TypographyProperties.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Net / Net / 3.5.50727.3053 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / SP / wpf / src / Framework / MS / Internal / Text / TypographyProperties.cs / 1 / TypographyProperties.cs

// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// File: TypographyProperties.cs 
// Description: Typography properties. 
// History:
//  06/13/2003 : sergeym - created. 

using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
namespace MS.Internal.Text
    /// Typography properties provider. 
    internal sealed class TypographyProperties : TextRunTypographyProperties 
        /// Used as indexes to bitscale for boolean properties 
        private enum PropertyId
            ///  StandardLigatures property  
            StandardLigatures = 0,
            ///  ContextualLigatures property  
            ContextualLigatures = 1, 
            ///  DiscretionaryLigatures property 
            DiscretionaryLigatures = 2, 
            ///  HistoricalLigatures property 
            HistoricalLigatures = 3,
            ///  CaseSensitiveForms property 
            CaseSensitiveForms = 4, 
            ///  ContextualAlternates property 
            ContextualAlternates = 5, 
            ///  HistoricalForms property  
            HistoricalForms = 6,
            ///  Kerning property  
            Kerning = 7,
            ///  CapitalSpacing property 
            CapitalSpacing = 8,
            ///  StylisticSet1 property  
            StylisticSet1 = 9,
            ///  StylisticSet2 property  
            StylisticSet2 = 10, 
            ///  StylisticSet3 property 
            StylisticSet3 = 11, 
            ///  StylisticSet4 property 
            StylisticSet4 = 12,
            ///  StylisticSet5 property 
            StylisticSet5 = 13, 
            ///  StylisticSet6 property 
            StylisticSet6 = 14, 
            ///  StylisticSet7 property  
            StylisticSet7 = 15,
            ///  StylisticSet8 property  
            StylisticSet8 = 16,
            ///  StylisticSet9 property 
            StylisticSet9 = 17,
            ///  StylisticSet10 property  
            StylisticSet10 = 18,
            ///  StylisticSet11 property  
            StylisticSet11 = 19, 
            ///  StylisticSet12 property 
            StylisticSet12 = 20, 
            ///  StylisticSet13 property 
            StylisticSet13 = 21,
            ///  StylisticSet14 property 
            StylisticSet14 = 22, 
            ///  StylisticSet15 property 
            StylisticSet15 = 23, 
            ///  StylisticSet16 property  
            StylisticSet16 = 24,
            ///  StylisticSet17 property  
            StylisticSet17 = 25,
            ///  StylisticSet18 property 
            StylisticSet18 = 26,
            ///  StylisticSet19 property  
            StylisticSet19 = 27,
            ///  StylisticSet20 property  
            StylisticSet20 = 28, 
            ///  SlashedZero property 
            SlashedZero = 29, 
            ///  MathematicalGreek property 
            MathematicalGreek = 30,
            ///  EastAsianExpertForms property 
            EastAsianExpertForms = 31, 
            /// Total number of properties. Should not be >32. 
            /// Otherwise bitmask field _idPropertySetFlags should be changed to ulong 
            PropertyCount = 32 

        /// Create new typographyProperties with deefault values 
        public TypographyProperties() 
            // Flags are stored in uint (32 bits).
            // Any way to check it at compile time? 
            Debug.Assert((uint)PropertyId.PropertyCount <= 32);
        #region Public typography properties
        public override bool StandardLigatures 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StandardLigatures); }
        public void SetStandardLigatures(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StandardLigatures, value); 
        public override bool ContextualLigatures 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.ContextualLigatures); } 

        public void SetContextualLigatures(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.ContextualLigatures, value);
        public override bool DiscretionaryLigatures
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.DiscretionaryLigatures); }

        public void SetDiscretionaryLigatures(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.DiscretionaryLigatures, value); 

        public override bool HistoricalLigatures
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.HistoricalLigatures); }
        public void SetHistoricalLigatures(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.HistoricalLigatures, value);

        public override bool CaseSensitiveForms 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.CaseSensitiveForms); } 

        public void SetCaseSensitiveForms(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.CaseSensitiveForms, value);
        public override bool ContextualAlternates
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.ContextualAlternates); } 
        public void SetContextualAlternates(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.ContextualAlternates, value); 

