_IPv6Address.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / _IPv6Address.cs / 1 / _IPv6Address.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System { 
    // The class designed as to keep minimal the working set of Uri class.
    // The idea is to stay with static helper methods and strings 
    internal class IPv6AddressHelper{

    // fields
        private const int NumberOfLabels = 8;
        private const string CanonicalNumberFormat = "{0:X4}"; 
        private IPv6AddressHelper() {

    // methods

        internal static string ParseCanonicalName(string str, int start, ref bool isLoopback, ref string scopeId) { 
            unsafe {
                ushort *numbers = stackalloc ushort[NumberOfLabels]; 
                // optimized zeroing of 8 shorts = 2 longs 
                ((long*)numbers)[0] = 0L;
                ((long*)numbers)[1] = 0L; 
                isLoopback = Parse(str, numbers, start, ref scopeId);
                return CreateCanonicalName(numbers);

        unsafe private static string CreateCanonicalName(ushort *numbers) { 
                return  '[' + String.Format(CanonicalNumberFormat, numbers[0]) + ':' 
                        + String.Format(CanonicalNumberFormat, numbers[1]) + ':'
                        + String.Format(CanonicalNumberFormat, numbers[2]) + ':' 
                        + String.Format(CanonicalNumberFormat, numbers[3]) + ':'
                        + String.Format(CanonicalNumberFormat, numbers[4]) + ':'
                        + String.Format(CanonicalNumberFormat, numbers[5]) + ':'
                        + String.Format(CanonicalNumberFormat, numbers[6]) + ':' 
                        + String.Format(CanonicalNumberFormat, numbers[7]) + ']';
        // IsValid 
        //  Determine whether a name is a valid IPv6 address. Rules are:
        //   *  8 groups of 16-bit hex numbers, separated by ':' 
        //   *  a *single* run of zeros can be compressed using the symbol '::'
        //   *  an optional string of a ScopeID delimited by '%' 
        //   *  an optional (last) 1 or 2 character prefix length field delimited by '/' 
        //   *  the last 32 bits in an address can be represented as an IPv4 address
        // Inputs:
        //    name
        //      Domain name field of a URI to check for pattern match with
        //      IPv6 address 
        // Outputs: 
        //  Nothing 
        // Assumes: 
        //  the correct name is terminated by  ']' character
        // Returns:
        //  true if  has IPv6 format, else false 
        // Throws: 
        //  Nothing 
        //  Remarks: MUST NOT be used unless all input indexes are are verified and trusted.
        //           start must be next to '[' position, or error is reported
        internal unsafe static bool IsValid(char* name, int start, ref int end) {
            int sequenceCount = 0;
            int sequenceLength = 0; 
            bool haveCompressor = false; 
            bool haveIPv4Address = false;
            bool havePrefix = false; 
            bool expectingNumber = true;
            int lastSequence = 1;

            int i; 
            for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
                if (havePrefix ? (name[i] >= '0' && name[i] <= '9') : Uri.IsHexDigit(name[i])) { 
                    expectingNumber = false;
                } else { 
                    if (sequenceLength > 4) {
                        return false;
                    if (sequenceLength != 0) { 
                        lastSequence = i - sequenceLength; 
                    switch (name[i]) {
                        case '%':   while (true) { 
                                        //accept anything in scopeID
                                        if (++i == end) {
                                            // no closing ']', fail
                                            return false; 
                                        if (name[i] == ']') { 
                                            goto case ']'; 
                                        else if (name[i] == '/') { 
                                            goto case '/';
                        case ']':   start = i; 
                                    i = end;
                                    //this will make i = end+1 
                        case ':':
                            if ((i > 0) && (name[i - 1] == ':')) { 
                                if (haveCompressor) {

                                    // can only have one per IPv6 address 
                                    return false; 
                                haveCompressor = true; 
                                expectingNumber = false;
                            } else {
                                expectingNumber = true;
                        case '/': 
                            if ((sequenceCount == 0) || havePrefix) {
                                return false; 
                            havePrefix = true;
                            expectingNumber = true;

                        case '.': 
                            if (haveIPv4Address) { 
                                return false;

                            i = end;
                            if (!IPv4AddressHelper.IsValid(name, lastSequence, ref i, true, false)) {
                                return false; 
                            // ipv4 address takes 2 slots in ipv6 address, one was just counted meeting the '.' 
                            haveIPv4Address = true;
                            --i;            // it will be incremented back on the next loop 

                            return false; 
                    sequenceLength = 0; 
            // if the last token was a prefix, check number of digits
            if (havePrefix && ((sequenceLength < 1) || (sequenceLength > 2))) {
                return false; 

