/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / System / Windows / Documents / FixedSOMPageConstructor.cs / 1 / FixedSOMPageConstructor.cs
/*++ File: FixedSOMPageConstructor.cs Copyright (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Description: This class is responsible for algorithmically reconstructing a semantic object model (SOM) for each page on the document History: 05/17/2005: [....] - Created --*/ namespace System.Windows.Documents { using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Globalization; #region GeometryAnalyzer ////// Walk a StreamGeometry to find line shapes for table recognition, without expensive conversion to PathGeometry /// For filling, check bounding box of each figure, abort on curves /// For stroking, check straight lines, ignore curves /// /// Calling sequence from PathGeometry.ParsePathGeometryData /// SetFigureCount /// BeginFigure /// SetSegmentCount /// LineTo | BezierTo | ... /// internal sealed class GeometryWalker : CapacityStreamGeometryContext { private FixedSOMPageConstructor _pageConstructor; private Matrix _transform; // Transformation from page root private bool _stroke; // Path has stroke brush private bool _fill; // Path has fill brush private Point _startPoint; // Start point for current figure private Point _lastPoint; // Current end point for current figure private bool _isClosed; // Is current figure closed? private bool _isFilled; // Is current figure filled? private double _xMin, _xMax, _yMin, _yMax; // Bounding box for current figure, only needed when (_fill && _isFilled) private bool _needClose; // Need to check for closing current/last figure public GeometryWalker(FixedSOMPageConstructor pageConstructor) { _pageConstructor = pageConstructor; } public void FindLines(StreamGeometry geometry, bool stroke, bool fill, Matrix trans) { Debug.Assert(stroke || fill, "should not be a nop"); _transform = trans; _fill = fill; _stroke = stroke; PathGeometry.ParsePathGeometryData(geometry.GetPathGeometryData(), this); CheckCloseFigure(); } private void CheckCloseFigure() { if (_needClose) { if (_stroke && _isClosed) { _pageConstructor._AddLine(_startPoint, _lastPoint, _transform); } if (_fill && _isFilled) { _pageConstructor._ProcessFilledRect(_transform, new Rect(_xMin, _yMin, _xMax - _xMin, _yMax - _yMin)); } _needClose = false; } } private void GatherBounds(Point p) { if (p.X < _xMin) { _xMin = p.X; } else if (p.X > _xMax) { _xMax = p.X; } if (p.Y < _yMin) { _yMin = p.Y; } else if (p.Y > _yMax) { _yMax = p.Y; } } // CapacityStreamGeometryContext Members public override void BeginFigure(Point startPoint, bool isFilled, bool isClosed) { CheckCloseFigure(); _startPoint = startPoint; _lastPoint = startPoint; _isClosed = isClosed; _isFilled = isFilled; if (_isFilled && _fill) { _xMin = _xMax = startPoint.X; _yMin = _yMax = startPoint.Y; } } public override void LineTo(Point point, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) { if (isStroked && _stroke) { _pageConstructor._AddLine(_lastPoint, point, _transform); } if (_isFilled && _fill) { GatherBounds(point); } _lastPoint = point; } public override void QuadraticBezierTo(Point point1, Point point2, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) { _lastPoint = point2; _fill = false; } public override void BezierTo(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) { _lastPoint = point3; _fill = false; } public override void PolyLineTo(IListpoints, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) { if (isStroked && _stroke) { for (int i = 0; i points, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) { _lastPoint = points[points.Count - 1]; _fill = false; } public override void PolyBezierTo(IList points, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) { _lastPoint = points[points.Count - 1]; _fill = false; } public override void ArcTo(Point point, Size size, double rotationAngle, bool isLargeArc, SweepDirection sweepDirection, bool isStroked, bool isSmoothJoin) { _lastPoint = point; _fill = false; } internal override void SetClosedState(bool closed) { Debug.Assert(false, "It should not be called"); } internal override void SetFigureCount(int figureCount) { } internal override void SetSegmentCount(int segmentCount) { if (segmentCount != 0) { _needClose = true; } } } #endregion internal sealed class FixedSOMPageConstructor { //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructors // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Constructors public FixedSOMPageConstructor(FixedPage fixedPage, int pageIndex) { Debug.Assert(fixedPage != null); _fixedPage = fixedPage; _pageIndex = pageIndex; _fixedSOMPage = new FixedSOMPage(); _fixedSOMPage.CultureInfo = _fixedPage.Language.GetCompatibleCulture(); _fixedNodes = new List (); _lines = new FixedSOMLineCollection(); } #endregion Constructors #region Public methods public FixedSOMPage ConstructPageStructure(List fixedNodes) { Debug.Assert(_fixedPage != null); foreach (FixedNode node in fixedNodes) { DependencyObject obj = _fixedPage.GetElement(node); Debug.Assert(obj != null); if (obj is Glyphs) { _ProcessGlyphsElement(obj as Glyphs, node); } else if (obj is Image || obj is Path && ((obj as Path).Fill is ImageBrush)) { _ProcessImage(obj, node); } } //Inner sorting of all page elements foreach (FixedSOMSemanticBox box in _fixedSOMPage.SemanticBoxes) { FixedSOMContainer container = box as FixedSOMContainer; container.SemanticBoxes.Sort(); } _DetectTables(); _CombinePass(); _CreateGroups(_fixedSOMPage); _fixedSOMPage.SemanticBoxes.Sort(); return _fixedSOMPage; } public void ProcessPath(Path path, Matrix transform) { if (path == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("path"); } Geometry geom = path.Data; bool fill = path.Fill != null; bool stroke = path.Stroke != null; if ((geom == null) || (! fill && ! stroke)) { return; } Transform transPath = path.RenderTransform; if (transPath != null) { transform *= transPath.Value; } // When filling, we may be able to determine from bounding box only if (fill && _ProcessFilledRect(transform, geom.Bounds)) { fill = false; if (! stroke) { return; } } StreamGeometry sgeo = geom as StreamGeometry; // Avoiding convert to PathGeometry if it's StreamGeometry, which can be walked if (sgeo != null) { if (_geometryWalker == null) { _geometryWalker = new GeometryWalker(this); } _geometryWalker.FindLines(sgeo, stroke, fill, transform); } else { PathGeometry pathGeom = PathGeometry.CreateFromGeometry(geom); if (pathGeom != null) { if (fill) { _ProcessSolidPath(transform, pathGeom); } if (stroke) { _ProcessOutlinePath(transform, pathGeom); } } } } #endregion Public methods //------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Properties // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Public Properties public FixedSOMPage FixedSOMPage { get { return _fixedSOMPage; } } #endregion Public Properties //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private methods private void _ProcessImage(DependencyObject obj, FixedNode fixedNode) { Debug.Assert(obj is Image || obj is Path); FixedSOMImage somImage = null; while (true) { Image image = obj as Image; if (image != null) { somImage = FixedSOMImage.Create(_fixedPage, image, fixedNode); break; } Path path = obj as Path; if (path != null) { somImage = FixedSOMImage.Create(_fixedPage, path, fixedNode); break; } } //Create a wrapper FixedBlock: FixedSOMFixedBlock fixedBlock = new FixedSOMFixedBlock(_fixedSOMPage); fixedBlock.AddImage(somImage); _fixedSOMPage.AddFixedBlock(fixedBlock); _currentFixedBlock = fixedBlock; } //Processes the Glyphs element, create one or more text runs out of it, add to containing text line and text box private void _ProcessGlyphsElement(Glyphs glyphs, FixedNode node) { Debug.Assert(glyphs != null); string s = glyphs.UnicodeString; if (s.Length == 0 || glyphs.FontRenderingEmSize <= 0) { return; } //Multiple table cells separated by wide spaces should be identified GlyphRun glyphRun = glyphs.ToGlyphRun(); if (glyphRun == null) { //Could not create a GlyphRun