Overlapped.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / whidbey / NetFXspW7 / ndp / clr / src / BCL / System / Threading / Overlapped.cs / 1 / Overlapped.cs

                            // ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** Class: Overlapped 
** Purpose: Class for converting information to and from the native
**          overlapped structure used in asynchronous file i/o
namespace System.Threading
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; 
    // Valuetype that represents the (unmanaged) Win32 OVERLAPPED structure
    // the layout of this structure must be identical to OVERLAPPED. 
    // The first five matches OVERLAPPED structure.
    // The remaining are reserved at the end
    public struct NativeOverlapped
        public IntPtr  InternalLow; 
        public IntPtr  InternalHigh;
        public int     OffsetLow; 
        public int     OffsetHigh;
        public IntPtr  EventHandle;
        unsafe internal class _IOCompletionCallback
            IOCompletionCallback _ioCompletionCallback; 
            ExecutionContext _executionContext;
            uint _errorCode; // Error code 
            uint _numBytes; // No. of bytes transferred
            NativeOverlapped* _pOVERLAP;

            internal _IOCompletionCallback(IOCompletionCallback ioCompletionCallback, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark) 
                _ioCompletionCallback = ioCompletionCallback; 
                // clone the exection context 
                _executionContext = ExecutionContext.Capture(ref stackMark);
            // Context callback: same sig for SendOrPostCallback and ContextCallback
            static internal ContextCallback _ccb = new ContextCallback(IOCompletionCallback_Context);
            static internal void IOCompletionCallback_Context(Object state) 
                _IOCompletionCallback helper  = (_IOCompletionCallback)state; 
                BCLDebug.Assert(helper != null,"_IOCompletionCallback cannot be null"); 
                helper._ioCompletionCallback(helper._errorCode, helper._numBytes, helper._pOVERLAP);

            // call back helper
            static unsafe internal void PerformIOCompletionCallback(uint errorCode, // Error code 
                                                                                uint numBytes, // No. of bytes transferred
                                                                                NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP // ptr to OVERLAP structure 
                Overlapped overlapped; 
                _IOCompletionCallback helper;


                    overlapped = OverlappedData.GetOverlappedFromNative(pOVERLAP).m_overlapped; 
                    helper  = overlapped.iocbHelper;		 

                    if (helper == null || helper._executionContext == null || helper._executionContext.IsDefaultFTContext())
                        // We got here because of UnsafePack (or) Pack with EC flow supressed
                        IOCompletionCallback callback = overlapped.UserCallback; 
                        callback( errorCode,  numBytes,  pOVERLAP);
                        // We got here because of Pack 
                        helper._errorCode = errorCode;
                        helper._numBytes = numBytes;
                        helper._pOVERLAP = pOVERLAP;
                        ExecutionContext.Run(helper._executionContext.CreateCopy(), _ccb, helper); 
             	    //Quickly check the VM again, to see if a packet has arrived.
                    OverlappedData.CheckVMForIOPacket(out pOVERLAP, out errorCode, out numBytes);

		} while (pOVERLAP != null);
    sealed internal class OverlappedData : CriticalFinalizerObject
        // ! If you make any change to the layout here, you need to make matching change
        // ! to OverlappedObject in vm\nativeoverlapped.h
        internal IAsyncResult m_asyncResult;
        internal IOCompletionCallback m_iocb; 
        internal _IOCompletionCallback m_iocbHelper;
        internal Overlapped m_overlapped; 
        private Object m_userObject; 
        internal OverlappedDataCacheLine m_cacheLine;
        private IntPtr m_pinSelf; 
        private IntPtr m_userObjectInternal;
        private int m_AppDomainId;
        internal short m_slot;
#pragma warning disable 414  // Field is not used from managed. 
#pragma warning disable 169
        private byte m_isArray; 
        private byte m_toBeCleaned; 
#pragma warning restore 414
#pragma warning restore 169 
        internal NativeOverlapped m_nativeOverlapped;

