Console.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / netfxsp / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Console.cs / 5 / Console.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** Class: Console 
** Purpose: This class provides access to the standard input, standard output
**          and standard error streams.
namespace System { 
    using System; 
    using System.IO;
    using System.Text; 
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; 
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; 
    using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
    using System.Runtime.Versioning; 

    // Provides static fields for console input & output.  Use
    // Console.In for input from the standard input stream (stdin),
    // Console.Out for output to stdout, and Console.Error 
    // for output to stderr.  If any of those console streams are
    // redirected from the command line, these streams will be redirected. 
    // A program can also redirect its own output or input with the 
    // SetIn, SetOut, and SetError methods.
    // The distinction between Console.Out & Console.Error is useful
    // for programs that redirect output to a file or a pipe.  Note that
    // stdout & stderr can be output to different files at the same
    // time from the DOS command line: 
    // someProgram 1> out 2> err 
    //Contains only static data.  Serializable attribute not required.
    public static class Console 
        private const int _DefaultConsoleBufferSize = 256;

        private const int NumberLockVKCode = 0x90;  // virtual key code
        private const int CapsLockVKCode = 0x14; 
        // Beep range - see MSDN.
        private const int MinBeepFrequency = 37; 
        private const int MaxBeepFrequency = 32767;

        // MSDN says console titles can be up to 64 KB in length.
        // But I get an exception if I use buffer lengths longer than 
        // ~24500 Unicode characters.  Oh well.
        private const int MaxConsoleTitleLength = 24500; 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

        private static TextReader _in; 
        private static TextWriter _out;
        private static TextWriter _error;

        private static ConsoleCancelEventHandler _cancelCallbacks; 
        private static ControlCHooker _hooker;
        // ReadLine & Read can't use this because they need to use ReadFile
        // to be able to handle redirected input.  We have to accept that 
        // we will lose repeated keystrokes when someone switches from
        // calling ReadKey to calling Read or ReadLine.  Those methods should
        // ideally flush this cache as well.
        private static Win32Native.InputRecord _cachedInputRecord; 

        // For ResetColor 
        private static bool _haveReadDefaultColors; 
        private static byte _defaultColors;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

        private static bool _wasOutRedirected;
        private static bool _wasErrorRedirected;
        // Private object for locking instead of locking on a public type for SQL reliability work.
        private static Object s_InternalSyncObject; 
        private static Object InternalSyncObject { 
            get {
                if (s_InternalSyncObject == null) { 
                    Object o = new Object();
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_InternalSyncObject, o, null);
                return s_InternalSyncObject; 
        // About reliability: I'm not using SafeHandle here.  We don't
        // need to close these handles, and we don't allow the user to close 
        // them so we don't have many of the security problems inherent in
        // something like file handles.  Additionally, in a host like SQL
        // Server, we won't have a console.
        private static IntPtr _consoleInputHandle; 
        private static IntPtr _consoleOutputHandle;
        private static IntPtr ConsoleInputHandle { 
            get {
                if (_consoleInputHandle == IntPtr.Zero) {
                    _consoleInputHandle = Win32Native.GetStdHandle(Win32Native.STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
                return _consoleInputHandle;

        private static IntPtr ConsoleOutputHandle { 
            get {
                if (_consoleOutputHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { 
                    _consoleOutputHandle = Win32Native.GetStdHandle(Win32Native.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
                return _consoleOutputHandle; 

        public static TextWriter Error {
            get { 
                // Hopefully this is inlineable.
                if (_error == null) 
                return _error;

        public static TextReader In {
            get {
                // Because most applications don't use stdin, we can delay 
                // initialize it slightly better startup performance. 
                if (_in == null) {
                    lock(InternalSyncObject) { 
                        if (_in == null) {
                            // Set up Console.In
                            Stream s = OpenStandardInput(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);
                            TextReader tr; 
                            if (s == Stream.Null)
                                tr = StreamReader.Null; 
                            else { 
                                // Hopefully Encoding.GetEncoding doesn't load as many classes now.
                                Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding((int)Win32Native.GetConsoleCP()); 
                                tr = TextReader.Synchronized(new StreamReader(s, enc, false, _DefaultConsoleBufferSize, false));
                            _in = tr; 
                return _in;

        public static TextWriter Out {
            get {
                // Hopefully this is inlineable. 
                if (_out == null) 
                return _out; 

        // For console apps, the console handles are set to values like 3, 7, 
        // and 11 OR if you've been created via CreateProcess, possibly -1
        // or 0.  -1 is definitely invalid, while 0 is probably invalid. 
        // Also note each handle can independently be invalid or good. 
        // For Windows apps, the console handles are set to values like 3, 7,
        // and 11 but are invalid handles - you may not write to them.  However, 
        // you can still spawn a Windows app via CreateProcess and read stdout
        // and stderr.
        // So, we always need to check each handle independently for validity
        // by trying to write or read to it, unless it is -1. 

        // We do not do a security check here, under the assumption that this 
        // cannot create a security hole, but only waste a user's time or 
        // cause a possible denial of service attack.
        private static void InitializeStdOutError(bool stdout) 
            // Set up Console.Out or Console.Error.
            lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                if (stdout && _out != null) 
                else if (!stdout && _error != null) 

                TextWriter writer = null; 
                Stream s;
                if (stdout)
                    s = OpenStandardOutput(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);
                    s = OpenStandardError(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);
                if (s == Stream.Null) { 
#if _DEBUG
                    if (CheckOutputDebug()) 
                        writer = MakeDebugOutputTextWriter((stdout) ? "Console.Out: " : "Console.Error: ");
#endif // _DEBUG
                        writer = TextWriter.Synchronized(StreamWriter.Null); 
                else { 
                    int codePage = (int) Win32Native.GetConsoleOutputCP(); 
                    Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(codePage);
                    StreamWriter stdxxx = new StreamWriter(s, encoding, _DefaultConsoleBufferSize, false); 
                    stdxxx.HaveWrittenPreamble = true;
                    stdxxx.AutoFlush = true;
                    writer = TextWriter.Synchronized(stdxxx);
                if (stdout)
                    _out = writer; 
                    _error = writer;
                BCLDebug.Assert((stdout && _out != null) || (!stdout && _error != null), "Didn't set Console::_out or _error appropriately!"); 

        // This is ONLY used in debug builds.  If you have a registry key set, 
        // it will redirect Console.Out & Error on console-less applications to
        // your debugger's output window. 
#if _DEBUG 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
        private static bool CheckOutputDebug()
            new System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission(RegistryPermissionAccess.Read | RegistryPermissionAccess.Write, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE").Assert(); 
            RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine;
            using (rk = rk.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework", false)) { 
                if (rk != null) { 
                    Object obj = rk.GetValue("ConsoleSpewToDebugger", 0);
                    if (obj != null && ((int)obj) != 0) { 
                        return true;
            return false;
#else // !FEATURE_PAL 
            const int parameterValueLength = 255; 
            StringBuilder parameterValue = new StringBuilder(parameterValueLength);
            bool rc = Win32Native.FetchConfigurationString(true, "ConsoleSpewToDebugger", parameterValue, parameterValueLength); 
            if (rc) {
                if (0 != parameterValue.Length) {
                    int value = Convert.ToInt32(parameterValue.ToString());
                    if (0 != value) 
                        return true;
            return false;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 
#endif // _DEBUG

#if _DEBUG
        private static TextWriter MakeDebugOutputTextWriter(String streamLabel) 
            TextWriter output = new __DebugOutputTextWriter(streamLabel);
            output.WriteLine("Output redirected to debugger from a bit bucket."); 
            return TextWriter.Synchronized(output);
#endif // _DEBUG
        // This method is only exposed via methods to get at the console.
        // We won't use any security checks here. 
        private static Stream GetStandardFile(int stdHandleName, FileAccess access, int bufferSize) { 
            // We shouldn't close the handle for stdout, etc, or we'll break
            // unmanaged code in the process that will print to console.
            // We should have a better way of marking this on SafeHandle.
            IntPtr handle = Win32Native.GetStdHandle(stdHandleName); 
            SafeFileHandle sh = new SafeFileHandle(handle, false);
            // If someone launches a managed process via CreateProcess, stdout 
            // stderr, & stdin could independently be set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.
            // Additionally they might use 0 as an invalid handle. 
            if (sh.IsInvalid) {
                // Minor perf optimization - get it out of the finalizer queue.
                return Stream.Null; 
            // Check whether we can read or write to this handle. 
            if (stdHandleName != Win32Native.STD_INPUT_HANDLE && !ConsoleHandleIsValid(sh)) {
                //BCLDebug.ConsoleError("Console::ConsoleHandleIsValid for std handle "+stdHandleName+" failed, setting it to a null stream"); 
                return Stream.Null;

            //BCLDebug.ConsoleError("Console::GetStandardFile for std handle "+stdHandleName+" succeeded, returning handle number "+handle.ToString()); 
            Stream console = new __ConsoleStream(sh, access);
            // Do not buffer console streams, or we can get into situations where 
            // we end up blocking waiting for you to hit enter twice.  It was 
            // redundant.
            return console; 

        public static Encoding InputEncoding {
            get { 
                uint cp = Win32Native.GetConsoleCP();
                return Encoding.GetEncoding((int) cp); 
            set {
                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

                if (Environment.IsWin9X())
                    throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_Win9x")); 

                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 
                uint cp = (uint) value.CodePage;
                lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                    bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCP(cp);
                    if (!r)

