/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Framework / MS / Internal / AppModel / XappLauncher.cs / 3 / XappLauncher.cs
using System; using System.Deployment.Application; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Security; using System.Security.Policy; using System.Xml; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Interop; using System.Windows.Navigation; using System.Windows.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using MS.Internal; using MS.Internal.PresentationFramework; using MS.Internal.Utility; using Microsoft.Internal.DeploymentUI; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Reflection; using MS.Utility; using System.Windows.Input; namespace MS.Internal.AppModel { internal class XappLauncherApp : Application { internal XappLauncherApp(Uri deploymentManifest, Uri activationUri, string applicationId, IBrowserCallbackServices browser, DocObjHost.ApplicationRunnerCallback applicationRunner, string progressPageAssembly, string progressPageClass, string errorPageAssembly, string errorPageClass) { _deploymentManifest = deploymentManifest; _activationUri = activationUri; _applicationId = applicationId; _browser = browser; _applicationRunnerCallback = applicationRunner; _fwlinkUri = null; this.Startup += new StartupEventHandler(XappLauncherApp_Startup); this.Exit += new ExitEventHandler(XappLauncherApp_Exit); this.Navigated += new NavigatedEventHandler(XappLauncherApp_Navigated); _progressPageAssembly = progressPageAssembly; _progressPageClass = progressPageClass; _errorPageAssembly = errorPageAssembly; _errorPageClass = errorPageClass; } void OnCommandRefresh(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HandleRefresh(); } void OnCommandStop(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { UserStop(null); } void XappLauncherApp_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e) { if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Level.verbose, EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.XappLauncherAppStartup); } CreateApplicationIdentity(); if (_identity != null) { TryApplicationIdActivation(); } else { TryUriActivation(); } } void XappLauncherApp_Exit(object sender, ExitEventArgs e) { if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Level.verbose, EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.XappLauncherAppExit, _attemptDownload); } Invariant.Assert(!_isInAsynchronousOperation, "Async downloading should have been canceled before XappLauncherApp exits."); if (_attemptDownload) { _applicationRunnerCallback(new DocObjHost.ApplicationRunner(_applicationRunner)); } _browser = null; _applicationRunner = null; _applicationRunnerCallback = null; } ////// Critical: This code calls into critical code GetAppWindow /// TreatAsSafe: There exists a demand here /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] void XappLauncherApp_Navigated(object sender, NavigationEventArgs e) { if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Level.verbose, EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.XappLauncherAppNavigated); } if (IsShuttingDown) return; if (!_commandBindingsRegistered) { _commandBindingsRegistered = true; // These bindings handle the commands sent by the browser when the stop/refresh buttons are pressed. If nothing in the // page has focus, they will be sent directly to the window. MainWindow.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(NavigationCommands.BrowseStop, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnCommandStop))); MainWindow.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(NavigationCommands.Refresh, new ExecutedRoutedEventHandler(OnCommandRefresh))); } SecurityHelper.DemandUIWindowPermission(); NavigationWindow navWin = GetAppWindow(); Invariant.Assert(navWin != null, "A RootBrowserWindow should have been created."); while (navWin.CanGoBack) { navWin.RemoveBackEntry(); } } void StartAsynchronousOperation() { _isInAsynchronousOperation = true; ChangeBrowserDownloadState(_isInAsynchronousOperation); } void ClearAsynchronousOperationStatus() { _isInAsynchronousOperation = false; ChangeBrowserDownloadState(_isInAsynchronousOperation); } private object UserRefresh(object unused) { HandleRefresh(); return null; } internal override void PerformNavigationStateChangeTasks( bool isNavigationInitiator, bool playNavigatingSound, NavigationStateChange state) { // Do not play sounds or start and stop the globe on when navigations // occur because the progress page is merely an enhanced visual experience // during the actual navigation to the application. Conceptually it should // appear as something that happens during navigation and not a