/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / DataEntity / System / Data / EntityModel / SchemaObjectModel / TypeRefElement.cs / 1305376 / TypeRefElement.cs
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @backupOwner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using Som = System.Data.EntityModel.SchemaObjectModel; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Text; namespace System.Data.EntityModel.SchemaObjectModel { class TypeRefElement : ModelFunctionTypeElement { #region constructor ////// /// /// internal TypeRefElement(SchemaElement parentElement) : base(parentElement) { } #endregion protected override bool HandleAttribute(XmlReader reader) { if (base.HandleAttribute(reader)) { return true; } else if (CanHandleAttribute(reader, XmlConstants.TypeElement)) { HandleTypeAttribute(reader); return true; } return false; } protected void HandleTypeAttribute(XmlReader reader) { Debug.Assert(reader != null); string type; if (!Utils.GetString(Schema, reader, out type)) return; if (!Utils.ValidateDottedName(Schema, reader, type)) return; _unresolvedType = type; } internal override bool ResolveNameAndSetTypeUsage(Converter.ConversionCache convertedItemCache, DictionarynewGlobalItems) { if (_type is ScalarType) //Create and store type usage for scalar type { _typeUsageBuilder.ValidateAndSetTypeUsage(_type as ScalarType, false); _typeUsage = _typeUsageBuilder.TypeUsage; return true; } else //Try to resolve edm type. If not now, it will resolve in the second pass { EdmType edmType = (EdmType)Converter.LoadSchemaElement(_type, _type.Schema.ProviderManifest, convertedItemCache, newGlobalItems); if (edmType != null) { _typeUsageBuilder.ValidateAndSetTypeUsage(edmType, false); //use typeusagebuilder so dont lose facet information _typeUsage = _typeUsageBuilder.TypeUsage; } return _typeUsage != null; } } internal override void WriteIdentity(StringBuilder builder) { Debug.Assert(UnresolvedType != null && !UnresolvedType.Trim().Equals(String.Empty)); builder.Append(UnresolvedType); } internal override TypeUsage GetTypeUsage() { Debug.Assert(_typeUsage != null); return _typeUsage; } internal override void Validate() { base.Validate(); if (_type != null && _type is ScalarType == false && _typeUsageBuilder.HasUserDefinedFacets) { //Non-scalar return type should not have Facets AddError(ErrorCode.ModelFuncionFacetOnNonScalarType, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.FacetsOnNonScalarType(_type.FQName)); } if (_type == null && _typeUsageBuilder.HasUserDefinedFacets) { //Type attribute not specified but facets exist AddError(ErrorCode.ModelFunctionIncorrectlyPlacedFacet, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.FacetDeclarationRequiresTypeAttribute); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // // @owner [....] // @backupOwner [....] //--------------------------------------------------------------------- using Som = System.Data.EntityModel.SchemaObjectModel; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Data; using System.IO; using System.Data.Metadata.Edm; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Text; namespace System.Data.EntityModel.SchemaObjectModel { class TypeRefElement : ModelFunctionTypeElement { #region constructor ////// /// /// internal TypeRefElement(SchemaElement parentElement) : base(parentElement) { } #endregion protected override bool HandleAttribute(XmlReader reader) { if (base.HandleAttribute(reader)) { return true; } else if (CanHandleAttribute(reader, XmlConstants.TypeElement)) { HandleTypeAttribute(reader); return true; } return false; } protected void HandleTypeAttribute(XmlReader reader) { Debug.Assert(reader != null); string type; if (!Utils.GetString(Schema, reader, out type)) return; if (!Utils.ValidateDottedName(Schema, reader, type)) return; _unresolvedType = type; } internal override bool ResolveNameAndSetTypeUsage(Converter.ConversionCache convertedItemCache, DictionarynewGlobalItems) { if (_type is ScalarType) //Create and store type usage for scalar type { _typeUsageBuilder.ValidateAndSetTypeUsage(_type as ScalarType, false); _typeUsage = _typeUsageBuilder.TypeUsage; return true; } else //Try to resolve edm type. If not now, it will resolve in the second pass { EdmType edmType = (EdmType)Converter.LoadSchemaElement(_type, _type.Schema.ProviderManifest, convertedItemCache, newGlobalItems); if (edmType != null) { _typeUsageBuilder.ValidateAndSetTypeUsage(edmType, false); //use typeusagebuilder so dont lose facet information _typeUsage = _typeUsageBuilder.TypeUsage; } return _typeUsage != null; } } internal override void WriteIdentity(StringBuilder builder) { Debug.Assert(UnresolvedType != null && !UnresolvedType.Trim().Equals(String.Empty)); builder.Append(UnresolvedType); } internal override TypeUsage GetTypeUsage() { Debug.Assert(_typeUsage != null); return _typeUsage; } internal override void Validate() { base.Validate(); if (_type != null && _type is ScalarType == false && _typeUsageBuilder.HasUserDefinedFacets) { //Non-scalar return type should not have Facets AddError(ErrorCode.ModelFuncionFacetOnNonScalarType, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.FacetsOnNonScalarType(_type.FQName)); } if (_type == null && _typeUsageBuilder.HasUserDefinedFacets) { //Type attribute not specified but facets exist AddError(ErrorCode.ModelFunctionIncorrectlyPlacedFacet, EdmSchemaErrorSeverity.Error, Strings.FacetDeclarationRequiresTypeAttribute); } } } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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- HealthMonitoringSectionHelper.cs
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- PropertyGrid.cs
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- TypeContext.cs
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