/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Synthesis / PromptBuilder.cs / 1 / PromptBuilder.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Speech.Internal; using System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis; using System.Xml; namespace System.Speech.Synthesis { ////// TODOC /// [Serializable] public class PromptBuilder { //******************************************************************* // // Constructors // //******************************************************************* #region Constructors ////// TODOC /// public PromptBuilder () : this (CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture) { } ////// TODOC /// /// public PromptBuilder (CultureInfo culture) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (culture, "culture"); if (culture.Equals (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.InvariantCultureInfo), "culture"); } _culture = culture; // Reset all value to default ClearContent (); } #endregion //******************************************************************** // // Public Methods // //******************************************************************* #region Public Methods // Use Append* naming convention. ////// Clear the content of the prompt builder /// public void ClearContent () { _elements.Clear (); _elementStack.Push (new StackElement (SsmlElement.Lexicon | SsmlElement.Meta | SsmlElement.MetaData | SsmlElement.ParagraphOrSentence | SsmlElement.AudioMarkTextWithStyle, SsmlState.Header, _culture)); } ////// Append Text to the SSML stream /// /// public void AppendText (string textToSpeak) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); // Validate that text can be added in this context ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Text); _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.Text, textToSpeak)); } ////// TODOC /// /// /// public void AppendText (string textToSpeak, PromptRate rate) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); if (rate < PromptRate.NotSet || rate > PromptRate.ExtraSlow) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("rate"); } // Validate that text can be added in this context ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Text); Element prosodyElement = new Element (ElementType.Prosody, textToSpeak); _elements.Add (prosodyElement); string sPromptRate = null; switch (rate) { case PromptRate.NotSet: break; case PromptRate.ExtraFast: sPromptRate = "x-fast"; break; case PromptRate.ExtraSlow: sPromptRate = "x-slow"; break; default: sPromptRate = rate.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant (); break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sPromptRate)) { prosodyElement._attributes = new Collection(); prosodyElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("rate", sPromptRate)); } } /// /// TODOC /// /// /// public void AppendText (string textToSpeak, PromptVolume volume) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); if (volume < PromptVolume.NotSet || volume > PromptVolume.Default) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("volume"); } // Validate that text can be added in this context ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Text); Element prosodyElement = new Element (ElementType.Prosody, textToSpeak); _elements.Add (prosodyElement); string sVolumeLevel = null; switch (volume) { // No volume do not set the attribute case PromptVolume.NotSet: break; case PromptVolume.ExtraSoft: sVolumeLevel = "x-soft"; break; case PromptVolume.ExtraLoud: sVolumeLevel = "x-loud"; break; default: sVolumeLevel = volume.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant (); break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sVolumeLevel)) { prosodyElement._attributes = new Collection(); prosodyElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("volume", sVolumeLevel)); } } /// /// TODOC /// /// /// public void AppendText (string textToSpeak, PromptEmphasis emphasis) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); if (emphasis < PromptEmphasis.NotSet || emphasis > PromptEmphasis.Reduced) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("emphasis"); } // Validate that text can be added in this context ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Text); Element emphasisElement = new Element (ElementType.Emphasis, textToSpeak); _elements.Add (emphasisElement); if (emphasis != PromptEmphasis.NotSet) { emphasisElement._attributes = new Collection(); emphasisElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("level", emphasis.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant ())); } } /// /// TODOC /// /// public void StartStyle (PromptStyle style) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (style, "style"); // Validate that text can be added in this context StackElement stackElement = _elementStack.Peek (); ValidateElement (stackElement, SsmlElement.Prosody); // For emphasis or Prosody the list of possible elements that can be children is different. SsmlState ssmlState = (SsmlState) 0; SsmlElement possibleChildren = stackElement._possibleChildren; _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.StartStyle)); if (style.Emphasis != PromptEmphasis.NotSet) { Element emphasisElement = new Element (ElementType.Emphasis); _elements.Add (emphasisElement); emphasisElement._attributes = new Collection(); emphasisElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("level", style.Emphasis.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant ())); // Set the expected children and mark the element used possibleChildren = SsmlElement.AudioMarkTextWithStyle; ssmlState = SsmlState.StyleEmphasis; } if (style.Rate != PromptRate.NotSet || style.Volume != PromptVolume.NotSet) { // two elements add a second strart style if (ssmlState != (SsmlState) 0) { _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.StartStyle)); } Element prosodyElement = new Element (ElementType.Prosody); _elements.Add (prosodyElement); if (style.Rate != PromptRate.NotSet) { string sPromptRate; switch (style.Rate) { case PromptRate.ExtraFast: sPromptRate = "x-fast"; break; case PromptRate.ExtraSlow: sPromptRate = "x-slow"; break; default: sPromptRate = style.Rate.