                    // We need to reinitialize Console.In in the next call to _in 
                    // This will discard the current StreamReader, potentially 
                    // losing buffered data
                    _in = null; 
        public static Encoding OutputEncoding {
            get { 
                uint cp = Win32Native.GetConsoleOutputCP(); 
                return Encoding.GetEncoding((int) cp);
            set {
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                if (Environment.IsWin9X())
                    throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_Win9x")); 
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                    // Before changing the code page we need to flush the data
                    // if Out hasn't been redirected. Also, have the next call to
                    // _out reinitialize the console code page. 

                    if (_out != null && !_wasOutRedirected) { 
                        _out = null;
                    if (_error != null && !_wasErrorRedirected) {
                        _error = null;

                    uint cp = (uint) value.CodePage; 
                    bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleOutputCP(cp); 
                    if (!r)
        public static void Beep() 
            Beep(800, 200); 

        public static void Beep(int frequency, int duration) 
            if (frequency < MinBeepFrequency || frequency > MaxBeepFrequency) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frequency", frequency, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_BeepFrequency", MinBeepFrequency, MaxBeepFrequency)); 
            if (duration <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("duration", duration, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum")); 

            // Note that Beep over Remote Desktop connections does not currently
            // work.  Ignore any failures here.
            Win32Native.Beep(frequency, duration); 
        public static void Clear() 
            Win32Native.COORD coordScreen = new Win32Native.COORD();
            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi;
            bool success; 
            int conSize;
            IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle; 
            if (hConsole == Win32Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_NoConsole")); 

            // get the number of character cells in the current buffer
            // Go through my helper method for fetching a screen buffer info
            // to correctly handle default console colors. 
            csbi = GetBufferInfo();
            conSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y; 
            // fill the entire screen with blanks
            int numCellsWritten = 0;
            success = Win32Native.FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, ' ',
                conSize, coordScreen, out numCellsWritten);
            if (!success) 
            // now set the buffer's attributes accordingly 

            numCellsWritten = 0; 
            success = Win32Native.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConsole, csbi.wAttributes,
                conSize, coordScreen, out numCellsWritten);
            if (!success)

            // put the cursor at (0, 0) 
            success = Win32Native.SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen);
            if (!success) 

        private static Win32Native.Color ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(ConsoleColor color, bool isBackground) 
            if ((((int)color) & ~0xf) != 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidConsoleColor")); 

            Win32Native.Color c = (Win32Native.Color) color; 

            // Make these background colors instead of foreground
            if (isBackground)
                c = (Win32Native.Color) ((int)c << 4); 
            return c;
        private static ConsoleColor ColorAttributeToConsoleColor(Win32Native.Color c)
            // Turn background colors into foreground colors.
            if ((c & Win32Native.Color.BackgroundMask) != 0)
                c = (Win32Native.Color) (((int)c) >> 4);
            return (ConsoleColor) c;
        public static ConsoleColor BackgroundColor {
            get { 
                bool succeeded;
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded);

                // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console 
                if (!succeeded)
                    return ConsoleColor.Black; 
                Win32Native.Color c = (Win32Native.Color) csbi.wAttributes & Win32Native.Color.BackgroundMask;
                return ColorAttributeToConsoleColor(c); 
            set {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                Win32Native.Color c = ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(value, true);
                bool succeeded; 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded);
                // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console 
                if (!succeeded)

                BCLDebug.Assert(_haveReadDefaultColors, "Setting the foreground color before we've read the default foreground color!"); 

                short attrs = csbi.wAttributes; 
                attrs &= ~((short)Win32Native.Color.BackgroundMask); 
                // C#'s bitwise-or sign-extends to 32 bits.
                attrs = (short) (((uint) (ushort) attrs) | ((uint) (ushort) c)); 
                // Ignore errors here - there are some scenarios for running code that wants
                // to print in colors to the console in a Windows application.
                Win32Native.SetConsoleTextAttribute(ConsoleOutputHandle, attrs);
        public static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor { 
            get {
                bool succeeded; 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded);

                // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console
                if (!succeeded) 
                    return ConsoleColor.Gray;
                Win32Native.Color c = (Win32Native.Color) csbi.wAttributes & Win32Native.Color.ForegroundMask; 
                return ColorAttributeToConsoleColor(c);
            set {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();

                Win32Native.Color c = ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(value, false); 

                bool succeeded; 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded); 
                // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console
                if (!succeeded) 

                BCLDebug.Assert(_haveReadDefaultColors, "Setting the foreground color before we've read the default foreground color!");
                short attrs = csbi.wAttributes;
                attrs &= ~((short)Win32Native.Color.ForegroundMask); 
                // C#'s bitwise-or sign-extends to 32 bits. 
                attrs = (short) (((uint) (ushort) attrs) | ((uint) (ushort) c));
                // Ignore errors here - there are some scenarios for running code that wants 
                // to print in colors to the console in a Windows application.
                Win32Native.SetConsoleTextAttribute(ConsoleOutputHandle, attrs);

        public static void ResetColor() 
            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
            bool succeeded;
            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded);
            // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console
            if (!succeeded) 
            BCLDebug.Assert(_haveReadDefaultColors, "Setting the foreground color before we've read the default foreground color!"); 

            short defaultAttrs = (short) (ushort) _defaultColors; 
            // Ignore errors here - there are some scenarios for running code that wants
            // to print in colors to the console in a Windows application.
            Win32Native.SetConsoleTextAttribute(ConsoleOutputHandle, defaultAttrs);

        public static void MoveBufferArea(int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, 
            int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop) 
            MoveBufferArea(sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, targetLeft, targetTop, ' ', ConsoleColor.Black, BackgroundColor); 

        public unsafe static void MoveBufferArea(int sourceLeft, int sourceTop,
            int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop, 
            char sourceChar, ConsoleColor sourceForeColor,
            ConsoleColor sourceBackColor) 
            if (sourceForeColor < ConsoleColor.Black || sourceForeColor > ConsoleColor.White)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidConsoleColor"), "sourceForeColor"); 
            if (sourceBackColor < ConsoleColor.Black || sourceBackColor > ConsoleColor.White)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidConsoleColor"), "sourceBackColor");

            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(); 
            Win32Native.COORD bufferSize = csbi.dwSize;
            if (sourceLeft < 0 || sourceLeft > bufferSize.X) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceLeft", sourceLeft, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 
            if (sourceTop < 0 || sourceTop > bufferSize.Y)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceTop", sourceTop, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 
            if (sourceWidth < 0 || sourceWidth > bufferSize.X - sourceLeft)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceWidth", sourceWidth, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));
            if (sourceHeight < 0 || sourceTop > bufferSize.Y - sourceHeight)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceHeight", sourceHeight, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 

            // Note: if the target range is partially in and partially out 
            // of the buffer, then we let the OS clip it for us. 
            if (targetLeft < 0 || targetLeft > bufferSize.X)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("targetLeft", targetLeft, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 
            if (targetTop < 0 || targetTop > bufferSize.Y)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("targetTop", targetTop, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));

            // If we're not doing any work, bail out now (Windows will return 
            // an error otherwise)
            if (sourceWidth == 0 || sourceHeight == 0) 

            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

            // Read data from the original location, blank it out, then write
            // it to the new location.  This will handle overlapping source and
            // destination regions correctly. 

            // See the "Reading and Writing Blocks of Characters and Attributes" 
            // sample for help 

            // Read the old data 
            Win32Native.CHAR_INFO[] data = new Win32Native.CHAR_INFO[sourceWidth * sourceHeight];
            bufferSize.X = (short) sourceWidth;
            bufferSize.Y = (short) sourceHeight;
            Win32Native.COORD bufferCoord = new Win32Native.COORD(); 
            Win32Native.SMALL_RECT readRegion = new Win32Native.SMALL_RECT();
            readRegion.Left = (short) sourceLeft; 
            readRegion.Right = (short) (sourceLeft + sourceWidth - 1); 
            readRegion.Top = (short) sourceTop;
            readRegion.Bottom = (short) (sourceTop + sourceHeight - 1); 

            bool r;
            fixed(Win32Native.CHAR_INFO* pCharInfo = data)
                r = Win32Native.ReadConsoleOutput(ConsoleOutputHandle, pCharInfo, bufferSize, bufferCoord, ref readRegion); 
            if (!r)
            // Overwrite old section
            // I don't have a good function to blank out a rectangle. 
            Win32Native.COORD writeCoord = new Win32Native.COORD();
            writeCoord.X = (short) sourceLeft;
            Win32Native.Color c = ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(sourceBackColor, true);
            c |= ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(sourceForeColor, false); 
            short attr = (short) c;
            int numWritten; 
            for(int i = sourceTop; i= Int16.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", width, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferLessThanWindowSize")); 
            if (height < srWindow.Bottom + 1 || height >= Int16.MaxValue) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", height, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferLessThanWindowSize"));
            Win32Native.COORD size = new Win32Native.COORD();
            size.X = (short) width;
            size.Y = (short) height;
            bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(ConsoleOutputHandle, size); 
            if (!r)

        public static int WindowHeight {
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
                return csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1; 
            set { 
                SetWindowSize(WindowWidth, value); 

        public static int WindowWidth {
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(); 
                return csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1;
            set { 
                SetWindowSize(value, WindowHeight);

        public static unsafe void SetWindowSize(int width, int height)
            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
            // Get the position of the current console window 
            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
            if (width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", width, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));
            if (height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", height, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum")); 

