/ 4.0 / 4.0 / DEVDIV_TFS / Dev10 / Releases / RTMRel / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Diagnostics / Eventing / EventProviderClassic.cs / 1305376 / EventProviderClassic.cs
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Security; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics.Eventing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; namespace System.Diagnostics.Eventing { ////// This part of eventProvider provides an abstraction that allows the rest of the EventProvider /// to assume that all providers will be manifest-based. On Windows XP where the manifest /// based provider APIs don't exist, this layer provides a shim that makes it work for this /// 'Classic' API. Htere are no public declarations in this section. /// internal unsafe partial class EventProvider { // Variables used for classic ETW suport. [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private ClassicEtw.ControlCallback m_classicControlCallback; // callback if we are using classic (XP) ETW private ClassicEtw.EVENT_HEADER* m_classicEventHeader; // We reuse this buffer for logging classic events private long m_classicSessionHandle; // These are look-alikes to the Manifest based ETW OS APIs that have been shimmed to work // either with Manifest ETW or Classic ETW (if Manifest based ETW is not available). [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private uint EventRegister(ref Guid providerId, ManifestEtw.EtwEnableCallback enableCallback) { s_isClassic = m_isClassic = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6; // Use classic on XP. m_providerId = providerId; m_etwCallback = enableCallback; if (!m_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventRegister(ref providerId, enableCallback, null, ref m_regHandle); else return ClassicShimRegister(providerId, enableCallback); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private uint EventUnregister() { uint status; if (!m_isClassic) status = ManifestEtw.EventUnregister(m_regHandle); else status = ClassicShimUnregister(); m_regHandle = 0; return status; } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private unsafe uint EventWrite(ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, uint userDataCount, EventData* userData) { if (!m_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventWrite(m_regHandle, ref eventDescriptor, userDataCount, userData); else return ClassicShimEventWrite(ref eventDescriptor, userDataCount, userData); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private unsafe uint EventWriteTransfer(ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId, uint userDataCount, EventData* userData) { if (!m_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventWriteTransfer(m_regHandle, ref eventDescriptor, ref activityId, ref relatedActivityId, userDataCount, userData); else return ClassicShimEventWriteTransfer(ref eventDescriptor, ref activityId, ref relatedActivityId, userDataCount, userData); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private unsafe uint EventWriteString(byte level, long keywords, char* message) { if (!m_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventWriteString(m_regHandle, level, keywords, message); else return ClassicShimEventWriteString(level, keywords, message); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private static uint EventActivityIdControl(int controlCode, ref Guid activityId) { if (!s_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventActivityIdControl(controlCode, ref activityId); else return ClassicShimEventActivityIdControl(controlCode, ref activityId); } #region Classic ETW Shims ////// This is called for classic (pre-Vista) ETW when the controller sends a command to the /// provider. /// [Security.SecurityCritical] private uint ClassicControlCallback(ClassicEtw.WMIDPREQUESTCODE requestCode, IntPtr requestContext, IntPtr reserved, ClassicEtw.WNODE_HEADER* data) { int flags = ClassicEtw.GetTraceEnableFlags(data->HistoricalContext); byte level = ClassicEtw.GetTraceEnableLevel(data->HistoricalContext); int enabled = 0; if (requestCode == ClassicEtw.WMIDPREQUESTCODE.EnableEvents) { m_classicSessionHandle = ClassicEtw.GetTraceLoggerHandle(data); enabled = 1; } else if (requestCode == ClassicEtw.WMIDPREQUESTCODE.DisableEvents) { m_classicSessionHandle = 0; enabled = 0; } m_etwCallback(ref m_providerId, enabled, level, flags, 0, null, null); return 0; } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private unsafe uint ClassicShimRegister(Guid providerId, ManifestEtw.EtwEnableCallback enableCallback) { if (m_regHandle != 0) // registering again illegal throw new Exception(); // m_classicEventHeader = (ClassicEtw.EVENT_HEADER*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(ClassicEtw.EVENT_HEADER)); ZeroMemory((IntPtr)m_classicEventHeader, sizeof(ClassicEtw.EVENT_HEADER)); // We only declare one Task GUID because you don't need to be accurate. ClassicEtw.TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION registrationInfo; registrationInfo.RegHandle = null; registrationInfo.Guid = &providerId; // We assign it to a field variable to keep it alive until we unregister. m_classicControlCallback = ClassicControlCallback; return ClassicEtw.RegisterTraceGuidsW(m_classicControlCallback, null, ref providerId, 1, ®istrationInfo, null, null, out m_regHandle); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private uint ClassicShimUnregister() { // uint status = ClassicEtw.UnregisterTraceGuids(m_regHandle); m_regHandle = 0; m_classicControlCallback = null; m_classicSessionHandle = 0; if (m_classicEventHeader != null) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal((IntPtr)m_classicEventHeader); m_classicEventHeader = null; } return status; } [Security.SecurityCritical] private unsafe uint ClassicShimEventWrite(ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, uint userDataCount, EventData* userData) { m_classicEventHeader->Header.ClientContext = 0; m_classicEventHeader->Header.Flags = ClassicEtw.WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID | ClassicEtw.WNODE_FLAG_USE_MOF_PTR; m_classicEventHeader->Header.Guid = GenTaskGuidFromProviderGuid(m_providerId, (ushort)eventDescriptor.Task); m_classicEventHeader->Header.Level = eventDescriptor.Level; m_classicEventHeader->Header.Type = eventDescriptor.Opcode; m_classicEventHeader->Header.Version = eventDescriptor.Version; EventData* eventData = &m_classicEventHeader->Data; if (userDataCount > ClassicEtw.MAX_MOF_FIELDS) throw new Exception(); // m_classicEventHeader->Header.Size = (ushort)(48 + userDataCount * sizeof(EventData)); for (int i = 0; i < userDataCount; i++) { eventData[i].Ptr = userData[i].Ptr; eventData[i].Size = userData[i].Size; } return ClassicEtw.TraceEvent(m_classicSessionHandle, m_classicEventHeader); } [Security.SecurityCritical] private unsafe uint ClassicShimEventWriteTransfer(ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId, uint userDataCount, EventData* userData) { // throw new NotImplementedException(); } [Security.SecurityCritical] private unsafe uint ClassicShimEventWriteString(byte level, long keywords, char* message) { // EventDescriptorInternal eventDescr = new EventDescriptorInternal(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); char* end = message; while (*end != 0) end++; EventData dataDesc = new EventData(); dataDesc.Ptr = (ulong)message; dataDesc.Size = (uint)(end - message) + 1; dataDesc.Reserved = 0; return ClassicShimEventWrite(ref eventDescr, 1, &dataDesc); } private static uint ClassicShimEventActivityIdControl(int controlCode, ref Guid activityId) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } ////// A helper for creating a set of related guids (knowing the providerGuid can can deduce the /// 'taskNumber' member of this group. All we do is add the taskNumber to GUID as a number. /// internal static Guid GenTaskGuidFromProviderGuid(Guid providerGuid, ushort taskNumber) { byte[] bytes = providerGuid.ToByteArray(); bytes[15] += (byte)taskNumber; bytes[14] += (byte)(taskNumber >> 8); return new Guid(bytes); } internal static ushort GetTaskFromTaskGuid(Guid taskGuid, Guid providerGuid) { byte[] taskGuidBytes = taskGuid.ToByteArray(); byte[] providerGuidBytes = providerGuid.ToByteArray(); // Spot check Contract.Assert(taskGuidBytes[0] == providerGuidBytes[0] && taskGuidBytes[6] == providerGuidBytes[6]); return (ushort)(((taskGuidBytes[1] - providerGuidBytes[14]) << 8) + (taskGuidBytes[15] - providerGuidBytes[15])); } #endregion #region PInvoke Declarations internal const String ADVAPI32 = "advapi32.dll"; [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute()] internal static unsafe class ManifestEtw { // // Constants error coded returned by ETW APIs // // The event size is larger than the allowed maximum (64k - header). internal const int ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW = 534; // Occurs when filled buffers are trying to flush to disk, // but disk IOs are not happening fast enough. // This happens when the disk is slow and event traffic is heavy. // Eventually, there are no more free (empty) buffers and the event is dropped. internal const int ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = 8; internal const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 0xEA; // // ETW Methods // // // Callback // [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] internal unsafe delegate void EtwEnableCallback( [In] ref Guid sourceId, [In] int isEnabled, [In] byte level, [In] long matchAnyKeywords, [In] long matchAllKeywords, [In] EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR* filterData, [In] void* callbackContext ); // // Registration APIs // [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventRegister", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventRegister( [In] ref Guid providerId, [In]EtwEnableCallback enableCallback, [In]void* callbackContext, [In][Out]ref long registrationHandle ); // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventUnregister", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern uint EventUnregister([In] long registrationHandle); // // Writing (Publishing/Logging) APIs // // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventWrite", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventWrite( [In] long registrationHandle, [In] ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, [In] uint userDataCount, [In] EventData* userData ); // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventWriteTransfer", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventWriteTransfer( [In] long registrationHandle, [In] ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, [In] ref Guid activityId, [In] ref Guid relatedActivityId, [In] uint userDataCount, [In] EventData* userData ); // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventWriteString", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventWriteString( [In] long registrationHandle, [In] byte level, [In] long keywords, [In] char* message ); // // ActivityId Control APIs // // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventActivityIdControl", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventActivityIdControl([In] int ControlCode, [In][Out] ref Guid ActivityId); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] unsafe internal struct EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR { public long Ptr; public int Size; public int Type; }; } [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute()] internal static unsafe class ClassicEtw { #region RegisterTraceGuidsW() // Support structs for RegisterTraceGuidsW [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION { internal unsafe Guid* Guid; internal unsafe void* RegHandle; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct WNODE_HEADER { public UInt32 BufferSize; public UInt32 ProviderId; public UInt64 HistoricalContext; public UInt64 TimeStamp; public Guid Guid; public UInt32 ClientContext; public UInt32 Flags; }; internal enum WMIDPREQUESTCODE { GetAllData = 0, GetSingleInstance = 1, SetSingleInstance = 2, SetSingleItem = 3, EnableEvents = 4, DisableEvents = 5, EnableCollection = 6, DisableCollection = 7, RegInfo = 8, ExecuteMethod = 9, }; [Security.SecurityCritical] internal unsafe delegate uint ControlCallback(WMIDPREQUESTCODE requestCode, IntPtr requestContext, IntPtr reserved, WNODE_HEADER* data); [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint RegisterTraceGuidsW([In] ControlCallback cbFunc, [In] void* context, [In] ref Guid providerGuid, [In] int taskGuidCount, [In, Out] TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION* taskGuids, [In] string mofImagePath, [In] string mofResourceName, out long regHandle); #endregion // RegisterTraceGuidsW [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern uint UnregisterTraceGuids(long regHandle); [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern int GetTraceEnableFlags(ulong traceHandle); [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern byte GetTraceEnableLevel(ulong traceHandle); [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern long GetTraceLoggerHandle(WNODE_HEADER* data); #region TraceEvent() // Structures for TraceEvent API. // Constants for flags field. internal const int WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID = 0x00020000; internal const int WNODE_FLAG_USE_MOF_PTR = 0x00100000; // Size is 48 = 0x30 bytes; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct EVENT_TRACE_HEADER { public ushort Size; public ushort FieldTypeFlags; // holds our MarkerFlags too public byte Type; // This is now called opcode. public byte Level; public ushort Version; public int ThreadId; public int ProcessId; public long TimeStamp; // Offset 0x10 public Guid Guid; // Offset 0x18 public uint ClientContext; // Offset 0x28 public uint Flags; // Offset 0x2C } internal const int MAX_MOF_FIELDS = 16; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 304)] // Size = (48 + 16 * MAX_MOF_FIELDS) internal struct EVENT_HEADER { [FieldOffset(0)] public EVENT_TRACE_HEADER Header; [FieldOffset(48)] public EventData Data; // Actually variable sized; } [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern unsafe uint TraceEvent(long traceHandle, EVENT_HEADER* header); #endregion // TraceEvent() } [Security.SecurityCritical] [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern void ZeroMemory(IntPtr handle, int length); #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //[....] //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Security; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics.Eventing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.Contracts; namespace System.Diagnostics.Eventing { ////// This part of eventProvider provides an abstraction that allows the rest of the EventProvider /// to assume that all providers will be manifest-based. On Windows XP where the manifest /// based provider APIs don't exist, this layer provides a shim that makes it work for this /// 'Classic' API. Htere are no public declarations in this section. /// internal unsafe partial class EventProvider { // Variables used for classic ETW suport. [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private ClassicEtw.ControlCallback m_classicControlCallback; // callback if we are using classic (XP) ETW private ClassicEtw.EVENT_HEADER* m_classicEventHeader; // We reuse this buffer for logging classic events private long m_classicSessionHandle; // These are look-alikes to the Manifest based ETW OS APIs that have been shimmed to work // either with Manifest ETW or Classic ETW (if Manifest based ETW is not available). [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private uint EventRegister(ref Guid providerId, ManifestEtw.EtwEnableCallback enableCallback) { s_isClassic = m_isClassic = Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6; // Use classic on XP. m_providerId = providerId; m_etwCallback = enableCallback; if (!m_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventRegister(ref providerId, enableCallback, null, ref m_regHandle); else return ClassicShimRegister(providerId, enableCallback); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private uint EventUnregister() { uint status; if (!m_isClassic) status = ManifestEtw.EventUnregister(m_regHandle); else status = ClassicShimUnregister(); m_regHandle = 0; return status; } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private unsafe uint EventWrite(ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, uint userDataCount, EventData* userData) { if (!m_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventWrite(m_regHandle, ref eventDescriptor, userDataCount, userData); else return ClassicShimEventWrite(ref eventDescriptor, userDataCount, userData); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private unsafe uint EventWriteTransfer(ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId, uint userDataCount, EventData* userData) { if (!m_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventWriteTransfer(m_regHandle, ref eventDescriptor, ref activityId, ref relatedActivityId, userDataCount, userData); else return ClassicShimEventWriteTransfer(ref eventDescriptor, ref activityId, ref relatedActivityId, userDataCount, userData); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private unsafe uint EventWriteString(byte level, long keywords, char* message) { if (!m_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventWriteString(m_regHandle, level, keywords, message); else return ClassicShimEventWriteString(level, keywords, message); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private static uint EventActivityIdControl(int controlCode, ref Guid activityId) { if (!s_isClassic) return ManifestEtw.EventActivityIdControl(controlCode, ref activityId); else return ClassicShimEventActivityIdControl(controlCode, ref activityId); } #region Classic ETW Shims ////// This is called for classic (pre-Vista) ETW when the controller sends a command to the /// provider. /// [Security.SecurityCritical] private uint ClassicControlCallback(ClassicEtw.WMIDPREQUESTCODE requestCode, IntPtr requestContext, IntPtr reserved, ClassicEtw.WNODE_HEADER* data) { int flags = ClassicEtw.GetTraceEnableFlags(data->HistoricalContext); byte level = ClassicEtw.GetTraceEnableLevel(data->HistoricalContext); int enabled = 0; if (requestCode == ClassicEtw.WMIDPREQUESTCODE.EnableEvents) { m_classicSessionHandle = ClassicEtw.GetTraceLoggerHandle(data); enabled = 1; } else if (requestCode == ClassicEtw.WMIDPREQUESTCODE.DisableEvents) { m_classicSessionHandle = 0; enabled = 0; } m_etwCallback(ref m_providerId, enabled, level, flags, 0, null, null); return 0; } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private unsafe uint ClassicShimRegister(Guid providerId, ManifestEtw.EtwEnableCallback enableCallback) { if (m_regHandle != 0) // registering again illegal throw new Exception(); // m_classicEventHeader = (ClassicEtw.EVENT_HEADER*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(ClassicEtw.EVENT_HEADER)); ZeroMemory((IntPtr)m_classicEventHeader, sizeof(ClassicEtw.EVENT_HEADER)); // We only declare one Task GUID because you don't need to be accurate. ClassicEtw.TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION registrationInfo; registrationInfo.RegHandle = null; registrationInfo.Guid = &providerId; // We assign it to a field variable to keep it alive until we unregister. m_classicControlCallback = ClassicControlCallback; return ClassicEtw.RegisterTraceGuidsW(m_classicControlCallback, null, ref providerId, 1, ®istrationInfo, null, null, out m_regHandle); } [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] private uint ClassicShimUnregister() { // uint status = ClassicEtw.UnregisterTraceGuids(m_regHandle); m_regHandle = 0; m_classicControlCallback = null; m_classicSessionHandle = 0; if (m_classicEventHeader != null) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal((IntPtr)m_classicEventHeader); m_classicEventHeader = null; } return status; } [Security.SecurityCritical] private unsafe uint ClassicShimEventWrite(ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, uint userDataCount, EventData* userData) { m_classicEventHeader->Header.ClientContext = 0; m_classicEventHeader->Header.Flags = ClassicEtw.WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID | ClassicEtw.WNODE_FLAG_USE_MOF_PTR; m_classicEventHeader->Header.Guid = GenTaskGuidFromProviderGuid(m_providerId, (ushort)eventDescriptor.Task); m_classicEventHeader->Header.Level = eventDescriptor.Level; m_classicEventHeader->Header.Type = eventDescriptor.Opcode; m_classicEventHeader->Header.Version = eventDescriptor.Version; EventData* eventData = &m_classicEventHeader->Data; if (userDataCount > ClassicEtw.MAX_MOF_FIELDS) throw new Exception(); // m_classicEventHeader->Header.Size = (ushort)(48 + userDataCount * sizeof(EventData)); for (int i = 0; i < userDataCount; i++) { eventData[i].Ptr = userData[i].Ptr; eventData[i].Size = userData[i].Size; } return ClassicEtw.TraceEvent(m_classicSessionHandle, m_classicEventHeader); } [Security.SecurityCritical] private unsafe uint ClassicShimEventWriteTransfer(ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, ref Guid activityId, ref Guid relatedActivityId, uint userDataCount, EventData* userData) { // throw new NotImplementedException(); } [Security.SecurityCritical] private unsafe uint ClassicShimEventWriteString(byte level, long keywords, char* message) { // EventDescriptorInternal eventDescr = new EventDescriptorInternal(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); char* end = message; while (*end != 0) end++; EventData dataDesc = new EventData(); dataDesc.Ptr = (ulong)message; dataDesc.Size = (uint)(end - message) + 1; dataDesc.Reserved = 0; return ClassicShimEventWrite(ref eventDescr, 1, &dataDesc); } private static uint ClassicShimEventActivityIdControl(int controlCode, ref Guid activityId) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } ////// A helper for creating a set of related guids (knowing the providerGuid can can deduce the /// 'taskNumber' member of this group. All we do is add the taskNumber to