UidManager.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Build / Microsoft / Build / Tasks / Windows / UidManager.cs / 2 / UidManager.cs

//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
// Description: 
//     Adds, updates or checks validity of Uids (Unique identifiers) 
//     on all XAML elements in XAML files.
// History:
//  07/24/2003 : [....] - Created 
//  04/02/2004 : [....] - preserved format using XmlTextWriter + StreamWriter
//  11/17/2004 : [....] - rework UidManager. Preserve source file format 
//                          using only stream writer. 

using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO; 
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
using System.Reflection; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using MS.Internal.Markup;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework; 
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using MS.Utility;                   // For SR
using MS.Internal.Tasks;

// Since we disable PreSharp warnings in this file, we first need to disable warnings about unknown message numbers and unknown pragmas. 
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Windows 
    /// An MSBuild task that checks or corrects unique identifiers in
    /// XAML markup.
    public sealed class UidManager : Task 
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors
        /// Create a UidManager object. 
        public UidManager() : base(SR.ResourceManager)
            _backupPath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();


        //  Public Methods

        #region Public Methods
        /// The method invoked by MSBuild to check or correct Uids. 
        public override bool Execute()
            TaskHelper.DisplayLogo(Log, SR.Get(SRID.UidManagerTask));

            if (MarkupFiles == null || MarkupFiles.Length == 0)
                return false; 

                _task = (UidTask)Enum.Parse(typeof(UidTask), _taskAsString);
            catch (ArgumentException) 
                Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(SRID.BadUidTask.String, _taskAsString); 
                return false; 

            bool allFilesOk;
                allFilesOk = ManageUids();
            catch (Exception e) 
                // PreSharp Complaint 6500 - do not handle null-ref or SEH exceptions. 
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)
                    string message; 
                    string errorId;
                    errorId = Log.ExtractMessageCode(e.Message, out message);

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorId))
                        errorId = UnknownErrorID;
                        message = SR.Get(SRID.UnknownBuildError, message); 

                    Log.LogError(null, errorId, null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, message, null); 

                    allFilesOk = false;
#pragma warning disable 6500
            catch // Non-CLS compliant errors 
                allFilesOk = false; 
#pragma warning restore 6500

            return allFilesOk; 

        //  Public Properties

        #region Public Properties 
        /// The markup file(s) to be checked or updated.
        public ITaskItem[] MarkupFiles
            get { return _markupFiles; } 
            set { _markupFiles = value; }
        /// The directory for intermedia files 
        public string IntermediateDirectory 
            get { return _backupPath; } 
                string sourceDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; 
                _backupPath = TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(value, sourceDir);

        /// Enum to determine which Uid management task to undertake 
        private enum UidTask 

            /// Uid managment task to check validity of Uids 
            Check = 0, 
            /// Uid managment task to Update Uids to a valid state 
            Update = 1,

            /// Uid managment task to remove all Uids
            Remove = 2, 
        /// Uid management task required
        public string Task
            get { return _taskAsString; } 
            set { _taskAsString = value; }


        //  Private Methods 
        private bool ManageUids()
            int countGoodFiles = 0;
            // enumerate through each file 
            foreach (ITaskItem inputFile in _markupFiles)
                Log.LogMessageFromResources(SRID.CheckingUids.String, inputFile.ItemSpec); 
                switch (_task)
                    case UidTask.Check:
                        UidCollector collector = ParseFile(inputFile.ItemSpec);
                        bool success = VerifyUid(
                            collector,          // uid collector 
                            true                // log error 
                        if (success) countGoodFiles++;
                    case UidTask.Update: 
                        UidCollector collector = ParseFile(inputFile.ItemSpec); 
                        bool success = VerifyUid(
                            collector,          // uid collector 
                            false               // log error

                        if (!success) 
                            if (SetupBackupDirectory()) 
                                // resolve errors

                                // temp file to write to
                                string tempFile   = GetTempFileName(inputFile.ItemSpec);
                                // backup file of the source file before it is overwritten.
                                string backupFile = GetBackupFileName(inputFile.ItemSpec); 
                                using (Stream uidStream = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Create))
                                    using (Stream source = File.OpenRead(inputFile.ItemSpec))
                                        UidWriter writer = new UidWriter(collector, source, uidStream);
                                // backup source file by renaming it. Expect to be (close to) atomic op.
                                RenameFile(inputFile.ItemSpec, backupFile); 

