOfCluster); private const byte JoiningBase = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.JoiningBase | StartOfCluster); private const byte SyriacAleph = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.SyriacAleph | StartOfCluster); private const byte RightJoining = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.RightJoining | StartOfCluster); private const byte RightJoiningRules = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.RightJoiningRules | StartOfCluster); private const byte Kashida = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.Kashida | StartOfCluster); private const byte ArabicMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.ArabicMark; private const byte Shadda = (byte)ArabicCharClass.Shadda; private const byte KoranicUpperMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.KoranicUpperMark; private const byte KoranicLowerMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.KoranicLowerMark; private const byte SuperscriptAlef = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SuperscriptAlef; private const byte Madda = (byte)ArabicCharClass.Madda; private const byte Hamza = (byte)ArabicCharClass.Hamza; private const byte SyriacLowerLineMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacLowerLineMark; private const byte SyriacSeyameAbove = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacSeyameAbove; private const byte SyriacSeyameBelow = (byte) ArabicCharClass.SyriacSeyameBelow; private const byte SyriacDotAbove = (byte) ArabicCharClass.SyriacDotAbove; private const byte SyriacDotBelow = (byte) ArabicCharClass.SyriacDotBelow; private const byte SyriacUpperDuot = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacUpperDuot; private const byte SyriacLowerDuot = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacLowerDuot; private const byte SyriacUpperTriot = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacUpperTriot; private const byte SyriacLowerTriot = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacLowerTriot; private const byte SyriacAbbrevMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark; // some Syriac aliases private const byte SyriacUpperGreek = ArabicMark; private const byte SyriacLowerGreek = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacLowerGreek; private const byte SyriacOtherMark = Shadda; private const byte SyriacUpperDotted = KoranicUpperMark; private const byte SyriacLowerDotted = KoranicLowerMark; private const byte SyriacQushshaya = SuperscriptAlef; private const byte SyriacRukkakha = Madda; private const byte SyriacUpperLineMark = Hamza; static byte[] _arabicSyriacCharClasses = { // Arabic //060 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //061 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //062 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, //063 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //064 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F Kashida, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, //065 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F ArabicMark, Shadda, ArabicMark, Madda, Hamza, Hamza, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //066 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //067 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SuperscriptAlef, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, NonJoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //068 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, //069 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //06A 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //06B 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //06C 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, //06D 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, NonJoiningBase, RightJoining, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, KoranicUpperMark, //06E 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F KoranicUpperMark, ArabicMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicLowerMark, KoranicUpperMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, NonJoiningBase, KoranicLowerMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicLowerMark, RightJoining, RightJoining, //06F 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, JoiningBase, // Syriac //070 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, SyriacAbbrevMark, //071 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SyriacAleph, SyriacOtherMark, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoiningRules, RightJoiningRules,RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, //072 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoiningRules, JoiningBase, RightJoining, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, RightJoiningRules, //073 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacUpperDotted, SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacUpperDotted, SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacLowerDotted, SyriacLowerDotted, SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacLowerDotted, SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacUpperDotted, //074 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SyriacOtherMark, SyriacQushshaya, SyriacRukkakha, SyriacUpperDuot, SyriacLowerDuot, SyriacUpperTriot, SyriacLowerTriot, SyriacUpperLineMark, SyriacLowerLineMark,SyriacOtherMark, SyriacOtherMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, // Arabic supplemental characters //075 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //076 