/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Net / System / Net / _LoggingObject.cs / 1305376 / _LoggingObject.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // We have function based stack and thread based logging of basic behavior. We // also now have the ability to run a "watch thread" which does basic hang detection // and error-event based logging. The logging code buffers the callstack/picture // of all COMNET threads, and upon error from an assert or a hang, it will open a file // and dump the snapsnot. Future work will allow this to be configed by registry and // to use Runtime based logging. We'd also like to have different levels of logging. // namespace System.Net { using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Security.Permissions; using System.Security.Principal; using System.Security; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; using System.Globalization; using System.Configuration; // // BaseLoggingObject - used to disable logging, // this is just a base class that does nothing. // internal class BaseLoggingObject { internal BaseLoggingObject() { } internal virtual void EnterFunc(string funcname) { } internal virtual void LeaveFunc(string funcname) { } internal virtual void DumpArrayToConsole() { } internal virtual void PrintLine(string msg) { } internal virtual void DumpArray(bool shouldClose) { } internal virtual void DumpArrayToFile(bool shouldClose) { } internal virtual void Flush() { } internal virtual void Flush(bool close) { } internal virtual void LoggingMonitorTick() { } internal virtual void Dump(byte[] buffer) { } internal virtual void Dump(byte[] buffer, int length) { } internal virtual void Dump(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) { } internal virtual void Dump(IntPtr pBuffer, int offset, int length) { } } // class BaseLoggingObject #if TRAVE ////// /// internal class LoggingObject : BaseLoggingObject { public ArrayList _Logarray; private Hashtable _ThreadNesting; private int _AddCount; private StreamWriter _Stream; private int _IamAlive; private int _LastIamAlive; private bool _Finalized = false; private double _NanosecondsPerTick; private int _StartMilliseconds; private long _StartTicks; internal LoggingObject() : base() { _Logarray = new ArrayList(); _ThreadNesting = new Hashtable(); _AddCount = 0; _IamAlive = 0; _LastIamAlive = -1; if (GlobalLog.s_UsePerfCounter) { long ticksPerSecond; SafeNativeMethods.QueryPerformanceFrequency(out ticksPerSecond); _NanosecondsPerTick = 10000000.0/(double)ticksPerSecond; SafeNativeMethods.QueryPerformanceCounter(out _StartTicks); } else { _StartMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount; } } // // LoggingMonitorTick - this function is run from the monitor thread, // and used to check to see if there any hangs, ie no logging // activitity // internal override void LoggingMonitorTick() { if ( _LastIamAlive == _IamAlive ) { PrintLine("================= Error TIMEOUT - HANG DETECTED ================="); DumpArray(true); } _LastIamAlive = _IamAlive; } internal override void EnterFunc(string funcname) { if (_Finalized) { return; } IncNestingCount(); ValidatePush(funcname); PrintLine(funcname); } internal override void LeaveFunc(string funcname) { if (_Finalized) { return; } PrintLine(funcname); DecNestingCount(); ValidatePop(funcname); } internal override void DumpArrayToConsole() { for (int i=0; i < _Logarray.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine((string) _Logarray[i]); } } internal override void PrintLine(string msg) { if (_Finalized) { return; } string spc = ""; _IamAlive++; spc = GetNestingString(); string tickString = ""; if (GlobalLog.s_UsePerfCounter) { long nowTicks; SafeNativeMethods.QueryPerformanceCounter(out nowTicks); if (_StartTicks>nowTicks) { // counter reset, restart from 0 _StartTicks = nowTicks; } nowTicks -= _StartTicks; if (GlobalLog.s_UseTimeSpan) { tickString = new TimeSpan((long)(nowTicks*_NanosecondsPerTick)).ToString(); // note: TimeSpan().ToString() doesn't return the uSec part // if its 0. .ToString() returns [H*]HH:MM:SS:uuuuuuu, hence 16 if (tickString.Length < 16) { tickString += ".0000000"; } } else { tickString = ((double)nowTicks*_NanosecondsPerTick/10000).ToString("f3"); } } else { int nowMilliseconds = Environment.TickCount; if (_StartMilliseconds>nowMilliseconds) { _StartMilliseconds = nowMilliseconds; } nowMilliseconds -= _StartMilliseconds; if (GlobalLog.s_UseTimeSpan) { tickString = new TimeSpan(nowMilliseconds*10000).ToString(); // note: TimeSpan().ToString() doesn't return the uSec part // if its 0. .ToString() returns [H*]HH:MM:SS:uuuuuuu, hence 16 if (tickString.Length < 16) { tickString += ".0000000"; } } else { tickString = nowMilliseconds.ToString(); } } uint threadId = 0; if (GlobalLog.s_UseThreadId) { try { object threadData = Thread.GetData(GlobalLog.s_ThreadIdSlot); if (threadData!