ToolStrip.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ FX-1434 / FX-1434 / 1.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / WinForms / Managed / System / WinForms / ToolStrip.cs / 2 / ToolStrip.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms { 
    using System;
    using System.Configuration; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Drawing; 
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Threading; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
    using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
    using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 
    using System.Text;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System.Globalization; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.Internal;
    using Microsoft.Win32; 

    /// Summary of ToolStrip. 
    [DesignerSerializer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolStripCodeDomSerializer, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign, "System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomSerializer, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign)] 
    [Designer("System.Windows.Forms.Design.ToolStripDesigner, " + AssemblyRef.SystemDesign)]

    public class ToolStrip : System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl, 

        private static  Size                    onePixel                = new Size(1,1); 
        internal static Point                   InvalidMouseEnter       = new Point(Int32.MaxValue, Int32.MaxValue);
        private ToolStripItemCollection        toolStripItemCollection    = null; 
        private ToolStripOverflowButton        toolStripOverflowButton    = null;
        private ToolStripGrip                  toolStripGrip              = null; 
        private ToolStripItemCollection        displayedItems          = null;
        private ToolStripItemCollection        overflowItems           = null;
        private ToolStripDropTargetManager     dropTargetManager       = null;
        private IntPtr                         hwndThatLostFocus       = IntPtr.Zero; 
        private ToolStripItem                  lastMouseActiveItem     = null;
        private ToolStripItem                  lastMouseDownedItem     = null; 
        private LayoutEngine                   layoutEngine            = null; 
        private ToolStripLayoutStyle           layoutStyle             = ToolStripLayoutStyle.StackWithOverflow;
        private LayoutSettings                 layoutSettings          = null; 
        private Rectangle                      lastInsertionMarkRect   = Rectangle.Empty;
        private ImageList                      imageList               = null;
        private ToolStripGripStyle             toolStripGripStyle      = ToolStripGripStyle.Visible;
        private ISupportOleDropSource          itemReorderDropSource   = null; 
        private IDropTarget                    itemReorderDropTarget   = null;
        private int                            toolStripState          = 0; 
        private bool                           showItemToolTips        = false; 
        private MouseHoverTimer                mouseHoverTimer         = null;
        private ToolStripItem                  currentlyActiveTooltipItem; 
        private NativeWindow                   dropDownOwnerWindow;
        private byte                           mouseDownID             = 0;  // NEVER use this directly from another class, 0 should never be returned to another class.

        private Orientation                    orientation              = Orientation.Horizontal; 

        private ArrayList                      activeDropDowns          = new ArrayList(1); 
        private ToolStripRenderer              renderer                 = null; 
        private Type                           currentRendererType      = typeof(System.Type);
        private Hashtable                      shortcuts                = null; 
        private Stack            mergeHistoryStack        = null;
        private ToolStripDropDownDirection     toolStripDropDownDirection = ToolStripDropDownDirection.Default;
        private Size                           largestDisplayedItemSize  = Size.Empty;
        private CachedItemHdcInfo              cachedItemHdcInfo             = null; 
        private bool                           alreadyHooked  = false;
        private Size                           imageScalingSize         = new Size(16,16); 

        private Font                           defaultFont              = null; 
        private RestoreFocusMessageFilter             restoreFocusFilter;

        private bool                           layoutRequired = false;

        private Point                          mouseEnterWhenShown      = InvalidMouseEnter; 

        internal const int                     INSERTION_BEAM_WIDTH     = 6; 

        private static readonly object EventPaintGrip                = new object();
        private static readonly object EventLayoutCompleted          = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EventItemAdded                = new object();
        private static readonly object EventItemRemoved              = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EventLayoutStyleChanged       = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EventRendererChanged          = new object();
        private static readonly object EventItemClicked              = new object(); 
        private static readonly object EventLocationChanging         = new object();
        private static readonly object EventBeginDrag                = new object();
        private static readonly object EventEndDrag                  = new object();
        private static readonly int PropBindingContext                 = PropertyStore.CreateKey();
        private static readonly int PropTextDirection                  = PropertyStore.CreateKey(); 
        private static readonly int PropToolTip                        = PropertyStore.CreateKey(); 
        private static readonly int PropToolStripPanelCell             = PropertyStore.CreateKey();
        internal const int STATE_CANOVERFLOW            = 0x00000001;
        internal const int STATE_ALLOWITEMREORDER       = 0x00000002;
        internal const int STATE_DISPOSINGITEMS         = 0x00000004;
        internal const int STATE_MENUAUTOEXPAND         = 0x00000008; 
        internal const int STATE_MENUAUTOEXPANDDEFAULT  = 0x00000010;
        internal const int STATE_SCROLLBUTTONS          = 0x00000020; 
        internal const int STATE_USEDEFAULTRENDERER     = 0x00000040; 
        internal const int STATE_ALLOWMERGE             = 0x00000080;
        internal const int STATE_RAFTING                = 0x00000100; 
        internal const int STATE_STRETCH                = 0x00000200;
        internal const int STATE_LOCATIONCHANGING       = 0x00000400;
        internal const int STATE_DRAGGING               = 0x00000800;
        internal const int STATE_HASVISIBLEITEMS        = 0x00001000; 
        internal const int STATE_SUSPENDCAPTURE         = 0x00002000;
        internal const int STATE_LASTMOUSEDOWNEDITEMCAPTURE = 0x00004000; 
        internal const int STATE_MENUACTIVE             = 0x00008000; 

        internal static readonly TraceSwitch SelectionDebug = new TraceSwitch("SelectionDebug", "Debug ToolStrip Selection code");
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch DropTargetDebug = new TraceSwitch("DropTargetDebug", "Debug ToolStrip Drop code");
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch LayoutDebugSwitch = new TraceSwitch("Layout debug", "Debug ToolStrip layout code"); 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch MouseActivateDebug = new TraceSwitch("ToolStripMouseActivate", "Debug ToolStrip WM_MOUSEACTIVATE code");
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch MergeDebug = new TraceSwitch("ToolStripMergeDebug", "Debug toolstrip merging"); 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch SnapFocusDebug = new TraceSwitch("SnapFocus", "Debug snapping/restoration of focus"); 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch FlickerDebug = new TraceSwitch("FlickerDebug", "Debug excessive calls to Invalidate()");
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch ItemReorderDebug = new TraceSwitch("ItemReorderDebug", "Debug excessive calls to Invalidate()"); 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch MDIMergeDebug = new TraceSwitch("MDIMergeDebug", "Debug toolstrip MDI merging");
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch MenuAutoExpandDebug = new TraceSwitch("MenuAutoExpand", "Debug menu auto expand");
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch ControlTabDebug = new TraceSwitch("ControlTab", "Debug ToolStrip Control+Tab selection");
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch SelectionDebug;
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch DropTargetDebug; 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch LayoutDebugSwitch; 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch MouseActivateDebug;
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch MergeDebug; 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch SnapFocusDebug;
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch FlickerDebug;
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch ItemReorderDebug;
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch MDIMergeDebug; 
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch MenuAutoExpandDebug;
        internal static readonly TraceSwitch ControlTabDebug; 

        private delegate void BooleanMethodInvoker(bool arg); 

        /// Summary of ToolStrip. 
        public ToolStrip() { 
            this.CanOverflow = true; 
            this.TabStop = false;
            this.MenuAutoExpand = false;
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
                     ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint  | 
                     ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false); 
            SetState2(STATE2_MAINTAINSOWNCAPTUREMODE // VSWhidbey 458967: a toolstrip does not take capture on MouseDown.
                      | STATE2_USEPREFERREDSIZECACHE, // this class overrides GetPreferredSizeCore, let Control automatically cache the result
            //add a weak ref link in ToolstripManager
            layoutEngine = new ToolStripSplitStackLayout(this);
            this.Dock = DefaultDock; 
            this.AutoSize = true;
            this.CausesValidation = false;
            Size defaultSize = DefaultSize;
            this.ShowItemToolTips = DefaultShowItemToolTips;
        public ToolStrip(params ToolStripItem[] items) : this() {
        internal ArrayList ActiveDropDowns {
            get { return activeDropDowns; } 

        // returns true when entered into menu mode through this toolstrip/menustrip 
        // this is only really supported for menustrip active event, but to prevent casting everywhere...
        internal virtual bool KeyboardActive {
            get { return GetToolStripState(STATE_MENUACTIVE); }
            set { SetToolStripState(STATE_MENUACTIVE, value);} 
        // This is only for use in determining whether to show scroll bars on 
        // ToolStripDropDownMenus.  No one else should be using it for anything.
        internal virtual bool AllItemsVisible { 
            get {
                return true;
            set { 
                // we do nothing in repsonse to a set, since we calculate the value above.

        [DefaultValue(true), Browsable(true), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always), 
        public override bool AutoSize {
            get { 
                return base.AutoSize;
            set { 
                if (IsInToolStripPanel && base.AutoSize && !value) {
                    // VSWhidbey 351717 - restoring the bounds can change the location of the toolstrip - 
                    // which would join it to a new row.  Set the specified bounds to the new location to
                    // prevent this.
                    Rectangle bounds = CommonProperties.GetSpecifiedBounds(this);
                    bounds.Location = this.Location; 
                    CommonProperties.UpdateSpecifiedBounds(this, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, BoundsSpecified.Location);
                base.AutoSize = value;

        [SRCategory(SR.CatPropertyChanged), SRDescription(SR.ControlOnAutoSizeChangedDescr)] 
        [Browsable(true), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Always)]
        new public event EventHandler AutoSizeChanged 
                base.AutoSizeChanged += value;
                base.AutoSizeChanged -= value;

        public override bool AutoScroll { 
            get { 
                return base.AutoScroll;
            set {
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripDoesntSupportAutoScroll));

        public new Size AutoScrollMargin {
            get {
                return base.AutoScrollMargin; 
            set { 
                base.AutoScrollMargin = value; 

        public new Size AutoScrollMinSize { 
            get {
                return base.AutoScrollMinSize; 
            set {
                base.AutoScrollMinSize = value;
        public new Point AutoScrollPosition {
            get { 
                return base.AutoScrollPosition;
            set { 
                base.AutoScrollPosition = value;

        /// Summary of AllowDrop.
        public override bool AllowDrop { 
            get {
                return base.AllowDrop; 
            set {
                if (value && AllowItemReorder) {
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripAllowItemReorderAndAllowDropCannotBeSetToTrue)); 
                base.AllowDrop = value; 

                // SECREVIEW:  If we toggle between AllowDrop and AllowItemReorder 
                // make sure that we're demanding the Clipboard permission in
                // ToolStripDropTargetManager.SetAcceptDrops
                if (value)  {
                else { 
        public bool AllowItemReorder {
            get { return GetToolStripState(STATE_ALLOWITEMREORDER); } 
            set {
                if (GetToolStripState(STATE_ALLOWITEMREORDER) != value) { 
                    if (AllowDrop && value) { 
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripAllowItemReorderAndAllowDropCannotBeSetToTrue));
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_ALLOWITEMREORDER, value);

                    // SECREVIEW:  If we toggle between AllowDrop and AllowItemReorder
                    // make sure that we're demanding the Clipboard permission in 
                    // ToolStripDropTargetManager.SetAcceptDrops
                    if (value)  { 
                        ToolStripSplitStackDragDropHandler dragDropHandler = new ToolStripSplitStackDragDropHandler(this); 
                        this.ItemReorderDropSource =  dragDropHandler;
                        this.ItemReorderDropTarget =  dragDropHandler; 

                    else { 


        public bool AllowMerge { 
            get { return GetToolStripState(STATE_ALLOWMERGE); } 
            set {
                if (GetToolStripState(STATE_ALLOWMERGE) != value) { 
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_ALLOWMERGE, value);

        public override AnchorStyles Anchor { 
            get {
                return base.Anchor; 
            set {
                // the base calls SetDock, which causes an OnDockChanged to be called
                // which forces two layouts of the parent. 
                using (new LayoutTransaction(this, this, PropertyNames.Anchor)) {
                    base.Anchor = value; 

        /// Just here so we can implement ShouldSerializeBackColor
        public new Color BackColor {
            get {
                return base.BackColor; 
            set { 
                base.BackColor = value; 

        [SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripOnBeginDrag)]
        public event EventHandler BeginDrag {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EventBeginDrag, value);
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventBeginDrag, value);

        public override BindingContext BindingContext { 
            get {
                BindingContext bc = (BindingContext) this.Properties.GetObject(PropBindingContext); 
                if (bc != null) 
                    return bc;
                // try the parent
                Control p = ParentInternal;
                if (p != null && p.CanAccessProperties) 
                    return p.BindingContext;
                // we don't have a binding context 
                return null;
            set {
                if (this.Properties.GetObject(PropBindingContext) != value) {
                    this.Properties.SetObject(PropBindingContext, value);
                    // re-wire the bindings

        /// Summary of CanOverflow. 
        public bool CanOverflow {
            get { 
                return GetToolStripState(STATE_CANOVERFLOW); 
            set { 
                if (GetToolStripState(STATE_CANOVERFLOW) != value) {
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_CANOVERFLOW, value);
        /// we can only shift selection when we're not focused (someone mousing over us)
        ///         or we are focused and one of our toolstripcontrolhosts do not have focus. 
        ///         SCENARIO: put focus in combo box, move the mouse over another item... selectioni
        ///         should not shift until the combobox relinquishes its focus.
        internal bool CanHotTrack { 
            get {
                if (!Focused) { 
                    // if  ContainsFocus in one of the children = false, someone is just mousing by, we can hot track 
                    return (ContainsFocus == false);
                else {
                    // if the toolstrip itself contains focus we can definately hottrack.
                    return true;

         public new bool CausesValidation { 
             get {
                 // By default: CausesValidation is false for a ToolStrip 
                 // we want people to be able to use menus without validating 
                 // their controls.
                 return base.CausesValidation; 
             set {
                 base.CausesValidation = value;
        public new event EventHandler CausesValidationChanged {
            add { 
                base.CausesValidationChanged += value;
            remove {
                base.CausesValidationChanged -= value; 
        public new Control.ControlCollection Controls {
            get { return base.Controls; }

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] 
        public new event ControlEventHandler ControlAdded {
            add { 
                base.ControlAdded += value;
            remove {
                base.ControlAdded -= value; 
        [Browsable(false), DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
        public override Cursor Cursor { 
            get { return base.Cursor; }
            set { base.Cursor = value; }
        ///    Hide browsable property 
        public new event EventHandler CursorChanged { 
            add {
                base.CursorChanged += value;
            remove { 
                base.CursorChanged -= value;

        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
        public new event ControlEventHandler ControlRemoved {
             add {
                 base.ControlRemoved += value; 
             remove { 
                 base.ControlRemoved -= value; 

        [SRCategory(SR.CatBehavior), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripOnEndDrag)]
        public event EventHandler EndDrag {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EventEndDrag, value);
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventEndDrag, value);

        public override Font Font { 
            get {
                if (this.IsFontSet()) { 
                    return base.Font; 
                if (defaultFont == null) { 
                    // since toolstrip manager default font is thread static, hold onto a copy of the
                    // pointer in an instance variable for perf so we dont have to keep fishing into
                    // thread local storage for it.
                    defaultFont = ToolStripManager.DefaultFont; 
                return defaultFont; 
            set {
                base.Font = value; 

        /// Deriving classes can override this to configure a default size for their control. 
        /// This is more efficient than setting the size in the control's constructor. 
        protected override Size DefaultSize { 
            get {
                return new Size(100, 25);

        protected override Padding DefaultPadding { 
            get { 
                // one pixel from the right edge to prevent the right border from painting over the
                // aligned-right toolstrip item. 
                return new Padding(0,0,1,0);
        protected override Padding DefaultMargin {
            get { return Padding.Empty; } 

        protected virtual DockStyle DefaultDock { 
            get {
                return DockStyle.Top;

        protected virtual Padding DefaultGripMargin { 
            get { 
                if (toolStripGrip != null) {
                    return toolStripGrip.DefaultMargin; 
                else {
                    return new Padding(2);
        protected virtual bool DefaultShowItemToolTips {
            get { 
                return true;
        public virtual ToolStripDropDownDirection DefaultDropDownDirection {
            get { 
                ToolStripDropDownDirection direction = toolStripDropDownDirection;
                if (direction == ToolStripDropDownDirection.Default) {
                    if (Orientation == Orientation.Vertical) {
                       if (IsInToolStripPanel) { 
                            // parent can be null when we're swapping between ToolStripPanels.
                            DockStyle actualDock = (ParentInternal != null) ? ParentInternal.Dock : DockStyle.Left; 
                            direction = (actualDock == DockStyle.Right) ? ToolStripDropDownDirection.Left : ToolStripDropDownDirection.Right; 
                            if (DesignMode && actualDock == DockStyle.Left)
                                direction = ToolStripDropDownDirection.Right ;

                       else {
                            direction = ((Dock == DockStyle.Right) && (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.No)) ? ToolStripDropDownDirection.Left : ToolStripDropDownDirection.Right; 
                            if (DesignMode && Dock == DockStyle.Left) 
                                direction = ToolStripDropDownDirection.Right ; 
                    else  { // horizontal 
                       DockStyle dock = this.Dock;
                       if (IsInToolStripPanel && ParentInternal != null) { 
                            dock = ParentInternal.Dock;  // we want the orientation of the ToolStripPanel; 
                       if (dock == DockStyle.Bottom) {
                           direction = (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) ? ToolStripDropDownDirection.AboveLeft : ToolStripDropDownDirection.AboveRight;
                       else { 
                           // assume Dock.Top
                           direction = (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) ? ToolStripDropDownDirection.BelowLeft : ToolStripDropDownDirection.BelowRight; 
                return direction;
            set {
                // cant use Enum.IsValid as its not sequential 
                switch (value) {
                   case ToolStripDropDownDirection.AboveLeft: 
                   case ToolStripDropDownDirection.AboveRight: 
                   case ToolStripDropDownDirection.BelowLeft:
                   case ToolStripDropDownDirection.BelowRight: 
                   case ToolStripDropDownDirection.Left:
                   case ToolStripDropDownDirection.Right:
                   case ToolStripDropDownDirection.Default:
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(ToolStripDropDownDirection)); 

                toolStripDropDownDirection = value; 
        /// Just here so we can add the default value attribute 
        public override DockStyle Dock { 
            get {
                return base.Dock;
            set { 
                if (value != Dock) {
                    using (new LayoutTransaction(this, this, PropertyNames.Dock)) 
                    using (new LayoutTransaction(this.ParentInternal, this, PropertyNames.Dock)) { 
                        // We don't call base.Dock = value, because that would cause us to get 2 LocationChanged events.
                        // The first is when the parent gets a Layout due to the DockChange, and the second comes from when we 
                        // change the orientation.  Instead we've duplicated the logic of Control.Dock.set here, but with a
                        // LayoutTransaction on the Parent as well.
                        // See VSWhidbey:489688 and VSWhidbey:474781 for more details.
                        DefaultLayout.SetDock(this, value); 
                    // This will cause the DockChanged event to fire. 

