TableLayoutPanelDesigner.cs source code in C# .NET

Source code for the .NET framework in C#



/ DotNET / DotNET / 8.0 / untmp / whidbey / REDBITS / ndp / fx / src / Designer / WinForms / System / WinForms / Design / TableLayoutPanelDesigner.cs / 5 / TableLayoutPanelDesigner.cs

//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

namespace System.Windows.Forms.Design {
    using System.CodeDom; 
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.ComponentModel.Design; 
    using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization;
    using System.Diagnostics; 
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; 
    using System;
    using System.Design; 
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Drawing.Design;
    using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
    using System.Windows.Forms; 
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design.Behavior; 
    using Microsoft.Win32; 

    ///     This class handles all design time behavior for the TableLayoutPanel class.  This class
    ///     is in charge of: making sure all rows/columns are correctly rendered, all drag/move
    ///     gestures correctly add/insert controls into the table, and new controls are added to the 
    ///     appropriate cell(s).
    internal class TableLayoutPanelDesigner : FlowPanelDesigner { 

        private TableLayoutPanelBehavior    tlpBehavior;//every resize col/row glyph is associated with this instance of behavior 
        private Point                       droppedCellPosition = InvalidPoint;//used to insert new children

        private bool                        undoing = false; 
        private UndoEngine                  undoEngine = null;
        private Control                     localDragControl;//only valid if we're currently dragging a child control of the table 
        private ArrayList                   dragComps;          //the components we are dragging
        private DesignerVerbCollection      verbs;//add col/row and remove col/row tab verbs 
        private DesignerTableLayoutControlCollection     controls;
        private DesignerVerb                removeRowVerb;
        private DesignerVerb                removeColVerb;
        DesignerActionListCollection        actionLists = null;//action list for the Smart Tag 

        private BaseContextMenuStrip        designerContextMenuStrip = null; 
        private int                         curRow = -1; //row cursor was over when context menu was dropped 
        private int                         curCol= -1;  //col cursor was over when context menu was dropped
        IComponentChangeService compSvc = null;
        private PropertyDescriptor rowStyleProp;
        private PropertyDescriptor colStyleProp;
        // Only used when adding controls via the toolbox
        private int rowCountBeforeAdd = 0; // What's the row count before a control is added 
        private int colCountBeforeAdd = 0; // Ditto for column 

        private int                         ensureSuspendCount = 0;

        ///     The instance to our Behavior that every glyph shares.  This is
        ///     demand created only once. 
        private TableLayoutPanelBehavior Behavior {
            get { 
                if (tlpBehavior == null) {
                    tlpBehavior = new TableLayoutPanelBehavior(Table, this, Component.Site);
                return tlpBehavior; 

        // SPECIAL HANDLING  - VSWhidbey 483915 
        // The only reason we shadow ColumnStyles and RowStyles is to control
        // how they are serialized out. If the form is not localizable, then we
        // want to serialize to code. If the form is localized, then we do not 
        // want to serialize to code. This is because the TLP has special logic
        // that adds these properties to the resx file in this case. It needs this 
        // special code, since the properties are not marked as localizable. 
        // If we also added these to the code, we would actually end up with double
        // the number of styles in the collections. 

        // TLP has no setter
        private TableLayoutColumnStyleCollection ColumnStyles { 
            get {
                return Table.ColumnStyles; 
        // TLP has no setter
        private TableLayoutRowStyleCollection RowStyles {
            get {
                return Table.RowStyles; 
        public int RowCount {
            get { 
                return Table.RowCount;
            set {
                if (value <= 0) { 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerInvalidColumnRowCount, "RowCount"));
                else { 
                    Table.RowCount = value;

        public int ColumnCount { 
            get {
                return Table.ColumnCount; 
            set {
                if (value <= 0) { 
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerInvalidColumnRowCount, "ColumnCount"));
                else {
                    Table.ColumnCount = value; 

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1808:AvoidCallsThatBoxValueTypes")] 
        private bool IsLocalizable() {
            IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
            if (host != null) {
                PropertyDescriptor prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(host.RootComponent)["Localizable"]; 
                if (prop != null && prop.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) {
                     return (bool) prop.GetValue(host.RootComponent); 
            return false;

        private bool ShouldSerializeColumnStyles() { 
            return !IsLocalizable();
        private bool ShouldSerializeRowStyles() {
            return !IsLocalizable(); 

        private DesignerTableLayoutControlCollection Controls { 
            get { 
                if (controls == null) {
                    controls = new DesignerTableLayoutControlCollection((TableLayoutPanel)Control); 
                return controls;

        private ContextMenuStrip DesignerContextMenuStrip { 
            get { 
                if (designerContextMenuStrip == null) {
                    designerContextMenuStrip = new BaseContextMenuStrip(Component.Site, Table); 

                    // Remove all the verbs -- except the Edit Rows and Columns
                    ContextMenuStripGroup group = designerContextMenuStrip.Groups[StandardGroups.Verbs];
                    foreach (DesignerVerb verb in Verbs) { 
                        if (verb.Text.Equals(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerEditRowAndCol))) {

                        foreach (ToolStripItem item in group.Items) { 
                            if (item.Text.Equals(verb.Text)) {
                    // Now build the new menus
                    ToolStripDropDownMenu rowMenu = BuildMenu(true); 
                    ToolStripDropDownMenu colMenu = BuildMenu(false);

                    ToolStripMenuItem row = new ToolStripMenuItem();
                    row.DropDown = rowMenu; 
                    row.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerRowMenu);
                    ToolStripMenuItem col = new ToolStripMenuItem(); 
                    col.DropDown = colMenu;
                    col.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerColMenu); 

                    group.Items.Insert(0, col);
                    group.Items.Insert(0, row);
                    group = designerContextMenuStrip.Groups[StandardGroups.Edit];
                    foreach (ToolStripItem item in group.Items) { 
                        if (item.Text.Equals(SR.GetString(SR.ContextMenuCut))) { 
                                item.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerContextMenuCut);
                        else if (item.Text.Equals(SR.GetString(SR.ContextMenuCopy))) {
                            item.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerContextMenuCopy);
                        else if (item.Text.Equals(SR.GetString(SR.ContextMenuDelete))) { 
                            item.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerContextMenuDelete);
                return designerContextMenuStrip;

        ///     Returns true if the host is loading.
        private bool IsLoading {
            get {
                IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
                if (host != null) {
                    return host.Loading; 

                return false; 

        ///     Returns our runtime TableLayoutPanel instance. 
        internal TableLayoutPanel Table {
            get { 
                return Component as TableLayoutPanel;

        private bool Undoing { 
            get { 
                if (undoEngine == null)  {
                    undoEngine = GetService(typeof(UndoEngine)) as UndoEngine; 
                    if (undoEngine != null) {
                        undoEngine.Undoing += new EventHandler(this.OnUndoing);
                        if (undoEngine.UndoInProgress) {
                            undoing = true; 
                            undoEngine.Undone += new EventHandler(this.OnUndone);
                return undoing;

            set { 
                undoing = value;


        ///     The designer verbs we'll surface for this table. 
        // We need to add separate verbs (and not use the ones from the DesignerActionPanel), since 
        // we need to be able to disable/enable the Remove items based on the number of rows/cols, and
        // you cannot do that via the DesignerAction stuff. 