            bool r; 
            // If the buffer is smaller than this new window size, resize the
            // buffer to be large enough.  Include window position. 
            bool resizeBuffer = false;
            Win32Native.COORD size = new Win32Native.COORD();
            size.X = csbi.dwSize.X;
            size.Y = csbi.dwSize.Y; 
            if (csbi.dwSize.X < csbi.srWindow.Left + width) {
                if (csbi.srWindow.Left >= Int16.MaxValue - width) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowBufferSize")); 
                size.X = (short) (csbi.srWindow.Left + width);
                resizeBuffer = true; 
            if (csbi.dwSize.Y < csbi.srWindow.Top + height) {
                if (csbi.srWindow.Top >= Int16.MaxValue - height)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowBufferSize")); 
                size.Y = (short) (csbi.srWindow.Top + height);
                resizeBuffer = true; 
            if (resizeBuffer) {
                r = Win32Native.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(ConsoleOutputHandle, size); 
                if (!r)
            Win32Native.SMALL_RECT srWindow = csbi.srWindow;
            // Preserve the position, but change the size. 
            srWindow.Bottom = (short) (srWindow.Top + height - 1); 
            srWindow.Right = (short) (srWindow.Left + width - 1);
            r = Win32Native.SetConsoleWindowInfo(ConsoleOutputHandle, true, &srWindow);
            if (!r) {
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                // If we resized the buffer, un-resize it.
                if (resizeBuffer) { 
                    Win32Native.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(ConsoleOutputHandle, csbi.dwSize); 
                // Try to give a better error message here
                Win32Native.COORD bounds = Win32Native.GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(ConsoleOutputHandle);
                if (width > bounds.X)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", width, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowSize_Size", bounds.X)); 
                if (height > bounds.Y)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", height, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowSize_Size", bounds.Y)); 
                __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, String.Empty);

        public static int LargestWindowWidth {
            get { 
                // Note this varies based on current screen resolution and
                // current console font.  Do not cache this value. 
                Win32Native.COORD bounds = Win32Native.GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(ConsoleOutputHandle); 
                return bounds.X;

        public static int LargestWindowHeight {
            get { 
                // Note this varies based on current screen resolution and
                // current console font.  Do not cache this value. 
                Win32Native.COORD bounds = Win32Native.GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(ConsoleOutputHandle); 
                return bounds.Y;

        public static int WindowLeft {
            get { 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
                return csbi.srWindow.Left; 
            set {
                SetWindowPosition(value, WindowTop); 

        public static int WindowTop { 
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(); 
                return csbi.srWindow.Top; 
            set { 
                SetWindowPosition(WindowLeft, value);
        public static unsafe void SetWindowPosition(int left, int top)
            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

            // Get the size of the current console window 
            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();

            Win32Native.SMALL_RECT srWindow = csbi.srWindow;
            // Check for arithmetic underflows & overflows.
            int newRight = left + srWindow.Right - srWindow.Left + 1; 
            if (left < 0 || newRight > csbi.dwSize.X || newRight < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("left", left, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowPos"));
            int newBottom = top + srWindow.Bottom - srWindow.Top + 1; 
            if (top < 0 || newBottom > csbi.dwSize.Y || newBottom < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("top", top, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowPos"));

            // Preserve the size, but move the position. 
            srWindow.Bottom -= (short) (srWindow.Top - top);
            srWindow.Right -= (short) (srWindow.Left - left); 
            srWindow.Left = (short) left; 
            srWindow.Top = (short) top;
            bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleWindowInfo(ConsoleOutputHandle, true, &srWindow);
            if (!r)

        public static int CursorLeft { 
            get { 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
                return csbi.dwCursorPosition.X; 
            set {
                SetCursorPosition(value, CursorTop);
        public static int CursorTop { 
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(); 
                return csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;
            set {
                SetCursorPosition(CursorLeft, value); 
        public static void SetCursorPosition(int left, int top)
            // Note on argument checking - the upper bounds are NOT correct
            // here!  But it looks slightly expensive to compute them.  Let
            // Windows calculate them, then we'll give a nice error message.
            if (left < 0 || left >= Int16.MaxValue) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("left", left, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));
            if (top < 0 || top >= Int16.MaxValue) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("top", top, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 

            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

            IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle;
            Win32Native.COORD coords = new Win32Native.COORD();
            coords.X = (short) left; 
            coords.Y = (short) top;
            bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coords); 
            if (!r) { 
                // Give a nice error message for out of range sizes
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
                if (left < 0 || left >= csbi.dwSize.X)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("left", left, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));
                if (top < 0 || top >= csbi.dwSize.Y) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("top", top, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));
                __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, String.Empty); 

        public static int CursorSize {
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; 
                IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle;
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, out cci); 
                if (!r) 
                return cci.dwSize;
            set {
                // Value should be a percentage from [1, 100]. 
                if (value < 1 || value > 100)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_CursorSize")); 
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                // Win9x: setting the value to 100 doesn't work
                // correctly, but sets it to 32675.  Rounding oddity in OS?
                if (value == 100 && (Environment.OSInfo & Environment.OSName.Win9x) != 0)
                    value = 99; 

                Win32Native.CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; 
                IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, out cci);
                if (!r) 

                cci.dwSize = value;
                r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, ref cci); 
                if (!r)
        public static bool CursorVisible {
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci;
                IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, out cci);
                if (!r) 

                return cci.bVisible; 
            set {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci;
                IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, out cci); 
                if (!r)

                cci.bVisible = value;
                r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, ref cci);
                if (!r) 

        public static String Title { 
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)]
            get {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MaxConsoleTitleLength + 1); 
                // As of Windows Server 2003 (and probably all prior
                // releases), GetConsoleTitle doesn't do anything useful on 
                // empty strings, such as calling SetLastError so callers can 
                // determine whether that 0 was an error or was a success.
                int r = Win32Native.GetConsoleTitle(sb, sb.Capacity);
                if (r == 0) {
                    // Allow a 0-length title
                    int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
                    if (errorCode == 0)
                        sb.Length = 0; 
                        __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, String.Empty);
                else if (r > MaxConsoleTitleLength)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleTitleTooLong"));
                return sb.ToString();
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)] 
            set { 
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                if (value.Length > MaxConsoleTitleLength)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleTitleTooLong")); 

                if (!Win32Native.SetConsoleTitle(value)) 

        internal enum ControlKeyState
            RightAltPressed =  0x0001,
            LeftAltPressed =   0x0002, 
            RightCtrlPressed = 0x0004, 
            LeftCtrlPressed =  0x0008,
            ShiftPressed =     0x0010, 
            NumLockOn =        0x0020,
            ScrollLockOn =     0x0040,
            CapsLockOn =       0x0080,
            EnhancedKey =      0x0100 
        public static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey()
            return ReadKey(false);

        private static bool IsKeyDownEvent(Win32Native.InputRecord ir) { 
            // Check for non-keyboard events & discard them.
            return (ir.eventType == Win32Native.KEY_EVENT && ir.keyEvent.keyDown); 

        private static bool IsModKey(short keyCode) { 
            // We should also skip over Shift, Control, and Alt, as well as caps lock.
            // Apparently we don't need to check for 0xA0 through 0xA5, which are keys like
            // Left Control & Right Control. See the ConsoleKey enum for these values
            return ((keyCode >= 0x10 && keyCode <= 0x12) 
                    || keyCode == 0x14 || keyCode == 0x90 || keyCode == 0x91);
        public static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey(bool intercept) 
            Win32Native.InputRecord ir;
            int numEventsRead = -1;
            bool r; 

            if (_cachedInputRecord.eventType == Win32Native.KEY_EVENT) { 
                // We had a previous keystroke with repeated characters. 
                ir = _cachedInputRecord;
                if (_cachedInputRecord.keyEvent.repeatCount == 0) 
                    _cachedInputRecord.eventType = -1;
                else {
                // We will return one key from this method, so we decrement the
                // repeatCount here, leaving the cachedInputRecord in the "queue". 
            else {
                while (true) { 
                    r = Win32Native.ReadConsoleInput(ConsoleInputHandle, out ir, 1, out numEventsRead);
                    if (!r || numEventsRead == 0) {
                        // This will fail when stdin is a file (ie, foo < a.txt).
                        // We could theoretically call Console.Read here, but I 
                        // think we might do some things incorrectly then.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_ConsoleReadKeyOnFile")); 

                    // Skip non key-down events. 
                    if (!IsKeyDownEvent(ir))

                    char ch = ir.keyEvent.uChar; 

                    if (ch == 0) { 
                        short keyCode = ir.keyEvent.virtualKeyCode; 

                        // Skip mod keys. 
                        if (IsModKey(keyCode))
                    if (ir.keyEvent.repeatCount > 1) {
                        _cachedInputRecord = ir; 
                        //Console.WriteLine("Storing repeated characters from this key event.");
            ControlKeyState state = (ControlKeyState) ir.keyEvent.controlKeyState;
            bool shift = (state & ControlKeyState.ShiftPressed) != 0; 
            bool alt = (state & (ControlKeyState.LeftAltPressed | ControlKeyState.RightAltPressed)) != 0; 
            bool control = (state & (ControlKeyState.LeftCtrlPressed | ControlKeyState.RightCtrlPressed)) != 0;
            ConsoleKeyInfo info = new ConsoleKeyInfo(ir.keyEvent.uChar, (ConsoleKey) ir.keyEvent.virtualKeyCode, shift, alt, control);

            if (!intercept)
            return info;
        public static bool KeyAvailable {
            get {
                if (_cachedInputRecord.eventType == Win32Native.KEY_EVENT)
                    return true;
                Win32Native.InputRecord ir = new Win32Native.InputRecord();
                int numEventsRead = 0; 
                while (true) { 
                    bool r = Win32Native.PeekConsoleInput(ConsoleInputHandle, out ir, 1, out numEventsRead);
                    if (!r) { 
                        int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                        if (errorCode == Win32Native.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_ConsoleKeyAvailableOnFile"));
                        __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, "stdin"); 
                    if (numEventsRead == 0) 
                        return false;
                    short keyCode = ir.keyEvent.virtualKeyCode;
                    // Skip non key-down && mod key events.
                    if (!IsKeyDownEvent(ir) || IsModKey(keyCode)) {
                        r = Win32Native.ReadConsoleInput(ConsoleInputHandle, out ir, 1, out numEventsRead); 
                        if (!r)
                    else {
                        return true; 

        public static bool NumberLock { 
            get { 
                short s = Win32Native.GetKeyState(NumberLockVKCode);
                return (s & 1) == 1; 

        public static bool CapsLock { 
            get {
                short s = Win32Native.GetKeyState(CapsLockVKCode); 
                return (s & 1) == 1; 

        public static bool TreatControlCAsInput {
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)] 
            get {
                IntPtr handle = ConsoleInputHandle; 
                if (handle == Win32Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
                    throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_NoConsole"));
                int mode = 0; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleMode(handle, out mode);
                if (!r)
                return (mode & Win32Native.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT) == 0; 
            set {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

