NetStream.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Core / MS / Internal / IO / Packaging / NetStream.cs / 2 / NetStream.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//  An object to provide a stream that supports a RCW-ed COM ILockBytes interface on top of a 
//  managed class providing for progressivity through multiple simultaneous WebRequests.
// Notes:
//  Most of this code need not be re-entrant because only one thread is ever operating here.
//  The ReadCallback is the only code that will be entered on a separate thread.
//  The temp file is shared with the ByteRangeDownloader object (if in use) which is why
//  all access to the stream is protected by Mutex. 
// History:
//  10/20/2003: [....]: Reworked from ILockBytes to STream interface to simplify inter-assembly 
//              operation.
//  11/07/2003: [....]: Don't call BeginRead from ReadCallBack - this now is recursive and
//              causes stack overflow
//  10/11/2005: [....]: Security Mitigation and Performance changes. 
//              - only allocate byteRangeReadEvent if it might be used
//              - narrow IsolatedStorage scope to User level (GetUserStoreForDomain) 
//              - re-enabled tracing 
//              - removed Closed property
//              - introduce checked{} keyword where integers could overflow 
//              - improved Length perf for non-cooperative servers
//              - return earlier when data is available from byte-range requests
//              - corrected block-merge logic to merge adjacent blocks
//              - documented what is and is not protected by _syncLock 
//  11/10/2005: [....]: Dispose logic
//              - don't Release the mutex unless we won it (if we didn't time-out waiting) 
//              - encapsulate finally block within lock() statement to ensure that the 
//                finally is executed while we hold the lock
//              - always call base.Dispose() regardless of our state 
//              [....]: SyncObject was defined as static
//              - _syncObject should be per-instance because it only shields access
//                to instance variables.
#define TRACE 

using System; 
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading; 
using System.Collections;               // for IComparer
using System.Diagnostics;               // for Debug.Assert 
using System.Security;                  // SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe 
using System.Security.Permissions;      // for FileIOPermission
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;        // for IsolatedStorageFileStream 
using MS.Internal.IO.Packaging;         // ByteRangeDownloader
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore;     // for ExceptionStringTable

namespace MS.Internal.IO.Packaging 
    /// Implements a Stream to support ILockBytes.  This supports progressive download for performant file access over HTTP 
    /// NetStream spawns two download requests.  One downloads the entire file and the other 
    /// downloads portions as needed by calls to Read().
    internal class NetStream: Stream
        //  Constructors 
        /// Constructor
        /// stream we are based on
        /// URI to access - not marked as critical so no guarantees that it will remain private 
        /// actual length of responseStream (which does not support Length call)
        ///  the original request that was used to get the responseStream  
        ///  the original response that was used to get the responseStream  
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) modifies Critical collection _readEventHandles
        ///  2) accepts originalRequest which is Critical (not Safe)
        /// Safe
        ///  1) _readEventHandles is Critical for set but this class is creating the new ones here 
        internal NetStream( 
            Stream responseStream,
            long fullStreamLength, 
            Uri uri,
            WebRequest originalRequest, WebResponse originalResponse)
#if DEBUG 
            if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)

            // check parms 
            Invariant.Assert(uri != null);
            Invariant.Assert(responseStream != null);
            Invariant.Assert(originalRequest != null);
            Invariant.Assert(originalResponse != null); 

            // use this to resolve random requests 
            _uri = uri;         // uri we are reading from 
            _fullStreamLength = fullStreamLength;
            _responseStream = responseStream; 
            _originalRequest = originalRequest;

            // only attempt out-of-order requests on well-behaved HTTP servers
            // (Note: MSDN indicates that uri.Scheme is always lower case) 
            if (fullStreamLength > 0 && ((String.Compare(uri.Scheme, Uri.UriSchemeHttp, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) ||
                (String.Compare(uri.Scheme, Uri.UriSchemeHttps, StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0))) 
                _allowByteRangeRequests = true;
                _readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.ByteRangeReadEvent] = new AutoResetEvent(false); 

