/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Security / SecurityException.cs / 1 / SecurityException.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== /*============================================================================== ** ** Class: SecurityException ** ** ** Purpose: Exception class for security ** ** =============================================================================*/ namespace System.Security { using System.Security; using System; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Security.Policy; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Globalization; using System.Security.Util; [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)] [Serializable] public class SecurityException : SystemException { private String m_debugString; // NOTE: If you change the name of this field, you'll have to update SOS as well! private SecurityAction m_action; [NonSerialized] private Type m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed; private String m_permissionThatFailed; private String m_demanded; private String m_granted; private String m_refused; private String m_denied; private String m_permitOnly; private AssemblyName m_assemblyName; private byte[] m_serializedMethodInfo; private String m_strMethodInfo; private SecurityZone m_zone; private String m_url; private const String ActionName = "Action"; private const String FirstPermissionThatFailedName = "FirstPermissionThatFailed"; private const String DemandedName = "Demanded"; private const String GrantedSetName = "GrantedSet"; private const String RefusedSetName = "RefusedSet"; private const String DeniedName = "Denied"; private const String PermitOnlyName = "PermitOnly"; private const String Assembly_Name = "Assembly"; private const String MethodName_Serialized = "Method"; private const String MethodName_String = "Method_String"; private const String ZoneName = "Zone"; private const String UrlName = "Url"; internal static string GetResString(string sResourceName) { PermissionSet.s_fullTrust.Assert(); return Environment.GetResourceString(sResourceName); } internal static Exception MakeSecurityException(AssemblyName asmName, Evidence asmEvidence, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object demand, IPermission permThatFailed) { // See if we need to throw a HostProtectionException instead HostProtectionPermission hostProtectionPerm = permThatFailed as HostProtectionPermission; if(hostProtectionPerm != null) return new HostProtectionException(GetResString("HostProtection_HostProtection"), HostProtectionPermission.protectedResources, hostProtectionPerm.Resources); // Produce relevant strings String message = ""; MethodInfo method = null; try { if(granted == null && refused == null && demand == null) { message = GetResString("Security_NoAPTCA"); } else { if(demand != null && demand is IPermission) message = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, GetResString("Security_Generic"), demand.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName ); else if (permThatFailed != null) message = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, GetResString("Security_Generic"), permThatFailed.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName); else message = GetResString("Security_GenericNoType"); } method = SecurityRuntime.GetMethodInfo(rmh); } catch(Exception e) { // Environment.GetResourceString will throw if we are ReadyForAbort (thread abort). (We shouldn't do a BCLDebug.Assert in this case or it will lock up the thread.) if(e is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) throw; } /* catch(System.Threading.ThreadAbortException) { // Environment.GetResourceString will throw if we are ReadyForAbort (thread abort). (We shouldn't do a BCLDebug.Assert in this case or it will lock up the thread.) throw; } catch { } */ // make the exception object return new SecurityException(message, asmName, granted, refused, method, action, demand, permThatFailed, asmEvidence); } private static byte[] ObjectToByteArray(Object obj) { if(obj == null) return null; MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); try { formatter.Serialize(stream, obj); byte[] array = stream.ToArray(); return array; } catch (NotSupportedException) { // Serialization of certain methods is not supported (namely // global methods, since they have no representation outside of // a module scope). return null; } } private static Object ByteArrayToObject(byte[] array) { if(array == null || array.Length == 0) return null; MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(array); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); Object obj = formatter.Deserialize(stream); return obj; } public SecurityException() : base(GetResString("Arg_SecurityException")) { SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); } public SecurityException(String message) : base(message) { // This is the constructor that gets called if you Assert but don't have permission to Assert. (So don't assert in here.) SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); } public SecurityException(String message, Type type ) : base(message) { PermissionSet.s_fullTrust.Assert(); SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed = type; } // *** Don't use this constructor internally *** public SecurityException(String message, Type type, String state ) : base(message) { PermissionSet.s_fullTrust.Assert(); SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed = type; m_demanded = state; } public SecurityException(String message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); } // *** Don't use this constructor internally *** internal SecurityException( PermissionSet grantedSetObj, PermissionSet refusedSetObj ) : base(GetResString("Arg_SecurityException")) { PermissionSet.s_fullTrust.Assert(); SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); if (grantedSetObj != null) m_granted = grantedSetObj.ToXml().ToString(); if (refusedSetObj != null) m_refused = refusedSetObj.ToXml().ToString(); } // *** Don't use this constructor internally *** internal SecurityException( String message, PermissionSet grantedSetObj, PermissionSet refusedSetObj ) : base(message) { PermissionSet.s_fullTrust.Assert(); SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); if (grantedSetObj != null) m_granted = grantedSetObj.ToXml().ToString(); if (refusedSetObj != null) m_refused = refusedSetObj.ToXml().ToString(); } protected SecurityException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base (info, context) { if (info==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); try { m_action = (SecurityAction)info.GetValue(ActionName, typeof(SecurityAction)); m_permissionThatFailed = (String)info.GetValueNoThrow(FirstPermissionThatFailedName, typeof(String)); m_demanded = (String)info.GetValueNoThrow(DemandedName, typeof(String)); m_granted = (String)info.GetValueNoThrow(GrantedSetName, typeof(String)); m_refused = (String)info.GetValueNoThrow(RefusedSetName, typeof(String)); m_denied = (String)info.GetValueNoThrow(DeniedName, typeof(String)); m_permitOnly = (String)info.GetValueNoThrow(PermitOnlyName, typeof(String)); m_assemblyName = (AssemblyName)info.GetValueNoThrow(Assembly_Name, typeof(AssemblyName)); m_serializedMethodInfo = (byte[])info.GetValueNoThrow(MethodName_Serialized, typeof(byte[])); m_strMethodInfo = (String)info.GetValueNoThrow(MethodName_String, typeof(String)); m_zone = (SecurityZone)info.GetValue(ZoneName, typeof(SecurityZone)); m_url = (String)info.GetValueNoThrow(UrlName, typeof(String)); } catch { m_action = 0; m_permissionThatFailed = ""; m_demanded = ""; m_granted = ""; m_refused = ""; m_denied = ""; m_permitOnly = ""; m_assemblyName = null; m_serializedMethodInfo = null; m_strMethodInfo = null; m_zone = SecurityZone.NoZone; m_url = ""; } } // ------------------------------------------ // | For failures due to insufficient grant | // ------------------------------------------ public SecurityException(string message, AssemblyName assemblyName, PermissionSet grant, PermissionSet refused, MethodInfo method, SecurityAction action, Object demanded, IPermission permThatFailed, Evidence evidence) : base(message) { PermissionSet.s_fullTrust.Assert(); SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); Action = action; if(permThatFailed != null) m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed = permThatFailed.GetType(); FirstPermissionThatFailed = permThatFailed; Demanded = demanded; m_granted = (grant == null ? "" : grant.ToXml().ToString()); m_refused = (refused == null ? "" : refused.ToXml().ToString()); m_denied = ""; m_permitOnly = ""; m_assemblyName = assemblyName; Method = method; m_url = ""; m_zone = SecurityZone.NoZone; if(evidence != null) { Url url = (Url)evidence.FindType(typeof(Url)); if(url != null) m_url = url.GetURLString().ToString(); Zone zone = (Zone)evidence.FindType(typeof(Zone)); if(zone != null) m_zone = zone.SecurityZone; } m_debugString = this.ToString(true, false); } // ------------------------------------------ // | For failures due to deny or PermitOnly | // ------------------------------------------ public SecurityException(string message, Object deny, Object permitOnly, MethodInfo method, Object demanded, IPermission permThatFailed) : base(message) { PermissionSet.s_fullTrust.Assert(); SetErrorCode(System.__HResults.COR_E_SECURITY); Action = SecurityAction.Demand; if(permThatFailed != null) m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed = permThatFailed.GetType(); FirstPermissionThatFailed = permThatFailed; Demanded = demanded; m_granted = ""; m_refused = ""; DenySetInstance = deny; PermitOnlySetInstance = permitOnly; m_assemblyName = null; Method = method; m_zone = SecurityZone.NoZone; m_url = ""; m_debugString = this.ToString(true, false); } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] public SecurityAction Action { get { return m_action; } set { m_action = value; } } public Type PermissionType { get { if(m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed == null) { Object ob = XMLUtil.XmlStringToSecurityObject(m_permissionThatFailed); if(ob == null) ob = XMLUtil.XmlStringToSecurityObject(m_demanded); if(ob != null) m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed = ob.GetType(); } return m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed; } set { m_typeOfPermissionThatFailed = value; } } public IPermission FirstPermissionThatFailed { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return (IPermission)XMLUtil.XmlStringToSecurityObject(m_permissionThatFailed); } set { m_permissionThatFailed = XMLUtil.SecurityObjectToXmlString(value); } } public String PermissionState { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return m_demanded; } set { m_demanded = value; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] public Object Demanded { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return XMLUtil.XmlStringToSecurityObject(m_demanded); } set { m_demanded = XMLUtil.SecurityObjectToXmlString(value); } } public String GrantedSet { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return m_granted; } set { m_granted = value; } } public String RefusedSet { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return m_refused; } set { m_refused = value; } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] public Object DenySetInstance { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return XMLUtil.XmlStringToSecurityObject(m_denied); } set { m_denied = XMLUtil.SecurityObjectToXmlString(value); } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] public Object PermitOnlySetInstance { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return XMLUtil.XmlStringToSecurityObject(m_permitOnly); } set { m_permitOnly = XMLUtil.SecurityObjectToXmlString(value); } } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] public AssemblyName FailedAssemblyInfo { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return m_assemblyName; } set { m_assemblyName = value; } } private MethodInfo getMethod() { return (MethodInfo)ByteArrayToObject(m_serializedMethodInfo); } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(false)] public MethodInfo Method { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return getMethod(); } set { RuntimeMethodInfo m = value as RuntimeMethodInfo; m_serializedMethodInfo = ObjectToByteArray(m); if (m != null) { m_strMethodInfo = m.ToString(); } } } public SecurityZone Zone { get { return m_zone; } set { m_zone = value; } } public String Url { [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy)] get { return m_url; } set { m_url = value; } } private void ToStringHelper(StringBuilder sb, String resourceString, Object attr) { if (attr == null) return; String attrString = attr as String; if (attrString == null) attrString = attr.ToString(); if (attrString.Length == 0) return; sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(GetResString(resourceString)); sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(attrString); } private String ToString(bool includeSensitiveInfo, bool includeBaseInfo) { PermissionSet.s_fullTrust.Assert(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if(includeBaseInfo) sb.Append(base.ToString()); if(Action > 0) ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_Action", Action); ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_TypeFirstPermThatFailed", PermissionType); if(includeSensitiveInfo) { ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_FirstPermThatFailed", m_permissionThatFailed); ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_Demanded", m_demanded); ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_GrantedSet", m_granted); ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_RefusedSet", m_refused); ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_Denied", m_denied); ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_PermitOnly", m_permitOnly); ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_Assembly", m_assemblyName); ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_Method", m_strMethodInfo); } if(m_zone != SecurityZone.NoZone) ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_Zone", m_zone); if(includeSensitiveInfo) ToStringHelper(sb, "Security_Url", m_url); return sb.ToString(); } private bool CanAccessSensitiveInfo() { bool retVal = false; try { new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlEvidence | SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPolicy).Demand(); retVal = true; } catch(SecurityException) { } return retVal; } public override String ToString() { return ToString(CanAccessSensitiveInfo(), true); } [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter)] public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { if (info==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("info"); base.GetObjectData( info, context ); info.AddValue(ActionName, m_action, typeof(SecurityAction)); info.AddValue(FirstPermissionThatFailedName, m_permissionThatFailed, typeof(String)); info.AddValue(DemandedName, m_demanded, typeof(String)); info.AddValue(GrantedSetName, m_granted, typeof(String)); info.AddValue(RefusedSetName, m_refused, typeof(String)); info.AddValue(DeniedName, m_denied, typeof(String)); info.AddValue(PermitOnlyName, m_permitOnly, typeof(String)); info.AddValue(Assembly_Name, m_assemblyName, typeof(AssemblyName)); info.AddValue(MethodName_Serialized, m_serializedMethodInfo, typeof(byte[])); info.AddValue(MethodName_String, m_strMethodInfo, typeof(String)); info.AddValue(ZoneName, m_zone, typeof(SecurityZone)); info.AddValue(UrlName, m_url, typeof(String)); } } }
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