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant (); break; } prosodyElement._attributes = new Collection (); prosodyElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("rate", sPromptRate)); } if (style.Volume != PromptVolume.NotSet) { string sVolumeLevel; switch (style.Volume) { case PromptVolume.ExtraSoft: sVolumeLevel = "x-soft"; break; case PromptVolume.ExtraLoud: sVolumeLevel = "x-loud"; break; default: sVolumeLevel = style.Volume.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant (); break; } if (prosodyElement._attributes == null) { prosodyElement._attributes = new Collection (); } prosodyElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("volume", sVolumeLevel)); } // Set the expected children and mark the element used possibleChildren = SsmlElement.ParagraphOrSentence | SsmlElement.AudioMarkTextWithStyle; ssmlState |= SsmlState.StyleProsody; } _elementStack.Push (new StackElement (possibleChildren, ssmlState, stackElement._culture)); } /// /// TODOC /// public void EndStyle () { StackElement stackElement = _elementStack.Pop (); if (stackElement._state != 0) { if ((stackElement._state & (SsmlState.StyleEmphasis | SsmlState.StyleProsody)) == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.PromptBuilderMismatchStyle)); } _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.EndStyle)); // Check if 2 xml elements have been created if (stackElement._state == (SsmlState.StyleEmphasis | SsmlState.StyleProsody)) { _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.EndStyle)); } } } ////// TODOC [voice] /// /// public void StartVoice (VoiceInfo voice) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (voice, "voice"); if (!VoiceInfo.ValidateGender (voice.Gender)) { throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.EnumInvalid, "VoiceGender"), "voice"); } if (!VoiceInfo.ValidateAge (voice.Age)) { throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.EnumInvalid, "VoiceAge"), "voice"); } StackElement stackElement = _elementStack.Peek (); ValidateElement (stackElement, SsmlElement.Voice); CultureInfo culture = voice.Culture == null ? stackElement._culture : voice.Culture; Element startVoice = new Element (ElementType.StartVoice); startVoice._attributes = new Collection(); _elements.Add (startVoice); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (voice.Name)) { startVoice._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("name", voice.Name)); } if (voice.Culture != null) { startVoice._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("xml", "lang", voice.Culture.Name)); } if (voice.Gender != VoiceGender.NotSet) { startVoice._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("gender", voice.Gender.ToString ().ToLowerInvariant ())); } if (voice.Age != VoiceAge.NotSet) { startVoice._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("age", ((int) voice.Age).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } if (voice.Variant >= 0) { startVoice._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("variant", ((int) voice.Variant).ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } _elementStack.Push (new StackElement (SsmlElement.Sentence | SsmlElement.AudioMarkTextWithStyle, SsmlState.Voice, culture)); } /// /// TODOC [voice] /// /// public void StartVoice (string name) { Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (name, "name"); StartVoice (new VoiceInfo (name)); } ////// TODOC [voice] /// /// public void StartVoice (VoiceGender gender) { StartVoice (new VoiceInfo (gender)); } ////// TODOC [voice] /// /// /// public void StartVoice (VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age) { StartVoice (new VoiceInfo (gender, age)); } ////// TODOC [voice] /// /// /// /// public void StartVoice (VoiceGender gender, VoiceAge age, int voiceAlternate) { StartVoice (new VoiceInfo (gender, age, voiceAlternate)); } ////// TODOC [voice] /// /// public void StartVoice (CultureInfo culture) { StartVoice (new VoiceInfo (culture)); } ////// TODOC /// public void EndVoice () { if (_elementStack.Pop ()._state != SsmlState.Voice) { throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.PromptBuilderMismatchVoice)); } _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.EndVoice)); } //, /// /// TODOC /// public void StartParagraph () { StartParagraph (null); } ////// TODOC /// public void StartParagraph (CultureInfo culture) { // check for well formed document StackElement stackElement = _elementStack.Peek (); ValidateElement (stackElement, SsmlElement.Paragraph); Element startParagraph = new Element (ElementType.StartParagraph); _elements.Add (startParagraph); if (culture != null) { if (culture.Equals (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.InvariantCultureInfo), "culture"); } startParagraph._attributes = new Collection(); startParagraph._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("xml", "lang", culture.Name)); } else { culture = stackElement._culture; } _elementStack.Push (new StackElement (SsmlElement.AudioMarkTextWithStyle | SsmlElement.Sentence, SsmlState.Paragraph, culture)); } /// /// TODOC /// public void EndParagraph () { if (_elementStack.Pop ()._state != SsmlState.Paragraph) { throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.PromptBuilderMismatchParagraph)); } _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.EndParagraph)); } ////// TODOC /// public void StartSentence () { StartSentence (null); } ////// TODOC /// public void StartSentence (CultureInfo culture) { // check for well formed document StackElement stackElement = _elementStack.Peek (); ValidateElement (stackElement, SsmlElement.Sentence); Element startSentence = new Element (ElementType.StartSentence); _elements.Add (startSentence); if (culture != null) { if (culture.Equals (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) { throw new ArgumentException (SR.Get (SRID.InvariantCultureInfo), "culture"); } startSentence._attributes = new Collection(); startSentence._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("xml", "lang", culture.Name)); } else { culture = stackElement._culture; } _elementStack.Push (new StackElement (SsmlElement.AudioMarkTextWithStyle, SsmlState.Sentence, culture)); } /// /// TODOC /// public void EndSentence () { if (_elementStack.Pop ()._state != SsmlState.Sentence) { throw new InvalidOperationException (SR.Get (SRID.PromptBuilderMismatchSentence)); } _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.EndSentence)); } ////// TODOC - [say-as] /// /// /// public void AppendTextWithHint (string textToSpeak, SayAs sayAs) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); if (sayAs < SayAs.SpellOut || sayAs > SayAs.Text) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("sayAs"); } // check for well formed document ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Text); if (sayAs != SayAs.Text) { Element sayAsElement = new Element (ElementType.SayAs, textToSpeak); _elements.Add (sayAsElement); sayAsElement._attributes = new Collection(); string sInterpretAs = null; string sFormat = null; switch (sayAs) { case SayAs.SpellOut: sInterpretAs = "characters"; break; case SayAs.NumberOrdinal: sInterpretAs = "ordinal"; break; case SayAs.NumberCardinal: sInterpretAs = "cardinal"; break; case SayAs.Date: sInterpretAs = "date"; break; case SayAs.DayMonthYear: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "dmy"; break; case SayAs.MonthDayYear: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "mdy"; break; case SayAs.YearMonthDay: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "ymd"; break; case SayAs.YearMonth: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "ym"; break; case SayAs.MonthYear: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "my"; break; case SayAs.MonthDay: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "md"; break; case SayAs.DayMonth: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "dm"; break; case SayAs.Year: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "y"; break; case SayAs.Month: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "m"; break; case SayAs.Day: sInterpretAs = "date"; sFormat = "d"; break; case SayAs.Time: sInterpretAs = "time"; break; case SayAs.Time24: sInterpretAs = "time"; sFormat = "hms24"; break; case SayAs.Time12: sInterpretAs = "time"; sFormat = "hms12"; break; case SayAs.Telephone: sInterpretAs = "telephone"; break; #if SPEECHSERVER case SayAs.Currency: sInterpretAs = "currency"; break; #endif } sayAsElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("interpret-as", sInterpretAs)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sFormat)) { sayAsElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("format", sFormat)); } } else { AppendText (textToSpeak); } } /// /// TODOC - [say-as] /// /// /// public void AppendTextWithHint (string textToSpeak, string sayAs) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (sayAs, "sayAs"); // check for well formed document ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Text); Element sayAsElement = new Element (ElementType.SayAs, textToSpeak); _elements.Add (sayAsElement); sayAsElement._attributes = new Collection(); sayAsElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("interpret-as", sayAs)); } /// /// TODOC - [phoneme] /// /// /// public void AppendTextWithPronunciation (string textToSpeak, string pronunciation) { Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); Helpers.ThrowIfEmptyOrNull (pronunciation, "pronunciation"); // check for well formed document ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Text); // validate the pronunciation PhonemeConverter.ValidateUpsIds (pronunciation); Element phoneElement = new Element (ElementType.Phoneme, textToSpeak); _elements.Add (phoneElement); phoneElement._attributes = new Collection(); phoneElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("ph", pronunciation)); } /// /// TODOC - [sub] /// /// /// public void AppendTextWithAlias (string textToSpeak, string substitute) { Helpers.ThrowIfNull (textToSpeak, "textToSpeak"); Helpers.ThrowIfNull (substitute, "substitute"); // check for well formed document ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Text); Element subElement = new Element (ElementType.Sub, textToSpeak); _elements.Add (subElement); subElement._attributes = new Collection(); subElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("alias", substitute)); } /// /// TODOC /// public void AppendBreak () { // check for well formed document ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Break); _elements.Add (new Element (ElementType.Break)); } ////// TODOC /// /// public void AppendBreak (PromptBreak strength) { // check for well formed document ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Break); Element breakElement = new Element (ElementType.Break); _elements.Add (breakElement); string sBreak = null; switch (strength) { case PromptBreak.None: sBreak = "none"; break; case PromptBreak.ExtraSmall: sBreak = "x-weak"; break; case PromptBreak.Small: sBreak = "weak"; break; case PromptBreak.Medium: sBreak = "medium"; break; case PromptBreak.Large: sBreak = "strong"; break; case PromptBreak.ExtraLarge: sBreak = "x-strong"; break; default: throw new ArgumentNullException ("strength"); } breakElement._attributes = new Collection(); breakElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("strength", sBreak)); } /// /// TODOC /// /// public void AppendBreak (TimeSpan duration) { // check for well formed document ValidateElement (_elementStack.Peek (), SsmlElement.Break); if (duration.Ticks < 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("duration"); } Element breakElement = new Element (ElementType.Break); _elements.Add (breakElement); breakElement._attributes = new Collection(); breakElement._attributes.Add (new AttributeItem ("time", duration.TotalMilliseconds + "ms")); } //
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