out of this Glyphs element //Some key properties might be missing/invalid return; } Rect alignmentBox = glyphRun.ComputeAlignmentBox(); alignmentBox.Offset(glyphs.OriginX, glyphs.OriginY); GlyphTypeface typeFace = glyphRun.GlyphTypeface; GeneralTransform trans = glyphs.TransformToAncestor(_fixedPage); int charIndex= -1; double advWidth = 0; double cumulativeAdvWidth = 0; int lastAdvWidthIndex = 0; int textRunStartIndex = 0; double lastX = alignmentBox.Left; int glyphIndex = charIndex; do { charIndex = s.IndexOf(" ", charIndex+1, s.Length - charIndex -1, StringComparison.Ordinal); if (charIndex >=0 ) { if (glyphRun.ClusterMap != null && glyphRun.ClusterMap.Count > 0) { glyphIndex = glyphRun.ClusterMap[charIndex]; } else { glyphIndex = charIndex; } //Advance width of the space character in the font double advFont = typeFace.AdvanceWidths[glyphRun.GlyphIndices[glyphIndex]] * glyphRun.FontRenderingEmSize; double advSpecified = glyphRun.AdvanceWidths[glyphIndex]; if ((advSpecified / advFont) > 2) { //Are these seperated by a vertical line? advWidth = 0; for (int i=lastAdvWidthIndex; i = 0 && charIndex < s.Length-1); if (textRunStartIndex < s.Length) { //Last text run //For non-partitioned elements this will be the whole Glyphs element Rect boundingRect = new Rect(lastX, alignmentBox.Top, alignmentBox.Right-lastX, alignmentBox.Height); _CreateTextRun( boundingRect, trans, glyphs, node, textRunStartIndex, s.Length); } } //Creates a FixedSOMTextRun, and updates containing structures private void _CreateTextRun(Rect boundingRect, GeneralTransform trans, Glyphs glyphs, FixedNode node, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (startIndex < endIndex) { FixedSOMTextRun textRun = FixedSOMTextRun.Create(boundingRect, trans, glyphs, node, startIndex, endIndex, true); FixedSOMFixedBlock fixedBlock = _GetContainingFixedBlock(textRun); if (fixedBlock == null) { fixedBlock= new FixedSOMFixedBlock(_fixedSOMPage); fixedBlock.AddTextRun(textRun); _fixedSOMPage.AddFixedBlock(fixedBlock); } else { fixedBlock.AddTextRun(textRun); } _currentFixedBlock = fixedBlock; } } //Find and return a FixedBlock that would contain this TextRun private FixedSOMFixedBlock _GetContainingFixedBlock(FixedSOMTextRun textRun) { FixedSOMFixedBlock fixedBlock = null; if (_currentFixedBlock == null) { return null; } if (_currentFixedBlock != null && _IsCombinable(_currentFixedBlock, textRun)) { fixedBlock = _currentFixedBlock; } else { //If this is aligned with the previous block, simply create a new block Rect textRunRect = textRun.BoundingRect; Rect fixedBlockRect = _currentFixedBlock.BoundingRect; if (Math.Abs(textRunRect.Left - fixedBlockRect.Left) <= textRun.DefaultCharWidth || Math.Abs(textRunRect.Right - fixedBlockRect.Right) <= textRun.DefaultCharWidth) { return null; } foreach (FixedSOMSemanticBox box in _fixedSOMPage.SemanticBoxes) { if ((box is FixedSOMFixedBlock) && _IsCombinable(box as FixedSOMFixedBlock, textRun)) { fixedBlock = box as FixedSOMFixedBlock; } } } return fixedBlock; } private bool _IsCombinable(FixedSOMFixedBlock fixedBlock, FixedSOMTextRun textRun) { Debug.Assert (fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes.Count > 0); if (fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes.Count == 0) { return false; } //Currently we do not support inline images if (fixedBlock.IsFloatingImage) { return false; } Rect textRunRect = textRun.BoundingRect; Rect fixedBlockRect = fixedBlock.BoundingRect; FixedSOMTextRun compareLine = null; FixedSOMTextRun lastLine = fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes[fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes.Count - 1] as FixedSOMTextRun; if (lastLine != null && textRunRect.Bottom <= lastLine.BoundingRect.Top) { //This run is above the last run of the fixed block. Can't be the same paragraph return false; } bool fixedBlockBelow = false; bool textRunBelow = false; //Allow 20% overlap double verticalOverlap = textRunRect.Height * 0.2; if (textRunRect.Bottom - verticalOverlap < fixedBlockRect.Top) { fixedBlockBelow = true; compareLine = fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes[0] as FixedSOMTextRun; } else if (textRunRect.Top + verticalOverlap > fixedBlockRect.Bottom) { textRunBelow = true; compareLine = fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes[fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes.Count-1] as FixedSOMTextRun; } if ( (fixedBlock.IsWhiteSpace || textRun.IsWhiteSpace) && (fixedBlock != _currentFixedBlock || compareLine != null || !