        internal OverlappedData(OverlappedDataCacheLine cacheLine)
            m_cacheLine = cacheLine;
            if (null != m_cacheLine && false == m_cacheLine.Removed)
                // If user drops reference to Overlapped before calling Pack,
                // let us return the entry to cache 
                if (!Environment.HasShutdownStarted &&
                    // If user drops reference to OverlappedData before pack,
                    // we return the object to cache. 
                    // We try to keep all items in cache until the whole cache line is not needed.
        internal void ReInitialize()
            m_asyncResult = null;
            m_iocb = null;
            m_iocbHelper = null;
            m_overlapped = null; 
            m_userObject = null;
            BCLDebug.Assert(m_pinSelf.IsNull(), "OverlappedData has not been freed: m_pinSelf"); 
            m_pinSelf = (IntPtr)0; 
            m_userObjectInternal = (IntPtr)0;
            BCLDebug.Assert(m_AppDomainId == 0 || m_AppDomainId == AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Id, "OverlappedData is not in the current domain"); 
            m_AppDomainId = 0;
 			m_nativeOverlapped.EventHandle = (IntPtr)0;
            m_isArray = 0;
            m_nativeOverlapped.InternalHigh = (IntPtr)0; 
        [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var has to be marked non-inlineable 
        unsafe internal NativeOverlapped* Pack(IOCompletionCallback iocb, Object userData)
            if (!m_pinSelf.IsNull()) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_Overlapped_Pack"));
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; 

            if (iocb != null) 
                m_iocbHelper = new _IOCompletionCallback(iocb, ref stackMark);
                m_iocb = iocb; 
                m_iocbHelper = null; 
                m_iocb = null;
            m_userObject = userData; 
            if (m_userObject != null)
                if (m_userObject.GetType() == typeof(Object[]))
                    m_isArray = 1;
                    m_isArray = 0; 
            return AllocateNativeOverlapped();

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlEvidence = true, ControlPolicy = true )] 
        unsafe internal NativeOverlapped* UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback iocb, Object userData)
            if (!m_pinSelf.IsNull()) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_Overlapped_Pack"));
            m_userObject = userData;
            if (m_userObject != null)
                if (m_userObject.GetType() == typeof(Object[])) 
                    m_isArray = 1; 
                    m_isArray = 0;
            m_iocb = iocb; 
            m_iocbHelper = null;
            return AllocateNativeOverlapped(); 

        internal IntPtr UserHandle
            get { return m_nativeOverlapped.EventHandle; }
            set { m_nativeOverlapped.EventHandle = value; } 
        unsafe private extern NativeOverlapped* AllocateNativeOverlapped();
        unsafe internal static extern void FreeNativeOverlapped(NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlappedPtr);

        unsafe internal static extern OverlappedData GetOverlappedFromNative(NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlappedPtr);
        unsafe internal static extern void CheckVMForIOPacket(out NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP, out uint errorCode, out uint numBytes);

    public class Overlapped 
        private OverlappedData m_overlappedData; 
        public Overlapped()
            m_overlappedData = OverlappedDataCache.GetOverlappedData(this);

        public Overlapped(int offsetLo, int offsetHi, IntPtr hEvent, IAsyncResult ar) 
            m_overlappedData = OverlappedDataCache.GetOverlappedData(this); 
            m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetLow = offsetLo; 
            m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetHigh = offsetHi;
            m_overlappedData.UserHandle = hEvent; 
            m_overlappedData.m_asyncResult = ar;

        [Obsolete("This constructor is not 64-bit compatible.  Use the constructor that takes an IntPtr for the event handle.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] 
        public Overlapped(int offsetLo, int offsetHi, int hEvent, IAsyncResult ar) : this(offsetLo, offsetHi, new IntPtr(hEvent), ar)

        public IAsyncResult AsyncResult 
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_asyncResult; }
            set { m_overlappedData.m_asyncResult = value; }

        public int OffsetLow 
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetLow; }
            set { m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetLow = value; } 

        public int OffsetHigh
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetHigh; }
            set { m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetHigh = value; } 

        [Obsolete("This property is not 64-bit compatible.  Use EventHandleIntPtr instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] 
        public int EventHandle
            get { return m_overlappedData.UserHandle.ToInt32(); }
            set { m_overlappedData.UserHandle = new IntPtr(value); } 
        public IntPtr EventHandleIntPtr
            get { return m_overlappedData.UserHandle; }
            set { m_overlappedData.UserHandle = value; }
        internal _IOCompletionCallback iocbHelper
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_iocbHelper; } 
        internal IOCompletionCallback UserCallback
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_iocb; }

