SrgsDocumentParser.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / Dotnetfx_Vista_SP2 / 8.0.50727.4016 / WIN_WINDOWS / lh_tools_devdiv_wpf / Windows / wcp / Speech / Src / Internal / SrgsParser / SrgsDocumentParser.cs / 1 / SrgsDocumentParser.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//      The Srgs document parser parse takes as input an xml reader and the IElementFactory
//      interface. With this virtualization scheme, the srgs parser do not create 
//      directly Srgs elements. Instead methods on a set of interfaces for each 
//      Srgs Element creates the element themselve. The underlying implementation
//      for each elements is different for the SrgsDocument class and the Srgs 
//      Compiler.
//      Interface definition for the IElement
// History: 
//		2/2/2005	jeanfp		Created
using System;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler;
using System.Speech.Recognition; 
using System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar;

namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser
    internal class SrgsDocumentParser : ISrgsParser
        // Constructors 

        #region Constructors 

        internal SrgsDocumentParser (SrgsGrammar grammar) 
            _grammar = grammar;


        // Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods

        // Initializes the object from a stream containg SRGS in XML
        public void Parse () 
                ProcessGrammarElement (_grammar, _parser.Grammar);
                // clear all the rules
                _parser.RemoveAllRules (); 


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        public IElementFactory ElementFactory
                _parser = value;


        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        /// Process the top level grammar element
        private void ProcessGrammarElement (SrgsGrammar source, IGrammar grammar) 
            grammar.Culture = source.Culture;
            grammar.Mode = source.Mode; 
            if (source.Root != null)
                grammar.Root = source.Root.Id;
            grammar.TagFormat = source.TagFormat;
            grammar.XmlBase = source.XmlBase; 
            grammar.GlobalTags = source.GlobalTags; 
            grammar.PhoneticAlphabet = source.PhoneticAlphabet;
            // Process child elements.
            foreach (SrgsRule srgsRule in source.Rules)
                IRule rule = ParseRule (grammar, srgsRule); 
                rule.PostParse (grammar);
#if !NO_STG 
            grammar.AssemblyReferences = source.AssemblyReferences;
            grammar.CodeBehind = source.CodeBehind; 
            grammar.Debug = source.Debug;
            grammar.ImportNamespaces = source.ImportNamespaces;
            grammar.Language = source.Language == null ? "C#" : source.Language;
            grammar.Namespace = source.Namespace; 

            // if add the content to the generic _scrip 
            _parser.AddScript (grammar, source.Script, null, -1); 
            // Finish all initialisation - should check for the Root and the all 
            // rules are defined
            grammar.PostParse (null);
        /// Parse a rule 
        private IRule ParseRule (IGrammar grammar, SrgsRule srgsRule)
            string id = srgsRule.Id; 
#if !NO_STG
            bool hasScript = srgsRule.OnInit != null || srgsRule.OnParse != null || srgsRule.OnError != null || srgsRule.OnRecognition != null; 
            bool hasScript = false;
            IRule rule = grammar.CreateRule (id, srgsRule.Scope == SrgsRuleScope.Public ? RulePublic.True : RulePublic.False, srgsRule.Dynamic, hasScript);

#if !NO_STG
            if (srgsRule.OnInit != null)
                rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.OnInit, RuleMethodScript.onInit); 
            if (srgsRule.OnParse != null)
                rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.OnParse, RuleMethodScript.onParse);

            if (srgsRule.OnError != null) 
                rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.OnError, RuleMethodScript.onError);

            if (srgsRule.OnRecognition != null)
                rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.OnRecognition, RuleMethodScript.onRecognition); 
            // Add the code to the backend 
            if (srgsRule.Script.Length > 0)
                _parser.AddScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.Script);

            rule.BaseClass = srgsRule.BaseClass; 
            foreach (SrgsElement srgsElement in GetSortedTagElements (srgsRule.Elements)) 
                ProcessChildNodes (srgsElement, rule, rule); 
            return rule;
        /// Parse a ruleref 
        private IRuleRef ParseRuleRef (SrgsRuleRef srgsRuleRef, IElement parent)
            IRuleRef ruleRef = null; 
            bool fSpecialRuleRef = true;
            if (srgsRuleRef == SrgsRuleRef.Null) 
                ruleRef = _parser.Null; 
            else if (srgsRuleRef == SrgsRuleRef.Void)
                ruleRef = _parser.Void; 
            else if (srgsRuleRef == SrgsRuleRef.Garbage) 
                ruleRef = _parser.Garbage;
                ruleRef = _parser.CreateRuleRef (parent, srgsRuleRef.Uri, srgsRuleRef.SemanticKey, srgsRuleRef.Params);
                fSpecialRuleRef = false; 
            if (fSpecialRuleRef) 
                _parser.InitSpecialRuleRef (parent, ruleRef); 