                IntPtr handle = ConsoleInputHandle;
                if (handle == Win32Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                    throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_NoConsole")); 

                int mode = 0; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleMode(handle, out mode); 
                if (value)
                    mode &= ~Win32Native.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT; 
                    mode |= Win32Native.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT;
                r = Win32Native.SetConsoleMode(handle, mode);
                if (!r)
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

        // During an appdomain unload, we must call into the OS and remove
        // our delegate from the OS's list of console control handlers.  If
        // we don't do this, the OS will call back on a delegate that no 
        // longer exists.  So, subclass CriticalFinalizableObject.
        // This problem would theoretically exist during process exit for a 
        // single appdomain too, so using a critical finalizer is probably 
        // better than the appdomain unload event (I'm not sure we call that
        // in the default appdomain during process exit). 
        internal sealed class ControlCHooker : CriticalFinalizerObject
            private bool _hooked;
            private Win32Native.ConsoleCtrlHandlerRoutine _handler; 

            internal ControlCHooker() 
                _handler = new Win32Native.ConsoleCtrlHandlerRoutine(BreakEvent);

            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]

            internal void Hook()
                if (!_hooked) { 
                    bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_handler, true);
                    if (!r) 
                    _hooked = true;

            [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
            internal void Unhook() 
                if (_hooked) {
                    bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_handler, false); 
                    if (!r)
                    _hooked = false;
        // A class with data so ControlC handlers can be called on a Threadpool thread.
        private sealed class ControlCDelegateData { 
            internal ConsoleSpecialKey ControlKey;
            internal bool Cancel;
            internal bool DelegateStarted;
            internal ManualResetEvent CompletionEvent; 
            internal ConsoleCancelEventHandler CancelCallbacks;
            internal ControlCDelegateData(ConsoleSpecialKey controlKey, ConsoleCancelEventHandler cancelCallbacks) { 
                this.ControlKey = controlKey; 
                this.CancelCallbacks = cancelCallbacks;
                this.CompletionEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); 
                // this.Cancel defaults to false
                // this.DelegateStarted defaults to false

        // Returns true if we've "handled" the break request, false if 
        // we want to terminate the process (or at least let the next 
        // control handler function have a chance).
        private static bool BreakEvent(int controlType) { 

            // The thread that this gets called back on has a very small stack on 64 bit systems. There is
            // not enough space to handle a managed exception being caught and thrown. So, queue up a work
            // item on another thread for the actual event callback. 

            if (controlType == Win32Native.CTRL_C_EVENT || 
                controlType == Win32Native.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) { 

                // To avoid ---- between remove handler and raising the event 
                ConsoleCancelEventHandler cancelCallbacks = Console._cancelCallbacks;
                if (cancelCallbacks == null) {
                    return false;

                // Create the delegate 
                ConsoleSpecialKey controlKey = (controlType == 0) ? ConsoleSpecialKey.ControlC : ConsoleSpecialKey.ControlBreak; 
                ControlCDelegateData delegateData = new ControlCDelegateData(controlKey, cancelCallbacks);
                WaitCallback controlCCallback = new WaitCallback(ControlCDelegate); 

                // Queue the delegate
                if (!ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(controlCCallback, delegateData)) {
                    BCLDebug.Assert(false, "ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem returned false without throwing. Unable to execute ControlC handler"); 
                    return false;
                // Block until the delegate is done. We need to be robust in the face of the work item not executing 
                // but we also want to get control back immediately after it is done and we don't want to give the
                // handler a fixed time limit in case it needs to display UI. Wait on the event twice, once with a 
                // timout and a second time without if we are sure that the handler actually started.
                TimeSpan controlCWaitTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30); // 30 seconds
                delegateData.CompletionEvent.WaitOne(controlCWaitTime, false);
                if (!delegateData.DelegateStarted) { 
                    BCLDebug.Assert(false, "ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem did not execute the handler within 30 seconds.");
                    return false; 
                return delegateData.Cancel;

            return false; 
        // This is the worker delegate that is called on the Threadpool thread to fire the actual events. It must guarentee that it 
        // signals the caller on the ControlC thread so that it does not block indefinitely.
        private static void ControlCDelegate(object data) { 
            ControlCDelegateData controlCData = (ControlCDelegateData)data;
            try {
                controlCData.DelegateStarted = true;
                ConsoleCancelEventArgs args = new ConsoleCancelEventArgs(controlCData.ControlKey); 
                controlCData.CancelCallbacks(null, args);
                controlCData.Cancel = args.Cancel; 
            finally {

        // Note: hooking this event allows you to prevent Control-C from 
        // killing a console app, which is somewhat surprising for users.
        // Some permission seems appropriate.  We chose UI permission for lack 
        // of a better one.  However, we also applied host protection 
        // permission here as well, for self-affecting process management.
        // This allows hosts to prevent people from adding a handler for 
        // this event.
        public static event ConsoleCancelEventHandler CancelKeyPress {
            add {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 
                lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                    // Add this delegate to the pile. 
                    _cancelCallbacks += value;

                    // If we haven't registered our control-C handler, do it.
                    if (_hooker == null) { 
                        _hooker = new ControlCHooker();
            remove {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

                lock(InternalSyncObject) { 
                    // If count was 0, call SetConsoleCtrlEvent to remove cb. 
                    _cancelCallbacks -= value;
                    BCLDebug.Assert(_cancelCallbacks == null || _cancelCallbacks.GetInvocationList().Length > 0, "Teach Console::CancelKeyPress to handle a non-null but empty list of callbacks"); 
                    if (_hooker != null && _cancelCallbacks == null)
        public static Stream OpenStandardError() {
            return OpenStandardError(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);
        public static Stream OpenStandardError(int bufferSize) {
            if (bufferSize < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
            return GetStandardFile(Win32Native.STD_ERROR_HANDLE,
                                   FileAccess.Write, bufferSize);

        public static Stream OpenStandardInput() { 
            return OpenStandardInput(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);

        public static Stream OpenStandardInput(int bufferSize) { 
            if (bufferSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum")); 
            return GetStandardFile(Win32Native.STD_INPUT_HANDLE,
                                   FileAccess.Read, bufferSize);
        public static Stream OpenStandardOutput() {
            return OpenStandardOutput(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize); 

        public static Stream OpenStandardOutput(int bufferSize) { 
            if (bufferSize < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
            return GetStandardFile(Win32Native.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, 
                                   FileAccess.Write, bufferSize);

        public static void SetIn(TextReader newIn) { 
            if (newIn == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("newIn");
            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); 

            newIn = TextReader.Synchronized(newIn);
            lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                _in = newIn; 
        public static void SetOut(TextWriter newOut) {
            if (newOut == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("newOut");
            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); 

            _wasOutRedirected = true; 
            newOut = TextWriter.Synchronized(newOut); 
            lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                _out = newOut; 

        public static void SetError(TextWriter newError) { 
            if (newError == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("newError");
            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); 

            _wasErrorRedirected = true;
            newError = TextWriter.Synchronized(newError);
            lock(InternalSyncObject) { 
                _error = newError;

        public static int Read()
            return In.Read();

        public static String ReadLine() 
            return In.ReadLine(); 

        public static void WriteLine() 

        public static void WriteLine(bool value)

        public static void WriteLine(char value) 

        public static void WriteLine(char[] buffer) 

        public static void WriteLine(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
            Out.WriteLine(buffer, index, count);

        public static void WriteLine(decimal value) 

        public static void WriteLine(double value) 

        public static void WriteLine(float value)

        public static void WriteLine(int value) 

        public static void WriteLine(uint value)
        public static void WriteLine(long value)
        public static void WriteLine(ulong value) 
        public static void WriteLine(Object value) 

        public static void WriteLine(String value)

        public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0)
            Out.WriteLine(format, arg0);

        public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1) 
            Out.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1); 

        public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) 
            Out.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1, arg2); 

        public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2,Object arg3, __arglist)
            Object[]   objArgs; 
            int        argCount;
            ArgIterator args = new ArgIterator(__arglist); 

            //+4 to account for the 4 hard-coded arguments at the beginning of the list. 
            argCount = args.GetRemainingCount() + 4;

            objArgs = new Object[argCount];
            //Handle the hard-coded arguments
            objArgs[0] = arg0; 
            objArgs[1] = arg1; 
            objArgs[2] = arg2;
            objArgs[3] = arg3; 