        ///     Returns an owner window that can be used to
        ///     own a drop down. 
        internal virtual NativeWindow DropDownOwnerWindow {
            get { 
                if (dropDownOwnerWindow == null) {
                    dropDownOwnerWindow = new NativeWindow();
                if (dropDownOwnerWindow.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) {
                    CreateParams cp = new CreateParams(); 
                    cp.ExStyle = NativeMethods.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; 

                return dropDownOwnerWindow;

        /// Returns the drop target manager that all the hwndless 
        /// items and this winbar share.  this is necessary as
        /// RegisterDragDrop requires an HWND. 
        internal ToolStripDropTargetManager DropTargetManager {
            get {
                if (dropTargetManager == null) { 
                    dropTargetManager = new ToolStripDropTargetManager(this);
                return dropTargetManager; 

            set {
                dropTargetManager = value;
        /// Just here so we can add the default value attribute 
        protected internal virtual ToolStripItemCollection DisplayedItems {
            get {
                if (displayedItems == null) { 
                    displayedItems = new ToolStripItemCollection(this, false);
                return displayedItems; 

        /// Retreives the current display rectangle. The display rectangle 
        /// is the virtual display area that is used to layout components.
        /// The position and dimensions of the Form's display rectangle 
        /// change during autoScroll.
        public override Rectangle DisplayRectangle { 
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2119:SealMethodsThatSatisfyPrivateInterfaces")]
            get { 
                Rectangle rect = base.DisplayRectangle; 

                if ((LayoutEngine is ToolStripSplitStackLayout)  && (GripStyle == ToolStripGripStyle.Visible)){ 

                    if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
                        int gripwidth =  Grip.GripThickness + Grip.Margin.Horizontal;
                        rect.Width -= gripwidth; 
                        // in RTL.No we need to shift the rectangle
                        rect.X += (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.No) ? gripwidth : 0; 
                    else { // Vertical Grip placement
                        int gripheight =  Grip.GripThickness + Grip.Margin.Vertical; 
                        rect.Y += gripheight;
                        rect.Height -= gripheight;
                return rect; 
        /// Forecolor really has no meaning for winbars - so lets hide it 
        public new Color ForeColor { 
            get {
                return base.ForeColor; 
            set {
                base.ForeColor = value;
        ///    [ToolStrip ForeColorChanged event, overriden to turn browsing off.] 
        public new event EventHandler ForeColorChanged
                base.ForeColorChanged += value; 
                base.ForeColorChanged -= value; 
        private bool HasKeyboardInput {
            get { 
                return (ContainsFocus || (ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode && ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.GetActiveToolStrip() == this));
        /// Summary of ToolStripGrip. 
        internal ToolStripGrip Grip { 
            get {
                if (toolStripGrip == null) {
                    toolStripGrip = new ToolStripGrip();
                    toolStripGrip.Overflow = ToolStripItemOverflow.Never; 
                    toolStripGrip.Visible = toolStripGripStyle ==ToolStripGripStyle.Visible;
                    toolStripGrip.AutoSize = false; 
                    toolStripGrip.ParentInternal = this; 
                    toolStripGrip.Margin = DefaultGripMargin;
                return toolStripGrip;
        /// Summary of GripStyle. 
        public ToolStripGripStyle GripStyle { 
            get {
                return toolStripGripStyle; 
            set {
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x1 
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)ToolStripGripStyle.Hidden, (int)ToolStripGripStyle.Visible)){
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(ToolStripGripStyle));
                if (toolStripGripStyle != value) { 
                    toolStripGripStyle = value;
                    Grip.Visible = toolStripGripStyle ==ToolStripGripStyle.Visible; 
                    LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(this, this, PropertyNames.GripStyle); 


        /// Summary of GripStyle. 
        public ToolStripGripDisplayStyle GripDisplayStyle {
            get {
                return (LayoutStyle == ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow) ? ToolStripGripDisplayStyle.Vertical 
                                                                     : ToolStripGripDisplayStyle.Horizontal;

        /// The external spacing between the grip and the padding of the winbar and the first item in the collection
        public Padding GripMargin {
            get { 
                return Grip.Margin;
            set {
                Grip.Margin = value; 
        /// The boundaries of the grip on the winbar.  If it is invisible - returns Rectangle.Empty.
        public Rectangle GripRectangle { 
            get { 
                return (GripStyle == ToolStripGripStyle.Visible) ? Grip.Bounds : Rectangle.Empty;

        Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never), 
        public new bool HasChildren { 
            get {
                return base.HasChildren; 

        internal bool HasVisibleItems { 
            get {
                if (!IsHandleCreated) { 
                    foreach(ToolStripItem item in Items) { 
                        if (((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) {
                            // set in the state so that when the handle is created, we're accurate. 
                            SetToolStripState(STATE_HASVISIBLEITEMS, true);
                            return true;
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_HASVISIBLEITEMS, false);
                    return false; 
                // after the handle is created, we start layout... so this state is cached.
                return GetToolStripState(STATE_HASVISIBLEITEMS); 
            set {
                SetToolStripState(STATE_HASVISIBLEITEMS, value);
        ///    Gets the Horizontal Scroll bar for this ScrollableControl. 
        Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)
        new public HScrollProperties HorizontalScroll
                return base.HorizontalScroll; 

        DefaultValue(typeof(Size), "16,16"),
        public Size ImageScalingSize { 
            get {
                return ImageScalingSizeInternal;
            set { 
                ImageScalingSizeInternal = value;

        internal virtual Size ImageScalingSizeInternal { 
            get {
                return imageScalingSize;
            set { 
                if (imageScalingSize != value) {
                    imageScalingSize = value; 
                    LayoutTransaction.DoLayoutIf((Items.Count > 0), this, this, PropertyNames.ImageScalingSize);
                    foreach (ToolStripItem item in this.Items) { 
        /// Gets or sets the  that contains the  displayed on a label control.
        public ImageList ImageList {
            get {
                return imageList;
            set {
                if (imageList != value) { 
                    EventHandler handler = new EventHandler(ImageListRecreateHandle); 

                    // Remove the previous imagelist handle recreate handler 
                    if (imageList != null) {
                        imageList.RecreateHandle -= handler;

                    imageList = value; 
                    // Add the new imagelist handle recreate handler
                    if (value != null) {
                        value.RecreateHandle += handler;
                    foreach (ToolStripItem item in Items) {

        ///     Specifies whether the control is willing to process mnemonics when hosted in an container ActiveX (Ax Sourcing).
        internal override bool IsMnemonicsListenerAxSourced 
                return true;
        internal bool IsInToolStripPanel {
            get { 
                return ToolStripPanelRow != null; 


        ///  indicates whether the user is currently
        ///          moving the toolstrip from one toolstrip container 
        ///          to another
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] 
        public bool IsCurrentlyDragging {
            get { 
                return GetToolStripState(STATE_DRAGGING);

        ///     indicates if the SetBoundsCore is called thru Locationchanging. 
        private bool IsLocationChanging { 
            get {
                return GetToolStripState(STATE_LOCATIONCHANGING);

        /// The items that belong to this ToolStrip. 
        /// Note - depending on space and layout preferences, not all items
        /// in this collection will be displayed.  They may not even be displayed
        /// on this winbar (say in the case where we're overflowing the item).
        /// The collection of _Displayed_ items is the DisplayedItems collection. 
        /// The displayed items collection also includes things like the OverflowButton
        /// and the Grip. 
        public virtual ToolStripItemCollection Items {
            get { 
                if (toolStripItemCollection == null) { 
                    toolStripItemCollection = new ToolStripItemCollection(this, true);
                return toolStripItemCollection;

        [SRCategory(SR.CatAppearance), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripItemAddedDescr)] 
        public event ToolStripItemEventHandler ItemAdded {
          add { 
              Events.AddHandler(EventItemAdded, value);
          remove {
              Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemAdded, value); 

        /// Occurs when the control is clicked.
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAction), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripItemOnClickDescr)] 
        public event ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler ItemClicked {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EventItemClicked, value); 
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemClicked, value);

        ///   we have a backbuffer for painting items... this is cached to be the size of the largest 
        ///   item in the collection - and is cached in OnPaint, and disposed when the toolstrip
        ///   is no longer visible. 
        ///   [: toolstrip - main hdc       ] <-- visible to user
        ///   [ toolstrip double buffer hdc ] <-- onpaint hands us this buffer, after we're done DBuf is copied to "main hdc"/
        ///   [tsi dc] <-- we copy the background from the DBuf, then paint the item into this DC, then BitBlt back up to DBuf 
        ///   This is done because GDI wont honor GDI+ TranslateTransform.  We used to use DCMapping to change the viewport 
        ///   origin and clipping rect of the toolstrip double buffer hdc to paint each item, but this proves costly 
        ///   because you need to allocate GDI+ Graphics objects for every single item.  This method allows us to only
        ///   allocate 1 Graphics object and share it between all the items in OnPaint. 
        private CachedItemHdcInfo ItemHdcInfo {
            get {
                if  (cachedItemHdcInfo == null) { 
                    cachedItemHdcInfo = new CachedItemHdcInfo();
                return cachedItemHdcInfo; 

        [SRCategory(SR.CatAppearance), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripItemRemovedDescr)]
        public event ToolStripItemEventHandler ItemRemoved { 
          add {
              Events.AddHandler(EventItemRemoved, value); 
          remove {
              Events.RemoveHandler(EventItemRemoved, value); 
        ///  handy check for painting and sizing  
        public bool IsDropDown { 
            get { return (this is ToolStripDropDown); } 
        internal bool IsDisposingItems {
            get {
                return GetToolStripState(STATE_DISPOSINGITEMS);
        /// The OnDrag[blah] methods that will be called if AllowItemReorder is true. 
        /// This allows us to have methods that handle drag/drop of the winbar items 
        /// without calling back on the user's code
        internal IDropTarget ItemReorderDropTarget {
            get { 
                return itemReorderDropTarget;
            set { 
                itemReorderDropTarget = value;

        /// The OnQueryContinueDrag and OnGiveFeedback methods that will be called if 
        /// AllowItemReorder is true.
        /// This allows us to have methods that handle drag/drop of the winbar items 
        /// without calling back on the user's code
        internal ISupportOleDropSource ItemReorderDropSource {
            get {
                return itemReorderDropSource;
            set {
                itemReorderDropSource = value; 
        internal bool IsInDesignMode {
            get {
                return DesignMode;
        internal bool IsSelectionSuspended { 
            get { return GetToolStripState(STATE_LASTMOUSEDOWNEDITEMCAPTURE); }

        internal ToolStripItem LastMouseDownedItem {
            get {
                if (lastMouseDownedItem != null && 
                    (lastMouseDownedItem.IsDisposed || lastMouseDownedItem.ParentInternal != this)){
                    // handle disposal, parent changed since we last mouse downed. 
                    lastMouseDownedItem = null; 
                return lastMouseDownedItem; 

        public LayoutSettings LayoutSettings {
            get {
                return layoutSettings;
            set {
                layoutSettings = value; 

        /// Specifies whether we're horizontal or vertical 
        public ToolStripLayoutStyle LayoutStyle {
           get {
                if (layoutStyle == ToolStripLayoutStyle.StackWithOverflow) { 
                    switch (this.Orientation) {
                        case Orientation.Horizontal: 
                            return ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow; 
                        case Orientation.Vertical:
                            return ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow; 
                return layoutStyle;
            set {
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x4 
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)ToolStripLayoutStyle.StackWithOverflow, (int)ToolStripLayoutStyle.Table)){ 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(ToolStripLayoutStyle));
                if (layoutStyle != value) {
                    layoutStyle = value;

                    switch (value) { 
                        case ToolStripLayoutStyle.Flow:
                            if (!(layoutEngine is FlowLayout)) { 
                                layoutEngine = FlowLayout.Instance; 
                            // Orientation really only applies to split stack layout (which swaps based on Dock, ToolStripPanel location) 
                        case ToolStripLayoutStyle.Table:
                            if (!(layoutEngine is TableLayout)) {
                                layoutEngine = TableLayout.Instance; 
                            // Orientation really only applies to split stack layout (which swaps based on Dock, ToolStripPanel location)
                        case ToolStripLayoutStyle.StackWithOverflow:
                        case ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow:
                        case ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow: 
                            if (value != ToolStripLayoutStyle.StackWithOverflow) { 
                                UpdateOrientation((value == ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow) ? Orientation.Vertical : Orientation.Horizontal);
                            else {
                                if (IsInToolStripPanel) {
                                else {
                            if (!(layoutEngine is ToolStripSplitStackLayout)) { 
                                layoutEngine = new ToolStripSplitStackLayout(this);

                    using (LayoutTransaction.CreateTransactionIf(IsHandleCreated, this, this, PropertyNames.LayoutStyle)) { 
                        LayoutSettings = CreateLayoutSettings(layoutStyle); 
        /// [To be supplied.] 
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAppearance), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripLayoutCompleteDescr)]
        public event EventHandler LayoutCompleted { 
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EventLayoutCompleted, value);
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventLayoutCompleted, value);

        internal bool LayoutRequired { 
            get {
                return this.layoutRequired;
            set { 
                this.layoutRequired = value;

        /// [To be supplied.]
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAppearance), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripLayoutStyleChangedDescr)] 
        public event EventHandler LayoutStyleChanged {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EventLayoutStyleChanged, value); 
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventLayoutStyleChanged, value);
        public override LayoutEngine LayoutEngine { 
             get { 
                 return layoutEngine; 


        /// [To be supplied.]
        internal event ToolStripLocationCancelEventHandler LocationChanging {
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EventLocationChanging, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventLocationChanging, value); 
        protected internal virtual Size MaxItemSize {
            get {
              return this.DisplayRectangle.Size; 
        internal bool MenuAutoExpand {
            get { 
                if (!DesignMode) {
                    if (GetToolStripState(STATE_MENUAUTOEXPAND)) {
                        if (!IsDropDown && !ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode) {
                            SetToolStripState(STATE_MENUAUTOEXPAND, false); 
                            return false;
                        return true; 
                return false;

            set { 
                if (!DesignMode) {
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_MENUAUTOEXPAND, value); 


        internal Stack MergeHistoryStack {
            get { 
                if(mergeHistoryStack == null) {
                    mergeHistoryStack = new Stack(); 
                return mergeHistoryStack;

        private MouseHoverTimer MouseHoverTimer { 
            get {
                if (mouseHoverTimer == null) { 
                    mouseHoverTimer = new MouseHoverTimer(); 
                return mouseHoverTimer; 

        /// Summary of OverflowButton. 
        [Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] 
        public ToolStripOverflowButton OverflowButton {
            get {
                if (toolStripOverflowButton == null) {
                    toolStripOverflowButton = new ToolStripOverflowButton(this); 
                    toolStripOverflowButton.Overflow = ToolStripItemOverflow.Never;
                    toolStripOverflowButton.ParentInternal = this; 
                    toolStripOverflowButton.Alignment = ToolStripItemAlignment.Right; 
                    toolStripOverflowButton.Size = toolStripOverflowButton.GetPreferredSize(this.DisplayRectangle.Size - this.Padding.Size);
                return toolStripOverflowButton;
        // SECREVIEW VSWhidbey 436973: adding control host items to this collection in 
        // the internet zone will throw security exceptions 
        internal ToolStripItemCollection OverflowItems { 
            get {
                if (overflowItems == null) {
                    overflowItems = new ToolStripItemCollection(this, false);
                return overflowItems;

        public Orientation Orientation {
            get {
                return orientation;
        /// [To be supplied.] 
        [SRCategory(SR.CatAppearance), SRDescription(SR.ToolStripPaintGripDescr)]
        public event PaintEventHandler PaintGrip {
            add { 
                Events.AddHandler(EventPaintGrip, value);
            remove { 
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventPaintGrip, value);

        internal RestoreFocusMessageFilter RestoreFocusFilter {
            get { 
                if (restoreFocusFilter == null) {
                    restoreFocusFilter = new RestoreFocusMessageFilter(this); 
                return restoreFocusFilter;

        internal  ToolStripPanelCell ToolStripPanelCell {
            get { return ((ISupportToolStripPanel)this).ToolStripPanelCell; } 
        internal  ToolStripPanelRow ToolStripPanelRow {
            get { return ((ISupportToolStripPanel)this).ToolStripPanelRow; } 

