SqlMetaData.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / fx / src / Data / System / Data / Sql / SqlMetaData.cs / 1305376 / SqlMetaData.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
// [....] 

namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Server { 

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.Common; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Data.SqlTypes; 
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    // class SqlMetaData
    //   Simple immutable implementation of the a metadata-holding class.  Only
    //    complexities are:
    //        1) enforcing immutability. 
    //        2) Inferring type from a value.
    //        3) Adjusting a value to match the metadata. 
    public sealed class SqlMetaData
        private string            m_strName;
        private long              m_lMaxLength;
        private SqlDbType         m_sqlDbType;
        private byte              m_bPrecision; 
        private byte              m_bScale;
        private long              m_lLocale; 
        private SqlCompareOptions m_eCompareOptions; 
        private string            m_XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase;
        private string            m_XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema; 
        private string            m_XmlSchemaCollectionName;
        private string            m_serverTypeName;
        private bool              m_bPartialLength;
        private Type              m_udttype; 
        private bool              m_useServerDefault;
        private bool              m_isUniqueKey; 
        private SortOrder         m_columnSortOrder; 
        private int               m_sortOrdinal;
        // unlimited (except by implementation) max-length.
        private const long        x_lMax = -1;
        private const long        x_lServerMaxUnicode = 4000;
        private const long        x_lServerMaxANSI = 8000; 
        private const long        x_lServerMaxBinary = 8000;
        private const bool        x_defaultUseServerDefault = false; 
        private const bool        x_defaultIsUniqueKey = false; 
        private const SortOrder   x_defaultColumnSortOrder = SortOrder.Unspecified;
        private const int         x_defaultSortOrdinal = -1; 

        private const SqlCompareOptions x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions = SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreCase
                                        | SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType | SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreWidth;
        // scalar types constructor without tvp extended properties
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, x_defaultUseServerDefault, 
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal);

        // scalar types constructor
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, useServerDefault,
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 

        // binary or string constructor with only max length 
        // (for string types, locale and compare options will be picked up from the thread.
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength) {
            Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, x_defaultUseServerDefault,
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal); 
        // binary or string constructor with only max length and tvp extended properties 
        // (for string types, locale and compare options will be picked up from the thread.
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, bool useServerDefault, 
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, useServerDefault,
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);

        // udt ctor without tvp extended properties 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, Type userDefinedType) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, userDefinedType, null, x_defaultUseServerDefault,
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal); 

        // udt ctor without tvp extended properties
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, Type userDefinedType, string serverTypeName) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, userDefinedType, serverTypeName, x_defaultUseServerDefault,
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal); 

        // udt ctor 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, Type userDefinedType, string serverTypeName,
                    bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            Construct(name, dbType, userDefinedType, serverTypeName, useServerDefault,
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 
        // decimal ctor without tvp extended properties 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, byte precision, byte scale) {
            Construct(name, dbType, precision, scale, x_defaultUseServerDefault, 
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal);

        // decimal ctor 
        public SqlMetaData(string name, SqlDbType dbType, byte precision, byte scale, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, precision, scale, useServerDefault, 
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);

        // string type constructor with locale and compare options, no tvp extended properties
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, long locale,
                           SqlCompareOptions compareOptions) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, locale, compareOptions, x_defaultUseServerDefault,
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal); 

        // string type constructor with locale and compare options 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, long locale,
                           SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, bool useServerDefault,
                           bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, locale, compareOptions, useServerDefault, 
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
        // typed xml ctor
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, string database, string owningSchema, 
                           string objectName, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey,
                           SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            Construct(name, dbType, database, owningSchema, objectName, useServerDefault,
                        isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 
        // everything except xml schema and tvp properties ctor 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, byte precision,
                           byte scale, long  locale, SqlCompareOptions   compareOptions, 
                           Type userDefinedType) :
                           this(name, dbType, maxLength, precision, scale, locale, compareOptions,
                                userDefinedType, x_defaultUseServerDefault, x_defaultIsUniqueKey,
                                x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal) { 
        // everything except xml schema ctor 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, byte precision,
                           byte scale, long  localeId, SqlCompareOptions   compareOptions, 
                           Type userDefinedType, bool useServerDefault,
                           bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            switch (dbType) {
                case SqlDbType.BigInt: 
                case SqlDbType.Image:
                case SqlDbType.Timestamp: 
                case SqlDbType.Bit: 
                case SqlDbType.DateTime:
                case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: 
                case SqlDbType.Real:
                case SqlDbType.Int:
                case SqlDbType.Money:
                case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: 
                case SqlDbType.Float:
                case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: 
                case SqlDbType.SmallInt: 
                case SqlDbType.TinyInt:
                case SqlDbType.Xml: 
                case SqlDbType.Date:
                    Construct(name, dbType, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.Binary: 
                case SqlDbType.VarBinary:
                    Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 
                case SqlDbType.Char:
                case SqlDbType.NChar: 
                case SqlDbType.NVarChar:
                case SqlDbType.VarChar:
                    Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, localeId, compareOptions, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.NText:
                case SqlDbType.Text: 
                    // SQLBU # : We should ignore user's max length and use Max instead to avoid exception 
                    Construct(name, dbType, Max, localeId, compareOptions, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.Decimal:
                case SqlDbType.Time:
                case SqlDbType.DateTime2:
                case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: 
                    Construct(name, dbType, precision, scale, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.Variant: 
                    Construct(name, dbType, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.Udt:
                    Construct(name, dbType, userDefinedType, "", useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, string database, string owningSchema, string objectName) {
            Construct(name, dbType, database, owningSchema, objectName, x_defaultUseServerDefault, x_defaultIsUniqueKey,
                    x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal);

        // Most general constructor, should be able to intialize all SqlMetaData fields.(Used by SqlParameter) 
        internal SqlMetaData (String            name, 
                              SqlDbType         sqlDBType,
                              long              maxLength, 
                              byte              precision,
                              byte              scale,
                              long              localeId,
                              SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, 
                              string            xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase,
                              string            xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema, 
                              string            xmlSchemaCollectionName, 
                              bool              partialLength,
                              Type              udtType) { 

            m_strName                         = name;
            m_sqlDbType                       = sqlDBType; 
            m_lMaxLength                      = maxLength;
            m_bPrecision                      = precision; 
            m_bScale                          = scale; 
            m_lLocale                         = localeId;
            m_eCompareOptions                 = compareOptions; 
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase     = xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase;
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema = xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema;
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionName         = xmlSchemaCollectionName;
            m_bPartialLength                  = partialLength; 

            m_udttype                         = udtType; 

        // Private constructor used to initialize default instance array elements. 
        // DO NOT EXPOSE OUTSIDE THIS CLASS!  It performs no validation.
        private SqlMetaData (String            name,
                             SqlDbType         sqlDbType,
                             long              maxLength, 
                             byte              precision,
                             byte              scale, 
                             long              localeId, 
                             SqlCompareOptions compareOptions,
                             bool              partialLength) { 


            m_strName                         = name; 
            m_sqlDbType                       = sqlDbType;
            m_lMaxLength                      = maxLength; 
            m_bPrecision                      = precision; 
            m_bScale                          = scale;
            m_lLocale                         = localeId; 
            m_eCompareOptions                 = compareOptions;
            m_bPartialLength                  = partialLength;
            m_udttype                         = null;

        public SqlCompareOptions CompareOptions { 
            get { 
                return m_eCompareOptions;

        public DbType DbType {
            get { 
                return sxm_rgSqlDbTypeToDbType[(int)m_sqlDbType];

        public bool IsUniqueKey { 
            get {
                return m_isUniqueKey;

        public long LocaleId { 
                return m_lLocale;

        public static long Max {
            get { 
                return x_lMax;

        public long MaxLength { 
            get {
                return m_lMaxLength;

        public string Name { 
            get { 
                return m_strName;

        public byte Precision {
            get { 
                return m_bPrecision;

        public byte Scale { 
            get {
                return m_bScale;

        public SortOrder SortOrder { 
            get { 
                return m_columnSortOrder;

        public int SortOrdinal {
            get { 
                return m_sortOrdinal;

        public SqlDbType SqlDbType { 
            get {
                return m_sqlDbType;

        public Type Type { 
            get { 
                return m_udttype;

        public string TypeName {
            get { 
                if (m_serverTypeName != null) {
                    return m_serverTypeName; 
                else if (SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Udt) {
                    return UdtTypeName; 
                else {
                    return sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType].Name;
        internal string ServerTypeName {
            get { 
                return m_serverTypeName;
        public bool UseServerDefault {
            get { 
                return m_useServerDefault; 

        public string XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase {
            get {
                return m_XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase; 
        public string XmlSchemaCollectionName {
            get { 
                return m_XmlSchemaCollectionName;
        public string XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema {
            get { 
                return m_XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema; 

        internal bool IsPartialLength {
            get {
                return m_bPartialLength; 
        internal string UdtTypeName {
                if(SqlDbType != SqlDbType.Udt) {
                    return null;
                else if (m_udttype == null) { 
                    return null;
                else { 
                    return m_udttype.FullName;

        // Construction for all types that do not have variable attributes 
        private void Construct(String name, SqlDbType dbType, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 

            // Check for absense of explicitly-allowed types to avoid unexpected additions when new types are added
            if (!(  SqlDbType.BigInt            == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Bit               == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.DateTime          == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Date              == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.DateTime2         == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset    == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Decimal           == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.Float             == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Image             == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Int               == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Money             == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.NText             == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Real              == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.SmallDateTime     == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.SmallInt          == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.SmallMoney        == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.Text              == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Time              == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Timestamp         == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.TinyInt           == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier  == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Variant           == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.Xml               == dbType) ) 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType);
            SetDefaultsForType( dbType );

            if (SqlDbType.NText == dbType || SqlDbType.Text == dbType) {
                    m_lLocale  = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; 
            m_strName = name;
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault; 
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder;
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal;

        // Construction for all types that vary by user-specified length (not Udts) 
        private void Construct(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, bool useServerDefault, 
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);

            long lLocale = 0; 
            if (SqlDbType.Char == dbType) {
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxANSI || maxLength < 0) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            else if (SqlDbType.VarChar == dbType) {
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxANSI || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; 
            else if (SqlDbType.NChar == dbType) { 
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxUnicode || maxLength < 0) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; 
            else if (SqlDbType.NVarChar == dbType) {
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxUnicode || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            else if (SqlDbType.NText == dbType || SqlDbType.Text == dbType) { 
                // old-style lobs only allowed with Max length
                if (SqlMetaData.Max != maxLength) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            else if (SqlDbType.Binary == dbType) { 
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxBinary || maxLength < 0)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
            else if (SqlDbType.VarBinary == dbType) {
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxBinary || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
            else if (SqlDbType.Image == dbType) {
                // old-style lobs only allowed with Max length 
                if (SqlMetaData.Max != maxLength)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType); 

            SetDefaultsForType( dbType );

            m_strName = name; 
            m_lMaxLength = maxLength;
            m_lLocale = lLocale; 
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault; 
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder; 
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal;