        public override bool HistoricalForms 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.HistoricalForms); }

        public void SetHistoricalForms(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.HistoricalForms, value); 
        public override bool Kerning
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.Kerning); }

        public void SetKerning(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.Kerning, value);

        public override bool CapitalSpacing
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.CapitalSpacing); } 
        public void SetCapitalSpacing(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.CapitalSpacing, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet1 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet1); }
        public void SetStylisticSet1(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet1, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet2 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet2); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet2(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet2, value);
        public override bool StylisticSet3
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet3); }

        public void SetStylisticSet3(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet3, value); 

        public override bool StylisticSet4
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet4); }
        public void SetStylisticSet4(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet4, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet5 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet5); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet5(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet5, value);
        public override bool StylisticSet6
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet6); } 
        public void SetStylisticSet6(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet6, value); 

        public override bool StylisticSet7 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet7); }

        public void SetStylisticSet7(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet7, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet8
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet8); }

        public void SetStylisticSet8(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet8, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet9
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet9); } 
        public void SetStylisticSet9(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet9, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet10 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet10); }
        public void SetStylisticSet10(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet10, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet11 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet11); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet11(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet11, value);
        public override bool StylisticSet12
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet12); }

        public void SetStylisticSet12(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet12, value); 

        public override bool StylisticSet13
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet13); }
        public void SetStylisticSet13(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet13, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet14 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet14); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet14(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet14, value);
        public override bool StylisticSet15
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet15); } 
        public void SetStylisticSet15(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet15, value); 

        public override bool StylisticSet16 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet16); }

        public void SetStylisticSet16(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet16, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet17
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet17); }

        public void SetStylisticSet17(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet17, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet18
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet18); } 
        public void SetStylisticSet18(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet18, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet19 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet19); }
        public void SetStylisticSet19(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet19, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet20 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet20); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet20(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet20, value);
        public override FontFraction Fraction
            get { return _fraction; }

        public void SetFraction(FontFraction value) 
            _fraction = value; 
        public override bool SlashedZero 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.SlashedZero); } 

        public void SetSlashedZero(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.SlashedZero, value);
        public override bool MathematicalGreek
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.MathematicalGreek); }

        public void SetMathematicalGreek(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.MathematicalGreek, value); 

        public override bool EastAsianExpertForms
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.EastAsianExpertForms); }
        public void SetEastAsianExpertForms(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.EastAsianExpertForms, value);

        public override FontVariants Variants 
            get { return _variant; } 

        public void SetVariants(FontVariants value)
            _variant = value;

        public override FontCapitals ----s
            get { return _capitals; }
        public void Set----s(FontCapitals value)
            _capitals = value;
        public override FontNumeralStyle NumeralStyle
            get { return _numeralStyle; }

        public void SetNumeralStyle(FontNumeralStyle value) 
            _numeralStyle = value; 
        public override FontNumeralAlignment NumeralAlignment 
            get { return _numeralAlignment; } 

        public void SetNumeralAlignment(FontNumeralAlignment value) 
            _numeralAlignment = value;

        public override FontEastAsianWidths EastAsianWidths 
            get { return _eastAsianWidths; }
        public void SetEastAsianWidths(FontEastAsianWidths value)
            _eastAsianWidths = value; 

        public override FontEastAsianLanguage EastAsianLanguage
            get { return _eastAsianLanguage; } 
        public void SetEastAsianLanguage(FontEastAsianLanguage value)
            _eastAsianLanguage = value;
        public override int StandardSwashes
            get { return _standardSwashes; }

        public void SetStandardSwashes(int value) 
            _standardSwashes = value;

        public override int ContextualSwashes 
            get { return _contextualSwashes; }

        public void SetContextualSwashes(int value)
            _contextualSwashes = value; 
        public override int StylisticAlternates
            get { return _stylisticAlternates; } 
        public void SetStylisticAlternates(int value) 
            _stylisticAlternates = value; 

        public override int AnnotationAlternates 
            get { return _annotationAlternates; } 

        public void SetAnnotationAlternates(int value)
            _annotationAlternates = value;

