Propagator.Evaluator.cs source code in C# .NET

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/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / Map / Update / Internal / Propagator.Evaluator.cs / 1305376 / Propagator.Evaluator.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System.Data.Common.CommandTrees; 
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.Data.Objects;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; 
using System.Data.Common; 
using System.Data.Entity;
namespace System.Data.Mapping.Update.Internal 
    internal partial class Propagator
        /// Helper class supporting the evaluation of highly constrained expressions of the following
        /// form: 
        /// P := P AND P | P OR P | NOT P | V is of type | V eq V | V
        /// V := P 
        /// V := Property(V) | Constant | CASE WHEN P THEN V ... ELSE V | Row | new Instance | Null
        /// The evaluator supports SQL style ternary logic for unknown results (bool? is used, where
        /// null --> unknown, true --> TRUE and false --> FALSE 
        /// Assumptions: 
        /// - The node and the row passed in must be type compatible. 
        /// Any var refs in the node must have the same type as the input row. This is a natural
        /// requirement given the usage of this method in the propagator, since each propagator handler
        /// produces rows of the correct type for its parent. Keep in mind that every var ref in a CQT is 
        /// bound specifically to the direct child.
        /// - Equality comparisons are CLR culture invariant. Practically, this introduces the following 
        /// differences from SQL comparisons:
        ///     - String comparisons are not collation sensitive
        ///     - The constants we compare come from a fixed repertoire of scalar types implementing IComparable
        /// For the purposes of update mapping view evaluation, these assumptions are safe because we
        /// only support mapping of non-null constants to fields (these constants are non-null discriminators) 
        /// and key comparisons (where the key values are replicated across a reference). 
        private class Evaluator : UpdateExpressionVisitor 
            #region Constructors
            /// Constructs an evaluator for evaluating expressions for the given row. 
            /// Row to match 
            /// Propagator context 
            private Evaluator(PropagatorResult row, Propagator parent)
                EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(row, "row");
                EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(parent, "parent");

                m_row = row; 
                m_parent = parent;

            #region Fields 
            private PropagatorResult m_row;
            private Propagator m_parent;
            private static readonly string s_visitorName = typeof(Evaluator).FullName;

            #region Properties 
            override protected string VisitorName 
                get { return s_visitorName; } 

            #region Methods 
            /// Utility method filtering out a set of rows given a predicate. 
            /// Match criteria.
            /// Input rows. 
            /// Propagator context
            /// Input rows matching criteria.
            internal static IEnumerable Filter(DbExpression predicate, IEnumerable rows, Propagator parent)
                foreach (PropagatorResult row in rows)
                    if (EvaluatePredicate(predicate, row, parent)) 
                        yield return row; 
            /// Utility method determining whether a row matches a predicate. 
            /// See Walker class for an explanation of this coding pattern. 
            /// Match criteria.
            /// Input row.
            /// Propagator context 
            /// true if the row matches the criteria; false otherwise
            internal static bool EvaluatePredicate(DbExpression predicate, PropagatorResult row, Propagator parent) 
                Evaluator evaluator = new Evaluator(row, parent);
                PropagatorResult expressionResult = predicate.Accept(evaluator); 

                bool? result = ConvertResultToBool(expressionResult);

                // unknown --> false at base of predicate 
                return result ?? false;
            /// Evaluates scalar node. 
            /// Sub-query returning a scalar value.
            /// Row to evaluate.
            /// Propagator context. 
            /// Scalar result.
            static internal PropagatorResult Evaluate(DbExpression node, PropagatorResult row, Propagator parent) 
                DbExpressionVisitor evaluator = new Evaluator(row, parent);
                return node.Accept(evaluator); 

            /// Given an expression, converts to a (nullable) bool. Only boolean constant and null are 
            /// supported.
            /// Result to convert 
            /// true if true constant; false if false constant; null is null constant
            private static bool? ConvertResultToBool(PropagatorResult result) 
                Debug.Assert(null != result && result.IsSimple, "Must be a simple Boolean result");

                if (result.IsNull) 
                    return null; 
                    // rely on cast exception to identify invalid cases (CQT validation should already take care of this)
                    return (bool)result.GetSimpleValue();