            ruleRef.PostParse (parent);
            return ruleRef; 
        /// Parse a One-Of
        private IOneOf ParseOneOf (SrgsOneOf srgsOneOf, IElement parent, IRule rule)
            IOneOf oneOf = _parser.CreateOneOf (parent, rule); 

            // Process child elements. 
            foreach (SrgsItem item in srgsOneOf.Items)
                ProcessChildNodes (item, oneOf, rule);
            oneOf.PostParse (parent);
            return oneOf; 

        /// Parse Item
        private IItem ParseItem (SrgsItem srgsItem, IElement parent, IRule rule) 
            IItem item = _parser.CreateItem (parent, rule, srgsItem.MinRepeat, srgsItem.MaxRepeat, srgsItem.RepeatProbability, srgsItem.Weight); 

            // Process child elements.
            foreach (SrgsElement srgsElement in GetSortedTagElements (srgsItem.Elements))
                ProcessChildNodes (srgsElement, item, rule);
            item.PostParse (parent);
            return item; 

        /// Parse Token 
        private IToken ParseToken (SrgsToken srgsToken, IElement parent) 
            return _parser.CreateToken (parent, srgsToken.Text, srgsToken.Pronunciation, srgsToken.Display, -1);
        /// Break the string into individual tokens and ParseToken() each individual token. 
        /// Token string is a sequence of 0 or more white space delimited tokens.
        /// Tokens may also be delimited by double quotes.  In these cases, the double 
        /// quotes token must be surrounded by white space or string boundary.
        /// Parent element
        private void ParseText (IElement parent, string sChars, string pronunciation, string display, float reqConfidence)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((parent != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sChars)));

            XmlParser.ParseText (parent, sChars, pronunciation, display, reqConfidence, new CreateTokenCallback (_parser.CreateToken));

        /// Parse tag 
        private ISubset ParseSubset (SrgsSubset srgsSubset, IElement parent)
            MatchMode matchMode = MatchMode.Subsequence;
            switch (srgsSubset.MatchingMode) 
                case SubsetMatchingMode.OrderedSubset: 
                    matchMode = MatchMode.OrderedSubset;

                case SubsetMatchingMode.OrderedSubsetContentRequired: 
                    matchMode = MatchMode.OrderedSubsetContentRequired;
                case SubsetMatchingMode.Subsequence:
                    matchMode = MatchMode.Subsequence; 

                case SubsetMatchingMode.SubsequenceContentRequired:
                    matchMode = MatchMode.SubsequenceContentRequired; 
            return _parser.CreateSubset (parent, srgsSubset.Text, matchMode);

        /// Parse tag
        private ISemanticTag ParseSemanticTag (SrgsSemanticInterpretationTag srgsTag, IElement parent)
            ISemanticTag tag = _parser.CreateSemanticTag (parent);

            tag.Content (parent, srgsTag.Script, 0);
            tag.PostParse (parent); 
            return tag;
        /// ParseNameValueTag tag 
        private IPropertyTag ParseNameValueTag (SrgsNameValueTag srgsTag, IElement parent)
            IPropertyTag tag = _parser.CreatePropertyTag (parent); 

            // Inialize the tag 
            tag.NameValue (parent, srgsTag.Name, srgsTag.Value);

            // Since the tag are always pushed at the end of the element list, they can be committed right away
            tag.PostParse (parent); 
            return tag;
        /// Calls the appropriate Parsing function based on the element type 
        private void ProcessChildNodes (SrgsElement srgsElement, IElement parent, IRule rule)
            Type elementType = srgsElement.GetType (); 
            IElement child = null;
            IRule parentRule = parent as IRule; 
            IItem parentItem = parent as IItem;

            if (elementType == typeof (SrgsRuleRef))
                child = ParseRuleRef ((SrgsRuleRef) srgsElement, parent);
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsOneOf)) 
                child = ParseOneOf ((SrgsOneOf) srgsElement, parent, rule); 
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsItem))
                child = ParseItem ((SrgsItem) srgsElement, parent, rule); 
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsToken)) 
                child = ParseToken ((SrgsToken) srgsElement, parent);
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsNameValueTag))
                child = ParseNameValueTag ((SrgsNameValueTag) srgsElement, parent);
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsSemanticInterpretationTag))
                child = ParseSemanticTag ((SrgsSemanticInterpretationTag) srgsElement, parent); 
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsSubset)) 
                child = ParseSubset ((SrgsSubset) srgsElement, parent);
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsText)) 
                SrgsText srgsText = (SrgsText) srgsElement; 
                string content = srgsText.Text; 