        #endregion Public typography properties 

        /// Check whether two Property sets are equal
        /// property to compare
        public override bool Equals(object other) 
            if (other == null) 
                return false;
            if (this.GetType() != other.GetType())
                return false; 
            TypographyProperties genericOther = (TypographyProperties)other;

            return  //This will cover all boolean properties
                _idPropertySetFlags == genericOther._idPropertySetFlags && 
                //And this will cover the rest
                _variant == genericOther._variant && 
                _capitals == genericOther._capitals && 
                _fraction == genericOther._fraction &&
                _numeralStyle == genericOther._numeralStyle && 
                _numeralAlignment == genericOther._numeralAlignment &&
                _eastAsianWidths == genericOther._eastAsianWidths &&
                _eastAsianLanguage == genericOther._eastAsianLanguage &&
                _standardSwashes == genericOther._standardSwashes && 
                _contextualSwashes == genericOther._contextualSwashes &&
                _stylisticAlternates == genericOther._stylisticAlternates && 
                _annotationAlternates == genericOther._annotationAlternates; 
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return (int)(_idPropertySetFlags >> 32) ^
                   (int)(_idPropertySetFlags & 0xFFFFFFFF) ^ 
                   (int)_variant << 28 ^
                   (int)_capitals << 24 ^ 
                   (int)_numeralStyle << 20 ^ 
                   (int)_numeralAlignment << 18 ^
                   (int)_eastAsianWidths << 14 ^ 
                   (int)_eastAsianLanguage << 10 ^
                   (int)_standardSwashes << 6 ^
                   (int)_contextualSwashes << 2 ^
                   (int)_stylisticAlternates ^ 
                   (int)_fraction << 16 ^
                   (int)_annotationAlternates << 12; 

        public static bool operator ==(TypographyProperties first, TypographyProperties second) 
            //Need to cast to object to do null comparision.
            if (((object)first) == null) return (((object)second) == null);
            return first.Equals(second);
        public static bool operator !=(TypographyProperties first, TypographyProperties second)
            return !(first == second);

        #region Private methods 
        /// Set all properties to default value 
        private void ResetProperties()
            //clean flags
            _idPropertySetFlags = 0;

            //assign non-trivial(not bolean) values 
            _standardSwashes = 0;
            _contextualSwashes = 0; 
            _stylisticAlternates = 0; 
            _annotationAlternates = 0;
            _variant = FontVariants.Normal; 
            _capitals = FontCapitals.Normal;
            _numeralStyle = FontNumeralStyle.Normal;
            _numeralAlignment = FontNumeralAlignment.Normal;
            _eastAsianWidths = FontEastAsianWidths.Normal; 
            _eastAsianLanguage = FontEastAsianLanguage.Normal;
            _fraction = FontFraction.Normal; 
        /// Check whether boolean property is set to non-default value
        /// PropertyId 
        private bool IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId propertyId) 
            Debug.Assert((uint)propertyId < (uint)PropertyId.PropertyCount, "Invalid typography property id");
            uint flagMask = (uint)(((uint)1) << ((int)propertyId));

            return (_idPropertySetFlags & flagMask) != 0;

        ///     Set/clean flag that property value is non-default 
        ///     Used only internally to support quick checks while forming FeatureSet
        /// Property id
        /// Value of the flag
        private void SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId propertyId, bool flagValue) 
            Debug.Assert((uint)propertyId < (uint)PropertyId.PropertyCount, "Invalid typography property id"); 
            uint flagMask = (uint)(((uint)1) << ((int)propertyId));
            if (flagValue)
                _idPropertySetFlags |= flagMask;
                _idPropertySetFlags &= ~flagMask; 


        private uint _idPropertySetFlags; 

        private int _standardSwashes;

        private int _contextualSwashes; 

        private int _stylisticAlternates; 
        private int _annotationAlternates;
        private FontVariants _variant;

        private FontCapitals _capitals;
        private FontFraction _fraction;
        private FontNumeralStyle _numeralStyle; 

        private FontNumeralAlignment _numeralAlignment; 

        private FontEastAsianWidths _eastAsianWidths;

        private FontEastAsianLanguage _eastAsianLanguage; 
        #endregion Private members