= null) { threadId = (uint)threadData; } } catch(Exception exception) { if (exception is ThreadAbortException || exception is StackOverflowException || exception is OutOfMemoryException) { throw; } } if (threadId == 0) { threadId = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.GetCurrentThreadId(); Thread.SetData(GlobalLog.s_ThreadIdSlot, threadId); } } if (threadId == 0) { threadId = (uint)Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(); } string str = "[" + threadId.ToString("x8") + "]" + " (" +tickString+ ") " + spc + msg; lock(this) { _AddCount++; _Logarray.Add(str); int MaxLines = GlobalLog.s_DumpToConsole ? 0 : GlobalLog.MaxLinesBeforeSave; if (_AddCount > MaxLines) { _AddCount = 0; DumpArray(false); _Logarray = new ArrayList(); } } } internal override void DumpArray(bool shouldClose) { if ( GlobalLog.s_DumpToConsole ) { DumpArrayToConsole(); } else { DumpArrayToFile(shouldClose); } } internal unsafe override void Dump(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) { //if (!GlobalLog.s_DumpWebData) { // return; //} if (buffer==null) { PrintLine("(null)"); return; } if (offset > buffer.Length) { PrintLine("(offset out of range)"); return; } if (length > GlobalLog.s_MaxDumpSize) { PrintLine("(printing " + GlobalLog.s_MaxDumpSize.ToString() + " out of " + length.ToString() + ")"); length = GlobalLog.s_MaxDumpSize; } if ((length < 0) || (length > buffer.Length - offset)) { length = buffer.Length - offset; } fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer) { Dump((IntPtr)pBuffer, offset, length); } } internal unsafe override void Dump(IntPtr pBuffer, int offset, int length) { //if (!GlobalLog.s_DumpWebData) { // return; //} if (pBuffer==IntPtr.Zero || length<0) { PrintLine("(null)"); return; } if (length > GlobalLog.s_MaxDumpSize) { PrintLine("(printing " + GlobalLog.s_MaxDumpSize.ToString() + " out of " + length.ToString() + ")"); length = GlobalLog.s_MaxDumpSize; } byte* buffer = (byte*)pBuffer + offset; Dump(buffer, length); } unsafe void Dump(byte* buffer, int length) { do { int offset = 0; int n = Math.Min(length, 16); string disp = ((IntPtr)buffer).ToString("X8") + " : " + offset.ToString("X8") + " : "; byte current; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { current = *(buffer + i); disp += current.ToString("X2") + ((i == 7) ? '-' : ' '); } for (int i = n; i < 16; ++i) { disp += " "; } disp += ": "; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { current = *(buffer + i); disp += ((current < 0x20) || (current > 0x7e)) ? '.' : (char)current; } PrintLine(disp); offset += n; buffer += n; length -= n; } while (length > 0); } // SECURITY: This is dev-debugging class and we need some permissions // to use it under trust-restricted environment as well. [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Name="FullTrust")] internal override void DumpArrayToFile(bool shouldClose) { lock (this) { if (!shouldClose) { if (_Stream==null) { string mainLogFileRoot = GlobalLog.s_RootDirectory + "System.Net"; string mainLogFile = mainLogFileRoot; for (int k=0; k<20; k++) { if (k>0) { mainLogFile = mainLogFileRoot + "." + k.ToString(); } string fileName = mainLogFile + ".log"; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { try { _Stream = new StreamWriter(fileName); break; } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception is ThreadAbortException || exception is StackOverflowException || exception is OutOfMemoryException) { throw; } if (exception is SecurityException || exception is UnauthorizedAccessException) { // can't be CAS (we assert) this is an ACL issue break; } } } } if (_Stream==null) { _Stream = StreamWriter.Null; } // write a header with information about the Process and the AppDomain _Stream.Write("# MachineName: " + Environment.MachineName + "\r\n"); _Stream.Write("# ProcessName: " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + " (pid: " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id + ")\r\n"); _Stream.Write("# AppDomainId: " + AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Id + "\r\n"); _Stream.Write("# CurrentIdentity: " + WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name + "\r\n"); _Stream.Write("# CommandLine: " + Environment.CommandLine + "\r\n"); _Stream.Write("# ClrVersion: " + Environment.Version + "\r\n"); _Stream.Write("# CreationDate: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("g") + "\r\n"); } } try { if (_Logarray!