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //077 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, }; static byte[] _syriacExtraClasses = { // Extra Syriac Diacritics //030 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, Hamza, Hamza, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, SyriacDotAbove, SyriacSeyameAbove, NonJoiningBase, SyriacQushshaya, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //031 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //032 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, SyriacDotBelow, SyriacSeyameBelow, Madda, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, SyriacLowerLineMark,SyriacLowerLineMark, NonJoiningBase, //033 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SyriacLowerLineMark,SyriacLowerLineMark,NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, }; #endregion // end of Classification Tables } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. using System; using System.Security; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting; using MS.Internal.FontCache; using MS.Internal.FontFace; using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; using MS.Utility; namespace MS.Internal.Shaping { /// /// ArabicCharClass - enumeration of Arabic character classifications /// ////// internal enum ArabicCharClass : byte { SyriacAleph, // syriac alaph rules NonJoiningBase, // character does not join JoiningBase, // character joins on both sides RightJoining, // character joins on right (Arabic like waw and Syriac like taw) RightJoiningRules, // character joins on right with rules (dalath, dotless dalath, rish) Kashida, // The kashida character UnknownChar, LastBaseChar = UnknownChar, ZWJ, ZWNJ, SyriacAbbrevMark,// Syriac Abreviation marker ArabicMark,// Arabic above diacritics - (064B, 064C, 064E, 064F, 0652, 06E1) // and below diacritics ( (064D, 0650) SyriacLowerGreek, Shadda,// Arabic shadda - (0651) KoranicUpperMark,// Arabic Qur'anic mark above (0610, 0611, 0612, 0613, 0614, 06D6, KoranicLowerMark,// Arabic Qur'anic mark below (06E3, 06EA, 06ED) SuperscriptAlef,// Arabic superscript alef (0670) Madda,// Arabic madda (0653) Hamza,// Arabic hamza above/below (0654, 0655) SyriacLowerLineMark,// Syriac line type below SyriacSeyameAbove,// Syriac seyame above SyriacSeyameBelow,// Syriac seyame below SyriacDotAbove,// Syriac dot above SyriacDotBelow,// Syriac dot below SyriacUpperDuot,// Syriac two dots above SyriacLowerDuot,// Syriac two dots below SyriacUpperTriot,// Syriac three dots above SyriacLowerTriot,// Syriac three dots below NumberOfArabicCharClasses, }; ////// ArabicShapeClass - enumeration of Arabic shape classifications /// ////// The ArabicShape._arabicTextFeatures array has one member for each of /// these shape classifications. The order of these enum values reflects /// the fact that two of the shape classes (InitialShape and MedialShape) /// don't have a correlated ShapeStateTable because there's no decision to /// make when these are the current class (all characters produce the same /// state change). These two classes are thus at the end of the list. /// internal enum ArabicShapeClass : byte { SameShape, UninitializedState = SameShape, // used for detecting initialization of state machine NotShaped, IsolatedShape, InvalidBaseShape, FinalShape, Medial2Shape, Final2Shape, Final3Shape, LastShapeWithStateTable = Final3Shape, InitialShape, MedialShape, NumberOfShapesWithFeatureTag }; ////// The ArabicShape, class defines the Arabic Shaping Engine. The IShaper, /// interface implemented provides the shaping methods for Arabic and Syrics Scripts. /// The Shaping engine internally uses the Arabic Shaping Finite State machine to define /// the ordering and generation of glyphs. /// internal class ArabicShape : BaseShape { ////// Composition Decomposition Features /// private static readonly Feature[] _substitutionPass1Features = { new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.LocalizedForms,1), new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.GlyphCompositionDecomposition,1), }; ////// Features for Required Ligatures and Connection Forms /// private static readonly uint[] _substitutionPass3Features = { // these features are optional (can be suppressed by GetGlyphs caller) (uint)FeatureTags.StandardLigatures, (uint)FeatureTags.DiscretionaryLigatures, (uint)FeatureTags.ContextualSwash, (uint)FeatureTags.RequiredLigatures, (uint)FeatureTags.ContextualAlternates, (uint)FeatureTags.MarkPositioningviaSubstitution, }; private static readonly Feature[] _arabicPositioningFeatures = { new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.CursivePositioning,1), new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.MarkPositioning,1), new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.MarktoMarkPositioning,1), new Feature(0,ushort.MaxValue,(uint)FeatureTags.Kerning,1), }; static private readonly ScriptTags[] _supportedScripts = new ScriptTags[]{ScriptTags.Arabic, ScriptTags.Syriac}; ////// Constructor for the Arabic Open Type Shaping Engine. /// internal ArabicShape() { _textFlowDirection = TextFlowDirection.RTL; } public override ScriptTags[] SupportedScripts { get { return _supportedScripts; } } ////// ArabicShape.ApplyPositioningFeatures - Arabic implementation of the GetGlyphPlacement helper. /// This method goes through a list of glyphs and adds placement information. /// /// the wrapper for glyph advances, offset arrays /// metrics for all the positioning features /// Set of gpos features to be applied to the unicode run. ///result of