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// File: TypographyProperties.cs 
// Description: Typography properties. 
// History:
//  06/13/2003 : sergeym - created. 

using System; 
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows; 
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting;
namespace MS.Internal.Text
    /// Typography properties provider. 
    internal sealed class TypographyProperties : TextRunTypographyProperties 
        /// Used as indexes to bitscale for boolean properties 
        private enum PropertyId
            ///  StandardLigatures property  
            StandardLigatures = 0,
            ///  ContextualLigatures property  
            ContextualLigatures = 1, 
            ///  DiscretionaryLigatures property 
            DiscretionaryLigatures = 2, 
            ///  HistoricalLigatures property 
            HistoricalLigatures = 3,
            ///  CaseSensitiveForms property 
            CaseSensitiveForms = 4, 
            ///  ContextualAlternates property 
            ContextualAlternates = 5, 
            ///  HistoricalForms property  
            HistoricalForms = 6,
            ///  Kerning property  
            Kerning = 7,
            ///  CapitalSpacing property 
            CapitalSpacing = 8,
            ///  StylisticSet1 property  
            StylisticSet1 = 9,
            ///  StylisticSet2 property  
            StylisticSet2 = 10, 
            ///  StylisticSet3 property 
            StylisticSet3 = 11, 
            ///  StylisticSet4 property 
            StylisticSet4 = 12,
            ///  StylisticSet5 property 
            StylisticSet5 = 13, 
            ///  StylisticSet6 property 
            StylisticSet6 = 14, 
            ///  StylisticSet7 property  
            StylisticSet7 = 15,
            ///  StylisticSet8 property  
            StylisticSet8 = 16,
            ///  StylisticSet9 property 
            StylisticSet9 = 17,
            ///  StylisticSet10 property  
            StylisticSet10 = 18,
            ///  StylisticSet11 property  
            StylisticSet11 = 19, 
            ///  StylisticSet12 property 
            StylisticSet12 = 20, 
            ///  StylisticSet13 property 
            StylisticSet13 = 21,
            ///  StylisticSet14 property 
            StylisticSet14 = 22, 
            ///  StylisticSet15 property 
            StylisticSet15 = 23, 
            ///  StylisticSet16 property  
            StylisticSet16 = 24,
            ///  StylisticSet17 property  
            StylisticSet17 = 25,
            ///  StylisticSet18 property 
            StylisticSet18 = 26,
            ///  StylisticSet19 property  
            StylisticSet19 = 27,
            ///  StylisticSet20 property  
            StylisticSet20 = 28, 
            ///  SlashedZero property 
            SlashedZero = 29, 
            ///  MathematicalGreek property 
            MathematicalGreek = 30,
            ///  EastAsianExpertForms property 
            EastAsianExpertForms = 31, 
            /// Total number of properties. Should not be >32. 
            /// Otherwise bitmask field _idPropertySetFlags should be changed to ulong 
            PropertyCount = 32 

        /// Create new typographyProperties with deefault values 
        public TypographyProperties() 
            // Flags are stored in uint (32 bits).
            // Any way to check it at compile time? 
            Debug.Assert((uint)PropertyId.PropertyCount <= 32);
        #region Public typography properties
        public override bool StandardLigatures 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StandardLigatures); }
        public void SetStandardLigatures(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StandardLigatures, value); 
        public override bool ContextualLigatures 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.ContextualLigatures); } 

        public void SetContextualLigatures(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.ContextualLigatures, value);
        public override bool DiscretionaryLigatures
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.DiscretionaryLigatures); }

        public void SetDiscretionaryLigatures(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.DiscretionaryLigatures, value); 

        public override bool HistoricalLigatures
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.HistoricalLigatures); }
        public void SetHistoricalLigatures(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.HistoricalLigatures, value);

        public override bool CaseSensitiveForms 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.CaseSensitiveForms); } 

        public void SetCaseSensitiveForms(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.CaseSensitiveForms, value);
        public override bool ContextualAlternates
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.ContextualAlternates); } 
        public void SetContextualAlternates(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.ContextualAlternates, value); 

        public override bool HistoricalForms 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.HistoricalForms); }

        public void SetHistoricalForms(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.HistoricalForms, value); 
        public override bool Kerning
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.Kerning); }

