EllipticalNodeOperations.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / Dotnetfx_Win7_3.5.1 / 3.5.1 / DEVDIV / depot / DevDiv / releases / Orcas / NetFXw7 / wpf / src / Core / CSharp / MS / Internal / Ink / EllipticalNodeOperations.cs / 1 / EllipticalNodeOperations.cs

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Ink;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace MS.Internal.Ink
    /// StrokeNodeOperations implementation for elliptical nodes
    internal class EllipticalNodeOperations : StrokeNodeOperations
        /// Constructor 
        internal EllipticalNodeOperations(StylusShape nodeShape) 
            : base(nodeShape)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((nodeShape != null) && nodeShape.IsEllipse);

            _radii = new Size(nodeShape.Width * 0.5, nodeShape.Height * 0.5);
            // All operations with ellipses become simple(r) if transfrom ellipses into circles.
            // Use the max of the radii for the radius of the circle 
            _radius = Math.Max(_radii.Width, _radii.Height); 

            // Compute ellipse-to-circle and circle-to-elliipse transforms. The former is used 
            // in hit-testing operations while the latter is used when computing vertices of
            // a quadrangle connecting two ellipses
            _transform = nodeShape.Transform;
            _nodeShapeToCircle = _transform; 

            Debug.Assert(_nodeShapeToCircle.HasInverse, "About to invert a non-invertible transform"); 
            if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(_radii.Width, _radii.Height))
                _circleToNodeShape = _transform;
                // Reverse the rotation
                if (false == DoubleUtil.IsZero(nodeShape.Rotation)) 
                    Debug.Assert(_nodeShapeToCircle.HasInverse, "Just rotated an invertible transform and produced a non-invertible one"); 

                // Scale to enlarge
                double sx, sy; 
                if (_radii.Width > _radii.Height)
                    sx = 1; 
                    sy = _radii.Width / _radii.Height;
                    sx = _radii.Height / _radii.Width;
                    sy = 1; 
                _nodeShapeToCircle.Scale(sx, sy); 
                Debug.Assert(_nodeShapeToCircle.HasInverse, "Just scaled an invertible transform and produced a non-invertible one"); 

                _circleToNodeShape = _nodeShapeToCircle; 
        /// This is probably not the best (design-wise) but the cheapest way to tell 
        /// EllipticalNodeOperations from all other implementations of node operations. 
        internal override bool IsNodeShapeEllipse { get { return true; } } 

        /// Finds connecting points for a pair of stroke nodes
        /// a node to connect
        /// another node, next to beginNode 
        /// connecting quadrangle 
        internal override Quad GetConnectingQuad(StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode)
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty || endNode.IsEmpty || DoubleUtil.AreClose(beginNode.Position, endNode.Position))
                return Quad.Empty;

            // Get the vector between the node positions 
            Vector spine = endNode.Position - beginNode.Position; 
            if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                spine = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spine);

            double beginRadius = _radius * beginNode.PressureFactor; 
            double endRadius = _radius * endNode.PressureFactor;
            // Get the vector and the distance between the node positions 
            double distanceSquared = spine.LengthSquared;
            double delta = endRadius - beginRadius; 
            double deltaSquared = DoubleUtil.IsZero(delta) ? 0 : (delta * delta);

            if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(distanceSquared, deltaSquared))
                // One circle is contained within the other
                return Quad.Empty; 

            // Thus, at this point, distance > 0, which avoids the DivideByZero error 
            // Also, here, distanceSquared > deltaSquared
            // Thus, 0 <= rSin < 1
            // Get the components of the radius vectors
            double distance = Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared); 

            spine /= distance; 
            Vector rad = spine;
            // Turn left
            double temp = rad.Y;
            rad.Y = -rad.X;
            rad.X = temp; 

            Vector vectorToLeftTangent, vectorToRightTangent; 
            double rSinSquared = deltaSquared / distanceSquared; 

            if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(rSinSquared)) 
                vectorToLeftTangent = rad;
                vectorToRightTangent = -rad;
                rad *= Math.Sqrt(1 - rSinSquared); 
                spine *= Math.Sqrt(rSinSquared);
                if (beginNode.PressureFactor < endNode.PressureFactor) 
                    spine = -spine;
                vectorToLeftTangent = spine + rad;
                vectorToRightTangent = spine - rad; 

            // Get the common tangent points 

            if (_circleToNodeShape.IsIdentity == false)
                vectorToLeftTangent = _circleToNodeShape.Transform(vectorToLeftTangent); 
                vectorToRightTangent = _circleToNodeShape.Transform(vectorToRightTangent);
            return new Quad(beginNode.Position + (vectorToLeftTangent * beginRadius),
                            endNode.Position + (vectorToLeftTangent * endRadius), 
                            endNode.Position + (vectorToRightTangent * endRadius),
                            beginNode.Position + (vectorToRightTangent * beginRadius));
        internal override IEnumerable GetContourSegments(StrokeNodeData node, Quad quad)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(node.IsEmpty == false); 

            if (quad.IsEmpty) 
                Point point = node.Position;
                point.X += _radius; 
                yield return new ContourSegment(point, point, node.Position);
            else if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity)
                yield return new ContourSegment(quad.A, quad.B);
                yield return new ContourSegment(quad.B, quad.C, node.Position); 
                yield return new ContourSegment(quad.C, quad.D); 
                yield return new ContourSegment(quad.D, quad.A);

        /// ISSUE-2004/06/15- temporary workaround to avoid hit-testing ellipses with ellipses 
        internal override IEnumerable GetNonBezierContourSegments(StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode) 
            Quad quad = beginNode.IsEmpty ? Quad.Empty : base.GetConnectingQuad(beginNode, endNode);
            return base.GetContourSegments(endNode, quad);

        /// Hit-tests a stroke segment defined by two nodes against a linear segment.
        /// Begin node of the stroke segment to hit-test. Can be empty (none)
        /// End node of the stroke segment
        /// Pre-computed quadrangle connecting the two nodes.
        /// Can be empty if the begion node is empty or when one node is entirely inside the other 
        /// an end point of the hitting linear segment
        /// an end point of the hitting linear segment 
        /// true if the hitting segment intersect the contour comprised of the two stroke nodes 
        internal override bool HitTest(
            StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode, Quad quad, Point hitBeginPoint, Point hitEndPoint) 
            StrokeNodeData bigNode, smallNode;
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty || (quad.IsEmpty && (endNode.PressureFactor > beginNode.PressureFactor)))
                // Need to test one node only
                bigNode = endNode; 
                smallNode = StrokeNodeData.Empty; 
                // In this case the size doesn't matter.
                bigNode = beginNode;
                smallNode = endNode; 
            // Compute the positions of the involved points relative to bigNode. 
            Vector hitBegin = hitBeginPoint - bigNode.Position;
            Vector hitEnd = hitEndPoint - bigNode.Position; 

            // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn the shape to a circle
            if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                hitBegin = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitBegin);
                hitEnd = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitEnd); 

            bool isHit = false; 

            // Hit-test the big node
            double bigRadius = _radius * bigNode.PressureFactor;
            Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd); 
            if (nearest.LengthSquared <= (bigRadius * bigRadius))
                isHit = true; 
            else if (quad.IsEmpty == false) 
                // Hit-test the other node
                Vector spineVector = smallNode.Position - bigNode.Position;
                if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false) 
                    spineVector = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spineVector); 
                double smallRadius = _radius * smallNode.PressureFactor;
                nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector); 
                if ((nearest.LengthSquared <= (smallRadius * smallRadius)) || HitTestQuadSegment(quad, hitBeginPoint, hitEndPoint))
                    isHit = true;
            return isHit; 
        /// Hit-tests a stroke segment defined by two nodes against another stroke segment.
        /// Begin node of the stroke segment to hit-test. Can be empty (none) 
        /// End node of the stroke segment
        /// Pre-computed quadrangle connecting the two nodes. 
        /// Can be empty if the begion node is empty or when one node is entirely inside the other 
        /// a collection of basic segments outlining the hitting contour
        /// true if the contours intersect or overlap 
        internal override bool HitTest(
            StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode, Quad quad, IEnumerable hitContour)
            StrokeNodeData bigNode, smallNode; 
            double bigRadiusSquared, smallRadiusSquared = 0;
            Vector spineVector; 
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty || (quad.IsEmpty && (endNode.PressureFactor > beginNode.PressureFactor))) 
                // Need to test one node only 
                bigNode = endNode;
                smallNode = StrokeNodeData.Empty;
                spineVector = new Vector();
                // In this case the size doesn't matter. 
                bigNode = beginNode;
                smallNode = endNode; 

                smallRadiusSquared = _radius * smallNode.PressureFactor;
                smallRadiusSquared *= smallRadiusSquared;
                // Find position of smallNode relative to the bigNode.
                spineVector = smallNode.Position - bigNode.Position; 
                // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn the shape to a circle 
                if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                    spineVector = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spineVector);
            bigRadiusSquared = _radius * bigNode.PressureFactor;
            bigRadiusSquared *= bigRadiusSquared; 
            bool isHit = false;
            // When hit-testing a contour against another contour, like in this case,
            // the default implementation checks whether any edge (segment) of the hitting
            // contour intersects with the contour of the ink segment. But this doesn't cover
            // the case when the ink segment is entirely inside of the hitting segment. 
            // The bool variable isInside is used here to track that case. It answers the question
            // 'Is ink contour inside if the hitting contour?'. It's initialized to 'true" 
            // and then verified for each edge of the hitting contour until there's a hit or 
            // until it's false.
            bool isInside = true; 

            foreach (ContourSegment hitSegment in hitContour)
                if (hitSegment.IsArc) 
                    // ISSUE-2004/06/15-vsmirnov - ellipse vs arc hit-testing is not implemented 
                    // and currently disabled in ErasingStroke 
                    // Find position of the hitting segment relative to bigNode transformed to circle.
                    Vector hitBegin = hitSegment.Begin - bigNode.Position;
                    Vector hitEnd = hitBegin + hitSegment.Vector; 
                    if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                        hitBegin = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitBegin); 
                        hitEnd = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitEnd);

                    // Hit-test the big node
                    Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd);
                    if (nearest.LengthSquared <= bigRadiusSquared) 
                        isHit = true; 
                    // Hit-test the other node
                    if (quad.IsEmpty == false)
                        nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector); 
                        if ((nearest.LengthSquared <= smallRadiusSquared) ||
                            HitTestQuadSegment(quad, hitSegment.Begin, hitSegment.End)) 
                            isHit = true;

                    // While there's still a chance to find the both nodes inside the hitting contour, 
                    // continue checking on position of the endNode relative to the edges of the hitting contour.
                    if (isInside && 
                        (WhereIsVectorAboutVector(endNode.Position - hitSegment.Begin, hitSegment.Vector) != HitResult.Right)) 
                        isInside = false; 
            return (isHit || isInside);
        /// Cut-test ink segment defined by two nodes and a connecting quad against a linear segment 
        /// Begin node of the ink segment
        /// End node of the ink segment
        /// Pre-computed quadrangle connecting the two ink nodes 
        /// egin point of the hitting segment
        /// End point of the hitting segment 
        /// Exact location to cut at represented by StrokeFIndices 
        internal override StrokeFIndices CutTest(
            StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode, Quad quad, Point hitBeginPoint, Point hitEndPoint) 
            // Compute the positions of the involved points relative to the endNode.
            Vector spineVector = beginNode.IsEmpty ? new Vector(0, 0) : (beginNode.Position - endNode.Position);
            Vector hitBegin = hitBeginPoint - endNode.Position; 
            Vector hitEnd = hitEndPoint - endNode.Position;
            // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn the shape to a circle 
            if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                spineVector = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spineVector);
                hitBegin = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitBegin);
                hitEnd = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitEnd);

            StrokeFIndices result = StrokeFIndices.Empty; 
            // Hit-test the end node
            double beginRadius = 0, endRadius = _radius * endNode.PressureFactor; 
            Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd);
            if (nearest.LengthSquared <= (endRadius * endRadius))
                result.EndFIndex = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast; 
                result.BeginFIndex = beginNode.IsEmpty ? StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst : 1;
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty == false) 
                // Hit-test the first node 
                beginRadius = _radius * beginNode.PressureFactor;
                nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector);
                if (nearest.LengthSquared <= (beginRadius * beginRadius))
                    result.BeginFIndex = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;
                    if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast)) 
                        result.EndFIndex = 0;