GUID as a number. /// internal static Guid GenTaskGuidFromProviderGuid(Guid providerGuid, ushort taskNumber) { byte[] bytes = providerGuid.ToByteArray(); bytes[15] += (byte)taskNumber; bytes[14] += (byte)(taskNumber >> 8); return new Guid(bytes); } internal static ushort GetTaskFromTaskGuid(Guid taskGuid, Guid providerGuid) { byte[] taskGuidBytes = taskGuid.ToByteArray(); byte[] providerGuidBytes = providerGuid.ToByteArray(); // Spot check Contract.Assert(taskGuidBytes[0] == providerGuidBytes[0] && taskGuidBytes[6] == providerGuidBytes[6]); return (ushort)(((taskGuidBytes[1] - providerGuidBytes[14]) << 8) + (taskGuidBytes[15] - providerGuidBytes[15])); } #endregion #region PInvoke Declarations internal const String ADVAPI32 = "advapi32.dll"; [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute()] internal static unsafe class ManifestEtw { // // Constants error coded returned by ETW APIs // // The event size is larger than the allowed maximum (64k - header). internal const int ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW = 534; // Occurs when filled buffers are trying to flush to disk, // but disk IOs are not happening fast enough. // This happens when the disk is slow and event traffic is heavy. // Eventually, there are no more free (empty) buffers and the event is dropped. internal const int ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = 8; internal const int ERROR_MORE_DATA = 0xEA; // // ETW Methods // // // Callback // [Security.SecuritySafeCritical] internal unsafe delegate void EtwEnableCallback( [In] ref Guid sourceId, [In] int isEnabled, [In] byte level, [In] long matchAnyKeywords, [In] long matchAllKeywords, [In] EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR* filterData, [In] void* callbackContext ); // // Registration APIs // [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventRegister", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventRegister( [In] ref Guid providerId, [In]EtwEnableCallback enableCallback, [In]void* callbackContext, [In][Out]ref long registrationHandle ); // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventUnregister", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern uint EventUnregister([In] long registrationHandle); // // Writing (Publishing/Logging) APIs // // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventWrite", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventWrite( [In] long registrationHandle, [In] ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, [In] uint userDataCount, [In] EventData* userData ); // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventWriteTransfer", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventWriteTransfer( [In] long registrationHandle, [In] ref EventDescriptorInternal eventDescriptor, [In] ref Guid activityId, [In] ref Guid relatedActivityId, [In] uint userDataCount, [In] EventData* userData ); // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventWriteString", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventWriteString( [In] long registrationHandle, [In] byte level, [In] long keywords, [In] char* message ); // // ActivityId Control APIs // // [Security.SecurityCritical] [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2118:ReviewSuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityUsage")] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, ExactSpelling = true, EntryPoint = "EventActivityIdControl", CharSet = System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint EventActivityIdControl([In] int ControlCode, [In][Out] ref Guid ActivityId); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] unsafe internal struct EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR { public long Ptr; public int Size; public int Type; }; } [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute()] internal static unsafe class ClassicEtw { #region RegisterTraceGuidsW() // Support structs for RegisterTraceGuidsW [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION { internal unsafe Guid* Guid; internal unsafe void* RegHandle; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct WNODE_HEADER { public UInt32 BufferSize; public UInt32 ProviderId; public UInt64 HistoricalContext; public UInt64 TimeStamp; public Guid Guid; public UInt32 ClientContext; public UInt32 Flags; }; internal enum WMIDPREQUESTCODE { GetAllData = 0, GetSingleInstance = 1, SetSingleInstance = 2, SetSingleItem = 3, EnableEvents = 4, DisableEvents = 5, EnableCollection = 6, DisableCollection = 7, RegInfo = 8, ExecuteMethod = 9, }; [Security.SecurityCritical] internal unsafe delegate uint ControlCallback(WMIDPREQUESTCODE requestCode, IntPtr requestContext, IntPtr reserved, WNODE_HEADER* data); [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] internal static extern unsafe uint RegisterTraceGuidsW([In] ControlCallback cbFunc, [In] void* context, [In] ref Guid providerGuid, [In] int taskGuidCount, [In, Out] TRACE_GUID_REGISTRATION* taskGuids, [In] string mofImagePath, [In] string mofResourceName, out long regHandle); #endregion // RegisterTraceGuidsW [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern uint UnregisterTraceGuids(long regHandle); [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern int GetTraceEnableFlags(ulong traceHandle); [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern byte GetTraceEnableLevel(ulong traceHandle); [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern long GetTraceLoggerHandle(WNODE_HEADER* data); #region TraceEvent() // Structures for TraceEvent API. // Constants for flags field. internal const int WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID = 0x00020000; internal const int WNODE_FLAG_USE_MOF_PTR = 0x00100000; // Size is 48 = 0x30 bytes; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] internal struct EVENT_TRACE_HEADER { public ushort Size; public ushort FieldTypeFlags; // holds our MarkerFlags too public byte Type; // This is now called opcode. public byte Level; public ushort Version; public int ThreadId; public int ProcessId; public long TimeStamp; // Offset 0x10 public Guid Guid; // Offset 0x18 public uint ClientContext; // Offset 0x28 public uint Flags; // Offset 0x2C } internal const int MAX_MOF_FIELDS = 16; [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 304)] // Size = (48 + 16 * MAX_MOF_FIELDS) internal struct EVENT_HEADER { [FieldOffset(0)] public EVENT_TRACE_HEADER Header; [FieldOffset(48)] public EventData Data; // Actually variable sized; } [Security.SecurityCritical] [DllImport(ADVAPI32)] internal static extern unsafe uint TraceEvent(long traceHandle, EVENT_HEADER* header); #endregion // TraceEvent() } [Security.SecurityCritical] [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)] internal static extern void ZeroMemory(IntPtr handle, int length); #endregion } } // File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
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- XmlElement.cs
- ContractBase.cs
- AppDomainProtocolHandler.cs
- UICuesEvent.cs
- CodeMemberField.cs
- _SecureChannel.cs
- ExpandCollapsePatternIdentifiers.cs
- controlskin.cs
- Point3DCollectionConverter.cs
- ExceptionHandlerDesigner.cs
- ServicesUtilities.cs
- DesignerTransaction.cs
- UmAlQuraCalendar.cs
- CodeIterationStatement.cs
- XmlDigitalSignatureProcessor.cs
- BamlTreeMap.cs
- SuppressIldasmAttribute.cs
- DialogResultConverter.cs
- TreeChangeInfo.cs
- ObjectAssociationEndMapping.cs
- DictionarySectionHandler.cs
- BaseUriHelper.cs
- XamlSerializer.cs
- PropertyValue.cs
- AvTrace.cs
- SimpleRecyclingCache.cs
- SkewTransform.cs
- SqlServer2KCompatibilityCheck.cs
- RemoteWebConfigurationHostServer.cs
- SoapEnumAttribute.cs
- Calendar.cs
- RegisteredScript.cs
- ToolStripContainer.cs
- PolyBezierSegmentFigureLogic.cs
- DbProviderConfigurationHandler.cs
- SslStream.cs
- Timer.cs
- OleDbCommandBuilder.cs
- CheckPair.cs
- WebPartDeleteVerb.cs
- XsltInput.cs
- EntityTypeBase.cs
- ClientSettingsProvider.cs
- Block.cs
- OleDbMetaDataFactory.cs
- PlaceHolder.cs
- EventLogWatcher.cs
- XmlCharType.cs
- Internal.cs
- BufferedWebEventProvider.cs
- ConfigurationManagerHelper.cs
- UnSafeCharBuffer.cs
- TabletCollection.cs
- PrimarySelectionGlyph.cs
- SchemaMapping.cs
- ErrorRuntimeConfig.cs
- SessionEndingEventArgs.cs
- EventMap.cs
- ResolveNextArgumentWorkItem.cs
- CodeThrowExceptionStatement.cs
- DataGridTextBox.cs
- JsonStringDataContract.cs
- DataRecord.cs
- AppDomainAttributes.cs
- SmtpMail.cs
- ToolStripOverflowButton.cs
- WebBrowserContainer.cs
- MutexSecurity.cs
- TextBreakpoint.cs
- RemoteWebConfigurationHost.cs
- CalendarData.cs
- StatusStrip.cs
- ActivityBindForm.Designer.cs
- ImageSourceTypeConverter.cs
- QilGenerator.cs
- CriticalHandle.cs
- XmlSchemaGroupRef.cs
- AmbientProperties.cs
- JoinTreeSlot.cs
- StickyNoteAnnotations.cs
- Popup.cs
- CodeCastExpression.cs
- OleDbParameter.cs