            // read events - two sources of data.  These events are signalled to indicate that new data is
            // available in the temp file 
            _readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.FullDownloadReadEvent] = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            // we need to start this 

        //  Public Methods
        #region Stream Interface
        /// Return the bytes requested
        /// destination buffer
        /// offset to write into that buffer 
        /// how many bytes requested
        /// how many bytes were written into buffer 
        /// blocks until data is available 
        public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.Read() offset:{0} length:{1}", _position, count ); 
            PackagingUtilities.VerifyStreamReadArgs(this, buffer, offset, count); 

            // quick exit 
            if (count == 0)
                return count;

            int bytesRead = 0; 

                if (offset + count > buffer.Length)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.IOBufferOverflow), "buffer"); 

                // make sure some data is in the stream - block until it is
                int bytesAvailable = GetData(new Block(_position, count));
                count = Math.Min(bytesAvailable, count);    // don't return more than they requested, and don't return more than is available 

                // read into the buffer and return (if any data is available) 
                if (count > 0) 

                        _tempFileStream.Seek(_position, SeekOrigin.Begin);      // align the temp stream with our logical position 
                        bytesRead = _tempFileStream.Read(buffer, offset, count);     // read from the temp file

                   // Update our position - we do this last because the Stream contract guarantees the position is only updated
                    // if the Read() call was successful. 
                    _position += bytesRead;

            return bytesRead; 

        /// Is stream readable?
        public override bool CanRead 
                return !_disposed;  // always true if we are not disposed

        /// Is stream seekable?
        /// We MUST support seek as this is used to implement ILockBytes.ReadAt()
        public override bool CanSeek
                return !_disposed;  // always true if we are not disposed 

        /// Is stream writeable?
        public override bool CanWrite
                return false;       // we never support writing 

        /// Seek 
        /// offset from origin
        /// origin of seek 
        /// zero
        /// SeekOrigin.End can be expensive when operating against a server that fails to report the full length of the
        /// resource being downloaded. Use SeekOrigin.Begin or SeekOrigin.Current if possible.
        public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) 
            long temp = 0;
                switch (origin)
                    case SeekOrigin.Begin:
                            temp = offset; 

                    case SeekOrigin.Current:
                            temp = _position + offset; 
                    case SeekOrigin.End:
                            temp = Length + offset;
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("origin", SR.Get(SRID.SeekOriginInvalid)); 
            if (temp < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.SeekNegative)); 
#if DEBUG 
            if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.Seek() pos:{0}", temp); 
            _position = temp;
            return _position;

        /// Logical byte position in this stream
        public override long Position
                return _position; 

                if (value < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.SeekNegative)); 

#if DEBUG 
                if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.set_Position() pos:{0}", value);

                _position = value;

        /// SetLength
        /// not supported
        public override void SetLength(long newLength)
            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.SetLengthNotSupported)); 
        /// Write 
        /// not supported
        public override void Write(byte[] buf, int offset, int count)
            throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.WriteNotSupported));

        /// Length
        public override long Length

                // handle ftp servers that don't return a length 
                if (_fullStreamLength < 0)
                    // fallback for servers that refuse to provide the length of the resource
                        // Length could not be determined so we need to block our caller 
                        // while reading the entire stream to determine the length 
                        long temp = _position;          // squirrel away for later
                        _position = _highWaterMark;     // make sure we get the full length in case they seek'd before call get_Length 
                        byte[] buf = new byte[0x1000];

                        // when this while loop exits, _fullStreamLength contains the length of the stream
                        while (Read(buf, 0, buf.Length) > 0) 
                        // restore 
                        _position = temp;

                return _fullStreamLength;
        /// Flush
        public override void Flush()
            // ignore flush calls as we are read-only by definition

        #endregion  // Stream 
        //  Protected Methods
        /// Dispose
        /// PreSharp 6519 dictates that we not throw exceptions from Dispose() methods.
        /// Critical
        ///  1) modifies Critical collection _readEventHandles
        /// Safe
        ///  1) _readEventHandles is Critical for set but we are disposing the ones this class created 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) 
            // always call base.Dispose(bool) regardless of our state 
                if (disposing)
                    if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                    lock (_syncObject) 
                        // ignore multiple calls
                        if (_disposed)