series of // discrete navigations. // We do need to ensure that the Stop and Refresh buttons are in the correct state // while downloading the app. if (isNavigationInitiator && state == NavigationStateChange.Completed) { UpdateBrowserCommands(); } } // This function gets called when the browser refresh button in clicked. // This'll cause the browser to navigate the address bar ////// Critical: Accesses BrowserCallbackServices to navigate /// TreatAsSafe: only navigates to a safe, already validated _deploymentManifest. /// Potentially, this could be a DOS attack FOR THE APP ONLY if refresh was called constantly, but that is /// below the bar for critical code progagation, as the user can recover and the system is not destabilized. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] internal void HandleRefresh() { lock (_lockObject) // we do this in case the refresh button is getting clicked rapidly, before the navigation happens { if (!_refreshing) { _refreshing = true; BrowserCallbackServices.DelegateNavigation(_activationUri.ToString(), null, null); } } } ////// Critical: Calls IBrowserCallbackServices.ChangeDownloadState which is critical /// TreatAsSafe: Changing the download state is safe /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void ChangeBrowserDownloadState(bool newState) { // start or stop waving the flag _browser.ChangeDownloadState(newState); } private void TryApplicationIdActivation() { Dispatcher.Invoke( DispatcherPriority.Input, new DispatcherOperationCallback(DoDirectActivation), null); } private void TryUriActivation() { EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID, (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.FirstTimeActivation); _hostingManager = new InPlaceHostingManager(_deploymentManifest); // Ordering is important here - downloading the manifest is done asynchronously // so can be started before we spend time setting up the UI. This saves us some // time - especially during cold-start scenarios. // Calling it through the dispatcher makes sure the right context and exception // handling is used. DispatcherPriority.Send has it executed synchronously. Dispatcher.Invoke( DispatcherPriority.Send, new DispatcherOperationCallback(DoGetManifestAsync), null); DoDownloadUI(); } ////// Critical: calls ApplicationTrustCollection.Item which LinkDemands /// TreatAsSafe: Caller can't hand in an arbitrary item string /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private object DoDirectActivation(object unused) { if (IsShuttingDown) return null; try { // Verify that this app is actually cached. This is because the call to // CreatePartialActivationContext can succeed when we don't want it to; // it appears to be insensitive to some parts of the ApplicationIdentity, // or it tries to make things work when they really should fail. Looking // at the UserApplicationTrusts does a better comparison. if (ApplicationSecurityManager.UserApplicationTrusts[_identity.ToString()] != null) { _context = ActivationContext.CreatePartialActivationContext(_identity); _applicationRunner = new DocObjHost.ApplicationRunner(ExecuteDirectApplication); _attemptDownload = true; this.Shutdown(); } else { TryUriActivation(); } } catch(Exception exception) { // Delete the cached trust decision to force going down the full ClickOnce path next time DeleteCachedApplicationTrust(_identity); // Fatal error like NullReferenceException and SEHException should not be ignored. if (exception is NullReferenceException || exception is SEHException) { throw; } else { TryUriActivation(); } } return null; } ////// Critical: This code calls into critical code which has link demand (Activator.CreateInstance) /// TreatAsSafe: There exists a demand here /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void ExecuteDirectApplication() { SecurityHelper.DemandUnmanagedCode(); try { if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.ClickOnceActivationStart, KnownBoxes.BooleanBoxes.TrueBox); } ObjectHandle oh = Activator.CreateInstance(_context); if (PresentationAppDomainManager.SaveAppDomain) { AppDomain newDomain = oh.Unwrap() as AppDomain; PresentationAppDomainManager.NewAppDomain = newDomain; } EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID, (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.ClickOnceActivationEnd); } catch (Exception exception) { // Delete the cached trust decision to force going down the full ClickOnce path next time DeleteCachedApplicationTrust(_identity); // Fatal error like NullReferenceException and SEHException should not be ignored. if (exception is NullReferenceException || exception is SEHException) { throw; } else { TryUriActivation(); } } } private object DoGetManifestAsync(object notUsed) { if (IsShuttingDown) return null; EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID, (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.DownloadDeplManifestStart); StartAsynchronousOperation(); SetStatusText(SR.Get(SRID.HostingStatusDownloadAppInfo)); _hostingManager.GetManifestCompleted += new EventHandler(GetManifestCompleted); // Possible reentrancy! When making the outgoing calls to the browser to update its // status (above), a pending incoming call can be dispatched. This may be OLECMDID_STOP, // which would lead to calling UserStop(), which makes IPHM unusable. if (_isInAsynchronousOperation) { _hostingManager.GetManifestAsync(); } return null; } private object GetCustomPage(string pageAssemblyName, string pageClassName) { if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Level.verbose, EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.GetDownloadPageStart, pageClassName); } object customPage; try { // Uses custom progress page // If the assembly is not specified, use PresentationUI. Assembly customPageAssembly = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageAssemblyName) ? typeof(InstallationProgressPage).Assembly : Assembly.Load(pageAssemblyName); customPage = customPageAssembly.CreateInstance(pageClassName); } catch { customPage = null; } if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Level.verbose, EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.GetDownloadPageEnd); } return customPage; } void GetManifestCompleted(object sender, GetManifestCompletedEventArgs e) { Dispatcher.Invoke( DispatcherPriority.Send, new DispatcherOperationCallback(DoGetManifestCompleted), e); } private object DoGetManifestCompleted(object e) { ClearAsynchronousOperationStatus(); EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID, (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.DownloadDeplManifestEnd); GetManifestCompletedEventArgs args = (GetManifestCompletedEventArgs)e; if (IsShuttingDown) { // do nothing if some thread has already called shutdown return null; } if (args.Error != null) { // If the async operation failed, it is invalid to request the // SupportUri so we simply pass in null. HandleError(args.Error, args.LogFilePath, null, null); return null; } if (args.Cancelled) { HandleCancel(); return null; } _identity = args.ApplicationIdentity; _supportUri = args.SupportUri; SetStatusText(SR.Get(SRID.HostingStatusVerifying)); try { if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent( EventTrace.Level.verbose, EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.AssertAppRequirementsStart); } _hostingManager.AssertApplicationRequirements(); if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent( EventTrace.Level.verbose, EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.AssertAppRequirementsEnd); } } catch (Exception exception) { // Fatal error like NullReferenceException and SEHException should not be ignored. if (exception is NullReferenceException || exception is SEHException) { throw; } else { string version = null; if (exception is TrustNotGrantedException) { version = GetMissingCustomPermissionVersion(args.ApplicationManifest); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(version)) { exception = new DependentPlatformMissingException(); } } HandleError(exception, args.LogFilePath, args.SupportUri, version); return null; } } // AssertApplicationRequirements() does some message pumping internally, which allows // the browser to start closing us in the meantime. if (IsShuttingDown) return null; StartAsynchronousOperation(); SetStatusText(SR.Get(SRID.HostingStatusDownloadApp)); if (_progressPage != null) { _progressPage.ApplicationName = args.ProductName; } // Possible reentrancy! When making the outgoing calls to the browser to update its // status (above), a pending incoming call can be dispatched. This may be OLECMDID_STOP, // which would lead to calling UserStop(), which makes IPHM unusable. if (!_isInAsynchronousOperation) return null; _hostingManager.DownloadProgressChanged += new EventHandler (DownloadProgressChanged); _hostingManager.DownloadApplicationCompleted += new EventHandler (DownloadApplicationCompleted); EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID, (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.DownloadApplicationStart); _hostingManager.DownloadApplicationAsync(); return null; } /// /// Critical - calls InstallationProgressPage, which lives in a non-APTCA assembly. /// _progressPage lives in a non-APTCA assembly. /// TreatAsSafe - demands appropriate permissions. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void DoDownloadUI() { SecurityHelper.DemandUIWindowPermission(); // ASSUMES ALREADY IN CORRECT CONTEXT if (_progressPageClass != null) { _progressPage = GetCustomPage(_progressPageAssembly, _progressPageClass) as IProgressPage; } // If we failed to get a custom page, or didn't even try, use our default. if (_progressPage == null) { _progressPage = new InstallationProgressPage() as IProgressPage; } _progressPage.DeploymentPath = _deploymentManifest; _progressPage.StopCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(UserStop); _progressPage.RefreshCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(UserRefresh); _progressPage.ApplicationName = string.Empty; _progressPage.PublisherName = string.Empty; _progressPage.UpdateProgress(0, 1); BrowserWindow.ShowsNavigationUI = false; // not needed and not RightToLeft-enabled in this context BrowserWindow.Navigate(_progressPage); } ////// The demand below was put here because although PresentationFramework has /// APTCA set, the assembly where _progressPage lives (PresentationUI) does not. /// Critical: Because it is calling into non-aptca DLL /// TAS: We demand permission /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void HandleError(Exception exception, string logFilePath, Uri supportUri, string requiredWpfVersion) { SecurityHelper.DemandUIWindowPermission(); // Delete the cached trust decision to force going down the full ClickOnce path next time DeleteCachedApplicationTrust(_identity); // If we are being shut down by the browser, don't do anything else. if (IsShuttingDown) { AbortActivation(); return; } // ASSUMES ALREADY IN CORRECT CONTEXT SetStatusText(SR.Get(SRID.HostingStatusFailed)); string version = String.Empty; MissingDependencyType getWinFXReq = MissingDependencyType.Others; if (exception is DependentPlatformMissingException) { if (requiredWpfVersion != null) { getWinFXReq = MissingDependencyType.WinFX; version = requiredWpfVersion; DeploymentExceptionMapper.ConstructFwlinkUrl(version, out _fwlinkUri); } else { getWinFXReq = DeploymentExceptionMapper.GetWinFXRequirement(exception, _hostingManager, out version, out _fwlinkUri); } } string errorTitle, errorMessage; switch(getWinFXReq) { case MissingDependencyType.WinFX: // Wrong version of Avalon is installed. errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.PlatformRequirementTitle); errorMessage = SR.Get(SRID.IncompatibleWinFXText, version); break; case MissingDependencyType.CLR: // Missing CLR dependency errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.PlatformRequirementTitle); errorMessage = SR.Get(SRID.IncompatibleCLRText, version); break; default: // All other deployment exceptions DeploymentExceptionMapper.GetErrorTextFromException(exception, out errorTitle, out errorMessage); break; } IErrorPage errorpage = null; if (_errorPageClass != null) { errorpage = GetCustomPage(_errorPageAssembly, _errorPageClass) as IErrorPage; } // If we failed to get a custom page, or didn't even try, use our default. if (errorpage == null) { //use default class errorpage = new InstallationErrorPage() as IErrorPage; } errorpage.DeploymentPath = _deploymentManifest; errorpage.ErrorTitle = errorTitle; errorpage.ErrorText = errorMessage; errorpage.SupportUri = supportUri; errorpage.LogFilePath = logFilePath; errorpage.RefreshCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(UserRefresh); errorpage.GetWinFxCallback = (getWinFXReq != MissingDependencyType.Others)? new DispatcherOperationCallback(GetWinFX) : null; errorpage.ErrorFlag = true; BrowserWindow.Navigate(errorpage); } ////// Critical - calls InstallationErrorPage, which lives in a non-APTCA assembly. /// _progressPage lives in a non-APTCA assembly. /// TreatAsSafe - demands appropriate permissions. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void HandleCancel() { SecurityHelper.DemandUIWindowPermission(); // Delete the cached trust decision to force going down the full ClickOnce path next time DeleteCachedApplicationTrust(_identity); // If we are being shut down by the browser, don't do anything else. if (IsShuttingDown) { AbortActivation(); return; } CancelAsynchronousOperation(); // ASSUMES ALREADY IN CORRECT CONTEXT SetStatusText(SR.Get(SRID.HostingStatusCancelled)); string errorTitle, errorMessage; DeploymentExceptionMapper.GetErrorTextFromException(null, out errorTitle, out errorMessage); IErrorPage errorpage = null; //dont even try to use reflection if assembly name is null //dont even try to use reflection if assembly name is null if (_errorPageAssembly != null || _errorPageClass != null) { errorpage = GetCustomPage(_errorPageAssembly, _errorPageClass) as