        *  Packs a managed overlapped class into native Overlapped struct. 
        *  Roots the iocb and stores it in the ReservedCOR field of native Overlapped
        *  Pins the native Overlapped struct and returns the pinned index. 
        [Obsolete("This method is not safe.  Use Pack (iocb, userData) instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
        unsafe public NativeOverlapped* Pack(IOCompletionCallback iocb) 
            return Pack (iocb, null); 

        unsafe public NativeOverlapped* Pack(IOCompletionCallback iocb, Object userData)
            return m_overlappedData.Pack(iocb, userData);

        [Obsolete("This method is not safe.  Use UnsafePack (iocb, userData) instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] 
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlEvidence = true, ControlPolicy = true )]
        unsafe public NativeOverlapped* UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback iocb) 
            return UnsafePack (iocb, null);
        [CLSCompliant(false), ComVisible(false)]
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlEvidence = true, ControlPolicy = true )] 
        unsafe public NativeOverlapped* UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback iocb, Object userData) 
            return m_overlappedData.UnsafePack(iocb, userData); 

        *  Unpacks an unmanaged native Overlapped struct. 
        *  Unpins the native Overlapped struct
        unsafe public static Overlapped Unpack(NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlappedPtr)
            if (nativeOverlappedPtr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("nativeOverlappedPtr");

            Overlapped overlapped = OverlappedData.GetOverlappedFromNative(nativeOverlappedPtr).m_overlapped; 

            return overlapped; 

        unsafe public static void Free(NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlappedPtr)
            if (nativeOverlappedPtr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("nativeOverlappedPtr"); 

            Overlapped overlapped = OverlappedData.GetOverlappedFromNative(nativeOverlappedPtr).m_overlapped; 
            OverlappedData overlappedData = overlapped.m_overlappedData;
            overlapped.m_overlappedData = null; 


    // We try to reuse all items in a cache line. 
    // When the cache line is not needed, we release all items associated. 
    internal sealed class OverlappedDataCacheLine
        internal OverlappedData[] m_items;
        internal OverlappedDataCacheLine m_next;
        private bool m_removed;
        internal const short CacheSize = 16; 

        internal OverlappedDataCacheLine() 
            m_items = new OverlappedData[OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize];
            // Allocate some dummy objects before and after the cacheLine. 
            // These objects will allow GC to move two cacheLine's closer.
            new Object();
            for (short i = 0; i < OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize; i ++)
                m_items[i] = new OverlappedData (this);
                m_items[i].m_slot = i; 
            new Object();

            m_removed = true; 
        internal bool Removed 
                return m_removed;
                m_removed = value; 

    internal sealed class OverlappedDataCache : CriticalFinalizerObject
        // OverlappedData will be pinned during async io operation. 
        // In order to avoid pinning in gen 0, we use a cache to recycle OverlappedData.
        static private OverlappedDataCacheLine m_overlappedDataCache; 
        static private int m_overlappedDataCacheAccessed; 
        static private int m_cleanupObjectCount;
        static private float m_CleanupThreshold; 
        private const float m_CleanupStep = 0.05F;
        private const float m_CleanupInitialThreadhold = 0.3F;
        static private volatile OverlappedDataCacheLine s_firstFreeCacheLine = null;
        private int m_gen2GCCount;
        private bool m_ready; 
        //static private int m_CollectionCount;
        static private int m_Create = 0;
        static private int m_Total = 0;
        static private int m_Cache = 0; 
        // Setup the cache. 
        private static void GrowOverlappedDataCache()
            OverlappedDataCacheLine data = new OverlappedDataCacheLine();
            if (m_overlappedDataCache == null)
                // Add the first node in the list 
                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_overlappedDataCache, data, null) == null)
                    // Use GC to remove items. 
                    new OverlappedDataCache();