=null) { for (int i=0; i<_Logarray.Count; i++) { _Stream.Write((string)_Logarray[i]); _Stream.Write("\r\n"); } if (_Logarray.Count > 0 && _Stream != null) _Stream.Flush(); } } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception is ThreadAbortException || exception is StackOverflowException || exception is OutOfMemoryException) { throw; } } if (shouldClose && _Stream!=null) { try { _Stream.Close(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } _Stream = null; } } } internal override void Flush() { Flush(false); } internal override void Flush(bool close) { lock (this) { if (!GlobalLog.s_DumpToConsole) { DumpArrayToFile(close); _AddCount = 0; } } } private class ThreadInfoData { public ThreadInfoData(string indent) { Indent = indent; NestingStack = new Stack(); } public string Indent; public Stack NestingStack; }; string IndentString { get { string indent = " "; Object obj = _ThreadNesting[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()]; if (!GlobalLog.s_DebugCallNesting) { if (obj == null) { _ThreadNesting[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()] = indent; } else { indent = (String) obj; } } else { ThreadInfoData threadInfo = obj as ThreadInfoData; if (threadInfo == null) { threadInfo = new ThreadInfoData(indent); _ThreadNesting[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()] = threadInfo; } indent = threadInfo.Indent; } return indent; } set { Object obj = _ThreadNesting[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()]; if (obj == null) { return; } if (!GlobalLog.s_DebugCallNesting) { _ThreadNesting[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()] = value; } else { ThreadInfoData threadInfo = obj as ThreadInfoData; if (threadInfo == null) { threadInfo = new ThreadInfoData(value); _ThreadNesting[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()] = threadInfo; } threadInfo.Indent = value; } } } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] private void IncNestingCount() { IndentString = IndentString + " "; } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] private void DecNestingCount() { string indent = IndentString; if (indent.Length>1) { try { indent = indent.Substring(1); } catch { indent = string.Empty; } } if (indent.Length==0) { indent = "< "; } IndentString = indent; } private string GetNestingString() { return IndentString; } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] private void ValidatePush(string name) { if (GlobalLog.s_DebugCallNesting) { Object obj = _ThreadNesting[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()]; ThreadInfoData threadInfo = obj as ThreadInfoData; if (threadInfo == null) { return; } threadInfo.NestingStack.Push(name); } } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] private void ValidatePop(string name) { if (GlobalLog.s_DebugCallNesting) { try { Object obj = _ThreadNesting[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()]; ThreadInfoData threadInfo = obj as ThreadInfoData; if (threadInfo == null) { return; } if (threadInfo.NestingStack.Count == 0) { PrintLine("++++====" + "Poped Empty Stack for :"+name); } string popedName = (string) threadInfo.NestingStack.Pop(); string [] parsedList = popedName.Split(new char [] {'(',')',' ','.',':',',','#'}); foreach (string element in parsedList) { if (element != null && element.Length > 1 && name.IndexOf(element) != -1) { return; } } PrintLine("++++====" + "Expected:" + popedName + ": got :" + name + ": StackSize:"+threadInfo.NestingStack.Count); // relevel the stack while(threadInfo.NestingStack.Count>0) { string popedName2 = (string) threadInfo.NestingStack.Pop(); string [] parsedList2 = popedName2.Split(new char [] {'(',')',' ','.',':',',','#'}); foreach (string element2 in parsedList2) { if (element2 != null && element2.Length > 1 && name.IndexOf(element2) != -1) { return; } } } } catch { PrintLine("++++====" + "ValidatePop failed for: "+name); } } } ~LoggingObject() { if(!_Finalized) { _Finalized = true; lock(this) { DumpArray(true); } } } } // class LoggingObject internal static class TraveHelper { private static readonly string Hexizer = "0x{0:x}"; internal static string ToHex(object value) { return String.Format(Hexizer, value); } } #endif // TRAVE #if TRAVE internal class IntegerSwitch : BooleanSwitch { public IntegerSwitch(string switchName, string switchDescription) : base(switchName, switchDescription) { } public new int Value { get { return base.SwitchSetting; } } } #endif [Flags] internal enum ThreadKinds { Unknown = 0x0000, // Mutually exclusive. User = 0x0001, // Thread has entered via an API. System = 0x0002, // Thread has entered via a system callback (e.g. completion port) or is our own thread. // Mutually exclusive. [....] = 0x0004, // Thread should block. Async = 0x0008, // Thread should not block. // Mutually exclusive, not always known for a user thread. Never changes. Timer = 0x0010, // Thread is the timer thread. (Can't call user code.) CompletionPort = 0x0020, // Thread is a ThreadPool completion-port thread. Worker = 0x0040, // Thread is a ThreadPool worker thread. Finalization = 0x0080, // Thread is the finalization thread. Other = 0x0100, // Unknown source. OwnerMask = User | System, SyncMask = [....] | Async, SourceMask = Timer | CompletionPort | Worker | Finalization | Other, // Useful "macros" SafeSources = SourceMask & ~(Timer | Finalization), // Methods that "unsafe" sources can call must be explicitly marked. ThreadPool = CompletionPort | Worker, // Like Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread } ////// /// internal static class GlobalLog { // // Logging Initalization - I need to disable Logging code, and limit // the effect it has when it is dissabled, so I use a bool here. // // This can only be set when the logging code is built and enabled. // By specifing the "CSC_DEFINES=/D:TRAVE" in the build environment, // this code will be built and then checks against an enviroment variable // and a BooleanSwitch to see if any of the two have enabled logging. // private static BaseLoggingObject Logobject = GlobalLog.LoggingInitialize(); #if TRAVE internal static LocalDataStoreSlot s_ThreadIdSlot; internal static bool s_UseThreadId; internal static bool s_UseTimeSpan; internal static bool s_DumpWebData; internal static bool s_UsePerfCounter; internal static bool s_DebugCallNesting; internal static bool s_DumpToConsole; internal static int s_MaxDumpSize; internal static string s_RootDirectory; // // Logging Config Variables - below are list of consts that can be used to config // the logging, // // Max number of lines written into a buffer, before a save is invoked // s_DumpToConsole disables. public const int MaxLinesBeforeSave = 0; #endif [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] private static BaseLoggingObject LoggingInitialize() { #if DEBUG if (GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLogging", "System.Net logging module", false) && GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_ConnectionMonitor", "System.Net connection monitor thread", false)) { InitConnectionMonitor(); } #endif // DEBUG #if TRAVE // by default we'll log to c:\temp\ so that non interactive services (like w3wp.exe) that don't have environment // variables can easily be debugged, note that the ACLs of the directory might need to be adjusted if (!GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_OverrideDefaults", "System.Net log override default settings", false)) { s_ThreadIdSlot = Thread.AllocateDataSlot(); s_UseThreadId = true; s_UseTimeSpan = true; s_DumpWebData = true; s_MaxDumpSize = 256; s_UsePerfCounter = true; s_DebugCallNesting = true; s_DumpToConsole = false; s_RootDirectory = "C:\\Temp\\"; return new LoggingObject(); } if (GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLogging", "System.Net logging module", false)) { s_ThreadIdSlot = Thread.AllocateDataSlot(); s_UseThreadId = GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_UseThreadId", "System.Net log display system thread id", false); s_UseTimeSpan = GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_UseTimeSpan", "System.Net log display ticks as TimeSpan", false); s_DumpWebData = GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_DumpWebData", "System.Net log display HTTP send/receive data", false); s_MaxDumpSize = GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_MaxDumpSize", "System.Net log max size of display data", 256); s_UsePerfCounter = GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_UsePerfCounter", "System.Net log use QueryPerformanceCounter() to get ticks ", false); s_DebugCallNesting = GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_DebugCallNesting", "System.Net used to debug call nesting", false); s_DumpToConsole = GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_DumpToConsole", "System.Net log to console", false); s_RootDirectory = GetSwitchValue("SystemNetLog_RootDirectory", "System.Net root directory of log file", string.Empty); return new LoggingObject(); } #endif // TRAVE return new BaseLoggingObject(); } #if TRAVE private static string GetSwitchValue(string switchName, string switchDescription, string defaultValue) { new EnvironmentPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); try { defaultValue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(switchName); } finally { EnvironmentPermission.RevertAssert(); } return defaultValue; } private static int GetSwitchValue(string switchName, string switchDescription, int defaultValue) { IntegerSwitch theSwitch = new IntegerSwitch(switchName, switchDescription); if (theSwitch.Enabled) { return theSwitch.Value; } new EnvironmentPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); try { string environmentVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(switchName); if (environmentVar!