            /// Converts a (nullable) bool to an expression. 
            /// Result 
            /// Inputs contributing to the result
            /// DbExpression
            private static PropagatorResult ConvertBoolToResult(bool? booleanValue, params PropagatorResult[] inputs)
                object result;
                if (booleanValue.HasValue) 
                    result = booleanValue.Value; ;
                    result = null;
                PropagatorFlags flags = PropagateUnknownAndPreserveFlags(null, inputs);
                return PropagatorResult.CreateSimpleValue(flags, result); 

            #region DbExpressionVisitor implementation 
            /// Determines whether the argument being evaluated has a given type (declared in the IsOfOnly predicate).
            /// IsOfOnly predicate. 
            /// True if the row being evaluated is of the requested type; false otherwise.
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbIsOfExpression predicate) 
                EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(predicate, "predicate");
                if (DbExpressionKind.IsOfOnly != predicate.ExpressionKind)
                    throw ConstructNotSupportedException(predicate);

                PropagatorResult childResult = Visit(predicate.Argument); 
                bool result; 
                if (childResult.IsNull)
                    // Null value expressions are typed, but the semantics of null are slightly different.
                    result = false;
                    result = childResult.StructuralType.EdmEquals(predicate.OfType.EdmType); 

                return ConvertBoolToResult(result, childResult); 

            /// Determines whether the row being evaluated has the given type (declared in the IsOf predicate). 
            /// Equals predicate. 
            /// True if the values being compared are equivalent; false otherwise. 
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbComparisonExpression predicate)
                EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(predicate, "predicate");

                if (DbExpressionKind.Equals == predicate.ExpressionKind)
                    // Retrieve the left and right hand sides of the equality predicate.
                    PropagatorResult leftResult = Visit(predicate.Left); 
                    PropagatorResult rightResult = Visit(predicate.Right); 

                    bool? result; 

                    if (leftResult.IsNull || rightResult.IsNull)
                        result = null; // unknown 
                        object left = leftResult.GetSimpleValue();
                        object right = rightResult.GetSimpleValue(); 

                        // Perform a comparison between the sides of the equality predicate using invariant culture.
                        // See assumptions outlined in the documentation for this class for additional information.
                        result = ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(left, right); 
                    return ConvertBoolToResult(result, leftResult, rightResult); 
                    throw ConstructNotSupportedException(predicate);

            /// Evaluates an 'and' expression given results of evalating its children. 
            /// And predicate 
            /// True if both child predicates are satisfied; false otherwise.
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbAndExpression predicate)
                EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(predicate, "predicate"); 

                PropagatorResult left = Visit(predicate.Left); 
                PropagatorResult right = Visit(predicate.Right); 
                bool? leftResult = ConvertResultToBool(left);
                bool? rightResult = ConvertResultToBool(right); 
                bool? result;

                // Optimization: if either argument is false, preserved and known, return a
                // result that is false, preserved and known. 
                if ((leftResult.HasValue && !leftResult.Value && PreservedAndKnown(left)) ||
                    (rightResult.HasValue && !rightResult.Value && PreservedAndKnown(right))) 
                    return CreatePerservedAndKnownResult(false);

                result = EntityUtil.ThreeValuedAnd(leftResult, rightResult);

                return ConvertBoolToResult(result, left, right); 
            /// Evaluates an 'or' expression given results of evaluating its children.
            /// 'Or' predicate
            /// True if either child predicate is satisfied; false otherwise.
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbOrExpression predicate)
                EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(predicate, "predicate");
                PropagatorResult left = Visit(predicate.Left); 
                PropagatorResult right = Visit(predicate.Right);
                bool? leftResult = ConvertResultToBool(left); 
                bool? rightResult = ConvertResultToBool(right);
                bool? result;