            // If there is already a first node in the list we'll add the new OverlappedDataCacheLine at the end 
            if (m_cleanupObjectCount == 0)
                new OverlappedDataCache(); 
            while (true)
                // Chain the new node
                OverlappedDataCacheLine walk = m_overlappedDataCache; 
                while (null != walk && null != walk.m_next)
                    // There's a ---- with the finalizer here between testing if walk.m_next is null and assigning 
                    // Note 1.
                    //      If walk has been removed from the list by the finalizer thread we still have a valid 
                    //      walk.next chain that will eventually lead us back to the original list, or to NULL.
                    //      If NULL see Note 4 below.
                    // Note 2.
                    //      If walk.next was removed from list the next time through the loop we'll be in the 
                    //      situation described in Note 1.
                    // Note 3. 
                    //      If walk.next was set to NULL by the finalizer thread we'll need to test for that in the 
                    //      while condition and after exiting the loop.
                    walk = walk.m_next; 
                // if walk has become null (due to finalizer ----) after the while test
                // simply return and let GetOverlappedData retry!
                if (null == walk) 
                // Add the new OverlappedDataCacheLine at the end of the list. 
                // Note 4.
                //      Even if the node that walk points to has been removed from the list we simply 
                //      add the new node to an unreachable graph.  GetOverlappedData() will notice that
                //      there are still no empty OverlappedData elements and call us again.  The
                //      "unreachable list" will be reclaimed during the next GC.
                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref walk.m_next, data, null) == null) 

        internal static OverlappedData GetOverlappedData(Overlapped overlapped)
            OverlappedData overlappedData = null;
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_overlappedDataCacheAccessed, 1);
            while (true) 
                OverlappedDataCacheLine walk = s_firstFreeCacheLine; 

                if(walk == null)
                    walk = m_overlappedDataCache;
                while (null != walk)
                    for (short i = 0; i < OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize; i ++) 
                        if (walk.m_items[i] != null) 
                            overlappedData = Interlocked.Exchange(ref walk.m_items[i], null);
                            if (overlappedData != null)
                                s_firstFreeCacheLine = walk;
                                overlappedData.m_overlapped = overlapped; 
                                return overlappedData; 

                    walk = walk.m_next;


            Interlocked.Increment(ref m_Total);
            Console.WriteLine("OverlappedDataCache get " + m_Total +
                              " create " + m_Create +
                              " Cache " + m_Cache); 
        // Return a free OverlappedData to cache if the cache has slot available.
        internal static void CacheOverlappedData(OverlappedData data) 

            data.m_cacheLine.m_items[data.m_slot] = data; 
            s_firstFreeCacheLine = null;
        internal OverlappedDataCache()
            if (m_cleanupObjectCount == 0)
                m_CleanupThreshold = m_CleanupInitialThreadhold;
                if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_cleanupObjectCount, 1) == 0) 
                    m_ready = true; 

        // Per GC, if the cache has not been accessed, remove some items from cache.
            if (!m_ready)
            if (null == m_overlappedDataCache)
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_cleanupObjectCount, 0);
            if (!Environment.HasShutdownStarted && 

            int gen2GCCount = GC.CollectionCount(GC.MaxGeneration); 
            if (gen2GCCount == m_gen2GCCount)
                // Only do the cleanup when a Gen2 GC happens. 

            m_gen2GCCount = gen2GCCount;

            // reclaim cache 
            OverlappedDataCacheLine prev = null;
            OverlappedDataCacheLine walk = m_overlappedDataCache; 
            OverlappedDataCacheLine empty = null; 
            OverlappedDataCacheLine preempty = prev;
            int total = 0; 
            int used = 0;
            while (walk != null)
                total ++; 
                bool fUsed = false;
                for (short i = 0; i < OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize; i ++) 
                    if (walk.m_items[i] == null)
                        fUsed = true;
                        used ++;
                if (!fUsed)
                    preempty = prev; 
                    empty = walk;
                prev = walk;
                walk = walk.m_next;
            total *= OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize; 

            if (null != empty && total * m_CleanupThreshold > used) 
                // We can remove one cache line
                // We only remove a cache line if it is empty. 
                if (preempty == null)
                    m_overlappedDataCache = empty.m_next;
                    preempty.m_next = empty.m_next; 
                empty.Removed = true;