        // These verbs would be promoted to the DAP, but we need a DAP since we want it to AutoShow.
        public override DesignerVerbCollection Verbs {
            get { 
                if (verbs == null) {
                    removeColVerb = new DesignerVerb(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerRemoveColumn), new EventHandler(this.OnVerbRemove)); 
                    removeRowVerb = new DesignerVerb(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerRemoveRow), new EventHandler(this.OnVerbRemove)); 

                    verbs = new DesignerVerbCollection(); 

                    verbs.Add(new DesignerVerb(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddColumn), new EventHandler(this.OnVerbAdd)));
                    verbs.Add(new DesignerVerb(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddRow), new EventHandler(this.OnVerbAdd)));
                    verbs.Add(new DesignerVerb(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerEditRowAndCol), new EventHandler(this.OnVerbEdit))); 

                return verbs;

        private void RefreshSmartTag() { 
            DesignerActionUIService actionUIService = (DesignerActionUIService)GetService(typeof(DesignerActionUIService)); 
            if (actionUIService != null)
        private void CheckVerbStatus() {
            if (Table != null) 
                if (removeColVerb != null) {
                    bool colState = Table.ColumnCount > 1;
                    if (removeColVerb.Enabled != colState) {
                        removeColVerb.Enabled = colState;
                if (removeRowVerb != null) { 
                    bool rowState = Table.RowCount > 1;
                    if (removeRowVerb.Enabled != rowState) { 
                        removeRowVerb.Enabled = rowState;

        ///    Gets the design-time action lists supported by the component associated with the
        ///       designer. 
        public override DesignerActionListCollection ActionLists { 
            get { 
                if (actionLists == null)

                return actionLists; 
        private ToolStripDropDownMenu BuildMenu(bool isRow) {
            ToolStripMenuItem add = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            ToolStripMenuItem insert = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            ToolStripMenuItem delete = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            ToolStripSeparator separator = new ToolStripSeparator(); 
            ToolStripLabel label = new ToolStripLabel();
            ToolStripMenuItem absolute = new ToolStripMenuItem(); 
            ToolStripMenuItem percent = new ToolStripMenuItem(); 
            ToolStripMenuItem autosize = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            add.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddMenu);
            add.Tag = isRow;
            add.Name = "add";
            add.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OnAddClick); 

            insert.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerInsertMenu); 
            insert.Tag = isRow; 
            insert.Name = "insert";
            insert.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OnInsertClick); 

            delete.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerDeleteMenu);
            delete.Tag = isRow;
            delete.Name = "delete"; 
            delete.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OnDeleteClick);
            label.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerLabelMenu); 
            if (SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerDontBoldLabel) == "0") {
                label.Font = new Font(label.Font, FontStyle.Bold); 

            label.Name = "sizemode";
            absolute.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAbsoluteMenu);
            absolute.Tag = isRow; 
            absolute.Name = "absolute"; 
            absolute.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OnAbsoluteClick);
            percent.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerPercentageMenu);
            percent.Tag = isRow;
            percent.Name = "percent";
            percent.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OnPercentClick); 

            autosize.Text = SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAutoSizeMenu); 
            autosize.Tag = isRow; 
            autosize.Name = "autosize";
            autosize.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.OnAutoSizeClick); 

            ToolStripDropDownMenu menu = new ToolStripDropDownMenu();
            menu.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[] {add, insert, delete, separator, label, absolute, percent, autosize});
            menu.Tag = isRow; 
            menu.Opening += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(this.OnRowColMenuOpening);
            IUIService uis = GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService; 
            if (uis != null) {
              menu.Renderer = (ToolStripProfessionalRenderer)uis.Styles["VsRenderer"]; 
            return menu;


        private void BuildActionLists() { 
            actionLists = new DesignerActionListCollection(); 

            // Add Column action list 
            actionLists.Add(new TableLayouPanelRowColumnActionList(this));

            // if one actionList has AutoShow == true then the chrome panel will popup when the user DnD the DataGridView onto the form
            // It would make sense to promote AutoShow to DesignerActionListCollection. 
            // But we don't own the DesignerActionListCollection so we just set AutoShow on the first ActionList
            actionLists[0].AutoShow = true; 
        private class TableLayouPanelRowColumnActionList : DesignerActionList {

            TableLayoutPanelDesigner owner;
            public TableLayouPanelRowColumnActionList(TableLayoutPanelDesigner owner) : base(owner.Component)
                this.owner = owner; 
            public override DesignerActionItemCollection GetSortedActionItems() {
                DesignerActionItemCollection items = new DesignerActionItemCollection();

                // We don't promote these Items to DesignerVerbs, since we need to be able 
                // to disable/enable the Remove entries, based on the number of Rows/Cols.
                // Unfortunately, you cannot do that via the DesignerAction stuff. 
                items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this, 
                                                         "AddColumn", // method name
                                                          SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddColumn), // display name 
                                                          false));                                             // promoteToDesignerVerb
                items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this,
                                                         "AddRow", // method name
                                                          SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddRow),  // display name 
                                                          false));                                           // promoteToDesignerVerb
                if (owner.Table.ColumnCount > 1) { 
                    items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this,
                                                         "RemoveColumn", // method name 
                                                          SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerRemoveColumn), // display name
                                                          false));                                                // promoteToDesignerVerb
                if (owner.Table.RowCount > 1) {
                    items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this, 
                                                         "RemoveRow", // method name 
                                                          SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerRemoveRow),  // display name
                                                          false));                                                // promoteToDesignerVerb 

                items.Add(new DesignerActionMethodItem(this,
                                                         "EditRowAndCol", // method name 
                                                          SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerEditRowAndCol),  // display name
                                                          false));                                                // promoteToDesignerVerb 
                return items;

            // Called through reflection
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
            public void AddColumn() { 
            // Called through reflection
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] 
            public void AddRow() {
            // Called through reflection
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] 
            public void RemoveColumn() { 

            // Called through reflection
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
            public void RemoveRow() { 
            // Called through reflection
            [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")] 
            public void EditRowAndCol() {

        ///     Called privately - we'll un-sync the removed event and quietly remove the control
        //      from the table.
        private void RemoveControlInternal(Control c) { 
            Table.ControlRemoved -= new ControlEventHandler(this.OnControlRemoved);
            Table.ControlRemoved += new ControlEventHandler(this.OnControlRemoved); 
        ///     Called within this designer - this method will un-sync the
        ///     'ControlAdded' event and add a control (aboslutely positioned) 
        ///     to the row and column specified.
        private void AddControlInternal(Control c, int col, int row) { 
            Table.ControlAdded -= new ControlEventHandler(this.OnControlAdded);
            Table.Controls.Add(c, col, row); 
            Table.ControlAdded += new ControlEventHandler(this.OnControlAdded);

        ///     Called in response to controls being added - through dragging, copy/paste, toolbox, etc... 
        ///     This method removes the control and re-adds it back to the table at an absolute
        ///     position.  This is done for more of a deterministic behavior when rows/cols change in 
        ///     our table.
        // Standard 'catch all - rethrow critical' exception pattern
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")] 
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2102:CatchNonClsCompliantExceptionsInGeneralHandlers")]
         private void ControlAddedInternal(Control control, Point newControlPosition, bool localReposition, bool fullTable, DragEventArgs de) { 
             //If the table is full - we'll want to 'autogrow' either the row or column based on the grow style property
             //before we actually add the control. 
             if (fullTable) {
                 if (Table.GrowStyle == TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.AddRows) {

                     PropertyDescriptor rowProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["RowCount"]; 
                     if (rowProp != null) {
                         rowProp.SetValue(Table, Table.GetRowHeights().Length); 
                     newControlPosition.X = 0;
                     newControlPosition.Y = Table.RowCount - 1; 
                 else if (Table.GrowStyle == TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.AddColumns) {

                     PropertyDescriptor colProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["ColumnCount"]; 
                     if (colProp != null) {
                         colProp.SetValue(Table, Table.GetColumnWidths().Length); 

                     newControlPosition.X = Table.ColumnCount - 1; 
                     newControlPosition.Y = 0;
                 else {
                     //fixed growstyle - what do we do here? 
            //Here, we are adding a control to our table - we need to make sure we 
            // 1) correctly place the new control at its drop location, and
            // 2) perform a 'swap' if this is entirely a local 
            // reposition.