            //Walk all of the args in the variable part of the argument list.
            for (int i=4; i out 2> err 
    //Contains only static data.  Serializable attribute not required.
    public static class Console 
        private const int _DefaultConsoleBufferSize = 256;

        private const int NumberLockVKCode = 0x90;  // virtual key code
        private const int CapsLockVKCode = 0x14; 
        // Beep range - see MSDN.
        private const int MinBeepFrequency = 37; 
        private const int MaxBeepFrequency = 32767;

        // MSDN says console titles can be up to 64 KB in length.
        // But I get an exception if I use buffer lengths longer than 
        // ~24500 Unicode characters.  Oh well.
        private const int MaxConsoleTitleLength = 24500; 
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

        private static TextReader _in; 
        private static TextWriter _out;
        private static TextWriter _error;

        private static ConsoleCancelEventHandler _cancelCallbacks; 
        private static ControlCHooker _hooker;
        // ReadLine & Read can't use this because they need to use ReadFile
        // to be able to handle redirected input.  We have to accept that 
        // we will lose repeated keystrokes when someone switches from
        // calling ReadKey to calling Read or ReadLine.  Those methods should
        // ideally flush this cache as well.
        private static Win32Native.InputRecord _cachedInputRecord; 

        // For ResetColor 
        private static bool _haveReadDefaultColors; 
        private static byte _defaultColors;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

        private static bool _wasOutRedirected;
        private static bool _wasErrorRedirected;
        // Private object for locking instead of locking on a public type for SQL reliability work.
        private static Object s_InternalSyncObject; 
        private static Object InternalSyncObject { 
            get {
                if (s_InternalSyncObject == null) { 
                    Object o = new Object();
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_InternalSyncObject, o, null);
                return s_InternalSyncObject; 
        // About reliability: I'm not using SafeHandle here.  We don't
        // need to close these handles, and we don't allow the user to close 
        // them so we don't have many of the security problems inherent in
        // something like file handles.  Additionally, in a host like SQL
        // Server, we won't have a console.
        private static IntPtr _consoleInputHandle; 
        private static IntPtr _consoleOutputHandle;
        private static IntPtr ConsoleInputHandle { 
            get {
                if (_consoleInputHandle == IntPtr.Zero) {
                    _consoleInputHandle = Win32Native.GetStdHandle(Win32Native.STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
                return _consoleInputHandle;

        private static IntPtr ConsoleOutputHandle { 
            get {
                if (_consoleOutputHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { 
                    _consoleOutputHandle = Win32Native.GetStdHandle(Win32Native.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
                return _consoleOutputHandle; 

        public static TextWriter Error {
            get { 
                // Hopefully this is inlineable.
                if (_error == null) 
                return _error;

        public static TextReader In {
            get {
                // Because most applications don't use stdin, we can delay 
                // initialize it slightly better startup performance. 
                if (_in == null) {
                    lock(InternalSyncObject) { 
                        if (_in == null) {
                            // Set up Console.In
                            Stream s = OpenStandardInput(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);
                            TextReader tr; 
                            if (s == Stream.Null)
                                tr = StreamReader.Null; 
                            else { 
                                // Hopefully Encoding.GetEncoding doesn't load as many classes now.
                                Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding((int)Win32Native.GetConsoleCP()); 
                                tr = TextReader.Synchronized(new StreamReader(s, enc, false, _DefaultConsoleBufferSize, false));
                            _in = tr; 
                return _in;

        public static TextWriter Out {
            get {
                // Hopefully this is inlineable. 
                if (_out == null) 
                return _out; 

        // For console apps, the console handles are set to values like 3, 7, 
        // and 11 OR if you've been created via CreateProcess, possibly -1
        // or 0.  -1 is definitely invalid, while 0 is probably invalid. 
        // Also note each handle can independently be invalid or good. 
        // For Windows apps, the console handles are set to values like 3, 7,
        // and 11 but are invalid handles - you may not write to them.  However, 
        // you can still spawn a Windows app via CreateProcess and read stdout
        // and stderr.
        // So, we always need to check each handle independently for validity
        // by trying to write or read to it, unless it is -1. 

        // We do not do a security check here, under the assumption that this 
        // cannot create a security hole, but only waste a user's time or 
        // cause a possible denial of service attack.
        private static void InitializeStdOutError(bool stdout) 
            // Set up Console.Out or Console.Error.
            lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                if (stdout && _out != null) 
                else if (!stdout && _error != null) 

                TextWriter writer = null; 
                Stream s;
                if (stdout)
                    s = OpenStandardOutput(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);
                    s = OpenStandardError(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);
                if (s == Stream.Null) { 
#if _DEBUG
                    if (CheckOutputDebug()) 
                        writer = MakeDebugOutputTextWriter((stdout) ? "Console.Out: " : "Console.Error: ");
#endif // _DEBUG
                        writer = TextWriter.Synchronized(StreamWriter.Null); 
                else { 
                    int codePage = (int) Win32Native.GetConsoleOutputCP(); 
                    Encoding encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(codePage);
                    StreamWriter stdxxx = new StreamWriter(s, encoding, _DefaultConsoleBufferSize, false); 
                    stdxxx.HaveWrittenPreamble = true;
                    stdxxx.AutoFlush = true;
                    writer = TextWriter.Synchronized(stdxxx);
                if (stdout)
                    _out = writer; 
                    _error = writer;
                BCLDebug.Assert((stdout && _out != null) || (!stdout && _error != null), "Didn't set Console::_out or _error appropriately!"); 

        // This is ONLY used in debug builds.  If you have a registry key set, 
        // it will redirect Console.Out & Error on console-less applications to
        // your debugger's output window. 
#if _DEBUG 
        [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)] 
        private static bool CheckOutputDebug()
            new System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission(RegistryPermissionAccess.Read | RegistryPermissionAccess.Write, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE").Assert(); 
            RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine;
            using (rk = rk.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework", false)) { 
                if (rk != null) { 
                    Object obj = rk.GetValue("ConsoleSpewToDebugger", 0);
                    if (obj != null && ((int)obj) != 0) { 
                        return true;
            return false;
#else // !FEATURE_PAL 
            const int parameterValueLength = 255; 
            StringBuilder parameterValue = new StringBuilder(parameterValueLength);
            bool rc = Win32Native.FetchConfigurationString(true, "ConsoleSpewToDebugger", parameterValue, parameterValueLength); 
            if (rc) {
                if (0 != parameterValue.Length) {
                    int value = Convert.ToInt32(parameterValue.ToString());
                    if (0 != value) 
                        return true;
            return false;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 
#endif // _DEBUG

#if _DEBUG
        private static TextWriter MakeDebugOutputTextWriter(String streamLabel) 
            TextWriter output = new __DebugOutputTextWriter(streamLabel);
            output.WriteLine("Output redirected to debugger from a bit bucket."); 
            return TextWriter.Synchronized(output);
#endif // _DEBUG
        // This method is only exposed via methods to get at the console.
        // We won't use any security checks here. 
        private static Stream GetStandardFile(int stdHandleName, FileAccess access, int bufferSize) { 
            // We shouldn't close the handle for stdout, etc, or we'll break
            // unmanaged code in the process that will print to console.
            // We should have a better way of marking this on SafeHandle.
            IntPtr handle = Win32Native.GetStdHandle(stdHandleName); 
            SafeFileHandle sh = new SafeFileHandle(handle, false);
            // If someone launches a managed process via CreateProcess, stdout 
            // stderr, & stdin could independently be set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.
            // Additionally they might use 0 as an invalid handle. 
            if (sh.IsInvalid) {
                // Minor perf optimization - get it out of the finalizer queue.
                return Stream.Null; 
            // Check whether we can read or write to this handle. 
            if (stdHandleName != Win32Native.STD_INPUT_HANDLE && !ConsoleHandleIsValid(sh)) {
                //BCLDebug.ConsoleError("Console::ConsoleHandleIsValid for std handle "+stdHandleName+" failed, setting it to a null stream"); 
                return Stream.Null;

            //BCLDebug.ConsoleError("Console::GetStandardFile for std handle "+stdHandleName+" succeeded, returning handle number "+handle.ToString()); 
            Stream console = new __ConsoleStream(sh, access);
            // Do not buffer console streams, or we can get into situations where 
            // we end up blocking waiting for you to hit enter twice.  It was 
            // redundant.
            return console; 

        public static Encoding InputEncoding {
            get { 
                uint cp = Win32Native.GetConsoleCP();
                return Encoding.GetEncoding((int) cp); 
            set {
                if (value == null) 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

                if (Environment.IsWin9X())
                    throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_Win9x")); 

                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 
                uint cp = (uint) value.CodePage;
                lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                    bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCP(cp);
                    if (!r)

                    // We need to reinitialize Console.In in the next call to _in 
                    // This will discard the current StreamReader, potentially 
                    // losing buffered data
                    _in = null; 
        public static Encoding OutputEncoding {
            get { 
                uint cp = Win32Native.GetConsoleOutputCP(); 
                return Encoding.GetEncoding((int) cp);
            set {
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                if (Environment.IsWin9X())
                    throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("PlatformNotSupported_Win9x")); 
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                    // Before changing the code page we need to flush the data
                    // if Out hasn't been redirected. Also, have the next call to
                    // _out reinitialize the console code page. 

                    if (_out != null && !_wasOutRedirected) { 
                        _out = null;
                    if (_error != null && !_wasErrorRedirected) {
                        _error = null;

                    uint cp = (uint) value.CodePage; 
                    bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleOutputCP(cp); 
                    if (!r)
        public static void Beep() 
            Beep(800, 200); 

        public static void Beep(int frequency, int duration) 
            if (frequency < MinBeepFrequency || frequency > MaxBeepFrequency) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("frequency", frequency, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_BeepFrequency", MinBeepFrequency, MaxBeepFrequency)); 
            if (duration <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("duration", duration, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum")); 