        // fetches the Cell associated with this toolstrip.
        ToolStripPanelCell ISupportToolStripPanel.ToolStripPanelCell { 
            get {
                ToolStripPanelCell toolStripPanelCell = null; 
                if (!IsDropDown && !IsDisposed) { 
                    if (Properties.ContainsObject(ToolStrip.PropToolStripPanelCell)) {
                        toolStripPanelCell = (ToolStripPanelCell)Properties.GetObject(ToolStrip.PropToolStripPanelCell); 
                    else {
                        toolStripPanelCell = new ToolStripPanelCell(this);
                        Properties.SetObject(ToolStrip.PropToolStripPanelCell, toolStripPanelCell); 
                return toolStripPanelCell; 

        ToolStripPanelRow ISupportToolStripPanel.ToolStripPanelRow {
            get { 
                ToolStripPanelCell cell = ToolStripPanelCell;
                if (cell == null) { 
                    return null; 
                return ToolStripPanelCell.ToolStripPanelRow; 
            set {
                ToolStripPanelRow oldToolStripPanelRow = ToolStripPanelRow;
                if (oldToolStripPanelRow != value) {
                    ToolStripPanelCell cell = ToolStripPanelCell; 
                    if (cell == null) { 
                    cell.ToolStripPanelRow = value;

                    if (value != null) {
                       if (oldToolStripPanelRow == null || oldToolStripPanelRow.Orientation != value.Orientation) { 
                           if (layoutStyle == ToolStripLayoutStyle.StackWithOverflow)
                    else { 
                        if (oldToolStripPanelRow != null && oldToolStripPanelRow.ControlsInternal.Contains(this)) {


        public bool Stretch {
            get { 
                return GetToolStripState(STATE_STRETCH); 
            set { 
                if (Stretch != value) {
        /// The renderer is used to paint the hwndless winbar items.  If someone wanted to 
        /// change the "Hot" look of all of their buttons to be a green triangle, they should
        /// create a class that derives from ToolStripRenderer, assign it to this property and call
        /// invalidate.
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")] 
        public ToolStripRenderer Renderer {
            get { 

                if (IsDropDown) {
                    // PERF: since this is called a lot we dont want to make it virtual
                    ToolStripDropDown dropDown = this as ToolStripDropDown; 
                    if (dropDown is ToolStripOverflow || dropDown.IsAutoGenerated) {
                        if (dropDown.OwnerToolStrip != null) { 
                            return dropDown.OwnerToolStrip.Renderer; 
                if (RenderMode == ToolStripRenderMode.ManagerRenderMode) {
                    return ToolStripManager.Renderer;
                // always return a valid renderer so our paint code
                // doesn't have to be bogged down by checks for null. 
                SetToolStripState(STATE_USEDEFAULTRENDERER, false);
                if (renderer == null) { 
                    Renderer = ToolStripManager.CreateRenderer(RenderMode);
                return renderer;
            set { 
                // if the value happens to be null, the next get 
                // will autogenerate a new ToolStripRenderer.
                if (renderer != value) { 
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_USEDEFAULTRENDERER, (value == null));
                    renderer = value;
                    currentRendererType = (renderer != null) ? renderer.GetType() : typeof(System.Type);

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming", "CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")] 
        public event EventHandler RendererChanged {
            add {
                Events.AddHandler(EventRendererChanged, value);
            remove {
                Events.RemoveHandler(EventRendererChanged, value); 
         public ToolStripRenderMode RenderMode { 
             get { 
                 if (GetToolStripState(STATE_USEDEFAULTRENDERER)) {
                    return ToolStripRenderMode.ManagerRenderMode; 
                 if (renderer != null && !renderer.IsAutoGenerated) {
                    return ToolStripRenderMode.Custom;
                 // check the type of the currently set renderer.
                 // types are cached as this may be called frequently. 
                 if (currentRendererType == ToolStripManager.ProfessionalRendererType) { 
                     return ToolStripRenderMode.Professional;
                 if (currentRendererType == ToolStripManager.SystemRendererType) {
                     return ToolStripRenderMode.System;
                 return  ToolStripRenderMode.Custom; 

             set { 
                 //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3
                 if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)ToolStripRenderMode.Custom, (int)ToolStripRenderMode.ManagerRenderMode)){ 
                     throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(ToolStripRenderMode));
                 if (value == ToolStripRenderMode.Custom) {
                     throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripRenderModeUseRendererPropertyInstead)); 
                 if (value == ToolStripRenderMode.ManagerRenderMode) { 
                     if (!GetToolStripState(STATE_USEDEFAULTRENDERER)) {
                         SetToolStripState(STATE_USEDEFAULTRENDERER, true); 
                 else { 
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_USEDEFAULTRENDERER, false);
                    Renderer = ToolStripManager.CreateRenderer(value); 

        /// ToolStripItems need to access this to determine if they should be showing underlines 
        /// for their accelerators.  Since they are not HWNDs, and this method is protected on control
        /// we need a way for them to get at it. 
        internal bool ShowKeyboardCuesInternal {
            get { 
                return this.ShowKeyboardCues;


        public bool ShowItemToolTips {
            get {
                return showItemToolTips; 
            set { 
                if (showItemToolTips != value) { 
                    showItemToolTips = value;
                    if (!showItemToolTips) { 
        ///  internal lookup table for shortcuts... intended to speed search time  
        internal Hashtable Shortcuts {
            get { 
                if (shortcuts == null) {
                    shortcuts = new Hashtable(1);
                return shortcuts; 
        /// Indicates whether the user can give the focus to this control using the TAB
        /// key. This property is read-only.
        public new bool TabStop {
            get {
                return base.TabStop;
            set {
                base.TabStop = value; 

        ///  this is the ToolTip used for the individual items
        ///          it only works if ShowItemToolTips = true
        internal ToolTip ToolTip {
            get { 
                ToolTip toolTip; 
                if (!Properties.ContainsObject(ToolStrip.PropToolTip)) {
                    toolTip = new ToolTip(); 
                    Properties.SetObject(ToolStrip.PropToolTip,toolTip );
                else {
                    toolTip = (ToolTip)Properties.GetObject(ToolStrip.PropToolTip); 
                return toolTip; 
        public virtual ToolStripTextDirection TextDirection { 
            get {
                ToolStripTextDirection textDirection = ToolStripTextDirection.Inherit; 
                if (Properties.ContainsObject(ToolStrip.PropTextDirection)) {
                   textDirection= (ToolStripTextDirection)Properties.GetObject(ToolStrip.PropTextDirection);
                if (textDirection == ToolStripTextDirection.Inherit) {
                    textDirection = ToolStripTextDirection.Horizontal; 

                return textDirection; 
            set {
                //valid values are 0x0 to 0x3
                if (!ClientUtils.IsEnumValid(value, (int)value, (int)ToolStripTextDirection.Inherit, (int)ToolStripTextDirection.Vertical270)){ 
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("value", (int)value, typeof(ToolStripTextDirection));
                Properties.SetObject(ToolStrip.PropTextDirection, value); 

                using(new LayoutTransaction(this, this, "TextDirection")) { 
                    for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++) {


        ///    Gets the Vertical Scroll bar for this ScrollableControl.
        Browsable(false), EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)
        new public VScrollProperties VerticalScroll 
                return base.VerticalScroll;

        void ISupportToolStripPanel.BeginDrag() { 
        // Internal so that it's not a public API.
        internal virtual void ChangeSelection(ToolStripItem nextItem) {

            if (nextItem != null) { 
                ToolStripControlHost controlHost = nextItem as ToolStripControlHost;
                // if we contain focus, we should set focus to ourselves 
                // so we get the focus off the thing that's currently focused 
                // e.g. go from a text box to a toolstrip button
                if (ContainsFocus && !Focused) { 
                    if (controlHost == null) {
                        // if nextItem IS a toolstripcontrolhost, we're going to focus it anyways
                        // we only fire KeyboardActive when "focusing" a non-hwnd backed item 
                        KeyboardActive = true;
                if (controlHost != null) {
                    if (hwndThatLostFocus == IntPtr.Zero) { 
                ToolStripMenuItem tsNextItem = nextItem as ToolStripMenuItem;
                if (tsNextItem != null && !IsDropDown) {
                  // only toplevel menus auto expand when the selection changes.


        protected virtual LayoutSettings CreateLayoutSettings(ToolStripLayoutStyle layoutStyle) {
            switch (layoutStyle) {
                case ToolStripLayoutStyle.Flow: 
                    return new FlowLayoutSettings(this);
                case ToolStripLayoutStyle.Table: 
                    return new TableLayoutSettings(this); 
                    return null; 

        protected internal virtual ToolStripItem CreateDefaultItem(string text, Image image, EventHandler onClick) { 
            if (text == "-") {
                return new ToolStripSeparator(); 
            else {
                return new ToolStripButton(text,image,onClick); 

        /// Summary of ClearAllSelections. 
        private void ClearAllSelections() {

        /// Summary of ClearAllSelectionsExcept. 
        private void ClearAllSelectionsExcept(ToolStripItem item) { 
            Rectangle regionRect = (item == null) ? Rectangle.Empty : item.Bounds;
            Region region = null; 

            try {

                for (int i = 0; i < DisplayedItems.Count; i++)  { 
                    if (DisplayedItems[i] == item) {
                    else if (item != null && DisplayedItems[i].Pressed) {
                         ToolStripDropDownItem dropDownItem = DisplayedItems[i] as ToolStripDropDownItem;

                         if (dropDownItem != null && dropDownItem.HasDropDownItems) {
                    bool invalidate = false; 
                    if (DisplayedItems[i].Selected) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(SelectionDebug.TraceVerbose,"[SelectDBG ClearAllSelectionsExcept] Unselecting " + DisplayedItems[i].Text);
                        invalidate = true;

                    if (invalidate) { 
                        // since regions are heavy weight - only use if we need it. 
                        if (region == null) {
                            region = new Region(regionRect); 

                // force an WM_PAINT to happen now to instantly reflect the selection change. 
                if (region != null) { 
                     Invalidate(region, true);
                else if (regionRect != Rectangle.Empty) {
                    Invalidate(regionRect, true);
            finally {
                if (region != null) { 
            // fire accessibility 
            if (IsHandleCreated && item != null) {
                int focusIndex = DisplayedItems.IndexOf(item); 
                AccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents.Focus, focusIndex); 

        internal void ClearInsertionMark() {
            if (lastInsertionMarkRect != Rectangle.Empty) {
                // stuff away the lastInsertionMarkRect 
                // and clear it out _before_ we call paint OW
                // the call to invalidate wont help as it will get 
                // repainted. 
                Rectangle invalidate = lastInsertionMarkRect;
                lastInsertionMarkRect = Rectangle.Empty; 

        private void ClearLastMouseDownedItem() { 
            ToolStripItem lastItem = lastMouseDownedItem; 
            lastMouseDownedItem = null;
            if (IsSelectionSuspended) { 
                SetToolStripState(STATE_LASTMOUSEDOWNEDITEMCAPTURE, false);
                if (lastItem != null) {
        /// Clean up any resources being used.
        protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) {
            if(disposing) { 
                ToolStripOverflow overflow = GetOverflow();
                try { 

                   if (overflow != null) {
                    // if there's a problem in config, dont be a leaker. 
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_DISPOSINGITEMS, true);
                    lastMouseDownedItem = null; 
                    ToolStripPanelCell toolStripPanelCell = Properties.GetObject(ToolStrip.PropToolStripPanelCell) as ToolStripPanelCell;
                    if (toolStripPanelCell != null) {

                    if (cachedItemHdcInfo != null) { 
                    if (mouseHoverTimer != null) {
                    ToolTip toolTip = (ToolTip)Properties.GetObject(ToolStrip.PropToolTip);
                    if (toolTip != null) { 
                        toolTip.Dispose (); 
                    if (!Items.IsReadOnly) {
                        // only dispose the items we actually own.
                        for (int i = Items.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    // clean up items not in the Items list
                    if (toolStripGrip != null) { 
                    if (toolStripOverflowButton != null) {
                    // remove the restore focus filter 
                    if (restoreFocusFilter != null) {
                        // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.RemoveMessageFilter as this could 
                        // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP.
                        restoreFocusFilter = null;

                    // exit menu mode if necessary. 
                    bool exitMenuMode = false;
                    if (ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.GetActiveToolStrip() == this) { 
                        exitMenuMode = true;
                    // if we were the last toolstrip in the queue, exit menu mode. 
                    if (exitMenuMode && ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.GetActiveToolStrip() == null) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "Exiting menu mode because we're the last toolstrip in the queue, and we've disposed."); 
                finally {
                    if (overflow != null) { 
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_DISPOSINGITEMS, false); 
            base.Dispose( disposing );
        internal void DoLayoutIfHandleCreated(ToolStripItemEventArgs e) { 
            if (this.IsHandleCreated) {
                LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(this, e.Item, PropertyNames.Items); 
                // Adding this item may have added it to the overflow
                // However, we can't check if it's in OverflowItems, because
                // it gets added there in Layout, and layout might be suspended. 
                if (this.CanOverflow && this.OverflowButton.HasDropDown) {
                    if (DeferOverflowDropDownLayout()) { 
                        this.OverflowButton.DropDown.LayoutRequired = true;
                    else {
                        LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(this.OverflowButton.DropDown, e.Item, PropertyNames.Items);
            else { 
                // next time we fetch the preferred size, recalc it.
                this.LayoutRequired = true;
                if (this.CanOverflow && this.OverflowButton.HasDropDown) {
                    this.OverflowButton.DropDown.LayoutRequired = true;
        private bool DeferOverflowDropDownLayout() {
            return this.IsLayoutSuspended 
                || !this.OverflowButton.DropDown.IsHandleCreated;
        void ISupportToolStripPanel.EndDrag() {
        internal ToolStripOverflow GetOverflow() {
           return (toolStripOverflowButton == null || !toolStripOverflowButton.HasDropDown) ? null : toolStripOverflowButton.DropDown as ToolStripOverflow;
        internal byte GetMouseId() { 
            // never return 0 as the mousedown ID, this is the "reset" value.
            if (mouseDownID == 0) { 
            return mouseDownID; 
        internal virtual ToolStripItem GetNextItem(ToolStripItem start, ArrowDirection direction, bool rtlAware) {

            if (rtlAware && RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) { 
                if (direction == ArrowDirection.Right) {
                    direction = ArrowDirection.Left; 
                else if (direction == ArrowDirection.Left) {
                    direction = ArrowDirection.Right; 
            return GetNextItem(start, direction);

        /// Gets the next item from the given start item in the direction specified.
        ///   - This function wraps if at the end 
        ///   - This function will only surf the items in the current container
        ///   - Overriding this function will change the tab ordering and accessible child ordering.
        public virtual ToolStripItem GetNextItem(ToolStripItem start, ArrowDirection direction) 
            if (!WindowsFormsUtils.EnumValidator.IsValidArrowDirection(direction)) { 
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("direction", (int)direction, typeof(ArrowDirection)); 
            switch (direction) {
                case ArrowDirection.Right:
                    return GetNextItemHorizontal(start, /*forward = */true);
                case ArrowDirection.Left: 
                    return GetNextItemHorizontal(start, /*forward = */false);
                case ArrowDirection.Down: 
                    return GetNextItemVertical(start, /*forward = */true); 
                case ArrowDirection.Up:
                    return GetNextItemVertical(start, /*forward = */false); 

            return null;

        //  Helper function for GetNextItem - do not directly call this.
        private ToolStripItem GetNextItemHorizontal(ToolStripItem start, bool forward) {

            if (DisplayedItems.Count <= 0)
                return null; 

            if (start == null)  { 
                start = (forward) ? DisplayedItems[DisplayedItems.Count -1] : DisplayedItems[0]; 
            int current = DisplayedItems.IndexOf(start);
            if (current == -1) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SelectionDebug.TraceVerbose, "Started from a visible = false item");
                return null; 
            Debug.WriteLineIf(SelectionDebug.TraceVerbose && (current != -1), "[SelectDBG GetNextToolStripItem] Last selected item was " + ((current != -1) ?  DisplayedItems[current].Text : "")); 
            Debug.WriteLineIf(SelectionDebug.TraceVerbose && (current == -1), "[SelectDBG GetNextToolStripItem] Last selected item was null");
            int count = DisplayedItems.Count;

            do {
                if (forward) {
                    current = ++current % count; 
                else {  // provide negative wrap if necessary
                    current = (--current < 0) ? count + current : current; 
                ToolStripDropDown dropDown = this as ToolStripDropDown;
                if (dropDown!= null)
                    if (dropDown.OwnerItem != null && dropDown.OwnerItem.IsInDesignMode) {
                    	return DisplayedItems[current]; 
                if (DisplayedItems[current].CanKeyboardSelect) { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(SelectionDebug.TraceVerbose, "[SelectDBG GetNextToolStripItem] selecting " + DisplayedItems[current].Text);
                    return DisplayedItems[current];

            } while (DisplayedItems[current] != start); 
            return null; 