            // If both nodes are hit or nothing is hit at all, return. 
            if (result.IsFull || quad.IsEmpty
                || (result.IsEmpty && (HitTestQuadSegment(quad, hitBeginPoint, hitEndPoint) == false))) 
                return result;

            // Find out whether the {begin, end} segment intersects with the contour
            // of the stroke segment {_lastNode, _thisNode}, and find the lower index
            // of the fragment to cut out. 
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))
                result.BeginFIndex = ClipTest(-spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector); 
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
                result.EndFIndex = 1 - ClipTest(spineVector, endRadius, beginRadius, hitBegin, hitEnd);

            if (IsInvalidCutTestResult(result)) 
                return StrokeFIndices.Empty;

            return result;
        /// CutTest an inking StrokeNode segment (two nodes and a connecting quadrangle) against a hitting contour 
        /// (represented by an enumerator of Contoursegments). 
        /// The begin StrokeNodeData 
        /// The end StrokeNodeData
        /// Connecing quadrangle between the begin and end inking node
        /// The hitting ContourSegments
        /// StrokeFIndices representing the location for cutting 
        internal override StrokeFIndices CutTest(
            StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode, Quad quad, IEnumerable hitContour) 
            // Compute the positions of the beginNode relative to the endNode.
            Vector spineVector = beginNode.IsEmpty ? new Vector(0, 0) : (beginNode.Position - endNode.Position); 
            // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn the shape to a circle
            if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                spineVector = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spineVector); 
            double beginRadius = 0, endRadius; 
            double beginRadiusSquared = 0, endRadiusSquared;
            endRadius = _radius * endNode.PressureFactor;
            endRadiusSquared = endRadius * endRadius;
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty == false)
                beginRadius = _radius * beginNode.PressureFactor;
                beginRadiusSquared = beginRadius * beginRadius; 

            bool isInside = true; 
            StrokeFIndices result = StrokeFIndices.Empty;

            foreach (ContourSegment hitSegment in hitContour)
                if (hitSegment.IsArc)
                    // ISSUE-2004/06/15-vsmirnov - ellipse vs arc hit-testing is not implemented 
                    // and currently disabled in ErasingStroke
                    Vector hitBegin = hitSegment.Begin - endNode.Position;
                    Vector hitEnd = hitBegin + hitSegment.Vector; 

                    // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn 
                    // the shape into circle. 
                    if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                        hitBegin = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitBegin);
                        hitEnd = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitEnd);
                    bool isHit = false;
                    // Hit-test the end node 
                    Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd);
                    if (nearest.LengthSquared < endRadiusSquared) 
                        isHit = true;
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
                            result.EndFIndex = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast;
                            if (beginNode.IsEmpty) 
                                result.BeginFIndex = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;
                            if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))

                    if ((beginNode.IsEmpty == false) && (!isHit || !DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))) 
                        // Hit-test the first node
                        nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector);
                        if (nearest.LengthSquared < beginRadiusSquared) 
                            isHit = true; 
                            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst)) 
                                result.BeginFIndex = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst; 
                                if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))

                    // If both nodes are hit or nothing is hit at all, return. 
                    if (beginNode.IsEmpty || (!isHit && (quad.IsEmpty ||
                        (HitTestQuadSegment(quad, hitSegment.Begin, hitSegment.End) == false))))
                        if (isInside && (WhereIsVectorAboutVector( 
                            endNode.Position - hitSegment.Begin, hitSegment.Vector) != HitResult.Right))
                            isInside = false; 

                    isInside = false;
                    // NTRAID#Window OS bug-1029694-2004/10/18-xiaotu, refactor the code to make it a method
                    // to increase the maintainability of the program. FxCop bug. 
                    // Calculate the exact locations to cut. 
                    CalculateCutLocations(spineVector, hitBegin, hitEnd, endRadius, beginRadius, ref result);
                    if (result.IsFull)
            if (!result.IsFull) 
                if (isInside == true)
                    result = StrokeFIndices.Full;
                else if ((DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst)) && (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))) 
                    result.EndFIndex = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast; 
                else if ((DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex,StrokeFIndices.AfterLast)) && (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst)))
                    result.BeginFIndex = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst; 
            if (IsInvalidCutTestResult(result))
                return StrokeFIndices.Empty;

            return result; 
        /// Clip-Testing a circluar inking segment against a linear segment.
        /// See http://tabletpc/longhorn/Specs/Rendering%20and%20Hit-Testing%20Ink%20in%20Avalon%20M11.doc section 
        ///	Clip-Testing a Circular Inking Segment against a Linear Segment for details of the algorithm
        /// Represent the spine of the inking segment pointing from the beginNode to endNode
        /// Radius of the beginNode 
        /// Radius of the endNode
        /// Hitting segment start point 
        /// Hitting segment end point 
        /// A double which represents the location for cutting
        private static double ClipTest(Vector spineVector, double beginRadius, double endRadius, Vector hitBegin, Vector hitEnd) 
            // First handle the special case when the spineVector is (0,0). In other words, this is the case
            // when the stylus stays at the the location but pressure changes.
            if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(spineVector.X) && DoubleUtil.IsZero(spineVector.Y)) 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(DoubleUtil.AreClose(beginRadius, endRadius) == false); 
                Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd);
                double radius; 
                if (nearest.X == 0)
                    radius = Math.Abs(nearest.Y);
                else if (nearest.Y == 0)
                    radius = Math.Abs(nearest.X); 
                    radius = nearest.Length;
                return AdjustFIndex((radius - beginRadius) / (endRadius - beginRadius)); 
            // This change to ClipTest with a point if the two hitting segment are close enough. 
            if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(hitBegin, hitEnd))
                return ClipTest(spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, hitBegin);

            double findex; 
            Vector hitVector = hitEnd - hitBegin;
            if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(Vector.Determinant(spineVector, hitVector))) 
                // hitVector and spineVector are parallel 
                findex = ClipTest(spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd));
                // On the line defined by the segment find point P1Xp, the nearest to the beginNode.Position 
                double x = GetProjectionFIndex(hitBegin, hitEnd); 
                Vector P1Xp = hitBegin + (hitVector * x);
                if (P1Xp.LengthSquared < (beginRadius * beginRadius)) 
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(x) == false);
                    findex = ClipTest(spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, (0 > x) ? hitBegin : hitEnd);
                    // Find the projection point P of endNode.Position to the line (beginNode.Position, B).
                    Vector P1P2p = spineVector + GetProjection(-spineVector, P1Xp - spineVector); 