            if (m_overlappedDataCacheAccessed != 0) 
                m_CleanupThreshold = m_CleanupInitialThreadhold; 
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_overlappedDataCacheAccessed, 0); 
                m_CleanupThreshold += m_CleanupStep;
            OverlappedData[] cache1 = m_overlappedDataCache;
            int length1 = cache1.Length; 
            int count1 = 0; 
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < length1; i1 ++)
                if (cache1[i1] != null)
                    count1 ++;
            Console.WriteLine("cleanup left " + count1); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// ==++== 
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--== 
** Class: Overlapped 
** Purpose: Class for converting information to and from the native
**          overlapped structure used in asynchronous file i/o
namespace System.Threading
    using System;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
    using System.Security; 
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution; 
    // Valuetype that represents the (unmanaged) Win32 OVERLAPPED structure
    // the layout of this structure must be identical to OVERLAPPED. 
    // The first five matches OVERLAPPED structure.
    // The remaining are reserved at the end
    public struct NativeOverlapped
        public IntPtr  InternalLow; 
        public IntPtr  InternalHigh;
        public int     OffsetLow; 
        public int     OffsetHigh;
        public IntPtr  EventHandle;
        unsafe internal class _IOCompletionCallback
            IOCompletionCallback _ioCompletionCallback; 
            ExecutionContext _executionContext;
            uint _errorCode; // Error code 
            uint _numBytes; // No. of bytes transferred
            NativeOverlapped* _pOVERLAP;

            internal _IOCompletionCallback(IOCompletionCallback ioCompletionCallback, ref StackCrawlMark stackMark) 
                _ioCompletionCallback = ioCompletionCallback; 
                // clone the exection context 
                _executionContext = ExecutionContext.Capture(ref stackMark);
            // Context callback: same sig for SendOrPostCallback and ContextCallback
            static internal ContextCallback _ccb = new ContextCallback(IOCompletionCallback_Context);
            static internal void IOCompletionCallback_Context(Object state) 
                _IOCompletionCallback helper  = (_IOCompletionCallback)state; 
                BCLDebug.Assert(helper != null,"_IOCompletionCallback cannot be null"); 
                helper._ioCompletionCallback(helper._errorCode, helper._numBytes, helper._pOVERLAP);

            // call back helper
            static unsafe internal void PerformIOCompletionCallback(uint errorCode, // Error code 
                                                                                uint numBytes, // No. of bytes transferred
                                                                                NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP // ptr to OVERLAP structure 
                Overlapped overlapped; 
                _IOCompletionCallback helper;


                    overlapped = OverlappedData.GetOverlappedFromNative(pOVERLAP).m_overlapped; 
                    helper  = overlapped.iocbHelper;		 

                    if (helper == null || helper._executionContext == null || helper._executionContext.IsDefaultFTContext())
                        // We got here because of UnsafePack (or) Pack with EC flow supressed
                        IOCompletionCallback callback = overlapped.UserCallback; 
                        callback( errorCode,  numBytes,  pOVERLAP);
                        // We got here because of Pack 
                        helper._errorCode = errorCode;
                        helper._numBytes = numBytes;
                        helper._pOVERLAP = pOVERLAP;
                        ExecutionContext.Run(helper._executionContext.CreateCopy(), _ccb, helper); 
             	    //Quickly check the VM again, to see if a packet has arrived.
                    OverlappedData.CheckVMForIOPacket(out pOVERLAP, out errorCode, out numBytes);

		} while (pOVERLAP != null);
    sealed internal class OverlappedData : CriticalFinalizerObject
        // ! If you make any change to the layout here, you need to make matching change
        // ! to OverlappedObject in vm\nativeoverlapped.h
        internal IAsyncResult m_asyncResult;
        internal IOCompletionCallback m_iocb; 
        internal _IOCompletionCallback m_iocbHelper;
        internal Overlapped m_overlapped; 
        private Object m_userObject; 
        internal OverlappedDataCacheLine m_cacheLine;
        private IntPtr m_pinSelf; 
        private IntPtr m_userObjectInternal;
        private int m_AppDomainId;
        internal short m_slot;
#pragma warning disable 414  // Field is not used from managed. 
#pragma warning disable 169
        private byte m_isArray; 
        private byte m_toBeCleaned; 
#pragma warning restore 414
#pragma warning restore 169 
        internal NativeOverlapped m_nativeOverlapped;