       //  Helper function for GetNextItem - do not directly call this.
       [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Portability", "CA1902:AvoidTestingForFloatingPointEquality")] 
       private ToolStripItem GetNextItemVertical(ToolStripItem selectedItem, bool down) {
                 ToolStripItem tanWinner = null;
                 ToolStripItem hypotenuseWinner = null;

                 double minHypotenuse = Double.MaxValue; 
                 double minTan = Double.MaxValue;
                 double hypotenuseOfTanWinner = Double.MaxValue; 
                 double tanOfHypotenuseWinner = Double.MaxValue; 

                  if (selectedItem == null) { 
                     ToolStripItem item = GetNextItemHorizontal(selectedItem, down);
                     return item;
                 ToolStripDropDown dropDown = this as ToolStripDropDown;
                 if (dropDown != null) 
                     if (dropDown.OwnerItem != null && (dropDown.OwnerItem.IsInDesignMode || (dropDown.OwnerItem.Owner != null && dropDown.OwnerItem.Owner.IsInDesignMode))) {
                         ToolStripItem item = GetNextItemHorizontal(selectedItem, down); 
                         return item;

                 Point midPointOfCurrent = new Point(selectedItem.Bounds.X + selectedItem.Width / 2, 
                                                         selectedItem.Bounds.Y + selectedItem.Height / 2); 


                 for(int i = 0; i < DisplayedItems.Count; i++) {
                     ToolStripItem otherItem = DisplayedItems[i];
                     if (otherItem == selectedItem || !otherItem.CanKeyboardSelect) { 
                     if (!down && otherItem.Bounds.Bottom > selectedItem.Bounds.Top) { 
                         // if we are going up the other control has to be above
                     else if (down && otherItem.Bounds.Top < selectedItem.Bounds.Bottom) {
                         // if we are going down the other control has to be below
                     //[ otherControl ] 
                     //       *
                     Point otherItemMidLocation = new Point(otherItem.Bounds.X + otherItem.Width/2, (down)? otherItem.Bounds.Top : otherItem.Bounds.Bottom); 
                         Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(this.Handle);

                         using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.FromKnownColor((KnownColor)i))) { 
                             g.DrawLine(p,otherItemMidLocation, midPointOfCurrent);
                     int oppositeSide = otherItemMidLocation.X - midPointOfCurrent.X;
                     int adjacentSide = otherItemMidLocation.Y - midPointOfCurrent.Y;

                     // use pythagrian theorem to calculate the length of the distance 
                     // between the middle of the current control in question and it's adjacent
                     // objects. 
                     double hypotenuse = Math.Sqrt(adjacentSide*adjacentSide + oppositeSide*oppositeSide); 

                     if (adjacentSide != 0) { // avoid divide by zero - we dont do layered controls 
                         //    _[o]
                         //    |/
                         //   [s]
                         //   get the angle between s and o by taking the arctan. 
                         //   PERF consider using approximation instead
                         double tan = Math.Abs(Math.Atan(oppositeSide/adjacentSide)); 
                         // we want the thing with the smallest angle and smallest distance between midpoints
                         minTan = Math.Min(minTan, tan); 
                         minHypotenuse = Math.Min(minHypotenuse, hypotenuse);

                         if (minTan == tan && minTan != Double.NaN) {
                             tanWinner = otherItem; 
                             hypotenuseOfTanWinner = hypotenuse;
                         if (minHypotenuse == hypotenuse) {
                             hypotenuseWinner = otherItem; 
                             tanOfHypotenuseWinner = tan;

     #if DEBUG_UPDOWN 
                 string tanWinnerString = (tanWinner == null) ? "null" : tanWinner.ToString();
                 string hypWinnerString = (hypotenuseWinner == null) ? "null": hypotenuseWinner.ToString(); 
                 Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Tangent winner is {0} Hyp winner is {1}",  tanWinnerString, hypWinnerString));

                 if ((tanWinner == null) || (hypotenuseWinner == null)) { 
                      return (GetNextItemHorizontal(null,down));
                 else { 
                     // often times the guy with the best angle will be the guy with the closest hypotenuse.
                     // however in layouts where things are more randomly spaced, this is not necessarily the case. 
                     if (tanOfHypotenuseWinner == minTan) {
                         // if the angles match up, such as in the case of items of the same width in vertical flow
                         // then pick the closest one.
                         return hypotenuseWinner; 
                       else if ((!down && tanWinner.Bounds.Bottom <= hypotenuseWinner.Bounds.Top) 
                         ||(down && tanWinner.Bounds.Top > hypotenuseWinner.Bounds.Bottom)) { 
                             // we prefer the case where the angle is smaller than
                             // the case where the hypotenuse is smaller.  The only 
                             // scenarios where that is not the case is when the hypoteneuse
                             // winner is clearly closer than the angle winner.

                             //   [a.winner]                       |       [s] 
                             //                                    |         [h.winner]
                             //       [h.winner]                   | 
                             //     [s]                            |    [a.winner] 
                         return hypotenuseWinner;
                     else {
                        return tanWinner;
        internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedSize) {
             // We act like a container control 

             // Translating 0,0 from ClientSize to actual Size tells us how much space
             // is required for the borders.
              if (proposedSize.Width == 1) { 
                 proposedSize.Width = Int32.MaxValue;
             if (proposedSize.Height == 1) { 
                 proposedSize.Height = Int32.MaxValue;

             Padding padding = Padding;
             Size prefSize = LayoutEngine.GetPreferredSize(this, proposedSize - padding.Size);
             Padding newPadding = Padding; 

             // VSWhidbey 471860: 
             // as a side effect of some of the layouts, we can change the padding. 
             // if this happens, we need to clear the cache.
             if (padding != newPadding) { 
             return prefSize + newPadding.Size;
#region GetPreferredSizeHelpers 

        // These are here so they can be shared between splitstack layout and StatusStrip
        internal static Size GetPreferredSizeHorizontal(IArrangedElement container, Size proposedConstraints) {
           Size maxSize = Size.Empty; 
           ToolStrip toolStrip = container as ToolStrip;
           // ensure preferred size respects default size as a minimum. 
           Size defaultSize = toolStrip.DefaultSize - toolStrip.Padding.Size;
           maxSize.Height = Math.Max(0, defaultSize.Height); 

           bool requiresOverflow = false;
           bool foundItemParticipatingInLayout = false;
           for (int j = 0; j < toolStrip.Items.Count; j++) {
               ToolStripItem item = toolStrip.Items[j]; 
               if (((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) {
                   foundItemParticipatingInLayout =true; 
                   if (item.Overflow != ToolStripItemOverflow.Always) {
                       Padding itemMargin = item.Margin;
                       Size prefItemSize = GetPreferredItemSize(item);
                       maxSize.Width += itemMargin.Horizontal + prefItemSize.Width; 
                       maxSize.Height = Math.Max(maxSize.Height, itemMargin.Vertical + prefItemSize.Height);
                   else { 
                       requiresOverflow = true;

           if (toolStrip.Items.Count == 0 || (!foundItemParticipatingInLayout)) { 
               // if there are no items there, create something anyways.
               maxSize = defaultSize; 

           if (requiresOverflow) {
               // add in the width of the overflow button
               ToolStripOverflowButton overflowItem = toolStrip.OverflowButton;
               Padding overflowItemMargin = overflowItem.Margin; 

               maxSize.Width += overflowItemMargin.Horizontal + overflowItem.Bounds.Width; 
           else {
               maxSize.Width += 2;  //add Padding of 2 Pixels to the right if not Overflow. 

           if (toolStrip.GripStyle == ToolStripGripStyle.Visible) {
               // add in the grip width 
               Padding gripMargin = toolStrip.GripMargin;
               maxSize.Width += gripMargin.Horizontal + toolStrip.Grip.GripThickness; 

           maxSize = LayoutUtils.IntersectSizes(maxSize, proposedConstraints); 
           return maxSize;

 	[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Portability", "CA1902:AvoidTestingForFloatingPointEquality")]
        internal static Size GetPreferredSizeVertical(IArrangedElement container, Size proposedConstraints) { 
           Size maxSize = Size.Empty;
           bool requiresOverflow = false; 
           ToolStrip toolStrip = container as ToolStrip;

           bool foundItemParticipatingInLayout = false;

           for (int j = 0; j < toolStrip.Items.Count; j++) { 
               ToolStripItem item = toolStrip.Items[j]; 

               if (((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) { 
                   foundItemParticipatingInLayout = true;
                   if (item.Overflow != ToolStripItemOverflow.Always) {
                       Size preferredSize = GetPreferredItemSize(item);
                       Padding itemMargin = item.Margin; 
                       maxSize.Height += itemMargin.Vertical + preferredSize.Height;
                       maxSize.Width = Math.Max(maxSize.Width, itemMargin.Horizontal + preferredSize.Width); 
                   else {
                       requiresOverflow = true; 

           if (toolStrip.Items.Count == 0 || !foundItemParticipatingInLayout) { 
               // if there are no items there, create something anyways. 
               maxSize = LayoutUtils.FlipSize( toolStrip.DefaultSize);

           if (requiresOverflow) {
               // add in the width of the overflow button
               ToolStripOverflowButton overflowItem = toolStrip.OverflowButton; 
               Padding overflowItemMargin = overflowItem.Margin;
               maxSize.Height += overflowItemMargin.Vertical + overflowItem.Bounds.Height; 
           else {
               maxSize.Height +=  2;  //add Padding to the bottom if not Overflow. 

           if (toolStrip.GripStyle == ToolStripGripStyle.Visible) {
               // add in the grip width 
               Padding gripMargin = toolStrip.GripMargin;
			   maxSize.Height += gripMargin.Vertical + toolStrip.Grip.GripThickness; 

           // note here the difference in vertical - we want the strings to fit perfectly so we're not going to constrain by the specified size. 
           if (toolStrip.Size != maxSize)
           return maxSize;
        private static Size GetPreferredItemSize(ToolStripItem item) {
            return item.AutoSize ? item.GetPreferredSize(Size.Empty) : item.Size; 
#region MeasurementGraphics
        internal static Graphics GetMeasurementGraphics() {
            return WindowsFormsUtils.CreateMeasurementGraphics(); 
        /// Summary of GetSelectedItem.
        internal ToolStripItem GetSelectedItem() {
            ToolStripItem selectedItem = null; 

            for (int i = 0; i < DisplayedItems.Count; i++) { 
                if (DisplayedItems[i].Selected) { 
                    selectedItem = DisplayedItems[i];

            return selectedItem;
        ///     Retrieves the current value of the specified bit in the control's state. 
        internal bool GetToolStripState(int flag) {
            return (toolStripState & flag) != 0; 

        internal virtual ToolStrip GetToplevelOwnerToolStrip() {
            return this; 
        /// In the case of a 
        ///    toolstrip -> toolstrip
        ///    contextmenustrip -> the control that is showing it 
        ///    toolstripdropdown -> top most toolstrip
        internal virtual Control GetOwnerControl() {
            return this;

        private void HandleMouseLeave() { 
            // If we had a particular item that was "entered"
            // notify it that we have left. 
            if (lastMouseActiveItem != null) {
                if (!DesignMode) {
                try {
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, "firing mouse leave on " + lastMouseActiveItem.ToString()); 
                finally { 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, "setting last active item to null");
                    lastMouseActiveItem = null;
        /// Summary of HandleItemClick. 
        internal void HandleItemClick(ToolStripItem dismissingItem) {
            ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e= new ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs(dismissingItem);
            // VSWhidbey 395136 - ensure both the overflow and the main toolstrip fire ItemClick event
            // otherwise the overflow wont dismiss. 
            if (!IsDropDown && dismissingItem.IsOnOverflow) { 

        internal virtual void HandleItemClicked(ToolStripItem dismissingItem) {
            // post processing after the click has happened. 
            /*if (ContainsFocus && !Focused) {
            ToolStripDropDownItem item = dismissingItem as ToolStripDropDownItem;
            if (item != null && !item.HasDropDownItems) 
                KeyboardActive = false;
        private void HookStaticEvents(bool hook) { 
            if (hook) {
                if (!alreadyHooked) { 
                    try {
                        ToolStripManager.RendererChanged += new EventHandler(OnDefaultRendererChanged);
                        SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged += new UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler(OnUserPreferenceChanged);
                        alreadyHooked = true; 
            else if (alreadyHooked) {
                try {
                    ToolStripManager.RendererChanged -= new EventHandler(OnDefaultRendererChanged);
                    SystemEvents.UserPreferenceChanged -= new UserPreferenceChangedEventHandler(OnUserPreferenceChanged); 
                finally { 
                    alreadyHooked = false; 

        //initialize winbar 
        private void InitializeRenderer(ToolStripRenderer renderer) {
            // wrap this in a LayoutTransaction so that if they change sizes 
            // in this method we've suspended layout. 
            using(LayoutTransaction.CreateTransactionIf(AutoSize, this, this, PropertyNames.Renderer)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; i++) {
            Invalidate( this.Controls.Count > 0);

        // sometimes you only want to force a layout if the winbar is visible. 
        private void InvalidateLayout() {
            if (IsHandleCreated) {
                LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(this, this, null);
        internal void InvalidateTextItems() { 
            using (new LayoutTransaction(this, this, "ShowKeyboardFocusCues", /*PerformLayout=*/Visible)) { 
              for (int j = 0; j < DisplayedItems.Count; j++) {
                  if (((DisplayedItems[j].DisplayStyle & ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text) == ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text)){ 
        /// Summary of IsInputKey.
        protected override bool IsInputKey(Keys keyData) {
            ToolStripItem item = this.GetSelectedItem();
            if ((item != null) && item.IsInputKey(keyData)) { 
                return true;
            return base.IsInputKey(keyData); 
        /// Summary of IsInputChar.
        protected override bool IsInputChar(char charCode) {
            ToolStripItem item = this.GetSelectedItem(); 
            if ((item != null) && item.IsInputChar(charCode)) { 
                return true;
            return base.IsInputChar(charCode);

        private static bool IsPseudoMnemonic(char charCode, string text) { 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) {
                if (!WindowsFormsUtils.ContainsMnemonic(text)) { 
                     char charToCompare = Char.ToUpper(charCode, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); 
                     char firstLetter = Char.ToUpper(text[0], CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                     if (firstLetter == charToCompare ||(Char.ToLower(charCode, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) == Char.ToLower(text[0], CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)) ) { 
                         return true;
            return false;
        ///  Force an item to be painted immediately, rather than waiting for WM_PAINT to occur. 
        internal void InvokePaintItem(ToolStripItem item) { 
            // Force a WM_PAINT to happen NOW.
        ///       Gets or sets the  that contains the  displayed on a label control 
        private void ImageListRecreateHandle(object sender, EventArgs e) {

        ///       This override fires the LocationChanging event if 
        ///       1) We are not currently Rafting .. since this cause this infinite times...
        ///       2) If we havent been called once .. Since the "LocationChanging" is listened to by the RaftingCell and calls "JOIN" which may call us back. 
        protected override void SetBoundsCore(int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) {
            Point location = this.Location;

            if (!IsCurrentlyDragging && !IsLocationChanging && IsInToolStripPanel)
                ToolStripLocationCancelEventArgs cae = new ToolStripLocationCancelEventArgs(new Point(x, y), false);
                try { 
                    if (location.X != x || location.Y != y) { 
                        SetToolStripState(STATE_LOCATIONCHANGING, true);

                    if (!cae.Cancel) {
                        base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified); 
                finally { 
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_LOCATIONCHANGING, false);
            else {
                if (IsCurrentlyDragging) {
                    Region transparentRegion = Renderer.GetTransparentRegion(this); 
                    if (transparentRegion != null && (location.X != x || location.Y != y)) {
                        try { 
                        finally {
                SetToolStripState(STATE_LOCATIONCHANGING, false); 
                base.SetBoundsCore(x, y, width, height, specified); 

        internal void PaintParentRegion(Graphics g, Region region) {
        internal bool ProcessCmdKeyInternal(ref Message m, Keys keyData) { 
            return ProcessCmdKey(ref  m, keyData);

        // This function will print to the PrinterDC. ToolStrip have there own buffered painting and doesnt play very well
        // with the DC translations done by base Control class. Hence we do our own Painting and the BitBLT the DC into the printerDc.
        // Refer to VsWhidbey : 400683. 
        internal override void PrintToMetaFileRecursive(HandleRef hDC, IntPtr lParam, Rectangle bounds) {
            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(bounds.Width, bounds.Height); 
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image)) {
                IntPtr imageHdc = g.GetHdc(); 
                //send the actual wm_print message
                UnsafeNativeMethods.SendMessage(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), NativeMethods.WM_PRINT, (IntPtr)imageHdc,
                    (IntPtr)(NativeMethods.PRF_CHILDREN | NativeMethods.PRF_CLIENT | NativeMethods.PRF_ERASEBKGND | NativeMethods.PRF_NONCLIENT));
                //now BLT the result to the destination bitmap.
                IntPtr desthDC = hDC.Handle; 
                SafeNativeMethods.BitBlt(new HandleRef(this, desthDC), bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, 
                                             new HandleRef(g, imageHdc), 0, 0, NativeMethods.SRCCOPY);

        /// Summary of ProcessCmdKey. 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message m, Keys keyData) {

            if (ToolStripManager.IsMenuKey(keyData)) { 
               if (!IsDropDown &&  ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode) {
                    ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = true; 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ToolStrip.ProcessCmdKey] Detected a second ALT keypress while in Menu Mode.");