applying features ////// Critical - calls critical code /// [SecurityCritical] protected override OpenTypeLayoutResult ApplyPositioningFeatures( ref PlacementWorkspace placementInfo, ref LayoutMetrics layoutMetrics, FeatureSet featureSet ) { ShaperFontClient fontClient = placementInfo.FontClient; OpenTypeLayoutResult layoutResult; if(fontClient.ScriptTag == (uint)ScriptTags.Arabic) { layoutResult = fontClient.PositionGlyphs( ref placementInfo, ref layoutMetrics, _arabicPositioningFeatures, // In: List of features to apply _arabicPositioningFeatures.Length ); } else { // syriac used standard positioning features layoutResult = fontClient.PositionGlyphs( ref placementInfo, ref layoutMetrics, _defaultPositioningFeatures, // In: List of features to apply _defaultPositioningFeatures.Length); } return layoutResult; } ////// ArabicShape.ApplySubstitutionFeatures - default implementation of the GetGlyphs() helper function. /// /// shaping currentRun /// Set of gsub features to be applied to the unicode run. ///result of applying features ////// Critical - this method calls unsafe methods. /// [SecurityCritical] protected override OpenTypeLayoutResult ApplySubstitutionFeatures( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, FeatureSet featureSet ) { ShaperFontClient fontClient = currentRun.FontClient; OpenTypeLayoutResult layoutResult; // Pass 1 - Apply the ccmp feature to the Glyphs layoutResult = fontClient.SubstituteGlyphs( ref currentRun, _substitutionPass1Features, _substitutionPass1Features.Length ); if (layoutResult == OpenTypeLayoutResult.Success && ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.FeaturesCount > _substitutionPass3Features.Length) { // Pass 2 - Apply the Arabic Text Features from currentRun layoutResult = fontClient.SubstituteGlyphs( ref currentRun, ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.Features, ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.FeaturesCount ); } if (layoutResult == OpenTypeLayoutResult.Success) { // Pass 3 - Apply the Required Ligatures and Connection Form Features, etc. // the _substitutionPass3Features are all copied to the front of // ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures. So, go through all these, enabling // all that are appropriate. for (ushort featureIx = (ushort)(currentRun.AreLigaturesInhibited ? 3 : 0); featureIx < _substitutionPass3Features.Length; ++featureIx) { ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.Features[featureIx].Parameter = 1; // enable this one } layoutResult = fontClient.SubstituteGlyphs( ref currentRun, ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.Features, _substitutionPass3Features.Length ); // (re)disable all these features (for next GetGlyphs) for (ushort featureIx = (ushort)(currentRun.AreLigaturesInhibited ? 3 : 0); featureIx < _substitutionPass3Features.Length; ++featureIx) { ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.Features[featureIx].Parameter = 0; // disable this one } } return layoutResult; } ////// ArabicShape.GetCharClassifier - Base shape /// ////// This will normally be overridden by derived shapers. It is used in OnLoadFont /// protected override ShaperCharacterClassifier GetCharClassifier(ScriptTags scriptTag, GlyphTypeface fontFace) { return new ArabicCharClassifier (scriptTag, fontFace); } ////// ArabicShape.GetGlyphs - Arabic implementation of the GetGlyphs() helper function. /// /// shaping currentRun /// Text item ///number of glyphs ////// Critical - calls critical code /// [SecurityCritical] protected override int GetGlyphs ( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, Item item ) { uint currentDiacriticsMap = 0; bool isInvalidChar = true; // if first char is a diacritic, we're ready! int startingCharIx = currentRun.CurrentCharIx; int startingGlyphIx = currentRun.NextGlyphIx; int charsCount = 0; bool isSamPending = false; ushort samGlyph = 0; RecordTraceEvent(MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent, "ArabicShape Init Start"); // initialize the features array ShaperBuffers.InitializeFeatureList(0,(ushort)_substitutionPass3Features.Length); if (ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.FeaturesCount == 0) { // We include the _substitutionPass3Features in this feature // array (note that they are all set to disabled) for (int i = 0; i < _substitutionPass3Features.Length; ++i) { ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures.AddFeature( new Feature( 0, ushort.MaxValue, _substitutionPass3Features[i], 0 )); } } // initialize the cluster cop/state machine ArabicShapeFSM _stateMachine = new ArabicShapeFSM( ref currentRun, ShaperBuffers.TextFeatures ); RecordTraceEvent(MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent, "ArabicShape Init End"); RecordTraceEvent(MS.Utility.EventType.StartEvent, "ArabicShape ShapeArabicText Start"); // Shape and initialize the glyph list // process the char stream, creating shape info, applying features // as necessary char currChar; ushort currGlyph; CharShapeInfo currShape; while ( currentRun.GetNextCharProperties (out currChar, out currGlyph, out currShape) ) { ArabicCharClass currClass = (ArabicCharClass)(currShape & CharShapeInfo.ShaperClassMask); _stateMachine.StepToNextState(ref currentRun, currClass); // validate this character if (currClass > ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark) { // This is a diacritic. Check for validity (only one of each // diacritic class per base). if (!isInvalidChar) { uint diacMapEntry = (uint)(1 << (int)currClass); if ((diacMapEntry & currentDiacriticsMap) != 0) { // This