                // Create the SrgsElement for the text 
                IElementText textChild = _parser.CreateText (parent, content);

                // Split it in pieces
                ParseText (parent, content, null, null, -1f); 

                if (parentRule != null) 
                    _parser.AddElement (parentRule, textChild);
                    if (parentItem != null)
                        _parser.AddElement (parentItem, textChild);
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement); 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (false, "Unsupported Srgs element"); 
                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement); 
            // if the parent is a one of, then the children must be an Item
            IOneOf parentOneOf = parent as IOneOf;
            if (parentOneOf != null)
                IItem childItem = child as IItem;
                if (childItem != null) 
                    _parser.AddItem (parentOneOf, childItem);
                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement);
                if (parentRule != null)
                    _parser.AddElement (parentRule, child);
                    if (parentItem != null)
                        _parser.AddElement (parentItem, child); 
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement);
        private IEnumerable GetSortedTagElements (Collection elements)
            if (_grammar.TagFormat == SrgsTagFormat.KeyValuePairs)
                List list = new List ();
                foreach (SrgsElement element in elements) 
                    if (!(element is SrgsNameValueTag)) 
                        list.Add (element);
                foreach (SrgsElement element in elements)
                    if ((element is SrgsNameValueTag)) 
                        list.Add (element); 
                return list; 
                // Semantic Interpretation, the order for the tag element does not matter 
                return elements;


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private SrgsGrammar _grammar;

        private IElementFactory _parser;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: 
//      The Srgs document parser parse takes as input an xml reader and the IElementFactory
//      interface. With this virtualization scheme, the srgs parser do not create 
//      directly Srgs elements. Instead methods on a set of interfaces for each 
//      Srgs Element creates the element themselve. The underlying implementation
//      for each elements is different for the SrgsDocument class and the Srgs 
//      Compiler.
//      Interface definition for the IElement
// History: 
//		2/2/2005	jeanfp		Created
using System;
using System.Globalization; 
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml; 
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Speech.Internal.SrgsCompiler;
using System.Speech.Recognition; 
using System.Speech.Recognition.SrgsGrammar;

namespace System.Speech.Internal.SrgsParser
    internal class SrgsDocumentParser : ISrgsParser
        // Constructors 

        #region Constructors 

        internal SrgsDocumentParser (SrgsGrammar grammar) 
            _grammar = grammar;


        // Internal Methods 
        #region Internal Methods

        // Initializes the object from a stream containg SRGS in XML
        public void Parse () 
                ProcessGrammarElement (_grammar, _parser.Grammar);
                // clear all the rules
                _parser.RemoveAllRules (); 


        // Internal Properties 
        #region Internal Properties
        public IElementFactory ElementFactory
                _parser = value;


        // Private Methods 
        #region Private Methods
        /// Process the top level grammar element
        private void ProcessGrammarElement (SrgsGrammar source, IGrammar grammar) 
            grammar.Culture = source.Culture;
            grammar.Mode = source.Mode; 
            if (source.Root != null)
                grammar.Root = source.Root.Id;
            grammar.TagFormat = source.TagFormat;
            grammar.XmlBase = source.XmlBase; 
            grammar.GlobalTags = source.GlobalTags; 
            grammar.PhoneticAlphabet = source.PhoneticAlphabet;
            // Process child elements.
            foreach (SrgsRule srgsRule in source.Rules)
                IRule rule = ParseRule (grammar, srgsRule); 
                rule.PostParse (grammar);
#if !NO_STG 
            grammar.AssemblyReferences = source.AssemblyReferences;
            grammar.CodeBehind = source.CodeBehind; 
            grammar.Debug = source.Debug;
            grammar.ImportNamespaces = source.ImportNamespaces;
            grammar.Language = source.Language == null ? "C#" : source.Language;
            grammar.Namespace = source.Namespace; 