_IsSpatiallyCombinable(fixedBlockRect, textRunRect, textRun.DefaultCharWidth * 3, 0)) ) { //When combining with white spaces, they need to be consecutive in markup and need to be on the same line. return false; } if (fixedBlock.Matrix.M11 != textRun.Matrix.M11 || fixedBlock.Matrix.M12 != textRun.Matrix.M12 || fixedBlock.Matrix.M21 != textRun.Matrix.M21 || fixedBlock.Matrix.M22 != textRun.Matrix.M22) { //We don't allow combining TextRuns with different scale/rotation properties return false; } Debug.Assert(textRunRect.Height != 0 && fixedBlock.LineHeight != 0); //Rect textRunRect = textRun.BoundingRect; if (compareLine != null) //Most probably different lines { double ratio = fixedBlock.LineHeight / textRunRect.Height; if (ratio<1.0) { ratio = 1.0 / ratio; } //Allow 10% height difference if ((ratio > 1.1) && !(FixedTextBuilder.IsSameLine(compareLine.BoundingRect.Top - textRunRect.Top, textRunRect.Height, compareLine.BoundingRect.Height))) { return false; } } double width = textRun.DefaultCharWidth; if (width < 1.0) { width = 1.0; } double dHorInflate = 0; double heightRatio = fixedBlock.LineHeight / textRunRect.Height; if (heightRatio < 1.0) { heightRatio = 1.0 / heightRatio; } //If consecutive in markup and seem to be on the same line, almost discard horizontal distance if (fixedBlock == _currentFixedBlock && compareLine == null && heightRatio < 1.5 ) { dHorInflate = 200; } else { dHorInflate = width*1.5; } if (!_IsSpatiallyCombinable(fixedBlockRect, textRunRect, dHorInflate, textRunRect.Height*0.7)) { return false; } //If these two have originated from the same Glyphs element, this means we intentionally separated them (separated by vertical lines). //Don't combine in this case. FixedSOMElement element = fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes[fixedBlock.SemanticBoxes.Count - 1] as FixedSOMElement; if (element!=null && element.FixedNode.CompareTo(textRun.FixedNode) == 0) { return false; } //Are these seperated by a line? Check only if they are not considered overlapping if (fixedBlockBelow || textRunBelow) { double bottom = 0.0; double top = 0.0; double margin = textRunRect.Height * 0.2; if (textRunBelow) { top = fixedBlockRect.Bottom - margin; bottom = textRunRect.Top + margin; } else { top = textRunRect.Bottom - margin ; bottom = fixedBlockRect.Top + margin; } double left = (fixedBlockRect.Left > textRunRect.Left) ? fixedBlockRect.Left : textRunRect.Left; double right = (fixedBlockRect.Right < textRunRect.Right) ? fixedBlockRect.Right: textRunRect.Right; return (!_lines.IsHorizontallySeparated(left, top, right, bottom)); } else { //These two overlap vertically. Let's check whether there is a vertical separator in between double left = (fixedBlockRect.Right < textRunRect.Right) ? fixedBlockRect.Right: textRunRect.Right; double right =(fixedBlockRect.Left > textRunRect.Left) ? fixedBlockRect.Left: textRunRect.Left; if (left > right) { double temp = left; left = right; right = temp; } return (!