is a duplicate mark (not allowed), or // the current state doesn't alloso we will insert a // dotted circle. isInvalidChar = true; _stateMachine.ForceInvalidBaseState(); } else { currentDiacriticsMap |= diacMapEntry; } } if (isInvalidChar) { currShape |= CharShapeInfo.RequiresInsertedBase; } } else { if (currClass == ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark) { if (!isSamPending) { // keep this glyph for use in the future if (samGlyph == 0) { samGlyph = currGlyph; } } else { currentRun.AddGlyphs(1); currentRun.SetGlyphPropertiesUsingGlyph(currShape, samGlyph); if ((currShape & CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster) != 0) { currShape ^= CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster; } } isSamPending = true; } currentDiacriticsMap = 0; isInvalidChar = false; } // If there's a SAM pending, insert a completion // SAM if its appropriate (ie, if the current character // is an illegal diacritic or the current character isn't // legal as an abbreviation) if (isSamPending && (isInvalidChar || !ArabicCharClassifier.IsCharacterValidWithSyriacAbrevMark(currentRun.CurrentChar))) { // handle the abbreviation mark currentRun.AddGlyphs(1); currentRun.SetGlyphPropertiesUsingGlyph(currShape, samGlyph); if ((currShape & CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster) != 0) { currShape ^= CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster; } isSamPending = false; } currentRun.SetGlyphPropertiesUsingGlyph ( currShape, currGlyph ); ++charsCount; } RecordTraceEvent(MS.Utility.EventType.EndEvent, "ArabicShape ShapeArabicText End"); return (currentRun.GlyphsCount - startingGlyphIx); // we're done } } ////// ArabicShapeFSM - Arabic shaping state machine /// ////// internal struct ArabicShapeFSM { private ArabicShapeClass _currentShape; private ArabicShapeClass _previousShape; private ushort _currentStateRowIx; private ArabicCharClass _currentCharClass; private bool _isSyriacText; private ShaperFeaturesList _featuresList; ////// ArabicShapeFSM constructor /// public ArabicShapeFSM (ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, ShaperFeaturesList featuresList) { _previousShape = ArabicShapeClass.UninitializedState; _currentShape = ArabicShapeClass.NotShaped; _isSyriacText = (currentRun.FontClient.ScriptTag == (uint)ScriptTags.Syriac); _currentCharClass = (currentRun.CurrentCharIx == 0 && currentRun.HasLeadingJoin) ? ArabicCharClass.ZWJ : ArabicCharClass.ZWNJ; _currentStateRowIx = 0; _featuresList = featuresList; } ////// ArabicShapeFSM.ForceInvalidBaseState - force state machine to state /// ////// This is used to force the state machine to invalid base state /// public void ForceInvalidBaseState ( ) { _previousShape = _currentShape = ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape; // save new shape _currentStateRowIx = (ushort)(_baseTableFirstEntryIx[ (ushort)_currentShape ] + _rowFirstEntryIx[ (ushort)ArabicCharClass.UnknownChar ]); } public bool IsInvalidBaseState { get { return _currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape; } } ////// ArabicShapeFSM.SetStartState - start of new syllable (potentially) /// ////// This routine is used at the start of each cluster. If the base + this /// first non-base char are the valid start of a new cluster, return /// ////// Critical - calls critical code (ForceInvalidBaseState) /// [SecurityCritical] private void SetStartState ( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, ArabicCharClass firstCharClass ) { Debug.Assert (_currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.NotShaped && _currentStateRowIx == 0, "Arabic FSM SetStartState should not be called now."); _previousShape = _currentShape; if (firstCharClass > ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark) { // diacritics may not be first character ForceInvalidBaseState (); } else { if ( firstCharClass <= ArabicCharClass.RightJoiningRules && firstCharClass != ArabicCharClass.NonJoiningBase) { // All joining base chars mean we start in a different state than // NotShaped. _currentShape = (_currentCharClass == ArabicCharClass.ZWJ) ? ArabicShapeClass.FinalShape : ArabicShapeClass.IsolatedShape; _featuresList.AddFeature(currentRun.CurrentCharIx, _arabicTextFeatures[ (int)_currentShape ]); } _currentCharClass = firstCharClass; _currentStateRowIx = (ushort)(_baseTableFirstEntryIx[ (int)_currentShape ] + _rowFirstEntryIx[ (int) _currentCharClass ]); } } ////// ArabicShapeFSM.StepToNextState - process the latest character. /// ////// This routine steps the state machine to its next state /// based on the current state, the last character that caused a /// state change and the next char. It returns the new shape state /// (which includes feature tag information) /// ///shape info for this character ////// Critical - calls critical code, uses unsafe accessors /// [SecurityCritical] public void StepToNextState ( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, ArabicCharClass nextCharClass ) { Debug.Assert ( (byte)nextCharClass < NumberOfCharClasses ); if ( _currentShape != ArabicShapeClass.SameShape ) { if (_previousShape == ArabicShapeClass.UninitializedState) { SetStartState(ref currentRun, nextCharClass); return; } // keep track of where we're coming from. _previousShape = _currentShape; // remember last shape } // get the next shape entry... if (nextCharClass > ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark) { // All diacritics are checked via _diacriticShapeStateTable[] // The current shape will end up either as InvalidBaseShape or SameShape ushort diacTableIx = (ushort)(_rowFirstEntryIx[ (int)_previousShape - 1 ] + (ushort)_currentCharClass); _currentShape = (ArabicShapeClass) _arabicDiacriticShapeStateTable[ diacTableIx ]; // save new shape Debug.Assert(_currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.SameShape || _currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape,"Arabic diacritic table has invalid value"); if (_previousShape == ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape || _currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape) { ForceInvalidBaseState(); } } else { // get the shape state table entry. byte shapeTableEntry = _arabicShapeStateTable[ _currentStateRowIx + (ushort) nextCharClass]; switch (shapeTableEntry) { case NoShapeChange: // this means this latest character doesn't affect the current state AT ALL. _currentShape = ArabicShapeClass.SameShape; break; case InvalidBase: ForceInvalidBaseState(); break; default: // change our state (or shape) _currentShape = (ArabicShapeClass) (shapeTableEntry & 0xf); // save new shape Debug.Assert(_currentShape <= ArabicShapeClass.LastShapeWithStateTable,"invalid entry in Arabic state table"); _currentCharClass = nextCharClass; // keep up-to-date // adjust the state table indices.. // _currentStartStateIx == the first entry in the active state table row. _currentStateRowIx = (ushort)(_baseTableFirstEntryIx[ (ushort) _currentShape ] + _rowFirstEntryIx[ (ushort) nextCharClass ]); Debug.Assert( _currentStateRowIx < _baseTableFirstEntryIx[ (ushort) _currentShape + 1 ],"invalid entry in Arabic state table"); UpdateShapeInfo(ref currentRun, shapeTableEntry); break; } } } ////// ArabicShapeFSM.UpdateShapeInfo - process the latest character. /// ////// This routine returns the new shape state based on the newest /// state info /// ///shape info for this character ////// Critical - calls critical code, uses unsafe accessors /// [SecurityCritical] private void UpdateShapeInfo ( ref ShapingWorkspace currentRun, byte shapeTableEntry ) { // Now that the state machine's previous/current state has been resolved we need to // update the previous shape information. Check if the upper nibble of shapeTableEntry // holds information for updating the previous shape; if not, then we only will be // setting this char's shape. if ((shapeTableEntry >> 4) != NoShapeChange) { ArabicShapeClass previousShape = _previousShape; _previousShape = (ArabicShapeClass) (shapeTableEntry >> 4); if (_isSyriacText && previousShape == ArabicShapeClass.IsolatedShape) { // for Syriac text, the previous isolated shape did not cause // a feature to be added (we treated it as a "Not Shaped") so // we want to add a feature, not update one _featuresList.AddFeature( currentRun.PreviousCharIx, _arabicTextFeatures[(int)_previousShape] ); } else { // update the previous shape's feature tag. If this updated feature tag matches // the latestCountedFeature, then its not a new feature and we don't want to set // the "start of feature" flag. For example, in the following sequence... // // Event Feature Tags: // 1st char processed, set to Isolated form Iso N.A N.A. N.A. // 2nd char, changes 1st form, sets own form Ini Final N.A. N.A. // 3rd char, changes 2nd form, set own Ini Mid Final N.A. // 4th char, changes 3rd form, sets own Ini Mid Mid Final // // ... we expect the "start of feature" flag to be set on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th // shapes (once we've processed all four chars) _featuresList.UpdatePreviousShapedChar(_arabicTextFeatures[(int)_previousShape]); } } // now set up the current shape... // (for syriac "isolated shape", treat as "not shaped") if ( !( _isSyriacText && _currentShape == ArabicShapeClass.IsolatedShape) ) { _featuresList.AddFeature( currentRun.CurrentCharIx, _arabicTextFeatures[(int)_currentShape] ); } } // these const's are for making the _baseCharInputShapeStateTable more // readable. private const byte NoShapeChange = (byte)ArabicShapeClass.SameShape; private const byte ToNotShaped = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.NotShaped; private const byte ToIsolated = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.IsolatedShape; private const byte ToFinal = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.FinalShape; private const byte ToFinal2 = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.Final2Shape; private const byte ToFinal3 = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.Final3Shape; private const byte FromIsolatedShape = ToIsolated << 4; private const byte IsolatedToNotShaped = FromIsolatedShape | ToNotShaped; private const byte IsolatedToIsolated = FromIsolatedShape | ToIsolated; private const byte IsolatedToFinal2 = FromIsolatedShape | ToFinal2; private const byte FromInitialShape = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.InitialShape << 4; private const byte InitialToNotShaped = FromInitialShape | ToNotShaped; private const byte InitialToFinal = FromInitialShape | ToFinal; private const byte FromMedialShape = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.MedialShape << 4; private const byte MedialToNotShaped = FromMedialShape | ToNotShaped; private const byte MedialToFinal = FromMedialShape | ToFinal; private const byte FromMedial2Shape = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.Medial2Shape << 4; private const byte Medial2ToNotShaped = FromMedial2Shape | ToNotShaped; private const byte Medial2ToIsolated = FromMedial2Shape | ToIsolated; private const byte Medial2ToFinal2 = FromMedial2Shape | ToFinal2; private const byte FromFinalShape = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.FinalShape << 4; private const byte FinalToNotShaped = FromFinalShape | ToNotShaped; private const byte InvalidBase = (byte) ArabicShapeClass.InvalidBaseShape; private const byte NumberOfCharClasses = (byte) ArabicCharClass.NumberOfArabicCharClasses; // This array (_arabicShapeStateTable) is a compressed version of the effective array, // shapeState[][ ][ ]. // The current base shape is determined by the latest base character seen. A given base shape // can be selected by one or more base char class. Each base char shape + class duple is a // row in this array; each row has an entry (next shape state) for every char class that affects // the shape state (there're 10 such char classes - the first 10 class defs in ArabicCharClass). // // So, use this array to find the next shape state, effectively... // next shape = _arabicShapeStateTable [ +
] // private static readonly byte[] _arabicShapeStateTable = { // // Current state is NotShaped... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 0-SyriacAleph, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 1-NonJoiningBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 2-JoiningBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 3-RightJoining, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 4-RightJoiningRules, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 5-Kashida, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 6-UnknownChar, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 7-ZWJ, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 8-ZWNJ, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 9-SyriacAbbrevMark, // // Current state is Isolated Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 0-SyriacAleph, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // 1-NonJoiningBase, InitialToFinal,ToNotShaped, InitialToFinal,InitialToFinal,InitialToFinal,InitialToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, InitialToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 2-JoiningBase, ToFinal2, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 3-RightJoining, ToFinal3, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 4-RightJoiningRules, // Current state is Invalid Base Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 0-SyriacAleph, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 1-NonJoiningBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 2-JoiningBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 3-RightJoining, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, ToNotShaped, // 4-RightJoiningRules, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 5-Kashida, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 6-UnknownChar, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToFinal, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 7-ZWJ, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, // 8-ZWNJ, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,// 9-SyriacAbbrevMark, // // Current state is Final Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current Medial2ToFinal2,ToNotShaped,Medial2ToIsolated,Medial2ToIsolated,Medial2ToIsolated,Medial2ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, Medial2ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 0-SyriacAleph, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // 1-NonJoiningBase, MedialToFinal,ToNotShaped, MedialToFinal,MedialToFinal,MedialToFinal,MedialToNotShaped,ToNotShaped, MedialToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 2-JoiningBase, ToFinal2, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 3-RightJoining, ToFinal3, ToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 4-RightJoiningRules, // // Current state is Medial2 Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current ToFinal2, FinalToNotShaped, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToIsolated, ToFinal2, ToNotShaped, ToFinal2, FinalToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 0-SyriacAleph, // // Current state is Final2 Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current IsolatedToFinal2, ToNotShaped, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 0-SyriacAleph, // // Current state is Final3 Shape... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current IsolatedToFinal2, ToNotShaped, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToIsolated, IsolatedToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, ToNotShaped, NoShapeChange, // 0-SyriacAleph, }; // This table is used differently than the _arabicShapeStateTable[]. This table is used // when the latest char is a diacritic class. The index is dependent on the current base // shape and class. For all the diacritics, there are actions possible; either the diacritic // causes no state change or it causes the state to change to InvalidBase. private static readonly byte[] _arabicDiacriticShapeStateTable = { // // Current char is diacritic ... // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next/ Current InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, // NotShaped, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // IsolatedShape, InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange, // InvalidBaseShape, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // FinalShape, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // Medial2Shape, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // Final2Shape, NoShapeChange,InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // Final3Shape, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // InitialShape, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, InvalidBase, // MedialShape, }; // this