#if DEBUG 
                        if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.Dispose(bool) - mark as closed");
                            // No matter what, mark ourselves as disposed.
                            // This is critical to prevent race condition. 
                            _disposed = true; 

                            // release any blocked threads - Set() does not throw any exceptions 
                            if (_readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.FullDownloadReadEvent] != null)
                            if (_readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.ByteRangeReadEvent] != null)

                            // Free ByteRangeDownloader 

                            // Free Event Handles - should not throw 
                            if (_readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.FullDownloadReadEvent] != null)
                                _readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.FullDownloadReadEvent] = null; 
                            if (_readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.ByteRangeReadEvent] != null) 
                                _readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.ByteRangeReadEvent] = null; 

                            // Free Full Download
                            if (_responseStream != null) 

                        if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.Dispose(bool) - exiting");
                            // final housekeeping
                            _responseStream = null; 
                            _readEventHandles = null;
                            _byteRangesAvailable = null;
                            _readBuf = null;
        //  Internal Methods 

        //  Private Methods 
        /// Starts the asynchronous full-file download request - after the response is available 
        ///  byte-range requests will be entertained as appropriate during Read() calls
        private void StartFullDownload()
            _highWaterMark = 0;
            _readBuf = new byte[_bufferSize]; 
            // open the stream for read and write with a retry count of 3 (we try 3 times before giving up on name
            // collision) 
            // no need for mutex because this is guaranteed to be the first access (ByteRangeDownloader not yet created
            // and BeginRead not yet started)
            _tempFileStream = PackagingUtilities.CreateUserScopedIsolatedStorageFileStreamWithRandomName(
                3, out _tempFileName); 

            // initiate the data retrieval - must do this at least once to kick off the process 
            _responseStream.BeginRead(_readBuf, 0, _readBuf.Length, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack), this); 
        /// Throw exception if we are already closed
        private void CheckDisposed() 
            if (_disposed) 
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("Stream"); 

        #region FullDownload
        /// ReadCallBack 
        /// async read result containing our NetLockBytes reference 
        /// This method is called back when an async read is complete 
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) accesses Critical collection _readEventHandles
        /// Safe
        ///  1) _readEventHandles is Critical for set
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void ReadCallBack(IAsyncResult ar) 
            // prevent simultaneous BeginRead/EndRead
            // after this lock is released, either _highWaterMark or _fullDownloadComplete is updated (or we are closed) 
            lock (_syncObject)
                // make sure we always signal the event, even when we exit early (see finally clause)
                    // exit early if we are closed 
                    if (_disposed) 
#if DEBUG 
                        if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.ReadCallBack() - exiting early because we are closed");
                    // verify that it contains data 
                    int read = _responseStream.EndRead(ar);
                    if (read > 0) 
                        // append the data to our temp file
                        // synchronize access to the file
                            if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.ReadCallBack (offset,length):({0},{1})", _highWaterMark, read);
                            _tempFileStream.Seek(_highWaterMark, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            _tempFileStream.Write(_readBuf, 0, read); 
                            _tempFileStream.Flush();        // force flush because we are sharing this file with ByteRangeDownloader
                                _highWaterMark += read; // update the high-water mark 
                        if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.ReadCallBack() - read complete - EndRead() returned zero");
                        // set Length if not already done so
                        if (_fullStreamLength < 0) 
                            _fullStreamLength = _highWaterMark; 
                    // all done?
                    if (_fullStreamLength == _highWaterMark)
                        // prevent further requests 
                        _fullDownloadComplete = true;
                    // Set the ManualResetEvent
                    if (!_disposed && _readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.FullDownloadReadEvent] != null)