                                // rename the uid output onto the source file. Expect to be (close to) atomic op.
                                RenameFile(tempFile, inputFile.ItemSpec);
                                // remove the temp files

                            // all uids are good. No-op

                    case UidTask.Remove:
                        UidCollector collector = ParseFile(inputFile.ItemSpec); 

                        bool hasUid = false; 
                        for (int i = 0; i < collector.Count; i++) 
                            if (collector[i].Status != UidStatus.Absent) 
                                hasUid = true;
                        if (hasUid) 
                            if (SetupBackupDirectory()) 
                                // temp file to write to
                                string tempFile   = GetTempFileName(inputFile.ItemSpec);
                                // backup file of the source file before it is overwritten.
                                string backupFile = GetBackupFileName(inputFile.ItemSpec); 
                                using (Stream uidStream = new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Create))
                                    using (Stream source = File.OpenRead(inputFile.ItemSpec))
                                        UidWriter writer = new UidWriter(collector, source, uidStream);
                                // rename the source file to the backup file name. Expect to be (close to) atomic op.
                                RenameFile(inputFile.ItemSpec, backupFile); 

                                // rename the output file over to the source file. Expect to be (close to) atomic op.
                                RenameFile(tempFile, inputFile.ItemSpec);
                                // remove the temp files

                            // There is no Uid in the file. No need to do remove.

            // spew out the overral log info for the task
            switch (_task) 
                case UidTask.Remove:
                    Log.LogMessageFromResources(SRID.FilesRemovedUid.String, countGoodFiles); 

                case UidTask.Update:
                    Log.LogMessageFromResources(SRID.FilesUpdatedUid.String, countGoodFiles); 
                case UidTask.Check: 
                    Log.LogMessageFromResources(SRID.FilesPassedUidCheck.String, countGoodFiles);
                    if (_markupFiles.Length > countGoodFiles)
                        Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(SRID.FilesFailedUidCheck.String, _markupFiles.Length - countGoodFiles);
            return _markupFiles.Length == countGoodFiles;

       private string GetTempFileName(string fileName)
            return Path.Combine(_backupPath, Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(fileName), "uidtemp"));
        private string GetBackupFileName (string fileName)
            return Path.Combine(_backupPath, Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(fileName), "uidbackup"));

        private void RenameFile(string src, string dest) 
            File.Move(src, dest); 
        private void RemoveFile(string fileName)
            if (File.Exists(fileName))

        private bool SetupBackupDirectory() 
                if (!Directory.Exists(_backupPath)) 

                return true; 
            catch (Exception e)
                // PreSharp Complaint 6500 - do not handle null-ref or SEH exceptions. 
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)
                    Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(SRID.IntermediateDirectoryError.String, _backupPath);
                    return false;
#pragma warning disable 6500 
            catch   // Non-cls compliant errors 
                Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(SRID.IntermediateDirectoryError.String, _backupPath); 
                return false;
#pragma warning restore 6500


        /// Verify the Uids in the file
        /// UidCollector containing all Uid instances
        /// true to log errors while verifying 
        /// true indicates no errors
        private bool VerifyUid( 
            UidCollector collector, 
            bool         logError
            bool errorFound = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < collector.Count; i++) 
                Uid currentUid = collector[i]; 
                if (currentUid.Status == UidStatus.Absent) 
                    // Uid missing 
                    if (logError)
                             0, 0,
                             SRID.UidMissing.String, currentUid.ElementName 

                    errorFound = true; 
                else if (currentUid.Status == UidStatus.Duplicate) 
                    // Uid duplicates
                    if (logError) 
                              0, 0, 
                              SRID.MultipleUidUse.String, currentUid.Value, currentUid.ElementName


                    errorFound = true; 

            return !errorFound; 

        /// Parse the input file and get all the information of Uids 
        /// input file 
        /// UidCollector containing all the information for the Uids in the file 
        private UidCollector ParseFile(string fileName)
            UidCollector collector = new UidCollector(fileName  );

            using (Stream xamlStream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
                XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
                XmlParserContext context  = new XmlParserContext( 
                    null,                 // nametable 
                    nsmgr,                // namespace manager
                    null,                 // xml:Lang scope 
                    XmlSpace.Default      // XmlSpace

                XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader( 
                    xamlStream,           // xml stream
                    XmlNodeType.Document, // parsing document 
                    context               // parser context 
                while (reader.Read())
                    switch (reader.NodeType)
                        case XmlNodeType.Element :
                            if (collector.RootElementLineNumber < 0) 
                                collector.RootElementLineNumber   = reader.LineNumber; 
                                collector.RootElementLinePosition = reader.LinePosition;

                            if (reader.Name.IndexOf('.') >= 0) 
                                // the name has a dot, which suggests it is a property tag. 
                                // we will ignore adding uid 

                            Uid currentUid = new Uid(
                                    reader.LinePosition + reader.Name.Length, 
                                    SpaceInsertion.BeforeUid  // insert space before the Uid 
                                    );                                   ; 

                            if (reader.HasAttributes) 

                                // As a heuristic to better preserve the source file, add uid to the place of the 
                                // first attribute
                                currentUid.LineNumber   = reader.LineNumber; 
                                currentUid.LinePosition = reader.LinePosition; 
                                currentUid.Space        = SpaceInsertion.AfterUid;
                                    string namespaceUri = nsmgr.LookupNamespace(reader.Prefix);
                                    if (reader.LocalName == XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionUid
                                     && namespaceUri == XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI) 
                                        // found x:Uid attribute, store the actual value and position
                                        currentUid.Value        = reader.Value; 
                                        currentUid.LineNumber   = reader.LineNumber;
                                        currentUid.LinePosition = reader.LinePosition;
                                    else if (reader.LocalName == "Name" 
                                          && namespaceUri == XamlReaderHelper.DefaultNamespaceURI)
                                        // found Name attribute, store the Name value 
                                        currentUid.FrameworkElementName = reader.Value;
                                    else if (reader.LocalName == "Name"
                                          && namespaceUri == XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI)
                                        // found x:Name attribute, store the Name value 
                                        currentUid.FrameworkElementName = reader.Value;
                                    else if (reader.Prefix == "xmlns") 
                                        // found a namespace declaration, store the namespace prefix 
                                        // so that when we need to add a new namespace declaration later
                                        // we won't reuse the namespace prefix.
                                while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()); 
                            if (currentUid.Value == null)
                                // there is no x:Uid found on this element, we need to resolve the
                                // namespace prefix in order to add the Uid 
                                string prefix = nsmgr.LookupPrefix(XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionNamespaceURI);
                                if (prefix != string.Empty) 
                                    currentUid.NamespacePrefix = prefix; 
            return collector;

        // Private members
        private UidTask       _task;            // task
        private ITaskItem[]   _markupFiles;     // input Xaml files 
        private string        _taskAsString;    // task string 
        private string        _backupPath;      // path to store to backup source Xaml files
        internal static readonly CultureInfo EnglishUSCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-us"); 

        private const string UnknownErrorID = "UM1000";
    // represent all the information about a Uid
    // The uid may be valid, absent, or duplicate 
    internal sealed class Uid 
        internal Uid( 
            int     lineNumber,
            int     linePosition,
            string  elementName,
            SpaceInsertion    spaceInsertion 
            LineNumber          = lineNumber; 
            LinePosition        = linePosition;
            ElementName         = elementName; 
            Value               = null;
            NamespacePrefix     = null;
            FrameworkElementName  = null;
            Status              = UidStatus.Valid; 
            Space               = spaceInsertion;

        internal int        LineNumber;         // Referenced line number of the original document 
        internal int        LinePosition;       // Reference line position of the original document
        internal string     ElementName;        // name of the element that needs this uid
        internal SpaceInsertion    Space;       // Insert a space before/after the Uid
        internal string     Value;              // value of the uid
        internal string     NamespacePrefix;    // namespace prefix for the uid 
        internal string     FrameworkElementName; // the FrameworkElement.Name of element 
        internal UidStatus  Status;             // the status of the this uid