_lines.IsVerticallySeparated(left, textRunRect.Top, right, textRunRect.Bottom)); } } private bool _IsSpatiallyCombinable(FixedSOMSemanticBox box1, FixedSOMSemanticBox box2, double inflateH, double inflateV) { return _IsSpatiallyCombinable(box1.BoundingRect, box2.BoundingRect, inflateH, inflateV); } private bool _IsSpatiallyCombinable(Rect rect1, Rect rect2, double inflateH, double inflateV) { //Do these rects intersect? If so, we can combine if (rect1.IntersectsWith(rect2)) { return true; } //Try inflating rect1.Inflate(inflateH, inflateV); if (rect1.IntersectsWith(rect2)) { return true; } return false; } private void _DetectTables() { double minLineSeparation = FixedSOMLineRanges.MinLineSeparation; List horizontal = _lines.HorizontalLines; List vertical = _lines.VerticalLines; if (horizontal.Count < 2 || vertical.Count < 2) return; List tableRows = new List (); FixedSOMTableRow currentRow = null; //iterate through for (int h = 0; h < horizontal.Count; h++) { int v = 0; int h2 = -1; int hSeg2 = -1; int hLastCellBottom = -1; int vLastCellRight = -1; double dropLine = horizontal[h].Line + minLineSeparation; //loop through each line segment on this Y value for (int hSeg = 0; hSeg < horizontal[h].Count; hSeg++) { // X range for this segment -- allow some margin for error double hStart = horizontal[h].Start[hSeg] - minLineSeparation; double hEnd = horizontal[h].End[hSeg] + minLineSeparation; // no cell has been started int vCellStart = -1; while (v < vertical.Count && vertical[v].Line < hStart) { v++; } for (; v < vertical.Count && vertical[v].Line < hEnd; v++) { int vSeg = vertical[v].GetLineAt(dropLine); if (vSeg != -1) { double vBottom = vertical[v].End[vSeg]; if (vCellStart != -1 && horizontal[h2].Line < vBottom + minLineSeparation && horizontal[h2].End[hSeg2] + minLineSeparation > vertical[v].Line) { // should also check if any other lines cut through rectangle? double top = horizontal[h].Line; double bottom = horizontal[h2].Line; double left = vertical[vCellStart].Line; double right = vertical[v].Line; // Create Table Cell FixedSOMTableCell cell = new FixedSOMTableCell(left, top, right, bottom); //_fixedSOMPage.Add(cell); // for now just doing cells // Check if in same row if (vCellStart == vLastCellRight && h2 == hLastCellBottom) { // same row! // Assert(currentRow != null); } else { currentRow = new FixedSOMTableRow(); tableRows.Add(currentRow); } currentRow.AddCell(cell); vLastCellRight = v; hLastCellBottom = h2; } vCellStart = -1; // any previously started cell is not valid // look for cell bottom for (h2 = h + 1; h2 < horizontal.Count && horizontal[h2].Line < vBottom + minLineSeparation; h2++) { hSeg2 = horizontal[h2].GetLineAt(vertical[v].Line + minLineSeparation); if (hSeg2 != -1) { // start of new cell! (maybe...) vCellStart = v; break; } } } } } } _FillTables(tableRows); } public void _AddLine(Point startP, Point endP, Matrix transform) { startP = transform.Transform(startP); endP = transform.Transform(endP); if (startP.X == endP.X) { _lines.AddVertical(startP, endP); } else if (startP.Y == endP.Y) { _lines.AddHorizontal(startP, endP); } } private void _CombinePass() { if (_fixedSOMPage.SemanticBoxes.Count < 2) { //Nothing to do return; } int prevBoxCount; do { prevBoxCount = _fixedSOMPage.SemanticBoxes.Count; List boxes = _fixedSOMPage.SemanticBoxes; for (int i = 0; i < boxes.Count; i++) { FixedSOMTable table1 = boxes[i] as FixedSOMTable; if (table1 != null) { //Check for nested tables for (int j = i + 1; j < boxes.Count; j++) { FixedSOMTable table2 = boxes[j] as FixedSOMTable; if (table2 != null && table1.AddContainer(table2)) { boxes.Remove(table2); } } continue; } FixedSOMFixedBlock box1 = boxes[i] as FixedSOMFixedBlock; if (box1 == null || box1.IsFloatingImage) { continue; } for (int j = i + 1; j < boxes.Count; j++) { FixedSOMFixedBlock box2 = boxes[j] as FixedSOMFixedBlock; if (box2 != null && !box2.IsFloatingImage && box2.Matrix.Equals(box1.Matrix) && (_IsSpatiallyCombinable(box1, box2, 0, 0))) { { box1.CombineWith(box2); boxes.Remove(box2); } } } } } while (_fixedSOMPage.SemanticBoxes.Count > 1 && _fixedSOMPage.SemanticBoxes.Count != prevBoxCount); } // Check if a Geometry bound has a line shape internal bool _ProcessFilledRect(Matrix transform, Rect bounds) { const double maxLineWidth = 10; const double minLineRatio = 5; if (bounds.Height > bounds.Width && bounds.Width < maxLineWidth && bounds.Height > bounds.Width * minLineRatio) { double center = bounds.Left + .5 * bounds.Width; _AddLine(new Point(center, bounds.Top), new Point(center, bounds.Bottom), transform); return