        // Construction for string types with specified locale/compare options 
        private void Construct(String            name,
                               SqlDbType         dbType, 
                               long              maxLength, 
                               long              locale,
                               SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, 
                               bool              useServerDefault,
                               bool              isUniqueKey,
                               SortOrder         columnSortOrder,
                               int               sortOrdinal) { 
            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 

            // Validate type and max length. 
            if (SqlDbType.Char == dbType)
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxANSI || maxLength < 0)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
            else if (SqlDbType.VarChar == dbType) 
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxANSI || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
            else if (SqlDbType.NChar == dbType)
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxUnicode || maxLength < 0) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
            else if (SqlDbType.NVarChar == dbType) 
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxUnicode || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
            else if (SqlDbType.NText == dbType || SqlDbType.Text == dbType)
                // old-style lobs only allowed with Max length
                if (SqlMetaData.Max != maxLength) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType);

            // Validate locale?
            // Validate compare options
            //    Binary sort must be by itself. 
            //    Nothing else but the Ignore bits is allowed. 
            if (SqlCompareOptions.BinarySort != compareOptions &&
                    0 != (~((int)SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreCase | (int)SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace | 
                            (int)SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType | (int)SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreWidth) &
                throw ADP.InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(SqlCompareOptions), (int)compareOptions);
            SetDefaultsForType( dbType );
            m_strName = name; 
            m_lMaxLength = maxLength;
            m_lLocale = locale; 
            m_eCompareOptions = compareOptions;
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault;
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder; 
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal;

 	private static byte[] __maxLenFromPrecision = new byte[] {5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,9,9,9,9,9, 

        private const byte MaxTimeScale = 7;
        private static byte[] __maxVarTimeLenOffsetFromScale = new byte[] { 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 };
        // Construction for Decimal type and new Katmai Date/Time types 
        private void Construct( String name, SqlDbType dbType, byte precision, byte scale, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal ) { 

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal == dbType) {
                if (precision > SqlDecimal.MaxPrecision || scale > precision) 
                    throw SQL.PrecisionValueOutOfRange(precision); 

                if (scale > SqlDecimal.MaxScale) 
                    throw SQL.ScaleValueOutOfRange(scale);
            } else if (SqlDbType.Time == dbType || SqlDbType.DateTime2 == dbType || SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset == dbType) {
                if (scale > MaxTimeScale) {
                    throw SQL.TimeScaleValueOutOfRange(scale); 
            } else { 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType); 

            m_strName = name;
            m_bPrecision = precision;
            m_bScale = scale; 
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal == dbType) {
                m_lMaxLength = __maxLenFromPrecision[precision - 1]; 
            } else { 
                m_lMaxLength -= __maxVarTimeLenOffsetFromScale[scale];
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault;
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder;
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal; 
        // Construction for Udt type 
        private void Construct(String name, SqlDbType dbType, Type userDefinedType, string serverTypeName, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
            if (SqlDbType.Udt != dbType)
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType); 
            if (null == userDefinedType)
                throw ADP.ArgumentNull("userDefinedType"); 


            m_strName = name; 
            m_lMaxLength = SerializationHelperSql9.GetUdtMaxLength( userDefinedType );
            m_udttype = userDefinedType; 
            m_serverTypeName = serverTypeName; 
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault;
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey; 
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder;
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal;
        // Construction for Xml type
        private void Construct(String name, SqlDbType dbType, string database, string owningSchema, 
                    string objectName, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, 
                    int sortOrdinal) {

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);

            if (SqlDbType.Xml != dbType) 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType);
            if (null != database || null != owningSchema) { 
                if (null == objectName) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentNull("objectName"); 

            m_strName = name;
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase = database; 
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema = owningSchema;
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionName = objectName; 
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault;
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder;
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal; 
        private void AssertNameIsValid(string name) { 
            if (null == name)
                throw ADP.ArgumentNull("name"); 

            if (Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SmiMetaData.MaxNameLength < name.Length)
                throw SQL.NameTooLong("name");

        private void ValidateSortOrder(SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 
            // Check that sort order is valid enum value. 
            if (SortOrder.Unspecified != columnSortOrder &&
                    SortOrder.Ascending != columnSortOrder && 
                    SortOrder.Descending != columnSortOrder) {
                throw SQL.InvalidSortOrder(columnSortOrder);
            // Must specify both sort order and ordinal, or neither
            if ( (SortOrder.Unspecified == columnSortOrder) != (x_defaultSortOrdinal == sortOrdinal)) { 
                throw SQL.MustSpecifyBothSortOrderAndOrdinal(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 

        public Int16 Adjust(Int16 value) {
            if (SqlDbType.SmallInt != SqlDbType) 
            return value; 

        public Int32 Adjust(Int32 value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Int != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public Int64 Adjust(Int64 value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.BigInt != SqlDbType) 
            return value; 

        public float Adjust(float value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Real != SqlDbType) 
            return value; 

        public double Adjust(double value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Float != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public string Adjust(string value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) { 
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(string): Fixed-length type with Max length!");
                // Don't pad null values 
                if (null != value) {
                    // Pad if necessary
                    if (value.Length < MaxLength)
                        value = value.PadRight((int)MaxLength); 
            else if (SqlDbType.VarChar  != SqlDbType && 
                     SqlDbType.NVarChar != SqlDbType &&
                     SqlDbType.Text     != SqlDbType && 
                     SqlDbType.NText    != SqlDbType) {
            // Handle null values after type check
            if (null == value) { 
                return null; 
            if (value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength)
                value = value.Remove((int)MaxLength, (int)(value.Length - MaxLength));

            return value; 
        public decimal Adjust(decimal value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal    != SqlDbType &&
                SqlDbType.Money      != SqlDbType && 
                SqlDbType.SmallMoney != SqlDbType) {
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal != SqlDbType) {
                VerifyMoneyRange(new SqlMoney(value)); 
                return value; 
            else { 
                SqlDecimal sdValue = InternalAdjustSqlDecimal(new SqlDecimal(value));
                return sdValue.Value;

        public DateTime Adjust(DateTime value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.DateTime == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.SmallDateTime == SqlDbType) { 
            } else if (SqlDbType.DateTime2 == SqlDbType) { 
                return new DateTime(InternalAdjustTimeTicks(value.Ticks));
            } else if (SqlDbType.Date == SqlDbType) {
                return value.Date;
            } else { 
            return value; 
        public Guid Adjust(Guid value) {
            if (SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlBoolean Adjust(SqlBoolean value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Bit != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public SqlByte Adjust(SqlByte value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.TinyInt != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlInt16 Adjust(SqlInt16 value) {
            if (SqlDbType.SmallInt != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlInt32 Adjust(SqlInt32 value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Int != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public SqlInt64 Adjust(SqlInt64 value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.BigInt != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlSingle Adjust(SqlSingle value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Real != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlDouble Adjust(SqlDouble value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Float != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public SqlMoney Adjust(SqlMoney value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Money      != SqlDbType &&
                SqlDbType.SmallMoney != SqlDbType) 

            if (!value.IsNull) 

            return value;

        public SqlDateTime Adjust(SqlDateTime value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.DateTime      != SqlDbType && 
                SqlDbType.SmallDateTime != SqlDbType)

            if (!value.IsNull)
            return value;
        public SqlDecimal Adjust(SqlDecimal value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal != SqlDbType) 
            return InternalAdjustSqlDecimal(value);
        public SqlString Adjust(SqlString value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) 
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(SqlString): Fixed-length type with Max length!");
                // Don't pad null values 
                if (!value.IsNull)
                    // Pad fixed-length types
                    if (value.Value.Length < MaxLength) 
                        return new SqlString(value.Value.PadRight((int)MaxLength));
            else if (SqlDbType.VarChar != SqlDbType && SqlDbType.NVarChar != SqlDbType &&
                    SqlDbType.Text != SqlDbType && SqlDbType.NText != SqlDbType) 

            // Handle null values after type check
            if (value.IsNull) 
                return value; 

            // trim all types 
            if (value.Value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength)
                value = new SqlString(value.Value.Remove((int)MaxLength, (int)(value.Value.Length - MaxLength)));

            return value; 
        public SqlBinary Adjust(SqlBinary value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Binary    == SqlDbType ||
                SqlDbType.Timestamp == SqlDbType) { 
                if (!value.IsNull) {
                    // Pad fixed-length types
                    if (value.Length < MaxLength) {
                        byte[] rgbValue = value.Value; 
                        byte[] rgbNewValue = new byte[ MaxLength ];
                        Array.Copy(rgbValue, rgbNewValue, rgbValue.Length); 
                        Array.Clear(rgbNewValue, rgbValue.Length, rgbNewValue.Length - rgbValue.Length); 
                        return new SqlBinary(rgbNewValue);
            else if (SqlDbType.VarBinary != SqlDbType &&
                    SqlDbType.Image != SqlDbType) 
            // Handle null values 
            if (value.IsNull) {
                return value; 

            // trim all types
            if (value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength) { 
                byte[] rgbValue = value.Value;
                byte[] rgbNewValue = new byte[ MaxLength ]; 
                Array.Copy(rgbValue, rgbNewValue, (int)MaxLength); 
                value = new SqlBinary(rgbNewValue);

            return value;
        public SqlGuid Adjust(SqlGuid value) {
            if (SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier != SqlDbType) 
            return value;

        public SqlChars Adjust(SqlChars value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) {
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(SqlChars): Fixed-length type with Max length!"); 
                // Don't pad null values
                if (null != value && !value.IsNull) { 
                    // Pad fixed-length types 
                    long oldLength = value.Length;
                    if (oldLength < MaxLength) { 
                        // Make sure buffer is long enough
                        if (value.MaxLength < MaxLength) {
                            char[] rgchNew = new char[ (int)MaxLength ];
                            Array.Copy(value.Buffer, rgchNew, (int)oldLength); 
                            value = new SqlChars(rgchNew);
                        // pad extra space
                        char[] rgchTemp = value.Buffer; 
                        for(long i=oldLength; i MaxLength && Max != MaxLength)

            return value; 
        public SqlBytes Adjust(SqlBytes value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Binary == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.Timestamp == SqlDbType) {
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(SqlBytes): Fixed-length type with Max length!"); 
                // Don't pad null values
                if (null != value && !value.IsNull)
                    // Pad fixed-length types 
                    int oldLength = (int) value.Length;
                    if (oldLength < MaxLength) 
                        // Make sure buffer is long enough
                        if (value.MaxLength < MaxLength) 
                            byte[] rgbNew = new byte[ MaxLength ];
                            Array.Copy(value.Buffer, rgbNew, (int)oldLength);
                            value = new SqlBytes(rgbNew); 
                        // pad extra space 
                        byte[] rgbTemp = value.Buffer;
                        Array.Clear(rgbTemp, oldLength, rgbTemp.Length - oldLength); 
                        return value;
            else if (SqlDbType.VarBinary != SqlDbType && 
                     SqlDbType.Image != SqlDbType) 
            // Handle null values after type check.
            if (null == value || value.IsNull) {
                return value;