            DesignerTransaction trans = null;
            PropertyDescriptor controlsProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["Controls"]; 
            //find the control that currently resides at our newControlPosition - we'll want to either
            //remove it or swap it. 
            try { 

                // Are we doing a local copy 
                bool localCopy = ((de != null) && (de.Effect == DragDropEffects.Copy) && localReposition);

                Control existingControl = ((TableLayoutPanel)Control).GetControlFromPosition(newControlPosition.X, newControlPosition.Y);
                if (localCopy) {
                    Debug.Assert(existingControl == null, "We shouldn't be able to do a local copy of a cell with an existing control"); 
                    IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; 
                    if (host != null) {
                        trans = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.BehaviorServiceCopyControl, control.Site.Name)); 
                    // Need to do this after the transaction is created
                //does the newControlPosition contain a valid control
                //if so - we need to perform a 'swap' function if this is local - or default 
                //to controls.add if this is from an external source 
                else if (existingControl != null && !existingControl.Equals(control)) {
                    if (localReposition) { 
                        // If we're swapping controls, create a DesignerTransaction
                        // so this can be undoable.
                        IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
                        if (host != null) { 
                            trans = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerControlsSwapped, control.Site.Name, existingControl.Site.Name));
                        // Need to do this after the transaction is created 
                        RemoveControlInternal(existingControl);//we found our control to swap 
                    else {
                        //here we externally dragged a control onto a valid control in our table
                        //we'll try to find a place to put it (since we shouldn't be here if our table 
                        //was full
                        // [....] -- we shouldn't ever get here... 
                        existingControl = null;//null this out since we're not swapping 
                else {
                    //here we have a truly empty cell 

                    // If we are not doing a local move, then the DropSourceBehavior created the transaction for us 
                    if (localReposition) { 
                        IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
                        if (host != null) { 
                            trans = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.BehaviorServiceMoveControl, control.Site.Name));
                    existingControl = null;

                //Need to do this after the transaction has been created
                if (localCopy) {
                    ArrayList temp = new ArrayList();
                    temp = DesignerUtils.CopyDragObjects(temp, Component.Site) as ArrayList;
                    control = temp[0] as Control; 

                //if we are locally repositioning this control - remove it (internally)
                //from the table's child collection and add something in its place.  This
                //will be a control to swap it with
                if (localReposition) { 
                    Point oldPosition = GetControlPosition(control);
                    if (oldPosition != InvalidPoint) { 

                        if (oldPosition != newControlPosition) {//guard against dropping it back on itself 
                            if (existingControl != null) {
                                //we have something to swap...
                                AddControlInternal(existingControl, oldPosition.X, oldPosition.Y);

                //Finally - set our new control to the new position 
                if (localReposition) {
                    //If we are doing a local drag, then the control previously got removed
                    AddControlInternal(control, newControlPosition.X, newControlPosition.Y);
                else {
                    //If not, then the control has already been added, and all we need to do is set the position 
                    Table.SetCellPosition(control, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(newControlPosition.X, newControlPosition.Y)); 

                if (de != null) {
                if (trans != null) { 
                    trans = null; 

                // Set the selection to be the newly added control - but only if we are doing a local copy
                if (localCopy) { 
                    ISelectionService selSvc = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
                    if (selSvc != null) { 
                        selSvc.SetSelectedComponents(new object[] {control}, SelectionTypes.Primary | SelectionTypes.Replace); 

            // VSWhidbey #390285
            catch (ArgumentException argumentEx) { 
                IUIService uiService = GetService(typeof(IUIService)) as IUIService; 
                if (uiService != null) {

            catch( Exception ex ) 

            finally {
                if (trans != null) { 


        private void CreateEmptyTable() {
            //set the table's default rows and columns
            PropertyDescriptor colProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["ColumnCount"]; 
            if (colProp != null) { 
                colProp.SetValue(Table, DesignerUtils.DEFAULTCOLUMNCOUNT);

            PropertyDescriptor rowProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["RowCount"];
            if (rowProp != null) {
                rowProp.SetValue(Table, DesignerUtils.DEFAULTROWCOUNT); 
            //this will make sure we have styles created for every row & column 

        private void InitializeNewStyles() {
            Size tableSize = Table.Size; 

             //adjust the two absolutely positioned columns 
            Table.ColumnStyles[0].SizeType = SizeType.Percent;
            Table.ColumnStyles[0].Width = DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLEPERCENT;
            Table.ColumnStyles[1].SizeType = SizeType.Percent;
            Table.ColumnStyles[1].Width = DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLEPERCENT; 

            //adjust two absolutely positioned rows 
            Table.RowStyles[0].SizeType = SizeType.Percent; 
            Table.RowStyles[0].Height = DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLEPERCENT;
            Table.RowStyles[1].SizeType = SizeType.Percent; 
            Table.RowStyles[1].Height = DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLEPERCENT;

        ///      Disposes of this object and all events and cached services. 
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { 
            if (disposing) {

                IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
                if (host != null) { 
                    host.TransactionClosing -= new DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler(this.OnTransactionClosing);
                if (undoEngine != null) {
                    if (Undoing) { 
                        undoEngine.Undone -= new EventHandler(this.OnUndone);
                    undoEngine.Undoing -= new EventHandler(this.OnUndoing);

                if (compSvc != null) { 
                    compSvc.ComponentChanged -= new ComponentChangedEventHandler(this.OnComponentChanged); 
                    compSvc.ComponentChanging -= new ComponentChangingEventHandler(this.OnComponentChanging);

                if (Table != null) {
                    Table.ControlAdded -= new ControlEventHandler(this.OnControlAdded);
                    Table.ControlRemoved -= new ControlEventHandler(this.OnControlRemoved); 
                rowStyleProp = null; 
                colStyleProp = null;


        ///     This draws a nice border around our panel and each cell only
        ///     if the cell border styles are not set or 'none'. 
        protected override void DrawBorder(Graphics graphics) {

            if (Table.CellBorderStyle != TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.None) { 
                //only draw a fake border if there is no borderstyle


            Rectangle rc = Control.DisplayRectangle;
            rc.Width --;

            int[] cw = Table.GetColumnWidths(); 
            int[] rh = Table.GetRowHeights(); 

            using (Pen pen = BorderPen) { 
                if (cw.Length > 1) {

                    bool isRTL = (Table.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes);
                    // offset by padding 
                    int startX = isRTL ? rc.Right : rc.Left;
                    for (int i = 0; i < cw.Length - 1; i++) { 
                        if (isRTL) {
                            startX -= cw[i]; 
                        else {
                            startX += cw[i];

                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, startX, rc.Top, startX, rc.Bottom); 
                if (rh.Length > 1) {
                    int startY = rc.Top;
                    for (int i = 0; i < rh.Length - 1; i++) {
                        startY += rh[i]; 
 						graphics.DrawLine(pen, rc.Left, startY, rc.Right, startY);

        //The StyleCollectionEditor uses these to make sure that the Styles collection
        //doesn't change underneath us 
        internal void SuspendEnsureAvailableStyles() {

        //The StyleCollectionEditor uses these to make sure that the Styles collection 
        //doesn't change underneath us
        internal void ResumeEnsureAvailableStyles(bool performEnsure) {
            if (ensureSuspendCount > 0) {

                if (ensureSuspendCount == 0 && performEnsure) { 

        ///     This is method ensures that for every row and column our
        ///     runtime control has - that we have appropriate row and column 
        ///     styles for them. 
        private bool EnsureAvailableStyles() { 

            if (IsLoading || Undoing || ensureSuspendCount > 0) {
                return false;

            int[] cw = Table.GetColumnWidths(); 
            int[] rh = Table.GetRowHeights(); 

            try {
                //if we have more columns then column styles add some...
                if (cw.Length > Table.ColumnStyles.Count) {
                    int colDifference = cw.Length - Table.ColumnStyles.Count; 
                    for(int i = 0; i < colDifference; i++) { 
                        Table.ColumnStyles.Add(new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLESIZE)); 