IErrorPage; } //if this is null then there is no custom page so fall back to default ui if (errorpage == null) { //use default class errorpage = new InstallationErrorPage() as IErrorPage; } errorpage.DeploymentPath = _deploymentManifest; errorpage.ErrorTitle = errorTitle; errorpage.ErrorText = errorMessage; errorpage.SupportUri = null; errorpage.LogFilePath = null; errorpage.ErrorFlag = false; errorpage.RefreshCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(UserRefresh); errorpage.GetWinFxCallback = null; BrowserWindow.Navigate(errorpage); } void DownloadProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e) { _bytesDownloaded = e.BytesDownloaded; _bytesTotal = e.TotalBytesToDownload; if (!_updatePending) { _updatePending = true; Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( DispatcherPriority.Background, new DispatcherOperationCallback(DoDownloadProgressChanged), null); } } ////// The demand below was put here because although PresentationFramework has /// APTCA set, the assembly where _progressPage lives (PresentationUI) does not. /// private object DoDownloadProgressChanged(object unused) { if (IsShuttingDown) return null; if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance, EventTrace.Level.verbose)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.Level.verbose, EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.DownloadProgressUpdate, _bytesDownloaded, _bytesTotal); } SecurityHelper.DemandUIWindowPermission(); if (_progressPage != null) { _progressPage.UpdateProgress(_bytesDownloaded, _bytesTotal); } _updatePending = false; return null; } void DownloadApplicationCompleted(object sender, DownloadApplicationCompletedEventArgs e) { _hostingManager.DownloadProgressChanged -= new EventHandler(DownloadProgressChanged); Dispatcher.Invoke( DispatcherPriority.Send, new DispatcherOperationCallback(DoDownloadApplicationCompleted), e); } private object DoDownloadApplicationCompleted(object e) { EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID, (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.DownloadApplicationEnd); DownloadApplicationCompletedEventArgs args = (DownloadApplicationCompletedEventArgs)e; // Race condition: UserStop() can be called after InPlaceHostingManager has completed // the downloading but before our callback is called. bool canceled = !_isInAsynchronousOperation || args.Cancelled; if (IsShuttingDown) { // some other thread has already called shutdown and released // the BrowserCallBackService. Nothing we can do here return null; } ClearAsynchronousOperationStatus(); if (args.Error != null) { HandleError(args.Error, args.LogFilePath, _supportUri, null); return null; } if (canceled) { HandleCancel(); return null; } SetStatusText(string.Empty); _applicationRunner = new DocObjHost.ApplicationRunner(ExecuteDownloadedApplication); _attemptDownload = true; Shutdown(); return null; } private void ExecuteDownloadedApplication() { if (EventTrace.IsEnabled(EventTrace.Flags.performance)) { EventTrace.EventProvider.TraceEvent(EventTrace.GuidFromId(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID), (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.ClickOnceActivationStart, KnownBoxes.BooleanBoxes.FalseBox); } ObjectHandle oh = _hostingManager.Execute(); if (PresentationAppDomainManager.SaveAppDomain) { AppDomain newDomain = oh.Unwrap() as AppDomain; PresentationAppDomainManager.NewAppDomain = newDomain; } EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID, (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.ClickOnceActivationEnd); } private object UserStop(object unused) { if (MainWindow != null && MainWindow.Content is IProgressPage) { if (_isInAsynchronousOperation) { CancelAsynchronousOperation(); } else { HandleCancel(); } } return null; } internal void AbortActivation() { EventTrace.NormalTraceEvent(EventTraceGuidId.HOSTINGGUID, (byte)EventTrace.HostingEvent.AbortingActivation); CancelAsynchronousOperation(); _attemptDownload = false; Shutdown(ERROR_ACTIVATION_ABORTED); } private void CancelAsynchronousOperation() { lock (_lockObject) { if (_isInAsynchronousOperation) { Invariant.Assert(_hostingManager != null, "_hostingManager should not be null if _isInAsynchronousOperation is true"); _hostingManager.CancelAsync(); ClearAsynchronousOperationStatus(); } } } /// /// Critical: This code calls into RootBrowserWindow which is critical /// TreatAsSafe: There is a demand /// private RootBrowserWindow BrowserWindow { [SecurityCritical,SecurityTreatAsSafe] get { SecurityHelper.DemandUIWindowPermission(); RootBrowserWindow rbw = (RootBrowserWindow)GetAppWindow(); Invariant.Assert(rbw != null, "Should have instantiated