    internal enum UidStatus : byte
        Valid       = 0,    // uid is valid
        Absent      = 1,    // uid is absent 
        Duplicate   = 2,    // uid is duplicated 
    internal enum SpaceInsertion : byte
        BeforeUid,          // Insert a space before the Uid
        AfterUid            // Insert a space after the Uid 
    // a class collects all the information about Uids per file 
    internal sealed class UidCollector
        public UidCollector(string fileName)
            _uids               = new List(32);
            _namespacePrefixes  = new List(2); 
            _uidTable           = new Hashtable();
            _fileName           = fileName; 
            _sequenceMaxIds     = new Hashtable(); 
        // remembering all the namespace prefixes in the file
        // in case we need to add a new definition namespace declaration
        public void AddNamespacePrefix(string prefix)
        // add the uid to the collector
        public void AddUid(Uid uid) 

            // set the uid status according to the raw data 
            if (uid.Value == null)
                uid.Status = UidStatus.Absent; 
            else  if (_uidTable.Contains(uid.Value)) 
                uid.Status = UidStatus.Duplicate;
                // valid uid, store it 

        public void ResolveUidErrors()
            for (int i = 0; i < _uids.Count; i++) 
                Uid currentUid = _uids[i]; 
                if ( currentUid.Status == UidStatus.Absent
                  && currentUid.NamespacePrefix == null 
                  && _namespacePrefixForMissingUid == null)
                    // there is Uid not in scope of any definition namespace
                    // we will need to generate a new namespace prefix for them 
                    _namespacePrefixForMissingUid = GeneratePrefix();
                if (currentUid.Status != UidStatus.Valid)
                    // resolve invalid uids
                    currentUid.Value = GetAvailableUid(currentUid);
        public int RootElementLineNumber 
            get { return _rootElementLineNumber; } 
            set { _rootElementLineNumber = value; }

        public int RootElementLinePosition 
            get { return _rootElementLinePosition; } 
            set { _rootElementLinePosition = value; } 
        public string FileName
            get { return _fileName; }

        public Uid this[int index] 
                return _uids[index];
        public int Count
            get { return _uids.Count; } 
        public string NamespaceAddedForMissingUid
            get { return _namespacePrefixForMissingUid; }

        // Private methods
        private void StoreUid(string value)
            // we just want to check for existence, so storing a null
            _uidTable[value] = null; 

            string uidSequence; 
            Int64 index; 

            ParseUid(value, out uidSequence, out index); 
            if (uidSequence != null)
                if (_sequenceMaxIds.Contains(uidSequence))
                    Int64 maxIndex = (Int64)_sequenceMaxIds[uidSequence];
                    if (maxIndex < index) 
                        _sequenceMaxIds[uidSequence] = index;
                    _sequenceMaxIds[uidSequence] = index; 

        private string GetAvailableUid(Uid uid) 
            string availableUid;

            // copy the ID if available 
            if (uid.FrameworkElementName != null
             && (!_uidTable.Contains(uid.FrameworkElementName)) 
                availableUid = uid.FrameworkElementName; 
                // generate a new id 
                string sequence = GetElementLocalName(uid.ElementName);
                Int64 index; 
                if (_sequenceMaxIds.Contains(sequence))
                    index = (Int64) _sequenceMaxIds[sequence];

                    if (index == Int64.MaxValue)
                        // this sequence reaches the max
                        // we fallback to create a new sequence 
                        index = -1; 
                        while (index < 0)
                            sequence = (_uidSequenceFallbackCount == 0) ?
                              : UidFallbackSequence + _uidSequenceFallbackCount;
                            if (_sequenceMaxIds.Contains(sequence))
                                index = (Int64) _sequenceMaxIds[sequence]; 
                                if (index < Int64.MaxValue)
                                    // found the fallback sequence with valid index
                                    index ++;
                                // create a new sequence from 1
                                index = 1; 

                            _uidSequenceFallbackCount ++; 
                        index ++; 
                    // a new sequence
                    index = 1; 

                availableUid = sequence + UidSeparator + index; 

            // store the uid so that it won't be used again
            return availableUid;
        private void ParseUid(string uid, out string prefix, out Int64 index)
            // set prefix and index to invalid values
            prefix = null;
            index  = -1;
            if (uid == null) return;
            int separatorIndex = uid.LastIndexOf(UidSeparator); 
            if (separatorIndex > 0)
                string suffix = uid.Substring(separatorIndex + 1);