        #region ByteRangeRequest
        /// Ensure ByteRangeDownloader is created and available 
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) accesses Critical collection _readEventHandles
        ///  2) local assert of WebPermission to access get_Proxy property 
        ///  3) accesses Critical member _originalRequest
        ///  4) assigns Critical property ByteRangeDownloader.Proxy
        /// Safe
        ///  1) _readEventHandles is Critical for set 
        ///  2) WebPermission assert is local and needed only to synchronize two WebRequest properties
        ///  3) _originalRequest.get_Proxy is safe because Proxy is known safe 
        ///     (and Proxy is only Critical member of _originalRequest) 
        ///  4) ByteRangeDownloader.Proxy set is safe because the _originalRequest.Proxy is safe
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        private void EnsureDownloader()
            if (_byteRangeDownloader == null) 
                _byteRangeDownloader = new ByteRangeDownloader(_uri, 

                // Local assert to allow Proxy get/set under partial trust
                new WebPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert();   // Blessed
                    _byteRangeDownloader.Proxy = _originalRequest.Proxy; 

                _byteRangeDownloader.Credentials = _originalRequest.Credentials; 
                _byteRangeDownloader.CachePolicy = _originalRequest.CachePolicy;
                _byteRangesAvailable = new ArrayList(); // byte ranges that are downloaded 

        /// MakeByteRangeRequest 
        /// helper method to reduce complexity in GetData(). 
        private void MakeByteRangeRequest(Block block) 
            // Currently HttpWebRequest.AddRange can only handle int while the offset of stream can be long 
            //  we should not make additional webrequest in that case
            // block.Offset > Int32.MaxValue
            // block.Offset + block.Length - 1 > Int32.MaxValue
            // No need to do "checked" since block.Length > 0 && block.Length <= Int32.MaxValue 
            if (block.Offset > (Int32.MaxValue - block.Length + 1))
            // spawn a request

            // make it worth the trouble - pad out to some reasonable size
            if (block.Length < _additionalRequestMinSize)
                if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.MakeByteRangeRequest() offset:{0} length:{1} (padded to {2})", 
                        block.Offset, block.Length, _additionalRequestMinSize);
                block.Length = _additionalRequestMinSize;
                if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.MakeByteRangeRequest() offset:{0} length:{1}", block.Offset, block.Length); 

            // don't ask for more than the stream can accomodate
                // don't ask if there is no data to ask for 
                if (block.Length > 0)
                    // request the data
                    int[,] ranges = new int[1, 2];

                    ranges[0, 0] = (int)block.Offset; 
                    ranges[0, 1] = block.Length;

                    _inAdditionalRequest = true;            // only do these one at a time 

        /// GetByteRangeData 
        /// PRECONDITION: lock (_syncObject). 
        /// Side effects of updating _byteRangesAvailable and _inAdditionalRequest.
        private void GetByteRangeData()
            int[,] ranges; 

            // query the ByteRangeDownloader for the details 
            ranges = _byteRangeDownloader.GetDownloadedByteRanges(); 
            if (ranges.GetLength(0) > 0)
                // Add our "fullDownload" range just in case we can satisfy a request that straddles the
                // boundary between the highWaterMark and a byte range.
                // We can just "blindly" add this every time because the merging code will keep the
                // growth from getting out of control. 
                _byteRangesAvailable.Insert(0, new Block(0, (int)_highWaterMark));
                // add to our collection of previously downloaded ranges 
                int r = 0;  // index into ranges
                while (r < ranges.GetLength(0))
                    _byteRangesAvailable.Add(new Block(ranges[r,0], ranges[r,1]));
                    if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                        _unmergedBlocks++;  // statistics on merge performance 

