/ 4.0 / 4.0 / untmp / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / cdf / src / NetFx40 / System.ServiceModel.Routing / System / ServiceModel / Routing / RoutingChannelExtension.cs / 1305376 / RoutingChannelExtension.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //--------------------------------------------------------------- namespace System.ServiceModel.Routing { using System; using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; using System.Runtime; using System.ServiceModel; using System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher; using System.ServiceModel.Channels; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; abstract class RoutingChannelExtension : IExtension{ static AsyncCallback closeChannelsCallback = Fx.ThunkCallback(CloseChannelsCallback); static AsyncCallback shutdownCallback = Fx.ThunkCallback(ShutdownCallback); IContextChannel channel; bool hasSession; RoutingBehavior.RoutingEndpointBehavior endpointBehavior; RoutingService sessionService; volatile SessionChannels sessionChannels; [Fx.Tag.SynchronizationObject] object thisLock; public RoutingChannelExtension(RoutingBehavior.RoutingEndpointBehavior endpointBehavior) { this.ActivityID = Guid.NewGuid(); this.endpointBehavior = endpointBehavior; this.thisLock = new object(); } internal Guid ActivityID { get; private set; } public string EndpointName { get { return this.endpointBehavior.EndpointName; } } public bool HasSession { get { return this.hasSession; } } public bool ImpersonationRequired { get { return this.endpointBehavior.ImpersonationRequired; } } public TimeSpan OperationTimeout { get; private set; } public bool ReceiveContextEnabled { get { return this.endpointBehavior.ReceiveContextEnabled; } } [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Performance, FxCop.Rule.AvoidUncalledPrivateCode, Justification = "get_SessionChannels is called by RoutingService..ctor")] public SessionChannels SessionChannels { get { if (this.sessionChannels == null) { lock (this.thisLock) { if (this.sessionChannels == null) { Fx.AssertAndThrow(!(this.ImpersonationRequired && !this.HasSession), "Shouldn't allocate SessionChannels if session-less and impersonating"); this.sessionChannels = new SessionChannels(this.ActivityID); } } } return this.sessionChannels; } } public bool TransactedReceiveEnabled { get { return this.endpointBehavior.TransactedReceiveEnabled; } } [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Performance, FxCop.Rule.AvoidUncalledPrivateCode, Justification = "AttachService is called by RoutingService..ctor")] public void AttachService(RoutingService service) { SessionChannels channelsToClose = null; lock (this.thisLock) { if (!this.hasSession) { RoutingConfiguration oldConfig = null; if (this.sessionService != null) { oldConfig = this.sessionService.RoutingConfig; } if (oldConfig != null && !object.ReferenceEquals(service.RoutingConfig, oldConfig)) { //The RoutingConfiguration has changed. We need to release any old channels that are cached. channelsToClose = this.sessionChannels; this.sessionChannels = null; } } else { Fx.Assert(this.sessionService == null, "There must only be one RoutingService created for a sessionful channel"); } this.sessionService = service; } if (channelsToClose != null) { channelsToClose.BeginClose(, closeChannelsCallback, channelsToClose); } } public abstract IAsyncResult BeginShutdown(RoutingService service, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state); static void CloseChannelsCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { SessionChannels channelsToClose = (SessionChannels)asyncResult.AsyncState; Exception exception = null; try { channelsToClose.EndClose(asyncResult); } catch (CommunicationException communicationException) { exception = communicationException; } catch (TimeoutException timeoutException) { exception = timeoutException; } if (exception != null && TD.RoutingServiceHandledExceptionIsEnabled()) { TD.RoutingServiceHandledException(exception); } } static void ShutdownCallback(IAsyncResult result) { if (result.CompletedSynchronously) { return; } RoutingChannelExtension thisPtr = (RoutingChannelExtension)result.AsyncState; try { thisPtr.ShutdownComplete(result); } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } thisPtr.Fault(exception); } } void ShutdownComplete(IAsyncResult result) { this.EndShutdown(result);; } public static RoutingChannelExtension Create(RoutingBehavior.RoutingEndpointBehavior endpointBehavior) { Type contractType = endpointBehavior.Endpoint.Contract.ContractType; if (contractType == typeof(IDuplexSessionRouter)) { return new RoutingChannelExtension (endpointBehavior); } else if (contractType == typeof(ISimplexDatagramRouter)) { return new RoutingChannelExtension (endpointBehavior); } else if (contractType == typeof(IRequestReplyRouter)) { return new RoutingChannelExtension (endpointBehavior); } else { Fx.Assert(contractType == typeof(ISimplexSessionRouter), "Was a new contract added?"); return new RoutingChannelExtension (endpointBehavior); } } public void DoneReceiving(TimeSpan closeTimeout) { FxTrace.Trace.SetAndTraceTransfer(this.ActivityID, true); try { if (this.sessionService != null) { IAsyncResult result = this.BeginShutdown(this.sessionService, closeTimeout, shutdownCallback, this); if (result.CompletedSynchronously) { this.ShutdownComplete(result); } } else {; } } catch (Exception exception) { if (Fx.IsFatal(exception)) { throw; } this.Fault(exception); } } public abstract void EndShutdown(IAsyncResult result); public void Fault(Exception exception) { FxTrace.Trace.SetAndTraceTransfer(this.ActivityID, true); //Notify the error handlers that a problem occurred foreach (IErrorHandler errorHandler in this.endpointBehavior.ChannelDispatcher.ErrorHandlers) { if (errorHandler.HandleError(exception)) { break; } } SessionChannels channelsToAbort; lock(this.thisLock) { channelsToAbort = this.sessionChannels; this.sessionChannels = null; } if (channelsToAbort != null) { channelsToAbort.AbortAll(); } RoutingUtilities.Abort(,; } void IExtension .Attach(IContextChannel owner) { = owner; this.hasSession = (owner.InputSession != null); this.OperationTimeout = owner.OperationTimeout; } void IExtension .Detach(IContextChannel owner) { } } sealed class RoutingChannelExtension : RoutingChannelExtension { public RoutingChannelExtension(RoutingBehavior.RoutingEndpointBehavior endpointBehavior) : base(endpointBehavior) { } public override IAsyncResult BeginShutdown(RoutingService service, TimeSpan timeout, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { return new ProcessMessagesAsyncResult (null, service, timeout, callback, state); } public override void EndShutdown(IAsyncResult result) { ProcessMessagesAsyncResult .End(result); } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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