array has the starting offset for the current shape state. This // offset is relative to the first entry in _baseCharShapeStateTable[]. The // numbers are 'tally of all previous shape rows X 10 entries per row'. private static readonly ushort[] _baseTableFirstEntryIx = { 0, // SameShape 0, // NotShaped 10 * 10, // IsolatedShape 15 * 10, // InvalidBaseShape 25 * 10, // FinalShape 30 * 10, // Medial2Shape 31 * 10, // Final2Shape 32 * 10, // Final3Shape 33 * 10, // Initial (Invalid) 33 * 10, // Medial (Invalid) }; // This array has the starting offset for the 'current char class'. This // offset is relative to the first entry in the current shape state in whatever // state lookup table is active. This table is used instead of multiplying the current // row value by 10 every time we access the shape state table. This is // used for both the _baseCharShapeStateTable[] and the _diacriticShapeStateTable[] // lookups. The rows of the two arrays are based on different variables; each // row in _baseCharShapeStateTable is selected based on the next char class // while the row for _diacriticShapeStateTable is selected based on the next // character's shape. private static readonly ushort[] _rowFirstEntryIx = { // row entry ix _baseCharShapeStateTable _diacriticShapeStateTable 0, // SyriacAleph NotShaped 10, // NonJoiningBase IsolatedShape 20, // JoiningBase InvalidBaseShape 30, // RightJoining FinalShape 40, // RightJoiningRules Medial2Shape 50, // Kashida Final2Shape 60, // UnknownChar Final3Shape 70, // ZWNJ InitialShape 80, // ZWJ MedialShape 90, // SyriacAbbrevMark }; private static readonly uint[] _arabicTextFeatures = { 0, // Same (this is required by ShaperFeaturesList) 1, // NotShaped (this is required by ShaperFeaturesList) (uint)FeatureTags.IsolatedForms, // IsolatedShape 1, // InvalidBaseShape (uint)FeatureTags.TerminalForms, // FinalShape (uint)FeatureTags.MedialForms2, // Medial2Shape (uint)FeatureTags.TerminalForms2, // Final2Shape (uint)FeatureTags.TerminalForms3, // Final3Shape (uint)FeatureTags.InitialForms, // InitialShape (uint)FeatureTags.MedialForms, // MedialShape }; } /// /// ArabicCharClassifier - /// internal class ArabicCharClassifier : ShaperCharacterClassifier { public ArabicCharClassifier(ScriptTags scriptTag, GlyphTypeface fontFace) : base(scriptTag, fontFace) { _unknownClass = NonJoiningBase; _spaceClass = NonJoiningBase; _zwControlClass = NonJoiningBase; _zwjClass = JoiningBase; _zwnjClass = NonJoiningBase; _shyClass = (byte)ArabicCharClass.UnknownChar; _firstChar = '\u0600'; // this is the first Arabic Unicode char _lastChar = '\u077F'; // this is the last Syriac Unicode char _xorMask = 0x600; _xorRange = 0x180; _charClassTable = _arabicSyriacCharClasses; } const char SyriacExtraDiacriticsUnicodeRangeStart = '\u0300'; // const ushort SyriacExtraDiacriticsUnicodeRangeEnd = '\u033F'; const char SyriacExtraUnicodeXorMask = '\u03c0'; const char SyriacExtraUnicodeXorRange = '\u0040'; ////// ArabicCharClassifier.ToShapeInfo - returns CharShapeInfo for the Unicode character /// public override CharShapeInfo ToShapeInfo (char unicodeChar ) { CharShapeInfo charShape = base.ToShapeInfo(unicodeChar); ArabicCharClass charClass = (ArabicCharClass)(charShape & CharShapeInfo.ShaperClassMask); if (charClass <= ArabicCharClass.LastBaseChar) { if (charClass == ArabicCharClass.UnknownChar && (unicodeChar ^ SyriacExtraUnicodeXorMask) < SyriacExtraUnicodeXorRange) { charShape = (CharShapeInfo)(_syriacExtraClasses[unicodeChar - SyriacExtraDiacriticsUnicodeRangeStart]); charClass = (ArabicCharClass)(charShape & CharShapeInfo.ShaperClassMask); } } return charShape; } ////// Check if the character in context has a Syriac Abbreviation character. /// ///public static bool IsCharacterValidWithSyriacAbrevMark(char currChar ) { return ( (currChar >= '\u070f' && currChar <= '\u074F') || ( (currChar ^ SyriacExtraUnicodeXorMask) < SyriacExtraUnicodeXorRange && _syriacExtraClasses[currChar - SyriacExtraDiacriticsUnicodeRangeStart] != NonJoiningBase)); } #region Classification Tables // these consts are so the tables below will be more readable private const ArabicCharClass StartOfCluster = (ArabicCharClass)CharShapeInfo.IsStartOfCluster; private const byte NonJoiningBase = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.NonJoiningBase | StartOfCluster); private const byte JoiningBase = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.JoiningBase | StartOfCluster); private const byte SyriacAleph = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.SyriacAleph | StartOfCluster); private const byte RightJoining = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.RightJoining | StartOfCluster); private const byte RightJoiningRules = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.RightJoiningRules | StartOfCluster); private const byte Kashida = (byte)(ArabicCharClass.Kashida | StartOfCluster); private const byte ArabicMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.ArabicMark; private const byte Shadda = (byte)ArabicCharClass.Shadda; private const byte KoranicUpperMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.KoranicUpperMark; private const byte KoranicLowerMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.KoranicLowerMark; private const byte SuperscriptAlef = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SuperscriptAlef; private const byte Madda = (byte)ArabicCharClass.Madda; private const byte Hamza = (byte)ArabicCharClass.Hamza; private