SchemaElement.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / EntityModel / SchemaObjectModel / SchemaElement.cs / 1305376 / SchemaElement.cs

//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// @owner       [....]
// @backupOwner [....] 

using System; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Xml;
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; 
using System.Reflection;
using System.Data.Entity; 
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Globalization; 

namespace System.Data.EntityModel.SchemaObjectModel
    /// Summary description for SchemaElement.
    internal abstract class SchemaElement
        // see 
        internal const string XmlNamespaceNamespace = "";

        #region Instance Fields
        private SchemaElement _parentElement = null;
        private Schema _schema = null; 
        private int _lineNumber = 0;
        private int _linePosition = 0; 
        private string _name = null; 
        private DocumentationElement _documentation = null;
        private List _otherContent;

        #region Static Fields
        protected const int MaxValueVersionComponent = short.MaxValue; 
        #region Public Properties
        internal  int LineNumber
                return _lineNumber; 

        internal  int LinePosition 
                return _linePosition;

        public virtual string Name 
                return _name; 
                _name = value;

        internal  DocumentationElement Documentation 
                return _documentation;
                _documentation = value;

        internal  SchemaElement ParentElement
                return _parentElement; 
            private set 
                _parentElement = value;

        internal Schema Schema 
                return _schema; 
                _schema = value;

        public  virtual string FQName 
                return Name;
        public virtual string Identity
                return Name;
        public List OtherContent
                if (_otherContent == null)
                    _otherContent = new List();
                return _otherContent;

        #region Internal Methods 
        /// Validates this element and its children 

        internal virtual void Validate() 

        internal void AddError( ErrorCode errorCode, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity severity, int lineNumber, int linePosition, object message )
        internal void AddError( ErrorCode errorCode, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity severity, XmlReader reader, object message ) 
            int lineNumber;
            int linePosition; 
            GetPositionInfo(reader, out lineNumber, out linePosition);
        internal void AddError( ErrorCode errorCode, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity severity, object message )
        internal void AddError( ErrorCode errorCode, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity severity, SchemaElement element, object message )
        internal void Parse(XmlReader reader) 
            bool hasEndElement = !reader.IsEmptyElement;

            Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element);
            for ( bool more = reader.MoveToFirstAttribute(); more; more = reader.MoveToNextAttribute() ) 
            bool done = !hasEndElement;
            bool skipToNextElement = false;
            while ( !done )
                if ( skipToNextElement )
                    skipToNextElement = false; 
                    if ( reader.EOF ) 
                    if ( !reader.Read() )
                switch ( reader.NodeType )
                    case XmlNodeType.Element:
                        skipToNextElement = ParseElement(reader);
                    case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                        done = true; 

                    case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                    case XmlNodeType.Text:
                    case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: 
                        // we ignore these childless elements
                    case XmlNodeType.Whitespace: 
                    case XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration:
                    case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                    case XmlNodeType.Notation:
                    case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: 

                        // we ignore these elements that can have children 
                    case XmlNodeType.DocumentType:
                    case XmlNodeType.EntityReference:
                        skipToNextElement = true; 
                        AddError( ErrorCode.UnexpectedXmlNodeType, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, reader,
                        skipToNextElement = true;
            if ( reader.EOF && reader.Depth > 0 ) 
                AddError( ErrorCode.MalformedXml, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, 0, 0,
        /// Set the current line number and position for an XmlReader
        /// the reader whose position is desired
        internal void GetPositionInfo(XmlReader reader)
            GetPositionInfo(reader,out _lineNumber,out _linePosition); 
        /// Get the current line number and position for an XmlReader
        /// the reader whose position is desired
        /// the line number
        /// the line position
        internal static void GetPositionInfo(XmlReader reader, out int lineNumber, out int linePosition) 
            IXmlLineInfo xmlLineInfo = reader as IXmlLineInfo; 
            if ( xmlLineInfo != null && xmlLineInfo.HasLineInfo() ) 
                lineNumber = xmlLineInfo.LineNumber; 
                linePosition = xmlLineInfo.LinePosition;
                lineNumber = 0;
                linePosition = 0; 
        internal virtual void ResolveTopLevelNames() 
        internal virtual void ResolveSecondLevelNames() 