            // trim all types 
            if (value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength) 
            return value;

        public SqlXml Adjust(SqlXml value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Xml != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public TimeSpan Adjust(TimeSpan value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Time != SqlDbType)
            return new TimeSpan(InternalAdjustTimeTicks(value.Ticks));
        public DateTimeOffset Adjust(DateTimeOffset value) {
            if (SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset != SqlDbType) 
            return new DateTimeOffset(InternalAdjustTimeTicks(value.Ticks), value.Offset);
        public object Adjust(object value) {
            // Pass null references through 
            if (null == value) 
                return null;
            Type dataType = value.GetType();
            switch (Type.GetTypeCode(dataType)) {
                case TypeCode.Boolean:    value = this.Adjust((Boolean)value); break;
                case TypeCode.Byte:        value = this.Adjust((Byte)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.Char:        value = this.Adjust((Char)value); break;
                case TypeCode.DateTime:    value = this.Adjust((DateTime)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.DBNull:    /* DBNull passes through as is for all types */   break; 
                case TypeCode.Decimal:    value = this.Adjust((Decimal)value); break;
                case TypeCode.Double:    value = this.Adjust((Double)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.Empty:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.Empty);
                case TypeCode.Int16:    value = this.Adjust((Int16)value); break;
                case TypeCode.Int32:    value = this.Adjust((Int32)value); break;
                case TypeCode.Int64:    value = this.Adjust((Int64)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.SByte:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.SByte);
                case TypeCode.Single:    value = this.Adjust((Single)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.String:    value = this.Adjust((String)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.UInt16:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt16);
                case TypeCode.UInt32:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt32); 
                case TypeCode.UInt64:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt64);
                case TypeCode.Object:
                    if (dataType == typeof(System.Byte[]))
                        value = this.Adjust((System.Byte[])value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Char[]))
                        value = this.Adjust((System.Char[])value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Guid)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((System.Guid)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Object)) { 
                        throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt64);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBinary)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlBinary)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBoolean)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlBoolean)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlByte))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlByte)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDateTime))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlDateTime)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDouble))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlDouble)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlGuid))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlGuid)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt16)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlInt16)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt32)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlInt32)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt64))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlInt64)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlMoney)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlMoney)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDecimal)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlDecimal)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlSingle))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlSingle)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlString))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlString)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlChars))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlChars)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBytes))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlBytes)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlXml)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlXml)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(TimeSpan)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((TimeSpan)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                        value = this.Adjust((DateTimeOffset)value);
                    else { 
                        // Handle UDTs?
                        throw ADP.UnknownDataType(dataType); 

                default:        throw ADP.UnknownDataTypeCode(dataType, Type.GetTypeCode(dataType));
            return value;
        // Used for converting from the old _SqlMetaData to the new SqlMetaData
        static internal SqlMetaData GetNewSqlMetaDataFromOld(_SqlMetaData sqlMetaData, string name) { 
            SqlCompareOptions compEnum;
            long lcid;
            long maxlen;
            SqlMetaData  smdt; 
            byte precision;
            byte scale; 
            if (TdsEnums.UNKNOWN_PRECISION_SCALE != sqlMetaData.precision) {
                precision = sqlMetaData.precision; 
            else if (TdsEnums.UNKNOWN_PRECISION_SCALE != sqlMetaData.metaType.Precision) {
                precision = sqlMetaData.metaType.Precision;
            else {
                precision = 0; 

            if (TdsEnums.UNKNOWN_PRECISION_SCALE != sqlMetaData.scale) { 
                scale = sqlMetaData.scale;
            else if (TdsEnums.UNKNOWN_PRECISION_SCALE != sqlMetaData.metaType.Scale) {
                scale = sqlMetaData.metaType.Scale; 
            else { 
                scale = 0; 
            // Fix Bug 308062  percision and value constants taken from sxm_rgDefaults table at bottom of the file.
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.TinyInt) {
                       sqlMetaData.precision = 3;
                       sqlMetaData.scale = 0; 
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.SmallInt) { 
                       sqlMetaData.precision = 5;
                       sqlMetaData.scale = 0; 
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Int) {
                       sqlMetaData.precision = 10; 
                       sqlMetaData.scale = 0;
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.BigInt) {
                       sqlMetaData.precision = 19; 
                       sqlMetaData.scale = 0;

            // SqlMetaData.MaxLength is number of chars if character datatype, number of 
            // bytes otherwise
            if (SqlDbType.Variant == sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType) { 
                maxlen = sqlMetaData.length;     // Bug: 302695 
			if (sqlMetaData.metaType.IsPlp) {
			 	maxlen = -1;    // Bug: 302696
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.IsFixed) {
                maxlen = sqlMetaData.metaType.FixedLength; 
			else {
                maxlen = sqlMetaData.length; 
            // maxlen = -1 when the metaType.IsPlp - NVarChar(max)  See Bug 302696
 			if (maxlen > 0 && (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NChar ||
                sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NVarChar || 
                sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NText))
                maxlen /= 2; 
            if (sqlMetaData.collation != null) { 
                lcid = (long) sqlMetaData.collation.LCID;
                compEnum = sqlMetaData.collation.SqlCompareOptions; 
            else {
                lcid = 0;
                compEnum = SqlCompareOptions.None; 
            if(sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Udt) { 
                SqlConnection.CheckGetExtendedUDTInfo(sqlMetaData, true);
                smdt = new SqlMetaData(name, 
            else { 
                smdt = new SqlMetaData(

            return smdt;
        public static SqlMetaData InferFromValue(object value, String name) {
            if (value == null) 
                throw ADP.ArgumentNull("value"); 
            SqlMetaData smd = null;
            Type dataType = value.GetType(); 
            switch (Type.GetTypeCode(dataType))
                case TypeCode.Boolean:    smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Bit); break;
                case TypeCode.Byte:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.TinyInt); break; 
                case TypeCode.Char:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1 ); break;
                case TypeCode.DateTime:    smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.DateTime); break; 
                case TypeCode.DBNull:        throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.DBNull); 
                case TypeCode.Decimal:
                    {  // Add brackets in order to contain scope declare local variable "sd" 
                    // use logic inside SqlDecimal to infer precision and scale.
                    SqlDecimal sd = new SqlDecimal((Decimal)value);
                    smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Decimal, sd.Precision, sd.Scale);
                case TypeCode.Double:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Float); break; 
                case TypeCode.Empty:        throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.Empty); 
                case TypeCode.Int16:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.SmallInt); break;
                case TypeCode.Int32:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Int); break; 
                case TypeCode.Int64:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.BigInt); break;
                case TypeCode.SByte:        throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.SByte);
                case TypeCode.Single:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Real); break;
                case TypeCode.String: 
                    long maxLen = ((String)value).Length; 
                    if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1; 

                    if (x_lServerMaxUnicode < maxLen) 
                        maxLen = Max;

                    smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, maxLen);
                case TypeCode.UInt16:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt16); 
                case TypeCode.UInt32:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt32); 
                case TypeCode.UInt64:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt64);
                case TypeCode.Object: 
                    if (dataType == typeof(System.Byte[]))
                        long maxLen = ((System.Byte[])value).Length;
                        if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1; 

                        if (x_lServerMaxBinary < maxLen) 
                            maxLen = Max; 

                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.VarBinary, maxLen); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Char[]))
                        long maxLen = ((System.Char[])value).Length; 
                        if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1;
                        if (x_lServerMaxUnicode < maxLen) 
                            maxLen = Max;
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, maxLen);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Guid))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Object))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Variant); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBinary)) 
                        long maxLen; 
                        SqlBinary sb = ((SqlBinary) value);
                        if (!sb.IsNull)
                            maxLen = sb.Length; 
                            if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1;
                            if (x_lServerMaxBinary < maxLen) 
                                maxLen = Max;
                            maxLen = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.VarBinary].MaxLength;

                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.VarBinary, maxLen); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBoolean)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Bit); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlByte))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.TinyInt); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDateTime))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.DateTime);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDouble))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Float); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlGuid))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt16)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.SmallInt);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt32)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Int);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt64))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.BigInt);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlMoney)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Money);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDecimal)) 
                        byte bPrec;
                        byte scale; 
                        SqlDecimal sd = (SqlDecimal) value;
                        if (!sd.IsNull)
                            bPrec = sd.Precision; 
                            scale = sd.Scale;
                            bPrec = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.Decimal].Precision; 
                            scale = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.Decimal].Scale;
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Decimal, bPrec, scale);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlSingle))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Real); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlString)) 
                        SqlString ss = (SqlString)value; 
                        if (!ss.IsNull)
                            long maxLen = ss.Value.Length;
                            if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1; 

                            if (maxLen > x_lServerMaxUnicode) 
                                maxLen = Max; 

                            smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, maxLen, ss.LCID, ss.SqlCompareOptions); 
                            smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.NVarChar].MaxLength); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlChars)) 
                        long maxLen; 
                        SqlChars sch = (SqlChars)value;
                        if (!sch.IsNull)
                            maxLen = sch.Length; 
                            if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1;
                            if (maxLen > x_lServerMaxUnicode) 
                                maxLen = Max;
                            maxLen = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.NVarChar].MaxLength;

                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, maxLen); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBytes)) 
                        long maxLen;
                        SqlBytes sb = (SqlBytes)value; 
                        if (!sb.IsNull)
                            maxLen = sb.Length;
                            if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1; 
                            else if (x_lServerMaxBinary < maxLen) maxLen = Max;
                            maxLen = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.VarBinary].MaxLength;
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.VarBinary, maxLen);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlXml))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Xml); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Time, 0, InferScaleFromTimeTicks(((TimeSpan)value).Ticks)); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset, 0, InferScaleFromTimeTicks(((DateTimeOffset)value).Ticks));
                        throw ADP.UnknownDataType(dataType);

                default:        throw ADP.UnknownDataTypeCode(dataType, Type.GetTypeCode(dataType));
            return smd;

        public bool Adjust(bool value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Bit != SqlDbType)
            return value;
        public byte Adjust(byte value) {
            if (SqlDbType.TinyInt != SqlDbType) 
            return value;
        public byte[] Adjust(byte[] value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Binary == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.Timestamp == SqlDbType) 
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(byte[]): Fixed-length type with Max length!");
                // Don't pad null values 
                if (null != value)
                    // Pad fixed-length types
                    if (value.Length < MaxLength) 
                        byte[] rgbNewValue = new byte[ MaxLength ]; 
                        Array.Copy(value, rgbNewValue, value.Length); 
                        Array.Clear(rgbNewValue, value.Length, (int) rgbNewValue.Length - value.Length);
                        return rgbNewValue; 
            else if (SqlDbType.VarBinary != SqlDbType && 
                    SqlDbType.Image != SqlDbType)
            // Handle null values after type check
            if (null == value) 
                return null;
            // trim all types
            if (value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength) 
                byte[] rgbNewValue = new byte[ MaxLength];
                Array.Copy(value, rgbNewValue, (int)MaxLength); 
                value = rgbNewValue;

            return value; 
        public char Adjust(char value) 
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) 
                if (1 != MaxLength)
            else if (    (1 > MaxLength) ||  // char must have max length of at least 1
                    (SqlDbType.VarChar != SqlDbType && SqlDbType.NVarChar != SqlDbType && 
                    SqlDbType.Text != SqlDbType && SqlDbType.NText != SqlDbType) 

            return value;
        public char[] Adjust(char[] value)
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) 
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(byte[]): Fixed-length type with Max length!"); 
                // Don't pad null values
                if (null != value)
                    // Pad fixed-length types 
                    long oldLength = value.Length;
                    if (oldLength < MaxLength) 
                        char[] rgchNew = new char[ (int)MaxLength ];
                        Array.Copy(value, rgchNew, (int)oldLength); 