            // Note that Beep over Remote Desktop connections does not currently
            // work.  Ignore any failures here.
            Win32Native.Beep(frequency, duration); 
        public static void Clear() 
            Win32Native.COORD coordScreen = new Win32Native.COORD();
            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi;
            bool success; 
            int conSize;
            IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle; 
            if (hConsole == Win32Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_NoConsole")); 

            // get the number of character cells in the current buffer
            // Go through my helper method for fetching a screen buffer info
            // to correctly handle default console colors. 
            csbi = GetBufferInfo();
            conSize = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y; 
            // fill the entire screen with blanks
            int numCellsWritten = 0;
            success = Win32Native.FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, ' ',
                conSize, coordScreen, out numCellsWritten);
            if (!success) 
            // now set the buffer's attributes accordingly 

            numCellsWritten = 0; 
            success = Win32Native.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(hConsole, csbi.wAttributes,
                conSize, coordScreen, out numCellsWritten);
            if (!success)

            // put the cursor at (0, 0) 
            success = Win32Native.SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coordScreen);
            if (!success) 

        private static Win32Native.Color ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(ConsoleColor color, bool isBackground) 
            if ((((int)color) & ~0xf) != 0) 
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidConsoleColor")); 

            Win32Native.Color c = (Win32Native.Color) color; 

            // Make these background colors instead of foreground
            if (isBackground)
                c = (Win32Native.Color) ((int)c << 4); 
            return c;
        private static ConsoleColor ColorAttributeToConsoleColor(Win32Native.Color c)
            // Turn background colors into foreground colors.
            if ((c & Win32Native.Color.BackgroundMask) != 0)
                c = (Win32Native.Color) (((int)c) >> 4);
            return (ConsoleColor) c;
        public static ConsoleColor BackgroundColor {
            get { 
                bool succeeded;
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded);

                // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console 
                if (!succeeded)
                    return ConsoleColor.Black; 
                Win32Native.Color c = (Win32Native.Color) csbi.wAttributes & Win32Native.Color.BackgroundMask;
                return ColorAttributeToConsoleColor(c); 
            set {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                Win32Native.Color c = ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(value, true);
                bool succeeded; 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded);
                // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console 
                if (!succeeded)

                BCLDebug.Assert(_haveReadDefaultColors, "Setting the foreground color before we've read the default foreground color!"); 

                short attrs = csbi.wAttributes; 
                attrs &= ~((short)Win32Native.Color.BackgroundMask); 
                // C#'s bitwise-or sign-extends to 32 bits.
                attrs = (short) (((uint) (ushort) attrs) | ((uint) (ushort) c)); 
                // Ignore errors here - there are some scenarios for running code that wants
                // to print in colors to the console in a Windows application.
                Win32Native.SetConsoleTextAttribute(ConsoleOutputHandle, attrs);
        public static ConsoleColor ForegroundColor { 
            get {
                bool succeeded; 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded);

                // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console
                if (!succeeded) 
                    return ConsoleColor.Gray;
                Win32Native.Color c = (Win32Native.Color) csbi.wAttributes & Win32Native.Color.ForegroundMask; 
                return ColorAttributeToConsoleColor(c);
            set {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();

                Win32Native.Color c = ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(value, false); 

                bool succeeded; 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded); 
                // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console
                if (!succeeded) 

                BCLDebug.Assert(_haveReadDefaultColors, "Setting the foreground color before we've read the default foreground color!");
                short attrs = csbi.wAttributes;
                attrs &= ~((short)Win32Native.Color.ForegroundMask); 
                // C#'s bitwise-or sign-extends to 32 bits. 
                attrs = (short) (((uint) (ushort) attrs) | ((uint) (ushort) c));
                // Ignore errors here - there are some scenarios for running code that wants 
                // to print in colors to the console in a Windows application.
                Win32Native.SetConsoleTextAttribute(ConsoleOutputHandle, attrs);

        public static void ResetColor() 
            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
            bool succeeded;
            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(false, out succeeded);
            // For code that may be used from Windows app w/ no console
            if (!succeeded) 
            BCLDebug.Assert(_haveReadDefaultColors, "Setting the foreground color before we've read the default foreground color!"); 

            short defaultAttrs = (short) (ushort) _defaultColors; 
            // Ignore errors here - there are some scenarios for running code that wants
            // to print in colors to the console in a Windows application.
            Win32Native.SetConsoleTextAttribute(ConsoleOutputHandle, defaultAttrs);

        public static void MoveBufferArea(int sourceLeft, int sourceTop, 
            int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop) 
            MoveBufferArea(sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, targetLeft, targetTop, ' ', ConsoleColor.Black, BackgroundColor); 

        public unsafe static void MoveBufferArea(int sourceLeft, int sourceTop,
            int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int targetLeft, int targetTop, 
            char sourceChar, ConsoleColor sourceForeColor,
            ConsoleColor sourceBackColor) 
            if (sourceForeColor < ConsoleColor.Black || sourceForeColor > ConsoleColor.White)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidConsoleColor"), "sourceForeColor"); 
            if (sourceBackColor < ConsoleColor.Black || sourceBackColor > ConsoleColor.White)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Arg_InvalidConsoleColor"), "sourceBackColor");

            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(); 
            Win32Native.COORD bufferSize = csbi.dwSize;
            if (sourceLeft < 0 || sourceLeft > bufferSize.X) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceLeft", sourceLeft, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 
            if (sourceTop < 0 || sourceTop > bufferSize.Y)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceTop", sourceTop, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 
            if (sourceWidth < 0 || sourceWidth > bufferSize.X - sourceLeft)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceWidth", sourceWidth, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));
            if (sourceHeight < 0 || sourceTop > bufferSize.Y - sourceHeight)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("sourceHeight", sourceHeight, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 

            // Note: if the target range is partially in and partially out 
            // of the buffer, then we let the OS clip it for us. 
            if (targetLeft < 0 || targetLeft > bufferSize.X)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("targetLeft", targetLeft, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 
            if (targetTop < 0 || targetTop > bufferSize.Y)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("targetTop", targetTop, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));

            // If we're not doing any work, bail out now (Windows will return 
            // an error otherwise)
            if (sourceWidth == 0 || sourceHeight == 0) 

            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

            // Read data from the original location, blank it out, then write
            // it to the new location.  This will handle overlapping source and
            // destination regions correctly. 

            // See the "Reading and Writing Blocks of Characters and Attributes" 
            // sample for help 

            // Read the old data 
            Win32Native.CHAR_INFO[] data = new Win32Native.CHAR_INFO[sourceWidth * sourceHeight];
            bufferSize.X = (short) sourceWidth;
            bufferSize.Y = (short) sourceHeight;
            Win32Native.COORD bufferCoord = new Win32Native.COORD(); 
            Win32Native.SMALL_RECT readRegion = new Win32Native.SMALL_RECT();
            readRegion.Left = (short) sourceLeft; 
            readRegion.Right = (short) (sourceLeft + sourceWidth - 1); 
            readRegion.Top = (short) sourceTop;
            readRegion.Bottom = (short) (sourceTop + sourceHeight - 1); 

            bool r;
            fixed(Win32Native.CHAR_INFO* pCharInfo = data)
                r = Win32Native.ReadConsoleOutput(ConsoleOutputHandle, pCharInfo, bufferSize, bufferCoord, ref readRegion); 
            if (!r)
            // Overwrite old section
            // I don't have a good function to blank out a rectangle. 
            Win32Native.COORD writeCoord = new Win32Native.COORD();
            writeCoord.X = (short) sourceLeft;
            Win32Native.Color c = ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(sourceBackColor, true);
            c |= ConsoleColorToColorAttribute(sourceForeColor, false); 
            short attr = (short) c;
            int numWritten; 
            for(int i = sourceTop; i= Int16.MaxValue)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", width, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferLessThanWindowSize")); 
            if (height < srWindow.Bottom + 1 || height >= Int16.MaxValue) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", height, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferLessThanWindowSize"));
            Win32Native.COORD size = new Win32Native.COORD();
            size.X = (short) width;
            size.Y = (short) height;
            bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(ConsoleOutputHandle, size); 
            if (!r)

        public static int WindowHeight {
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
                return csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1; 
            set { 
                SetWindowSize(WindowWidth, value); 

        public static int WindowWidth {
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(); 
                return csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1;
            set { 
                SetWindowSize(value, WindowHeight);

        public static unsafe void SetWindowSize(int width, int height)
            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
            // Get the position of the current console window 
            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
            if (width <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", width, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum"));
            if (height <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", height, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedPosNum")); 

            bool r; 
            // If the buffer is smaller than this new window size, resize the
            // buffer to be large enough.  Include window position. 
            bool resizeBuffer = false;
            Win32Native.COORD size = new Win32Native.COORD();
            size.X = csbi.dwSize.X;
            size.Y = csbi.dwSize.Y; 
            if (csbi.dwSize.X < csbi.srWindow.Left + width) {
                if (csbi.srWindow.Left >= Int16.MaxValue - width) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowBufferSize")); 
                size.X = (short) (csbi.srWindow.Left + width);
                resizeBuffer = true; 
            if (csbi.dwSize.Y < csbi.srWindow.Top + height) {
                if (csbi.srWindow.Top >= Int16.MaxValue - height)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowBufferSize")); 
                size.Y = (short) (csbi.srWindow.Top + height);
                resizeBuffer = true; 
            if (resizeBuffer) {
                r = Win32Native.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(ConsoleOutputHandle, size); 
                if (!r)
            Win32Native.SMALL_RECT srWindow = csbi.srWindow;
            // Preserve the position, but change the size. 
            srWindow.Bottom = (short) (srWindow.Top + height - 1); 
            srWindow.Right = (short) (srWindow.Left + width - 1);
            r = Win32Native.SetConsoleWindowInfo(ConsoleOutputHandle, true, &srWindow);
            if (!r) {
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                // If we resized the buffer, un-resize it.
                if (resizeBuffer) { 
                    Win32Native.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(ConsoleOutputHandle, csbi.dwSize); 
                // Try to give a better error message here
                Win32Native.COORD bounds = Win32Native.GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(ConsoleOutputHandle);
                if (width > bounds.X)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("width", width, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowSize_Size", bounds.X)); 
                if (height > bounds.Y)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("height", height, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowSize_Size", bounds.Y)); 
                __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, String.Empty);