            // these sequence counts are -1 because it is implied in end-of-sequence

            int expectedSequenceCount = 8 + (havePrefix ? 1 : 0); 

            if (!expectingNumber && (sequenceLength <= 4) && (haveCompressor ? (sequenceCount < expectedSequenceCount) : (sequenceCount == expectedSequenceCount))) 
                if (i == end + 1)
                    // ']' was found
                    end = start+1;
                    return true;
                return false;
            return false; 
        // Parse
        //  Convert this IPv6 address into a sequence of 8 16-bit numbers 
        // Inputs: 
        //      Name 
        //      The validated IPv6 address
        // Outputs:
        //      numbers
        //      Array filled in with the numbers in the IPv6 groups
        //      PrefixLength
        //      Set to the number after the prefix separator (/) if found 
        // Assumes:
        //   has been validated and contains only hex digits in groups of 
        //  16-bit numbers, the characters ':' and '/', and a possible IPv4
        //  address
        // Returns: 
        //  true if this is a loopback, false otherwise. There is no falure indication as the sting must be a valid one.
        // Throws: 
        //  Nothing

        unsafe internal static bool Parse(string address, ushort *numbers, int start, ref string scopeId) {

            int number = 0; 
            int index = 0;
            int compressorIndex = -1; 
            bool numberIsValid = true; 

            //This used to be a class instance member but have not been used so far 
            int PrefixLength = 0;
            if (address[start] == '[') {

            for (int i = start; i < address.Length && address[i] != ']'; ) { 
                switch (address[i]) { 
                   case '%':
                        if (numberIsValid) { 
                           numbers[index++] = (ushort)number;
                           numberIsValid = false;
                        start = i;
                        for (++i; address[i] != ']' && address[i] != '/'; ++i) { 
                        scopeId = address.Substring(start, i-start); 
                        // ignore prefix if any
                        for (; address[i] != ']'; ++i) {
                    case ':': 
                        numbers[index++] = (ushort)number;
                        number = 0; 
                        if (address[i] == ':') {
                            compressorIndex = index;
                        } else if ((compressorIndex < 0) && (index < 6)) {
                            // no point checking for IPv4 address if we don't
                            // have a compressor or we haven't seen 6 16-bit 
                            // numbers yet

                        // check to see if the upcoming number is really an IPv4
                        // address. If it is, convert it to 2 ushort numbers 

                        for (int j = i; (address[j] != ']') &&
                                        (address[j] != ':') && 
                                        (address[j] != '%') &&
                                        (address[j] != '/') && 
                                        (j < i + 4); ++j) { 

                            if (address[j] == '.') { 

                                // we have an IPv4 address. Find the end of it:
                                // we know that since we have a valid IPv6 
                                // address, the only things that will terminate
                                // the IPv4 address are the prefix delimiter '/' 
                                // or the end-of-string (which we conveniently 
                                // delimited with ']')

                                while ((address[j] != ']') && (address[j] != '/') && (address[j] != '%')) {
                                number = IPv4AddressHelper.ParseHostNumber(address, i, j);
                                numbers[index++] = (ushort)(number>>16); 
                                numbers[index++] = (ushort)number; 
                                i = j;
                                // set this to avoid adding another number to
                                // the array if there's a prefix

                                number = 0; 
                                numberIsValid = false; 

                    case '/': 
                        if (numberIsValid) {
                            numbers[index++] = (ushort)number; 
                            numberIsValid = false; 
                        // since we have a valid IPv6 address string, the prefix
                        // length is the last token in the string

                        for (++i; address[i] != ']'; ++i) { 
                            PrefixLength = PrefixLength * 10 + (address[i] - '0'); 

                        number = number * 16 + Uri.FromHex(address[i++]);
            // add number to the array if its not the prefix length or part of 
            // an IPv4 address that's already been handled

            if (numberIsValid) { 
                numbers[index++] = (ushort)number;
            // if we had a compressor sequence ("::") then we need to expand the 
            // numbers array

            if (compressorIndex > 0) { 

                int toIndex = NumberOfLabels - 1; 
                int fromIndex = index - 1; 

                for (int i = index - compressorIndex; i > 0 ; --i) { 
                    numbers[toIndex--] = numbers[fromIndex];
                    numbers[fromIndex--] = 0;

            // is the address loopback? Loopback is defined as one of: 
            //  0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 
            //  0:0:0:0:0:0:       == 0:0:0:0:0:0:7F00:0001
            //  0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:    == 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF:7F00:0001
            return          ((numbers[0] == 0)
                            && (numbers[1] == 0) 
                            && (numbers[2] == 0) 
                            && (numbers[3] == 0)
                            && (numbers[4] == 0)) 
                           && (((numbers[5] == 0)
                                && (numbers[6] == 0)
                                && (numbers[7] == 1))
                               || (((numbers[6] == 0x7F00) 
                                    && (numbers[7] == 0x0001))
                                   && ((numbers[5] == 0) 
                                       || (numbers[5] == 0xFFFF)))); 



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