        public void SetKerning(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.Kerning, value);

        public override bool CapitalSpacing
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.CapitalSpacing); } 
        public void SetCapitalSpacing(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.CapitalSpacing, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet1 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet1); }
        public void SetStylisticSet1(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet1, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet2 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet2); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet2(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet2, value);
        public override bool StylisticSet3
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet3); }

        public void SetStylisticSet3(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet3, value); 

        public override bool StylisticSet4
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet4); }
        public void SetStylisticSet4(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet4, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet5 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet5); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet5(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet5, value);
        public override bool StylisticSet6
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet6); } 
        public void SetStylisticSet6(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet6, value); 

        public override bool StylisticSet7 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet7); }

        public void SetStylisticSet7(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet7, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet8
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet8); }

        public void SetStylisticSet8(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet8, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet9
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet9); } 
        public void SetStylisticSet9(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet9, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet10 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet10); }
        public void SetStylisticSet10(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet10, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet11 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet11); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet11(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet11, value);
        public override bool StylisticSet12
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet12); }

        public void SetStylisticSet12(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet12, value); 

        public override bool StylisticSet13
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet13); }
        public void SetStylisticSet13(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet13, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet14 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet14); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet14(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet14, value);
        public override bool StylisticSet15
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet15); } 
        public void SetStylisticSet15(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet15, value); 

        public override bool StylisticSet16 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet16); }

        public void SetStylisticSet16(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet16, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet17
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet17); }

        public void SetStylisticSet17(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet17, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet18
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet18); } 
        public void SetStylisticSet18(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet18, value);

        public override bool StylisticSet19 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet19); }
        public void SetStylisticSet19(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet19, value); 
        public override bool StylisticSet20 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.StylisticSet20); } 

        public void SetStylisticSet20(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.StylisticSet20, value);
        public override FontFraction Fraction
            get { return _fraction; }

        public void SetFraction(FontFraction value) 
            _fraction = value; 
        public override bool SlashedZero 
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.SlashedZero); } 

        public void SetSlashedZero(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.SlashedZero, value);
        public override bool MathematicalGreek
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.MathematicalGreek); }

        public void SetMathematicalGreek(bool value) 
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.MathematicalGreek, value); 

        public override bool EastAsianExpertForms
            get { return IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId.EastAsianExpertForms); }
        public void SetEastAsianExpertForms(bool value)
            SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId.EastAsianExpertForms, value);

        public override FontVariants Variants 
            get { return _variant; } 

        public void SetVariants(FontVariants value)
            _variant = value;

        public override FontCapitals ----s
            get { return _capitals; }
        public void Set----s(FontCapitals value)
            _capitals = value;
        public override FontNumeralStyle NumeralStyle
            get { return _numeralStyle; }

        public void SetNumeralStyle(FontNumeralStyle value) 
            _numeralStyle = value; 
        public override FontNumeralAlignment NumeralAlignment 
            get { return _numeralAlignment; } 

        public void SetNumeralAlignment(FontNumeralAlignment value) 
            _numeralAlignment = value;

        public override FontEastAsianWidths EastAsianWidths 
            get { return _eastAsianWidths; }
        public void SetEastAsianWidths(FontEastAsianWidths value)
            _eastAsianWidths = value; 

        public override FontEastAsianLanguage EastAsianLanguage
            get { return _eastAsianLanguage; } 
        public void SetEastAsianLanguage(FontEastAsianLanguage value)
            _eastAsianLanguage = value;
        public override int StandardSwashes
            get { return _standardSwashes; }

        public void SetStandardSwashes(int value) 
            _standardSwashes = value;

        public override int ContextualSwashes 
            get { return _contextualSwashes; }

        public void SetContextualSwashes(int value)
            _contextualSwashes = value; 
        public override int StylisticAlternates
            get { return _stylisticAlternates; } 
        public void SetStylisticAlternates(int value) 
            _stylisticAlternates = value; 

        public override int AnnotationAlternates 
            get { return _annotationAlternates; } 

        public void SetAnnotationAlternates(int value)
            _annotationAlternates = value;