                        // pad extra space
                        for(long i=oldLength; i MaxLength && Max != MaxLength)
                char[] rgchNewValue = new char[ MaxLength ];
                Array.Copy(value, rgchNewValue, (int)MaxLength); 
                value = rgchNewValue; 

            return value;

           internal static SqlMetaData GetPartialLengthMetaData(SqlMetaData  md) { 
                if (md.IsPartialLength == true) { 
                    return md;
                if (md.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Xml)
                    ThrowInvalidType();     //Xml should always have IsPartialLength = true

                if (md.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NVarChar || md.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.VarChar || 
                        md.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.VarBinary) {
                    SqlMetaData mdnew = new SqlMetaData(md.Name, md.SqlDbType, SqlMetaData.Max, 0, 0, md.LocaleId, 
                        md.CompareOptions, null, null, null, true, md.Type); 
                    return mdnew;
                    return md;

        private static void ThrowInvalidType() { 
            throw ADP.InvalidMetaDataValue(); 
        // Hard coding smalldatetime limits...
        private static readonly DateTime x_dtSmallMax = new DateTime(2079, 06, 06, 23, 59, 29, 998);
        private static readonly DateTime x_dtSmallMin = new DateTime(1899, 12, 31, 23, 59, 29, 999);
        void VerifyDateTimeRange(DateTime value) 
            if (SqlDbType.SmallDateTime == SqlDbType && (x_dtSmallMax < value || x_dtSmallMin > value)) 
        private static readonly SqlMoney x_smSmallMax = new SqlMoney(((Decimal)Int32.MaxValue)/10000);
        private static readonly SqlMoney x_smSmallMin = new SqlMoney(((Decimal)Int32.MinValue)/10000);
        void VerifyMoneyRange(SqlMoney value)
            if (SqlDbType.SmallMoney == SqlDbType && ((x_smSmallMax < value).Value || (x_smSmallMin > value).Value))

        private SqlDecimal InternalAdjustSqlDecimal(SqlDecimal value) 
            if (!value.IsNull && (value.Precision != Precision || value.Scale != Scale))
                // SQLBU 402377 Force truncation if target scale is smaller than actual scale. 
                if (value.Scale != Scale)
                    value = SqlDecimal.AdjustScale(value, Scale - value.Scale, false /* Don't round, truncate. */); 
                return SqlDecimal.ConvertToPrecScale(value, Precision, Scale); 

            return value;

        private static readonly TimeSpan x_timeMin = TimeSpan.Zero; 
        private static readonly TimeSpan x_timeMax = new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerDay - 1); 
        private void VerifyTimeRange(TimeSpan value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Time == SqlDbType && (x_timeMin > value || value > x_timeMax)) { 
        private static readonly Int64[] __unitTicksFromScale = {
        private Int64 InternalAdjustTimeTicks(Int64 ticks) { 
            return (ticks / __unitTicksFromScale[Scale] * __unitTicksFromScale[Scale]);

        private static byte InferScaleFromTimeTicks(Int64 ticks) {
            for (byte scale = 0; scale < MaxTimeScale; ++scale) {
                if ((ticks / __unitTicksFromScale[scale] * __unitTicksFromScale[scale]) == ticks) { 
                    return scale;
            return MaxTimeScale;

        private static DbType[] sxm_rgSqlDbTypeToDbType = {
            DbType.Int64,           // SqlDbType.BigInt
            DbType.Binary,          // SqlDbType.Binary 
            DbType.Boolean,         // SqlDbType.Bit
            DbType.AnsiString,      // SqlDbType.Char 
            DbType.DateTime,        // SqlDbType.DateTime 
            DbType.Decimal,         // SqlDbType.Decimal
            DbType.Double,          // SqlDbType.Float 
            DbType.Binary,          // SqlDbType.Image
            DbType.Int32,           // SqlDbType.Int
            DbType.Currency,        // SqlDbType.Money
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NChar 
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NText
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NVarChar 
            DbType.Single,          // SqlDbType.Real 
            DbType.Guid,            // SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier
            DbType.DateTime,        // SqlDbType.SmallDateTime 
            DbType.Int16,           // SqlDbType.SmallInt
            DbType.Currency,        // SqlDbType.SmallMoney
            DbType.AnsiString,      // SqlDbType.Text
            DbType.Binary,          // SqlDbType.Timestamp 
            DbType.Byte,            // SqlDbType.TinyInt
            DbType.Binary,          // SqlDbType.VarBinary 
            DbType.AnsiString,      // SqlDbType.VarChar 
            DbType.Object,          // SqlDbType.Variant
            DbType.Object,          // SqlDbType.Row 
            DbType.Xml,             // SqlDbType.Xml
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NVarChar, place holder
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NVarChar, place holder
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NVarChar, place holder 
            DbType.Object,          // SqlDbType.Udt
            DbType.Object,          // SqlDbType.Structured 
            DbType.Date,            // SqlDbType.Date 
            DbType.Time,            // SqlDbType.Time
            DbType.DateTime2,       // SqlDbType.DateTime2 
            DbType.DateTimeOffset   // SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset

        private void SetDefaultsForType( SqlDbType dbType ) 
            if ( SqlDbType.BigInt <= dbType && SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset >= dbType ) 
                SqlMetaData smdDflt = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)dbType];
                m_sqlDbType = dbType; 
                m_lMaxLength = smdDflt.MaxLength;
                m_bPrecision = smdDflt.Precision;
                m_bScale = smdDflt.Scale;
                m_lLocale = smdDflt.LocaleId; 
                m_eCompareOptions = smdDflt.CompareOptions;

        // Array of default-valued metadata ordered by corresponding SqlDbType. 
        internal static SqlMetaData[] sxm_rgDefaults =
        //    new SqlMetaData(name, DbType, SqlDbType, MaxLen, Prec, Scale, Locale, DatabaseName, SchemaName, isPartialLength)
            new SqlMetaData("bigint", SqlDbType.BigInt, 
                    8, 19, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None,  false),            // SqlDbType.BigInt
            new SqlMetaData("binary", SqlDbType.Binary, 
                    1, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None,  false),                // SqlDbType.Binary 
            new SqlMetaData("bit", SqlDbType.Bit,
                    1, 1, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Bit 
            new SqlMetaData("char", SqlDbType.Char,
                    1, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions,  false),                // SqlDbType.Char
            new SqlMetaData("datetime", SqlDbType.DateTime,
                    8, 23, 3, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.DateTime 
            new SqlMetaData("decimal", SqlDbType.Decimal,
                    9, 18, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None,  false),            // SqlDbType.Decimal 
            new SqlMetaData("float", SqlDbType.Float, 
                    8, 53, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Float
            new SqlMetaData("image", SqlDbType.Image, 
                    x_lMax, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Image
            new SqlMetaData("int", SqlDbType.Int,
                    4, 10, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Int
            new SqlMetaData("money", SqlDbType.Money, 
                    8, 19, 4, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Money
            new SqlMetaData("nchar", SqlDbType.NChar, 
                    1, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.NChar 
            new SqlMetaData("ntext", SqlDbType.NText,
                    x_lMax, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.NText 
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar,
                    x_lServerMaxUnicode, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.NVarChar
            new SqlMetaData("real", SqlDbType.Real,
                    4, 24, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Real 
            new SqlMetaData("uniqueidentifier", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier,
                    16, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier 
            new SqlMetaData("smalldatetime", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime, 
                    4, 16, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.SmallDateTime
            new SqlMetaData("smallint", SqlDbType.SmallInt, 
                    2, 5, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                                    // SqlDbType.SmallInt
            new SqlMetaData("smallmoney", SqlDbType.SmallMoney,
                    4, 10, 4, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.SmallMoney
            new SqlMetaData("text", SqlDbType.Text, 
                    x_lMax, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.Text
            new SqlMetaData("timestamp", SqlDbType.Timestamp, 
                    8, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Timestamp 
            new SqlMetaData("tinyint", SqlDbType.TinyInt,
                    1, 3, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.TinyInt 
            new SqlMetaData("varbinary", SqlDbType.VarBinary,
                    x_lServerMaxBinary, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.VarBinary
            new SqlMetaData("varchar", SqlDbType.VarChar,
                    x_lServerMaxANSI, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.VarChar 
            new SqlMetaData("sql_variant", SqlDbType.Variant,
                    8016, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Variant 
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 
                    1, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // Placeholder for value 24
            new SqlMetaData("xml", SqlDbType.Xml, 
                    x_lMax, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, true),                // SqlDbType.Xml
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar,
                    1, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // Placeholder for value 26
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 
                    x_lServerMaxUnicode, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // Placeholder for value 27
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 
                    x_lServerMaxUnicode, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // Placeholder for value 28 
            new SqlMetaData("udt", SqlDbType.Udt,
                    0, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Udt = 29  Bug Fix: 302698 
            new SqlMetaData("table", SqlDbType.Structured,
                    0, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Structured
            new SqlMetaData("date", SqlDbType.Date,
                    3, 10,0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Date 
            new SqlMetaData("time", SqlDbType.Time,
                    5, 0, 7, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Time 
            new SqlMetaData("datetime2", SqlDbType.DateTime2, 
                    8, 0, 7, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.DateTime2
            new SqlMetaData("datetimeoffset", SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset, 
                   10, 0, 7, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// [....] 
// [....]
// [....] 

namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Server { 

    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.Common; 
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Data.SqlTypes; 
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    // class SqlMetaData
    //   Simple immutable implementation of the a metadata-holding class.  Only
    //    complexities are:
    //        1) enforcing immutability. 
    //        2) Inferring type from a value.
    //        3) Adjusting a value to match the metadata. 
    public sealed class SqlMetaData
        private string            m_strName;
        private long              m_lMaxLength;
        private SqlDbType         m_sqlDbType;
        private byte              m_bPrecision; 
        private byte              m_bScale;
        private long              m_lLocale; 
        private SqlCompareOptions m_eCompareOptions; 
        private string            m_XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase;
        private string            m_XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema; 
        private string            m_XmlSchemaCollectionName;
        private string            m_serverTypeName;
        private bool              m_bPartialLength;
        private Type              m_udttype; 
        private bool              m_useServerDefault;
        private bool              m_isUniqueKey; 
        private SortOrder         m_columnSortOrder; 
        private int               m_sortOrdinal;
        // unlimited (except by implementation) max-length.
        private const long        x_lMax = -1;
        private const long        x_lServerMaxUnicode = 4000;
        private const long        x_lServerMaxANSI = 8000; 
        private const long        x_lServerMaxBinary = 8000;
        private const bool        x_defaultUseServerDefault = false; 
        private const bool        x_defaultIsUniqueKey = false; 
        private const SortOrder   x_defaultColumnSortOrder = SortOrder.Unspecified;
        private const int         x_defaultSortOrdinal = -1; 

        private const SqlCompareOptions x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions = SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreCase
                                        | SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType | SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreWidth;
        // scalar types constructor without tvp extended properties
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, x_defaultUseServerDefault, 
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal);