                // sort them
                _byteRangesAvailable.Sort();     // must sort before merging
                // merge them
#if DEBUG 
                // Note that this includes the "fullDownload" range
                if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.GetData() total byteranges:{0} after merging:{1}", _unmergedBlocks, _byteRangesAvailable.Count);
                _inAdditionalRequest = false;        // allow more byte-range requests
        /// IsByteRangeAvailable 
        /// query
        /// number of bytes that are available starting at the beginning of the given block
        private int BytesInByteRangeAvailable(Block block) 
            int bytesAvailable = 0; 
            // we can be called even if the byteRangeDownloader is not in use
            if (_byteRangesAvailable != null) 
                    // handle "over the end requests" which we truncate automatically when making the actual request 
                    Debug.Assert(_fullStreamLength >= 0, "We assume _fullStreamLength is correct for Http cases - only Ftp can return bogus values");
                    // now search - could be replaced with BinarySearch as list is ordered by offset
                    foreach (Block data in _byteRangesAvailable) 
                        // we need the bytes to start from the beginning because that's the
                        // only type of partial response we can give
                        if ((data.Offset <= block.Offset) && (data.End > block.Offset)) 
                            bytesAvailable = Math.Min(block.Length, (int)(data.End - block.Offset));
                        // if we have some data, or we are beyond any possibility of a match then exit 
                        if (bytesAvailable > 0 || data.Offset >= block.End)
            return bytesAvailable;
        /// TrimByteRangeRequest - reduce the request to eliminate request for existing data 
        /// requested block
        /// bytes currently available at the start of the original request block
        /// We currently ignore the case where our request entirely contains an existing data block because 
        /// there is no support for non-contiguous byte-range requests.  If such capability is introduced, we might
        /// revisit this logic and split the request into two requests that don't coincide with the existing data. 
        private int TrimByteRangeRequest(Block block) 
            int bytesAvailable = 0; 

            // we can be called even if the byteRangeDownloader is not in use
            if (_byteRangesAvailable != null)
                    // search through sorted list - move to BinarySearch if we predict huge number of entries 
                    foreach (Block data in _byteRangesAvailable)
                        // Exit early when we know we cannot possibly have a match.
                        // We know this when the current data block offset is beyond the end of our request.
                        if (block.End <= data.Offset)

                        // check for Head intersection (or complete co-incidence) 
                        if ((block.Offset >= data.Offset) && 
                            (data.End > block.Offset))
                            // completely satisfies?
                            if (block.End <= data.End)
                                bytesAvailable = block.Length;
                                bytesAvailable = (int)(data.End - block.Offset); 
                                block.Offset = data.End; 
                            block.Length -= bytesAvailable; 

                        // check for Tail intersection (but not request extending beyond data block as this would split the request)
                        if ((block.Offset <= data.Offset) && 
                            (block.End > data.Offset) && (block.End <= data.End))
                            block.Length = (int)(data.Offset - block.Offset); 
                        if (bytesAvailable > 0)
                    // zero length block is possible if request is a perfect match

            return bytesAvailable; 

        /// Stream Block 
        /// represents a byte range that has been downloaded and is available 
        private class Block: IComparable 
            internal Block(long offset, int length) 
                Debug.Assert(offset >= 0);
                Debug.Assert(length >= 0);
                _offset = offset; 
                _length = length;
            // the index of the byte after the last byte in the block - useful for calculations
            internal long End 
                        return _offset + _length; 

            internal long Offset
                    return _offset; 
                    Debug.Assert(value >= 0);
                    _offset = value;

            internal int Length 
                    return _length;
                    Debug.Assert(value >= 0);
                    _length = value; 
            // this allows Sort()
            int IComparable.CompareTo(object x)
                // sort by offset 
                Block b = (Block)x;
                if (_offset < b._offset) 
                    return -1;
                if (_offset > b._offset)
                    return 1;

                // offsets are equal so now the shortest one goes first 
                if (_length == b._length)
                    return 0; 
                if (_length < b._length)
                    return -1; 

                // _length > b._length
                return 1;

            // returns true if these two blocks overlap or are contiguous 
            // assumes _offset <= b._offset because they are supposed to be sorted 
            internal bool Mergeable(Block b)
                    if (_offset <= b._offset)
                        return (_offset + _length - b._offset >= 0); 
                        return (b._offset + b._length - _offset >= 0); 
            // combine two blocks that overlap or are adjacent
            internal void Merge(Block b)
                    Debug.Assert(_offset <= b._offset); 
                    _length = (int)(Math.Max(_offset + _length, b._offset + b._length) - _offset);