        #region Protected Methods
        internal SchemaElement(SchemaElement parentElement) 
            if ( parentElement != null )
                ParentElement = parentElement; 
                for ( SchemaElement element = parentElement; element != null; element = element.ParentElement )
                    Schema schema = element as Schema; 
                    if ( schema != null )
                        Schema = schema;

                if (Schema == null) 
                    throw EntityUtil.InvalidOperation(System.Data.Entity.Strings.AllElementsMustBeInSchema);

        internal SchemaElement(SchemaElement parentElement, string name) 
            : this(parentElement)
            _name = name; 
        protected virtual void HandleAttributesComplete() 
        protected virtual void HandleChildElementsComplete()

        protected string HandleUndottedNameAttribute(XmlReader reader, string field)
            string name = field;
            Debug.Assert(string.IsNullOrEmpty(field), string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} is already defined", reader.Name)); 
            bool success = Utils.GetUndottedName(Schema, reader, out name);
            if ( !success ) 
                return name;

            return name;

        protected ReturnValue HandleDottedNameAttribute(XmlReader reader, string field, Func errorFormat) 
            ReturnValue returnValue = new ReturnValue(); 
            Debug.Assert(string.IsNullOrEmpty(field), string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0} is already defined", reader.Name)); 

            string value; 
            if ( !Utils.GetDottedName(Schema,reader,out value) )
                return returnValue;

            returnValue.Value = value; 
            return returnValue;
        /// Use to handle an attribute with an int data type 
        /// the reader positioned at the int attribute
        /// The int field to be given the value found
        /// true if an int value was successfuly extracted from the attribute, false otherwise. 
        internal bool HandleIntAttribute(XmlReader reader, ref int field)
            int value; 
            if ( !Utils.GetInt(Schema, reader, out value) )
                return false; 

            field = value;
            return true;

        /// Use to handle an attribute with an int data type 
        /// the reader positioned at the int attribute 
        /// The int field to be given the value found
        /// true if an int value was successfuly extracted from the attribute, false otherwise.
        internal bool HandleByteAttribute(XmlReader reader, ref byte field)
            byte value;
            if ( !Utils.GetByte(Schema, reader, out value) ) 
                return false; 

            field = value; 
            return true;
        internal bool HandleBoolAttribute(XmlReader reader,ref bool field) 
            bool value;
            if ( !Utils.GetBool(Schema,reader,out value) )
                return false; 

            field = value; 
            return true; 
        /// Use this to jump through an element that doesn't need any processing
        /// xml reader currently positioned at an element 
        protected virtual void SkipThroughElement(XmlReader reader)
            Debug.Assert(reader != null); 


        #region Protected Properties 
        protected string SchemaLocation
                if ( Schema != null )
                    return Schema.Location; 
                return null;

        protected virtual bool HandleText(XmlReader reader) 
            return false;
        internal virtual SchemaElement Clone(SchemaElement parentElement)
            throw Error.NotImplemented(); 

        #region Private Methods
        private void HandleDocumentationElement(XmlReader reader)
            Documentation = new DocumentationElement(this);
        protected virtual void HandleNameAttribute(XmlReader reader) 
            Name = HandleUndottedNameAttribute(reader, Name);
        private void AddError( ErrorCode errorCode, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity severity, string sourceLocation, int lineNumber, int linePosition, object message )
            EdmSchemaError error = null; 
            string messageString = message as string;
            if ( messageString != null ) 
                error = new EdmSchemaError( messageString, (int)errorCode, severity, sourceLocation, lineNumber, linePosition );
                Exception ex = message as Exception; 
                if ( ex != null )
                    error = new EdmSchemaError( ex.Message, (int)errorCode, severity, sourceLocation, lineNumber, linePosition, ex ); 
                    error = new EdmSchemaError( message.ToString(), (int)errorCode, severity, sourceLocation, lineNumber, linePosition );

        /// Call handler for the current attribute
        /// XmlReader positioned at the attribute 
        private void ParseAttribute(XmlReader reader)
#if false
            // the attribute value is schema invalid, just skip it; this avoids some duplicate errors at the expense of better error messages...
            if ( reader.SchemaInfo != null && reader.SchemaInfo.Validity == System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity.Invalid )
            string attributeNamespace = reader.NamespaceURI; 
            if (!Schema.IsParseableXmlNamespace(attributeNamespace, true)) 
            else if (!ProhibitAttribute(attributeNamespace, reader.LocalName)&&
            else if (reader.SchemaInfo == null || reader.SchemaInfo.Validity != System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity.Invalid) 
                // there's no handler for (namespace,name) and there wasn't a validation error. 
                // Report an error of our own if the node is in no namespace or if it is in one of our xml schemas tartget namespace.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeNamespace) || Schema.IsParseableXmlNamespace(attributeNamespace, true))
                    AddError(ErrorCode.UnexpectedXmlAttribute, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, reader, System.Data.Entity.Strings.UnexpectedXmlAttribute(reader.Name)); 

        protected virtual bool ProhibitAttribute(string namespaceUri, string localName) 
            return false;
        /// This overload assumes the default namespace 
        internal static bool CanHandleAttribute(XmlReader reader, string localName)
            Debug.Assert(reader.NamespaceURI != null); 
            return reader.NamespaceURI.Length == 0 && reader.LocalName == localName;
        protected virtual bool HandleAttribute(XmlReader reader)
            if(CanHandleAttribute(reader, XmlConstants.Name))
                return true; 
            return false; 
        private bool AddOtherContent(XmlReader reader)
            int lineNumber;
            int linePosition; 
            GetPositionInfo(reader, out lineNumber, out linePosition);
            MetadataProperty property; 
            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)