            // if add the content to the generic _scrip 
            _parser.AddScript (grammar, source.Script, null, -1); 
            // Finish all initialisation - should check for the Root and the all 
            // rules are defined
            grammar.PostParse (null);
        /// Parse a rule 
        private IRule ParseRule (IGrammar grammar, SrgsRule srgsRule)
            string id = srgsRule.Id; 
#if !NO_STG
            bool hasScript = srgsRule.OnInit != null || srgsRule.OnParse != null || srgsRule.OnError != null || srgsRule.OnRecognition != null; 
            bool hasScript = false;
            IRule rule = grammar.CreateRule (id, srgsRule.Scope == SrgsRuleScope.Public ? RulePublic.True : RulePublic.False, srgsRule.Dynamic, hasScript);

#if !NO_STG
            if (srgsRule.OnInit != null)
                rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.OnInit, RuleMethodScript.onInit); 
            if (srgsRule.OnParse != null)
                rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.OnParse, RuleMethodScript.onParse);

            if (srgsRule.OnError != null) 
                rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.OnError, RuleMethodScript.onError);

            if (srgsRule.OnRecognition != null)
                rule.CreateScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.OnRecognition, RuleMethodScript.onRecognition); 
            // Add the code to the backend 
            if (srgsRule.Script.Length > 0)
                _parser.AddScript (grammar, id, srgsRule.Script);

            rule.BaseClass = srgsRule.BaseClass; 
            foreach (SrgsElement srgsElement in GetSortedTagElements (srgsRule.Elements)) 
                ProcessChildNodes (srgsElement, rule, rule); 
            return rule;
        /// Parse a ruleref 
        private IRuleRef ParseRuleRef (SrgsRuleRef srgsRuleRef, IElement parent)
            IRuleRef ruleRef = null; 
            bool fSpecialRuleRef = true;
            if (srgsRuleRef == SrgsRuleRef.Null) 
                ruleRef = _parser.Null; 
            else if (srgsRuleRef == SrgsRuleRef.Void)
                ruleRef = _parser.Void; 
            else if (srgsRuleRef == SrgsRuleRef.Garbage) 
                ruleRef = _parser.Garbage;
                ruleRef = _parser.CreateRuleRef (parent, srgsRuleRef.Uri, srgsRuleRef.SemanticKey, srgsRuleRef.Params);
                fSpecialRuleRef = false; 
            if (fSpecialRuleRef) 
                _parser.InitSpecialRuleRef (parent, ruleRef); 

            ruleRef.PostParse (parent);
            return ruleRef; 
        /// Parse a One-Of
        private IOneOf ParseOneOf (SrgsOneOf srgsOneOf, IElement parent, IRule rule)
            IOneOf oneOf = _parser.CreateOneOf (parent, rule); 

            // Process child elements. 
            foreach (SrgsItem item in srgsOneOf.Items)
                ProcessChildNodes (item, oneOf, rule);
            oneOf.PostParse (parent);
            return oneOf; 

        /// Parse Item
        private IItem ParseItem (SrgsItem srgsItem, IElement parent, IRule rule) 
            IItem item = _parser.CreateItem (parent, rule, srgsItem.MinRepeat, srgsItem.MaxRepeat, srgsItem.RepeatProbability, srgsItem.Weight); 

            // Process child elements.
            foreach (SrgsElement srgsElement in GetSortedTagElements (srgsItem.Elements))
                ProcessChildNodes (srgsElement, item, rule);
            item.PostParse (parent);
            return item; 

        /// Parse Token 
        private IToken ParseToken (SrgsToken srgsToken, IElement parent) 
            return _parser.CreateToken (parent, srgsToken.Text, srgsToken.Pronunciation, srgsToken.Display, -1);
        /// Break the string into individual tokens and ParseToken() each individual token. 
        /// Token string is a sequence of 0 or more white space delimited tokens.
        /// Tokens may also be delimited by double quotes.  In these cases, the double 
        /// quotes token must be surrounded by white space or string boundary.
        /// Parent element
        private void ParseText (IElement parent, string sChars, string pronunciation, string display, float reqConfidence)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ((parent != null) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sChars)));

            XmlParser.ParseText (parent, sChars, pronunciation, display, reqConfidence, new CreateTokenCallback (_parser.CreateToken));