			// Give the ToolStripItem very first chance at
			// processing keys (except for ALT handling) 
            ToolStripItem selectedItem = this.GetSelectedItem(); 
            if (selectedItem != null){
                if (selectedItem.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, keyData)) { 
                    return true;
            foreach (ToolStripItem item in this.Items) {
                if (item == selectedItem) { 
                if (item.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, keyData)) { 
                    return true;

            if (!IsDropDown) { 
                bool isControlTab = ((keyData & (Keys.Tab | Keys.Control)) == (Keys.Tab | Keys.Control)); 

                if (isControlTab  && !TabStop && HasKeyboardInput) { 
                    bool handled = false;
                    if ((keyData & Keys.Shift) == Keys.None) {
                        handled = ToolStripManager.SelectNextToolStrip(this, /*forward*/true);
                    else {
                        handled = ToolStripManager.SelectNextToolStrip(this, /*forward*/false); 
                    if (handled) {
                        return true; 
            return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref m, keyData); 
        /// Processes a dialog key. Overrides Control.processDialogKey(). This 
        /// method implements handling of the TAB, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWN
        /// keys in dialogs.
        /// The method performs no processing on keys that include the ALT or
        /// CONTROL modifiers. For the TAB key, the method selects the next control 
        /// on the form. For the arrow keys,
        /// !!! 
        [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)]
        protected override bool ProcessDialogKey(Keys keyData) { 
            bool retVal = false;

            // Give the ToolStripItem first dibs
            ToolStripItem item = this.GetSelectedItem(); 
            if (item != null){
                if(item.ProcessDialogKey(keyData)) { 
                    return true; 

            // if the ToolStrip receives an escape, then we
            // should send the focus back to the last item that
            // had focus. 
            bool hasModifiers = ((keyData & (Keys.Alt | Keys.Control)) != Keys.None);
            Keys keyCode = (Keys)keyData & Keys.KeyCode; 
            switch (keyCode) {
                case Keys.Back: 
                    // if it's focused itself, process.  if it's not focused, make sure a child control
                    // doesnt have focus before processing
                    if (!ContainsFocus) {
                        // shift backspace/backspace work as backspace, which is the same as shift+tab 
                        retVal = ProcessTabKey(false);
                case Keys.Tab:
                    // ctrl+tab does nothing 
                    if (!hasModifiers){
                        retVal = ProcessTabKey((keyData & Keys.Shift) == Keys.None);
                case Keys.Left:
                case Keys.Right: 
                case Keys.Up: 
                case Keys.Down:
                    retVal = ProcessArrowKey(keyCode); 
                case Keys.Home:
                    SelectNextToolStripItem(null, /*forward =*/ true );
                    retVal = true; 
                case Keys.End: 
                    SelectNextToolStripItem(null, /*forward =*/ false ); 
                    retVal = true;
                case Keys.Escape: // escape and menu key should restore focus
                    // ctrl+esc does nothing
                    if (!hasModifiers && !TabStop){
                        retVal = true;


            if (retVal) {
                return retVal; 
            Debug.WriteLineIf(SelectionDebug.TraceVerbose, "[SelectDBG ProcessDialogKey] calling base"); 
           return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); 
        internal virtual void ProcessDuplicateMnemonic(ToolStripItem item, char charCode) {
            if (!CanProcessMnemonic()) {  // Checking again for security...
            // SECREVIEW see toolstrip dropdown ProcessDuplicateMnemonic for special security implications
            if (item != null) { 
                // SECREVIEW: SetFocusUnsafe as ProcessMnemonic has link demand for AWP. 
        ///    Rules for parsing mnemonics 
        ///    PASS 1: Real mnemonics 
        ///    Check items for the character after the &.  If it matches, perform the click event or open the dropdown (in the case that it has dropdown items)
        ///    PASS 2: Fake mnemonics 
        ///        Begin with the current selection and parse through the first character in the items in the menu.
        ///    If there is only one item that matches
        ///     perform the click event or open the dropdown (in the case that it has dropdown items)
        ///    Else 
        ///    change the selection from the current selected item to the first item that matched.
        [UIPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Window=UIPermissionWindow.AllWindows)] 
        protected internal override bool ProcessMnemonic(char charCode) {
            // menus and toolbars only take focus on ALT 
            if (!CanProcessMnemonic()) {
                return false;
            if (Focused || ContainsFocus) { 
                return ProcessMnemonicInternal(charCode);
            bool inMenuMode = ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode; 
            if (!inMenuMode && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt) {
                // This is the case where someone hasnt released the ALT key yet, but has pushed another letter. 
                // In some cases we can activate the menu that is not the MainMenuStrip...
                // See VSWhidbey 501382 for more details.
                return ProcessMnemonicInternal(charCode);
            else if (inMenuMode && ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.GetActiveToolStrip() == this) {
                return ProcessMnemonicInternal(charCode); 

            // do not call base, as we dont want to walk through the controls collection and reprocess everything 
            // we should have processed in the displayed items collection.
            return false;

        private bool ProcessMnemonicInternal(char charCode) {
            if (!CanProcessMnemonic()) {  // Checking again for security... 
                return false; 
            // at this point we assume we can process mnemonics as process mnemonic has filtered for use. 
            ToolStripItem startingItem = GetSelectedItem();
            int startIndex = 0;
            if (startingItem != null) {
                startIndex = DisplayedItems.IndexOf(startingItem); 
            startIndex = Math.Max(0, startIndex); 
            ToolStripItem firstMatch = null;
            bool foundMenuItem = false; 
            int index = startIndex;

            // PASS1, iterate through the real mnemonics
            for (int i = 0;  i < DisplayedItems.Count; i++) { 
                ToolStripItem currentItem = DisplayedItems[index];
                index = (index +1)%DisplayedItems.Count; 
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentItem.Text) || !currentItem.Enabled) {
                // VSWhidbey 429513 - only items which display text should be processed
                if ((currentItem.DisplayStyle & ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text) != ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text) {
                // keep track whether we've found a menu item - we'll have to do a 
                // second pass for fake mnemonics in that case. 
                foundMenuItem =  (foundMenuItem || (currentItem is ToolStripMenuItem));
                if (Control.IsMnemonic(charCode,currentItem.Text)) {
                    if (firstMatch == null) {
                        firstMatch = currentItem;
                    else {
                        // we've found a second match - we should only change selection. 
                        if (firstMatch == startingItem) { 
                            // change the selection to be the second match as the first is already selected
                            ProcessDuplicateMnemonic(currentItem, charCode); 
                        else {
                            ProcessDuplicateMnemonic(firstMatch, charCode);
                        // we've found two mnemonics, just return.
                        return true; 
            // We've found a singular match.
            if (firstMatch != null) {
                return firstMatch.ProcessMnemonic(charCode);

            if (!foundMenuItem) { 
                return false; 
            index = startIndex;

            // 242501 MenuStrip parity: key presses should change selection if mnemonic not present
            // if we havent found a mnemonic, cycle through the menu items and 
            // checbbbMk if we match.
            // PASS2, iterate through the pseudo mnemonics 
            for (int i = 0;  i < DisplayedItems.Count; i++) {
                ToolStripItem currentItem = DisplayedItems[index]; 
                index = (index +1)%DisplayedItems.Count;

                // Menu items only
                if (!(currentItem is ToolStripMenuItem)  || string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentItem.Text) || !currentItem.Enabled) { 
                // VSWhidbey 429513 - only items which display text should be processed 
                if ((currentItem.DisplayStyle & ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text) != ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Text) {

                if (ToolStrip.IsPseudoMnemonic(charCode,currentItem.Text)) { 
                    if (firstMatch == null) {
                        firstMatch = currentItem; 
                    else {
                        // we've found a second match - we should only change selection. 
                        if (firstMatch == startingItem) {
                            // change the selection to be the second match as the first is already selected
                            ProcessDuplicateMnemonic(currentItem, charCode);
                        else {
                            ProcessDuplicateMnemonic(firstMatch, charCode); 
                        // we've found two mnemonics, just return.
                        return true; 
            if (firstMatch != null) {
                return firstMatch.ProcessMnemonic(charCode); 

            // do not call base, as we dont want to walk through the controls collection and reprocess everything 
            // we should have processed in the displayed items collection.
            return false;
        /// Summary of ProcessTabKey. 
        private bool ProcessTabKey(bool forward) {
            if (TabStop) {
               // ToolBar in tab-order parity
               //  this means we want the toolstrip in the normal tab order - which means it shouldnt wrap. 
               //  First tab gets you into the toolstrip, second tab moves you on your way outside the container.
               //  arrow keys would continue to wrap. 
               return false; 
            else { 
                // TabStop = false
                // this means we dont want the toolstrip in the normal tab order (default).
                // We got focus to the toolstrip by putting focus into a control contained on the toolstrip or
                // via a mnemonic e.g. Bold.  In this case we want to wrap. 
                // arrow keys would continue to wrap
                if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) { 
                    forward = !forward; 
                SelectNextToolStripItem(GetSelectedItem(), forward); 
                return true;
        /// Summary of ProcessArrowKey: this is more useful than overriding ProcessDialogKey because usually 
        /// the difference between ToolStrip/ToolStripDropDown is arrow key handling.  ProcessDialogKey first gives
        /// the selected ToolStripItem the chance to process the message... so really a proper inheritor would 
        /// call down to the base first. Unfortunately doing this would cause the the arrow keys would be eaten
        /// in the base class.  Instead we're providing a separate place to override all arrow key handling.
        internal virtual bool ProcessArrowKey(Keys keyCode) { 

            bool retVal = false; 
            Debug.WriteLineIf(MenuAutoExpandDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ToolStrip.ProcessArrowKey] MenuTimer.Cancel called"); 
            switch (keyCode) {
                    case Keys.Left:
                    case Keys.Right:
                        retVal = ProcessLeftRightArrowKey(keyCode == Keys.Right); 
                    case Keys.Up: 
                    case Keys.Down: 
                        if (IsDropDown || Orientation != Orientation.Horizontal) {
                            ToolStripItem currentSel = GetSelectedItem(); 
                            if (keyCode == Keys.Down) {
                                ToolStripItem nextItem = GetNextItem(currentSel, ArrowDirection.Down);
                                if (nextItem != null) {
                                    retVal = true;
                            else {
                                ToolStripItem nextItem = GetNextItem(currentSel, ArrowDirection.Up); 
                                if (nextItem != null){
                                    retVal = true;
            return retVal; 

        ///     Process an arrowKey press by selecting the next control in the group 
        ///     that the activeControl belongs to.
        private bool ProcessLeftRightArrowKey(bool right) {
            ToolStripItem selectedItem = GetSelectedItem(); 
            ToolStripItem nextItem = SelectNextToolStripItem(GetSelectedItem(), right);
            return true;
        /// Summary of NotifySelectionChange. 
        internal void NotifySelectionChange(ToolStripItem item) { 
            if (item == null) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SelectionDebug.TraceVerbose, "[SelectDBG NotifySelectionChange] none should be selected");
            else if (item.Selected) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SelectionDebug.TraceVerbose, "[SelectDBG NotifySelectionChange] Notify selection change: " + item.ToString() + ": " + item.Selected.ToString()); 

        private void OnDefaultRendererChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            // callback from static event
            if (GetToolStripState(STATE_USEDEFAULTRENDERER)) { 

        protected virtual void OnBeginDrag(EventArgs e) { 
            SetToolStripState(STATE_DRAGGING, true);
            Debug.Assert(ToolStripPanelRow != null, "Why is toolstrippanel row null?");
            Debug.Assert(this.ParentInternal as ToolStripPanel != null, "Why is our parent not a toolstrip panel?");
            UpdateToolTip(null); // supress the tooltip. 
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventBeginDrag]; 
            if (handler != null)  handler(this,e);

        protected virtual void OnEndDrag(EventArgs e) {
            SetToolStripState(STATE_DRAGGING, false);
            Debug.Assert(ToolStripPanelRow != null, "Why is toolstrippanel row null?"); 
            Debug.Assert(this.ParentInternal as ToolStripPanel != null, "Why is our parent not a toolstrip panel?");
            Debug.Assert(ToolStripPanelRow == null || ToolStripPanelRow.ToolStripPanel.RowsInternal.Contains(ToolStripPanelRow), "Why are we in an orphaned row?"); 
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventEndDrag];
            if (handler != null)  handler(this,e); 



        protected override void OnDockChanged(EventArgs e){ 
        protected virtual void OnRendererChanged(EventArgs e) {
           EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventRendererChanged];
           if (handler != null)  handler(this,e); 
        /// Summary of OnEnabledChanged.
        protected override void OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            // notify items that the parent has changed 
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; i++) {
                if (Items[i] != null && Items[i].ParentInternal == this) { 
        internal void OnDefaultFontChanged() {
            defaultFont = null; 
            if (!IsFontSet()) {

        protected override void OnFontChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; i++) {

        protected override void OnInvalidated(InvalidateEventArgs e) { 
#if false 
// DEBUG code which is helpful for FlickerFest debugging. 
            if (FlickerDebug.TraceVerbose) {
                string name = this.Name; 
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) {
                    if (IsDropDown) {
                        ToolStripItem item = ((ToolStripDropDown)this).OwnerItem;
                        if (item != null && item.Name != null) { 
                            name = item.Name = ".DropDown";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) {
                        name = this.GetType().Name; 
                // for debugging VS we want to filter out the propgrid toolstrip
                Debug.WriteLineIf(!(this.ParentInternal is PropertyGrid), "Invalidate called on: " + name + new StackTrace().ToString()); 
        /// Summary of OnHandleCreated.
        protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e) {
            if ((this.AllowDrop || this.AllowItemReorder) && (DropTargetManager != null)) { 
            // calling control's (in base) version AFTER we register our DropTarget, so it will
            // listen to us instead of control's implementation 

        /// Summary of OnHandleDestroyed. 
        protected override void OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs e) {
            if (DropTargetManager != null) { 
                // Make sure we unregister ourselves as a drop target
        protected internal virtual void OnItemAdded(ToolStripItemEventArgs e) {

            if (!HasVisibleItems && e.Item != null && ((IArrangedElement)e.Item).ParticipatesInLayout) {
                // VSWhidbey 441403
                // in certain cases, we may not have laid out yet (e.g. a dropdown may not layout until 
                // it becomes visible.)   We will recalculate this in SetDisplayedItems, but for the moment
                // if we find an item that ParticipatesInLayout, mark us as having visible items. 
                HasVisibleItems = true; 
            ToolStripItemEventHandler handler = (ToolStripItemEventHandler)Events[EventItemAdded];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);
        /// Called when an item has been clicked on the winbar. 
        protected virtual void OnItemClicked(ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) { 
            ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler handler = (ToolStripItemClickedEventHandler)Events[EventItemClicked];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);


        protected internal virtual void OnItemRemoved(ToolStripItemEventArgs e) { 

            // clear cached item states. 
            OnItemVisibleChanged(e, /*performlayout*/true);

            ToolStripItemEventHandler handler = (ToolStripItemEventHandler)Events[EventItemRemoved];
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 
        internal void OnItemVisibleChanged(ToolStripItemEventArgs e, bool performLayout) {
            // clear cached item states.
            if (e.Item == lastMouseActiveItem) {
                lastMouseActiveItem = null;
            if (e.Item == LastMouseDownedItem) {
                lastMouseDownedItem = null; 
            if (e.Item == currentlyActiveTooltipItem) {
            if (performLayout) {
        protected override void OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs e) { 
            this.LayoutRequired = false;
            // we need to do this to prevent autosizing to happen while we're reparenting.
            ToolStripOverflow overflow = GetOverflow();
            if (overflow != null) {
                 toolStripOverflowButton.Size = toolStripOverflowButton.GetPreferredSize(this.DisplayRectangle.Size - this.Padding.Size);
            for (int j = 0; j < Items.Count; j++) {

            if (overflow != null) {

        protected virtual void OnLayoutCompleted(EventArgs e) {
            EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventLayoutCompleted]; 
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 
        protected virtual void OnLayoutStyleChanged(EventArgs e) {
             EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)Events[EventLayoutStyleChanged];
             if (handler != null) handler(this, e); 
        protected override void OnLostFocus(EventArgs e) {

        protected override void OnLeave(EventArgs e) { 
            if (!IsDropDown) { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "uninstalling RestoreFocusFilter"); 

                // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.RemoveMessageFilter as this could 
                // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP.
        internal virtual void OnLocationChanging(ToolStripLocationCancelEventArgs e) { 
            ToolStripLocationCancelEventHandler handler = (ToolStripLocationCancelEventHandler)Events[EventLocationChanging]; 
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);

        /// Delegate mouse down to the winbar and its affected items 
        protected override void OnMouseDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs mea) { 
            // NEVER use this directly from another class.  Always use GetMouseID so that
            // 0 is not returned to another class. 

            ToolStripItem item = GetItemAt(mea.X, mea.Y);
            if (item != null) { 
                if (!IsDropDown && (!(item is ToolStripDropDownItem))){
                    // set capture only when we know we're not on a dropdown (already effectively have capture due to modal menufilter) 
                    // and the item in question requires the mouse to be in the same item to be clicked. 
                    SetToolStripState(STATE_LASTMOUSEDOWNEDITEMCAPTURE, true);
                    this.CaptureInternal = true; 
                MenuAutoExpand = true;

                if (mea != null) { 
                    // Transpose this to "client coordinates" of the ToolStripItem.
                    Point itemRelativePoint = item.TranslatePoint(new Point(mea.X, mea.Y), ToolStripPointType.ToolStripCoords, ToolStripPointType.ToolStripItemCoords); 
                    mea = new MouseEventArgs(mea.Button, mea.Clicks,itemRelativePoint.X, itemRelativePoint.Y, mea.Delta); 
                lastMouseDownedItem = item; 
                item.FireEvent(mea, ToolStripItemEventType.MouseDown);
            else {

        /// Delegate mouse moves to the winbar and its affected items
        protected override void OnMouseMove(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs mea) {
            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose,"OnMouseMove called"); 
            ToolStripItem item = GetItemAt(mea.X, mea.Y);
            if (!Grip.MovingToolStrip) {

                // If we had a particular item that was "entered"
                // notify it that we have entered.  It's fair to put 
                // this in the MouseMove event, as MouseEnter is fired during
                // control's WM_MOUSEMOVE. Waiting until this event gives us 
                // the actual coordinates. 