                //if we have more rows then row styles add some... 
                if (rh.Length > Table.RowStyles.Count) {
                    int rowDifference = rh.Length - Table.RowStyles.Count; 
                    for(int i = 0; i < rowDifference; i++) {
                        Table.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLESIZE)); 
            finally {
            return true;

        ///    Takes a drageventargs and extracts the 0th dragging control.
        private Control ExtractControlFromDragEvent(DragEventArgs de) { 

            DropSourceBehavior.BehaviorDataObject data = de.Data as DropSourceBehavior.BehaviorDataObject; 
            if (data != null) {
                dragComps = new ArrayList(data.DragComponents);
                return dragComps[0] as Control;

            return null; 

        ///     Called on drag-drop operations, give the point passed in,
        ///     this method will attempt to find the appropriate cell. 
        private Point GetCellPosition(Point pos) { 
            //get some runtime table info
            int[] rows = Table.GetRowHeights(); 
            int[] columns = Table.GetColumnWidths();

            //By using DisplayRectangle here we handle the case where we are scrolled. VSWhidbey #399557
            Point startingPoint = Table.PointToScreen(Table.DisplayRectangle.Location); 
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(startingPoint, Table.DisplayRectangle.Size);
            Point position = new Point(-1, -1); 

            bool isRTL = Table.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes; 
            int offset = isRTL ? bounds.Right : bounds.X;

            //loop through the columns and identify where the mouse is
            for(int i = 0; i < columns.Length; i++) { 
                if (isRTL) {
                    if (pos.X >= offset - columns[i]) { 
                        position.X = i; 
                    offset -= columns[i];
                else {
                    if (pos.X <= offset + columns[i]) { 
                        position.X = i;
                    offset += columns[i];


            if (position.X < 0) { 
                //couldn't find it - then add it to the end
                position.X = columns.Length; 

            offset = bounds.Y; 

            //loop through the rows and identify where the mouse is
            for(int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++) {
                if (pos.Y <= offset + rows[i]) { 
                    position.Y = i;

                offset += rows[i]; 
            if (position.Y < 0) {
                //couldn't find it - then add it to the end
                position.Y = rows.Length; 
            return position; 

        ///     Reverse lookup into our table.  Given a control we'll find 
        ///     the location (colxrow) in the table.
        private Point GetControlPosition(Control control) { 

            TableLayoutPanelCellPosition pos = Table.GetPositionFromControl(control); 
            if ((pos.Row == -1) && (pos.Column == -1)) {
                return InvalidPoint;
            return new Point (pos.Column, pos.Row);

        ///     This method will add glyphs for every row and column in our Table.
        public override GlyphCollection GetGlyphs(GlyphSelectionType selectionType) { 
            GlyphCollection glyphs = base.GetGlyphs(selectionType);
            PropertyDescriptor prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["Locked"]; 
            bool locked = (prop != null) ? ((bool)prop.GetValue(Component)) : false;
            //Before adding glyphs for every row/column, make sure we have a column/rowstyle for every column/row
            bool safeToRefresh = EnsureAvailableStyles();

            //if we're somehow selected, not locked, and not inherited -then offer up glyphs for every 
            //column/row line
            if (selectionType != GlyphSelectionType.NotSelected && !locked && InheritanceAttribute != InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly) { 
                //get the correctly translated bounds
                //By using DisplayRectangle here we handle the case where we are scrolled. VSWhidbey #399689
                Point loc = BehaviorService.MapAdornerWindowPoint(Table.Handle, Table.DisplayRectangle.Location);
                Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(loc, Table.DisplayRectangle.Size);
                Point controlLoc = BehaviorService.ControlToAdornerWindow(Control);
                Rectangle checkBounds = new Rectangle(controlLoc, Control.ClientSize); // Can't use Control.Size since that will include any scrollbar 

                int[] cw = Table.GetColumnWidths(); 
                int[] rh = Table.GetRowHeights();
                int halfSize = DesignerUtils.RESIZEGLYPHSIZE / 2;

                bool isRTL = (Table.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes); 
                int startLoc = isRTL ? bounds.Right : bounds.X;
                if (safeToRefresh) { 

                    //add resize glyphs for each column and row
                    for (int i = 0; i < cw.Length - 1; i++) {
                        //Do not add a glyph for columns of 0 width. This can happen for percentage columns, where the table is not
                        //big enough for there to be any space for percentage columns 
                        if (cw[i] == 0) {

                        if (isRTL) { 
                            startLoc -= cw[i];
                        else {
                            startLoc += cw[i];//x offset of column line 
                        Rectangle gBounds = new Rectangle(startLoc - halfSize, checkBounds.Top, DesignerUtils.RESIZEGLYPHSIZE, checkBounds.Height); 
                        //Don't add glyphs for columns that are not within the clientrectangle
                        if (!checkBounds.Contains(gBounds)) { 

                        Debug.Assert(Table.ColumnStyles[i] != null, "Table's ColumnStyle[" + i + "] is null!"); 
                        if (Table.ColumnStyles[i] != null) {
                            TableLayoutPanelResizeGlyph g = new TableLayoutPanelResizeGlyph (gBounds, Table.ColumnStyles[i], Cursors.VSplit, Behavior); 

                    startLoc = bounds.Y;//reset for the rows...

                    for (int i = 0; i < rh.Length - 1; i++) { 
                        //Do not add a glyph for rows of 0 height. This can happen for percentage columns, where the table is not
                        //big enough for there to be any space for percentage columns 
                        if (rh[i] == 0) { 

                        startLoc += rh[i];//y offset of row line
                        Rectangle gBounds = new Rectangle(checkBounds.Left, startLoc - halfSize, checkBounds.Width, DesignerUtils.RESIZEGLYPHSIZE);
                        if (!checkBounds.Contains(gBounds)) { 
                        Debug.Assert(Table.RowStyles[i] != null, "Table's RowStyle[" + i + "] is null!");
                        if (Table.RowStyles[i] != null) { 
                            TableLayoutPanelResizeGlyph g = new TableLayoutPanelResizeGlyph (gBounds, Table.RowStyles[i], Cursors.HSplit, Behavior);
            return glyphs;

        ///      Overrides the base and syncs load, change, and child added events.
        public override void Initialize(IComponent component) { 
            IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));
            if (host != null) {
                host.TransactionClosing += new DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler(this.OnTransactionClosing);
                compSvc = host.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService)) as IComponentChangeService; 
            if (compSvc != null) { 
                compSvc.ComponentChanging += new ComponentChangingEventHandler(this.OnComponentChanging);
                compSvc.ComponentChanged += new ComponentChangedEventHandler(this.OnComponentChanged); 

            Control.ControlAdded += new ControlEventHandler(this.OnControlAdded);
            Control.ControlRemoved += new ControlEventHandler(this.OnControlRemoved); 

            rowStyleProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["RowStyles"]; 
            colStyleProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["ColumnStyles"];
            // VSWhidbey #424845. If the TLP is inheritedreadonly, so should all of the children
            if (InheritanceAttribute == InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly) {
                for (int i = 0; i < Control.Controls.Count; i++) {
                    TypeDescriptor.AddAttributes(Control.Controls[i], InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly); 