        /// Parse tag 
        private ISubset ParseSubset (SrgsSubset srgsSubset, IElement parent)
            MatchMode matchMode = MatchMode.Subsequence;
            switch (srgsSubset.MatchingMode) 
                case SubsetMatchingMode.OrderedSubset: 
                    matchMode = MatchMode.OrderedSubset;

                case SubsetMatchingMode.OrderedSubsetContentRequired: 
                    matchMode = MatchMode.OrderedSubsetContentRequired;
                case SubsetMatchingMode.Subsequence:
                    matchMode = MatchMode.Subsequence; 

                case SubsetMatchingMode.SubsequenceContentRequired:
                    matchMode = MatchMode.SubsequenceContentRequired; 
            return _parser.CreateSubset (parent, srgsSubset.Text, matchMode);

        /// Parse tag
        private ISemanticTag ParseSemanticTag (SrgsSemanticInterpretationTag srgsTag, IElement parent)
            ISemanticTag tag = _parser.CreateSemanticTag (parent);

            tag.Content (parent, srgsTag.Script, 0);
            tag.PostParse (parent); 
            return tag;
        /// ParseNameValueTag tag 
        private IPropertyTag ParseNameValueTag (SrgsNameValueTag srgsTag, IElement parent)
            IPropertyTag tag = _parser.CreatePropertyTag (parent); 

            // Inialize the tag 
            tag.NameValue (parent, srgsTag.Name, srgsTag.Value);

            // Since the tag are always pushed at the end of the element list, they can be committed right away
            tag.PostParse (parent); 
            return tag;
        /// Calls the appropriate Parsing function based on the element type 
        private void ProcessChildNodes (SrgsElement srgsElement, IElement parent, IRule rule)
            Type elementType = srgsElement.GetType (); 
            IElement child = null;
            IRule parentRule = parent as IRule; 
            IItem parentItem = parent as IItem;

            if (elementType == typeof (SrgsRuleRef))
                child = ParseRuleRef ((SrgsRuleRef) srgsElement, parent);
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsOneOf)) 
                child = ParseOneOf ((SrgsOneOf) srgsElement, parent, rule); 
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsItem))
                child = ParseItem ((SrgsItem) srgsElement, parent, rule); 
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsToken)) 
                child = ParseToken ((SrgsToken) srgsElement, parent);
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsNameValueTag))
                child = ParseNameValueTag ((SrgsNameValueTag) srgsElement, parent);
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsSemanticInterpretationTag))
                child = ParseSemanticTag ((SrgsSemanticInterpretationTag) srgsElement, parent); 
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsSubset)) 
                child = ParseSubset ((SrgsSubset) srgsElement, parent);
            else if (elementType == typeof (SrgsText)) 
                SrgsText srgsText = (SrgsText) srgsElement; 
                string content = srgsText.Text; 

                // Create the SrgsElement for the text 
                IElementText textChild = _parser.CreateText (parent, content);

                // Split it in pieces
                ParseText (parent, content, null, null, -1f); 

                if (parentRule != null) 
                    _parser.AddElement (parentRule, textChild);
                    if (parentItem != null)
                        _parser.AddElement (parentItem, textChild);
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement); 
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert (false, "Unsupported Srgs element"); 
                XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement); 
            // if the parent is a one of, then the children must be an Item
            IOneOf parentOneOf = parent as IOneOf;
            if (parentOneOf != null)
                IItem childItem = child as IItem;
                if (childItem != null) 
                    _parser.AddItem (parentOneOf, childItem);
                    XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement);
                if (parentRule != null)
                    _parser.AddElement (parentRule, child);
                    if (parentItem != null)
                        _parser.AddElement (parentItem, child); 
                        XmlParser.ThrowSrgsException (SRID.InvalidElement);
        private IEnumerable GetSortedTagElements (Collection elements)
            if (_grammar.TagFormat == SrgsTagFormat.KeyValuePairs)
                List list = new List ();
                foreach (SrgsElement element in elements) 
                    if (!(element is SrgsNameValueTag)) 
                        list.Add (element);
                foreach (SrgsElement element in elements)
                    if ((element is SrgsNameValueTag)) 
                        list.Add (element); 
                return list; 
                // Semantic Interpretation, the order for the tag element does not matter 
                return elements;


        // Private Fields 
        #region Private Fields
        private SrgsGrammar _grammar;

        private IElementFactory _parser;

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.


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