                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Item to get mouse move: {0}",  (item == null) ? "null" : item.ToString()));
                if (item != lastMouseActiveItem) {
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "This is a new item - last item to get was {0}",  (lastMouseActiveItem == null) ? "null" : lastMouseActiveItem.ToString()));
                    // notify the item that we've moved on
                    // track only items that dont get mouse events themselves.
                    lastMouseActiveItem = (item is ToolStripControlHost) ? null : item; 

                    if (lastMouseActiveItem != null) {
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Firing MouseEnter on: {0}",  (lastMouseActiveItem == null) ? "null" : lastMouseActiveItem.ToString()));
                        item.FireEvent(new System.EventArgs(), ToolStripItemEventType.MouseEnter); 
                    if (!DesignMode) {

            else { 
                item = this.Grip;
            if (item != null) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Firing MouseMove on: {0}",  (item == null) ? "null" : item.ToString()));

                // Fire mouse move on the item 
                // Transpose this to "client coordinates" of the ToolStripItem.
                Point itemRelativePoint = item.TranslatePoint(new Point(mea.X, mea.Y), ToolStripPointType.ToolStripCoords, ToolStripPointType.ToolStripItemCoords); 
                mea = new MouseEventArgs(mea.Button, mea.Clicks,itemRelativePoint.X, itemRelativePoint.Y, mea.Delta); 
                item.FireEvent(mea, ToolStripItemEventType.MouseMove);
            else {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Firing MouseMove on: {0}",  (this == null) ? "null" : this.ToString()));


        /// Delegate mouse leave to the winbar and its affected items
        protected override void OnMouseLeave(System.EventArgs e) {

        protected override void OnMouseCaptureChanged(System.EventArgs e) {
            if (!GetToolStripState(STATE_SUSPENDCAPTURE)) { 
                // while we're showing a feedback rect, dont cancel moving the toolstrip.
                Grip.MovingToolStrip = false; 


        /// Delegate mouse up to the winbar and its affected items
        protected override void OnMouseUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs mea) {

            ToolStripItem item = (Grip.MovingToolStrip) ? Grip : GetItemAt(mea.X, mea.Y);
            if (item != null) {
                if (mea != null) { 
                    // Transpose this to "client coordinates" of the ToolStripItem. 
                    Point itemRelativePoint = item.TranslatePoint(new Point(mea.X, mea.Y), ToolStripPointType.ToolStripCoords, ToolStripPointType.ToolStripItemCoords);
                    mea = new MouseEventArgs(mea.Button, mea.Clicks,itemRelativePoint.X, itemRelativePoint.Y, mea.Delta); 
                item.FireEvent(mea, ToolStripItemEventType.MouseUp);
            else { 


        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) {
              Graphics toolstripGraphics = e.Graphics;
              Size bitmapSize  = this.largestDisplayedItemSize; 
              bool excludedTransparentRegion = false;

              Rectangle viewableArea = this.DisplayRectangle;
              Region transparentRegion = Renderer.GetTransparentRegion(this); 

              try { 
                  // Paint the items
                  // The idea here is to let items pretend they are controls. 
                  // they should get paint events at 0,0 and have proper clipping regions
                  // set up for them.  We cannot use g.TranslateTransform as that does
                  // not translate the GDI world, and things like XP Visual Styles and the
                  // TextRenderer only know how to speak GDI. 
                  // The previous appropach was to set up the GDI clipping region and allocate a graphics 
                  // from that, but that meant we were allocating graphics objects left and right, which 
                  // turned out to be slow.
                  // So now we allocate an offscreen bitmap of size == MaxItemSize, copy the background
                  // of the toolstrip into that bitmap, then paint the item on top of the bitmap, then copy
                  // the contents of the bitmap back onto the toolstrip.  This gives us our paint event starting
                  // at 0,0.  Combine this with double buffering of the toolstrip and the entire toolstrip is updated 
                  // after returning from this function.
                  if (!LayoutUtils.IsZeroWidthOrHeight(bitmapSize)) { 
                    // cant create a 0x0 bmp. 

                     // Supporting RoundedEdges... 
                     // we've got a concept of a region that we shouldnt paint (the TransparentRegion as specified in the Renderer).
                     // in order to support this we're going to intersect that region with the clipping region.
                     // this new region will be excluded during the guts of OnPaint, and restored at the end of OnPaint.
                     if (transparentRegion != null) { 
                           // only use the intersection so we can easily add back in the bits we took out at the end.
                           excludedTransparentRegion = true;

                     // Preparing for painting the individual items...
                     // using WindowsGraphics here because we want to preserve the clipping information.
                     // calling GetHdc by itself does not set up the clipping info.
                      using(WindowsGraphics toolStripWindowsGraphics = WindowsGraphics.FromGraphics(toolstripGraphics, ApplyGraphicsProperties.Clipping)){ 
                          // get the cached item HDC. 
                          HandleRef toolStripHDC = new HandleRef(this, toolStripWindowsGraphics.GetHdc());
                          HandleRef itemHDC = ItemHdcInfo.GetCachedItemDC(toolStripHDC, bitmapSize); 

                          Graphics itemGraphics = Graphics.FromHdcInternal(itemHDC.Handle);
                          try {
                                // Painting the individual items... 
                                // iterate through all the items, painting them
                                // one by one into the compatible offscreen DC, and then copying 
                                // them back onto the main toolstrip. 
                                for (int i = 0; i < DisplayedItems.Count; i++) {
                                   ToolStripItem item = DisplayedItems[i]; 
                                   if (item != null)  { //
                                       Rectangle clippingRect = e.ClipRectangle;
                                       Rectangle bounds = item.Bounds;
                                       if (!IsDropDown && item.Owner == this) {
                                           // owned items should not paint outside the client 
                                           // area. (this is mainly to prevent obscuring the grip 
                                           // and overflowbutton - ToolStripDropDownMenu places items
                                           // outside of the display rectangle - so we need to allow for this 
                                           // in dropdoowns).
                                       // get the intersection of these two.
                                       if (LayoutUtils.IsZeroWidthOrHeight(clippingRect)) {
                                           continue;  // no point newing up a graphics object if there's nothing to paint. 

                                       Size itemSize = item.Size;
                                       // check if our item buffer is large enough to handle.
                                       if (!LayoutUtils.AreWidthAndHeightLarger(bitmapSize, itemSize)) { 
                                            // the cached HDC isnt big enough for this item.  make it bigger. 
                                            this.largestDisplayedItemSize = itemSize;
                                            bitmapSize = itemSize; 
                                            // dispose the old graphics - create a new, bigger one.

                                            // calling this should take the existing DC and select in a bigger bitmap. 
                                            itemHDC = ItemHdcInfo.GetCachedItemDC(toolStripHDC, bitmapSize);
                                            // allocate a new graphics. 
                                            itemGraphics = Graphics.FromHdcInternal(itemHDC.Handle);
                                       // since the item graphics object will have 0,0 at the
                                       // corner we need to actually shift the origin of the rect over
                                       // so it will be 0,0 too. 
                                       clippingRect.Offset(-bounds.X, -bounds.Y);
                                       // PERF - consider - we only actually need to copy the clipping rect. 
                                       // copy the background from the toolstrip onto the offscreen bitmap
                                       SafeNativeMethods.BitBlt(itemHDC, 0, 0, item.Size.Width, item.Size.Height, toolStripHDC, item.Bounds.X, item.Bounds.Y, NativeMethods.SRCCOPY); 

                                       // paint the item into the offscreen bitmap
                                       using (PaintEventArgs itemPaintEventArgs = new PaintEventArgs(itemGraphics, clippingRect)) {
                                           item.FireEvent(itemPaintEventArgs, ToolStripItemEventType.Paint); 
                                       // copy the item back onto the toolstrip 
                                       SafeNativeMethods.BitBlt(toolStripHDC, item.Bounds.X, item.Bounds.Y, item.Size.Width, item.Size.Height, itemHDC, 0, 0, NativeMethods.SRCCOPY);
                          finally { 
                                if (itemGraphics != null) {


                  // Painting the edge effects... 
                  // These would include things like (shadow line on the bottom, some overflow effects)
                  Renderer.DrawToolStripBorder(new ToolStripRenderEventArgs(toolstripGraphics, this)); 
                  // Restoring the clip region to its original state...
                  // the transparent region should be added back in as the insertion mark should paint over it. 
                  if (excludedTransparentRegion) {
                  // Paint the item re-order insertion mark...
                  // This should ignore the transparent region and paint 
                  // over the entire area. 
              finally {
                 if (transparentRegion != null) {

        /// [To be supplied.]
        protected override void OnRightToLeftChanged(EventArgs e) { 

            // normally controls just need to do handle recreation, but ToolStrip does it based on layout of items. 
            using(new LayoutTransaction(this, this, PropertyNames.RightToLeft)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++) {
                if (toolStripOverflowButton != null) {
                if (toolStripGrip != null) {

        /// Inheriting classes should override this method to handle the erase 
        /// background request from windows. It is not necessary to call
        /// base.onPaintBackground, however if you do not want the default
        /// Windows behavior you must set event.handled to true.
        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e) { 

            Graphics g = e.Graphics; 
            GraphicsState graphicsState = g.Save();
            try {
                using (Region transparentRegion = Renderer.GetTransparentRegion(this)) {
                    if (transparentRegion != null) { 
                        EraseCorners(e, transparentRegion);
                Renderer.DrawToolStripBackground(new ToolStripRenderEventArgs(g, this)); 

            finally {
                if (graphicsState != null) { 
        protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) {
            if (!Disposing && !IsDisposed) {

        private void EraseCorners(PaintEventArgs e, Region transparentRegion) {
            if (transparentRegion != null) {
               PaintTransparentBackground(e, ClientRectangle, transparentRegion);
        /// Summary of OnPaint. 
        internal protected virtual void OnPaintGrip(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) {

            Renderer.DrawGrip(new ToolStripGripRenderEventArgs(e.Graphics, this)); 

            PaintEventHandler handler = (PaintEventHandler)Events[EventPaintGrip]; 
            if (handler != null)  handler(this,e); 


        protected override void OnScroll(ScrollEventArgs se) { 

            if (se.Type != ScrollEventType.ThumbTrack && se.NewValue != se.OldValue) { 
               ScrollInternal(se.OldValue - se.NewValue); 


        private void OnUserPreferenceChanged(object sender, UserPreferenceChangedEventArgs e) { 
            switch (e.Category) {
                case UserPreferenceCategory.Window: 
                case UserPreferenceCategory.General: 
        protected override void OnTabStopChanged(EventArgs e) { 
            // VSWhidbey 442518 - SelectNextControl can select non-tabstop things.
            // we need to prevent this by changing the value of "CanSelect" 
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, TabStop);
        /// Paints the I beam when items are being reordered
        internal void PaintInsertionMark(Graphics g) { 
            if (lastInsertionMarkRect != Rectangle.Empty)  {
                int widthOfBeam = INSERTION_BEAM_WIDTH; 
                if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
                   int start = lastInsertionMarkRect.X;
                   int verticalBeamStart = start + 2;
                   // draw two vertical lines
                       new Point[] { new Point(verticalBeamStart, lastInsertionMarkRect.Y), new Point(verticalBeamStart, lastInsertionMarkRect.Bottom-1), // first vertical line 
   								  new Point(verticalBeamStart+1, lastInsertionMarkRect.Y), new Point(verticalBeamStart+1, lastInsertionMarkRect.Bottom-1), //second  vertical line
                   // then two top horizontal
                       new Point[] { new Point(start, lastInsertionMarkRect.Bottom-1), new Point(start + widthOfBeam-1, lastInsertionMarkRect.Bottom-1), //bottom line
   								  new Point(start+1, lastInsertionMarkRect.Bottom -2), new Point(start + widthOfBeam-2, lastInsertionMarkRect.Bottom-2),//bottom second line 
                   // then two bottom horizontal 
                        new Point[] {  new Point(start, lastInsertionMarkRect.Y), new Point(start + widthOfBeam-1, lastInsertionMarkRect.Y), //top line
   									new Point(start+1, lastInsertionMarkRect.Y+1), new Point(start + widthOfBeam-2, lastInsertionMarkRect.Y+1)//top second line 
                else {
                    widthOfBeam = INSERTION_BEAM_WIDTH;
                    int start = lastInsertionMarkRect.Y; 
                    int horizontalBeamStart = start + 2; 

                    // draw two horizontal lines 
                        new Point[] { new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.X, horizontalBeamStart), new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.Right-1, horizontalBeamStart), // first vertical line
    								  new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.X, horizontalBeamStart+1), new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.Right-1, horizontalBeamStart+1), //second  vertical line
                    // then two left vertical
                        new Point[] { new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.X, start), new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.X, start + widthOfBeam-1), //left line 
    								  new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.X+1, start+1), new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.X+1, start + widthOfBeam-2), //second left line
                    // then two right vertical
                         new Point[] { new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.Right-1, start), new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.Right-1, start + widthOfBeam-1), //right line
    								  new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.Right-2, start+1), new Point(lastInsertionMarkRect.Right-2, start + widthOfBeam-2), //second right line 

        /// Paints the I beam when items are being reordered
        internal void PaintInsertionMark(Rectangle insertionRect) {
            if (lastInsertionMarkRect != insertionRect)  { 
                lastInsertionMarkRect = insertionRect;

        public new Control GetChildAtPoint(Point point) {
            return base.GetChildAtPoint(point); 

        public new Control GetChildAtPoint(Point pt, GetChildAtPointSkip skipValue) {
            return base.GetChildAtPoint(pt, skipValue);
        // GetNextControl for ToolStrip should always return null
        // we do our own tabbing/etc - this allows us to pretend 
        // we dont have child controls. 
        internal override Control GetFirstChildControlInTabOrder(bool forward) {
           return null; 
        /// Finds the ToolStripItem contained within a specified client coordinate point 
        /// If item not found - returns null
        public ToolStripItem GetItemAt(int x, int y) { 
            return GetItemAt(new Point(x,y));

        /// Finds the ToolStripItem contained within a specified client coordinate point
        /// If item not found - returns null 
        public ToolStripItem GetItemAt(Point point) {
            Rectangle comparisonRect = new Rectangle(point, onePixel);
            Rectangle bounds;

            // Check the last item we had the mouse over 
            if (lastMouseActiveItem != null) {
                bounds = lastMouseActiveItem.Bounds; 
                if (bounds.IntersectsWith(comparisonRect) && lastMouseActiveItem.ParentInternal == this) {
                    return this.lastMouseActiveItem; 

            // Walk the ToolStripItem collection
            for (int i = 0; i < this.DisplayedItems.Count; i++) { 
                if (DisplayedItems[i] == null || DisplayedItems[i].ParentInternal != this) { 

                bounds = DisplayedItems[i].Bounds;

                // inflate the grip so it is easier to access 
                if (toolStripGrip != null && DisplayedItems[i] == toolStripGrip) {
                    bounds = LayoutUtils.InflateRect(bounds, GripMargin); 
                if (bounds.IntersectsWith(comparisonRect)) {
                    return this.DisplayedItems[i]; 

            return null; 

        private void RestoreFocusInternal(bool wasInMenuMode) {
            // VSWhidbey 503500 
            // This is called from the RestoreFocusFilter.  If the state of MenuMode has changed
            // since we posted this message, we do not know enough information about whether
            // we should exit menu mode.
            if (wasInMenuMode == ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode) { 

        ///  RestoreFocus - returns focus to the control who activated us 
        ///          See comment on SnapFocus
        internal void RestoreFocusInternal() {
            ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.MenuKeyToggle = false; 
            lastMouseDownedItem = null; 
            Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ToolStrip.RestoreFocus] Someone has called RestoreFocus, exiting MenuMode.");

            if (!IsDropDown) {
                // reset menu auto expansion.
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ToolStrip.RestoreFocus] Setting menu auto expand to false"); 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ToolStrip.RestoreFocus] uninstalling RestoreFocusFilter");
                // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.RemoveMessageFilter as this could 
                // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP.