                // Optimization: if either argument is true, preserved and known, return a 
                // result that is true, preserved and known.
                if ((leftResult.HasValue && leftResult.Value && PreservedAndKnown(left)) || 
                    (rightResult.HasValue && rightResult.Value && PreservedAndKnown(right))) 
                    return CreatePerservedAndKnownResult(true); 

                result = EntityUtil.ThreeValuedOr(leftResult, rightResult);
                return ConvertBoolToResult(result, left, right);
            private static PropagatorResult CreatePerservedAndKnownResult(object value)
                // Known is the default (no explicit flag required)
                return PropagatorResult.CreateSimpleValue(PropagatorFlags.Preserve, value);
            private static bool PreservedAndKnown(PropagatorResult result)
                // Check that the preserve flag is set, and the unknown flag is not set 
                return PropagatorFlags.Preserve == (result.PropagatorFlags & (PropagatorFlags.Preserve | PropagatorFlags.Unknown));

            /// Evalutes a 'not' expression given results
            /// 'Not' predicate
            /// True of the argument to the 'not' predicate evaluator to false; false otherwise 
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbNotExpression predicate) 
                EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(predicate, "predicate"); 

                PropagatorResult child = Visit(predicate.Argument);
                bool? childResult = ConvertResultToBool(child);
                bool? result = EntityUtil.ThreeValuedNot(childResult);
                return ConvertBoolToResult(result, child); 
            /// Returns the result of evaluating a case expression.
            /// Case expression node. 
            /// Result of evaluating case expression over the input row for this visitor.
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbCaseExpression node) 
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null");
                int match = -1;
                int statementOrdinal = 0;

                List inputs = new List(); 

                foreach (DbExpression when in node.When) 
                    PropagatorResult whenResult = Visit(when);

                    bool matches = ConvertResultToBool(whenResult) ?? false; // ternary logic resolution

                    if (matches) 
                        match = statementOrdinal; 

                PropagatorResult matchResult; 
                if (-1 == match) { matchResult = Visit(node.Else); } else { matchResult = Visit(node.Then[match]); }
                // Clone the result to avoid modifying expressions that may be used elsewhere
                // (design invariant: only set markup for expressions you create) 
                PropagatorFlags resultFlags = PropagateUnknownAndPreserveFlags(matchResult, inputs);
                PropagatorResult result = matchResult.ReplicateResultWithNewFlags(resultFlags);

                return result; 
            /// Evaluates a var ref. In practice, this corresponds to the input row for the visitor (the row is
            /// a member of the referenced input for a projection or filter). 
            /// We assert that types are consistent here.
            /// Var ref expression node
            /// Input row for the visitor. 
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbVariableReferenceExpression node)
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null"); 

                return m_row; 

            /// Evaluates a property expression given the result of evaluating the property's instance. 
            /// Property expression node. 
            /// DbExpression resulting from the evaluation of property. 
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbPropertyExpression node)
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null");

                // Retrieve the result of evaluating the instance for the property.
                PropagatorResult instance = Visit(node.Instance); 
                PropagatorResult result;
                if (instance.IsNull) 
                    result = PropagatorResult.CreateSimpleValue(instance.PropagatorFlags, null); 
                    // find member 
                    result = instance.GetMemberValue(node.Property);
                // We do not markup the result since the property value already contains the necessary context
                // (determined at record extraction time) 
                return result;

            /// Evaluates a constant expression (trivial: the result is the constant expression)
            /// Constant expression node. 
            /// Constant expression
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbConstantExpression node) 
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null");

                // Flag the expression as 'preserve', since constants (by definition) cannot vary 
                PropagatorResult result = PropagatorResult.CreateSimpleValue(PropagatorFlags.Preserve, node.Value);
                return result; 
            /// Evaluates a ref key expression based on the result of evaluating the argument to the ref.
            /// Ref key expression node. 
            /// The structural key of the ref as a new instance (record).
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbRefKeyExpression node) 
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null");
                // Retrieve the result of evaluating the child argument.
                PropagatorResult argument = Visit(node.Argument);