        internal OverlappedData(OverlappedDataCacheLine cacheLine)
            m_cacheLine = cacheLine;
            if (null != m_cacheLine && false == m_cacheLine.Removed)
                // If user drops reference to Overlapped before calling Pack,
                // let us return the entry to cache 
                if (!Environment.HasShutdownStarted &&
                    // If user drops reference to OverlappedData before pack,
                    // we return the object to cache. 
                    // We try to keep all items in cache until the whole cache line is not needed.
        internal void ReInitialize()
            m_asyncResult = null;
            m_iocb = null;
            m_iocbHelper = null;
            m_overlapped = null; 
            m_userObject = null;
            BCLDebug.Assert(m_pinSelf.IsNull(), "OverlappedData has not been freed: m_pinSelf"); 
            m_pinSelf = (IntPtr)0; 
            m_userObjectInternal = (IntPtr)0;
            BCLDebug.Assert(m_AppDomainId == 0 || m_AppDomainId == AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Id, "OverlappedData is not in the current domain"); 
            m_AppDomainId = 0;
 			m_nativeOverlapped.EventHandle = (IntPtr)0;
            m_isArray = 0;
            m_nativeOverlapped.InternalHigh = (IntPtr)0; 
        [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] // Methods containing StackCrawlMark local var has to be marked non-inlineable 
        unsafe internal NativeOverlapped* Pack(IOCompletionCallback iocb, Object userData)
            if (!m_pinSelf.IsNull()) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_Overlapped_Pack"));
            StackCrawlMark stackMark = StackCrawlMark.LookForMyCaller; 

            if (iocb != null) 
                m_iocbHelper = new _IOCompletionCallback(iocb, ref stackMark);
                m_iocb = iocb; 
                m_iocbHelper = null; 
                m_iocb = null;
            m_userObject = userData; 
            if (m_userObject != null)
                if (m_userObject.GetType() == typeof(Object[]))
                    m_isArray = 1;
                    m_isArray = 0; 
            return AllocateNativeOverlapped();

        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlEvidence = true, ControlPolicy = true )] 
        unsafe internal NativeOverlapped* UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback iocb, Object userData)
            if (!m_pinSelf.IsNull()) { 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_Overlapped_Pack"));
            m_userObject = userData;
            if (m_userObject != null)
                if (m_userObject.GetType() == typeof(Object[])) 
                    m_isArray = 1; 
                    m_isArray = 0;
            m_iocb = iocb; 
            m_iocbHelper = null;
            return AllocateNativeOverlapped(); 

        internal IntPtr UserHandle
            get { return m_nativeOverlapped.EventHandle; }
            set { m_nativeOverlapped.EventHandle = value; } 
        unsafe private extern NativeOverlapped* AllocateNativeOverlapped();
        unsafe internal static extern void FreeNativeOverlapped(NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlappedPtr);

        unsafe internal static extern OverlappedData GetOverlappedFromNative(NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlappedPtr);
        unsafe internal static extern void CheckVMForIOPacket(out NativeOverlapped* pOVERLAP, out uint errorCode, out uint numBytes);

    public class Overlapped 
        private OverlappedData m_overlappedData; 
        public Overlapped()
            m_overlappedData = OverlappedDataCache.GetOverlappedData(this);

        public Overlapped(int offsetLo, int offsetHi, IntPtr hEvent, IAsyncResult ar) 
            m_overlappedData = OverlappedDataCache.GetOverlappedData(this); 
            m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetLow = offsetLo; 
            m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetHigh = offsetHi;
            m_overlappedData.UserHandle = hEvent; 
            m_overlappedData.m_asyncResult = ar;

        [Obsolete("This constructor is not 64-bit compatible.  Use the constructor that takes an IntPtr for the event handle.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] 
        public Overlapped(int offsetLo, int offsetHi, int hEvent, IAsyncResult ar) : this(offsetLo, offsetHi, new IntPtr(hEvent), ar)

        public IAsyncResult AsyncResult 
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_asyncResult; }
            set { m_overlappedData.m_asyncResult = value; }

        public int OffsetLow 
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetLow; }
            set { m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetLow = value; } 

        public int OffsetHigh
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetHigh; }
            set { m_overlappedData.m_nativeOverlapped.OffsetHigh = value; } 

        [Obsolete("This property is not 64-bit compatible.  Use EventHandleIntPtr instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] 
        public int EventHandle
            get { return m_overlappedData.UserHandle.ToInt32(); }
            set { m_overlappedData.UserHandle = new IntPtr(value); } 
        public IntPtr EventHandleIntPtr
            get { return m_overlappedData.UserHandle; }
            set { m_overlappedData.UserHandle = value; }
        internal _IOCompletionCallback iocbHelper
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_iocbHelper; } 
        internal IOCompletionCallback UserCallback
            get { return m_overlappedData.m_iocb; }