        // scalar types constructor
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, useServerDefault,
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 

        // binary or string constructor with only max length 
        // (for string types, locale and compare options will be picked up from the thread.
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength) {
            Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, x_defaultUseServerDefault,
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal); 
        // binary or string constructor with only max length and tvp extended properties 
        // (for string types, locale and compare options will be picked up from the thread.
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, bool useServerDefault, 
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, useServerDefault,
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);

        // udt ctor without tvp extended properties 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, Type userDefinedType) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, userDefinedType, null, x_defaultUseServerDefault,
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal); 

        // udt ctor without tvp extended properties
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, Type userDefinedType, string serverTypeName) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, userDefinedType, serverTypeName, x_defaultUseServerDefault,
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal); 

        // udt ctor 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, Type userDefinedType, string serverTypeName,
                    bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            Construct(name, dbType, userDefinedType, serverTypeName, useServerDefault,
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 
        // decimal ctor without tvp extended properties 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, byte precision, byte scale) {
            Construct(name, dbType, precision, scale, x_defaultUseServerDefault, 
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal);

        // decimal ctor 
        public SqlMetaData(string name, SqlDbType dbType, byte precision, byte scale, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, precision, scale, useServerDefault, 
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);

        // string type constructor with locale and compare options, no tvp extended properties
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, long locale,
                           SqlCompareOptions compareOptions) { 
            Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, locale, compareOptions, x_defaultUseServerDefault,
                    x_defaultIsUniqueKey, x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal); 

        // string type constructor with locale and compare options 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, long locale,
                           SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, bool useServerDefault,
                           bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, locale, compareOptions, useServerDefault, 
                    isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
        // typed xml ctor
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, string database, string owningSchema, 
                           string objectName, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey,
                           SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            Construct(name, dbType, database, owningSchema, objectName, useServerDefault,
                        isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 
        // everything except xml schema and tvp properties ctor 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, byte precision,
                           byte scale, long  locale, SqlCompareOptions   compareOptions, 
                           Type userDefinedType) :
                           this(name, dbType, maxLength, precision, scale, locale, compareOptions,
                                userDefinedType, x_defaultUseServerDefault, x_defaultIsUniqueKey,
                                x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal) { 
        // everything except xml schema ctor 
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, byte precision,
                           byte scale, long  localeId, SqlCompareOptions   compareOptions, 
                           Type userDefinedType, bool useServerDefault,
                           bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {
            switch (dbType) {
                case SqlDbType.BigInt: 
                case SqlDbType.Image:
                case SqlDbType.Timestamp: 
                case SqlDbType.Bit: 
                case SqlDbType.DateTime:
                case SqlDbType.SmallDateTime: 
                case SqlDbType.Real:
                case SqlDbType.Int:
                case SqlDbType.Money:
                case SqlDbType.SmallMoney: 
                case SqlDbType.Float:
                case SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier: 
                case SqlDbType.SmallInt: 
                case SqlDbType.TinyInt:
                case SqlDbType.Xml: 
                case SqlDbType.Date:
                    Construct(name, dbType, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.Binary: 
                case SqlDbType.VarBinary:
                    Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 
                case SqlDbType.Char:
                case SqlDbType.NChar: 
                case SqlDbType.NVarChar:
                case SqlDbType.VarChar:
                    Construct(name, dbType, maxLength, localeId, compareOptions, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.NText:
                case SqlDbType.Text: 
                    // SQLBU # : We should ignore user's max length and use Max instead to avoid exception 
                    Construct(name, dbType, Max, localeId, compareOptions, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.Decimal:
                case SqlDbType.Time:
                case SqlDbType.DateTime2:
                case SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset: 
                    Construct(name, dbType, precision, scale, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.Variant: 
                    Construct(name, dbType, useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
                case SqlDbType.Udt:
                    Construct(name, dbType, userDefinedType, "", useServerDefault, isUniqueKey, columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
        public SqlMetaData(String name, SqlDbType dbType, string database, string owningSchema, string objectName) {
            Construct(name, dbType, database, owningSchema, objectName, x_defaultUseServerDefault, x_defaultIsUniqueKey,
                    x_defaultColumnSortOrder, x_defaultSortOrdinal);

        // Most general constructor, should be able to intialize all SqlMetaData fields.(Used by SqlParameter) 
        internal SqlMetaData (String            name, 
                              SqlDbType         sqlDBType,
                              long              maxLength, 
                              byte              precision,
                              byte              scale,
                              long              localeId,
                              SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, 
                              string            xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase,
                              string            xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema, 
                              string            xmlSchemaCollectionName, 
                              bool              partialLength,
                              Type              udtType) { 

            m_strName                         = name;
            m_sqlDbType                       = sqlDBType; 
            m_lMaxLength                      = maxLength;
            m_bPrecision                      = precision; 
            m_bScale                          = scale; 
            m_lLocale                         = localeId;
            m_eCompareOptions                 = compareOptions; 
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase     = xmlSchemaCollectionDatabase;
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema = xmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema;
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionName         = xmlSchemaCollectionName;
            m_bPartialLength                  = partialLength; 

            m_udttype                         = udtType; 

        // Private constructor used to initialize default instance array elements. 
        // DO NOT EXPOSE OUTSIDE THIS CLASS!  It performs no validation.
        private SqlMetaData (String            name,
                             SqlDbType         sqlDbType,
                             long              maxLength, 
                             byte              precision,
                             byte              scale, 
                             long              localeId, 
                             SqlCompareOptions compareOptions,
                             bool              partialLength) { 


            m_strName                         = name; 
            m_sqlDbType                       = sqlDbType;
            m_lMaxLength                      = maxLength; 
            m_bPrecision                      = precision; 
            m_bScale                          = scale;
            m_lLocale                         = localeId; 
            m_eCompareOptions                 = compareOptions;
            m_bPartialLength                  = partialLength;
            m_udttype                         = null;

        public SqlCompareOptions CompareOptions { 
            get { 
                return m_eCompareOptions;

        public DbType DbType {
            get { 
                return sxm_rgSqlDbTypeToDbType[(int)m_sqlDbType];

        public bool IsUniqueKey { 
            get {
                return m_isUniqueKey;

        public long LocaleId { 
                return m_lLocale;

        public static long Max {
            get { 
                return x_lMax;

        public long MaxLength { 
            get {
                return m_lMaxLength;

        public string Name { 
            get { 
                return m_strName;

        public byte Precision {
            get { 
                return m_bPrecision;

        public byte Scale { 
            get {
                return m_bScale;

        public SortOrder SortOrder { 
            get { 
                return m_columnSortOrder;

        public int SortOrdinal {
            get { 
                return m_sortOrdinal;

        public SqlDbType SqlDbType { 
            get {
                return m_sqlDbType;

        public Type Type { 
            get { 
                return m_udttype;

        public string TypeName {
            get { 
                if (m_serverTypeName != null) {
                    return m_serverTypeName; 
                else if (SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Udt) {
                    return UdtTypeName; 
                else {
                    return sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType].Name;
        internal string ServerTypeName {
            get { 
                return m_serverTypeName;
        public bool UseServerDefault {
            get { 
                return m_useServerDefault; 

        public string XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase {
            get {
                return m_XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase; 
        public string XmlSchemaCollectionName {
            get { 
                return m_XmlSchemaCollectionName;
        public string XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema {
            get { 
                return m_XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema; 

        internal bool IsPartialLength {
            get {
                return m_bPartialLength; 
        internal string UdtTypeName {
                if(SqlDbType != SqlDbType.Udt) {
                    return null;
                else if (m_udttype == null) { 
                    return null;
                else { 
                    return m_udttype.FullName;

        // Construction for all types that do not have variable attributes 
        private void Construct(String name, SqlDbType dbType, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 

            // Check for absense of explicitly-allowed types to avoid unexpected additions when new types are added
            if (!(  SqlDbType.BigInt            == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Bit               == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.DateTime          == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Date              == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.DateTime2         == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset    == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Decimal           == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.Float             == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Image             == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Int               == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Money             == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.NText             == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Real              == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.SmallDateTime     == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.SmallInt          == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.SmallMoney        == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.Text              == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Time              == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Timestamp         == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.TinyInt           == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier  == dbType ||
                    SqlDbType.Variant           == dbType || 
                    SqlDbType.Xml               == dbType) ) 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType);
            SetDefaultsForType( dbType );

            if (SqlDbType.NText == dbType || SqlDbType.Text == dbType) {
                    m_lLocale  = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; 
            m_strName = name;
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault; 
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder;
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal;

        // Construction for all types that vary by user-specified length (not Udts) 
        private void Construct(String name, SqlDbType dbType, long maxLength, bool useServerDefault, 
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) {

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);

            long lLocale = 0; 
            if (SqlDbType.Char == dbType) {
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxANSI || maxLength < 0) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            else if (SqlDbType.VarChar == dbType) {
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxANSI || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; 
            else if (SqlDbType.NChar == dbType) { 
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxUnicode || maxLength < 0) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID; 
            else if (SqlDbType.NVarChar == dbType) {
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxUnicode || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            else if (SqlDbType.NText == dbType || SqlDbType.Text == dbType) { 
                // old-style lobs only allowed with Max length
                if (SqlMetaData.Max != maxLength) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
                lLocale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            else if (SqlDbType.Binary == dbType) { 
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxBinary || maxLength < 0)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
            else if (SqlDbType.VarBinary == dbType) {
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxBinary || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
            else if (SqlDbType.Image == dbType) {
                // old-style lobs only allowed with Max length 
                if (SqlMetaData.Max != maxLength)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType); 

            SetDefaultsForType( dbType );

            m_strName = name; 
            m_lMaxLength = maxLength;
            m_lLocale = lLocale; 
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault; 
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder; 
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal;

        // Construction for string types with specified locale/compare options 
        private void Construct(String            name,
                               SqlDbType         dbType, 
                               long              maxLength, 
                               long              locale,
                               SqlCompareOptions compareOptions, 
                               bool              useServerDefault,
                               bool              isUniqueKey,
                               SortOrder         columnSortOrder,
                               int               sortOrdinal) { 
            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 

            // Validate type and max length. 
            if (SqlDbType.Char == dbType)
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxANSI || maxLength < 0)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
            else if (SqlDbType.VarChar == dbType) 
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxANSI || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max)
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
            else if (SqlDbType.NChar == dbType)
                if (maxLength > x_lServerMaxUnicode || maxLength < 0) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
            else if (SqlDbType.NVarChar == dbType) 
                if ((maxLength > x_lServerMaxUnicode || maxLength < 0) && maxLength != Max) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength");
            else if (SqlDbType.NText == dbType || SqlDbType.Text == dbType)
                // old-style lobs only allowed with Max length
                if (SqlMetaData.Max != maxLength) 
                    throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.ADP_InvalidDataLength2, maxLength.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), "maxLength"); 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType);