            private long    _offset;        // zero-based index from start of stream
            private int     _length;        // number of bytes starting at _offset 
        // Merge all overlapping and adjacent ranges 
        // This function assumes the list of ranges are already sorted
        // Function is destructive (in-place) 
        private void MergeByteRanges(ArrayList ranges)
                // For each byte range
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < ranges.Count; i++) 
                    Block b = (Block)ranges[i];
                    // handle possible multiple-overlap (or adjacency)
                    while (b.Mergeable((Block)ranges[i + 1]))
                        b.Merge((Block)ranges[i + 1]); 
                        ranges.RemoveAt(i + 1);
                        // don't index off the end of the list 
                        if (i + 1 >= ranges.Count)
        /// ByteRange event was fired
        /// current request
        /// data known available
        /// pre-condition - SyncLock must be acquired
        private int HandleByteRangeReadEvent(Block block) 
#if DEBUG 
            if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.GetData() - byteRange data Event signaled");
            Debug.Assert(block.Length > 0);

            int bytesAvailable = 0;
                // We want the "full range test" at first because we don't want to tweak our heuristic unless 
                // we really underestimated.  If not all data is available, we take a more relaxed result
                // in the "else" clause below. 
                if (_highWaterMark > block.Offset)
                    bytesAvailable = (int)Math.Min(block.Length, _highWaterMark - block.Offset);

                // maybe our request can be satisfied without the byte-range? 
                if (bytesAvailable == block.Length)
                    // network traffic is flowing better than expected - increase the threshold 
                    _additionalRequestThreshold *= 2;
#if DEBUG 
                if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.GetData() - byteRange request satisfied by full download - increasing threshold");
                    // query the byte-range object for the new range 
                    if (!_byteRangeDownloader.ErroredOut)
                        // update our local list from the ByteRangeDownloader

                        // determine if the ByteRangeDownloader provided any of the data we need 
                        bytesAvailable = BytesInByteRangeAvailable(block);
                        // prevent future attempts if downloader has had trouble (could be HTTP server that does not support 1.1 protocol) 
                        _allowByteRangeRequests = false;

            return bytesAvailable; 

        /// FullDownload event was fired
        /// current request
        /// true if ANY data is available 
        /// pre-condition - SyncLock must be acquired
        private int HandleFullDownloadReadEvent(Block block) 
            int dataAvailable = 0;
            if (_fullDownloadComplete)
                dataAvailable = block.Length; 
                if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.GetData() - Request Data (BeginRead)");

                    // Continue reading data until 
                    // responseStream.EndRead exhausts the stream 
                    _responseStream.BeginRead(_readBuf, 0, _readBuf.Length, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallBack), this);
                    // any data is reason to return true
                    if (_highWaterMark > block.Offset)
                        dataAvailable = (int)Math.Min(block.Length, _highWaterMark - block.Offset);
            return dataAvailable; 
        /// Get data, blocking until at least one byte is available
        /// current request 
        /// bytes available
        /// Attempts to obtain the data from the temp file.  Spawns a ByteRange 
        /// request if enabled and appropriate.  Returns when any data is available or 
        /// the request exceeded the actual stream length and the entire stream is available.
        /// Critical
        ///  1) accesses Critical collection _readEventHandles
        /// Safe
        ///  1) _readEventHandles is Critical for set 
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe] 
        private int GetData(Block block) 
            if (block.Length == 0)
                return 0;

            int dataAvailable = 0; 

            // no point in waiting if all data is available 
            while (dataAvailable == 0) 
                Debug.Assert(block.Length > 0); 

                lock (_syncObject)
                    if (_highWaterMark > block.Offset) 
                        dataAvailable = (int)Math.Min(block.Length, _highWaterMark - block.Offset); 
                        // Check for overlap with existing data - do this even if we are currently in a byte-range request
                        dataAvailable = TrimByteRangeRequest(block);