const byte SyriacLowerLineMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacLowerLineMark; private const byte SyriacSeyameAbove = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacSeyameAbove; private const byte SyriacSeyameBelow = (byte) ArabicCharClass.SyriacSeyameBelow; private const byte SyriacDotAbove = (byte) ArabicCharClass.SyriacDotAbove; private const byte SyriacDotBelow = (byte) ArabicCharClass.SyriacDotBelow; private const byte SyriacUpperDuot = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacUpperDuot; private const byte SyriacLowerDuot = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacLowerDuot; private const byte SyriacUpperTriot = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacUpperTriot; private const byte SyriacLowerTriot = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacLowerTriot; private const byte SyriacAbbrevMark = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacAbbrevMark; // some Syriac aliases private const byte SyriacUpperGreek = ArabicMark; private const byte SyriacLowerGreek = (byte)ArabicCharClass.SyriacLowerGreek; private const byte SyriacOtherMark = Shadda; private const byte SyriacUpperDotted = KoranicUpperMark; private const byte SyriacLowerDotted = KoranicLowerMark; private const byte SyriacQushshaya = SuperscriptAlef; private const byte SyriacRukkakha = Madda; private const byte SyriacUpperLineMark = Hamza; static byte[] _arabicSyriacCharClasses = { // Arabic //060 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //061 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //062 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, //063 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //064 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F Kashida, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, //065 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F ArabicMark, Shadda, ArabicMark, Madda, Hamza, Hamza, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, ArabicMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //066 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //067 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SuperscriptAlef, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, NonJoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //068 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, //069 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //06A 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //06B 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //06C 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoining, //06D 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, NonJoiningBase, RightJoining, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, KoranicUpperMark, //06E 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F KoranicUpperMark, ArabicMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicLowerMark, KoranicUpperMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, NonJoiningBase, KoranicLowerMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicUpperMark, KoranicLowerMark, RightJoining, RightJoining, //06F 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, JoiningBase, // Syriac //070 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, SyriacAbbrevMark, //071 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SyriacAleph, SyriacOtherMark, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoiningRules, RightJoiningRules,RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, //072 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, RightJoiningRules, JoiningBase, RightJoining, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, RightJoiningRules, //073 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacUpperDotted, SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacUpperDotted, SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacLowerDotted, SyriacLowerDotted, SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacLowerDotted, SyriacUpperGreek, SyriacLowerGreek, SyriacUpperDotted, //074 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SyriacOtherMark, SyriacQushshaya, SyriacRukkakha, SyriacUpperDuot, SyriacLowerDuot, SyriacUpperTriot, SyriacLowerTriot, SyriacUpperLineMark, SyriacLowerLineMark,SyriacOtherMark, SyriacOtherMark, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, // Arabic supplemental characters //075 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, //076 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, JoiningBase, RightJoining, RightJoining, JoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //077 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, }; static byte[] _syriacExtraClasses = { // Extra Syriac Diacritics //030 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, Hamza, Hamza, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, SyriacDotAbove, SyriacSeyameAbove, NonJoiningBase, SyriacQushshaya, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //031 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, //032 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, SyriacDotBelow, SyriacSeyameBelow, Madda, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, SyriacLowerLineMark,SyriacLowerLineMark, NonJoiningBase, //033 0, 4, 8, C 1, 5, 9, D 2, 6, A, E 3, 7, B, F SyriacLowerLineMark,SyriacLowerLineMark,NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, NonJoiningBase, }; #endregion // end of Classification Tables } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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