=null) { defaultValue = Int32.Parse(environmentVar.Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } finally { EnvironmentPermission.RevertAssert(); } return defaultValue; } #endif #if TRAVE || DEBUG private static bool GetSwitchValue(string switchName, string switchDescription, bool defaultValue) { BooleanSwitch theSwitch = new BooleanSwitch(switchName, switchDescription); new EnvironmentPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted).Assert(); try { if (theSwitch.Enabled) { return true; } string environmentVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(switchName); defaultValue = environmentVar!=null && environmentVar.Trim()=="1"; } catch (ConfigurationException) { } finally { EnvironmentPermission.RevertAssert(); } return defaultValue; } #endif // TRAVE || DEBUG // Enables thread tracing, detects mis-use of threads. #if DEBUG [ThreadStatic] private static Stackt_ThreadKindStack; private static Stack ThreadKindStack { get { if (t_ThreadKindStack == null) { t_ThreadKindStack = new Stack (); } return t_ThreadKindStack; } } #endif internal static ThreadKinds CurrentThreadKind { get { #if DEBUG return ThreadKindStack.Count > 0 ? ThreadKindStack.Peek() : ThreadKinds.Other; #else return ThreadKinds.Unknown; #endif } } #if DEBUG // ifdef'd instead of conditional since people are forced to handle the return value. // [Conditional("DEBUG")] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] internal static IDisposable SetThreadKind(ThreadKinds kind) { if ((kind & ThreadKinds.SourceMask) != ThreadKinds.Unknown) { throw new InternalException(); } // Ignore during shutdown. if (NclUtilities.HasShutdownStarted) { return null; } ThreadKinds threadKind = CurrentThreadKind; ThreadKinds source = threadKind & ThreadKinds.SourceMask; #if TRAVE // Special warnings when doing dangerous things on a thread. if ((threadKind & ThreadKinds.User) != 0 && (kind & ThreadKinds.System) != 0) { Print("WARNING: Thread changed from User to System; user's thread shouldn't be hijacked."); } if ((threadKind & ThreadKinds.Async) != 0 && (kind & ThreadKinds.[....]) != 0) { Print("WARNING: Thread changed from Async to [....], may block an Async thread."); } else if ((threadKind & (ThreadKinds.Other | ThreadKinds.CompletionPort)) == 0 && (kind & ThreadKinds.[....]) != 0) { Print("WARNING: Thread from a limited resource changed to [....], may deadlock or bottleneck."); } #endif ThreadKindStack.Push( (((kind & ThreadKinds.OwnerMask) == 0 ? threadKind : kind) & ThreadKinds.OwnerMask) | (((kind & ThreadKinds.SyncMask) == 0 ? threadKind : kind) & ThreadKinds.SyncMask) | (kind & ~(ThreadKinds.OwnerMask | ThreadKinds.SyncMask)) | source); #if TRAVE if (CurrentThreadKind != threadKind) { Print("Thread becomes:(" + CurrentThreadKind.ToString() + ")"); } #endif return new ThreadKindFrame(); } private class ThreadKindFrame : IDisposable { private int m_FrameNumber; internal ThreadKindFrame() { m_FrameNumber = ThreadKindStack.Count; } void IDisposable.Dispose() { // Ignore during shutdown. if (NclUtilities.HasShutdownStarted) { return; } if (m_FrameNumber != ThreadKindStack.Count) { throw new InternalException(); } ThreadKinds previous = ThreadKindStack.Pop(); #if TRAVE if (CurrentThreadKind != previous) { Print("Thread reverts:(" + CurrentThreadKind.ToString() + ")"); } #endif } } #endif [Conditional("DEBUG")] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] internal static void SetThreadSource(ThreadKinds source) { #if DEBUG if ((source & ThreadKinds.SourceMask) != source || source == ThreadKinds.Unknown) { throw new ArgumentException("Must specify the thread source.", "source"); } if (ThreadKindStack.Count == 0) { ThreadKindStack.Push(source); return; } if (ThreadKindStack.Count > 1) { Print("WARNING: SetThreadSource must be called at the base of the stack, or the stack has been corrupted."); while (ThreadKindStack.Count > 1) { ThreadKindStack.Pop(); } } if (ThreadKindStack.Peek() != source) { // SQL can fail to clean up the stack, leaving the default Other at the bottom. Replace it. Print("WARNING: The stack has been corrupted."); ThreadKinds last = ThreadKindStack.Pop() & ThreadKinds.SourceMask; Assert(last == source || last == ThreadKinds.Other, "Thread source changed.