        *  Packs a managed overlapped class into native Overlapped struct. 
        *  Roots the iocb and stores it in the ReservedCOR field of native Overlapped
        *  Pins the native Overlapped struct and returns the pinned index. 
        [Obsolete("This method is not safe.  Use Pack (iocb, userData) instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
        unsafe public NativeOverlapped* Pack(IOCompletionCallback iocb) 
            return Pack (iocb, null); 

        unsafe public NativeOverlapped* Pack(IOCompletionCallback iocb, Object userData)
            return m_overlappedData.Pack(iocb, userData);

        [Obsolete("This method is not safe.  Use UnsafePack (iocb, userData) instead.  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")] 
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlEvidence = true, ControlPolicy = true )]
        unsafe public NativeOverlapped* UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback iocb) 
            return UnsafePack (iocb, null);
        [CLSCompliant(false), ComVisible(false)]
        [SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ControlEvidence = true, ControlPolicy = true )] 
        unsafe public NativeOverlapped* UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback iocb, Object userData) 
            return m_overlappedData.UnsafePack(iocb, userData); 

        *  Unpacks an unmanaged native Overlapped struct. 
        *  Unpins the native Overlapped struct
        unsafe public static Overlapped Unpack(NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlappedPtr)
            if (nativeOverlappedPtr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("nativeOverlappedPtr");

            Overlapped overlapped = OverlappedData.GetOverlappedFromNative(nativeOverlappedPtr).m_overlapped; 

            return overlapped; 

        unsafe public static void Free(NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlappedPtr)
            if (nativeOverlappedPtr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("nativeOverlappedPtr"); 

            Overlapped overlapped = OverlappedData.GetOverlappedFromNative(nativeOverlappedPtr).m_overlapped; 
            OverlappedData overlappedData = overlapped.m_overlappedData;
            overlapped.m_overlappedData = null; 


    // We try to reuse all items in a cache line. 
    // When the cache line is not needed, we release all items associated. 
    internal sealed class OverlappedDataCacheLine
        internal OverlappedData[] m_items;
        internal OverlappedDataCacheLine m_next;
        private bool m_removed;
        internal const short CacheSize = 16; 

        internal OverlappedDataCacheLine() 
            m_items = new OverlappedData[OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize];
            // Allocate some dummy objects before and after the cacheLine. 
            // These objects will allow GC to move two cacheLine's closer.
            new Object();
            for (short i = 0; i < OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize; i ++)
                m_items[i] = new OverlappedData (this);
                m_items[i].m_slot = i; 
            new Object();

            m_removed = true; 
        internal bool Removed 
                return m_removed;
                m_removed = value; 

    internal sealed class OverlappedDataCache : CriticalFinalizerObject
        // OverlappedData will be pinned during async io operation. 
        // In order to avoid pinning in gen 0, we use a cache to recycle OverlappedData.
        static private OverlappedDataCacheLine m_overlappedDataCache; 
        static private int m_overlappedDataCacheAccessed; 
        static private int m_cleanupObjectCount;
        static private float m_CleanupThreshold; 
        private const float m_CleanupStep = 0.05F;
        private const float m_CleanupInitialThreadhold = 0.3F;
        static private volatile OverlappedDataCacheLine s_firstFreeCacheLine = null;
        private int m_gen2GCCount;
        private bool m_ready; 
        //static private int m_CollectionCount;
        static private int m_Create = 0;
        static private int m_Total = 0;
        static private int m_Cache = 0; 
        // Setup the cache. 
        private static void GrowOverlappedDataCache()
            OverlappedDataCacheLine data = new OverlappedDataCacheLine();
            if (m_overlappedDataCache == null)
                // Add the first node in the list 
                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_overlappedDataCache, data, null) == null)
                    // Use GC to remove items. 
                    new OverlappedDataCache();