            // Validate locale?
            // Validate compare options
            //    Binary sort must be by itself. 
            //    Nothing else but the Ignore bits is allowed. 
            if (SqlCompareOptions.BinarySort != compareOptions &&
                    0 != (~((int)SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreCase | (int)SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace | 
                            (int)SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreKanaType | (int)SqlCompareOptions.IgnoreWidth) &
                throw ADP.InvalidEnumerationValue(typeof(SqlCompareOptions), (int)compareOptions);
            SetDefaultsForType( dbType );
            m_strName = name; 
            m_lMaxLength = maxLength;
            m_lLocale = locale; 
            m_eCompareOptions = compareOptions;
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault;
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder; 
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal;

 	private static byte[] __maxLenFromPrecision = new byte[] {5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,9,9,9,9,9, 

        private const byte MaxTimeScale = 7;
        private static byte[] __maxVarTimeLenOffsetFromScale = new byte[] { 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 };
        // Construction for Decimal type and new Katmai Date/Time types 
        private void Construct( String name, SqlDbType dbType, byte precision, byte scale, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal ) { 

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal == dbType) {
                if (precision > SqlDecimal.MaxPrecision || scale > precision) 
                    throw SQL.PrecisionValueOutOfRange(precision); 

                if (scale > SqlDecimal.MaxScale) 
                    throw SQL.ScaleValueOutOfRange(scale);
            } else if (SqlDbType.Time == dbType || SqlDbType.DateTime2 == dbType || SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset == dbType) {
                if (scale > MaxTimeScale) {
                    throw SQL.TimeScaleValueOutOfRange(scale); 
            } else { 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType); 

            m_strName = name;
            m_bPrecision = precision;
            m_bScale = scale; 
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal == dbType) {
                m_lMaxLength = __maxLenFromPrecision[precision - 1]; 
            } else { 
                m_lMaxLength -= __maxVarTimeLenOffsetFromScale[scale];
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault;
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder;
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal; 
        // Construction for Udt type 
        private void Construct(String name, SqlDbType dbType, Type userDefinedType, string serverTypeName, bool useServerDefault,
                    bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);
            if (SqlDbType.Udt != dbType)
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType); 
            if (null == userDefinedType)
                throw ADP.ArgumentNull("userDefinedType"); 


            m_strName = name; 
            m_lMaxLength = SerializationHelperSql9.GetUdtMaxLength( userDefinedType );
            m_udttype = userDefinedType; 
            m_serverTypeName = serverTypeName; 
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault;
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey; 
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder;
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal;
        // Construction for Xml type
        private void Construct(String name, SqlDbType dbType, string database, string owningSchema, 
                    string objectName, bool useServerDefault, bool isUniqueKey, SortOrder columnSortOrder, 
                    int sortOrdinal) {

            ValidateSortOrder(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal);

            if (SqlDbType.Xml != dbType) 
                throw SQL.InvalidSqlDbTypeForConstructor(dbType);
            if (null != database || null != owningSchema) { 
                if (null == objectName) {
                    throw ADP.ArgumentNull("objectName"); 

            m_strName = name;
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase = database; 
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema = owningSchema;
            m_XmlSchemaCollectionName = objectName; 
            m_useServerDefault = useServerDefault;
            m_isUniqueKey = isUniqueKey;
            m_columnSortOrder = columnSortOrder;
            m_sortOrdinal = sortOrdinal; 
        private void AssertNameIsValid(string name) { 
            if (null == name)
                throw ADP.ArgumentNull("name"); 

            if (Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SmiMetaData.MaxNameLength < name.Length)
                throw SQL.NameTooLong("name");

        private void ValidateSortOrder(SortOrder columnSortOrder, int sortOrdinal) { 
            // Check that sort order is valid enum value. 
            if (SortOrder.Unspecified != columnSortOrder &&
                    SortOrder.Ascending != columnSortOrder && 
                    SortOrder.Descending != columnSortOrder) {
                throw SQL.InvalidSortOrder(columnSortOrder);
            // Must specify both sort order and ordinal, or neither
            if ( (SortOrder.Unspecified == columnSortOrder) != (x_defaultSortOrdinal == sortOrdinal)) { 
                throw SQL.MustSpecifyBothSortOrderAndOrdinal(columnSortOrder, sortOrdinal); 

        public Int16 Adjust(Int16 value) {
            if (SqlDbType.SmallInt != SqlDbType) 
            return value; 

        public Int32 Adjust(Int32 value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Int != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public Int64 Adjust(Int64 value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.BigInt != SqlDbType) 
            return value; 

        public float Adjust(float value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Real != SqlDbType) 
            return value; 

        public double Adjust(double value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Float != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public string Adjust(string value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) { 
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(string): Fixed-length type with Max length!");
                // Don't pad null values 
                if (null != value) {
                    // Pad if necessary
                    if (value.Length < MaxLength)
                        value = value.PadRight((int)MaxLength); 
            else if (SqlDbType.VarChar  != SqlDbType && 
                     SqlDbType.NVarChar != SqlDbType &&
                     SqlDbType.Text     != SqlDbType && 
                     SqlDbType.NText    != SqlDbType) {
            // Handle null values after type check
            if (null == value) { 
                return null; 
            if (value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength)
                value = value.Remove((int)MaxLength, (int)(value.Length - MaxLength));

            return value; 
        public decimal Adjust(decimal value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal    != SqlDbType &&
                SqlDbType.Money      != SqlDbType && 
                SqlDbType.SmallMoney != SqlDbType) {
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal != SqlDbType) {
                VerifyMoneyRange(new SqlMoney(value)); 
                return value; 
            else { 
                SqlDecimal sdValue = InternalAdjustSqlDecimal(new SqlDecimal(value));
                return sdValue.Value;

        public DateTime Adjust(DateTime value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.DateTime == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.SmallDateTime == SqlDbType) { 
            } else if (SqlDbType.DateTime2 == SqlDbType) { 
                return new DateTime(InternalAdjustTimeTicks(value.Ticks));
            } else if (SqlDbType.Date == SqlDbType) {
                return value.Date;
            } else { 
            return value; 
        public Guid Adjust(Guid value) {
            if (SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlBoolean Adjust(SqlBoolean value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Bit != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public SqlByte Adjust(SqlByte value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.TinyInt != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlInt16 Adjust(SqlInt16 value) {
            if (SqlDbType.SmallInt != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlInt32 Adjust(SqlInt32 value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Int != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public SqlInt64 Adjust(SqlInt64 value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.BigInt != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlSingle Adjust(SqlSingle value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Real != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public SqlDouble Adjust(SqlDouble value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Float != SqlDbType)
            return value;

        public SqlMoney Adjust(SqlMoney value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Money      != SqlDbType &&
                SqlDbType.SmallMoney != SqlDbType) 

            if (!value.IsNull) 

            return value;

        public SqlDateTime Adjust(SqlDateTime value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.DateTime      != SqlDbType && 
                SqlDbType.SmallDateTime != SqlDbType)

            if (!value.IsNull)
            return value;
        public SqlDecimal Adjust(SqlDecimal value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Decimal != SqlDbType) 
            return InternalAdjustSqlDecimal(value);
        public SqlString Adjust(SqlString value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) 
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(SqlString): Fixed-length type with Max length!");
                // Don't pad null values 
                if (!value.IsNull)
                    // Pad fixed-length types
                    if (value.Value.Length < MaxLength) 
                        return new SqlString(value.Value.PadRight((int)MaxLength));
            else if (SqlDbType.VarChar != SqlDbType && SqlDbType.NVarChar != SqlDbType &&
                    SqlDbType.Text != SqlDbType && SqlDbType.NText != SqlDbType) 

            // Handle null values after type check
            if (value.IsNull) 
                return value; 

            // trim all types 
            if (value.Value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength)
                value = new SqlString(value.Value.Remove((int)MaxLength, (int)(value.Value.Length - MaxLength)));

            return value; 
        public SqlBinary Adjust(SqlBinary value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Binary    == SqlDbType ||
                SqlDbType.Timestamp == SqlDbType) { 
                if (!value.IsNull) {
                    // Pad fixed-length types
                    if (value.Length < MaxLength) {
                        byte[] rgbValue = value.Value; 
                        byte[] rgbNewValue = new byte[ MaxLength ];
                        Array.Copy(rgbValue, rgbNewValue, rgbValue.Length); 
                        Array.Clear(rgbNewValue, rgbValue.Length, rgbNewValue.Length - rgbValue.Length); 
                        return new SqlBinary(rgbNewValue);
            else if (SqlDbType.VarBinary != SqlDbType &&
                    SqlDbType.Image != SqlDbType) 
            // Handle null values 
            if (value.IsNull) {
                return value; 

            // trim all types
            if (value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength) { 
                byte[] rgbValue = value.Value;
                byte[] rgbNewValue = new byte[ MaxLength ]; 
                Array.Copy(rgbValue, rgbNewValue, (int)MaxLength); 
                value = new SqlBinary(rgbNewValue);

            return value;
        public SqlGuid Adjust(SqlGuid value) {
            if (SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier != SqlDbType) 
            return value;

        public SqlChars Adjust(SqlChars value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) {
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(SqlChars): Fixed-length type with Max length!"); 
                // Don't pad null values
                if (null != value && !value.IsNull) { 
                    // Pad fixed-length types 
                    long oldLength = value.Length;
                    if (oldLength < MaxLength) { 
                        // Make sure buffer is long enough
                        if (value.MaxLength < MaxLength) {
                            char[] rgchNew = new char[ (int)MaxLength ];
                            Array.Copy(value.Buffer, rgchNew, (int)oldLength); 
                            value = new SqlChars(rgchNew);
                        // pad extra space
                        char[] rgchTemp = value.Buffer; 
                        for(long i=oldLength; i MaxLength && Max != MaxLength)

            return value; 
        public SqlBytes Adjust(SqlBytes value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Binary == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.Timestamp == SqlDbType) {
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(SqlBytes): Fixed-length type with Max length!"); 
                // Don't pad null values
                if (null != value && !value.IsNull)
                    // Pad fixed-length types 
                    int oldLength = (int) value.Length;
                    if (oldLength < MaxLength) 
                        // Make sure buffer is long enough
                        if (value.MaxLength < MaxLength) 
                            byte[] rgbNew = new byte[ MaxLength ];
                            Array.Copy(value.Buffer, rgbNew, (int)oldLength);
                            value = new SqlBytes(rgbNew); 
                        // pad extra space 
                        byte[] rgbTemp = value.Buffer;
                        Array.Clear(rgbTemp, oldLength, rgbTemp.Length - oldLength); 
                        return value;
            else if (SqlDbType.VarBinary != SqlDbType && 
                     SqlDbType.Image != SqlDbType) 
            // Handle null values after type check.
            if (null == value || value.IsNull) {
                return value;