        // per VSWhidbey #424850 adding this to this class...
        protected override InheritanceAttribute InheritanceAttribute   { 
            get {
                if ((base.InheritanceAttribute == InheritanceAttribute.Inherited) 
                    || (base.InheritanceAttribute ==  InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly)) { 
                    return InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly;
                return base.InheritanceAttribute;
        ///      After a new comp is initialized - make sure our table has 2 rows and 2 columsn. 
        public override void InitializeNewComponent(IDictionary defaultValues) { 
        // We override this to find out if the table is full BEFORE the control is created.
        protected override IComponent[] CreateToolCore(ToolboxItem tool, int x, int y, int width, int height, bool hasLocation, bool hasSize) { 
            rowCountBeforeAdd = Math.Max(0,Table.GetRowHeights().Length); // don't want negative
            colCountBeforeAdd = Math.Max(0,Table.GetColumnWidths().Length); 

            return base.CreateToolCore(tool, x, y, width, height, hasLocation, hasSize);
        ///     When a new child is added - we check to see if we have cached a cell pos. 
        ///     If so, we'll re-insert the control at this new position.
        private void OnControlAdded(object sender, ControlEventArgs e) {

            if (IsLoading || Undoing) {
            // Calculate the number cells spanned by controls in the Table 

            // This can be slow, but it is the only way to really calculate the number of cells spanned. 
            // We cannot rely on checking the control's span since the TLP's growstyle might affect it.
            // E.g. RowCount = ColumnCount = 2, GrowStyle = AddRows, button in cell(0,0), button.ColumnSpan = 6
            int totalArea = 0;
            int[] rows = Table.GetRowHeights(); 
            int[] columns = Table.GetColumnWidths();
            for (int row = 0; row < rows.Length; row++) { 
                for (int column = 0; column < columns.Length; column++) {
                    if (Table.GetControlFromPosition(column, row) != null) { 

            //The control we are about to place, have already been added to the TLP's control collection, so -1 here. 
            //This is because we want to know if the table was full BEFORE the control was added. 

            bool fullTable = (totalArea - 1) >= (Math.Max(1, colCountBeforeAdd) * Math.Max(1, rowCountBeforeAdd)); 

            if (droppedCellPosition == InvalidPoint) {
                droppedCellPosition = GetControlPosition(e.Control);

            Debug.Assert(fullTable || (droppedCellPosition != InvalidPoint), "Why is neither fullTable or droppedCellPosition set?"); 
            ControlAddedInternal(e.Control, droppedCellPosition, false, fullTable, null);
            droppedCellPosition = InvalidPoint;


        private void OnControlRemoved(object sender, ControlEventArgs e) { 
            // Need to do this to make sure undo/redo works 
            // Since the Row/Col extended property is DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden, the undo engine
            // will not serialize the value out, so we need to reset it here. VSWhidbey #392705. 
            if (e != null && e.Control != null) {
                Table.SetCellPosition(e.Control, new TableLayoutPanelCellPosition(-1, -1));

        private bool IsOverValidCell() { 
            Point dropPoint = GetCellPosition(Control.MousePosition);
            Control existingControl = (Control)((TableLayoutPanel)Control).GetControlFromPosition(dropPoint.X, dropPoint.Y); 

            //If the cell is not empty, and we are not doing a local drag, then show the no-smoking cursor
            //or if we are doing a multi-select local drag, then show the no-smoking cursor.
            //or if we are doig a local drag, and the cell is not empty, and we are doing a copy 
            if ((existingControl != null && localDragControl == null) ||
                (localDragControl != null && dragComps.Count > 1) || 
                (localDragControl != null && existingControl != null && Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)) { 
                return false;

            return true;


        protected override void OnContextMenu(int x, int y) 
            Point cell = GetCellPosition(new Point(x,y));
            curRow = cell.Y; 
            curCol = cell.X;

            //Set the SizeMode correctly

            DesignerContextMenuStrip.Show(x, y); 

        ///     Fired when we get a drag enter - here, we'll check it out
        ///     to see if we're dragging one of our child controls.
        protected override void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs de) {

            //peak at what just entered her e- it it's a local control 
            //we'll cache it off
            if (localDragControl == null) {
                Control dragControl = ExtractControlFromDragEvent(de);
                if (dragControl != null && Table.Controls.Contains(dragControl)) { 
                     localDragControl = dragControl;


        ///     Called when a drag-drop operation leaves the control designer view
        protected override void OnDragLeave(EventArgs e) {
            localDragControl = null; //VSWhidbey #275678 
            dragComps = null;

        ///    When a control is dropped we first determine which cell is related to the 
        ///    drop position.  After this, if the control that was dropped is an existing
        ///    child control of our Table - we remove and add it back at its new
        ///    position.  Otherwise, we'll do this in the OnChildAdded event.
        protected override void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs de) {
            droppedCellPosition = GetCellPosition(Control.MousePosition); 

            //the scenario where we just dropped our own child control 
            if (localDragControl != null) {
                //local drag to our TLP - we need to re-insert or swap it...
                ControlAddedInternal(localDragControl, droppedCellPosition, true, false, de);
                localDragControl = null; 
            else { 
                rowCountBeforeAdd = Math.Max(0,Table.GetRowHeights().Length); // don't want negative 
                colCountBeforeAdd = Math.Max(0,Table.GetColumnWidths().Length);
                //If from the outside, just let the base class handle it

                // VSWhidbey #390230 
                // Devdiv Bugs 40804
                // This will not fix VSWhidbey #390230 in the copy/paste scenario but it will for the 
                // main drag/drop scneario. 
                // We need to do this after the controls are added (after base.OnDragDrop above)
                // dragComps is null when dragging off the toolbox
                if (dragComps != null)
                    foreach (Control dragControl in dragComps) 
                        if (dragControl != null) 
                            PropertyDescriptor columnSpan = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(dragControl)["ColumnSpan"];
                            PropertyDescriptor rowSpan = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(dragControl)["RowSpan"]; 
                            if (columnSpan != null)
                                columnSpan.SetValue(dragControl, 1);
                            if (rowSpan != null)
                                rowSpan.SetValue(dragControl, 1); 
            droppedCellPosition = InvalidPoint;
            dragComps = null; 

        ///    If our table is full on drag enter -then we should not allow any 
        ///    drop operations on our surface.
        protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs de) { 

            // If we are not over a valid cell, then do not allow the drop 
            if (!IsOverValidCell()) {
                de.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;


        private Dictionary extenderProperties = null; 

        private Dictionary ExtenderProperties {
            get {
                if (extenderProperties == null && Component != null) { 
                    extenderProperties = new Dictionary();
                    AttributeCollection attribs = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(Component.GetType()); 

                    foreach (Attribute a in attribs) { 
                        ProvidePropertyAttribute extender = a as ProvidePropertyAttribute;
                        if (extender != null) {
                            extenderProperties[extender.PropertyName] = true;
                return extenderProperties;

        ///    Checks if the given memberdescriptor represents an extender property offered 
        ///    by the TLP that affects layout and is not normally serialized (Row, Column, etc.)
        ///    The UndoEngine will ignore these properties, so we need to force seralization. 
        private bool DoesPropertyAffectPosition(MemberDescriptor member) {
            bool affectsPosition = false; 
            DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute dsv = member.Attributes[typeof(DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute)] as DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute;
            if (dsv != null) {
                affectsPosition = dsv.Visibility == DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden && ExtenderProperties.ContainsKey(member.Name);

            return affectsPosition; 

        private void OnComponentChanging(object sender, ComponentChangingEventArgs e) { 
            Control changingControl = e.Component as Control;

            if (changingControl != null && changingControl.Parent == this.Component &&
                e.Member != null && DoesPropertyAffectPosition(e.Member)) { 