                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false == DoubleUtil.IsZero(P1P2p.LengthSquared));
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false == DoubleUtil.IsZero(endRadius - beginRadius + P1P2p.Length));
                    // There checks are here since if either fail no real solution can be caculated and we may 
                    // as well bail out now and save the caculations that are below.
                    if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(P1P2p.LengthSquared) || DoubleUtil.IsZero(endRadius - beginRadius + P1P2p.Length)) 
                        return 1d; 

                    // Calculate the findex of the point to split the ink segment at. 
                    findex = (P1Xp.Length - beginRadius) / (endRadius - beginRadius + P1P2p.Length);

                    // Find the projection of the split point to the line of this segment. 
                    Vector S = spineVector * findex;
                    double r = GetProjectionFIndex(hitBegin - S, hitEnd - S); 

                    // If the nearest point misses the segment, then find the findex 
                    // of the node nearest to the segment.
                    if (false == DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(r))
                        findex = ClipTest(spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, (0 > r) ? hitBegin : hitEnd); 
            return AdjustFIndex(findex); 

        /// Clip-Testing a circular inking segment again a hitting point. 
        /// What need to find out a doulbe value s, which is between 0 and 1, such that 
        ///     DistanceOf(hit - s*spine) = beginRadius + s * (endRadius - beginRadius) 
        /// That is
        ///     (hit.X-s*spine.X)^2 + (hit.Y-s*spine.Y)^2 = [beginRadius + s*(endRadius-beginRadius)]^2 
        /// Rearrange
        ///     A*s^2 + B*s + C = 0
        /// where the value of A, B and C are described in the source code.
        /// Solving for s: 
        ///             s = (-B + sqrt(B^2-4A*C))/(2A)  or s = (-B - sqrt(B^2-4A*C))/(2A)
        /// The smaller value between 0 and 1 is the one we want and discard the other one. 
        /// Represent the spine of the inking segment pointing from the beginNode to endNode
        /// Radius of the beginNode 
        /// Radius of the endNode
        /// The hitting point
        /// A double which represents the location for cutting
        private static double ClipTest(Vector spine, double beginRadius, double endRadius, Vector hit) 
            double radDiff = endRadius - beginRadius; 
            double A = spine.X*spine.X + spine.Y*spine.Y - radDiff*radDiff; 
            double B = -2.0f*(hit.X*spine.X + hit.Y * spine.Y + beginRadius*radDiff);
            double C = hit.X * hit.X + hit.Y * hit.Y - beginRadius * beginRadius; 

            // There checks are here since if either fail no real solution can be caculated and we may
            // as well bail out now and save the caculations that are below.
            if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(A) || !DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(B*B, 4.0f*A*C)) 
                return 1d;
            double tmp = Math.Sqrt(B*B-4.0f * A * C); 
            double s1 = (-B + tmp)/(2.0f * A);
            double s2 = (-B - tmp)/(2.0f * A); 
            double findex;

            if (DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(s1) && DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(s1))
                findex = Math.Min(s1, s2);
            else if (DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(s1)) 
                findex = s1; 
            else if (DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(s2))
                findex = s2; 
                // There is still possiblity that value like 1.0000000000000402 is not considered
                // as "IsOne" by DoubleUtil class. We should be at either one of the following two cases: 
                // 1. s1/s2 around 0 but not close enough (say -0.0000000000001)
                // 2. s1/s2 around 1 but not close enought (say 1.0000000000000402)

                if (s1 > 1d && s2 > 1d) 
                    findex = 1d; 
                else if (s1 < 0d && s2 < 0d)
                    findex = 0d;
                    findex = Math.Abs(Math.Min(s1, s2) - 0d) < Math.Abs(Math.Max(s1, s2) - 1d) ? 0d : 1d;
            return AdjustFIndex(findex);

        /// Helper function to find out the relative location of a segment {segBegin, segEnd} against
        /// a strokeNode (spine). 
        /// the spineVector of the StrokeNode 
        /// Start position of the line segment 
        /// End position of the line segment
        /// HitResult 
        private static HitResult WhereIsNodeAboutSegment(Vector spine, Vector segBegin, Vector segEnd)
            HitResult whereabout = HitResult.Right;
            Vector segVector = segEnd - segBegin; 

            if ((WhereIsVectorAboutVector(-segBegin, segVector) == HitResult.Left) 
                && !DoubleUtil.IsZero(Vector.Determinant(spine, segVector))) 
                whereabout = HitResult.Left; 
            return whereabout;
        /// Helper method to calculate the exact location to cut 
        /// Vector the relative location of the two inking nodes
        /// the begin point of the hitting segment 
        /// the end point of the hitting segment
        /// endNode radius
        /// beginNode radius
        /// StrokeFIndices representing the location for cutting 
        private void CalculateCutLocations(
            Vector spineVector, Vector hitBegin, Vector hitEnd, double endRadius, double beginRadius, ref StrokeFIndices result) 
            // Find out whether the {hitBegin, hitEnd} segment intersects with the contour
            // of the stroke segment, and find the lower index of the fragment to cut out. 
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
                if (WhereIsNodeAboutSegment(spineVector, hitBegin, hitEnd) == HitResult.Left)
                    double findex = 1 - ClipTest(spineVector, endRadius, beginRadius, hitBegin, hitEnd);
                    if (findex > result.EndFIndex) 
                        result.EndFIndex = findex;

            // Find out whether the {hitBegin, hitEnd} segment intersects with the contour 
            // of the stroke segment, and find the higher index of the fragment to cut out.
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst)) 
                hitBegin -= spineVector;
                hitEnd -= spineVector; 
                if (WhereIsNodeAboutSegment(-spineVector, hitBegin, hitEnd) == HitResult.Left)
                    double findex = ClipTest(-spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, hitBegin, hitEnd);
                    if (findex < result.BeginFIndex) 
                        result.BeginFIndex = findex; 

        private double _radius = 0;
        private Size   _radii; 
        private Matrix _transform;
        private Matrix _nodeShapeToCircle; 
        private Matrix _circleToNodeShape; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media; 
using System.Windows.Ink;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace MS.Internal.Ink
    /// StrokeNodeOperations implementation for elliptical nodes
    internal class EllipticalNodeOperations : StrokeNodeOperations
        /// Constructor 
        internal EllipticalNodeOperations(StylusShape nodeShape) 
            : base(nodeShape)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((nodeShape != null) && nodeShape.IsEllipse);