            // trim all types 
            if (value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength) 
            return value;

        public SqlXml Adjust(SqlXml value) { 
            if (SqlDbType.Xml != SqlDbType)
            return value; 
        public TimeSpan Adjust(TimeSpan value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Time != SqlDbType)
            return new TimeSpan(InternalAdjustTimeTicks(value.Ticks));
        public DateTimeOffset Adjust(DateTimeOffset value) {
            if (SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset != SqlDbType) 
            return new DateTimeOffset(InternalAdjustTimeTicks(value.Ticks), value.Offset);
        public object Adjust(object value) {
            // Pass null references through 
            if (null == value) 
                return null;
            Type dataType = value.GetType();
            switch (Type.GetTypeCode(dataType)) {
                case TypeCode.Boolean:    value = this.Adjust((Boolean)value); break;
                case TypeCode.Byte:        value = this.Adjust((Byte)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.Char:        value = this.Adjust((Char)value); break;
                case TypeCode.DateTime:    value = this.Adjust((DateTime)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.DBNull:    /* DBNull passes through as is for all types */   break; 
                case TypeCode.Decimal:    value = this.Adjust((Decimal)value); break;
                case TypeCode.Double:    value = this.Adjust((Double)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.Empty:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.Empty);
                case TypeCode.Int16:    value = this.Adjust((Int16)value); break;
                case TypeCode.Int32:    value = this.Adjust((Int32)value); break;
                case TypeCode.Int64:    value = this.Adjust((Int64)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.SByte:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.SByte);
                case TypeCode.Single:    value = this.Adjust((Single)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.String:    value = this.Adjust((String)value); break; 
                case TypeCode.UInt16:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt16);
                case TypeCode.UInt32:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt32); 
                case TypeCode.UInt64:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt64);
                case TypeCode.Object:
                    if (dataType == typeof(System.Byte[]))
                        value = this.Adjust((System.Byte[])value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Char[]))
                        value = this.Adjust((System.Char[])value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Guid)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((System.Guid)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Object)) { 
                        throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt64);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBinary)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlBinary)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBoolean)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlBoolean)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlByte))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlByte)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDateTime))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlDateTime)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDouble))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlDouble)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlGuid))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlGuid)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt16)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlInt16)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt32)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlInt32)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt64))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlInt64)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlMoney)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlMoney)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDecimal)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlDecimal)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlSingle))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlSingle)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlString))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlString)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlChars))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlChars)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBytes))
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlBytes)value); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlXml)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((SqlXml)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(TimeSpan)) 
                        value = this.Adjust((TimeSpan)value);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(DateTimeOffset))
                        value = this.Adjust((DateTimeOffset)value);
                    else { 
                        // Handle UDTs?
                        throw ADP.UnknownDataType(dataType); 

                default:        throw ADP.UnknownDataTypeCode(dataType, Type.GetTypeCode(dataType));
            return value;
        // Used for converting from the old _SqlMetaData to the new SqlMetaData
        static internal SqlMetaData GetNewSqlMetaDataFromOld(_SqlMetaData sqlMetaData, string name) { 
            SqlCompareOptions compEnum;
            long lcid;
            long maxlen;
            SqlMetaData  smdt; 
            byte precision;
            byte scale; 
            if (TdsEnums.UNKNOWN_PRECISION_SCALE != sqlMetaData.precision) {
                precision = sqlMetaData.precision; 
            else if (TdsEnums.UNKNOWN_PRECISION_SCALE != sqlMetaData.metaType.Precision) {
                precision = sqlMetaData.metaType.Precision;
            else {
                precision = 0; 

            if (TdsEnums.UNKNOWN_PRECISION_SCALE != sqlMetaData.scale) { 
                scale = sqlMetaData.scale;
            else if (TdsEnums.UNKNOWN_PRECISION_SCALE != sqlMetaData.metaType.Scale) {
                scale = sqlMetaData.metaType.Scale; 
            else { 
                scale = 0; 
            // Fix Bug 308062  percision and value constants taken from sxm_rgDefaults table at bottom of the file.
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.TinyInt) {
                       sqlMetaData.precision = 3;
                       sqlMetaData.scale = 0; 
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.SmallInt) { 
                       sqlMetaData.precision = 5;
                       sqlMetaData.scale = 0; 
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Int) {
                       sqlMetaData.precision = 10; 
                       sqlMetaData.scale = 0;
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.BigInt) {
                       sqlMetaData.precision = 19; 
                       sqlMetaData.scale = 0;

            // SqlMetaData.MaxLength is number of chars if character datatype, number of 
            // bytes otherwise
            if (SqlDbType.Variant == sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType) { 
                maxlen = sqlMetaData.length;     // Bug: 302695 
			if (sqlMetaData.metaType.IsPlp) {
			 	maxlen = -1;    // Bug: 302696
            if (sqlMetaData.metaType.IsFixed) {
                maxlen = sqlMetaData.metaType.FixedLength; 
			else {
                maxlen = sqlMetaData.length; 
            // maxlen = -1 when the metaType.IsPlp - NVarChar(max)  See Bug 302696
 			if (maxlen > 0 && (sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NChar ||
                sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NVarChar || 
                sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NText))
                maxlen /= 2; 
            if (sqlMetaData.collation != null) { 
                lcid = (long) sqlMetaData.collation.LCID;
                compEnum = sqlMetaData.collation.SqlCompareOptions; 
            else {
                lcid = 0;
                compEnum = SqlCompareOptions.None; 
            if(sqlMetaData.metaType.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Udt) { 
                SqlConnection.CheckGetExtendedUDTInfo(sqlMetaData, true);
                smdt = new SqlMetaData(name, 
            else { 
                smdt = new SqlMetaData(

            return smdt;
        public static SqlMetaData InferFromValue(object value, String name) {
            if (value == null) 
                throw ADP.ArgumentNull("value"); 
            SqlMetaData smd = null;
            Type dataType = value.GetType(); 
            switch (Type.GetTypeCode(dataType))
                case TypeCode.Boolean:    smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Bit); break;
                case TypeCode.Byte:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.TinyInt); break; 
                case TypeCode.Char:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1 ); break;
                case TypeCode.DateTime:    smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.DateTime); break; 
                case TypeCode.DBNull:        throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.DBNull); 
                case TypeCode.Decimal:
                    {  // Add brackets in order to contain scope declare local variable "sd" 
                    // use logic inside SqlDecimal to infer precision and scale.
                    SqlDecimal sd = new SqlDecimal((Decimal)value);
                    smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Decimal, sd.Precision, sd.Scale);
                case TypeCode.Double:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Float); break; 
                case TypeCode.Empty:        throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.Empty); 
                case TypeCode.Int16:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.SmallInt); break;
                case TypeCode.Int32:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Int); break; 
                case TypeCode.Int64:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.BigInt); break;
                case TypeCode.SByte:        throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.SByte);
                case TypeCode.Single:        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Real); break;
                case TypeCode.String: 
                    long maxLen = ((String)value).Length; 
                    if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1; 

                    if (x_lServerMaxUnicode < maxLen) 
                        maxLen = Max;

                    smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, maxLen);
                case TypeCode.UInt16:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt16); 
                case TypeCode.UInt32:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt32); 
                case TypeCode.UInt64:    throw ADP.InvalidDataType(TypeCode.UInt64);
                case TypeCode.Object: 
                    if (dataType == typeof(System.Byte[]))
                        long maxLen = ((System.Byte[])value).Length;
                        if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1; 

                        if (x_lServerMaxBinary < maxLen) 
                            maxLen = Max; 

                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.VarBinary, maxLen); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Char[]))
                        long maxLen = ((System.Char[])value).Length; 
                        if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1;
                        if (x_lServerMaxUnicode < maxLen) 
                            maxLen = Max;
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, maxLen);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Guid))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(System.Object))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Variant); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBinary)) 
                        long maxLen; 
                        SqlBinary sb = ((SqlBinary) value);
                        if (!sb.IsNull)
                            maxLen = sb.Length; 
                            if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1;
                            if (x_lServerMaxBinary < maxLen) 
                                maxLen = Max;
                            maxLen = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.VarBinary].MaxLength;

                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.VarBinary, maxLen); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBoolean)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Bit); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlByte))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.TinyInt); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDateTime))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.DateTime);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDouble))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Float); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlGuid))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt16)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.SmallInt);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt32)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Int);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt64))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.BigInt);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlMoney)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Money);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlDecimal)) 
                        byte bPrec;
                        byte scale; 
                        SqlDecimal sd = (SqlDecimal) value;
                        if (!sd.IsNull)
                            bPrec = sd.Precision; 
                            scale = sd.Scale;
                            bPrec = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.Decimal].Precision; 
                            scale = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.Decimal].Scale;
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Decimal, bPrec, scale);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlSingle))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Real); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlString)) 
                        SqlString ss = (SqlString)value; 
                        if (!ss.IsNull)
                            long maxLen = ss.Value.Length;
                            if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1; 

                            if (maxLen > x_lServerMaxUnicode) 
                                maxLen = Max; 

                            smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, maxLen, ss.LCID, ss.SqlCompareOptions); 
                            smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.NVarChar].MaxLength); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlChars)) 
                        long maxLen; 
                        SqlChars sch = (SqlChars)value;
                        if (!sch.IsNull)
                            maxLen = sch.Length; 
                            if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1;
                            if (maxLen > x_lServerMaxUnicode) 
                                maxLen = Max;
                            maxLen = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.NVarChar].MaxLength;

                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.NVarChar, maxLen); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlBytes)) 
                        long maxLen;
                        SqlBytes sb = (SqlBytes)value; 
                        if (!sb.IsNull)
                            maxLen = sb.Length;
                            if (maxLen < 1) maxLen = 1; 
                            else if (x_lServerMaxBinary < maxLen) maxLen = Max;
                            maxLen = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)SqlDbType.VarBinary].MaxLength;
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.VarBinary, maxLen);
                    else if (dataType == typeof(SqlXml))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Xml); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(TimeSpan))
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.Time, 0, InferScaleFromTimeTicks(((TimeSpan)value).Ticks)); 
                    else if (dataType == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) 
                        smd = new SqlMetaData(name, SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset, 0, InferScaleFromTimeTicks(((DateTimeOffset)value).Ticks));
                        throw ADP.UnknownDataType(dataType);

                default:        throw ADP.UnknownDataTypeCode(dataType, Type.GetTypeCode(dataType));
            return smd;

        public bool Adjust(bool value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Bit != SqlDbType)
            return value;
        public byte Adjust(byte value) {
            if (SqlDbType.TinyInt != SqlDbType) 
            return value;
        public byte[] Adjust(byte[] value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Binary == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.Timestamp == SqlDbType) 
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(byte[]): Fixed-length type with Max length!");
                // Don't pad null values 
                if (null != value)
                    // Pad fixed-length types
                    if (value.Length < MaxLength) 
                        byte[] rgbNewValue = new byte[ MaxLength ]; 
                        Array.Copy(value, rgbNewValue, value.Length); 
                        Array.Clear(rgbNewValue, value.Length, (int) rgbNewValue.Length - value.Length);
                        return rgbNewValue; 
            else if (SqlDbType.VarBinary != SqlDbType && 
                    SqlDbType.Image != SqlDbType)
            // Handle null values after type check
            if (null == value) 
                return null;
            // trim all types
            if (value.Length > MaxLength && Max != MaxLength) 
                byte[] rgbNewValue = new byte[ MaxLength];
                Array.Copy(value, rgbNewValue, (int)MaxLength); 
                value = rgbNewValue;

            return value; 
        public char Adjust(char value) 
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) 
                if (1 != MaxLength)
            else if (    (1 > MaxLength) ||  // char must have max length of at least 1
                    (SqlDbType.VarChar != SqlDbType && SqlDbType.NVarChar != SqlDbType && 
                    SqlDbType.Text != SqlDbType && SqlDbType.NText != SqlDbType) 

            return value;
        public char[] Adjust(char[] value)
            if (SqlDbType.Char == SqlDbType || SqlDbType.NChar == SqlDbType) 
                //DBG.Assert(Max!=MaxLength, "SqlMetaData.Adjust(byte[]): Fixed-length type with Max length!"); 
                // Don't pad null values
                if (null != value)
                    // Pad fixed-length types 
                    long oldLength = value.Length;
                    if (oldLength < MaxLength) 
                        char[] rgchNew = new char[ (int)MaxLength ];
                        Array.Copy(value, rgchNew, (int)oldLength); 