RBW if it wasn't already there"); return rbw; } } private void CreateApplicationIdentity() { _identity = null; if (_applicationId != null) { try { _identity = new ApplicationIdentity(_applicationId); } catch(Exception exception) { // Fatal error like NullReferenceException and SEHException should not be ignored. if (exception is NullReferenceException || exception is SEHException) { throw; } // For a non-critical exception, it can be ignored here. // Because the code tries to make an ApplicationIdentity from a string in registry, // If it fails, it isn�t fatal, the code just needs to do activation from the deployment Uri. } } } ////// This is necessary as a workaround for various ClickOnce issues and the interaction /// between cached trust decisions and our direct activation shortcut. If there is a /// cached trust decision for a given ApplicationIdentity, we will try the direct /// activation shortcut. If something goes wrong, we want to delete that cached trust /// decision, so that next time we will be forced to go down the offical ClickOnce /// deployment pathway. /// ////// Critical: calls ApplicationTrustCollection.Remove which LinkDemands /// [SecurityCritical] private void DeleteCachedApplicationTrust(ApplicationIdentity identity) { if (identity != null) { ApplicationTrust trust = new ApplicationTrust(identity); // This does not throw if the trust isn't there. ApplicationSecurityManager.UserApplicationTrusts.Remove(trust); } } ////// This function is private to xapplauncher. It invokes the default browser with Uri /// to WinFXSetup.exe. Its called from the "Install WinFX" button on the error page /// shown when an app requests a different version of WinFX than the one installed. /// ////// Critical - Gets access to critical resource (uri and browsercallback services), calls critical /// code (launch browser). /// TreatAsSafe - There exists a demand here. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private object GetWinFX(object unused) { SecurityHelper.DemandUnmanagedCode(); AppSecurityManager.ShellExecuteDefaultBrowser(_fwlinkUri); return null; } ////// Critical - calls SetStatusText which is SUC'ed. /// TreatAsSafe - setting the status bar text of the browser considered safe. /// IE/MSRC does not consider hostile setting of text ( even for hyperlink spoofing) /// to be an exploit. /// [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] private void SetStatusText(string newStatusText) { _browser.SetStatusText(newStatusText); } ////// If trust was not granted, it may have been because the assembly of a custom permission /// could not be loaded. In this case, we are interested in custom permissions that are /// from WindowsBase. /// /// The XmlReader for the application manifest ///If the specified version of WindowsBase could not be loaded, the version, else null. private string GetMissingCustomPermissionVersion(XmlReader reader) { string requiredVersion = null; while (reader.ReadToFollowing("IPermission", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2")) { string attr = reader.GetAttribute("class"); // Strip the first item in the comma-delimited list, which is the permission class AssemblyName assyName = new AssemblyName(attr.Substring(attr.IndexOf(",",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1)); if (assyName.Name.Equals("WindowsBase", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { Assembly assy = Assembly.Load(assyName); } catch (Exception e) { // This will give a FileLoadException under the debugger, but a FileNotFoundException otherwise if (e is System.IO.FileNotFoundException || e is System.IO.FileLoadException) { requiredVersion = assyName.Version.ToString(); break; } else { throw; } } } } reader.Close(); return requiredVersion; } InPlaceHostingManager _hostingManager; IBrowserCallbackServices _browser; ApplicationIdentity _identity; Uri _deploymentManifest; Uri _activationUri; Uri _fwlinkUri; Uri _supportUri; string _applicationId; ActivationContext _context; DocObjHost.ApplicationRunnerCallback _applicationRunnerCallback; DocObjHost.ApplicationRunner _applicationRunner; IProgressPage _progressPage; bool _attemptDownload; bool _isInAsynchronousOperation; const int ERROR_ACTIVATION_ABORTED = 30; // defined in host\inc\Definitions.hxx object _lockObject = new object(); long _bytesDownloaded; long _bytesTotal; bool _updatePending; string _progressPageAssembly = null; string _progressPageClass = null; string _errorPageAssembly = null; string _errorPageClass = null; bool _commandBindingsRegistered; bool _refreshing; } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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