                PropertyDescriptor controlsProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["Controls"]; 
                compSvc.OnComponentChanging(Component, controlsProp); 



        private void OnComponentChanged(object sender, ComponentChangedEventArgs e) { 
            //VSWhidbey 233871
            //When the Row or Column property is being set on a control in the TLP, a Row/Col Style is not being added. 
            //After the property is being set, the SelectionManager::OnSelectionChanged gets called. It in turn calls
            //GetGlyphs, and the TLP designer's GetGlyphs calls EnsureAvaiableStyles. Since no style was added, we will add 
            //a default one of type Absolute, Height/Width 20. But but but... If the control has added its glyph before we
            //add the style, the glyphs wil be misaligned, since EnsureAvailableStyles also causes the TLP to do a layout. This
            //layout will actually size the control to a smaller size. So let's trap the Row/Col property changing, call
            //EnsureAvailableStyles, which will force the layout BEFORE the SelectionManager is called. 
            if (e.Component != null) {
                Control c = e.Component as Control; 
                if (c != null && c.Parent != null && c.Parent.Equals(Control) && e.Member != null && (e.Member.Name == "Row" || e.Member.Name == "Column")) { 

                if (c != null && c.Parent == this.Component &&
                    e.Member != null && DoesPropertyAffectPosition(e.Member)) {
                    PropertyDescriptor controlsProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["Controls"];
                    compSvc.OnComponentChanged(Component, controlsProp, null, null); 


        ///     Called when a designer transaction is closing (finishing).  We sync this
        ///     so that we can refresh our tablelayoutpanel control.  Calling suspend and 
        ///     resume layout here will essentially invoke the internal 'onlayout' method
        ///     on our control to force proper layout.
        private void OnTransactionClosing(object sender, DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs e) { 
            ISelectionService selSvc = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
            if (selSvc != null && Table != null) { 
                ICollection selectedComps = selSvc.GetSelectedComponents(); 
                bool selectedComponentHasTableParent = false;
                foreach (object comp in selectedComps) { 
                    Control c = comp as Control;
                    if (c != null && c.Parent == Table) {
                        selectedComponentHasTableParent = true;
                if (selSvc.GetComponentSelected(Table) || selectedComponentHasTableParent) {
                    //force an internal 'onlayout' event to refresh our control 

        ///     Called before undo starts .  We make sure to suspend designer
        ///     operations during undo.
        private void OnUndoing(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if (!Undoing) { 
                if (undoEngine != null) { 
                    undoEngine.Undone += new EventHandler(this.OnUndone);
                Undoing = true;
        ///     Called when undo ends.  We'll make sure to resume 
        ///     unsink our Undone event and also refresh the designer.
        private void OnUndone(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            if (Undoing) {
                if (undoEngine != null) {
                    undoEngine.Undone -= new EventHandler(this.OnUndone); 
                Undoing = false; 
                bool isSafeToRefresh = EnsureAvailableStyles();
                if (isSafeToRefresh) {
        ///     If the user has drawn a rectangle with a toolbox item,
        ///     we'll cache off the cell in which it happened so we can
        ///     add it @ the right location in the event OnChildAdded.
        protected override void OnMouseDragBegin(int x, int y) {
            if (IsOverValidCell()) { 
                //make sure we have a valid toolbox item and we're not just drawing a rect
                IToolboxService tbx = (IToolboxService)GetService(typeof(IToolboxService)); 
                if (tbx != null && tbx.GetSelectedToolboxItem((IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost))) != null) {
                    droppedCellPosition = GetCellPosition(Control.MousePosition);
            else {
                droppedCellPosition = InvalidPoint; 
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.No; 
            base.OnMouseDragBegin(x, y);

        protected override void OnMouseDragMove(int x, int y) { 

            //If they are trying to draw in a cell that already has a control, then we 
            //do not want to draw an outline 
            if (droppedCellPosition == InvalidPoint) {
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.No; 

            base.OnMouseDragMove(x, y); 
        ///     If the user has drawn a rectangle with a toolbox item, 
        ///     we'll cache off the cell in which it happened so we can
        ///     add it @ the right location in the event OnChildAdded.
        protected override void OnMouseDragEnd(bool cancel) { 

            if (droppedCellPosition == InvalidPoint) { 
                // If they are trying to draw in a cell that already has a control, then just act like a cancel 
                cancel = true;

        private void OnRowColMenuOpening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) {
            e.Cancel = false; 
            //Set the size mode correctly 
            ToolStripDropDownMenu menu = sender as ToolStripDropDownMenu;
            if (menu != null) { 

                int selCount = 0;
                ISelectionService selSvc = GetService(typeof(ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService;
                if (selSvc != null) { 
                    selCount = selSvc.SelectionCount;
                // Always make sure and set the Enabled state in case the user
                // has changed the selection since the last time the menu was shown. 
                bool enabled = (selCount == 1) && (InheritanceAttribute != InheritanceAttribute.InheritedReadOnly);

                menu.Items["add"].Enabled = enabled;
                menu.Items["insert"].Enabled = enabled; 
                menu.Items["delete"].Enabled = enabled;
                menu.Items["sizemode"].Enabled = enabled; 
                menu.Items["absolute"].Enabled = enabled; 
                menu.Items["percent"].Enabled = enabled;
                menu.Items["autosize"].Enabled = enabled; 

                if (selCount == 1) {
                    ((ToolStripMenuItem)menu.Items["absolute"]).Checked = false;
                    ((ToolStripMenuItem)menu.Items["percent"]).Checked = false; 
                    ((ToolStripMenuItem)menu.Items["autosize"]).Checked = false;
                    bool isRow = (bool)menu.Tag; 
                    switch (isRow ? Table.RowStyles[curRow].SizeType : Table.ColumnStyles[curCol].SizeType) { 
                        case SizeType.Absolute:
                            ((ToolStripMenuItem)menu.Items["absolute"]).Checked = true; 
                        case SizeType.Percent:
                            ((ToolStripMenuItem)menu.Items["percent"]).Checked = true;
                        case SizeType.AutoSize:
                            ((ToolStripMenuItem)menu.Items["autosize"]).Checked = true; 
                            Debug.Fail("Unknown SizeType!"); 

                    if ((isRow ? Table.RowCount : Table.ColumnCount) < 2) { 
                        //can't remove a row/column if we only have
                        menu.Items["delete"].Enabled = false; 

        ///     Adds a row/col to the end of the table 
        private void OnAdd(bool isRow) {
            // get the property and add to it...
            IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
            if (host != null && Table.Site != null) {
                using(DesignerTransaction t = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(isRow ? SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddRowUndoUnit : 
                                                                                            SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddColumnUndoUnit, Table.Site.Name)))  {
                    try { 
                        Table.SuspendLayout(); // To avoid flickering 
                        // This ensures that the Row/Col Style gets set BEFORE the row is added. This in turn
                        // ensures that the row/col shows up. Since we turn off tablelayout, a style won't have been added 
                        // when EnsureVisibleStyles is called from the shadowed property.
                        InsertRowCol(isRow, isRow ? Table.RowCount : Table.ColumnCount);
                    catch (CheckoutException checkoutException) { 
                        if (CheckoutException.Canceled.Equals(checkoutException)) { 
                            if (t != null) {
                        else {

        ///     Adds a row/col to the end of the table 
        private void OnAddClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            //Tag = isRow 

        ///     Adds an row or column at the specified index.
        ///     This method is also used by the StyleCollectionEditor, so any transaction must 
        ///     be managed by the caller.
        internal void InsertRowCol(bool isRow, int index) { 

            // We shadow the ColumnCount/RowCount property, so let's add the style first 
            // to make sure that the right style is added at the right location.

            try {
                if (isRow) { 
                    PropertyDescriptor rowProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["RowCount"];
                    if (rowProp != null) { 
                        Table.RowStyles.Insert(index, new RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLESIZE)); 