            _radii = new Size(nodeShape.Width * 0.5, nodeShape.Height * 0.5);
            // All operations with ellipses become simple(r) if transfrom ellipses into circles.
            // Use the max of the radii for the radius of the circle 
            _radius = Math.Max(_radii.Width, _radii.Height); 

            // Compute ellipse-to-circle and circle-to-elliipse transforms. The former is used 
            // in hit-testing operations while the latter is used when computing vertices of
            // a quadrangle connecting two ellipses
            _transform = nodeShape.Transform;
            _nodeShapeToCircle = _transform; 

            Debug.Assert(_nodeShapeToCircle.HasInverse, "About to invert a non-invertible transform"); 
            if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(_radii.Width, _radii.Height))
                _circleToNodeShape = _transform;
                // Reverse the rotation
                if (false == DoubleUtil.IsZero(nodeShape.Rotation)) 
                    Debug.Assert(_nodeShapeToCircle.HasInverse, "Just rotated an invertible transform and produced a non-invertible one"); 

                // Scale to enlarge
                double sx, sy; 
                if (_radii.Width > _radii.Height)
                    sx = 1; 
                    sy = _radii.Width / _radii.Height;
                    sx = _radii.Height / _radii.Width;
                    sy = 1; 
                _nodeShapeToCircle.Scale(sx, sy); 
                Debug.Assert(_nodeShapeToCircle.HasInverse, "Just scaled an invertible transform and produced a non-invertible one"); 

                _circleToNodeShape = _nodeShapeToCircle; 
        /// This is probably not the best (design-wise) but the cheapest way to tell 
        /// EllipticalNodeOperations from all other implementations of node operations. 
        internal override bool IsNodeShapeEllipse { get { return true; } } 

        /// Finds connecting points for a pair of stroke nodes
        /// a node to connect
        /// another node, next to beginNode 
        /// connecting quadrangle 
        internal override Quad GetConnectingQuad(StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode)
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty || endNode.IsEmpty || DoubleUtil.AreClose(beginNode.Position, endNode.Position))
                return Quad.Empty;

            // Get the vector between the node positions 
            Vector spine = endNode.Position - beginNode.Position; 
            if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                spine = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spine);

            double beginRadius = _radius * beginNode.PressureFactor; 
            double endRadius = _radius * endNode.PressureFactor;
            // Get the vector and the distance between the node positions 
            double distanceSquared = spine.LengthSquared;
            double delta = endRadius - beginRadius; 
            double deltaSquared = DoubleUtil.IsZero(delta) ? 0 : (delta * delta);

            if (DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(distanceSquared, deltaSquared))
                // One circle is contained within the other
                return Quad.Empty; 

            // Thus, at this point, distance > 0, which avoids the DivideByZero error 
            // Also, here, distanceSquared > deltaSquared
            // Thus, 0 <= rSin < 1
            // Get the components of the radius vectors
            double distance = Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared); 

            spine /= distance; 
            Vector rad = spine;
            // Turn left
            double temp = rad.Y;
            rad.Y = -rad.X;
            rad.X = temp; 

            Vector vectorToLeftTangent, vectorToRightTangent; 
            double rSinSquared = deltaSquared / distanceSquared; 

            if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(rSinSquared)) 
                vectorToLeftTangent = rad;
                vectorToRightTangent = -rad;
                rad *= Math.Sqrt(1 - rSinSquared); 
                spine *= Math.Sqrt(rSinSquared);
                if (beginNode.PressureFactor < endNode.PressureFactor) 
                    spine = -spine;
                vectorToLeftTangent = spine + rad;
                vectorToRightTangent = spine - rad; 

            // Get the common tangent points 

            if (_circleToNodeShape.IsIdentity == false)
                vectorToLeftTangent = _circleToNodeShape.Transform(vectorToLeftTangent); 
                vectorToRightTangent = _circleToNodeShape.Transform(vectorToRightTangent);
            return new Quad(beginNode.Position + (vectorToLeftTangent * beginRadius),
                            endNode.Position + (vectorToLeftTangent * endRadius), 
                            endNode.Position + (vectorToRightTangent * endRadius),
                            beginNode.Position + (vectorToRightTangent * beginRadius));
        internal override IEnumerable GetContourSegments(StrokeNodeData node, Quad quad)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(node.IsEmpty == false); 

            if (quad.IsEmpty) 
                Point point = node.Position;
                point.X += _radius; 
                yield return new ContourSegment(point, point, node.Position);
            else if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity)
                yield return new ContourSegment(quad.A, quad.B);
                yield return new ContourSegment(quad.B, quad.C, node.Position); 
                yield return new ContourSegment(quad.C, quad.D); 
                yield return new ContourSegment(quad.D, quad.A);

        /// ISSUE-2004/06/15- temporary workaround to avoid hit-testing ellipses with ellipses 
        internal override IEnumerable GetNonBezierContourSegments(StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode) 
            Quad quad = beginNode.IsEmpty ? Quad.Empty : base.GetConnectingQuad(beginNode, endNode);
            return base.GetContourSegments(endNode, quad);

        /// Hit-tests a stroke segment defined by two nodes against a linear segment.
        /// Begin node of the stroke segment to hit-test. Can be empty (none)
        /// End node of the stroke segment
        /// Pre-computed quadrangle connecting the two nodes.
        /// Can be empty if the begion node is empty or when one node is entirely inside the other 
        /// an end point of the hitting linear segment
        /// an end point of the hitting linear segment 
        /// true if the hitting segment intersect the contour comprised of the two stroke nodes 
        internal override bool HitTest(
            StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode, Quad quad, Point hitBeginPoint, Point hitEndPoint) 
            StrokeNodeData bigNode, smallNode;
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty || (quad.IsEmpty && (endNode.PressureFactor > beginNode.PressureFactor)))
                // Need to test one node only
                bigNode = endNode; 
                smallNode = StrokeNodeData.Empty; 
                // In this case the size doesn't matter.
                bigNode = beginNode;
                smallNode = endNode; 
            // Compute the positions of the involved points relative to bigNode. 
            Vector hitBegin = hitBeginPoint - bigNode.Position;
            Vector hitEnd = hitEndPoint - bigNode.Position; 

            // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn the shape to a circle
            if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                hitBegin = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitBegin);
                hitEnd = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitEnd); 

            bool isHit = false; 

            // Hit-test the big node
            double bigRadius = _radius * bigNode.PressureFactor;
            Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd); 
            if (nearest.LengthSquared <= (bigRadius * bigRadius))
                isHit = true; 
            else if (quad.IsEmpty == false) 
                // Hit-test the other node
                Vector spineVector = smallNode.Position - bigNode.Position;
                if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false) 
                    spineVector = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spineVector); 
                double smallRadius = _radius * smallNode.PressureFactor;
                nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector); 
                if ((nearest.LengthSquared <= (smallRadius * smallRadius)) || HitTestQuadSegment(quad, hitBeginPoint, hitEndPoint))
                    isHit = true;
            return isHit; 
        /// Hit-tests a stroke segment defined by two nodes against another stroke segment.
        /// Begin node of the stroke segment to hit-test. Can be empty (none) 
        /// End node of the stroke segment
        /// Pre-computed quadrangle connecting the two nodes. 
        /// Can be empty if the begion node is empty or when one node is entirely inside the other 
        /// a collection of basic segments outlining the hitting contour
        /// true if the contours intersect or overlap 
        internal override bool HitTest(
            StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode, Quad quad, IEnumerable hitContour)
            StrokeNodeData bigNode, smallNode; 
            double bigRadiusSquared, smallRadiusSquared = 0;
            Vector spineVector; 
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty || (quad.IsEmpty && (endNode.PressureFactor > beginNode.PressureFactor))) 
                // Need to test one node only 
                bigNode = endNode;
                smallNode = StrokeNodeData.Empty;
                spineVector = new Vector();
                // In this case the size doesn't matter. 
                bigNode = beginNode;
                smallNode = endNode; 

                smallRadiusSquared = _radius * smallNode.PressureFactor;
                smallRadiusSquared *= smallRadiusSquared;
                // Find position of smallNode relative to the bigNode.
                spineVector = smallNode.Position - bigNode.Position; 
                // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn the shape to a circle 
                if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                    spineVector = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spineVector);
            bigRadiusSquared = _radius * bigNode.PressureFactor;
            bigRadiusSquared *= bigRadiusSquared; 
            bool isHit = false;
            // When hit-testing a contour against another contour, like in this case,
            // the default implementation checks whether any edge (segment) of the hitting
            // contour intersects with the contour of the ink segment. But this doesn't cover
            // the case when the ink segment is entirely inside of the hitting segment. 
            // The bool variable isInside is used here to track that case. It answers the question
            // 'Is ink contour inside if the hitting contour?'. It's initialized to 'true" 
            // and then verified for each edge of the hitting contour until there's a hit or 
            // until it's false.
            bool isInside = true; 

            foreach (ContourSegment hitSegment in hitContour)
                if (hitSegment.IsArc) 
                    // ISSUE-2004/06/15-vsmirnov - ellipse vs arc hit-testing is not implemented 
                    // and currently disabled in ErasingStroke 
                    // Find position of the hitting segment relative to bigNode transformed to circle.
                    Vector hitBegin = hitSegment.Begin - bigNode.Position;
                    Vector hitEnd = hitBegin + hitSegment.Vector; 
                    if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                        hitBegin = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitBegin); 
                        hitEnd = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitEnd);

                    // Hit-test the big node
                    Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd);
                    if (nearest.LengthSquared <= bigRadiusSquared) 
                        isHit = true; 
                    // Hit-test the other node
                    if (quad.IsEmpty == false)
                        nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector); 
                        if ((nearest.LengthSquared <= smallRadiusSquared) ||
                            HitTestQuadSegment(quad, hitSegment.Begin, hitSegment.End)) 
                            isHit = true;

                    // While there's still a chance to find the both nodes inside the hitting contour, 
                    // continue checking on position of the endNode relative to the edges of the hitting contour.
                    if (isInside && 
                        (WhereIsVectorAboutVector(endNode.Position - hitSegment.Begin, hitSegment.Vector) != HitResult.Right)) 
                        isInside = false; 
            return (isHit || isInside);
        /// Cut-test ink segment defined by two nodes and a connecting quad against a linear segment 
        /// Begin node of the ink segment
        /// End node of the ink segment
        /// Pre-computed quadrangle connecting the two ink nodes 
        /// egin point of the hitting segment
        /// End point of the hitting segment 
        /// Exact location to cut at represented by StrokeFIndices 
        internal override StrokeFIndices CutTest(
            StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode, Quad quad, Point hitBeginPoint, Point hitEndPoint) 
            // Compute the positions of the involved points relative to the endNode.
            Vector spineVector = beginNode.IsEmpty ? new Vector(0, 0) : (beginNode.Position - endNode.Position);
            Vector hitBegin = hitBeginPoint - endNode.Position; 
            Vector hitEnd = hitEndPoint - endNode.Position;
            // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn the shape to a circle 
            if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                spineVector = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spineVector);
                hitBegin = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitBegin);
                hitEnd = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitEnd);

            StrokeFIndices result = StrokeFIndices.Empty; 
            // Hit-test the end node
            double beginRadius = 0, endRadius = _radius * endNode.PressureFactor; 
            Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd);
            if (nearest.LengthSquared <= (endRadius * endRadius))
                result.EndFIndex = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast; 
                result.BeginFIndex = beginNode.IsEmpty ? StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst : 1;
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty == false) 
                // Hit-test the first node 
                beginRadius = _radius * beginNode.PressureFactor;
                nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector);
                if (nearest.LengthSquared <= (beginRadius * beginRadius))
                    result.BeginFIndex = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;
                    if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast)) 
                        result.EndFIndex = 0;

            // If both nodes are hit or nothing is hit at all, return. 
            if (result.IsFull || quad.IsEmpty
                || (result.IsEmpty && (HitTestQuadSegment(quad, hitBeginPoint, hitEndPoint) == false))) 
                return result;