                MenuAutoExpand = false;

                if (!DesignMode && !TabStop && (Focused || ContainsFocus)) { 
            // this matches the case where you click on a toolstrip control host
            // then tab off of it, then hit ESC.  ESC would "restore focus" and
            // we should cancel keyboard activation if this method has cancelled focus.
            if (KeyboardActive && !Focused && !ContainsFocus) { 
                KeyboardActive = false;
        // override if you want to control (when TabStop = false) where the focus returns to
        protected virtual void RestoreFocus() {
           bool focusSuccess = false;
           if ((hwndThatLostFocus != IntPtr.Zero) && (hwndThatLostFocus != this.Handle)) { 
                Control c = Control.FromHandleInternal(hwndThatLostFocus);
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ToolStrip RestoreFocus]: Will Restore Focus to: " + WindowsFormsUtils.GetControlInformation(hwndThatLostFocus));
                hwndThatLostFocus = IntPtr.Zero;

                if ((c != null) && c.Visible) { 
                    focusSuccess = c.FocusInternal();
            hwndThatLostFocus = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (!focusSuccess) {
                // clear out the focus, we have focus, we're not supposed to anymore.
        internal virtual void ResetRenderMode() { 
            RenderMode = ToolStripRenderMode.ManagerRenderMode;

        public void ResetMinimumSize() { 
            CommonProperties.SetMinimumSize(this, new Size(-1,-1));
        private void ResetGripMargin() {
            GripMargin = Grip.DefaultMargin; 

        internal void ResumeCaputureMode() {
            SetToolStripState(STATE_SUSPENDCAPTURE, false); 
        internal void SuspendCaputureMode() { 
            SetToolStripState(STATE_SUSPENDCAPTURE, true);

        internal virtual void ScrollInternal(int delta) {
            foreach (ToolStripItem item in this.Items) { 
                Point newLocation = item.Bounds.Location;
                newLocation.Y -= delta; 

                SetItemLocation(item, newLocation); 

        /// Summary of SetItemLocation 
        protected internal void SetItemLocation(ToolStripItem item, Point location) {
            if (item == null) { 
                throw new ArgumentNullException("item");
            if (item.Owner != this) { 
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.ToolStripCanOnlyPositionItsOwnItems));

            item.SetBounds(new Rectangle(location, item.Size));
        /// This is needed so that people doing custom layout engines can change the "Parent" property of the item. 
        protected static void SetItemParent(ToolStripItem item, ToolStrip parent) {
             item.Parent = parent; 

        protected override void SetVisibleCore(bool visible) {
            if (visible) { 
            else { 
                // make sure we reset selection - this is critical for close/reopen dropdowns.
                if (!Disposing && !IsDisposed) { 

                // when we're not visible, clear off old item HDC. 
                CachedItemHdcInfo lastInfo = cachedItemHdcInfo;
                cachedItemHdcInfo = null; 
                lastMouseDownedItem = null;
                if (lastInfo != null) {
        internal bool ShouldSelectItem() {
            // we only want to select the item if the cursor position has 
            // actually moved from when the window became visible.

            // We ALWAYS get a WM_MOUSEMOVE when the window is shown,
            // which could accidentally change selection. 
            if (mouseEnterWhenShown == InvalidMouseEnter) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, "[TS: ShouldSelectItem] MouseEnter already reset."); 
                return true; 
            Point mousePosition = WindowsFormsUtils.LastCursorPoint;
            if (mouseEnterWhenShown != mousePosition) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, "[TS: ShouldSelectItem] Mouse position has changed - call Select().");
                mouseEnterWhenShown = InvalidMouseEnter; 
                return true;
            Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStripItem.MouseDebugging.TraceVerbose, "[TS: ShouldSelectItem] Mouse hasnt actually moved yet."); 

            return false; 
        /// Summary of Select. 
        protected override void Select(bool directed, bool forward) {
            bool correctParentActiveControl = true; 
            if (ParentInternal != null) {
                IContainerControl c = ParentInternal.GetContainerControlInternal();

                if (c != null) { 
                    c.ActiveControl = this;
                    correctParentActiveControl = (c.ActiveControl == this); 
            if (directed && correctParentActiveControl) { 
                SelectNextToolStripItem(null, forward);

        /// Summary of SelectNextToolStripItem. 

        internal ToolStripItem SelectNextToolStripItem(ToolStripItem start, bool forward) {
            ToolStripItem nextItem = GetNextItem(start, (forward) ? ArrowDirection.Right : ArrowDirection.Left, /*RTLAware=*/true);
            return nextItem; 
        // SECREVIEW: only call from places protected by a link demand for AllWindowsPermission.
        internal void SetFocusUnsafe() { 
            if (TabStop) {
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose,"[ToolStrip.SetFocus] Focusing toolstrip."); 
            else { 
                Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose,"[ToolStrip.SetFocus] Entering menu mode.");
                ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.SetActiveToolStrip(this, /*menuKeyPressed=*/false);

        private void SetupGrip() { 
           Rectangle gripRectangle = Rectangle.Empty; 
           Rectangle displayRect = DisplayRectangle;

           if (Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
               // the display rectangle already knows about the padding and the grip rectangle width
               // so place it relative to that. 
               gripRectangle.X = Math.Max(0, displayRect.X - Grip.GripThickness);
               gripRectangle.Y = Math.Max(0,displayRect.Top - Grip.Margin.Top); 
               gripRectangle.Width = Grip.GripThickness; 
               gripRectangle.Height = displayRect.Height;
               if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) { 
                   gripRectangle.X = ClientRectangle.Right - gripRectangle.Width - Grip.Margin.Horizontal;
                   gripRectangle.X  += Grip.Margin.Left;
               else { 
                   gripRectangle.X  -= Grip.Margin.Right;
           else {
               // vertical split stack mode 
               gripRectangle.X = displayRect.Left;
               gripRectangle.Y = displayRect.Top - (Grip.GripThickness + Grip.Margin.Bottom);
               gripRectangle.Width = displayRect.Width;
               gripRectangle.Height = Grip.GripThickness; 
           if (Grip.Bounds !=gripRectangle) { 


        ///       Sets the size of the auto-scroll margins. 
        new public void SetAutoScrollMargin(int x, int y) {
            base.SetAutoScrollMargin(x, y);

        internal void SetLargestItemSize(Size size) { 
            if (toolStripOverflowButton != null && toolStripOverflowButton.Visible) {
                size = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(size, toolStripOverflowButton.Bounds.Size); 
            if (toolStripGrip != null && toolStripGrip.Visible) {
                size = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(size, toolStripGrip.Bounds.Size);
            largestDisplayedItemSize = size; 
        /// Afer we've performed a layout we need to reset the DisplayedItems and the OverflowItems collection.
        /// OverflowItems are not supported in layouts other than ToolStripSplitStack 
        protected virtual void SetDisplayedItems() { 
            HasVisibleItems = false; 

            Size biggestItemSize  = Size.Empty; // used in determining OnPaint caching.

            if (this.LayoutEngine is ToolStripSplitStackLayout) {
                if (ToolStripGripStyle.Visible == GripStyle) { 

                // VSWhidbey 468104
                // for splitstack layout we re-arrange the items in the displayed items
                // collection so that we can easily tab through them in natural order 
                Rectangle displayRect = this.DisplayRectangle;
                int lastRightAlignedItem = -1; 
                for (int pass=0; pass < 2; pass++) {
                    int j = 0; 

                    if (pass == 1 /*add right aligned items*/) {
                        j = lastRightAlignedItem;

                    // add items to the DisplayedItem collection. 
                    // in pass 0, we go forward adding the head (left) aligned items 
                    // in pass 1, we go backward starting from the last (right) aligned item we found
                    for (; j >= 0 && j < Items.Count; j = (pass == 0) ? j+1 : j-1){

                        ToolStripItem item = Items[j];
                        ToolStripItemPlacement placement = item.Placement; 
                        if (((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) {
                            if (placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Main) { 
                               bool addItem = false; 
                               if (pass == 0) { // Align.Left items
                                    addItem = (item.Alignment ==  ToolStripItemAlignment.Left); 
                                    if (!addItem) {
                                        // stash away this index so we dont have to iterate through the whole list again.
                                        lastRightAlignedItem = j;
                               else if (pass == 1) { // Align.Right items 
                                   addItem =  (item.Alignment ==  ToolStripItemAlignment.Right); 
                               if (addItem) { 
                                   HasVisibleItems = true;
                                   biggestItemSize = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(biggestItemSize, item.Bounds.Size);
                            else if (placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow && !(item is ToolStripSeparator)) { 
                                if (item is ToolStripControlHost && this.OverflowButton.DropDown.IsRestrictedWindow) { 
                                   // VSWhidbey 436973: control hosts cannot be added to the overflow in the Internet
                                   // just set the placement to None. 
                                else {
                        else {

                ToolStripOverflow overflow = GetOverflow();
                if (overflow != null) { 
                    overflow.LayoutRequired = true; 
                if (OverflowItems.Count ==0) { 
                    this.OverflowButton.Visible = false;
                else if (CanOverflow){
            else {
                // NOT a SplitStack layout.  We dont change the order of the displayed items collection 
                // for custom keyboard handling override GetNextItem.
                Debug.WriteLineIf(LayoutDebugSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Setting Displayed Items: Current bounds: " + this.Bounds.ToString());
                Rectangle clientBounds = this.ClientRectangle;
                // for all other layout managers, we ignore overflow placement
                bool allContained = true; 
                for (int j = 0; j < Items.Count; j++) { 
                    ToolStripItem item = Items[j];
                    if (((IArrangedElement)item).ParticipatesInLayout) 
                        item.ParentInternal = this;

                        bool boundsCheck = !IsDropDown; 
                        bool intersects = item.Bounds.IntersectsWith(clientBounds);
                        bool verticallyContained = clientBounds.Contains(clientBounds.X, item.Bounds.Top) && 
                        						clientBounds.Contains(clientBounds.X, item.Bounds.Bottom);
                        if (!verticallyContained) { 
                        	allContained = false;

                        if (!boundsCheck || intersects) { 
                        	HasVisibleItems = true;
                        	biggestItemSize = LayoutUtils.UnionSizes(biggestItemSize, item.Bounds.Size); 
                    else {

                    Debug.WriteLineIf(LayoutDebugSwitch.TraceVerbose, item.ToString() + Items[j].Bounds); 

                // For performance we calculate this here, since we're already iterating over the items. 
                // the only one who cares about it is ToolStripDropDownMenu (to see if it needs scroll buttons).
                this.AllItemsVisible = allContained;

        ///     Sets the current value of the specified bit in the control's state.
        internal void SetToolStripState(int flag, bool value) {
            toolStripState = value? toolStripState | flag: toolStripState & ~flag; 
        // remembers the current mouse location so we can determine 
        // later if we need to shift selection.
        internal void SnapMouseLocation() { 
            mouseEnterWhenShown = WindowsFormsUtils.LastCursorPoint;

        ///  SnapFocus
        ///    When get focus to the toolstrip (and we're not participating in the tab order) 
        ///    it's probably cause someone hit the ALT key. We need to remember who that was 
        ///    so when we're done here we can RestoreFocus back to it.
        ///    We're called from WM_SETFOCUS, and otherHwnd is the HWND losing focus.
        ///    Required checks
        ///        - make sure it's not a dropdown 
        ///        - make sure it's not a child control of this control.
        ///        - make sure the control is on this window 
        private void SnapFocus(IntPtr otherHwnd) {
#if DEBUG 
            if (SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose) {
                string stackTrace = new StackTrace().ToString();
                Regex regex = new Regex("FocusInternal");
                Debug.WriteLine(!regex.IsMatch(stackTrace), "who is setting focus to us?"); 
            // we need to know who sent us focus so we know who to send it back to later. 

            if (!TabStop && !IsDropDown) { 
               bool snapFocus = false;
               if (Focused && (otherHwnd != this.Handle)) {
                    // the case here is a label before a combo box calling FocusInternal in ProcessMnemonic.
                    // we'll filter out children later. 
                    snapFocus = true;
               else if (!ContainsFocus && !Focused) { 
                    snapFocus =true;

               if (snapFocus) {
                   // remember the current mouse position so that we can check later if it actually moved
                   // otherwise we'd unexpectedly change selection to whatever the cursor was over at this moment. 
                   // start auto expanding for keyboard and mouse. 
                  // MenuAutoExpand = true;
                   HandleRef thisHandle = new HandleRef(this, this.Handle);
                   HandleRef otherHandle = new HandleRef(null, otherHwnd);

                   // make sure the otherHandle is not a child of thisHandle 
                   if ((thisHandle.Handle != otherHandle.Handle) &&
                       !UnsafeNativeMethods.IsChild(thisHandle, otherHandle)) { 
                      // make sure the root window of the otherHwnd is the same as
                      // the root window of thisHwnd. 
                      HandleRef thisHwndRoot = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(this);
                      HandleRef otherHwndRoot = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(otherHandle);

                      if (thisHwndRoot.Handle == otherHwndRoot.Handle && (thisHwndRoot.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)) { 
                           Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ToolStrip SnapFocus]: Caching for return focus:" + WindowsFormsUtils.GetControlInformation(otherHandle.Handle));
                           // we know we're in the same window heirarchy. 
                           hwndThatLostFocus = otherHandle.Handle; 


        // when we're control tabbing around we need to remember the original 
        // thing that lost focus. 
        internal void SnapFocusChange(ToolStrip otherToolStrip) {
            otherToolStrip.hwndThatLostFocus = this.hwndThatLostFocus; 

        private bool ShouldSerializeDefaultDropDownDirection() {
            return (toolStripDropDownDirection != ToolStripDropDownDirection.Default); 
        internal virtual bool ShouldSerializeLayoutStyle() { 
            return layoutStyle != ToolStripLayoutStyle.StackWithOverflow;

        internal override bool ShouldSerializeMinimumSize() {
            Size invalidDefaultSize = new Size(-1,-1);
            return (CommonProperties.GetMinimumSize(this, invalidDefaultSize) != invalidDefaultSize); 
        private bool ShouldSerializeGripMargin() { 
            return GripMargin != DefaultGripMargin;

        internal virtual bool ShouldSerializeRenderMode() {
            // We should NEVER serialize custom.
            return (RenderMode != ToolStripRenderMode.ManagerRenderMode && RenderMode != ToolStripRenderMode.Custom); 
        public override string ToString() { 
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(base.ToString());
            sb.Append(", Name: "); 
            sb.Append(", Items: ").Append(this.Items.Count);
            return sb.ToString();

        internal void UpdateToolTip(ToolStripItem item) { 
            if (ShowItemToolTips) { 

                if (item != currentlyActiveTooltipItem && ToolTip != null) { 

                    // SECREVIEW: VSWhidbey 531915 - ToolTip should show in internet zone
                    try { 
                    finally { 
                    ToolTip.Active = false;

                    currentlyActiveTooltipItem = item;

                    if (currentlyActiveTooltipItem != null && !GetToolStripState(STATE_DRAGGING)) { 
                        Cursor currentCursor = Cursor.CurrentInternal; 

                        if (currentCursor != null) { 
                            ToolTip.Active = true;

                            Point cursorLocation = Cursor.Position;
                            cursorLocation.Y += Cursor.Size.Height - currentCursor.HotSpot.Y; 

                            cursorLocation = WindowsFormsUtils.ConstrainToScreenBounds(new Rectangle(cursorLocation, onePixel)).Location; 
                            // SECREVIEW: VSWhidbey 531915 - ToolTip should show in internet zone
                            try {
                            finally { 

        private void UpdateLayoutStyle(DockStyle newDock) {
            if (!IsInToolStripPanel && layoutStyle  != ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow  && layoutStyle  != ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow) { 
                using (new LayoutTransaction(this, this, PropertyNames.Orientation)) {
                    //  We want the ToolStrip to size appropriately when the dock has switched.
                    if (newDock == DockStyle.Left || newDock == DockStyle.Right) {
                    else {


                if (this.ParentInternal != null) { 
                    LayoutTransaction.DoLayout(this.ParentInternal, this, PropertyNames.Orientation); 

        private void UpdateLayoutStyle(Orientation newRaftingRowOrientation) {
           if (layoutStyle  != ToolStripLayoutStyle.HorizontalStackWithOverflow  && layoutStyle  != ToolStripLayoutStyle.VerticalStackWithOverflow) { 
               using (new LayoutTransaction(this, this, PropertyNames.Orientation)) {
                     //  We want the ToolStrip to size appropriately when the rafting container orientation has switched.
                  /*   if (newRaftingRowOrientation != orientation) {
                         int oldHeight = this.Height;
                         this.Height = this.Width;
                         this.Width = oldHeight; 
                     if (LayoutEngine is ToolStripSplitStackLayout && layoutStyle == ToolStripLayoutStyle.StackWithOverflow) {

            else {
                // update the orientation but dont force a layout. 

        private void UpdateOrientation(Orientation newOrientation) { 
            if (newOrientation != orientation) {
                // snap our last dimensions before switching over. 
                // use specifed bounds so that if something is docked or anchored we dont take the extra stretching 
                // effects into account.
                Size size = CommonProperties.GetSpecifiedBounds(this).Size; 
                orientation = newOrientation;
                // since the Grip affects the DisplayRectangle, we need to re-adjust the size
        /// Summary of WndProc. 
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
        protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { 

            if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_SETFOCUS) { 
            if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_MOUSEACTIVATE) { 
                    // we want to prevent taking focus if someone clicks on the toolstrip dropdown
                    // itself.  the mouse message will still go through, but focus wont be taken.
                    // if someone clicks on a child control (combobox, textbox, etc) focus will
                    // be taken - but we'll handle that in WM_NCACTIVATE handler. 
                    Point pt = PointToClient(WindowsFormsUtils.LastCursorPoint);
                    IntPtr hwndClicked = UnsafeNativeMethods.ChildWindowFromPointEx(new HandleRef(null, Handle), pt.X, pt.Y,(int)(GetChildAtPointSkip.Invisible | GetChildAtPointSkip.Disabled | GetChildAtPointSkip.Transparent)); 
                    // if we click on the toolstrip itself, eat the activation. 
                    // if we click on a child control, allow the toolstrip to activate.
                    if (hwndClicked == this.Handle) { 
                        lastMouseDownedItem = null;
                        m.Result = (IntPtr)NativeMethods.MA_NOACTIVATE;

                        if (!IsDropDown) { 

                            // VSWhidbey 473357: if our root HWND is not the active hwnd, 
                            // eat the mouse message and bring the form to the front. 
                            HandleRef rootHwnd = WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(this);
                            if (rootHwnd.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { 

