/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / System / Windows / Media / Animation / Generated / DiscreteKeyFrames.cs / 1305600 / DiscreteKeyFrames.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // This file was generated, please do not edit it directly. // // Please see http://wiki/default.aspx/Microsoft.Projects.Avalon/MilCodeGen.html for more information. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using MS.Internal; using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation { ////// This class is used as part of a BooleanKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameBooleanAnimation to animate a /// Boolean property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This BooleanKeyFrame changes from the Boolean Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame : BooleanKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame(Boolean value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame(Boolean value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region BooleanKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Boolean InterpolateValueCore(Boolean baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a ByteKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameByteAnimation to animate a /// Byte property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This ByteKeyFrame changes from the Byte Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteByteKeyFrame : ByteKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteByteKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteByteKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteByteKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteByteKeyFrame(Byte value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteByteKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteByteKeyFrame(Byte value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteByteKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region ByteKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Byte InterpolateValueCore(Byte baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a CharKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameCharAnimation to animate a /// Char property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This CharKeyFrame changes from the Char Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteCharKeyFrame : CharKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteCharKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteCharKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteCharKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteCharKeyFrame(Char value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteCharKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteCharKeyFrame(Char value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteCharKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region CharKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Char InterpolateValueCore(Char baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a ColorKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameColorAnimation to animate a /// Color property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This ColorKeyFrame changes from the Color Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteColorKeyFrame : ColorKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteColorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteColorKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteColorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteColorKeyFrame(Color value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteColorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteColorKeyFrame(Color value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteColorKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region ColorKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Color InterpolateValueCore(Color baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a DecimalKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameDecimalAnimation to animate a /// Decimal property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This DecimalKeyFrame changes from the Decimal Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame : DecimalKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame(Decimal value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame(Decimal value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region DecimalKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Decimal InterpolateValueCore(Decimal baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a DoubleKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameDoubleAnimation to animate a /// Double property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This DoubleKeyFrame changes from the Double Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame : DoubleKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(Double value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(Double value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region DoubleKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Double InterpolateValueCore(Double baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Int16KeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameInt16Animation to animate a /// Int16 property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Int16KeyFrame changes from the Int16 Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteInt16KeyFrame : Int16KeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt16KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt16KeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt16KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt16KeyFrame(Int16 value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt16KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt16KeyFrame(Int16 value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteInt16KeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Int16KeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Int16 InterpolateValueCore(Int16 baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Int32KeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameInt32Animation to animate a /// Int32 property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Int32KeyFrame changes from the Int32 Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteInt32KeyFrame : Int32KeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt32KeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(Int32 value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(Int32 value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Int32KeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Int32 InterpolateValueCore(Int32 baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Int64KeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameInt64Animation to animate a /// Int64 property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Int64KeyFrame changes from the Int64 Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteInt64KeyFrame : Int64KeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt64KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt64KeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt64KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt64KeyFrame(Int64 value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt64KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt64KeyFrame(Int64 value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteInt64KeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Int64KeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Int64 InterpolateValueCore(Int64 baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a MatrixKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameMatrixAnimation to animate a /// Matrix property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This MatrixKeyFrame changes from the Matrix Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame : MatrixKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame(Matrix value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame(Matrix value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region MatrixKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Matrix InterpolateValueCore(Matrix baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a ObjectKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameObjectAnimation to animate a /// Object property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This ObjectKeyFrame changes from the Object Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteObjectKeyFrame : ObjectKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteObjectKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteObjectKeyFrame(Object value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteObjectKeyFrame(Object value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region ObjectKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Object InterpolateValueCore(Object baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a PointKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFramePointAnimation to animate a /// Point property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This PointKeyFrame changes from the Point Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscretePointKeyFrame : PointKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscretePointKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePointKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscretePointKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePointKeyFrame(Point value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscretePointKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePointKeyFrame(Point value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscretePointKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region PointKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Point InterpolateValueCore(Point baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Point3DKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFramePoint3DAnimation to animate a /// Point3D property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Point3DKeyFrame changes from the Point3D Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame : Point3DKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame(Point3D value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame(Point3D value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Point3DKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Point3D InterpolateValueCore(Point3D baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a QuaternionKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameQuaternionAnimation to animate a /// Quaternion property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This QuaternionKeyFrame changes from the Quaternion Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame : QuaternionKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame(Quaternion value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame(Quaternion value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region QuaternionKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Quaternion InterpolateValueCore(Quaternion baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Rotation3DKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameRotation3DAnimation to animate a /// Rotation3D property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Rotation3DKeyFrame changes from the Rotation3D Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame : Rotation3DKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame(Rotation3D value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame(Rotation3D value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Rotation3DKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Rotation3D InterpolateValueCore(Rotation3D baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a RectKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameRectAnimation to animate a /// Rect property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This RectKeyFrame changes from the Rect Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteRectKeyFrame : RectKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteRectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRectKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteRectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRectKeyFrame(Rect value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteRectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRectKeyFrame(Rect value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteRectKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region RectKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Rect InterpolateValueCore(Rect baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a SingleKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameSingleAnimation to animate a /// Single property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This SingleKeyFrame changes from the Single Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteSingleKeyFrame : SingleKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteSingleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSingleKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteSingleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSingleKeyFrame(Single value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteSingleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSingleKeyFrame(Single value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteSingleKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region SingleKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Single InterpolateValueCore(Single baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a SizeKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameSizeAnimation to animate a /// Size property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This SizeKeyFrame changes from the Size Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteSizeKeyFrame : SizeKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteSizeKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSizeKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteSizeKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSizeKeyFrame(Size value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteSizeKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSizeKeyFrame(Size value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteSizeKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region SizeKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Size InterpolateValueCore(Size baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a StringKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameStringAnimation to animate a /// String property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This StringKeyFrame changes from the String Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteStringKeyFrame : StringKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteStringKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteStringKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteStringKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteStringKeyFrame(String value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteStringKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteStringKeyFrame(String value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteStringKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region StringKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override String InterpolateValueCore(String baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a VectorKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameVectorAnimation to animate a /// Vector property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This VectorKeyFrame changes from the Vector Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteVectorKeyFrame : VectorKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteVectorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVectorKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteVectorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVectorKeyFrame(Vector value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteVectorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVectorKeyFrame(Vector value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteVectorKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region VectorKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Vector InterpolateValueCore(Vector baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Vector3DKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameVector3DAnimation to animate a /// Vector3D property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Vector3DKeyFrame changes from the Vector3D Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame : Vector3DKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame(Vector3D value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame(Vector3D value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Vector3DKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Vector3D InterpolateValueCore(Vector3D baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // This file was generated, please do not edit it directly. // // Please see http://wiki/default.aspx/Microsoft.Projects.Avalon/MilCodeGen.html for more information. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- using MS.Internal; using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; namespace System.Windows.Media.Animation { ////// This class is used as part of a BooleanKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameBooleanAnimation to animate a /// Boolean property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This BooleanKeyFrame changes from the Boolean Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame : BooleanKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame(Boolean value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame(Boolean value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteBooleanKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region BooleanKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Boolean InterpolateValueCore(Boolean baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a ByteKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameByteAnimation to animate a /// Byte property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This ByteKeyFrame changes from the Byte Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteByteKeyFrame : ByteKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteByteKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteByteKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteByteKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteByteKeyFrame(Byte value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteByteKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteByteKeyFrame(Byte value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteByteKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region ByteKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Byte InterpolateValueCore(Byte baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a CharKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameCharAnimation to animate a /// Char property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This CharKeyFrame changes from the Char Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteCharKeyFrame : CharKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteCharKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteCharKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteCharKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteCharKeyFrame(Char value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteCharKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteCharKeyFrame(Char value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteCharKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region CharKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Char InterpolateValueCore(Char baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a ColorKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameColorAnimation to animate a /// Color property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This ColorKeyFrame changes from the Color Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteColorKeyFrame : ColorKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteColorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteColorKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteColorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteColorKeyFrame(Color value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteColorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteColorKeyFrame(Color value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteColorKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region ColorKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Color InterpolateValueCore(Color baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a DecimalKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameDecimalAnimation to animate a /// Decimal property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This DecimalKeyFrame changes from the Decimal Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame : DecimalKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame(Decimal value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame(Decimal value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteDecimalKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region DecimalKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Decimal InterpolateValueCore(Decimal baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a DoubleKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameDoubleAnimation to animate a /// Double property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This DoubleKeyFrame changes from the Double Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame : DoubleKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(Double value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(Double value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region DoubleKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Double InterpolateValueCore(Double baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Int16KeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameInt16Animation to animate a /// Int16 property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Int16KeyFrame changes from the Int16 Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteInt16KeyFrame : Int16KeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt16KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt16KeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt16KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt16KeyFrame(Int16 value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt16KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt16KeyFrame(Int16 value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteInt16KeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Int16KeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Int16 InterpolateValueCore(Int16 baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Int32KeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameInt32Animation to animate a /// Int32 property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Int32KeyFrame changes from the Int32 Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteInt32KeyFrame : Int32KeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt32KeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(Int32 value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(Int32 