                        // Should we spawn a byte-range request? 
                        // All Criteria must be met:
                        // 1. _allowByteRangeRequests - protocol is http and we know the full stream length 
                        // 2. !_inAdditionalRequest - there is no outstanding request - we currently only support one at a time 
                        // 3. block.Offset > _highWaterMark + _additionalRequestThreshold - heuristic that says it's "worth it" to spawn a separate request
                        // 4. ((_byteRangeDownloader == null) || !_byteRangeDownloader.ErroredOut) - either there is no 
                        //    existing ByteRangeDownloader (this is our first byte-range request), or the downloader is non-null and has not Errored out.
                        // 5. The block we were asked to retrieve was not satisfied by existing data
                        if (_allowByteRangeRequests
                            && !_inAdditionalRequest 
                            && (_highWaterMark <= Int64.MaxValue - (long) _additionalRequestThreshold) // Ensure that we don't get overflow from the next line
                            && (block.Offset > _highWaterMark + (long) _additionalRequestThreshold) 
                            && ((_byteRangeDownloader == null) || !_byteRangeDownloader.ErroredOut) && (block.Length > 0)) 
                            MakeByteRangeRequest(block);            // request data 
                // We were unable to satisfy the request so we must wait for either the main download thread to signal
                // that new data is available, or the byte-range downloader to signal that new data is available. 
                if (dataAvailable == 0) 
#if DEBUG 
                    if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.GetData() - wait start");   // for debugging deadlock
                    // WaitAny if both events are in use - or just 
                    ReadEvent eventFired;
                    if (_allowByteRangeRequests) 
                        // either way, we must wait for data either from the full-file request or any spawned byte-range request
                        int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(_readEventHandles); 
                        if (index > 128)    // handle +128 case - see SDK
                            index -= 128;

                        eventFired = (ReadEvent)index; 
                        // no byte-range downloader in use - wait only for the fulldownload event
                        eventFired = ReadEvent.FullDownloadReadEvent; 
                    if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled) 
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.GetData() - wait end [{0}]", eventFired);
                    lock (_syncObject) 
                        // if byteRange we need to keep track of what data is now available 
                        if (eventFired == ReadEvent.ByteRangeReadEvent)
                            dataAvailable = HandleByteRangeReadEvent(block);
                        else    // FullDownloadReadEvent
                            dataAvailable = HandleFullDownloadReadEvent(block); 

                            // break regardless of if we satisfied the request because no more data is forthcoming 
                            if (_fullDownloadComplete)

            if (System.IO.Packaging.PackWebRequestFactory._traceSwitch.Enabled)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation("NetStream.GetData() satisfied with {0} bytes", dataAvailable); 
            // could exit with dataAvailable == 0 if we didn't know the full stream length coming in and the request 
            // was beyond the actual stream length 

            return dataAvailable; 

        /// Restricts the block length so that it does not extend beyond the end of the stream 
        /// block to inspect and possibly modify 
        /// has no effect if full stream length unknown 
        private void TrimBlockToStreamLength(Block block)
                // trim to be sure we don't say we have more bytes than the stream holds
                if (_fullStreamLength >= 0) 
                    block.Length = (int)Math.Min(block.Length, _fullStreamLength - block.Offset);

        /// Release resources only needed for fulldownload
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) modifies Critical collection _readEventHandles
        private void ReleaseFullDownloadResources()
            Debug.Assert(_fullDownloadComplete, "Do not call this unless full download is complete.");

            // ignore logic errors - only do this once
            if (_readBuf != null) 
                // don't need these anymore 
                _byteRangesAvailable = null; 
                _readBuf = null;
                        // release the full download read event as it is no longer needed 
                        if (_readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.FullDownloadReadEvent] != null)
                            _readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.FullDownloadReadEvent] = null;
                        // FreeFullDownload 
                        if (_responseStream != null)
                    _responseStream = null; 

        /// Free ByteRangeDownloader if it is allocated 
        /// Critical 
        ///  1) modifies Critical collection _readEventHandles
        private void FreeByteRangeDownloader()
            if (_byteRangeDownloader != null) 
                    if (_readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.ByteRangeReadEvent] != null)
                        _readEventHandles[(int)ReadEvent.ByteRangeReadEvent] = null; 
                    _byteRangeDownloader = null; 
        /// FreeTempFile - frees resources related to the tempfile 
        private void FreeTempFile()
            // Stream and Mutex
            bool mutexObtained = false;
            Invariant.Assert(_tempFileStream != null);
                mutexObtained = _tempFileMutex.WaitOne(_tempFileSyncTimeout, false);    // wait up to 5 seconds 
                // only release it if we own it
                if (mutexObtained) 
                    // make sure this is released even if there is a stream error 