            // If there is already a first node in the list we'll add the new OverlappedDataCacheLine at the end 
            if (m_cleanupObjectCount == 0)
                new OverlappedDataCache(); 
            while (true)
                // Chain the new node
                OverlappedDataCacheLine walk = m_overlappedDataCache; 
                while (null != walk && null != walk.m_next)
                    // There's a ---- with the finalizer here between testing if walk.m_next is null and assigning 
                    // Note 1.
                    //      If walk has been removed from the list by the finalizer thread we still have a valid 
                    //      walk.next chain that will eventually lead us back to the original list, or to NULL.
                    //      If NULL see Note 4 below.
                    // Note 2.
                    //      If walk.next was removed from list the next time through the loop we'll be in the 
                    //      situation described in Note 1.
                    // Note 3. 
                    //      If walk.next was set to NULL by the finalizer thread we'll need to test for that in the 
                    //      while condition and after exiting the loop.
                    walk = walk.m_next; 
                // if walk has become null (due to finalizer ----) after the while test
                // simply return and let GetOverlappedData retry!
                if (null == walk) 
                // Add the new OverlappedDataCacheLine at the end of the list. 
                // Note 4.
                //      Even if the node that walk points to has been removed from the list we simply 
                //      add the new node to an unreachable graph.  GetOverlappedData() will notice that
                //      there are still no empty OverlappedData elements and call us again.  The
                //      "unreachable list" will be reclaimed during the next GC.
                if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref walk.m_next, data, null) == null) 

        internal static OverlappedData GetOverlappedData(Overlapped overlapped)
            OverlappedData overlappedData = null;
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_overlappedDataCacheAccessed, 1);
            while (true) 
                OverlappedDataCacheLine walk = s_firstFreeCacheLine; 

                if(walk == null)
                    walk = m_overlappedDataCache;
                while (null != walk)
                    for (short i = 0; i < OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize; i ++) 
                        if (walk.m_items[i] != null) 
                            overlappedData = Interlocked.Exchange(ref walk.m_items[i], null);
                            if (overlappedData != null)
                                s_firstFreeCacheLine = walk;
                                overlappedData.m_overlapped = overlapped; 
                                return overlappedData; 

                    walk = walk.m_next;


            Interlocked.Increment(ref m_Total);
            Console.WriteLine("OverlappedDataCache get " + m_Total +
                              " create " + m_Create +
                              " Cache " + m_Cache); 
        // Return a free OverlappedData to cache if the cache has slot available.
        internal static void CacheOverlappedData(OverlappedData data) 

            data.m_cacheLine.m_items[data.m_slot] = data; 
            s_firstFreeCacheLine = null;
        internal OverlappedDataCache()
            if (m_cleanupObjectCount == 0)
                m_CleanupThreshold = m_CleanupInitialThreadhold;
                if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_cleanupObjectCount, 1) == 0) 
                    m_ready = true; 

        // Per GC, if the cache has not been accessed, remove some items from cache.
            if (!m_ready)
            if (null == m_overlappedDataCache)
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_cleanupObjectCount, 0);
            if (!Environment.HasShutdownStarted && 

            int gen2GCCount = GC.CollectionCount(GC.MaxGeneration); 
            if (gen2GCCount == m_gen2GCCount)
                // Only do the cleanup when a Gen2 GC happens. 

            m_gen2GCCount = gen2GCCount;

            // reclaim cache 
            OverlappedDataCacheLine prev = null;
            OverlappedDataCacheLine walk = m_overlappedDataCache; 
            OverlappedDataCacheLine empty = null; 
            OverlappedDataCacheLine preempty = prev;
            int total = 0; 
            int used = 0;
            while (walk != null)
                total ++; 
                bool fUsed = false;
                for (short i = 0; i < OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize; i ++) 
                    if (walk.m_items[i] == null)
                        fUsed = true;
                        used ++;
                if (!fUsed)
                    preempty = prev; 
                    empty = walk;
                prev = walk;
                walk = walk.m_next;
            total *= OverlappedDataCacheLine.CacheSize; 

            if (null != empty && total * m_CleanupThreshold > used) 
                // We can remove one cache line
                // We only remove a cache line if it is empty. 
                if (preempty == null)
                    m_overlappedDataCache = empty.m_next;
                    preempty.m_next = empty.m_next; 
                empty.Removed = true;

            if (m_overlappedDataCacheAccessed != 0) 
                m_CleanupThreshold = m_CleanupInitialThreadhold; 
                Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_overlappedDataCacheAccessed, 0); 
                m_CleanupThreshold += m_CleanupStep;
            OverlappedData[] cache1 = m_overlappedDataCache;
            int length1 = cache1.Length; 
            int count1 = 0; 
            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < length1; i1 ++)
                if (cache1[i1] != null)
                    count1 ++;
            Console.WriteLine("cleanup left " + count1); 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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