/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Globalization / GlobalizationAssembly.cs / 2 / GlobalizationAssembly.cs
// ==++== // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // ==--== namespace System.Globalization { using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; using System.IO; /*=================================GlobalizationAssembly========================== ** ** This class manages the assemblies used in the NLS+ classes. ** Assembly contains the data tables used by NLS+ classes. An aseembly will carry a version ** of all the NLS+ data tables. The default assembly is provided by ** Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(GlobalizationAssembly)). ** ** We use assembly to support versioning of NLS+ data tables. Take CompareInfo for example. ** In CompareInfo.GetCompareInfo(int culture, Assembly), ** you can pass an assembly which contains the different NLS+ data tables. By doing this, the constructed CompareInfo ** will read the sorting tables from the specified Assembly, instead of from the default assembly shipped with the runtime. ** ** For every assembly used, we will create one corresponding GlobalizationAssembly. ** Within the GlobalizationAssembly, we will hold the following information: ** 1. the 32-bit pointer value pointing to the corresponding native C++ NativeGlobalizationAssembly object for it. This pointer ** is needed when we create SortingTable. See CompareInfo ctor for an example. ** 2. the caches for different type of objects. For instances, we will have caches for CompareInfo, CultureInfo, RegionInfo, etc. ** The idea is to create one instance of CompareInfo for a specific culture. ** ** For only, only CompareInfo versioning is supported. However, this class can be expanded to support the versioning of ** CultureInfo, RegionInfo, etc. ** ============================================================================*/ internal sealed class GlobalizationAssembly { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Static data members and static methods. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Hash to store Globalization assembly. // private static Hashtable m_assemblyHash = new Hashtable(4); // // The pointer to the default C++ native NativeGlobalizationAssembly object for the class library. // We use default native NativeGlobalizationAssembly to access NLS+ data table shipped with the runtime. // // Classes like CompareInfo will access this data member directly when the default assembly is used. // internal static GlobalizationAssembly m_defaultInstance = GetGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(GlobalizationAssembly))); internal static GlobalizationAssembly DefaultInstance { // // In case the GlobalizationAssembly class failed during the type initilaization then we'll have m_defaultInstance = null. // to be reliable we throw exception instead of getting access violation. // get { if (m_defaultInstance == null) throw new TypeLoadException(CultureTable.TypeLoadExceptionMessage); return m_defaultInstance; } } /*=================================GetGlobalizationAssembly========================== **Action: Return the GlobalizationAssembly instance for the specified assembly. ** Every assembly should have one and only one instance of GlobalizationAssembly. **Returns: An instance of GlobalizationAssembly. **Arguments: **Exceptions: ============================================================================*/ internal static GlobalizationAssembly GetGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly assembly) { GlobalizationAssembly ga; if ((ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]) == null) { // This is intentionally taking a process-global lock on an // internal Type, using ExecuteCodeWithLock to guarantee we // release the lock in a stack overflow safe way. RuntimeHelpers.TryCode createGlobalizationAssem = new RuntimeHelpers.TryCode(CreateGlobalizationAssembly); RuntimeHelpers.ExecuteCodeWithLock(typeof(CultureTableRecord), createGlobalizationAssem, assembly); ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]; } BCLDebug.Assert(ga != null, "GlobalizationAssembly was not created"); return (ga); } [PrePrepareMethod] private unsafe static void CreateGlobalizationAssembly(object assem) { GlobalizationAssembly ga; Assembly assembly = (Assembly) assem; if ((ga = (GlobalizationAssembly)m_assemblyHash[assembly]) == null) { // This assembly is not used before, create a corresponding native NativeGlobalizationAssembly object for it. ga = new GlobalizationAssembly(); ga.pNativeGlobalizationAssembly = nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(assembly); System.Threading.Thread.MemoryBarrier(); m_assemblyHash[assembly] = ga; } } // This method requires synchonization because class global data member is used // in the native side. [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] private unsafe static extern void* _nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly assembly); private unsafe static void* nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(Assembly assembly) { return _nativeCreateGlobalizationAssembly(assembly.InternalAssembly); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Instance data members and instance methods. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the cache to store CompareInfo for a particular culture. // The key is culture, and the content is an instance of CompareInfo. internal Hashtable compareInfoCache; // We will have more caches here for CultureInfo, RegionInfo, etc. if we want to versioning in // these classes. // The pointer to C++ native NativeGlobalizationAssembly unsafe internal void* pNativeGlobalizationAssembly; internal GlobalizationAssembly() { // Create cache for CompareInfo instances. compareInfoCache = new Hashtable(4); } internal unsafe static byte* GetGlobalizationResourceBytePtr(Assembly assembly, String tableName) { BCLDebug.Assert(assembly != null, "assembly can not be null. This should be generally the mscorlib.dll assembly."); BCLDebug.Assert(tableName != null, "table name can not be null"); Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(tableName); UnmanagedMemoryStream bytesStream = stream as UnmanagedMemoryStream; if (bytesStream != null) { byte* bytes = bytesStream.PositionPointer; if (bytes != null) { return (bytes); } } BCLDebug.Assert( false, String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Didn't get the resource table {0} for System.Globalization from {1}", tableName, assembly)); // We can not continue if we can't get the resource. throw new ExecutionEngineException(); } } }
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