                    // only close this if we obtained it 
                    // let the garbage collector get it eventually if we didn't
                    _tempFileMutex.Close(); // does not throw an exception
                _tempFileStream = null;
                _tempFileName = null; 
                _tempFileMutex = null; 

        //  Private Properties

        //  Private Fields
        private enum ReadEvent { FullDownloadReadEvent = 0, ByteRangeReadEvent = 1, MaxReadEventEnum };
        Uri                     _uri;               // uri we are resolving 

        /// Critical
        ///  1) Proxy member is Critical because we use it under Unrestricted assert
        WebRequest              _originalRequest;   // Proxy member is Critical
        Stream                  _tempFileStream;    // local temp stream we are writing to and reading from - protected by _tempFileMutex 
        long                    _position;          // our "logical stream position" 

        // syncObject - provides mutually-exclusive access control to the following entities: 
        // 1. _highWaterMark - this is actually queried outside of a lock in get_Length, but this is safe as a stale value only impacts perf
        // Does not fully protect the following entities:
        // 1. _disposed - Not in all cases - CheckDisposed(), CanRead, CanSeek do not lock first but we are not "threadsafe" and _disposed is only
        //                modified in the Dispose() call.  The only other thread that can inspect it does so in ReadCallBack - both places 
        //                we lock on _syncObject so this is safe.
        // 2. _responseStream - yes 
        // 3. _readEventHandles - cannot be as these are synchronization objects which must be freely accessible 
        // 4. _byteRangeDownloader - yes except this object can be disposed while it is still "active" - it is expected to behave correctly in this
        //                scenario. 
        private Object          _syncObject = new Object();
        private volatile bool   _disposed;

        // full-file download 
        private const int       _readTimeOut = 40000;   // how long before we give-up on async Read? (milliseconds)
        private const int       _additionalRequestMinSize = 0x1000;     // minimum size for a ByteRangeRequest - make it worth the trouble (overhead) 
        private const int       _bufferSize = 0x1000;                   // smaller allows for quicker response 
        private const int       _tempFileSyncTimeout = 5000;            // wait 5 seconds for byteRangeDownloader to release it's File mutex before closing it
        private uint            _additionalRequestThreshold = 0x4000;   // dynamically adjusting this value based on network conditions (start small because this only goes up) 
        private Stream          _responseStream;        // Stream returned by WebResponse
        private byte[]          _readBuf;               // destination buffer for async inner webResponse reads
        private string          _tempFileName;          // file name of temp file
        private long            _fullStreamLength;      // need to return this in call to get_Length 
        private volatile bool   _fullDownloadComplete;  // download complete if this is true - prevents us from waiting for more data
                                                        // this is volatile because it can be updated and inspected by different threads 
        private long            _highWaterMark;         // how much data is currently available from full download 
                                                        // used to determine whether it makes sense to spawn a byte-range download
                                                        // access to this value must be synchronized using lock() 

        // OS synchronization event used to signal that new data is available
        private EventWaitHandle[]   _readEventHandles = new EventWaitHandle[(int)ReadEvent.MaxReadEventEnum]; 

        // protects the _tempFileStream object and allows both our thread and the ByteRangeDownloader thread to safely access the temp stream 
        private Mutex               _tempFileMutex = new Mutex(false); 

        // byte-range downloads 
        private bool                _allowByteRangeRequests;        // toggle
        private ByteRangeDownloader _byteRangeDownloader;           // handles byte-range downloads for us
        private bool                _inAdditionalRequest;           // only spawn one byte-range request at a time
        private ArrayList           _byteRangesAvailable;           // byte ranges that are downloaded 
        private int                 _unmergedBlocks;                // for trace only 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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