                // Disable Presharp warning 6502 : catch block shouldn't have empty body
                #pragma warning disable 6502 
                try {
                    index  = Int64.Parse(suffix, UidManager.EnglishUSCulture); 
                    prefix = uid.Substring(0, separatorIndex); 
                catch (FormatException) 
                    // wrong format
                catch (OverflowException) 
                    // not acceptable uid 
                #pragma warning restore 6502

        private string GetElementLocalName(string typeFullName)
            int index = typeFullName.LastIndexOf('.');
            if (index > 0) 
                return typeFullName.Substring(index + 1);
                return typeFullName;
        private string GeneratePrefix() 
            Int64 ext = 1; 
            string prefix = UidNamespaceAbbreviation.ToString(UidManager.EnglishUSCulture);

            // Disable Presharp warning 6502 : catch block shouldn't have empty body
            #pragma warning disable 6502 
                // find a prefix that is not used in the Xaml 
                // from x1, x2, ... x[n]
                while (_namespacePrefixes.Contains(prefix)) 
                    prefix = UidNamespaceAbbreviation + ext.ToString(UidManager.EnglishUSCulture);
                return prefix;
            catch (OverflowException) 
            #pragma warning restore 6502

            // if overflows, (extreamly imposible), we will return a guid as the prefix
            return Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 
        private List             _uids; 
        private Hashtable             _uidTable;
        private string                _fileName; 
        private Hashtable             _sequenceMaxIds;
        private List          _namespacePrefixes;
        private int                   _rootElementLineNumber        = -1;
        private int                   _rootElementLinePosition      = -1; 
        private string                _namespacePrefixForMissingUid = null;
        private int                   _uidSequenceFallbackCount     = 0; 
        private const char UidNamespaceAbbreviation   = 'x';
        private const char UidSeparator               = '_'; 
        private const string UidFallbackSequence      = "_Uid";

    // writing to a file, removing or updating uid
    internal sealed class UidWriter 
        internal UidWriter(UidCollector collector, Stream source, Stream target)
            _collector     = collector;
            _sourceReader  = new StreamReader(source);

             UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(true); 
            _targetWriter  = new StreamWriter(target, encoding);
            _lineBuffer    = new LineBuffer(_sourceReader.ReadLine()); 

        // write to target stream and update uids 
        internal bool UpdateUidWrite()
            try {
                // we need to add a new namespace 
                if (_collector.NamespaceAddedForMissingUid != null)
                    // write to the beginning of the root element 


                for (int i = 0; i < _collector.Count; i++) 
                    Uid currentUid = _collector[i];
                    WriteTillSourcePosition(currentUid.LineNumber, currentUid.LinePosition);
                    if (currentUid.Status == UidStatus.Absent)
                        if (currentUid.Space == SpaceInsertion.BeforeUid)


                        if (currentUid.Space == SpaceInsertion.AfterUid) 
                    else if (currentUid.Status == UidStatus.Duplicate)
                return true;
            catch (Exception e)
                // PreSharp Complaint 6500 - do not handle null-ref or SEH exceptions.
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException) 

                return false;
#pragma warning disable 6500 
                return false; 
#pragma warning restore 6500 

        // writing to the target stream removing uids
        internal bool RemoveUidWrite() 
            try { 
                for (int i = 0; i < _collector.Count; i++) 
                    Uid currentUid = _collector[i]; 

                    // skipping valid and duplicate uids.
                    if ( currentUid.Status == UidStatus.Duplicate
                      || currentUid.Status == UidStatus.Valid) 
                        // write till the space in front of the Uid 
                        WriteTillSourcePosition(currentUid.LineNumber, currentUid.LinePosition - 1); 