            // Find out whether the {begin, end} segment intersects with the contour
            // of the stroke segment {_lastNode, _thisNode}, and find the lower index
            // of the fragment to cut out. 
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))
                result.BeginFIndex = ClipTest(-spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector); 
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
                result.EndFIndex = 1 - ClipTest(spineVector, endRadius, beginRadius, hitBegin, hitEnd);

            if (IsInvalidCutTestResult(result)) 
                return StrokeFIndices.Empty;

            return result;
        /// CutTest an inking StrokeNode segment (two nodes and a connecting quadrangle) against a hitting contour 
        /// (represented by an enumerator of Contoursegments). 
        /// The begin StrokeNodeData 
        /// The end StrokeNodeData
        /// Connecing quadrangle between the begin and end inking node
        /// The hitting ContourSegments
        /// StrokeFIndices representing the location for cutting 
        internal override StrokeFIndices CutTest(
            StrokeNodeData beginNode, StrokeNodeData endNode, Quad quad, IEnumerable hitContour) 
            // Compute the positions of the beginNode relative to the endNode.
            Vector spineVector = beginNode.IsEmpty ? new Vector(0, 0) : (beginNode.Position - endNode.Position); 
            // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn the shape to a circle
            if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                spineVector = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(spineVector); 
            double beginRadius = 0, endRadius; 
            double beginRadiusSquared = 0, endRadiusSquared;
            endRadius = _radius * endNode.PressureFactor;
            endRadiusSquared = endRadius * endRadius;
            if (beginNode.IsEmpty == false)
                beginRadius = _radius * beginNode.PressureFactor;
                beginRadiusSquared = beginRadius * beginRadius; 

            bool isInside = true; 
            StrokeFIndices result = StrokeFIndices.Empty;

            foreach (ContourSegment hitSegment in hitContour)
                if (hitSegment.IsArc)
                    // ISSUE-2004/06/15-vsmirnov - ellipse vs arc hit-testing is not implemented 
                    // and currently disabled in ErasingStroke
                    Vector hitBegin = hitSegment.Begin - endNode.Position;
                    Vector hitEnd = hitBegin + hitSegment.Vector; 

                    // If the node shape is an ellipse, transform the scene to turn 
                    // the shape into circle. 
                    if (_nodeShapeToCircle.IsIdentity == false)
                        hitBegin = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitBegin);
                        hitEnd = _nodeShapeToCircle.Transform(hitEnd);
                    bool isHit = false;
                    // Hit-test the end node 
                    Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd);
                    if (nearest.LengthSquared < endRadiusSquared) 
                        isHit = true;
                        if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
                            result.EndFIndex = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast;
                            if (beginNode.IsEmpty) 
                                result.BeginFIndex = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;
                            if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))

                    if ((beginNode.IsEmpty == false) && (!isHit || !DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))) 
                        // Hit-test the first node
                        nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin - spineVector, hitEnd - spineVector);
                        if (nearest.LengthSquared < beginRadiusSquared) 
                            isHit = true; 
                            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst)) 
                                result.BeginFIndex = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst; 
                                if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))

                    // If both nodes are hit or nothing is hit at all, return. 
                    if (beginNode.IsEmpty || (!isHit && (quad.IsEmpty ||
                        (HitTestQuadSegment(quad, hitSegment.Begin, hitSegment.End) == false))))
                        if (isInside && (WhereIsVectorAboutVector( 
                            endNode.Position - hitSegment.Begin, hitSegment.Vector) != HitResult.Right))
                            isInside = false; 

                    isInside = false;
                    // NTRAID#Window OS bug-1029694-2004/10/18-xiaotu, refactor the code to make it a method
                    // to increase the maintainability of the program. FxCop bug. 
                    // Calculate the exact locations to cut. 
                    CalculateCutLocations(spineVector, hitBegin, hitEnd, endRadius, beginRadius, ref result);
                    if (result.IsFull)
            if (!result.IsFull) 
                if (isInside == true)
                    result = StrokeFIndices.Full;
                else if ((DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst)) && (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))) 
                    result.EndFIndex = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast; 
                else if ((DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex,StrokeFIndices.AfterLast)) && (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst)))
                    result.BeginFIndex = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst; 
            if (IsInvalidCutTestResult(result))
                return StrokeFIndices.Empty;

            return result; 
        /// Clip-Testing a circluar inking segment against a linear segment.
        /// See http://tabletpc/longhorn/Specs/Rendering%20and%20Hit-Testing%20Ink%20in%20Avalon%20M11.doc section 
        ///	Clip-Testing a Circular Inking Segment against a Linear Segment for details of the algorithm
        /// Represent the spine of the inking segment pointing from the beginNode to endNode
        /// Radius of the beginNode 
        /// Radius of the endNode
        /// Hitting segment start point 
        /// Hitting segment end point 
        /// A double which represents the location for cutting
        private static double ClipTest(Vector spineVector, double beginRadius, double endRadius, Vector hitBegin, Vector hitEnd) 
            // First handle the special case when the spineVector is (0,0). In other words, this is the case
            // when the stylus stays at the the location but pressure changes.
            if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(spineVector.X) && DoubleUtil.IsZero(spineVector.Y)) 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(DoubleUtil.AreClose(beginRadius, endRadius) == false); 
                Vector nearest = GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd);
                double radius; 
                if (nearest.X == 0)
                    radius = Math.Abs(nearest.Y);
                else if (nearest.Y == 0)
                    radius = Math.Abs(nearest.X); 
                    radius = nearest.Length;
                return AdjustFIndex((radius - beginRadius) / (endRadius - beginRadius)); 
            // This change to ClipTest with a point if the two hitting segment are close enough. 
            if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(hitBegin, hitEnd))
                return ClipTest(spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, hitBegin);

            double findex; 
            Vector hitVector = hitEnd - hitBegin;
            if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(Vector.Determinant(spineVector, hitVector))) 
                // hitVector and spineVector are parallel 
                findex = ClipTest(spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, GetNearest(hitBegin, hitEnd));
                // On the line defined by the segment find point P1Xp, the nearest to the beginNode.Position 
                double x = GetProjectionFIndex(hitBegin, hitEnd); 
                Vector P1Xp = hitBegin + (hitVector * x);
                if (P1Xp.LengthSquared < (beginRadius * beginRadius)) 
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(x) == false);
                    findex = ClipTest(spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, (0 > x) ? hitBegin : hitEnd);
                    // Find the projection point P of endNode.Position to the line (beginNode.Position, B).
                    Vector P1P2p = spineVector + GetProjection(-spineVector, P1Xp - spineVector); 