        public static int LargestWindowWidth {
            get { 
                // Note this varies based on current screen resolution and
                // current console font.  Do not cache this value. 
                Win32Native.COORD bounds = Win32Native.GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(ConsoleOutputHandle); 
                return bounds.X;

        public static int LargestWindowHeight {
            get { 
                // Note this varies based on current screen resolution and
                // current console font.  Do not cache this value. 
                Win32Native.COORD bounds = Win32Native.GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(ConsoleOutputHandle); 
                return bounds.Y;

        public static int WindowLeft {
            get { 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
                return csbi.srWindow.Left; 
            set {
                SetWindowPosition(value, WindowTop); 

        public static int WindowTop { 
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(); 
                return csbi.srWindow.Top; 
            set { 
                SetWindowPosition(WindowLeft, value);
        public static unsafe void SetWindowPosition(int left, int top)
            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

            // Get the size of the current console window 
            Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();

            Win32Native.SMALL_RECT srWindow = csbi.srWindow;
            // Check for arithmetic underflows & overflows.
            int newRight = left + srWindow.Right - srWindow.Left + 1; 
            if (left < 0 || newRight > csbi.dwSize.X || newRight < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("left", left, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowPos"));
            int newBottom = top + srWindow.Bottom - srWindow.Top + 1; 
            if (top < 0 || newBottom > csbi.dwSize.Y || newBottom < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("top", top, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleWindowPos"));

            // Preserve the size, but move the position. 
            srWindow.Bottom -= (short) (srWindow.Top - top);
            srWindow.Right -= (short) (srWindow.Left - left); 
            srWindow.Left = (short) left; 
            srWindow.Top = (short) top;
            bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleWindowInfo(ConsoleOutputHandle, true, &srWindow);
            if (!r)

        public static int CursorLeft { 
            get { 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
                return csbi.dwCursorPosition.X; 
            set {
                SetCursorPosition(value, CursorTop);
        public static int CursorTop { 
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo(); 
                return csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y;
            set {
                SetCursorPosition(CursorLeft, value); 
        public static void SetCursorPosition(int left, int top)
            // Note on argument checking - the upper bounds are NOT correct
            // here!  But it looks slightly expensive to compute them.  Let
            // Windows calculate them, then we'll give a nice error message.
            if (left < 0 || left >= Int16.MaxValue) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("left", left, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));
            if (top < 0 || top >= Int16.MaxValue) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("top", top, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries")); 

            new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

            IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle;
            Win32Native.COORD coords = new Win32Native.COORD();
            coords.X = (short) left; 
            coords.Y = (short) top;
            bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coords); 
            if (!r) { 
                // Give a nice error message for out of range sizes
                int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi = GetBufferInfo();
                if (left < 0 || left >= csbi.dwSize.X)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("left", left, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));
                if (top < 0 || top >= csbi.dwSize.Y) 
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("top", top, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleBufferBoundaries"));
                __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, String.Empty); 

        public static int CursorSize {
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; 
                IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle;
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, out cci); 
                if (!r) 
                return cci.dwSize;
            set {
                // Value should be a percentage from [1, 100]. 
                if (value < 1 || value > 100)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_CursorSize")); 
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                // Win9x: setting the value to 100 doesn't work
                // correctly, but sets it to 32675.  Rounding oddity in OS?
                if (value == 100 && (Environment.OSInfo & Environment.OSName.Win9x) != 0)
                    value = 99; 

                Win32Native.CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; 
                IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, out cci);
                if (!r) 

                cci.dwSize = value;
                r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, ref cci); 
                if (!r)
        public static bool CursorVisible {
            get {
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci;
                IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, out cci);
                if (!r) 

                return cci.bVisible; 
            set {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                Win32Native.CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci;
                IntPtr hConsole = ConsoleOutputHandle; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, out cci); 
                if (!r)

                cci.bVisible = value;
                r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCursorInfo(hConsole, ref cci);
                if (!r) 

        public static String Title { 
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)]
            get {
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(MaxConsoleTitleLength + 1); 
                // As of Windows Server 2003 (and probably all prior
                // releases), GetConsoleTitle doesn't do anything useful on 
                // empty strings, such as calling SetLastError so callers can 
                // determine whether that 0 was an error or was a success.
                int r = Win32Native.GetConsoleTitle(sb, sb.Capacity);
                if (r == 0) {
                    // Allow a 0-length title
                    int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
                    if (errorCode == 0)
                        sb.Length = 0; 
                        __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, String.Empty);
                else if (r > MaxConsoleTitleLength)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleTitleTooLong"));
                return sb.ToString();
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)] 
            set { 
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand();
                if (value == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
                if (value.Length > MaxConsoleTitleLength)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_ConsoleTitleTooLong")); 

                if (!Win32Native.SetConsoleTitle(value)) 

        internal enum ControlKeyState
            RightAltPressed =  0x0001,
            LeftAltPressed =   0x0002, 
            RightCtrlPressed = 0x0004, 
            LeftCtrlPressed =  0x0008,
            ShiftPressed =     0x0010, 
            NumLockOn =        0x0020,
            ScrollLockOn =     0x0040,
            CapsLockOn =       0x0080,
            EnhancedKey =      0x0100 
        public static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey()
            return ReadKey(false);

        private static bool IsKeyDownEvent(Win32Native.InputRecord ir) { 
            // Check for non-keyboard events & discard them.
            return (ir.eventType == Win32Native.KEY_EVENT && ir.keyEvent.keyDown); 

        private static bool IsModKey(short keyCode) { 
            // We should also skip over Shift, Control, and Alt, as well as caps lock.
            // Apparently we don't need to check for 0xA0 through 0xA5, which are keys like
            // Left Control & Right Control. See the ConsoleKey enum for these values
            return ((keyCode >= 0x10 && keyCode <= 0x12) 
                    || keyCode == 0x14 || keyCode == 0x90 || keyCode == 0x91);
        public static ConsoleKeyInfo ReadKey(bool intercept) 
            Win32Native.InputRecord ir;
            int numEventsRead = -1;
            bool r; 

            if (_cachedInputRecord.eventType == Win32Native.KEY_EVENT) { 
                // We had a previous keystroke with repeated characters. 
                ir = _cachedInputRecord;
                if (_cachedInputRecord.keyEvent.repeatCount == 0) 
                    _cachedInputRecord.eventType = -1;
                else {
                // We will return one key from this method, so we decrement the
                // repeatCount here, leaving the cachedInputRecord in the "queue". 
            else {
                while (true) { 
                    r = Win32Native.ReadConsoleInput(ConsoleInputHandle, out ir, 1, out numEventsRead);
                    if (!r || numEventsRead == 0) {
                        // This will fail when stdin is a file (ie, foo < a.txt).
                        // We could theoretically call Console.Read here, but I 
                        // think we might do some things incorrectly then.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_ConsoleReadKeyOnFile")); 

                    // Skip non key-down events. 
                    if (!IsKeyDownEvent(ir))

                    char ch = ir.keyEvent.uChar; 

                    if (ch == 0) { 
                        short keyCode = ir.keyEvent.virtualKeyCode; 

                        // Skip mod keys. 
                        if (IsModKey(keyCode))
                    if (ir.keyEvent.repeatCount > 1) {
                        _cachedInputRecord = ir; 
                        //Console.WriteLine("Storing repeated characters from this key event.");
            ControlKeyState state = (ControlKeyState) ir.keyEvent.controlKeyState;
            bool shift = (state & ControlKeyState.ShiftPressed) != 0; 
            bool alt = (state & (ControlKeyState.LeftAltPressed | ControlKeyState.RightAltPressed)) != 0; 
            bool control = (state & (ControlKeyState.LeftCtrlPressed | ControlKeyState.RightCtrlPressed)) != 0;
            ConsoleKeyInfo info = new ConsoleKeyInfo(ir.keyEvent.uChar, (ConsoleKey) ir.keyEvent.virtualKeyCode, shift, alt, control);

            if (!intercept)
            return info;
        public static bool KeyAvailable {
            get {
                if (_cachedInputRecord.eventType == Win32Native.KEY_EVENT)
                    return true;
                Win32Native.InputRecord ir = new Win32Native.InputRecord();
                int numEventsRead = 0; 
                while (true) { 
                    bool r = Win32Native.PeekConsoleInput(ConsoleInputHandle, out ir, 1, out numEventsRead);
                    if (!r) { 
                        int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                        if (errorCode == Win32Native.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_ConsoleKeyAvailableOnFile"));
                        __Error.WinIOError(errorCode, "stdin"); 
                    if (numEventsRead == 0) 
                        return false;
                    short keyCode = ir.keyEvent.virtualKeyCode;
                    // Skip non key-down && mod key events.
                    if (!IsKeyDownEvent(ir) || IsModKey(keyCode)) {
                        r = Win32Native.ReadConsoleInput(ConsoleInputHandle, out ir, 1, out numEventsRead); 
                        if (!r)
                    else {
                        return true; 

        public static bool NumberLock { 
            get { 
                short s = Win32Native.GetKeyState(NumberLockVKCode);
                return (s & 1) == 1; 

        public static bool CapsLock { 
            get {
                short s = Win32Native.GetKeyState(CapsLockVKCode); 
                return (s & 1) == 1; 

        public static bool TreatControlCAsInput {
            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.Process)] 
            get {
                IntPtr handle = ConsoleInputHandle; 
                if (handle == Win32Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) 
                    throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_NoConsole"));
                int mode = 0; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleMode(handle, out mode);
                if (!r)
                return (mode & Win32Native.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT) == 0; 
            set {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