|Was:({0}) Now:({1})", last, source); ThreadKindStack.Push(source); } #endif } [Conditional("DEBUG")] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] internal static void ThreadContract(ThreadKinds kind, string errorMsg) { ThreadContract(kind, ThreadKinds.SafeSources, errorMsg); } [Conditional("DEBUG")] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] internal static void ThreadContract(ThreadKinds kind, ThreadKinds allowedSources, string errorMsg) { if ((kind & ThreadKinds.SourceMask) != ThreadKinds.Unknown || (allowedSources & ThreadKinds.SourceMask) != allowedSources) { throw new InternalException(); } ThreadKinds threadKind = CurrentThreadKind; Assert((threadKind & allowedSources) != 0, errorMsg, "Thread Contract Violation.|Expected source:({0}) Actual source:({1})", allowedSources , threadKind & ThreadKinds.SourceMask); Assert((threadKind & kind) == kind, errorMsg, "Thread Contract Violation.|Expected kind:({0}) Actual kind:({1})", kind, threadKind & ~ThreadKinds.SourceMask); } #if DEBUG // Enables auto-hang detection, which will "snap" a log on hang internal static bool EnableMonitorThread = false; // Default value for hang timer #if FEATURE_PAL // ROTORTODO - after speedups (like real JIT and GC) remove this public const int DefaultTickValue = 1000*60*5; // 5 minutes #else public const int DefaultTickValue = 1000*60; // 60 secs #endif // FEATURE_PAL #endif // DEBUG [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void AddToArray(string msg) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.PrintLine(msg); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Ignore(object msg) { } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] public static void Print(string msg) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.PrintLine(msg); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void PrintHex(string msg, object value) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.PrintLine(msg+TraveHelper.ToHex(value)); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Enter(string func) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.EnterFunc(func + "(*none*)"); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Enter(string func, string parms) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.EnterFunc(func + "(" + parms + ")"); #endif } [Conditional("DEBUG")] [Conditional("_FORCE_ASSERTS")] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] public static void Assert(bool condition, string messageFormat, params object[] data) { if (!condition) { string fullMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, messageFormat, data); int pipeIndex = fullMessage.IndexOf('|'); if (pipeIndex == -1) { Assert(fullMessage); } else { int detailLength = fullMessage.Length - pipeIndex - 1; Assert(fullMessage.Substring(0, pipeIndex), detailLength > 0 ? fullMessage.Substring(pipeIndex + 1, detailLength) : null); } } } [Conditional("DEBUG")] [Conditional("_FORCE_ASSERTS")] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] public static void Assert(string message) { Assert(message, null); } [Conditional("DEBUG")] [Conditional("_FORCE_ASSERTS")] [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] public static void Assert(string message, string detailMessage) { try { Print("Assert: " + message + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(detailMessage) ? ": " + detailMessage : "")); Print("*******"); Logobject.DumpArray(false); } finally { #if DEBUG && !STRESS Debug.Assert(false, message, detailMessage); #else UnsafeNclNativeMethods.DebugBreak(); Debugger.Break(); #endif } } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void LeaveException(string func, Exception exception) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.LeaveFunc(func + " exception " + ((exception!=null) ? exception.Message : String.Empty)); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Leave(string func) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.LeaveFunc(func + " returns "); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Leave(string func, string result) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.LeaveFunc(func + " returns " + result); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Leave(string func, int returnval) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.LeaveFunc(func + " returns " + returnval.ToString()); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Leave(string func, bool returnval) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.LeaveFunc(func + " returns " + returnval.ToString()); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void DumpArray() { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.DumpArray(true); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Dump(byte[] buffer) { #if TRAVE Logobject.Dump(buffer, 0, buffer!