                                // snap the active window and compare to our root window.
                                IntPtr hwndActive = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetActiveWindow();
                                if (hwndActive != rootHwnd.Handle) { 
                                    // Activate the window, and discard the mouse message.
                                    // this appears to be the same behavior as office. 
                                    m.Result = (IntPtr)NativeMethods.MA_ACTIVATEANDEAT; 
                    else { 
                        // we're setting focus to a child control - remember who gave it to us
                        // so we can restore it on ESC. 
                        if (!IsDropDown && !TabStop) {
                            Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "Installing restoreFocusFilter"); 
                            // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.AddMessageFilter as this could
                            // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP.

            base.WndProc(ref m); 

            if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_NCDESTROY) {
                // Destroy the owner window, if we created one.  We
                // cannot do this in OnHandleDestroyed, because at 
                // that point our handle is not actually destroyed so
                // destroying our parent actually causes a recursive 
                // WM_DESTROY. 
                if (dropDownOwnerWindow != null) {
        // Overriden to return Items instead of Controls.
        ArrangedElementCollection IArrangedElement.Children {
            get { return Items; } 

        void IArrangedElement.SetBounds(Rectangle bounds, BoundsSpecified specified) {
            SetBoundsCore(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, specified); 

        bool IArrangedElement.ParticipatesInLayout {
            get { return GetState(STATE_VISIBLE);}

        protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance() { 
            return new ToolStripAccessibleObject(this);

        protected override Control.ControlCollection CreateControlsInstance() {
            return new WindowsFormsUtils.ReadOnlyControlCollection(this, /* isReadOnly = */ !DesignMode); 
        public class ToolStripAccessibleObject : ControlAccessibleObject { 

            private ToolStrip owner;

            public ToolStripAccessibleObject(ToolStrip owner) : base(owner) {
                this.owner = owner; 

            /// Return the child object at the given screen coordinates.
            public override AccessibleObject HitTest(int x, int y) { 

                Point clientHit = owner.PointToClient(new Point(x,y)); 
                ToolStripItem item = owner.GetItemAt(clientHit); 
                return ((item != null) && (item.AccessibilityObject != null)) ?
                    item.AccessibilityObject : 

            /// When overridden in a derived class, gets the accessible child corresponding to the specified 
            /// index.
            public override AccessibleObject GetChild(int index) {
                if ((owner == null) || (owner.Items == null))
                    return null; 

                if (index == 0 && owner.Grip.Visible) { 
                    return owner.Grip.AccessibilityObject; 
                else if (owner.Grip.Visible && index > 0) { 

                if (index < owner.Items.Count) { 
                    ToolStripItem item = null;
                    int myIndex = 0; 
                    // First we walk through the head aligned items.
                    for (int i = 0; i < owner.Items.Count; ++i) 
                        if (owner.Items[i].Available  && owner.Items[i].Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Left) {
                            if (myIndex == index) {
                                item = owner.Items[i]; 

                    // If we didn't find it, then we walk through the tail aligned items.
                    if (item == null) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < owner.Items.Count; ++i) { 
                            if (owner.Items[i].Available && owner.Items[i].Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Right) {
                                if (myIndex == index) { 
                                    item = owner.Items[i]; 

                    if (item == null) { 
                        Debug.Fail("No item matched the index??"); 
                        return null;

                    if (item.Placement == ToolStripItemPlacement.Overflow) {
                        return new ToolStripAccessibleObjectWrapperForItemsOnOverflow(item);
                    return item.AccessibilityObject;
                if (owner.CanOverflow && owner.OverflowButton.Visible && index == owner.Items.Count) {
                    return owner.OverflowButton.AccessibilityObject; 
                return null;
            ///  When overridden in a derived class, gets the number of children 
            /// belonging to an accessible object.
            public override int GetChildCount() {
                if ((owner == null) || (owner.Items == null))
                    return -1;
                int count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < owner.Items.Count; i++) { 
                    if (owner.Items[i].Available) { 
                if (owner.Grip.Visible){
                if (owner.CanOverflow && owner.OverflowButton.Visible) {
                return count;


            public override AccessibleRole Role {
                get { 
                    AccessibleRole role = Owner.AccessibleRole; 
                    if (role != AccessibleRole.Default) {
                        return role; 
                    return AccessibleRole.ToolBar;

        private class ToolStripAccessibleObjectWrapperForItemsOnOverflow : ToolStripItem.ToolStripItemAccessibleObject {
            public ToolStripAccessibleObjectWrapperForItemsOnOverflow(ToolStripItem item) 
                : base(item) {
            public override AccessibleStates State {
                get { 
                    AccessibleStates state = base.State;
                    state |= AccessibleStates.Offscreen; 
                    state |= AccessibleStates.Invisible; 
                    return state;

        // When we click somewhere outside of the toolstrip it should be as if we hit esc. 

        internal class RestoreFocusMessageFilter : IMessageFilter { 
              private ToolStrip ownerToolStrip; 

              public RestoreFocusMessageFilter(ToolStrip ownerToolStrip) { 
                  this.ownerToolStrip = ownerToolStrip;

              public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) { 

                  if (ownerToolStrip.Disposing || ownerToolStrip.IsDisposed || ownerToolStrip.IsDropDown) { 
                        return false; 
                  // if the app has changed activation, restore focus 

                  switch (m.Msg) {

                       case NativeMethods.WM_LBUTTONDOWN: 
                       case NativeMethods.WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
                       case NativeMethods.WM_MBUTTONDOWN: 
                       case NativeMethods.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN: 
                       case NativeMethods.WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN:
                       case NativeMethods.WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN: 
                            if (ownerToolStrip.ContainsFocus) {
                                // if we've clicked on something that's not a child of the toolstrip and we
                                // currently have focus, restore it.
                                if (!UnsafeNativeMethods.IsChild(new HandleRef(this, ownerToolStrip.Handle), new HandleRef(this,m.HWnd))) { 
                                    HandleRef rootHwnd =  WindowsFormsUtils.GetRootHWnd(ownerToolStrip);
                                    if (rootHwnd.Handle == m.HWnd || UnsafeNativeMethods.IsChild(rootHwnd, new HandleRef(this,m.HWnd))) { 
                                        // Only RestoreFocus if the hwnd is a child of the root window and isnt on the toolstrip. 
                           return false;
                          return false; 
              private void RestoreFocusInternal() { 
                  Debug.WriteLineIf(SnapFocusDebug.TraceVerbose, "[ToolStrip.RestoreFocusFilter] Detected a click, restoring focus.");

                  ownerToolStrip.BeginInvoke(new BooleanMethodInvoker(ownerToolStrip.RestoreFocusInternal), new object[]{ ToolStripManager.ModalMenuFilter.InMenuMode } ); 

                  // PERF, SECREVIEW: dont call Application.RemoveMessageFilter as this could 
                  // get called a lot and we want to have to assert AWP. 



    internal class CachedItemHdcInfo : IDisposable { 

        internal CachedItemHdcInfo() {
        ~CachedItemHdcInfo() {

        private HandleRef cachedItemHDC = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef; 
        private Size cachedHDCSize = Size.Empty;
        private HandleRef cachedItemBitmap = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;
        // this DC is cached and should only be deleted on Dispose or when the size changes.
        public HandleRef GetCachedItemDC(HandleRef toolStripHDC, Size bitmapSize) { 

               if ((cachedHDCSize.Width < bitmapSize.Width) 
                    || (cachedHDCSize.Height < bitmapSize.Height)) { 

                    if (cachedItemHDC.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { 
                        // create a new DC - we dont have one yet.
                        IntPtr compatibleHDC = UnsafeNativeMethods.CreateCompatibleDC(toolStripHDC);
                        cachedItemHDC = new HandleRef(this, compatibleHDC);

                    // create compatible bitmap with the correct size. 
                    cachedItemBitmap = new HandleRef(this, SafeNativeMethods.CreateCompatibleBitmap(toolStripHDC, bitmapSize.Width, bitmapSize.Height)); 
                    IntPtr oldBitmap = SafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(cachedItemHDC,cachedItemBitmap);
                    // delete the old bitmap
                    if (oldBitmap != IntPtr.Zero) {
                      // ExternalDelete to prevent Handle underflow
                      SafeNativeMethods.ExternalDeleteObject(new HandleRef(null, oldBitmap)); 
                      oldBitmap = IntPtr.Zero;

                    // remember what size we created. 
                    cachedHDCSize = bitmapSize;

               return cachedItemHDC; 
        private void DeleteCachedItemHDC() {
            if (cachedItemHDC.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
               // delete the bitmap
               if (cachedItemBitmap.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) {
                  cachedItemBitmap = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;
               // delete the DC itself. 

            cachedItemHDC = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;
            cachedItemBitmap = NativeMethods.NullHandleRef;
            cachedHDCSize = Size.Empty; 
        public void Dispose() { 


    internal class MouseHoverTimer : IDisposable { 

           private System.Windows.Forms.Timer mouseHoverTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); 
           private const int SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME_WIN9X = 400;  // in Win9x this is not supported so lets use the default from a more modern OS.

           // consider - weak reference?
           private ToolStripItem currentItem = null; 

           public MouseHoverTimer() { 
               int interval = SystemInformation.MouseHoverTime; 
               if (interval == 0) {
                   interval = SPI_GETMOUSEHOVERTIME_WIN9X; 

               mouseHoverTimer.Interval = interval;
               mouseHoverTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(OnTick); 
           public void Start(ToolStripItem item) { 
               if (item != currentItem) {
               currentItem = item;
               if (currentItem != null) {
                   mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = true; 

           public void Cancel() { 
                mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = false;
                currentItem = null;
           /// cancels if and only if this item was the one that 
           ///         requested the timer
           public void Cancel(ToolStripItem item) { 
               if (item == currentItem) {

           public void Dispose() { 
              if (mouseHoverTimer != null) {
                  mouseHoverTimer = null;

           private void OnTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
               mouseHoverTimer.Enabled = false;
               if (currentItem != null && !currentItem.IsDisposed) { 

        ///   This class supports the AllowItemReorder feature. 
        ///   When reordering items ToolStrip and ToolStripItem drag/drop events 
        ///   are routed here.
        internal sealed class ToolStripSplitStackDragDropHandler : IDropTarget, ISupportOleDropSource {

            private ToolStrip owner;
            public ToolStripSplitStackDragDropHandler(ToolStrip owner) {
                if (owner == null) { 
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("owner"); 
                this.owner = owner;
            public void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs e){
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ItemReorderDebug.TraceVerbose, "OnDragEnter: " + e.ToString()); 
                if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ToolStripItem))) { 
                    e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
                    this.ShowItemDropPoint(owner.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y))); 

            public void OnDragLeave(System.EventArgs e){
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ItemReorderDebug.TraceVerbose, "OnDragLeave: " + e.ToString()); 
            public void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs e){
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ItemReorderDebug.TraceVerbose, "OnDragDrop: " + e.ToString());

                if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ToolStripItem))) {
                    ToolStripItem item = (ToolStripItem)e.Data.GetData(typeof(ToolStripItem)); 
                    OnDropItem(item, owner.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y))); 
            public void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e){
                Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ItemReorderDebug.TraceVerbose, "OnDragOver: " + e.ToString());
                if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(ToolStripItem))) {
                    if (this.ShowItemDropPoint(owner.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)))) { 
                        e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; 
                    else { 
                        if (owner != null) {
                        e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; 


            public void OnGiveFeedback(GiveFeedbackEventArgs e) {
            public void OnQueryContinueDrag(QueryContinueDragEventArgs e) {
            private void OnDropItem(ToolStripItem droppedItem, Point ownerClientAreaRelativeDropPoint) {
                Point start = Point.Empty; 

                int toolStripItemIndex = GetItemInsertionIndex(ownerClientAreaRelativeDropPoint);
                if (toolStripItemIndex >= 0) {
                    ToolStripItem item = owner.Items[toolStripItemIndex]; 
                    if (item == droppedItem) {
                        return;  // optimization 
                    RelativeLocation relativeLocation = ComparePositions(item.Bounds, ownerClientAreaRelativeDropPoint);
                    droppedItem.Alignment = item.Alignment;

                    // Protect against negative indicies 
                    int insertIndex = Math.Max(0, toolStripItemIndex);
                    if (relativeLocation == RelativeLocation.Above) { 
                        insertIndex = (item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Left) ? insertIndex : insertIndex + 1;
                    else if (relativeLocation == RelativeLocation.Below) {
                        insertIndex = (item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Left) ? insertIndex : insertIndex-1;
                    else if (((item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Left) && (relativeLocation == RelativeLocation.Left)) || 
                        ((item.Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Right) && (relativeLocation == RelativeLocation.Right))) {
                        // the item alignment is Tail & dropped to right of the center of the item 
                        // or the item alignment is Head & dropped to the left of the center of the item
                        // Normally, insert the new item after the item, however in RTL insert before the item
                        insertIndex = Math.Max(0, (owner.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) ? insertIndex + 1 : insertIndex);
                    else { 
                        // the item alignment is Tail & dropped to left of the center of the item
                        // or the item alignment is Head & dropped to the right of the center of the item 

                        // Normally, insert the new item before the item, however in RTL insert after the item 
                        insertIndex = Math.Max(0, (owner.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.No) ? insertIndex + 1 : insertIndex);

                    // VSWhidbey 517774 
                    // If the control is moving from a lower to higher index, you actually want to set it one less than its position.
                    // This is because it is being removed from its original position, which lowers the index of every control before 
                    // its new drop point by 1. 
                    if (owner.Items.IndexOf(droppedItem) < insertIndex) {

                    owner.Items.MoveItem(Math.Max(0,insertIndex), droppedItem);

                else if (toolStripItemIndex == -1 && owner.Items.Count == 0) { 


            private bool ShowItemDropPoint(Point ownerClientAreaRelativeDropPoint) { 
                int i = GetItemInsertionIndex(ownerClientAreaRelativeDropPoint);
                if (i >= 0) { 
                    ToolStripItem item = owner.Items[i];
                    RelativeLocation relativeLocation = ComparePositions(item.Bounds, ownerClientAreaRelativeDropPoint);

                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ItemReorderDebug.TraceVerbose, "Drop relative loc " + relativeLocation); 
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.ItemReorderDebug.TraceVerbose, "Index " + i);
                    Rectangle insertionRect = Rectangle.Empty; 
                    switch (relativeLocation) {
                        case RelativeLocation.Above: 
                            insertionRect = new Rectangle(owner.Margin.Left, item.Bounds.Top, owner.Width - (owner.Margin.Horizontal) -1, ToolStrip.INSERTION_BEAM_WIDTH);
                        case RelativeLocation.Below:
                            insertionRect = new Rectangle(owner.Margin.Left, item.Bounds.Bottom, owner.Width - (owner.Margin.Horizontal) -1, ToolStrip.INSERTION_BEAM_WIDTH); 
                        case RelativeLocation.Right: 
                            insertionRect = new Rectangle(item.Bounds.Right, owner.Margin.Top, ToolStrip.INSERTION_BEAM_WIDTH, owner.Height- (owner.Margin.Vertical)-1); 
                        case RelativeLocation.Left: 
                            insertionRect = new Rectangle(item.Bounds.Left, owner.Margin.Top, ToolStrip.INSERTION_BEAM_WIDTH, owner.Height - (owner.Margin.Vertical) -1);
                    return true; 
                else if (owner.Items.Count == 0) {
                    Rectangle insertionRect = owner.DisplayRectangle; 
                    insertionRect.Width = ToolStrip.INSERTION_BEAM_WIDTH;
                    return true;
                return false;

            private int GetItemInsertionIndex(Point ownerClientAreaRelativeDropPoint) { 
                for(int i = 0; i< owner.DisplayedItems.Count; i++) {
                    Rectangle bounds = owner.DisplayedItems[i].Bounds;
                    if (bounds.Contains(ownerClientAreaRelativeDropPoint)) { 
                        Debug.WriteLineIf(ToolStrip.DropTargetDebug.TraceVerbose, "MATCH " + owner.DisplayedItems[i].Text + " Bounds: " + owner.DisplayedItems[i].Bounds.ToString());
                        // consider what to do about items not in the display 
                        return owner.Items.IndexOf(owner.DisplayedItems[i]);

                if (owner.DisplayedItems.Count > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < owner.DisplayedItems.Count; i++) { 
                        if (owner.DisplayedItems[i].Alignment == ToolStripItemAlignment.Right) {
                            if (i > 0) { 
                                return owner.Items.IndexOf(owner.DisplayedItems[i - 1]); 
                            return owner.Items.IndexOf(owner.DisplayedItems[i]); 
                    return owner.Items.IndexOf(owner.DisplayedItems[owner.DisplayedItems.Count - 1]);
                return -1;
            private enum RelativeLocation {

            private RelativeLocation ComparePositions(Rectangle [....], Point check) { 
                if (owner.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) {
                    int widthUnit = [....].Width / 2; 
                    RelativeLocation relativeLocation = RelativeLocation.Left;

                    // we can return here if we are checking abovebelowleftright, because
                    // the left right calculation is more picky than the above/below calculation 
                    // and the above below calculation will just override this one.
                    if (([....].Left + widthUnit) >= check.X) { 
                        relativeLocation = RelativeLocation.Left; 
                        return relativeLocation;
                    else if (([....].Right - widthUnit) <= check.X) {
                        relativeLocation = RelativeLocation.Right;
                        return relativeLocation;
                if (owner.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical) { 
                    int heightUnit = [....].Height/ 2;
                    RelativeLocation relativeLocation = (check.Y <= ([....].Top + heightUnit)) ? 
                        : RelativeLocation.Below;

                    return relativeLocation; 
                Debug.Fail("Could not calculate the relative position for AllowItemReorder"); 
                return RelativeLocation.Left;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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