        #endregion Public typography properties 

        /// Check whether two Property sets are equal
        /// property to compare
        public override bool Equals(object other) 
            if (other == null) 
                return false;
            if (this.GetType() != other.GetType())
                return false; 
            TypographyProperties genericOther = (TypographyProperties)other;

            return  //This will cover all boolean properties
                _idPropertySetFlags == genericOther._idPropertySetFlags && 
                //And this will cover the rest
                _variant == genericOther._variant && 
                _capitals == genericOther._capitals && 
                _fraction == genericOther._fraction &&
                _numeralStyle == genericOther._numeralStyle && 
                _numeralAlignment == genericOther._numeralAlignment &&
                _eastAsianWidths == genericOther._eastAsianWidths &&
                _eastAsianLanguage == genericOther._eastAsianLanguage &&
                _standardSwashes == genericOther._standardSwashes && 
                _contextualSwashes == genericOther._contextualSwashes &&
                _stylisticAlternates == genericOther._stylisticAlternates && 
                _annotationAlternates == genericOther._annotationAlternates; 
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return (int)(_idPropertySetFlags >> 32) ^
                   (int)(_idPropertySetFlags & 0xFFFFFFFF) ^ 
                   (int)_variant << 28 ^
                   (int)_capitals << 24 ^ 
                   (int)_numeralStyle << 20 ^ 
                   (int)_numeralAlignment << 18 ^
                   (int)_eastAsianWidths << 14 ^ 
                   (int)_eastAsianLanguage << 10 ^
                   (int)_standardSwashes << 6 ^
                   (int)_contextualSwashes << 2 ^
                   (int)_stylisticAlternates ^ 
                   (int)_fraction << 16 ^
                   (int)_annotationAlternates << 12; 

        public static bool operator ==(TypographyProperties first, TypographyProperties second) 
            //Need to cast to object to do null comparision.
            if (((object)first) == null) return (((object)second) == null);
            return first.Equals(second);
        public static bool operator !=(TypographyProperties first, TypographyProperties second)
            return !(first == second);

        #region Private methods 
        /// Set all properties to default value 
        private void ResetProperties()
            //clean flags
            _idPropertySetFlags = 0;

            //assign non-trivial(not bolean) values 
            _standardSwashes = 0;
            _contextualSwashes = 0; 
            _stylisticAlternates = 0; 
            _annotationAlternates = 0;
            _variant = FontVariants.Normal; 
            _capitals = FontCapitals.Normal;
            _numeralStyle = FontNumeralStyle.Normal;
            _numeralAlignment = FontNumeralAlignment.Normal;
            _eastAsianWidths = FontEastAsianWidths.Normal; 
            _eastAsianLanguage = FontEastAsianLanguage.Normal;
            _fraction = FontFraction.Normal; 
        /// Check whether boolean property is set to non-default value
        /// PropertyId 
        private bool IsBooleanPropertySet(PropertyId propertyId) 
            Debug.Assert((uint)propertyId < (uint)PropertyId.PropertyCount, "Invalid typography property id");
            uint flagMask = (uint)(((uint)1) << ((int)propertyId));

            return (_idPropertySetFlags & flagMask) != 0;

        ///     Set/clean flag that property value is non-default 
        ///     Used only internally to support quick checks while forming FeatureSet
        /// Property id
        /// Value of the flag
        private void SetBooleanProperty(PropertyId propertyId, bool flagValue) 
            Debug.Assert((uint)propertyId < (uint)PropertyId.PropertyCount, "Invalid typography property id"); 
            uint flagMask = (uint)(((uint)1) << ((int)propertyId));
            if (flagValue)
                _idPropertySetFlags |= flagMask;
                _idPropertySetFlags &= ~flagMask; 


        private uint _idPropertySetFlags; 

        private int _standardSwashes;

        private int _contextualSwashes; 

        private int _stylisticAlternates; 
        private int _annotationAlternates;
        private FontVariants _variant;

        private FontCapitals _capitals;
        private FontFraction _fraction;
        private FontNumeralStyle _numeralStyle; 

        private FontNumeralAlignment _numeralAlignment; 

        private FontEastAsianWidths _eastAsianWidths;

        private FontEastAsianLanguage _eastAsianLanguage; 
        #endregion Private members

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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