                IntPtr handle = ConsoleInputHandle;
                if (handle == Win32Native.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
                    throw new IOException(Environment.GetResourceString("IO.IO_NoConsole")); 

                int mode = 0; 
                bool r = Win32Native.GetConsoleMode(handle, out mode); 
                if (value)
                    mode &= ~Win32Native.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT; 
                    mode |= Win32Native.ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT;
                r = Win32Native.SetConsoleMode(handle, mode);
                if (!r)
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL 

        // During an appdomain unload, we must call into the OS and remove
        // our delegate from the OS's list of console control handlers.  If
        // we don't do this, the OS will call back on a delegate that no 
        // longer exists.  So, subclass CriticalFinalizableObject.
        // This problem would theoretically exist during process exit for a 
        // single appdomain too, so using a critical finalizer is probably 
        // better than the appdomain unload event (I'm not sure we call that
        // in the default appdomain during process exit). 
        internal sealed class ControlCHooker : CriticalFinalizerObject
            private bool _hooked;
            private Win32Native.ConsoleCtrlHandlerRoutine _handler; 

            internal ControlCHooker() 
                _handler = new Win32Native.ConsoleCtrlHandlerRoutine(BreakEvent);

            [ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]

            internal void Hook()
                if (!_hooked) { 
                    bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_handler, true);
                    if (!r) 
                    _hooked = true;

            [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
            internal void Unhook() 
                if (_hooked) {
                    bool r = Win32Native.SetConsoleCtrlHandler(_handler, false); 
                    if (!r)
                    _hooked = false;
        // A class with data so ControlC handlers can be called on a Threadpool thread.
        private sealed class ControlCDelegateData { 
            internal ConsoleSpecialKey ControlKey;
            internal bool Cancel;
            internal bool DelegateStarted;
            internal ManualResetEvent CompletionEvent; 
            internal ConsoleCancelEventHandler CancelCallbacks;
            internal ControlCDelegateData(ConsoleSpecialKey controlKey, ConsoleCancelEventHandler cancelCallbacks) { 
                this.ControlKey = controlKey; 
                this.CancelCallbacks = cancelCallbacks;
                this.CompletionEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); 
                // this.Cancel defaults to false
                // this.DelegateStarted defaults to false

        // Returns true if we've "handled" the break request, false if 
        // we want to terminate the process (or at least let the next 
        // control handler function have a chance).
        private static bool BreakEvent(int controlType) { 

            // The thread that this gets called back on has a very small stack on 64 bit systems. There is
            // not enough space to handle a managed exception being caught and thrown. So, queue up a work
            // item on another thread for the actual event callback. 

            if (controlType == Win32Native.CTRL_C_EVENT || 
                controlType == Win32Native.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) { 

                // To avoid ---- between remove handler and raising the event 
                ConsoleCancelEventHandler cancelCallbacks = Console._cancelCallbacks;
                if (cancelCallbacks == null) {
                    return false;

                // Create the delegate 
                ConsoleSpecialKey controlKey = (controlType == 0) ? ConsoleSpecialKey.ControlC : ConsoleSpecialKey.ControlBreak; 
                ControlCDelegateData delegateData = new ControlCDelegateData(controlKey, cancelCallbacks);
                WaitCallback controlCCallback = new WaitCallback(ControlCDelegate); 

                // Queue the delegate
                if (!ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(controlCCallback, delegateData)) {
                    BCLDebug.Assert(false, "ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem returned false without throwing. Unable to execute ControlC handler"); 
                    return false;
                // Block until the delegate is done. We need to be robust in the face of the work item not executing 
                // but we also want to get control back immediately after it is done and we don't want to give the
                // handler a fixed time limit in case it needs to display UI. Wait on the event twice, once with a 
                // timout and a second time without if we are sure that the handler actually started.
                TimeSpan controlCWaitTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30); // 30 seconds
                delegateData.CompletionEvent.WaitOne(controlCWaitTime, false);
                if (!delegateData.DelegateStarted) { 
                    BCLDebug.Assert(false, "ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem did not execute the handler within 30 seconds.");
                    return false; 
                return delegateData.Cancel;

            return false; 
        // This is the worker delegate that is called on the Threadpool thread to fire the actual events. It must guarentee that it 
        // signals the caller on the ControlC thread so that it does not block indefinitely.
        private static void ControlCDelegate(object data) { 
            ControlCDelegateData controlCData = (ControlCDelegateData)data;
            try {
                controlCData.DelegateStarted = true;
                ConsoleCancelEventArgs args = new ConsoleCancelEventArgs(controlCData.ControlKey); 
                controlCData.CancelCallbacks(null, args);
                controlCData.Cancel = args.Cancel; 
            finally {

        // Note: hooking this event allows you to prevent Control-C from 
        // killing a console app, which is somewhat surprising for users.
        // Some permission seems appropriate.  We chose UI permission for lack 
        // of a better one.  However, we also applied host protection 
        // permission here as well, for self-affecting process management.
        // This allows hosts to prevent people from adding a handler for 
        // this event.
        public static event ConsoleCancelEventHandler CancelKeyPress {
            add {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 
                lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                    // Add this delegate to the pile. 
                    _cancelCallbacks += value;

                    // If we haven't registered our control-C handler, do it.
                    if (_hooker == null) { 
                        _hooker = new ControlCHooker();
            remove {
                new UIPermission(UIPermissionWindow.SafeTopLevelWindows).Demand(); 

                lock(InternalSyncObject) { 
                    // If count was 0, call SetConsoleCtrlEvent to remove cb. 
                    _cancelCallbacks -= value;
                    BCLDebug.Assert(_cancelCallbacks == null || _cancelCallbacks.GetInvocationList().Length > 0, "Teach Console::CancelKeyPress to handle a non-null but empty list of callbacks"); 
                    if (_hooker != null && _cancelCallbacks == null)
        public static Stream OpenStandardError() {
            return OpenStandardError(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);
        public static Stream OpenStandardError(int bufferSize) {
            if (bufferSize < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
            return GetStandardFile(Win32Native.STD_ERROR_HANDLE,
                                   FileAccess.Write, bufferSize);

        public static Stream OpenStandardInput() { 
            return OpenStandardInput(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize);

        public static Stream OpenStandardInput(int bufferSize) { 
            if (bufferSize < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum")); 
            return GetStandardFile(Win32Native.STD_INPUT_HANDLE,
                                   FileAccess.Read, bufferSize);
        public static Stream OpenStandardOutput() {
            return OpenStandardOutput(_DefaultConsoleBufferSize); 

        public static Stream OpenStandardOutput(int bufferSize) { 
            if (bufferSize < 0) 
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bufferSize", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
            return GetStandardFile(Win32Native.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, 
                                   FileAccess.Write, bufferSize);

        public static void SetIn(TextReader newIn) { 
            if (newIn == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("newIn");
            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); 

            newIn = TextReader.Synchronized(newIn);
            lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                _in = newIn; 
        public static void SetOut(TextWriter newOut) {
            if (newOut == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("newOut");
            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); 

            _wasOutRedirected = true; 
            newOut = TextWriter.Synchronized(newOut); 
            lock(InternalSyncObject) {
                _out = newOut; 

        public static void SetError(TextWriter newError) { 
            if (newError == null) 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("newError");
            new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode).Demand(); 

            _wasErrorRedirected = true;
            newError = TextWriter.Synchronized(newError);
            lock(InternalSyncObject) { 
                _error = newError;

        public static int Read()
            return In.Read();

        public static String ReadLine() 
            return In.ReadLine(); 

        public static void WriteLine() 

        public static void WriteLine(bool value)

        public static void WriteLine(char value) 

        public static void WriteLine(char[] buffer) 

        public static void WriteLine(char[] buffer, int index, int count)
            Out.WriteLine(buffer, index, count);

        public static void WriteLine(decimal value) 

        public static void WriteLine(double value) 

        public static void WriteLine(float value)

        public static void WriteLine(int value) 

        public static void WriteLine(uint value)
        public static void WriteLine(long value)
        public static void WriteLine(ulong value) 
        public static void WriteLine(Object value) 

        public static void WriteLine(String value)

        public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0)
            Out.WriteLine(format, arg0);

        public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1) 
            Out.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1); 

        public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) 
            Out.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1, arg2); 

        public static void WriteLine(String format, Object arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2,Object arg3, __arglist)
            Object[]   objArgs; 
            int        argCount;
            ArgIterator args = new ArgIterator(__arglist); 

            //+4 to account for the 4 hard-coded arguments at the beginning of the list. 
            argCount = args.GetRemainingCount() + 4;

            objArgs = new Object[argCount];
            //Handle the hard-coded arguments
            objArgs[0] = arg0; 
            objArgs[1] = arg1; 
            objArgs[2] = arg2;
            objArgs[3] = arg3; 

            //Walk all of the args in the variable part of the argument list.
            for (int i=4; i


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