value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteInt32KeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Int32KeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Int32 InterpolateValueCore(Int32 baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Int64KeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameInt64Animation to animate a /// Int64 property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Int64KeyFrame changes from the Int64 Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteInt64KeyFrame : Int64KeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt64KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt64KeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt64KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt64KeyFrame(Int64 value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteInt64KeyFrame. /// public DiscreteInt64KeyFrame(Int64 value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteInt64KeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Int64KeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Int64 InterpolateValueCore(Int64 baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a MatrixKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameMatrixAnimation to animate a /// Matrix property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This MatrixKeyFrame changes from the Matrix Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame : MatrixKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame(Matrix value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame(Matrix value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteMatrixKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region MatrixKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Matrix InterpolateValueCore(Matrix baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a ObjectKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameObjectAnimation to animate a /// Object property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This ObjectKeyFrame changes from the Object Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteObjectKeyFrame : ObjectKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteObjectKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteObjectKeyFrame(Object value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteObjectKeyFrame(Object value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region ObjectKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Object InterpolateValueCore(Object baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a PointKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFramePointAnimation to animate a /// Point property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This PointKeyFrame changes from the Point Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscretePointKeyFrame : PointKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscretePointKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePointKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscretePointKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePointKeyFrame(Point value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscretePointKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePointKeyFrame(Point value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscretePointKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region PointKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Point InterpolateValueCore(Point baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Point3DKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFramePoint3DAnimation to animate a /// Point3D property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Point3DKeyFrame changes from the Point3D Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame : Point3DKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame(Point3D value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame(Point3D value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscretePoint3DKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Point3DKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Point3D InterpolateValueCore(Point3D baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a QuaternionKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameQuaternionAnimation to animate a /// Quaternion property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This QuaternionKeyFrame changes from the Quaternion Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame : QuaternionKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame(Quaternion value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame(Quaternion value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteQuaternionKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region QuaternionKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Quaternion InterpolateValueCore(Quaternion baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Rotation3DKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameRotation3DAnimation to animate a /// Rotation3D property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Rotation3DKeyFrame changes from the Rotation3D Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame : Rotation3DKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame(Rotation3D value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame(Rotation3D value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteRotation3DKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Rotation3DKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Rotation3D InterpolateValueCore(Rotation3D baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a RectKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameRectAnimation to animate a /// Rect property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This RectKeyFrame changes from the Rect Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteRectKeyFrame : RectKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteRectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRectKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteRectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRectKeyFrame(Rect value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteRectKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteRectKeyFrame(Rect value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteRectKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region RectKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Rect InterpolateValueCore(Rect baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a SingleKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameSingleAnimation to animate a /// Single property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This SingleKeyFrame changes from the Single Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteSingleKeyFrame : SingleKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteSingleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSingleKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteSingleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSingleKeyFrame(Single value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteSingleKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSingleKeyFrame(Single value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteSingleKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region SingleKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Single InterpolateValueCore(Single baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a SizeKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameSizeAnimation to animate a /// Size property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This SizeKeyFrame changes from the Size Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteSizeKeyFrame : SizeKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteSizeKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSizeKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteSizeKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSizeKeyFrame(Size value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteSizeKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteSizeKeyFrame(Size value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteSizeKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region SizeKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Size InterpolateValueCore(Size baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a StringKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameStringAnimation to animate a /// String property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This StringKeyFrame changes from the String Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteStringKeyFrame : StringKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteStringKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteStringKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteStringKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteStringKeyFrame(String value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteStringKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteStringKeyFrame(String value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteStringKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region StringKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override String InterpolateValueCore(String baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a VectorKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameVectorAnimation to animate a /// Vector property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This VectorKeyFrame changes from the Vector Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteVectorKeyFrame : VectorKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteVectorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVectorKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteVectorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVectorKeyFrame(Vector value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteVectorKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVectorKeyFrame(Vector value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteVectorKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region VectorKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Vector InterpolateValueCore(Vector baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } ////// This class is used as part of a Vector3DKeyFrameCollection in /// conjunction with a KeyFrameVector3DAnimation to animate a /// Vector3D property value along a set of key frames. /// /// This Vector3DKeyFrame changes from the Vector3D Value of /// the previous key frame to its own Value without interpolation. The /// change occurs at the KeyTime. /// public class DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame : Vector3DKeyFrame { #region Constructors ////// Creates a new DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame() : base() { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame(Vector3D value) : base(value) { } ////// Creates a new DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame. /// public DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame(Vector3D value, KeyTime keyTime) : base(value, keyTime) { } #endregion #region Freezable ////// Implementation of ///Freezable.CreateInstanceCore . ///The new Freezable. protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame(); } // We don't need to override CloneCore because it won't do anything #endregion #region Vector3DKeyFrame ////// Implemented to linearly interpolate between the baseValue and the /// Value of this KeyFrame using the keyFrameProgress. /// protected override Vector3D InterpolateValueCore(Vector3D baseValue, double keyFrameProgress) { if (keyFrameProgress < 1.0) { return baseValue; } else { return Value; } } #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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