                        // skip the uid 

                return true; 
            catch (Exception e) 
                // PreSharp Complaint 6500 - do not handle null-ref or SEH exceptions.
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)
                return false;
#pragma warning disable 6500
                return false; 
#pragma warning restore 6500 

        private void WriteTillSourcePosition(int lineNumber, int linePosition) 
            // write to the correct line
            while (_currentLineNumber < lineNumber)
                // write out the line buffer
                _currentLinePosition = 1;
                // read one more line
            // write to the correct line position
            while (_currentLinePosition < linePosition) 

        private void WriteElementTag()
            if (_lineBuffer.EOL) 
                // advance to the non-empty line 

            char ch = _lineBuffer.Peek(); 

            // stop when we see space, "/" or ">". That is the end of the 
            // element name 
            while (!Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)
                   && ch != '/' 
                   && ch != '>'

                if (_lineBuffer.EOL)

                ch = _lineBuffer.Peek(); 
        private void WriteNewUid(Uid uid)
            // construct the attribute name, e.g. x:Uid
            // "x" will be the resolved namespace prefix for the definition namespace
            string attributeName =
                (uid.NamespacePrefix == null) ? 
                 _collector.NamespaceAddedForMissingUid + ":" + XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionUid
               : uid.NamespacePrefix + ":" + XamlReaderHelper.DefinitionUid; 
            // escape all the Xml entities in the value
            string attributeValue = EscapedXmlEntities.Replace( 
            string clause = string.Format(


        private void WriteNewNamespace() 
            string clause = string.Format(


        private void WriteNewAttributeValue(string value) 
            string attributeValue = EscapedXmlEntities.Replace(
        private void WriteSpace() 
             // insert a space 
            _targetWriter.Write(" ");

        private void WriteTillEof() 

        private void SkipSourceAttributeValue()
            char ch = (char) 0; 

            // read to the start quote of the attribute value 
            while (ch != '\"' && ch != '\'') 
                if (_lineBuffer.EOL) 
                ch = _lineBuffer.Read();
                _currentLinePosition ++; 

            char attributeValueStart = ch; 
            // read to the end quote of the attribute value
            ch = (char) 0;
            while (ch != attributeValueStart)
                if (_lineBuffer.EOL)
                ch = _lineBuffer.Read();
                _currentLinePosition ++;

        private void AdvanceTillNextNonEmptyLine(WriterAction action) 
                if (action == WriterAction.Write)

                _currentLinePosition = 1;
            } while (_lineBuffer.EOL);

        private void ProcessAttributeStart(WriterAction action)
            if (_lineBuffer.EOL) 

            char ch;
                ch = _lineBuffer.Read(); 
                if (action == WriterAction.Write)


                if (_lineBuffer.EOL) 

            } while (ch != '=');
        // source position in a file starts from (1,1) 

        private int             _currentLineNumber   = 1;   // current line number in the source stream 
        private int             _currentLinePosition = 1;   // current line position in the source stream
        private LineBuffer      _lineBuffer;                // buffer for one line's content

        private UidCollector    _collector; 
        private StreamReader    _sourceReader;
        private StreamWriter    _targetWriter; 
        // buffer for the content of a line 
        // The UidWriter always reads one line at a time from the source
        // and store the line in this buffer.
        private sealed class LineBuffer 
            private int    Index; 
            private string Content; 

            public LineBuffer(string line) 
            public void SetLine(string line)
                Content = (line == null) ? string.Empty : line; 
                Index   = 0;

            public bool EOL
                get { return (Index == Content.Length); } 
            public char Read() 
                if (!EOL) 
                    return Content[Index++];
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            public char Peek()
                if (!EOL)
                    return Content[Index];

                throw new InvalidOperationException(); 

            public string ReadToEnd() 
                if (!EOL)
                    int temp = Index; 
                    Index    = Content.Length;
                    return Content.Substring(temp); 
                return string.Empty;
        private enum WriterAction
            Write = 0,  // write the content 
            Skip  = 1,  // skip the content

        private static Regex          EscapedXmlEntities   = new Regex("(<|>|\"|'|&)", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Compiled);
        private static MatchEvaluator EscapeMatchEvaluator = new MatchEvaluator(EscapeMatch);
        /// the delegate to escape the matched pattern 
        private static string EscapeMatch(Match match)
            switch (match.Value)
                case "<":
                    return "<"; 
                case ">":
                    return ">"; 
                case "&": 
                    return "&";
                case "\"": 
                    return """;
                case "'":
                    return "'";
                   return match.Value;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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