                        rowProp.SetValue(Table, Table.RowCount + 1);
                else { 
                    PropertyDescriptor colProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["ColumnCount"]; 
                    if (colProp != null) {
                        Table.ColumnStyles.Insert(index, new ColumnStyle(SizeType.Absolute, DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLESIZE));
                        colProp.SetValue(Table, Table.ColumnCount + 1);
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) { 
                IUIService uiService = (IUIService) GetService(typeof(IUIService));
            // VSWhidbey # 490635 

        ///     When we insert a row/col, we need to fix up any control that spans into the selected row/col to include the newly inserted row/col.
        ///     We also need to move controls after the original row/col into the new row/col.
        ///     index is the index of the row/col we just inserted
        ///     Also used by the StyleCollectionEditor 
        internal void FixUpControlsOnInsert(bool isRow, int index) { 
            PropertyDescriptor childProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["Controls"];

            foreach (Control child in Table.Controls) {

                int currentIndex = isRow ? Table.GetRow(child) : Table.GetColumn(child); 
                PropertyDescriptor prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(child)[isRow ? "Row" : "Column"];
                PropertyDescriptor spanProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(child)[isRow ? "RowSpan" : "ColumnSpan"]; 
                if (currentIndex == -1) {
                    //this is a flow element. We don't really know where 
                    //this is going to go, so we cannot fix up anything.
                //push all controls >= the original row/col into the new row/col
                if (currentIndex >= index) { 
                    if (prop != null) { 
                        prop.SetValue(child, currentIndex + 1);
                else {
                    //If the control is before the row/col we are inserting and the control has a span that includes the inserted row/col
                    //the increase the span to include the insert row/col 
                    int span = isRow ? Table.GetRowSpan(child) : Table.GetColumnSpan(child); //span is always at least 1
                    if (currentIndex + span > index) { 
                        if (spanProp != null) { 
                            spanProp.SetValue(child, span + 1);

        private void OnInsertClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {

            IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; 
            if (host != null && Table.Site != null) {
                bool isRow = (bool)((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag; 
                using(DesignerTransaction t = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(isRow ? SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddRowUndoUnit : 
                                                                                            SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddColumnUndoUnit, Table.Site.Name)))  {
                    try { 
                        InsertRowCol(isRow, isRow ? curRow : curCol);
                        FixUpControlsOnInsert(isRow, isRow ? curRow : curCol);
                    catch (CheckoutException checkoutException) { 
                        if (CheckoutException.Canceled.Equals(checkoutException)) {
                            if (t != null) { 
                        else { 
                    catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) {
                        IUIService uiService = (IUIService) GetService(typeof(IUIService)); 

        ///     When we remove a row/col, we need to fix up any control that spans into the selected row/col. 
        ///     We also need to adjust controls after the original row/col.
        ///     index is the index of the row/col we are about to delete
        ///     deleteList will hold a list of controls, which has the same index as the row/col, we are 
        ///     deleting. They are actually not deleted in this method because the method is also called,
        ///     by the StyleCollectionEditor which does not want to delete controls right away. 
        internal void FixUpControlsOnDelete(bool isRow, int index, ArrayList deleteList) {
            PropertyDescriptor childProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["Controls"];

            foreach (Control child in Table.Controls) { 
                int currentIndex = isRow ? Table.GetRow(child) : Table.GetColumn(child);
                PropertyDescriptor prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(child)[isRow ? "Row" : "Column"]; 
                PropertyDescriptor spanProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(child)[isRow ? "RowSpan" : "ColumnSpan"]; 

                if (currentIndex == index) { 
                    //We add the deleteList.Contains check just to make extra sure. Could be
                    //that the deleteList for some reason already contained the child.
                    if (!deleteList.Contains(child)) {

                if (currentIndex == -1 || deleteList.Contains(child)) { 
                    //If this is a flow element. We don't really know where this is going to go, so we cannot fix up anything.
                    //If the child has already been marked for deletion, we can keep going

                Debug.Assert(currentIndex != index); 
                //push all controls >= the original row/col into the new row/col, but only
                if (currentIndex > index) { 
                    if (prop != null) {
                        prop.SetValue(child, currentIndex - 1);
                else {
                    //If the control is before the row/col we are removing and the control has a span that includes the row/col 
                    //we are deleting, then decrease the span. 
                    int span = isRow ? Table.GetRowSpan(child) : Table.GetColumnSpan(child); //span is always at least 1
                    if (currentIndex + span > index) { 
                        if (spanProp != null) {
                            //We've bled into the row/col, shrink up as expected
                            spanProp.SetValue(child, span - 1);



        // Also used by the StyleCollectionEditor
        internal void DeleteRowCol(bool isRow, int index) { 
            if (isRow) {
                PropertyDescriptor rowProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["RowCount"]; 
                if (rowProp != null) {
                    rowProp.SetValue(Table, Table.RowCount - 1);

            else { 
                PropertyDescriptor colProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["ColumnCount"];
                if (colProp != null) {
                    colProp.SetValue(Table, Table.ColumnCount - 1);


        private void OnRemoveInternal(bool isRow, int index) { 

            if ((isRow ? Table.RowCount : Table.ColumnCount) < 2) { 
                //can't remove a row/column if we only have 1 

            IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
            if (host != null && Table.Site != null) {
                using(DesignerTransaction t = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(isRow ? SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerRemoveRowUndoUnit : 
                                                                        SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerRemoveColumnUndoUnit, Table.Site.Name)))  {
                    try { 
                        ArrayList deleteList = new ArrayList();
                        //First fix up any controls in the row/col we are deleting
                        FixUpControlsOnDelete(isRow, index, deleteList);
                        //Then delete the row col
                        DeleteRowCol(isRow, index); 

                        //Now delete any child control 
                        // IF YOU CHANGE THIS, YOU SHOULD ALSO CHANGE THE CODE IN StyleCollectionEditor.OnOkButtonClick
                        if (deleteList.Count > 0) { 
                            PropertyDescriptor childProp = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Table)["Controls"];
                            foreach (object o in deleteList) {
                                ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); 
                                DesignerUtils.GetAssociatedComponents((IComponent)o, host, al);
                                foreach (IComponent comp in al) { 
                                    compSvc.OnComponentChanging(comp, null); 
                                host.DestroyComponent(o as Component); 
                    catch (CheckoutException checkoutException) {
                        if (CheckoutException.Canceled.Equals(checkoutException)) { 
                            if (t != null) {
                        else {



        ///     Always removes the last row/col 
        private void OnRemove(bool isRow) { 
            OnRemoveInternal(isRow, isRow ? Table.RowCount - 1 : Table.ColumnCount - 1);