true; } else if (bounds.Height < maxLineWidth && bounds.Width > bounds.Height * minLineRatio) { double center = bounds.Top + .5 * bounds.Height; _AddLine(new Point(bounds.Left, center), new Point(bounds.Right, center), transform); return true; } return false; } // Check if each PathFigure within a PathGeometry has a line shape private void _ProcessSolidPath(Matrix transform, PathGeometry pathGeom) { PathFigureCollection pathFigures = pathGeom.Figures; // Single figure should already covered by bounding box check if ((pathFigures != null) && (pathFigures.Count > 1)) { foreach (PathFigure pathFigure in pathFigures) { PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(); pg.Figures.Add(pathFigure); _ProcessFilledRect(transform, pg.Bounds); } } } // Find all straight lines within a PathGeometry private void _ProcessOutlinePath(Matrix transform, PathGeometry pathGeom) { PathFigureCollection pathFigures = pathGeom.Figures; foreach (PathFigure pathFigure in pathFigures) { PathSegmentCollection pathSegments = pathFigure.Segments; Point startPoint = pathFigure.StartPoint; Point lastPoint = startPoint; foreach (PathSegment pathSegment in pathSegments) { if (pathSegment is ArcSegment) { lastPoint = (pathSegment as ArcSegment).Point; } else if (pathSegment is BezierSegment) { lastPoint = (pathSegment as BezierSegment).Point3; } else if (pathSegment is LineSegment) { Point endPoint = (pathSegment as LineSegment).Point; _AddLine(lastPoint, endPoint, transform); lastPoint = endPoint; } else if (pathSegment is PolyBezierSegment) { PointCollection points = (pathSegment as PolyBezierSegment).Points; lastPoint = points[points.Count - 1]; } else if (pathSegment is PolyLineSegment) { PointCollection points = (pathSegment as PolyLineSegment).Points; foreach (Point point in points) { _AddLine(lastPoint, point, transform); lastPoint = point; } } else if (pathSegment is PolyQuadraticBezierSegment) { PointCollection points = (pathSegment as PolyQuadraticBezierSegment).Points; lastPoint = points[points.Count - 1]; } else if (pathSegment is QuadraticBezierSegment) { lastPoint = (pathSegment as QuadraticBezierSegment).Point2; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } if (pathFigure.IsClosed) { _AddLine(lastPoint, startPoint, transform); } } } private void _FillTables(List tableRows) { List tables = new List (); foreach (FixedSOMTableRow row in tableRows) { FixedSOMTable table = null; double fudge = 0.01; foreach (FixedSOMTable t in tables) { if (Math.Abs(t.BoundingRect.Left - row.BoundingRect.Left) < fudge && Math.Abs(t.BoundingRect.Right - row.BoundingRect.Right) < fudge && Math.Abs(t.BoundingRect.Bottom - row.BoundingRect.Top) < fudge) { table = t; break; } } if (table == null) { table = new FixedSOMTable(_fixedSOMPage); tables.Add(table); } table.AddRow(row); } //Check for nested tables first for (int i=0; i 0) { List groups = new List (); FixedSOMGroup currentGroup = new FixedSOMGroup(_fixedSOMPage); FixedSOMPageElement currentPageElement = container.SemanticBoxes[0] as FixedSOMPageElement; Debug.Assert(currentPageElement != null); FixedSOMPageElement nextPageElement = null; currentGroup.AddContainer(currentPageElement); groups.Add(currentGroup); for (int i=1; i = currentPageElement.BoundingRect.Top)) { currentGroup = new FixedSOMGroup(_fixedSOMPage); groups.Add(currentGroup); } currentGroup.AddContainer(nextPageElement); currentPageElement = nextPageElement; } container.SemanticBoxes = groups; } } #endregion Private methods //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Fields // //---------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Private Fields private FixedSOMFixedBlock _currentFixedBlock; private int _pageIndex; private FixedPage _fixedPage; private FixedSOMPage _fixedSOMPage; private List _fixedNodes; private FixedSOMLineCollection _lines; private GeometryWalker _geometryWalker; #endregion Private Fields } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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