=null ? buffer.Length : -1); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Dump(byte[] buffer, int length) { #if TRAVE Logobject.Dump(buffer, 0, length); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Dump(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) { #if TRAVE Logobject.Dump(buffer, offset, length); #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("TRAVE")] public static void Dump(IntPtr buffer, int offset, int length) { #if TRAVE Logobject.Dump(buffer, offset, length); #endif } #if DEBUG private class HttpWebRequestComparer : IComparer { public int Compare( object x1, object y1 ) { HttpWebRequest x = (HttpWebRequest) x1; HttpWebRequest y = (HttpWebRequest) y1; if (x.GetHashCode() == y.GetHashCode()) { return 0; } else if (x.GetHashCode() < y.GetHashCode()) { return -1; } else if (x.GetHashCode() > y.GetHashCode()) { return 1; } return 0; } } private class ConnectionMonitorEntry { public HttpWebRequest m_Request; public int m_Flags; public DateTime m_TimeAdded; public Connection m_Connection; public ConnectionMonitorEntry(HttpWebRequest request, Connection connection, int flags) { m_Request = request; m_Connection = connection; m_Flags = flags; m_TimeAdded = DateTime.Now; } } private static ManualResetEvent s_ShutdownEvent; private static SortedList s_RequestList; internal const int WaitingForReadDoneFlag = 0x1; #endif #if DEBUG private static void ConnectionMonitor() { while(! s_ShutdownEvent.WaitOne(DefaultTickValue, false)) { if (GlobalLog.EnableMonitorThread) { #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Logobject.LoggingMonitorTick(); #endif } int hungCount = 0; lock (s_RequestList) { DateTime dateNow = DateTime.Now; DateTime dateExpired = dateNow.AddSeconds(-DefaultTickValue); foreach (ConnectionMonitorEntry monitorEntry in s_RequestList.GetValueList() ) { if (monitorEntry != null && (dateExpired > monitorEntry.m_TimeAdded)) { hungCount++; #if TRAVE GlobalLog.Print("delay:" + (dateNow - monitorEntry.m_TimeAdded).TotalSeconds + " req#" + monitorEntry.m_Request.GetHashCode() + " cnt#" + monitorEntry.m_Connection.GetHashCode() + " flags:" + monitorEntry.m_Flags); #endif monitorEntry.m_Connection.Debug(monitorEntry.m_Request.GetHashCode()); } } } Assert(hungCount == 0, "Warning: Hang Detected on Connection(s) of greater than {0} ms. {1} request(s) hung.|Please Dump System.Net.GlobalLog.s_RequestList for pending requests, make sure your streams are calling Close(), and that your destination server is up.", DefaultTickValue, hungCount); } } #endif // DEBUG #if DEBUG [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.MayCorruptAppDomain, Cer.None)] internal static void AppDomainUnloadEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { s_ShutdownEvent.Set(); } #endif #if DEBUG [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("DEBUG")] private static void InitConnectionMonitor() { s_RequestList = new SortedList(new HttpWebRequestComparer(), 10); s_ShutdownEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += new EventHandler(AppDomainUnloadEvent); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += new EventHandler(AppDomainUnloadEvent); Thread threadMonitor = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ConnectionMonitor)); threadMonitor.IsBackground = true; threadMonitor.Start(); } #endif [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void DebugAddRequest(HttpWebRequest request, Connection connection, int flags) { #if DEBUG // null if the connection monitor is off if(s_RequestList == null) return; lock(s_RequestList) { Assert(!s_RequestList.ContainsKey(request), "s_RequestList.ContainsKey(request)|A HttpWebRequest should not be submitted twice."); ConnectionMonitorEntry requestEntry = new ConnectionMonitorEntry(request, connection, flags); try { s_RequestList.Add(request, requestEntry); } catch { } } #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void DebugRemoveRequest(HttpWebRequest request) { #if DEBUG // null if the connection monitor is off if(s_RequestList == null) return; lock(s_RequestList) { Assert(s_RequestList.ContainsKey(request), "!s_RequestList.ContainsKey(request)|A HttpWebRequest should not be removed twice."); try { s_RequestList.Remove(request); } catch { } } #endif } [System.Diagnostics.Conditional("DEBUG")] internal static void DebugUpdateRequest(HttpWebRequest request, Connection connection, int flags) { #if DEBUG // null if the connection monitor is off if(s_RequestList == null) return; lock(s_RequestList) { if(!s_RequestList.ContainsKey(request)) { return; } ConnectionMonitorEntry requestEntry = new ConnectionMonitorEntry(request, connection, flags); try { s_RequestList.Remove(request); s_RequestList.Add(request, requestEntry); } catch { } } #endif } } // class GlobalLog } // namespace System.Net // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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