                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false == DoubleUtil.IsZero(P1P2p.LengthSquared));
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false == DoubleUtil.IsZero(endRadius - beginRadius + P1P2p.Length));
                    // There checks are here since if either fail no real solution can be caculated and we may 
                    // as well bail out now and save the caculations that are below.
                    if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(P1P2p.LengthSquared) || DoubleUtil.IsZero(endRadius - beginRadius + P1P2p.Length)) 
                        return 1d; 

                    // Calculate the findex of the point to split the ink segment at. 
                    findex = (P1Xp.Length - beginRadius) / (endRadius - beginRadius + P1P2p.Length);

                    // Find the projection of the split point to the line of this segment. 
                    Vector S = spineVector * findex;
                    double r = GetProjectionFIndex(hitBegin - S, hitEnd - S); 

                    // If the nearest point misses the segment, then find the findex 
                    // of the node nearest to the segment.
                    if (false == DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(r))
                        findex = ClipTest(spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, (0 > r) ? hitBegin : hitEnd); 
            return AdjustFIndex(findex); 

        /// Clip-Testing a circular inking segment again a hitting point. 
        /// What need to find out a doulbe value s, which is between 0 and 1, such that 
        ///     DistanceOf(hit - s*spine) = beginRadius + s * (endRadius - beginRadius) 
        /// That is
        ///     (hit.X-s*spine.X)^2 + (hit.Y-s*spine.Y)^2 = [beginRadius + s*(endRadius-beginRadius)]^2 
        /// Rearrange
        ///     A*s^2 + B*s + C = 0
        /// where the value of A, B and C are described in the source code.
        /// Solving for s: 
        ///             s = (-B + sqrt(B^2-4A*C))/(2A)  or s = (-B - sqrt(B^2-4A*C))/(2A)
        /// The smaller value between 0 and 1 is the one we want and discard the other one. 
        /// Represent the spine of the inking segment pointing from the beginNode to endNode
        /// Radius of the beginNode 
        /// Radius of the endNode
        /// The hitting point
        /// A double which represents the location for cutting
        private static double ClipTest(Vector spine, double beginRadius, double endRadius, Vector hit) 
            double radDiff = endRadius - beginRadius; 
            double A = spine.X*spine.X + spine.Y*spine.Y - radDiff*radDiff; 
            double B = -2.0f*(hit.X*spine.X + hit.Y * spine.Y + beginRadius*radDiff);
            double C = hit.X * hit.X + hit.Y * hit.Y - beginRadius * beginRadius; 

            // There checks are here since if either fail no real solution can be caculated and we may
            // as well bail out now and save the caculations that are below.
            if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(A) || !DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(B*B, 4.0f*A*C)) 
                return 1d;
            double tmp = Math.Sqrt(B*B-4.0f * A * C); 
            double s1 = (-B + tmp)/(2.0f * A);
            double s2 = (-B - tmp)/(2.0f * A); 
            double findex;

            if (DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(s1) && DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(s1))
                findex = Math.Min(s1, s2);
            else if (DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(s1)) 
                findex = s1; 
            else if (DoubleUtil.IsBetweenZeroAndOne(s2))
                findex = s2; 
                // There is still possiblity that value like 1.0000000000000402 is not considered
                // as "IsOne" by DoubleUtil class. We should be at either one of the following two cases: 
                // 1. s1/s2 around 0 but not close enough (say -0.0000000000001)
                // 2. s1/s2 around 1 but not close enought (say 1.0000000000000402)

                if (s1 > 1d && s2 > 1d) 
                    findex = 1d; 
                else if (s1 < 0d && s2 < 0d)
                    findex = 0d;
                    findex = Math.Abs(Math.Min(s1, s2) - 0d) < Math.Abs(Math.Max(s1, s2) - 1d) ? 0d : 1d;
            return AdjustFIndex(findex);

        /// Helper function to find out the relative location of a segment {segBegin, segEnd} against
        /// a strokeNode (spine). 
        /// the spineVector of the StrokeNode 
        /// Start position of the line segment 
        /// End position of the line segment
        /// HitResult 
        private static HitResult WhereIsNodeAboutSegment(Vector spine, Vector segBegin, Vector segEnd)
            HitResult whereabout = HitResult.Right;
            Vector segVector = segEnd - segBegin; 

            if ((WhereIsVectorAboutVector(-segBegin, segVector) == HitResult.Left) 
                && !DoubleUtil.IsZero(Vector.Determinant(spine, segVector))) 
                whereabout = HitResult.Left; 
            return whereabout;
        /// Helper method to calculate the exact location to cut 
        /// Vector the relative location of the two inking nodes
        /// the begin point of the hitting segment 
        /// the end point of the hitting segment
        /// endNode radius
        /// beginNode radius
        /// StrokeFIndices representing the location for cutting 
        private void CalculateCutLocations(
            Vector spineVector, Vector hitBegin, Vector hitEnd, double endRadius, double beginRadius, ref StrokeFIndices result) 
            // Find out whether the {hitBegin, hitEnd} segment intersects with the contour
            // of the stroke segment, and find the lower index of the fragment to cut out. 
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.EndFIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
                if (WhereIsNodeAboutSegment(spineVector, hitBegin, hitEnd) == HitResult.Left)
                    double findex = 1 - ClipTest(spineVector, endRadius, beginRadius, hitBegin, hitEnd);
                    if (findex > result.EndFIndex) 
                        result.EndFIndex = findex;

            // Find out whether the {hitBegin, hitEnd} segment intersects with the contour 
            // of the stroke segment, and find the higher index of the fragment to cut out.
            if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(result.BeginFIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst)) 
                hitBegin -= spineVector;
                hitEnd -= spineVector; 
                if (WhereIsNodeAboutSegment(-spineVector, hitBegin, hitEnd) == HitResult.Left)
                    double findex = ClipTest(-spineVector, beginRadius, endRadius, hitBegin, hitEnd);
                    if (findex < result.BeginFIndex) 
                        result.BeginFIndex = findex; 

        private double _radius = 0;
        private Size   _radii; 
        private Matrix _transform;
        private Matrix _nodeShapeToCircle; 
        private Matrix _circleToNodeShape; 

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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