                if (this._schema.SchemaVersion == XmlConstants.EdmVersionForV1 ||
                    this._schema.SchemaVersion == XmlConstants.EdmVersionForV1_1)
                    // skip this element
                    // we don't support element annotations in v1 and v1.1 
                    return true; 
                // in V1 and V1.1 the codegen can only appears as the attribute annotation and we want to maintain
                // the same behavior for V2, thus we throw if we encounter CodeGen namespace
                // in structural annotation in V2
                if (this._schema.SchemaVersion == XmlConstants.EdmVersionForV2 
                    && reader.NamespaceURI == XmlConstants.CodeGenerationSchemaNamespace)
                        XmlConstants.SchemaVersionLatest == XmlConstants.EdmVersionForV2,
                        "Please add checking for the latest namespace"); 

                    AddError(ErrorCode.NoCodeGenNamespaceInStructuralAnnotation, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, lineNumber, linePosition, Strings.NoCodeGenNamespaceInStructuralAnnotation(XmlConstants.CodeGenerationSchemaNamespace));
                    return true;

                        !Schema.IsParseableXmlNamespace(reader.NamespaceURI, false), 
                        "Structural annotation cannot use any edm reserved namespaces");
                // using this subtree aproach because when I call
                // reader.ReadOuterXml() it positions me at the Node beyond
                // the end of the node I am starting on
                // which doesn't work with the parsing logic 
                using (XmlReader subtree = reader.ReadSubtree())
                    XElement element = XElement.Load(new StringReader(subtree.ReadOuterXml()));
                    property = CreateMetadataPropertyFromOtherNamespaceXmlArtifact(element.Name.NamespaceName, element.Name.LocalName, element);
                if (reader.NamespaceURI == XmlNamespaceNamespace) 
                    // we don't bring in namespace definitions
                    return true; 

                Debug.Assert(reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute, "called an attribute function when not on an attribute");
                property = CreateMetadataPropertyFromOtherNamespaceXmlArtifact(reader.NamespaceURI, reader.LocalName, reader.Value); 
            if (!OtherContent.Exists(mp => mp.Identity == property.Identity)) 
                AddError(ErrorCode.AlreadyDefined, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, lineNumber, linePosition, Strings.DuplicateAnnotation(property.Identity, this.FQName)); 
            return false; 

        internal static MetadataProperty CreateMetadataPropertyFromOtherNamespaceXmlArtifact(string xmlNamespaceUri, string artifactName, object value) 
            MetadataProperty property;
            property = new MetadataProperty(xmlNamespaceUri + ":" + artifactName,
            return property; 

        /// Call handler for the current element
        /// XmlReader positioned at the element
        /// true if element content should be skipped 
        private bool ParseElement(XmlReader reader)
            string elementNamespace = reader.NamespaceURI; 
            // for schema element that right under the schema, we just ignore them, since schema does not
            // have metadataproperties 
            if (!Schema.IsParseableXmlNamespace(elementNamespace, true) && this.ParentElement != null)
                return AddOtherContent(reader);
            if (HandleElement(reader))
                return false; 

                // we need to report an error if the namespace for this element is a target namespace for the xml schemas we are parsing against.
                // otherwise we assume that this is either a valid 'any' element or that the xsd validator has generated an error 
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(elementNamespace) || Schema.IsParseableXmlNamespace(reader.NamespaceURI, false))
                    AddError(ErrorCode.UnexpectedXmlElement, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, reader, System.Data.Entity.Strings.UnexpectedXmlElement(reader.Name)); 
                return true; 

        protected bool CanHandleElement(XmlReader reader, string localName) 
            return reader.NamespaceURI == Schema.SchemaXmlNamespace && reader.LocalName == localName; 

        protected virtual bool HandleElement(XmlReader reader) 
            if (CanHandleElement(reader, XmlConstants.Documentation))
                return true;
            return false;

        /// Handle text data.
        /// XmlReader positioned at Text, CData, or SignificantWhitespace 
        private void ParseText(XmlReader reader) 
            if (HandleText(reader))
            else if (reader.Value != null && reader.Value.Trim().Length == 0)
                // just ignore this text.  Don't add an error, since the value is just whitespace.
                AddError( ErrorCode.TextNotAllowed, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, reader, System.Data.Entity.Strings.TextNotAllowed(reader.Value ) ); 
        internal static void AssertReaderConsidersSchemaInvalid(XmlReader reader) 
            Debug.Assert(reader.SchemaInfo == null ||
                         reader.SchemaInfo.Validity != System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity.Valid, "The xsd should see this as not acceptable"); 


// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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