                // Return the argument directly (propagator results treat refs as standard structures) 
                return argument;
            /// Evaluates a null expression (trivial: the result is the null expression) 
            /// Null expression node.
            /// Null expression
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbNullExpression node) 
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null"); 
                // Flag the expression as 'preserve', since nulls (by definition) cannot vary
                PropagatorResult result = PropagatorResult.CreateSimpleValue(PropagatorFlags.Preserve, null); 

                return result;
            /// Evaluates treat expression given a result for the argument to the treat. 
            /// Treat expression
            /// Null if the argument is of the given type, the argument otherwise 
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbTreatExpression node)
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null");
                PropagatorResult childResult = Visit(node.Argument);
                TypeUsage nodeType = node.ResultType; 
                if (MetadataHelper.IsSuperTypeOf(nodeType.EdmType, childResult.StructuralType))
                    // Doing an up cast is not required because all property/ordinal
                    // accesses are unaffected for more derived types (derived members
                    // are appended)
                    return childResult; 
                // "Treat" where the result does not implement the given type results in a null 
                // result
                PropagatorResult result = PropagatorResult.CreateSimpleValue(childResult.PropagatorFlags, null); 
                return result;

            /// Casts argument to expression.
            /// Cast expression node 
            /// Result of casting argument
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbCastExpression node) 
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null");

                PropagatorResult childResult = Visit(node.Argument); 
                TypeUsage nodeType = node.ResultType;
                if (!childResult.IsSimple || BuiltInTypeKind.PrimitiveType != nodeType.EdmType.BuiltInTypeKind) 
                    throw EntityUtil.NotSupported(Strings.Update_UnsupportedCastArgument(nodeType.EdmType.Name)); 

                object resultValue;
                if (childResult.IsNull)
                    resultValue = null; 
                        resultValue = Cast(childResult.GetSimpleValue(), ((PrimitiveType)nodeType.EdmType).ClrEquivalentType); 
                        Debug.Fail("view generator failed to validate cast in update mapping view");

                PropagatorResult result = childResult.ReplicateResultWithNewValue(resultValue); 
                return result;
            /// Casts an object instance to the specified model type. 
            /// Value to cast
            /// clr type to which the value is casted to
            /// Cast value 
            private static object Cast(object value, Type clrPrimitiveType)
                IFormatProvider formatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; 

                if (null == value || 
                    value.GetType() == clrPrimitiveType)
                    return value;
                    //Convert is not handling DateTime to DateTimeOffset conversion 
                    if ( (value is DateTime) && (clrPrimitiveType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)))
                        return new DateTimeOffset(((DateTime)value).Ticks, TimeSpan.Zero);
                        return Convert.ChangeType(value, clrPrimitiveType, formatProvider);
            /// Evaluate a null expression.
            /// Is null expression 
            /// A boolean expression describing the result of evaluating the Is Null predicate
            public override PropagatorResult Visit(DbIsNullExpression node) 
                Debug.Assert(null != node, "node is not visited when null");
                PropagatorResult argumentResult = Visit(node.Argument);
                bool result = argumentResult.IsNull;

                return ConvertBoolToResult(result, argumentResult); 
            /// Supports propagation of preserve and unknown values when evaluating expressions. If any input
            /// to an expression is marked as unknown, the same is true of the result of evaluating 
            /// that expression. If all inputs to an expression are marked 'preserve', then the result is also
            /// marked preserve.
            /// Result to markup 
            /// Expressions contributing to the result
            /// Marked up result. 
            private static PropagatorFlags PropagateUnknownAndPreserveFlags(PropagatorResult result, IEnumerable inputs) 
                bool unknown = false; 
                bool preserve = true;
                bool noInputs = true;

                // aggregate all flags on the inputs 
                foreach (PropagatorResult input in inputs)
                    noInputs = false; 
                    PropagatorFlags inputFlags = input.PropagatorFlags;
                    if (PropagatorFlags.NoFlags != (PropagatorFlags.Unknown & inputFlags)) 
                        unknown = true;
                    if (PropagatorFlags.NoFlags == (PropagatorFlags.Preserve & inputFlags)) 
                        preserve = false; 
                if (noInputs) { preserve = false; } 

                if (null != result)
                    // Merge with existing flags 
                    PropagatorFlags flags = result.PropagatorFlags;
                    if (unknown) 
                        flags |= PropagatorFlags.Unknown;
                    if (!preserve)
                        flags &= ~PropagatorFlags.Preserve;

                    return flags; 
                    // if there is no input result, create new markup from scratch
                    PropagatorFlags flags = PropagatorFlags.NoFlags;
                    if (unknown)
                        flags |= PropagatorFlags.Unknown;
                    if (preserve) 
                        flags |= PropagatorFlags.Preserve; 
                    return flags;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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