                        // pad extra space
                        for(long i=oldLength; i MaxLength && Max != MaxLength)
                char[] rgchNewValue = new char[ MaxLength ];
                Array.Copy(value, rgchNewValue, (int)MaxLength); 
                value = rgchNewValue; 

            return value;

           internal static SqlMetaData GetPartialLengthMetaData(SqlMetaData  md) { 
                if (md.IsPartialLength == true) { 
                    return md;
                if (md.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.Xml)
                    ThrowInvalidType();     //Xml should always have IsPartialLength = true

                if (md.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.NVarChar || md.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.VarChar || 
                        md.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.VarBinary) {
                    SqlMetaData mdnew = new SqlMetaData(md.Name, md.SqlDbType, SqlMetaData.Max, 0, 0, md.LocaleId, 
                        md.CompareOptions, null, null, null, true, md.Type); 
                    return mdnew;
                    return md;

        private static void ThrowInvalidType() { 
            throw ADP.InvalidMetaDataValue(); 
        // Hard coding smalldatetime limits...
        private static readonly DateTime x_dtSmallMax = new DateTime(2079, 06, 06, 23, 59, 29, 998);
        private static readonly DateTime x_dtSmallMin = new DateTime(1899, 12, 31, 23, 59, 29, 999);
        void VerifyDateTimeRange(DateTime value) 
            if (SqlDbType.SmallDateTime == SqlDbType && (x_dtSmallMax < value || x_dtSmallMin > value)) 
        private static readonly SqlMoney x_smSmallMax = new SqlMoney(((Decimal)Int32.MaxValue)/10000);
        private static readonly SqlMoney x_smSmallMin = new SqlMoney(((Decimal)Int32.MinValue)/10000);
        void VerifyMoneyRange(SqlMoney value)
            if (SqlDbType.SmallMoney == SqlDbType && ((x_smSmallMax < value).Value || (x_smSmallMin > value).Value))

        private SqlDecimal InternalAdjustSqlDecimal(SqlDecimal value) 
            if (!value.IsNull && (value.Precision != Precision || value.Scale != Scale))
                // SQLBU 402377 Force truncation if target scale is smaller than actual scale. 
                if (value.Scale != Scale)
                    value = SqlDecimal.AdjustScale(value, Scale - value.Scale, false /* Don't round, truncate. */); 
                return SqlDecimal.ConvertToPrecScale(value, Precision, Scale); 

            return value;

        private static readonly TimeSpan x_timeMin = TimeSpan.Zero; 
        private static readonly TimeSpan x_timeMax = new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.TicksPerDay - 1); 
        private void VerifyTimeRange(TimeSpan value) {
            if (SqlDbType.Time == SqlDbType && (x_timeMin > value || value > x_timeMax)) { 
        private static readonly Int64[] __unitTicksFromScale = {
        private Int64 InternalAdjustTimeTicks(Int64 ticks) { 
            return (ticks / __unitTicksFromScale[Scale] * __unitTicksFromScale[Scale]);

        private static byte InferScaleFromTimeTicks(Int64 ticks) {
            for (byte scale = 0; scale < MaxTimeScale; ++scale) {
                if ((ticks / __unitTicksFromScale[scale] * __unitTicksFromScale[scale]) == ticks) { 
                    return scale;
            return MaxTimeScale;

        private static DbType[] sxm_rgSqlDbTypeToDbType = {
            DbType.Int64,           // SqlDbType.BigInt
            DbType.Binary,          // SqlDbType.Binary 
            DbType.Boolean,         // SqlDbType.Bit
            DbType.AnsiString,      // SqlDbType.Char 
            DbType.DateTime,        // SqlDbType.DateTime 
            DbType.Decimal,         // SqlDbType.Decimal
            DbType.Double,          // SqlDbType.Float 
            DbType.Binary,          // SqlDbType.Image
            DbType.Int32,           // SqlDbType.Int
            DbType.Currency,        // SqlDbType.Money
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NChar 
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NText
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NVarChar 
            DbType.Single,          // SqlDbType.Real 
            DbType.Guid,            // SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier
            DbType.DateTime,        // SqlDbType.SmallDateTime 
            DbType.Int16,           // SqlDbType.SmallInt
            DbType.Currency,        // SqlDbType.SmallMoney
            DbType.AnsiString,      // SqlDbType.Text
            DbType.Binary,          // SqlDbType.Timestamp 
            DbType.Byte,            // SqlDbType.TinyInt
            DbType.Binary,          // SqlDbType.VarBinary 
            DbType.AnsiString,      // SqlDbType.VarChar 
            DbType.Object,          // SqlDbType.Variant
            DbType.Object,          // SqlDbType.Row 
            DbType.Xml,             // SqlDbType.Xml
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NVarChar, place holder
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NVarChar, place holder
            DbType.String,          // SqlDbType.NVarChar, place holder 
            DbType.Object,          // SqlDbType.Udt
            DbType.Object,          // SqlDbType.Structured 
            DbType.Date,            // SqlDbType.Date 
            DbType.Time,            // SqlDbType.Time
            DbType.DateTime2,       // SqlDbType.DateTime2 
            DbType.DateTimeOffset   // SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset

        private void SetDefaultsForType( SqlDbType dbType ) 
            if ( SqlDbType.BigInt <= dbType && SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset >= dbType ) 
                SqlMetaData smdDflt = sxm_rgDefaults[(int)dbType];
                m_sqlDbType = dbType; 
                m_lMaxLength = smdDflt.MaxLength;
                m_bPrecision = smdDflt.Precision;
                m_bScale = smdDflt.Scale;
                m_lLocale = smdDflt.LocaleId; 
                m_eCompareOptions = smdDflt.CompareOptions;

        // Array of default-valued metadata ordered by corresponding SqlDbType. 
        internal static SqlMetaData[] sxm_rgDefaults =
        //    new SqlMetaData(name, DbType, SqlDbType, MaxLen, Prec, Scale, Locale, DatabaseName, SchemaName, isPartialLength)
            new SqlMetaData("bigint", SqlDbType.BigInt, 
                    8, 19, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None,  false),            // SqlDbType.BigInt
            new SqlMetaData("binary", SqlDbType.Binary, 
                    1, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None,  false),                // SqlDbType.Binary 
            new SqlMetaData("bit", SqlDbType.Bit,
                    1, 1, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Bit 
            new SqlMetaData("char", SqlDbType.Char,
                    1, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions,  false),                // SqlDbType.Char
            new SqlMetaData("datetime", SqlDbType.DateTime,
                    8, 23, 3, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.DateTime 
            new SqlMetaData("decimal", SqlDbType.Decimal,
                    9, 18, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None,  false),            // SqlDbType.Decimal 
            new SqlMetaData("float", SqlDbType.Float, 
                    8, 53, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Float
            new SqlMetaData("image", SqlDbType.Image, 
                    x_lMax, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Image
            new SqlMetaData("int", SqlDbType.Int,
                    4, 10, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Int
            new SqlMetaData("money", SqlDbType.Money, 
                    8, 19, 4, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Money
            new SqlMetaData("nchar", SqlDbType.NChar, 
                    1, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.NChar 
            new SqlMetaData("ntext", SqlDbType.NText,
                    x_lMax, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.NText 
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar,
                    x_lServerMaxUnicode, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.NVarChar
            new SqlMetaData("real", SqlDbType.Real,
                    4, 24, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Real 
            new SqlMetaData("uniqueidentifier", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier,
                    16, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier 
            new SqlMetaData("smalldatetime", SqlDbType.SmallDateTime, 
                    4, 16, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.SmallDateTime
            new SqlMetaData("smallint", SqlDbType.SmallInt, 
                    2, 5, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                                    // SqlDbType.SmallInt
            new SqlMetaData("smallmoney", SqlDbType.SmallMoney,
                    4, 10, 4, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.SmallMoney
            new SqlMetaData("text", SqlDbType.Text, 
                    x_lMax, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.Text
            new SqlMetaData("timestamp", SqlDbType.Timestamp, 
                    8, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Timestamp 
            new SqlMetaData("tinyint", SqlDbType.TinyInt,
                    1, 3, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.TinyInt 
            new SqlMetaData("varbinary", SqlDbType.VarBinary,
                    x_lServerMaxBinary, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.VarBinary
            new SqlMetaData("varchar", SqlDbType.VarChar,
                    x_lServerMaxANSI, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // SqlDbType.VarChar 
            new SqlMetaData("sql_variant", SqlDbType.Variant,
                    8016, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Variant 
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 
                    1, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // Placeholder for value 24
            new SqlMetaData("xml", SqlDbType.Xml, 
                    x_lMax, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, true),                // SqlDbType.Xml
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar,
                    1, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // Placeholder for value 26
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 
                    x_lServerMaxUnicode, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // Placeholder for value 27
            new SqlMetaData("nvarchar", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 
                    x_lServerMaxUnicode, 0, 0, 0, x_eDefaultStringCompareOptions, false),                // Placeholder for value 28 
            new SqlMetaData("udt", SqlDbType.Udt,
                    0, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),            // SqlDbType.Udt = 29  Bug Fix: 302698 
            new SqlMetaData("table", SqlDbType.Structured,
                    0, 0, 0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Structured
            new SqlMetaData("date", SqlDbType.Date,
                    3, 10,0, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Date 
            new SqlMetaData("time", SqlDbType.Time,
                    5, 0, 7, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.Time 
            new SqlMetaData("datetime2", SqlDbType.DateTime2, 
                    8, 0, 7, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.DateTime2
            new SqlMetaData("datetimeoffset", SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset, 
                   10, 0, 7, 0, SqlCompareOptions.None, false),                // SqlDbType.DateTimeOffset

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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