        ///     Removes a rol/col at a specific index.
        private void OnDeleteClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            try {
                bool isRow = (bool)((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag; 
                OnRemoveInternal(isRow, isRow ? curRow : curCol);
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) {
                IUIService uiService = (IUIService) GetService(typeof(IUIService)); 

        private void ChangeSizeType(bool isRow, SizeType newType) { 
            TableLayoutStyleCollection styles = null;
            try {
                if (isRow) {
                    styles = Table.RowStyles; 
                else { 
                    styles = Table.ColumnStyles; 
                int index = isRow ? curRow : curCol;

                if (styles[index].SizeType == newType) {
                    // nuthin' to do 
                int[] rh = Table.GetRowHeights();
                int[] ch = Table.GetColumnWidths(); 

                if ((isRow && rh.Length < index - 1) || (!isRow && ch.Length < index - 1)) {
                    //something got messed up
                    Debug.Fail("Our indices are outta whack, how did that happen?"); 
                IDesignerHost host = GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost;
                if (host != null && Table.Site != null) { 
                    using (DesignerTransaction t = host.CreateTransaction(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerChangeSizeTypeUndoUnit, Table.Site.Name))) {
                        try {
                            PropChanging(isRow ? rowStyleProp : colStyleProp);
                            switch (newType) { 
                                case SizeType.Absolute:
                                    styles[index].SizeType = SizeType.Absolute; 
                                    if (isRow) {
                                        Table.RowStyles[index].Height = rh[index];
                                    else { 
                                        Table.ColumnStyles[index].Width = ch[index];
                                case SizeType.Percent:
                                    styles[index].SizeType = SizeType.Percent; 
                                    if (isRow) {
                                        Table.RowStyles[index].Height = DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLEPERCENT;
                                    else { 
                                        Table.ColumnStyles[index].Width = DesignerUtils.MINIMUMSTYLEPERCENT;
                                case SizeType.AutoSize:
                                    styles[index].SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize; 
                                    Debug.Fail("Unknown SizeType!");
                            PropChanged(isRow ? rowStyleProp : colStyleProp); 

                        catch (CheckoutException checkoutException) {
                            if (CheckoutException.Canceled.Equals(checkoutException)) { 
                                if (t != null) {
                            else { 
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) { 
                IUIService uiService = (IUIService)GetService(typeof(IUIService));

        private void OnAbsoluteClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
            ChangeSizeType((bool)((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag, SizeType.Absolute);
        private void OnPercentClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            ChangeSizeType((bool)((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag, SizeType.Percent); 

        private void OnAutoSizeClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            ChangeSizeType((bool)((ToolStripMenuItem)sender).Tag, SizeType.AutoSize); 
        private void OnEdit() { 
                EditorServiceContext.EditValue(this, Table, "ColumnStyles");
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException ex) {
                IUIService uiService = (IUIService) GetService(typeof(IUIService)); 

        ///     This is our callback for designer verbs: remove row and remove column.
        ///     All we do here is increment or decrememnt out col/row count.
        private void OnVerbRemove(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            //sniff the text of the verb to see if we're adding columns or rows 
            bool isRow = ((DesignerVerb)sender).Text.Equals(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerRemoveRow));

        ///     This is our callback for designer verbs: add row and add column.
        private void OnVerbAdd(object sender, EventArgs e) { 

            //sniff the text of the verb to see if we're adding columns or rows 
            bool isRow = ((DesignerVerb)sender).Text.Equals(SR.GetString(SR.TableLayoutPanelDesignerAddRow));


        private void OnVerbEdit(object sender, EventArgs e) { 

        protected override void PreFilterProperties(IDictionary properties) {

            // Handle shadowed properties 
            string[] shadowProps = new string[] {
            // VSWhidbey 491088
            // To enable the PropertyGrid to work with the TableLayoutPanel at runtime (when no designer is available), 
            // the above properties are marked browsable(false) and re-enabled when a designer is present.
            // Since so much of the logic for keeping the TLP in a valid Row/Column state is designer dependent,
            // these properties are not accessible by the PropertyGrid without a designer.
            Attribute[] attribs = new Attribute[] { new BrowsableAttribute(true) }; 

            for (int i = 0; i < shadowProps.Length; i++) { 
                PropertyDescriptor prop = (PropertyDescriptor)properties[shadowProps[i]]; 
                if (prop != null) {
                    properties[shadowProps[i]] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(typeof(TableLayoutPanelDesigner), prop, attribs); 

            // replace this one seperately because it is of a different type (DesignerTableLayoutControlCollection) than 
            // the original property (TableLayoutControlCollection)
            PropertyDescriptor controlsProp = (PropertyDescriptor)properties["Controls"]; 

            if (controlsProp != null) { 
                Attribute[] attrs = new Attribute[controlsProp.Attributes.Count];
                controlsProp.Attributes.CopyTo(attrs, 0);
                properties["Controls"] = TypeDescriptor.CreateProperty(typeof(TableLayoutPanelDesigner), "Controls", typeof(DesignerTableLayoutControlCollection), attrs);
        ///     Called after we modify the table - sync the selection and repaint.
        private void Refresh() {
            //refresh selection, glyphs, and adorners 
            if (Table != null) { 

        private void PropChanging(PropertyDescriptor prop) {
            if (compSvc != null && prop != null) { 
                compSvc.OnComponentChanging(Table, prop);

        private void PropChanged(PropertyDescriptor prop) {
            if (compSvc != null && prop != null) {
                compSvc.OnComponentChanged(Table, prop, null, null);
        [DesignerSerializer(typeof(DesignerTableLayoutControlCollectionCodeDomSerializer), typeof(CodeDomSerializer))]
        internal class DesignerTableLayoutControlCollection : TableLayoutControlCollection, IList { 

            TableLayoutControlCollection realCollection;

            public DesignerTableLayoutControlCollection(TableLayoutPanel owner) : base(owner) { 
                this.realCollection = owner.Controls;
            ///     Retrieves the number of child controls.
            public override int Count {
                get { 
                    return realCollection.Count;

            object ICollection.SyncRoot {
                get {
                    return this; 
            bool ICollection.IsSynchronized {
                get {
                    return false;
            bool IList.IsFixedSize { 
                get {
                    return false;

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public new bool IsReadOnly {
                get {
                    return realCollection.IsReadOnly;
            int IList.Add(object control) {
                return ((IList)realCollection).Add(control);
            public override void Add(Control c) {

            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public override void AddRange(Control[] controls) { 
            bool IList.Contains(object control) {
                return ((IList)realCollection).Contains(control);
            public new void CopyTo(Array dest, int index) {
                realCollection.CopyTo(dest, index); 

            public override bool Equals(object other) {
                return realCollection.Equals(other);

            public new IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { 
               return realCollection.GetEnumerator(); 
            public override int GetHashCode() {
                return realCollection.GetHashCode(); 
            int IList.IndexOf(object control) { 
                return ((IList)realCollection).IndexOf(control);

            void IList.Insert(int index, object value) { 
                ((IList)realCollection).Insert(index, value); 
            void IList.Remove(object control) {
            void IList.RemoveAt(int index) { 

            object IList.this[int index] { 
                get { 
                    return ((IList)realCollection)[index];
                set {
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

            public override void Add(Control control, int column, int row) { 
                realCollection.Add(control, column, row); 
            public override int GetChildIndex(Control child, bool throwException) {
                return realCollection.GetChildIndex(child,throwException);
            // we also need to redirect this guy
            public override void SetChildIndex(Control child, int newIndex) { 
                realCollection.SetChildIndex(child, newIndex); 
            ///    [To be supplied.]
            public override void Clear() {
                // only remove the sited non-inherited components 
                for (int i = realCollection.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 
                    if (realCollection[i] != null &&
                        realCollection[i].Site != null &&
                        TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(realCollection[i]).Contains(InheritanceAttribute.NotInherited)) {
        // Custom code dom serializer for the DesignerControlCollection. We need this so we can filter out controls
        // that aren't sited in the host's container.
        internal class DesignerTableLayoutControlCollectionCodeDomSerializer : TableLayoutControlCollectionCodeDomSerializer {
            protected override object SerializeCollection(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodeExpression targetExpression, Type targetType, ICollection originalCollection, ICollection valuesToSerialize) { 
                ArrayList subset = new ArrayList();
                if (valuesToSerialize != null && valuesToSerialize.Count > 0) { 
                    foreach (object val in valuesToSerialize) {
                        IComponent comp = val as IComponent; 

                        if (comp != null && comp.Site != null && !(comp.Site is INestedSite)) {
                return base.SerializeCollection(manager, targetExpression, targetType, originalCollection, subset);

// File provided for Reference Use Only by Microsoft Corporation (c) 2007.
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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